#Alternate Reality Chloe Price
crimescrimson · 3 months
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Every Episode of Life Is Strange (2015): Episode 4 - Dark Room
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lifeisstrangearchive · 4 months
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Alternative Reality Chloe's Room (in the garage)
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strangebay · 3 months
tag drop
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svpergirly · 7 months
When people start to villainize Rachel Amber I just know they wanna be different soooo bad because the worst of Rachel’s mistakes in her eighteen years of life were direct results of being lied to and taken advantage of by the real villains.
I don’t know what it is that people don’t seem to think Frank Bowers was weird af for being in a relationship with a 18-year-old high schooler (because, yes, 18 is legal but still a teenager, thank you) when he was pushing 32. And mind you, if you didn’t play Before the Storm with your eyes closed, you know damn well he showed interest when she was only 15. Fuck that!
There isn’t an alternative reality in which this “relationship” can’t be described as a grown man taking advantage of a teenager’s tendency to be drawn to dangerous shit just to prove something, whether for herself or her jackass of a father. And as strong as Rachel’s i-don’t-give-a-fuck-about-people’s-opinions-about-me personality is, she was still impressionable and somewhat easily influenced like all goddamn teenagers in the world! It’s just how it is! That is easily proven by her claim of finding “someone who changed her life” right before she disappeared. The fact that she gave her bracelet to Frank makes this crystal clear; even if you ask for it on Before the Storm, it ends up on Frank’s wrist at some point. You want me to believe Frank Bowers was more important than Chloe Price to Rachel at any given point? He was not, but Rachel was blinded by her urge to pursue everything that’s prohibited.
Also don’t get me started on Mark Jefferson. His name on itself is self explanatory.
And because I’m forever in the denial phase of my grief for her, I convinced myself this is the last thing I ever saw of Rachel. Never the photos. Those didn’t happen.
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dalekofchaos · 10 months
Dark!Max Caulfield au
So after looking at a piece of fanart by tovanori
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I was inspired to write this post on what a dark version of Max Caulfield would look like My dark Chloe au post
So saving William is the decision on what makes Alternate Max a member of the Vortex Club. What could make Max Caulfield dark? I've come up with multiple ideas
This Max in all three different timelines would wear red and black. Red and black three piece suits or Black hoodie and Red Coyote shirt to symbolize how different this Max would be.“The coyote is a complex dream symbol. … The appearance of a coyote in a dream may symbolize a lack of ambition or a weakness of some kind. It may also indicate that you are attacking those around you who are weaker and can't defend themselves as well. Coyotes represent “tricky” and unexpected elements in life.“ “A Navajo saying holds that if Coyote crosses your path, turn back and do not continue your journey. The coyote is an omen of an unfortunate event or thing in your path or in the near future.“
This is a Max Caulfield who never meets Chloe Price, without Chloe in her life, Max turns cold and more introverted. Only having a morbid sense of photography and her sense of style catches Jefferson's eye. He helps her perfect her craft and lets her in on the dark room. And after taking this apprenticeship, Max's ability to rewind awakens and she uses it to help Jefferson perfect their art. Max lures them under the guise of friendship and a smile, but that smile is bait. Max, Jefferson and Nathan work together to perfect their models, but what changes is Max and Nathan fall in love. Because of this, Nathan is not fixated on Rachel Amber. Max helped Nathan in becoming a more stable and dependent person and Max is the person who helps Nathan achieve the Prescott destiny with Max by his side.
Nathan kills Chloe before her eyes, Nathan kills himself and this leaves Max traumatized. This leaves Max vulnerable and malleable to be indoctrinated and groomed by Jefferson to becoming his new apprentice. Max becomes detached, cold and ruthless. She acts as the bait for the victims and doeses them and delivers the new models to Mark while he photographs them in the dark room and after Jefferson is done, Max disposes of them. It starts as just wanting a new partner, but soon blossoms into obsessive love. Mark loving Max and Max loving Mark and both willing to killing anyone that comes between them. Her powers never come and the storm never arrives. All that's left is Jefferson and Max working together to find the perfect muse for their sick obsessions and no one would ever expect them while they masquerade as the famous photographer and his prized pupil and as lovers, in reality they are wolves among the sheep.(I don't ship the cursed ship, I just felt it was the darker direction for this timeline)
This is a Max who has lived in Seattle all her life, Victoria Chase is her childhood best friend and she meets Mark Jefferson earlier than she would in canon. Jefferson offers to take Max on as his apprentice and Max is so enamored by the famous photographer and her parents couldn't be more thrilled. Jefferson helps Max to become a better photographer, helps her become more confident in her abilities, give Max a sense of style and flair and lets Max in on his true nature and to his surprise, she doesn't flinch, in fact she offers to help him with his victims and gets Victoria to join them. While Victoria flinched at first, she came around. As long as she's with Max and her favorite artist, it's all worthwhile to Victoria. Victoria would be who lures the models while Max and Victoria went to work. The Chases would help finance their "projects" because having a renowned photographer like Jefferson in their gallery is an opportunity they cannot pass up and thinks Victoria's idol will be the role model she desperately needed. Eventually they move shop to Arcadia Bay. Get in touch with the Prescotts and help set up the Dark Room. Eventually Nathan becomes a problem and Victoria tries to help him and Nathan lashes out, Max witnesses this and sees Nathan trying to kill her and that's when her powers manifest. Victoria goes to Max and they begin to plan Nathan's downfall. But as Nathan falls, Jefferson notices and feels Victoria has become a distraction to Max and tries to kill her. Max makes the hard choice. Her best friend and the girl she loves or Jefferson her mentor. Max lures Jefferson into a trap. When he thinks he has Victoria at her mercy, Max doses him and ties him up. Jefferson loses it, raging at her for betraying him after all she did for her and demands she unties him and kills Victoria. Max gets the gun and says "It's like you always taught me, Mark. Always take the shot" and just like that, Jefferson is dead. They go back to Arcadia Bay and see the storm raging. They make it to the lighthouse and see all the destruction. Victoria is distraught and asks Max what they should do. Max kisses Victoria and says "fuck it, let's blow this town and go back home." All that matters to this Max is Victoria and she'll be damned if Jefferson or a freak storm will take her from her.
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bambinella · 6 months
Smiley days on the beach
A/N: This is the beginning of my mini series for amberpricefield! Yes they've been living in my head rent-free, so I gotta do something with them. These stories take place in the two years where Max lives with Rachel and Chloe in the alternate reality. If you haven't read the comics yet, you can read them here! Art is from the comics! Enjoy!
Summary: Max is stressed and worried about going home, and Chloe is determined to put a smile on her face.
Warnings: Spoilers for Life is Strange if you haven't read the comics yet!
