#Aluminum filter plate
zhijing818 · 7 months
Oh, my God, this effect is too good.
Oh, my God, this effect is too good. Have you ever used the filter aid for rolling oil and Zhijing, the bosses who do metal processing? Look at this filtering effect. This dark rolling oil has been filtered twice by Zhijing, and this oil is actually clear! Great to use! Come and try it!
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kaywavy · 7 months
transforming soffits reorganizing keys formalizing immersion joints justifying kick extractors advising aggregates managing elbows recasting connectors achieving aluminum trowels officiating disks exhibiting absolute spigots progressing coil hydrants jerry-building reflectors informing casters inventing rubber hoists performing wrenches judging chalk adapters upgrading ignition paths
regrowing flashing recommending ratchets approving barriers sweeping impact fillers sewing mirrors detailing collectors enforcing measures distributing systems presenting plugs interwinding registers piloting ash diffusers gathering cranks supplying eave pockets undertaking scroll stops accelerating straps designing fittings protecting diamond boilers logging downspouts correlating shingles uniting mallets qualifying electrostatic lifts sharing clamps obtaining circular fluids ranking foundation gauges sensing miter brackets originating space networks translating drills regulating guards selecting gable padding utilizing pellet dowels reconciling artifacts altering pulleys shedding space filters determining vents representing mortar remaking flash rakers supporting funnels typecasting rotary chocks expressing junctures resetting auxiliary vises professing strip treads inlaying matter trowels questioning drivers forming edge fittings sketching blanks overshooting spark breakers rewriting controls playing tunnels inventorying buttons enduring joint handles effecting ratchet bibbs unwinding couplings forsaking vapor conduits defining sockets calculating heaters raising grids administering tiles measuring resources installing ignition remotes extracting corners manufacturing ventilators delegating consoles treating mounting stones enacting jig deflectors intensifying alleys improvising cargo pinpointing bobs prescribing arc masonry structuring metal chucks symbolizing lathes activating plumb kits adapting coatings fixing channels expediting cordage planning compressors enlisting hangers restructuring keyhole augers shearing ridge hardware collecting reciprocating bolts maintaining corrugated dimmers whetting hole collars conducting mandrels comparing assets compiling sealants completing paths composing equivocation wheels computing dampers conceiving electrostatic treatment ordering cotter grates organizing ties orienting ladders exceeding materials targeting thermocouples demonstrating emery stock expanding latch bases training wardrobe adhesives overcomming[sic] fasteners streamlining storm anchors navigating springs perfecting turnbuckles verifying gate pegs arbitrating arithmetic lifts negotiating outlets normalizing strips building surface foggers checking key torches knitting grinders mowing planers offsetting stencils acquiring bulbs adopting rivets observing avenues ascertaining coaxial grommets slinging wing winches instituting circuit generators instructing wicks integrating pry shutters interpreting immersion lumber clarifying coils classifying wood bits closing cogs cataloging matter strips charting holders conceptualizing push terminals stimulating supports overthrowing shaft spacers quick-freezing connectors unbinding ground hooks analyzing eyes anticipating gateways controlling proposition rollers converting power angles coordinating staples correcting benders counseling joist gaskets recording gutter pipes recruiting drains rehabilitating rafter tubes reinforcing washers reporting guard valves naming freize sprues nominating rings noting straps doubling nailers drafting circuit hoses dramatizing flanges splitting framing compounds refitting stems interweaving patch unions placing sillcocks sorting slot threads securing mode cutters diverting catharsis plates procuring load thresholds transferring syllogism twine directing switch nuts referring time spools diagnosing knobs discovering locks dispensing hinges displaying hasps resending arc binders retreading grooves retrofitting aesthetics portals seeking stocks shrinking wormholes assembling blocks assessing divers attaining lug boxes auditing nescience passages conserving strikes constructing braces contracting saw catches serving installation irons recognizing fluxes consolidating fuse calipers mapping shims reviewing chop groovers scheduling lag drives simplifying hoists engineering levels enhancing tack hollows establishing finishing blocks
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readyforthegarden · 1 year
Silver Springs - Part Two
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Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Original Female Character
Synopsis: The year was 1976, the season was summer. The days were hot and the nights were hotter. Music was the best it had ever been, especially rock music. Sam Kiszka has been riding the high of being in one of the top bands on the scene, but when his bands tour is accompanied by another up-and-coming band, with a lead singer that gets on his very last nerve, will everything come crashing down or will they end up making music that changes the world?
Warnings: Smoking, drinking, drug use 18+ only, Minors DNI
A/N: Thank you to everyone for being so kind and interested in this fic!! I'm so happy to be writing for Sam and to be having such fun!! Now just a heads up, I am not trying to write original lyrics for this work it would take me years to write a single chapter, so we're gonna pretend that Fleetwood Mac doesn't exist in this universe because you're gonna see them a lot, okay? Okay lmao. I love you guys, enjoy!!
WC: 2610
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Three yeas and one nay was all it took, and Harlow and the Blue Jean Babies were added to the billing of Greta Van Fleets summer of ’76 tour. Sam watched as their bus pulled into the parking lot of the first venue, looking like an aluminum can on wheels. It parked a few yards from where he leaned against his own, and he watched the door open and the band filter off. 
He watched the dark brown tip of a boot step down onto the pavement, followed by another one. His eyes traveled up tanned legs to cut off jean shorts, a plain white t-shirt tucked into them. Traveling up further, he met Harlow’s cheeky smile, an unlit cigarette hanging from her lips. Her eyes were hidden behind large aviator sunglasses. Instead of following the band to the venue, she looked over to Sam, beginning to walk over to him. When she was only a few feet from him, she paused, taking the cigarette from her mouth.
“Got a light?��� Sam reached into the front pocket of his blue jeans, wrapping his fist around the cool brass zippo. His movement was smooth as he brought it up, flicking the lid back producing a flame with his thumb on the trigger so fast, Harlow’s eyes widened in shock when he held it closer to her face. Composing herself, she leaned in, letting the paper and tobacco catch, before leaning back again and taking a deep drag. “Thanks.”
“No one on your bus has a lighter?” Sam asked, hoping his slightly annoyed tone would cut her down a peg.
“They do.” she answered with a smile as she blew the smoke out the corner of her mouth. Sam stared at her, that same self-assured attitude she’d had a year ago was there in her smile, and all he wanted to do was wipe it right off of her face.
“I’m not interested, kid.” Sam sniffed indifferently, hoping another blow to her ego would do it.  “You’re not my type.”
“Who said I was interested in you?” Harlow tilted her head to the side, a raised eyebrow peeking from behind her shaggy bangs. “I just needed a light and the others were already far ahead of me.”
“Yeah, sure.” Sam rolled his eyes. “They were really running to get to the dressing room for that plate of room temperature salami.”
“Yeah, Billy is all about those cold cuts.” Harlow shrugged as she moved her arm out to her side, tapping ash off the end of her cigarette. “Don’t flatter yourself Samuel. I’m not one of your groupies.”
