#Amelie Butterfly
alexandriaellisart · 1 month
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ijustliketoreadstuff · 2 months
Lets talk about Gabriel's club.
Gabriel being part of a club where all his closest "friends" meet, may not seem odd, even viewers didn't think too much of it at first when some of the members came together for a party at the Agreste mansion back in "Gabriel Agreste". But the more we learn about what this club does behind closed doors, the more it feels like its no ordinary club for members to mingle and party.
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The club not only has a great deal of security to keep non-members out, but it is even ensured that the members themselves are unable to release any information over what goes on in any event, regardless of who they are. Their clubs activities are kept under so much security and secrecy that it is even mandatory for the members to provide a fingerprint scan, wear masks and even relinquish their phones, along with their kids phones, before any event begins, and to make sure that no one can listen in, let alone get any glimpse as to what goes on inside, the entire facility is placed on lockdown, doors and windows all boarded up and locked. Any other person who would normally just be catering for an event, would be instructed to have no contact with any other members except Gabriel, all the while an added scrambler is activated to stop any technology from making its way through.
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Aside from Tomoe and Gabriel, some of the other members of the club include Bob Roth, Andre, Audrey, Amelie, Prince Ali and his assistant Soraya, all of whom are business people, politicians and even members of royal families. The royal family in London that invited Gabriel and Tomoe to a wedding are likely also members of the club. It's no surprise Gabriel and Tomoe have such strong connections both in Paris and around the world, all of whom hold them in high enough regard to invite them to even the most private of events, like the royal wedding in London ("Backwarder")as well as prince Ali's birthday("Lies"), all very exclusive events.
Now, societal parties like the "Diamonds dance" might have been common enough for even Zoe to have regularly experienced them while living in New York, but knowing that Gabriel and Tomoe are involved in these kinds of parties, raises question if the activities surrounding their club may actually hold some ulterior motive for them and the members. Such a club would not only serve as a good space to interact with high society members who are normally scattered around the world, but it would also serve to invite and interact with any potential new members that have become wealthy over time.
Gabriel alone was not always the world famous fashion designer he is now, he used to be a struggling designer who lived in a studio apartment, before Audrey discovered him and gave him his big break in the fashion industry. Such gatherings for members of a high society would have been a good place for Gabriel to meet someone like Tomoe, who despite having no relation to the fashion industry like he did, would have met him nonetheless at something as simple and inconspicuous as a party. 
Because Gabriel was desperate to save Emelie from the effects of the broken peacock miraculous over the years, long before he committed to a life of villainy as Hawkmoth, involving others who had the potential to help him in his goals was definitely not above considering the more he spiraled into his desperation and position of power in the world. He already had Nathalie, who was an expert at finding relics and was the one who helped the Agreste family find both the peacock and butterfly miraculous, he even recruited someone as young as Lila back in "Oni-chan" to act as his spy into Adrien's life and help separate him from Marinette, all with the promise of being a model. If he recruited them, he might have already attempted to recruit others in the past from all sorts of places, especially societal parties, the more he realized he could not do certain things with his power and influence alone. Tomoe was one such person.
("Passion," "Multiplication", "Oni-chan")
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When Gabriel first set out to obtain the ladybug and cat miraculous as Hawkmoth, it was assumed that his plans to use the jewels' wish granting abilities, were entirely his own. However, in "Multiplication", the show revealed that Tomoe was always aware of Gabriel's identity as Hawkmoth and was even involved in his plans from the very beginning. All the advanced technology that Gabriel used, from the weaponized security system in his lair("Robostus"), the power supply in his mansion that could compete with a power station("Party Crasher"), the machine that allowed him to reconfigure the miraculous into rings ("Destruction"), Emelie's pod etc. was not built by him, it all came from Tomoe, but by no means did Tomoe give all this high tech to Gabriel out of the goodness of her heart, she gave it to him because she too had something to gain, a wish from the ladybug and cat miraculous to create a new world.
To have the power that could grant any wish would be too good of an opportunity for anyone to ignore, even Marinette and Adrien considered using the wish their jewels could grant, before learning about the consequences that came with it of course, but it was precisely this kind of power that would have made things easy for Gabriel to convince others to join him in his pursuit for the miraculous, especially Tomoe.
("Robostus", and "Passion")
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(In "Intuition", Tomoe reveals her desire to create a new world through the power of the ladybug and cat miraculous wish granting abilities)
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Of course, Gabriel couldn't just go around telling people about the existence of the miraculous and the wish without drawing some attention, but the club's parties alone would serve as an excellent cover for Gabriel to recruit people over the years in his desperate endeavors to obtain the miraculous and save Emelie. If Tomoe alone was helping Gabriel from the shadows without anyone ever suspecting her, who's to say there aren't other members within the club who are doing the same thing from the sidelines. We don't know a lot about the other members yet, but judging by the way their children are, the majority of them are no different than Audrey and Chloe, believing they are entitled to many things without consequences, all of whom would definitely choose to ignore the true price that revolves around being granted a wish, a price that could bring devastation onto the world and other innocent people who would suffer the consequences of their choices (cough* it's just like in real life*cough).
The club everyone assumes is just a place where rich people gather, may harbor a secret society comprised of the rich people who aim to further their power and plans, through the use of the miraculous, and right now, Gabriel and Tomoe are at the center of it all. It wouldn't be the first time a large evil party of people gathered to obtain the miraculous, after all, in "Backwarder", it was revealed that even the Nazi's knew about the miraculous and hunted down master Fu to obtain them so as to use their power for their own diabolical plans. But again, let's just wait and see what the show has to say.
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laterreurofficial · 2 months
Hi! I found this au today and it's SOOOO interesting to me!! I literally scrolled through every single post about it, lol. I do have some questions of my own (a few of them actually, I don't expect all of them to be answered! Just answer which ever you want!):
- You mentioned that Paris is under quarantine, but also established that Paris is vital to the France economy, plus there's the fact that so few people are actually connected to Hawkmoth (like, around 2000, but Paris has a population of 10 mill). So, would there be any pull to allow some Paris citizens to leave Paris? Provided that they haven't been marked by Hawkmoth? Like, maybe only very skilled workers would be allowed to leave? And only a certain number of them?