Word Count: 1822
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Max sighed for about the millionth time as she stared in front of her at the sea, hugging her knees as she sat on her beach towel. It was a beautiful sunny day, and she was spending it with Chloe and Rachel, so she had every reason to be in a good mood. Alas, she wasn’t. It had been almost a year since she’d arrived in this reality, and she was not a step closer to figuring out how to get back. Most of the time she was able to keep it together, but today she couldn’t help but feel… hopeless.
And hopeless was the perfect word to describe Chloe too, at this very moment. She sat next to Rachel, a little ways away from Max, and stared at her best friend’s back. She knew something was wrong, yet Max had refused to address or even acknowledge it, saying ‘it was nothing’. Bullshit, she could tell when someone was sad right away. She knew from experience after all.
“I don’t know what to do, Rach,” She sighed, leaning back on her hands. “I want to help Max, but she’s been stubborn. How do you help someone who denies the fact that they need help in the first place?” She asked.
“I don’t know, Chloe, I didn’t know Max as a child. Was she always like this when she was sad or worried?” Rachel asked, placing a hand on Chloe’s arm. Chloe shook her head.
“No, she was very open about everything. If something was wrong she’d always tell me, but Max was usually all smiles as a kid,” She said, smiling fondly as she recalled them running around in her parent’s house with smiles on their faces. Them making plans of becoming pirates and ruling Arcadia Bay felt like a lifetime ago.
“Well, why don’t you try and make her smile then? Whatever Max is going through, I’m sure there’s a good reason for it. And I’m also sure that she’ll talk to you eventually. If there’s anyone who can pull Max out of her mopey mood, it’s you. You’re her best friend after all,” Rachel smiled, kissing Chloe’s cheek.
“Well… I know one thing that always cheered her up when she was sulky as a kid, but I’m not sure if it’ll still work now…” She said, looking over at Max. “But if it works, it’ll definitely cheer her up. I might need you as backup, though,” She said, winking at Rachel as she stood up to walk over to her unsuspecting friend.
“Whatever you’re planning, good luck!” She chuckled, tilting her head as she looked at Chloe sneaking up on Max. God how she loved her dorky girlfriend. In the meantime, Max was still staring at the sea until she felt two hands on her shoulders, pulling her backwards.
“Woah!” She yelped as she now laid on her back, looking up at the all too familiar face of Chloe Price. “Well hey there,” She said with a small smile.
“Oh hi,” Chloe grinned down at her friend, still holding her shoulders down. “What’s up, Super Max? Or should I say Sulky Max?” She asked, making Max freeze for a moment. Those familiar words had caught her off guard.
“How did you– nevermind,” She mumbled, shaking her head as she looked away. Chloe frowned and let go of her shoulders, allowing Max to sit up.
“How did I what?” Chloe asked, raising a brow at her friend. Max simply shook her head.
“Nothing, I’m just being weird, it’s nothing,” She said with that same smile, the one she always shot Chloe when she gave her that answer. Chloe sighed.
“Max, what’s going on? I feel like something is wrong, and I feel like you’re trying to hide it from me,” She said, making Max look down at the sand. She was right, yet there was nothing she could say to that. So she decided to lie again.
“I’m fine, Chloe, really,” She said while smiling at her, hoping it would be enough to convince her. Judging by the raised brow, it did not.
“Uh huh, sure, and my hair is pink,” She huffed in annoyance, earning a giggle from her friend. “Max, I know for sure you’re holding something back now... and you know what happens when you hide stuff from me!” Chloe declared as a mischievous grin spread on her face, slowly getting in the position to pounce. Max' eyes widened. Another familiar line, yet this time it was one that took her all the way back to her childhood. It was the one thing Chloe always said moments before she tickled her to death.
“Chloe Price, don’t you dARE!” She cried out, yet was too late at dodging the incoming attack. Chloe tackled Max back down onto her towel while shaking her hands into her ribs, making the younger woman scream bloody murder. Rachel looked up in surprise at the sudden sound, yet instantly relaxed as she saw Max laugh loudly as Chloe tickled her. So that was her plan, she realized with a smile.
“Oh but I do dare, Max. In fact, I feel it is my job as your best friend to turn that frown upside down!” Chloe teased, straddling her shorter friend as she tickled up and down her sides. She was so fucking happy that Max was still ticklish. It felt good to make her laugh.
“Chloeehehehehe! Get ohohohohoff!” Max was already giggling her head off, her hands pushing against Chloe’s arms. Why did she have to be so goddamn strong in every reality!
“Why don’t you try and make me, huh?” She grinned, swiftly and gently poking all over the front of her ribs. All the strength that Max had gathered immediately disappeared as she burst into even louder laughter. Her crop top really didn’t help her case here.
“STOHOHOP! EEHEHEHE CHLOEEHHEHE!” Max was embarrassed by the sound of her own laughter, yet she couldn’t hold it back at all. It seemed that this Chloe knew all her worst spots too, and was heavily abusing that knowledge. And it kind of made her feel warm on the inside. She wasn’t home, but at least Chloe was still Chloe.
“You know I can’t stop, Max, not before you tell me what’s wrong! And you might want to consider telling me, because we both know I haven’t even gone for your worst spot yet,” Chloe teased with a mischievous grin, making Max shake her head. Oh no.
“I caaaahahahahan’t! No! NononOHOHO! Not thehehehehhere!” Max wheezed when Chloe softly drilled her fingers between her ribs, sending her straight into hysterical giggles. Luckily for her, Chloe stopped shortly after, allowing Max to catch her breath as she frowned again.
“Max, you do know that you can talk to me about anything, right? Whatever it is, I’m here to help you through it,” She said, looking at her with a serious expression. It made Max feel guilty as hell, because deep down she knew Chloe was right. Yet she couldn’t risk messing everything up by telling her. She couldn’t. Yet she couldn’t keep doing this to her either.
“Alright, I’ll tell you,” Max said after a short silence, looking back at Chloe. “Lately I’ve been realizing how bad of a friend I actually am, and have been, to you. I should have never left you, Chloe, and I definitely should have kept in touch with you. You deserve so much better than me, and… I guess it’s been on my mind a lot,” She said. Not the truth, but not a lie either. She still felt terrible for that, especially after she’d realized that ‘Max’ had left Chloe in this reality too.
“Maaaax!” Chloe groaned at that, rolling her eyes as she folded her arms. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop worrying about that before you actually stop worrying? You were a kid! We both were kids! Sure, it sucked when you left and I was angry, but I’ve grown a lot and I look at it differently now, okay? All has been forgiven! And honestly? I’m just happy to have you back,” Chloe admitted with a fond smile. Max let out a relieved breath as Chloe believed her, and she couldn’t not smile at those words.
“I’m really happy to be back, too,” Max said honestly. “I have plenty of years to catch up to, if you’ll have me,” She said, only to close her eyes as Chloe flicked her forehead.
“Of course I’ll have you, you absolute dork,” Chloe muttered, making Max giggle.
“Who are we having?” Rachel suddenly asked, making the two of them look up at her. She smiled and sat herself down behind Max’ head.
