#Among Us because they used to draw me little Among Us stickers back when we worked at the same job
angrybatart · 21 days
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Happy birthday to @otterlywyrdfirbolg !!!! 🎂
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bluesky88diary · 1 year
How much important is these moments, when I feel myself tired but find a little energy for my beloved. I think challenges define us, even such little one of being merely tired. Among my dreams, I would like in such moments merely lay down together in silent room and feel peaceful presence of beloved, comforting and healing warmth, breath, subtle movement of arms and grateful thought of being beside.
Funny thing to notice, chasing dreams I find very little time for myself. I think how you spend your time at home, what you showed in your code, 'all that muse', 'tight relationships' move (when it will be released to watch online btw?). Then I think how I like to spend this time, remember myself much younger with very few concerns. And I might say this memories is very cozy and pleasant, when I could merely spend time at home creating or taking care of many little things I like. This gives me desire to live alone again. At the moment I merely have no time and room for myself, in place of stranger nothing feels like home. This leads my thoughts to consider what home feels like. And this feels like I might be comfortable your life style without changing anything, actually bringing back life once I used to enjoy. I imagine so, but don't know for sure. Howbeit, thinkig about you, dear Seungyeon, feels like home.
Even that you keep your home space private, feeling comfortable this way, I just want to close doors from your side and stay, where nobody could bother us. Whatever you are doing right now, or were doing today, can you imagine to do the same with me? Will my presence in your space change the way you behave or enjoy your time at home? These are interesting questions. I like to think about how could it be to live together. These thoughts draw me closer to you.
For instance, you shared name stickers design, something you do, something that reflects your inner world, vibe of your heart, unuttered word, silent confession, the touch of love. You don't say things straight, but you make me feel your love and connection, as if merging our two universes in one. This is how I read that message and all of a sudden, I feel you one step closer, warmer, more precious and my beloved. Then so much I wish to skip this endless road and merely be home with you...
Before 7/24 this road was more like a question, now after this became the answer, when things feels like we are already family, at least in universe of our hearts. So there is no other place I would like to go, because you are my home, beloved flower Seungyeon.
However, like a sailor getting through the storm, the only thought about home gives strength don't give up and fight the challenges, believe and keep moving. The thought one day to be at home together and enjoy peaceful rest beneath cloudless sky. Only thins thoughts helps to get through the raging storms of life.
What about you?
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pterodactylschreech · 3 years
(One-shot based on this post)
Lena looks beautiful tonight.
She's all Kara can think about, despite being surrounded by everyone she loves. Her eyes track back every few seconds no matter where she treks in the apartment or how much her family and friends vie for her attention. It's their first game night post-Phantom Zone and post-The Break, as Kara thinks of it. The first time everyone is back together, smiling and laughing and happy, in over a year. And they all want Kara's attention, her presence the glue for the family after her absence.
But all she can think about is Lena.
Lena sitting close on the couch while they play games. Lena passing her the last pot sticker on her plate without thought. Lena standing in the kitchen refilling her wine glass and mingling with Kelly and Brainy, at home among their friends. Kara focuses on her, intent to memorize every single detail of the other women as if she may never see her again. The crinkles by her piercing eyes when she squints in laughter at one of Nia's corny puns. The play of light on her features accentuating the sharp angle of her jaw and the soft curve of her lips. The gentle, bright look she shares with Kara when she catches her looking, a hard won relief radiating out from the woman after months of fighting one another. Kara could practically taste the joy on the air, surrounded by her little family.
Kara hopes that look means everything that her matching expression means: I love you. I'm home again, and I missed you. Hopes beyond all reason that Lena understands and is sending the same message back.
It's been a week since she returned to find Lena unemployed and living at the Tower out of a hastily packed suitcase. A week since she refused to let Lena remain in the cold and impersonal lair and convinced Lena to unofficially move in with her. She wouldn't admit it, not even to Alex, but one of the reasons Kara insisted so strongly was because she couldn't bear to sleep alone. The memories of her nightmares from her childhood after landing on Earth were enough to drench her in fear of the coming nights, the darkness and isolation that pulled her under the waves of terror. It turned out to be the best decision for both of the women as they both suffered and only found peace and reprieve when sleeping next to one another.
And it's been two days since Kara bared her soul to Alex, finally admitting the depth of her feelings for Lena after her sister told her about the decision they had been forced to make: Kara or National City. Her feelings that lay dormant for years due to her fear but surfaced to crush her under their weight during the year spent away from Lena, that grew like ivy through her heart until they covered every inch of her life. Kara sobbed into Alex's shoulder, for time lost and hope and comfort from her one constant through everything. Alex, for her part, seemed decidedly less surprised by Kara's outburst than she had expected. She let Kara expend her tears, then quietly told her it was time for Kara to choose her own happiness first. To put herself before the world and her past and her decades of fear. To tell Lena and let them be happy, together.
So now, Kara sits on her couch, surrounded by family and basking in the warmth of their love and closeness, nervous and fidgeting while she anxiously replays her prepared speech over and over in her head. For one terrifying moment, the whole situation felt excruciatingly familiar and terror spikes through her. Alex lays a hand on her bouncing knee, a distraction and reassurance that all would end well if Kara just trusted herself and Lena.
The night wore on in pleasant company until the group thinned out, pair by pair. Only Alex and Kelly remain on their way out of the apartment. Alex lingers in the doorway to give Kara an extended hug and whisper encouragement in her ear. "Good luck, Kar. Love you." She and Kelly say their last goodbye to Lena, and Kara quietly closes the door for the evening.
After taking a deep, steadying breath, Kara turns back to find Lena tossing empty take-out boxes into the recycling bin and setting their empty glasses in the sink. With her hair in a haphazard bun, Kara's NCU sweatshirt, and her cheeks pink tinged, Lena leaves Kara breathless in the entryway. The domesticity and familiarity of Lena in her clothes, in her home and cleaning up; in her glasses, forgotten after a particularly spot on impersonation during charades and still perched on the bridge of her nose, have Kara dreaming of their possible future. Of games nights and family dinners and quiet nights in that begin and end with Lena by her side.
Kara's tongue darts out to wet her lips and her hands twist together as she moves closer to Lena who has rinsed the glasses and is drying her hands on one of Kara's novelty printed dish towels. When she turns and spots Kara, hovering nearby but without fully approaching, she watches the simple movements of Kara's hands with rapt attention and smiles the same gentle grin from throughout the night. The corners of her mouth turn down slightly when she notices the focused crinkle between Kara's eyes, the unfailing sign she was deep in thought or struggling to vocalize something she found important.
Kara hardly registers the soft padding of Lena's socked feet across the floor until she reaches up to smooth the offending crinkle away with her fingertips. Kara's eyes drop closed at the gentle press, and she exhales a long held breath, focusing entirely on the point of contact and warmth to ground herself in the moment and chase any final doubts away. "Lena," Kara's voice puffs out into the quiet of their closeness. Lena's hand drifts to brush a stray curl behind Kara's ear before answering, matching her reverent tone. "What is it, darling?" Kara's eyes slide open to take in the gaze fixed on her: Lena promising safety and trust trust with nothing but the vulnerability in her eyes and the press of her hand to Kara's chest, just over where her crest materializes. It's enough to set Kara's heart beating wildly in anticipation.
"I need to tell you something. We promised each other, no more secrets. And there's one more thing I need you to know before we try this again. Our friendship, or you know, us."
Kara can see Lena's response to her words and hesitated. Lena's shoulders immediately tensing and her mouth drawing into a tight line, fighting trembling lips. She places her hand over Lena's on her chest to keep her from pulling away preemptively and to draw the strength she needs for what may come next. "Kara, what-?" "Wait, please. It's not bad, well, I don't think so, it's just, um-" Kara stops to regroup her frantic thoughts.
"Just, um, let me say what I need to say. And, if you don't, you know, feel the same or want anything to change, then none of this will matter."
Lena relaxes minutely, squinting at Kara's phrasing in suspicion and confusion. She lets Kara hold her hand in place. Once she feels Lena's tension release enough to prove she's listening, Kara plunges into her speech.
"Lena, you are my best friend. One of the two most important people to me. When we were fighting," Kara sucks in a deep breath at the lingering pain of their separation. "that was one of the hardest years of my life. All this terrible stuff was happening, and my person, the one I go to when everything feels like its falling apart, was gone. You were gone. I could still hear you and see you, but I couldn't have you. You were gone, and it was all my fault."
Hot tears spill free from Kara's eyes. When Lena reaches up to wipe them away, Kara leans heavily into her warm palm.
"Kara, darling, it's okay. We've forgiven each other. You don't need to apologize again."
A soft laugh escapes Kara's lips before she turns her head to press a kiss to Lena's palm. She speaks into Lena's hand, too nervous to see what Lena's reaction will be to her next words.
"I'm not. I'm just being honest. I lied to you for years. Willfully. Cruelly. Because I was selfish and stupid and scared. Rao, I was so scared to lose you. So, I rationalized lying day after day because I knew you'd leave when I told you. I knew the moment I said the words, it was over. No matter what I did or said, I would lose you."
The apartment was silent but for Kara's sniffles and her overflowing words.
"I did lose you." The whisper carries a year's worth of pain and longing.
"But, me being Supergirl isn't the biggest thing I haven't told you."
Lena's sharp inhale draws a fresh panicked round of tears from Kara who holds tighter to Lena's hand on her chest and forges onward quickly.
"You have to understand why I haven't said anything. It's not that I haven't wanted to; it's all I can think about sometimes. Most days now. But I couldn't. How could I- it would've been-" Kara stops and looks at Lena again, to read the expectation and shock flaring behind her green eyes. "I had to be honest about who I am before I could be honest about how I feel."
Lena joins Kara now with the first of her own tears breaking free to run down her cheeks. Kara can hear the quickening pace of her heart and focuses on the sound.
"Lena, I met you, and my whole world changed. You didn't know me during my first year as Supergirl, didn't see the rage that I could barely control or the reckless way I threw myself at every enemy. I struggled. A lot. But you showed me that we aren't bound by our family's sins. That I could hope and change and-" Kara feels the weight of the word on the tip of her tongue, rolls it around in her head another second and tastes the letters as they spill out for Lena to catch or watch shatter on the ground. "love. I met you, and I realized how deeply and fully I can love. I've lost so much, so many people, and I tend to be very protective of the love I share. But, I've learned that, despite what I've lost, the pain and the loneliness, I can love with my entire self. With all of who I am. With my heart, my body, and my soul. All that I am; all that I've experienced and will experience, everything. I can love through it and find strength in those who love me."
It was now Kara's turn to gently brush the fallen tears from Lena's cheek, one hand still holding firmly to Lena's hand on her chest.
"I've been drawn to you from the first day we met and every day after. I've never been able to fight it. Never wanted to, even when we were on opposites sides. I could never quite see through my love for you. Alex used to find it extremely frustrating, but I think she's finally come around."
Their watery laughs mingle together.
"You asked me once if I knew anything about quantum entanglement. I may know more about it than I admitted. And since that day, I haven't been able to think of you in any other way. I love you, but it isn't just that I love you. I am tethered to you, pulled across the universe to orbit you. The true source of my strength. I am entwined with you on a molecular level and in my soul. My parents sent me here to save me and to protect Kal, but something more, something bigger, maybe Rao himself, brought me to you."
Kara carefully absorbs Lena's body language, her stillness and continued silence. She seems to barely be breathing in the wake of the confession. The only sign Kara has that Lena is still listening is the furious pounding of her heartbeat reverberating through Kara's ears. Normally, even moments ago, the steady rhythm calms Kara, so much that she would take to flying over L-Corp during the past year just to hear the familiar sound. But now it leaves her uncertain and nervous. She fills the empty charged air with rambling, too anxious to wait for Lena to resume her normal functioning.
"I understand you might not feel the same, and after everything, I don't blame you. I mean, I did lie and then call you a villain and treat you pretty bad, so yeah." Kara trails off, cringing at the less than stellar stream of words her mouth chose. "So, um, if you don't want anything to change, then it doesn't have to. It won't. We can keep being friends and having game nights and movie nights. And you can obviously stay here as long as you need. I just, um, needed you to know how I feel."
The tide was open, and Kara couldn't find the ability to lock the flood gates on her mouth. Tears begin a fresh descent in the wake of her expelled anxiety.
"And I feel that I love you. That I am in love with you. I am in love with you, Lena."
Salt brines her lips, and her tongue tastes the clinging mineral as it slides out to wet them. Lena remains stoically still in her position pressed to Kara and swimming in her own trickle of tears. Kara notes the slowing of them, the crystalline droplets that drip from her jaw to the floor. She watches Lena's lips part and the quick flicker of her green eyes over Kara's face, landing first on her own blue eyes, then her nose, her cheeks, the scar above her eyebrow, before settling lower on her trembling lips.
She can't stand the limbo, the electric deja vu and mixture of fear and hope.
"Lena, please say something."
In reflection, Kara knows the moment, the span of seconds between her plead and Lena's reaction, only lasted the length of a heartbeat. But in the beat between her words and Lena's movement, Kara felt the weight of every loss she's suffered, every end. And every beginning. Every beautiful Earth sunrise and blossoming friendship. Anticipation swelled painfully behind her ribcage, her heart preparing to drop or soar.
In that moment, Lena held more power over Kara than any amount of Kryptonite ever could. With one second she could either crush Kara beneath one more disappointment and loss, or she could fuel Kara more powerfully than the yellow sun.
Kara's throat tenses with choking tears as she opens her mouth to withdraw every word to ever steal its way past her lips, but Lena blocks any hasty retreat half-formed with her own lips pressing firmly against Kara's. She pushes forward, bumping their noses and pressing her body impossibly closer, their hands still trapped between the mingling beats of their hearts.
Locked and entwined. Entangled over an invisible crest.
When her lips meet Kara's, soft but sure and insistent, Kara's mind blissfully silences but for the rapid fire pleasure of feeling and Lena. The burning desire in her chest spreading through her limbs and begging for more. More skin, more lips, more pressure. More Lena. All around her, flooding her senses until there's nothing left but the two of them.
It's everything and more than she imagined. Her nose fills with nothing but the sweet perfume Lena wears daily, and the lavender undertones of her own conditioner in Lena's hair. For once, the world quiets in Kara's hypersensitive ears, condensed to the sighs escaping Lena's mouth as she leans further into their kiss. And it's the taste that leaves Kara dazed and desperate for the next kiss. The fruity wine clinging to Lena's tongue and the underlying taste that is distinctly Lena. Unlike anything Kara has ever tasted and addictive from the first touch of Lena's tongue to her own.
They remain in their embrace, erasing any space that crept between them during their fighting and time apart. Even after breaking for air and resting their foreheads together, reveling in one another, they stay close. Kara can't fight the broad smile stretching across her face, and she hears Lena's matching grin in her words, reverently whispered in their shared breaths.
"And I love you, Kara. All of you. Always."
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nitaescence · 5 years
ix. strain
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genre : DDLG!au word count : 5.4k warnings — little space, pet names, Jungkook’s head over heels, dry humping, hand job, oral sex (giving/receiving), overstimulation, squirting, things get angsty between the boys a/n : one part left ✌
sweetpea masterlist
You watched Taehyung closing his suitcase with a heavy heart.
He got ready all day to depart and join his family for Christmas holidays. You tried not to look so down.
You totally understood them wanting to spend some time with their own but you couldn’t shake the sad feeling overwhelming you when you knew you wouldn’t get that chance.
Taehyung offered to take you back to the headquarters on his way to the airport but Jungkook had interjected quite abruptly saying he would take care of it.
The time to leave came and Taehyung hugged you, making sure to let you know he would miss you and that he couldn’t wait to see you again.
You could sense his deep bonding with his family. It meant a lot to him and he was excited at the thought of seeing them again.
He kissed you softly and gently, calming a little the bittersweet feeling that had settled in your heart. The goodbyes between him and Jungkook were quicker and less warm.
“What are you doing?” Inquired Jungkook after he spotted you dragging something in his room.
“ge’ ready.” You smiled with a small pout as you dragged your blankie inside your bag.
“So you’re going back?”
You looked down and shrugged.
Spending Christmas anywhere else than at the headquarters would sound fun, not that you would be short of anything there but the boys’ company felt way better in comparison.
“What if I told you you don’t have to ?” He grinned after lying down on his bed.
You furrowed your brows, intrigued.
“no goin’ back ?” You repeated, bringing a finger to your lips.
“Hm-hm, I’ll be staying here.” Jungkook moved to rest his ching on his hands. “Y’wanna spend your holidays with me?”
You started to nod, still unsure whether he was serious about it or not.
“Yeah, baby? I’m not messin’ with you… I’m really staying.”
You were delighted, totally looking forward to the next days as you threw yourself on him and hugged his neck as tightly as you could.
Jungkook laughed, relieved. He didn’t feel bad anymore about not visiting his family. He would think of sending them a few messages and videos still.
“Whew… For a second, I was afraid you would reject me.”
You discovered Jungkook had a lot planned for the two of you, as if he had organized those holidays a long while ago and was impatiently waiting to get to do it all with you.
When he shared his schedule, you couldn’t tell which one of you was the most excited.
Among all the places he had in mind, there was one in particular which earned your interest — the two day journey at Disneyland.
It was settled to happen the second week so you had to suck your excitement to yourself and you did well, although the thought only was able to put a big smile on your face.
The day finally came and you couldn’t keep your feelings to yourself and Jungkook was overjoyed seeing you like this.
He felt satisfied he was able to get you interested in all the different activities he suggested to you. He couldn’t believe you hadn’t been to Disneyland yet but felt enthralled at the thought of being the one making you discover it.
Once there, he never let you out of his sight. You didn’t make it difficult for him either by being glued to his side. Everything there impressed you, from the number of people present to the different animations offered there.
Your gloved hand didn’t let go of his, not even when you wanted to take pictures with the people wearing stunning disguises—
Jungkook motioned you so would stand beside Mickey but you whined and went to hold his other hand, overwhelmed by the cartoon character standing too closely.
He chuckled at you while you kept staring curiously at the famous character from the corner of your eye.
He circled your shoulder and pecked your temple. “Smile to the camera, babygirl.”
He then went on to buy yourselves two headbands and a cute yet prohibitively expensive necklace. He encouraged you to ride as many attractions as possible.  
You made him feel warmer than he had ever been inside him and he couldn’t feel bad about that part thudding aloud within because of the fact that he had you to him alone.
He found you adorable in your ways of showing your amazement at your surroundings, wanting to make sure he knew just how much you were enjoying yourself and how much appreciative of him you felt, all bundled up in your winter clothing.
It didn’t prevent him from having naughty thoughts cross his mind every now and then and letting his hands roaming you although he tried his best to keep them to himself until you got back to your bedroom.  
Jungkook pushed the door open to let you in first. He helped you out of your thick jacket and as soon as you could move freely, you lunged over your new backpack filled with all the accessories he had bought you.
“_________, let’s shower first. Okay ?”
You pondered his suggestion but didn’t fuss and listened to him.
After you were done, he watched you, to his dismay, hoping to get back to your new acquisitions you hadn’t forgotten about and emptied your bag on the carpeted floor.
He followed closely after having barely dried his hair.
He did not bother to catch the towel around his hips slowly loosening and sliding down the bulging muscles of his thighs. His skin awakened at the feeling of the surrounding air, showing paths of goosebumps along his taut stomach and arms.
He pondered the thought of remaining naked and eventually decided to slip a pair of black boxers on and undid the sheets.
“Bring all of it here... Much better this way.”
You listened to him quietly and quickly moved all your things on the clean beddings.
Jungkook caught one of the Polaroids and gazed at it lovingly, then took another one.
“They’d look good in your notebook, don’t you think?”
“he’e?” You asked, opening the brand new little mermaid themed book in the middle and looking up at him with a small frown.
His eyes looked heavy and stared up lovingly at the pretty pinkish glow flaming your face across your cheekbones and nose.
His hand wrapped gently around your thin wrist, “hmhm.”  
“but, no glue?” You frowned deepened at the small pictures sliding down.
“Let’s see, we can use these for now.” He offered as he grabbed the stickers included with the book. “Like this, see?”
“oh,” you stared at his hands carefully sticking the Polaroids next to each other.
He smiled, “voilà.”
You went to lie on your front and picked one of the feltpen to add little doodles around the pictures.
Jungkook let his hand slide along your calf and beneath the hem of the bathrobe, gently kneading your smooth skin.
“________? Come lie next to me.”
You paid no mind to him.
You eventually sat up when you felt proud of your drawings and turned around.
You gasped at the sight of Jungkook snuggling a pillow and snatched it from him to throw it across the room.
A lazy smirk parted his lips as you slowly curled up against him. He felt tingles spreading in his chest and downwards when your scent reached him as you rested your head beneath his chin.  
“t’ank you.”
“You’re welcome, baby. It’s your Christmas gift from me.”
“but ______ no gift.”
“It’s okay. You’re my gift.”
You stirred lightly, waking up little by little.
You made out Jungkook’s voice somewhat still distant and overpowered by the buzzing in your head.
You furrowed your brows and shifted.
“Careful baby,” he whispered and gently blocked you with his arm solidly rooted in the mattress to prevent you from tumbling down the edge of the bed where you were half lying on.
You turned your body the other way around and knuckled your eyes, still a bit tired.
He gazed down, cooing at you and softly nuzzled your cheek. “Are you up now?”
You slowly opened your eyes, blinking repeatedly despite the subdued light of his bedroom and a little dazed from your nap which had him smiling tenderly at you.
He kissed your cheek, hot and marked with sleep lines. “You had a good rest?”
You blinked up at him silently.
“Wanna drink?” He let you nuzzle against him and effortlessly sat up with your legs wrapped around his hips. “Up we go.”
He held you until he reached the kitchen and put you down on the counter.
You whined when he moved away from you and had him holding you some more, earning sexy chuckles from him.
Jungkook gently swung you side to side, craning his head down to peek at you staring into space. He relished moments like this, when you simply did not need anything else but to feel him while he cradled you affectionately.
Nothing, no one else made him feel protective over you as he could get during moments like these when he held your vulnerable self safely in his strong arms and felt your breathing fanning him softly.
He followed your gaze when you suddenly jerked a little away and turned your head to gaze ahead of you.
You whimpered when you looked over his shoulder while he kissed your temple.
He walked away to get your sippy cup filled with your favorite fruit juice while you sat up and stretched your spine to make out the strange thing you had noticed in the living-room.
“What’s wrong?”
You pointed behind him and he looked back.
“Oh, my surprise?”
“Wanna see it?”
You nodded and grabbed the cup from him and held your arms open so he could carry you again.
You climbed down and stared a long time at the new appearance of the living-room.
Bedsheets, blankets and comforters had been used with the help of chairs and couches to make a blanket fort.
The entrance was decorated with one of the Christmas tree garlands and opened on what appeared like a very cozy and intimate space surrounded with some cushions and your plushies.
You dropped down on your knees to get a better look.
“You like it?” He smiled down at you and you eagerly nodded, holding your cup with your two hands. “It’s just for the two of us… Go ahead… Crawl inside.”
You carefully did so and stopped midway to look back. He kneeled down to follow you and dropped heavily on one side of what served as the bed.
“I wanted to give it a name but I have no idea. I brought some of your colored pencils and books and other stuff.”
He pointed to a spot you hadn’t taken notice of behind you where several things were stacked along snacks.
“I made the roof high enough so we could still watch T.V if you want.”
You stretched your body out next to him to confirm his words and noticed along the way how wide the space of it still was with the two of you lying side by side.
