#Amit Kashyap
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akultalkies · 1 year ago
Nikunj Malik, Brijeshkumar Jha, Vivekanand Jha, Vijay Bansal, Madhavendra Jha, Amit Kashyap, Shivam Mishra, Rahul Kuriyal, Naman Kumar, Sushobhit Jha, Mangesh Kumar, Suresh Rimjhim, Shyam Shiva, Prashant Sharma, Lal Babu,
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cinematic-explorations · 8 months ago
Amit Trivedi's soundtrack is among the best.
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Dev.D (2009) dir. Anurag Kashyap
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bhagavanbhakthi · 1 month ago
From Kashmir to Kashyap (Amit Shah) - Sanskrit words and names!
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moviespopcorn · 1 month ago
डॉक्टरजी फिल्म रिव्यु
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मेल टच अवॉइड करो
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फिल्म डॉक्टरजी में लीड स्टार कास्ट प्लॉट-यह फिल्म एक ऐसे डॉक्टर की कहानी पर बनी है जो ऑर्थोपेडिक डॉक्टर बनना चाहता है लेकिन उसकी रैंक ऑर्थो में एडमिशन के according नहीं आती इसलिए उसको गायनेकोलॉजी में ही एडमिशन मिलता है और वह अपने मन को मार कर एडमिशन ले लेता है लेकिन जब अपने मन का कुछ ना मिले तो उस चीज में मन लगाना बहुत मुश्किल हो जाता है लेकिन जब वह हॉस्पिटल की लाइफ को देखता है तो बहुत कुछ सीखता और गलतियां भी करता है फाइनली वह अच्छा डॉक्टर बनने की कोशिश करता है| क्या वह अपनी कोशिश में कामयाब होगा? क्या वह अपने मन को गायनेकोलॉजी में लगाकर अच्छा डॉक्टर बन पाएगा? क्या वह ऑर्थोपेडिक्स बनने का सपना त्याग देगा? इन सभी सवालों के जवाबों को जानने के लिए आपको फिल्म देखनी पड़ेगी| थीम एंड टोन-इस फिल्म की टोन "कॉमेडी ड्रामा" है जिसमें फन और इमोशंस दोनों का मिश्रण है और थीम "मानवता और त्याग" जो मेडिकल लाइफ पर आधारित है इस फिल्म का उद्देश्य मनोरंजन के साथ-साथ सामाजिक संदेश भी देना भी है कि डॉक्टर की जिंदगी आसान नहीं होती जितना हम समझते हैं ऑन द ड्यूटी उनके ऊपर भी बहुत Pressure होता है एक्टिंग एंड कैरक्टर्स-"डॉ उदय गुप्ता" के रोल में "आयुष्मान खुराना" का अभिनय अच्छा है| और उन्होंने अपने रोल को अच्छे ढंग से निभाया उनका चरित्र थोड़ा हास्य रस लिए हुए हैं एक जिम्मेदार डॉक्टर का किरदार निभाने के लिए जिस तरह के साहस की जरूरत है वह उनके रोल में झलकता है "डॉ नंदिनी श्रीवास्तव" के रोल में "शेफाली शाह" का अभिनय भी लाजवाब है उनकी डायलॉग डिलीवरी और चेहरे के हाव-भाव को देखकर ऐसा लगता है कि वह रियल लाइफ डॉक्टर का रोल निभा रही हो और उनके गुस्से वाले दृश्य देखते ही बनते है"शोभा गुप्ता" की भूमिका में "शीबा चड्ढा" का अभिनय भी बहुत ही कमाल का है जवानी में ही अपने पति को खो देना जब वह गर्भवती थी से लेकर एक बेटे की मां का रोल बखूबी निभाया है उनके कॉमेडी दृश्य भी बहुत अच्छे और देखने लायक है उनको जितना रोल मिला उन्होंने अच्छा काम किया है | "चड्डी" की भूमिका में "अभय मिश्र" का अभिनय बहुत ही शानदार है, उनकी डायलॉग डिलीवरी, चेहरे के हाव -भाव से लगता है कि वह लंबी रेस के घोड़े साबित हो सकते हैं और इस फिल्म के लिए उन काफी सराहना भी मिलेगी|"डॉ फातिमा" की भूमिका में "रकुल प्रीत सिंह" का अभिनय भी अच्छा है जितना उनका रोल मिला उन्होंने अच्छे से निभा दिया| सपोर्टिंग कास्ट में सभी पात्रों का अभिनय अच्छा है डायरेक्शन-इस फिल्म का निर्देशन "अनुभूति कश्यप" ने किया है और यह उनकी First Hindi Debut Directorial है और उन्होंने अपनी पहली फिल्म से ही साबित कर दिया कि वह लंबी रेस की घोड़ी है उनका कहानी को बताने का स्टाइल यूनिक है वह सभी पात्रों से बहुत ही अच्छा अभिनय करवा पाई| एक संवेदनशील विषय पर फिल्म बनाना आसान नहीं होता पर उन्होंने बहुत ही सरलता से निर्देशित किया, फिल्म की गति धीमी है फिर भी दर्शक फिल्म से अंत तक बँधे रहते हैं और शुरू से लेकर अंत तक उनकी पूरी फिल्म पर पकड़ है कहानी-"सौरभ भारत" और "विशाल वाघ" की कहानी अच्छी है पर कहानी में काफी लेयर्स है अगर लेयर्स कम होती तो कहानी थोड़ी सी और दमदार बन सकती थी| पटकथा-"सुमित सक्सेना", "विशाल वाघ", "सौरभ भाग्य" और "अनुभूति कश्यप" का ठीक-ठाक है पटकथा में मल्टीप्ल लेयर्स हैं थोड़ी सी पटकथा में कसावत,चरित्रों का निर्माण और गति तेज बनाई जा सकती थी डायलॉग-"सुमित सक्सेना" के बहुत ही दमदार लाजवाब और मजेदार है फिल्म के हर चरित्र के साथ मैच करते हैं कुछ डायलॉग तो हंसी से भरे हुए और कुछ Double Meaning वाले भी है सिनेमैटोग्राफी- "ईशित नारायण" की ठीक-ठाक है कुछ दृश्यों का कैमरा वर्क अच्छा है कैमरे की गति भी अच्छी है कुछ दृश्यों में रंग और प्रकाश भी अच्छे से इस्तेमाल किए गए हैं एडिटिंग-"प्रेरणा सहगल" फर्स्ट हाफ में फिल्म की गति धीमी है सेकंड हाफ थोड़ा सा तेज गति का है| प्रोडक्शन डिजाइन-"बिंदिया छाबड़िया" और "अरविंद अशोक कुमार" का ठीक-ठाक है ज्यादा स्कोप नहीं था कॉस्ट्यूम डिजाइन-"रोहित चतुर्वेदी" का अच्छा है म्यूजिक-"अमित त्रिवेदी" का ठीक-ठाक है कुछ गीत अच्छे बन पड़े हैं लिरिक्स-ठीक-ठाक लिखे गए हैं बैकग्राउंड स्कोर-"केतन सोढा" का ठीक-ठाक है साउंड डिजाइन-"संजय मौर्य" और "ऑल्विन रेगी" का ठीक-ठाक है कोरियोग्राफी-दिल धक-धक "बॉस्को सीज़र" स्टेप कॉपी "विजय गांगुली" के डांस ठीक-ठाक है क्लाइमैक्स-कुछ खास नहीं बन पाया औसत दर्जे का है ओपिनियन- One Time Watch! (अच्छे डायलॉग और अभिनय के लिए देख सकते हैं) फ��िल्मफ़ेयर अवॉर्ड नॉमिनेशंस-2 बेस्ट सपोर्टिंग एक्ट्रेस,बेस्ट डेब्यू डायरेक्टर,बेस्ट डेब्यू एक्टर,और बेस्ट डायलॉग्स| लेकिन फिल्म एक अवार्ड जीतने में कामयाब नहीं हो पायी | Flaws-चड्डी और उदय के दृश्यों का repetition में आना irritate करता है फिल्म की गति में अड़चन पैदा करता है| उदय के दोस्त और स्कूल लड़की (जो दूर की रिश्तेदार है) के affair को जबरदस्ती ठूंसा गया है Married Person और School Girl का अफेयर दिखाकर समाज को क्या संदेश देना चाहते हैं| एक अधेड़ उम्र की मां का जिसका जवान पुत्र भी है को इस उम्र में प्यार और अफेयर करने का दिखाकर क्या साबित करना चाहते हैं कि वह जो कर रही है ठीक है पर जो सिचुएशन दिखाई गई है उससे तो ठीक लगता है पर बिना किसी कारण के यह दिखाकर समाज को क्या संदेश देना चाहते हैं Memorable डायलॉग-तुम मुझे एक चौपट बाज समझती हो पर बात यह है कि तुम्हारा और मेरा Frequency अ��ग है! गायनेकोलॉजी में आदमी क्या कर रहा है! मेल टच अवॉइड करो! CBFC-A Movietime-2h.4 mins Genre-Comedy Drama Backdrop- Bhopal Release Year-2022 Film Cast-Ayushmann Khurrana, Rakulpreet Singh, Shefali Shah, Sheeba Chadha, Abhay Mishr, Indraneil Sengupta, Ayesha Kaduskar, Shraddha Gautam, Priyam Shah, Karishma Singh, Anju Gaur, Paresh Pahuja and (Special Appearance Puja Sarup) Director: Anubhuti Kashyap, Producer: Vineet Jain, Screenplay: Sumit Saxena, Saurabh Bharat, Vishal Wagh, Anubhuti Kashyap, Story: Saurabh Bharat, Vishal Wagh, Dialogues: Sumit Saxena, Production Design: Eeshit Narain, Editor: Prerna Sehgal, Production Design: Bindiya chhabaria, Arvind Ashok Kumar, Costume Design: Rohit Chaturvedi, Music: Amit Trivedi, lyrics: Puneet Sharma, Kumaar, RajShekhar, Amjad Nadeem, Guest Composer: Sultan Sulemani, Amjad Nadeem Aamir, Casting Director: Gautam Kishanchandani, Background Score: Ketan Sodha, Sound Design: Allwin Rego, Sanjay Maurya, Choreography: Bosco-Caesar, Vijay Ganguly Read the full article
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musicverse11 · 3 months ago
Amitabh Bhattacharya: The Voice of Modern Bollywood
Amitabh Bhattacharya is a name synonymous with some of the most memorable Bollywood songs of the 21st century. With his poetic brilliance and knack for capturing raw human emotions, Bhattacharya has etched his name in the annals of Indian cinema. From his humble beginnings to becoming one of the most sought-after lyricists in the industry, his journey is nothing short of inspirational. This article delves deep into the life and career of this extraordinary wordsmith, exploring his rise to fame, his notable works, and the lessons we can learn from his relentless pursuit of excellence.
Early Life and Struggles
Born in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, Amitabh Bhattacharya grew up in a culturally rich environment where music and literature were deeply valued. His childhood was marked by a profound love for storytelling and an innate ability to weave emotions into words. However, the journey to Mumbai, the land of dreams, was far from easy.
Like many aspirants, Bhattacharya faced countless rejections. He initially moved to Mumbai with aspirations of becoming a playback singer, but fate had other plans. In his early days, he struggled to make ends meet while trying to find a foothold in the competitive Bollywood industry. Despite the setbacks, he never gave up on his passion for music and words. Instead, he used his struggles as fuel to sharpen his craft, waiting patiently for the right opportunity.
