#Ambassador Ambiance
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kreuzfahrttester · 1 year ago
Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven: Die „Ambassador Ambience“ wird überholt
Lloyd Werft Ambiance … Die Lloyd Werft in Bremerhaven hat den Auftrag zur Überholung für das britische Kreuzfahrtschiff „Ambience“. Ursprünglich im Jahr 1991 als „Regal Princess“ für Princess Cruises gebaut. Das Schwesterschiff (Crown Princess 1990) ist vielen deutschen Reisenden noch als A-ROSAblu und später als AIDAblu bekannt. Dieses Schiff wurde allerdings bereits am 27. Nov. 2020 in Indien…
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animeniacss · 8 months ago
hiiii are you taking requests? 🥹 i was wondering if you could write a fluffy second chance romance trope with mingyu x reader? 🫶🏻
I am so sorry this took a million years longer than I wanted! But it's all done and I hope you enjoy!! <3
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Synopsis: Mingyu's job as an idol is very demanding, but you guys want to make it work.
Tags: Idol!Mingyu, Canon, Second Chances, Fluff, A bit of angst, Flashbacks
Length: approx. 3.2k words
Mingyu x Reader - The Good Easily Outweights the Bad
You were sitting on the couch, a book in your hand and a coffee on the end table. Your TV has been playing a shuffled mix of different songs, the ambiance changing from power ballads to Western indie pop, to whatever was the top-charting idol song in the past few weeks. You didn’t mind, though. It was a type of chaos you never minded, a type of chaos you preferred. 
One that at times, you even missed.
A familiar rumbling of thunder came up on the television screen and you didn’t even need to look up from your book to feel your lips quirk up into a sad smile. When you did, however, it was just in time for the familiar piano sounds to click into view. A familiar chant was called into the screen, and the song began. 
You set your book down, eyes focused solely on the song. MAESTRO by Seventeen was playing, their most recent comeback and it was one that frequently kept coming up in your song rotation. Mostly because you put it there. 
Well, you and Kim Mingyu himself, that is.
“Have you seen it? Have you seen it?!” Mingyu was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet as he stood in front of your TV. You smiled up at him from the couch, lounged in your sweats and a large tee shirt - it was his - as he typed in the name of their newest video to the search bar. 
“You told me to wait for you to come over, Gyu,” you said behind a giggle. Mingyu turned to you, laughing shyly as he remembered the request. Once the video was up, he walked to the couch, immediately plopping at your side and tugging you under his arm, resting his hand around your waist. Your eyes flickered up to him as the video began, amusement and fondness in your features as you turned back to the video. 
Mingyu always liked playing his music when the two of you were together. Not because he was vain or expected praise, if anything it was the opposite. You would compliment his scenes and he’d blush; lopsided smile and all as he told you to ‘knock it off’. However, you never did, and he never protests under real stress. So, you assumed he played the videos because he liked being teased. And you liked to tease. It was good like that. 
Mingyu hasn’t been to your apartment in a little over two weeks.
Not because you didn’t want him to be. You always wanted him to be. But it wasn’t possible, not the way it used to be. Mingyu’s job as an idol was demanding, especially with all of his success these past few years. From a brand ambassador who traveled the world, to a variety show participant, to a pop idol, Mingyu’s time was spread thin in his career. That meant little, if any, of that time was for you. And that killed you. 
As the song came to an end, another was right on the horizon. It stayed like that for a good three or four songs, and you did not have the heart to change it. You made it louder. Maybe it was because it brought back good memories, of times when the two of you were still able to cuddle on the couch and watch music videos or TV until he had to go for the night. Or even better, until the two of you fell asleep on the couch and woke up in the middle of the night still cuddled up the way you had been. 
You got up as the song changed once again, making your way into the kitchen. End tables and shelves were still littered with photos of the two of you, of you two with both his members and your friends. You knew after a month of not being involved with MIngyu anymore, you really should put them away. Not throw them out, but store them somewhere. But looking at them made you feel a bit of comfort, and you didn’t have enough time or money to go out knick-knack shopping for replacements. So there, the memories sat. 
You opened the fridge, pulling out a tupperware of leftovers from the previous night. You popped open the plastic, the smell of leftover fried rice making your belly rumble and your mind race. 
“Gyu, I’m starving, babe.” You whined, laying your head on the table. Mingyu chuckled from the counter, turning to look at the pan he was currently frying up rice in.
“I said we should order something in because it’s so late.” he reminded. 
“But I haven’t seen you, and I missed your cooking.” 
“And that is why I am currently in your kitchen, cooking.” He nodded. You sighed. “Ahh, don’t worry.” You heard footsteps crossing the little kitchen, and when you looked up from the table, Mingyu leaned down to plant a kiss on the top of your head. “It’ll be done in five minutes.”
“Alright, then I’ll set the table.” you said, getting up and heading over to your cabinets and grabbing two plates. You poked your head over at Mingyu as he returned to the cooking, smiling. “It smells good.”
Mingyu chuckled, almost shy at the compliment. “Thank you~.” he said. 
Your fried rice wasn’t anything like his, but it was still good, and you popped it in the microwave to reheat. As you rested your hips on the counter, you scanned the empty apartment. It was usually empty, since you were the only one who lived there. But with Mingyu, it felt less empty. Not just because he was a towering gym rat who looked a bit beefier every time you saw him, but because his laugh echoed from the living room to the bedroom when he watched TV while you tried to sleep, or his shriek at the sight of a spider echoed from the balcony and most likely all the way back to HYBE. 
Ready to Love started playing on the TV, and your eyes cast up to see the beginnings of the music video. 
The beep of the microwave reclaimed your attention momentarily as you took out the food, grabbing a utensil and returning to the couch, nestling beside the book you left bent right down the middle as to not lose your place in it. The meal was quiet, minus the music playing on the TV. Most of them have been this past month when it was just you home for dinner. You popped the leftovers into your mouth, pursing your lips together. 
“I have our first music show performance for maestro tomorrow.” Mingyu said, sliding his shoes on. “Why am I nervous?”
“You’re always nervous.” you chuckled, resting on the wall. “But you’ll do fine. I’ll be sure to vote, okay?” Mingyu turned to you and smiled.
“I’ll do my best if I know you’re watching.” He said. You nodded. “I’ll try to come by again soon, okay?” 
“Don’t push yourself…” you said softly, and Mingyu’s smile dropped. Maybe it was because yours did as well, you could feel it in your face. He stepped closer, brushing some hair out of your face. 
“I’ll try to come by again soon, okay?” he asked. “Our schedules are really packed but I will.” 
“I know.” you said. Mingyu smiled, leaning down to offer a quick kiss. “I”ll text you when I get back home, and then go right back to sleep!” he pouted. “I don’t want to hear any of this nonsense that you were up all night gaming!”
“I won’t!”
“Wonwoo lives in my apartment, I will hear him.” he said. You laughed behind a hand, and Mingyu’s grin widened. 
“Okay, okay. Goodnight, Gyu.” you said, watching as he grabbed the last of his things and headed out the door, offering one more glance and smile as he headed out the door. 
His schedule really did pack up after that, from music shows to runways to modeling shoots. Everyone wanted a piece of Kim Mingyu, it seemed. Everyone including you. But you told yourself never to be selfish when it came to his career, it was in his life long before you. But that didn’t make it hurt any less. 
Closing the tupperware, you returned to the kitchen and discarded it. Washing it would be a tomorrow you problem. You felt tired all of a sudden. You pressed your back onto the couch, finally clicking off the TV and really dropping the apartment into silence. Your book fell to the floor, but you left it, eyes cast up to the ceiling. Your felt your chest tighten, knowing tomorrow would be another day that Mingyu would be anywhere except here with you. You tried not to let it hurt, but God you just couldn’t help it. 
“Think of something positive, something good.” You mumbled to yourself in the dim lighting of your apartment. You closed your eyes, rolling through the endless cavern of positive memories. 
“It’s nice out tonight.” you said, leaning over the railing of your balcony and admiring the view. Mingyu had a few consecutive days off, and immediately rushed to spend them with you. You turned to him as he sipped a beer, resting comfortably on one of your outdoor chairs. He looked up at you and smiled. 
“It is.” he said. After a second, he pulled out his phone, reaching up to angle it towards the sky. You stepped out of the way, allowing him uninterrupted access to the sky and stars above. 
“Is this for Instagram?” you asked curiously. Mingyu laughed, his shoulder shaking a bit.
“Maybe.” he said. A few more taps on his phone, and without looking up, he moved his hand in your direction. You watched him motion for you to take a few steps towards him. “I want one of you.”
“What?” you asked. “You can’t post that.” Despite your protest, you were already shifting yourself. 
“I won’t.” he assured. You tilted your head, but Mingyu only grinned. “Smile.” 
“I’ll be in Europe for a while…I want something to look at when I miss you.” 
You felt your heart swell, a smile forming on your face as Mingyu snapped the picture. He turned it around to examine the results, nodding. “Perfect..” 
When you took your next breath, it was shaky. Not the best memory to recall it seemed. They had just gone on their Europe trip, making appearances in both Paris for UNESCO and London for Glastonbury. Both of which were big opportunities, wonderful opportunities that Mingyu talked about endlessly with you when he and the other members found out. However, with rehearsals and travel preparations, your limited time with Mingyu decreased even more. 
And then you had to do it.
“A break?” Mingyu asked. “Wh-why?”
“I just think it’s best.” you said softly. “You have a lot going on and I don’t want to tie you down.” You leaned back in your chair, sighing. “Just while your schedule is full. I want you to focus on that, and when-.” you paused. “If things calm down, then-.”
“When has that ever happened successfully?” Mingyu asked. There was no malice in his words, not even all that much hurt. He just genuinely sounded like he wanted to know when ‘a break’ has worked, as if knowing it has worked will make a difference in if it will this time. 