“Then why are you so persistent in bugging me, Brandy?” Harlow’s grin grew wider as she drew another breath from the cigarette. 
“So you do remember me.” she let out a soft laugh.
“It took a minute, but I do.” Sam admitted. “You changed a lot.”
“Well, I read this interview in one of my favorite music magazines about being yourself. So I decided to do that.” Harlow smirked. “It just so happens there was another me that needed exploring.”
“Well your songs improved a bit.” Sam stuck his tongue in his cheek, trying to make the compliment seem as pointed and fake as he wanted.
“You haven’t heard anything yet.” Harlow replied fast, grinning.
“We’ll see if I hear anything at all,” Sam cleared his throat, beginning to move from the shade of his bus’ shadow. “The green room is awfully far from the stage. Might sneak a pre-show nap on the bus.”
“Rockstar life is already catching up to you at, what? Twenty-four?” Harlow quirked an eyebrow, dropping her half-finished cigarette and stomping it out with the toe of her boot. “Enjoy that nap, Sam. You’re gonna need it.” with that, Harlow turned and walked towards the venue. Sam watched her, taking in the sway of her hips as she walking through the sun. Her light brown hair shone in the light, making it almost a blonde. Once again, it shook out behind her as she propelled herself away from him confidently. 
Sam didn’t want to admit that Harlow’s confidence shook him. He sat in the dressing room with his brothers, his legs crossed, foot shaking vigorously. His fingers grazed along his chin, the rough patch of hair that he’d grown out. As they skated through the hairs, he tugged on the ends as he stared distractedly at the beige walls that had yellowed with years of cigarette smoke. 
He could hear her, her voice floating through the walls as she warmed up her voice in another room, broken up by laughter as her bandmates filtered in and out of the room, talking excitedly about their first show on a big tour. 
“Are you okay?” Sam glanced up to see Danny standing near him, raising an eyebrow quizzically. “You seem a little keyed up in the wrong way.” Sam regarded his best friend, chewing on his bottom lip. He wanted to tell Danny what was bugging him, but…what was bugging him? Danny didn’t know the history between Sam and Harlow, and even if he did, it wasn’t one wrought with details. 
Sam quickly went over the imaginary conversation in his head, him telling Danny all of the small events leading up to this current agitated state, hearing the honest tone of the formers voice telling him to get over himself, that Harlow was just some chick and there wasn’t anything to be upset about.
“No, I’m just a little anxious about the show.” Sam shook his head, giving Danny what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “New tour, new songs…don’t know how the crowd will respond.”
“No matter how they do, it’s gonna be okay.” Danny grinned, resting a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “We know it’s our best work yet, and that’s what matters.”
“Thanks, Daniel.” Sam tapped Danny’s hand before standing up, shaking himself out a little bit and going over to the table with their rider goodies, making himself a drink. Walking out of the green room, he sipped it, the bite of tequila with his soda soothing his nerves somewhat. He walked over to the the wings of the stage, listening to the crowd that had filtered in rumble, the excited energy filtering through the thick curtain on that hid the stage hands setting up the Blue Jean Babies instruments.
As their flashlights whipped around, Sam caught movement from the other side of the stage. As his eyes adjusted, he saw Harlow pacing. She kept her jean shorts and boots, but traded in the t-shirt for a crocheted halter top, two ties holding it in place. One behind her neck, the other the middle of her back. The strings peeked through the long, black lace duster she wore, billowing out around her as she turned. Sam watched as her lips moved, her hands moving as if she were dancing along with the words. 
Harlow turned once more, she glanced up, eyes darting across the movement of the roadies and over to Sam. Even across the twenty odd feet of stage, he could see her eyes widen as she realized he had been watching. There were dark spots all across her nose and cheek that Sam couldn’t make out, but in an instant, she spun on her heel, briskly walking away from the wings, her duster floating out behind her as she disappeared into the dark.
“Hey, uh,” Sam nearly jumped out of his skin, turning to see Billy standing next time, his guitar already around his shoulder and in his hand. “You got any words of wisdom for performing to a sold-out arena? I think I’m about to shit my pants.”
“Yeah,” Sam chuckled, clapping a hand on Billy’s shoulder like he was about impart the wisdom of centuries of study. “Don’t shit your pants.” Billy laughed, shaking his head. 
“Thanks, I appreciate the wise words.”
“Any time, man.” Sam laughed again. “Break a leg.”
“Thanks!” Sam watched as one of the bands roadies went out to the stage, in front of the curtain, and a beam of light lit him up. The crowd began roaring as the Blue Jean Babies took their places on the stage, exchanging excited glances. It reminded Sam of how he and his own brothers looked when they played their first big venue. The nerves of playing to a crowd that large, no matter how many smaller shows added up doubled it, the giddiness of feeling like you’ve finally made it. 
While the roadie made the announcement, riling the crowd up, Sam glanced over to the opposite wing again, seeing Harlow standing there. A small, closed mouth smile tugged at her lips, almost serene as her eyes were closed, deep breaths raising her chest. The crowd roared even louder as the roadie screamed out the bands name, and the curtain dropped and the lights went up. The roadie dragged the mic stand back into place, the silk and chiffon scarves that had been tied to it fluttering in the wind, and Billy began playing the intro to their first song, their drummer, Paul playing out the beat. Sam’s eyes stayed on Harlow as her own opened, turning towards the crowd before grinning, taking one last deep breath and stepping out on stage. Shouts and screams were heard as she did, and she waved to the audience, taking her place at the microphone.
“Now here you again, you say you want your freedom. 
Well who I am I to keep you down? 
It’s only right that you should play the way you feel it, 
but listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness.” 
Harlow’s voice was enchanting, Sam finding himself nearly taking steps out on stage to get closer, to hear her more clearly. The crowd moved along with her, even for a slower song opening the show, it kept their attention, got them moving. As she performed, Sam caught light reflecting off her face, and realized that she’d adhered silver sequins to her face like freckles.
“Like a heartbeat, drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost
And what you had
And what you lost”
The drums led into the chorus, and Sam had to admit he got a little chill when Harlow’s voice melded together with Billy’s on the harmonies.
“Oh, thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say, women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
You'll know”
“I think we made the right decision,” Sam glanced next to him, seeing Danny standing next to him again. “They hypnotize the crowd, and we melt their faces off.”
“Interesting choice of opening song, I’ll admit that.” Sam tried to brush off the compliment to the band. “Could’ve put the crowd to sleep.”
“No, I think she knows exactly what she’s doing.” Danny shook his head. “You shouldn’t be so down about them. They all seem really nice so far.”
“Yeah, they do.”
“Remember how annoying we were when we were first touring with bigger bands?” Danny nudged Sam gently in the ribs. “Give them some grace.”
“Who said I’m not?”
“No one, but I’ve been your best friend since forever. I can read you like a book.” Sam grimaced slightly but shrugged it off. “Play nice, Sammy.”
“I am always nice.” Sam defended himself with a pout. Danny shook his head, sighing. 