- About Paris being quarantined, I can't remember if this is a thing in the show, but is there a reason why Hawkmoth only affects people in Paris?
- you mentioned a research fallacy studying akumatizes.... Do they.... Actually help? Like, is their research ever helpful?? Does Ladybug ever ask for their findings? Or are they rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic?
- is master fu more.... Evil? In this au? I mean, he did give radioactive jewelry to two kids, that will forever affect their lives, and permanently mess them up. Was he not aware of the effects it could have on the kids? Or, like Tiki, did he choose not to tell them? Even if he didn't, he must have had his own reasons for giving some powerful and dangerous jewelry to two kids??
Thank you for listening to my questions!! You've created an awesome au, I can't wait to see more of it!
Paris is under a complete and total quarantine. People can come in, maybe, but they sure as hell can't go out. Felix, Amelie, and Lila enter Paris post-lockdown, and they are not allowed back out. There are actually guards posted with orders to shoot anyone who tries to escape. Commerce and such doesn't completely end, products can be transported in and out, and non-physical communication continues, but it does get notably worse. MAGIC JEWELRY CAN'T SAVE YOU FROM ECONOMICS and Hawkmoth is. very scary.
In LT, it's a range issue. The butterfly miraculous has a set distance you can send the little magic butterflies, and besides that, Hawkmoth here is doing terrorism with the goal of getting his hands on the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous, which he knows are also in Paris after his first akumatization. Why would he make a villain and have them march all the way through the barricade, even if he could?
The general public knows next to nothing about Hawkmoth other than A. he can possess people if they get too upset and B. these people then go on to cause mass death and destruction. This is very scary, a lot of people think he's he devil, and also mostly why the whole quarantine gets set up. The emergency government division researching the akumatizations mostly kidnap people and collect useless information, but some of their data turns out to be relevant, even if it's only verifying the obvious.
Fu is both deeply panicked at the time he passes on the miraculous and too trusting in the process. He gives Marinette and Adrien the miraculous when the first akuma attack has already occurred, and generally knows that if all else fails, the Kwami will mold these already good kids into people who can solve the problem at hand. It's just that the process of adjusting to the miraculous and the frequency of the akuma attacks makes their lives hell. He's from a place where the Kwamis' toll is accepted as a worthy price for the big magic powers, the side effects are invisible to him, as a fellow holder, that's part of the job description.
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ML Roleswap (RichSwapAU)
Random assortment of thoughts that don’t really have rhyme or reason!
- Biggest change, Sabine’s brother hit it big as a TV chef, and he worked with Tom and Sabine when his restaurant chain started up. Tom and Sabine, as a result, hit it really big themselves. They now have several chains of bakeries coffee shops, and bistros all over Paris, and the greater France in area. This has done little to change their overall outlook, still being very calm, kind, compassionate, down to earth people.
- Marinette, while technically the “heiress” to DC Delights (company name) is still an aspiring fashion designer, and her parents are very supportive. She is privileged and knows it, but is occasionally unaware of how that privilege can affect others.
- Honestly, I can’t see Tom and Sabine being friends with André, and still being cool with how he and Audrey treat Chloé, so we’re going to have “decent!dad” André here. André is friends with Tom and Sabine, the pair supporting him through his divorce with Audrey, probably around when Chloé is … let’s say 6? 8? Under 10, at the very least. Audrey did not take this well, and has been showing up to pester André since the divorce was finalized. Mostly, she does this through Chloé, who still harbours a great deal of affection for her mom, and wants her approval.
- Marinette and Chloé were a little too young when the Divorce happened to really GET why Audrey and André were separating, so both still see Audrey in a (mostly) favourable light. (Sabrina, ironically, is staring at them like, “really? No idea why they split?”). Marinette in particular looks up to Audrey a lot as the “Style Queen”.
- Gabriel and Emilie own Gabriel’s, a small fashion boutique that does well enough for itself. Gabe has never managed to make it big, partially because as a young man, he told Audrey Bourgeois to shove her “patronage” up her ass, meaning Audrey did her level best to kill his career. In “current canon”, Audrey has encouraged Chloé to “oppose” Adrien, as Gabe’s son, and Chloé’s feels conflicted, as Marinette is clearly crushing on him. (Later, she will start almost exclusively buying from Gabriel’s to piss her mom off.)
- Nathalie is their store manager, cashier, and general help. She’s also dating them both. Adrien has grown up with her in his life, and calls her “Auntie Nat”.
- Adrien is mostly still homeschooled, though rather than a model, his parents taught him how to sew, and he helps out around the store. Recently, he made a push for attending public school, and Gabriel and Emilie reluctantly agreed, partially because they have … stuff going on, that they want to hide.
- Here, rather than using the Peacock and/or Butterfly to make Adrien, Adrien is a perfectly normal human kid. Instead, the Peacock and Butterfly (found as antiques, along with the book, and purchased for inspiration) have been used to help the Agreste’s with their business, getting inspirations for designs and so forth. However, though they’ve used the Miraculous far less than in canon, they still used them, so Emilie is becoming ill. She is not yet in a coma, just seems to be getting sick, so Gabe hasn’t dived completely off the deep end. He is still Hawk Moth, but is far more reasonable, and part of him making Akumas is experimenting, in the hopes that if he can’t get the Ladybug and Black Cat, he could eventually make an Akuma that can cure Emilie.
- Amelie still uses the Peacock to create Felix, which puts HER in a coma eventually, resulting in Emilie taking up the Butterfly, so she can cure her sister, supported by Gabriel and Natalie.
Fuck it let’s go for a bit
- Honestly yeah roll with the big franchise of bakeries.
- Yeah I can’t take away /all/ of Mari’s naive nature. So she’s nice but a bit clueless on occasion. Like the ‘why don’t you just buy a new *insert item here*?’ response when someone complains.
- I’m going back and forth on Andre because like. Yeah Tom and Sabine wouldn’t approve of his nonsense. But there’s other factors like. 1.) they may not like him but being civil with people you hate is part of adult business deals, 2.) they may not have known how bad he was until later at which point Mari and Chloé are attached in which case 3.) Mari and Chloé are friends so Tom and Sabine are gonna play nice with Andre so they can make sure Chloé has genuine good influences who will actually be parents to her
- I think that even if they didn’t ‘get it’ before, the kids are old enough to understand now that things are fucky there and Audrey sucks
- Audrey being a petty bitch tracks lmao.