“Gyu…” you sighed. “I just want you to do your job without anything tying you down…”
Mingyu didn’t put up much of a fight after that, finally agreeing that, for now, his focus should be on his upcoming intense schedules. He slipped on his shoes, turned to you with a smile and kiss goodbye as usual, and left the apartment. Neither of you have spoken since. 
You felt your throat close up, wiping your eyes. Mingyu would be home from that schedule, if he wasn’t already. Usually, he’d fly directly to your apartment and cling to you for hours, maybe even all night. 
“I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too, Gyu! Tell me everything!!” 
That wouldn’t happen this time. 
Just as you regained yourself, closing your eyes to try and get some sleep, there was a knock at your door. Your head snapped over, breath stilling. A second passed, and there was another knock, followed by a deep familiar voice calling out your name.
“M-mingyu?!” You called, sitting up. You swung your legs over the side of the couch, getting up and padding over to the door. In one swift motion the door was unlocked and flung open, Mingyu standing there out of breath. “What are you doing? Did…did you run here?”
“I had to.” he said. “I… we got back yesterday, I would have come then if I didn’t crash on the couch as soon as I got home and-.”
“Gyu, wait.” You said, reaching out to take his hand. “C-come in…come in…” Mingyu sighed, walking in and closing the door behind him. “You look so out of breath. Do you want water?”
“Ah, yes. Please…” he said. You spun to head into the kitchen, motioning him into the living room as he trudged in, plopping himself down. “Yeesh! I forgot how far your apartment is from me.” A chuckle escaped your lips as you grabbed a water bottle, walking over to the couch and passing it to him. “Thanks…” he cracked it open and took a long sip. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, not intending for it to come out as harsh at it did. Mingyu looked up at you, and that was when you saw a plastic bag at his side. Your features softened almost immediately at the familiar convenient store logo. His lips quirked up into a smile.
“It’s only been a few weeks. You know I bring our favorite convenient store meal every time I come back from a long trip.” He leaned over, opening the bag and pulling out chips, ice creams, rice balls, and ramen. You opened your mouth to speak, but Mingyu was already a step ahead. “I know what you said before I left…” he said. “I tried to stay away, or at least call and ask if I could come by. But…it just didn’t feel right to not come here right away.” he looked at you. 
He motioned the ramen cups to you. “I won’t stay long. But at least humor me and eat some, hm?”
With only a bit of leftover fried rice in your system, you were weak to refuse. Taking the cups, you returned to the kitchen one final time, Mingyu following behind the store the ice cream for later. 
The kitchen was quiet as the two of you sat at the table, waiting for your ramen cups to cook. Mingyu drummed his finger along the table.
“I saw the photos.” you said quickly. “And the performances. You guys were amazing.”
MIngyu looked almost shocked. “You actually watched them?”
“Of course,” you chuckled. “I told you I would.”
“Yeah, but that was before…” Mingyu trailed off. You sighed, looking down at your hands. 
“I know.” you said. “But I still promised.” Mingyu chuckled a bit. Another long silence, and you sighed. 
“Mingyu, I’m sorry.” you said. His eyes shot up as the words tumbled out of your mouth a bit faster than you had intended, if you had intended at all. But they were out now. “I…was so stupid.” 
“Stupid? No, come on now.” he said. “Don’t say that.”
“No, I was.” you said. “You make every effort to keep me in your life, even when you’re busy and I toss it all away for no reason.” you sighed. “The minute I said that we needed a break I wanted to take it back but I didn’t know if I could at that point.” 
Mingyu was silent for a second, opening his ramen cup. The steam rose and hit his cheeks, and he smiled. Grabbing his chopsticks, he stirred, leaning back in his chair to talk. “I talked to Jeonghan and Shua about it while we were away.” he said. “And I had time to think about it myself, too.”
“Oh?” You frowned. Jeonghan and Joshua were his best friends, not yours. You knew if it was appropriate, they’d side with him in a heartbeat. And it was definitely appropriate. “What did they say?”
“Well.” he took a bite of his food and chewed, processing his thoughts before he said. “They told me that it made sense why you felt that way. And that neither of us are in the wrong, but both of us were stressed with my schedules.” He shrugged. “So, I told myself I’d give you space when I came back.” he smiled. “Wait until my schedules calmed a bit and then go from there.”
“So-.” you motioned to the ramen and snacks in the fridge. “Why didn’t you?” 
He chuckled, a bit of pink on his cheeks as he replied: “I just missed you too much.” 
You felt yoru breath catch in your throat at hose words, inhaling a deep breath. “I missed you too. Even though it’s only been a few weeks.” Mingyu chuckled.
“I know.” he said. “We’ve been apart longer, but for some reason these few weeks felt unbearable.” he set his chopsticks down, licking his lips. “Maybe because I’m usually so used to knowing that you’d be here when I got back.” You chuckled. “I was worried you’d slam the door in my face.”
“Oh, come on, what do you take me for?” you pouted, and Mingyu threw his head back to laugh. 
“I know.” he assured. A deep breath. “I’d…like to try again, though.” he said. “I don’t want to be on a break.” he said. “If you really feel strongly about it…I won’t dare push you.” he shook his head. “But, regardless, I hope that until we figure everything out, I can still come by from time to time.”
“Ah, Gyu…” you sighed, finally reaching out to mix your own ramen. “I want to try again too.” His eyes sparkled a bit from across the table as he took another bite into his mouth. “Like I said, the minute I suggested it…I wanted to take it back. I’m sorry…” 
Mingyu got up, ramen up and all, pulling him chair to your side and sitting beside you. When you looked up, he leaned forward and kissed your forehead. 
“Just don’t let your ramen get cold, and I’ll forgive you.” he teased. “Or at the very least, give it to me.” You chuckled, resting against his shoulder. 
“...So, tell me everything that happened in Europe.” you said, putting a bite of food in your mouth. “I heard your pants ripped.” He groaned. 
“Do  we have to start with that?” he asked, and you covered your mouth to laugh. 
“I got these for you!!” Mingyu outstretched a convenient store bag in your direction. When you looked down, you saw ramen, chips, and ice cream inside. He had just gotten home from the Be the Sun tour the day before, and since you couldn’t meet him at the dorms or the airport, he promised to come to you once he was fully unpacked. “I thought we could snack and I’ll tell you all about the tour!” 
You smiled, reaching out and taking the bag, setting it aside before pulling Mingyu into a tight hug. He immediately returned it, hands squeezing around your waist as he nestled into your hair. “I missed you so much.” he said.
“I missed you too, Gyu.” you said. Pulling back, you looked up at him. “Tell me everything!” 
If you want to make a request you can read any little rules/notes in my request blog
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svt-luna · 5 months ago
synopsis: Get to know more about Luna from this list of facts exclusively about her.
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ೀ Luna’s full name is Bae Jiyeon (배지연) from Sino-Korean 智 (ji) meaning "wisdom, intellect" or 志 (ji) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" combined with 妍 (yeon) meaning "beautiful.”
ೀ Her English name Luna is Latin for “moon” because her mother who named her loves anything moon-related.
ೀ A list of Luna’s endorsements and brands she is an ambassador of: Miu Miu, Dior Beauty, YSL Beauty, Laura Mercier, Chaumet, Innisfree, Kirsh, Bvlgari, Cartier, SK Telecom, Gospheres, Hapa Kristin, EIDER, FRED, SJSJ, Amuse, rolarola, Kérastase
ೀ If she wasn’t an idol she would still be a ballerina or a psychologist.
ೀ From a young age, she has always been an observant person. She has picked up a habit of analyzing people and their behaviors which made her want to study to be a psychologist.
ೀ Luna is a Psychology major and has a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Psychology.
ೀ When asked why she pursued this major she answered: “I had three dreams growing up. One was to be an idol which I have already achieved. Second, was to be a ballerina— and despite not being able to fully continue to be a full-time ballerina, I still got to perform as one multiple times as a young girl and I can still perform as one now if given the opportunity. Lastly, I wanted to be a psychologist— getting a PhD is possible, sure, but I love performing… my place is on the stage, and studying for that long will take my time away from the stage. So I decided to get a bachelor's degree instead… so I guess you can say that all my dreams have come true.”
ೀ Luna is terrified of spiders. Terrified to the point just seeing a picture or a video makes her physically flinch. No matter what kind of spider, no matter the size or color she would lose her mind and start crying on the spot.
ೀ She is also claustrophobic. She doesn’t do well in crowded places. So whenever they are mobbed by fans, Luna would always be holding one of the members’ hands for comfort. She mentioned in an interview how she got stuck in an elevator once when she was younger which is probably where her phobia stems from. Because of this, she has a habit of staring at the floor whenever she is in an elevator— she claims: “Looking at the walls makes me want to claw my way out the door myself.” She also never rides an elevator alone and would rather take the stairs if needed.
ೀ She is allergic to mushrooms and almost went into anaphylactic shock when she was nine years old.
ೀ Her favorite flowers are tulips.
ೀ She hates math but for some reason is good at it.
ೀ She hates doing aegyo but unknowingly does it and is good at it.
ೀ She dislikes being called “noona” by literally anyone, most especially the youngest members of the group. She understands it’s polite and customary to do so but she wasn’t raised in Korea, so being called “noona” just makes her feel old. However, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino still call her that out of habit— mostly Dino. Meanwhile, Minghao, Mingyu, and Dokyeom who have no reason to call her “noona” whatsoever because they are all born in the same year, like to tease her by calling her “noona.” Luna has gotten used to it though after all these years… she has gotten used to filtering them out.
ೀ Luna loves bunnies. They are her favorite animals and she loves the fact that she is often compared to one. She always wanted one growing up, however, her mom is allergic to fur which is why she never got one.