“Just, don’t fuck this up.” Danny looked from Sam to Harlow. “For any of us.” Sam rolled his eyes, leaving Danny in the wings to go back to the green room. The audacity of Danny to think Sam wanted anything to do with Harlow was enough to boil his blood. A feeling that stuck with him through his own performance, and up to the after party. Roadies, crew and performers mingled around the hotel bar. One last night in Los Angeles before they set out for the road.
Sam leaned against the bar, taking in the scene of bodies threading around one another, drinks clinking and laughs echoing. Sam’s eyes fell upon Josh, who was talking animatedly to someone that was blocked by other bodies. In one hand he held a joint, and Sam watching the trail of smoke follow it around as Josh gesticulated. Suddenly, he slowed, holding out the joint. Sam’s brow furrowed as his brother never relaxed from the outstretched position, and as bodies shifted, he could now see Harlow, sitting cross-legged on the table, leaning down and taking a drag as Josh watched her, his own eyes glassy.
“So, you wanna get out of here?” Sam glanced down, seeing a woman leaning against his shoulder. Her manicured hand was running up and down his arm and Sam rolled his eyes.
“Do I know you?” he asked boredly. The woman looked slightly off-guard, then smirked.
“No, but you want to.”
“I’m afraid I don’t.” Sam pulled away from her touch. “But maybe a roadie will. Tony’s been looking a little lonely lately, go say hi.” Sam pointed across the bar and gently pushed the woman in the opposite direction. Downing his beer, he set the empty bottle on the bar, deciding he’d had enough revelry for one night. 
Stepping into the elevator to go to his room, he hit the button, leaning against the back wall and closing his eyes.
“Wait! Hold the elevator!” Sam’s eyes popped open and he instinctually moved, putting his hand in the doors, holding them the best he could from closing. “Thank you.”
“My pleasu-oh, it’s you.”
“Hello to you too, Samuel.” Harlow rolled her eyes, going to press the third floor button.  “Don’t worry, I’m not here to bother you. I don’t know what your brother puts in his joints but I need to go lay down.”
“I’ve asked a few times, but he won’t give up his secrets.” Sam sighed. “I’ve learned not to partake too much with him.” Harlow rubbed her eyes, smudging the makeup she’d adorned, a few of the sequins falling off her cheeks. 
“I’ll know better for next time.” Harlow leaned back, tilting her head up to the large square fluorescent light. The two rode in silence, save for the soft, slow breaths they emitted. Sam glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, seeing her eyes closed again, that small, serene smile on her lips. Though this time it may be from the weed she smoked instead of the energy of a large crowd cheering for her. 
“Are you going to be okay?” Sam asked softly. Harlow opened her eyes slowly, turning and smiling at him as the elevator doors opened on the third floor.
“I’ll be just fine.” she murmured. “Goodnight, Sam. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, Harlow.” Sam watched her step out of the elevator. “We’ll see.”
“We’ll see always means no.” Harlow laughed. 
“Does it?” Sam quirked an eyebrow.
“You never asked your mother for something and have her say that?” Harlow asked back. Sam nodded. “And did you ever get what you asked for?” Sam thought for a moment, realizing that the young woman was right.
“No, can’t say that I have.” Sam tried to keep himself from smirking.
“I’ll see you when I see you then.” Harlow held Sam’s gaze for a few moments before turning and going to find her room. As the doors closed Sam felt a small flutter in his gut at the exchange. Maybe Harlow wasn’t going to be so bad to deal with. Maybe he could get through this tour and even be her friend at the end of it. Just, maybe.
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Taglist: @joshsindigostreak @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @lvnterninthenight @allieisacrybaby @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @shutupdevvie @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @sacredthefran @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @gardensgatedaisy @demonrat444 @writingcold @dannyandthekiszkas @lightmylove-gvf @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @jankandjonch @gvfpal
@allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @highladyofasgard @sammysvanfeet@gold-mines-melting @earthgrlsreasy @mountain-in-springtime @forcebond301 @stardust-and-shadows @llightmyllovee @gretavangroupie @comesofarsomehow @starcatcherkiszka @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye @madneedshelp
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alramizequipment · 2 months
6x6 to 18x18
Air Return: It also facilitates the return of air from the room back to the HVAC system for reconditioning.
Grille Structure: Typically, a duct diffuser return consists of a grille or a register that covers the opening in the ductwork through which air enters or exits.
Diffuser Plate: Inside the grille, there may be a diffuser plate that helps to distribute air evenly across the room.
Filter Compatibility: Some designs include a provision for air filters, which can help improve indoor air quality by trapping dust, allergens, and other particles.
Ceiling Diffusers: Mounted on ceilings, these diffusers blend into the room's design while efficiently distributing air.
Wall Diffusers: Installed on walls, these diffusers direct airflow across the room horizontally or vertically.
Floor Diffusers: Placed in the floor, these diffusers can be stepped on and are designed to distribute air close to ground level.
Metallic: Often made of aluminum or steel for durability and ease of cleaning.
Plastic: Lightweight and sometimes used for aesthetic reasons or where corrosion resistance is a concern.
Wood: Less common but used in specific architectural designs to match interior finishes.
Damper Controls: Many diffusers have dampers that can be adjusted to control the airflow rate, direction, or shut off the airflow entirely when needed.
Directional Vanes: Some diffusers feature adjustable vanes or louvers that allow for precise control over the direction of airflow.
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metsn · 1 year
DIRTY DRONE LOWLIFE + ECHOBLENDER #4 -  a subbass/texture generator + experimental delay/distortion
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The DIRTY DRONE LOWLIFE + ECHOBLENDER is an experimental subbass and drone texture generator combined with an experimental delay/distortion unit. It is housed in a recycled wooden box painted with broken hexagon (burned out industrial camo) patterns with a scratched dark grey aluminum face plate. The DIRTY DRONE LOWLIFE can be manually triggered by a TRIGGER button and externally with a TRIGGER/GATE input. The DECAY has a SHORT/LONG switch to select the range and a DECAY pot (works counterclockwise) to fine tune it, from snappy to loooong. An orange LED indicates triggers and the decay. With the DRONE toggle switch it can be set to play a constant drone sound as well. The sound is that of two oscillators each with an array of possible settings: TRIANGLE/SQUARE and CLEAN/DIRTY toggle switches and of course a FREQUENCY control. Oscillator 1 has an additional OFFSET control, that has a CV input with a very limited useful range from 1.6-2.6V (with an orange indicator LED). Both oscillators are mixed with the BLEND control, that allows to shape the output waveform in a relatively linear manner, but the build in LDRs (Light Dependent Resistors) can also used for that. When they are selected with the BLEND SELECT toggle switch ‘throwing shade’ or ‘shining light’ allows for a non-linear modulation of the blend, by hand gestures for example. The signal then runs through a resonant low pass filter with CUTOFF FREQUENCY, RESONANCE and SATURATION control. In the end of the signal chain is a VOLUME control. From there it either goes to the DRY OUT or if nothing is plugged into the DRY OUT to the ECHOBLENDER, which also as an input for an external signal, so it can be used independently from the LOWLIFE.