- Nathalie still being involved hell yeah
- Also yeah I can’t imagine Gabe and Emilie not being overprotective
- the potential with the Miraculosu is all sorts of hot mess to figure out tbh. Out of those options I’d lean toward the first because tbh if it was the latter I’d just swing back and knock out Emilie instead
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If I were writing the show, I would make it so only Adrien and Felix were sentis, and the peacock miraculous broke from Emilie misusing it to create them. She created two beings at one time, outside of the traditional way sentis are made, without an amok, so she and Amelie could get pregnant. It doesn't make sense to me that the two of them were pregnant and have amoks for their children, since all other sentis were fully formed, and it would explain how the miraculous broke, which canon fails to answer.
If you have to keep the senti BS, then I think that's a good way to do it. It still blows my mind that canon really said, "Emilie and Gabriel had no idea that using the broken peacock would hurt her! They were so oblivious that they even gave it to Colt to use a second time! (And some random third person since Kagami exists.)"
I don't believe that nonsense for a second because the miraculous aren't just inanimate magical objects that people wield based on external training. They're magical objects that connect you to a magical creature who trains and guides you and that magical creature should know this shit!
The idea that the kwamis wouldn't warn them about the danger of using a broken miraculous only works if Nooroo wasn't around because Duusu was kinda out of it, so I could possibly buy that he wasn't able to warn them. But that fix would imply that Nooroo and Duusu were found at separate times which is nonsense. Why would Gabriel think to go back and look for another miraculous months or even years later? How would he even learn that he'd missed one? He basically had to know that there were two of them right from the start and - if he knew that there were two of them - then why would he grab them one at a time? It's not like archaeological digs or getting to Tibet are simple tasks! And how did they even learn about the miraculous or know where to look? Why use the peacock to make a senti and not the butterfly to heal infertility? I need answers!
This shit is why I'm so annoyed by the play. If you're going to give us backstory that doesn't move the plot forward, then give us backstory that explains all of the plot holes that you keep introducing!!! Don't waste my time with your completely unbelievable humble origins story. I don't love the movie, but it gets full credit for ignoring that nonsense and making Gabriel come from a wealthy family, too.
Anyway, back to the senti stuff.
If you go with the idea that creating real life broke the peacock and also do a variant where the amok was just a womb so the kids are real humans, then that would allow the peacock breaking idea to work without the pesky free will issue. You could also have one of the boys be a real human and the other be a senti. Maybe Adrien is a senti because Emilie didn't want to ruin her figure and Felix is real because Colt didn't care or vise versa with Colt wanting his wife to stay hott and Emilie wanting to experience the magic of childbirth. (I still can't believe that Emilie and Amilie were actually pregnant. If you're going to make a magic baby, then why not skip the life-threatening, body-destroying part?)
I also fully agree that Kagami being a senti only makes sense if they were going to do some big conspiracy plot with all the rich families being involved. Her being a random third senti without some major plot to back it up raises so many questions such as: how did Tomoe get involved with the Agrestes? Why did they break off contact and then reestablish it years later? Was the arranged marriage thing always the plan? If so, then why were Adrien and Kagami raised on different continents? Why did free spirited Emilie agree to this after seeing how unhappy her sister's marriage was? Why didn't Gabriel just use the ring to order Adrien to fall in love with Kagami? Was Adrien supposed to be programmed to love Kagami, but Marinette was similar enough to kick off the programing, making him imprint on the wrong girl? Was Kagami similarly programmed and that's why she latched onto Felix out of nowhere?
Hopefully it's obvious that those final two questions are jokes, but at the same time, I don't think I'd be shocked if they were somehow canon. They make about as much sense as everything else involved with the senti plot.
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lexithwrites · 6 days
begging on bended knee for your bcj headcannons 🧎🏼‍♀️
ah bcj my beloved (throwing in some bartylus content too)
so i have a headcanon that he has a younger sister, amelie, and they're v close, he's very protective of her and is the scary older brother to everyone but her
he is also super close with his mum but not his dad, his dad is kind of a dick and was always strict on barty to be like him even though they're opposites
his dad also didnt take barty's mental health problems into account and thinks hes fine lmao
barty to me is anywhere between 5'11—6'4, i love my tall king
he has bright blue eyes, almost grey, and brown hair that he usually dyes black with a random colour in it (recently the calico hair trend has been on my fyp so he does that for sure)
he's very much into metal, rock and screamo music and loves going to concerts and mosh pits
he can play guitar and drums and he can sing
he's ambidextrous (he makes masturbation jokes about this all the time)
riddled with ADHD my god, he's on medication now but as a kid he wasn't allowed because of his dad
i love italian barty on his mothers side, they have a holiday home in venice and he is fluent in italian as he was taught by her
he hates wearing matching socks so he always mixes them up
covered in tattoos and has a lot of piercings but did take out a lot of facial ones because they scared his sister
loves horror movies and scaring people (but knows their limits)
if he's dating regulus he's secretly very clingy, he can be openly affectionate but he keeps in how much he loves him and wants him all to himself
does kind of have a kink where regulus flirts with someone else to rile him up
lost his virginity pretty young to a very toxic partner that pressured him, not knowing how that would affect him, and slept around until he met reg, so his views on sex are kinda fucked up until that point (he doesn't think people like him for him only his body)
has a butterfly knife collection
his 'hardest' kinks are probably blood and asphyxiation on himself, he never wants it to happen to other people
has a pet snake called fluffy, shes his babygirl
spoils his sister for her birthday every year
he's either a bartender or a resturant cook, i can never decide. maybe both, hospitality sucks (he could also be a tattoo artist or a piercer, that suits him too)
dorcas, evan and pandora are his closest friends, they're basically family
has a tongue piercing but regulus has been trying to convince him not to split his tongue lmao
is actually very good with his money and has savings, its the one thing he took away from his dad's advice
has a car but prefers walking everywhere
only wears doc martins or converse
his fav colours are black and green and purple
very good at card games and has a pack of cards on him at all times
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revolutionary-thoy · 9 months
you said before that Amelie is using the Peacock Miraculous in this au, acting like a vigilant to find her sister and Felix
But since the own Supreme was responsable for killing Amelie and its literally forcing Felix to work for him, why would he give to her a miraculous if she is using it almost against him??