ೀ Luna loves the cold. Winter is her favorite season not just for the ambiance but because of the temperature. Some fans call her “Elsa” not only because of her cold appearance but also for her love of the cold.
ೀ Her body naturally runs warm which is why you would often see her holding onto Jeonghan’s hands who is the complete opposite and gets cold often.
ೀ Luna has a Lego addiction and the fact that her best friend turned boyfriend Jeonghan has it too doesn't help.
ೀ Luna had the biggest crush on Draco Malfoy as a child and Loki as a teen. During a fan sign, a fan asked her about her crushes and asked her why she liked the bad boys who were littered with red flags. Luna simply smirked and answered: “Red is my favorite color. Plus I have red-tinted glasses… couldn’t see.”
ೀ It is well known that Luna used to train for YG Entertainment for a year before moving to PLEDIS. Because of this fans speculate that if she stayed in her previous company, there would have been a chance she would have debuted with Blackpink.
ೀ S.Coups said in an interview that Luna had the “YG vibe” when she first joined PLEDIS— they could easily tell what company she was in before just by the way she carried herself and how she dressed.
ೀ Some people are surprised that she can rap and does well when the unit teams switch songs, especially with the Hip Hop Team. Luna trained to rap at YG Entertainment not because she wanted to but because her trainers claimed that she would do well as both a vocalist and a rapper.
ೀ According to Hoshi, Luna is very flexible in terms of her talents and claims that she could easily be in all of the sub-units if she wanted to.
ೀ Luna has a high pain tolerance which she claims to be both a blessing and a curse.
ೀ She has a terrible habit of fidgeting when she's anxious or nervous. You would often see her twisting the rings in her fingers, playing with her necklace, or cracking her knuckles which Jeonghan always scolded her for.
ೀ Her habits and Jeonghan’s habits go hand in hand. Because of her fidgeting and Jeonghan’s desire to always have something in his hand for emotional support— you would often see the two holding hands. Luna’s hands are for Jeonghan’s emotional support whilst Jeonghan’s hands are to stop Luna from fidgeting.
ೀ Luna’s favorite colors are red and pink because according to her red looks good on her and pink is, according to her, “red’s little sister”… which also looks good on her. And that these colors make her happy… it doesn't change the fact that half of the clothes she owns and wears often are black but that's beside the point.
ೀ She hates loud noises. She’s good with scary movies and doesn’t get scared easily during their GoSe horror specials— however, it’s the sudden loud noises that get her. Which is why you would often see her covering her ears when she gets startled.
ೀ She is a shopaholic it’s borderline problematic. Luna is one of the Instagram addicts of the members and is one of the fashionistas in the group— wherever they may travel, she has to buy an item of clothing… emphasizing “has to”.
ೀ Luna is the queen of eye contact. Whenever she is talking to anyone, you’d often see her staring straight into their soul— this causes a few of the members and mostly people outside the group to be flustered. According to Luna: “My parents taught me to always look at a person eye to eye when talking to them because it’s disrespectful not to. It’s actually a struggle for me to not maintain eye contact.”
ೀ She is part of the iron deficiency line.
ೀ She loves getting her nails done. Her nails are almost always freshly manicured.
ೀ Luna doesn’t drink often but when she does she is one of the members with the highest tolerance. However, despite her calm and quiet personality, she is a talkative drunk— she just rants about literally anything.
ೀ She is lowkey (highkey) obsessed with long, black-haired Jeonghan. Luna claims it’s his best hairstyle because it makes him look like a certain Marvel villain she had a huge crush on growing up… blonde Jeonghan is a close second for her… because… Draco Malfoy, duh (Luna acknowledges that she has a type.)
ೀ Luna is an amazing cook and likes cooking for the members, however she loves baking the absolute most.
ೀ She’s a huge One Direction fan.
ೀ Bows are her best friends. She always has a couple of bows lying around somewhere near her— cute little bows on her hair, tied to her bag, her outfits… the members’ stuff.
ೀ Luna absolutely hates it when someone leaves the door wide open. She cannot for the life of her wrap her head around the fact someone could open a door, walk into a room, and not close the door right back— every time someone does that, you’d see her eyes lingering on the door until someone notices and closes it.
ೀ If you want to piss her off and get cursed at in both English and Korean— wake her up, bonus points if you open the lights. Luna is a very disciplined and organized person. Whenever she needs to wake up early for shoots, performances, or for traveling purposes, she always sets an alarm— always. So she hates being woken up in her sleep for absolutely no reason.
ೀ And because of this, the members agreed that Luna is one of the scariest when angry.
ೀ Luna is quiet when angry. She’s naturally a quiet person but there is something about the silence when she’s angry— it’s different. It’s like you sense and feel her anger rather than see it.
ೀ Luna is an assertive person but completely deteriorates the second Jeonghan decides to baby her— she may act like it annoys her but both she and Jeonghan know… she loves being babied.
ೀ She’s not the jealous type… she’s the possessive type (Jeonghan’s ego is bigger than ever)
ೀ Her nicknames given by fans: “Ace”, “Elsa”, “Bunny”, “It Girl”, “Siren”, “Bubbles”, and “Baeby”
ೀ Her nicknames given by the members: “Jiyeonie”, “Lulu”, “Nie-Nie”, and “Princess” (whenever she’s being sassy or spoiled— she hates this nickname)
ೀ Her nicknames given by Jeonghan: “Nana”, “Angel”, “Angel-face”, “Pretty Angel”, “My Angel”, “My Moon”, “Baby Moon”, and “Pretty Girl” (Luna thinks that Jeonghan wants her dead cause he gets super creative with his nicknames for her)
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Taglist: @yeoberryx @minminghao @angie-x3 @jennwonwoo @k13endall @heeseungthel0ml @chisskaa @megumi2020 @yoonzzziino @lllucere @smh-anon @yveclipse @randomworker @bunnystrm @iamawkwardandshy @gratefulbunny1 @bmo-bri @syren-ash @megseungmin @multiplums @unlikelysublimekryptonite @night-storm7 @cookiearmy @seokqt @btskzfav @billboard-singer @junhuisworld @caturdayvibe @coralbatlampzonk @sof1eya @lyraea
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catmarlowastrology · 1 year ago
🎀✨ The Libra Moon Woman
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The Libra Moon woman has the charisma of a movie star, the diplomacy of a U.N. ambassador, and the allure of that mysterious artist you once met at a party — all rolled into one. Her charm is a blend of Audrey Hepburn, James Bond, and a dash of something intangible, like a secret ingredient in a killer cocktail. She's the kind of person who could make reading the phone book sound appealing.
When she enters a room, the ambiance suddenly changes. It's as if she carries a little bubble of allure with her. Inside this bubble, everyone feels a bit more graceful, a bit more interesting, and maybe, just maybe, better versions of themselves. She has this uncanny ability to make people feel heard. Like, you're not just a blip in her day; you're the highlight. She's the conversation sorceress, turning mundane chit-chat into soulful dialogues with a flick of her linguistic wand.
Her charm isn't pushy; it's magnetic. She doesn't have to come to you; you'll find yourself going to her. It's a classic "I'll have what she's having" scenario, whether she's ordering a cocktail or laughing at a joke. Just standing next to her feels like a tiny win in the game of life.
If flirting were an Olympic sport, she'd take home the gold, silver, and bronze, then graciously donate them to charity while dazzling everyone with her acceptance speech. She can make a grocery list sound like erotic poetry, all while helping you choose the best avocado. That's right, she's so charming that even produce elevates its game around her.
Yet, it's all so genuine. That's the magic key here. Her charm isn't some well-rehearsed act; it's an expression of her balanced, harmonious inner world. It's her joy for life, her interest in people, and her natural equilibrium between listening and speaking that creates this intoxicating allure.
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ateez-ana · 8 months ago
Ana on Instagram
a view of Ana's first post in the last 72 hours
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second post
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liked by im_ovation and 890,990 others
lalanabanana picnic in paris with the best photographer
Hongjoong and Ana are in Paris to attend the fashion week that is taking place in the city of love, they both decided to walk through the city and have a picnic, many fans and reporters saw them walking hand in hand during the day and leaving the hotel where they were staying for a night walk along the Seine River, the photos uploaded by Ana are a small sample of the small and intimate experience that the couple had in Paris, which has raised rumors around the ship
In the heart of Paris, amid the grandeur of Fashion Week, romance blossomed between Hongjoong and Ana, They strolled hand-in-hand through the cobblestoned streets, their whispers echoing in the romantic ambiance. They paused at a quaint park, sharing a picnic beneath the shade of a chestnut tree. Ana's laughter punctuated the air as Hongjoong's gentle touch sent shivers down her spine. As night fell, they embarked on an intimate walk along the Seine. The city lights danced upon the water's surface, casting an ethereal glow over their stolen moments. With no witnesses save the stars above, they kissed, their love a secret concealed from the world. Ana's social media posts from that day hinted at their clandestine adventure, sparking rumors among their devoted fans. The public remained oblivious, but the shared glances and whispered promises spoke volumes of their newfound connection. And so, in the city of love, Hongjoong and Ana's romance remained a sweet secret, cherished only by two hearts entwined.
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lalanabanana it has been such a great honor to be part of louis vuitton dinner gala What an unforgettable night
Ana, a radiant vision in a cerulean gown that shimmered like moonlight on the Seine, was the epitome of elegance at the Louis Vuitton gala. As Ateez's ambassador, she graced the red carpet with a captivating smile, her presence radiating warmth and charisma. Beside her stood Felix,  member of Stray Kids, who sported a classic black suit that accentuated his sharp features. 'Ana's dress is absolutely breathtaking!' gushed a fashion critic, capturing the collective gasp that swept through the crowd. 'It's a bold yet sophisticated choice, perfectly complementing her ethereal beauty.' 'Ana is a vision!' exclaimed actress Cate Blanchett. 'Her dress enhances her natural beauty.'
