#Anakins been real silent since the episode dropped
Hmmm it's almost like selfish attachment is a bad thing that leads to death and destruction! Like trying to control what the people in your life do instead of letting them be free to make their own choices, even if that means losing them, is not what a force-user (or anyone, really) should do!
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notes-from-sarah · 4 years
Damaged Mirrors
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Rating: G/K
Summary: While making his report about what happened on Umbara to Anakin, Rex has questions about his identity as a clone, his role as a soldier and his place in the galaxy. Set during Star Wars: The Clone Wars. One-shot. Canon compliant.
A/N: Set after Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season 4, Episode 10 “The Carnage of Krell”
Rex stood silently after making a full report of the events on Umbara to Anakin Skywalker. He knew the general pretty well and he could see that the Jedi was furious. Soldiers weren't supposed to be angry, but in all honesty, he felt the same way. So did all his men. He waited for his general to speak.
"That," Anakin struggled to find the right words, "that," his voice shook almost uncontrollably, "that monster intentionally tried to get clones killed on the battlefield?"
Rex tried to keep his voice at the even tone of any good soldier as he answered. "Yes sir, he confessed to it while many of us were present." Rex could hardly forget those words, they'd haunted him in the following days. The feeling of betrayal mixed with the absolute condescension from Krell sickened him. He focused on Anakin, he couldn't let himself dwell on what happened. A good soldier had to take the horrors of war in stride.
"And you had to execute him because you were afraid he would escape and join the Separatists?" Anakin clenched his fist, his eyes hard.
"We did, sir." Rex dropped his voice a little, it was only the two of them in this briefing room on Resolute and Rex wasn't sure how much longer he could talk about what happened in a crisp military manner.
"Good." Anakin's brow was furrowed, fury in every line of his face. Rex knew he meant it. Of all the people Rex had ever encountered in his short life, Anakin Skywalker was one of the most honest.
"Sir," Rex was anxious about what would happen next, everything he'd done, everything he'd ordered, was unprecedented. He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd committed treason on Umbara. Nothing they'd ever learnt in training had prepared him for this. "If I may ask, what will become of us, specifically Dogma? He may have pulled the trigger, but executing Krell was my order."
Anakin crossed his arms over his chest, his hands still clenched into fists. "I won't let Dogma face punishment for saving his fellow troopers from the enemy. And I won't let you or any of the 501st face disciplinary action because of Krell. He was a traitor and the Jedi council will understand that. If I would have been there I would have killed him myself."
Rex didn't doubt it. Unfortunately, Anakin hadn't been there. It was just the clones versus the Jedi. The whole ordeal had left him shaken in a way he couldn't have anticipated. The Jedi didn't seem as safe as they once did. The Jedi were supposed to fight side by side with the clones, not against them. He couldn't fathom how someone who was supernaturally connected to all life could so callously throw it away. Did the clones really mean that little to the Jedi? To others? He tried not to think about it.
Anakin came over to Rex and looked him square in the eye. "Tell me truthfully, Rex, are you okay?"
Rex looked up at Anakin. A good soldier was only ever supposed to have one answer. "I wasn't injured during the conflict, sir."
"That's not what I asked." Anakin's eyes narrowed. "Krell betrayed the Republic, betrayed the Jedi and most of all betrayed you clones. I should have been there, I should have stopped him. Now you've had to suffer because I wasn't there."
Rex swallowed. He didn't feel okay. He heard in Anakin's words the same refrain of self blame that had come to mark this particular Jedi's musings on the war. The general hadn't been built for war, it was hard on him and he seemed to think that he should be able to single-handedly change the tides of battle just by being present. Whenever he failed he buried himself with guilt over the matter.
Rex, on the other hand, had been built for war, it was all he'd known his entire life. He knew better than to let emotions come into play. It clouded your judgment and primed you to make big mistakes. He knew better than to feel guilty about doing his duty or for others doing theirs. Rex felt guilty now. He'd sent his men into certain danger because he unwittingly followed orders he knew were bad. He had turned against a Jedi, the command structure of the whole army, and had ordered that the besalisk be executed. He had failed to be a good soldier.
Rex tried to steel himself. He didn't want to show the general that he was weak. "I'll be fine, sir. You don't have to worry about me."
Anakin stared into his eyes with an almost frightening intensity. "Yes, I do."
A chill raced down Rex's spine. The general wasn't going to let him get away with evasive answers. "Honestly, sir," Rex paused for a long moment, "this whole ordeal has been," Rex's eyes darted away from Anakin's, he was ashamed to even admit it, good soldiers weren't weak. "It's been upsetting." Upsetting was just the tip of the iceberg, but he didn't know how to be more open.
"Rex, you did everything you could. You did everything right." Anakin's voice was hard as he tried to reassure his captain.