Does that mean she kinda stole the Peacock Miraculous like Emilie and Gabriel had done before?
Gabriel originally stole both the Peacock and the Butterfly, but when he gave the Peacock to Amelie and Colt so they can create Felix, they never actually gave it back, so it's been with them the entire time.
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fabseg-creator · 6 months
Miraculous AU: Yandere Twins Au - Amenath/Nathalie and Amélie (Yandere Amélie)
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I've imagined a scene between Nathalie and Amélie. I thought about a fan-concept about Amélie, Felix's mother, being a Yandere.
It happens in an AU. In this AU, Amelie is lovesick of Nathalie.
There are two versions: the minicomic (up) and the fanfic (bottom).
The sketch art and the story (below) are mature: they contain bondage, undressing, sensuality moment, drug mention and toxic yuri (not really consent).
The story:
When Nathalie begins to wake up, a familiar and feminine voice calls her.
???: Already awaken, Nathalie ?
Nathalie: Huh ? Émilie ?
???: Nearly. But not really. Watch by yourself.
Nathalie opens her eyes and she sees Amélie who is smiling in front of her. The blonde woman is dressed in lingerie, wears a rabbit-themed headband, black gloves and latex boots and holds a whip.
Nathalie recognizes her own whip. She held that when she was an treasure huntress/archeologist.
The bed (it's Nathalie's bed) is covered of special decorations: pink flowers, roses, flower petals and red and pink heart papers.
Nathalie feels uncomfortable about the situation: she understands she has her arms and legs get tied/roped or handcuffed. She realizes too she is just dressed in lingerie too (and she has an exotic flower at her right ear).
Amélie feel happy when Nathalie looks at her.
Amélie: Did you sleep well, Sleeping Beauty ?
Nathalie feels confused. She has a bit of sensation of spinning (hangover ?).
She remembers she had suddenly fallen into sleep after drinking a cup of tea Amélie had offered to her while the two women were sitting at the garden. The last thing Nathalie had seen before was Amélie held her in her arms. The aristocrat woman expressed to her a malicious smile before the black out.
Now, she understands Amélie drugged her. She wants explanations.
Nathalie: What the hell happened to me, Mrs. Graham ? And what have you done to me ?!
Amélie: I just take care of you, this evening.
Nathalie: What is this madness ?
Amélie: I won't talk about madness when I can talk about love.
Nathalie (disturbed): Love ?
Amélie giggles. She moves her left hand and caresses the Nathalie's cheek. When she puts back the hand on her own cheek, she suddenly becomes exalted.
Amélie: Yes. I love you, Nathalie. I'm in love with you since 15 years. ❤
These words astonish Nathalie causing her to blush. 😳
Amélie: During a long part of my life, I searched the perfect lover and I've found you: Nathalie Sancoeur, my perfect wife. Colt was a foolish guy and he was too disgraceful for me. A true monster. I needed a plan to destroy him once and all. And save my Felix too.
Nathalie(worried): You murdered... your husband ?! 😮
Amélie: Just self-defense. But Gabriel was a fool and a monster too. I'm glad my son and my nephew can make their happiness.
Nathalie still remembers Gabriel was Monarch the Butterfly supervillain. He became obsessed about Miraculouses he lost his humanity. After being healed from her magic disease, she has resignately accepted to keep the secret away from Adrien (alongside with Ladybug).
Nathalie: Do you plan to eliminate me ?
Amélie giggles.
Amélie: No. No. I can't do it to you, Nathalie. I said I love you too much. ❤
Nathalie: And your son Felix ?
Amélie: I am sure my beloved son and his girlfriend Kagami will accept you and my good Adrien plus his girlfriend in the new family I want to compose.
Nathalie: And why me, Mrs. Graham ?
Amélie: Because You look too sweethearted, Nathalie. ❤
Nathalie blushes about Amélie's words but she still troubled. The first thought the bodyguard woman has is: To reason Mrs. Graham de Vanily to free her.
Confident about her escape plan, she begins to play her game.
Nathalie (feigning to be polite): Can you loosen my ties, Mistress Graham ? Please ? 🌼
Amelie laughs.
Amélie: Sorry, Nathalie. But I can't let you go. Not yet. ❤
Nathalie: What do you mean ?
Amélie: I will release you when you will name me by my name. Not Graham nor Fathom nor Lady nor Mistress.
Nathalie: Amélie ?
Amélie: Yes. Nathalie. From now you will call me like that. ❤
Nathalie calmly breathes.
Nathalie: Mrs. Amélie, I must say you... 🌼
The blonde woman suddenly makes a whiplash with the whip silenting Nathalie and making her close the eyes. The latter woman opens the eyes and sees she hasn't any damage. But only the flower from her ear was fallen into pieces because of Amélie's whiplash.
Amélie: Forgive me, honey. I don't want to harm you. I hate to damage beautiful flowers. 🌼
The situation isn't okay for Nathalie. She had underestimed Amélie. She didn't know the latter can be lovesick. And now, she understand this woman is unpredictable.
Next, Amélie's angelic face evolves into a darker tone. She licks the whip and poses as a dominatrix. She reminds of a Femme Fatale. That's worrying Nathalie. 😈
Amélie (dark and sadistic tone): Say. My. Name. 😈
Nathalie (a bit of intimidated, shouting): Huh... Amélie. Amélie ! 😰
Next to Nathalie's answer, Amélie changes her evil expression into an exalted/sensual tone. She feels at the height of excitement.
Amélie (exalted): Good, Nathalie. ❤
Right after, the blonde woman throws the whip puts her hands on Nathalie's cheeks and... kisses her on the lips. 💋
Nathalie slightly blushes because of Amélie's kiss. This situation is a Déjà Vu. 😳
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That isn't the first time Nathalie falls in a situation. She remembers Émilie, Amélie's twin sister.