Breakthrough Moment
The turning point in Bhattacharya’s career came with the release of Dev.D in 2009. Directed by Anurag Kashyap, the film featured music composed by the maverick Amit Trivedi. Bhattacharya was roped in to pen the lyrics for the now-iconic song “Emotional Atyachar.” The quirky, satirical tone of the song caught the audience’s attention and marked Bhattacharya’s arrival as a lyricist to watch out for.
“Emotional Atyachar” was not just a song; it was a statement. It broke away from conventional Bollywood lyrics, offering a fresh perspective that resonated with the youth. Bhattacharya’s ability to blend humor with depth set him apart from his contemporaries, and the song became an anthem for a new generation of moviegoers.
Rise to Stardom
Following the success of Dev.D, Bhattacharya’s career took off. He quickly became a go-to lyricist for some of the biggest music directors in Bollywood. His collaborations with Amit Trivedi resulted in several more hits, including “Iktara” from Wake Up Sid and “Nayan Tarse” from Dev.D. These songs showcased his versatility and his ability to convey complex emotions with simplicity and elegance.
As Bhattacharya’s reputation grew, so did his collaborations. He teamed up with Pritam for blockbuster films like Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, delivering timeless hits such as “Balam Pichkari” and “Channa Mereya.” His lyrics, often characterized by their poetic quality and relatability, struck a chord with listeners, making him a household name.
Hallmarks of His Craft
What sets Amitabh Bhattacharya apart from other lyricists is his unique approach to songwriting. He has a gift for creating lyrics that are not only meaningful but also perfectly complement the music and the narrative of the film. Here are some hallmarks of his craft:
Versatility: Bhattacharya’s ability to write across genres is unparalleled. Whether it’s a romantic ballad, a peppy dance number, or a soulful anthem, he has done it all with finesse.
Relatability: His lyrics often reflect everyday emotions and situations, making them resonate with audiences of all ages.
Cultural Sensitivity: Bhattacharya seamlessly weaves Indian cultural elements into his songs, giving them a timeless appeal.
Collaboration: His strong partnerships with composers like Pritam and Amit Trivedi have resulted in some of Bollywood’s most iconic soundtracks.
Challenges and Triumphs
Despite his immense success, Bhattacharya’s journey has not been without challenges. The Bollywood music industry is known for its high-pressure environment and ever-changing trends. However, Bhattacharya has managed to stay relevant by constantly evolving his style and staying true to his artistic vision.
One of his biggest triumphs has been his ability to balance commercial success with artistic integrity. While many lyricists succumb to the pressure of creating “formulaic” hits, Bhattacharya has consistently delivered lyrics that are both meaningful and marketable.
Lessons from Amitabh Bhattacharya’s Journey
Amitabh Bhattacharya’s story offers valuable lessons for anyone aspiring to make it big in the creative industry:
Persistence Pays Off: Despite facing numerous rejections, Bhattacharya never gave up on his dream. His journey is a testament to the power of perseverance.
Adaptability is Key: The ability to adapt to changing trends while maintaining one’s unique voice is crucial for long-term success.
Collaboration Leads to Growth: Bhattacharya’s partnerships with talented composers have played a significant role in his success.
Stay True to Your Craft: In an industry driven by commercial interests, Bhattacharya has remained committed to creating lyrics that are meaningful and impactful.
Amitabh Bhattacharya journey from a struggling artist to a celebrated lyricist is a story of grit, determination, and unrelenting passion. His ability to connect with audiences through his words has made him one of the most beloved figures in Bollywood. As he continues to push the boundaries of lyrical excellence, Bhattacharya serves as an inspiration for aspiring artists around the world.
For those dreaming of making their mark in the music industry, take inspiration from Amitabh Bhattacharya’s journey. Platforms like Deliver My Tune can help you distribute your music and connect with a global audience. Start today, and let your voice be heard!
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news365timesindia · 3 months ago
[ad_1] GG News Bureau Guwahati, 26th Oct. The fourth conference of Brahmarashtra Ekam was successfully held at the Karma Shri Hiteshwar Saikia Auditorium, Maligaon, Pandu. The chief guest was the Governor of Assam, Lakshman Prasad Acharya. The conference began with a chanting of mantras by 11 students from Guru Kripa Veda Vidyapeeth. The Governor was welcomed with the sound of damru (a type of drum) and conch shells. The event commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries present on stage. Among the attendees were Ramesh Chandra Deka, Vice-Chancellor of Cotton University, and former Justice of the Guwahati High Court, Ajit Bar Thakur. Thousands of people from Chhattisgarh, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh were present at this conference. Key figures included the founder of the organization, Dr. Sachin Sanatani, trustee Raviendra Nath Mishra, women’s empowerment leader Priya Mishra, youth wing leader Kushagra Mishra, along with their families, and other trustees like Satish Chandra Mishra. Also present were prominent figures such as Shri Shri Pandit Diwakar Guruji Maharaj, former judge Ajit Bar Thakur, and Lingiya Maharaj from Kashi’s Sheetala Ghat Temple. Pratyusha Vatsala, Principal of Laxmibai College, Delhi University, delivered a speech on Sanatan Dharma. The founder, Dr. Sachin Sanatani, energized the youth with his inspiring address, making the hall resonate with enthusiasm. The appointed coordinators from Assam—Amit Kansal, Taralim Vashishth, Medini Phukan, Jayanti Sinha, Shyam Tiwari, Dheeraj Sharma, and Kanchan Sharma—were also present. The event was hosted by Taralim Vashishth. The list of individuals chosen for the Veer Lachit Yoddha Award includes: 1. Dr. Nareshwar Sharma – Medical Field 2. Raja Baruah – Music 3. Dwijendra Nath Barthakur – Social Service 4. Vedacharya Nirupam – Sanatan Work 5. Dr. Elias Ahmed – Population Control Efforts 6. Beecham Ku. Singha – Sports 7. Naba Thakuria – Journalism 8. Uttem Teron – Education 9. Tapan Das – Social Service The cultural program featured Manipuri folk dance, folk songs, and a splendid presentation of Ganga Aarti and devotional songs by artists from Kashi. Among the organization’s workers present were Vaibhav Mishra, Santosh Kashyap, Kamlesh Shukla, Pawan Suryavanshi, and Surya Prakash, among others. The post Brahmarashtra Ekam’s Fourth Conference Concludes Successfully at Maa Kamakhya Dham, Assam appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 3 months ago
