#Amethyst Davis
davisexplainableart · 2 years
England Trip - Day 1 (WIP)
At long last, in honor of the 101 Dalmatian Street Twitter Trending Holiday, it’s about time I tell you guys what happened on my trip to England, starting on Day 1 (June 26)...
At the start of the day, me, Amethyst and Bloo were still on the plane to Camden Town. I was so scared of getting hurt whilst on the plane that I kept puking, which made Amethyst very uncomfortable.
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Later, I had to teleport to the real world for a few activities (including lunch), so when Amethyst and Bloo arrived, they had to wait for me to come back before they went anywhere.
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Eventually, I came back, and we decided to wait at the airport for a bus to get us to Camden. I believe Amethyst was the one to look over the money we needed for stuff like this.
While waiting, we decided to just talk about what we were gonna do in Camden. Soon enough, we manage to get on a bus to Camden, and decide to get off at what I believe is the center of Camden Town (according to Google Maps).
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After looking around, the 3 of us decide to split up. We had booked an apartment somewhere in Camden and had used my teleportation device to get our bags over to there, so we decided that we’d meet up there later to talk about dinner.
I’m not sure what Amethyst and Bloo did, but what I did was go around looking for dogs. Why? Well because I had a summer project for art class that required us to do one half, and to have a canine partner (probably because of what dogs can do in the cartoon world) for the other half. The project was due the next day, and I’d been having no luck with finding any dogs that were willing to help work with me back in the states. I hoped that at least one dog in Camden would want to help me out.
Fortunately, Camden Town just so happened to be full of dogs, so this should’ve been easy... At least, it SHOULD’VE been.
I ran around Camden, asking dogs if they could help me, but they were either confused, or just uninterested.
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Then there was that dog who was sleeping, and considering his size, I didn’t feel like bothering him. Then there was that white-furred Pomeranian, who just rudely ran away from me. At least say ‘no thanks’ or something, jeez!!
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As the day goes on, I’m becoming more and more desperate for help. Eventually, I come across a trio of dogs. One of them I easily recognize as a pug. The others... not so sure. I think the one in front of them is a Corgi. But anyway, I run up to them and beg for help with this school project.
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Okay, so yeah, I was talking to Clarissa. Of course she wouldn’t be interested. But listen, I’ll explain why I decided to ask them in the 1st place later.
That wasn’t all however, because the sight of a Mixel (which was something that she never knew was a thing, let alone that they existed) absolutely HORRIFIED her. As you can see, she was pretty much frozen in place as her mind was going crazy trying to process the sight of me.
It’s like she felt in that moment that absolutely nothing in her life was how she perceived it. This all causes her to uh..... this...
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Okay, real talk. What the heck is Clarissa doing? Actually no, not just that. HOW is Clarissa thinking that this is a good solution?? Even in her own obnoxiously snobbish mindset, I’m pretty sure that “punch it over and over” isn’t something that she would EVER resort to.
In that case, why did she do it then? It’s certainly out of character for her. I guess her mind just snapped and she went full force or whatever on something she didn’t quite understand. I guess that would explain her loud shrieking.
Clarissa’s insane punching leads us into an alleyway, where her friends (Prunella and Arabella) desperately try to drag her away from me, both of them just as confused and horrified of Clarissa’s violence as I am.
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After I get up and dust myself off, I leave the alleyway, feeling rather upset. I decide to find a place to lie down, preferably a park or something.
So that’s what I did. I go out and find the nearest park (don’t ask me which one, Camden Town has tons of parks).
I find a random blanket lying on the ground and I, still very upset, just put my head under it and start mumbling to myself about my situation.
As this is going on, and certain dog shows up on a skateboard and rides over to me, asking for me to hand the blanket over.
I assume that Amethyst is talking to me because it sounds like her voice, so I complain to her, my head still under the blanket, about how dire my situation is.
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Yes, you heard that right... I literally just called myself a “slacky baby”...
It’s... something I refer to myself as when I’m mad at myself for being lazy, probably because I can’t think of anything better to angrily call myself.
But anyway, when this dog hears me call them “Amethyst,” that dog, who’s seemingly aware of Amethyst, eventually begins laughing, after almost having an existential crisis over what I was saying to them.
I’m confused as to what they’re talking about, they take the blanket off of my head and turn me around to face them.
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I’m confronted with the face of a Dalmatian. Not just any Dalmatian, but a Dalmatian that seems... oddly familiar.
When I ask if I recognize her, she stops laughing and starts thinking to herself.
The dog, realizing that she doesn’t recognize me (at least she thinks that until a bit later), seems to have a conclusion as to how I know her. She says that her family’s stories were published in a local magazine, but now those stories no longer get published at all.
I try to remember their name.... I think... “Sarah”
She giggles at my mistake, I was thinking of Sarah from the Amazing World of Gumball. Afterwards, I try to remember Sarah’s original placeholder name from the Gumball wiki, since it’s the same name as this dog.
Then, it hits me...
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It’s Dolly from 101 Dalmatian Street.
By this point in the summer, my attention had been drifting away from 101DS, and I had almost completely forgotten about it. This was why I didn’t recognize Dolly upon 1st glance, and ALSO why I asked Clarissa for help, completely forgetting that she’s really snobby to “commoners.”
Anyway, Dolly tells me that her younger sister, Dorothy, had left her blanket here, and she had decided to head back to the park to get it.
Just before Dolly’s about to leave, I decide to take this as an opportunity to ask Dolly for help with the project.
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I can’t quite remember the order that this conversation went in, but this is my best speculation:
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Not quite sure how she didn’t recognize me at 1st, but whatever.
Then our conversation goes into questions about the concert itself.
I don’t think Dolly actually asked if I was playing in a stadium. Maybe she actually said something like a ‘shopping center’ or something. Again, I don’t remember.
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Looking back, I don’t think Finsbury is really that expensive, but I mean, Dolly DID say it was in terms of what she’s aware of, so there’s that...
