#Amel Bent
pixiedust171204 · 3 months
High School Musical 3 French Version :
For more, take a look at my masterlist ;)
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unknown171204 · 5 months
Le 30ème anniversaire
Pour célébrer l'anniversaire de Starmania, le 24 avril 2009 sur France2 France Gall à animer une émission téléviser ou divers chanteurs français et trois anciens membres des diverses versions du spectacle ont rendu hommage à l’opéra rock :
Christophe Willem :
La troupe de Mozart l'opéra rock :
Jenifer :
Amel Bent :
Renaud Handson :
Julien Doré :
Diane Dufresne :
Maurane :
Lara Fabian :
Nolwenn Leroy :
Pour plus de Starmania
ou pour découvrir d'autres comédie musical française :)
Lien Masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/unknown171204/748996810302980096/masterlist?source=share
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therunwayarchive · 1 year
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Amel Bent at Lecourt Mansion, Fall 2022
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bentworld · 5 months
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Aujourd'hui, nous fêtons les 19 ans de la sortie du second extrait du premier opus (Un Jour D'Été) de notre Amel Bent :
"Le Droit À L'Erreur" 💿✨️ (25 Avril 2005).
Le clip :
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judas-isariot · 6 months
I started to make videos summing up the "Hit song" of each year in France. This classement is not sponsor (by Polydor or Spotify) it is based on the french syndicate of disc seller. Why do I share it ?
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acaciar · 2 years
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regrese12 · 2 years
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xyrw · 9 months
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of course the first thing I decided to draw in 2024 is this cunty ah Legolas
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nozomijoestar · 9 months
gay sex was invented in 2023 when i discovered french singers
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levi-lev · 6 months
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"Viser la lune, ça me fait pas peur", as foretold by Famous French Poet, Amel Bent.
Chapter 309 spoilers ?
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inquisimer · 5 months
dragon age oneshot fic recs
@dreadfutures said that we should do more fic recs and she's absolutely right, so I'm starting what will hopefully be a series of fic rec lists, leading off with some oneshot recs! These are just standalone stories that don't require a big time commitment and definitely stuck with me after I read them.
Check them out! and leave a comment or kudos to let the author know you did 💜
Feel free to reblog this post and add your own oneshot fic recs! Or make your own fic rec post and tag me in it so I can read and promote your awesome recs :3
My Lover's Phylactery by FrodaB
Cullen Rutherford/Female Inquisitor | G | 1472 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: She doesn't destory it Mer's Rec: this is an excellent piece that fills the gap DAI left (imho) about Trevelyan's phylactery! There's some excellent introspection from the Inquisitor and a bittersweet but somft and heartfelt ending between Cullen and his love.
Bent, Not Broken by spirrum (@spirrum)
Fenris/Female Hawke | G | 1595 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: In which Hawke doesn't run off to Weisshaupt, and an angry elf turns up at the Inquisition's door. Mer's Rec: this is a little slice of interpersonal relationships that beautifully captures Hawke's spirit! It starts with some platonic Hawke & Varric, perfectly encapsulating the exhaustion both of them feel after HLTA, and transitions smoothly into the heart-tugging reunion between Hawke and a frustrated Fenris who's very much in love.
last man standing (perhaps) by havvke (Wintertree)
Charade Amell & Carver Hawke & Female Hawke | T | 6749 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: Hawke’s teeth glinted when she grinned, except for the gap of her missing left dogtooth. Funny how they did that, even in such poor lighting. Glinting. Hawke barely seemed real. They’ve gone on a mission or two together since that initial, embarrassingly disastrous meeting, and it was still shocking that the woman lived up—if not surpassed—her nearly legendary status. Compared to the other missions Charade led with the Jennies, this was somewhat easier than her normal fare. But while Hawke was a known figure, and by technicality kin, Charade still didn’t know her. Mer's Rec: Okay, I'm admittedly biased toward this piece, because it was a gift for me as part of the 2023 Platonic Ideal Exchange. That being said, it is an INCREDIBLE work of sibling dynamics and I think of it whenever I think about Charade Amell. Havvke explores the relationship between Charade as a Red Jenny, Carver as a Grey Warden, and Hawke as...Hawke, in a beautiful web of complicated choices and found family. Over a year later, it still holds up as one of the best exchange gifts I've ever received.