The ECHOBLENDER is based on the “Echobender” by Casper Electronics with some tweaks for improved control. A device for dark echos (low pass filtered) and the ‘blackened’ noise of the internal distortion feedback. These machine is a delay/distortion bastard. Plus they kill fascists! The controls, from upper left to lower right: DRY VOLUME, FEEDBACK(DISTORTION), WET VOLUME, COARSE TIME, FINE TIME, REPEATS. It’s a true-bypass effect with a foot-switch and a ultraviolet indicator LED and an orange clipping/limiting diode in the feedback path to make better use of the self oscillations. Instead of just a blend pot, the ECHOBLENDER has two separate VOLUME pots for a precise mix of DRY and WET signal. With the WET at zero, the DRY also works as a signal BOOSTER to increase volume of the input signal. The FEEDBACK pot let’s you play with the self-oscillation and/or distortion capabilities of this versatile effect. With the DECAY fully clockwise you get classic delay self-oscillations. Get lost i a world of foggy delay noise clouds. Handmade by GRM for METSÄÄN.
Sold. Here's a demovideo of a previous build, the functions are identical:
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stargaze-art · 1 year
How Androids Function - Circulation and "Sentience"
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The main way to access the circulatory organ in an android is through the butterfly hatch in the back of the chest casing. On the inside of the chest case, there are four internal clasps that keep the case put together, and right behind the butterfly hatch is the reinforced tungsten “spine” made of detachable links that click together with a sliding mechanism. 
Once the casing has been removed, the circulatory organ can be safely removed for repair or replacement.
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The circulatory organ is made of an aluminum alloy with copper and magnesium to retain a low weight and good conductivity, and there are four separated chambers (similar to a human heart). On top of the organ is a battery component that is welded to the top of the circulatory organ, which is used to electrify the hydraulic fluid and increase its efficiency in energizing the robot’s circuits. In all of the chambers, there is a semi-permeable insulating gel that keeps the organ from sparking due to electric overload. The membrane cannot pass the gel through, but it allows the hydraulic fluid to pass through easily whether Sparked (electrified) or Inert (no electric current).
Starting from unelectrified hydraulic fluid from the body, it goes into the top right (riva talcum) chamber, and is filtered into the bottom right (riva bexum) chamber. The hydraulic fluid is pumped up to the battery component, where it’s run through the Sparking Chamber and is given an electric current. The Sparked fluid is then pushed into the top left (lacra talcum) chamber and pumped into the bottom left (lacra bexum) chamber. Once the Sparked hydraulic fluids have been pumped into the lacra bexum, it’s then pumped out of the circulatory organ and through the body to disperse energy throughout the body.
The circulatory organ is safely placed under the chest piece, hidden from the exterior. Vivian, the ship's "motherboard", is the first one to have gotten the optimization of the circulatory organs.
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Another part of the circulatory organ is a transmission sensor. This transmission sensor connects to a storage unit inside the android’s head, which is hidden behind the face plate and carefully cushioned by a foam support. The storage unit is called a Sentience Core, or a SenCore.
Despite the name, the core does not provide complete sentience, as this is impossible for artificial intelligence to be 100% sentient without a central nervous system. The core merely stores the algorithmic code from the transmission sensor. The sensor connects to the entire body and creates evolving code, which allows the AI to develop a “personality” around their duties and life. Though this is not true sentience, the AI are treated as though they have complete sentience, which aids in developing their own personality.
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Novelis plans to try to go public again in 2025
According to foreign media reports, Satish Pai, managing director of Hindalco, said in an interview with Bloomberg that he plans to push Novelis to go public in the United States again in 2025.
Novelis is Hindalco's aluminum subsidiary. The initial public offering was originally scheduled for 2024, but was postponed in June 2024 due to "unfavorable market conditions."
Pai said that Hindalco pushed Novelis to go public just to get a premium valuation, "We don't need this money to maintain Hindalco's business in India."
According to Pai, Novelis did not get the premium valuation that the company deserved when it first went public.
The timing of a potential listing will depend on the situation in the US market, but the next attempt to go public is expected to be in 2025.
It is reported that Novelis' initial public offering was originally going to be one of the largest listings in the United States in 2024. The company originally planned to sell 45 million shares at a price of US$18 to US$21 per share. Hindalco will hold about 92.5% of the company after the IPO.
At the top end of the price range, Novelis’ market value is about $12.6 billion, based on the number of outstanding shares listed in Novelis’ filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Adtech was established in 2012, and the Chinese factory was put into production at the end of 2013. Adtech is an unremitting and enterprising brand pioneer, focusing on the R & D and manufacturing of "online degassing filter equipment, ceramic filter plates, hot top casting accessories, casting nozzle plates, repair agents and solvents" international enterprise. The company has successively developed dozens of series of products, so far it has covered a full range of equipment, filtration and high-temperature materials required by the aluminum alloy casting industry. The main products of Adtech are:
casting launder, aluminum casting filter ,electric launder system , in-line degassing aluminium, deep bed filter aluminium , tap cone, caster tip, etc.
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mokshabongs · 25 days
How to Set Up a Hookah Step by Step
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Shisha or hookah smoking has become a popular trend across the globe that people embark on to enjoy as a hobby. If you are just starting, or if you want to fine-tune your hookah setup routine, you will find a detailed guide below. In this article you will learn how to set up a hookah like no other so that you always get the best smoking session possible.
Understanding the Hookah Components
However, in order to proceed with the setup process, the user should acquaint himself with the features of a hookah. undefined
1.Base (Vase/Bowl): This is the lower part of the hookah, which is typically filled with water to cool the smoke.
2. Stem: A long metallic pipe which links the base to the bowl.
3. Bowl: The part of the pipe where the flavored tobacco for smoking is placed These are the terms and definitions that are associated with Hookah/Hookah/Shisha.
4. Hose: The long, light, flexible tube through which the smoke is drawn into the lungs.
5. Plate/Tray: It is placed below the bowl and is mainly for holding ash and other small particles.
6. Grommets: These are sealing to prevent any leakage and ensure a tight slip between two or more components.
7. Charcoal: Employed for heating the shisha and making smoke.
The initial step is to collect the Hookah: 
Step 1
So the first procedure is to get all the components of the Hookah which are necessary to assemble the Hookah. Start with the fact that the assembling process of the hookah is a step-by-step process where the different parts of the hookah are combined. Begin with the base and make sure it is free from dust and any moisture content. Place the stem into the base part in a way that it fits the base tightly. Make sure there are no air leaks by installing grommets where necessary. Fix the tray on the top of the stem where ash falling during the session is collected.
Step 2: Start to fill the base half of the vase with water.
Pour sufficient water into the base such that it should be up to 1- 2 inches below the stem. This water must be used in the right quantity—throwing too much will make it difficult to draw the smoke; too little, the smoke does not filter well. Some users recommended the use of ice or cold water to make the smoking experience even colder.
Step 3: Place the Bowl Filled with Shisha
Now it is time to prepare the shisha. First, you should gently open the shisha with your fingers without packing it too tightly. Too much packing may reduce airflow in the pipe and this may cause a harsh smoke. Pour tobacco mix into the bowl up to the brim but leave some room so that the foil can be placed without coming into contact with the tobacco.