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Yeah, I usually don’t grab as much attention by myself than when other Mixels are around. I have no idea why.  Maybe it’s because I’m so small.
But anyway, Dolly and I see a nearby clock and notice what the time is.
Concerned about what her parents might think of this, I ask Dolly, as she’s putting her helmet back on, if I can come along so that I can talk to her parents about the project directly. She tells me I can follow her, but she’ll need to talk to her parents before I can come in.
She then points me in the direction of 101 Dalmatian Street, and I proceed to head in that direction.
When Dolly sees me walking fast, she probably assumes I want to race her or something (I’ve never been sure), so she decides to do a trick up into the air to catch up with me.
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However, in doing so, she completely loses control of her skateboard and lands on the concrete, scraping her elbow.
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She is upset that this is the 2nd time this had happened, and that it happened with her other elbow, which is why the elbow is bandaged up.
Once she gets back on her board, she decides to go much slower whilst holding onto her injured elbow, continuing to tell me the way to her house.
I still end up going too fast, and almost get run over by a vehicle, so I also decide to go slower.
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Eventually, we make it to her house, and she tells me to wait outside while she talks to her parents and gets her elbow bandaged up.
While outside, I sit down in front of the steps and look around the neighborhood. Upon seeing Clarissa’s house, I get a bit irritated, due to what had happened between me and her earlier.
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Eventually, she lets me in, but not before being confronted by her parents, Delilah and Doug. They are understandably suspicious of me.
I tell them about the project, and Delilah angrily asks to see it.
So I get out that device in my bag, and show the incomplete artwork to them.
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As you can see, they decide to head to the living room to think about what to do.
It makes sense, they don’t completely trust me and aren’t sure if Dolly will be safe if she goes with me.
Oh yeah, I also notice Da Vinci in the living room as well, hard at work on a painting. As a result, she likely won’t be able to help me with the project like Dolly had previously suggested to me.
I decide to go upstairs and to the medical room because that’s probably where Dolly is and I have no idea where else to go right now.
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When I come in, I think Dolly knows full well that I’ve settled on her to help me with the project. That’s because I had gone through so much trouble trying to find a dog for a project that’s due tomorrow that I don’t have time to keep searching at this point.
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When I go in, I see that Dolly’s eldest stepbrother Dylan is also there. He seems a bit suspicious of me too, just not as much as Delilah.
Dolly and I explain everything that we talked about to Dylan, which also makes him a bit more trustworthy of me. Since he’s the only other one in the room, I specifically show him the art, and promise him that I’m not trying to put his stepsister in danger.
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A few minutes later, Delilah heads into the medical room and angrily confronts me. She tells me to get Dolly home by 10:00pm or there would be consequences.
Even though she wasn’t my mother, I still took what she said very seriously and promised her that Dolly would be okay.
Just as Dolly is about to head downstairs, I get an idea.
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Despite Dylan telling me not to, I open the closet door, and get bombarded with piles of toys.
Fortunately, the closet houses what I’m looking for: elbow pads for Dolly. I jump out of the pile and hand over the elbow pads to Dolly so she can put them on.
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She doesn’t comment on either of my responses and just heads down the stairs after putting the elbow pads on.
Once we head out the door, I help direct Dolly to the building that I’m staying in.
As I start walking faster, Dolly once again decides to catch up using her skateboard, of course being more careful so as to not injure herself again.
She ends up reaching the door 1st, but only because I accidentally run into a lamp post.
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After I brush myself off, I explain a problem to Dolly. The problem is that the hotel doesn’t allow pets at all.
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Fortunately for us, the guy at the front desk seems to be asleep, so me and Dolly try to stay quiet as we get to the elevator (since my room is on the 2nd floor).
When we get there, Dolly notices our bags on the beds, implicating that my friends and I only just got here (which is true).
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I then get my bag, pull out my computer, and set it on a nearby desk. After setting everything up, Dolly seems unimpressed with the artwork.
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The next few hours are just me helping Dolly with making artwork on her own. I start to get a bit lazy and unfocused at one point, but she gets me back on track.
Around dinnertime, Dolly is understandably getting hungry, as am I. I decide to teleport to a local store and buy her a few bags of kibble. One for dinner tonight, and two for lunch and dinner tomorrow.
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Due to my small size, I have trouble carrying the bags. Luckily, I simply teleport back to the apartment building so that I don’t have to walk all the way there.
After some more time, we eventually both get distracted. And I end up talking to her about dalmatian-related stuff. One of the things I bring up was the beginning of her family’s troublesome history, and that it occurred 60 years ago.
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The reason this surprises her is because her family’s main rival, Cruella, has been said rival since the beginning. She wasn’t sure how long she’s been around.
When Dolly brings this to my attention, I, feeling that her family’s stories might remain undocumented, decide to show her some footage of a 101 Dalmatians DVD trailer to let her see how it looked from our perspective.
Why that trailer? Well, for a while, that was the only 101 Dalmatians related thing that I’d seen. Until I came across 101DS, I didn’t really have much interest in the franchise. Not that I dislike it in any way, it’s just a lack of interest.
As I showed her the trailer, when Dolly 1st saw Cruella in the video, she suddenly began to feel a little uneasy.
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When I noticed this, I paused it and asked if this was all making her feel queasy. She said that it was just a result of dinner. I then tell her that she didn’t even eat much for dinner other than her usual amount of kibble, but then she interrupts me by continuing the video.
After a couple more seconds of watching the video, I overhear Dolly mumbling to herself about the time period and Cruella’s presence in the video. Eventually, she thinks too into it all, and proceeds to run over to the toilet and throw up.
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I stop the video upon seeing her run to the bathroom, and worriedly walk towards her.
