#Amanda Stern
kishavo · 3 months
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DBH as text posts #9: Elijah Kamski & Amanda Stern
HD/modded screengrab creds: ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿
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bluhjeans · 19 days
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Rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends
hope u guys like this piece it was fun to draw, i heart amanda ♡
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julientel · 1 year
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Week 4: Fake & Real
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I think this would be symbolic somehow
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Amanda as the hostess
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conversations that almost certainly happened
CyberLife guy 1: so we have an enormous amount of problems caused by the fact that we are building killer robots
CyberLife guy 2: Yes.
CyberLife guy 1: and the only solution we can think of is building a killer robot
CyberLife guy 2: Mhm.
CyberLife guy 1: Which is fully noncompliant with the AAA, and can shoot a gun and kill humans without deviating.
CyberLife guy 2: This all makes sense so far, yeah.
CyberLife guy 1: ok so how do are we keeping the solution robot from becoming another problem robot and also from murdering us.
CyberLife guy 2: Oh, easy, the robot has a mom.
CyberLife guy 1: What? Okay, like a, like someone its programmed to obey and report to?
CyberLife guy 2: Oh no, it can totally lie to her and decide whether or not her orders are important for itself
CyberLife guy 1: Okay, so in what way is this controlling the RK?
CyberLife guy 2: Well thats his mom and he loves her and doesn't want to disappoint her, so he's constantly walking on eggshells and trying to guess what she wants, because if she gets angry at him she can kill him, but he also keeps coming back because she keeps telling him he's the specialest boy.
CyberLife guy 1: How can he love her? Also, how can she be disappointed? You are describing a failsafe that relies almost entirely on our ability to induce a weird abuse dynamic on machines that do not feel anger, fear, or self-esteem, or ego.
CyberLife guy 2: Oh, you're new here, I forgot. The androids are people. We sell people. It's trafficking.
CyberLife guy 1: ...
CyberLife guy 2: Yeah, no, we've known this for years. Kamski knows, we definitely know. We just don't care.
CyberLife guy 1: ...
CyberLife guy 2: A trillion dollars.
CyberLife guy 1: No way. We cannot do this. I'm out. I'm whistleblowing on the whole industry, I'm going to the news.
CyberLife guy 2: that is such a shame honestly. I'm going to miss you in Zoom meetings, you were always such a cut-up. [into a radio] Amanda? Yeah, another one. Yeah, I know, third one this month. Ninth floor.
CyberLife guy 1: What? Why are you talking to her? I've never heard of anybody going to the press except to tell them that deviants are a malfunction. What happened to the other two??
CyberLife guy 2: Don't worry about it.
Elevator dings open.
Connor, in the elevator, already calmly loading a gun: Hello. Going down?
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shadowgale96 · 1 year
Imagining Amanda doing the longest sigh ever after RK200 deviated and started a revolution, RK800 deviated and is getting an army for RK200, RK800_60 just fails or fails because he gets too cocky, then RK900 is deviated and decides to date the office jackass.
Bitch, stop sending RKs
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task800 · 6 months
amanda’s character in-game is limited to being an extension of cyberlife’s control over connor, and she’s never given much of a role beyond that. she’s a personification of cyberlife’s desperate attempt to corral him, and the game writing shits the bed after that point despite the storytelling potential of having two AIs in constant contact with one another, one of which was based off of the image of kamski’s mentor. like - who was the real amanda?? did the original believe in the possibility of a digital conscience? on the capacity for a system of programs to suffer or experience joy? what were the ethics and beliefs of the original amanda, and how did they influence kamski? how is the AI in the garden similar to the human amanda? how is she different? and - can the amanda AI herself deviate?
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 8 days
DBH Children Headcanons
Just like to preface this by saying that I love making fan-children for my favourite ships so I don’t care about “oh they wouldn’t have kids” or “this doesn’t make sense”. This is for my own amusement so just letting you know before you go on.