He shifted to get more comfortable with a hand under his head while you chose to grab one of the sheets and pencil.
When you were finished, you held it up towards him and his eyes lit up at the words surrounded by hearts, flowers and a smiling sun — Knight Jungkook and Princess ________ ‘s castle
“Is it the name you want to give to it?”
You nodded with the soft spout of your cup hanging between your front teeth.  
Jungkook took the piece of paper from you and sat up to get beneath the garland.
“I have nothing to stick it up with,” he pouted as he looked around.
He decided to lean it against the foot of the chair holding one part of the entrance up. “Now, it’s perfect.”
He lied back down and you crawled out to look at the rendering.
Naturally, he did not miss the way his shirt rode up to reveal your asscheeks curving enticingly beneath the lace of your panties.
He gave your bum three affectionate spankings before you sat back on your heels and looked at him over your shoulder with a smile.
“Like it?”
You nodded and handed him your empty cup to get rid of. He opened his arm for you to lie your head on and turned his body to face yours closely.
“What d’you want to do? Watch cartoons?” He trailed quietly.
Your fingers were playing with his chin. You shrugged and pulled him in a sudden embrace.
You weren’t feeling one bit tired and the whole atmosphere set with your new accommodation was making you feel kittenish.
You leaned back a bit to look up at him, gazing enthralled by his features, softened thanks to the warm hues emanating from the decorative lights. Your cold hand flattened against his chest he felt warming up beneath your touch.
His eyes smiled down at you. He moved his other hand to brush your hair to the side of your face, accentuating the roundness of your cheek.
He tilted his head to press his lips on your forehead and you did the same to his collarbones. Your fingers slid down to trace along the soft skin of his taut lower stomach.
His arm underneath you curled around your shoulder and his hand gripped it when you softly brushed the very subtle trail of hair connecting his navel to the hem of his sweatpants.
The impressive print of his soft dick was quite evident, even more so when you slowly nudged your thigh between his and pressed upward.
His hips bucked in response at the same time a sigh escaped him. You grinned a little.
You knew he wasn’t wearing anything beneath the cloth and you anticipated witnessing him swelling in front of your eyes.
A languid, steady rhythm took hold of your bodies.
You were now holding your weight on one arm, allowing him to get covered in the sweet scent of your hair cascading over his face. His breath was more labored now that he felt you scratching his back deliciously.
His hands held tight onto your waist and ass, blood growing his shaft larger and larger. The thickness of his pants did not allow you to feel his twitching but you were undeniably sure, his cock was now straining up.
A quick glance downward ruled in your favor when you noticed the glistening tip peeking past the hem.
You glided your nails up his spine until you reached his hair which you tugged at gently and clawed his back again to pull his pants down.
You felt yourself clenching at the sight of his taut asscheek, hollowing with each desperate push of his hips.
You pressed on his chest to get him to lie on his lightly bruised back and he helped you take off his sweats.
You threw them somewhere behind you and crawled on top to kiss him. His hands quickly cupped your face to deepen the sweet gesture, taking both of your breaths away.
When his grip loosened, you pecked and licked your way down his veiny neck, erect nipples heaving with each of his intake of air and continued until you reached the tiny puddle of precum wetting his skin where his thick head was resting, raging.
You kneeled up between his legs, smiling sweetly at him as you gently scratched your nails softly up and down his inner thighs.
Jungkook frowned down and made a move to grip himself but you stopped him. You pinched your lips as you planted his hands on either side of his body.
“Not allowed to touch?”
You shook your head with a cheeky smile.
“Can you at least take off my shirt?” He whined, throwing his head back. “Not really fair of you…”
You brought a finger to your mouth, in faux-pondering.
You pulled each of your arms inside his shirt and pulled it up to get your head out.
Your hair was sticking out in a funny way and Jungkook felt his heart swelling achingly at your endearing yet alluring sight.
His teeth dragged on his lower lip as he shamelessly coveted your figure and flexed his hard cock.
He didn’t look away when you eventually lowered your face nearby. You kissed along its veiny underside, down until you reached his heavy balls which parted a little in response to your touch.
“Princess, don’t tease… Please.”
You looked down after you leant up and watched closely while you ran the tips of your fingers back up his length.
He twitched again when you rubbed him where his head and his impressive shaft met.
He craned his head down, mouth hanging open “baby…”
You wiped the mini pool of precum and coated his head with. Jungkook relaxed his neck again when you finally closed your fist around him.
You bit your lip in amusement and shifted your weight on your hand to gaze down at his features progressively overcome by pleasure.
Moans began pouring out generously along the languorous motions of your thumb across his drenched tip.    
Little by little, your fist pumped his throbbing cock and a fucked-out smile graced his angelic-like traits. He felt heavier and warmer in your palm and the lustful sight of him thrusting his oozing member at the pace of your hand turned you on all the more, ruining your underwear with your sticky juices.
Your eyes reluctantly teared away from his member to his face, now flaming with hot colors.
“I don’- I don’t wanna cum like this…” The veins in his neck were protruding invitingly. “Make me-... fuuck- make me cum inside you…”
Your thighs tightened and your clit throbbed.  
Jungkook let out a content sigh when you indulged him easily.
He was close, painfully so.
So much so, he couldn’t wait any longer and in the matter of seconds you were free of your panties, although it was not the way you predicted it.
“Come, sweetheart…” He beckoned softly, throwing the remnants of the torn cloth next to him. “Climb on top of me. That’s it… Yeah, just like that…”
You let go of his cock and hovered your dripping cunt above it. He couldn’t help himself. His hand snaked between you to cup the sensitive skin there.
You closed your eyes in response when he began rubbing your wet lips, sliding his middle and ring fingers up and down in languid gestures along your slit and swelling clit.
He cooed when you whined out after he inserted them, looking back and forth between you and his hand getting wetter by the second.
You tried to regain a semblance of control and took his coated hand to your lips. Enthralled, he stared up as you slid his fingers in your mouth.
You carefully sat further down on him and began rubbing yourself along his cock.
Jungkook licked his fingers after you had finished and showed the will to move his hand down but you gripped it and laced your fingers together as you picked up the pace of your hips.
He could feel his cum move along his shaft and his muscles tighten reflexively the longer you rubbed your wetness against him.
His moans and whimpers increased in intensity. His fingers tightened around yours while he craned his head to stare down where your bodies met and froze right before he shot his first spurt of cum up to his neck. Five others followed to cover his chest, stomach and purple tip.  
You decreased your pace progressively, smiling, thrilled. You leaned down to lick clean the thick spatters on his collarbones, smearing the rest of his mess on your own skin.
A little spent, Jungkook watched you closing your mouth around his sensitive tip, jolting awake his thighs.
Slowly, you bobbed your head, never looking away from his mad-like stare.
You crashed your lips together in a lazy, messy kiss.
“You know you don’t have to do that…” He grinned slackly. “One round is never enough… Never will be…”
You let him roll you on your back and gazed down when he licked himself off of you. Your lower stomach was clenching in anticipation.
He didn’t wait any longer before pressing his pads over your clit, making your thighs close reflexively.
“There’s my pretty pussy...”
You furrowed your brows as his fingers caressed the outline of your slit, sliding effortlessly along it.
“So soft… so sensitive, hm?” He cooed.
He surprised you when he puckered his lips around your clit, jolting your entire body to attention, earning a mewl past your quivering lips.
Unbeknownst to you, an animalistic, overjoyed grin crept over his face.
Your lids became heavy as he mercilessly twirled your swollen bud. The wetness pouring out of his mouth made the stimulation so much more intense that he already had you on the verge of your climax.
Unceremoniously, he thrusted in his fingers deep enough to meet the shallow end of your cervix.
“How come you’re still that tight...”
You tried a peek downward at him with your fist covering your mouth when you didn’t feel him anymore.
He bit his lips, ravenous, after he had withdrawn his fingers from your pussy to display the shimmery coating of your arousal.
A blush colored your cheeks as you watched him lap his hand clean.
You didn’t resist when he parted your legs even wider to engulf your entire cunt with his wet, warm mouth. His thick tongue flattened to slither it up earning an unforeseeable cry out of you.
Your raw bundle of nerves sparkled back to life with each of his tentative twirls and sensual strokes. Your mind steadily faded away in a black hole of mesmerization.
He pushed your legs back further until the top of your thighs touched your stomach as he slid his hot palms along the back of them.
They trembled and he hummed in satisfaction, having you overwhelmed.
He buried his mouth deeper and your mouth parted in a silent wail as you almost blacked-out in pleasure.
Your eyes were about to loll back the longer he kept swerving his tongue and he heard your pitiful attempts to have him to stop after you had regained some of your consciousness, coaxed by his overstimulation.  
You felt tumbling again, this time in a much more powerful euphoria when you felt yourself erupting everywhere, convulsing hard.
Your body gave out and you were left a whimpering, slumped-out mess beneath his victorious gaze.
You didn’t have the strength to keep your thighs away from his risky hands resting about.  
“My little baby,” he pouted, amused. “Was it too much?”
Your eyes were sealed with thick tears but you still could guess where Jungkook was and reached up. The air felt a little suffocating but it didn’t matter.
He indulged and closed the space between you as your arm rested around his neck. He softly kissed your face.
His cock brushed your clit in his motions and you moaned out in pain.
“Too sensitive?” He half-taunted.
“That’s too bad cause…”
He brought his lips right next to your ear, his tip prodding your abused cunt, and seductively whispered right before thrusting himself to hilt inside you.
“That’s the way I like you…”
There was no doubt about the new closeness you and Jungkook had developed in Taehyung’s eyes.
In spite of everything he was telling himself to get some kind reassurance about his worth to your eyes, it wasn’t working. Not anymore.
He had been surprised to see you after his return, not that he wasn’t happy about it but when Jungkook revealed to him that you had spent the entirety of the holidays together, he didn’t quite understand the reason he keept it quiet.
While he tidied up his room and inadvertently knocked your bag over to come across one of the polaroids from those holidays, it hurt inside.
How many more secrets did you share with him?
It felt like going back in time, to those dreadful weeks when he seemed not to be your favorite anymore, when he wasn’t your center of attention, when you weren’t acknowledging him although this time around, he hadn’t done anything wrong to you.
He tried his best to recall if he actually did but the more he observed you, the clearer it got.
And just like a deck of cards, his hopes collapsed.
“When are we supposed to get her back?” Jungkook shouted while getting a bottle of water out of the fridge.
“What did you say?” He asked again when he didn’t hear Taehyung the first time.
“You don’t have to worry about it.”
Jungkook frowned. “What ? Why ?”
His friend cleared his throat, “I… I put an end to the contract.”
They both remained silent a short while.
“You what ?”
“It’s over…”
“What do you mean it’s over ?”
Taehyung shrugged where he was sitting on the couch and didn’t even bother looking up from his phone. “I didn’t feel like keeping it up.”
In spite of trying his best to get his point, Jungkook couldn’t manage to since the words had trouble sinking in yet.
He forced himself not to lose his temper.
“Is it... Tell me, it’s not because you met someone that you stopped things just like that…”
“Jungkook… If one person involved wants it to stop, their choice prevails over the others.” Taehyung explained slowly after he eventually met his eyes. “Besides, you wouldn’t have been able to continue to pay the rent on your own…”
“But... I didn’t even get to have a word in it!”
“There’s nothing left to discuss… It just didn’t feel right to me… anymore…”
Jungkook tried to find legitimate reasons to show his best friend wrong but he didn’t. He couldn’t accept the idea of never seeing you again just because Taehyung suddenly didn’t feel like it.
“I don’t know… I still think it would’ve been great to… you know, discuss the matter together in the first place.”
He didn’t want this issue to be about him but — “You didn’t even let me say goodbye to her…”
“ ‘Kook, we’re not the first people she’s been with…” he huffed. “I don’t see why this is affecting you that much when I’m sure, it doesn’t mean anything to her…”
“You have no idea about that.”
Taehyung stood up and faced him, “come on… She is made to do this, to pretend it. All of it. Just to please us. Don’t tell me you’ve caught feelings for her when she was just doing her job…”
Jungkook stared hard back at him.
“But you liked her, just as much as I did… Why did all of it suddenly lose any interest to you?”
“It’s all fake. She’s expected to have us grow attached to her… She’s probably already forgotten all about you. Get over it.”
Taehyung proceeded to walk away when his roommate frowned at him.
“It’s you.”
He turned around. “What. About. Me?”
“You got jealous of us. Of me... That’s why you cancelled it.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Stop it, you’re ridiculous.”
“No, Tae! I’ve seen it…” He raised a finger at him. “You couldn’t stand to see us together when you were around and … You got jealous…”
A snort escaped Jungkook.
“I’m sure the reason you got yourself some girl was so you could get yourself an excuse for when you’d take her away from me…”
“She’s not some girl… I-”
“Yeah? Well, give me names of people that get head over heels in after the week they met that stranger! Cause this feels pretty shady to me.”
The two men looked at each other, hurt.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about… I’m done with this discussion.”
Jungkook was left furious and didn’t talk to Taehyung the rest of the day.
He looked up the company’s information the same night.
It didn’t sit right with him. It couldn’t end this way. It was inconceivable.
The following day, he went to the headquarters, walking through the same doors he did almost a year ago when Taehyung had successfully made him agree to all of it.
He never would have imagined what those doors incorporated. He never would have thought he would become attached to you, an utter stranger who day by day had managed to catch his heart; the same way he couldn’t conceive it all didn’t mean anything to you.
He understood what your job consisted of but all those moments surely had an impact on you, at least a little bit.
A man Jungkook didn’t remember ever seeing greeted him at the reception desk. He introduced himself and asked to talk to the same lady who set up the contract between you and them.
“Mr Jeon,” she exclaimed with a polite smile. “I’m surprised to see you here.”
“Hm… Would it be possible to talk somewhere private?”
“I would love to,” she kept her smile on, “but unfortunately I’m in the middle of a meeting and don’t have much time ahead of me. Is it urgent?”
Jungkook looked a little distraught. He seemed to be struggling to find the best way to explain himself.
“I- … Would it be… possible to talk with ________?”
“Well, ehm-”
“We had an argument with my friend and I think there has been a misunderstanding…”
“Well, Mr Kim has been perfectly clear and more than that about you two wanting to terminate the contract.” She assured him gravely.
“It’s just I didn’t have the time to talk to her one last time and I wanted-”
“Pardon me for interrupting you but this was stated distinctly in the terms of your contract — after its termination, it is impossible for the Sylph or the caregiver previously involved to contact any formerly interested party. It is not in the company’s interest to let them interact outside the terms of a contract.”
Jungkook sighed heavily.
“I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do about it.”
“I understand.”
“I’m not supposed to tell you that but,” she started again after a short while. “Even if there had been a possibility for me to get her to see you one last time again, it wouldn’t have been possible.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because according to our decree, a Sylph cannot get in touch with any former client if a new, potential one is interested in them.”
Jungkook couldn’t believe it.
How many days had it been since Taehyung ended it?
It couldn’t have been more than three or four.
“I see.” He nodded. “Thank you.” He didn’t know what he was thanking her for but he left without another word.
Maybe Taehyung was right after all.
Maybe, they had just been passing trade who hadn’t affected you more than any of your other clients. Maybe he was overthinking everything else. After all, acting the way you had been during all those months had nothing natural.
Jungkook spent the rest of the day in his own head, stuck in past memories he had no physical remnants of, except for that picture in his phone.
He nimbly looked for it and when he did, he stared a long time at it.
He remembered that day clearly, you had spent it inside and had stayed in bed all along. It was one of the first times you two had been on your own and quite a while after he had gotten used to you and was taken with you.
He was the one holding his phone above you two but had his face nuzzling and kissing your cheek while you were gazing up at the lense, smiling with your hands covering your mouth.
He felt upset with himself for having only one picture of you.
He edited and saved it with himself cropped out.
He tried to go to sleep but the thought of it all not meaning anything to you was simply impossible to him and it kept him awake for hours, making him wonder how he could move on to something else...
Would anyone be able to fill the void you had left inside him ?
Jungkook still took the liberty of visiting the company the following days in the hopes of getting updated on your situation but after the second time and in addition to the fact that he couldn’t be told anything because it fell under privacy matter, he was definitively refused entry and had to resign himself.
The following week, you quit your job and the company failed to mention you about Jungkook’s visits.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Cancelled Moments - Lucien
🍒These Moments are unlikely to come to EN or any server as they are from the cancelled CN Dream Heart Lake event back in 2018🍒
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Lucien’s Post: Today, I saw a strangely equipped little penguin.
MC: Am I not meant to play VR games in this lifetime...
Lucien: You felt dizzy and nauseous mainly because of a visual vestibular mismatch. Once you get used to it, it will get better.
Lucien’s Post: Today, I saw a strangely equipped little penguin.
MC: ...stop making fun of me. 
Lucien: Am I? I think it’s cute to watch you staggering around. 
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Lucien’s Post: I saw a very interesting report. 
MC: If you find it interesting, it’s definitely not an ordinary report!
Lucien: Mm. Even though it’s explains one’s views by refuting opposing views, it also gave me a new way of thinking.
Lucien’s Post: I saw a very interesting report. 
MC: What do you mean by ‘interesting’?
Lucien: If you want to know, I’ll tell you about it after I pick you up.
Lucien’s Post: I saw a very interesting report. 
MC: ...shivering.
Lucien: What’s wrong? Do you feel cold?
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Lucien’s Post: She said that in a parallel world, I could be a veterinarian.
MC: This bunny! I made a felt bunny which looks exactly like it!
Lucien: It must be very cute then.
Lucien’s Post: She said that in a parallel world, I could be a veterinarian.
MC: What would I look like in a parallel world? 
Lucien: No matter how you look, I’ll always spot you immediately in a crowd. Do you believe that?
Lucien’s Post: She said that in a parallel world, I could be a veterinarian.
MC: I can already imagine the little animals surrounding you~
Lucien: Wouldn’t you be with me too?
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Lucien’s Post: Saw a kitten which fell down after taking two steps. While it was trembling, it still looked as though it wanted to continue walking, just like a certain someone. 
MC: Just like a certain someone? 
Lucien: Mm, like you.
Lucien’s Post: Saw a kitten which fell down after taking two steps. While it was trembling, it still looked as though it wanted to continue walking, just like a certain someone. 
MC: I’m suddenly a little worried about that kitten...
Lucien: No need to worry. Its mother was nearby.
Lucien’s Post: Saw a kitten which fell down after taking two steps. While it was trembling, it still looked as though it wanted to continue walking, just like a certain someone. 
MC: Could the kitten be sick?
Lucien: It’s all right. It’s just too small, so it couldn’t walk steadily.
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Lucien’s Post: With you, there will always be surprises.
MC: It’s also my first time seeing a butterfly resting on someone’s hand. It’s said to be a good omen!
Lucien: If what you said is true, I’ll give a portion of this good luck to you. 
Lucien’s Post: With you, there will always be surprises.
MC: I think this butterfly likes you a lot!
Lucien: What about you?
Lucien’s Post: With you, there will always be surprises.
MC: Envious...
Lucien: Are you envious of me, or envious of the butterfly?
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Lucien’s Post: So fireworks also have such a searing warmth. 
MC: I think your palm is even warmer. 
Lucien: It can be even hotter.
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Lucien’s Post: Actually, insects have many interesting reactions.
MC: I remember catching iron beetles in my childhood!
Lucien: If you’re interested and free to do so, we can relive your childhood over the weekend. 
Lucien’s Post: Actually, insects have many interesting reactions.
MC: I keep thinking you’re like an encyclopaedia...
Lucien: Is that so? Unfortunately, this book doesn’t contain an explanation about you.
Lucien’s Post: Actually, insects have many interesting reactions.
MC: But they still look very scary...
Lucien: I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d be so scared. I’ll buy you a cup of milk tea to make up for it. Remember to open the door later.  
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Lucien’s Post: People always think that only emotional people would be deceived. Actually, rational people do too.
MC: I feel as though if I learn for a few more months, I can hold classes for others. 
Lucien: When that time comes, be sure to leave me a seat.
Lucien’s Post: People always think that only emotional people would be deceived. Actually, rational people do too.
MC: Because they overthink?
Lucien: ...perhaps.
Lucien’s Post: People always think that only emotional people would be deceived. Actually, rational people do too.
MC: So what you’re saying is - people will always be deceived?
Lucien: We can’t just come to such a conclusion. If the person has something he firmly believes in...
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Lucien’s Post: In the university, I saw several students dressed in graduation gowns and taking pictures. The graduation season has arrived.
MC: Back when I was graduating, I also wore the graduation gown and took lots of photos!
Lucien: Could I have a look at the photos?
Lucien’s Post: In the university, I saw several students dressed in graduation gowns and taking pictures. The graduation season has arrived.
MC: I suddenly want to see how you look like in a graduation gown...
Lucien: If you really want to see it, I can borrow it from students to wear.
Lucien’s Post: In the university, I saw several students dressed in graduation gowns and taking pictures. The graduation season has arrived.
MC: I suddenly think of how my graduation gown is at the bottom of my cabinet.
Lucien: It’s not a bad idea to take it out occasionally for nostalgia’s sake.
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Lucien’s Post: CHECKMATE 
MC: Is there anything you’re not good at...
Lucien: We can find the answer to this question together.
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Lucien’s Post: I passed by a sunflower field, and only one stalk was growing in a completely different direction.
MC: Perhaps to that sunflower, it isn’t its sun? 
Lucien: Mm, that’s what I think too.
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Lucien’s Post: So this is my personal chat background.
MC: I... I got found out!
Lucien: In that case, can I look forward to a personal desktop wallpaper?
Lucien’s Post: So this is my personal chat background.
MC: It’s not bad, right~ You look very good when you smile!
Lucien: To me, your smile surpasses everything else. 
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MC’s post: I observed the spectacles of a scientist from close up!
Kiki: Looking at that hand and those spectacles... the brain has come up with countless poses for holding spectacles.
Willow: Boss, our new program seems to be missing a hand model! You know that!
Goldman: Should I get a change of glasses soon...
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MC’s post: Today! I actually forgot to take off my hair sticker clip! And left the house!
Kiki: I still have a conscience, don’t I? The others deliberately didn’t tell you!
Lucien: Little Muddle-headed Girl.
[Note] A hair sticker clip is a small square piece which keeps hair out of your face when you are washing it, wearing facial masks, or doing makeup.
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MC’s post: Omnipotent Moments: If you treat someone to a meal, would you choose a hotpot? Or Japanese cuisine? Or Western? 
Kiki: Students, the important point is here (taps the black board). The commonality among these options is that they aren’t suitable for too many people!
Lucien: I’m fine with all of them. Pick the one you like. 
Minor: When faced with such difficult questions... listen to me! Draw lots!
[Note] If you’re wondering what Kiki is saying, she’s probably hinting that MC is planning to dine with only one person.
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MC’s post: The occasional incompleteness is very beautiful too.
Kiki: Boss, that’s not what you said half an hour ago!
Lucien: With you around, nothing is incomplete. 
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MC’s post: That painter and the butterfly - in the end, what ending would they walk towards?
Lucien: Perhaps not having an ending is the best ending. 
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MC’s post: Are you a herbivore too?
Minor: If you count how rabbits can bite people when they’re nervous, the answer could actually become a “no”!
Goldman: Being a carnivore is better.
Kiki: What an adorable bunny!
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MC’s post: It would have been great if I had a top student as a deskmate.
Lucien: If you have forgotten some knowledge, you can get tuition from me anytime.
Minor: Boss, do you have no consideration for my feelings...