“Max. We’ve having Max in our lives,” Chloe smiled at her, earning an approving nod from her girlfriend, before looking back down at Max to boop her nose. “Don’t you think for a second that I’m gonna let you run off a second time,” She grinned.
“Oh no, my masterplan has been foiled, what ever shall I do?” Max said sarcastically as she playfully rolled her eyes. “Can I get up now?” She asked, as Chloe still straddled her waist. Before Chloe could answer, however, Rachel had grabbed Max’ wrists and gently pinned them over her head.
“Hmm I think she should stay like this a little longer. What say you, Chloe?” Rachel asked with a grin, shooting a wink at Max. Chloe nodded with a wide grin.
“H-hey now, I told you what you wanted to know! This is mutiny!” Max playfully protested as she looked at Chloe, who merely shrugged. She tugged at her arms to bring them down, only to realize that Rachel Amber was a lot stronger than she let on. A nervous tingle filled her stomach as she looked up at her friends, who grinned evilly at her. Oh this was bad.
“It’s only mutiny if we overthrow the captain, you silly first mate. Besides, I have no actual reason to do this, Max, I just really love your laugh,” Rachel smirked at her, before looking at Chloe. “Will you do the honors, o’ Captain?” She asked, earning a laugh from her girlfriend.
“Aye aye!” Chloe replied with a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows at Max as she hovered her hands over the poor girl’s bare stomach. “You ready?” She teased, knowing the answer all too well.
“Chloe no! No dohohoOHOHON’T! AAHAHAHAHA!” Max arched her back and immediately burst into loud laughter as Chloe went for her most ticklish spot, playfully clawing her nails all over belly. She threw her head back and kicked her legs wildly, making sand fly everywhere, yet nobody really cared about possibly having sand in their hair. They were simply having fun. The rest of the afternoon was filled with loud laughter, and all worries had disappeared to the background for at least one day.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
It Was You All Along - Chloe Price x Fem!Reader - Life is Strange
Request: can you write a Fem!Reader LIS one shot where chloe had lead reader on about her romantic feelings but reader had moved in next door before max came back and chloe realized she actually likes reader and not max?
A/n: In this, there's several branching and parallel timelines created from Max's powers and Max hops from timeline to timeline, but those timelines still exist, with or without Max being in them after creation.
Chloe had been reluctant when her mother mentioned that someone was finally moving into the house next door. Reluctant because it wasn't Max. She'd checked, you see. She got her hopes up, thinking the Caulfield family had moved back.
Instead, she spotted you helping take some boxes inside.
Joyce had tried to encourage her daughter to take over some sort of welcoming treat to the neighbours, but instead, Chloe was nowhere to be found.
Little did Joyce know, Chloe had snuck out to the Firewalk concert at the Old Mill.
It wasn't until Rachel and her were transforming her room that Rachel discovered her window that was about to be covered in an upside down US flag was opposite your window.
Your window with a pride flag covering it.
"Wow..." Rachel remarked, leaving Chloe to raise an eyebrow as she got up to see what Rachel was looking at.
"Huh... never noticed that before." Chloe admitted, frowning at the smirk on Rachel's face.
"Well come on, I want to go meet your neighbours!"
Chloe let out a groan as Joyce asked where they were going, leaving Rachel to explain about the next door neighbours.
"How about you two take over some of these cookies? Since Chloe refused to even welcome them to the neighbourhood when the S/n's first moved in." Joyce suggested, gesturing to the tupperware box of cookies on the counter.
"That's a great idea, Joyce." Rachel smiled, picking up the box as Chloe grumbled under her breath.
Neither of the girls were sure who to expect when Rachel pressed the doorbell.
It was only after Rachel explained why they'd come over that they heard footsteps on the stairs.
The footsteps paused for a moment before you walked into the kitchen.
"Uh, hello." You awkwardly waved, acknowledging the strangers in your house as you spotted the cookies.
"Y/n, this is Rachel and Joyce's daughter from next door, Chloe. Chloe, Rachel, my daughter, Y/n."
Folding your arms to your chest, your eyes flickered between the grumpy partially blue-haired girl and her friend who gave you a smile as you caught her gaze.
"They noticed the pride flag in your window... you're lucky it was Chloe's window that faces it." You grimaced at the warning glare you received, watching as your family member went out into the garden to mow the lawn.
"Sorry that was so awkward." You chuckled, your hand running up and down the back of your neck as you avoided their eyes.
"So... can we see the room that the pride flag hides from view?" Rachel enquired, leaving you to take a step forwards.
Rachel had been missing since the 22nd of April.
Chloe had enlisted you in helping to find her, she had you running around all over town putting up missing posters and looking in all the places you thought she could have been.
You thought when you first met Chloe and Rachel, that they were dating.
Turns out it was a bit more complicated.
Chloe liked Rachel but Rachel liked to keep her options open. This meant that whenever Rachel was busy, Chloe would turn to you.
She knew you had a crush on her. It was adorable how you'd get flustered and avoid her gaze when she flirted with you. You were wrapped around her finger.
Little did she realise, she was wrapped around yours as well.
Chloe thought you were only vaguely aware of who Max was. But you knew more than what she thought, she talked to you when she was drunk or high. Rachel talked to you as well, but you didn't know what was going on with her or who she was seeing when she disappeared.
Because Chloe only thought you vaguely knew of Max, she didn't think you'd react if she decided to ghost you in favour of her childhood friend, or bring Max over to your house.
Oh you reacted, just internally.
The only external display of your emotion that showed was when Chloe decided to tease Max about kissing her. You'd clenched your jaw so roughly that your jawline became more prominent.
You hadn't noticed Max snapping a photo of you in thought until you heard the click of the polaroid camera you recognised from Chloe's room.
"So, what are you two up to? Investigating how Rachel's disappearance is leading to the apocalypse?" You joked, your face falling as you saw the sad look on Chloe's face and the panicked one on Max's.
"Wow. I hit the nail in the head... I thought I just read too much." You replied, trying to brush off reality as Chloe sat up, staring at you.
"Can... can I help?"
Max raised an eyebrow as Chloe stoically nodded, shuffling over so you could sit on the chair with her whilst Max sat on the floor in front of the two of you.
Chloe had known since Max kissed her that she wished it was someone else that kissed her instead.
She wished it was you.
So, as she sat on the couch in your room, debating her internal struggles of Max, Rachel and you, you caught her eye.
Or, your jawline did.
She only blinked when Max snapped a photo of you staring into space, leaning against the walls next to your pride flag.
Max said something about the sunlight making the pride flag reflect its colours on your face but Chloe wasn't paying attention to that.
Instead, she watched you figure everything out from a few sentences and facial expressions.
"Can... can I help?"
Chloe was barely able to school her features as she nodded to you, scooting over so you could sit next to her whilst Max sat in front of you both, ready to listen.
