#American Water Works Company Inc
usaigi · 10 months
Ashen Wolves + Jeritza Modern AU HCs
Ashen Wolves in my fic (read it, it's funny) I couldn't fit everything in putting it all here
Works at the bar Abyss (which has a secret BDSM dungeon in the basement)
Lives in a punk house with the others and unfortunately (but unsurprisingly) the only one responsible enough to pay rent
Everything else is a gamble. Will they have electricity this month? Water? Eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Hey wanna go out? I know a place” (takes them to the health food dumpster that tosses out perfectly good packaged food) 
“Am I scared of twink death? Please.” 
SWer out of necessity, sends most of the money he makes back to his disabled mom
(TW human trafficking mention) Yuri's father met his mother, a young poor vietnamese women. He promise he'd take care of her give her a better life in UK. Yeah right. Due to everything, she's extremely traumatized and unable to work.
Because of his and his mother's trauma, extremely protective of the most vulnerable in his community(women, children, immigrants, pwMI) 
New Jersey represent 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Italian-American. Always correcting everyone on how to actually pronounce Italian words
Got into a tinyyyy minor disagreement with the mob and, in short, he owes them like gazillion dollars
Half-ass faked his death (so much party city fake blood) and is hiding out in Europe
He wears a fake mustache and puts on a fake Italian accent whenever he's in public
Sells drugs to the Garreg Mach kids. 
“Balthus get a job.” “I have a business” “Isn’t that why you had to leave the States?”
The only one not to have a room. He sleeps on the couch (he had an air mattress. Had.)
In the late 1800s/early 1900s, her ancestor founded Nuvelle Inc., a pharmaceutical and biotechnology corporation
Her great-grandfather publically sided with the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War since he was in support of Basque Independence. Later assassinated by the fascist government in retaliation 
Later, Constance's grandfather got backstabbed by his board and fired from the company
Her family was in denial about the whole thing and desperate to keep up with the appearance of wealth and continue to spend a lot of money. By the time Constance was born, they was in loads of debt
(tw suicide mention) Lost her mother in an accident. Then her father committed suicide, leaving Constance an orphan by 13.
Used the little inheritance she had to go to Garreg Mach and pretend everything was ok. Would lie anytime someone asked about her home life. Was forced to drop out at 16 because she ran out of money. To embarrassed to ask for help, she lied to everyone and told them she was going to study in the states
Yuri found her sleeping on a bench and took her in. Offered to buy her a ticket home until she finally admitted she lost everything and has no home to go back to
Dumpster drives at Garreg Mach for designer clothes. Ridiculous how much these rich kids (Hilda) toss out
Romani :) 
Ran away from home when she was a teenager to “see the world.” Unfortunately, got taken in by some questionable people 
Cordelia found her and just felt so bad for her :( “oh no, a poor brown girl in need of help.” Offered to take her in and promised to help her get back home
Finally able to run away and flee the country. She meets Balthus and Yuri because they were dumpster diving at the same spot. 
She and Constance have this thing of getting naked and howling at the full moon each month
Emile Jeritza
Born into a religious cult in good old USA 🇺🇸 His father was the cult leader and had multiple wives. 
His mother had a child from a previous relationship. Despite having numerous half-siblings, Emile was only close to Mercedes. She was the only one who didn’t scold him for crying and having “feminine” feelings after all
One day, his mother and beloved sister disappear. He never even got to say goodbye.. 
unbeknownst to him, when his mother and sister left they were fleeing for their lives. His mother immediately started to fight for custody of him but she was not an American citizen (while Emile and dad were) and she was trying to take him back to Europe
When Emile found out about what his father did, he… 
On the run from the FBI :) 
The wolves know about his history but fuck his dad, mofo had it coming. 
Yuri was standing behind Jeritza at the store when he saw Jeritza didn’t have enough money for food and cat food. He told the cash register to put the sandwich back. Yuri bought him the sandwich. 
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shamandrummer · 1 year
The World is Running Out of Water
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The world is "running out of water," Makasa Looking Horse says, and if we don't take action soon, it will be too late. Looking Horse, from Six Nations of the Grand River in Ontario, Canada, is one of the hosts of the Ohneganos Ohnegahdę:gyo -- Let's Talk about Water podcast, which won a 2021 David Suzuki Foundation Future Ground Prize. The prize recognizes youth-led movements. It's a podcast created, the Suzuki Foundation says, to "engage Indigenous communities and disseminate research findings by facilitating meaningful discussion about water issues and climate change."
Looking Horse points to Aberfoyle, Ontario, where BlueTriton Brands, Inc., an American beverage company based in Connecticut, has permits to take 3.6 million litres of water a day out of an aquifer there. BlueTriton is the new name of the giant corporation better known as Nestlé Waters North America. The name was changed to BlueTriton Brands in 2021.
She says "they're making millions off our water and selling it. And the thing about aquifer waters that it takes 6,000 to 10,000 years for that water to filter through the ground. We'll never see that water within our lifetime again and that's why it's so important that we stop water extraction."
BlueTriton says, in a report from November 2021, that it has conducted "extensive testing and studies over the years to ensure that their operations do not diminish the availability of water for other users or the environment." The company says "permit conditions require BlueTriton to monitor the natural and pumping-related variations in groundwater and surface water levels." The permit was renewed by the Ontario government in 2021 and runs until November 2026.
Looking Horse's commitment to protecting water was passed down from her parents. Her mother is Dawn Martin-Hill, one of the founders of the Indigenous studies program at McMaster University and the winner of the University of Oklahoma's International Water Prize, for her commitment to improving water security for the people of the Six Nations of the Grand River.
Her father is Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe. He was given the responsibility at age 12, the youngest keeper in history. Looking Horse  says her path into activism and water sovereignty didn't happen overnight. It was a long and encompassing journey full of passion for earth, prayer for water and everything on earth.
Similar to Looking Horse, the United Nations (UN) also has concerns about how much water humans can access. According to a UN report, by 2025 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two thirds of the world's population could be living under "water stressed conditions."
In June of 2019, Looking Horse hand delivered a cease and desist letter from the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council to Nestlé Waters in Aberfoyle. In 2021, the council sent another letter to BlueTriton, after the company changed its name, saying "the majority of our people at Six Nations do not have access to clean drinking water... we declare your activities to remove [aquifer] waters under our territories unpermitted and demand that you cease your activity immediately."
The fight for water sovereignty and for clean drinking water continues for Looking Horse. "The urgency worldwide is huge because the world is running out of water. This is only one example of exploitative extraction by a big corporation. This doesn't include all of the pollution and micro plastics that are living in waterways and systems across the globe," she said.
"I've been praying for water and working with water for a very long time, and that's where it started," she said. "You start to learn how valuable water is on a spiritual level, but also on a statistic level. The world is really in a water crisis. So, it's in our culture to protect the water and have a responsibility."
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odinsblog · 1 year
Andrew was entering his third month of unemployment when he sat down at his computer and opened the inbox of his LinkedIn account. He’d received a response to a query he’d sent off four days after his friend-turned-manager walked him into a conference room swimming with sunlight, smelling of cologne and the faintest hint of perfume left behind by a group of attorneys who’d recently vacated the space after a five-hour meeting.
“I’m sorry, man,” Colin Perkins had said. Andrew’s eyes glided to the glass conference table, landing on the silver tray holding a molehill of bagels. He imagined they must be stale by now, having been left there uncovered in the icy office air.
Someone had planted the pointed end of a white plastic knife in an open container of chive-and-jalapeño cream cheese. It brought to mind the moon landing; all that was missing was a tiny American flag. A laugh trudged up his throat, but he disguised it as a cough.
“I told you,” Colin continued, raking his hands over his manicured Afro, “that the last to hire would be the first to go.”
A month earlier, seventeen women and two men had accused the CEO of the company of sexual misconduct. That news had plummeted the stock. The layoffs followed. Andrew had witnessed dozens of employees being escorted by security from the building like criminals. Now it was his turn.
Andrew nodded, placed a comforting hand on Daniel’s shoulder, and squeezed. The crisp cotton of Daniel’s shirt felt cool beneath his palm. “It’s okay, man, I understand. Don’t sweat it.”
He’d spent that first week revamping his résumé, calling friends and old colleagues, people who might know of a job opportunity at their own place of employment or elsewhere. He’d never had a LinkedIn account, but took the time to set one up. To conserve the little bit of savings he had, Andrew dropped his gym membership and went back to drinking tap water instead of the bottled Evian he loved. He gave up Starbucks coffee and the expensive cabernet sauvignon he purchased by the case.
By week three, he was spending his days on the couch, dressed in boxer shorts and sweat socks. He’d stopped opening the blinds and only went outside to empty the garbage. He whiled away the hours playing video games, and watching Netflix and Pornhub. Oftentimes, he went days without brushing his teeth.
When his mother called to check on him, Andrew lied, claiming he had several interviews lined up. When his father took the phone into another room to ask if he needed money, Andrew assured him that he was fine on the financial front, even though he wasn’t. He’d made up his mind to sell his Shelby Mustang before he took a dime from his parents. That was a big decision because he loved that car more than he’d ever loved any woman.