'Felix looks effortlessly suave,' another commentator chimed in. 'He embodies the timeless charm of Louis Vuitton.' At the dinner table, Ana and Felix shared a quiet conversation, catching up on their busy schedules and exchanging playful banter. Their easy camaraderie, built upon years of friendship, was evident in their shared laughter and knowing glances. They were two stars, shining brightly on their own, yet finding comfort in each other's company, a testament to the unspoken bond between two souls who understood the demanding world they navigated.
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lalanabanana Congratulations on 10 years of @nicolasghesquiere A big thank you for inviting me, the last show of fashion week ends in style
The air crackled with anticipation as Ana, walked into the Louis Vuitton show. It was the final night of Paris Fashion Week, and Nicolas Ghesquière, celebrating ten years at the helm, had invited her to be part of the exclusive guest list. Dressed in a tailored, ivory ensemble, the press buzzed with excitement. Her outfit, a stark contrast to the usual bold fashion choices on the red carpet, drew a sea of flashbulbs.
'Ana’s understated chicness is a refreshing change,' one fashion critic declared, noting the nine white flowers delicately embroidered on the bodice, each representing a member of ATEEZ. 'It’s a subtle nod to her group, while still embodying Vuitton’s elegance.'Her fans, known as ATINY, were ecstatic. The internet erupted with photos and videos of Ana, her smile radiant as she greeted fellow guests.
The after-party was a whirlwind of champagne, laughter, and celebrity sightings. Ana found herself chatting with Sophie Turner, discussing the beauty of the collection, and later, dancing with Emma Stone. Videos of her laughing and enjoying the night with her new acquaintances went viral, generating even more buzz for ATEEZ. 'It was an incredible experience,' Ana said in a post-event interview, her eyes sparkling. 'The collection was so beautiful, and I especially loved the celebratory feeling of the night. It was a true honor to be invited.' As she spoke, she gently touched the flowers on her dress, her voice softening. 'These represent my brothers,' she said, a hint of pride in her tone. 'Each petal represents their individual talents and the unique bond we share. It’s a reminder that we’re all connected, even when we’re apart. The night was a testament to Ana’s own rising star. She wasn't just a K-pop idol; she was a fashion icon, a force to be reckoned with, a young woman embracing her individuality and using her platform to promote her group and her values. And the nine white flowers, blooming on her dress, were a silent testament to the love and loyalty that bound her to ATEEZ.
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lalanabanana Morocco time, now my day smelled like 8 men again, how loving, ready to rock the desert
The day Ana returned to the others was the day before her presentation at the festival in Morocco, so they had a few hours in the afternoon to rest in the pool, where Ana gave the boys the gifts she brought them. From Paris to each one, Hongjoong and Ana looked even more romantic than ever, which caused the boys to tease them and wonder how much the couple did on the short trip they had together.
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gallivantingheart · 2 months ago
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Use Your Mouth as an Anchor
masterlist | previous | next
🍵 chapter 5: persimmon🍵
who?: soonyoung/hoshi x (f)reader
word count: 2403
genre/s: fluff, humour, social media!au
warnings: some course language
genre: social media!au, princess diaries II !au, humour, romance, mild angst
warnings: none, as of yet
**please ignore the timestamps - they are not accurate**
a/n: my dudes, we go a biggin'. also, updated line break design, if one cares. trying real hard not to make wonwoo too ooc, i'm just so used to being totally delulu infatuated with him *sigh* also also! shameless self-plug, but i have a new jeonghan fic (hold onto your pants, it's 41K+ wc) here, if you would like some "light" reading pffft
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The royal residence never failed to take your breath away, day or night. Tonight though, coming through the small gardens before the front doors instead of the servants’ entrance, felt a little like entering enemy territory.
The Old Genoa Palace has been standing for almost 500 years, built not too long after the split between Amaide and Korea. Built in the same style as Joseon-era Korean architecture, it stood as the image of independence. New Genoa Palace is only about 140 years old, built a lot more like the mansions from New York with its style of stone work and what look like western features - those western motifs are actually a lot closer in eastern influence with intricate and sharp square lace-like stonework. But enough about the history.
Wonwoo was meeting you there - he was carpooling with another journalist that lived closer to him. Apparently, you also took forever to get ready, which you took offence to. You had picked up the dress from Joshua yesterday, who was bristling with excitement for you. Your ID, phone and invite in a purse with a long silver chain strap on the passenger seat.
You pull up the entry of the small formal gardens, turning off the engine of your lovingly beat up hatchback. The car was easily kissing 20 years of age and looked pitiful against the rich expanse of a damn palace. You pass the keys to a valet.
“Please be careful with her.” You mutter.
The shockingly young man smiles fondly and slips in. You watch her putter off and show your invite to the next employee, who flips it over and scans it under UV light. A symbol shows up and he nods, checking you off a list on his tablet.
“Up the main paved path, following the lights.”
You follow diligently and try not to linger on the fragrant florals or the pretty bridge over the man-made pond - more layers to a trap. Surely there were easier ways to enter, but this must be their way of showing some kind of prowess or setting some kind of ambiance. When you break through, you realise why. You hadn’t come in the front doors, not really. It’s the Old Palace, beautifully lit. The queen had arranged for the event to be held in the massive courtyard of the historical palace, over the cool slate coloured stone under the last of the warm weather for this time of year. It had glorious acoustics, the orchestra raised on the next landing on the staircase carrying the music effortlessly. Despite all the beauty, your stomach lurches into your throat. Where was Wonwoo!
You try to stick to the edges, taking a flute of… oh. Champagne. You put it back on the next tray and try to find something a little less traumatic to drink. Quiet as can be amongst the vast array of guests - from members of parliament to foreign dignitaries and ambassadors. You do spot a few celebrities, mainly of the musical variety. It was well-known that King Consort Jihoon studied music and was very invested in it. Wonwoo might be there. Snippets of conversation were light and devoid of any big news, which was nice. Quite a few about family gripes and dog maintenance. Still, through it all, you feel as if your family name has been branded on your forehead, just waiting to be seen. Finally you find him the shadow of a covered walkway, looking very sleek in his three piece suit.
“Thank God. I forget you hide better than I do.” You mutter.
He smiles, genuine. “That’s true. You’re here earlier than I expected.”
“Still offending me, ‘Woo.”
He shrugs and gestures to guide you to a manned refreshments table with another vaguely familiar face. It was a servant of the house you had interviewed a few times for work at the advice of your main contacts.
You smile. “Hey, lovely to see you.”
“And you! Surprised though ‘cause of, well, you know.”
Your expression becomes brittle on your lips and you clear your throat to steel yourself. Way to point out the obvious.
“Me too! But I got the invite, so I do as I’m told. Do you have anything that isn’t champagne?”
You are handed a glass of a non-sparkling rose and the fruity notes ease you. With Wonwoo on side you’re confident to venture a little further into the crowd.
“Got much in the way of work intel?” You hum behind your glass.
He shrugs, adjusting his glasses - you knew he was due for a contacts appointment, but was putting it off.
“I guess.”
“You’re really keeping that convo rolling, Wonwoo.”
“I’m the only one here who doesn’t feel like overtalking when they’re nervous.”
You glare. “Okay, you really gotta shut up - blow after blow, buddy. Like, it hurts.”
He grins. “Make up your mind - talk, don’t talk…”
“Stop dragging me! You’re my best friend!” You whine, taking an extra step ahead to turn and face him as you walk, almost walking backwards. “Like it doesn’t help that I’m a cat amongst the pigeons - I need moral support -oof!”
You missed the way Wonwoo’s eyes had gone over your shoulders, blown wide so you couldn’t save yourself when you stepped into someone and jabbed your stiletto into their shoe. There was a heavy grunt and your balance tipped dangerously. All your body could process was panic. Wonwoo reaches for you just as you do for him but there is a third set of hands setting you right. You spin to face the other party, an apology already formed on your tongue - it quickly goes dry at the sight of curious dark eyes.
“I-I Kwon Soonyoung.” You croak.
He goes a little shy at the intensity of your gaze. “Yeah. Careful there.”
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going. Is your foot okay?” You stoop as if to reach for his designer dress shoe.
He chuckles and shrugs. “I’ve had worse. Please, enjoy your night.”
You squeak out a noise to respond as he slips away. Your number one anti and you stepped on his foot! Wonwoo is swarming you as well, something you are more familiar with.
“Soonyoung! You need to be careful.” He says low.
You rub at your arms like scrubbing off in a shower. “I know! But, he must not recognise me.”
The pair of you stick together while you mingle, shooting glances here and there in silent conversation - notes and quotes of others to keep in mind for the next publication. 
You note that Queen Haneul makes the rounds as well, but nowhere near you. Well, at least someone knows the target on your back, even as she invited you in. But something struck you as odd.
He hums and turns to face you, stooping a little with your quiet call. “Yeah?”
“Have you seen a pattern between some of these guests?”
“Spell it out.”
“A good 60% of them have come in pairs or threes.”
“Of course. Couples, assistants.”
You shake your head and lift your hand from the tight grip on your purse to point at a trio to your right. Italian, old money - dare you say, part of the old Sicilian royal family.
“Majority are heirs - daughters - with an escort party. All our age.”
Now, Wonwoo frowns, adjusting his glasses while you point, again and again to different little pockets. Soonyoung is all smiles, squeezing the shoulder of a parliamentary member while exchanging for another flute of champagne with his free arm, not even looking as he does so.