When Émilie was alive (before the Miraculouses' discovery), this woman had already confessed her feelings to Nathalie in the same way as Amélie is actually confessing her. Gabriel was never aware about this thing.
Now, Amélie is seducing her. Without another choice, Nathalie understands the evening with Amélie will be more longer than she expected.
The End?
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theshiplife · 1 year
Corazón: Sombra x fem!reader
Summary: You have had a crush on sombra for awhile and you finally decide to tell her how you feel and that confession leads to a night you’ll never forget. NSFW!
You’ve been with talon for a few months now, going on missions to stop anything or anyone that tries to stop Talon in their efforts for a better world. While working for them you have had your eye on a certain purple haired hacker, you’ve been on missions with her many times and her charms have grown on you enough to develop a crush on her.
You are currently in the common room at Talon’s base and looking over at Sombra who is hacking a targets file digging up information. You figured you would finally muster up the courage to tell her your feelings but you figure you are way out of her league, she is one talon’s best agents and your just a low rank field operative, she’s beautiful and your just you.
Widowmaker enters the room and sees you taking glances at her, she rolls her eyes and walks over to you, “Why don’t you just tell her how you feel?”, “Geez! Lacroix you scared me”, “I’m an assassin cherie of course you won’t hear me come up behind you”, you roll your eyes at her, even though Widowmaker has no feelings you managed to make a decent friendship with her over the months. “You need to tell her eventually otherwise she’ll figure it out herself”, Widowmaker turns to look at Sombra who is hacking away, “Which I’m surprised she hasn’t already”, you look at her “I don’t know Amelie, she’s great and I’m just me”, “Don’t sell yourself short y/n, if you truly want her to know how you feel, deep down you’ll find the courage to tell her”, you chuckle “You’ve been with Tracer again haven’t you?” , she looks at you, you and Sombra are the only ones who knows about her relationship with the overwatch agent, “Keep that under wraps cherie”, you both laugh, “I really like her Amelie”, “You can do this”, “ You’re never this nice, what’s going on?”, “I’m only telling you so maybe you’ll stop screwing up on your missions because you’re making googly eyes at Sombra”, “There’s the Widow I know”, you chuckle, “Just do something or I’ll tell her myself”, she says and walks out the common room.
“Hey y/n” Sombra says walking towards you, as she gets closer you take in her beautiful figure and her hips which drive you wild when she walks. Your heart starts to pound and butterflies in your stomach start to form. “H-Hey Sombra”, you say nervously no doubt she noticed, “I’ve dug up some information on our target, you wanna discuss it later tonight in your room?”, your eyes go wide, “I thought Reaper was working on that mission with you?”, “Oh cariño I forgot to tell you I switched him with you because I need you’re specific expertise on this one”, now you were really sweating, she specifically chose you to do this with, “Wow Sombra thank you!, that’s huge praise coming from you”, “Heh flattery will get you everywhere with me sweetheart”, did she just call you that!?!?! “So I’ll meet you in your room later tonight, we can order something and discuss while we eat, sound good?”, “Y-yeah I’d love that”, you say nervously, “Great, see you then mi corazón”, as she walks away you finally breathe not noticing you’ve been holding your breath the entire time. You also take note of what she called you before she left, you noticed she has called you that multiple times and you haven’t asked her what it means.
Later that night you’re frantically cleaning your room so it can look nice for her, as your putting away the rest of your clothes you hear a knock at the door, you panic, “Just a second”, you scramble to put the last thing away and head to open the door, “Hey Sombra!”, you say leaning against the door way trying to look calm and collected, “Hey!, I hope you like Chinese food”, she says as she holds up the bag with the food in it.
As you two are eating, Widowmakers words kept playing in the back of your head and you thought to yourself if tonight is the night to tell her how you feel. You both finish your food and start discussing your next target, “Oh look he has a girlfriend”, Sombra points at the screen she’s pulled up, “Can we use that to our advantage?”, you asked her, “I don’t know, I wouldn’t know anything about that kind of stuff, I’ve never dated”, you start to blush, maybe this is a sign to tell her, “Wow really?, anyone would be lucky to date you”, did you just say that out loud!?!?!, she puts her screen away with a flick of her wrist, “Oh would they now?”, she scoots closer to you on your bed, “Please tell me more about that”, you grow hot as she got close to you but you see this as the perfect opportunity.
You take a deep breath but you can’t look at her, “Well your smart, funny, snarky but in a good way, and you’re very beautiful, you should be appreciated, and loved”, you couldn’t bear to look at her, Sombra put her index finger under your chin so your forced to look at her, “Now was that so hard to say?”, you look at her confused, “I’ve been waiting for that to come out of your mouth for months now”, you look at her shocked, “I like you too y/n, and I wanna explore what we have going on here, mi vida”.
You looked up at her, your flush deepening. She reached out, a silent question, to which you nodded and allowed her to cup your cheeks, bringing you in closer until you were lightly pressed up against her body. Your fingertips twitched and you raised your hands, resting them on the curves of her hips. She hummed, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. Her nails, on one hand, traced down your face, down to your collarbone, and then to the back of your neck where she scratched gently. Her touch, yet gentle, was electrifying, sending shivers straight down your spine, and unconsciously, you pressed your body further against hers.  
You felt your body go limp and she took the moment to press her lips against yours. Surprisingly, it was gentle at first, your chest blooming with affection. Her lips were gorgeously softer than you could have possibly imagined. The velvety plush melding almost too perfectly with your own. You allowed your eyes to close as your arms raised to her neck, wrapping themselves around it. The normally cool skin of her face and neck began to heat up as you pressed further into this kiss and moaned against her lips. That did it for her. She deepened the kiss, her touches becoming more frantic, more desperate. 
She pushes you back into the bed, you wrapped your arms around her neck, running your fingers through her hair. Her hands traveled up and down the length of your body, groaning softly against the kiss as they landed on your hips and pulled them closer to her own. She broke the kiss, leaving you silently gasping for air, and placed open-mouthed kisses down your neck and to your collarbone. Your back arched, pushing your chest out to her. As she continues to trail kisses down your neck you tell her something important, “Ah-Uh Sombra?”, she hums in response still kissing you, “I’ve never done this before…at least with a woman”, she looks up at you, “That’s ok mi vida”, she kisses your lips, “We’ll go slow”.