[ad_1] GG News Bureau Guwahati, 26th Oct. The fourth conference of Brahmarashtra Ekam was successfully held at the Karma Shri Hiteshwar Saikia Auditorium, Maligaon, Pandu. The chief guest was the Governor of Assam, Lakshman Prasad Acharya. The conference began with a chanting of mantras by 11 students from Guru Kripa Veda Vidyapeeth. The Governor was welcomed with the sound of damru (a type of drum) and conch shells. The event commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries present on stage. Among the attendees were Ramesh Chandra Deka, Vice-Chancellor of Cotton University, and former Justice of the Guwahati High Court, Ajit Bar Thakur. Thousands of people from Chhattisgarh, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh were present at this conference. Key figures included the founder of the organization, Dr. Sachin Sanatani, trustee Raviendra Nath Mishra, women’s empowerment leader Priya Mishra, youth wing leader Kushagra Mishra, along with their families, and other trustees like Satish Chandra Mishra. Also present were prominent figures such as Shri Shri Pandit Diwakar Guruji Maharaj, former judge Ajit Bar Thakur, and Lingiya Maharaj from Kashi’s Sheetala Ghat Temple. Pratyusha Vatsala, Principal of Laxmibai College, Delhi University, delivered a speech on Sanatan Dharma. The founder, Dr. Sachin Sanatani, energized the youth with his inspiring address, making the hall resonate with enthusiasm. The appointed coordinators from Assam—Amit Kansal, Taralim Vashishth, Medini Phukan, Jayanti Sinha, Shyam Tiwari, Dheeraj Sharma, and Kanchan Sharma—were also present. The event was hosted by Taralim Vashishth. The list of individuals chosen for the Veer Lachit Yoddha Award includes: 1. Dr. Nareshwar Sharma – Medical Field 2. Raja Baruah – Music 3. Dwijendra Nath Barthakur – Social Service 4. Vedacharya Nirupam – Sanatan Work 5. Dr. Elias Ahmed – Population Control Efforts 6. Beecham Ku. Singha – Sports 7. Naba Thakuria – Journalism 8. Uttem Teron – Education 9. Tapan Das – Social Service The cultural program featured Manipuri folk dance, folk songs, and a splendid presentation of Ganga Aarti and devotional songs by artists from Kashi. Among the organization’s workers present were Vaibhav Mishra, Santosh Kashyap, Kamlesh Shukla, Pawan Suryavanshi, and Surya Prakash, among others. The post Brahmarashtra Ekam’s Fourth Conference Concludes Successfully at Maa Kamakhya Dham, Assam appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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akhabarfactory · 6 months ago
Himachal Pradesh's Devastating Rainstorm: A Story of Cloudbursts and Devastation
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Wednesday night's unrelenting rainstorm left Himachal Pradesh reeling from the fury of the natural world. Cloudbursts unleashed their fury on the top parts of Shimla, Kullu, and Mandi districts, resulting in extensive destruction. There was mayhem and sadness wherever there was a path of destroyed homes. A dire situation resulted from the cloudbursts, which caused flash floods in the districts of Shimla, Mandi, and Kullu. Three bodies have been found thus far, out of the approximately 52 people who have been reported missing. The breakdown is equally upsetting: there are nine missing persons in Mandi, seven in Kullu, and 35 in Shimla. The base camp for the Shrikhand pilgrimage in Kullu's Jaon and Nirmand districts has been badly damaged. The Rampur region of the Shimla district, notably Jhakhri, is seeing the greatest effects of the administration's massive relief and rescue operations in the flood-affected districts. There are currently 36 individuals missing as a result of landslides and flooding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgNH4oWApHA An enhanced rescue operation is underway in Jhakhri due to severe floods that were made worse by a cloudburst near a hydroelectric plant on the Samej Khad. Around-the-clock, teams from the NDRF, SDRF, police, and fire services are at work. Deputy Commissioner Amit Kashyap from Shimla is present and in charge of the rescue operations. Two people who were stranded in the flood were rescued, according to the administration, and two bodies were also found. 36 missing residents, including women and children, are still being looked for. The Thaltukhod area of Drang Assembly Constituency in Mandi district was hardest hit by the disaster; nine individuals from three households were reported missing. Tragically, a 75-year-old woman passed away. The Padhar subdivision's schools and educational facilities are closed for the day, according to Mandi DC Apoorva Devgan. Thirty-five people have been saved by rescue teams, and the Air Force has been notified of possible rescue flights.
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Heavy rains have also caused significant damage in the Kullu district. A cloudburst near Nirmand caused the demolition of two bridges, including one that was under construction, according to Kullu DC S. Ravish. In addition, seven people are still unaccounted for, and eight to nine dwellings were wiped away. Teams of rescue and relief workers are looking for the missing people nonstop. Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, the state chief minister, is personally supervising the relief and rescue efforts. He gave his word that relief, search, and rescue operations are being actively worked on by teams from the NDRF, SDRF, police, home guards, and fire services. Assuring seamless and effective operations is the mandate of the local administration, and the state government is determined to offer all necessary support. The Chief Minister intends to take a helicopter from Shimla to the impacted districts in order to visit the victims and assess the rescue operations.
