#Amour sucré theory
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tetrakys · 4 years ago
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The episode title... I guess Cosy Bear is indeed shutting down in the final episode.
So... what’s next?
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choumuthecat150-blog · 6 years ago
Analizando los atuendos del capítulo 9 de Corazón de melón e la universidad o Amour sucré University life
En la época del charlestón las mujeres tuvieron el cabello corto, se atrevieron a usar un vestido corto y se daba más importancia a la comodidad que marcarte la cintura. (Eran vestidos rectos que no llevaban corsé y no te resaltaba la figura) Es una moda que se usó después de la segunda guerra mundial y también representaba la liberación de la mujer. (Antes de la segunda guerra mundial, las mujeres debían usar un vestido que les cubra los tobillos, se creía que tener el cabello corto te hacía ver poco femenina y menos atractiva)
Advertencia: Solo son teorías basados en el atuendo y comparando un poco con las actitudes de los personajes. No sé mucho de moda ni a quien consultar, por lo que solo me basé en las imágenes que encontré en internet. Tal vez, me habré equivocado en la interpretación de algunas cosas.
Creo que el atuendo de Nataniel/Castiel representa la rebeldía o la transgresión de las normas impuestas. En esa época, ese atuendo solo lo llevaban los hombres. (Nathaniel y Castiel son chicos rebeldes que no les importan tanto las reglas impuestas) El atuendo de Hyun/Rayan también tiene cierto toque de rebeldía, pero se basa más en la ropa de charleston, que representa la liberación de la mujer en distintos aspectos como: En lo social, la moda, en algunas costumbre como beber alcohol y fumar. (Parece que Rayan y Hyun son algo rebeldes pero respetan ciertas reglas impuestas en el lugar en el que están, ya sea la universidad o la cafetería) El atuendo de Priya es el más conservador, pero el sombrero sí es de esa época. Aunque el vestido parece tener corte al bies, como si fuera un vestido de los años 30. Además, lleva guantes, un accesorio importante que lo combinaban con sombrero y cartera. (¿Eso significaría de que a Priya le gustan las chicas femeninas y elegantes? También podemos notar cierta rebeldía en ella, pero no es tan marcada como Nathaniel o Castiel, pero un poco más atrevida que Hyun o Rayan porque puede dejarse llevar por sus emociones)
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kurohabl · 7 years ago
Theory for Rayan's fans
So it's obvious that Melody likes Rayan. What if when our Candy and Rayan start to have a forbidden relationship, Melody will find out and out of pure jealousy snitch on them to the provisor.
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weepingmakerroadhound · 6 years ago
Le trailer pour l’épisode 6 est sorti !
Je suis plutôt du genre impatiente mais je vous avoue que pour le coup je ne suis pas du tout prête... Je n’ai même pas posté le guide des solutions de l’épisode 5 et je m’en veux un peu je l’avoue... 
Tant que le trailer est là, voyons ce que l’on peut dire là-dessus:
Hyun est une possible commère, selon l’OM que tu auras avec lui il va sûrement être soit jaloux, soit jaloux.
Peut-être que Yeleen va un peu plus se confier à nous par rapport à sa mère, ou on va tout simplement la prendre en flagrant délit/s’incruster dans sa vie dans lequel elle sera forcer de tout nous raconter d’après elle.
Si la rumeur entre notre Sucrette et Rayan se produit bel et bien (merci Hyun), il se peut que l’on est des disputes avec nos exs-CDC tel que Nathaniel qui en étant un petit stalker (cc @lyilouu) et qui sait tout sur tout pourra évidemment l’apprendre et faire sa petite crise de jalousie tout en étant bien méchant et vilain selon les propos que l’on tiendra. Et sûrement une bonne dispute avec notre bien aimé Castiel comme dans l’épisode 4 par exemple. Je tiens à préciser que quoiqu’il arrive, Priya sera toujours avec nous.