The day he opened the e-mail, the panic had just started to set in. He could feel it creeping along the back of his neck, like the soft scuttle of caterpillar legs.
From: OBF, INC.
To: Andrew Jamison
Dear Mr. Jamison,
We found your resume to be very interesting and believe that you would be the perfect addition to our dynamic team of Client Liaisons.
Affordable benefits for you, your spouse, and/or children after 90 days!
Opportunities to advance within!
Hourly, overtime, and tremendous bonus opportunities!
If you love helping others, then you will love working for OBF, INC.
OBF, INC. wants to talk to you now! To set up an interview TEXT OBF51893.
Liaison was just a fancy French word for customer service agent. Well, that was his skill set. Andrew was an expert at assisting people.
He texted the number and received an instant response that directed him to call a telephone number and enter his personal code: 1032.
An automated voice offered him two available interview dates. He was instructed to press 1 for the first date and 2 for the second. The mechanical voice told him that he would receive a call advising him where the interview would take place.
It all seemed very clandestine. Andrew was cynical, but his desperation outweighed his skepticism.
A day later, he received a call from a woman with a Southern drawl . . . Georgia, Alabama, Texas? He couldn’t quite pinpoint where she hailed from, but listening to her speak conjured visions of sweet tea and fireflies. She asked for his full government name and the code he’d received via text message. There was a pause, two clicks, and then the syrupy voice asked if he had a pen available. He did. After she’d rattled off the address, she wished him good luck. There were a few more clicks and then the line went dead.
He walked into the lobby of the forty-story office building and was struck by the contemporary opulence of the space. Marble floors, potted palms that towered eight feet into the air, white leather sofas, and a slick-looking Louboutin-red reception desk.
Andrew presented his license to the security guard and was given a name tag, which he clipped to the lapel of his ash-gray jacket. He was told to go to the eighteenth floor.
While waiting for the elevator, he perused the list of companies listed on a plaque mounted to the wall. OBF, Inc. was nowhere to be found.
He smirked, shrugged his shoulders, and stepped into the elevator. On the eighteenth floor, smack outside of the elevator door, was a sheet of lined legal paper taped haphazardly to the wall. Scrawled on its face in black marker was: This Way to OBF, INC. Below that was an arrow.
He started down the hall. A man the color of cedar and as tall as an NBA player speed-walked past him, mumbling to himself. Andrew thought he looked dazed, as if he’d just received news that a loved one had passed away.
“Good morning,” Andrew murmured.
The man turned eyes as wide as saucers on Andrew. He opened his mouth and muttered something that Andrew wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly. The elevator doors slid open just as Andrew leaned in and asked, “Uhm, sorry, brother, but did you say run?”
The man leaped into the elevator, pressed his spine against the back wall, and fixed his eyes on the glass numbers above the closing doors.
Andrew stood blinking at his reflection in the chrome elevator doors. After a moment, he shrugged and continued down the hallway where he came upon a second handwritten sign directing him to turn left at the women’s bathroom. He rounded a corner and found himself staring at eleven men seated in folding chairs. They all looked up from their iPhones and Androids. Andrew nodded and headed toward the pretty blonde seated behind a metal desk.
“Good morning,” she smiled. “Name?”
“Andrew Jamison.”
“Okay, Mr. Jamison, please take a seat. Mrs. Americus will be with you shortly.”
He scrutinized his fellow applicants. They were all black men save for the one white guy with a man-bun who was called in as soon as Andrew sat down. Man-bun wasn’t in there long. In less than five minutes, cheeks flushed and cursing under his breath, he stormed across the reception area and out of sight.
Andrew clenched his jaw and made eye contact with another man across the room from him. He imagined the unease in the man’s eyes mirrored his own uncertainty.
“Andrew Jamison, Mrs. Americus will see you now. Just through that door.”
The door opened to a large office filled with cubicles and desks, manned by women tapping away on typewriters or murmuring into the handsets of—
Andrew slowed his gait.
Are those rotary telephones and, wait, Royal typewriters?
As Andrew gawked, a large man with a mustache as thick has a shoe brush appeared before him. Andrew glanced up and then quickly shifted his gaze away from the brawny man’s left eyelid, which was weighed down with a sty the size of a dime.
“In there,” the man huffed, aiming a chubby finger at a closed door not more than five feet from where they stood.
The office was as small as a janitor’s closet. And dark.
The lone window on the far left wall faced the shadowy back of a department store. Metal file cabinets lined the walls; some of the drawers were open, revealing manila folders bulging with papers. He could see, even in the muddy darkness of the room, a layer of dust atop the cabinets. Hanging on the walls were at least twenty framed photographs of people, all of whom were black.
The air was rife with the scent of cigarette smoke.
Andrew remembered people smoking at their desks when he went to visit his mother at her office job when he was young. Once, on a flight to Detroit with his grandmother, he stood at the back of the plane waiting to use the bathroom, and found himself engulfed in a cloud of smoke billowing from the cigarettes of three passengers.
He couldn’t recall the exact year cities around the country began banning smoking in bars and restaurants, but he was supremely aware that smokers had to be at least four hundred feet away from the entrance of any building if they wanted to light up.
Yet here was this woman, puffing away like it was 1975. Andrew eyed the near-empty box of Winstons and then the woman. She was robust—a meat-and-potatoes sort of gal, with doughy cheeks and large blue eyes. Her sun-bleached blond hair fanned back from her face—a style made famous by the eighties icon Farrah Fawcett. Her lips were slathered in tangerine-colored lipstick. The same color rung the filters of a dozen long-dead Winston butts heaped in the black ceramic ashtray. Andrew thought, If she’s going for clown instead of glamour, well, bull’s-eye!
Ornate rings twinkled on seven of her ten fingers, the rose-gold chain she wore around her neck dribbled down her chest and disappeared into her cleavage. She looked to be in her midfifties.
“Good morning, Mr. Jamison. Please have a seat.” Her eyes remained glued to the sheet of paper clutched in her hands. Andrew assumed it was his résumé.
He sat down.
“You graduated from Brown University?”
“Y-yes, I did. I graduated summa cum laude in 1990.”
Her desk was cluttered with newspaper clippings; stacks of aging yellowed papers, and dated fashion magazines. Andrew’s eyebrows climbed. Was that Marcia from the seventies sitcom The Brady Bunch on the cover of that Glamour magazine?
Andrew chuckled to himself. This had to be an elaborate joke. Someone was putting him on. His eyes ranged around the office in search of a concealed camera.
“Impressive,” she said finally, looking him directly in the eye. “Do you have a wife?”
“Are you married, Mr. Jamison?”
“No, I’m not.”
She searched his face. “Are you gay?”
Andrew bristled. “Mrs. Americus, I don’t think you’re legally allowed to ask me that question.”
She smirked.
“It’s a yes-or-no question, Mr. Jamison. I know it’s unusual, but believe me, for this position I would need to know.”
His rent was due tomorrow and then again in thirty more days. His savings were dwindling. “No, I’m not gay.”
“Do you have children?”
“One daughter, she’s twenty-two years old.”
“Do you have a good relationship with your daughter? With the mother?”
Mrs. Americus glanced at his résumé. “Perfect.” She reached for the dying cigarette and brought it to her lips. “And according to your application, you’ve never been arrested. Is that true?”
“Well, we will be doing a background check.”
“Do you have any bad habits? Do you use narcotics?”
“No ma’am.”
“Any . . . um . . . undesirable recreational activities?”
“Porn? Well, not just porn. Kiddie porn.”
Andrew’s mouth fell open.
“No judgment, Mr. Jamison. Again, I just need to know.”
“No, I do not watch kiddie porn,” Andrew spat.
“Good!” she exclaimed, drumming her fingers on the desk. “Let me tell you the specifics of the job . . .”
Some of the faces behind the glass frames looked familiar. Again Andrew found himself squinting. Was that Omarosa? He pitched forward in his chair.
Mrs. Americus stopped talking and followed his gaze. “Um, yes,” she spouted. “That is who you think it is. She’s been one of our best recruits.”
Andrew swallowed.
Mrs. Americus stubbed out her cigarette and laced her fingers under her chin. “Some of our liaisons work directly with government agencies. That’s a promotion of sorts. Of course, before you can be assigned to the big house—I mean the White House—you’d first have to prove yourself out in the field.” She giggled. “In the field. You get it? It’s a double entendre.”
Andrew’s mouth went dry.
She twisted around in the chair and pointed to a photograph of a pair of middle-aged women standing shoulder to shoulder, each holding a red MAGA baseball cap. “Those ladies are Diamond and Silk. Do you know them?”
Andrew shot out up from the chair. For a moment, he thought his knees would buckle. “What does OBF stand for?”
Mrs. Americus reached for the pack of cigarettes. “OBF stands for One Black Friend.”
“One Black Friend?”