“And they’re all eyeing up Head Advisor Soonyoung like prime Wagyu beef.” Wonwoo slowly adds.
Your jaw hangs loose as you straighten up and grab your friend’s lapel. You even make a dramatic gasp. Together you see the first catch of the evening, a pretty woman, European, lay a hand gently on his shoulder, curtsey and then gesture for the floor. You take a look around the party guests and note that every young woman you had pointed out is of good standing and single. Your jaw drops - it’s royal speed dating for goodness sake! 
 “Oh my - it looks like a matchmaking session. Queen Haneul is hosting. She personally signed my invite, and most likely everyone else’s here too.” Now that was some good gossip.
Together you watch between glasses of wine and champagne as Soonyoung works his magic. Passionate and charismatic, none of his partners tear their gaze from him. The Head Advisor to Queen Haneul had always been filled with boundless energy and a smile that could be familiar to Amaide residents everywhere - you had grown up with it, after all.
But as you’re watching this man go for a turn about the dance floor for the fourth time with some left-footed aristocrat you cringe and wince like a bad sports game.
“What the hell is happening there? Maybe Uncle Fred is right - the royal family is cruel.” You’re onto your third rosè, which is a little tacky of you but hey, free good quality alcohol should never be denied.
Wonwoo is at your back, visibly wincing. “Yeah. At this rate he’s going to leave tonight with less toes than when he started.”
“Or at least some serious swelling.” You add.
Now a Singaporean socialite slips into his arms and for all her class and grace, has no rhythm. You knew Soonyoung was an excellent dancer - it was no secret he had etiquette and dance lessons as part of the royal family. But his patience and talent was growing thinner with every partner. That passion had a volatile streak, edging closer with every match. You put your empty glass onto a passing tray.
“Oh, Wonwoo, someone has to help him. How can no one at this damn party keep time?” You lament.
By no means were you a musical genius, but you could count a 4/4 time and do a simple box waltz. You shrug your purse off your shoulder and stuff it into Wonwoo’s long hands.
“Stay here.”
“Where are you going?” His voice belies a rising panic.
You wink over your shoulder and shrug. “To help Kwon Soonyoung.”
You see Soonyoung's nose wrinkle and his teeth bare as the young woman steps on his left foot again.
“Uh, may I cut in?” You say with a light hand to his shoulder.
He turns too fast, bringing his partner with him and his expression nothing less than gobsmacked. His shoulder eases under your touch.
“Sure.” He dips his head to the tall young woman with knobbly elbows and knees. “Thank you very much for the dance.”
She mirrors him and shoots you a confused expression with her well-shaped brows before slipping back into the ocean of people. His grip is secure but not strangling and you pause to pick up the timing of the music.
“Just a heads up, I think you’re gonna need a medic by the time tonight is over. I’m surprised you’re still walking.” You mutter. “I couldn’t stand watching it any longer.”
He laughs, throwing his head back and his own grasp secure on your waist. “Thank you, I appreciate your concern for my poor feet. However, the queen has given me worse while she was in training. You’re in good hands with me.”
Soonyoung is an exceptional dancer, leading the pair of you as if you’re on air, gliding through the other couples. Somehow, you manage to forget the distain you’ve seen in his gaze when fellow reporters ask about the latest Chon family farce. The venom in his gaze has since melted away and he even worms a twirl out of you, your dress fanning out with the motion. This must be what it’s like to be a fairytale princess - if only your uncle knew. When he catches you, his grin is cheeky and bright, every bit the charismatic Advisor he was known to be.
“Told you that you were in good hands.” He says smugly.
Before you can refute it, his grip tightens and the world tilts in a deep, graceful dip. You can’t help but gasp, mouth rounded as he shades you from the moonlight. You love and hate the way your heart stutters. Romance is dead, you remind yourself. Not to mention it would never happen with Chon Hater #1. Still, you push past your reservations to make idle conversation.
“So I am. I hope you didn’t mind me butting in. I don’t mean to be arrogant when I say I know I can dance better than any of them. For your sake.”
He grins. “Of course not. It’s not conventional, sure, but since when has anything here been conventional.”
He switches up the tempo and position of your dance, edging into foxtrot territory and you frown to concentrate. The strings finally signal the song’s end and the two of you go still on the edge of the dance floor.
“For the record, you are a great dancer.” He murmurs, close to your ear and conversational in nature. “What was your name?”
Your throat dries up and you clear it roughly. “Uh, just Y/N.”
Soonyoung makes a show of bowing to you and you curtsey. “Well then, just Y/N, I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.”
You murmur and smile. “You too, Soonyoung.”
You feel like Cinderella, fleeing the scene as soon as someone else sinks their claws into him, pushing through the throng of attendants to find Wonwoo. Your eyes are wide and beseeching, catching like a hangnail on every face to find your familiar safety net. That rosé must have really gotten to your head. You lock eyes with the Queen as you roughly push through. Her face mirrored yours in youth and she brightened at the sight of you, some kind of knowing in her sight you couldn’t understand. She was the one who invited you, after all. You finally crash into Wonwoo, snatching your bag from him and getting tangled in the long chain strap. 
“‘Woo, I gotta go. I - I need to get home. I’ve had too much to drink.” You’re breathless.
Tactfully, he doesn’t stop you and you don’t look over your shoulder as you skirt through the many open air corridors to an alternative exit, your feet throbbing and breath heaving.
Oh, this wasn’t going to bite you in the ass, no waaaay.
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yumi007 · 2 years ago
This July, no one can escape the "Barbie Pink" frenzy!
Even before the movie "Barbie" hits the screens, the fashion industry has already gone crazy for it. The two lead actors, Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, embarked on a promotional tour in June, and fashion inspired by "Barbie" has been widely discussed since then. Stylist Andrew Mukamal took pink as the main theme and drew inspiration from Barbie dolls' historical wardrobes to create outfits for the stars.
Barbie has become one of the most influential fashionable IPs in modern times, naturally leading to the fashion industry's frenzy for the movie "Barbie." Brands such as Emilio Pucci, Schiaparelli, and Vivienne Westwood have provided custom clothing for Margot Robbie, while Moschino and Versace have opened their archives for the stylist team to select vintage styles reminiscent of classic Barbie doll outfits.
Chanel, where Margot Robbie has been announced as a brand ambassador, has taken it a step further by not only showcasing its own designs on the red carpet but also incorporating them into the Barbie wardrobe in the movie. Even in relatively relaxed settings like the airport, the brand can find opportunities for exposure, as long as the clothing's main tone is pink. As the release date of "Barbie" approaches, the fashion trend is not limited to brands alone. The dressing style known as "Barbiecore" has gained popularity on social media platforms overseas, with the hashtag receiving over 500 million views on TikTok. As depicted in the movie, this style primarily focuses on exaggerated and dreamy outfits with pink hues.
In an analysis article, Bloomberg points out that the Barbiecore style has replaced the dominance of the "old money" style and aligns with the resurgence of vintage trends in recent years. However, if we broaden our perspective, Barbie pink has been popular for quite a long time, not just because the movie is about to be released.
The most prominent case is Valentino's "Barbie Pink," which became a sensation in 2022, with designer Pierpaolo Piccioli giving it the name "Pink PP." The intention was to push for an image transformation, but the vivid color left a strong impression amid controversy. On the fashion index engine Lyst, searches related to pink fashion have increased by 80%.
Although this trend has persisted for a long time, leaving a lasting impression when everyone jumps on the bandwagon is not an easy task. It is evident that many brands have simply swapped their packaging for pink. Consequently, many Barbie collaboration series launched by beauty brands received a lukewarm response. Barbie dolls themselves are famous for their rich clothing choices and diverse "dollhouse" settings, with little emphasis on specific makeup looks, and at times, criticized for promoting stereotypical appearances like blonde hair and blue eyes.
On TikTok, a platform full of creativity and fashion, Orolay brand seized the opportunity and launched a series of fantasy-colored down jackets, offering users a visual feast. These dreamy-colored down jackets are full of fairytale-like imagination, each emitting a unique magical ambiance. From soft pinks and purples to vibrant blues and greens, each color represents a different dreamy world, immersing people in a magical wonderland.
In addition to the dreamy-colored down jackets, Orolay cleverly paired them with whimsical and diverse accessories, making the overall styling more rich and varied. For instance, cute pink hats, dreamy pink skirts, and other accessories added a playful touch to the down jackets' styling, enhancing the overall sense of fashion and individual charm. These accessories not only added a sense of fun but also elevated the overall fashion appeal and personal charisma.
Through this series of fantasy-colored down jackets and creatively matched whimsical accessories, the brand demonstrates its unique understanding of fashion and keen grasp of fashion trends, offering users more exciting fashion choices. This innovative approach further solidifies Orolay's position in the fashion industry, allowing the brand to have a wider influence among young users.
Please note that this translation is provided for informational purposes and may not be a direct word-for-word translation but rather a contextual interpretation to convey the meaning of the original text in English.
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gyuyoungarchives · 1 year ago
📰 "MZ Generation Reveres '2023 ver. Tae-Hye-Ji': Han Sohee, Go Yoonjung, and Park Gyuyoung [Star@Style]" (#ParkGyuyoung Cut)
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[AtStyle reporter Kim Yena] The representative actresses leading the 2000s can be condensed into the 'Tae-Hye-Ji' trio. Kim Taehee, Song Hyekyo, and Jun Jihyun, who have dominated dramas, movies, and commercials, have maintained their title for years. However, in 2023, the actresses revered by the MZ generation are different. Han Sohee, Go Yoonjung, and Park Gyuyoung, who connect the genealogy of Tae-Hye-Ji, form the central axis.