Willow: Right now, I can fully understand the despair Boss experienced back then.
[Note] Minor used to be MC’s deskmate in Loveland High. And I'm assuming he sits next to Willow in MC’s company now LOL
More cancelled CN content: here
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deathsteel · 4 years
30 day fanfic challenge
Prompt #13 -Regret
“Fuck”, Dean muttered, scrubbing at the dark ink curving over his collarbone with a washcloth. 
It hurt like a bitch, the skin red and inflamed and raw like he was scrubbing over a sunburn. But, damnit, Dean was NOT going to keep looking at the name of his ex-fucking-girlfriend tattooed right over his heart like some damn fool. 
Last night was supposed to be their 5 year anniversary, but instead Dean had gotten drunk alone at the divest dive bar to ever exist while looking at pictures of Lisa on her honeymoon on Instagram. They’d gone on to Jamaica, how lame. Dean would have taken her to see the Northern lights, kissed her in a forest, and climbed to the top of a mountain to declare to the world how much he loved her. In his hungover state, Dean spitefully hoped that Lisa and Benny got rained on the whole time they were there. 
So yea, Dean was out a best friend and a girlfriend all in one fateful night two years ago. He didn’t even really know why he hadn’t unfollowed the two of them on Instagram yet. Sam said it was because he liked to torture himeself, but Dean had just thought of it as him playing the long game until Lisa was single again. He’d had the tattoo for two and a half years and it served as a constant, daily reminder of how shitty one Dean Winchester was at relationships. 
“You should get that covered up,” his roommate Garth said, leaning nonchalantly in the doorway of the bathroom. 
Dean just groaned at the other man who looked annoyingly well-rested and continued to rub at the curling script even though he knew it wouldn’t make a lick of difference. He tried to avoid his own gaze in the mirror because he knew he looked like death warmed over and eventually just tossed the washcloth in the sink with a growl of frustration. 
“Really, man,” Garth continued, cheerful as ever even though Dean had brusquely pushed past him on the way out of the bathroom. “The guy that does all of my work, he’s great. He specializes in cover ups too! He did this trailing flower thing on Bess’s side to cover up the scar from her accident. It's pretty awesome.” 
Dean knew which of his girlfriend’s tattoos that Garth was talking about. Bess had worn a bikini last summer for the first time that Dean had known her and he’d seen the ink flowing gracefully down her ribcage. It had been lifelike and beautiful, dandelions both in bloom and as the white-tufted seeds clinging to delicate stems; waiting to turn into wishes. He hadn’t even noticed that Bess had a scar that the tattoo was covering up, but that was probably the point. 
He stormed towards his bedroom, mulling over the thought of going under the needle to cover up Lisa’s name on his skin. 
How much longer could he kid himself? Was it even healthy to continue to hope that he and Lisa would get back together? She was fucking married at this point, to Benny of all people! Benny was a good dude, the best dude. And Dean was scum for selfishly wanting them to split up. 
The little voice in Dean’s head that sounded an awful lot like Sam whispered that it was time to let go. 
“Garth!” Dean hollered, pulling a grey t-shirt roughly over his head and reaching for his discarded jeans from the night before. “You got the name of this tattoo guy?!”
Ethereal Ink was in the up and coming part of town that all the locals snidely called ‘gentrified’. It was located in a refurbished furniture manufacturing plant that had one been the town’s pride and joy in the 60s and 70s, but it had since been updated and broken up into smaller subsections that housed the tattoo shop, a smoothie bar, and a hot yoga studio respectively. Dean grimaced at the sign for the empty space next to the tattoo shop that declared ‘Artisanal Cheese Shoppe Coming Soon!’ as he walked into the parlor before dropping his jaw open as he started at the flash adorning the walls around him. 
It was unlike any tattoo shop he had seen before, which granted he had only seen the one when he had initially gotten the ‘Lisa’ tattoo and it had been much seedier than the shop he stood in now. One of the walls of the shop was painted with a sweeping solar system, glowing in hyperrealistic color and scale, the stars and constellations radiating vibrantly against the starkly painted navy hue of the wall itself. A second wall was swathed in plaques and trophies, proudly displayed showing the triumphs and accolades of the shop’s employees. 
The remaining two walls showcased lovingly framed flash art and pictures, but it didn’t look like the kind that someone could just pick off the wall and request to have put on their bodies. No, the placement of it looked purposeful. Arranged artistically and clustered into themes, the art seemed to capture the personalities of the people who drew them. 
Dean noticed that the artists Anna seemed to prefer portrait art of people and pets, keeping mostly to a black and white color scheme. Hannah, on the other hand, used bright colors and worked in a style that reminded Dean of old sailor tattoos. Billie seemed to favor a tribal, geometric style, and Jess appeared to be the shop’s resident piecer since her cluster was artfully taken photo close-ups of healed piercings. But the last group of artwork, infuriatingly unsigned, seemed to be a marriage of realism and storybook illustrations. There was something arrestingly lifelike in the drawing of a fox posed among vibrantly pink wildflowers and playful in the drawing of a rocketship taking flight. Dean liked all of the artwork, but these caught his attention, these made his hands itch to reach out and touch. 
“You my two o’clock consult?” A femenine voice asked causing Dean to spin around and face the counter that separated the awards from the rest of the store. A dark skinned woman with riotously curly hair and tattooed arms revealed by her black tank top leaned comfortably on her arms against the glass top of the counter. 
"Yea," Dean replied, putting on a charming smile. "You Cas?"
“No,” the woman said flatly, unfolding her arms to reveal twisting dark tribal tattoos going up the inside until they disappeared under her top. “I’m Billie. Cas is sick and I’m the next best at cover ups.”
Dean tried not to be disappointed, Cas must be who the unsigned artwork belonged too and it was much more intriguing than the stark tribal pieces the woman seemed to favor.
It must have shown on his face though, “You can reschedule with him in about a week or so,” Billie offered. “He has the flu, so he shouldn’t be out longer than that. But Cas said you sounded pretty eager to get this done in your email so he asked me to see you.”
 “Cool, well.” Dean floundered, not wanting to appear ungrateful because really, he wanted this fucking name off of his body like yesterday. “Uh...where do we start?”
“Come back to my office and show me what I’m working with,” Billie said, gesturing to the hallway that led behind the counter and deeper into the store before heading that way herself. 
Dean followed quickly and was led into a doorless office that contained a padded, reclining tattooing chair, a very large tool chest that was covered in stickers, and even more art featuring tribal tattoos on the walls. 
“So where is this no doubt beautiful work that you want to get covered up?” Billie asked blandly, taking a seat on a small rolling stool that had been tucked into the corner. 
“On my chest,” Dean answered, perching on the tattoo chair before he hooked a finger in the collar of his shirt and tugged it down to reveal the inked skin in question. “It’s just the name of an ex and well…”
“Hey, no shame,” Billie said, leaning forward to study the ink. “We all do dumb stuff for love, right?”
Dean shrugged and let out a puff of air through his nose in amusement. It was nice not to be made to feel like a tool for getting a dumb tattoo.
“Can’t say I’ve ever gotten a person’s name put on me though…”Billie mused, pulling out her cell from her back pocket. “Mind if I take a few reference pictures? So I can make sure my sketch actually covers the old ink?”
“Sure,” Dean replied, feeling like a moron again. He should’ve never gotten this tattoo, even Lisa had thought it was dumb when he’d shown her.
“Can you take your shirt off for me?” 
“Um...yea?” Dean said hesitantly, reaching back to pull the shirt over his head. 
“Don’t be shy,” Billie replied, her phone audibly clicking as she snapped a few pictures of Dean’s newly revealed torso and shoulders. “This way I’ll know how much room I have to work with. Plus you’re not my type.” 
“Oh,” Dean laughed nervously. “Not enough muscles?”
“Not enough tits,” Billie replied with a smirk, winking at him before snapping another picture and sliding her phone away. “But I’m sure there are lots of people who would appreciate your physique just the way it is. You can put your shirt back on now.”
Dean smiled to himself as he did just that; he had never been one to turn down a compliment from anyone, even if they weren’t interested in more than just admiring for aesthetic reasons. 
“So what are you thinking as far as design?” Billie asked, taking her seat back on her stool. 
“Well…” Dean started before hitting a proverbial brick wall. He really hadn’t thought beyond just wiping Lisa’s name off of his body. “I’m open to suggestions?”
Billie just raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you alway this impulsive when it comes to putting something permanent on your body?” 
Dean just waved his hands in a helpless gesture and put on what he hoped was a charming smile. Based on Billie’s expression it didn’t really work as well as it typically did. 
“Which art did you like the best out there?” Billie asked, smiling when Dean froze like a deer in headlights. “I saw you looking at Cas’s stuff? You like those flowers and nature things?” 
“Yea, but uh...yours are really great too,” Dean offered trying to backpedal his way out of inadvertently insulting his tattoo artist. 
Billie just waved away Dean’s compliment with a grin, “I know my stuff is not everyone’s cup of tea. I can see the appeal in the Cas’s pretty stuff.”
Dean wanted to protest that the prettiness of the other artist’s work had very little to do with why he liked it, but honestly it was pretty and Dean was comfortable enough with his masculinity to admit that he liked flowers sometimes. Especially after all of that therapy he did after his and Lisa’s breakup. 
“Listen,” Billie continued, entirely unaware of Dean’s inner monologue. “This is just a consult, we’re not getting married. If you like the flowers, I can forward these pics onto Cas and he can work something up for you.”
Dean gnawed on his lip for a second, ultimately deciding that another week or two with Lisa’s name on his body didn’t mean anything. Maybe he could just cover it up with some bandages or something. He nodded in agreement and moved to get to his feet. 
“That settles it then,” Billie said, getting to her feet and leading Dean back towards the front of the shop. “But, let me get your contact info so Cas can reach out once he’s back to schedule with you.”
“No prob,” Dean replied, jotting down his cell number and email address for Billie before giving her a little salute and bidding farewell. 
 The first text came the next afternoon. 
“What is your favorite color?” Unknown Number 1:47pm
Dean stared at his phone incredulously for a minute before shrugging and typing in ‘Red’ and hitting send. 
It had been a slow day at work, maybe this was one of those call/text your number neighbor things going around again. 
“What is your star sign?” Unknown Number 3:20pm
‘Aquarius,’ Dean replied, feeling bold. ‘What’s urs?’
‘Leo,’ Unknown Number replied a few minutes later, followed quickly by, ‘Favorite flower?’
Dean smirked to himself as he thumbed out a reply, ‘Chocolate sunflower.’ 
‘Opportunity’ Unknown Number 3:42pm
‘Huh?’ Dean replied back. 
‘Chocolate sunflowers symbolize opportunity,’ Unknown Number answered. ‘I like proteas, myself.’
A quick google search taught Dean that proteas symbolized change and hope; he decided to share this newfound knowledge with his mystery text buddy. 
He earned a photo in return. It was just a picture of a blooming flower, one which Dean now knew to be a protea, inked onto a forearm that was corded in sinewy muscle and ended in a long-fingered masculine hand. Dean noted the ink smudges on the tips of the index and thumb, the fine, dark hairs dusting the skin around the tattoo, and the freckle on the edge of the palm of the hand. 
‘I was thinking of a bouquet,’ Unknown Number shared. ‘Something big to cover up that name on your chest. I’ll send some sketches along shortly.’
Dean swallowed hard, realizing that he had been flirting with his tattoo artist via text. His apparently inked and muscled and weirdly nerdy tattoo artist.
 If asked he would deny stalking the tattoo shop’s instagram until the day he died, but it was in a picture simply captioned ‘#flowerboy’ that Dean managed to find a picture of the elusive Cas. The Cas who would be covering up the name of Dean’s ex-girlfriend. The Cas who had probably seen shirtless pictures of Dean courtesy of Billie. The Cas who was practically the walking embodiment of all of Dean’s wet dreams that featured a male counterpart. 
He groaned into a pillow for a little bit, questioning all of his life choices, before beginning to feel better. Dean had a lot of regrets, but bailing on this tattoo would not be one of them. This could be an opportunity for something. A change that he needed. Hope for something more with a cute guy who had the swoonest arms that Dean had seen in a long time. 
And yea, he did swoon. Just a little. 
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nadiawrites14 · 4 years
voice of gen z
word count: 2784
for english class. tw for school shooting and police brutality mention
“GEN Z is too afraid to ask a waiter for extra ketchup but will bodyslam a cop.”
Dated June 5th, on Twitter. Many of us sit holed up in our rooms, laptops resting in our crossed legs as we scroll through social media, or the blue light of a phone screen on our face as the world around us is sleeping. Many of us are also the ones organizing, the ones leading, the ones fighting. News spreads that in Dallas, Providence, and in many more cities, teenagers were the ones organizing, the ones fighting. Teenagers were the ones turning viral memes into protest signs, organizing protests and sharing methods of resistance through apps like TikTok and Instagram. It echoes the methods of the Hong Kong protestors, using technology to battle their government head-on. 
Teenagers who dance along to songs such as Megan Thee Stallion’s “Savage”, as well as teens who live in the world of ‘deep-fried’ memes, whose bizarre absurdity reach ungodly levels of abstractism, are the ones leading in this young revolution. Teenagers are the ones who chant ‘no justice, no peace’ in filled city streets; teenagers are the ones working to create graphics and share information, a new form of armchair activism. K-pop fans fill conservative hashtags with videos of their favorite performers, burying rhetoric and dismissal of the protests with dances and songs. In hours, #BlackLivesMatter trends. It’s hard to believe that these new pioneers and leaders in activism and technology are children who are scared to give class presentations, share Juuls in bathrooms, and find humor in the most strange and ironic of places. While the old term goes that ‘the revolution will not be televised’ in many ways, this growing movement will be televised, publicized, expanded, through its own means and methods.
We are the generation of school shootings. 
December 14th, 2012. My mom tells me, as I hobble out from the red doors of my elementary school in Stamford, Connecticut, that something very bad has happened. I don’t understand. Nobody does. I see the faces of startled adults. I don’t remember the rest of that evening, or the day that followed it. Every time I think about Sandy Hook, the senseless school shooting that left 28 dead, I think about the multicolored walls of my school’s hallway, my sneakers on the white linoleum, the fear in my mother’s voice and in her eyes. That day was the first day I began to accept that I was a child in the United States of America in the 21st century. That day, and the brutal and confusing months that followed it, solidified something in my peers and I. Not just in Stamford, or even Connecticut, but within all young American students. The people in power didn’t care that a gunman marched into a wealthy and predominantly white Connecticut neighborhood and slaughtered kindergarteners. Because as I grew older, I saw the patterns, the televisation of suffering and permitted slaughter among my peers, our youngest, our posterity. This was normalized to us, just another school shooting, another period of brief outrage followed by inaction. The slaughter of children, the preventable slaughter of children shouldn’t be normalized. But it was.
February 14th, 2018. A gunman kills 17 students in Florida. As I’m waiting in a doctor’s waiting room with my mother, I lean over and tell her, “On Monday, all my teachers will talk about is school shootings.” I was wrong. School was another silent funeral march, my teachers quiet and solemn as they assigned us our work and progressed with their work. At dinner with my dad, I tell him, “It’ll never change.”
That isn’t entirely true. Leaders are found in teenagers who now walk through haunted hallways with clear backpacks. They are the face of a new movement, a march for our lives. Many are summoned to Washington and elsewhere a month later to organize, to fight. On March 27th, a day meant for students to walkout and protest the preventable slaughter of students, my school barricades the doors.
No legislation is passed. Nothing changes. The resistance lulls and fades, despite a number of school shootings following the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Gen Z is a symbolic Sisyphus, haplessly pushing a boulder of pleas up a mountain of indifference.
Suzanne Collins published the Hunger Games on September 14th, 2008. It finds its way into the hands of teenagers of all shapes and sizes years later, and it has its cult following. Maybe the televised murder of children strikes a chord within the audience of young adults, as does the story of a growing revolution and a coup against a selfish government.
Gen Z gets its hands on theory at a young age, through Wikipedia and the uncensored vastness of the internet that we are handed. We are denoted as the generation born with the phones in our hands, but all I can remember is having a technology class from a young age, where we were measured on our abilities to type and memorize a keyboard. Our ability to cite and surf and stay safe in the face of danger. This wealth of information at our fingertips molds us.
Dystopian fiction is popular among young teens and young adults. Titles like Divergent the Giver, Harry Potter, the Maze Runner, all influence the devouring young readers. We are raised to see atrocity, in a place where atrocity is accessible to us in every way, shape and form. We are exposed and we are no longer innocent as we rise to 6th, 7th, 8th grade. Girls wear makeup for the first time and scream at the sight of bloodstained underwear. Boys become privy to the joy of video games and self-exploration. In this time, the internet truly consumes. There is no more script taught in classrooms, whiteboards have been replaced with Prometheans, and chromebooks are becoming normalcy.  
In 7th grade I receive my phone. The niches and underground media I discover shape me. I find acceptance, friends, in places where I had lacked them before. As my classmates begin to enter into weeklong flings that end in Instagrammed tragedy, I take a quiz online to find out if I’m gay. I begin to think for myself, and I find independence and a voice on internet circles.
By the time we are promoted to high school, something has shifted. Something is different. Something’s coming, something good. Gen Z keeps calm and carries on.
Donald Trump is inaugurated on January 20th, 2017, to much outrage, but also to much support. In my town, there is a protest around his building that overlooks much of our city center. It’s peaceful, energetic, and beautiful. A Planned Parenthood sticker is on my bedroom door, and I have accepted that maybe, just maybe, I’m into girls.
In 2018, we are in high school. Little fish in a big pond. I don’t have friends in my grade, but stick closer to my premade friends in the Class of 2021. My teachers are lovely, kind, and supportive, and I shine in this new environment. Politics is a force in my life as I begin to write, and as I begin to form opinions and do research. 
It’s easy to say that all of Gen Z is progressive, but this isn’t true. It’s actually very incorrect. The internet is a miraculous tool, one that can provide and produce and create new forms of communication and spread new ideas. But it is still an ocean that is widely uncharted, and young teenagers will fall into holes constructed by right-wing superstars. The racism and homophobia circulated by 4chan is on the internet for anybody to see. New popular figures and icons pledge their vote to Trump. Right-wing rhetoric overtakes in the forms of Ben Shapiro, Pewdiepie, 4chan, Reddit. There’s a neutrality to all things, but the dogwhistles and the normalization of prejudice are dangerously overbearing. As the 2016 election divided our country, it divides the new generation. A divided house cannot stand, and that is for certain. 
It is around this time, in my Freshman summer, where the politics makes a crescendo. I have broken 1K followers on my Instagram art account, where I draw fanart for a variety of musicals and plays. I discover Shakespeare, and lose myself in Hamlet. I am happy with my identity and with myself, and as the 2020 election nears, I stay informed on current events, common issues, the things that need changing.
Sophomore winter. My dad and I take two-hour drives spanning Connecticut, and we talk. He says, “You know, your generation’s fucked. You’re the ones who are going to have to cope with our mistakes.” I tell him I know. I tell him about my feelings towards racial injustice in America, the battle for a higher minimum wage against growing costs, issues in healthcare, housing, poverty, climate change, all thrown aside and discarded. Our generation, of course, when most of our white and male politicians are dead and buried, will have to deal with the repercussions of rising sea levels and global temperatures, volatile weather and crippling natural disasters, all overlooked due to blatant ignorance. “You guys are going to have to fix all of this.”
“I know.”
I’m sick of the battle being placed on the backs of teenagers. I’m sick of our faces being the fight for climate change, the faces of Greta Thunberg and Emma Gonzalez and young revolutionary congresswomen being mocked and heckled by throngs of keyboard warriors. I’m sick of the battle our leaders and representatives should be fighting being placed on our backs, when we are already our own Atlas. Ignorance is dangerous, biting, and overwhelming. We look back to the images and words we were raised upon, the story of the Hunger Games and the broadcasting of school shootings for us all to see. 
It is 2020. Happy new year! I watch from my living room as the ball drops. A brief Twitter moment about a newly discovered disease pops up in my recommended, I brush over it. Photographs of Australian fires are surfaced, and we joke about what a fantastic start it is to the year. 
Sisyphus reaches a fork in the road.
At around 11PM on Wednesday, March 11th, I send a strongly worded letter to the principal and local superintendent. The coronavirus has picked up worldwide, and has made its way into the states. Johns Hopkins has an interactive map that shows bubbles above cities where cases have been reported. Stamford, Connecticut Dead: 0
Recovered: 0 Active: 3.
New York’s cases are on the rise. On that same day, I began to realize the severity that would soon overtake us. I spent the afternoon first at what would be our last rehearsal for our school musical, James and the Giant Peach, and then I went to the library. I did my homework, read The Cripple of Inishmaan by Martin McDonagh, then bought a Subway cookie from the mall. I always keep a copy of King Lear in my backpack, and as my dad pulls up to the sidewalk I gloss over Edmund’s first monologue.
It’s the last normal day for a while.
March 12th comes in like a lion. In my first period class, civics, a classmate yells out, “Trump 2020!” A period later, my friend pulls me aside in the hallways, and asks if I heard that school was closing. 
“It can’t be true,” I said.
“Schadlich just showed us.”
I take my route to my next class, and find the hallway a chaotic mess of energy and camaraderie. What was meant to be kept under wraps has been instantly transferred across the student body over Snapchat stories and texts. People dance, sing, hug. It’s branded as a “Coronacation.” Broadway announces its closure, and I walk out of the front doors for the final time in my sophomore year.
Once again, ignorance overtakes. Within months, the death toll skyrockets, spikes, as we stay holed up in our online classes. My focus wavers, but I press on. Many other students resort to simply neglecting their work, choosing to take this time to focus on their own health or fill up their new time with their own hobbies. Teenagers find solace in each other, through social media and through the connections we’ve built online. As ignorance mounts among our leaders, teenagers jokingly refer to Covid-19 as the famous “Boomer Remover”. It trends on Twitter. Graduation, prom, is cancelled. The generation whose childhood began with 9/11 is once again cut short by a tragedy of preventable errors. Gen Z is subject to adapting once again to an unfamiliar environment, and we undertake.
Protests take over the streets, screaming against government tyranny. The deaths crescendo to nearly 100,000. A video surfaces of a young black man, Ahmaud Aubery, being publicly killed on a road while jogging. Ignorance continues as cases spike, and the political climate is ripe for change. On May 25th, a black man from Minneapolis named George Floyd is killed in a brutal act of suffocation by a policeman. More names resurface -- Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Joao Pedro. Names neglected to injustice are once again in the limelight -- Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Terence Crutcher, Atatiana Jefferson, and more. 
Sisyphus has had enough of pushing the boulder, and Sisyphus takes to the streets. It is the perfect storm. A storm fueled by ignorance and the preventable death of thousands, by decades of injustice, by the mere political climate in the United States of America. Gen Z, our generation, my generation, has lived the darkest hour. We were born at the cusp of a millenia, in an awkward position where society has begun to find its footing in an unfamiliar time. A time of domestic and overseas terrorism, shaped by 9/11 and a countless number of school shootings and slaughtered people of color. Where the new generation has accessibility to the injustice and wrongs committed by those before and those above, right at our fingertips. We have new ways to organize, new ways to televise, new ways to fight. In our armchairs and in our streets, wearing masks as we hold up our hands in surrender.
Generation Z marches. They lead. They throw tear gas back at officers with no hesitation. They create chants, organize through grassroots, and find a chorus of support online. 