"Sir, if did everything right, why did so many end up dead?" Rex glanced back at Anakin. He was standing firmly on his emotions but he couldn't fully prevent them from leaking though all the same.
Anakin dropped his gaze. "I don't know. I don't know why it is that sometimes even when you do everything right it still all goes wrong."
Rex could clearly hear the emotion in the Jedi's voice. Emotion that he wished he could show himself. Good soldiers didn't break down in front of their generals. Good soldiers stayed strong. The Jedi had the luxury of being men and women first, then Jedi, and finally generals. The clones? They were first and foremost soldiers, tools, war machines. Sometimes Rex wondered if anyone realized they were flesh and blood.
Anakin turned away from Rex and looked out of the transparisteel window at the hyperspace sky. Hands behind his back he assumed the position he took when he was thinking deeply on some matter. "Rex," he said at last, "what do you think about what happened?"
"I gave you my report, sir." Rex wasn't sure what else the general wanted from him.
Anakin glanced over his shoulder at Rex. "And I heard the facts of the mission as you reported them. What do you think about what happened?"
Rex tightened his grip on the helmet that was tucked under his arm. He wasn't accustomed to giving out his unfiltered thoughts to non-clones. "I think that I should have broken protocol earlier." If he'd done what his gut told him a lot of lives could have been saved. "If I'd been more decisive I could have spared a lot of good men death and injury from a being," he put as much venom into the word being as he dared, "who saw us as disposable tools, no better than some flesh covered clankers."
Anakin closed his eyes at the comment. "Don't blame yourself, Rex, that's an order."
Rex guessed he must have been a bit too self-pitying in this conversation so far. He'd be mindful not to show such partiality again. Good soldiers were neutral.
Anakin opened his eyes again. "Blame Krell." Anakin's voice was hard as iron. "Krell is the only one at fault here. He tricked and manipulated you. He betrayed you. Don't hate yourself, hate him."
"Sir, my men are my responsibility. I didn't stop him." Rex knew he probably shouldn't be arguing with the general, but all the same he felt his failed duty very keenly.
"You and the 501st are good men, all of you brave and true. Krell tried to corrupt you, to poison you but he failed." Anakin gripped his hands behind his back. "I am lucky to fight by your side, Rex, you are one of the best men I've ever known. Don't let Krell win, don't blame yourself for what he did."
Rex ran his thumb over his helmet feeling the familiar ridges. "Do you really think that, sir?" It had been bugging him since Krell had gone on his tirade about the clones. "Do you really think of me, of us, as men?"
Anakin turned to face Rex fully, an expression of slight surprise on his face. "Of course I do. You're one of the bravest, smartest people I know. How could I think of you as anything else?"
Rex looked down at the floor. "Me and the others, we feel like we're men, feel like that means something. That we're more than just androids programmed for destruction. That's what we were taught on Kamino and that's how we live our lives every day, but out here," Rex gestured broadly to the room at large and metaphorically to the galaxy at large, "it seems that most beings don't think of us that way. I always thought the Jedi were different. It always seemed like they were until, well," Rex didn't finish his thought, he didn't have to. In the silence that followed he rubbed his other hand over his helmet feeling the various pits and dings.
Anakin stepped closer to Rex putting a firm hand on his shoulder. "The Jedi see your humanity, Rex. They see how the clones get up every day and fight this war with no relief. They see how you lay down your lives in pursuit of peace in the galaxy with no thought of your own reward. Out of all the people in the galaxy I think the clones and the Jedi are the most alike. Krell fooled us all, I should have seen his treachery before things ever got this far." Anakin shook his head. "But know this: Krell was not a Jedi. A real Jedi would never have done what he did. A real Jedi would never have betrayed the Council and the Republic and most of all his clones." Anakin gripped Rex's shoulder tighter and gave him a small, emphatic, shake. "We couldn't win this without you, Rex."
Rex couldn't help but feel moved by Anakin's words. Even after all the betrayal he'd faced at the hands of Krell, Anakin had his trust full and complete. He'd follow the general to hell and back if that's what he ordered. Maybe the Jedi and the clones did have a special sort of connection, maybe that's what made them such a good team on the battlefield. But what about off the battlefield? What about all those people in the galaxy who weren't Jedi? Would they ever be able to see beyond the face of a clone and realize it was the face of a man? When the war was over, what would happen to him?
"Sir," Rex hesitated, a good soldier shouldn't be asking questions like this, "do you think there's a future for us after the war?"
A long moment of silence stretched between them, Anakin seemingly lost in his thoughts. At last he shook himself slightly and seemed to come back to the present. His voice was low and uncertain as he said, "I hope so."
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shadowversejc · 4 years
STAR WARS Episode X: The Search for Skywalker (REYLO)
Kylo Ren’s voice: You . . . a scavenger.
Snoke: You have the spirit of a true Jedi!