Doggone by leggywillow (@leggywillow)
Alistair/Female Warden, Alistair & Anora Mac Tir, Alistair & Warden's Mabari | T | 3042 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: Alistair and the Warden are no longer together, but they still exchange letters - through Dog. Alistair struggles to find happiness in his life as king, but he isn't entirely alone. Mer's Rec: I read this one just recently and oh my GOODNESS it both made me laugh and also pulled at my heartstrings. Leggy alters the canon breakup between a King Alistair & the Warden to be somehow even more heartbreaking and the way that he talks to Dog is just so essentially Alistair, I could hear every line in his voice. Add to that several well done bits between Alistair & Anora and this piece absolutely delivers on the "sad" and "heartache" in the additional tags.
That Word You Call Me by thewitchofthewilds (gossamerstarsxx) (@saiyanshewolf)
Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford | T | 1768 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Author's Summary: The first time she tells him she loves him is the time he needs to hear it the most Mer's Rec: I love this piece for the intermingling of angst and fluff between Lavellan and Cullen. It leads in with one of the better descriptions of nightmare panic that I've seen and the way that Lavellan grounds Cullen from it is smooth and heartfelt, as is his reaction to her comfort. It caps off with some sweet fluff and a taste of human/elf relationships dynamics, for which I am a sucker, and which end the fic on soft, heartfelt note.
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wrenaspun · 11 months
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To aim for the moon, that doesn't scare me Even as they try to wear me down, I keep on believing with all my heart If sacrifices are needed I'll make them Some I have already made - but always with my fist raised
ma philosophie, amel bent
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bentworld · 5 months
Le 7 Février dernier, @amelbent était l'invitée et présidente d'honneur de la 6ème édition des Trophées @mediaclubelles 2024. Avec un discours d'introduction généreux et solidaire (que vous pouvez retrouver en reel), notre artiste préférée a assisté à cette remise de prix récompensant celles et ceux qui ont oeuvré cette année écoulée pour plus de parité dans les médias.
L'occasion aussi d'offrir aux lauréats une prestation live sur son classique #MaPhilosophie plus qu'à propos, au terme de cette cérémonie (live là aussi disponible dans les reels de cette page). Enjoy
#amelbent #maphilosophie #live #enjoy #unity #parité #discours #inspirant #womensempoyerment #trophées #mediaclubelles #trophéesmediaclubelles2024 #présidentedhonneur #féminisme #TeAmel
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onlyangelsupremacy · 9 months
Welp sorry for disappearing i was having exams. Well im back and im gonna be posting every week hehe.
So moree smutt coming upp
This straight up just goes to the scene so get ready...
Subrry,mommy kink, bondage,overstimulation,teasing...
"Please Amelia" he whined as he tugged on the handcuffs cuffed on his wrists. As i grabbed his dick in my hands using my thumb to graze his tip as he hissed.
"What's my name again?" I asked as he jumped and cursed at my touch making me smirk. I love seeing him like this, so helpless and needy.
I bent down, licking his tip while looking at him with a mischievous glint. His eyebrows raised as he let out a loud whimper. I bit my lip as i looked up at him as i licked a stripe from his shaft to the tip.
His mouth formed a 'O' shape as he let out a loud moan, raising his hips for more contact. I didn't waste time taking him all in as his dick hit the back of my throat.
"Fuck...mommy" he said letting out a throaty moan. He tugged on his restrains once again but to no avail making me giggle.
"Its not gonna work baby so stop trying will ya?"
I reached for the nightstand beside the bed as I took the blind folds and blindfolded him. 'What are you doing, Amel-' I shushed him before he could finish his sentence and placed my hand on his neck, tightening my grip.
He whimpered closing his eyes as I placed my hand back on his cock. Slowly sliding up and down. He thrusted up into my hand desperate for more.
'Pipe down, will ya? If you're not going to be a good boy, I'm not going to be nice, Harry.' I stated in a firm tone making him whine and bite his lip trying to control himself. Pre cum was already leaking out his tip it was pathetic. So pathetic.
'You're so fucking pathetic let me tell you' I stated smirking at the sight. He blushed and looked away, avoiding eye contact as I looked back at him.