Step 4: Prepare the Foil: In the fourth step, the foil is prepared by appropriate writing size and neatness according to the presentation topic and the audience.
Take a piece of aluminum foil, which should be big enough for the bowl. Coax the wrap around the bowl precisely and pull the fabric as tight as possible. Take a toothpick or a pin to prick holes throughout the foil and ensure that these holes are equally spaced. These are crucial in enabling the heat from the charcoal to get to the shisha as well as regulating the flow of air.
Step 5: There are different ways of heating the charcoal, but one of the most common ways is lighting it using a stoking rod.
Light the charcoal using a hookah charcoal burner or a portable stove whose flame is close to the charcoal. It is recommended that the coals be left to burn until they turn red before being placed on the foil. Proper hookah charcoal should be used at all times; ordinary charcoal emits poisonous smoke and spoils the quality of the shisha.
Step 6: The charcoal should be placed on the bowl.It helps that you ought to wear heat proof gloves or tongs for handling the hot charcoal, as well as positioning the hot charcoal gently on the foil-covered bowl. Place the coals at the periphery of the bowl but not in the center. This helps in providing an even heat and the shisha do not get burnt quick enough so that they are ready for the next customer.
Step 7 – Connect the Hose Place the hose into the hose port spot at the stem side of the aircraft. Make sure that it is well fixed in position using a grommet. It is quite common to see hookahs feature multiple hose ports; when buying single-hose hookah ensure that the other ports are correctly closed.
Step 8: Start Smoking
After you have your hookah set up, make a couple of slow and light pulls through the hose to get things moving. If this smoke is too intense, there is a tendency that you may need to shift your charcoal or look for air leaks. After everything is ready, all that is needed is to sit back, take a puff and relish the soothing, juicy taste of the smoke.
Hookah Price and Quality Aspects
When setting up a hookah, the quality of the accessories determines the whole session in terms of pleasure to be derived. A great thing to know is that if one wants to gain better flavoring and better smoke, investing in a good hookah is a great idea. The costs of these hookahs range from cheap simple ones to the complicated and expensive ones made from high quality materials.
Hookah price may differ greatly depending on the type of material used in the manufacture and the size of the hookah alongside the brand. Laymans suggest that beginners should not think of purchasing a high end hookah, and this is because between quality and price, there is always a hookah in the middle. For instance, as you grow in the industry, you can opt for models that pack more attractive features such as better filters, multiple hoses availability and sleek models.
Being mindful of the possibilities will help guide beginners and help veterans enjoy the best hookah experience.
1. Use Fresh Shisha: Shisha Schwartz explains that one should always make sure to use fresh shisha in order to get the best taste. Having stale or dry shisha have negative implications on one's smoking experience.
2. Clean Your Hookah Regularly: Each time you finish using hookah, make sure that you clean the hookah to avoid the accumulation of residues. This not only makes for a better flavor but also increases the lifespan of your hookahs.
3. Experiment with Flavors: Shisha comes in a variety of fluids which include fruits, mints and a variety of spices. If you are a hookah lover, you should try out new combinations since this will enhance your experience while using hookah.
4. Adjust Water Levels: In case it is too smoky or not smoky enough, adding or reducing the water in the base will help.
5. Try Different Charcoal: Big distinguishes between kinds of charcoal and decide on this or that kind that would be better to use in order not to spoil the taste of steam installing it for too long. Premium coconut charcoal is characterized by its long-lasting lasting burn and natural and clean flavor.
Conclusion :
Initially people might be overwhelmed by the process of arranging a hookah, yet, it is a routine that becomes an entertainment and a plus to the overall smoking procedure. With that guide in mind, you will be able to guarantee every one of your sessions to be efficient, delicious and devoid of all the possible problems. What is also very important a lot more may depend on how to pack the bowl and what type of coal you use for it.
Whether you are smoking alone or in the company of others, making sure to take some time and prepare
Thus simply learning how to set up a hookah properly makes all the difference. When set appropriately, you will derive maximum satisfaction from highly flavored clouds that improve relaxation and social interactions.
At Moksha Bongs we know how much an aspect like quality can count while using hookah. That’s why we give our customers a choice of hookahs, shisha tobaccos, and accessories of different types and prices. Depending on how experienced you are with this hookah session, you’ll never miss anything when you visit this store.
Check our collection now and turn the boring hookah experience into something extraordinary. Happy smoking!
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barrykrichmond · 1 month
Harley Sportster Cafe Racer: A Timeless Fusion of Classic and Modern
The Harley Sportster Cafe Racer is a shining example of how classic American muscle can seamlessly blend with the sleek, minimalist aesthetic of the cafe racer scene. This transformation not only pays homage to the vintage racing culture of the 1960s but also redefines what a modern Harley-Davidson can be.
In this article, we delve into the captivating world of the Harley Sportster Cafe Racer, exploring its origins, the modifications that define it, and why it continues to captivate motorcycle enthusiasts.
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The Evolution of the Harley Sportster
The Harley-Davidson Sportster, introduced in 1957, has been a cornerstone of the brand's lineup for decades. Known for its robust engine and iconic design, the Sportster has long been favored by riders who appreciate both performance and style. Over the years, the Sportster has evolved, but its core attributes of power and agility remain unchanged.
What Makes a Sportster a Cafe Racer?
Cafe racers emerged from the British motorcycle culture of the 1960s, where enthusiasts sought to create lightweight, fast machines inspired by the racing bikes of the era. These motorcycles were characterized by their minimalist, stripped-down appearance and were often customized for both speed and style.
The Harley Sportster Cafe Racer is a modern interpretation of this classic concept, blending Harley-Davidson’s robust engineering with the cafe racer’s aesthetic.
Key Features of the Harley Sportster Cafe Racer
Sleek and Lightweight Frame: One of the most noticeable changes in a Sportster Cafe Racer is the frame. The stock Sportster frame is often modified or replaced with a lighter, more streamlined version to enhance performance and aesthetics.
Minimalist Bodywork: Cafe racers typically feature minimalistic bodywork. For the Sportster, this often means the addition of a racing-style fairing, a solo seat or a custom cafe racer seat, and a stripped-down look that emphasizes the bike’s raw performance.
Performance Upgrades: To achieve the speed and agility associated with cafe racers, the Sportster is often equipped with performance upgrades. These may include a high-performance exhaust system, re-tuned suspension, and enhanced braking components.
Distinctive Styling: The Sportster Cafe Racer embraces the cafe racer’s retro style with features like a custom paint job, vintage-inspired graphics, and classic racing elements such as racing stripes and number plates.
Enhanced Ergonomics: Adjustments to the handlebars and footrests are common to create a more aggressive riding position, reflecting the cafe racer’s racing origins while maintaining comfort and control.
The Transformation Process
Transforming a Harley Sportster into a cafe racer involves a combination of mechanical skill and creative vision. The process typically begins with a thorough disassembly of the bike. The stock parts are evaluated for replacement or modification, and a plan is devised to achieve the desired look and performance.