Han Sohee, Go Yoonjung, and Park Gyuyoung have climbed the steps diligently. They focused on acting while concurrently serving as brand ambassadors fitting their respective images, thereby expanding their popularity. Unlike their predecessors who opted for an aura of mystique, they did not lose touch with their fans. They adopted a smart strategy, emphasizing consistent efforts rather than instant stardom.
< Born in 1993, Park Gyuyoung >
- As good at acting as she is at studying
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Since her debut work in 2016, Park Gyuyoung has been actively acting. Until she became an actress, Park Gyuyoung was an honour student. She studied at a foreign language high school and a prestigious university in Seoul, indeed a student who is both beautiful and academically excellent. Even while engaging in acting, Park Gyuyoung completed her university education. Still, she did not neglect her work projects. She acted diligently as if she were studying. After her debut, she showcased her passion for acting by appearing in over 30 works. Especially keen on improving her character immersion, Park Gyuyoung never hesitated to learn. She learned to ride a two-wheeled bicycle in advance for a role, took bass guitar lessons for a practice performance scene, and it is known that she separately practised boxing, jiu-jitsu, and baseball for her action scenes.
Bob-cut Hair Fever
This year, Park Gyuyoung gave women a strong urge to get bob cuts. In "A Good Day to be a Dog," she radiated freshness with a bright-colored bob, while in "Celebrity," she boasted sophisticated beauty with a black bob. Park Gyuyoung's hairstyle choices were impeccable. Park Gyuyoung has an outstanding synchronization rate where seamlessly blends into each of her roles. Besides her contribution in the hairstyling, she has also had a hand in tailoring the overall ambiance and persona to all her characters.
The characters Park Gyuyoung approached with responsibility has elevated the quality of the dramas she has appeared in. While Park Gyuyoung shines in dramas, she particularly has a frequent association with Netflix. She was involved in all seasons from 1 to 3 of "Sweet Home." Especially with Park Gyuyoung being cast in "Squid Game" season 2, all eyes are on her anticipating what new transformations she will showcase.
Full Article: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/140/0000035268
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storesnearmeusatoday · 6 days ago
Cheap hotels near me.Best cheap hotels.Best price Guarantee.The Best learn more
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Cheap hotels near me.Best cheap hotels.best price Guarantee.check it here Budget Bliss: Unveiling the Top-Rated Cheap Hotels Across the 50 States Traveling on a budget doesn't have to mean sacrificing comfort and quality. In fact, with a little research, you can find charming, highly-rated hotels that offer exceptional value without breaking the bank. We've scoured reviews and ratings across the country to bring you a curated list of the top-rated cheap hotels in each of the 50 states. These hidden gems provide comfortable accommodations, prime locations, and often, a touch of local charm, all at prices that will leave you with more to spend on experiences.
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Forget cramped hostels and questionable motels. These hotels prove you can have a memorable and affordable adventure across America!   Here's a glimpse of some standout budget-friendly accommodations:   Alabama: The Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel & Spa (Mobile): While technically not "cheap" in the strictest sense, frequent deals and off-season rates make this historic hotel a worthwhile splurge in Alabama. The location is unbeatable, and the grandeur is unmatched for the price you might find.check it here   Alaska: Anchorage Grand Hotel (Anchorage): Embrace the Alaskan spirit without emptying your wallet at this centrally located hotel offering comfortable rooms and easy access to attractions.check it here   Arizona: The Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch (Scottsdale): Known for its gorgeous pools, excellent restaurants, and beautiful Scottsdale setting, this is a high value choice for those seeking a luxury experience at a reasonable price.check it here   Arkansas: Capital Hotel (Little Rock): Steeped in history and offering a touch of Southern elegance, the Capital Hotel offers a surprising amount of luxury at a manageable cost, especially with advance booking.check it here   California: Hotel Erwin (Venice Beach): A hip and modern option right on the iconic Venice Beach boardwalk. While prices fluctuate, securing a deal here offers incredible value for the location and views.check it here   Colorado: The Maven Hotel at Dairy Block (Denver): Offers an authentic experience and is a great base to explore Denver's vibrant downtown area.check it here   Connecticut: Delamar West Hartford (West Hartford): Although high-end, deals and packages can turn this into a surprisingly affordable treat.check it here   Delaware: The Inn at Montchanin Village & Spa (Greenville): A charmingly renovated DuPont mill village, offering a unique historical stay that sometimes surprises with reasonable rates.check it here   Florida: Casa Monica Resort & Spa, Autograph Collection (St. Augustine): Offers a taste of old-world charm and historic ambiance, with occasional deals that make it a great budget find.check it here   Georgia: The Hotel at Avalon, Alpharetta (Alpharetta): Centrally located, it's one of Alpharetta's best hotels.check it here   Hawaii: Aqua Oasis (Waikiki, Oahu): Located in the heart of Waikiki, this hotel offers a comfortable and convenient base for exploring the island, often at a fraction of the cost of beachfront properties.check it here   Idaho: The Modern Hotel (Boise): A boutique hotel with a focus on art and design, The Modern offers a stylish and budget-friendly option in Boise's vibrant downtown.check it here   Illinois: Hotel Lincoln, a Joie de Vivre Hotel (Chicago): Overlooking Lincoln Park and Lake Michigan, this hotel offers stunning views and a convenient location for exploring the city.check it here   Indiana: Ironworks Hotel Indy (Indianapolis): A unique industrial-chic hotel with comfortable rooms and a lively atmosphere.check it here   Iowa: Hotel Julien Dubuque (Dubuque): A historic hotel with elegant rooms and a central location in Dubuque's downtown.check it here   Kansas: The Ambassador Hotel Wichita, Autograph Collection (Wichita): A stylish hotel with a rooftop restaurant and bar, offering stunning city views.check it here   Kentucky: 21c Museum Hotel Lexington (Lexington): Another trendy chain with very good offerings.check it here   Louisiana: Hotel Provincial (New Orleans): Housed in a collection of historic Creole cottages, Hotel Provincial offers a charming and affordable stay in the French Quarter.check it here   Maine: The Press Hotel (Portland): A boutique hotel housed in the former Portland Press Herald building, offering stylish rooms and a creative atmosphere.check it here   Maryland: The Sagamore Pendry Baltimore (Baltimore): Is located in the historic Recreation Pier building in Baltimore's Fells Point, and offers a glimpse into the pier's rich history and stunning waterfront views.check it here   Massachusetts: The Lenox Hotel (Boston): Located in Back Bay, is a high-end hotel offering quality service.check it here   Michigan: The Detroit Foundation Hotel (Detroit): A renovated fire station with stylish rooms and a lively restaurant and bar.check it here   Minnesota: The Hewing Hotel (Minneapolis): A trendy hotel with a rustic-chic design, located in Minneapolis' Warehouse District.check it here   Mississippi: The Alluvian (Greenwood): A stylish and modern hotel in the heart of the Delta, offering a comfortable and convenient base for exploring the region.check it here   Missouri: Hotel Saint Louis, Autograph Collection (St. Louis): A historic hotel with a grand lobby and comfortable rooms, located in downtown St. Louis.check it here   Montana: The Lark (Bozeman): A stylish and modern motel with comfortable rooms and a convenient location for exploring Bozeman and the surrounding area.check it here   Nebraska: The Farnam, Autograph Collection (Omaha): This accommodation offers travelers with a unique stay and experience.check it here   Nevada: The Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas): Offers a classic Las Vegas experience without the Strip prices. Look for deals and discounts for the best value.check it here   New Hampshire: The Centennial Hotel (Concord): Boasts an amazing location.check it here   New Jersey: The Asbury Hotel (Asbury Park): A hip and modern hotel with a rooftop deck and bar, offering stunning ocean views.check it here   New Mexico: La Fonda on the Plaza (Santa Fe): A historic hotel with charming rooms and a central location on the Santa Fe Plaza.check it here   New York: The Jane Hotel (New York City): This charming boutique hotel offers cozy, ship-cabin-style rooms with a unique, affordable experience in a prime West Village location.check it here   North Carolina: 21c Museum Hotel Durham (Durham): A contemporary art museum and hotel in one, 21c Durham offers a unique and budget-friendly experience in a vibrant city.check it here   North Dakota: Hotel Donaldson (Fargo): A historic hotel with stylish rooms and a lively atmosphere, located in downtown Fargo.check it here   Ohio: The Lytle Park Hotel, Autograph Collection (Cincinnati): In the heart of downtown.check it here   Oklahoma: The Skirvin Hilton Oklahoma City (Oklahoma City): A historic hotel with a grand lobby and comfortable rooms, located in downtown Oklahoma City.check it here   Oregon: Hotel Eastlund (Portland): Stylish and modern, with great access to downtown.check it here   Pennsylvania: The Logan Philadelphia, Curio Collection by Hilton (Philadelphia): Located in the Museum District.check it here   Rhode Island: The Beatrice (Providence): Offers luxury rooms and service.check it here   South Carolina: Hotel Emeline (Charleston): Close proximity to amazing attractions.check it here   South Dakota: Hotel Alex Johnson Rapid City, Curio Collection by Hilton (Rapid City): A historic property with a great location.check it here   Tennessee: The Edwin Hotel (Chattanooga): Located in Downtown, with great views from restaurant.check it here   Texas: Hotel Emma (San Antonio): A beautifully restored Pearl Brewery offers a unique and luxurious experience, and you might find reasonable rates with advance booking.check it here   Utah: The Grand America Hotel (Salt Lake City): Offers a luxurious experience to travelers.check it here   Vermont: Hotel Vermont (Burlington): Local feel with comfortable rooms and amenities.check it here   Virginia: The Cavalier Virginia Beach, Autograph Collection (Virginia Beach): Known for its rich history, this hotel is one of the most luxurious of its kind.check it here   Washington: The Maxwell Hotel (Seattle): Quirky and colorful, The Maxwell offers a fun and affordable stay in the heart of Seattle's downtown.check it here   West Virginia: The Blennerhassett Hotel (Parkersburg): Offers a taste of luxury in unique rooms.check it here   Wisconsin: The Pfister Hotel (Milwaukee): A landmark known for its Victorian architecture and art collection, this hotel offers historic charm and comfortable rooms with great potential for value.check it here   Wyoming: The Wort Hotel (Jackson): Offers a luxurious and historic experience.check it here   Tips for Snagging the Best Deals:   Travel During the Off-Season: Prices often drop significantly during shoulder seasons (spring and fall) or in destinations with harsh weather conditions.   Book in Advance (or Last Minute): Sometimes, booking well ahead of time can secure early bird discounts. Conversely, last-minute deals can pop up when hotels try to fill empty rooms.   Consider Weekday Stays: Weekend rates are typically higher. If your schedule is flexible, consider traveling mid-week.   Look for Package Deals: Websites often offer discounts on hotel and flight combinations.   Sign Up for Loyalty Programs: Hotel loyalty programs can unlock exclusive discounts and perks.   Read Reviews: Don't just look at the price. Read reviews to ensure the hotel meets your standards for cleanliness, comfort, and safety.   By doing your research and being flexible with your travel dates, you can discover incredible budget-friendly hotels across the 50 states and experience the best of America without breaking the bank. Happy travels.Check more here Read the full article
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a2zbeds · 10 days ago
Grab the Best Deals on Ambassador Bed Sale – Ottoman Storage Beds
A bedroom is more than just a place to sleep; it’s a sanctuary, a personal retreat where comfort and style blend seamlessly. If you’re looking to elevate your space with a touch of royalty, the Luxury Princess Bed and Ambassador Bed King Size are the perfect choices. These beds don’t just redefine your sleeping experience—they completely transform the ambiance of your room into one fit for a queen or king.