Never in your wildest dreams did you think an E6 tornado would crash into the little town your family moved to that couple of years ago.
Your family had already decided to head to Seattle for the weekend on Thursday. Knowing that they would be safe, you'd snuck a bag of the family treasures, like photo albums into a bag that you'd given them.
But now, Arcadia Bay looked tiny as you, Chloe and Max stood watching the tornado steamroll it.
"Max... it's time... it's okay, I'm not alone, I have Y/n with me." Chloe whispered, holding Max by the forearms in comfort as the three of you were drenched from the rain.
"Chloe... I'm so, so sorry... I don't want to do this." Max cried, hugging Chloe.
"I know, Max, but we have to, we have to save everyone, that it the alternative timeline you should be in, just like Y/n, said, there's a timeline where Arcadia Bay lives... and you'll make those fuckers pay for what they did to Rachel!" Chloe exclaimed, leaving you to nod.
"Max... if you need me in that other dimension, you'll find me, mention the pride flag in my window... that's all you'll need." You explained, leaving Max to nod as you gave her a sad smile.
"Being together this week. It was the best farewell gift I could have ever hoped for. You're my hero, Max." Chloe replied, glancing at you as you hugged Max first.
"Y/n... Chloe, I'm gonna miss you so much!" Max whimpered into Chloe's shoulder.
"I'll always love you... now get out of here, please! Do it before I freak. And Max Caulfield, don't you forget about me..." Chloe replied, stepping back until she was standing by your side.
"Never." Max affirmed, exchanging looks with you before you felt Chloe wrap her arms around you.
You quickly embraced Chloe, looking up to only see Max was gone.
"Y/n... I... I'm sorry I strung you along for so long... Rachel, she was my angel, but then... then Max came back but all along, all I ever wanted was you, it was you all long, Y/n S/n. I love you." Chloe whimpered, her eyes widening as you raised your hand to brush away the tears that were running down her face with your thumb.
"And... I love you, Chloe Price." You replied, not moving away as Chloe kissed you.
The kiss was salty from your combined tears from watching the town the two of you had lived in be destroyed.
"So, first stop, Seattle?" Chloe murmured, catching your eye as you sat in the passenger seat of her truck.
"Yeah... my family left to go up there on Thursday... I snuck some photo albums and mementos into a bag they've got with them. Plus, there's someone we know at university in Seattle." You explained, leaving Chloe to pause, kissing your cheek to erase your smirk.
"Hey, eyes on the road! Anyway, Steph's going to want to see us, especially after... yeah..." You replied, leaving Chloe to nod sadly, eyes flicking to the rear-view mirror, where you'd left Arcadia Bay.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence as Chloe drove towards Seattle, Washington.
Arcadia Bay and Max Caulfield were gone.
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leshot · 7 years
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Rachel and Chloe try to convince Max to go to a party.
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tangent101 · 3 years
An interesting Life is Strange writing concept
I just recently stumbled across an interesting concept for Life is Strange in which Alex Chen was adopted by the Caulfield family and went to Blackwell with Max... and it got me thinking.
First, I need to say this outright. I am using this fanfiction's idea as a launching point for brainstorming of concepts and ideas. My ideas are no better or worse than the fanfiction. This other story is fantastic on its own and does not need my input and this is not a criticism of the story. Instead, it's an examination of a basic concept: What happens if Alex Chen were to be adopted by the Caulfield clan.
The first thing to consider is this: Alex is a psychic. She is predominantly empathic and can get flashes of thoughts when emotions are intense enough and/or she focuses on what that person is thinking. So... this has caused a number of fostering situations to fall through.
Interestingly enough, there is a point when the Caulfield clan could have taken in Alex before this became an issue... and that's when Alex was 11 and first put into the foster care system. Foster parents are actually given a stipend to help pay for the financial expenses behind caring for a child, and in theory that could have been enough money to keep Ryan and Vanessa from moving out of Arcadia Bay.
But let's say that they actually adopted Alex (and thus potentially forfeited that financial boon). Would they adopt Alex and abandon Gabe to the system? Would we have two kids becoming Max's big brother and kid sister?
In this situation, Chloe would obviously know that Max has siblings now. And what's more, I cannot help but think that Alex, with her burgeoning psychic abilities, would push Max to either stay in contact or get back in contact with Chloe.
Okay, let's change things up. Alternative Reality #2 had the Chen family uproot themselves as Alex's father looked for employment. He ended up working at the docks in Seattle but losing his job when the incident happens that resulted in Social Services putting Alex and Gabe in the foster system. Alex languishes in a foster care system that is not good. Gabe ends up in Juvie. And when Alex was 14, she ends up fostered to the Caulfield family.
At this point, it's 2011. Max has been out of contact with Chloe for several years. She is pining though. And Alex, with psychic nerves rubbed raw, likely has come across several instances of this. Max, being the sort of person who hates causing a commotion, would not tell her parents about any weirdness and indeed if her parents were getting weirded out likely would come to Alex's defense. So after a small waiting period you end up having Alex adopted by the Caulfield clan... with emerging psychic powers but a family that is far more comforting and caring than the foster care system.
Alex knows how much Max misses Chloe. Yes, it's been a couple of years. But Alex herself has had friends in the foster care system that she has fallen out of touch with, others that ditched her, and she likely knows what it's like to be abandoned. Alex likely would push Max to get back in touch with Chloe early on.
I can't help but think that Max would succumb to Alex's good-intended urging on this. So Max contacts Chloe. She sends a text.
Let's say that Rachel intercepted the text. She blocks Max's number. Chloe doesn't need that drama in her life. (Bad enough that Joyce is constantly bringing up Max, and Chloe is having trouble letting her go. It's better this way. Sometimes you have to move on. Jealousy has nothing to do with this.)
Or maybe David confiscated Chloe's phone and blocked the number and deleted the text because Chloe doesn't need old friends when he's trying to break down this young soldier to rebuild into a productive member of society according to his military mindset (HA!) and Rachel's innocent in this.
Alex wouldn't just let this drop. Anyone who's played True Colors knows how stubborn our young lady is. And she's driven by psychic powers as well that are blossoming under a more loving home. Wouldn't Alex follow up with her own text? And Rachel or David likely wouldn't intercept every text or block her as well. Hell, she might go for broke and call Joyce. And Joyce sure as blazes would make sure that Chloe knew Max was contacting her. (And that Max has a sister now.)
So Chloe is now in touch with Max. The roadblocks are quite important because if Rachel blocked Max's number, then this is going to cause a bit of a blowup that weakens Chloe and Rachel's relationship, while if David were the culprit then Joyce is going to have words with him (as she loves Max and sees her as not only a second daughter but a stabilizing influence).