Stripping Down: Removing unnecessary parts, such as the stock fenders and bulky accessories, is the first step. This creates a cleaner look and reduces weight.
Frame Modifications: The frame may be modified or replaced to achieve the desired shape and handling characteristics. Some builders opt for a complete frame swap, while others make custom modifications to the existing frame.
Custom Fabrication: This phase involves crafting custom parts, such as the cafe racer seat, side panels, and exhaust systems. Builders often use lightweight materials like fiberglass or aluminum.
Performance Tuning: Upgrading the engine and suspension to improve performance is crucial. This may include installing a high-performance air filter, remapping the ECU, and fine-tuning the suspension.
Finishing Touches: The final step involves adding aesthetic details like custom paintwork, vintage badges, and racing-inspired graphics to complete the cafe racer look.
The Appeal of the Sportster Cafe Racer
The Harley Sportster Cafe Racer appeals to a diverse range of motorcycle enthusiasts. For some, it’s about the thrill of customizing a classic American bike to meet modern performance standards. For others, it’s a way to connect with the rich heritage of cafe racing and enjoy a unique riding experience.
Cultural Significance
The cafe racer culture is deeply rooted in motorcycle history and has a dedicated following. By transforming the Sportster into a cafe racer, builders and riders pay tribute to this heritage while infusing it with a contemporary twist. The result is a motorcycle that embodies both classic and modern values, appealing to those who appreciate the artistry of customization and the performance of a finely tuned machine.
The Harley Sportster Cafe Racer represents a perfect marriage of vintage aesthetics and modern performance. By blending the timeless qualities of the Sportster with the sleek, minimalist style of the cafe racer, this motorcycle stands out as a unique and compelling choice for enthusiasts who value both history and innovation.
Whether you're drawn to the custom fabrication, the performance upgrades, or simply the cool factor, the Sportster Cafe Racer offers a thrilling ride that celebrates the best of both worlds.
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studyforfe · 2 months
Capacitors in PE Power
Capacitors in PE Power are one of the most important exam topics. But why? The reason is their notable usage and importance in regulating and improving the Power circuits. Capacitors in PE Power involve studying their types, behavior, and uses in AC and DC circuits. 
This detailed study guide on Capacitors in PE Power will help you cover this topic in complete detail as per the NCEES® exam guidelines and roadmap. Let’s start with the fundamentals.
Capacitors and Their Importance in Power Circuits
A capacitor is a passive electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It consists of two conductors separated by an insulator, known as a dielectric.
The capacity of a capacitor to store charge is measured in farads (F). It is determined by the physical characteristics of the capacitor, including the area of the plates, the separation distance between the plates, and the dielectric material used.
Capacitors are used in circuits for various reasons. Let’s discuss a few important uses in a nutshell.
Harmonic Mitigation with Capacitors: Capacitors are used in power systems to mitigate harmonics by creating resonant circuits that filter out specific harmonic frequencies. This is achieved by tuning the capacitor and inductor combinations to resonate at unwanted harmonic frequencies, thereby reducing their presence in the power system. Capacitors and Voltage Fluctuations: Capacitors help stabilize voltage fluctuations in power systems by providing reactive power compensation. When connected to a power network, capacitors can absorb or release reactive power, which helps maintain a more consistent voltage level, especially in systems with fluctuating loads or significant inductive components. Capacitors and Line Loss Reduction: By providing reactive power locally, capacitors reduce the need to transport reactive power over long distances in power lines, thus reducing line losses. This improves the efficiency of power transmission and distribution networks, as it decreases I²R losses (where I is current and R is resistance) in the conductors
Types of Capacitors
Capacitors come in various types and classifications, each suited for specific applications and characteristics. Here’s a detailed overview of the different kinds and classifications of capacitors:
· Electrolytic Capacitors
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors: They are known for their high capacitance-to-volume ratio; these capacitors use an aluminum oxide film and an electrolytic solution. They are polarized, meaning they must be connected with the correct polarity. Commonly used in power supply filtering applications.
Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitors: They are smaller and more stable than aluminum types; they have a lower risk of leakage and are more reliable. Tantalum capacitors are also polarized and are used in space-constrained applications like mobile phones and laptops.
· Ceramic Capacitors
Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (MLCCs): They are composed of alternating layers of metal and ceramic and offer a compact and non-polarized size. Used in a wide range of applications, from high-frequency to general electronic circuits.
Disc Ceramic Capacitors: They are often used for noise suppression and are non-polarized. They are suitable for relatively low capacitance requirements.
For more information visit here: https://www.studyforfe.com/blog/capacitors/
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bestshopuniverse · 4 months
RODE NT1 5th Generation Large-diaphragm Studio Condenser Microphone
Elevate Your Recordings with the RØDE NT1 5th Generation Large-Diaphragm Studio Condenser Microphone
Experience unparalleled audio fidelity with the RØDE NT1 5th Generation Large-Diaphragm Studio Condenser Microphone, a top-tier choice for professional and home studios alike. Whether you’re a musician, podcaster, voice-over artist, or audio engineer, the NT1 delivers exceptional clarity and warmth, capturing every nuance of your performance with stunning precision. Renowned for its ultra-low noise and superior build quality, the NT1 5th Gen sets a new standard for studio microphones.
Why Choose the RØDE NT1 5th Generation Studio Condenser Microphone?
Unmatched Sound Quality: The RØDE NT1 features a large-diaphragm cardioid condenser capsule, providing a rich, detailed sound that’s perfect for vocals, instruments, and more. Its extended frequency response ensures every subtlety is captured.
Ultra-Low Noise: With an incredibly low self-noise level of just 4.5dBA, the NT1 is one of the quietest microphones in the world, making it ideal for critical recording applications where clarity is paramount.
Durable and Reliable: Built with a nickel-plated aluminum body and military-grade ceramic finish, the NT1 is designed to withstand the rigors of regular use while maintaining its sleek, professional appearance.
Versatile Performance: Perfect for a variety of recording environments, from home studios to professional setups. The NT1 excels in capturing vocals, acoustic instruments, amplifiers, and more.
Included Accessories: The NT1 comes with a high-quality shock mount, pop filter, and XLR cable, providing everything you need to start recording right out of the box.
Key Features:
Large-Diaphragm Capsule: The heart of the NT1, this capsule delivers detailed and accurate sound reproduction, capturing the true essence of your audio source.
Cardioid Polar Pattern: Focuses on the sound source while rejecting off-axis noise, ensuring a clear and focused recording.
Extended Frequency Response: From 20Hz to 20kHz, the NT1 captures the full range of sound, making it versatile for various recording applications.
Robust Build Quality: The NT1’s durable construction ensures longevity and reliability, making it a worthwhile investment for any studio.
Complete Studio Kit: Includes an RØDE SM6 shock mount with integrated pop filter, a high-quality XLR cable, and a dust cover, providing a comprehensive solution for professional recordings.