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During their conversation, Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah informed Chief Minister Sukhu of the central government's willingness to help, including the deployment of the NDRF for relief efforts. J.P. Nadda, the federal minister, also conveyed his regret for the significant harm inflicted by the cloudbursts and gave the chief minister the assurance that the central government would stand by him. Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla conveyed his profound grief for the deaths and property damage in the districts of Mandi, Kullu, and Shimla. He made contact with the district commissioners in the impacted areas, imploring them to guarantee that the rescue efforts continue and to offer the victims prompt help. The teams from the NDRF and SDRF are putting in endless effort to find the missing people and help those in need. ALSO READ: Daylight Robbery at Tanishq Showroom in Purnia: Thieves Run Away with Million-Rupee Worth of Jewellery Read the full article
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hopefulkidshark · 1 year ago
2013 ‧ Romance/Drama ‧ 2h 16m
Lootera (transl. Robber) is a 2013 Indian Hindi-language periodromantic drama film directed by Vikramaditya Motwane and the second half is based on author O. Henry's 1907 short story The Last Leaf. It is the second film directed by Motwane after the critically acclaimed Udaan (2010). Set in the era of the 1950s, against the backdrop of the Zamindari Abolition Act by the newly independent India, it tells the story of a young conman posing as an archaeologist and the daughter of a Bengali zamindar. The film stars Sonakshi Sinha and Ranveer Singh in lead roles. Produced by Shobha Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor, Anurag Kashyap and Vikas Bahl, the film features music and background score by Amit Trivedi with lyrics penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya and cinematography by Mahendra J. Shetty
In 1953, Pakhi, an aristocrat's daughter, falls in love with an archaeologist. However, unbeknownst to her, he leads a double life that threatens their relationship.
Release date: July 5, 2013 (India)
Director: Vikramaditya Motwane
Music composed by: Amit Trivedi
Adapted from: The Last Leaf
Distributed by: Eros International
Sonakshi Sinha
Ranveer Singh
Lootera - Wikipedia
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LOOTERA (2013), dir. Vikramaditya Motwane
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cinemapremi · 1 year ago
Top Romantic Hindi Movies on Netflix Now!
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The 15 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now (November 2023) Indian Movies Set in Engineering Colleges "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani" (2013) IMDb Rating: 7.1/10 Genre: Romance, Drama Description: Follow the journey of Bunny and Naina as they discover love, friendship, and themselves on a trekking expedition. Star Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone Director: Ayan Mukerji Fun Fact: The film's breathtaking scenes were shot in the scenic locales of Manali and Gulmarg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbp2XUSeUNE&ab_channel=DharmaProductions "Dil Dhadakne Do" (2015) IMDb Rating: 6.8/10 Genre: Romance, Drama, Comedy Description: A dysfunctional family's cruise vacation unravels hidden tensions and relationships. Star Cast: Ranveer Singh, Priyanka Chopra, Anushka Sharma Director: Zoya Akhtar Fun Fact: The film features a talented ensemble cast and is known for its dynamic soundtrack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfnJCv4_1Ts&ab_channel=ExcelMovies "Ludo" (2020) IMDb Rating: 7.6/10 Genre: Comedy, Drama, Crime Description: An anthology that weaves multiple stories, including love and relationships, in a quirky and entertaining way. Star Cast: Abhishek Bachchan, Rajkummar Rao, Aditya Roy Kapur Director: Anurag Basu Fun Fact: The film's title, "Ludo," symbolizes the game of life and chance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT9Gihrxa4Q&ab_channel=T-Series "Lust Stories" (2018) IMDb Rating: 6.6/10 Genre: Drama, Romance Description: An anthology of four short films that delve into the complexities of modern relationships and love. Star Cast: Radhika Apte, Bhumi Pednekar, Kiara Advani Director: Anurag Kashyap, Zoya Akhtar, Dibakar Banerjee, Karan Johar Fun Fact: The film explores diverse perspectives on love and intimacy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH4mYC91omg&ab_channel=Netflix "Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham" (2001) IMDb Rating: 7.4/10 Genre: Drama, Romance Description: A classic family drama with a strong romantic storyline that spans generations. Star Cast: Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Amitabh Bachchan Director: Karan Johar Fun Fact: The film features the iconic song "Bole Chudiyan," which became a cultural phenomenon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uY1JbWZKPA&ab_channel=DharmaProductions "Jabariya Jodi" (2019) IMDb Rating: 4.3/10 Genre: Comedy, Romance, Action Description: A quirky romantic comedy set against the backdrop of forced marriages in Bihar. Star Cast: Sidharth Malhotra, Parineeti Chopra Director: Prashant Singh Fun Fact: The film explores the practice of "Pakadwa Shaadi" prevalent in some parts of India. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXAqEbLJYPY&ab_channel=BalajiMotionPictures "Kai Po Che!" (2013) IMDb Rating: 7.6/10 Genre: Drama, Sport Description: While not strictly romantic, the film beautifully captures friendship and love against the backdrop of sports and life struggles. Star Cast: Sushant Singh Rajput, Rajkummar Rao, Amit Sadh Director: Abhishek Kapoor Fun Fact: The film is based on Chetan Bhagat's novel "The 3 Mistakes of My Life." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRWIQHU_d2o&ab_channel=UTVMotionPictures "Andhadhun" (2018) IMDb Rating: 8.3/10 Genre: Crime, Thriller, Comedy Description: While not purely romantic, it has romantic elements and is a gripping watch with a visually impaired pianist getting entangled in a mysterious plot. Star Cast: Ayushmann Khurrana, Tabu, Radhika Apte Director: Sriram Raghavan Fun Fact: The film received critical acclaim for its unique storyline and suspenseful narrative. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iVYI99VGaw&t=1s&ab_channel=Viacom18Studios "Tamasha" (2015) IMDb Rating: 7.3/10 Genre: Drama, Romance Description: Explores the journey of self-discovery and love as two individuals meet and part ways, only to reunite later in life. Star Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone Director: Imtiaz Ali Fun Fact: The film's tagline, "Why always the same story?" reflects its exploration of unconventional storytelling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-e5eWVCzx8&ab_channel=RottenTomatoesTrailers "Dum Laga Ke Haisha" (2015) IMDb Rating: 7.5/10 Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance Description: A heartwarming tale of an arranged marriage and unexpected love, set against the backdrop of small-town India. Star Cast: Ayushmann Khurrana, Bhumi Pednekar Director: Sharat Katariya Fun Fact: The film's title translates to "Give it all you've got," emphasizing the importance of perseverance in relationships. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFZpPpSU3k0&ab_channel=YRF Get ready for a dose of love and laughter with these top romantic Hindi movies on Netflix. Whether you're a teen or just a movie lover, these films offer a mix of classic charm and modern storytelling. So, grab some popcorn, get comfy, and enjoy the magic of Bollywood romance! Happy watching! Also checkout: Read the full article
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Shri Venkateshwara University honored the 12th class rank holders by presenting them a memento.