Han Solo: There’s more to it than that, kid.
Palpatine: Empress Palpatine.
Han Solo: You’ve got a lot to learn.
Palpatine: It is your birthright . . . to rule.
Luke: She saw your spirit, your heart.
Palpatine: It is in your blood. Our blood.
Obi-Wan: Rey!
Luke: Some things are stronger than blood.
Kylo Ren: We are a Dyad in the Force, Rey.
Darth Vader: If you only knew the power of the Dark Side.
Kylo Ren: Two that are one.
Darth Vader: Join me, and together, we will rule the galaxy!
Kylo Ren: Join me.
Qui-Gon Jinn: The Force is behind you, Rey.
Palpatine: A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me!
Kylo Ren: You’re not alone.
Palpatine: I am all the Sith!
Yoda: Alone, never have you been.
Luke: The Force will be with you. Always.
Palpatine: You are nothing!
Kylo Ren: But not to me.
After the onslaught of voices, everything went silent. Until, that is, Ben Solo’s whisper echoed. “Rey.”
Rey awakened with a jump, the face of Ben imprinting itself in her mind. Realizing the sheets were soaked in sweat, she pushed herself up and out of the cot she slept on. Darkness would have reigned in her quaint, mostly empty bedroom had it not been for the dim, golden nightlight in the corner. Feeling weak with sadness, regret, and a tumbleweed of other emotions, Rey collapsed beside her bed.
As a sliver of morning light, courtesy of the Twin Suns, fought through her thick window shades, Rey curled up in a ball on the floor, remembering Ben’s sacrifice for her and her alone. One tear fell to the ground, then another, then another, until they gushed like a river, staining her usual starry white interlocking garments. Her whimpers drenched the room in gloom. As was typical, she could not stop herself. The whimpers increased into wails, which caused Finn, wearing Poe’s signature copper jacket, to storm into her room.
“Rey!” he cried. He turned on a light and looked around, spying her on the floor. Her face hid behind her hands. “Rey, what’s wrong?” She continued her cries and did not answer. “Please, tell me!”
She looked up to him, her red, swollen eyes calling out for help. “I can’t.”
He sighed and looked downward defeatedly. “Nightmares again.” Partially succeeding in catching her breath, she nodded and sniffled. Her hair buns were out of sorts. He bent down and laid a hand on her shoulder. “You need help, Rey. I can’t stand to see you like this. It has been weeks and now it’s getting worse. Like you have an opened wound or something.”
“Because it is,” she replied. He glanced at her, seeking an explanation. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“No, maybe I do,” he responded.
She shook her head. “You don’t.”
“OK, then is there someone who does? Someone who can show you a path out of this?”
She sniffled again and stared into space. “There was.” She paused and glanced at him, wiping dried tears away. “I’m OK. You can trust me. Wait for me outside. We’ll start the next lesson.”
“Are you sure, Master?”
She huffed a laugh. “I told you not to call me that.”
“Sorry, Master,” he joked again. He helped her stand. She smiled lightly and grasped him into a hug.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“Don’t mention it,” he replied.
When she pulled away, he flashed a smile and left, looking back once. He closed the door with the Force. Her eyes widened. His connection to the Force was increasing.
Suddenly, a voice echoed so loud in her mind that it seemed real. “Rey Skywalker, come and see.” She jumped and turned around. No one was there.
“Hello?” she whispered.
“Rey . . .” a deep voice murmured. It was not the same as before. She recognized it.
“B-Ben?” she replied. Her heart pounded mercilessly. She gulped. A strange, indecipherable word — almost a scream — silently resonated from seemingly everywhere.
Just then, Poe Dameron barged in. “Hey! Well, uh, there’s free breakfast today for you at Chalmun’s. Finn wants to eat first before training.”
Rey grinned, then glanced back into the empty room. A shroud of mystery descended. “Oh, nice. Thanks.” Poe nodded once as she hooked her lightsaber on her belt and followed him to the world outside.
Stepping out of her yellowish house and onto the matching sands of Tatooine, Rey walked through the bustling streets of Mos Eisley, full of aliens of all kinds. For the last month, she lived a peaceful life here, hoping to disconnect from the closing war with the First Order.
Once she meandered around four-legged, enormous creatures that smelled like dung, she reached Chalmun’s Cantina, where dozens of the populace welcomed her in with clapping and celebration. Finn and Poe made sure to embrace the crowd's love, but Rey simply pasted a smile to mask her bleeding heart. They ate a hearty meal in the same booth where Han Solo shot Greedo, then left. Poe headed to a nearby Resistance base, while Finn and Rey went off to train in the ways of the Force.
Thirty minutes later, Rey brought Finn to Lars Homestead, the original home of Luke Skywalker. In the last month, she used it as a place to hone her skills thanks to the strong Force energy around the igloo.