Nous aurons forcément des nouvelles de Rosalya car le trailer ET le post instagram nous le fait pensé comme tel ! Je ne sais pas de quel manière on va l’aider mais nous savons depuis belle lurette que rien ne va et elle va craquer, ce qui me fait peur. Je pense toujours qu’Alexy est bien mieux informé que nous concernant le cas de Rosalya et Leigh donc à voir... Ce sera peut-être aussi un moyen d’en savoir plus sur la situation de Lysandre...
Nous en saurons enfin un peu plus concernant Ambre, peut-être que l’on aura une illustration avec elle par la même occasion? Nathaniel sera forcément dans l’histoire mais à quel point je n’en ai aucune idée.
Rayan va prendre ses distances et nous faire la morale par rapport à la fin de l’épisode 5... Je ne sais pas encore ce qui pourrait se passer après ça, peut-être une réaction de Melody exagérée...? J’en doute mais pourquoi pas.
Dans tout les cas j’ai hâte de revoir Chani dans cet épisode en particulier car elle a beaucoup de choses à nous dire la concernant et vu que l’on connait l’aspect de sa chambre je n’ai qu’une hâte: mieux la connaître.
Si ça vous intéresse j’ai aussi émit d’autres théories qui pourraient se produire dans l’avenir du jeu lorsque j’ai analyser les possibilités de l’épisode 5...
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caemec · 8 years ago
What’s new ?
MCL - Armin & Alexy general headcanons
Eldarya - Reactions of the boys to a guardian who is a naga
MCL boys in Eldarya guards & their pet
GIFS & Headcanon series : MCL & Eldarya
How would they look at you ?  
How would they dance ?
A little help ? (part 1)
A little help ? (part 2)    
How would they kiss ?
How would they kiss ? (part 2 - girls)  
To which character would they look like ?
A little walk ?
Kitchen time with boys ?
GIFS & Headcanon series : MCL only
To what would a best friend relation with boys looks like ? (part 1)  
To what would a best friend relation with boys looks like ? (part 2)
The other boy’s reaction when you will announce your couple
A little argue ?
How would boys react if you were in a really bad moment ?  
How would boys study ?
Which Harry Potter characters would be the teachers ?
Hedcanon series : NSFW  (Eldarya & MCL)
The neck
The lips
The legs   
Headcanon series : Who’s most likely to …
MCL - part 1
MCL - part 2 | summer edition
MCL - part 3 | Welcome to the university edition
MCL - part 4 | Halloween edition  
Eldarya - part 1
To what would a best friend relation with Dake & Dajan looks like ?
Dake general headcanons
Kentin general headcanons
Armin & Alexy general headcanons   🌟NEW🌟
Playing around with boys (MCL & Eldarya)
To what would a best friends relation with boys look like ? (Eldarya - part 1)
To what would a best friends relation with boys look like ? (Eldarya - part 2)
How would sound their voice ? (MCL & Eldarya)
MCL boys in Eldarya guards & their pet      🌟NEW🌟
Eldarya - Reactions of the boys to a guardian who is a naga   🌟NEW🌟
Drabble : Netflix and chill (Nathaniel)
Drabble : Being best friends (Castiel)
Drabble : Breakfast & Flirting (Nathaniel)   
“The proposal” - drabble series
“Exams period” - conversation series
Giveaway special 500 followers - conversation series
Nathaniel x Akiza
Eva x Castiel
Aesthetics / Moodboards
The twins’ arc (based on episode 36)
Erika • Pure soul  
Erika • Dark soul  
MCL • Designs      
Eldarya • Designs    
Aesthetics : Instagram series (at 24-25 years old)
Aesthetics : Instagram requests series
General conditions to make a request
Aesthetics : MCL/Eldarya moodboards (HP version)
Introductory post
Aesthetics : “To what would they look like?” series
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Kentin’s arc & stop harassment
All sexualities are valid - I need to tell you something
Think to yourself first, please
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nilsavatar · 6 years ago
“My Candy Love and Moonlight Lovers share the same universe”, confirmed?
Jokingly, in a previous post, I guessed that Moonlight Lovers would have been set in the same narrative universe as My Candy Love.
To feed my suspicions, it were the funny exchanges of lines between Candy and Chani on Chani’s new hobby: urbex.