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Shri Venkateshwara University and Saksham Education foundation honored the 12th class rank holders who scored 95% and above by presenting them a memento.
The Shiksha Mahakumbh 2023 also witnessed the honoring of over 4 dozen teachers & Principals with the Swami Vivekananda Award that comprised a shawl & memento.
The Shiksha Mahakumbh & Talent Felicitation ceremony 2023 saw over 500 students of UP & Delhi NCR being felicitated for their scholarly achievement.
The event saw over 3000 students from 100 universities & institutes taking part in the function.
The Cabinet Minister & Chief Guest Mr. Narendra Kashyap, Motivational Speaker & Pro Chancellor SVU Dr. Rajiv Tyagi & Dr. Amit Chauhan of Saksham Foundation inaugurated the Shiksha Mahakumbh & Talent Felicitation ceremony 2023 by lighting a lamp to Goddess Saraswati.
Dr Rajiv Raj, the renowned Tulsi man, assisted them in inaugurating the event.
A memento was presented to Aditi Narula, DPS Ghaziabad’s northern region topper, as well as Yashi Goswami of DPS Ghaziabad, a 99% scorer, as well as toppers from CBSE, UP Board, and ICSE. Cabinet Ministers Narendra Kashyap & Rajiv Tyagi honored the students by presenting them a memento.
Career Counsellor & Life Coach Dr Ujjwal Singh, renowned social worker & career consultant Dr Anubhuti Chauhan, apprised the students about different employment oriented courses.
Elated at the grand success of Shiksha Mahakumbh 2023, the Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri announced those scoring 95% & above Shri Venkateshwara University will provide them free of cost education in engineering, IT & management streams.  
Mr. Narendra Kashyap apprised that to encourage the talented students, both the central & state Government are offering scholarships worth crores of rupees.
The Pro Chancellor Dr Rajiv Tyagi asserted the Prime Ministers’ 5 S lead to success in all challenges of life (they are self-confidence, self- identity, self–attitude, self-made person & self-uniqueness).
Those present included the CEO Mr. Ajay Shrivastava, VC Dr Rakesh Yadav, Registrar Dr Piyush Pandey, the Meerut campus Director Dr Pratap Singh & the Assistant Registrar Mr. Maroof Chaudhary.
Also present were Vikrant Chaudhary, Awneesh Singh, Neetushree Pal, & the Media In charge Mr. Vishwas Rana among others.
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baitdragon · 2 years ago
Yogi magic fails in Meerut-Saharanpur as BJP loses 64 of 90 municipal seats
The poll result has become a major concern for the BJP as the data showed that Yogi Adityanath’s magic did not work in the rural and semi-urban areas.
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In the recent UP civic polls, the BJP may have been able to win all the 17 Nagar Nigam seats and logged a landslide victory but the numbers in the western part of the state, especially in Meerut, Ghaziabad and Saharanpur divisions, did not signify the impact of the Yogi wave at the Nagar Palika and the Nagar Panchayat levels.
This has become a major concern for the party as the data showed that Yogi Adityanath’s magic did not work in the rural and semi-urban areas.
In the Meerut-Saharanpur division, except for the mayor’s seat, the BJP’s magic did not work. The saffron party lost 64 of the 90 seats in the municipality and the panchayat presidentships in both the mandals. The BJP candidates could win only on 26 seats and independent candidates have worked their magic in cities like Baghpat, Muzaffarnagar, and Ghaziabad. Importantly, these are the districts where the BJP was reduced to just one seat each.
In both the mandals, the BJP got the maximum number of seats in the municipal bodies from Bulandshahr. Of this, nine chairmen are from the BJP. Even though the BJP’s campaign revolved around the impact of Yogi Adityanath’s governance and benefits of flagship schemes, it could not transcend into votes in these divisions.
Talking about leaders, General VK Singh (Retd.) is an MP from Ghaziabad. Sanjeev Balyan is a Union minister from Muzaffarnagar. Apart from these, Narendra Kashyap from Ghaziabad, Somendra Tomar and Dinesh Khatik from Meerut, Kunwar Brijesh Singh from Deoband, KP Malik from Baghpat, Jaswant Saini from Saharanpur are also state ministers. Also, there is one Rajya Sabha MP each in Ghaziabad-Noida and two in Meerut. But this could not get the numbers in their favour.
Similarly, the BJP’s state organization general secretary Dharampal is from the Bijnor district. State vice president of BJP Mohit Beniwal Shamli, state ministers Dr Chandramohan and Amit Valmiki are from Bulandshahr, state minister Basant Tyagi is from Ghaziabad. The exercise to deploy ministers on ground could not work for the BJP.