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colinodonoghue · 4 months
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‘The Gray House’ Civil War Spy Drama Series From Kevin Costner to Open Monte-Carlo Television Festival “The Gray House,” the Kevin Costner-produced limited series about a female spy ring during the Civil War, will open Monaco’s 63rd annual Monte-Carlo Television Festival in June. The six-episode limited series tells the hidden-history tale of four Southern women — a Virginia socialite and her mother, a formerly enslaved Black woman and a high-end prostitute — who served as key espionage agents for the Union. The foursome are credited as unsung heroes who helped end the nation’s brutal cleavage in 1865. Mary-Louise Parker, Amethyst Davis, Daisy Head and Ben Vereen lead the ensemble cast. Morgan Freeman and Lori McCreary produce through their Revelations Entertainment banner alongside Costner’s Territory Pictures and Big Dreams Entertainment from Republic Pictures. Paramount Global Content Distribution is handling distribution of the series but it’s not yet clear where “Gray House” will land in the U.S. Source: IMDB, Variety
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leori-the-unlearned · 5 months
the tangle slander i see in parts of the idw fandom… the way she’s characterized either as a carbon copy of monkey d luffy, amethyst stevenuniverse, or flanderized davis from digimon 02 </3
the main critiques i have are tangle is not NEARLY as impulsive, reckless, chaotic, or clumsy as you feel the need to write her
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merakiione · 1 month
-whale fall (davy jones’s locker)-
people like to say the universe lives inside of them
here is what lives inside me:
the man standing by the curb at a four-way stop
whose salt and pepper hair has grown to his shoulders
the sign he’s holding says “anything helps.”
and a green carapace embossed with geometric designs
a chaplet of dead flowers dyed a shade of creosote
a fillet of golden brocade and intercosmic eyes traced with kohl
along with sumptuous jade horseshoes for my feet
and Earendel’s helium as my oxygen. 
what else, you ask? well, there’s the Challenger Deep 
clumps of homoscleromorpha and
schools of febrile flying fish
and towering porcelain sunfish
and pious shovelnose guitarfish. 
last but not least:
inchworms of amethyst and jade and ruby
red-eared sliders painted with seaweed
wildebeest and wilder beasts–
all that’s left in the heavenly choir.
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Estrelas musicais se alinham para o drama "The Gray House" – DEADLINE (Tradução)
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Estrelas musicais se alinham para o drama da Guerra Civil THE GRAY HOUSE com Willie Nelson, Shania Twain, Yolanda Adams, Lainey Wilson, Killer Mike e mais na trilha sonora.
As estrelas da música estão se preparando para THE GRAY HOUSE, de Kevin Costner e Morgan Freeman.
Leslie Greif abriu a playlist da série com exclusividade para o Deadline e há uma grande potência estelar aí, incluindo uma música original interpretada pela lenda da música country Willie Nelson, que encerra a série. Além disso, Shania Twain, Killer Mike e Yolanda Adams estão entre os que participarão, e Jon Bon Jovi co-escreve uma das músicas do programa.
A matéria completa, e em inglês, você pode ler CLICANDO AQUI. Segue tradução feita pela Equipe COBR:
“Minha ideia foi, em vez de ter uma música-título [final], ter oito músicas diferentes de artistas vencedores do Grammy e de diferentes gêneros musicais, que foram escritas para o nosso programa e que contarão a história daquele episódio”, disse Greif, que é produtor executivo e escreveu o roteiro com Darrell Fetty e John Sayles.
“Heart of America”, de Nelson, foi escrito por Erin Enderlin, Jim ‘Moose’ Brown e Jeff Fahey. Ela encerra a minissérie, que conta com Costner e Freeman como produtores executivos. A série acompanha um trio de heroínas desconhecidas que fazem parte de uma rede de espionagem que tenta virar a maré da Guerra Civil Americana a favor do Norte. Mary-Louise Parker, Amethyst Davis, Daisy Head e Ben Vereen fazem parte do elenco.
“Todas essas pessoas vieram, com base no trailer, no tema do programa e no desejo de fazer parte de algo importante”, disse Greif, que co-produziu várias das músicas da série. Shania Twain ficou evidentemente impressionada. Como parte do dueto com Drake Milligan, ela apresenta uma música intitulada “I'll Be Here With You”.
Yolanda Adams, uma das artistas gospel mais vendidas de todos os tempos e estrela da série Kingdom Business do BET+, canta “Love Will Rescue Me”, que encerra o segundo episódio. Lainey Wilson, que foi eleita a artista do ano no Academy of Country Music Awards deste ano, tem uma canção chamada “Dead End Road”.
A dupla de marido e esposa War and Treaty interpreta o tema do título principal “Blood In The River” na série dirigida por Roland Joffe, bem como a música do título final “If This Day Was The Last Day”. Killer Mike participa da ação com um número chamado “Spying Eyes”.
O episódio de abertura da série termina com “Unholy Water”, interpretada por Adrienne Warren. A música vem de uma equipe poderosa de Jon Bon Jovi, Desmond Child e Butch Walker. Larkin Poe, ganhador do prêmio Grammy, participa com uma música chamada “The Devil's Boat”.
Scott Stapp, que co-escreveu uma das músicas da trilha sonora de “É Assim Que Acaba”, apresenta “Red, White, & Blue”, que ele escreveu com Marti Frederiksen e Desmond Child. O compositor e integrante do Hall da Fama, Child, tem créditos de composição em várias músicas da série.
THE GRAY HOUSE é da Paramount Global, e seu braço de distribuição está o vendendo internacionalmente. Ainda não há notícias sobre seu lançamento nos EUA. É produzido pela Territory Pictures, de Costner; pela Revelations Entertainment, de Freeman e Lori McCreary; e pela Big Dreams Entertainment, de Greif.