“Yes. You see, in these troubling times, times where so many people are labeling white people as racist, we need black people to stand up for us—to have our backs, as your people are fond of saying. Sometimes, Mr. Jamison, a God-fearing, good white person may be accused of a crime or some other offense perpetrated against a person of color, and when the accused does not have a person of color in his circle, it looks bad. The public may see him . . . or her, as a racist simply because their circle is . . . white. Lily.
“And that’s wrong. Not having black friends does not make a white person racist by default. Anyway,” she waved her hand, “that’s where OBF comes in. We provide that one black friend. That one black friend introduces doubt, and more often than not, that doubt diminishes a large percentage of the negative impact our clients might face.”
Andrew just stared.
“Oh, Mr. Jamison, don’t look so shocked. This practice has been around for centuries.” She pointed to the far wall near the window. “You see that guy there? He was actually the inspiration for this company.”
Andrew peered at the photograph. “Who is he?”
“Joe Oliver.”
“Joe Oliver?”
“Yeah, Joe Oliver. You don’t remember him? Joe Oliver, George Zimmerman’s one black friend.” Mrs. Americus raised a black ceramic coffee mug to her lips and sipped. The red decal on the side of the mug read: Black Tears.
Andrew’s stomach lurched, perspiration beading across his forehead. “This is some kind of joke, right?”
“Oh, I assure you this is not a joke and I am very serious. As serious as a heart attack. Is that how the saying goes? As serious as a heart attack?”
Andrew started toward the door.
“Wait, Mr. Jamison. Look here.” She pointed at a photograph hanging above the row of filing cabinets. “This is another one of our liaisons. Since he’s been working for us, he’s paid off his student loans and I understand that he’s just recently purchased a Cadillac.”
Andrew followed her index finger to the photo of a grinning black man holding a Blacks for Trump sign above his head like a trophy.
“Shall we talk about salary?”
The lights flickered.
He thought, Maybe I’m still asleep. Maybe this is a nightmare.
“Andrew? I can see you’re having a hard time processing all of this. But really, it’s not as uncommon as you might think. We live in America, this is a capitalist country, and we monetize everything. Everything.”
Andrew couldn’t remember reaching for the doorknob, but suddenly he was stumbling through the reception area.
He fled down the corridor, rounded the first corner and then the next. A slight man the color of honeyed milk stepped from the elevator. He wore a yellow dress shirt with a red bow tie. His dark-blue khakis were flooded just enough to offer a wink of his orange-and-navy argyle socks.
Upon Andrew’s frantic approach, the startled stranger stepped swiftly out of his path. Andrew didn’t make eye contact. He jabbed at the elevator button until the doors slid open.
Weeks later, Andrew was seated in a truck-stop diner with his fork poised over a plate of scrambled eggs and corned beef hash.
The mounted television was tuned to Fox News. The anchor reported that yet another young black man had been gunned down by a vigilante, another Good Samaritan, named Christopher Parks.
Christopher Parks was heading home from his job as a sanitation man when he spotted young Daniel Latham sitting in Starbucks, dozing over his law textbooks. Parks entered the establishment, woke Latham with a tap to his shoulder, and asked if he lived in the area. According to eyewitnesses, Latham replied that he did in fact live in the neighborhood. Parks demanded to see Latham’s ID and was met with laughter. The law student gathered his belongings and stood to leave—rather menacingly, one eyewitness reported.
That was when Christopher Parks pulled his weapon and fired. The stunned Latham, still laughing, crumpled into his chair and pressed his hand over the whole in his heart. It wasn’t until he saw the blood that the smile slipped from his lips and he began to cry.
The cops were called, but not an ambulance. Well, not immediately.
The police shackled Latham to the chair and took Parks to the police station for questioning. The woman behind the counter gave Parks a high five and a tall Caffè Mocha to go.
By the time an ambulance arrived, Daniel Latham was dead, having bled out all over his take-home final exam.
In the days that followed, it was revealed that Daniel Latham had several unpaid parking tickets and was thrice fined for not scooping his dog’s poop. Not only that—he was also a practicing Buddhist who supported a woman’s right to choose.
A search of Latham’s apartment unearthed a well-worn copy of Alex Haley’s The Autobiography of Malcolm X, which was on his nightstand alongside Jay-Z’s Decoded. This discovery was further evidence that Latham was no angel.
Laura Ingraham looked directly into the camera and told her viewers that Christopher Parks was a hero, a polite and well-spoken man who had been raised by his father after his mother died from breast cancer when he was just three years old. Yes, as a youth, Christopher had been suspended from school for fighting, and as a young man he’d beaten a girlfriend with a pipe. Later, when he was in his early thirties, he’d threatened to castrate his boss—a black man old enough to be his grandfather. All of that behavior, Laura Ingraham said, was directly connected to the trauma of losing a mother at such a tender age.
She paused, and in that moment her entire face pulsed with empathy. “That said,” she continued, “Al Sharpton, along with the Black Lives Matter terrorist organization, have labeled Christopher Parks a racist and are calling for his arrest.” She shook her head and chuckled. “Earlier today, I had the pleasure of speaking with Christopher’s longtime best friend, Andrew Jamison . . .”
Andrew lowered his fork, reached for his shades, and slipped them onto his face.
—OBF, Inc., a short story by Bernice L. McFadden
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Looking For Reasons To Hire A Trustworthy Well Drilling Company?
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Wells not only give homes access to free, clean water, but they can also supply clean water in the event of a power outage. Drinking well water can also be far healthier than drinking tap water.
Self-drilling a well, however, can be very difficult. It might be more advantageous, practical, and cost-effective to hire an experienced well drilling company to drill your next well.
We’ve outlined the eleven most important reasons why hiring a professional well drilling company is the better option in order for providing cool, clean water to your family.
Expertise: Qualified well drilling companies possess the knowledge and experience necessary to guarantee a safe and efficient drilling process. They have received training in seeing and resolving potential issues before they escalate. Before deciding which business to hire, you can read online reviews to make a more informed decision.
Convenience: If you’re like most Americans, you work more than 40 hours per week. When you account for time at work, your commute, and your daily activities, you might only have a few hours to relax at home. And it is extremely possible that you will need to invest more time or energy in other home remodeling projects. As a result, hiring an expert to perform well drilling services may be the most sensible choice for conscientious homeowners.
Equipment: Specialized equipment and tools required for drilling a well are available to professional well drilling businesses. Drilling equipment, pumps, and water treatment systems are a few examples of this.
Danger: Well drilling could be dangerous. This is especially true if you live in a place where sinkholes are frequent. Therefore, hiring a specialist before starting your drilling activity may be useful.
Since a well drilling specialist is aware of the risks involved in the technique, they can keep both himself and others safe while performing it. It can be challenging to keep animals and young children safe when drilling.
Efficiency: Skilled well drilling companies are capable of doing the job swiftly. They are equipped and knowledgeable enough to finish the task quickly.
Early Well Use: If you hire an expert to drill and assist you with the building, you may be able to use a finished well quickly. It can take weeks or months if you attempt to do it yourself.
This is because you’ll need to examine your yard, decide where to drill, actually drill, and then build the well. That takes a lot of time, and without professional guidance, it might not be worthwhile.
Expense: While hiring a professional well drilling business may first seem more expensive, the cost of doing it yourself could soon rise if you need to buy specialist equipment or run into issues while drilling.
Permitting: Prior to drilling a well, you might need to obtain a permit depending on where you live. Professional well drilling firms are knowledgeable about the permitting procedure and can assist in making sure you have all the required paperwork.
Maintenance: To keep your well operating correctly, professional well drilling companies can also offer maintenance and repair services.
Warranty: Many expert well drilling businesses provide guarantees on their work, which can offer assurance and protection in the event of any problems.
Quality: Expert well drilling firms take pleasure in their job and work hard to produce outcomes of the highest caliber. You can feel certain that your well will be drilled appropriately and will serve as a dependable source of water for years to come by hiring a professional.
If you are considering drilling your own well, we advise saving time and resources and allowing a professional well drilling company to handle the work.
If you decide to hire a well drilling company, Jon’s Well and Pump Services Inc. is an experienced, knowledgeable well drilling company located in Deltona, Florida. Call them for a quote at 386-801-5334 or contact them.
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Jon's Well and Pump Services Inc.(https://www.jonswellandpumpservicesinc.com/11-reasons-to-hire-a-well-drilling-company/)
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soubhagyaside · 9 months
How Billionaires Organize Their WorkSpace—What You can Learn From it?
Do you ever wonder what billionaires’ workspace looks like and how they manage their workspaces?
What was their workspace before they were famous or Internet celebrities?
In this post, we will explore the workspaces of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Mike Bloomberg, and Kevin Kelly with many other articles and entrepreneurs to see how they are productive and what their workspace looks like.
We will also see what we can learn from them.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates is an American technology entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist better known for the software company Microsoft, As of Dec 2023 it's being valued at 2.76 trillion dollars.
The first person to achieve a $100 Billion net worth. He also owns Codex Leicester, a collection of scientific writing by Leonardo da Vinci.
Gates being a nerd is interesting to see what his workspace looks like.
These are some photographs of the workspace of Bill Gates when he was building Microsoft. You can clearly see the messy piles of papers with computers, keyboards, and telephones.
