#Amanda Overton
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arcanegifs · 1 year ago
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: SEASON 1 ↳ Amanda Overton (Arcane Series Writer) x Tweets on Caitlyn and Vi
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hexhomos · 23 days ago
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LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO?!??!?!?!? #SeveranceSweep
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avelera · 3 months ago
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Holy shit, word of god from Arcane writer Amanda Overton that Jayce didn't die in the universe Ekko went to?? He got exiled??
I have to admit, this fills my heart with so much happiness. I thought my fic where I mentioned that Jayce got exiled in that universe and Viktor joined him and they're living happy, fulfilling lives somewhere else was just... total wish fulfillment as the happiest possible timeline for Jayce given that Heimerdinger couldn't find him after 3 years, but from the sound of it, that's actually incredibly plausible.
After all, if Heimerdinger was in that world for three years, and Zaun is now prosperous and has an Innovators Competition, where's Viktor? There's no way he wouldn't be there (yes he was ill, but I'm not convinced that without the rocket he would have been dead by then). So it's also plausible that Viktor still read his notes and decided to follow Jayce into exile, because in all timelines, in all possibilities...
Anyway, I just needed to yell about this for a bit, holy shit.
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syngularitysyn · 2 months ago
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The theory that Caitlyn would accept the role of commander while knowing Ambessa is manipulating the situation really didn't ring true for me, and I'm glad Amanda confirmed Caitlyn wouldn't have.
Added this in a reblog but might as well put it in the main post: Yes it's super obvious and basically a waste of a question, I'd never even considered it could be misinterpreted until I saw other people's wild theories about this scene, both on tumblr and on other apps.
The scene edit is clear in showing us a close up of Ambessa in the present day to tell us this relates to her and not Caitlyn. The attack was the catalyst for Caitlyn's strike team and use of the grey. It's also a major motivation for Caitlyn to accept Ambessa's nomination, and it hinges on her not knowing that Ambessa was behind the attack. She's not afraid to speak out as we see in later episodes, so if she had proof or even the slightest inkling she would have spoken up and confronted Ambessa/the Noxians for being the 'animals' behind the attack instead of accepting the nomination. She didn't fully trust Ambessa, but she didn't know the full extent of Ambessa's manipulation and desperation to escalate the Piltover and Zaun conflict.
What I want to add is that I initially wanted Caitlyn to figure out that Ambessa was behind the memorial attack after becoming commander. Simply because I like when Caitlyn puts on her detective hat and we see her being very hot analyzing a crime scene. Ambessa didn't leave any loose ends alive so there was no way for Caitlyn to figure it out without being told, which I was a little sad about.
But I changed my mind because what we got is so much better.
Caitlyn did the right thing and turned on Ambessa without knowing the full extent of Ambessa's manipulation. This is important because it solidifies Caitlyn as a good person who has done bad things, who looks at those decisions as the mistakes they are and then chooses to do better. She learns and grows. That would not have been the case if Caitlyn had come to learn Ambessa was behind the attack and that had been her sole reason for breaking the alliance.
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endearing-dalliance · 3 months ago
Arcane season 2 suffered from the writers deliberately not including content and working backwards.
Storytelling is not about being economical. It’s about communicating the story in the best way possible. To deliberately not include emotional conversations because “its been said” or “we can say this in a look” is just bad storytelling.
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For season 1, Fortiche was given completed scripts. Now it seems they actually made the art ideas first, THEN the writers wrote the story around the art. “How could we fit that in?” is not how a cohesive story made. Music videos with on-the-nose lyrics are not a replacement for actual scenes. Their animation work is beautiful but THEY ARE NOT WRITERS.
I would love to see the storyboards that got killed because “we don’t need this scene”.
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1bibypersecond · 4 months ago
Amanda Overton (Arcane's writer) participated in a live reaction to Episode 8 of Arcane. Here's what she said about Sky and Viktor.
Sky was Viktor's humanity
"Sky became the expression of his humanity"
Unlike Jayce, Sky saw Viktor for who he was
"Jayce never truly saw Viktor for who he was in Season 1, and that’s one of his biggest regrets. But Sky was able to see Viktor for who he truly was"
Sky wanted to work with Viktor in a future
"I think Sky’s hope was that she and Viktor would work on that (her project) together, and maybe it would blossom into something more. But he wasn’t in a place to receive it."
Amanda didn't confirm if Sky was real or not
"Sky was absorbed by the hexcore" "Is there a part of Sky manifesting in the Hexcore? Or is it just Viktor’s subconscious projecting her? We always talked about that"
The most fun part of writing Sky
"Sky was always the one giving Viktor warnings, but I loved her the most when she and Viktor were vibing over science. Seeing Viktor happy again, connecting with the anomaly, and having it echo what he used to have with Jayce at the beginning—it felt like he was channeling that relationship into Sky’s character. That was the most fun part of Sky to write."
