#Also while I'm here i'm hijacking the tags
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randomhuman-bean · 4 months ago
Every Rose has its Thorn
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I had a LOT of fun with this! This is my main submission for Draw the Princess, but I'm sure I'll make more art before it's over! Princess yuri my beloved
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cupboardgods · 29 days ago
Thoughts on arresting Klaasje
So I really liked this post by @jjjunebuggg, and I started writing this in the tags. But it ended up being too long and I didn't want to hijack the post with my tangent.
Also, in writing this, I realized I never had to give her a station call slip, did I? Is that something you can do? I've played five times with different builds and intentions, and I think I did 1 arrest and 4 call slips. It didn't occur to me that not doing anything was an option. Oh my god.........................
Anyway. I want to talk about not the morality of arresting Klaasje, but moreso the legality of it.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm of the mind that Klaasje didn't do anything to warrant arrest. Not that she didn't do anything wrong! She did, for reasons. But I gave her the call slip so many times because I genuinely didn't think it fair to arrest her.
She came to the city because "corporate espionage" is technically legal in Revachol, so she couldn't be tried for those crimes in Revachol. The extradition laws meant she couldn't get in trouble while she was there without being handed over to the ICP. But you can't legally arrest her for corporate espionage (although you can threaten her with it and then do it).
Maybe this is me being a bad detective, but it's not fair to call her a flight risk, even if she flees--Klaasje willingly hung around the crime scene, waiting to be interrogated, for over a week. She gave her testimony (and lied, but oh well, not under oath right).
Here's the fayde link to the reasons you can give for arresting her--none of which I think are actual charges (save for "murder suspect", for which there is little evidence to accuse her, especially if you know the actual cause of death).
Kim talks about how the RCM relies on call slips and fines over making arrests "to avoid overcrowding". If you don't arrest Klaasje, then giving her a call slip covers your ass. The call slip makes the paperwork clean, absolves the policeman of some fault, especially if you solve the case. More on this in a second.
Because of all that, it frustrates me that your colleagues give you a hard time about "letting a witness get away." Kim can say, "We really should have arrested her," during the tribunal. On what grounds should we have arrested her? To be sacrificed to the ICP because we're moralintern dogs? To be handed off to the mercenaries to appease their wrath? Literally Kim, shit timing. There was no reason. IMO it was her legal right to flee, as much as it was for Joyce to leave on her boat.
When Jean grills you for "failing to assess a flight risk" and "letting the witness go," I think his complaints demonstrate a systemic preference for corruption. Which like, duh. The RCM is full of corruption, they "exist in the twilight of international law", they're an imperialist armed force, etc. But this particular instance stands out to me because I believe in Klaasje's legal freedom, not just moral.
What makes me so sad, for both Klaasje and Ruby, is that if they both run away, they become fugitives. Idk if an officer can shred that station call slip, but if it gets filed, the ICP will know Klaasje's in Revachol right? It's another way of dooming her in the long-term, without a spooky shivers check weighing on your conscience.
Both of them were trying to bury criminal pasts; in playing the game your investigation digs them back up cruelly. This is made even more ironic because you can spend the entire game wondering if Harry himself is in the the pocket of La Puta Madre. If he is, or was, he's protected by his job.
Even Ruby's involvement in the harbor drug trafficking was only legally dubious right? Not outright incriminating. I think it's likely that both of their criminal identities would fade into obscurity, maybe because of Le Retour, maybe because of time. But still they're two vulnerable people who're permanently on the run when they both could have had a long-term home in Martinaise.
Anyway, great writing in the game as always. Love that I can play five times through and then some, and still fail to question the narration, authority, or even myself. Like I needed another reason to play again.
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aceinacloset · 1 year ago
Already making another post about SL REDUX?, yeah I want to talk about it again, this time about things I changed from Canon SL.
This stuff is important so make sure to read, mostly so I don't have to explain this too many times.
Anyway Let's begin.
1. Elizabeth and Circus Baby are two separate individuals, who are just sharing a body.
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This isn't really a change as it seemed pretty apparent that they were two individuals, but FNAF 6 exists…so for the sake of my sanity I'm making this clear now.
Elizabeth in this Au is more of a poltergeist than a ghost haunting a suit. While Baby is just a self aware AI, whose self awareness was heightened by Elizabeth's death.
The other funtimes can see Liz (it's a whole saw it out of the corner of your eye situation) and Elizabeth was an active player in the events In SL by hijacking handunit and manipulating certain events to transpire a certain way. I hope this info is handy.
2. Sister locations map and FNAF 4’s map are no longer connected
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I like fnaf 4 and sister locations in their own ways, specifically as separate locations not connected in Any way. Sadly, it seemed canon SL thought they should be connected and seemingly on TOP OF EACH OTHER!, so now I'm here���
I hate this whole thing because it was established on NIGHT 1 that this was an establishment opened after FNAF 1 closed, meaning it most likely has another establishment above for the actual entertainment part. So either Scott fucked up his own continuity on Night 2 of the same game, or the location isn't necessarily underneath the FNAF 4 house but in association with it or near by, but has the map looking like its directly under it-….*sigh* my head already hurts.