Gradually over the year, he becomes neat and clean as other work is delegated to others. Gates now uses a clean work setup with a water bottle, computer, keyboard, mouse, and other important things.
Throughout the images of Bill Gates, you can see a book near to him, as he likes to read a lot.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk is an interest entrepreneur and investor and the wealthiest person in the world with over $222 billion as of Dec 2023. He is the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, owner of X, formally Twitter, and also the founder of xAI.
Mr. Musk always grabs a vacant desk whenever he needs one to work and it's interesting to see what his workspace looks like.
Elon Musk always uses an oval-shaped desk to work from the end of his work desktop and other end his places his other important documents or projects.
The desk is somewhat clean and you always find some book near to him, being an avid reader like Bill Gates. The U-shaped desk is the most interesting thing I liked the most from his workspace.
It allows him to switch places from his desktop to the front when he meets someone.
You can also see Musk always works in a place that has large windows to allow natural sun lights to come.
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is a computer programmer and entrepreneur, better known for social media Apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Threads. He is the CEO of Facebook and its parent company, Meta.
Mark is also an interesting personality and it is interesting to see the workspace of Mark Zuckerberg.
From the early days of Facebook, Mark has been comfortable with a small setup with a monitor or laptop with a mouse or some paper around him. You can clearly see he only uses a laptop and it allows him to work from anywhere.
You can see the present day picture of Mark’s desk where you can see some books, a laptop with no mouse and cable connect to it, his phone and Meta Quest VR, which lunched recently.
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs was an American businessman, inventor, and investor better known for co-founding Apple Inc. He was also the primary investor of Pixar and the founder of NeXT.
As you can see the workspace of Steve Jobs from the last days of his life. He is kind of messy and that may be the sign of geniuses. He is filled with books, electronic devices, and piles of papers.
Nothing is expected more from a person who values and makes minimalist products like iPod, iPhone, and iPad.
Mike Bloomberg
Micheal Bloomberg is an American businessman and politician, who is better known for founding Bloomberg L.P. financial data services firm, and served as mayor of New York City from 2002-2013.
The workspace of Bloomberg looks like the modern coders with multiple screens and monitors opened with chats. Because of his industry, he is always open to news and chats on his multiple monitors.
Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly is a founding executive editor of Wired magazine. He is also a writer and photographer. Kelly is an interesting man and with also in his workspace. His workspace looks different from other billionaires.
He also has a messy desktop with a wall of Legos and a skeleton of some kind. You can see the mess of things like books, notebooks, papers, mic, desktops, and more.
See Workspaces of Great Minds, Artists, Scientists, and Writers
Jane Austen, Novelist:
Yoshitomo Nara, Artist:
Pablo Picasso, Painter:
Mark Twain, Writer:
Virginia Wolf, Writer:
Roald Dahl, Children's Writer:
Thomas Edison, Inventor:
Stephen Hawkings, Theoretical Physicist:
Nicholas Tesla, Inventor:
Martin Luther King, Political Leader:
Warren Buffet, Investor:
NASA Scientists:
Bob Dylan, Singer:
Winston Churchill, Former PM of the US and political Leader:
Neil Gaiman, Writer:
PS: You can see my workspace here.
What You can learn from their workspaces?
Looking at different kinds of workspaces from modern-day entrepreneurs to billionaires and artists to scientists, here are some of the things that we can learn from their workspaces.
Everybody is different in their own way, we can't say a clean background led to success or a messy own. They are the clear examples of this.
You can often find books in their workspace that allow them to read whenever they want to.
Some use a simple workspace and other messy or complex workspaces like Bloomberg with multiple monitors.
They seem to love their own workspace with their own choice of design.
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shop-korea · 1 year
Watch "[MV] IU(아이유) _ strawberry moon" on YouTube
IU - 5'4 FT - LIKE MY - TOKYO -
WE - HAVE - THE - RIGHT - 2 - YES -
UPSET - HER - $15, 000 - EACH -
HER - COMMENT - 11 SEPT 2001 -
SHE - TRIED - 2 - RAPE - ME -
YEAR - PAID - USC - AT - AGE 16 -
FAKE - ID - GOT - BACK - 2 - YES -
SPOON - 98% - FAT - FREE -
LOW - FAT - YOGURT - $0.66 -
$2.99 - FR - $2.79 - DAILY
$5.85 - FR - $5.15
NEED - 2 - BUY - 5 - OF - THEM
10 ITEMS - OR - LESS - 2 - GET
YELLING - 4 - ME - 2 - PAY
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ttopplumbing · 8 days
Essential Guide to Leak Detection in Simi Valley
Welcome to our essential guide on leak detection, brought to you by T-Top Plumbing Company, Inc., Southern California’s best commercial and residential plumbing company. In this detailed post, we’ll explore why Simi Valley leak detection is critical, offer seasonal home improvement tips, and showcase the benefits of choosing T-Top Plumbing for your needs.
T-Top Plumbing Company, Inc. has built a stellar reputation over the past 25 years, providing top-notch plumbing services to homeowners and businesses alike. Recognized for our fast response times, excellent customer service, and expertise, we have set the standard for plumbing in Southern California. In this guide, we’ll focus on a vital aspect of plumbing maintenance—leak detection. Effective leak detection not only conserves water but also saves you money and prevents significant damage to your home.
Why Leak Detection is Crucial Leak detection is more than just fixing a dripping faucet. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining your home’s structural integrity and preventing costly damages.
Prevents Water Damage: Undetected leaks can cause extensive water damage, leading to structural issues and mold growth.
Saves Money: According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), households can save about 10% on their water bills by fixing leaks. Early detection helps avoid hefty repair costs.
Conservation Efforts: The American Water Works Association (AWWA) emphasizes that timely leak detection significantly contributes to water conservation, a critical concern in drought-prone California.
Seasonal Home Improvement Tips Transitioning from summer to fall is an excellent time to check your plumbing system for potential problems. Here are some expert tips to get started:
Inspect and Maintain: Regularly inspect exposed pipes for any signs of wear or damage. Clean out gutters and check downspouts to ensure they are clear of debris.
Professional Services: Schedule a professional plumbing inspection with T-Top Plumbing Company, Inc. Our experienced team can identify and fix issues before they become major problems.
DIY Projects: Simple tasks such as tightening loose connections or insulating outdoor pipes can make a big difference. However, always consult a professional for more complex issues.
Benefits of Choosing T-Top Plumbing Company, Inc. When it comes to plumbing services, T-Top Plumbing stands out for several reasons:
Fast Response Times: Our team is known for prompt service, often arriving the same day you call.
Unmatched Customer Service: Testimonials from satisfied clients highlight our reliability and professionalism.
Expertise and Experience: With over 25 years of industry experience and numerous certifications, you can trust us to handle any plumbing challenge.
Green Consciousness in Home Improvement T-Top Plumbing Company, Inc. is committed to eco-friendly practices. Fixing leaks not only conserves water but also aligns with California’s green legislation. Here’s why it matters:
Water Conservation: Leaks waste thousands of gallons of water annually. Fixing them supports sustainability and reduces your water footprint.
Eco-Friendly Trends: Sustainable home improvement practices are gaining traction. From low-flow fixtures to rainwater harvesting systems, there are numerous ways to make your home greener.
Sustainable Solutions: T-Top Plumbing offers products and services that promote sustainability, ensuring your plumbing system is both efficient and environmentally friendly.
Expert Advice on Leaking Faucets in Granada Hills Leaking faucets are a common issue that requires prompt attention. Here’s what you need to know:
Common Causes: Leaks are often due to worn-out washers, corroded valve seats, or loose parts. These issues are typically easy to fix but should not be ignored.
Benefits of Prompt Fixes: Addressing leaking faucets reduces water wastage and can significantly lower your utility bills. It also prevents potential water damage to your home.
Professional Help: For residents dealing with leaking faucets in Granada Hills, T-Top Plumbing offers expert services to quickly resolve the issue and ensure it doesn’t recur.
Simi Valley Leak Detection Services: T-Top Plumbing When it comes to simi valley leak detection, T-Top Plumbing Company, Inc. is your go-to choice. Their dedication to customer service, expertise, and eco-friendly practices make them the ideal partner for all your plumbing needs. Don’t wait until a minor leak becomes a major problem—schedule an inspection or repair service today and experience the benefits of working with a trusted, reliable plumbing company.
For more information or to schedule a service, contact T-Top Plumbing Company, Inc. today. Our team is ready to assist you with all your plumbing needs, ensuring your home remains safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly.