Confira a lista de reprodução completa de THE GRAY HOUSE abaixo:
Música: “Blood In The River” (Tema do título) Interpretada por: The War and Treaty Escrita por: Erin Enderlin, James 'Moose' Brown, Jeff Fahey
Música: “Unholy Water” (End Title – Episode 1) Interpretada por: Adrienne Warren Escrita por: Jon Bon Jovi, Butch Walker, Desmond Child
Música: “Love Will Rescue Me” (End Title – Episode 2) Interpretada por: Yolanda Adams Escrita por: Anthony Evans, Nick Pothoven
Música: “If This Day” (End Title – Episode 3) Interpretada por: The War and Treaty Escrita por: Diane Warren
Música: “Red, White, & Blue” (End Title – Episode 4) Interpretada por: Scott Stapp Escrita por: Scott Stapp, Marti Frederiksen, Desmond Child
Música: “Dead End Road” (Featured Song – Episode 5) Interpretada por: Lainey Wilson Escrita por: Lainey Wilson (ASCAP), Trannie Anderson, Paul Thomas Sikes
Música: “The Devil’s Boat” (End Title – Episode 5) Interpretada por: Larkin Poe Escrita por: Erin Enderlin, James “Moose” Brown, Jeff Fahey, Michael Trotter Jr., Tanya Trotter
Música: “Spying Eyes” (Smiling Faces) (End Title – Episode 6) Interpretada por: Killer Mike ft. Lena Byrd Miles Escrita por: Barrett Strong, Norman Whitfield, Michael Render, Vidal Garcia, Cosmo Hickox, Max Perry, Robert Mandell
Música: “I’ll Be Here With You” (End Title – Episode 7) Interpretada por: Shania Twain & Drake Milligan Escrita por: Erin Enderlin, James “Moose” Brown, Jeff Fahey, Drake Milligan
Música: “Heart of America” (End Title – Episode 8) Interpretada por: Willie Nelson Escrita por: Erin Enderlin, James “Moose” Brown, Jeff Fahey
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reposhillo · 2 years
Because once again I find writing little snippets and scenarios of my Davy Jones and Lucemond au is much easier than trying to plan a whole cohesive ass fic so here we have a few tidbits I wanted to indulge myself in. Title of the snippets will probably be the title for the actual chapters if I ever get around to writing the whole thing...
So yeah, part one out of I don’t know how many snippets I’ll post, but just to keep this idea alive long enough for me to actually write it. 
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Au: Lord of the Abyssal Tides
Lucerys finds himself frozen as Blackwell and Corvis drag Aemond further along the deck, each of his arms lodged between a pincer and a tentacle respectively as they haul their ‘catch’ towards Lucerys himself. He finds his breath stolen away as an amethyst colored eye snaps towards his face, and Lucerys cannot pinpoint the exact emotion hidden within the singular gaze. Madness...perhaps hatred still for finding Lucerys alive. Perhaps he had heard the rumors and sailed Vhagar to hunt down The Dutchman and finish off Lucerys for good. Perhaps-
“Ahhh...and what’s this we have dragged on board me ship lads?” A voice drawls from behind Lucerys, and soon he finds the familiar sensation of waterlogged and chilled fingertips card through the back of his curls, followed by the suction pads of the tentacle that made up of the owner’s pointer finger sling through his hair and curl over his neck. Lucerys shouldn’t find the touch as grounding and comforting as he did, but nonetheless his rigid posture softened just a bit. He chanced a glance upwards, but Davy seemed much more interested in the drenched silver haired prince his crew had drug onboard.
“I believe Captain Jones-” Aemond surprisingly pipes up, spitting out the title like it was a foul tasting word to grace his lips, and Lucerys can feel Davy’s signature twitches as he’s addressed. “That you are in possession of something that belong to me. And I intend to have it back.”
“Oh~ Do you now, lad? Are you perhaps this ‘one-eyed’ maddened beast I’ve heard so many whispers from the dead and dying about? The one who sent this pup to me in the first place?” Davy quips, tugging at Luke’s curls sharply before releasing his hair and stomping his crab leg to make an audible thump among the warped wooden boards below him as he stalked towards Aemond.
Reunion (Part Two)
Lucerys can feel Aemond’s stare like a physical touch upon his pale body, and he has to fight the urge to hide himself away from Aemond seeing what has become of him. He knows his uncle’s eye is glued to the the few gills that are split along the sides of his neck, along with the starfish that has stubbornly embedded itself on his chest, right where his heart still beat. All in all, not too dramatic or gut wrenching changes that most of the other crew members have endured, but still different.
“Please...” He croaks, unable to meet Aemond’s gaze. “Don’t stare. I...I know I’ve become a monst-”
“No.”  Aemond’s voice sharply cuts through Luke’s plea, and it’s his tone that finally gives Luke the bravery to tilt his head to look at his uncle. “You are not. I know what monsters are Lucerys, and I would not count you among them.”
Lullaby of the Sea
“You...” Luke swallows the thick spit that has gathered in his mouth, fully sitting himself upright to watch as one of Davy’s tentacles wraps itself along the locket still playing that immersing tune. “You loved her, then?”
Luke feels his blood run cold as Davy’s gaze snaps to him, whatever fondness and warmth their conversation may have mustered up vanishing in an instant, crushing itself among the waves of Davy’s unforgiving gaze. “Love-” He hisses “Is a wretched bond. All it serves is to bind men to madness and a lifetime of regrets. I do not love her.” Davy snaps the locket close, cutting the tune off and then the Captain slams it down onto the keys of the organ.
“I-I’m sorry!” Is the only thing Luke can stammer out, flinching at the harsh sound as he shrinks down onto the damp cot that was dragged into the corner of Davy’s cabin for him. He doesn’t know what else he can do, or say to spare himself from Davy’s ire. He can hear the Captain drag himself out of the bench he was say, his crab leg making thuds against the floor as he stomped along. Luke closes his eyes, not wanting to see that chilling gaze up close as his punishment was delivered...
Only to be left to his own as Davy trudged past him, swinging his door wildly open and then slamming it with such force that sound rumbled throughout the ship. 
Luke wills his heart to stop hammering away painfully in his chest, releasing out shaky exhales as he realizes he’s not being dragged out for another set of lashes. The fear and relief intertwine in a mixture that has Luke slumping down along the cot, curling himself up as tightly and small as he could to try and sap some warmth into his flesh.