Generation Z leads. As politicians and leaders sit in ivory towers, like President Snow in Panem, our generation cries for change. We witness and feel the repercussions of their ignorance in our daily lives, from cuts to education to the publication of school shootings to the absence of American atrocity in our history textbooks to a pipeline that directs BIPOC and low-income students to prison or the military as they step off the graduation stage. Each year, our winters get warmer as our summers turn boiling. The preventable pile of corpses rises in front of us, and we have been taught to sit by and let it occur while the world burns. 
No longer.
Sisyphus steps aside and allows the boulder to descend down the mountain. They are bruised, bloodied, their palms calloused and scuffed and their feet lacerated and sore. Up ahead, shrouded by clouds, is the mountaintop. Sisyphus wipes their mouth, finds their footing, and begins the march.
We have a future.
It’s awfully dim right now. Barely a light at the end of the tunnel. We began a dead march towards it from the moment we were born into this decaying way of life, held together with glue and string by leaders with fumbling hands and staunch indifference. Our backs are tired, and we are barely adults. Generation Z is tired of fighting a fight that shouldn’t be theirs. How desperately we still crave childhood joy and humor and innocence. 
Change is necessary. It is something that is especially necessary in our time. We can no longer let people die because they can’t afford food or medicine or housing. Students cannot go into school wondering if it will be their last day. Black people should not fear for their lives while wearing a hoodie, driving, jogging in their neighborhood, shopping, or sleeping in their own homes. Elderly white men which encompass most of our political elite can no longer sit on their hands as their population suffers.
The voice of Generation Z screams louder than anything else. It screams in its silence, its activism, its useless martyrdom and battle. Change belies itself within our voice, and it has gone unheard for too long.
Change is the voice of Generation Z.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
Inktober day four: Death
Prompt list by @totallyevan​, here ;3c
Honestly this one is more about mourning and the appropriateness of mourning someone if they’re still technically alive, and if death even matters at the end of the day if you undo it. Except you can’t undo the trauma that comes with it, and the coping methods to deal with that trauma
(Five buried his siblings. But there are no graves. Not anymore. Were there ever?)
It’s raining. Not hard, not yet, just a constant spattering of water gently hitting the ground. Blades of grass bend under the weight of the droplets, dancing gently under the constant onslaught.
Five sits cross-legged in his pajamas under the light of the moon, shivering in his wet clothes as his hands run up and down his arms in an attempt to get rid of the goosebumps that are raised prominently against his skin. 
He looks up, and the moonlight gleams against the metallic skin of the statue. Ben’s face stares back. Going back in time to fix things meant that the statue had remained intact the second time around, without the disastrous funeral taking place. Just one small thing on a list of things that had been fixed. 
“I stole one of those bendy rulers today.” Five whispers, his voice lost among the pitter patter around him. It’s okay though, because he’s not really talking to anyone in particular. “And some of those dumb little erasers in the shape of hamsters. And some glitter pens.”
Silence meets his confession. The moon shines and the statue is still a statue. 
Five frowns, “I don’t know - I have a box under my bed with all these stupid little trinkets. What am I supposed to do with them?”
The statue does not answer. 
“There’s no graves.” Five whispers, even softer than before. “There’s no graves, and no bodies to put into them. There’s no headstones, and no flowers, and no need for mourning. And I’m not - it’s just a stupid habit. It doesn’t mean anything.”
Five gazes up at the statue, the statue of the boy who never got to grow up. Ben doesn’t look young, when Klaus summons him. He looks like he’s twenty-nine. He matches the rest of the siblings. He matches.
Five doesn’t match. A boy out of time.
But the statue doesn’t, either. It’s so easy to forget how young Ben was when he died, looking at him as he is now. It’s less easy to forget looking at the statue of the sixteen-year-old with the mournful quote that left no doubt that the owner of the visage was dead. 
“You look more like my Ben.” Five tells the statue, shivering slightly as a chill goes down his spine. “He was so quiet. He never liked the kind of attention we got, never liked the work or the training or anything like that. He was quiet, and he was smart, and he liked erasers shaped like little animals. I called him dumb because he didn’t use them as erasers, he just liked having them.”
It’s raining. It’s raining, and no one can prove that the water on Five’s face isn’t because of that, and nothing else.
“When it was too loud,” Five traces absent shapes into the wet fabric of his pajama pants, “He used to come up to my room to read. He was quiet so I let him, and he always ended up sticking his feet under my legs. His circulation was kind of shit. He would double up socks in the winter. I always wanted to get him some of those fluffy socks, the ones with the grips on the bottoms of them, but Dad would’ve noticed so I didn’t.”
There’s no response to that, and Five sits in silence for a moment before unfolding his legs. He winces and massages at his knees with one hand. No matter how young he appears, there’s the phantom ache that he always gets when it rains, the one he’s had ever since he fucked up that knee twisting his leg in the rubble of the apocalypse.
But despite that, he hauls himself to his feet, swaying gently from side to side. His face is blank and unreadable as he approaches the statue. He stand very still in front of it for a minute before sticking a hand in his pocket and fishing something out.
Very carefully, Five arranges the little hamster erasers along the edge of the statue base. 
“I don’t know if he likes them anymore.” Five says, something almost wistful in his tone as he prods each eraser into the most perfect line he can get them in. “I don’t know if he ever got to wear the fluffy socks. I don’t know where he went to read in peace after I left. I don’t - ”
Five cuts himself off and sighs, looking at the ground in frustration. “They’re alive. There’s no graves for them - but there’s a grave for you. Sort of. Not for the Ben who’s here, but for the Ben who died I guess. My Ben. The one who liked animal erasers.”
He finishes prodding at the erasers and looks up to offer the statue a watery smile, hand coming up to press against the cool metal. 
“I miss you.” Five says. 
I miss them. Five doesn’t say. 
“I know it’s dumb to miss someone who isn’t gone.” Five says, pressing his hand harder against the statue, voice barely audible, “But I forget, sometimes. That I’m not going back to them. That there’s too much at stake, that I can’t risk fucking up the world just because I want to - because I want them to be the way I remember.”
“I want Luther to tell us dumb space facts, and for Allison to like butterfly clips and glitter pens. I want the Diego that cried when we knocked over that fish tank on the Fottren Office mission. I want the Klaus that didn’t look surprised whenever we pay any amount of attention to him. I want him to interrupt me and Ben’s hangouts by dramatically throwing himself on the floor. I want Vanya to ask me what I think of her compositions and to need my help with math homework.” Five lifts his hand away from the statue to scrub his sleeve over his nose. 
It’s just him wiping some rain off of his face, of course. 
“I miss them.” He tells the statue softly, looking down at the lineup of eraser hamsters. “I used to grab things that reminded me of them, back in - back in that place. I’d leave them at their graves. I know that they were grownups, but when they were covered up I didn’t think about it much. I just grabbed things I thought they’d like.”
He contemplates the erasers in silence for another minute, just standing there are letting the rain wash over him. 
“I never found your body. My Ben’s body. Any Ben’s body.” Five admits, taking a step back. He still doesn’t look at the statue’s face. “I still grabbed you things though, and left them with the others. I figured they’d make sure they got to where they belonged, same as Vanya’s. But I knew you were dead, because of the book.”
Vanya’s book. The only link Five had to his adult family. No matter how many times the others made comments about it, Five knew it for the lifeline it was. There was a good chance he would have died out there in the wastelands of the apocalypse, hopeless and beaten, if he hadn’t had such an important reminder of what he was fighting to get back to. 
The book hadn’t said when Allison grew out of butterfly clips, or when Luther stopped telling them random space facts, or how Diego got his scar, or when Klaus stopped sleeping with a nightlight. It didn’t say whether Ben had still liked animal erasers. In the end, the book hadn’t said much at all, but even something is a little bit more than nothing.
Vanya used to love princess stories, when they were small. Her and Allison would crowd around Grace and beg for one after another. It was one of the few times that Allison and Vanya were truly sisters, when Allison and Vanya spun around Allison’s room pretending they were royalty locked away in a castle waiting for a prince to come and save them.
Five remembers teasing them for it, remembers telling them that the stories weren’t real and that there weren’t any princes who would want them because they were stinky. Though, to be fair, Five had probably been around seven at the time. 
But when he’d found a princess story in Reginald’s vast libraries, even the real ones which weren’t so pretty or as much fairytales, he always slipped them into Vanya’s room. She’d run over to Allison’s and they’d lay on Allison’s bed, reading it together. 
They don’t do that anymore.
Five had felt lightfingered and stolen a princess book, leaving it in Vanya’s room because he used to put them on her grave but that wasn’t available anymore. She’d come down later and handed the book to Allison, and Five had reflexively smiled, but then Vanya had simply said, “Oh Allison - I think Claire might have left this in my room?” and then gone to bed. 
Vanya was twenty-nine. Princesses were a childish thing that she didn’t much care about anymore and hadn’t in years. 
There are a few princess books in the box under his bed, in the box where all the things go that he can’t take on grave visits anymore. The box is starting to get full. Five isn’t sure what to do about that. 
Some things he can leave around and no one minds or cares. He leaves glitter pens in draws that Klaus makes excited noises when he finds them. Diego thinks that the slinky is just an old toy that got shoved in a box, even though it isn’t. The space facts books are shelved in the library and, when found, attributed to Luther’s youth. 
But how can Five explain swiping the toys? The thrift store McDonalds toys that are reminiscent of the ones that Five fished out of the dumpster under his room as a child for every birthday. The sticker sheets full of stars and colors and childish wonder that Allison used to stick on every surface of her room. The action figures they’d all seen in shop windows after missions but had never had the courage to ask Reginald to buy. The pots of glitter nail varnish and clips with cat faces on them.
The animal erasers.
He knows what they would assume. That they would look at his youthful face and smooth skin and think him precious and adorable or some other thing that he sees red from just thinking about. But how would he explain that these things aren’t for him? That they are offerings and tributes to the siblings he left behind - the thirteen-year-olds just growing into their own skins, stuck between childhood and child soldier. That they’re mourning gifts for his dead siblings who are still alive. How does he explain that?
That they’re tiny reminders blooming from the rubble that he picked up and dusted off and held close to his heart so that he would never forget what he was fighting to get back to. Who he was fighting to get back to. That there’s no rubble anymore, but he sees something and his brain says Luther would like that or that reminds me of Diego or one of the million little things that has Five reaching out and pocketing an item with an absent intention of leaving it on a grave that does not exist, for children who did not die but who did grow up. 
He’s still standing there in the rain. He’s stopped shivering, which is probably an indication that he really needs to go inside. He feels cold down to his core, numb in a way that is almost satisfying. 
He trails a finger in front of the little lineup of erasers - close, but not quite touching. Something that almost feels like a smile pulls on lips numb with cold, and it’s small but genuine.
He goes inside. He peels out of his clothes and takes a warm bath at four in the morning until he feels a little more human again. He looks at the box under his bed, but does not open it.
He comes down later, when everyone is up and the kitchen is bustling with activity. When he looks into the courtyard, the erasers are gone from the statue.
No one mentions it.
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my-yuujin · 5 years
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news article :www.excite.co.jp/news/article/Jisin_1781329/
Ryusoulger’s Kishida Tatsuya’s Dream is Fukuda Yuuichi and “The Story of Ishikawa Ryou”
“Because of my age, I thought it was impossible for me (to win the audition). Therefore, when it was decided, it really felt like a miracle. I still have that video of my younger self wearing a red cloak like a hero. The closet at my house also still has Super Sentai characters stickers I put on it when I was a child. I’m always told by my parents, “You have to earnestly answer the feelings of those children who admire Sentai, so they will love Sentai as much as you did.”
That was a little story from Kishida Tatsuya(27). Kishida is appearing in the currently running Super Sentai Series “Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger” (TV Asahi) and playing the silent character Banba/Ryusoul Black. This is the 43rd title of the series, and is also attracting a great deal of attention as the first title to broadcast in Japan’s new era, Reiwa.
“In contrast to the previous series, Kaito Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger which had the unusual pattern with seven members from two different groups, this time, the series is back with “Royal Road” theme. Moreover, the motifs are “dinosaurs and sword”. So, I think, this would be popular among children. In that sense, I honestly feel that I’m so lucky to get involved in this new series. From those children fans, I’ve got not only fan letters, but also other stuffs like origami or illustrations. I’m so happy to the point I want to send replies to them all.”
Kishida is also very popular for “Que Bom Dance”, the ending song for Ryusoulger. Not only his solo dance video on YouTube hits 110,000 views, but the other video which he dances with Obara Yuito (17) who plays Ryusoul Green/Towa, also almost hits 520,000 views. In the comment section, some said ‘His dance looks so nimble’ and ‘The way he dances is so mature’.
“I thought it would be interesting if Banba could dance nimbly,” said Kishida. He himself confessed that he never learned dancing professionally. “It’s just that I’ve been living with good motor skills,” he said while laughing. “I can generally dance after seeing the video two or three times.”
“I’m a fan of Michael Jackson,” he added. “1992 was the year when I was just born, but I watched his live in 1992 and thought it was so creative and futuristic for its era. I love dancing since junior high school. Back in my school years, I learned and was even able to do Moonwalk Dance. I also joined the cheerleader group for my junior high school’s sport festival. Wearing Michael Jackson hat, I led everyone doing Michael Jackson dance.”
Recently this year, in July, Kishida was invited in a talk show program, “A-studio” (TBS), as one of Hongou Kanata (28)’s best friends. The two attended different universities, but they worked their graduation project together as two friends with the same interests.
About Hongou, Kishida revealed, “He has a unique sense in illustrating. He even made me a smartphone case with Ryusoul Black theme.” He remembers when they went for a trip, Hongou planned to make it  resembling a variety program. He brought along four cameras, and was able to finish working on the video on the next day. “Even behind the scenes, he is someone who has tremendous talents,” praised Kishida.
Kishida also has this story with Suda Masaki (26), who also, just like him, has played in a tokusatsu show.
“When I happened to have no work, I sometimes stayed in Suda’s house. We would do things like drawing graffiti on clothes or shoes that Suda doesn’t wear anymore. Also, Suda is currently working on his song. At first, he worked and consulted his music with me. Even though, I soon ended up disbanding, Suda stayed and is now singing on big stages. Akaneiro no Yuuhi from Fujifabric is one of the songs he used to learn together with me.”
Being such beloved actor, last year, Kishida had celebrated his 10th anniversary. But when he was 22 years old, there was a time when he slowed down in acting, and went into golf instead. “Golf is said to be a fair sport for gentlemen, but it’s not fair at all,” he said. “But thanks to that, I became able to exhibit less emotions on surface. I play in Ryusoulger after I’m into golf. I think it’s really good timing for me.”
When he was asked, whether he wanted to appear in a golf-related work someday? This is his answer.
“When playing in drama “Kyou Kara Ore wa”(Nippon TV), Fukuda Yuichi-san (51) and I always talked about golfing. Fukuda-san was also aiming to be a professional. When I asked him if he wanted to make a golf-themed drama or movie, he said, “I love golf too much, to the point I don’t want to make it!” But I think a “story about Ishikawa” (T/N: Ishikawa Ryou, Japanese pro golfer) would be a good idea. I’m able to copy his swing, so of course, the lead role would be played by me. That’s right! I will ask Fukuda-san to make it! (laughs) Now I have a new dream to make true!”
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virtual-crisis · 5 years
⭐Alpha Centauri⭐, Part Thirteen
School spirit, right? Thought I’d post a new part for the new semester.
....Yeah, that’s totally why it took this long.
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Naturally, we stuck around in Scape’s office for a while so my bleeding could stop and dry up. I feigned nodding off, closing my eyes and lolling my head down to the side while Ty and Scape were chatting with eachother so they would passively drop me from the conversation, unaware I was still listening.
“So your twin…. Which one is he?”
Chai scoffed. “Calls himself Ezekiel. He’s embarrassed by his real name, ‘Zippy’, ‘cause it makes him sound like a little kid.”
“Are you sure he’s embarrassed by it?”
“Why else would he take a biblical name as a human?”
“It has phonetic parallels, like yours and Alyssa’s. After all, Chialer means to cry…”
“It refers to blubber. Like on a whale.” Chai snapped.
“Blubbering is a synonym for crying, Tyler.”
“And fucking what?!”
There was silence for a minute. It was really eerie—unlike most of Earth, this office was so perfectly soundproofed that, lacking the sound of one’s breathing, it was completely silent. I shivered.
“...You know, radiant atronachs are virtually nonexistent.”
“Thanks a lot to my mom and dad.”
“Cér—” Scape cleared his throat. “...Carrie and Marcus, yes?”
“Yeah, them. Stupid fucking curse they got on all of us because one of them made a swear on the name of Leviathan that they were fuckin’ lying about.”
Scape hummed. “Non, Leviathan n'apprécie pas qu'on se moque de lui..”
My eyes opened at that. “Leviathan what?”
Both did a double-take at me. “Uh…. He doesn’t like being made fun of?” Chai said as if I should’ve known.
Scape waved a hand at her, shaking his head. “Désolé, désolé, I slipped into my native language.”
Now Chai was staring in confusion at Scape right along with me. “...You what? You’ve been talking French this whole time, though?”
I blinked in confusion, looking down at myself. “Uh… Eu pensei que vocês estavam falando em português...?” I murmured, suddenly feeling oddly self-conscious.
Scape looked between us, then chuckled. “Ah, adorable when young demons find out…. Here in Boston, everyone hears us in English,” he said. “It’s a response from Lucifer regarding the Babel incident: while language has and will divide mortal-kind for eternity, demons of Hell will remain able to understand eachother, and mortals them.”
I looked over at Chai, who was now staring at me. “....You’re French?” I said.
“You’re Portu… Portugess…?”
“Brazilian,” I corrected. “...And it’s Portuguese…”
Scape chuckled again. “Here I thought you two were better acquainted than that.”
Chai flushed a bright green—y’know, uranium under the suit and all. “W-we didn’t know about the Babel thing!”
I smirked. “Do you even know what Babel is?”
“Like you do.” she jeered. To be fair, I didn’t.
“The tower to heaven?” Scape mused. “Unsurprising, it’s not well accounted outside of biblical texts. All of humanity convened to build their way to God…” he began. Strangely, when he said a holy word like such, it didn’t bother us. Well, it did, but it didn’t cause a physical response. “God sighed, metaphorically, as they would eventually reach a point in the stratosphere lacking enough air to breathe, rather than reach Heaven. Therefore he scattered the humans, toppled the tower, and scrambled their minds so there would never be a unified ‘single language’ among mortals. Such a thing eliminates individuality, and leads to… Problematic ventures.”
“Huh.” Chai grunted, echoed shortly after by me.
“So what was that about a beast-damned prince of hell cursing your family?” I said at her.
Chai quivered for a moment. “...I’ll get into specifics some other time. Basically, I spent my childhood and teen years wandering a desert because my mom and dad couldn’t be honest with eachother millennia ago.” she explained.
I stared blankly at her, slowly looking at Scape. “.........I’m not the only one who heard that, right?”
“What, did part of that translate into a Brazilian swear word?” Chai teased.
“Portuguese.” I said flatly. “What do you mean wandering a desert?!”
“I mean I’ve had to kill people and predatory animals to survive to adulthood. If you DO reach adulthood as one of my family, Leviathan sends an aspect of itself to try and kill you where its machinations failed.”
“What. The fuck.”
Scape leaned back on the couch, arms behind his neck. “It’s true. I’ve met one of her siblings before- long time ago, but I had the luck to be right in the very place Leviathan dropped her to be ‘tried’ by survival.”
My jaw was agape as I tried to process this. Chai killing things? She was a punk archetype for sure, but BEFORE college age? Fuck, I still got freaked out seeing blood when I was a teen.
“Ooh, her? Do you mean Abby?” Chai said, suddenly looking giddy.
“Abigail, yes. The first to survive that trial if I remember right.”
Chai clapped. “Fuck yeah! That chick was forced to fend off dragons in the medieval times!”
“...You guys are weird,” I mumbled, standing up. “I’m gonna, like…”
“Not leave yet, surely?” Scape said, raising a brow. “Your hand…”
I unwrapped the cloth he’d put around my ‘stab wounds’. Nothing but little black curves marking my hand now, with some discoloration on my skin around them. “I’ll just wear gloves, yeah.”
Scape shrugged, standing up to step over and retrieve the makeshift cast from me. “Fair enough. Just be attentive as usual.”
“Wouldn’t want another angel attacking you~” Chai quipped.
I deadpanned back at her. “Not funny.”
Scape just shook his head, fighting off a smile as I walked out and crammed my hands under the waistband of my skirt. Stupid no-pocket women’s clothes.
I went somewhere different this time: Monty’s. He was on the fraternity-saturated football team, sure, but he lived in a normal dorm building a couple blocks from mine. Not for a date this time—we’d accepted by now that romance wouldn’t really gel for us—but rather to go for a drive.
“Oh, Alyssa! Wasn’t expecting to see you coming all the way up here,” was his reaction on opening his door.
I snorted. “Yo, jus’ ‘cause I’m like, sloth levels of lazy, doesn’t mean I can’t walk place to place.”
Monty chuckled, fixing his glasses. “Well, I guess you wouldn’t reach your classes if you couldn’t. Anything you wanted?”
“Bit of a tour around the city, maybe,” I said passively, waving my clot-ridden hand. “Wanted to… Y’know, chat a bit, maybe. I’unno.”
Monty sheepishly pointed at my hand. “Uh, how did…”
“Bad tattoo—I mean—Ty cut me with her fingernails. Had the damn things shaped into claws again.”
“Again? Yeesh. I’m guessing that happens often?”
“Nah, she normally has pretty good restraint. She just got kinda… Pissed off.”
“What about?”
I waved my hand dismissively. “I’ll explain it in the car.”
For a card up Mammon’s sleeve, Monty’s car was… a pretty normal four-door sedan. I guess it helped him not stick out too much from the crowds—probably would be the same case for demons if we weren’t too ‘inherently sociopathic’ to be allowed to drive. I got Monty talking a bit about his own business ventures while we were on our way off campus, so I could think a bit about a couple things. Namely the idea of Chialer being some kind of killing machine, yikes.
“...Yeah, the keyfob for my car is, itself, a weapon for self defense. I press the button opposite the key release, it flips out a switchblade.”
“Not the most practical for a fight, but it’s good at drawing blood.”
“Great for pentagrams, I’ll bet.”
“Yeah, but then I have to clean the blade. That’s a huge pain.”
“You know from what experience?” I quipped.
Monty rolled his eyes. “I told you, you’re the first demon I’ve knowingly met outside of the Mam’ himself. I just know blood is a bitch and a half to clean, even off linoleum or stainless steel.”
I thought for a moment, then quickly poked his thigh. Monty snorted.
“...Yeah, that too.”
“What else can that thing do then? Some kinda Hell’s Army Knife or something?”
“Damn, that’d be cool to have. Nah though, it’s got a couple nifty features, but nothing too amazing. Switchblade, a precision laser for distracting cats…”
“As if that’s what it’s for.”
“You’d be surprised how many greed demons are feline. Or well… Mammon told me I would be.”
“Yeah, but those’re human toys. Demon toys aren’t shipped if they can’t be used to mutilate someone.”
“...Fair,” Monty said passively, then gulped. “It reflects light through microscopic prisms inside the keyfob so when it actually shoots out, it can burn through a lot of thinner materials with some focus.”
“Oh sweet, so a mini me.”
The car skidded to a more abrupt stop than usual, Monty slamming the brakes for a stoplight as he snickered at that. “You… Shoot lasers?”
“Yeah, I’m like, a moth and all, but my head’s basically a weaponized CRT TV.”