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americanwater3 · 9 days
American Water
Website: https://www.facebook.com/weareamericanwater/
American Water, a prominent American utility company, delivers water and wastewater services across 14 states to about 14 million people. With 3.4 million customers, including residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, American Water’s regulated operations span 1,700 communities. Established in 1886, the company evolved through various names to become American Water Works Company, Inc. The NYSE-listed firm manages numerous utilities, collaborates with the Department of Defense, and recently acquired City of York's wastewater system for $235.3 million. Notably, American Water earned recognition for sustainability and received the 2023 WaterSense Excellence Award and Barron's 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies 2023 ranking.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/american-water/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareamericanwater/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amwater
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wekeeplifeflowing
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twintailedsiren · 15 days
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Picture this: it’s 2009, and you’re googling combos of “twin tailed mermaid,” “two tailed siren,” because you need to know where Starbucks got that twin-tailed mermaid from. You stumble across the phrase “twin tailed merman” in two different books, both connected to Ojibwa mythology in North America. A lead, maybe? An interesting story about twin tailed mermaid, that maybe gives a story for the Haida’s Tchimose?
Nope, it was nothing interesting. Seriously. Here’s a rabbit hole of research that I didn’t need to do.
In two different books, written in the 1940s and 50s, I found a reference for “twin tailed merman” on books.google.com. That’s the screenshot you see. Here’s the full quotes:
Nute, Grace Lee. (1944). Lake Superior. Indianapolis, New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company.
Chapter 15, Nanabazhoo and His Followers, page 332:
“Another powerful being was the Evil Spirit, Matchi Manito, who took the form of a great fish or two-tailed merman, the Great Lynx or something evil living in the lake.”
Gillard, Kathleen Isabel. (1955). Our Michigan Heritage. New York: Pageant Press, Inc.
Chapter 1, The Indian in Michigan History, page 33:
“He (Kitche Manito or Gitchie Manito) was not so powerful as Matchi Manito, the Evil Spirit, who took the form of a two-tailed merman and dwelt below the water.”
Where did they get their sources? Who knows, maybe they were copying each other. Because I lived in Michigan, I went to the library, dutifully looked these books up, photocopies the references, and looked for footnotes or other sources that explained where this story came from. The books had nothing.
So, I went back to the internet, and found a reference to a being with a similar name in Longfellow’s “Song of Hiawatha,” an epic written in 1855. While Longfellow wanted to honor Native Americans, the work is also criticised for Americanizing Ojibwa culture and perpetuating Native stereotypes.
The Song Of Hiawatha by Henry W. Longfellow:
Mitche Manito the Mighty,
He the dreadful Spirit of Evil,
As a serpent was depicted,
As Kenabeek, the great serpent.
Very crafty, very cunning,
Is the creeping Spirit of Evil,
Was the meaning of this symbol.
This gives a different spelling — Mitche Manito and not Matchi Manito (or the variations Kitche Manito and Gitchie Manito). It also says Mitche Manito is a serpent, not a merman, twin-tailed or otherwise.
My next step was to a book written by a Christopher Vecsey, who specialises in Native American studies. In Traditional Ojibwa Religion and its Historical Changes, I found a reference to an “Underwater Manito:”
Page 74
“The Underwater Manito was not a single manito but rather a composite. It consisted of two main beings, the underwater lion and the horned serpent... The Underwater Mantito possessed great and dangerous powers... It was not totally evil, however.”
Page 82
“Christian influence is even more apparent in modern Ojibwa belief in an evil manito called Matchi Manito. Twentieth-century Protestant as well as seventeenth-century Catholic missionaries have taught the Ojibwas about the Christian Devil (Kellogg 1925: 106-107), sometimes associating it with the Underwater Manito, sometimes with the Windigo.”
Still a water being, but definitely not a twin-tailed merman. Which meant this research was turning into a wild goose chase, as I desperately tried to verify that twin-tailed Ojibwe mermen were a real thing.
Before I threw in the towel on this, I decided to look up what an actual Ojibwe person had written about this. Which led me to Basil Johnston, an Ojibwe writer and storyteller. In his 1995 book titled The Manitous : The Spiritual World of the Ojibway, he had a reference that almost matched, but not quite:
page xxi. “The Matchi-auwishuk, the Evil Ones... These were man-hunting manitous that preyed upon evil-doing humans as well as those who gave in to excess. The threat of the Weendigoes and Matchi-auwish was usually enough to bring about compliance with the perceived laws and customs.”
At this point, I figured that Longfellow and the other white authors didn’t have the most accurate info. Looking back at the references I had, it looks like a lot of authors were conflating ideas from different tribes and not working with actual Native myths to begin with. I abandoned trying to figure out where the reference to a “twin tailed merman” crept into Ojibwe folklore, and instead read several of Johnston’s books. From those, I learned the word for “mermaid” is roughly “nebaunaube” in Ojibwe.
If you’re looking for Ojibwe merfolk (nebaunaube) stories, I recommend checking out Chapter 9: Nebaunaubaewuk and Nebaunaubaequawuk in Johnston’s 1976 Ojibway Heritage.
Match manito as a twin tailed merman, Chapter 15, page 332: Nute, Grace Lee. Lake Superior. Edited by Milo M. Quaife, The American Lakes Series. Indianapolis, New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1944.
See also, Chapter 1, page 33: Gillard, Kahleen Isabel. Our Michigan Heritage. New York: Pageant Press, Inc., 1955.
Matchi-auwish definition, page 51: Johnston, Basil. "Anishinaubau Thesaurus." East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2007.
See also, Pages xx-xxi: Johnston, Basil. The Manitous: The Spiritual World of the Ojibway. New York: Harper Collins, 1995.
For another depiction of matchi manito/underwater manito, pages 74 and 82: Vecsey, Christopher. Traditional Ojibwa Religion and Its Historical Changes. Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1983.
For discussion of manitos in general, see pages 22-31: Landes, Ruth. Ojibwa Religion and the Midéwiwin. First ed. Milwaukee: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1968.
For the preferred spelling of manidoo, see the Ojibwe People’s Dictionary: https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/
pages 133-149, Chapter 9: Nebaunaubaewuk and Nebaunaubaequawuk, in: Johnston, Basil. The Manitous: The Spiritual World of the Ojibway. New York: Harper Collins, 1995. 
Johnston, Basil. Ojibway Heritage. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976.
---. The Bear-Walker and Other Stories. Royal Ontario Museum. 
---. Honour Earth Mother. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
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ledenews · 2 months
Community To Celebrate End-of-Summer Annual Event
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Youth Services System, Inc. (YSS) is hosting its 17th annual Celebrate Youth Festival at Wheeling Park on August 1, 2024, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Attendees can expect free wristbands to the park, lunch, school supplies, community resources, games and so much more. The festival has quickly gained community support from sponsors including The Cornerstone Group, USI Insurance Services, Marshall County Commission, Kiwanis Club of Wheeling, and local Wheeling restaurant The Alpha Tavern. Panhandle Restoration and Cleaning will provide water for the event; American Sanitary Supply Company will provide utensils and paper products; and The Ziegenfelder Company will provide their famous Twin Pops. Additionally, over 60 exhibitors are signed up to attend the event including colleges, community clubs, organizations providing health and wellness resources and so many more. In preparation for the end-of-summer event, YSS employees and girls from the Helinski Shelter volunteered to fill 2,000 bags with school supplies including Crayola crayons and colored pencils, notebooks, folders, pens and more. Attendees will receive their free wristbands at different locations within the park, giving entry to the pool, mini golf course, and paddle boats. Kids can also enjoy time at the bounce house, craft tables, or with face painting. The agency also provides other activities like the Bubble Wagon and lunch for everyone. The Celebrate Youth Festival creates lasting memories for our community and continues to be a tradition for some families. Emma Carpenter has previously attended the event. Carpenter says, “When I was younger, I remember I spent over an hour on the inflatables.” Carpenter continues, “I enjoyed playing the games and winning prizes.” She adds, “When my son is old enough to attend, I look forward to having him enjoy the festival like I did when I was younger.” Nick Sparachane, owner of Undo’s Family Restaurants and The Alpha Tavern, says, “Undo’s and the Alpha have always been active in the Wheeling Community and feel that Youth Services is one of the most important organizations in our Valley.” Sparachane continues, “ works tirelessly on behalf of our youth in the community and is an integral part in the lives of so many. They have such an important mission.” The YSS mission is “To create a better future for children, families and our community.” The Celebrate Youth Festival is a way to encourage success in our youth and their families. Nicole Whorton, Vice President at USI Insurance Services, says, “Youth Services is an integral part of our community.” Whorton adds, “The many services they provide are life-changing and we are so lucky to have them.” Wheeling Park has provided YSS the space for this event for the last 17 years and has recently upgraded its park to have the largest, most inclusive playground in the state. YSS looks forward to hosting the event at Wheeling Park so the community can enjoy the new amenities. For more information about the event, contact Elizabeth Griffith at [email protected] or (304) 233-9627 ext. 424. Read the full article
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trendingreportz · 2 months
Merchant Hydrogen Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Merchant Hydrogen Market Overview
The merchant hydrogen market size is forecast to reach US$124 billion by 2027 after growing at a CAGR of 7.2% during 2022-2027. Merchant hydrogen refers to the production of hydrogen in hydrogen production plants and selling it to several end-use industries for various industrial processes. Merchant hydrogen is extensively used in the oil and refinery industry in the manufacturing of gasoline, diesel, jet fuels, and various refining processes such as hydrocracking, hydrotreating, etc. The oil and refinery industry expanding globally and this will drive the growth of the market in the forecast period. For instance, according to the January 2020 data by the International Energy Agency, biofuel production is expected to increase fourfold from around 2 mboe/d in current times to almost 8 mboe/d by 2040. Furthermore, merchant hydrogen finds its broad uses in the production of various chemicals such as ammonia, methanol, cyclohexane, hydrogen peroxide, hydrochloric acid, etc. The chemical industry is booming globally and this will contribute to the growth of the market in the forecast period. For instance, according to the 2020 Chemical Industry Outlook Report by BASF, chemical production globally is expected to increase by 4.4% in 2021. The water electrolysis process is projected to witness the highest demand in the forecast period. Steam methane reforming will witness significant demand in the market. Lack of better infrastructure might hinder the growth of the market in the forecast period.