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Chani during Campus Life - Episode 6 says to Candy she found an ancient villa which looks like a haunted house, and confessed she’s going to enter the manor illegally. After that, the urbex topic come back in vogue in Episode 7, when the gothic girl tells Candy about her adventure in the immense mansion, claming to have taken lots of photos.
It is highly probable that the photos to which she refers are the following (Moonlight Lovers scenarios):
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Until today, it was only a supposition that Moonlight Lovers and My Candy Love could share the same setting, thanks to all that little clues that Chinomiko’s team has putted in Amour Sucré’s episodes, since Monlight Lovers was reveiled to the public.
To confirm my theory, there's a picture I found out on the web, a collage which compares two different imagines. The first is one of the exclusive scenarios of High School Life - Episode 37, and the second is a fragment of the town’s illustration posted on ML’s Facebook pages on February.
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More and more pieces of the puzzle are getting stuck, but, at the same time, new questions come to the surface.
Who are the protagonist's parents? Why do vampires live in the manor and how are they related to her family?
Why is Moonlight Lovers’ storyline set in the same universe as My Candy Love? Could Candy and this new girl have a connection in a sorten way? 
I think the two games’ storylines will take place in the same historical period, but, if there was a possibility that Moonlight Lovers is set in the past, could the protagonist be an ancestor of Guardian and explain why she possesses faery blood and those purple eyes?
I know Moonlight Lovers has never been mentioned in Eldarya and that I haven’t a point this time, but I cannot get out of my mind the chance that the three games are intertwined together by a single thread. It’s more a hope than a real possibility, but it’s always beautiful to dream.
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weepingmakerroadhound · 6 years ago
I was also thinking about members of Crowstorm, it could be interesting since Chani meets the drummer too after the concert… She rejected him tho…
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These are kind of my theories for who the silhouettes might be. I really hope that is Lysander…..
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hanna-bhaker · 8 years ago
Theory episode 36
Hello I would like to share with you my theory on the next episode of Amour Sucré First of all it seems blatant but we are definitely in the arc Armin and Alexy.  * Possible spoiler * At the end of the episode 35 Armin is shipped by the police I quote "To talk about it at the post" Armin was not at all surprised he said our sucrette "This ... It's nothing Su it's just that" more we learn that Armin at the moment is spending his time on the internet * he does it also in Normal time but" Alex tells us that he feels set aside, his brother no longer shares anything with him, he even thinks that other people better know his twin than him. At the time of the confrontation he told Charlotte "you knew that computer piracy was my passion for some time". This leaves me thinking that Armin was not being embarked by the police because of his piracy from the account of Iris or that of Team-Ot on beelov. Sa would not bring anything iris to denounce it since it there to help and I do not think that Charlotte had time to call the police after being threatened since it could be denounced for its disgusting blackmail On Iris. My theory would be that Armin would hack a site linked to his adoption ex: the orphanage where he and Alex were adopted, to find these biological parents. So here is my theory for the next episode may be that other think like me or else thinks of another theory. Do not hesitate to make me by your opinion on my theory and to share yours if you have another, thank you for having taken the trouble to read my theory.
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mcl-pauly · 8 years ago
Personnellement je pense que la description de "l'ex" de gardienne était juste un petit clin d'oeil à Amour Sucré (et Dake). Mais je ne pense pas qu'il y ait besoin faire des théories de gauche à droite. C'est juste mon avis...
yeah same
mais les crack theories c’est marrant aussi :3c
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kurohabl · 7 years ago
Rayan Zaidi and M. Faraize are serial killers confirmed!!
(they look too nice)
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caemec · 8 years ago
Theory - Kentin’s arc & Stop harassment
We know he was bullied by Amber, Li and Charlotte at school, but apparently also in his old school too. It wasn’t easy for him at home, especially with his father. Maybe, with all that mess, he could really think, or even try, to kill himself. It would be really hard to discover that, but at the same way, suicide (tentative or thought) is a dramatic situation for so many teenagers all around the world.
It is quite a hard subject, but we already had the mistreatment, the blackmail, the car accident, so, it wouldn’t be a premiere. Plus, it would not be an actual situation, but something in the past. Easier to put in a scenario. When we ask him, as his girlfriend, what happened to the military school, he didn’t want to speak, “not now”, we already saw more than once it is difficult for him to speak about it. What secret does he keep? 