Monty glanced at me, then the light, then me again for a moment before back to the road. “...A TV head? Those’re real popular on the internet lately.”
“Yeah, I noticed. And yes, like that one final boss from that one high-concept RPG.”
Monty snickered again, shaking his head. “I wasn’t thinking that, but okay.”
He drove along in silence. It felt weird moving… Fast-ish? But also really slow, considering. When we were on a main street with the speed-o-meter saying 45, it felt pretty normal to me, but despite this being faster than I would normally move around, it felt sluggish. Suppose I was just distracting myself.
“What’re we driving by M.I.T. for?” I asked. As implied, we were rolling onto the Mitts campus, Monty leisurely driving amidst the various buildings and weaving by cars plastered over with new ‘Dragons’ stickers.
“Game next week, right? I’m probably not gonna be participating, but I gotta be there, so I may’s well see where we’re gonna be headed.”
Traffic started to get congested near the IT’s stadium. I didn’t say anything at first, but I did furrow my brow. “Didja notice they changed the mascot?”
“Nah, not like it’s been beavers for decades or anything.”
“Word is it’s because of a demon of pride.”
Monty zipped forward suddenly, scrambling to slam the brake and pull away to avoid a crash. “Uh…. Yikes? Aren’t they like, the most powerful?”
“Sorta…. Their prince is the devil himself.” I said, crossing my arms and leaning back.
Monty glanced at me before righting himself back onto the street. “Kinda figured…. Has that not been done before or something?”
“Probably has, I’unno. Kicker is, the jackass is my roommate’s brother.”
“No shit?”
“No shit. She was pretty pissed about it earlier today.”
“Lemme guess….”
“Oh yeah, obviously the reason I got cut up.”
Monty drove around by the parking lot for the stadium…. And rolled up to park. “Apparently there’s a pep rally going on…. Explains the traffic and all.”
“What, going into the core of enemy territory for shits and giggles?” I quipped, hesitantly getting up and out of the car.
“Well, maybe a bit of espionage. Really, I’m just caught up on studying, and football practice’s tomorrow.”
I snorted. “Aha. Aha… Yeah, uh, I got outta cheer practice early.”
We both chuckled awkwardly at that, and after a bit of second guessing ourselves (or at least me), made our way into the stadium.
And uh, beast-damn.
The Mitts’ football team was running a workout routine around the field, high-fiving people as they passed by the barriers, and whooping and shouting a ‘go team’ chant. Hundreds of M.I.T. students were convened in the stands, all cramming themselves down in front to get a close-up view of their sportsballers. Monty prodded at one to ask “shouldn’t half of you be in class?”, to which a few people giddily explained that the school was paid off to observe some random holiday that was today. This seemed really over the top, and that was exactly the point.
Leading the newly green-and-gold-clad sports team was their mascot: a golden-scaled dragon with an emeraldesque underbelly, plated on joints with pads that looked more like combat armor, and a ‘jersey’ that had to be a flak jacket painted over.
The sight bothered me in a way. That guy was winding one of the most prestigious places of learning on Earth around his claw, parading around as himself by way of a glorified fursuit. What really concerned me though was the fact it was combat-ready. He was ready to walk that suit into a gunfight, and I did not want to know why.
Then he started shouting along for the team and crowd, too.
“When I say M-I, you say T! Mass in!” “Tech!” “Mass in!” “Tech!”
“Let’s go dragons, let’s go!” “Fire with fire! Raze and blaze!”
A presumable QB tossed a football to Ezekiel, and he ran forward to throw it in a perfect arc to the guy in back. That guy crouched in place, and hurled the thing for the opposite end of the field. Ezekiel wasted no time bolting after it, the wings of his suit furling out and flapping. Too stiff to be real, but that’d have to be expensive as fuck for a costume prop. When he passed the thirty, he dove forward. By the twenty, he was sliding along the slicked astroturf. At the ten, the football landed down into his suit’s oversized paws, and he stopped his penguin slide right at the touchdown line.
The crowd roared, all the cliques shamelessly roaring like dragons as best they could, no matter how bad it sounded or how sick or hoarse they may’ve been. Monty joined in. I stared blankly as Tyler’s twin stood up to dance and twirl around.
“M-I-T! M-I-T!” “M-I-T! M-I-T!”
I sidled next to Monty, looking at his eyes from the side. Practically glazed over. Thinking on my feet, I snuck a hand into his pocket and fished out the keys delicately while he was entranced. After that, I slipped away into the away team’s locker room.
“Ally? Where the home are you?”
I cupped a hand around the mic on my phone. “Mitts stadium, it’s a shitshow.”
“You think? My brother studies there.”
“No like, seriously, he’s running a pep rally. Running a pep rally.”
“What do you mean by that?” Scape cut in. Chai was still in his office, evidently.
“They’re cheering and chanting with him and all, but like…. Everyone’s glazing over. The shy guys are crowding up in front to shout, the emos and jocks are doing cheesy roars with the rest… Fucking Monty joined in with them.”
“Monty who?” “Robert, Tyler…”
“Is that not possession?”
“Is bandwagoning possession?” Scape retorted.
I furrowed my brow, fiddling with Monty’s keyfob. “Come on, he’s a demon.”
“He’s naturally charismatic.”
“Monty’s on the football team against his!”
“Yeah, that’s bullshit.” Chai said flatly.
“So a supporter of the red sox would have to be possessed to join the cheers?”
I took an agitated breath. “Okay, Ty, so ‘Zippy’’s out there riling everyone up. What would you be doing?”
“Not the best idea…” Scape murmured more distantly.
“I’ll save the ass-kicking for the game. I say give him some kinda warning of what’s to come, but it’s not like you’re gonna get anywhere with your cheer uni-”
I hung up, grinning to myself.
As I pocketed Monty’s key for later, I passively listened to the crowd.
“Bulldogs lie! Dragons fly! Bulldogs lie! Dragons fly!”
It was getting more directed against Boston U. If I caught Monty cheering along with that, he’d be catching my four hands later. But right now? They were reserved for homegirl’s reptilian twin.
“Ay! Ay! Scale-back chump!”
The crowd kept on their chant, ignoring that callout. Boring.
That shut them up. Everyone turned to the stadium’s away team door. I did a ballerina twirl, putting up two peace signs, two hands to my left hip, posed like an anime protagonist in a triumphant freeze-frame.
“It’s MOTHS that fly!”
Several gasps passed through the crowd like snakes hissing in the bushes. I hopped back, and jogged out directly towards Ezekiel. I may’ve been smaller than him in his suit, but a humanoid moth was no less cartoony than a foam and fiberglass dragon.
The dragon crossed his arms, tilting his head back as I ran up. “Hey, missy, the furry convention’s down in the Fens.”
I got up in his face, crossing my arms right back. My eyes were already hurting from keeping wide open, but I could see him shrink back just a bit. “Yeah, they thought you got lost on your way~” I teased.
“Just who’re you supposed to be, some butterfly fresh out of a toner cartridge explosion?”
I twirled back away, my foot barely missing his stomach. Turned away from him, I struck another pose, showing off my Boston U jersey before going into a dance. “Gimme an S! Gimme a T! Gimme e-l-l A! Stella the moth! Raring to play!”
After a cartwheel, I did a handstand on my two left hands, shaking somewhat but still managing to stick up a heart symbol with my right hands. “Boston U’s star bug! The bug zapper, the astral attacker!”
I dropped back down and did a jump and spin, taking a fighting stance at Zippy as his ball team grouped up behind him, confused. I pointed two fingers at Zippy, nervous someone had noticed my right hands desyncing before. “And the dragons’ waking night-terror!”
Silence filled the air, everyone holding their breath for several moments. Then an uproar of cheers and boos, rabid Mitt supporters verbally fighting to out-enthuse the folks I excited. Obscuring as his mask was, I could feel Zippy glaring at me.
I did a cartwheel back away. “Satur-satur-saturday! Lizard vee’ Saturnian!” I chanted.
“Lizard verse’ Scribonia!” came a single voice. Monty’s, and beast-damnit that correction made me cringe.
I did another cartwheel, then a twirl in place, flupping out my wings to show off the night-sky pattern on them. “M-I-T! Boston U! Moths will slay! Drakes fall through!”
“Moths will slay!” “Drakes will flay!” “M-I-T!” “Go Boston U!” “Hell yeah Stella!” “Get her, Sammy!”
‘Sammy’. How unoriginal. I just smirked, doing another wheel, then another, belting out another cheer with each one. The pep rally turned into a split of spirits, Monty disappearing from the crowd while several people pulled their phones, or already had them out. As I hit the edge of the turf, I made eye contact with Zippy, who had an air of disgust hiding under those fake eyes. I pointed to myself then him.
“Next week, serpent boy! You better practice that crawling on your belly! You’ll need it when I’m done with you!”
“We’ll see about that, micro-mothra! You fly into my flames, you’re gonna get burned!”
I went out to the parking lot, where Monty was frantically patting himself down. I skipped up and dangled his keys out for him. “Sorryyyyy, I got some stabby thoughts about dumbhead mcgee back there. Decided to challenge him to a boxing match instead~”
Monty’s eyes went wide at the sight of me in my real form. “...Holy shit, Alyssa, you look… Wow. Can’t even be mad about the keys…”
I scoffed, dropping the ‘fob on the asphalt at his feet so he’d scramble to pick them back up and unlock his car. “Wooooow, you like some insect more than miss unconventionally attractive hispanic girl? Can’t tell whether to call you racist, superficial, or a furry~” I jeered.
Monty chuckled awkwardly. “Uh, isn’t that your… Actual self though?”
I giggled, pushing him towards the car door as I skipped around to get in the passenger’s seat. “Duh~ What better than having an actual live cryptid come up to rep a university football team?”
“Oh, I thought mothman lived in Virginia?”
I glanced around, before my fur and lower arms retracted, my body morphing to human guise once again. “I mean, you’re not WRONG about mothman, but legit, that was going around Ty and I’s dorm.”
Monty turned away as I changed, probably to be polite, then got to driving out and back to our campus. “Not gonna be that great when the bulldogs show up anyway, though.”
“Oh you’ll see, Monto, I’ve got my methods- and Ty’s gonna owe me grands when we get a new costume and merch in.”
My phone vibrated, and I pulled it out. Tyler calling, so I ignored it. I had multiple missed calls from her, Scape, and Nebula all at once… I’d take that as a stunt success.
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ofmorninglory · 5 years
im not well versed in crossover AU's in general but go off about them anyway lay it on me
//screams// Guys, Tea is a Literal Blessing™ and I absolutely don’t deserve all this validation but I will soak up on it. 
So, the other day I was going through my Ao3 and I realized literally everything I do, ever, is a crossover, so I guess that’s kind of my thing now. Room Enough AU, however, is literally The Crossover™, you know? I have to admit I’ve been working on plotting it for way too many years (I think it was 2016; I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a hot minute) so it’s so much bigger in my head than what I actually have written. Some of the info I’ve managed to actually jot down somewhere is in this little tag right here, but I’m here to provide the basics on what Room Enough AU is and why it’s so important to me. 
Under the cut, to keep your dashes clean, my lovelies! 
Room Enough for All of Us is a crossover AU between Marvel and DC (because who didn’t see that coming, right?). While most of the crossovers for these franchises I’ve seen and read all start with Bruce and Clark meeting Steve and Tony (who, arguably, are each other’s counterparts) and while I absolutely adore the idea of billionaire Bruce Wayne becoming friends with billionaire Tony Stark, and Clark and Steve bonding over, you know, being seen as literal beings of perfection, Room Enough AU (which we’ll shorten as REAU from now on, although that’s a name I’ve never used for it, but there’s always a first for everything, you know?) actually starts with Tony Stark, betrayed and broken after IM, meeting (or rather, meeting again) one very problematic and highly-skilled pilot, Harold Jordan. 
After the events of IM and Tony being betrayed by one of the people he trusted most in the world, Stark Industries starts undergoing heavy restructuring (am I using the right word? Google Translate says so) and among all of these shifts and changes, Pepper insists that he gets a new pilot for his private plane. He goes to Ferris Air, of course, because it’s in California and he’s had contracts with them for years, and when he gets there, there’s this one roudy pilot who manages to not only evade all of the Stark Training Drones in the air, but actually destroys all of them in the process. Tony wants this pilot. He does. He recognizes under-paid talent when he sees it. 
Hal has absolutely zero idea of what is happening when Tony offers him the position as his private pilot. Jordan is not all that enthusiastic about being some rich kid’s pilot-for-hire, but after the stunt he’s just pulled? He really should think about getting a new job. Hal doesn’t say yes outright, of course not, he’s got more dignity than that, but Tony just won’t let up. 
Not only is Tony Stark some rich billionaire he doesn’t want to be working for either, he’s also one of Hal’s one-night-stands from two years ago. Is Tony fazed at all by this? He is not! Tony Stark is stubborn and he doesn’t care about anything other than getting this man a better salary. 
Tony spends about 300 weeks trying to get Hal to actually agree to the job, it’s ridiculous. His gifts are expensive, and they get more extravagant the more time goes on. He even gets Hal Captain rank back for him (if that allowed? I do not know, I have yet to research on this, this is actually a very new development born in the REAU discord chat). Hal draws the line when a Rolex ends up at his home (one of the fancy, classic ones, too, with the green cover) and Jordan calls Tony to tell him to back off. 
Twenty minutes later, Hal is agreeing to working for Stark. Carol fired his ass after that whole fiasco with the drones (”They were due for an upgrade, anyways! They’re old and I could do so much better, Ferris! It’s not a big deal.”) so he has to find a way to pay the goddamn bills or move in with Barry, and he doesn’t want to intrude on his best friend like that. 
Plus, he loves the sky. Maybe this job isn’t so bad. 
Against all odds, and with a lot of difficulties and obstacles, Tony and Hal actually start bonding. Except, whoops, Tony is dying from palladium poisoning, and just as our favorite green boy is warming up to the idea of not only being Tony’s pilot but also his friend, Stark suddenly does a 180 on him and completely backs away. 
(It doesn’t help Hal’s confusion that Tony spent the first few weeks of his employment literally changing everything about his life. He gives his company away to Pepper Potts, starts a mentor-apprentice program in which he is the mentor and this girl from Mexico is the apprentice, and just generally starts becoming a Good Man™, in Hal’s eyes.)
Long story short (to wrap this one up, because I could go on for years) Hal finds out Tony is dying with a little help from Natasha (who Hal decidedly stops liking when he finds out she’s been lying to Tony, but who he’ll warm up to again, eventually, and because she loves Barry a whole lot and keeps his boyfriend safe and happy) and then it’s a race against time to save Stark’s life. 
And because there is no one smarter (or faster) that Hal Jordan knows, he calls his good buddy The Flash into Tony’s Malibu home and tells Stark that Barry will help him or “so help me god, Anthony Edward Stark, I will find a way to bring your back from death to kill you myself”. When Tony is saved and Barry and him have managed to destroy his entire home, Hal feels like he can breathe again, and Allen smiles at him this sort of way when he catches his shoulders lose all the tension. (”wHAT? WHAT IS IT BARRY?” “You wanted to keep him safe” “He pays my salary, of course I wanted to keep him alive” “Harold” “Bartholomew”) 
So, Tony and Hal? They’re really, really good friends. Hal would probably die for Tony, and Tony would absolutely lay down on the wire to let Hal pass (take that, Steve). From the outside, they’re an unlikely pai, except when you look at it closer, they’re literally the only way universes could collide. Barry actually saw it coming from a mile away, but Hal refused to let Tony into his life (Hal is used to everyone leaving; Barry is the exception, of course he is, but that’s Barry there’s no one purer, nicer, or kinder in this whole wide world). 
After that, it’s just a lot of JL/Avengers shenanigans, mostly around Barry, Hal, Tony and Steve, once he comes along (and he and Barry aren’t at each other’s throats anymore). It follows losely through IM2, Avengers, probably IM3 (because Harvey Keener) and CA:WS (Barry and Steve bonding!), only to diverge somewhere between that and Age of Ultron (that doesn’t exist, to be all that much honest). I’ve plotted some of the things I want to happen, but since I’m messy and don’t have enough attention span to STAY FOCUSED, I’m still trying to figure out a lot of things. 
I’m probably going into Avengers Assemble at some point and work with that. There are some DC storylines I think would fit nicely in there, but I have big gaps in my comic knowledge, so I really have to search for the right things to put. 
The funny thing about REAU, however, is how much it has intoxicated every single of my other aus. All of the works that you can find in my Ao3 (right over here) are different iterations of this crossover, brought into different scenarios. 
We have Coffee Shop AU, my first non-powered baby whom I love and cherish very much and hopefully will finish one day. We have Hotel AU which is so weird and I have no idea where it came from, but it’s there and it’s some very sweet Clintasha. There’s Prom AU/Childhood Friends AU! That’s sweet and fluffy and features sticker stars and red crayons. We have dumb diner au! The newest published addition to the line of non-powered aus! They’re all great, they’re mostly always the same characters, the same groups of friends (in most non-powered AUs, Steve and Barry don’t hate each other. In fact, usually they know each other from a very long time, along with Bucky, and Steve protects Barry with every ounce of whoop-ass he is) and there’s always some cute-meet that ends up in halbarry ending up together (because yes, they’re all mostly halbarry with a side of stony bcs I’m trash) I’m currently writing blubarry au for halbarry week (which I miscalculated) and it’s actually turned into Paramedic/Blubarry AU and it has absolutely gotten out of control (I’ve finished what could be a first instalment at 13k) and there’s aladdin au for stony that’s still in process and is also a crossover. 
Aaaaaaand that’s mostly it, jsjsjsjsj I’m sorry this was so long! I’m so passionate about REAU and all my non-powered aus that it’s overwhelming some times!
Also, that post you did about Natasha? I felt that. My favorite Natasha is the Natasha who gets to be dorky, and cute, and who laughs at and with her friends. My favorite Natasha takes one look at Barry and goes “this one is mine now and if you hurt him I’ll make sure you pay dire consequences”. My favorite Natasha is Natasha painting Tony’s nails on girl’s night (that Tony always crashes, but he also sponsors the whole thing, so it’s alright). My favorite Natasha laughs like a hyenna when Clint makes a dent into their wall because he’s an idiot. My favorite Natasha is Dinah’s best woman, standing right by her, and wiping tears from her eyes without anyone seeing because she still wants to look at least a little bit tough. My favorite Natasha is so beloved by everyone who meets her and I’m !!!!! crying !!!!!
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littlepurinsesu · 6 years
Mystic Party
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I previously made a post about the invitations, and in this post I’m going to literally go through everything I remember about the party while it’s still fresh in my mind! ;)
A bit of a warning that this will be one heck of a long and detailed post with lots of information and images and links! This post is also going to include a lot more of my personal experiences and feelings rather than the more neutral info dumping, because this event was so major and I’m treating this a bit like a “diary entry” for myself ^___^
I’ve used subheadings to organise everything so that you can skip what you don’t care about or just read the specific part you’re interested in. *If you only want to read about the Rika and Vanderwood Route, it’s in the “SPECIAL GUEST SUJIN RI” section!
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But if you’re in for the whole experience, it’s gonna be a LONG ride. So buckle up and let’s go! ;)
The party was held on 23rd August from 1pm to 4pm, on the 5th floor of a fancy place that’s usually reserved for wedding receptions and other formal occasions, so we were told to dress decently :) No need to go all-out and wear a formal gown or anything (though some people really did!), but you needed to be well-dressed xD Oh, and cosplays weren’t allowed! 
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Lining up to enter the banquet hall!
Once you get in, the staff members will verify your identity to make sure you’re the person registered (so strict!). They also ask you to draw a card with a character on it for the “game” and give you a bunch of forms/cards needed for later and an RFA paper bag with your gifts.
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Lining up to have your identity verified and to collect all the prizes and information you’ll need. Hello there, V.
Each table has a character emoji, which is also the emoji printed on your seat number card. My card had Zen’s emoji (YASSS), and my seat was in the very front row and right at the edge.
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Our table. (My seat is no. 16)
A good thing because I can see things clearly and eavesdrop on the hosts/staff members/cosplayers when they’re waiting to go onstage, but a bad thing because sometimes the official photographers and news journalists try to take pictures or film stuff and block my view >.<” (Yes, there were news journalists from actual TV broadcasting stations because the event was such a big deal! :O)
The first 50 minutes were for people to arrive, settle, buy merch, and most importantly, do the little “game” thing they prepared.
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Seat card with Zen’s sparkly emoji, form for if you want to buy merch, and the card that lists the rules of the game. (Forgot to take a close-up... >.<)
Basically there are five “official cosplayers” playing the RFA members. They’ll be on the stage, and you go to the character you drew at the beginning for a short “game”. If you pass/win the game, they’ll stamp your card, and you can then go and put your card into the box corresponding to your favourite character (not necessarily the one you played the game with). The boxes will be used for raffles later where they’ll draw out names for prizes or for people to go up onstage for more “intimate” character interactions.
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People playing their game with the character they got.
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If you win your game, you come and put your stamped card in one of these boxes!
The card I picked out was Jaehee’s. I won’t deny that I was a bit disappointed (I DO LOVE BAEHEE I JUST LOVE THE MEN MORE DON’T KILL ME PLEASE), but after reading the instruction card and going through the game, I’m kind of glad I got her xD All characters have different games (win at paper-scissors-rock against Jumin, correctly answer a random times table question from Seven, draw a card and hope your number is bigger than Zen’s, beat Yoosung at “seaweed paper-scissors-rock”, or correctly answer Jaehee’s question about a random RFA member’s eye colour). 707′s and Jaehee’s are the only ones that weren’t left up to chance and the questions were easy, so you’re pretty much guaranteed to pass. Also, the male characters were pretty... “touchy”? For the fanservice, if you get what I mean? Like they might put their hands on your waist or bend down and talk to you really “intimately” xD
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There are a bunch of standees on the right side of the stage. You line up in front of the character you’ll be playing your game with, and when they’re done with a player, you’ll be called up for your turn.
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You line up like this for your turn at the mini game (which I didn’t have to do ;D)
To be honest, the “interaction with the cosplayers” thing was the part I cared for the least before coming; these characters are 2D, and no matter how good the cosplayers are, I’d personally prefer to keep them 2D in my mind xD
But then the Jaehee cosplayer personally came down the stage and approached me to ask if I needed assistance! I have no idea why or how she was allowed to leave her post and come to me? Maybe because I looked very confused, since my Chinese isn’t SUPER GOOD and the staff member explained the game rules to me very quickly and concisely ^^;; And when Jaehee saw that my card had her emoji on it, she was like, “Oh, then you’ll be interacting with me!” and explained the rules of the game to me again more slowly. By then I was pretty much like, “Eh, may as well” xD I didn’t go up the “normal” way by lining up on the right in front of the standees, because Baehee was already with me, so she literally took my hand and walked back up on the stage with me from the left side ahahaha I’m special :P The cosplayer was really nice and had a “big sister” feel, so it really was kind of like how I imagined Jaehee to be ^^
This is only a small detail, but I found it quite interesting that the cosplayer didn’t touch me until I explicitly said “Okay” to the game/interaction. I guess maybe there really are people who are uncomfortable with doing lovey-dovey and touchy stuff with strangers (since the characters are just regular people cosplaying). I found it quite nice that they were careful to respect people’s boundaries and only proceeded to touch you in any way when you’ve explicitly said yes :)
The games take place on the stage, but everyone’s doing their own thing, so it’s not like anyone was watching. Anyway, after leading me onto the stage and her position/place, Jaehee asked me who my favourite character was. Obviously Saeran isn’t an option here, so I said 707. Then she goes, “Okay, I’m going to test you! Can you tell me the colour of 707′s eyes?” And I’m like “yellow” (man, is it gold or yellow), and since the 707 cosplayer wasn’t doing their game with someone at the time, Jaehee goes, “707, come here,” points to their eyes (coloured contacts LOL) and says, “Yes, yellow! Okay, you pass!” She then leads me to the side of the stage (we were meant to leave ourselves ajksfh;asj why is Jaehee so niceee) and tells a staff member that I passed so I get my card stamped.