Customer Reviews:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "The RØDE NT1 5th Gen is a game-changer. The sound quality is superb, and the low noise level makes it perfect for my home studio. Highly recommended!" - Emily J.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I’m blown away by the clarity and warmth of this microphone. It's built like a tank and comes with everything you need to start recording. A must-have for any serious musician or podcaster." - Michael R.
Achieve Studio-Quality Sound with the RØDE NT1 5th Generation Microphone!
Ready to take your recordings to the next level? The RØDE NT1 5th Generation Large-Diaphragm Studio Condenser Microphone offers unparalleled sound quality and durability, making it the perfect addition to any recording setup. Click here https://youtu.be/wYHLtxEIDgU to order yours today and experience the difference in your recordings!
#RØDENT1 #StudioMicrophone #CondenserMicrophone #ProfessionalAudio #HomeStudio #VocalRecording #PodcastingGear #AudioQuality #RecordingEquipment #SoundEngineering
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nikygypex · 5 months
Remote jet air-conditioning unit
Characteristics of the heat recovery air treatment unit:
Energy saving: heat recovery The air treatment unit adopts heat recovery technology, which can recycle part of the heat in the exhaust gas and reduce energy consumption. At the same time, the unit can also automatically adjust the operating state according to the indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity and other parameters, to further save energy.
Environmental protection: heat recovery air treatment unit can filter the dust, pollen, bacteria and other pollutants in the air, reduce the pollution to the environment. In addition, the unit can also use environmental protection refrigerant and low-energy motors and other environmental protection technologies to further reduce carbon emissions. Heat recovery air treatment unit adopts heat recovery technology and air treatment technology can effectively adjust the indoor temperature and humidity, improve the air quality, and make the indoor environment more comfortable.
Convenient maintenance: the heat recovery air treatment unit adopts a modular design to facilitate maintenance and replacement. At the same time, the unit also has the intelligent fault diagnosis function, which can automatically detect and diagnose faults, and it is convenient for users to carry out maintenance and maintenance.
Strong adaptability: the heat recovery air treatment unit can adapt to different use environment and places, such as shopping malls, hotels, hospitals and other large public places. At the same time, the unit can also be customized and configured according to different places and needs, to meet the different needs of users.
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Specification for heat recovery air treatment unit:
1.fillter section
Primary filter-folding plate or bag; mid-effect filter-bag; sub-filter-bag dense fold.
2.Thermal recovery section
Rotor heat exchanger: energy recovery function, super long service life, hig h runner surface flatness, good sealing, runner motor self-tension device, filter blockage alarm function (optional), prevent frosting device (optional), self-cleaning function, double cleaning fan.
Plate heat recovery: using the temperature difference between the two air flows on both sides of the partition plate to show heat and latent heat recovery.
Heat recovery: a heat tube is a kind of heat transfer component with high thermal conductivity, which transfers heat through the evaporation and condensation of the working medium in the fully enclosed vacuum tube shell.
3.Cold / hot coil
The heat recovery air treatment unit adopts seamless copper tube sleeve aluminum fin heat exchange tube, which adopts advanced mechanical rising tube and circular arc ripple double turning aluminum rib structure.
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dominionproperties · 8 months
Sustainable Apartment Living: 5 Practical Ideas to Go Green(er)
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Sustainable apartment living doesn’t have to be challenging. With a sprinkle of innovation, a dash of enthusiasm and a heap of conscious choices, you can transform your apartment into a green paradise. Get ready to reduce waste, breathe cleaner air and embark on a journey of eco-friendly living that rewards you every step of the way.
1. Aim for less waste
Invest in a stainless steel water bottle, reusable grocery bags, cloth napkins and beeswax wraps (instead of plastic wrap). Opt for a travel mug for your daily caffeine fix and a bamboo cutlery set for takeout meals.
Minimize packaging waste by buying bulk pantry staples like grains, legumes and spices. Use shampoo bars versus bottles, refillable soap dispensers and reusable cotton pads.
2. Compost scraps
Who says you need a backyard to compost? Start an indoor composting bin for your kitchen scraps. You can find small, odor-sealed bins specifically designed for apartments.
Mix kitchen scraps with dry materials like shredded newspaper or cardboard to maintain proper moisture levels and aeration. In a few months, you’ll have nutrient-rich compost to grow strong and healthy plants!
3. Recycle even more
The key to knowing how to live green in an apartment is to make recycling a daily habit. Familiarize yourself with local recycling guidelines as different areas have varying rules on what can and can’t be recycled. Take it a step further by separating your recyclables like a pro. Create a designated recycling station with labeled bins for paper, glass, plastic and aluminum.
4. Get a(nother) plant
Breathe easy with top-notch indoor air quality. Invest in air-purifying plants like snake plants, spider plants and peace lilies to keep your air fresh and clean. They naturally filter out pollutants and enhance oxygen levels. It’s like having a little green army fight pollutants on your behalf.
5. Reuse household items
Turn your apartment into a treasure trove of creativity. Reuse and repurpose old furniture, clothes and household items. That broken wooden chair? Transform it into a charming nightstand. Cracked plates? Craft them into mosaic masterpieces. Old T-shirts you never wear? Sew them into a quilt.
Kickstart sustainable apartment living
Knowing how to live green in an apartment starts with habits like composting and repurposing. Cheers to more sustainable apartment living!
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govindhtech · 9 months
COLORFLY’s Latest CDA-M2 USB DAC Amplifier Drops!
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Specifications of COLORFLY CDA-M2 Hi-Fi USB DAC Amplifier
The CDA-M2 Hi-fi USB DAC and Amplifier, proudly presented by COLORFLY, a premium professional audio brand of COLORFUL, comes in two striking colors: limited edition purple and starry gray. There are just 100 CDA-M2 limited edition purple available. Additionally, COLORFUL is pleased to announce that the CDA-M2 is the recipient of the coveted 2023 CGD Contemporary Good Design Award. Leading Chinese professional audio cable brand dd Hi-fi collaborated with the creation of the CDA-M2 Purple Limited Edition.
Two premium Cirrus Logic DAC CS43198 audio processors are included with the COLORFLY CDA-M2 Hi-fi USB DAC/Amplifier, a first for the M Series DAC/Amplifiers. Its internal circuitry is built on a six-layer PCB that has been gold-plated, with digital and analog circuits purposefully isolated for the best audio processing. With a dynamic range of up to 130 dB, the M2 also features two separate XR2001 amplifier chips for the 3.5 mm and 4.4 mm.
For U series players alone, the CDA-M2 boasts the state-of-the-art JitterKill Femtosecond Clock Technology, which is based on COLORFLY’s flagship player audio architecture. It carefully reorganizes data while in ASYNC mode, allowing audio signal transmission to avoid SRC and USB clock interference and opening up a world of pure, lossless sound.
OLED Panel
In addition to the newly designed control buttons, the CDA-M2 has an OLED display for convenient navigation.
Adaptable Dual-Level Profit
The two gain levels of the CDA-M2, High and Low, let users adjust the output for earbuds or headphones. The information displayed on the OLED display makes it simple for users to adjust gain.
Customized, Improved Cable
An improved USB-C cable with a pure copper silver-plated core for reduced latency and multi-layer insulation is included with the CDA-M2.