And in a certain way, Kentin would be the character who brings the message that you can fight it. He is more confident now, he has some great friends, better relations with his family, if he is your crush he has a girlfriend who loves him, he’s in the basketball team, he can say no, students respect him, ... It could be a great message to say to players : “sometimes it is really difficult, but better days are coming. Just hold it, you deserve so much, you’re not this negative form of yourself you actually think you are”. 
What do you think ? 
By the way, I’m so upset when I see people calling him “pathetic”. First, because Kentin is not pathetic, he is a teenager who grows up and learns to love himself, which is not easy at all, and he does it despite what others can say.
Secondly, because that kind of words should not be used to define others. There is so much people who are like Kentin or Ken in real life. Guys, we all know what school and adolescence are, I guess some of you are still at those steps right now. Even if we don’t live it in the bad way, we all know/knew someone who is/was. They don’t deserve to be seen as pathetic people. No one deserves that, people are all beautiful, and if it takes time to know themselves, why would it be a problem to others ? It’s not, by the way.
But there are a lot of teenagers who call them like that (or say/act in different ways, but arrive to the same result). In their backs or in front of them, there is no difference. That’s where the real problem is. They are still kids, for god’s sake. School can be so hard for a lot of people, we have an overview in the game, but in real life, it can be even worse than that. Be careful when you say that kind of words. It can hurt people.
I really, really hope that, when you read it, you are not concerned, in a position or in another. But if you are, there is always help, for everyone. Don’t let people judging you, the only one who can, is you. And if you say something like that about/to someone, yes, it can arrive. It shouldn’t, but it can. It’s ok, take time to think about it, to ask yourself if that kind of attitude defines who you are. If it’s to that you should be resumed. You are more than just the guy/girl who talked about others, right? Believe in yourself too, you deserve it as much as people who have problems at school.
Life is all about that ; try, make some mistakes, and learn. And if you see someone being bullied, act. It’s difficult, it can scare, but it is necessary. Don’t interpose yourself if you don’t feel it’s secure, but go find adults or other people to help you. We are all concerned, we all have a role to stop harassment. 
I just spoke about school harassment, but sadly, it exists everywhere, at every age - which not means, if you are concerned, you will live it all your life, absolutely not, hold on and don’t keep the secret, go find help. We need to work to make the harassment stop, however it concerns/happens at your work, street, couple, school, ethnicity or skin color, religion, sexual orientation, social condition and so much more.
Some of you asked me if I had an idea of which real model could be Kentin in real life. So, I thought to Francisco Lachowski. Do you agree, or do you have someone else in mind ? 
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caemec · 8 years ago
I open general requests
Ok guys, I need your help to find some ideas. 
So, if you want something particular, like a gif series, or a headcanon, or an aesthetic, or a specific theory, you can ask me. I am reticent for drabbles because I’m still not always comfortable with english, but you always can ask and I will try, at least (I continue to work on the proposal drabble series, next one to come is Armin’s). 
I will accept requests about My Candy Love and Eldarya as well. 
So many thanks and kisses for your support  ♥
P.S.: If you want an instagram aesthetic, requests conditions are in this post. 
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choumuthecat150-blog · 6 years ago
Simbolismo en los chocolates en el evento de Pascua del 2019 del Corazón de melón
El uniforme de los encargados de chocolate están basados en distintos tipos de chocolate. Además, parecen darnos pistas sobre la interacción entre los personajes conquistables y algo relacionado con ellos. 
Solo son teorías o suposiciones que hago tomando en cuenta los diálogos de este evento de pascua.