Of course, there is always possibility 3 - neither David nor Rachel tried to block Max's efforts to contact Chloe and that went off without a hitch but where's the fun in that? XD
Anyway, Alex would be urging Max to remain in touch with Chloe. She would also likely notice that Max is crushing hard on Chloe and may very well push Max down that path. And given that Rachel was flirting with other people... well, Max being back in Chloe's life could do one of two things - either draw Rachel closer into Chloe's circle out of jealousy, or give Rachel reason to push Chloe toward Max and do her own thing while remaining friends with Chloe.
I like Rachel. I can't help but think it would be #2, especially given what we know about Rachel from the original Life is Strange. She cared deeply for Chloe and didn't want to hurt her. So... yes, I can see Rachel helping encourage Chloe to let bygones be bygones and to pursue her own romantic leanings toward Max. We'd have shippers on either end pushing the two together (Alex pushing Max and Rachel pushing Chloe).
It might even be amusing and interesting to see Rachel and Chloe drive up to Seattle to meet Max and for Rachel in that situation to meet the mysterious Alex Chen who she's been texting and possibly flirting with on the phone. (Amberchen? Hmmm...)
One other thing that is likely to happen is that Max would be a stabilizing influence on Chloe's life. She is a pressure valve even as Rachel was more of an instigator. So with Max urging Chloe to focus more on school, we may very well see Chloe starting to apply herself more to her classes. And if Chloe doesn't get kicked out of high school then David has one less thing to rail against Chloe with.
Rachel and Chloe would graduate a year before Max would (and two years before Alex). With Max back in Chloe's life, and a new friendship growing between Alex and Rachel? Then we may very well see Rachel less desperate for an escape because now there is a plan. Go to college with Chloe up in Seattle. Sure, it's not California but there are other advantages to the region (including legal weed!) and having good friends there would be reason enough. She escapes Jeffershit's death trap by never getting close to him. Nor does she get close to Frank. Similarly, Max has no reason to go to Blackwell because Chloe is coming to Seattle!
And Alex? Alex gets a home life that is far more loving than what she went through in the original timeline. And she has good friends... which will be useful when on October 13, 2013 a truly nasty storm strikes Arcadia Bay, wiping out most of the town and killing hundreds of people including the student body of Blackwell Academy. Because fate is a fickle bitch and Chloe Price wasn't dying as a sacrifice in a bathroom in Blackwell Academy. But you know? While Chloe, Rachel, and Max grieve... Max never blames herself for something outside of her control, and the girls never went through the horrors of the original Life is Strange.
Well done, Alex! You saved the day once again! ^^ And amusingly enough, when Max, Chloe, and Rachel go with Alex to meet her brother Gabe, Max is on hand to witness Gabe's death, her powers emerge, and she saves Alex's brother... but that is a different story. ;)
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herpartnerintime · 4 years
if she dies, i’ll spend the rest of my life trying to escape this storm
Max had just finished a re-read of The Hunger Games books (and watched the first movie again) before her life got crazy. She’s been thinking a lot about how just like Katniss, she never had many moments to process everything before the next crazy moment was happening.
Like right after seeing a girl get shot, Max was back in class having to stay calm because she couldn’t freak out in the middle of class about how she just saw someone die and she couldn’t freak about the fact she had rewind powers all of a sudden. And it’s only after Nathan grabs her throat and she scratches him that suddenly a truck pulls up in front of her and she realizes the girl she saw die was Chloe Price - her best friend. And then she’s in her truck and she’s trying to act like she didn’t just see her die while also dealing with the shock of seeing Chloe again and the guilt of knowing she was a bad friend.
And that’s the pacing as things go on, one crazy traumatic thing after the next and Max has little time to process much of any of it just like Katniss. Seeing her best friend die, seeing her nearly die on the train tracks, saving Kate from a suicide attempt after having watched her fall over and over as she tried to rewind it, trying to figure out why Nathan is drugging girls, what happened to Rachel, going to an Alternate Reality where her best friend she loves even more than just a friend she is starting to realize deep down asks her to end her life, and she does, and she sees her die again. And then she and Chloe find Rachel, dead and buried and Chloe is destroyed, she loved her so much, and Max is trying to comfort her, she’s holding her but she can’t take away her pain and her crying tears at Max’s heart.
And then Max sees Chloe die again when she’s shot in the head and then she’s tied up to a chair drugged and the teacher she admired and trusted killed her and he’s taking sick pictures of her, Max rewinds into a new photo and has to relive herself drugged and scared on the floor as he stands over her taking pictures. She’s so scared, so alone, helpless. Can’t stop thinking about how Chloe is dead. She can’t stop wondering if this is all he’s going to do to her or if he wants to hurt her in other ways too... And then she ends up getting her journal back and jumps back into her selfie photo, back in class, texts David about the dark room and then she’s on a plane and then she’s in the art gallery and it’s just so much, to much, she can still feel the binds on her wrist... moments ago she was trapped. But she has to focus. Can’t break down here. It’s like she’s Katniss, at the interviews, forced to act like everything is okay. And for awhile she convinces herself she is okay and everything is okay and she’s safe now and Chloe is alive.
And then she has another vision and all these missed calls from Chloe, who is trapped on the beach in the storm and Max’s heart is hammering she’s so scared she has to fix it, has to fix it, has to save Chloe who is scared and alone on that beach. She gets back to the selfie, jumps in and tears it.
And then she’s back in the Dark Room.
Back in hell when moments ago she had been free and Chloe was safe and alive. Where he had been in prison. But now back in a reality where Chloe is dead and she is trapped in the chair once again like she never left at all. It’s like when Snow announced that the male and female tributes would be reaped from the existing pool of Victors and Katniss realized that meant her, because she was the only female Victor of 12. Katniss thought she was safe from ever going back into the games again, just like Max thought she was safe from ever being in The Dark Room again. And then Max is rewinding, over and over and over, rewinding him away from her, because he’s got the lethal dose and he is trying to inject it into her neck. But then David comes and then she’s rewinding over and over to stop Jefferson from killing him. And then finally, David stops him and then she’s escaping the Dark Room, wearing Chloe’s 3 bullet necklace, all she has left of her in this world, out into a world where she is utterly alone, Chloe is dead, Chloe is dead again, and the only way to save her is to brave this nightmare storm and get to the Diner to the photo she knows can save her, can bring Chloe back to her. But it’s a long journey there, she’s driving than she’s walking right into the storm, death all around her, knowing her powers caused it, powers she can’t explain other than it being Destiny to save Chloe, knowing all this death and suffering is on her and she feels like she’s suffocating but she has to keep moving forward. You can’t break down Max. You can’t sob and cry and scream. You have to keep going. If you stop, you might die, she might be dead forever.. And Max has a realization similar to Katniss. She remembers the lines so clearly.
“you’re not leaving me here alone,” I say. Because if he dies, I’ll never go home, not really. I’ll spend the rest of my life in this arena trying to think my way out.
And Max knows then, she knows if Chloe dies, if she doesn’t save her, she’ll never really leave this storm. She’ll be spending the rest of her life trying to escape it, if Chloe dies...