COVID-19 Impact
The merchant hydrogen market was moderately affected during the COVID-19 due to disruption in the supply chain and temporary shutdown of plants surfaced in the market. Market players implemented new work strategies to maintain a stable business operation. Despite executing new business strategy plans, businesses were affected due to the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. As per the 2020 Annual Report by Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., operations were disrupted due to the pandemic, leading to reduced demand for industrial gas products in the company’s merchant business. The market witnessed decent demand towards the end of 2020. Going forward, the market is projected to have a positive growth rate owing to expansion in hydrogen production plants and increasing demand for hydrogen in end-use industries such as the oil and refinery industry, chemical industry, and automobile.
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Merchant Hydrogen Market Report Coverage
The report: “Merchant Hydrogen Market Forecast (2022-2027)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Merchant Hydrogen Industry. 
By Process: Steam Methane Reforming, Water Electrolysis, Coal Gasification, Others
By End Use Industry: Oil and Refinery, Chemical, Food and Beverage, Construction, Residential, Commercial, Office, Hotels and Restaurants, Concert Halls and Museums, Educational Institutes, Automobile, Passenger Vehicle, Commercial Vehicle, Light Commercial Vehicle, Heavy Commercial Vehicle, Industrial, Electrical and Electronics, Agriculture, Paper, Others
By Geography: North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Belgium, Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Rest of Asia Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Rest of South America), and RoW (Middle East and Africa).
Key Takeaways:
Water electrolysis is leading the merchant hydrogen market. This production process offers a robust option for carbon-free hydrogen production from renewable resources, making it a desirable choice among manufacturers.
The chemical industry will drive the growth of the market in the forecast period. According to the June 2020 data by the American Chemistry Council, net exports of chemicals will touch $37 billion by 2025.
The Asia-Pacific region will witness the highest demand for merchant hydrogen in the forecast period owing to the expanding oil and refinery industry in the region. According to the data by India Brand Equity Foundation, oil demand in India is expected to witness a 2x growth to reach 11 million barrels by 2045.
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Merchant Hydrogen Market - By Process
Water electrolysis dominated the merchant hydrogen market in 2021. This process helps in the production of carbon-free hydrogen from nuclear and renewable resources. Water electrolysis is done with the help of a unit called an electrolyzer. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer and alkaline electrolyzer are the two types of electrolyzers usually implemented. Water electrolysis involving electrolyzers is considered a mature technology compared to other processes. Owing to such diverse properties, market players are engaging in expanding the portfolio of water electrolysis in the market. For instance, in January 2021 Cummins Inc., installed a new 20-megawatt PEM electrolyzer system in Canada to generate green hydrogen. This is the world’s largest proton exchange membrane electrolyzer in operation. Such developments in the water electrolysis process will increase its demand in the forecast period. The steam methane reforming process is projected to witness significant demand in the market.
Merchant Hydrogen Market - By End Use Industry
Oil and refinery dominated the merchant hydrogen market in 2021 and is growing at a CAGR of 7.5% in the forecast period. Merchant hydrogen produced through processes such as steam methane reforming and water electrolysis is massively used in the production of high-quality lubricating oils and various refining processes in the oil and refinery industry. The oil and refinery industry expanding globally and this will lead to the growth of the market in the forecast period. For instance, as per the data by India Brand Equity Foundation, diesel demand in India is expected to double to 163 MT by 2029-30. Similarly, according to the December 2021 report by Energy Information Administration (EIA), total production of crude oil stood at 11.7 million b/d in November which is projected to touch an average of 12.1 million b/d in the fourth quarter of 2022. Such massive growth in the oil and refinery industry will increase the higher implementation of merchant hydrogen in the forecast period and this will contribute to the growth of the market in the forecast period. The chemical industry will drive the growth of the market significantly in the forecast period.
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Merchant Hydrogen Market - By Geography
The Asia-Pacific region held the largest market share in the merchant hydrogen market in 2021 with a market share of up to 34%. The high demand for merchant hydrogen is attributed to the expanding oil and refinery industry in the region. For instance, as per the March 2021 report by Energy Information Administration (EIA), China’s refineries refined more crude oil for most of 2020 compared to US refineries. Similarly, as per the data by India Brand Equity Foundation, the Indian government has allowed 100% Foreign Direct Investment in upstream and private sector refining projects. Such increasing growth in the region’s oil and refinery industry will stimulate the higher uses of merchant hydrogen in the forecast period. The North American region is projected to witness significant demand for merchant hydrogen in the forecast period.
Merchant Hydrogen Market Drivers
The booming chemical industry will drive the growth of the market
Merchant hydrogen is deeply associated with the chemical industry as it is implemented in the production of several chemicals such as ammonia, methanol, cyclohexane, hydrogen peroxide, among others. The chemical industry is booming globally and this will contribute to the growth of the market in the forecast period. For instance, according to the June 2021 Mid-Year US Chemical Industry Outlook report, chemical volumes and shipments in the US are expected to increase by 3.2% and 8.2% respectively in 2022. Similarly, according to the report by India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), the domestic chemical sector's small and medium enterprises are projected to witness 18-23% revenue growth in FY22. This huge growth in the global chemical industry will increase the higher uses of merchant hydrogen and this, in turn, will contribute to the market’s growth in the forecast period.
Expanding oil and refinery industry will contribute to market’s growth
Merchant hydrogen is massively used in the oil and gas industry. Processes such as steam methane reforming and water electrolysis are implanted for the production of merchant hydrogen which is later used in the oil and refinery industry for the production of gasoline, diesel, jet fuels, and various high-quality lubricating oils. The oil and gas industry expanding globally and this will drive the growth of the market. For instance, as per the data by India Brand Equity Foundation, the oil and gas sector’s installed provisional refinery capacity accounted for 246.90 MMT as of September 2021 and Indian Oil Corporation was the largest domestic refiner with a capacity of 69.7 MMT. Similarly, according to the statistics by the International Energy Agency, global refining activity is expected to jump by 2.4 mb/d in 2022, and demand for oil will return to pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2022. Such massive expansion in the oil and refinery industry globally will augment the higher uses of merchant hydrogen and this will drive the growth in the forecast period.
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Merchant Hydrogen Market Challenges
Lack of better infrastructure might hamper the market’s growth
The infrastructure barrier has been a key challenge in the merchant hydrogen and this might hinder the market’s growth in the forecast period. The distribution and storage of merchant hydrogen are limited and vary, restricting its widespread adoption. For instance, as per the June 2019 report by Energy Information Administration, better planning and coordination are required among government and industries for the proper delivery and storage of merchant hydrogen. Similarly, as per the August 2021 data by the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy of the UK, better coordination is required for the wider rollout of hydrogen. Such infrastructure concerns associated with merchant hydrogen might limit the market’s growth.
Merchant Hydrogen Industry Outlook
Investment in R&D activities, acquisitions, product and technology launches are key strategies adopted by players in the merchant hydrogen market. Major players in the merchant hydrogen market are:
Airgas, Inc.
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Praxair, Inc.
Linde plc
Air Liquide
Engie SA
FuelCell Energy, Inc.
Cummins Inc.
Recent Developments
In May 2020, Engie collaborated with Neste to produce renewable hydrogen on a large scale for the production of high-quality biofuels. Such collaborations will contribute to the growth of the market in the forecast period.
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energybitsblog · 5 months
2 Ways to ‘Strategize’ Your Nutrition at Work
The workplace can be a wild place when it comes to nutrition. From donuts in the break room on Monday morning to a group lunch at the gastropub a block over, you may end up indulging more frequently than you’d expect. It’s just so easy!
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As simple as it might be, it can mean you’re not getting the nutrition your mind and body need for the workday. Conventional office snacks can bring you down and leave you feeling tired and unfocused.
It’s time for a change! There are easy and effective ways you can strategize—and improve—your nutrition at work. From giving yourself a nutritional advantage with spirulina tablets packed with protein to staying hydrated, here are a couple of ways you can improve your workday nutrition.
Give Yourself a Nutritional Advantage 
Spirulina, along with chlorella, are two forms of algae brimming with vitamins and minerals. Spirulina tablets improve hunger, energy, and brain power while chlorella tablets build immune health and are great for your gut. Nutritional value is something that can get skipped over when it comes to conventional workplace foods.