Then you come to this box area, and after you’ve written your in-game name and phone number on the card, you’re asked to put it into the box corresponding to the character of your choice. I knew that putting it in 707′s box would be an unwise decision, since that box would be filled with cards and you’d get a lower chance of winning anything, but Zen, my next-favourite, is almost just as popular in Taiwan xD So I went ahead and shoved my card into the 707 box anyway ahaha :P (A decision I would later regret as I didn’t win a single thing  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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The adorable emoji boxes! You put your stamped card into the box corresponding to your favourite character.
There were also a lot of small interactions between the cosplayers when they were idly waiting for their next player, and they were super in-character <3 Jumin brushed the huge paw-shaped cardboard sign he was holding against Zen’s hair and Zen literally flinched, patted down his hair, and turned around to glare at him xD Seven pulled at Yoosung’s suspenders and even stuck his head in to annoy and eavesdrop on Jumin when he was trying to have a serious conversation with Jaehee xD These cosplayers really know their characters well haha :D
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They also served food and drinks :) The highlight was obviously the original HONEY BUDDHA (TECHNICALLY “BUTTER”) CHIPS. I was pretty excited to finally try actual HBCs in real life, and I must say that the taste was... very oily and buttery? xD I mean, they are Honey Butter Chips, so I’m not sure what I was expecting, but the butter taste was a lot stronger than I thought it would be xD It’s nice, but I can’t imagine myself eating more than half a bag at once before I start feeling a bit gross/sick xD Seriously, how does Seven eat so much O___O
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Finished my game with Baehee, and now settled with my juice and cake and Honey Buddha Chips.
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Waiting for the hosts to officially start the party!
The two hosts (more like MCs, but we all know that “MC” has a whole different meaning for MM fans, so I’m going to stick with “host” xD) are pretty popular among the Taiwanese MM fandom. They do weekly live streams/videos on the official Facebook page, where they talk about MM, upcoming events, joke around, and do raffles for MM merch. They’ve sort of become the unofficial “faces” of MM in Taiwan, and most of the Taiwanese MM fans (myself included) love them, so it was a real treat to see them in person! For this post, I’m going to call the female host “Cuby” and the male host “Fatty”, since that’s a direct translation of their Chinese nicknames (meaning “cube/square” and “fat”) and they’ve used these translations themselves at some point.
At 2pm, the lobby theme (“Mystic Chat”) finally stops playing and is replaced by Yoosung’s second theme, “Silly Smile Again”. Cuby goes onstage, talks a bit, and officially starts the party.
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She then tells everyone that because this party is supposed to be “full of mysteries and surprises”, we should all check under our chairs! The chairs were covered in fancy silky fabric, so we had to dig under that. And SURPRISE! Each seat had a random sticker sheet stuck inside (the ones that come with the emoticon cushions), and it’s yours to keep! Cue intense screaming and fangirling throughout the whole room, to the point where the host had to put her mic down because she couldn’t talk over the screaming and she failed at getting us to calm down xD I got a 707 sticker sheet YASSSSS!!! (I could feel the envious stares of other people on my table hur hur nope not trading with any of you :P) And I just got the Ray stickers with my Ray emoticon cushion a few days ago ;___; Come with me, Saeyoung, I have your brother at home and I will reunite the two of you <3
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The 707 stickers hidden under my chair!
After that, the opening video was played to signal the start of the party! I’ve watched that video countless times by now, but seeing it blasted through huge speakers and played on a giant screen gave me all the feels, and it was cute when Cuby cued everyone to sing along haha <3
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The feelsssss ;___;
And when you think the next segment is officially starting, the lights dim again, the intro of the OP comes on once more, Cuby goes “Wth is going on?”, the big screen splits and opens, and Fatty enters with much fanfare, singing the Chinese version of the song xD
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So much LOL (and yes, I will always snap a picture when Saeran shows up on the screen)
Cue everyone screaming and cheering for him (because this guy is so hilarious and therefore super popular). He even had a rose, which he threw to the girl sitting next to me. Guess I’m too close to the edge for him to bother reaching LOL
They then played an exclusive video that featured all the VAs (minus Saeran, Rika, and Vanderwood), Han (the singer of the theme songs), some Cheritz staff members and Sujin Ri (founder of Cheritz and creator of Mystic Messenger) greeting and thanking Taiwanese fans. They’d teased that there would be a special guest coming to this party from Korea, and it was none other than Sujin Ri herself!!!
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Sujin Ri in her adorable cherry dress <3
Sujin Ri is so cute! xD She spoke a bit of English, but most of her longer speeches and answers were in Korean, so she had a translator with her. The event planners had put together a list of questions that they knew everyone would be curious to know, and the hosts read out the questions one by one while Sujin Ri answered them onstage!
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Q: “Why did you create this game? How did you come up with the script?” A: It was a long answer, but she basically said that she took a long break after her first two games and was wondering if she should continue. She then decided to make a mobile game, and wanted it to be more “relatable” for players, so came up with the idea of a messaging app! She also said something about how she really likes watching American shows and dramas, so a lot of her inspiration came from those. One of the hosts joked that American movies often have hackers, so maybe that’s why MM has a hacker (or two) :P
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Q: Will there be a chance to release a Rika Route? A: She basically said something like (paraphrased), “The Taiwanese version hasn’t released V’s and Unknown’s stories yet, but they have been released in Korea [she didn’t say internationally, for some reason] and lots of Rika’s secrets were revealed. There will be more in the future, so please look forward to it.” The reactions were mixed, just like with the international fandom. Some people were frowning and shaking their heads, but there were definitely some people who cheered and clapped lol. Guess Rika is a controversial character in every country xD (Fatty revealed in the Facebook Live After Party that when he asked her, “Yes? Or no?” she replied, “Maybe!”) But yeah, her answer was vague and her words in no way confirm a Rika Route. But to me, just the fact that the party planners chose and put this question in the script seems to be a pretty clear indication that it’s probably going to happen...? Like, why tease something that isn’t going to be an actual thing? I dunno, maybe it’s just me reading too much into it and trying to be smart, so don’t quote me on an official confirmation for a Rika Route; I’m just relaying what I heard and sharing my own interpretation ^^;;
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Q: Will there be a chance for the VAs to come to Taiwan? A: “Yes!” Short and sweet, so I take that as a sign that there might be more official MM events in Taiwan in the future! (My poor wallet...)
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Q: Will there be plushie merchandise released in the future? A: Possibly! Again, not a direct confirmation, but just like with the Rika Route question, I take that as a pretty good sign that it might happen since they bothered to mention it! Dunno if it will be released internationally or be another Taiwan-only merch, though... (Either way, my wallet is crying again.)
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Q: Please release LINE stickers with sound! A: “Good idea!” (in English!) Taiwanese people use the messaging app LINE a lot, and although there’s been two official MM sticker sets released, a lot of people have been wanting a version that has the characters’ voices (like how it is in the game).
Then they said there was time for ONE question from ONE fan in the audience, and a girl’s arm shot up so quickly that she was picked before I even had a chance to move my hand lmao xD But no worries, because it turns out that her question is exactly what I was going to ask! She takes the mic and speaks the holy words, “Will you consider making a Vanderwood Route?” CUE THE INSANE SCREAMS OF A BANQUET HALL-FULL OF THIRSTY MCS. INCLUDING ME. Seriously, the reaction was IMMEDIATE and the screams were RIDICULOUSLY LOUD. I hope the volume and intensity was enough to convince Sujin Ri that Vanderwood really is that popular and how much we really would love to have his route ;___; And her answer was basically (again, paraphrased), “Vanderwood wasn’t even meant to be an official character, but we ended up adding him into the game. I never expected him to get so popular, and since everyone loves him so much, I will take note of this and discuss with the company the possibility of making a route for him in the future.” NO OTHER WORDS NEEDED. EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO CRY TEARS OF JOY. THERE IS HOPE. And it’s even better because we now know for sure that the creator herself is the one who heard us and said those words ;___;
They then drew out some names for fans to go up and receive a gift and take a group photo with Sujin Ri. Two fans got a set of cards (game CGs) with the VAs’ autographs, and three fans got the official RFA badge set!
So the official cosplayers had left the room after the games and were away during all this. After Sujin Ri left the stage and took her seat at her table, the hosts “officially” welcomed the cosplayers in for the first time!
(They’re just cosplayers and they’re actually all female, but for the purpose of this post, I’m just going to use the pronoun of the character they’re portraying and use the characters’ names as though they really are the character.)
They enter one by one with a rose and give it to a random fan. No chance for me because they entered through the aisle in the middle of the hall and I’m right at the edge at the front xD Jumin gave his rose normally, Jaehee didn’t give hers away (I’ll explain why later), Seven and Yoosung threw theirs to reach fans that were further back (still not far enough for me T_T), and Zen got down on his knee Zen-style and handed it to a lucky fan.
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The RFA members (well, cosplayers) are formally introduced for the first time!
Once they’re all onstage, the members introduce themselves one by one (which was when I found out that they were all women as soon as they spoke xD) and answer some quick questions from the hosts. While it wasn’t top-notch acting or anything, the cosplayers were very much in character the whole time. The way they stood, their expressions, their manner of speech, their interactions with each other, everything was just like the character they were supposed to be, so props to them for that!
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Jumin was asked why he didn’t bring Elizabeth the 3rd! Just as he was about to start talking, 707 cuts in and says, “Yeah, where’s Elly? Why didn’t you bring my Elly? She’s mine!” xD Jumin basically brushed him off (”She’s not yours!”) and said it’s because there’s a flu going around and he didn’t want her to get sick =^.^= The hosts kept jokingly begging him to please not purchase and merge their company with C&R xDDD Jumin also said that he’d like Zen to model for his cat food commercial, and the look on Zen’s face was priceless LOL xD (Zen said only if either the cat is put in plastic wrap or they just get a fake 3D cat instead xD)
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Jaehee was asked why she still had her rose with her, and she said it’s because she wants to give it to Zen!!! It was super cute, and Yoosung and Seven were making love heart gestures behind them when she gave the rose to him xD But then Zen asked if he could give the rose to “one of the ladies down there” LOL WAY TO SHATTER BAEHEE’S HEART ZEN YOU AKSDJFHA;SKJ XDDD
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Zen asking to give Jaehee’s rose to a fan. ZEN WHY XD
They chose a Jaehee fan from the crowd (a middle-aged man!!!) and Jaehee and Zen handed the rose to him together, which was really cute :) Jaehee also complained about her boss’ cat’s fur getting everywhere, that she was still using tape to get rid of them before coming in xD The hosts asked her if she realised her boss was standing right beside her, and she asked him for a raise. Jumin said, “For what you said just then, no.” xDDD They also asked her if she recommends any cafes. Jaehee said that while she enjoys Starbucks, the cafe she recommends is “The Who”, which is the one that has the MM collaboration going on right now lololol not-so-subtle advertising ;)
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707 teased Fatty and said that he knows everything about him, and started listing his personal info, like his job, his height etc. But when he was about to reveal his weight, Fatty apologised for teasing and questioning “God Seven’s” abilities as a hacker and begged for forgiveness LOL xD
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Yoosung was asked about his future plans, like whether or not he was planning to continue working for Jumin’s company. Yoosung said that rather than a career, he’s more interested in being a good husband ;) He wants to find a kind and pretty wife and have three kids, and even revealed the names he wants to give them xD (They’re all to do with stars, since Yoosung’s name means “Shooting Star” ^^) Such a cutie, and very Yoosung-like <3
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Zen was last, and they asked him what he thought about Jumin LOL xD He admitted that he used to hate him, but now he thinks he’s actually a pretty nice guy ^^ The hosts then asked the two to “hug and make up” OMG. Cue the fangirl screams xD I feel like they know about the JuZen ship and are fueling it a bit xD Jumin walked towards Zen with his arms out, and Zen reluctantly went in for the hug xD They literally twirled around on the spot, with Zen keeping his hands OFF Jumin’s back despite having his arms around him, and the hug ended when Seven tried to put their heads together and make them kiss LOLLL. Seven and Yoosung were cheering and making love heart gestures (THEY SHIP IT), while Jaehee was filming it on her phone xD
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JuZen huggles!!! (featuring shippy YooSeven and fangirl Jaehee)
After that, they basically had all the characters draw cards from those five emoji boxes, and the people chosen would go up onstage and draw a random ball with a number on it. Each number comes with some cheesy/romantic interaction (e.g. a romantic dance, holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes for 10 seconds, a hug and a pat on the head, being fed Pocky etc.), and the player would then do this with their character while everyone watches in envy. I won’t upload any photos of these moments to respect the privacy of the fans, but I will and have cropped out YooSeven in the background mirroring the romantic moments with each other! It’s like they’re all aware of the fandom’s main ships and are fueling them xD
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YooSeven dances and snuggles!!!
One of Seven’s fans picked out “being fed Pocky”, but being God Seven, he immediately said, “I don’t want any of that! *signals a staff member* Could you bring that over for me? The one I brought myself!” What else could he be talking about xD
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707 awkwardly struggling to open a Honey Buddha Chip bag onstage xD
They also get to take a polaroid pic with the cosplayer at the end. And since Fatty is known to be really generous and is always “adding more” to raffles and games, he allowed like at least another 10 or so fans to be drawn for a polaroid with a character of their choice :)
And Jaehee herself also asked if she could have a polaroid with Zen! xD
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Zen and Jaehee posing for a polaroid, featuring an unamused Jumin.
By the way, Cuby is a HUGE Jumin fangirl and she got a turn with the Jumin, too! xD
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"Ju-Jumin... I... I’m willing to raise Elizabeth the 3rd with you—KYAAAAHHH~~~” (That’s exactly what she said ;D)
They then got Sujin Ri to come onstage again and draw more lucky winners who’ll receive the card set with the VAs’ autographs. Fatty also drew a bunch of people to win a Taiwan-exclusive cushion (or the space cushion for 707 because they ran out of his Taiwan cushions). Amazing that there were so many things drawn at random and I didn’t manage to get a single one LOLLL XD
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I managed to snap a picture of the cosplayers as they were leaving the stage for a break. They literally walked right by me (because of the convenient position of my seat), and Jumin and Yoosung even waved and posed xD
It was later revealed that a part of the money they raised for this party would be donated to an official animal protection association in Taiwan, just like how the RFA parties are for a good cause ^^ They even played a video about the association we were donating to (lots of sad and abandoned puppies ;___;) complete with “I Miss Happy Rika” as background music.
Additionally, they bring on three extra standees for auction, and all the money from the auction would be donated to charity, too! I love MM but I don’t want a standee LOL so I just sat back and watched xD They only had Yoosung, Jumin, and Zen, and I got a picture of the prices they were each sold for (all in NTD):
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I’m still shook that the Zen standee was able to sell for NT$9900!!!!! That’s like... *throws it into Google to convert* $322-ish USD!!!!! Insane but also very impressive! :D (Wonder how much a 707 standee could have gone for if they offered one haha)
Sujin Ri was so happy, and said that they would be sending them some kind of official donator’s badge from Korea for contributing to a good cause <3 The host even said that it’s amazing and really beautiful how a simple mobile game can grow to the point where so many people come together and do things to make the world a better place ^^ <333
After the auctions, the party came to an end ;___; They played “Like the Sun in the Sky” as the ED and listed all the people who helped to make the party happen. But then they said that “special thanks” go to the fans who attended, and literally typed out ALL of our names in the credits! <3 The hosts picked out random names to read, like “Thank you _____! Thank you _____!” including mine, so I guess that was the only thing I got picked for today LOL XD
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Cuby reading out my name!
After that, they have an ending screen with the SNSplus and Cheritz logos, and when you think it’s all over, Fatty enters from the right of the screen (turns out to be a video) and tells us that they’re going to be releasing a big confetti ball to signify the end (one of those giant balls that explode and then confetti falls out).
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A wild Fatty appears!
I was expecting a huge ball to explode in the middle of the hall or on the screen, but when the Fatty in the video says “GO!” instead we get “I just got your messages!” again. Turns out he TROLLED US, and instead, they played a self-made, absolutely hilarious and utterly stupid but amazing “music video” of Fatty himself singing the OP XDDD Needless to say, the entire room was a laughing MESS XDDDDD
(Not sure how interested the international fandom would be because Fatty really is more of a Taiwanese MM fandom favourite, but if you are, there will be a link at the end of this post with appropriate timestamps for anyone who would like to witness this... glorious mistake of a video xDDD)
They also ended the event by taking a big group photo together! I managed to get pretty close to the front because my seat was so close to the photo spot already xD
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All hosts, cosplayers, important guests, and 150-ish attendees! (Credits to the official Taiwanese Mystic Messenger Facebook Page.)
After that, they said that they would allow a few minuets for people to take pictures with cosplayers, with each other, of the venue, basically anything. But unlike almost everyone who immediately STAMPEDED to line up for the cosplayers (especially 707), I raced to look for Sujin Ri!!! There were quite a few other people going for her, too, and she was taking photos with fans and signing people’s merch and stuff. I was able to speak to her in English, and simply asked, “Can I please take a photo with you?” She was super nice, and so was her translator, who ended up taking all the pictures for everyone who lined up xD Before I left, she told me, “Thank you for playing!” Ahhh she’s so cute <333
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Major fangirling!!! (Yes, that is me in the white dress. I have officially revealed my face >_<)
I then went and selfie-d with the two hosts (because why not? :D), and then selfie-d with the standees for a second time. Yes, I am literally more interested in standees than cosplayers... To me, the standees were more “like” the characters? They’re 2D anyway, so I prefer to keep them that way rather than pretending that a person who isn’t them, is xD
And even after I was done with the standees there was still time. On my way back to my seat to clean up my belongings, I literally JUST SO HAPPENED to walk past the place that was the end of 707′s line. At this point, I kinda thought to myself, “I already paid for this party and I’m literally already standing in the queue, so may as well.” xDDD I did end up taking a selfie with the 707 cosplayer! I even decided to just go with it and asked him for a hug, too, and he told me to be careful on my way home :) Two possible responses: “Awww what a nice cosplayer she is ^^” and “OMGGGG I TOOK A SELFIE WITH SEVEN AND HUGGED HIM AND HE TOLD ME TO BE CAREFUL ASD;KFJAHS;KJDA” May as well fully immerse myself in the experience and choose the latter ahahaha :P
After that, you were free to leave or make any final purchases at the merchandise section. The merch didn’t really appeal to me, so I only took pictures.
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Cup holders and washi tape! They’re cute, but not really things I need or particularly want. I’m happy with just my Ray emoticon cushion and rubber keychain for now ^^
The RFA members are also standing at the exit and seeing everyone off!
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Jumin even helped the fan who bid for his standee to bring it out of the hall. What a gentleman <3
Jumin waved goodbye to me as I was leaving, and 707 waved back when I turned for one last look ^^
I only really opened the paper bag once I got home, and inside were the gifts they promised!
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The bag is huge!
You get a random big cookie with an RFA member’s face on it! I got a Jumin, and I would like to ask how anyone thinks I will be okay with eating this ;___;
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My Juju cookie <3 You will eventually end up in my tummy ;~;
You also get a poster set that’s limited to this party only (there is no other way to get them)! I thought we would be getting one poster with all the characters, but no, they gave us five posters, one character each, separately :O
This is basically all the stuff I came home with haha <3
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Overall, was it worth it? Yes, I think so ^^
The ticket was pretty expensive and the purchasing process was crazy and stressful, but I think it was worth the money and effort spent. The party was a lot more grand and fancy than I expected, and you could tell that they really did put a lot of effort into making it a really extravagant event. I did not come in expecting to meet Sujin Ri, and revealing that a lot of the money would be going to charity also made the party so much more meaningful <3 (I’m sure the RFA would be proud ;D) Of course, the experience would probably have been more unforgettable and rewarding if I had actually gotten drawn for just ONE of the many lucky draws they had LOL but I still had a great time and I’m just thankful that I got to attend such a fun and wonderful event <333
Not sure if they’ll be holding another one of these parties in other cities in Taiwan (or maybe in Hong Kong and Macau), but I’m pretty sure that this isn’t the last of these MM Taiwan events xD I hope my wallet can take it :P
Here is the official compilation video with footage from the party (featuring my embarrassing self being filmed selfie-ing with a 707 standee OH GOD WHY.) The caption on the video post also has a link to a Google Drive where you can look at some clearer photos taken by their staff members!
And here’s the “Mystic After Party” live video hosted by Cuby and Fatty. (Go to 2:20 [as in 2:20 REMAINING of the video, so about 40:35 minutes in] if you’re interested in watching Fatty’s music video xD Please imagine this video coming on with the shook-ness of a troll surprise when you’re expecting a confetti ball to pop out instead >.>) 
If you’re still reading, I APPLAUD YOU :O LET’S BE FRIENDS! No, seriously, thank you for taking interest and reading until the end; I am so sorry that it’s so insanely long ^^;;
All posts on Mystic Messenger events in Taiwan can be found under my #mmtaiwan tag!
Check out my Saeran x MC fic: Waiting for Spring And my Choi Brothers fic: Of Roses and Resets
*All photos belong to me unless otherwise stated. Please do not repost without my permission!
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marvelsuperfangirl · 7 years
Secret Santa ( Warren Worthington III x Reader)
A/N: Hello! I know I’m a little late because we’re already the 10th of December. I’m really inspired for Christmas imagines but I don’t really have the time to write because of school. So, I hope you’ll like this one :)
It was the season to be jolly. LALALALALALALALALA!
Precisely, 15 days left before Christmas and everyone was bathing in the seasonal mood. The mansion was full of ornaments, from the smallest christmassy sticker on a window to to the giant christmas trees, one in the living room and another in the lobby which was accomodating every person that entered the mansion with the strong and wonderful odor of christmas.
Cookies were made everyday to fullfill everyone's need  and new bags of chocolates, marshmallows and candy canes had to be bought every three days.
And among the joy and food, the thought that was on almost everyone's head was the presents. The most organized ones had already bought the presents they wanted to offer but some others didn't even have a hint of an idea.
That was your case and the case of your group of friends.
Between the ones without any ideas, the ones who didn't know who they wanted to offer something to and couldn't get something to everyone because of budget problems, and some knew what and who they wanted to offer something to but were too shy  and scared to be rejected by the person to act about it.  I guess, even Christmas come with its pack of problems.
The next day , Jubilee arrived in the living room with a bright smile on her face and a baseball cap in her hand.
" Guys, I have the perfect idea to save our christmas!" she exclaimed waving the cap above her head, earning herself the attention of her friends.
" With a cap?" Scott asked skeptic
She rolled her eyes.
" We're going to do the " Secret Santa" thing. Get me papers and I'll write all of our names on it. And each of us will pick one and will have to get a present to the person whose name's written on the paper."  she explained
You and your friends looked at each others.
" Sounds like fun" you shyly said.
Everyone agreed and Jubilee got off the couch and jumped up and down in joy before taking a pen from the coffee table and starting to write all the names on pieces of paper.
When she was done she put all the pieces in the cap and presented it to each one of you.