He was fine.
He would be okay.
He could get through this.
Luke’s eyes fluttered rapidly, exhaustion easily causing him to succumb to slumber. Right before his world turned dark as the inky bottoms of the abyss, Luke though he heard Arrax’s trill carry through the ship.
Luke barely manages to stir awake due to two very different things. One of which, a heavy and thick long coat had been laid over his person, the article of clothing easily engulfing him and also damp (as was everything on this ship, be it damp, soaked, drenched or water logged.) However, it had managed to help seep some warmth into his body.
Second thing Luke’s groggy mind managed to pick up on, was that the locket was once more playing that lullaby.
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
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Future!Miles and his siblings. Around 5 to 10 years in the future!
I actually finished this almost a month ago but I wanted to post this along with his future e4/partners and Lin design but I figured I'd post it now and the others later when I feel like finishing them.
More info:
He is the champion of reborn obviously, the only one who have gotten close to beating him are Fern, Shelly, Cal, Saphira and Adrienn (Although that was only once and then never again.)
He's in his early to mid 30's.
He is married to Cal, Saphira, Ace and Taka! He proposed to Cal and Saphira, while both Taka and Ace proposed to him.
The ring on his right hand (Ruby stone) is the wedding ring from Cal.
The ring on his left hand (Sapphire stone) is the wedding ring from Saphira.
The ring hanging from his right ear (Emerald stone) is the wedding ring from Taka.
The ring hanging from his right ear which is intertwined with the Taka's ring (Amethyst stone) is the wedding ring from Ace.
He first married Cal, The Saphira and then Taka and Ace at the same time, they were already married to each other at that point which is why their rings are intertwined.
Laura is the one who inspired him to grow his hair out even more.
His boots has type designs based on his e4 members.
Still has the same color scheme as before besides his belt.
This design is close to his second appearance design but with more details.
He is the pokemon professor of the reborn region, he studies the new world! He also helps Adrienn and Miles with new trainers who come to the region and does other stuff.
18-23 years old.
Still best friends with Noel.
Inspired to grow his hair out like his big brother.
Teaches at Onyx's trainer school sometimes.
Was the top student at Onyx's trainer school, he also graduated there.
Realized he's aromantic.
His outfit is pretty much the same from when he was a child but his shirt colors are inverted and he now wears a lab coat.
World famous athlete (Track runner)
21-26 years old
Travels the world when competing in sports.
Still very close with Charlotte and Aya.
Is no longer as lonely and angry, she's also confident now.
Her outfit is now much more comfier and easy to wear, but still has a leather jacket.
7-12 years old
Enjoys hanging out with Blake and Heather in the orphanage.
Thanks to Shelly enjoys a lot of reading.
He's got a full team of six nfe pokemon, all gifted to him by his family/friends.
Brionne (Miles)
Magby (Cal)
Dratini (Saphira)
Gible (Taka)
Fenniken (Ace)
Cleffa (Noel)
Miles and Davis live in the Belrose mansion with Miles's partners and Charlotte, Laura and Bennett. Rose technically lives there too, but due to a lot of traveling both in the reborn region and outside of it she tends to sleep in hotels/pokemon centers.
David used to live there with them, but David moved to Lower Peridot Ward to live closer to the Grand Hall for his job there.
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ambersky-art · 9 months
Fan Reference Project: Masterpost
A masterpost of all the drawings I make for this project!
But what is this project?
This Fan References project is my goal to draw every (or nearly every) character from various fandoms. For some fandoms, I also plan to draw specific species if they're unique enough from irl creatures. The plan is to create a simple reference for each character consisting of at least one fullbody and flatcolor sketch, a color palette, and the character's name and the media they're from. These references will be posted daily. If you'd like to scroll through them all, every drawing will be posted under the tag wip: fan references and I will update this post as I go.
Included Characters
You can find a list of all the characters and creatures on this spreadsheet. Characters in white cells have already been drawn, though it's likely that if they are not linked here, then I have simply not posted them yet. I'm very willing to take suggestions, however, I make no guarantee of getting to it quickly/there's a chance it could take a long time for me to get to that character.
How will it work? What is the point?
Every day from January 1 (unless I specifically post that I am going on hiatus) I will be posting one of these references. At some point, I might increase the number of characters posted each day. I will be drawing these characters alphabetically, and they will be posted alphabetically. I will also be numbering each character in their post, both for the fun of seeing just how many characters there are and for organizational purposes. I wanted to do this for two reasons. The first is because I feel it would be good practice in drawing characters that aren't mine. I always feel like when I draw fanart based purely on grabbed images from media, there's always something off. Hopefully with a reference in my own style, it becomes easier to draw these characters. The other is so that I have my own clear reference for these characters, with an established color palette, so that I can draw the characters consistently.
Other Notes
This post could act as a notification post. At this moment (12/21) I'm unsure if people would want that. Just let me know if that would be a good idea, and I can post in the replies with a changelog of sorts once a week with which characters have been posted. All timelapses of these drawings are posted on my Instagram (@/ambersky0319) - at the moment (01/08) I don't intend to post them here.
Character Links
Below the cut is the actual masterpost portion with all the links. Unlike the posts themselves, which are posted alphabetically regardless of fandom, below the characters are organized by fandom. The fandoms are organized by character count, the fandoms with fewer characters first for the sake of scrolling.