Spirulina and chlorella tablets are bits of food, so dense that one tablet is equal to a whole plate of veggies. Consider them nutritional powerhouses, with spirulina being brain food and chlorella improving overall wellness. If you’re tempted by those donuts in the breakroom, reach for a few algae tablets instead.
Algae tablets are packed with protein, providing 3x more protein than steak or fish. Algae can also serve as a source of fiber, which can help you feel fuller. A handful of algae tablets might not seem like much, but don’t underestimate them. Enjoy a few, wait a few moments, and you may find yourself ready to power through the rest of the day.
Stay Hydrated Throughout the Day
All too often, people snack at work to fill a void in their stomachs. They might not even be hungry. Instead, they’re thirsty, but they interpret it as hunger. This can lead to excessive snacking and larger lunches.
One way to curb these kinds of cravings is to simply have water in arms’ reach at all times. When you’re hydrated, you may find yourself eating less (especially junk). You may also notice changes in your skin and ability to focus. That is to say, when you’re hydrated, your skin can be more supported, and so can your brain.
Couple hydration with a few chlorella tablets for even more benefits, as algae have more collagen to help protect skin against wrinkles than even collagen powder.
Choose an effortless option like algae tablets, which are tiny but mighty and nutrient-dense bits of food to keep you full and healthy throughout your workday.
About ENERGYbits® Inc.
Harness the nutritional power of algae with ENERGYbits® Inc. Catharine Arnston founded this Boston company 14 years ago to help Americans nourish their minds and bodies with nutrient-dense food. Algae is as good for you as it is for the earth because it is a sustainable food crop endorsed by the United Nations for 50 years as the food of the future and the answer to world hunger. Chlorella and spirulina algae are packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, amino acids, and pigments, and when taken in tablet form, they effortlessly nourish and cleanse the body. ENERGYbits® algae tablets are "bits of food" that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. Whether it's first thing in the morning, before a workout, or even before bed, algae tablets' versatility, nutrient density, and simplicity can’t be beat.
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Original Source: https://bit.ly/3UDyMBW 
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newstfionline · 6 months
Friday, March 29, 2024
Bigger and bigger container ships (Washington Post) Big ships can cause big problems. In 2021, the huge container ship Ever Given twisted sideways in the Suez Canal, blocking a crucial trade passage between Europe and Asia for almost a week. The trade traversing the canal was worth up to $10 billion daily. This week, a different heavy cargo ship struck a support column for the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, prompting the 1.6-mile-long bridge to come crashing down into the water almost immediately. The collapse of the bridge Tuesday morning has disrupted trade from the Port of Baltimore, which handled $81 billion of foreign cargo in 2023. Rebuilding the bridge could cost hundreds of millions of dollars. These two events, which took place almost exactly three years apart, occurred 5,000 miles from one another and in considerably different circumstances. But both involved enormous ships of the kind that have become the backbone of modern global trade. The Ever Given is what is known as an ultra-large ship, almost more than 1,300 feet long, with a gross tonnage of 220,000. The Dali ship, while still enormous, is a smaller ship with a length of around 980 feet and a gross tonnage of less than 100,000. In many ways, the giant container ship may be a symbol of our age. The Dali may have been sailing into an American port, but the ship was constructed by the Korean firm Hyundai, operated by a crew of Indian nationals, owned by a Singaporean firm and carrying containers on behalf of a Danish shipping giant that were en route to Sri Lanka.
Haiti: US guns pour into Port-au-Prince, fuelling surge in violence (BBC) armed gangs continue to run amok in Haiti’s capital, and they control over 80% of the country’s capital city. How exactly did we get here, with organized crime overpowering the country’s military? According to a U.N. report released in January, those gangs were able to build up capabilities by smuggling drugs and increasingly more powerful firearms into Haiti through the country’s porous borders. The report says that “most weapons are sourced in the U.S. and make their way to gang members and private residents through intermediaries, often through public and private ports and porous checkpoints.” The report noted that half a million legal and illegal weapons were present in Haiti in 2020.
Racial tensions cost Germany Inc. skilled foreign labour (Reuters) Manager Joerg Engelmann says he has pulled out all the stops to attract skilled foreign workers to his chemical engineering company in Chemnitz, east Germany. But once they arrived, the racial slurs and exclusion they experienced in the town have driven some of them away. His firm is one of five German medium-sized companies that told Reuters their foreign staff recently moved on or switched locations due to xenophobia, even as Europe’s biggest economy suffers a shortage of skilled labour. Many large companies in Germany and the Netherlands have expressed concern about the difficulty of hiring due to anti-immigrant sentiment. Some employers go a step further, saying they are actually losing staff because of it.
As death toll in Moscow attack rises to 143, migrants face fury and raids (Washington Post) Russian authorities on Wednesday raised the official death toll to 143 in the terrorist attack on a Moscow concert venue, and Baza, a Telegram channel close to Russian law enforcement, reported that as many as 95 people are missing and not included on the lists of dead or wounded. Russian security forces have arrested four men, all citizens of Tajikistan, and accused them of carrying out the assault. The men appeared in a Moscow court Sunday and showed signs of being badly beaten. Videos circulating widely on Russian social media showed evidence of torture, including one whose ear was partly cut off. In the wake of Friday’s assault, there has been a surge in raids on dormitories and workplaces where Central Asian migrants live and work, as well as heightened checks on migrant workers. Russia is home to millions of Central Asian immigrants and migrant workers who commonly face discrimination, which is certain to intensify after the arrests in the Crocus City Hall rampage.
Putin says Russia will not attack NATO, but F-16s will be shot down in Ukraine (Reuters) Russia has no designs on any NATO country and will not attack Poland, the Baltic states or the Czech Republic but if the West supplies F-16 fighters to Ukraine then they will be shot down by Russian forces, President Vladimir Putin said late on Wednesday. Speaking to Russian air force pilots, Putin said the U.S.-led military alliance had expanded eastwards towards Russia since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union but that Moscow had no plans to attack a NATO state. “We have no aggressive intentions towards these states,” Putin said. “The idea that we will attack some other country—Poland, the Baltic States, and the Czechs are also being scared—is complete nonsense. It’s just drivel.” Asked about F-16 fighters which the West has promised to send to Ukraine, Putin said such aircraft would not change the situation in Ukraine. “And we will destroy the aircraft just as we destroy today tanks, armoured vehicles and other equipment, including multiple rocket launchers. If they will be used from airfields in third countries, they become for us legitimate targets, wherever they might be located,” Putin said.
Serbia eyes the “right time” for a new war with Kosovo (Die Welt) Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić cooperates closely with Russia, including on security and arms issues. Now he is threatening to invade Kosovo, which Serbia does not recognize as an independent country. If Donald Trump were to win, and NATO to weaken, Vucic may be ready to move, writes Carolina Drüten in German daily Die Welt. “We will wait for the right time and seize our opportunity...” That was the ominous warning last weekend of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić as the longstanding Balkan conflict continues to heat up. It’s worth noting that Vučić had already spoken admiringly in December of the current and previous presidents of Azerbaijan, who had waited a total of 27 years for the “right time” and geopolitical circumstances to recapture Nagorno-Karabakh. A new Balkan war is not imminent, but the conflict between Serbia and Kosovo has been coming to a head for months. It is about Kosovo’s status as an independent nation, which Serbia does not recognize. The EU and the U.S. have been trying to find a solution for years, but the situation is deadlocked.
Myanmar’s military makes its annual parade of strength despite unprecedented battlefield losses (AP) The head of Myanmar’s ruling military council marked Armed Forces Day on Wednesday with a speech claiming that the nation’s youth were being tricked into supporting the resistance against army rule, and that ethnic armed groups allied with the resistance engage in drug trafficking, natural resources smuggling and illegal gambling. Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing spoke in the capital, Naypyitaw, where thousands of military personnel paraded in an annual show of strength, even as the army has suffered a series of unprecedented battlefield defeats that have tarnished their once invincible reputation. Over the past five months, Min Aung Hlaing’s army has been routed in northern Shan state, is conceding swathes of territory in Rakhine state in the west and is under growing attack in other regions.
Japan nappy maker shifts from babies to adults (BBC) A Japanese nappy maker has announced that it will stop producing diapers for babies in the country and, instead, focus on the market for adults. Oji Holdings is the latest firm to make such a shift in a rapidly ageing Japan, where birth rates are at a record low. Sales of adult nappies outpaced those for infants in the country for more than a decade. The number of babies born in Japan in 2023—758,631—was down by 5.1% from the previous year. It was also the lowest number of births on record in Japan since the 19th Century. In the 1970s, that figure stood at more than two million.
Doctors visiting a Gaza hospital are stunned by the war’s toll on Palestinian children (AP) An international team of doctors visiting a hospital in central Gaza was prepared for the worst. But the gruesome impact Israel’s war against Hamas is having on Palestinian children still left them stunned. One toddler died from a brain injury caused by an Israeli strike that fractured his skull. His cousin, an infant, is still fighting for her life with part of her face blown off by the same strike. An unrelated 10-year-old boy screamed out in pain for his parents, not knowing that they were killed in the strike. Beside him was his sister, but he didn’t recognize her because burns covered almost her entire body. These gut-wrenching casualties were described to The Associated Press by Tanya Haj-Hassan, a pediatric intensive-care doctor from Jordan, following a 10-hour overnight shift at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the town of Deir al-Balah.