As the reason for BJP’s defeat has been said to be about the ticket claimants damaging approach, there was a huge uproar in the party over the distribution. There were open allegations of money exchanging hands in the distribution of tickets. In Bulandshahr, the BJP gave tickets on two seats to candidates who joined the party just a year back. The old workers, who did not get the chairman’s ticket, contested the elections as rebels and got the votes.
On the other hand, in Noida’s Jewar seat, a candidate who joined BJP a few days before the election was given a ticket. The BJP cadre turned revolted and the result was that the candidate finished at the fourth spot. The BJP also lost Loni, Khoda and Muradnagar seats in Ghaziabad due to infighting. The candidates who did not get a ticket fought against the party as independents, creating a triangular fight.
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spookyninjafest · 2 years ago
Amit Kashyap on Instagram: "Transform your body💪 and mind with @bstrongfitnessclub__ ! Our workouts not only improve your physical health but also boost your mental well-being😇 Start your fitness journey today! Visit: 📍Plot no A-31, Major Dhyanchand Nagar Call 📞: +91 9837119877 . . .
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moviespopcorn · 1 month ago
Doctor G Film Review
Avoid Male Touch!
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Star cast of film Doctor G Plot: This film tells the story of a doctor who aspires to practice orthopaedics; however, his rank does not permit him to gain admission. As a result, he is admitted to gynaecology and must suppress his ambitions to pursue that field. Nevertheless, when he is denied his true passion, it becomes increasingly difficult for him to focus on his new path. However, after seeing what life is like in a hospital, he learns a lot and makes mistakes, and eventually he tries to become a good doctor. Will he succeed in his endeavour? Will concentrating on gynaecology help him become a good doctor? Would he abandon his aspirations to work as an orthopedician? To find out the answers to each of these inquiries, You'll need to see the film. Theme and Tone: The film's theme is “Humanity and Sacrifice,” which is based on medical life, and its tone is “Comedy Drama,” which combines humour and emotion. In addition to providing entertainment, the film aims to convey the social message that doctors face many challenges in their line of work and that life is not as simple as we may believe. “Ayushman Khurana's” performance as “Dr. Uday Gupta” is excellent. His character has a hint of humour, and he did a great job portraying it. His role reflects the kind of bravery required to portray the role of a responsible doctor. Shefali Shah does a fantastic job portraying Dr. Nandini Srivastava. Her outbursts are amusing to watch, and her delivery of dialogue and facial expressions suggest that she is playing a real doctor. Sheeba Chaddha does an astounding job portraying Shobha Gupta. She has done a great job portraying the role of a mother to her son, even after losing her husband when she was pregnant at a young age. Her comedic moments are also exceptional and well worth seeing. She has performed well in whatever role she was given. The way that “Abhay Mishra” plays “Chaddi” is exquisite; his facial expressions and dialogue delivery demonstrate that he can be a long-term contender and that this movie will garner him a lot of praise. Rakul Preet Singh's portrayal of Dr. Fatima is equally outstanding; she did the role as required. Every character in the supporting cast does a good job acting. Direction: “Anubhuti Kashyap” is directing this, her first Hindi film. She demonstrated in her first film that she is a long-term contender with her distinct storytelling style and her ability to get excellent performances from all the characters. Making a film about a delicate subject is difficult, but he did it with ease. The movie moves slowly, but the audience is captivated by it from start to finish, and he maintains control of the whole thing. Story: “Saurabh Bharat” and “Vishal Wagh” have a good story, but it has a lot of layers. If there were fewer layers, the story might have had a little more impact. The screenplays for “Saurabh Bhagya,” “Vishal Wagh,” “Sumit Saxena,” and “Anubhuti Kashyap” are all strong. There are several layers to the screenplay. There was room for some tightening of the screenplay. Both the pace and the character development could have been quicker. The dialogue in “Sumit Saxena” is incredibly strong, remarkable, and humorous. They go well with all the characters in the movie. Some conversations are humorous, while others have more than one meaning. “Eeshit Narain” has good cinematography. Some scenes have good camera work. Additionally, the camera's speed is good. Light and colour have also beenwell utilized. Editing by “Prerna Sehgal” The first half of the movie moves slowly. It moves a little too quickly in the second half. Production Design: “Arvind Ashok Kumar” and “Bindiya Chhabaria” are fine, but there wasn't much room for improvement. The “Rohit Chaturvedi” costume designing is excellent. Music: Some songs on “Amit Trivedi” are good, but overall it's OK. Lyrics: Well-written by lyrics Background: “Ketan Sodha” looks fine. Sound Design: “Alvin Rego” and “Sanjay Maurya” are fine. Choreography: “Bosco Caesar” by Dil Dhak Dhak, step-copy by“Vijay Ganguly” is fine. Climax: It's mediocre; nothing exceptional was created. Viewpoint: You can watch it to see good acting, comedy, humour and dialogues. At the 68th Filmfare Awards, the film received nominations for categories such as Two Best Supporting Actress, Best Debut Director, Best Debut Actor, and Best Dialogues. However, despite these recognitions, it ultimately did not win any awards. Flaws: The film's pacing is hampered and annoyed by the recurrence of Chaddi and Uday's scenes. A schoolgirl who is a distant relative of Uday's friend has been forced into the affair. By depicting a married person's affair with a schoolgirl, what message do you wish to convey to society? Do you want to demonstrate that whatever she is doing is acceptable by depicting a middle-aged mother with a young son, falling in love and having an affair at this age? The scenario presented makes it appear as though everything is fine, but what message do you want to convey to society by displaying this without any justification? CBFC-A Movietime-2h.4 mins Genre-Comedy Drama Backdrop- Bhopal Release Year-14 October 2022 Film Cast-Ayushmann Khurrana, Rakulpreet Singh, Shefali Shah, Sheeba Chadha, Abhay Mishr, Indraneil Sengupta, Ayesha Kaduskar, Shraddha Gautam, Priyam Shah, Karishma Singh, Anju Gaur, Paresh Pahuja and (Special Appearance Puja Sarup) Director: Anubhuti Kashyap, Producer: Vineet Jain, Screenplay: Sumit Saxena, Saurabh Bharat, Vishal Wagh, Anubhuti Kashyap, Story: Saurabh Bharat, Vishal Wagh, Dialogues: Sumit Saxena, Production Design: Eeshit Narain, Editor: Prerna Sehgal, Production Design: Bindiya chhabaria, Arvind Ashok Kumar, Costume Design: Rohit Chaturvedi, Music: Amit Trivedi, lyrics: Puneet Sharma, Kumaar, RajShekhar, Amjad Nadeem, Guest Composer: Sultan Sulemani, Amjad Nadeem Aamir, Casting Director: Gautam Kishanchandani, Background Score: Ketan Sodha, Sound Design: Allwin Rego, Sanjay Maurya, Choreography: Bosco-Caesar, Vijay Ganguly Read the full article