“No, try it this way,” Rey said, adjusting Finn’s stance. She placed her lightsaber on the sand. “Now, close your eyes.”
He breathed in and out, wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead. “All right, I’ll give it a shot.” Reaching out with his hand, he could feel a magnetic pull towards the object. “I feel it.”
“That’s the Force!” she yelped in joy, almost trying to imitate Luke when he trained her on Ahch-To. “Now, lift it up. Just a little bit.”
He obeyed. As his arm strained and trembled to channel the Force, Rey’s lightsaber began to lift slightly off the ground. As she watched his focused expression, Rey smiled. It kept rising inch by inch until Finn opened his eyes.      It floated a foot from his nose.
“Yes!” Finn shouted. His arms shot up into the air. As a result, the lightsaber fell into the sand. “Oh, uh, sorry.”
“You did great,” she replied, waving him off. “Now, lift that.” She pointed to their hovering speeder.
His jaw dropped. “What? You’re joking, right?” She didn’t answer. “Right?”
She shook her head and smiled. “Just do what you just did.”
“What I just did? I lifted a lightsaber! This is . . . totally different!”
“No, it’s only different in your mind. You can do it. I know it. See? Watch me.” She reached out and began to channel the Force. It ran through her fingers, her hair, her clothes like a never-ending rush. As she started to lift the speeder higher into the crisp, vibrant blue sky, the surroundings vanished. Everything went black.
Far off in the void, she noticed a black figure. She squinted, moving closer to it. Yet, the closer she walked, the farther away it seemed. After a minute of this, Rey became frustrated. “What is this place? Who are you?” Suddenly, a familiar surge of Force energy fell upon her. She could feel his presence. Somehow. “Ben? Please, if it’s you, tell me! Show me!”
The figure, although still far away, turned around. It appeared to wear a long-sleeved black shirt and matching pants. Her heart skipped a beat and increased tempo as if in a panic attack. Was this a Force Bond?
“Rey . . .” it said. As suddenly as it happened, the figure vanished, and she was left alone once again.
“Find him, find me,” a new voice whispered. “Come and see.” It reverberated around her, growing louder in amplitude until Finn screamed into her ears.
“Rey!” Finn shouted. He shook her ruthlessly.
When she came back to reality, Rey let out a resounding cry. She was still standing where she was before. She fell to the sand, desperate to catch her breath. Her eyes watered. Her strength abandoned her. She gave in and fell to the ground. Finn caught her. “Finn, stay close to me. Please.”
He bent low and held her neck steady, holding her body in his arms much like how Ben did on Exegol. “I’m here. I won’t leave you.” She nodded and grinned. Her eyelids almost totally covered her brownish-green eyes. “Just tell me what happened.”
“Ben . . . Ben is alive. I need to find him.”
Finn’s eyes widened. Maybe she was going insane now and the PTSD was creating a slew of other mental issues. “Rey, I hate to tell you this, but Ren is gone.”
Rey looked at him, clearly in a daze. “But, but he said . . . no one’s ever really gone . . .” she murmured. “Luke wouldn’t . . . he wouldn’t lie.” And then, she succumbed to the chokehold of slumber.
Hours later, Rey awoke after noon. She found herself back in bed like before. Thankfully, they were all fresh and clean. She checked her surroundings and looked both ways before pushing the sheets away and sitting on the side of the bed. “Be with me,” she mumbled. “Be with me. Be with me.”
“Rey,” a voice spoke. Frightened, she jumped up and ignited her yellow lightsaber. A blue-tinted Force Ghost wearing tan Jedi robes stood at the other end of the room, in front of a closed window. His chin was narrow and his wavy, whitish hair reaching to the shoulders. He had a short gray beard.
“Who . . . are you?” she asked, gulping. “I’ve never seen you before.”
The figure smiled. “I am here to be with you, and to help you in the quest you are destined for. A quest you and you alone must take. My son guided you once. Now I, Anakin Skywalker, will complete your destiny. Since Palpatine’s demise, you have been split in half, but I know how to make you not only whole, but one once more.”
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starwarsgirl10884 · 5 years
A Suprise, to be Sure, But A Welcome One!
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reader x Obi Wan Kenobi
Warnings: Slight sexism, Make-up sex, Dom!Anakin, Sub!Obi Wan, Switch!Reader, Mommy kink
Word count: 2,251
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You were chilling in Tatooine and your boyfriend of five months, Obi Wan, had brought you here. He told you this is where he picked up his padawan Anakin, but you don't really care about you and anakin don't get along that well. (You think Anakin has a thing for Obi Wan). But while you're chilling in Tatooine you see your future husband Obi Wan(Authors note, isn't Obi Wan so handsome *drool*). Anyways Obi Wan enters the room and you greet him with a kiss, but then Anakin walks in and also gives Obi Wan a peck on the Cheek.