Why Choose a Luxury Princess Bed?
A Luxury Princess Bed brings an undeniable sense of grandeur to any bedroom. Its elegant design, high-quality craftsmanship, and regal aesthetic create a statement of sophistication. These beds are often adorned with intricate carvings, plush upholstery, and luxurious materials like velvet or silk, which give them their signature opulent look.
Not only are these beds visually stunning, but they also prioritize comfort. Their plush headboards, sturdy frames, and spacious designs ensure a restful night’s sleep while making you feel like royalty. For anyone looking to merge luxury with functionality, a Luxury Princess Bed is the ideal investment.
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The Ambassador Bed King Size: The Epitome of Grandeur
For those who desire both space and elegance, the Ambassador Bed King Size is a top contender. As the name suggests, this bed exudes authority and sophistication, making it the centerpiece of any bedroom. Its oversized frame provides ample room for comfort, while its design adds a luxurious vibe to your space.
The Ambassador Bed King Size is crafted with attention to detail, featuring high-end finishes and premium materials. From finely carved wooden accents to sumptuous padded headboards, every element of this bed reflects quality and refinement. The king-size dimensions also ensure you have enough room to stretch out and relax, whether you’re sleeping or enjoying a lazy Sunday morning in bed.
Key Features of the Luxury Princess Bed and Ambassador Bed King Size
Unmatched EleganceBoth the Luxury Princess Bed and Ambassador Bed King Size are designed to make a statement. Their timeless aesthetics elevate any bedroom, creating an environment that feels both luxurious and inviting.
Premium MaterialsThese beds are made using the finest materials, such as solid wood, high-density foam, and premium fabrics. This not only enhances their appearance but also ensures durability and long-term comfort.
Spacious DesignsThe Ambassador Bed King Size offers a spacious sleeping area, ideal for couples or anyone who enjoys extra room. The Luxury Princess Bed also comes in generous dimensions, allowing for a comfortable and relaxing experience.
Comfort Meets FunctionalityWhile these beds are visually stunning, they are also designed with comfort in mind. Padded headboards provide a cozy backrest for reading or watching TV, while the sturdy frames ensure a stable and secure sleeping environment.
Customizable OptionsMany luxury beds, including the Luxury Princess Bed and Ambassador Bed King Size, offer customization options. Choose from various fabrics, finishes, and designs to create a bed that perfectly complements your personal style.
Styling Tips for Your Luxury Bed
A luxurious bed deserves a room that matches its grandeur. Here are some tips to create a cohesive and elegant bedroom design:
Choose Complementary Colors: Opt for soft, neutral tones like beige, cream, or pastel shades to highlight the elegance of your bed. Alternatively, deep jewel tones like emerald green or royal blue can create a dramatic and regal atmosphere.
Invest in High-Quality Bedding: A Luxury Princess Bed or Ambassador Bed King Size deserves premium bedding. Choose high-thread-count sheets, plush duvets, and decorative pillows to enhance the comfort and aesthetic appeal.
Add Statement Lighting: Chandeliers or ornate table lamps can enhance the luxurious vibe of your bedroom. Choose fixtures that complement the design of your bed for a cohesive look.
Incorporate Decorative Accents: Mirrors with intricate frames, vintage-inspired rugs, and elegant artwork can further elevate the style of your room.
Don’t Forget the Nightstands: Choose nightstands that match the design of your bed, adding functionality and style to your space.
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Benefits of Investing in a Luxury Bed
While a luxury bed like the Luxury Princess Bed or Ambassador Bed King Size may come with a higher price tag, the benefits far outweigh the cost. Here’s why investing in one is worth it:
Enhanced Comfort: High-quality mattresses and sturdy frames ensure optimal support, promoting better sleep and overall well-being.
Long-Term Durability: Made from premium materials, these beds are built to last, making them a wise investment.
Improved Aesthetics: A luxury bed transforms your bedroom into a stylish retreat, boosting your home’s overall appeal.
Increased Value: Should you decide to sell your home, a well-furnished bedroom with a luxurious bed can increase its market value.
Where to Find the Perfect Luxury Princess Bed or Ambassador Bed King Size
When shopping for a Luxury Princess Bed or Ambassador Bed King Size, it’s essential to choose a reputable retailer known for quality and craftsmanship. Look for brands that offer detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, and customization options. Additionally, ensure the bed comes with a warranty for added peace of mind.
Transforming your bedroom into a luxurious retreat is easier than you think with the Luxury Princess Bed and Ambassador Bed King Size. These beds combine elegance, comfort, and durability, making them the perfect addition to any home. Whether you’re looking to indulge yourself or impress your guests, investing in one of these stunning pieces will undoubtedly elevate your living space.
So why wait? Bring home the Luxury Princess Bed or Ambassador Bed King Size today and experience the ultimate blend of style and comfort. With these beds, every night feels like a royal experience!
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kreuzfahrttester · 1 year ago
Ambience hängt in Bremerhaven fest - Reisen gestrichen
Ambassador Ambience Werft … „Ambience“: Weihnachten und Silvester Erneut in der Lloyd Werft – Ambassador Cruise Line Kämpft mit Reparaturverzögerungen Bremerhaven, 8. Dezember 2023 – Unvorhergesehene Probleme für die Ambassador Cruise Line und ihre Gäste, Nun muss das 1.400-Betten-Schiff „Ambience“ erneut die festlichen Tage auf der Lloyd Werft in Bremerhaven verbringen. Das berichtet auch die…
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banusmassag · 23 days ago
Unlock Your Dream Career: Hiring Massage Therapists in Puerto Banus with Banus Massage
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Are you ready to step into a world of luxury, relaxation, and endless opportunities? Banus Massage, the premier wellness destination in the heart of Puerto Banus, is on the hunt for talented, passionate, and skilled massage therapists to join our elite team. If you’ve ever dreamed of working in a paradise where the sun kisses the Mediterranean Sea and the elite come to unwind, this is your moment. We’re Hiring Massage Therapists in Puerto Banus, and we want YOU to be part of our extraordinary journey.
But wait—this isn’t just any job opportunity. This is your golden ticket to a career that blends passion, purpose, and prestige. Keep reading to discover why Banus Massage is the ultimate place to grow, thrive, and shine.
Why Banus Massage? Because You Deserve the Best!
At Banus Massage, we don’t just offer jobs—we offer life-changing experiences. Imagine working in a luxurious spa environment where every detail is designed to inspire and delight. From the soothing ambiance to the high-end clientele, you’ll be surrounded by excellence every single day.
Here’s what makes us stand out:
World-Class Clientele: Rub shoulders with celebrities, influencers, and discerning guests who appreciate the art of massage.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our spa is a haven of tranquility, equipped with the latest technology and premium products.
Unmatched Training: We invest in your growth with continuous training and workshops to keep you at the top of your game.
Competitive Rewards: Enjoy attractive salaries, bonuses, and perks that reflect your talent and dedication.
If you’re ready to elevate your career to new heights, Banus Massage is the place to be.
The Perks of Being a Banus Massage Therapist
When you join our team, you’re not just signing up for a job—you’re stepping into a lifestyle. Here’s what you can look forward to:
1. Work in Paradise Puerto Banus is more than a location; it’s a lifestyle. With its stunning marina, upscale boutiques, and vibrant nightlife, this is the playground of the rich and famous. As part of our team, you’ll get to experience the magic of this iconic destination every day.
2. Be Part of a Prestigious Brand Banus Massage is synonymous with luxury and excellence. When you work with us, you’re not just a therapist—you’re an ambassador of a brand that’s revered by clients worldwide.
3. Flexible Schedules We understand the importance of work-life balance. That’s why we offer flexible schedules that allow you to enjoy the best of both worlds.
4. Endless Growth Opportunities Whether you’re looking to specialize in a particular technique or climb the career ladder, we provide the tools and support to help you achieve your goals.