And so, in the end, she chooses her, because the truth is she loves her more than everyone, more than the world. She can’t trade her, she can’t lose her. But she’s not a monster - she didn’t want anyone to die. So now she’s haunted by her choice, even though she knows she could never have made the other choice and the other choice, the one where she lets Chloe die, haunts Max most of all. Because if she let her die she’d still be trying to escape the storm... forever.
Katniss went through trauma after trauma with no time to process, and now it all hits Max in different ways after the storm from horrible anxiety to flashbacks to nightmares. After the storm, there’s so much to process, so much was happening and so fast Max never had that chance. Like how seeing the girl you love more than anyone die over and over again means now your nightmares terrorize you with her death and the fear you might lose her forever, even though she’s promised you forever you’re terrified the universe might try and take her again and not let you have forever. It’s left a lot of mental scars for her. She knows Chloe has her own scars too. She knows her choice, choosing Chloe meant more than words could even express, the strongest show of love Max could have ever given, Chloe knows she will never have to fear being alone or abandoned or unloved ever again but Max knows she’s as haunted as she is by those who died in the storm. Like her mom... Chloe is an orphan now. And she only just discovered Rachel was dead,  only days into processing that pain. But Chloe and Max have each other. Just like Katniss and Peeta did. In spite of their traumas and the scars they have each other. They will be happy and they will help each other through the pain that comes. They love each other and they will be together. Forever. And Max is reminded of a few more lines...
The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.
Except for Max the line is...
The bright butterfly blue that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Chloe can give me that.
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and for the record max gets so emotional during the I Need You scene in Catching Fire book + movie because she can see her and Chloe in Katniss and Peeta, doing everything to protect the other. She needs Chloe and Chloe needs her. she knows if they were in the games together they’d be just like Katniss and Peeta in there, determined to save the other no matter what.
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riotouseaterofflesh · 3 years
Chapters: 33/33 Fandom: Life Is Strange 2 (Video Game), Life Is Strange (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price, Sean Diaz/Original Male Character, Rachel Amber/Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price freeform?? it's more-so Max and Rachel
Characters: Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Chloe Price, Sean Diaz, Daniel Diaz, Original character named Damián, Damián's dog, The camera guy, The sound guy, David Madsen, Karen Diaz, other characters from the series mentioned, Rachel Amber
Additional Tags: The Office, character interviews, Post-Save Chloe Price Ending, Time Travel, Telekinesis, Light and easy to read, comedic, Filmed like a documentary but not a script, Not really any character deaths but..., Post-Blood Brothers Ending (Life is Strange 2), Alternate realities within the post canon universe, Admittedly starts off a little weak but finishes strong, Character Growth, If you are here for Rachel wait until chapter 25ish, Happy Ending
When a camera crew gets assigned a project to document unconventional lifestyles, they realize they have hit the absolute jackpot when two domestic gay bimbos come to visit their step-dad in Arizona. It wasn't in the plan, but now they are heading south to a small, coastal village in Sonora Mexico called Puerto Lobos.
Max and Chloe meet Sean and Daniel and the camera crew has got it all on tape. What happens when you mix a time traveling sleuth, her chaotic girlfriend who only recently learned how to NOT DIE, a disaster-bi mechanic, and his extremely- EXTREMELY energetic little brother? It's nothing good obviously. Watch as romance, danger, and chaos ensue, and these four learn how to work together.
No one can call you a bad writer if your intention is to write bad. If you are in the mood for a story that could be titled, "Life is Strange, but this time it doesn't hurt." then you have come to the right place. By chapter 28 it kinda takes a turn and I really step it up.
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dalekofchaos · 10 months
I have a headcanon that there are three specific choices that lead to alternate realities in BTS
Choice 1. Defending Nathan against Drew and encouraging Sam's interest regarding Nathan. I believe if you make the right choices regarding Nathan that leads to a Nathan and Samantha relationship, then it leads to a better outcome for Nathan. She helps him with his darker impulses and is the voice of reason and he found the light that would keep him away from the Dark Room.
Choice 2. Being nice to Joyce and accepting David's photo leads to a better relationship between Chloe and David and ultimately a healthier family dynamic with the Prices. Chloe wouldn't replace William or change for Joyce or David, but because of an established trust and a promise not to invade her privacy and going to therapy together, I feel in this alternate reality things ended up better and they'd act like a family. David wouldn't be abusive, Chloe would go back to Blackwell and Joyce would be happy that she has a family together again. Now you might be thinking this is unrealistic, but in the ending after you chose to accept the photo and after David proposes to Joyce, the three of them are seen hugging together. So yeah I think this is one of the choices that would lead to an alternate reality.
Choice 3. Lying to Rachel about the truth leads to Rachel being found alive. In LIS1 Chloe says her parents don't believe she's missing. So my suggestion is they give up on her if you choose to tell her the truth. But if you lie, then it leads to a search/manhunt lead by James to find Rachel and it results in Chloe, James and David finding Rachel alive and arresting Jefferson, Frank and Nathan
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Life is Strange x Fem!Reader - Platonic!Fic - Alternative Reality
You met Max when she started at Blackwell Academy, before she had to deal with Nathan Prescott or saw Chloe Price for the first time in five years.
You first saw her in photography class, the teacher Mr Jefferson was talking about something you were lowkey zoning out for, your eyes on your trainers. Until Mr Jefferson asked what he’d just said to you. You looked like a deer in headlights as you just shook your head, keeping your eyes on your textbook before you saw what you’d used the bookmark the page.
Everyday Heroes Photo Contest.
“What I was talking about, Y/n, was the-”
“Everyday Heroes Contest?” You interrupted, leaving Mr Jefferson to stare at you momentarily.
“Next time, pay attention to something more than your shoelaces, Y/n.” You didn’t take your gaze off your desk at that, ignoring how you could feel eyes on you as you chose to pick up your camera and look through the reel.
“Hey, that’s a cool shot.” You almost dropped your camera at the voice before your shoulders relaxed, acknowledging who looking at your camera screen over your shoulder.
“Thanks, you’re Max, right? You use polaroids?” You asked, tilting your head to the side as you watched Max shrink in on herself as soon as you mentioned her camera.
“Hey, it’s okay, I think the polaroids are pretty cool, I love your photos too by the way, I saw a couple back when we had that assignment to show what we could do, the benchmark project?” You replied, smiling as Max relaxed slightly.
“I was wondering if you’d want to exchange photo know-how sometime?” Max asked, leaving you to nod.
“Yeah, sure, that sounds awesome, how about after class?”
You knew Max was hesistant to hand in her photograph for the contest, much to your argument that you thought she’d win. She claimed you could too but you already knew back then, Max’s photo was way better than yours.
Max told you about her childhood friend Chloe Price on October 1st.
You never met Rachel Amber, you only knew what she looked like from her missing person posters that Chloe had plastered everywhere.