“Anakin stop it! My girlfriend is here!” Obi Wan giggled
“Well I have to express my brotherly love Obi Wan!” Anakin replied pouting. I rolled my eyes.
“ANYWAYS, I made dinner Obi, your favorite stewed cuisine. (What do people in star wars eat :d). As I said that I started walking towards the kitchen to get him a bowl. He works so hard its the least I could do.
As the two men began to sit down Anakin yelled, “That's where you belong y/n in the KITCHEN HAHA”. I was shocked at how he could have said that.
"H.. how dare you say that Anakin!? You know how sexist that remark was?" I looked over to Obi and he was too enveloped in TV to have paid attention to what Anakin said(are there TV's in Star Wars? O.o). I wanted to see how Obi would react to his padawan's sexism.
"Obi did you hear what Anakin said, it was really rude and uncalled for" I said in a sad tone.
"Ah he's just joking y/n, don't take it to heart. It was just a little jab." And with that I left with a huff. How could Obi side with Anakin and not me. I think there is something more between those two, I'm going to spy on them to see if they're doing something fishy. And see if my sweet Obi is really cheating on me.
Later that night I followed Obi and Anakin to some weird hotel. Anakin and Obi ordered a room and went to it. I had to figure out a plan to get in, and in being so smart I did. I walked into the hotel and told the man at the desk to give me a key to the room. He asked if I knew who was up there and I said my boyfriend Anakin. He asked for some identification of that being the case, and I showed him photos of me and Obi on Instagram.(Oh btw you should follow me on Instagram @starwarsgirl0884 :3). The man at the table said we looked cute together, which made me blush, and gave me a key.
Before I opened the door to their hotel room I listened to see if I could hear anything. And I did(😳😳😳).
I heard a lot of heavy breathing and semi loud moans, it made me kind of wet. But then I realized that it did confirm my fears, Obi Wan was cheating on me with Anakin!
Then there was another noise. Between the moaning. And what was uttered made my stomach plummet, "I hate y/n so much Anakin, I'm so glad I can be with you instead."
My head started to spin and my stomach hurt. I was so embarrassed I had to leave.
As I ran for the stairs I heard the room door open behind me. I was hopeful. I thought my lovely Obi Wan would run up and embrace me in his arms, telling me it was all a big joke. But as I turned around I saw Anakin. I was so mad with tears streaming down my face yelling at him, asking how he could take me Obi from me. I called him other abusive names like homewrecker, whore, slut, I had no filter.
I was about to hit him, but he grabbed my arm before he could. He then spun me around and held me tight to his body. I was oddly aroused. As he held me to his chest he said, "Hey y/n I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have fucked Obi Wan, I did it to spite you and frankly I'm really sorry." I was shocked at this answer, I didn't know how to reply, but he continued. "I knew you loved Obi Wan and I knew how much that would upset you, but now that I've seen you cry it really hurts me and really made me start to acknowledge your beauty…" I didn't know how to react, was Anakin flirting with me, was he actually apologizing, I didn't know what to think or how to feel. He then interjected, "also, those were some very hurtful names you called me, could you apologise for that and maybe suck my cock?” I was shocked by how abrasive the question was. Where the hell did that come from. I thought he hated me?
"S… suck your… cock??" I stuttered. Anakin started to grin and put his hand on my ass; it made me wet. Before I could say anything else Obi Wan came out of the room and asked Anakin what happened.
"What's all this then?" Inquired Obi Wan. "Why is your hand on my girlfriend's ass?" Anakin looked between me and Obi Wan, neither of us knew how to reply.
"Uhm, I was just catching y/n she tripped and almost fell haha." Anakin continued, "We don't like eachother but I couldn't just sit here and watch her embarrass herself!" He started laughing awkwardly.
"Well y/n what are you even doing here in the first place?" He said even more inquisitively, "Didn't you say you were gonna stay home?" I could feel Obi's eyes burn a hole through mine, I know he knows that this was no accident. As I went to come up with a false story Anakin jumped in.
"I invited y/n over, I didn't like the thought of her being lonely in Tatooine, I spent too many nights the same way, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!" Quite frankly I was shocked at Anakin's thoughtfulness and generosity towards my situation seeing as how we had been at odds with each other ever since we first met.
"Well why didn't you tell me you invited her Anakin?"
"I wanted to surprise you, y/n is your girlfriend after all I'd assume you'd be excited if I secretly invited her!" With that Obi Wan had nothing more to say and told both me and Anakin to join him in his room.
Not gonna lie, having heard both Anakin and Obi Wan moan loudly and having Anakin grab my ass, I was very horny. Not to mention when we entered the room the men made me sit sandwiched between them. Not that I'm complaining but let's just say, you could waterboard someone with my underwear.