Israel Deploys Expansive Facial Recognition Program in Gaza (NYT) Within minutes of walking through an Israeli military checkpoint along Gaza’s central highway on Nov. 19, the Palestinian poet Mosab Abu Toha was asked to step out of the crowd. He put down his 3-year-old son, whom he was carrying, and sat in front of a military jeep. Half an hour later, Mr. Abu Toha heard his name called. Then he was blindfolded and led away for interrogation. It turned out Mr. Abu Toha had walked into the range of cameras embedded with facial recognition technology, according to three Israeli intelligence officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity. After his face was scanned and he was identified, an artificial intelligence program found that the poet was on an Israeli list of wanted persons, they said. Mr. Abu Toha is one of hundreds of Palestinians who have been picked out by a previously undisclosed Israeli facial recognition program that was started in Gaza late last year. The expansive and experimental effort is being used to conduct mass surveillance there, collecting and cataloging the faces of Palestinians without their knowledge or consent, according to Israeli intelligence officers, military officials and soldiers.
Jordan’s government struggles to contain unrest as Gaza protests grow (Washington Post) Hundreds of protesters gathered in the Jordanian capital Tuesday for a third straight night to call for an end to Israel’s war in Gaza, clashing with baton-carrying riot police before tear gas rained down on them. On Wednesday night, demonstrators were back on the streets. “Open the borders,” they chanted. Though there have been regular protests in Amman, Jordan, throughout the nearly six-month war, the government has largely managed to contain the situation by aligning itself with public sentiment—harshly criticizing Israel’s conduct of the war and championing the Palestinian cause. But the scenes this week appeared more spontaneous, the crowds larger and the anger more raw, sending shock waves through the country’s powerful security establishment. Jordan is home to more than 2 million Palestinian refugees, most of whom have Jordanian citizenship. Analysts estimate half of the population is of Palestinian descent. For many here, geographically and emotionally, the war in Gaza feels very close.
Security in Congo’s east is deteriorating, UN says (AP) Security in Congo’s mineral-rich east has deteriorated since recent elections, with a rebel group allegedly linked to neighboring Rwanda making “significant advances and expanding its territory,” the U.N. special envoy for the conflict-wracked African nation said Wednesday. Bintou Keita told the U.N. Security Council this has created “an even more disastrous humanitarian situation, with internal displacement reaching unparalleled numbers.” Last month, the United States told Rwanda and Congo that they “must walk back from the brink of war,” the sharpest warning yet of a looming conflict.
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fmarkets · 7 months
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American Water Works Company Inc Reports Strong Revenue Growth in Fiscal Period Ending December 31, 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=AWK&date=2024-02-16224914&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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shop-korea · 7 months
Smartphone - 10:35P EST - ALMOST - NO POWER
Used it - 4 - light - forgot - 2 - bring - flashlight - yes
Publix - after - Exited - Aisle 6 - Water - 2 - the - R
Found - 2 - Korean - Girls - Always - 1 prettier than
the - other - in - a - big - way - Typical - of - course
Not surprised - after - seeing - cute - American KR
Korean - male - though - like - 5′10 ft - only - true
they’re - also - that - well - 10:38P - here - at tent
my - New - Solar - more - than - 2 hrs - didn’t give
light - will - try - tomorrow - 2 c - if - it - will - truly
maybe - generate - light - 4 - Tuesday - Night
Tablet - where - I’m - getting - my - Wi Fi - hotspot
4 - my - HP Laptop - usually - from - Smartphone
Samsung - Galaxy - S10 - Old - Series
Tablet - looser - when - I - need - the - most - way
Low - energy - because - it’s - Dying - also - all the
Cold - from - Rainy - Nights - Draining - of - Energy
included - in - Side Effects - of - then - it - Died - yes
Got - Free - so - not - worried
Walmart - Getting - my - Free - Smartphone
Unlimited - Free - Minutes - Talk - and since
Bought - from - Walmart - and - Tracfone US
Smartphone - the - SIM - already - there
Stupid - Pinay - sent - 2 - old - address the
Sim - when - Walmart - Smartphones - that
are - Tracfone - already - have - Sim - was
waiting - 4 - Nothing - Stupid - Pinay - from
Philippines - Tracfone - Technical Support
why - India - preferred - Either - they know
or - don’t - usually - they - know
Hotspot - name - type - as - it - looks
Security - Key - Not True - its - still
the - password - only - Type - that
No Battery - Fan - from - the - past
2 - give - me - additional - power by
USB - No - Fear - my - New - one is
better - stronger - prettier - and - has
remote - control - Bible
‘Everything - works - together - 4 - our
good’ - Back - 2 - Homeless - then - me
back - 2 - All - Day - All - Night - 24/7
available - 4 - my - Shopify - Online
Store - Future - 1 employee - LLC FL
Florida - Miami - Limited Liability Co
Company - inc file . com - Gold Plan
Business - Bank - of - America - Best
Only with - inc file . com - Hooray
Near - Biscayne Blvd / US 1 - Exit
Bayfront Park - 2 ATM’s - inside AC
Air Conditioned - Small - Bank - less
Line - Quarters - Coins
Toilet - I just - use the bag - Getting
the - Expensive - One - Super - Fast
2 - make - a - Seat - need - that one
Lots - of - Money
God - meets - our - needs - according
2 - His - Riches - not - mine - in Glory
Have - Fun - everyone - before - shut
down - have - 2 - get - my - Bluetooth
headband - or - eye - mask - not that
dark - here - the - sky - some light from
the - corner - I have - flashlight - so not
bereft - of - light - Have a great - lunch
Seoul - Korea - for - Shanghai - China
our - Future
Makati - Villages
Korean - Villages
Legal - Permit
Moana - Villages
Te Fiti - Nice - Green - Another Post
2 - Greet - these - Special - Villages
Women - and - Kids - Tongues
Rescuing - Removing fr - Haiti
Have - a - Great - Day - Korea
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creative-news-alert · 8 months
Europe Bag in Box Packaging Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Rising Demand for Convenient and Lightweight Packaging Solutions
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Bag-in-box packaging refers to a packaging solution that involves flexible inner packaging contained in an outer rigid container. Bag-in-box packaging is used for various food and beverages applications including wine, non-alcoholic beverages, and dairy products. It provides advantages such as ease of handling, compactness, re-sealability, and dispensability. The bag collapses as the contents are dispensed, taking up less space as it empties.
The global Europe Bag in Box Packaging Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1790.52 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 2.4% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Dynamics: Rising demand for convenient and lightweight packaging solutions is the key driver fueling the growth of Europe bag in box packaging market. Bag-in-box packaging provides advantages such as ease of handling, compactness, re-sealability, and dispensability which makes it a preferred choice for various food and beverage applications. Additionally, bag in box packaging reduces packaging waste as the inner bag collapses according to the liquid dispensing. Bag-in-box packaging occupies less space during storage and transportation as compared to cans and rigid packaging which further increases its demand from food and beverage manufacturers. SWOT Analysis Strength: Europe bag in box packaging market size has high adoption rate for wine packaging. The bag in box packaging prevents oxidation and maintains freshness of the wine packed for longer duration. Bag in box packaging is convenient to handle and transport which increases its popularity in the wine industry. Weakness: High initial investments are required to set up bag in box packaging production units. Raw material prices are volatile which increases the production costs. Opportunity: Growing consumption of non-alcoholic beverages presents an opportunity to use bag in box packaging for juices, water and other drinks. Countries like Germany, UK, France offer scope to increase bag in box usage for liquid packaging. Threats: Growing health concerns related to alcohol consumption can reduce the demand for wine packaging. Stringent environmental regulations regarding packaging waste disposal may increase compliance costs. Key Takeaways The European bag in box packaging market is expected to witness high growth driven by increasing consumption of wine. The global Europe Bag in Box Packaging Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1790.52 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 2.4% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Germany dominates the market due to high consumption of wine and presence of leading packaging companies. The bag in box packaging offers significant advantages over rigid packaging for liquid packaging applications which drives its adoption. Germany accounts for the largest share in the European bag in box packaging market owing to highest consumption of wine in the region. The United Kingdom and France also have substantial market size due to traditional wine drinking cultures. Countries like Italy and Spain offer lucrative opportunities backed by large local wine industries. Key players: Key players operating in the Europe Bag in Box Packaging market are Copperhead Industries, LLC, American Wire Group, Inc., Nehring Electrical Works Company, Kris-Tech Wire, MWS Wire Industries Inc., AFL, LEONI Wire Inc., Fisk Alloy Inc., and Elecref Industries Inc. The players focuses on new product launches and mergers to consolidate their market position.
Get more insights on this topic: https://www.newswirestats.com/europe-bag-in-box-packaging-market-size-and-outlook/
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