Game Mode UAC 1.0
The CDA-M2 is a high-quality audio decoder for compatible game consoles and has a UAC 1.0 Game Mode made for the PS5 and Nintendo Switch.
Memory Volume
With the new Volume Memory feature, the CDA-M2 may save its volume level when it is connected to any front-end device.
Important Elements
Interoperability across several platforms (Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android)
OLED display with 128×64 pixels for visual operation
Memory Volume
Two kinds of gain: Low and High
Enhanced “ribbon” cable design for low latency and increased conductivity
Robust body made of CNC aluminum alloy
Two audio processors, Cirrus Logic DAC CS43198 pair
Expert player design
S/Pdif output coaxially
Five modes for digital filters
3.4 mm balanced plus 3.5 mm single ended
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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kickplatedirectuk · 9 months
The Gateway Guardian: A Journey Through the World of Door Metal Plates with Kick Plate Direct
The door metal plate has come a long way, starting off as a work of art and evolving into more than just a protective shield against wear and tear. It serves as a silent guard today, greeting visitors and discouraging intruders. Its silent language, engraved into metal, says volumes about the character of a house or place of business.
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In this exploration, we'll delve into the rich tapestry of door metal plates, uncovering their history, purpose, and evolution. We'll meet Kick Plate Direct, a company dedicated to crafting these guardians of the threshold, transforming them into works of art and practical wonders. So, step across the threshold with us, and prepare to be surprised by the fascinating world of door metal plates.
A Guardian Through the Ages:
Ornate bronze plates decorated the tomb entrances of the pharaohs in ancient Egypt, where the origins of door metal plates may be traced. Iron plates, which provided defence against raiders during the Middle Ages in Europe, eventually gave rise to elaborately crafted door rings and knockers. Metal plates became widely available due to mass production brought about by the industrial revolution, and they were later decorated with geometric patterns and clean lines by the Art Deco style.
Beyond Protection: A Canvas for Expression:
Door metal plates have evolved beyond their merely functional beginnings. For businesses and homes, they provide an empty canvas on which to showcase their uniqueness. The options are unlimited, ranging from simple geometric patterns to imaginative animal silhouettes. Kick Plate Direct has an amazing selection of alternatives, ranging from whimsical animal motifs and personalised artwork to traditional house numbers and monogrammed patterns. Each plate becomes a silent introduction, a glimpse into the personality that lies behind the door.
The Craftsmanship of Kick Plate Direct:
Behind each Kick Plate Direct masterpiece lies a dedication to quality and detail. They use state-of-the-art laser cutting technology to ensure detailed designs and precision from their trained artisans. There are materials to suit every taste and budget, ranging from beautiful brass and rustic copper to weatherproof aluminum and sturdy stainless steel. After that, a protective coating is applied to each plate to ensure that it withstands the environment and keeps its beauty for many years.
More Than Just Aesthetics: Functionality Matters:
Kick Plate Direct understands that beauty often blends seamlessly with practicality. Their door metal plates are not just aesthetic delights; they also offer functional benefits. Kick plates themselves protect the lower portion of the door from scuffs and dents, while house numbers ensure easy identification. Mail slots and letterboxes add convenience, while peepholes and doorbells enhance security. Kick Plate Direct offers a holistic approach, seamlessly blending form and function.
Finding Your Perfect Door Guardian:
Choosing the right door metal plate for your home or business can be a daunting task. But Kick Plate Direct simplifies the process. Their user-friendly website allows you to browse their extensive collection, filter by style, material, and budget. They offer expert advice and customization options, ensuring you find the perfect plate to reflect your unique personality.
The Final Step: Welcome, Visitor and Resident Alike
With your Kick Plate Direct masterpiece adorning your entrance, you've more than just chosen a decorative element. You've chosen a guardian, a storyteller, a silent ambassador of your space. It tells guests about you, greets friends and family, and says a lot about who you are. When you enter your home, pause to notice the silent guardian at the door's threshold—a reminder of the door metal plate's lasting significance.
Remember, your door metal plate is not just a piece of metal; it's a statement. With Kick Plate Direct, you can craft a personalized statement, a welcoming guardian that reflects your unique story and sets the stage for the adventures that lie within.
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sanaavay · 9 months
Features: Open the left and right side tempered glass panels by the aluminum door handles.  The top, front, and bottom of the case can each fit a 360mm radiator. The design of the storage trays has been revised to include modularity. Each unused HDD/SSD tray can be individually removed. New cable management design:  I.) 2 x Magnetic hinged back side cable covers, easier to open and still removable for unrestricted access. II.) 3+5 velcro channel straps : 4 small straps help route the CPU and fan cables, and another small one for shorter 24 pin cables, while 3 large ones are for the remainder of the cables. III.) Sliding front side cable cover (also can mount distro plate) By loosening a screw behind the motherboard tray, the bar can slide to adapt for wider motherboards and let the user customize the curve of their cables passing through. Lancool III RGB includes 3 x 140 ARGB fans at the front and 1 x 140 PWM fan at the rear Exterior design Lancool III has a fine mesh top, front and lower sides panels. Opening the left and right tempered glass panels is easy with the front aluminum door handles. 3 x 360 Radiator In the main chamber, the top, front, and bottom of the case can each fit a 360mm radiator. Upgrade Cable management Improved cable management includes the magnetic hinged rear cable covers, which are easier to open and removable for full access. Eight velcro-channel straps are located in key points, with 4 around the rear CPU cutout for cable routing, a small one at the bottom for short 24-pin cables, and 3 large dual-layer straps are at the front. Modular Storages Trays The design of the storage trays has been revised to include modularity. Each unused HDD/SSD tray can be individually removed. Specification: MODEL LANCOOL 3R-X Color Black DIMENSIONS (D) 526 x (W) 238 x (H) 523 mm Material Aluminum 4.0mm tempered glass (both sides) Motherboard Support EATX(under 280mm)/ATX/MICRO-ATX/MINI-ITX Expansion Slot 8 Storage Behind MB Tray: 2 X 2.5ʹʹ SSD Hard Drive Cage: 4 X 3.5ʹʹ HDD/2.5ʹʹ SSD Behind the Right-side Shroud Panel: 3 X 2.5ʹʹ SSD Above PSU Chamber:3 X 2.5ʹʹ SSD GPU Length Clearance 420mm(Max) CPU Cooler Height Clearance 185mm(Max) PSU ATX(under 220mm) Radiator Support Front / Top / Bottom : 360mm Fan Support Front (multi-way bracket): 3 X 120mm or 3 X 140mm Above PSU Chamber: 3 X 120mm or 2 X 140mm Top: 3 X 120mm or 3 X 140mm Rear: 1 X 120mm or 1 X 140mm Included Fan Front: 3 X 140mm ARGB Fans Rear: 1 X 140mm PWM fan Dust Filter 1 x Bottom I/O Ports Power Button, Reset Button, C Mode, M mode, USB 3.0 * 2, Audio *1 Warranty 1 Year Note *** Features, Price, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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