Your arm hooked back around her neck and brought her closer as you pressed your lips against hers, breathing out a trembling moan. She deepened the kiss and licked at your lower lip and when you parted your lips, her tongue met yours, brushing up against each other as you both let out sensual moans. Her kiss was dominant and dare say primal as her fingers circled around your clit through the garment. Her other hand slid up your stomach and tugged down the front of your dress by the hem, revealing your pretty lacy bra. Her eyes opened as she watched herself cup one of your breasts, giving it a firm squeeze before pulling up the entire piece altogether.
She kept her thumb over your clit as her fingers probed at the fabric. With a smirk, she pulled her hand away, marveling at the wetness that was covering them.
"Look how wet you are for me, [Y/N]." 
Your eyes fluttered and leaned your head back, giving her full access to your neck which she greedily took. Her hand returned back to its original place as she sucked against your pulse, still massaging one of your breasts before switching to the other to give it the same kind of attention. 
Aroused was far from what you were feeling at this point, it was beyond that. You felt her touch everywhere, expertly knowing what made a woman tick, every grope, stroke, and bite was pure ecstasy. You didn't want to end just there, your body wanted to feel sore the next day, desperate to feel her touch in more ways than one. 
Your thighs began to twitch when she added more pressure against you, mixed with small bites on the particularly sensitive part of your neck that never failed to make your body tremble. The way her hips rolled and bucked up against you guaranteed that she was enjoying this as much as you were, her soft groans rumbling against your skin. 
She took your clothes off nice and slow until you are bare underneath her. She kissed your inner thighs, nipping at the soft flesh. Every cell in your body felt like it was on fire and when you felt her gently blow against you, your hips jerked. One of her hands held you down by the waist, keeping you still. 
You stared down at her, panting heavily as she gazed up at you through her eyelashes. You fisted the bedsheets with a white-knuckled grip and she lowered herself further, muttering filthy things under her breath. Your hips mustered enough strength to buck up towards her and that's when finally her tongue ran up your slit, still making sure to maintain eye contact with those gorgeous, sultry eyes. You bit your lip, a shaky sigh exhaling through your nose as she did it again, moaning at simply your taste. 
She yanked you closer to her face and used her thumbs to part your lips, cleaning up all the wetness with her tongue. Paying absolutely no mind to your throbbing clit, only feeding her own pleasures. Her tongue danced around your entrance, pulling back occasionally to savor the mess that she was only making worse. Just the sensation alone made you clench around nothing, desperate to have something fulfill your desire. 
One of her hands trailed up your body and wrapped itself around your neck, groaning at the way your cries and moans vibrated against her palm. You wanted more, your body craved it and you'd do absolutely anything for her to give it to you. You pulled her hand away from your neck and kissed the center of her palm before dragging your tongue along the length of her digits. This seemed to only spur Sombra further as her tongue dipped inside your aching cunt. 
Her other arm prevented you from squirming and you gripped the other, your nails digging into her skin. You kissed the tips of her fingers before taking two of them into your mouth as her tongue explored inside of you. 
You moaned as her fingers pressed down on your tongue and held it for a few seconds, then allowed you to continue worshiping them. 
When it seemed like Sombra had her fill she pulled away, leaving open-mouthed kisses on both of your thighs, her fingers slipping out of your mouth. 
Her glistening fingers found themselves at your entrance before slipping inside.Sombra cooed gently, biting her bottom lip as she pumped them in and out of you. You felt yourself immediately clamp down on her, your back arching once again as you cried out her name.
"Look how beautiful. Taking me like the good girl you are...so tight for me." 
"Sombra…Sombra, please…"
You threw an arm over your face and let out a small scream when her fingers curled inside of you, brushing against the velvet of your walls. 
Her eyelids fluttered and leaned back down, finally brushing her tongue against your clit. You gasped sharply and tangled your fingers into her purple tresses. She flicked over it, tracing with circles and figure eights as her fingers worked dutifully inside of you. When her plush lips wrapped themselves over the swollen bud and sucked, you felt yourself begin to reach your climax. You tugged onto her hair as your thighs trembled around her head, your moans and screams rising in pitch. She grunted each time you pulled and managed to breathe out, “That’s it babygirl, cum for me”.
White, hot pleasure bloomed into your vision as you came, chanting her name like a prayer. Sombra worked you down from your orgasm before slowly pulling out her fingers, cleaning them off with her tongue. 
Sombra licked her lips and crawled onto the bed, hovering over you. "Absolutely delicious." She took in the panting, trembling form beneath her and pressed her lips against yours. You immediately deepened the kiss once you tasted yourself on her tongue, pulling her body down against yours until your chests were touching.
Your hands roamed down her body, touching all that you could reach as your lips clashed together. Her body felt amazing against yours, just the feeling of her soft, caramel skin under your touch left you breathless. Your nails ran down her back and pass her augments,she grasped the top of the headboard. Her hair were tossed out of place and stuck to her forehead. She broke away from the kiss and whispered huskily into your ear. "You're going to use that pretty mouth on me now. Okay, sweet girl?" 
The way she panted against your skin nearly made your eyes roll back and you nodded.
"Please...I want to make you feel good too."
She gave you another deep kiss before sitting up, carefully lifting one of her legs and settling herself right above your face. You eagerly adjusted yourself under her, wrapping your arms around her thighs as they bracketed your face. 
You wet your lips as she got comfortable, distributing her weight so that she didn’t crush you, not like that would’ve been a problem anyway. She reached down and guided your mouth against her clit, hissing softly when your tongue made contact. Her hips slowly rolled as she leaned her head back, running her hand down her throat as she hummed. “Right there, that’s it.”
You buried your face against her as you mimicked her ministrations from earlier, learning what exactly made her breath hitch. She reacted better to long, broader strokes, relishing in the sensations you were providing for her. 
She was definitely a louder lover than you were and frankly, it was hot. She reached back, balancing herself on your thighs as her back arched, beginning to set a faster rhythm for herself. Your eyes were clouded with lust, dizzy from her intoxicating taste that you found yourself already addicted too. Matching her pace, you sunk your nails into her flesh, leaving crescent-shaped marks against it, your moans vibrating against her. 