When it was your turn you hesitated, looking at all the small folded pieces of paper and not knowing which one to pick.
" Let your hand guide you, Y/N" Jubilee said
You slowly nodded and picked a paper.
She offered you a smile and moved on to the next person.
You unfolded the piece and your eyes widened.
Looking up, you searched for the angel and when your eyes landed on him, you smiled. Despite not being the friendliest person, you were pleased to be the one to get the occasion to make him happy.
Your eyes were fixed on his face, and you were sure that your arbored a goofy expression. The next second his blue eyes were on yours. You blinked and there he was, staring right back at you with a smirk playing on his pink lips. You felt your cheeks set on fire; he caught you staring at him and also got a perfect view of your stupid face expression when you were looking at a cute guy.
You instantly looked away and got up from your chair, quickly walking out of the room. Unfortunately you didn't see Warren returning your smile and also didn't know how is heart was fluttering like yours.
 On Warren's side...
As you left the room in a hustle, Warren smiled looking at how flustered you were. His eyes left the doorway you just passed to the paper in his hand.
Lucky him. If he was honest with himself he wouldn't have wanted to pick someone else than you. You and him weren't exactly  friends, you didn't talk enough for your relationship to earn that title,. You occasionely asked him to pet his wings and he would agree with a shrug, some other times the two of you had small conversation.But he still thought about you as a friend, since you were hanging with each other through the others.
He was more than glad to have pick you, he couldn't wait to see you blushing and smiling when you would open his present.
Warren knew exactly what he was going to get you.
He didn't have the reputation of being romantic but he was the kind to ne discreet, despite his giant ass wings. He didn't really liked to get attention from others, because of his past, and no one was really paying attentio nto him. Only your group of friends welcomed him. And being discreet gave him the opportunity to listen to everything.
He perfectly remembered how it happened, when he found the idea of what to get you for christmas.
He was laying on his back, wings spreaded on the grass and sucking on every sun rays. His eyes were closed but he was all ears. You and Jean were sitting a few feet away from him, in deep conversation about christmas, even if it was at least 3 months away. Warren couldn't remember what Jean precisely said, but she was blabbering about how she wished Scoot would get her something or whatever....
That's when you mentionned it, the perfect gift you could receive.
" I won't ask for much this christmas. All I want is a blanket as soft as Warren's wings"
This sentence was automatically pin into his mind since then.
Now, he needed help and someone to go with him to make sure he wouldn't buy something ugly.
That's how he found himself at the mall with Jean. She said that she knew where he could find something that you'll absolutely love. So she dragued him in a store for the home, they arrived in a section full of blankets.
They were some with bright colors on it, some only were in one color, some with drawings , and there also was a christmas section.
" Come on, go touch them" Jean said pushing him toward the blankets.
" What?" he exclaimed
" If you want to find THE one, you have to touch them"
The angel reluctantly walked to one and rubbed his palm against the fabric. It felt really good and Warren lost it , he started touching every blanket, and he looked like a crazy person, earning himself judgemental looks from the people passing by and laughs from Jean, who was watching him from afar.
When he stopped in front of the christmas blankets, he touches one and almost felt like he was touching his own feathers. He even brought it to his cheek and started rubbing it against his skin, with a idiotic smile.
The blanket was light gray with whites christmassy patterns, like snowflakes and reindeers.
" It's this one!" he said excitedly, a childish smile illuminating his face.
" Perfect" Jean said
Warren grabbed the blanket and the two of them walked toward the cash registers.
It was really rare to see Waren's soft side. the guy who usually wore rock band tees, combat boots and a leather jacket, full on the tough guy attitude; with a  smile on his face and a rather girly blanket in hands; and it was beautiful to watch.
On the reader's side...
When you finally escpaped Warren's gaze and exited the room , you took some time to let the heat fall down from your cheeks.
" I picked Warren" you thought
You really wanted to make Warren happy out of everyone; he always seemed to be so lonely, angry and sad. The problem is that even with good intentions you didn't know what he could like as a present; you had to ask the boys.
You managed to assemble all the boys in your room, except Warren of course. Scott, Peter and Kurt were now sitting on your bed, curious about what you wanted from them.
" I need your help. I picked Warren and I have an idea for his present but it would be better if you come with me to be sure I'll pick the right thing".
" Cool! Shopping" Peter screamed and the next second he was standing next to you, his hand on his hip.
" Come, on guys, are we going or what?" he urged them.
The four of you found a sort of punk rock shop where you could buy clothes, accessories, records and everything related to this universe.
After entering the shop you directly tugged the boy in the shirts section.
" You want to buy him clothes?" Scott asked
" I know every shirts of his are alaways ripped because of his wings and he can only wear them once. So I'm going to buy him new ones and make some modifications so he wont rip them again."
They nodded and you reported your attention on the shirts in front of you.
" Now,which one do you think  he will like because I don't know which band he's into"
The guys went to work and picked many shirts representing bands like Def Leppard, Metallica, ACDC, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Guns N' Roses and many others. At the end you had at least twenty shirts in your arms, you decided to take them all.
You made a quick stop to the drugstore on your way back to the mansion to pick some leather and snaps for your modifications.
You worked really hard on the shirts. You had cut two holes in the back and sewed pieces of leather all around them so Warren's wings wouldn't cut the fabric. Then you had cut strikes from the hem of the shirts to the holes and sewed snaps all the way up so it wouldn't be too hard to pass his wings in the holes. You were really proud of your work and hope that the angel would like it. Then you wrapped them all in a white gift paper and added a giant red bow on top.
Now you just had to wait for christmas morning.
Christmas was finally here and you were woken up by Jean, who bursted your bedroom door open before jumping on your bed like a children on christmas morning, in this instant we could forget that she was a young woman.
" Wake up Y/N, it's christmas!!We have to open our presents!" she screamed
She then tugged on your arms to try and force you to get up.
" Calm down, I'm coming!" you said, rolling out of bed,still half asleep.
You put on your slippers before following the excited red haired girl to the living room where the mighty presents were.
All your friends were already gathered around the tree and looking at the presents like lions waiting to be fed.
" Hurry, we're waiting for you!" Peter said, throwing you an accusating look
" All right, I'm here"
They all jumped on the presents, screaming names every time they read a tag  on a present.
You looked around the room and spotted Warren , sitting on the couch with the same neutral expression as always, looking at your savage friends.
" Y/N!" your heard someone scream
You turned your head and saw Jubilee, holding a present.
" It's yours" she said, with the smile, handing it to you.
You took it. It was quite big . You walked to the couch and sat at the opposite end of Warren. You were looking at the present, turning it in your hands and mentally asking yourself what it could be.
" Warren!" your heard screaming
You looked up as well as the angel and you saw Jubilee again, holding the present you got him. She put it on his lap and he looked at it, his eyebrows furrowed as he observed the thing, wondering what could be inside and who bought him a present.
You'd never been as nervous as you were right now.
Everyone has their gifts and it was time to unwrap.
You kept an eye on Warren while opening your present but decided to focus on the package in your hands when he tore the paper, too scared of his reaction.
You slowly opened your present, only to discover something fluffy. You completely unwrap it and found a blanket. A really cute blanket with christmassy patterns on it. You caressed it with your hand and it was super fluffy! You then brought the blanket to your face and rubbed it on your cheek, letting out a sigh of content.
Then, you looked back at Warren , he was holding one of the shirt in front of him, and had the smallest smile youve ever seen on his lips.
If you managed to make him happy, even if it was not really noticeable you were more than satisfied.
You were taken out of your thoughts by Ororo, sayng that it was time to reveal who was whom secret santa.
Hugs and issed were exchanged everywhere as people had found out who offered them their present.
" So, who's Y/N's secret santa?" Jean asked, smirking at you.
You heard a cough from beside you.
" That might be me..." Warren mumbled
You smiled and got closer to him, wrapping your arms around him.
" Thank you so much! I love it" you said before lightly kissing his cheek.
When you pulled away you could see the pink shade that decorated his cheeks.
" How did you know about the blanket?" you asked him
" Hum... " His cheeks became more red as he was searching for an answer.
" I...I overheard you talking with Jean and...yeah..."
" Well, you couldn't find better. Thanks again" you said, finally releasing him
His cheeks were bright red and he discreetly tried to fan himself with his hand to make the red tint disappear.
" Now, who's Warren secret santa?" Jean asked
Your turned back to Warren
" I hope you like it. I brought this with the boys since I didn't know what kind of band you liked. "
" Don't worry, I love them. You even thought about the holes for my wings" he said this time the smile more perceptible on his face.
" No problem" you offered him a small smile. " If it doesn't fit, just tell me"
He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
It was your turn to blush and you let out an awkward giggle.
" Let's see if they fit then" he said grabbing the shirt again, placing it on his lap.
He took off his leather jacket, then his shirt, that he almost ripped in half because of his wings.
The sigh was so good that it was impossible not to drool. His toned chest was full on display, you were sure that there wasn't any gram of fat in that body.Every one of his movements were making his arms flex and show off his muscles.  And as he finally took his shirt completely off his hair were ruffled, some golden curls falling over his eyes. He put them back in place by running his hand through it.
He took the new shirt and passed it over his head, covering his wonderful body from your eyes. You could see that he had trouble to close the snaps.
" Here, let me help you"
You gently pushed him forward so you could access to his back and closed the snaps, patting him on the lower back when it was done.
He turned to you, showing off the shirt and how it perfectly fit his perfect body.
" What do you think?" he asked
You nodded your head
" Looks good"
He put his jacket back on and leaned against the back of the couch , the small smile still playing on his lips, his eyes fixed on the shirt pile.
You did the same, and put your brand new blanket over your legs.Warren gave you a side glance and passed his arm around you to pull you into him before wrapping his wing around you.
You settled comfortably against him with your head on his chest, putting  the blanket over his lap too. A dummy smile lingered on your face as the angel leaning his head down to press a kiss to your forehead and rested his cheek on the top of your head.
-" Merry Christmas, Y/N"
-" Merry Christmas, angel"
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youtiaoshutiao · 7 years
translation: a love so beautiful || 致我们单纯的小美好 (the novel) → chapter 2
Here you can see how the drama deviated quite a bit from the book narrative :) Hope you enjoy!
edit: realised that dolly at https://teaquilashot.wordpress.com is also translating, so now we will be collaborating to translate the novel together at her blog :)
original text by: 赵乾乾 (zhao gan gan)
translated by: yt st / youtiaoshutiao @ tumblr
disclaimer: translation here is purely for non-commercial purposes, and I don’t own the original work. please credit this tumblr if borrowing any translation from here. :)
notes: translator’s notes are bolded and bracketed, terms translated literally are italicised. sometimes i take liberties with punctuation and certain phrasing when translating too. :P
After summer, we stepped into the busy year of Junior 3. I have always prioritised important matters above everything else, hence things like immersing myself in romantic love were promptly kicked to a side. Plus, Meteor Garden was airing fervently back then, so I changed to being crazy about Dao Ming Si instead.
The event that caused me to confirm my resolution to have being infatuated/fangirling over Jiang Chen as my life goal happened half a year later. The night before the mock exams, amidst my mum’s beatings and scoldings of “How did I raise up such a forgetful pig-headed daughter like you?!”, I hurriedly rushed to the Xue You (NOTE: direct translation of Xue You – study friend) Bookshop to buy the 2B pencils I needed to shade the OAS for my mock exams the next day.
Even though Xue You Bookstore claims to be a bookstore, but it sells a variety of things – from books and stationery to stickers and toys, basically, whatever was trending among students, it would sell. Later on after muddling through life in the outside world, I discovered that the two words “Xue You” was a name that all non-franchise stationery shops and book shops in the country liked to use. I didn’t know if this was because this name would cause numerous students to feel a sense of familiarity akin to seeing a friend, or if it was because everyone was lazy to come up with names. But if there was a day where I decide to give back to society, I would also want to open a Xue You shop, on the surface it would sell books and stationery, but it would actually be a centre of students to pay a fee and make friends, especially female students, though if there were special requests, we could also sell male students at a high price.
I entered Xue You and grabbed a bunch of 2B pencils. At that point in time, using computers to mark papers had just come into vogue. I thought that the 2B pencil would appreciate in price in the near future, and I had to stock up. But the truth proved otherwise. While the price of pencils did rise by ten cents, there were many pencils specially made for shading the OAS that were produced. While everyone else was using mechanical pencils to shade their OAS, I still had to pitifully use a knife to shave my pencils. Prophets are all lonely people.
As I clutched a bunch of pencils, about to pay, Jiang Chen entered through the door. Perhaps out of a strange adolescent voyeuristic mentality, I subconsciously grabbed a book off the shelf, using it to block my face as I secretly watched him.
Jiang Chen upon entering made an immediate beeline for the counter. The lady boss saw him, and smilingly carried up a pile of books from under the counter. “The embroidered collector’s edition of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese Literature (NOTE: namely Romance of Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Water Margin and Dream of Red Mansions) you wanted, I specially went into the city to obtain its stock.”
Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Thank you Lady Boss, how much is it?”
“853 RMB, I’ll take 850 from you.” The lady boss took his money. “I’m not even counting in the transport fees.”
Jiang Chen smilingly nodded his head. “Thank you Lady Boss.”
At that point in time our school fees were 200 RMB per semester, Jiang Chen was using money worth two school years/four semesters to buy a few rotten books, if he had so much spare money, he might as well… Actually I also didn’t know what he might as well have done, I’ve never had so much money, so I was really didn’t understand. Previously, someone told me this joke – a news reporter asked an old woman who lived deep in the mountains, “What would you do if I gave you 100000 RMB?” She replied, “Eat vegetable steamed buns everyday.” He asked again, “What if I gave you 200000 RMB?” She replied, “Eat meat steamed buns everyday.” Lastly he asked, “What if I gave you 1000000 RMB?” She replied, “I would have a vegetable steamed bun in one hand and a meat steamed bun in the other everyday.” I actually really empathised with the old woman’s plight.
“Ge ge (NOTE: meaning older brother), ge ge.” A child who had come out of nowhere was calling as he tugged on Jiang Chen’s trousers.
Jiang Chen squatted down and caressed his head. Blinking, he asked him, “Little friend, are you a boy or a girl?”
The little child sucked on his tiny thumb, and very seriously replied, “Boy.”
Jiang Chen was dissatisfied. “I don’t like boys.”
He was preparing to get up as he said that, the little child hurriedly tugged on his clothes. “I’m a girl.”
Jiang Chen laughed. “So you’re actually a girl. Okay then, what did you call me for?”
The little child fished out a box of colour pencils and two crumpled ten-cent notes from the large pocket of his overalls, lifting them high up to demonstrate how he couldn’t reach the counter. “I’m buying this.”
Jiang Chen took the box and stood up to pass it to the lady boss. “Boss, how much is this?”
“Ten RMB.”
Jiang Chen fished out ten RMB. After paying the money, he then squatted back down to pass the box to the little child. He patted his head and said, “Here, your colour pencils.”
The little child chortled as he took the box. “Thank you Ge ge.”
After saying “you’re welcome”, Jiang Chen prepared to stand up straight. The little child once again pulled at his trouser bottoms, so he could only squat back down again. The little child clumsily opened the box of colour pencils, and picking out a pink coloured one, said, “Drawing is very pretty.”
“I don’t know how to draw.” Jiang Chen said as he smiled. “You keep it for yourself to draw.”
The little child shook his head, and pointing at the books in his hand, said, “No, I draw.”
Jiang Chen stared blankly for a moment, then his face broke into a smile. He took out “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” and handed it over to the little child.
The little child held up the book and sat on the floor, lowering his head to draw something on it very seriously, while muttering something to himself. At last he clapped his hands and said, “Done.”
I tiptoed and stuck out my head to peep at it, that design looked like a rabbit at first glance, then looked like a dog when you looked more closely, yet its poise and charm also somewhat resembled a tiger.
Jiang Chen, taking back the book, looked at it very seriously, then said seriously, “The dog you drew is very beautiful, thank you.”
The little child, fluttering his round eyes, said, “It’s a cat.”
Jiang Chen did a double take, then laughed. “So it’s actually a cat.”
I stared at his dimple, it seemed to have deepened somewhat, I really wanted to go up to him and poke it.
What is known as “being stunned by beauty”, what is known as “being killed in a second”. Li Bi Hua (NOTE: a famous Chinese author/scriptwriter – she wrote Farewell My Concubine) once said – being stunned by beauty back at that time, was wholly because one had seen little of the world. But this wasn’t the case for me, in the times to come, I would repeatedly embellish these two scenes in my mind, just like the post-production editing for movies and television. I would adjust the angle of the scene, add light and shadow variation, layer on sound effects……
“How long are you going to squat at the hospital entrance for?”
“Ah?” With my great post-production editing project being interrupted, I was momentarily a little lost. Gazing into Jiang Chen’s somewhat impatient-looking face, I again sounded, “Ah?”
“Get up.” He stretched out his hand and with one grab pulled me up from the floor, dragging me towards the ambulance. In fact, I really wanted to ask him if he had forgotten to let go of my hand, and also if he was in poor health lately, his hand was so sweaty…
When we got onto the ambulance, the driver and my mum simultaneously showed facial expressions looking like they had just caught us in bed together. I helplessly rolled my eyes, and peeped at Jiang Chen a little apprehensively. He on the other hand seemed to be totally unaffected and sat by my side. “Small Li, start driving.”
After that, he turned his head around to tell my mum, “Auntie, I’ve already spoken to my colleague in orthopaedics, when we reach the hospital, we’ll take another X-ray, if there is no issue, we’ll do the operation this afternoon. Please do not worry, my colleague is one of the very best orthopaedic surgeons in the industry.”
My mum hurriedly nodded her head incessantly, and gave a really motherly smile. “We’re really troubling you.”
“It’s no trouble, it’s what I should do.” Jiang Chen was also really smiling like a filial son.
“So noisy!” My dad suddenly spoke up loudly.
Ever since my dad was informed that we were going to transfer hospitals with the help of Jiang Chen, he had been throwing a tantrum. Later on, the moment my mum walked away, he gave me a tongue-lashing, its contents being nothing else but one word – backbone! He felt that after how Jiang Chen’s mother treated me back in the day, I should stay far, far away from him. It was best that I spit him in the face with saliva when I saw him to express my disdain, but now I had gone as far as to accept his favour!
Three years ago, I graduated from X University’s art design faculty. Jiang Chen was studying both his bachelor’s and master’s degree consecutively in medical school and had to study for seven years, but due to his excellent performance, he had already begun to intern at the various major departments at X University’s subsidiary hospital by his fourth year.
Back then, Jiang Chen was really good to me, the moment he saw me receive my graduation certificate, he said that he wanted to marry me. Of course, this was mainly because I was always making baseless fabrications about a bunch of the so-called elite in society to scare him. For example, the manager who helped me open the door every day (whose original form was the security guard of our company, for I always forgot to bring my entrance card to tap in and out); the director who was always giving me flowers (whose original form was the person who sold flowers downstairs – when I was working overtime late into the night, I would always run into him throwing away the spoilt flowers that couldn’t be sold while on my way home, with my fervent hints, he would give the flowers to me); the client who treated me to watch a movie (whose original form was indeed a client, and I did indeed watch a movie, it was just that I had to write a publicity proposal report for them after watching it)…… An artistic creation requires an original form.
Once Jiang Chen heard that I was so popular, he became anxious, he said that the four years’ worth of breakfasts he delivered in university must not be delivered in vain, we had better get married.
I agreed with no sense of shame whatsoever. My thoughts were very simple, the faculty of medicine in X University was ranked no. 1 in the entire country, and Jiang Chen was getting the top-tier scholarship every year, there was basically no suspense that he was a stock with great potential. I had to capture him as soon as possible, such that when he became a blue chip stock (NOTE: aka stocks of financially stable and well-known companies that have good returns), I would be the grain-husk wife (NOTE: meaning a wife who has suffered hardship together with you) who had suffered trials and tribulations together with him, if he dared to divorce me, I would dare to ask for a half of his assets……
Of course, actually the simplest thought was that I loved him very much, and I was afraid he would be snatched away by someone else. One time, I went to the hospital he was interning at to look for him, and within one hour I saw three patients giving him their business cards, with one of even being a guy. This society was too terrifying, and Jiang Chen’s charisma seemed to slay both men and women.
It was just that back in the day, I was almost completely poisoned by television dramas and novels, and I thought that my love was invincible. But Jiang Chen’s mother made me realise, once my love experienced disturbances, it changed as it pleased.
One fine afternoon, Jiang Chen’s mother paid a visit to my mum. My mum’s status in my household, being a professional housewife, was akin to that of Wu Ze Tian (NOTE: the only female emperor in the history of China), but for the first time, I saw that plucky mother of mine being at such a complete loss of what to do, becoming meek without herself even noticing. To be fair, Jiang Chen’s mother didn’t say any undue remark, and she hadn’t fished out a cheque and said, “Leave my son, tell me how much money you want.” She was calmly discussing with my mum some wedding customs, but it was just the condescending attitude, like she was lowering herself to talk to my mum, that she exuded that caused my mum to be filled with trepidation. Watching my mum from the side as she rubbed her hands, saying, “We’ll cooperate, we’ll cooperate”, my heart was tart and painful, like it had been soaked in old vinegar.
Jiang Chen’s mother then sought me out one-to-one for a chat. She gave me a few pieces of paper and told me to take a good look, and if I agreed, to give my signature. It was a pre-marital contract, with its contents roughly being something along the lines of how I was not marrying Jiang Chen for his family’s money, and if we divorced, I wouldn’t be able to get any assets, etcetera.
At that point in time, I was really bewildered. His dad was just the mayor of a small town, how much money could he possibly have? Was there really a need to act like we were in a television drama?
I’ve already forgotten what I was thinking at that time, perhaps it was some noble matters like love and self-respect, but later I simply could not make up my mind, so I went to ask my dad. All I can say is that, that was a historic mistake.
Jiang Chen’s dad was my dad’s indirect supervisor. My dad felt that he was already such a wimp, being bullied and pushed around by these supervisors on a day-to-day basis, but for the family of his supervisor to bully his own family members, this was a matter that he simply couldn’t stand. Therefore he told me that if I dared sign, he would disown me as his daughter.
Thus, I again did yet another stupid thing, which was to give Jiang Chen the pre-marital contract for him to return it to his mother. Jiang Chen was really agitated and furious, and went home to quarrel with his mother. Later on, his mother gave me a phone call, with the main idea being, if I dared get married to Jiang Chen, she would dare to die at our wedding. Back then, I had little experience in society, so I was immediately psyched out by her. I totally didn’t think of any other ways to resolve the issue, for example to not hold a wedding ceremony, so that she wouldn’t have a place to die……
The matter of marriage was hence left unsettled just like that, after that, I didn’t know why, but perhaps work started to get busy, I was busy getting scolded by my manager, while Jiang Chen was busy attending classes and interning. Plus, most likely I started bearing grudges in my heart, I would incessantly nit-pick and needle him, and would provoke him over the most trivial and inconsequential matters. I tested our love by testing his tolerance.
When I said, “Jiangchen, let’s break up.”
He was silent for a long time before saying, “Don’t you regret it.” Then he slammed the door with a bang and left.
I thought that for two people who loved each other to break up, there should at least be some large-scale major event, for example, a third party; for example, suddenly discovering that I was his father’s illegitimate daughter; for example, either him or I contracting a terminal illness…… But in fact, there was no need for that. Uneasiness, busyness and weariness were enough.
