#Alyssa Bates Webster
fundieshaderoom · 2 months
Alyssa and John Webster QnA (Reddit is mentioned)
I bolded the ones I found most interesting!
Do you have the same blood clotting issue?
It is genetic from Gil’s side of the family. Once they discovered it was a family issue, she had already had a couple of kids. Since she has no complications, she has not been tested.
Have you visited Erin at her place?
Yes, several times.
Do you take the kids on family vacations?
Not really. They go to TN and SC with the kids though. John considers that a family vacation but Alyssa does not. They do go with the Websters to the beach every year. They mostly do dad and mom vacations. They want to wait for the kids to get older to do actual vacations like skiing. 
Which of the kids is most like you?
Allie has Alyssa’s organizational skills. Alyssa said Lexi looks the most like her at that age. Lexi and Zoey are most like John.
Will you have a sixth child?
No, the pregnancies were too tough. John said accidents can happen.
Who is the last Duggar you have spoken to?
James and Jana. Alyssa talked to them the other day. John was only on the call with James.
Have you ever drank alcohol?
Will you continue the vlog in 10-15 years?
Probably not. Their children would be about 11-19 and that is so far in the future.
Is John still working from home?
No. He has been training people and one of their guys got hurt and is out. He will likely go back to WFH.
Did you picture yourselves with 5 kids?
They wanted a large family and to do it pretty early to mitigate risks to mother.
Redditors speculate you only take the kids to church and Costco. Is this true?
John got a lil laugh out of that. Alyssa said the girls do karate two nights a week. John does softball two nights a week and the kids tag along. They are also in church programs on Sundays. They do co-ops once a week and playdates. They also sometimes go to Publix instead of Costco. John said “who reads Reddit anyways?” Um, Carlin lol. John says he can’t remember the last time he read a Reddit post (idk if this means r/BringingUpBates or in general) and Alyssa claims to have never read one.
Do you have non-Christian friends?
Alyssa said they have friends from all backgrounds and religions. Alyssa does admit people gravitate to those who are similar. John said he has always had non-Christian friends. 
How does John’s relationship with Rhett differ from his relationship with the girls?
John is “rougher” with Rhett because he loves to tease and wrestle and chase. The girls don’t like that as much. 
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fundiepredictions · 4 months
Happy anniversary
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John&Alyssa Webster (Bates) celebrate their 10th anniversary today.
Since their weddingday they had five children, Allie (9), Lexi (7), Zoey (6), Maci (3) and Rhett (1)
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
ok I'm watching Alyssa & Katie's pregnancy Q&A here's what stuck out or what I just want to bitch about:
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1. Weirdest craving: Alyssa's was bbq chips on a sandwich, which Katie said 'ew', and her's was spicy 'Ray-man' (Ramen) noodles with peanut butter M&Ms (way grosser imho than chip sandwiches, which actually sound good). In a later question they say they both have been craving Little Cesar's pizza and crazy bread.
2. Most unexpected thing about pregnancy/postpartum: both agree that they had no idea how constipated they'd be from the medications they have to take lol. Katie is so embarrassed admitting this that he ears turn red and says she starts sweating (oh my sweet summer child). Alyssa says for postpartum it was just all the pain and soreness that lingers for so long.
3. One thing that's not talked about that you wish you were prepared for: Katie says she wasn't prepared for so much interrupted sleep during pregnancy, she expected her sleep issues to begin after the baby was born. Alyssa says post partum, she had crazy night sweats that she was not at all anticipating.
4. Hardest thing to give up while pregnant: Alyssa says sex, especially in your first trimester when you're nauseous, she says that's when she has the hardest time doing the deed and misses it. Katie turns bright red and says "I can't believe you said that!", I say hell yea Alyssa for admitting you miss the D. Katie gets too embarrassed to even answer.
5. How to deal with stretch marks: Alyssa says she doesn't worry about it so much because she believes them to be genetic (I'm inclined to agree with her but not sure tbh). Katie says she just rubs herself down with every product she can find every night just in case one of them works lol.
6. Worst part of postpartum: Alyssa again says that she misses getting some on the regular which, kudos to her libido tbh. I mean I get it, those hormone fluctuations have to suck when you can't act on them lol, Katie is again visibly uncomfy of course (on one hand I get why, on the other it's not like Alyssa is going into vivid detail or anything but whatever).