Nimona (10)
Alamzapam Davis || Ambrosius Goldenloin ||
Buddy Daddies (15)
Arcane (26)
Danny phantom (34)
Soul Eater (40)
The Arcana (43)
Aisha ||
Carmen Sandiego (50)
Agent Zari || Amara || Ambessa ||
AFK Journey (53)
Alpha Bear || Alsa ||
She-Ra (54)
Admiral Scurvy || Adora ||
Avatar: The Last Airbender (75)
Aang || Admiral Zhao ||
Minecraft Diaries (82)
Aaron || Abby || Aerith || Alexis || Amber ||
Tangled the Series/Varian and the 7 Kingdoms (92)
Adira || Amber ||
The Owl House (99)
Adegast || Adrian Graye Vernworth || Alador Blight || Amber || Amelia ||
Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins (100)
Stardew Valley (103)
Abigail || Alex ||
Total Drama (114)
Alejandro ||
Voltron (123)
Acxa || Adam || Alfor || Allura ||
How to Train Your Dragon (145)
Alvin ||
Hilda (161)
Abigail || Abigail's Dad || Adeline || Agnes Bragga || Aldinn || Alfur Aldric || Aloysius || Alvin ||
My Little Pony (Gen 4) + Equestria Girls (506)
Ace Point || Adagio Dazzle || Ahuizotl || Amethyst Maresbury ||
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (588)
BotW characters + enemies, a few TotK characters (NOT npcs like villagers, stable people, etc.), and most TotK enemies (must have differences to BotW counterparts)
Aerocuda || Agus || Aji || Akrah || Aliza || Amali ||
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onlyfangz · 9 months
tysm @prismbearer ;o; you were too kind for this
i cant choose between ragnar and rose bc theyre both my children so pls excuse me whilst i self-indulge.
ANIMAL - Ragnar: Bison Rose: Peacock
COLORS - Ragnar: Yellows, Greens, and Blues
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Rose: Purples, Greens, and Reds
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MONTH - Ragnar: November Rose: April
SONGS - Ragnar: Halfway Home by TV on the Radio // My Alcoholic Friends by the Dresden Dolls // Bloody! Bloody! by Junie & TheHutFriends // Where's Your Head At by Basement Jaxx // Experiment on Me by Halsey Rose: A Lady by Tally Hall // Rule #21 - Momento Mori by Fish in a Birdcage // Soul in My Body by Pinc Louds // Lay All Your Love on Me (Arr. C. Davis for Orchestra) by Philharmonia Orchestra
NUMBER - Ragnar: 13 Rose: 77
PLANTS - Ragnar: Thistles, Dandelions, Nettles, Creeping Ivy Rose: ... Well. Roses. Cotoneaster, Cherry Laurels.
SMELLS - Ragnar: Musk, Cedar, and Tobacco Rose: Vanilla, Jasmine, and a little bit of Cinnamon
GEMSTONE - Ragnar: Jade Rose: Amethyst
SEASON - Ragnar: Winter Rose: Spring
TIME OF DAY - Ragnar: 3AM Rose: Noon
PLACES - Ragnar: Taverns filled with nameless strangers, empty roads in grasslands, secret passages Rose: Lively taverns, docks, marketplaces, the middle of a crowd
FOOD - Ragnar: Legs of ham, potatoes, garlic butter Rose: Grapes, scones, pumpkin soup
DRINKS - Ragnar: Water Rose: Wine
ELEMENT - Ragnar: Earth Rose: Air
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN - Ragnar: Aries Rose: Leo
SEASONINGS - Ragnar: Pepper, chives, ginger Rose: Basil, rosemary, thyme
SKY - Ragnar: Golden hour Rose: Pink sky in the morning
WEATHER - Ragnar: Storms Rose: April Showers
MAGICAL POWER - Ragnar: Elemental Bending Rose: Charms (Charm Person, Enthrall, etc.,)
WEAPONS - Ragnar: Ax Rose: Dagger
SOCIAL MEDIA - Ragnar: Pinterest Rose: Twitter
MAKEUP PRODUCT - Ragnar: Kohl Pencil Rose: Lipstick
CANDY - Ragnar: Anything with Malic Acid in it Rose: Chocolate (especially dipped in fruit)
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL - Ragnar: Walking Rose: Caravan
ART STYLE - Ragnar: Baroque Rose: Rococo
FEAR - Ragnar: Claustrophobia (Fear of Confined SpacesP Rose: Nyctophobia (Fear of the Dark)
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE - Ragnar: Phoenix Rose: Unicorn
PIECE OF STATIONARY - Ragnar: Sticky Notes Rose: Highlighters
THREE EMOJIS - Ragnar: 🐾💣⚡ Rose: 💋🌹🎶
CELESTIAL BODIES - Ragnar: Jupiter Rose: Star
tagging: @transgortash @lord-gortrash @galesleftearring @deerbab @bootheminiaturegiantspacehamster and you, reading this
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miaumiautzi · 2 years
Hi! Come join my Artblog/-block :D
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I’m MiauMiautzi and here are some things about me :)
Asks and Requests are very welcome and reblogs always appreciated!
Nicknames: Miau or Vik
They / Them
I make art, animate and sing sometimes!
Birthing anniversary is 9th of May
I am in fact, LGBT+ 🏳️‍🌈 (and very neurodivergent)
This is a safe space for everyone, so please be nice!
Linktree for my other sites!
School is driving me mad so I don’t know what a post schedule is 😔
I will translate (as far as I can) non-English stuff on this blog because I am multilingual
My art tag: #art tag miau
I’m always trying to sort my blog, so sorry if there are irregularities in the tags or similar!
I use British English because it sounds smart and I am a smart boi 😌
German/Russian, but I speak English (obviously 🙄) and am learning Spanish, French and Dutch because I like to suffer in different fonts ✨
I stream in English and German on Twitch!
Some of the things I do:
A fan of:
Five Nights at Freddy’s
A Hat in Time
Bendy and the Ink Machine
The Amazing Digital Circus
Hazbin Hotel
Good Omens
Undertale + Deltarune
(Hazbin Hotel) Coming Soon…
Davis, Evelyn and Rupert
(FNaF) Flower, Cloud and Milky Way
(Warrior Cats) Daffodilfur, Leafheart, Leopardbrook, Rootfeather, Amethyst and Eaglestar (they’re from when I was 13 ok they’re rlly cringe)
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davisexplainableart · 2 years
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(Sorry if this isn’t the best way I could’ve made a celebration picture, I’ll try to answer your questions in a bit)
October 1, 2022 - CN 30:
I remember when I started watching CN religiously (alongside Nick, Disney Channel, and others) back in 2009 (yes, it just so happened to be that year), and I stuck with the network for at least 6-7 years.