Implied that Viktor and Jayce hired Sky (i can't remember the exact min, but ill find it)
"We are gonna bring back opportunities to Zaun"
Viktor met Sky when they were kids
"They kinda grew up together"
Viktor 'kept' Sky in the void
'The void he had Sky in'
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unknown-cold · 23 days ago
It's funny and weird at the same time how some people call Caitlyn's Evil Cop, or Bad Character, Dictator or whatever. SHE IS NOT!!
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Like let's be serious guys, we never saw her kill an innocent person, even when my friend saw the show he is not a fan of Arcane but he saw a lot of comments about it and I also urged him to watch it after all the excitement around it when I asked him about his opinion on the show and especially the character of Caitlyn he told me, he expected after all the posts and comments about her that she would go to Zaun and kill people with her gun he didn't expect that she just wears a costume that looks like a vampire and looks tough and mean, she would get this much hate. He even asked me why people don't talk or blame Ambessa isn't she the main reason behind most of the problems in this season and also Singed or even Silco and his allies?
I couldn't answer him except that people have double standards and are hypocrites because their criticism of Caitlyn's character is not because she did one bad thing but because she is from Piltover and an enforcer. I'm sure if Caitlyn was from Zaun and did worse things they would sympathize with her and love her, so their criticism is so hypocritical and has double standards. In short, their criticism of a character is not because she did bad things, but because of who she is and where she is from.
They forget that silco and his allies kills a lot of people and children, mainly people from the undercity, even kids and he was pay enforcers to kill anyone who opposed him. And in LOL have put a mini game on the clien and there you could find out that Silco use kids as lab rat to test the chem tanks.
If you're really mad at Caitlyn for her bad actions, so why do you sympathize with these criminals??
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Btw, I'm glad Caitlyn took them down. They deserved it, for what they did to the Zaun people during Silco's 7 years of rule. He kills an entire family just to control Zaun and flooding an entire city with shimmer.
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And I'm sure now someone will come and tell me that Caitlyn used the gas on all of Zaun and killed people with it. Seriously idiot where did you get this? Can you show me a picture from the show that people died because of grey, and if it's true then the characters must are talking about it, that Caitlyn uses grey to kill innocent people. So this claim is not true, we saw at the beginning of episode 3 how Caitlyn used the gas strategically and not randomly and Amanda confirmed that. So she used it to catch gangs there. Bc seriously, 5 people wouldn't go to catch hundreds of gang members that easily, and also if one of the people got hurt Ekko would have talked about it and we know that Ekko is the most loyal person to his people, so even Ekko himself didn't complain about using grey, he and Scar were talking about the gangs that were working with Silco, and they didn't care about gas, why? Because this gas didn't hurt them.
This is clear evidence. What more do you want? The writers confirmed and even in the art book, it is written that Caitlyn used it to take down the Chem-Barons goons and not to eliminate the Zaun people as some stupid claim.
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Even if it hurt them and that using it was an evil act, why didn't you say this when Jinx used it on Piltover and injured innocent people, women and children, she didn't target enforcers for example, Jinx use the Grey randomly unlike Caitlyn, but is anyone talking about this? Of course not. And worse when I saw comments saying that Jinx should blow up Piltover again and eliminate the people of Piltover. Like some people have shown their true colors, that they don't care if a character did something bad or good, all they care about is who this character is.
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And because Jinx is from Zaun and they have every right to do bad things, but Piltover doesn't even if they do good things they are still bad, what a shallow and ridiculous thinking. some Arcane fandom are probably the most stupid fandom nowadays, to them everyone from Zaun is a perfect angel who never do nothing wrong, everyone from Piltover is a monster with no feelings
The show is not black and white there is not one side is good and another side is bad, that only exists in Disney movies, go and watch it if you are this kind of boring and traditional storytelling.
Arcane proves every day that this show is not for everyone and if you want to enjoy it you have to open your mind well and be open-minded, and most importantly put politics and real life issues aside, and enjoy this fantasy world with flawed characters and good writing. (This show is not designed to solve political issues at the end of the day. It is a show based on a video game)
So there is no need to take this show seriously and insult people and spread false allegations about people who love a fictional character just to feel that you are morally superior, do not see that you look like asshole 🙂
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waterymoss · 28 days ago
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420technoblazeit · 3 months ago
this is so funny. amanda overton said uhm! they're in space forever now 😃
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srslylini · 3 months ago
this is how it currently feels like to be here lmfao
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 4 months ago
So we are finally getting pointers as to why the writing tanked after season one. According to Amanda Overton, the writing team in season one consisted of her, Alex, Christian, and many others. However, the writing team during season 2 shrunk down to just her, Christian, and Alex. She blamed this on covid.