7. (Just for Katie) What has been the most surprising part of pregnancy for you?: Katie literally says that she was surprised pregnancy wasn't more..............glamorous. Which I find to just be an absolutely absurd thing for someone who's known so many pregnant women to say, like do they all really communicate this little about what it's actually like??? She actually says that she thought it was going to be all cute bump photos and outfits and now that she's sick and struggles to put on makeup most mornings she's having a rude awakening like, I'm sorry I know she's young and ignorant but this has to be one of the most completely ignorant things I've heard any of them say. If there's anything these bozos should at least be partial experts on its babies and pregnancy, and none of Katie's sisters have had 'glamorous' pregnancies?? That one got me riled up lol.
8. (For Alyssa) if this is going to be your last pregnancy, how do you plan to prevent other pregnancies in the future?: She isn't sure and says she's still looking into her options for now. She cuts her answer short by saying this question might actually be a little too personal which ??? you just mentioned your (apparently vigorous) sex life not once but twice and I don't get how that's any less personal, especially in your corner of the Christian universe, but ok (I guess maybe baby prevention could really be that much more taboo than even openly talking about sex).
9. A pregnant follower who's afraid of tearing asks Alyssa if she's ever experienced it: Alyssa says yes, esp with her first baby she had to get stitches. Katie says tearing and aftercare are her worst fears along with pooping during birth. Alyssa says she's also afraid of pooping and it's happened to her once so far (don't get me wrong I love that she's being so candid but again how is this less personal than birth control).
10. Is sex weird when you're pregnant?: Alyssa is again the only one that answers, Katie gets red and looks away from the camera (oh c'mon Katie). Alyssa says yes, when you're 9 months pregnant and huge sometimes you gotta get creative (that made me lol).
11. Is it normal for husbands and wives (in their world I'm assuming) to talk about the details of pregnancy?: Alyssa says it depends, and that some guys aren't as interested as others or maybe only overhear stuff that sisters are discussing with each other. Katie says she feels like she can talk openly with Travis about everything so far (which at first I was like great!), Alyssa jokes that Travis can watch this video to help prepare him. Katie says "omg no I'd be too embarrassed!!" and my previous optimism about their open communication deflates lol. At this point I'm like ok, I mean this in the nicest of ways but grow up tf Katie. Alyssa's mentioned MARRIED sex in the *vaguest* of terms and you haven't said anything even remotely scandalous (unless you count poop as scandalous), that shouldn't be embarrassing in front of your hubs of all people girl!!
12. How did you know you were ready to start having kids?: Alyssa says she doesn't know if she ever felt 100% ready and that she's not sure if that's even something that's possible (I agree!). She adds that as long as the circumstances are good, you can afford it, you're in a good place with your partner, and you're otherwise as prepared as you can be, just go for it if you know it's something you want for yourself (Katie doesn't answer but nods).
13. How do you avoid repeating baby names in such a large family?: Both Alyssa and Katie say repeating names or having similar names isn't something the family really worries about, because it's understood that with so many people, you're bound to run into duplicates or similarities at some point. They both seem very nonchalant about it and I wish all the people who think similar-sounding baby names cause big drama in their families could hear that lol.
14. Do you get annoyed when people touch your pregnant belly?: Both say no if it's family or good friends, but that they don't really like being touched by strangers or acquaintances as much and I'm totally with them there. I think it's weird as hell to just touch a stranger's stomach without consent. Katie says she's not comfortable telling people not to touch her though, so when it happens she just kind of stands there with a strained smile (aw).
15. Baby item that you don't think is useful or is silly: Alyssa says baby wipe warmer lol, which is always something I've thought is silly so it's good to have that confirmation. She says you're grabbing wipes on the run so much that it's not worth it to get your kids used to warm wipes bc they'll just freak out when they have to be changed elsewhere with cold ones. Katie says she has one on her registry and shopped for a long time to find the exact right one 😂
Overall I thought the video was super cute and entertaining, I love the dynamic between Alyssa and Katie where they're kind of polar opposites but really good friends. I really appreciated Alyssa's answers more than I expected, I think she's just gotten to that phase of life where she realizes it's silly to be uptight about things that are just facts of life and I can appreciate that.