It wasn’t until you offered to pay for breakfast at the Two Whales Diner tomorrow that Max finally gave in, sending in her photo. But Max had been acting weird since that class on the Daguarrian Process.
After class, Max dragged you to the girls bathroom where the two of you hid in a corner until Nathan Prescott walked in, talking crazy. Max just held your arm as the two of listened to him talking to a girl with blue hair until Max started going for the fire alarm as Nathan got out a gun.
You let out a breath as you and Max ran out of the bathroom, freezing as David told you both to get outside. Max went to Principal Wells whilst you stood besides her, backing up her statement about Nathan Prescott with a gun in the girls’ bathroom.
Meeting Chloe was interesting, you didn’t think Chloe wanted anything to do with you as she only acknowledged Max. But it was Max who pulled you into Chloe’s pick-up truck, she slid into the middle as you shut the door, leaving Warren to punch Nathan Prescott in the face.
The three of you hung out, although it was awkward for you to try communicate with Chloe until you gave up, taking photos of her and Max when they weren’t looking.
“Another camera dork?”
“Y/n’s cool. She’s got this way with nature... a force of nature.” Max smiled, leaving you to roll your eyes before you spotted the doe watching the three of you in the junkyard.
Unlike the other timelines, it didn’t snow today. Why would it snow in October in Oregon? No weird weather here, thanks.
Chloe dropped you and Max off at the dorms after the three of you hung out at the lighthouse.
But it wasn’t until past 9pm that your phone began to go off.
PricelessPunk: max y/n you there
PricelessPunk: HELLO!!!!
MadMax: What’s going on? You okay?
PricelessPunk: crazy shit is going down. step-soldier called the cops and took off. he had his gun.
MadMax: That is crazy!
ForceOfNature: when is arcadia bay not interesting?
PricelessPunk: especially after hooking up with you again.
PricelessPunk: and introducing me to Y/n today
MadMax: Everything is going to be okay! We’re all together!
ForceOfNature: okay cheeseball
PricelessPunk: insert insult here
PrincessPunk: < image sent > load image
MadMax: Human emoji! :D
MadMax: Text back when you hear anything.
PricelessPunk: on it
You yawned when you realised it was getting closer to 10pm. All that fresh air from hanging outside had you completely forgetting to drink any more coffee, leaving to you crash in your bed almost automatically.
1 New Message from PricelessPunk at 8:30
PricelessPunk: good morning
PricelessPunk: your asses better be up if i am
PricelessPunk: wakey wakey egg n baky
ForceOfNature: who turned on the sun?
MadMax: You mean wakey baky. So what happened last night?
PricelessPunk: step-swat got home late last nite all jacked up about one of his investigations
MadMax: He might be right for a change
PricelessPunk: you funny
PricelessPunk: so meet me at the two whales asap
MaxMax: Ok, see you soon!
You had just gotten back to your room from the showers when you saw your phone.
By the time you were ready and about to be knocking on Max’s door, Max appeared out of Kate’s door instead, making you jump.
“Hey Y/n, c’mon, let’s not keep Chloe waiting.” Max smiled, closing Kate’s door.
“Is Kate okay?”
“Yeah, I was just returning her copy of The October Country.” Max explained as the two of you left the dorms.
The three of you were sat in the Two Whales when the cop sat at the counter had to run out. Max just let out a breath when it was revealed that the diner cop, Officer Berry and David had found the dark room, arresting both Mark Jefferson and Nathan Prescott at Blackwell.
It was around 5pm when your phone buzzed. You had just left Kate’s room so you stood in the corridor to check your texts.
PricelessPunk: max i need you right now
PricelessPunk: i know what happened to Rachel
PricelessPunk: come meet me at the lighthouse when u get this
PricelessPunk: bring Y/n too
PricelessPunk: please
MadMax: I’ll be there. I hope she’s fine.
1 Message from MadMax
MadMax: Y/n, I’ll meet you outside the dorms
ForceOfNature: on my way
By the time you and Max reached the lighthouse, Chloe was sat on the bench barely holding it together.
“Chloe!” Max exclaimed, the two of you running over.
“What, what happened?” You asked, crouching down so you could see Chloe properly as she slipped into a fetal position.
1 New Message
PricelessPunk: thank you for being there for me yesterday
PricelessPunk: i keep trying to wake up like this is a nightmare
PricelessPunk: why rachel? she never hurt anyone
MadMax: No, she didn’t. Chloe, I’m so sorry about everything
PricelessPunk: dude how do we get over shit like this
ForceOfNature: by living. Rachel would want you to have a great life.
MadMax: Exactly, that’s truly the best revenge
PricelessPunk: no we really do have to take over the world
MaxMax: No, we just have to be there for eachother
PricelessPunk: u are saint max
You were sat on the floor tidying your room that noon on Thursday when your phone buzzed, leaving you to chuckle as you looked at your lockscreen of you, Max and Chloe with ice creams.
PricelessPunk: yes i am hella bored
PricelessPunk: with nothing to do
PricelessPunk: whatcha doing hippie
PricelessPunk: u too nature lover
MadMax: some of us hippies have homework
PricelessPunk: no shit
ForceOfNature: tidying my room, homework is done
PricelessPunk: and i already did my paperwork for bay city college
ForceOfNature: yessss
MadMax: I’m proud of you
PricelessPunk: i hope so
It was during photography class that the winner of the Everyday Heroes Contest was announced. You just smirked since you’d known from the start that Max would win.
“You gonna tell Chloe the good news?” You asked, standing with Max as she held up a larger framed version of her original polaroid submission.
“Of course!” Max smiled at you, class had ended and people had faded away from congratulating Max.
MadMax: Chloe.
MadMax: Sorry.
PricelessPunk: HOLY SHIT YOU RULE MAX!!!!!
PricelessPunk: i am so proud of my superstar
PricelessPunk: this is just the start of your career
ForceOfNature: i knew from the moment you showed me that photo you’d win!
MadMax: I’m just so glad I can share it with you both.
ForceOfNature: damn right
PricelessPunk: plus max you deserved to win
PricelessPunk: (^_^)
ForceOfNature: hahahahaha
“You need help packing? Pretty sure Chloe will be rushing over too-” you were cut off as the two of you headed out the doors to the fountain, spotting Chloe parking her car.
“Speak of the punk and she shall appear.” You joked as Chloe ran over.
“Sup photo nerds!” Chloe grinned before Max grabbed the two of you, pulling you both towards the dorms.
Max was kneeling on the floor, folding clothes to pack as she was jetting off to San Francisco with Principal Wells, to the Zeitgeist Gallery where Max’s winning submission was being displayed.
Chloe was sat on the couch with her feet in your lap, strumming Max’s guitar as you sat with your camera, snapping a photo of Chloe’s side profile.
“What’s that photo term for when it’s like this?” Chloe asked as she spun around in a circle, her boots leaving imprints in the sand as you walked behind her, your camera strap around your neck as you had your camera balanced in your hand.