Los chocolates y posibles teorías sobre los personajes: 1) El encargado de chocolate blanco (Rayan Zaidi con orejas de conejo): Su uniforme es de color blanco para representar a este tipo de chocolate. También se le conoce como “falso chocolate” porque solo usa manteca de cacao. Como el chocolate blanco también se usa para crear distintos tonos, hacer más colorido el chocolate y decoración en la repostería; debe representar la parte artística de Rayan. (Se puede pintar el chocolate negro y el chocolate con leche con un spray comestible, pero solo se logrará en la parte externa del chocolate)
2) El encargado de chocolate con leche (Hyun con orejas de conejo): Su uniforme es de color marrón para representar el chocolate con leche. Es un chocolate dulce y el más conocido. Hyun también es un chico dulce y suave. Además, su ruta es la más tranquila.
3) El encargado de chocolate negro, chocolate bitter o chocolate amargo (Nathaniel con orejas de conejo): Su uniforme es de un marrón muy oscuro para representar el chocolate negro. Este tipo de chocolate es amargo. Se debe combinar con algo dulce para hacerlo más agradable. (Como Sucrette es una chica dulce, puede ayudar a Nathaniel a superar sus problemas y volverlo a acercarlo a sus amigos) Creo que la ruta de Nathaniel puede ser la más amarga y dramática de todas.
4) El encargado de praliné de chocolate (Castiel con orejas de conejo): Su uniforme tiene el color del praliné, pero su camisa de cuello caído (draped neck t-shirt) tiene el color del chocolate negro. El praliné se usa mayormente en los bombones, pero se han estado mejorando la receta creando nuevos sabores. Podría simbolizar la parte artística de Castiel en Crowstorn y cómo su banda reinventa el rock.
5) La encargada del chocolate rubio o chocolate blond (Priya con orejas de conejo): Su uniforme es ligeramente parecido al del el encargado de chocolate blanco, pero es de un dorado muy suave. Este tipo de chocolate es nuevo y se consigue calentando el chocolate blanco hasta caramelizarlo. Podríamos compararlo con Priya, siendo el primer personaje femenino conquistable en los juegos de Beemov.
Posibles pistas sobre las interacciones de los personajes conquistables:
Posible pelea entre Rayan y Nathaniel: Según el evento de pascua de 2019, el encargado del chocolate negro y el encargado del chocolate blanco se pelean a menudo. Teniendo en cuenta que el chocolate blanco está hecho con manteca de cacao, mientras que el chocolate negro es el chocolate que contiene más pasta de cacao. Tal  vez, Rayan y Nathaniel se peleen a menudo por diferencia de opinión, en futuros capítulos. Mientras que Nathaniel parece ser un chico problemático que no toma en serio la universidad y parece no respetar a los profesores, no sería raro de que se burle a menudo de Rayan por ser 10 años mayor que Sucrette o por su pisición de profesor. Rayan vería a Nathaniel como una persona vacía y sin metas personales, considerándolo una persona sin el suficiente coraje para hacerse responsable de sus problemas.
Castiel siendo amigo de Hyun y de Nathaniel: Solo estoy tomando en cuenta los diálogos del encargado de chocolate porque dijo "con el encargado del chocolate praliné me llevo mejor". El chocolate praliné se puede hacer con el chcolate blanco, chocolate negro y con el chocolate con leche. Tal vez, Castiel vuelva a ser amigo de Nathaniel, gracias a algún suceso que los ayude a superar sus diferencias. (Relacionado con el exjefe de Nathaniel y algún miembro de Crowstorm con problemas) Aunque todabía no interactaron juntos, Hyun podría volverse amigo de Castiel gracias a Morgan. (Aunque no sabemos cómo serían sus interacciones)
Teoría sobre la posible rivalidad entre Hyun y Nathaniel por el amor de Sucrette: El encargado de chocolate con leche quiere preparar una receta de chocolate que sorprenda a las personas, mientras que el encargado del chocolate negro quiere crear una receta de chocolate que sea aceptada por los niños. En el juego, Nathaniel es un personaje que se ha alejado de sus amigos y actúa de forma revelde por algún motivo. Pero parece querer cambiar y ser un poco menos agrio con Sucrette. Mientras que Hyun no destaca tanto como los otros 4 personajes conquistables (por su personalidad o los conflictos en su ruta), pero parece esforzarse en darle sorpresas agradables a Sucrett, de vez en cuando.