Katie mentions being uncomfortable again in their sign-off and says that she talked about things in this video that she usually doesn't even talk to her sisters about, which again makes me a little sad bc I really hoped they'd be closer and more open than that (hopefully she's just saying for youtube because she's embarrassed and shy). I just think if that's true and she can't talk to her sisters about sex or bodily functions or pregnancy who can she talk to about that stuff, ya know? Travis I would hope, but she kinda kibosh'd that as well. They end with Alyssa promising they'll do it again, and that Katie won't be so bashful next time 😂
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fundamental-cactus · 2 years
Alyssa did a AMA while driving today. These are the only interesting ones. The others are about their dog, Christmas traditions, and how she is still sick.
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
Webster 5 Name Predictions
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On 6th September 2022 John and Alyssa Webster announced they were expecting their fifth child, despite vowing that Maci was their final child. Let's face it though, 'final child' means nothing in fundie land. On 29th October 2022 the Websters announced they were having a boy via Youtube. Baby boy Webster is due to arrive on 3rd April 2023 and tonight is the name reveal.
I am half expecting Alyssa to stick to her guns and use Zane Alan, which she said was her boy name ages ago. Of course tastes change with time and this may not be the case. They might choose to go for John with Jack as the nickname or just Jack on its own. They may opt to use Daniel as the middle name but it has already been used as a middle name by John's brother Brent for his first child, Grant Daniel. I don't think Daniel is cutesy enough to be the first name. John's middle name is Elliott (meaning 'the Lord is my God') and I think they will consider this as a first name, it is traditional but still cute enough for Alyssa.
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fundie-predictions · 2 years
Name Predictions for Bates-Webster #5 - Boy
In anticipation of John and Alyssa’s sex reveal for baby #5 happening this coming Saturday, October 29, 2022, it is time for the second rendition of Webster baby name predictions - boy edition! John and Alyssa have been known to announce the name and the sex at the same time, so I want to make sure I get my predictions in in time. I do really feel like this baby will be a girl though, just as a note.
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Previous Naming Information
We have lots of girl name information from John and Alyssa, but hardly any boy information at all! The names that John and Alyssa have used for their children thus far, all daughters, are Allie Jane, Lexi Mae, Zoey Joy, and Maci Jo. They also recently got a puppy that they named Mia. As I discussed in my post about girl predictions, they have a very clear naming style when it comes to girls, but there is no way to be sure if that will hold with boys too. We do know, however, from videos on their Youtube channel, that John does not like the idea of having a John Jr. They have also stated that if Maci had been a boy she would have been named Zane Alan Webster. Alan is John’s father’s middle name, and John said it was important for him to name a child after his father.
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Preliminary Predictions
If John and Alyssa have said that they would have named their last child Zane Alan is she was a boy, you might say that it’s easy to assume they will name this child the same if it’s a boy. And I would agree with you, if Carlin had not named her son Zade earlier this year. The Bates do have a tendency to repeat similar sounding names (see Kade vs. Zade, Zoey vs. Khloe, and Kaci vs. Maci), but there’s definitely a chance that Alyssa and John could be dissuaded from using Zane. Zane gives me a very “cool-kid-skater-boy-band” vibe so let’s pick out a few alternate names that have a similar feel.
Ace (too close to Maci maybe?)
Knox (she is from Tennessee after all!)
These names really lean into Xs and Zs and might be a little heavy handed. I could also see them using something slightly more “normal” but still very “cool kid” like Tuck/Tucker, Luca/Lucas, Liam, Chase, or even John’s middle name of Elliott. 
For the middle name, I am almost certain it will be either Daniel or Alan to honor John’s dad, probably Alan. Outside guesses include either John or Elliott though.
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My Final Predictions
Even after I said that it’s very possible John and Alyssa will not choose to use Zane Alan as the name for their fifth child, I am still selecting it as my highest likelihood option. Other than Zane, I feel the strongest about Knox, Ace, Jax, and Pax. It seems like John and Alyssa are a fan of names containing Zs and Xs. If I'm picking a top contender among my “less edgy” options, I am choosing Liam. 
I haven’t written much about the middle name because I'm almost certain it’s going to be Alan. There is the outside chance of Daniel, but almost certainly one of those two. Here is a list of my top ten first and middle names combinations.