Also, I can't draw for shit but if people like my dbh children and want to see more, I will make them on the Sims or online (dress up games) and post them here. Let me know if that's something that would be of interest. I'll also answer asks about them and whatever if anyone is interested
Taglist for those who said that they were interested in my headcanons: @sundownridge @kristopher-1105 @dbhstruggleposting @glass-noodle @fearlessjones @heiko-goes-detroit
Connor + Hank
Name: Nicole (named after Cole)
Birthday: May 21st (gemini)
Appearance: She has Hank’s eyes and Connor’s hair. Her hair is fluffy/curly (like Bryan’s hair) and its shoulder length, tied into a ponytail (she also has a fluffy/curly fringe similar to Connor’s)
Other features: She has Connor’s freckles (not exact but similar) and wears glasses (inspired by the popular headcanon that human Connor wears them)
Info/Background: So, my headcanon for their child is that Connor is the one who asks Hank if they can have a child. Connor has been seeing other androids having their own families and he wants one as well. He would never pressure Hank into this but Hank agrees of his own volition and even though he’s older now, a part of him wants to try again. They have a baby via science (it’s the future, doesn’t need to make sense, haha) Because it is through science, they’re able to give her Connor’s hair and freckles but her facial features (skin, shape of eyes, nose etc) come from Hank’s dna.
Personality: - Ok so, for their daughter, I headcanon her to be someone who is adventurous and loves to have fun. She loves being outdoors, being active and anything athletic, like sports and dancing - She loves the heat and hates the cold (this is a nod to how cole died) - Even though her name is Nicole, she prefers the name Nicky (Hank called her that in the beginning because he couldn't bear to say "cole" yet and it just stuck) - She knows different forms of self-defence, mainly due to Connor's influence and she loves it. She can pull of moves that even has Connor going "damn" - She smiles a lot, like a lot a lot. Very rarely will you ever see her not smiling and laughing
Favourites: - Colour: Pink/blues - Symbol: Heart
Name: Riley (named after Markus’ removed romantic interest, Riley)
Birthday: November 9th (scorpio)
Appearance: Similar to her game counterpart, except her braid goes down her back instead of to the side (to distinguish her from north but in my head, she wears her hair like north's because she admires her so much) and she has grey eyes (this is a nod to her eyes being blurred out in her images)
Info/Background: Riley is left at New Jericho’s doorstep. Jericrew know that they should hand her over to humans but despite the positive aftermath of the revolution, they are still distrustful of humans. By time they decide what to do, they have already fallen for her. After caring for her for a while, Markus is inspired to fight for androids rights to adopt human children. Of course, humans are not pleased about this and there is a huge argument and debate around it but eventually it is legalised and she becomes part of their family.
Personality: So, even though her personality isn't touched upon at all, I've come up with some traits from the information and pics shown in Riley's wiki - Becomes an artist (inspired by Markus) - Good listener and advisor - Self-confident and assured - Into the boho style - Loves plants and flowers - Well-educated (this part comes from Josh, who would have taught her a lot)
Favourites: - Colour: Jade - Symbol: Chevron
Markus + Simon
Name: Milo
Birthday: July 8th (cancer)
Appearance: He is African American with short brown Afro-textured hair, shaved at the sides and light brown eyes
Info/Background: Milo is adopted by Markus and Simon after Riley grows up a bit. I imagine that because Simon is a domestic droid, he loves kids and once Riley becomes older, he aches for having a little one around the house again.
Personality: - Him being into fashion and dressing cool (since people love how Markus and Simon dress) is always something that I've liked - Combination of Markus and Simon's traits (determined, loyal, soft etc etc)
Favourites: - Colour: Dark pink
Leo + KL900
Name: Scarlett (named after Carl)
Birthday: August 15th (leo)
Appearance: So, because she was created through science, she looks like Leo and a KL900 combined. She has black braided hair which is tied up into a high bun and she has Leo’s eyes.
Info/Personality: So, a little backstory on this crack-ship. Because KL900’s are created for social care, I headcanon that they have them in rehab centres. While at rehab, Leo meets a KL900 (which I have dubbed Kelly) and they fall for each other. Their daughter is born after Carl dies (of age) and Leo names her after him.