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crazynewsindia · 2 years ago
Issue of FCA and FRA clearances to be taken up with GoI: CM
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SHIMLA 14th February, 2023   • Tourism activities like water sports and hot air balloon operations to be explored in Pong Dam reservoir Expressing concern over the delay in FCA and FRA clearances for the developmental projects in the state, Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that the State Government would take up this issue with the Union Government, so that the works of developments projects could be taken in hand at the earliest. This was stated by the Chief Minister while presiding over a meeting of the forest department here today. The State Government was committed to keep a balance between development and environment, he said adding that development projects of utmost importance like heliports, electric vehicle charging stations and day boarding schools etc. were affected due to delay in getting FCA and FRA approvals. He directed the forest officers to expedite the cases of FCA and FRA clearances and accountability of officers will also be fixed in this matter. Earlier, the Chief Minister also presided over the 11th meeting of Himachal Pradesh State Board for Wildlife and directed the department to explore tourism activities like water sports and hot air balloon operations in Pong Dam reservoir so that maximum tourists should be attracted to Kangra Valley which would go a long way in enhancing the income of the locals. He said that Mathial and Kathrah Khas in Dhameta range and Nangal Chowk sites in Nagrota Surian range have been identified and the Forest and Tourism department will join hands to take this matter forward so that employment opportunities can be explored, he added. The state government has decided to develop Kangra as Tourism Capital of the State and best infrastructure would be made available to the tourists visiting the area, said Sh. Sukhu. Adventurous activities like swimming, kayaking, canoeing, rafting and diving etc. should be promoted in the reservoir, said the Chief Minister, adding that communities engaged in agriculture and grazing should also be involved by tourism agencies to support their livelihoods. He said that the State Government was implementing various schemes to preserve the wildlife and urged the people to support these efforts. Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu also released the calendar of the Forest department on the occasion. PCCF (HOFF) V.K. Tiwari and PCCF (Wildlife) Rajeev Kumar briefed about the activities of the Department. APCCF (Wildlife) Anil Thakur welcomed the Chief Minister in the meeting, while CCF (Wildlife) Upasna Patial presented the vote of thanks. Chief Parliamentary Secretaries Sunder Singh Thakur and Sanjay Awasthi, MLA Bhawani Singh Pathania, Principal Secretary, Forest, Onkar Chand Sharma, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Bharat Khera, Principal Secretary, Urban Development, Devesh Kumar, Director Tourism, Amit Kashyap and other senior officers of the Forest Department were also present in the meeting.   Read the full article
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nwemovie · 2 years ago
Almost Pyaar With DJ Mohabbat Movie Review|
Almost Pyaar With DJ Mohabbat
There comes a phase in the career of filmmakers when they test their relevance in the mindscape of young hearts. It seems director Anurag Kashyap is passing through that phase. Years after he broke conventions of love stories with Dev D, his latest attempt at reinvention is a timely and well-meaning but scattered and almost laboured take on the perils of modern love across cultures.
Through two parallel narratives, where the same actors play the parts of almost lovers, the film addresses intolerance to relationships across faith and class, pernicious patriarchy, and the naivety of the internet generation. The entry of a caring but bigoted and homophobic elderly couple provides an unsettling sense of the generational gap. Add to it a layer of predatory homosexual behaviour and we have a series of strands that are disconcerting. The way Anurag attacks the idea of izzat is laudable and the dispensability of a Muslim in our society sends a chill down the spine.
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Having said that, Anurag could not turn genuine concerns into a compelling screenplay. He remains more of an observer than a participant and hence one could not emotionally integrate with the plight of the characters. In Love, Sex aur Dhoka, Dibakar Banerjee got out of this dilemma by using the concept of found footage. Here, it works out like a dramatic representation of a news story, playing out in sync with more than half a dozen Amit Trivedi numbers which seem to be genetic aberrations of compositions that we have appreciated in Dev D and Manmarziyaan. Only Mohabbat Se Hi Kranti Ayegi lasts in the head for it captures the core emotion of the film; it is only love that can keep hate at bay.
the setting is interesting and the premise is promising. In Dalhousie, Amrita (Alaya F) finds a buddy in the neighbourhood when she befriends Yakub (Karan Mehta). The inter-faith bond gets tested when the two leave their homes to watch a show by DJ Mohabbat (Vicky Kaushal). Amrita’s family which is already concerned about her talking to a Muslim treats the sudden disappearance of their daughter as a case of kidnapping and Love Jihad. In a parallel tale, Ayesha (Alaya F), the daughter of a shady Pakistani businessman falls head-over-heels for a reticent musician Harmeet (Karan Mehta). As Ayesha is only on the cusp of adulthood, the relationship is not legal and results in Harmeet getting humiliated in prison.
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