Why We’re Hiring Massage Therapists in Puerto Banus Right Now
The demand for our services is skyrocketing, and we need exceptional talent like YOU to meet it. Our clients come to us seeking the ultimate relaxation experience, and we’re committed to delivering nothing less than perfection.
But here’s the catch: opportunities like this don’t come around often. We’re looking for a select few to join our team, and the competition is fierce. If you’re passionate about massage therapy and ready to take your career to the next level, don’t wait—apply now!
What We’re Looking For in Our Ideal Candidate
We’re searching for massage therapists who are as passionate about their craft as we are about our brand. Here’s what we value most:
Skill and Expertise: A deep understanding of various massage techniques and a commitment to delivering exceptional results.
Professionalism: A polished demeanor and the ability to connect with high-end clients.
Passion: A genuine love for wellness and a desire to make a difference in people’s lives.
Team Spirit: A collaborative mindset and a positive attitude.
If this sounds like you, we want to hear from you!
Join Banus Massage and Transform Lives—Including Your Own
At Banus Massage, we believe that massage therapy is more than just a service—it’s an art, a science, and a way to transform lives. When you join our team, you’ll have the chance to make a real difference in the lives of our clients while building a career you’re truly proud of.
So, what are you waiting for? The sun is shining, the sea is calling, and your dream career is just one application away. Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Apply today and become part of the Banus Massage family.
For more details, you can visit us:
Professional Massage Therapy Jobs Marbella Experienced Masseuse Jobs in Puerto Banus Massage Center Careers Marbella
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profile-234 · 24 days ago
How Custom Commercial Lighting Can Elevate Your Brand Image
When you think about elevating your brand image, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For many businesses, it’s about setting the right tone and atmosphere that resonates with customers and clients. One powerful yet often overlooked way to do this is through custom commercial lighting. In fact, the right lighting can significantly impact how people perceive your business and can even influence their behavior in a positive way. Let’s dive into how custom commercial lighting can elevate your brand image and why Frederick Trimlight in Fulton, MD, is a standout choice for businesses seeking lighting solutions that make a statement.
Lighting as the Silent Brand Ambassador
You may not realize it, but your commercial lighting acts as a silent ambassador for your brand. Whether you run a cozy café, a modern office, a retail store, or a hospitality venue, lighting speaks volumes. Custom lighting allows you to define your business environment, convey your brand’s personality, and create a memorable customer experience.
For instance, think of a fine dining restaurant with warm, soft lighting that creates an intimate and relaxed atmosphere. In contrast, a tech startup might opt for sleek, high-tech lighting that showcases innovation and modernity. The point is, lighting isn’t just about illumination—it's a tool to enhance your branding efforts. It can set the mood, reinforce your brand message, and help your business stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Personalizing Your Space with Custom Solutions
One of the main advantages of custom commercial lighting is its ability to be tailored to the specific needs of your space and brand. Unlike generic off-the-shelf lighting options, custom lighting can be designed to fit the unique architecture of your building, highlight key areas, and add an extra layer of sophistication to your commercial space.
Imagine creating a lighting design that draws attention to your store’s best products or services, or one that enhances your business’s exterior, making it visible and inviting even from a distance. Custom lighting can accentuate signage, architectural features, or even provide color schemes that match your brand's identity. This degree of personalization is what sets your business apart, making it more memorable to clients and customers.
Boosting Customer Experience and Engagement
When customers feel comfortable and engaged in your space, they are more likely to stay longer, interact more, and ultimately make a purchase or return in the future. The right lighting can increase customer comfort, drawing them in while subtly guiding them through your space. This is particularly important for businesses in retail, hospitality, and office settings.
For example, well-lit pathways and spaces can make your business feel safe and welcoming, especially if you’re open late or in high-traffic areas. Adjustable lighting in workspaces can help create a more productive environment, ensuring employees and clients alike feel energized and focused.
Moreover, lighting that changes with the time of day or season can keep your space fresh and dynamic, making it more appealing to repeat visitors. From creating a dramatic entrance to setting a calming mood for after-hours meetings, custom lighting can keep things exciting and in tune with your brand.
Energy Efficiency: Saving Money While Elevating Your Brand
Another key benefit of custom commercial lighting is the potential for energy savings. With energy-efficient lighting solutions, businesses can significantly reduce electricity bills, all while achieving the perfect ambiance. This is especially beneficial for businesses that operate long hours, like retail stores, restaurants, or gyms.
By choosing energy-efficient LED lights or other sustainable lighting solutions, you’re not just making a positive impact on your bottom line—you’re also aligning your brand with eco-conscious values. This speaks to consumers who are more environmentally aware and appreciate businesses that prioritize sustainability. It’s a win-win situation!
Why Choose Frederick Trimlight for Your Commercial Lighting Needs?
If you’re in the Fulton, MD, area and looking for custom commercial services, Frederick Trimlight is an excellent choice. With their expertise and high-quality products, they can help you design a lighting plan that reflects your brand's identity while keeping your energy consumption in check. Whether you’re outfitting a new location or upgrading your current space, their team is ready to work with you every step of the way to create a lighting solution that elevates your business.
From designing outdoor lighting that draws in passersby to crafting a lighting scheme that enhances the ambiance of your interior, Frederick Trimlight offers comprehensive commercial lighting services that make your business shine—literally and figuratively. With their commitment to high standards and customer satisfaction, they’re the go-to source for commercial lighting that truly transforms your brand.
Final Thoughts
Custom commercial lighting is more than just a practical necessity; it’s an investment in your brand’s image and customer experience. With the right lighting, your business can stand out, create a lasting impression, and foster an inviting environment that keeps customers coming back. So, if you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, look no further than Frederick Trimlight in Fulton, MD. Their exceptional lighting solutions will brighten not just your space, but your entire brand image.
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digitalmore · 24 days ago
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blogjhb180 · 1 month ago
How to Experience Marine Life at The Lost Chambers Aquarium
Nestled within the iconic Atlantis, The Palm, The Lost Chambers Aquarium offers a mesmerizing escape into an underwater world teeming with vibrant marine life. Inspired by the mythical lost city of Atlantis, its architecture and exhibits create an otherworldly ambiance that captivates visitors of all ages.
Interactive exhibits and hands-on experiences One of the most enchanting features of the aquarium is its interactive exhibits. Imagine gently touching a starfish or learning about exotic marine creatures from enthusiastic guides. With over 65,000 marine animals housed in crystal-clear waters, every corner offers a new discovery.
Guided tours and their hidden storytelling elements Opting for a guided tour unlocks layers of storytelling intertwined with Atlantis mythology. Knowledgeable guides weave tales of ancient ruins while introducing the fascinating behaviors of manta rays, sharks, and tropical fish.
The thrill of snorkeling and diving in the Ambassador Lagoon For adrenaline seekers, snorkeling and diving adventures in the Ambassador Lagoon bring you face-to-face with majestic marine creatures. Floating alongside these gentle giants provides a once-in-a-lifetime perspective on aquatic life.
Behind-the-scenes tours for marine life enthusiasts Behind-the-scenes tours reveal the aquarium’s dedication to marine conservation. From feeding sessions to learning about animal care, these tours are an educational treasure.
A visit to The Lost Chambers Aquarium is more than just a day out; it’s an unforgettable journey beneath the waves.
To know more, visit The Ultimate Visitor’s Guide to The Lost Chambers Aquarium.
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gowtham-gowtham · 1 month ago
NYC E-commerce Product Photography, Real Estate Videography, Corporate Event Photography
In today’s digital age, high-quality visual content is essential for businesses looking to make a lasting impression. Whether you’re showcasing products, properties, or corporate events, professional photography and videography can significantly enhance your brand’s image and engagement. Let’s explore how these services can elevate your business in the vibrant city of New York.
NYC E-commerce Product Photography
When it comes to e-commerce, the product is your ambassador. High-quality product photography is vital for online sales, as it allows potential customers to see the details and craftsmanship of your offerings. David Dupuy Studios specializes in NYC e-commerce product photography, capturing images that not only highlight the product’s features but also evoke an emotional connection with the viewer.
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Utilizing a combination of studio lighting, expert composition, and meticulous attention to detail, the studio ensures that every product shines. Whether it’s clothing, jewelry, or gadgets, the photography services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your brand, resulting in visually stunning images that drive conversions.
Real Estate Videography
In the competitive NYC real estate market, showcasing properties effectively is crucial. Real estate videography provides a dynamic way to present listings, allowing potential buyers to experience a property before stepping foot inside. David Dupuy Studios offers exceptional videography services that highlight the unique features and ambiance of each space.
With a keen eye for detail and a storytelling approach, the studio creates immersive videos that capture the essence of each property. From luxurious apartments to charming townhouses, high-quality video content can differentiate your listings in a crowded marketplace, attracting more potential buyers and closing sales faster.
Corporate Event Photography
Corporate events are opportunities to showcase your company’s culture and achievements. Professional photography of these events can serve as valuable marketing collateral and help create a positive image for your brand. David Dupuy Studios excels in corporate event photography, capturing candid moments, keynote speakers, and networking interactions that tell the story of your event.
Whether it’s a conference, gala, or team-building event, the studio’s experienced photographers understand how to blend into the environment to capture authentic moments without disrupting the flow of the event. The result is a stunning collection of images that can be used for internal communication, social media, and promotional materials.
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Investing in professional photography and videography is essential for any business looking to thrive in NYC's fast-paced environment. Whether you’re an e-commerce retailer, a real estate agent, or a corporate entity, partnering with a dedicated studio like David Dupuy Studios can make a world of difference. High-quality visuals not only enhance your brand's credibility but also foster deeper connections with your audience.
To learn more about how David Dupuy Studios can help elevate your visual content, visit their services:
E-commerce Product Photography
Real Estate Videography
Corporate Event Photography
Corporate Videography
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