As I sit in-between the two men I felt a hand rub against my thigh, I was quite delirious still after hearing what Obi Wan said about me, but I think he said that in passion but his post but clarity made him realize he still likes me. So I wasn't sure about whose hand it was caressing my thigh. I looked at both of their faces to see if I could tell who it was by their reaction, but it was to no avail.
While I was lost in thought, I failed to realize that the hand was now further up my leg and right below my crotch. Before I could inquire the two men about whose hand it was, the aforementioned hand began to rub my crotch! I didn't know what to say or ask, but I knew it would feel good so I let the hand do its thing.
I felt the hand slide up my thigh, closer to my dripping core. I won’t lie, I wanted them to both fuck me sensless against the bed frame, using their jedi powers to hold me down.
“Mnnn” I moaned, a blush dusting my cheeks. Obi looked at me quizzically, then inquires, “Anakin, are you doing the egg drop thing?”I glance at Anakin and see his chest heave, he was definitely enjoying the thrill of this situation.
“Yes haha” he replied, his voice hoarse.
“Oh okay, hehe. It’s so funny when you do that! It tickles!” He said while giggling like a schoolgirl.
I look at Anakin out of the corner of my eye, grinning. “We can continue now.” I whispered, throwing him a cheeky wink.
He then proceeded, moving his hand further up my thigh, grazing a digit on my aching bundle of nerves. I try my best not to moan as Obi was watching Friends, however his laughing was distracting me from the real task at hand. It was the Episode in which Ross says Rachel’s name instead of Emily’s. Ironic. It seems that Ani and I are the Ross and Rachel of this sitcom (Wonk Owo).
Anyway, I could feel an unknown force push against my clit. It didn’t surprise me that Ani would use dirty{;)} tricks while touching me. I stifled another moan, this was so wrong, but so right!
Suddenly, I felt empty. Anakin had retracted himself from my dripping core, grinning like a maniac. I glared at him angrily. Cheeky Bastard I thought.
It was silent as the Friends episode had stopped and Obi Wan wasn’t laughing anymore, he sat staring at us. Anakin chuckled darkly and glared back.
“Dutch Oven” He cooed as he pulled the blankets over our heads. Obi Wan giggled playfully as the scent overwhelmed us.
“You cheeky bastard” He cried, tears of laughter clouding his vision.
I was still wet under the covers, praying he wouldn't notice the smell. I don't know what Anakin thought this would achieve. As I went to look at Anakin I heard Obi Wan pipe up.
"This was quite funny Anakin, but I don't smell a fart? It smells more fishy and I know you don't eat fish?"
I glared at Anakin, now Obi Wan knows how fishy I smell and I didn't want him to find that out.
Before I could explain away the smell Obi connected the dots, the moans he heard, the shuffling under the sheets, and the smell. He stared at both me and Anakin a small glint in his eyes.
"Would I be able to join you two?" He said coily as he ran his hand up and down my leg.
"I'm fine with it!" Anakin beamed, he then looked at me with hope in his eyes.
I nodded “I always wondered what it would feel like to be double penetrated.”
They both grinned and pounced. Both men started to kiss my neck sloppily, their eyes filled with hunger. I moaned freely, relishing in the fact that I had two men at my will. Anakin was slightly more dominant than Obi as he sucked on the nape of my neck and pulled my hair. The latter was currently kissing the crest of my ear and whispering about how long he has wanted this.
Anakin looked at me darkly
“You wanna suck my cock now?” He questioned, out of breath.
“Actually, I had something else in mind.” I cooed into his ear. I stood up and made my way to the bed, splaying myself across its cumstained sheets.
Both men sauntered toward me, it was so hot(😩😩😩). We all undressed, exposing ourselves to one another. Oh my force, Anakin is so big! I could see the precum slick on his throbbing cock, it made me hungy.
Shortly after, Obi Wan's erection sprang out of his undergarments, it was surprisingly small. (omg obi is such a bottom bitch O///O) Nonetheless I wanted both of them inside of my sopping core. They both stood in front of me, their hands on their hips as if they were inviting me toward their meat.
“Well then” Anakin teased, “get on with it.”
I kneeled in front of the men and grasped their veiny hardons. Obi let out a small whimper, I could tell he wasn’t going to last long. I started to stroke both of them at the same pace, but only maintained eye contact with Anakin, for he was clearly the most dominant of us. His hips rocked with the rhythm of my strokes, a smirk on his face.
“Hey stop that, naughty boy.” I chided with a wink.
Anakin begrudgingly complied, “Yes mommy.”
I grinned and went back to work.
As this conversation went on, Obi looked between us and my hand that was wrapped around his leaking member.
“Keep going, then.” He urged, trying not to sound impatient. I glared at him playfully and squeezed his cock. Obi yelped and nodded his head.
“I want you both to fuck me.” I said “At the same time.”