"Fuck, don't stop. God, you're going to make me cum." 
She straightened out, once again gripping the headboard tightly. You ran your hands up her stomach, your thumb tracing over a light, old scar that ran across her lower abdomen. The other hand reached further, cupping her breast and giving it a firm squeeze. 
Sombra looked down at you through half-lidded eyes, her mouth open as she moaned. Once her thighs began to shake, you flattened out your tongue, letting her grind against it, letting her use you. 
"That's it, corazón...you're going to make me cum, fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" Her hand covered her mouth in an effort to contain her EMP, when she blessed you with one of her muffled cries as she came against your tongue. You dragged your tongue around her clit, making her twitch harshly against your mouth. 
Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, still occasionally bucking before she lifted herself off of you and collapsed by your side. She closed her eyes as she came down from her high. 
You weren't done with her, not by a longshot. 
You sat up and straddled her hips, gently running a hand down her sternum. She smiled and opened her eyes, chuckling softly. "Insatiable are we?"
"I can't help it when you're laying here naked for me." You stuck out your bottom lip and gave her your best innocent expression.
She sat up, pulling your hips closer to her own. "Be careful what you wish for, mi vida. You're going to be begging me to stop." 
"Don't make promises you can't keep." You gently kissed the tip of her nose, biting your lip as her hold on you tightened.
The next few hours were spent pulling orgasms from one another, late until the sun began to rise. 
You were both spent, your back pressed against her chest as your head laid on one of her arms. She lazily pressed sweet kisses along your neck before burying her face into your hair. 
This was bliss.
You were right where you belonged. 
She hummed tiredly, adjusting the blanket, leaning back over to place a kiss on your cheek.
"I want to be with you, officially."
Your heart nearly soared when you felt her smile against your skin.
"You read my mind exactly."
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veirsewrites · 1 year
What is something the MC could do/does that would make the ROs melt?
Arlo/Aida: Literally anything that would suggest MC is into them. A genuine, happy smile would make them feel butterflies every time.
Amelie: When MC showcases their power in a subtle manner. She’ll swoon and be impressed.
Eddie: Will only happen if MC catches them in a good mood, but doing what they say but in an obnoxious, teasing kind of way. MC saying, exaggerating, “Yes, sir/ma’am” or “Anything for you, your highness”, or “okay, boss, please don’t fire me”
The Insurgent: Giving him anything homemade. Or flowers.
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
Into Another World - Table of Contents
Crossover non-canon fic! Enjoy at your leisure!
Start Here! ->-> Crossroads
Ladybugs || Black Cats || Bees || Spiders || Mice || Pigs || Foxes || Lynxes || Dogs || Roosters || Bats || Tigers || Ants || Goats || Monkeys || Ravens || Wolves/Deers || Owls || Oxen || Koalas || Horses/Cats/Wolves/Eagle || Rabbits || Peacocks || Butterflies || Snakes || Dragons || Turtles || Chameleons || Cicadas || Swans || Cows || Robins || Doves || Dolphins || Seals || Bears || Sharks || Bakus
Marinette || Adrien || Alya || Nino || Rose || Juleka || Mylene || Alix || Kagami || Felix || Chloe || Sabrina || Lila || Kim || Max || Ivan || Luka || Bridgette || Socqueline || Zoe || Ondine || Marc || Nathaniel || Nathalie || Gabriel || Colt || Amelie || Emilie
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Cant believe that all the signs are saying ml season six will be the season of the wlw… bold and incredible choice to end the season with amelie and nathalie on a beach date together watching over their sons after both of them successfully got rid of their shitty husbands… and then a married lesbian mother in complete legal control of the dictatorship of Paris fixing climate change and the school system immediately… there’s still wlw ladynoir (kittybella) Out There as backup and they’ve just been made relevent again because the villain doesn’t know their identities… the butterfly’s been passed on to a gay teenage girl with an extremely homoerotic obsession with taking marinette down… andre’s was just banished by chloé which is also gay power at it’s finest… truly we are getting win after win
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gale-gentlepenguin · 11 months
ML AU: Childhood Soulmates (Rebooted)
-Honestly there isn’t too much I would change as it just makes it so Marinette had someone else in her life early on.
-Socqueline is an upper classmate that watched over Marinette.
-Marinette never developed a crush on Kim which was never exploited, she had her feelings set on Adrien early on. So Marinette never developed that trauma.
-Chloé was still a bully to her and still made her life miserable like in canon. But Adrien was her friend and helped keep her grounded.
-Sabrina is a lot more reluctant to obey Chloé, even early on. Seeing Chloé stop going as hard on Marinette was great, and she even manages to apologize.
-When Adrien arrived at school, Chloé found out that Marinette was this guy’s best friend and suddenly bullying her directly seemed a lot harder, especially because Adrien isn’t as forgiving of Chloé as he doesn’t have that friendship with her. So Chloé is watching her step.
- So unlike the original iteration, this AU doesn’t end on Chat Blanc as an episode.
-I called the unification of Hawkmoth and The peacock blue morpho, but now it will be Shadowmoth.
- Chat Blanc was the 2 part Season 3 finale, though instead of parts it would be Chat Blanc and Shadowmoth.
-After the events of Chat Blanc, Marinette is the guardian, Adrien is the one who knows she is guardian and her boyfriend. It is really them against the world.
-The peacock is safe, and Marinette fixed it after the events of Chat Blanc.
-The butterfly miraculous ends up in Felix’s clutches, not Lila or Chloé. He had been doing some digging and sure enough he found everything in the Agreste house to confirm his theories.
-Amelie ended up taking ownership of the Agreste manor until Adrien is 18 as the legal documents state. And after that legal business is settled, Amelie convinces Adrien to live with her and Felix in the manor.
-Felix discovers new ways of utilizing the Butterfly miraculous, (unlike in canon where he doesn’t like using the peacock miraculous, here he experiments)
-Mega Akuma becoming more than just a fancy name for akuma, they gave actual effects. Like emotional manipulation.
Adrien and Marinette in their post reveal relationship and are totally in sync. It’s somehow even more sweet than the season 5 adrinette.