Posible punto débil de Priya: Como parece que a la encargada del chocolate dorado le cuesta aprender ciertas bases teóricas sobre el chocolate, Priya podría tener dificultad tratando de aprender algunas leyes laborales. (Aun así, la encargada del chocolate es muy buena preparando chocolate, y Priya es lo suficientemente carismática para convencer a Clemence en el capítulo 2) Pero podrá superar ese problema gracias a Sucrette y logrará ayudarla.
Teorías sobre el sexto encargado de chocolate: Posibilidad de que  Sucrette con orejas de conejo sea la encarada del chocolate rosa: La protagonista de Corazón de melón tiene una personalidad suave (dependiendo de la ruta), le quedaría perfecto el uniforme de color rosado y algunos personajes la consideran "especial" por algún motivo. (Sin contar a los personajes conquistables) Puntos en contra: No es un personaje nuevo y los chocolates pueden estar representando a los personajes conquistables.
Posibilidad de que Chani con orejas de conejo sea la encargada del chocolate rosa: Es un personaje nuevo, en los sueños de Sucrette en el capítulo 9 apareció Chani (si se sigue la ruta de Priya), es totalmente diferente a los personajes conquistables, tiene un carácter suave y existen brujerías que usan frutas para ciertos rituales. (El chocolate rosa tiene sabor a bayas o frutos rojos, pero no contiene ninguno de ellos) Puntos en contra: No sabemos si Chani se atrevería a usar el color rosado en un uniforme. Tampoco sabemos si Chani está interesada románticamente en la protagonista del juego.
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nilsavatar · 6 years ago
Nathaniel will also be in Moonlight Lovers!
After the events of Campus Life, Nathaniel will become a vampire! After all, Moonlight Lovers and My Candy Love belong to the same universe, isn’t it?
Nathaniel won’t be part of Moonlight Lovers' dates nor will he become a vampire upon Campus Life's ending, it would make no sense, but the vampire we're going to talk about looks like him a lot.
At the moment, on the six Facebook pages dedicated to the otome game, the third challenge is underway to discover the description of Béliath (but this will be discussed in a following post), second date available on Moonlight Lovers. The challenge was launched on April 15th at 17:00, relentlessly moving into second place when, not even 24 hours later, on the French page, in a comment underlying Béliath GIF, a Spanish leak, dating back to April 8, was shared, showing what is presumed to be the presentation illustration of Béliath, once the door of the room in which he's barricaded will be opened. But the great stir linked to the leak didn’t stem from this. To attract the entire community attention, it was the revelation of a second image depicting another boy, whose name should be Ivan.
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The information would seem reliable, since what was anticipated about Béliath turned out to be true. Beemoov won’t be happy about the leak, but now appears to be on a par with The Pokémon Company and Game of Thrones in terms of theories and information leakage.😂  
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But now we come to my personal opinions on "Ivan". To me, the character's design looks like a mix between Nathaniel and Jasper Hale of The Twilight Saga. I do really like the artwork, it's better made than the Vladimir one, with more nuances and shadows, but I find it rather banal, because it gives a sensation of already-seen that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. The haircut is undoubtedly that of High School Life Nathaniel, only slightly longer and disheveled (according to my boyfriend, with that haircut Ivan reminds to Uruha from The Gazette of the good old days LOL), but the colors in all respects come from Jasper. To utterly deviate from the aforementioned characters is his expression. Jasper, during Stephenie Meyer’s novels, has an agonizing countenance due to his continuous inner struggle not to succumb to the blood thirst, while Nathaniel moved from a touchy but relaxed attitude to a sullen, worried and faked bored air in Campus Life. Elements that, for now, Ivan’s imagine doesn’t show. He appears altered, annoyed or easily irritable, as our adorable Castiel! The fujoshis which ship CassxNath or vice versa can rejoice: the long-awaited child, synthesis of the most beloved Amour Sucré’s characters, is finally born!
How do you think Ivan's personality will be? Will he be complicated to deal with? Is he younger than the other vampires? (Idk why, but he gives me the idea he will be the typical newborn vampire with self-control lacks😅). But above all, will he really be the vampire hidden behind the third door? One thing, however, is certain: I have my eyes on you, Ivan😉
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