'Mommy, can you go faster, please...please' he huffed out the last 'please' in utter desperation. My hand picked up its pace a little, going up and down. I watched him as he let out the most obscene moan as he tilted his head back. His Adams apple popped out. I bent down, kissing his neck and sucking it.
He stuttered as he moaned out my name multiple times. His cum ended up all over my hands and his stomach as his dick continued to twitch in my hand spurting cum in small amounts. I bent down licking the tip. He tasted so good. God. He whimpered as his body twitched. So terribly sensitive. I looked up at him as his chest heaved up and down. His lip was bleeding from all the aggressive biting and chewing of it.
I moved back up as I kissed every part of him. His dick to his neck. I smashed my lips against his when I reached his lips. He slid his tongue between my lips as he pushed it further in finding my tongue. I could taste the metallic taste of his blood. I pulled back as I connected our foreheads.
'I love you,' he said as he closed his eyes right after. Dozing off in just a few seconds
'I love you more,' I said as I closed my eyes and fell asleep on his chest.
Finally back please do like if you guys want me to write more like this!
I love you guys stay healthy and hydrated.
P.s. I'm gonna see taylor next year!!!
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jamie-007 · 3 months
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Marine, tu sais ce soir ça va mal
J'ai trop d'choses sur le cœur donc
Il faudrait que l'on parle
Marine, si je m'adresse à toi ce soir
C'est qu'tu y es pour quelque chose
T'as tout fait pour qu'ça foire
Marine, dans l'pays de Marianne
Y a l'amour, y a la guerre
Mais y a aussi le mariage
Marine, pourquoi tu perpétues les traditions ?
Sais-tu qu'on sera des millions
À payer l'addition?
Ma haine est immense
En ce soir de décembre
Quand je pense à tous ces gens que tu rassembles
Tu l'sais, moi j'suis comme toi
J'veux qu'on m'écoute
Et tout comme toi j'aimerais qu'les jeunes se serrent les coudes
Marine, t'as un prénom si tendre
Un vrai prénom d'ange
Dis-moi c'qui te prend
Marine, on ne sera jamais amies
Parce que ma mère est Française
Et qu'je n'suis pas née ici
Marine, regarde-nous, on est beaux
On vient des quatre coins du monde
Mais pour toi on est trop
Ma haine est immense
Quand je pense à ton père
Il prône la guerre
Quand nous voulons la paix
Marine, tu es victime
Des pensées de ton géniteur
Génération 80, on a retrouvé notre Führer
Marine, t'avais l'honneur
D'être proche de l'ennemi
D'installer un climat paisible dans nos vies
Mais Marine, t'es forcément intelligente
T'as pas songé à tous ces gens
Que t'engraines dans l'urgence?
Marine, t'es mon aînée
Et pourtant je n'te respecte pas
Il m'a fallu faire ce choix
Marine, tu pouvais briser la chaîne
Prendre la parole
Et nous rendre nos rêves
Marine, t'as fais la même connerie que lui
Penser que le Blanc
Ne se mélange pas à autrui
Marine, on ne sera jamais amies
Parce que je suis une métisse
Et que je traîne avec Ali
Marine, plus j'te déteste et mieux je vais
Et plus je proteste
Et moins nous payons les frais
Marine, tu crois vraiment qu't'es dans l'vrai
Qu't'as su saisir ta chance
Et qu'ton avenir est tracé
Marine, j'suis pas de ceux qui prônent la haine
Plutôt de ceux qui votent
Et qui espèrent que ça s'arrête
T'as fais couler ce navire, Marine
J'ai peur du suicide collectif
Des amoureux en couleur
Marine, pourquoi es-tu si pâle?
Viens faire un tour chez nous
C'est coloré et c'est jovial
J'aimerais tellement que tu m'entendes
J'veux bien être un exemple
Quand il s'agit de vous descendre
Marine, tu t'appelles Le Pen
N'oublies jamais qu't'es le problème
D'une jeunesse qui saigne
Viens, viens
Allons éteindre la flamme
Ne sois pas de ces fous qui défendent le diable...
Amel Bent, Camélia Jordana et Vitaa.
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stanjames-world-3 · 4 months
Slimane et Amel Bent • Shallow (Live • 300 choeurs)
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