Zane Alan
Knox Alan
Jaxon/Jax Alan
Paxton/Pax Alan
Liam Alan
Ace Daniel
Tuck/Tucker Alan
Cain/Kain/Kane Alan
Elliott Daniel
Luca/Lucas Alan
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thefundiedata · 1 month
Predicted Family Sizes - August 2024
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12 Children Tori & Bobby Smith Joe & Kendra Duggar
11 Children Erin & Chad Paine Trace & Lydia Bates Josiah & Lauren Duggar Jed & Kate Duggar Jer & Hannah Duggar
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10 Children Katie & Travis Clark Nurie & Nathan Keller Timmy & Heidi Rodrigues
9 Children Josie & Kelton Balka Jessa & Ben Seewald Jason Duggar & Maddie Jones
8 Children Zach & Whitney Bates Isaiah Bates & Sarah Joy & Austin Forsyth
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7 Children Nathan & Esther Bates Carlin & Evan Stewart Jill & Derick Dillard Kaylee & Jonathan Hill
6 Children Jackson & Emerson Bates
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5 Children Alyssa & John Webster
4 Children Lawson & Tiffany Bates John & Abbie Duggar
3 Children Justin & Claire Duggar
2 Children Jinger & Jeremy Vuolo
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lavsgifs · 4 months
gif directory
☆ alexa mareka as whitney renna in harlan coben's shelter
☆ alisha boe as jessica davis in 13 reasons why [season 4]
☆ alyssa diaz as angela lopez in the rookie [season 6]
☆ charlotte mckee as piper thomas in law and order: special victims unit [season 22]
☆ cher alvarez as bam bam in ncis: hawai'i [season 2]
☆ corinne massiah as may grant in 9-1-1 [season 6 & 7]
☆ dylan conrique as tamara colins in the rookie [season 5]
☆ dylan conrique as tamara colins in the rookie [season 6]
☆ emily alabi as olivia navarro in s.w.a.t. [season 7]
☆ ester expósito as lilí in bandidos [season 1]
☆ fiona palomo as sofia in outer banks [season 3]
☆ halston sage as kendall grant in scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse
☆ hanako greensmith as violet mikami in chicago fire [season 8]
☆ hanako greensmith as violet mikami in chicago fire [season 9]
☆ helena mattsson as ashley mcgrady in the rookie [season 4]
☆ jessica camacho as jackie vasquez in s.w.a.t. [season 6]
☆ lisseth chavez as celina juarez in the rookie [season 6]
☆ lulu antariksa as penelope park in legacies [season 1]
☆ mekia cox as nyla harper in the rookie [season 6]
☆ minnie mills as shayla in the summer i turned pretty [season 1]
☆ paola núñez as roberta in fire country [season 2]
☆ rihanna as marion crane in bates motel [season 5]
☆ sage linder as rachel caldwell in harlan coben's shelter
☆ samantha bugliaro as ashley kent in harlan coben's shelter
☆ scarlet stallone as herself in the family stallone [season 1]
☆ scarlet stallone as herself in the family stallone [season 2]
☆ shayvawn webster as dani vertiz in law & order [season 21]
☆ summer madison as nicole in the summer i turned pretty [season 1 and 2]
☆ supriaya ganesh in various projects
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duggardata · 2 years
Alyssa Enters The 3rd Trimester!
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Alyssa (Bates) Webster is due with her 5th Child, and 1st Son, on April 3, 2023. As of today, she is 28 Weeks Along—and thus, in her 3rd Trimester.
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duggarbatesfan · 4 months
Happy Mother's Day
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To Michelle Duggar, Anna Duggar, Abbie Duggar, Jill Dillard, Jessa Seewald, Jinger Vuolo, Kendra Duggar, Lauren Duggar, Joy Forsyth, Katey Duggar and Hannah Duggar.
To Kelly-Jo Bates, Whitney Bates, Erin Paine, Tiffany Bates, Esther Bates, Alyssa Webster, Tori Smith, Lydia Bates. Carlin Stewart, Josie Balka and Katie Clark,
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fundieshaderoom · 2 months
Alyssa Webster Sassy In Her Comments
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fundiepredictions · 1 year
Happy anniversary
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Alyssa&John Webster (Bates) celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary today.
Since they got married they had five children, Allie (8), Lexi (6), Zoey (5), Maci (2) and Rhett (0)
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
who's pregnant? i had no idea jed/katey is pregnant again.