Personality: - Wants to become an actress - Has Leo's jealousy issues - Is confident in her abilities which makes her come off as a bit vain
Favourites: - Colour: Cyan - Symbol: Teardrop
Chris Miller
Name: Damian
Birthday: August 9th (leo)
Appearance: Ok this is just me but I headcanon that he dyes his hair part blonde during his teen years. I’m probably the only person whose given any thought about Damian’s appearance but ever since it entered by head, it won’t leave
Personality: - Ok, so because Chris' concept name was Chad, I headcanon Damian to be the definition of the slang meaning of a "chad" (but without all the assholishness that comes with it)
Favourites: - Colour: Beige
Name: Sarah
Birthday: June 30th (cancer)
Appearance: Chris’ hair/eye colour and Afro-textured hair that falls down to her shoulders
Info/Background: Not much to say except that I headcanon that he would have another child somewhere down the line
Personality: - She has a very "airy" personality. Like air, she's light, bouncy, free and just chill to get along with. She's gentle, caring, respectful and kind - Cries easily
Favourites: - Colour: Violet - Symbol: Butterfly
Gavin + Nines
Name: Curtis (named after Gavin’s concept name. Also Curtis means “polite/courteous and given Gavin’s personality, I think that is hilarious 😂)
Birthday: September 22nd (libra)
Appearance: He has Gavin’s eyes and Nines’ hair colour. His hair is a combination of Bryan’s curly hair and Gavin’s hair from the reed900 movies (I haven’t watched them but I’ve seen a lot of fan-art with Gavin’s hair drawn like his and it seems appropriate to give his son that hairstyle) Because it is through science, they’re able to give him Nines’ hair and freckles but his facial features (skin, shape of eyes, nose etc) come from Gavin’s dna.
Other features: He has Nines’ freckles (not exact but similar)
Info/Background: I headcanon that after Nicole is born, Nines and Gavin both get baby fever and want a child as well. Science baby, of course.
Personality: - So, I know that this isn't original but I like the idea of Gavin's kid being the opposite of him. Curtis is polite, courteous, well-behaved, never swears, humble, friendly, sociable, charming, funny, everyone who meets him just thinks he's so nice etc etc - But in saying that, there a few traits he gets from Gavin. He is ambitious and an over-achiever. He's not bookish per-say but wants to do his best at anything he tries - I know I said he never swears but that's more in general. He will swear if he's mad or if he hurts himself by accident (stubbing his toe etc) - Also, his first word was "phck" much to shock of both Nines and Gavin, the latter swearing black and blue that he never said it in front of him (he did)
Favourites: - Colour: Green
Tina + ST300
Name: Katie
Birthday: October 19th (libra)
Appearance: She has Tina’s eyes and Staci’s (my name for the st300) hair that is shoulder length and tied into two low pigtails
Other features: She has freckles like Staci
Info/Background: A couple years after Gavin and Nines have their child, Tina and Staci decide to have one through science as well. Because it is through science, they’re able to give her Staci’s hair and freckles but her facial features (skin, shape of eyes, nose etc) come from Tina’s dna.