“Golden hour. An hour before sunset and after sunrise.” You explained, snapping some photos before Chloe nudged you, showing you the photo Max had taken in the Zeitgeist Gallery.
“She really deserves this y’know.” Chloe admitted, leaving you to chuckle.
“Then she’ll be back here hanging with us misfits, y’know.” You replied, smiling as you spotted a pod of whales.
“C’mon, I want to get a good photo of that whale pod!” You exclaimed, running towards Chloe to take her hand and drag her across the beach.
“Whoah, hey!”
The sun’s rays left the waves glowing, the clear skies showing no tornado in sight. Justice was served and both Chloe and Arcadia Bay lived.
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nozorigames · 5 years
Interesting Facts
We are still working on the game (even during New Year holidays) and we’d like to tell you some interesting facts about Guilty Parade:
Tom and Sam’s prototypes are our real cats with similar names. They have a lot in common: appearance, relationship, character and they are also brothers too like these two cats;
The bags under Yakov's eyes are a consequence of his sensitive sleep;
If you stay still during Wagner’s interrogation you will receive a short extra scene;
The world of Guilty Parade is alternative although there are references to our reality in it;
Helga's blue hair color and her smoking are a tribute to Chloe Price (Life is Strange) and a mechanic of moving around locations is inspired by Nancy Drew series;
In the male dormitory Oliver’s bed is always half made up. In fact, he  makes it carefully but someone of the squad constantly mess with it.
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ehc-on-ao3 · 5 years
What if everything that happened to Chloe happened to Max and vice versa?
(Warning: long post)
I sometimes visit r/lifeisstrange on Reddit and I found this question posted by a MisterMeoww. Here’s how I replied:
There are a few fanfics out on AO3 that explore this scenario, though I haven't read them. However, I'll postulate that absolutely nothing in the game would have happened if this really happened.
Max, shy introvert that she is, would likely close off even further. I don't think she'd be the kind of person to maintain her interest in photography as it would be a constant reminder of her father, Ryan. So, no photography. But in the game, she's also a skilled artist and can play guitar. If she dumped her focus into either one of these, perhaps she'd still earn a scholarship into Blackwell, a school with a focus on the arts (more on this below). If not, since there's no way she'd be able to afford admission into a private academy, she'd probably attend a public school and never set foot in Blackwell, eliminating the entirety of the game's plot.
Perhaps she'd occasionally lash out but turn punk? Unlikely for her. zerosixhundred hypothesized she'd go emo and that's more likely. Maybe she'd have an incident where she seriously contemplates/attempts suicide, or maybe she instead romanticizes the notion.
No Blackwell means no game, though. So, how do we change that?
Let's say that Max does maintain her art. With her dark and grim outlook on life and constantly thinking about death, her art would definitely go into a different direction. But perhaps it's this focus that allows her to win a scholarship to Blackwell. Maybe she'd still take Photography and be in Mark Jefferson's class. After all, Kate has an art focus but is taking Photography as well. However, I'd still maintain that she'd avoid the class completely (too many bad memories and associations) which means no encounters with Victoria, Taylor, Jefferson. She might still get in with Kate, though, as there's a decent chance both of them would be taking the same art classes, whatever those might be.
Would shy, introverted, dark, grim, emo Max ever fall into the Vortex Club, Nathan, or any of that? No. Would her potential friendship with Kate be enough to keep the Christian girl from attending a Vortex party and getting drugged by Nathan? Maybe. If not, and Kate fell into a deep depression over what happened and the video that spread around, would Max be in a position to help, considering her own dark outlook? That's the major question. Would seeing a close friend become suicidal (Max has read all about it and can definitely see the signs) finally snap Max back to reality and allow her to become Kate's savior?
What if witnessing Kate's suicide is what ignites Max's time traveling powers? What if she goes back in time 5 minutes, and is able to rush over to the dorms and talk Kate down? What if finding out the truth about Kate, and doing everything she can to help, leads to Max discovering all sorts of insidious stuff about Nathan? Who'd have her back in this version of events? Would Max find herself in the Dark Room, or would she instead just become a target to be eliminated?
Kinda sounds like a game, doesn't it? ;-P
But what about Chloe?
She'd never come. If she pulled the same stunt as Max and ghosted her friend, she'd remain in Seattle. Since she seemed more focused on science, there wouldn't be a reason for her to ever apply to a private arts academy in a completely different state. Instead, and taking a look at her in the alternate timeline in the game, where she was pretty much a straight-A student prior to the accident that put her in a wheelchair, I'd say it's more likely she'd stay in Seattle, perhaps winning a scholarship at a school there. Being a year ahead of Max scholastically means that Chloe would graduate high school, likely with honors, and be starting college by the time Max is a senior in high school, further separating the two. In this timeline, she'd be completely out of the picture, having never reconnected with Max, never having a reason to come to Blackwell, and having never met Rachel at all.
The poster of the question then asked about Chloe getting time powers instead of Max, as that was part of their what-if scenario. My response:
I treat the scenario you've laid out, with Max's dad dying and Chloe moving to Seattle, as a completely separate from gaining time powers.
If the Price family moved to Seattle, Chloe would never come back to Arcadia Bay and wouldn't ever be in a position to gain time powers the same way Max did in the game. The way I see it, since Chloe would remain in Seattle her entire high school career, she and Rachel would never have met. That means that when Rachel dies at Nathan/Jefferson's hands again (I don't see why this would change), no one would be looking for her. No one would be constantly pressuring Nathan by hanging up Missing Persons posters everywhere. No one would try to extort Nathan for money. Therefore, the bathroom scene wouldn't have happened. At all.
So, no bathroom scene means no one gains powers. Unless it takes witnessing a traumatic event to trigger someone gaining time powers. In the above, I explained how Max would gain powers even in this altered timeline. What could trigger the same with Chloe?
Anything. Take your pick of events. But if Chloe does gain time powers, it wouldn't be at Blackwell, wouldn't happen in Arcadia Bay, and wouldn't involve Max at all.
The problem with this scenario [meaning OP’s] from what I've seen in various fics is no one takes into account the age difference between Max and Chloe. If Chloe ghosts Max and continues to do well in school, she'd graduate before Max would become a senior, and have no reason to attend Blackwell. The only reason she's still in Arcadia Bay in the game is she's a dropout, hasn't graduated, doesn't have a future without Rachel, and is stuck trying to find her. Without any of that, she'd never come back to the Bay.
If this Chloe gains time powers anyway, I don't think she'd abuse them, not like the Chloe we all know. Game-Chloe is a punk who thrills at thumbing her nose at authority, and would gladly abuse these powers something fierce. But your Chloe, the one whose father lived and didn't suffer that trauma, who moved to Seattle and graduated high school, who may or may not remember Max as she starts college in Washington state or elsewhere, is not the same as game-Chloe, and wouldn't approach her newfound powers the same way.
What do you guys think?
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