God I can't even remember lol...... besides them I know Joy, Alyssa Webster, Kaylee Rodrigues and that's all I can think of. Jessa and Kendra are always highly suspected to be so that's a 50/50, and Lawson and Tiffany Bates keep teasing it so I bet they'll get pregnant for youtube content pretty soon
Edit: Katie Clark is also preggers I just remembered
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lovingduggarbates · 2 years
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
Any name posts coming up? Hannah? Katie? Alyssa?
Yes, there are lots of posts coming!
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fundie-predictions · 2 years
Name Predictions for Bates-Webster #5 - Girl
Just like we all knew was coming, on September 6, 2022, John and Alyssa (Bates) Webster announced they were expecting their fifth child, due sometime in spring of next year. While the sex has not yet been announced, I wanted to get my predictions out early, just in case they do a joint sex-name reveal. This first set of predictions is for girls’ names, partly because I have a strong feeling this baby will be a girl, but also because I have much more girl information to go off of!
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Previous Naming Information
John and Alyssa already have four children, all daughters: Allie Jane (b. 2015), Lexi Mae (b. 2017), Zoey Joy (b. 2018), and Maci Jo (b. 2021). They also just got a puppy, who they named Mia. John and Alyssa’s naming style (at least for girls) is pretty consistent. All of their daughters have short, two syllable first names paired with short, one syllable middle names. Additionally, the first names are often traditionally nicknames for longer names or still have a young, nickname-y feel. 
Another thing to note is that while the Webster girls’ names have a cohesive feel and all end in the -ee/y sound, the first vowel sounds are all different and prevent the names from being too similar. So far they’ve used the short -a, the short -e, the long -o, and the long -a sounds. They also don’t repeat first initials. Also, at least until Maci Jo was born, all the middle names were pretty different too. 
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Preliminary Predictions
This’ll be fun! I’m going to scroll through the Social Security Administration’s list of top 500 or so baby names and pick out the ones I think would fit in with Alyssa and John’s style, while excluding any that have already been used for other GrandBates. I will give special attention to names whose first vowel sounds are long -e, short -i, long -i, short -o, and -u, as those haven’t been used by them yet. This is admittedly less “scientific” than my other name predictions, I’m going off of vibes alone here.
Lily (#31)
Lucy (#47)
Ivy (#49)
Ruby (#62)
Sophie (#76)
Sadie (#78)
Rylee (#97)
Remi (#122) - the name of Katie’s dog so maybe not?
Daisy (#134)
Millie (#174)
Molly (#186)
Aubree (#190)
Marley (#215)
Harley (#306)
Demi (#366)
Heidi (#395)
Rory (#396)
Poppy (#401)
Hattie (#459)
Rosie (#461)
Some other maybes that aren’t within the top 500 might be Billie or Kiley/Kylie/Kylee. I feel pretty good about a lot of the names listed though. 
For the middle name, I am thinking a one-syllable name like Alyssa and John have used before and that fits the “old-school Southern name” vibes of Jane, Mae, and Jo specifically. I will give preference to middle names not used by other Bates’ couples previously, as thus far there is only one name, first or middle, repeated amongst the GrandBates. I’m also expecting this middle name to not start with a J-, as 3/4 of the others do. Making it 4/5 would make poor Lexi feel left out I’m afraid.
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My Final Predictions
While I have a solid list of top ten names I feel comfortable with, it is hard to narrow that down to five! But I will do my best. Let’s go with Rory, Sadie, Millie, Rosie, and Lucy. These are all short and cutesy, fitting with John and Alyssa’s vibe, and all sound like shorter versions/nicknames of more formal names. This is also consistent with Alyssa’s style, at least with Allie and Lexi. Rory and Millie are particularly trendy at the moment. Additionally, Rory, Millie, and Lucy have vowel sounds that aren’t repeated in the other Webster kids’ names.
If picking a top five was hard, picking a top contender is even harder. My brain says Rory, but my heart says Sadie. A hard thing about making these predictions is putting what fits best for the couple above my personal preferences!
For the middle name, I’m feeling Paige or Kate. Similar to above, my heart is telling me Lynn too, but I want to shy away from choosing it because it has already been used for a GrandBates before. And last but not least, I’ll include my list of top ten first and middle name pairings.
Rory Kate
Sadie Paige
Millie Pearl
Rosie Sky(e)
Lucy Jewel
Rylee Ann(e)
Molly Beth
Poppy June
Daisy Rue
Ivy Clair(e)
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