Arcane S2 e4 Watch Party with Amanda Overton and Katy Townsend
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Given some of the concerning mischaracterizations Christian and Amanda have made about their own show, (ie. Vander's demise creating Jinx, Vi telling Powder she has to fight, Silco wanting independence to get his dead brother's respect) it doesn't surprise me that they failed to write season 2 well.
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Furthermore, according to Gamesradar, Christian says that they purposely structured episodes differently for season 2 than they did in s1 because they wanted 'to take these bets' and that while some fans say there was too much going on, a lot of fans think there was too little going on.
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arcanegifs · 1 year ago
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: SEASON 1 ↳ Amanda Overton (Arcane Series Writer) x Tweets on Arcane S1
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nathaniacolver · 3 months ago
amanda overton is the wlw writers' GOAT nobody talk to me
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(link for the article)
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she said let's give LESBIANS everything the straights have already had time and time again
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i knew the romeo & juliet teas were real
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she had all the right inspirations. tomb raider, mass effect, tlou. gosh i love her.
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THIS IS WHY CHRISTIAN AND ALEX ARE ALSO THE GOATSSSSSSSS wow i need more feminist men in my life bro.
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amanda overton, every single oldest sister lesbian in the entire WORLD owes you their very lives.
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supersapphicsimp · 2 months ago
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i dedicate this post to amanda overton and every single animator who worked on this show. thank you thank you thank you for making these two lesbians horny and slutty for each other 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 a million lesbians owe you their souls.
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thenationofzaun · 3 months ago
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Interesting speculation on what went wrong with the writers' room for Arcane Season 2. I know for a fact that most of what's written here is legit, but there are a few statements I'm not too sure about. If anyone has receipts for everything this person said and can confirm it's entirely correct, that'd be great
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endearing-dalliance · 3 months ago
She-Ra PoP vs Arcane S2
Physically disabled character considered inferior by his society, abandoned instead of being helped
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Technological genius who benefits from having a partner
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Uses technology to improve his health and quality of life
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Becomes fundamentally altered by a force outside his control (with Christian and cult references)
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And now here's where She-Ra and Arcane's messages diverge: Hordak is consistently supported and loved by his partner throughout his journey. She doesn't let up when he tries to hide his pain from her.
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She does NOT tell him that he is wrong to try to "fix" himself and actively helps him do so. She recognizes the validity of how he choses to deal with his condition, which was caused by genetic "imperfections" during the cloning process. But she impresses upon him that he does not deserve the physical pain or mental torment of being a "failure".
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Her message was that his imperfections do not limit him or define him. They are a part of life, part of the world, and a part of him, and he is not a failure for having them.
Meanwhile in Arcane, Jayce criticizes Viktor for "wanting to cure what he thought were weaknesses" and specifically mentions his leg and disease. The two things that brought him chronic pain, progressively deteriorating quality of life, and one would ultimately kill him. Also, Viktor never actually expressed that he was ashamed of them. We as the audience are left to assume that's how he feels, because why wouldn't he? What else would a disabled person feel? Not that he is perfectly aware that Piltover's oppression and exploitation of his people likely directly contributed to both those issues. Not that he values himself for his intellect and contributions to Hextech even though society constantly prioritized Jayce. Nope, obviously he feels so bad about it that he tries to turn all of humanity into robots. On top of that, Christian Linke has explicitly said the Hexcore corrupted him and Sky was a manifestation of it manipulating him. So even if he did feel that way before, he's still not at fault for what's been going on.
And I think a key part of this is the mindset of the team who created this show. Was this simply a poorly executed but positive sentiment, or a symptom of ableist bias from a team of 3 able-bodied people? We can harp on Jayce all we want, but ultimately someone designed him this way, and THIS is what I take issue with. Christian also says in the art book explicitly that Viktor fixing his leg and spine make him lose part of his humanity. If this is the logic behind Jayce's monologue, it is NOT positivity. It is a direct shaming of a disabled person's right to choose how they take care of themselves, said by a character who has already violated Viktor's autonomy and wishes, written by a team that equates self-improvement with inferior humanity.
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Amanda Overton has repeatedly mentioned she was inspired by She-Ra, which is pretty obvious here. Unfortunately, this isn't the unequivocally positive message she thinks it is, and she missed all the nuance of Entrapta and Hordak's conversations about it. A huge component of why it works in She-Ra is because Entrapta's wisdom comes from her understanding of her own "failures" and "imperfections" due to her autism, and Hordak reciprocates support throughout the show. One of the key members of her development team is an autistic person who provided a realistic view of what an autistic person can be like.
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This is two people who understand each other's pain uplifting each other, NOT Entrapta being Hordak's miraculous savior at the 11th hour. Having Jayce need a leg brace for like 5 minutes does not give him ability to understand Viktor's lifelong struggles that were also killing him.
For future seasons, I hope they bring on staff who actually have any idea what they are fucking talking about.
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