They both nodded obediently, though Obi Wan was slightly more eager to please, which made me laugh.
Obi Wan positioned himself in front on me, his erect cock glistening with precum. I felt Anakin’s hands on my hips, positioning long ani with my tight ass.
I continued to stroke their cocks for a few minutes, not letting them cum and completely overstimulating them both.
It made me wet thinking about the power that I held over them in these erotic moments.
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arielsojourner · 7 years
Vader Strikes Back - Part the Second
So again, not beta read/really rough/not really proof read and OUT of order.  Not even sure any of these scenes will make it into any final story of any kind. 
Just using Tumblr as a way to jump start the muse by writing out scenes that I may or may not use later.
Also spoilers for the original first story in AO3 Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars.  Do NOT read this if you haven’t read that story since otherwise this will NOT make any sense.
If you want to read Part 1 and the Prologue, check the tag #vader strikes back on my page. Again I value feedback and ideas if you have any. 
After the tenth body dropped, certain people started leaving Coruscant: human male natural born officers of the GAR, certain scientists, more than a few aids and lower ranking legislators and representatives and an exodus of Senators including Senator Orn Free Ta of Ryloth and Senator Sweitt Concorkill of Vurk. Oh, they all had excuses but nothing could disguise or hide the fear in their eyes.
They feared they would be next to die
Bail Organa was doing all he could to calm the public and hold the Republic together but it didn’t help that one of the key members of the Loyalist Committee, Senator Ta was fleeing Coruscant as if he feared his life would be taken next. That left Bail with limited allies and right now; he wasn’t even sure he could trust the Delegation of 2,000 with Senator Concorkill and Representative Nee Alavar fleeing the system. 
If only Senator Amidala had not mysteriously left. They had been mere hours away from the vote to cease hostilities and start the peace process when everything had gone straight to hell. Bail was left to pick up the pieces and worst of all, it meant he was the one that the Jedi Order was calling upon now and he really didn’t have the time
“Master Yoda, Master Windu,” he greeted them perfunctorily. “Please forgive me, but I am due in the Senate in less than an hour.”
“Keep you long, we will not,” Master Yoda said  walking slowly into Bail’s office. “Help we are offering.”
The Senator paused. “Help? What kind of help?” 
“We believe we know who is behind the string of assassinations on Coruscant,” Master Windu explained.
Bail put down his datapad. “Master Jedi, I think every sentient in the galaxy knows who is is behind the assassinations.”
“Vader,” Yoda intoned.
“Vader,” Bail agreed. “What sort of help then is the Order offering? Do you know who is on his list of targets? Do you have the evidence supporting the crimes of his future targets? I admit that given the state of the Judiciary right now and how many people the Coruscant Guard have arrested, I am not sure the Senate is in any position to step in to deal with the situation.”
This seemed to stop both Jedi in their tracks. They shared a silent look. “Why would you think that the Order would have such evidence?” Mace asked sharply.
“Why wouldn’t you have knowledge of who he intends to kill next?” Bail asked, growing more confused as the conversation progressed.
“In support of his action, you believe the Order is? That his conduct, we sanction?” 
“Vader defeated Palpatine. He was working with a Jedi Knight when he confronted the Sith Master, leading GAR troops.  While I find Vader’s methods to be extreme, I have been privy to enough Senate Arms Committee briefings to know that  harsher methods are sometimes necessary to deal with threats to the Republic. I thought they were working under the auspices of the Order and military authority when they uncovered who Palpatine truly was. Wait, are you now saying that’s not true? Are you saying the Order didn’t know?” 
“Senator Organa, Vader is a Sith Lord. He didn’t save the Republic. He killed Chancellor Palpatine because that is how Sith take power. The student kills the master. He just happened to do it very publicly for reasons we cannot explain as of yet.”
Bail looked from one Jedi to another, in shock. “You’re joking,” he said flatly.
Yoda slammed his cane tip into the floor. “Joking we are not, Sith he is.”
“No, he’s not. He can’t be,” Bail argued. He stood and went to the holoscreen which showed multiple news feeds on mute, many of which were replaying Palpatine’s unmasking and subsequent death. “Have you watched the holovid of the fight? What they said to each other? He fought side by side with a Jedi Knight. Just because his lightsaber is red--”
“That boy was no Jedi,” Yoda says firmly.
“Senator, we do not need you to lecture us on who is or is not a Sith. Vader is a Sith Lord and he is planning to take over the Republic in a critical moment of weakness. The deaths are part of a larger plan to--”
“Master Windu,” Bail stopped him with a raised hand. “With all due respect, I admit to being a bit skeptical of the Order’s knowledge of who is or is not a Sith. You have just admitted to me that you didn’t even know that the Chancellor was the mastermind behind anything until after Vader and Luke confronted him on te Galactic Holonet!”