-Marinette and Adrien actually do hand out a few miraculous to those that proved themselves. But only temporary in most cases. Except for Alya and Nino who get theirs permanently.
-Felix or Apollo (as he calls himself) found he can actually influence feelings by transmitting thoughts and emotions into others heads. Utilizing the Transmission concept. He calls this helping others SEE the light.
-He even gets skilled enough to create Multiple akuma at once.
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ML AU Villain
Ok, saw the other “alternate villain” asks, made me think.
So hear me out. I think part of the problem with Gabriel is they kind of want him to be both a redeemable “do bad for a good reason” while at the same time making him “the Ultimate Eeeeevillll!” that Ladybug can go up against, and … I want to say those two are a bit incompatible, or at least the way the show’s doing it they are. Not saying you CAN’T do a character with both, but like. They aren’t doing it WELL. So, I think they should have two villains. And honestly, I have a pretty good idea who the second guy should be.
Colt Fathom.
Have Colt and Amelie the ones who find the Peacock and the Butterfly. Have THEM be the ones who deal with all that first. Then Colt uses the broken Peacock with Amelie to make Felix, right? Well, have that work out differently. Amelie figures out Colt is an abusive dickhead, dumps his ass, gets him arrested. She takes the Peacock with her, but Colt manages to keep the Butterfly. Amelie hands the Peacock to her sister for safe keeping, and leaves with Felix. Then Emilie uses the Peacock to have Adrien, but it’s, of course, broken, so she starts getting sick. Gabriel tries his best, but nothing works, she eventually falls into a coma. So Gabriel goes to the one person he KNOWS has information on this magical bullshit - Colt. And Colt, who’s been using the Butterfly this whole time to keep himself from getting too sick, strikes a deal with Gabriel. Gabriel helps Colt get the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous, Colt uses the wish to heal both himself and Emilie.
Oh no but that would totally work! Just. Have a bigger bad who is calling the awful shots and Gabe’s caught up in it because he can’t just let Emilie die and he’s in too deep now.
Honestly I feel like re: canon the moment they retconned it to be that Gabriel’s plans are something he’s been working on for nearly 2 decades and not just a ‘man desperately tries to save his wife from an accident’ thing but now instead Emilie being a consequence of them trying to do awful shit and even getting her back is still just consequential compared to his real goals? They threw all Gabe sympathy out the window.
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Some people think the reason they had Felix tell his story through that weird play was because the details were too graphic for younger kids, do you think that's a good excuse?
No because the details of Felix's abuse weren't narratively necessary. Felix suffering any abuse wasn't narratively necessary. I'd even say it was a bad thing to add because I doubt that the show is planning to deal with that issue by putting Felix into therapy or the like. It's going to be resolved by Kagami's love and was arguably only added to make Felix a sad little uwu who we can't blame for his actions.
All the play actually needed to do was:
Establish who the sentimonsters are (which it arguably failed at)
Establish that Gabriel is the butterfly holder (which the next episode does anyway)
Even outside of the abuse issue, most of what we see in the play was pointless. Giving us Emilie and Amelie's backstory would have only mattered if Emilie was brought back to life, which seems to not be the case? Even if she was brought back to life, what did we really learn about her? If we removed this play from the story, what would the narrative lose? Maybe season six will surprise me, but my guess is nothing.
You want to know why the play was really added? It's there so that Marinette wasn't able to defeat the akuma and free Chat Noir from his nightmare dust, making sure that there was no identity reveal and that he didn't show up for the final. That's it. That's the whole point.
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rayraygo1267 · 1 year
Gabenath Headcanons because I’ll never stop shipping them
Note: Y’all I feel like if they make a sequel to the Miraculous Awakening Movie, based on what happened I feel like gabenath has an actual chance!
Gabriel has definitely eaten Nathalie’s food and when questioned about it, immediately blamed it on Adrien
One thing Gabriel always notices is if Nathalie changes something about her style (clothes, hair etc)
Nathalie is definitely annoyed by the fact that Gabriel is slightly taller than her
Gabriel always lets Nathalie have the widow seat in a car, plane, etc
Gabriel has to force and beg Nathalie to take a day off because she overworks herself
Nathalie has definitely read Hawkura fanfiction and gone down a massive rabbit hole
When Gabriel got ahold of all the miraculous from Felix, he asked Nathalie to try all of them on jus because he wanted to see how’d she’d look in all of them, but he told her it was for “research”
Nathalie always gets flustered whenever Gabriel calls her “mi amor” which makes him do it all the more
Gabriel has saved all the magazines that has Nathalie’s modeling featured in them
Nathalie will physically drag Gabriel from his work so that he’ll spend time with Adrien
One time, when both Gabriel and Nathalie had fallen asleep after a long day of work, Duusu had snuck up on them and pushed their hands close together so that their fingers were touching
Duusu and Nooroo ship Gabenath obviously
When Nathalie started becoming sickly and constantly looking exhausted, plus losing the red streak in her hair, Gabriel made sure she knew she was beautiful because he never stopped thinking she was
Nathalie has both Adrien and Gabriel’s breakfast, lunch, dinner and drink orders memorized for just about every restaurant they attend
If Gabriel and Nathalie had gotten ahold of both the black cat and ladybug miraculous, Nathalie would have used the cat and Gabriel would have used the ladybug
Gabriel leaves Nathalie random sweet notes on her stressful work days or if she’s feeling under the weather
When Gabriel and Nathalie finally opened up to Amelie about their relationship, her first reaction was to tell Nathalie that she deserved better. Nathalie laughed, Gabriel did not appreciate that
Nathalie once tried on the butterfly miraculous just for “fun” and Gabriel was mainly annoyed by the fact that she looked a million times better in it then he ever could
Wherever Nathalie chooses to go, Gabriel will follow
Nathalie will order takeout for her and Adrien secretly so not to hurt Gabriel’s feelings when his food sucks and Adrien will feed his father’s food to Plagg
Marinette and Nathalie have definitely vented to each other about their relationships with the Agreste men
Gabriel and Adrien surprised Nathalie with getting a family portrait with the three of them on it, underneath said portrait it reads, “The Agreste Family”
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