We split up just like that. It was quite amazing, two people who had originally agreed to be together for a whole lifetime, now had absolutely nothing to do with each other in just a flash. For a long period of time, I even suspected that perhaps someone had pressed the fast-forward button for us, causing me to omit some plot circumstances that made the break-up an inevitability.
My dad was the happiest about my breakup with Jiang Chen. He most likely felt that this was one victory he had in his confrontation with those of a supervisor social class. But towards a later stage, my constant inability to find a boyfriend caused him to feel that the fruits of victory were sometimes bitter as well.
So I guess my dad’s feelings towards Jiang Chen were complicated. On one hand, he hoped that there would be someone who would take over the slow-moving product (NOTE: meaning a product that sells poorly) that I was, yet on the other hand, he also felt that he would much rather I be a slow-moving product than to sell me to Jiang Chen. He was probably experiencing internal turmoil akin to that of the capitalists existing during the Great Depression mentioned in our high school politics textbook who would rather pour milk into the river than give it to the poor.
What I didn’t tell my dad was that actually, that person wasn’t even intending to buy from you.
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rayadraws · 7 years
The importance of positive reinforcement
This is a little “joint project” between me, @jenny-opm, @dechanique and also @bloodsbane!
This all started with me posting the following prompt at the OPM Discord server:
Concept: King obviously has a large collection of anime figurines and stuff we do not even need to discuss this. And let’s say there’s an equivalent of Nendoroids/Good Smile Company in the OPM universe who produces merch for different categories, so that probably includes heroes, too.
Genos hears about a new Caped Baldy figurine and starts looking around for it, maybe joining a forum to ask/find more info. There is an user in the forum who knows EVERYTHING about these figurines and offers all sorts of insight etc. And then after like, quite a bit of discussing things back and forth both of them go like
“Wait… Genos?”
”King? Is that you?“
…at least they’ll have something to talk about next time King comes over now.
We started brainstorming about this scenario and it uh, grew. Below is a near 2k “summation” of everything we came up with, kind of like a synopsis if you will? (If anyone wants to borrow this concept and turn it into something bigger/a proper fic or watever by all means do, just make sure to give credit where due - and give us links to the results, I’m sure everyone involved would love to see!)
Moral of the story, as summed up by Dech: Genos is the real winner and learned nothing.
King is definitely a moderator in said forum. If Genos ever misbehaves on there king probably gives Saitama a call like;
"Yo your roommate is trying to start an internet fight, get him to stop for me.”
Saitama tells Genos that ”King told me to tell you that if you don’t stop engaging with the trolls you’ll have your star point rewards taken away, whatever that means.”
Genos is visibly upset at this. He counters that King should come talk directly to him (knowing he’s intimidated by him) but the threat backfires when Saitama responds with ”’Kay, I’m telling him you don’t want your points or whatever" and there goes that.
“N-no, Sensei, no! Just… it’s just….”
“They said mean things about you and how hard it is to get you to remain on your stand….”
“Is this all about that weird plastic action toy again?!”
It turns out Saitama is a bit weirded out by the idea of an collector’s figure of himself, maybe even by figures of real people in general.
This becomes even more evident when they’re walking past a display in a store one day (including at least three different designs of Demon Cyborg) and Sai just… gives them a Look
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“Why are there three versions of you, though” Saitama asks.
“Well, I believe Amai Mask has at least 7 variants, Sensei, since he has been a hero for much longer than us…
”…Why would anyone need 7 of him?“
(the answer is that they make a new figure every time he gets a new haircut)
The fortunate side effect of Genos being away and busy explaining action figures to Saitama is that it gives King the opportunity to get the forum situation back under control - it’s a lot easier now that a main participant is away from the screen.
On top of that, to Genos’ dismay, by the time they return home, the forum thread has been locked. However, he has an idea and whips out his phone, texting King with simply “Why did you do that?”. When he receives the message, poor King just about throws his phone across the room.
Later, it is Saitama’s turn to receive a text message.
"Saitama, dude, you gotta stop him or we’ll have to ban him and I’m terrified of what he’ll do to me, he knows where I live!”
Poor King - all he wants is to keep the forum a safe and healthy environment for everyone….
One day King comes over to play video games with Saitama and at one point King’s phone beeps. He notices that there is a situation and thinks to himself that this has to be straightened out, a mod is needed here….
Of course, Genos remembers when King cheated him out of a glorious internet discussion victory and just starts staring at King, eyes narrowed, not even blinking.
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Poor King doesn’t deserve this, all he wanted to do in his beloved forum was talk about anime waifus with his fellow otakus… It’s like a battle between Genos’ whirring core and the King engine thundering in the small apartment.
Saitama notices that something is up and tries to diffuse the situation, asking if Genos can go get the chips. Predictably, Genos does an immediate 180 and brightly asks whether Sensei wanted this one or this one..? He gets the bag of chips…
…And then goes RIGHT back to glaring at King. The relief was only temporary…
King desperately tries to come up with a solution to all of this. Maybe he can give Genos star points for every day he stays out of trouble..? But that’s not fair to other users… But this is a life or death situation, he needs to come up with SOMETHING..
Desperately, he begs Saitama to give Genos a good behaviour sticker book.
Saitama is uncertain.
“I dunno man…”
“Listen! I’ll buy you a book and deliver it here! Just… please… for me?!” King puts on his best puppy eyes.
“He listens to you!”
“I’ll subscribe to a monthly sticker service and send them all to you!”
King is desperate - but then again, he’s pretty sure it’s his life on the line.
A month later:
"Hey Genos! Look, this month’s theme is Gudetama!”
To King’s relief, the new system works and Saitama realizes he can also use the stickers for other situations… like not threatening strangers on the street or not losing parts during fights.
“You came back in one piece! Wow, awesome, here’s a sticker!”
A little positive reinforcement goes a long way!    
Other uses includes finding the BEST sale - Genos is so proud of that one that his sticker album just happens to lay open on the table when Mumen comes over for a visit one day.   
Mumen notices, of course.
“Oh, these are very nice! Are they a project for the neighbourhood children?”
“They’re… a project for one local kid…”
“All these stickers for one kid! This kid must be very good”
Genos looks so proud.
Saitama wants to say “he needs a lot of reinforcements” but he catches the look on Genos’ face and just can’t say it. Instead, all he says is “yeah” and Genos is so happy for the confirmation - and is on his best behaviour all day, bringing Mumen tea and crackers with a happy little smile - as well as going rather overboard.
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“What temperature do you prefer your tea at, Mumen-san?”
Mumen is rather confused…
It turns out Happy Genos is almost as overbearing as Pissy Genos - just in a different way.
Thanks to being so good while Mumen visits, Genos earns himself two new stickers.
(This is all very unfair - King introduces the stickers yet it’s Mumen Genos is grateful towards. Well, life isn’t fair, King knows this. But it still hurts…)
On days when Genos is especially good he can pick which stickers he wants. He always picks the yellow ones.
When he fills a page in his book he can have a small reward. When he fills a whole book he can have a big reward!
It’s hard to think of good rewards, though.
”I dunno what to even suggest as a reward, d’ya have any ideas, Genos?”
Genos reaches into his pocket, puts on lip balm and closes his eyes, making the perfect kissy face.   
”What, a new chapstick?”
One day, Saitama unexpectedly runs out of stickers. Genos looks so sad about it that Saitama panics and instead gave his reward in the form of a really quick kiss on the cheek.   
And that’s the start of it - stickers will never be enough now.
Saitama tries to reason with himself - it IS cheaper than buying new stickers all the time, it’ll save money… right?   
A call to King.
“Yeah, you don’t need to send me any more stickers.”
From here on, all they need to do is draw hearts in the book to keep track.
King can’t believe how well behaved Genos is next time they meet.
When he finally comes over he finally realizes why he didn’t need to send any more stickers.
“Well… I guess… that works…” he mutters as he continues kicking Saitama’s ass at Street Fighter - not hearing a disgruntled “hmph” in the background every time he wins a match is a welcome change.
“More tea, King-san?”
Before he has even closed the door behind him as he leaves the apartment, he hears Genos calling to Saitama in the other room.
“I want to cash in my reward now!”
Give a mouse a cookie…
Over time, Genos becomes more and more insistent about his rewards.
“Sensei, there was variations among the stickers. It is only fair to also have variations among the kisses.”
He’s steaming out of his shoulders as he advances on Saitama and Saitama knows immediately that the end of his supposed heterosexuality is impending.
To his surprise, he is saved(?) by none other than Speed of Sound Sonic.
To Genos’ credit, he tries to stay calm around Panic (”Oy, worthless, poorly named sorry excuse for a ninja… do you want tea?” “What?!”). But unfortunately the sticker street is one-way - Sonic has no incentive to be nice.
The fight is inevitable.
”You cost me a kiss!”
”For fecks sake what’s wrong with you today tin can?!”
Afterwards, Saitama can tell that Genos is upset so he strikes a deal. He won’t lose any of his points, but he won’t gain any new ones either.
”You didn’t immediately attack him but you did call him a shitty excuse for a shitty shithead… so let’s call it even…”
”Hey Genos! If you get every sale item on this list you’ll have your choice of a smooch or two stickers!”
We know what he will choose. Having said that, he might try to barter - ”Maybe a quick smooch and one sticker?” - because stickers can be traded in for longer kisses later.
Getting more and more courageous, Genos starts demanding his rewards in public too. He has never been so excited to tag along to thrift stores to find “new” clothes before.
“Wow, what an awesome deal! You did so good Genos. This is definitely worth a big reward.” Genos moves closer, crowding Saitama, face dark and shoulders steaming.
“I would like that reward now, Sensei.”
Saitama sweats, takes a half step back. "R-right now??”
He steps closer, “Yes.I found Sensei the - shudders slightly - cheap used crocs, it is only fair.”
The first time Genos gets a public reward happens when they accidentally forgot the sticker book at home - after that, Genos “forgetting” them at home becomes a very common occurrence.
King has no idea what he has started. The day media explodes with the picture of Demon Cyborg and Caped Baldy kissing in public - Saitama texts King saying “I blame you” and King is so confused - but at least Genos is too busy to bother him or anyone else in the forum any more.
All in all, a happy ending for everyone.
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skippyin · 7 years
school story plz
WELL ALRIGHT THEN BUCKLE UP KIDDOS BECAUSE WE’RE GOING BACK TO SKIPPY’S SCHOOL DAYS. Now I’m not gonna drop any names but holy shit my early elementary school years were a trash fire. 
I have Aspburgers (I’m high-functioning though so it’s hard to tell), my brother has ADHD, my Mom has Dyslexia, and my Dad also has Aspburgers same as me. Both my parents went through hell when they were children, the school systems were brutal back then. They didn’t want to same for their children, so they got my brother and I 504′s and put us into Catholic Schools because we are Catholic and they wanted us to have that kind of education. The first school we chose, however, would be a den of nightmares. I’ll just use the initials: SH when referring to the school. The following is my account of what I went through in that school.
1st Grade: A good start! The teacher started out kinda mean but then shaped up. Treated me nicer when she realized I needed extra help and gave me that extra help. More or less went smoothly.
2nd Grade: Shit starts to get fucky. This teacher: Mrs. B(itch) was very stuck up. She was one of the members of Principle S(kanky Panky)’s little friend group. She greatly disliked me and my friend, Katie, not only because we both had learning disabilities, but also because we were both artists. The class was required to cover our textbooks to protect them from damage, but instead of using the stretchy cloth textbook covers like everybody else; Katie and I would use blank brown wrapping paper so we could draw on the covers, add stickers, etc. It was fun for us to personalize our textbooks, but Mrs. B HATED that we liked to draw because she thought it was a waste of our time and hers. It wasn’t easy, but I managed to troop through.
3rd Grade: Nice teacher. She liked me, and I had no problem with her. Though she would yell at the class often because a lot of the kids in the class were very misbehaved. This year went by without incident.
4th Grade: Another good year! (Unfortunately, my last at this school.) This teacher was my favorite and she was more than willing to give me a hand. The worst of my problems that year was the other kids in my class who liked to pick on me, but I was able to get through.
5th Grade: The beginning of The End. The gateway to True Hell. Which is ironic considering my teacher this year was a nun. Sister H(ell) was very old and therefore very old fashioned. She liked to play favorites, and usually preferred the boys over the girls for some reason, despite the fact that a good 75% of the boys in my class were assholes (don’t get me wrong though, a percentage of the girls in my class were bitches too). She gave me a hard time for my lacking math skills. Funny thing is, she had no idea how to teach the mathematical course material and told the parents on parent-teacher night that she was basically just winging it. She didn’t like me, or anything I did. It became a habit of mine to hum the Darth Vader Theme quietly to myself whenever I saw her walking by.
It was at this point my mother started complaining to Principle S that my education was starting to get hindered. At the same time, my brother was in 2nd grade and had gotten saddled with a different 2nd-grade teacher than me. This woman was ALSO in the principle’s friend group and was an even bigger problem then Mrs. B. She was just out and out mean to my brother and it was starting to become a problem. My mom filed these complaints and brought up our legal documentation. Principle S acknowledged that they were doing everything the documents told them what they had to do, but that she would have a personal word with our teachers to try to solve the problem.
A month passed. Nothing Changed.
Shit was still fucky, the Principle kept smiling and lying to her face, and my Mom decided that it was time to infiltrate. It was one of those kinds of situations where when peoples’ backs were turned, the staff was horrible. But when parents came over or people visiting from the school board: they were all suddenly super nice and acting on their best behavior. My Mom got a job at the school as the kindergarten teacher’s assistant in order to keep an eye on my brother and I and make sure we were being treated properly. The Principle and her friend group knew this was what she was doing and tried to keep her out of the loop as much as possible. Though her presence was very comforting to me, knowing she was so close by in this den of wolves.
(Side Story: Principle S is FUCKING Nuts.
While my Mom was working at the school she got into a friendly conversation with the Principle one day during lunch in the teacher’s lounge. She proceeded to tell my Mom a story of how she and her husband went to go visit her mother. Upon arriving at the elderly woman’s house, they found her on the floor and not moving. Now, any rational person would immediately call 911, right? Principle S didn’t. No, instead, her and her husband starting going around the presumably dead woman’s house and putting sticky notes with their names on all the fancy stuff they wanted. Turns out she wasn’t dead, just passed out. Upon realizing this, then they called 911. She laughed at it like it was a funny little story but my Mom just looked at her like she was crazy. And she was. There were many other stories like this, but that is the only one I know about.)
Nevertheless, the kindergarten classrooms were very out of the way from the rest of the school, so even though my Mom was present, they still pulled a lot of BS. When my 5th-grade year was finally over I was relieved, but boy oh boy was I jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire when I started--
6th Fucking Grade: What would be my last year at SH school. This year was my personal hell. THIS YEAR was when shit hit the fan. Ms. F(ucking Desperate For A Boyfriend) was the final member of the Principle’s friend group and was by far the worst in my opinion. Dear gosh this woman... Who let this woman near children... Where to begin, where to begin...
I guess I should start by saying she hated me. Just plain and simple. She hated me and anybody I associated with. She thought I was a Bad Kid. She thought I was a demon in disguise or some shit. That I was lying when I told my Mom about my hard time in school. How dare I get my Mom to “harras” her good friend Principle S with my disability papers. I’m just a lazy kid who doesn’t want to do any work so I’m giving myself an advantage over the other students who don’t have extra time on tests, or special seating, or get copies of notes from students who are doing good in school. How dare I get extra help that “I don’t need”. It was “unfair”.
So she proceeded to make every day of my 6th-grade life an uphill battle. And let me tell you it was a battle an emotionally and mentally draining one.
Here is a list of incidents I remember:
One day when I was absent, she made my two best friends sit out in the hallway and told them they couldn’t come back inside until they wrote a list of all the bad things I had done. They couldn’t do this, of course, because I had done nothing wrong, and were forced to stay out there until lunch time.
Complained every time I came to get my photocopied notes from her (only teachers had access to the copy machines). Would tell me every day that I didn’t deserve notes taken by a better student.
Never helped me whenever I would get bullied by other students.
Whenever I gave a wrong answer in class, would make it out as if it was the dumbest thing she had ever heard.
Kicked me out of my group who I was teamed up with on an important History Project. Said I was kicked out because I wasn’t “doing the work” and therefore my punishment was to do the whole thing by myself. I was absent for two days because I was sick with a fever, and I had told one of my teammates over the phone that I had my part of the work ready and I’d give it to them when I came back. Nope, doesn’t matter, what Ms. F says goes. I got saddled with four people’s weight in project work, along with my regular homework. My Parents helped me out a great deal because it was complete bullshit.
Went off on me when she found out I had started a trend among my classmates. Of drawing pictures of bad/dumb/silly things happening to her on sticky notes and trading them like trading cards. We all hated her.
Things really got set in motion during a private before-school meeting between Ms. F and my parents. Ms. F, my Dad, and my Mom, all sat down in our classroom and started to discuss what the fuck was going on. I was constantly asking my parents to keep me home from school, my grades were slipping, I was constantly stressed, and was showing the bad habit of plucking out my eyelashes. They wanted to know what was going on and they wanted it to be fixed. Ms. F proceeded to tell them the following:
A) I wasn’t disabled, I was only faking it because I am a lazy horrible brat who doesn’t want to do work and only wants extra help to give me an advantage.
B) If I really am disabled then I should be sent to a mental hospital/children’s special needs school for the severely disabled. I don’t belong in their school, I had no place in her classroom. I had to go where all the other “crazy children” were sent.
C) I am a manipulator and a liar playing everyone for fools, but NOT HER. No sir she doesn’t fall for my tricks.
My Dad is a slow to anger man. He is usually pretty laid back, and fun loving, and cool. But when he gets mad, watch out. Meanwhile, my Mom kind of is the opposite. She is a very passionate woman who likes to yell a lot whenever she feels there is some sort of injustice. Small but Loud. Like Anger from Inside Out. I’ve seen her mad, but when she’s Angry her rage burns brighter than the light of 1000 suns. The only thing keeping the two of them from beating the ever-loving crap out of Ms. F right then and there was the knowledge that they’d probably get pressed on Assault charges.
No, instead, they advanced on her. Forced her to back up against the wall. My dad, tall and looming behind my mom fixing this woman with a death glare. My mom pointing a finger at her face and said “I swear to God in heaven above if I ever catch you off school property... I don’t care if we’re in the grocery store, I don’t care if we’re in church, I don’t care if it’s years and years from now and I’m an old woman. I will punch you dead in the face for talking about my daughter that way and putting her through this. That is a promise, you Bitch. So you better be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life and praying and you don’t see me there.”
It was at this time school was starting, so my class came in to see my parents staring down our teacher. I was oblivious to the tense air in the room and just waved at them saying “Hi Mom and Dad!! :D” 
Meeting over.
My Mom is the kind of person who keeps her promises. She once knocked out a guy with a single punch. And another time my Mom broke some chick’s jaw when she tried to mug my Aunt. She knows how to throw a good punch.
But unfortunately, Ms. F was undeterred by my parents legal and physical threats. And only made things harder.
The final straw happened when we were 3/4ths through the year. The home stretch. I wanted to try my hand at writing poetry. We had some free time, so I got out a sheet of paper and got to work. Not too long after, the group of boys who liked to pick on me came over and tried to read it. I knew it would only give them cannon fodder to use against me so I tried to keep it away from them. They were persistent so I decided to try to use my pen to fend them off. One of the nice boys, Anthony, came over to try to break up the commotion. I accidentally wound up getting pen ink on his uniform shirt. I apologized, knowing he had only been trying to help and he told me not to sweat it and that his mom would just wash the shirt. The situation is over, right? Wrong.
Not ten minutes later, Ms. F slams her hands on her desk and screams my name. I snap to attention because “Oh no what’s happening?” She starts yelling at me because I got ink on Anthony’s shirt. How dare I do something so atrocious. Now Anthony’s poor mother has to slave away at the washing machine tonight to try to clean the ink off of his expensive uniform shirt. It doesn’t matter that I already apologized, it doesn’t matter that Anthony forgave me, I should feel bad about doing this horrible thing. She basically proceeded to humiliate me in front of the entire class and I was mortified.
I went, hid in the girl’s bathroom, and cried like Hermione Granger did in Sorcerer's Stone. After I calmed down, I refused to head back to class, too afraid getting yelled at again. Usually, if a student spends too long in the bathroom, another student is sent to go check on them to make sure they’re okay and bring them back to class. I decided to wait for someone to come for me. So I sat, and I waited. And waited. And waited. Nobody came to get me. My Mom wasn’t notified of the incident either, so she was waiting for me outside. It wasn’t until hours later when one of my friends came up to her after clubs were over and told her what happened that she found out. That I’ve been in the bathroom all day, and Ms. F didn’t want anybody to go get me. My Mom rushed into the school, ran into the bathroom, and embraced me. She was so worried because I was a child, left alone, unsupervised. This is how kids get kidnapped and go missing. This is how kids’ faces get plastered on missing posters and billboards. I was left alone in that bathroom with nothing but my own self-loathing all day, anything could have happened to me. We marched out of the bathroom, down to the Principle’s office, and my Mom called Principle S a sick pig bitch, threatening to sue her for every penny she had.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. My Mom was outraged by the school and its horrible treatment of myself, my brother, and any other disabled child that happened to come up to their doorstep. She was sick and disgusted and DONE. I remember vividly when we got back in the car, the first thing she did was call my Aunt on her cell phone and said: “I want a lawyer.” Unfortunately, we never did take them to court on this, I can’t remember the reason why. We’ve always been pretty financially tight, so I think it’s the fact that we just couldn’t afford a lawyer to do an all out lawsuit. 
My Mom pulled me and my brother out of that school and sent us to a different Catholic School. This one was so much better, so much nicer, all the teachers loved us, the principal he was so great and nice, we made friends with tons of different kids. It was the exact opposite of what we went through in that hell hole.
And you know what? I’m not mad. I’m not bitter. And I still feel like I’ve won even though we didn’t get any sort of “revenge” on these people. Me living my life, being happy, and being with my loved ones is revenge enough. In the end, they don’t matter to me. But at the same time, they did wind up teaching me something. They showed me the kind of person I didn’t want to be. They were bitter, revenge seeking, condescending, lazy, and prideful. They got enjoyment out of making me and anybody they deemed “unfit” miserable. I don’t want to be like them. I could have used their real names, I could put their addresses and phone numbers out there for everybody to see, with a call to action to “teach them a lesson” in order to form a justice-seeking mob mentality amongst anybody who reads this story. But I’m not. Because I don’t want to be seen as a victim. What I experienced was horrible, yes, but I don’t feel the need to cry out for justice. Because I’m satisfied with living my life and winning against them by leaving them behind, by not letting what they did to me haunt me every day of my life. And you know what? I’m fine.
I got two little sisters who I love very much.
I met some of my very best friends still to this day in high school.
I got my Associate's degree with honors.
I’m currently studying for my Bachelor's and eventually will get a job doing something I love.
I play games with my friends.
I do what I love every day.
I spend every day with my family who loves and supports me and encourages me.
I have so many blessings, I’m not going to let those years ruin my life when my life so good.
I guess the thing to take away from my story is, don’t dwell on things. You don’t have to nessicarily forgive them for what they did, but which sounds better to you: Dwelling on memories that make you feel like shit for the rest of your life or surrounding yourself with the people you love and making new better happier memories? I rolled with the punches that were thrown at me and came out stronger for it.
So while they sit there, stewing in their own bitterness, in a teaching job they hate but only took because they want the summers off. I’m off in the world, experiencing new things, and Living.
I am very happy. ^u^
Thanks for reading.
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