Yoda shook his head and began heading for the door. “Apprised of this situation, you seem to be. Leave you to your busy schedule, we will.”
“Wait, I have questions. The Senate needs to know--”
“The Order will take care of Vader,” Master Windu said with a shallow bow. “We will leave you to your work.
Bail watched them both leave, his mind traveling the speed of light. “What just happened here?” he asked the empty office aloud. “And what the hell is going on?”
Obi-Wan knows there was something that Anakin isn’t telling him and it isn’t just because Anakin still hasn’t said a word since Palpatine’s death. He isn’t blind. He’s raised the boy for over a decade and now and . . .
Well, all right. Perhaps he was a little unaware when it came to Anakin since he hadn’t known until very recently that his Padawan was actually legally married and now has children or that his relationship with Chancellor Palpatine was a toxic mess of dark influences that caused untold damage or that Anakin’s indomitable spirit on the battlefield covered up deep trauma.
Perhaps he is a lot unaware when he thought about it.
But be that as it may, his eyes are open now and he is paying attention and he isn’t just trying to ignore things going wrong with Anakin any longer, and clearly there is something else troubling him.
And worse still, Padme obviously knows what it is and she isn’t saying.
After several days of following them around the Lake House, waiting for one or both of them to confide in him, Obi-Wan finally confronts Padme.  He has to give it to her, for all of his Jedi impassiveness, even he has never mastered her level of control.  But this was Anakin and Obi-Wan isn’t going to give up so easily. 
“The issue is Anakin is deeply troubled. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he is in . . . pain, grieving, actually grieving,” Obi-Wan says with growing astonishment, the realization of what he was seeing crystallizing and coming into focus as he spoke his thoughts aloud. “Both of you are. For whom? Not Palpatine?” he asks.
Padme scoffs openly, eyes flashing with fury. “Don’t be obscene. As if we would mourn him.”
“No, no, I’m sorry. You’re right,” he apologizes hurriedly. “But please, there is something. I can sense it. Neither of you are sleeping. He won’t let the twins out of his sight. Just tell me. I can help. I want to help.”
“Have you been watching the holo news lately?”
Obi-Wan shakes his head. No, he hasn’t. It had been showing nothing but the death of Palpatine on repeat. He had no desire to see the vid  and be reminded of literally trying to hold onto Anakin to keep him from Falling.
She purses her lips together and is silent for a long movement. “You should watch it.”
Obi-Wan takes her advice and watches the vid from start to finish.
He wishes he hadn’t because somehow, in some way that makes no sense, all he sees on the holoscreen is Anakin.
Anakin is fighting a Sith Master. 
Anakin is throwing himself out of a window to protect his son, Luke.
Anakin is suffering under an attack of Sith lightning. 
Anakin is wielding a red lightsaber using Djem So forms that Anakin had modified from Form V. 
Obi-Wan buries his head in his hands, wishing he could unsee what he has seen, forget what he now knows.  
(“Sidious cares for nothing but himself and the Rule of Two. To finally accomplish his goals he has only ever really lacked one thing, a true apprentice,” Dooku had said.)
Not Anakin, oh Force please, not Anakin. It can’t be.  Obi-Wan is just tired. He’s seeing things that are not there. The stress of the past three years is obviously affecting him. His mind is playing tricks. There is no way, just no way that this can be real.
(”“We've seen your future. We don’t want it,” Luke says fiercely to Palpatine as the vid repeats. “You have nothing we want.”
“Don’t I?” the Chancellor says with a vicious smile. “You hate me, you both do. The hate is welling in you now. Why pretend? You think the Order will accept you? You are nothing more than a heretic, a poorly trained tainted novice who they will shun at best, hunt down at worst. And you, a Sith Lord-- there is no future for you without me. Join me and together we will rule the galaxy as it was meant to be ruled!”)
Anakin is a Sith Lord. Even entombed in a monstrous black shell, masked from the world, even torn out of some other horrible time, Sidious recognizes one of his own.
(On the holoscreen, Vader presses his blade forward and spits back at Palpatine, “I will never join you!”)
Obi-Wan waves his hand and the screen goes dark.He’s offered Padme his help. He’s sworn to Anakin that day at 500 Republica that he would stay with him and make it all right. But this is too much, this is too big. He can’t possibly--
(“He is your brother!? Your Chosen One!? He's supposed to SAVE you and your wretched Order?! YOU LOVE HIM?!” Vader screamed at him.)
He touches his throat gingerly. 
Liar, Vader called him.
Later, Obi-Wan had promised himself over and over again over the past few years, pushing aside his guilt. Later, he would have time to really talk and help Anakin.
No, Obi-Wan decides. He is no liar. He will keep his promise and make things right. If Vader could do it, (and how horrible must the future have been for one lost to the Dark to find a way to save the entire galaxy?) then so could he.
He stands and goes to find his Padawan.
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