While I rarely watch CN (or watch TV at all) nowadays, it still holds a magical place in my heart for all of the fun I had watching their content.
If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have gotten into Ed, Edd n Eddy. It was the 1st time that I came up with stories based on pre-existing properties because they seemed easier than being completely original (don’t worry, very little (if any) of those fan-fictions involved ships). Me and my brother never would’ve drawn a face on a piece of cardboard and called it “Plank.” I wouldn’t have gotten into Mixels back in 2014, nor would I have ended up getting back into Mixels around Christmas of 2017 (it was actually summer 2018, but just pretend that cartoon me is talking). I wouldn’t have had such a strange relationship with Amethyst from Steven Universe, to the point where we even became friends. I never would’ve become friends with Bloo despite his flaws.
There were so many other shows that I absolutely loved to watch too: Adventure Time, Gumball, Camp Lazlo, We Bare Bears, you name it! Even Teen Titans Go I liked watching when it first started (I don’t really care for that show anymore now, but I did like it back then).
Alright, onto the questions:
1. Why didn’t you include anyone else in the picture?
Currently, these are the only CN characters I’ve drawn digitally. I wanted to draw someone like Eddy from Ed, Edd n Eddy (due to how special that show is to me), but I haven’t drawn much from that show in a few years, so I felt a bit uncomfortable and out of practice.
2. Why does Lazlo look older?
Never been sure why, but it’s apparently natural in the cartoon world for some characters to stay the same age, and others to grow up. Lazlo just so happens to be a part of the latter.
3. Aren’t you and Amethyst still stuck in Camden? How did you take this picture?
Actually this isn’t a photo, it’s a drawing. That’s why it’s not colored.
4. Why didn’t you use Amethyst’s current outfit?
Well, it just seemed right to have her in the outfit she wore when SU first premiered back in 2013.
So once again, have a wonderful and wacky 30th Birthday, Cartoon Network!!!
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rubyrain23 · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 1978 Garfield Mugs.
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ncisfranchise-source · 3 months
The Monte-Carlo Television Festival has rolled out the blue carpet welcoming star guests for its 63rd edition, but it also has an eye on the future.   “We’re always working towards expanding and developing the festival. Each year, we get better and better,” executive director Cécile Menoni says.   Listing “fabulous highlights,” Menoni gushes over this year’s Crystal Nymph winner: Morgan Freeman. The award recognizes the “stellar body of work” of the veteran actor, who recently exec produced “The Gray House,” which celebrated its world premiere Friday at the opening ceremony. Mary-Louise Parker, Daisy Head, Amethyst Davis and Ben Vereen attended.   “It’s such a thrill for us to honor him,” Menoni says.   The fest will also take a closer look at rising stars, with “Bridgerton’s” Simone Ashley given the International Golden Nymph for most promising talent. Honorary Golden Nymph – “Our festival’s highest accolade” – will go to “true fan favorite” Olivier Marchal. The French actor – and former policeman – is known for “36th Precinct.” He also created the cop series “Braquo.”   “It has always been important for our festival to attract big stars and their shows. Right from the very beginning, it has been crucial to appeal to both local and global fans. We certainly have an expanded fan contingent these days, because we make sure they are well-served with a variety of events enabling them to get close to and meet their favorite stars.”   That includes “selfie sessions” with “Chronicles of the Sun” team, autograph sessions with “Chicago Med,” “FBI” and “Law & Order” cast members and meetings with soap celebs from “The Bold and the Beautiful” and “The Young and the Restless.”   To spotlight its 50th anniversary, “Little House on the Prairie” will host a special Anniversary Tea Party, says Menoni, while “NCIS” team Michael Weatherly, Wilmer Valderrama, Cote De Pablo and Brian Dietzen will mark the 1,000th episode of the series.   “We have a long list of amazing talent joining us, including Lee Jung-jae who will be in Monaco to support the launch of Lucasfilm’s ‘Star Wars: The Acolyte’ on Disney+,” she adds.   “Buffy” alumnus David Boreanaz, also seen in “SEAL Team” and “Bones,” will return to the fest, this time as the president of the fiction jury.
“We can’t wait to see who they will select. We just know they will be the best of the best as the final selections are all extremely strong this year,” Menoni says.   Taking a break from the glamour, the event will encourage conversations about the ever-changing industry landscape during Business Content sessions, addressing the impact of 2023 strikes, A.I. controversies – and the new tools it provides – as well as changes in international co-productions.   “We have a great lineup,” she says, mentioning “in-depth panel discussions on important and timely subjects,” from “Bringing the World to Light Through TV Drama” to “New Narratives for Documentaries: The Blur Between Reality & Fiction.”   Unsurprisingly, many “emotional documentaries” will be featured as well, including “Ukraine’s War: The Other Side,” “Ukrainian Chronicles,” “Broken Dreams,” “Lie to Me,” “Uvda: Table for Eight” and “Mines of Death,” while “stellar” official selection includes four world premieres: “Madam” with Rachel Griffiths (produced by Tavake and XYZ Films), “Alone at Sea” (High Sea Production), “Night Therapy” (Yes TV) and German offering “Der Heimweg” (Ziegler Films).   “The Law of the Sea,” “The Good Wife” spinoff “Elsbeth,” “Little Did I Know,” “Helgoland 513” and “The Gathering” will be screened for the first time in France.   “It’s always interesting to see how an audience responds. I find it difficult to watch [with them] sometimes, but I let other people tell me how they reacted,” “The Gathering” actor Vinette Robinson says with a laugh.   “There is nothing like the live, collective response. It’s unusual for television, but it can really heighten how the piece hits. To come to Monte Carlo, to have such a local, British show and see how universal it really is… It widens the audience.”   Martina Haag, “Little Did I Know” creator and director, agrees: “Showcasing your film or series and engaging with viewers directly can help boost the visibility and success of your show. Viewers who have a positive interaction with the creators and cast are more likely to become enthusiastic promoters. Also, festivals are fun and vibrant events where the hard work of the cast and crew is recognized and appreciated.”   “All these special events highlight the accessibility and relevance of the festival, which continues to be a must-attend event for worldwide talent, producers, writers, distributors, streamers, industry professionals and, of course, the public,” Menoni sums up.   “We hope this year’s edition delivers on its promise of celebrating the very best programming from around the world and, looking to the future of the entertainment industry, [figuring out] how it can continue to entertain, inspire and educate people throughout the globe.”