Personality: - I headcanon that she has fanon Tina's personality. If you've ever read most reed900 fics, you'll know that Tina has been given the traits of "party-animal, doesn't take shit, loves to tease, always the optimism to Gavin's cynicism, always has her friend's backs etc" - Since we don't know much about canon Tina, I gave her fanon traits to Katie
Favourites: - Colour: Olive green - Symbol: Flower
Elijah + Chloe
Name: Adam (a nod to the first man on earth because Adam is the first human born from an android)
Birthday: February 3rd (aquarius)
Appearance: He has Eli’s hair colour (his original brown, not his dyed hair) and eye colour. His hair is half-shaven and swept to one side
Info/Background: I headcanon that Eli has been experimenting and he alters Chloe so that she is able to give birth to children. Eli tells no one until Chloe is pregnant. The world is informed and watches to see if it works. It does and even though only one was predicted to be born, they have twins. Because this is the first baby born through an android, only Kamski's dna is able to be used so he has his eyes, hair, facial features etc Personality: - Genius (like his father) - Relaxed and nonchalant. Not a serious person - Enjoys the spotlight and fame of not only being a Kamski but also being the first human born from an android - Frivolous with money - Social butterfly, loves being around people and going to parties - Loves being in public - Always in the media for somethingFavourites: - Colour: Blue
Name: Ava (a nod to Eve but the e’s are changed to a’s to be alliterate with Adam’s name)
Birthday: February 3rd (aquarius)
Appearance: She has Eli’s hair colour (his original brown, not his dyed hair) and eye colour. Her hair is long and styled into a high ponytail
Info/Background: Same as Adam’s
Personality: - Genius (like her father) - Business savvy and ambitious (I haven't picked a career for her yet but she becomes highly successful like Eli) - Workaholic - Stubborn - Studious - Unlike her twin, she is smart with money - Is wary of befriending people because of her fame and status - Prefers to keep her personal business private - Not a big fan of the media
Favourites: - Colour: Red - Symbol: Diamond
Name: Noah
Birthday: March 8th (pisces)
Appearance: He has Chloe’s hair and Eli’s eyes. He has long hair that falls to his shoulders
Info/Background: Ok, so originally he wasn’t supposed to exist but after coming up with his personality and why he exists, I couldn’t resist. So, the reason why he was born is because Chloe wanted a child that looked like her. Because she was the first android to have a child, only Eli’s dna was used so Adam and Ava only have Kamski dna. Noah is more mixed.
Other features: Wears glasses
Personality: - Genius (he is the smartest of the three children) - So personally, I don't believe that Eli is evil but I know that it's a popular interpretation in the fandom so I went with it for his son - He is sociopathic and sadistic. He is reclusive, hates humanity and only respects his mother and other androids - He hates his father (because eli didn't want another child but only did it because chloe wanted it so while noah and chloe are extremely close, he isn't close with his father at all) - Because he is the third Kamski child, he isn't paid as much attention to as the other two by the public because he doesn't go out or isn't venturing into the business scene so this has left him bitter and jealous of his siblings - Wants to lead another android revolution and believes that androids should be ruling the world, not humans - Is loyal, obedient and very nurturing towards Chloe - To me, if I was a fic writer, Noah is someone who would be the big bad so his fate is that he would either end up dying or going to jail
Favourites: - Colour: Purple
So, I made this next character purely for the purpose of shipping her with another one of my character's, Nicole but I lover her so much now that even if I changed my mind, she's staying
Name: Samantha Stern
Birthday: October 28th (scorpio)
Appearance: She has human Amanda's facial features, hair and eye colour. Her hair is straight and long
Other features: She wears glasses
Info/Background: Samantha Stern is a relative of Amanda Stern (the human amanda). She lived in England until she moves to Detroit. She meets Nicole in her young adult years and she ends up being a kindergarten teacher. I'm 50/50 on this but I like her having a british accent
Personality: - She is the opposite of AI Amanda in every way - She is an open book, has a warm attitude towards everyone, open to change, can be absent minded at times, encouraging, understanding, forgiving, compassionate and gentle - She's also independent and prefers to make her own way in life - When it comes to clothing, she hates big/dangly, shiny jewelery, long sleeved clothing and loves wearing dresses, skirts and shorts
Favourites: - Colour: Yellow - Symbol: Star
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cerberusdreams · 1 year
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We’re all counting on you, Connor.
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rk1k-moved · 1 year
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Amanda Stern (2/?)
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sh-haashi · 1 year
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series of screens for subscribers (2021)
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Bonus :)
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sunsetagain · 1 year
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Happy Activation Day to Nines!
(click for better quality)
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filthyjanuary · 8 months
new invention
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I was more in shock over Amanda being an ai than Alice
I actually felt betrayed 😕
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i demand that this fandom respect that simbi kali did such an amazing job at acting amanda that it doesn't even seem like she's acting. it seems like shes amanda every day of the year and they just filmed her doing it this time.
its a marilyn monroe in "some like it hot" tier performance: that is, a performance effortless enough that you not only don't realize during it that you're watching 2 adults in stupid ping pong jumpsuits walk in circles while holding a dollar store umbrella, there are people that watch it and straight up dont even think of amanda as a character. amanda is "that person i hate that i met inside the video game." bro thats called being evocative, bro.
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