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dr-archeville · 4 years
“I’m a former businessperson realizing that I’m an artist,” says Durham-based filmmaker Stephanie Diane Ford, whose career trajectory has been an example of following your passion.
After earning a business degree and working in IT and software development, Ford moved to Paris to pursue fashion management.  Motivated by the desire to escape the 9-to-5 and immerse herself in a visually creative environment, she discovered her love for filmmaking while creating a short promo trailer for her fashion blog.  It didn’t feel like work.
“Once I discovered my interest in film, I knew I could hit the ground running as a producer because management just came naturally,” she says.  “That whole process was fun from start to finish.  I decided in that moment, this is how I want to spend most of my day.”
Eight years later, she’s a “Filmed in NC” grant recipient from the Cucalorus Film Foundation.  Her first short, The Black Baptism, premiered at the Hayti Film Festival in February, and then screened at the Hip-Hop Film Festival and the Revolution Me Film Festival, where it won in the “Best Horror/Thriller/Sci-fi” category.
Next, at 8:00 p.m. Thursday, August 27, The Black Baptism appears in a block called “Tough and Transforming” in the Tarheel Shorties Film Festival.   A program of Wilmington’s Cucalorus Film Festival, Tar Heel Shorties showcases indie films from North Carolina.  It usually takes place in Wilson but is online-only this year.
A genre-blurring ode to Black women in search of their higher selves, the Afrofuturist film takes viewers deep into the main character’s psychological state, skillfully incorporating African and European mythology and religion in nuanced ways.
“The first character, the Goddess, she is inspired by the Egyptian Pantheon, and the overall story comes from the Yoruba Oya story mythos,” Ford says.  “Those stories correlated with the themes I wanted to tell, and they create the space to put it in a fantasy environment.”
Ford says the plot was inspired by a combination of her personal life experiences and the collective experience of Black women: “The feeling like there’s no protection, on a collective level.  The feeling that we’ve got to figure it out all alone.  Everything’s a struggle.  You know we’re overworked, having to build things from scratch, not having something established to walk into — but then, look at what can come.”
The protagonist, played by Amethyst Davis, begins as a prisoner.
“She just has herself,” Ford says.  “She starts off naked, imprisoned, barely getting any supplies.”
But as the 20-minute film progresses through short vignettes, we realize a murder has occurred, which results in the prisoner being forced to navigate a series of life-or-death challenges that are meant to connect her to her divine purpose.  
The Black Baptism is also a metaphor for the dynamics of dysfunctional relationships and break-ups.  Ford considers what internal healing looks like in order for an individual to take responsibility for their own actions.
“Most people don’t,” she says.  “We really do have the power to create our own reality.  As hard as it is, when you really take full ownership of that, you move away from being a victim in a lot of ways.”
Rather than a specific romantic relationship, the film reveals the emotional turmoil and pain women experience as a result of relationship lows or breakups.
“For some people, certain relationships stick with them forever,” Ford says.  “So it really is, for women, a process to work through that type of hurt sometimes.  That is what shaped the foundation of why [the protagonist] needed to connect to her spiritual side instead of being stuck.”
There are a number of important messages embedded in the plot, communicated through the Goddess that directly assists the protagonist and the viewers.  For Ford, the most important takeaway from the film is the tagline — “fear is a lack of imagination” — which reminds us that, through collective self-belief, Black women can overcome almost anything.
Comment on this story at [email protected].
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Tarheel Shorties Film Festival Tuesday, Aug. 25–Thursday, Aug. 27, 8 p.m. free–$25 suggested donation
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colinodonoghuebrasil · 5 months
“The Gray House” no 63º Monte-Carlo Television Festival
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De acordo com artigo da Variety, teremos lançamento em breve! “The Gray House” irá abrir o 63º Monte-Carlo Television Festival, que acontecerá nos dias 14, 15 e 16 de junho. Mary-Louise Parker, Amethyst Davis, Daisy Head e Ben Vereen são nomes oficiais e confirmados até o momento. Colin ainda não foi anunciado, embora ele mesmo já tenha afirmado sua participação. É possível que mais informações saiam em breve. No mesmo artigo, já conseguimos ver a primeira imagem oficial da minisserie feita pelo fotógrafo Bogdan Merlusca. O COBR já suspeitava de que ele seria o responsável pelas fotos oficiais da minissérie, então, ao longo das filmagens, salvamos um compilado que ele fez no set de gravações:
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venea · 2 years
I guess you get to a point where you look at the pain as if it were there in front of you three feet away lying in a box, an open box, in a window somewhere. It's hard and cold, like a bar of metal. You just look at it there and say, All right, I'll take it, I'll buy it. That's what it is. Because you know all about it before you even go into this thing. You know the pain is part of the whole thing. And it isn't that you can say afterwards the pleasure was greater than the pain and that's why you would again. That has nothing to do with it. You can't measure it, because the pain comes after and it lasts longer. So the question really is, Why doesn't that pain make you say, I won't do it again? When the pain is so bad that you have to say that, but you don't.
Lydia Davis, "Break it Down", from The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis  2009
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