Anyway I hate it either way so no more FNAF 4 map.
Love FNAF 4, I just prefer it and SL being as separate as separate can be from one another. I think many FNAF 4 and/or FNAF SL fans can agree.
3. Elizabeth wants William dead
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Ok ok it's not that simple, Elizabeth's view of William changes throughout, going from admiration, to a need to please, to fear (in the sense of looking at someone and just not knowing them anymore), to hatred, to just not caring anymore. Yeah a whole flow of feelings but yes Liz does want Afton dead.
4. Williams motivation
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Ok I know technically we don't really know Aftons motivation whatsoever, or even if he has one. But it is touched upon here, it's shallow and selfish but there.
Honestly my favorite types of villain motivations to write are the Reprehensible but understandable (to a degree) and the selfish with surface level good intentions, which the second one is Williams in this Au.
His reasoning is dry and more a way to justify it for himself, and he constantly wants to feel above it all but in reality, he is sinking into the mud along with the rest of the suffering souls.
Also his care and love for his kids are also surface level and the bare minimum. This version of William is a dick.
5. I changed Night 4…
I hate that night, as simple as that. I know quite the tragedy, but it had to be done.
Ok, this is all with changes that aren't just add ons to canon.
Also any post about this Au will be tagged with the tag !fnaf sl redux!
-Jester 🤡
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saraminia · 2 years ago
Hereunder I express some bitchy opinions about our beloved Schitt's Creek so take that as your "dead dove do not open" if negativity is not something you wish to see.
@njwoman (I dare to tag you cause I'm sure you can handle opinions even if they don't align with yours.) You brought up the concept of SC supposedly being "sexually progressive" and I didn't want to hijack your post. So these are my thoughts on SC being "sexually progressive".
Yeah pfft it was never sexually progressive. We never once even saw David and Patrick shirtless together or doing anything sexually suggestive either. It was progressive in a way that Dan made it very sex positive in a sense that David was very open to having sex with anybody basically. In fact, and I have said this before, and it is basically my only beef with sc, the three times we see David shirtless and/or having or just having had sex is with someone other than Patrick. Also the fact that he fucks his pos ex and thus basically gives him exactly what he wanted, is somehow supposed to be a win for David. Yeah I don't know. Sure, if that's sexually progressive, then yeah, but we were left wondering if David and Patrick even ever had any sex at all. The one sex joke between them is also David jokingly declining sex. But sure, they were ready and eager to fuck Jake. Wish we'd seen that kind of enthusiasm from them for having sex with each other. I mean their love is very soft and supportive and accepting and all the fluffy things, but would it have hurt to give it some passion as well. Surely they could have fit in a few scenes or jokes about their sex life. Hell, they didn't even cuddle while sleeping smh. And I don't mean they should have had a full on sex scene. That's not the expectation here. But they clearly could and did make sex references and jokes and suggestive scenes so are we supposed to believe there was no opportunity to bring that into David and Patrick's relationship. Sure, in the beginning of season four which was right at the beginning of their relationship, there was that one suggested make out at the store, but after that nothing. Idk maybe their first night together was such a disaster that they just decided to never have sex again with each other. Maybe that's why they were so excited about the prospect of bringing Jake into their bed. Cause they needed a third to be able to stand each other in bed. Okay, obviously I'm not serious about this, but it does make you wonder. Also none of this is that deep anyway. It's just a tv show that I do love with all my heart.... well mostly....
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ziodyne-amax · 11 months ago
Alright, I'm taking a nap. Naoya, you watch the account while I'm out.
Isn't this Narukami's account and we're just freeloading?
My name shows up more often when we tag the posts with who's talking, it's my account now. Also he's busy so he can't do it.
And you think I'm not?
Your job requires there to be an Amritacorp in the Pokemon world. You're not busy.
Well maybe I'm trying to experience childlike whimsy I haven't had since I was in high school, ever think about that?
Are you?
... No, but I'm still busy right now. Besides, it's a Tumblr blog. We can leave it for a bit and it'll be fine.
I mean. Both of us just hijacked the blog when we got here, so I doubt that, but. I guess it's okay. See all of you guys following later!
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blubushie · 11 months ago
I saw that low empathy post you reblogged and when I was digging through the notes one of the tags kinda popped out at me, "my morality is a list of self-constructed rules" but like is... is that not how it normally works?? Isn't most people's way of determining these things "are the consequences of this action worth it" tempered by their own personal standard of what "ain't right"?
~ questioning a lotta things right now (self-directed)
Forgive me if this isn't put together well—I woke up at 4:30am, it's currently 5am, and I am not a morning person. Which is to say I am still half awake.
From my understanding most people don't constantly have to weigh if things are worth it in terms of morality. "Is it worth it" is something like "Is it worth driving to 7/11 just for a cold drink" and not "moral dilemmas" so to speak—someone's empathy or conscience ("what ain't right") usually handles that. And you can lack empathy while having a conscience, and you can have empathy with no conscience.
I think the person was arguing that their morality was SELF constructed, rather than the result of society's understanding of what's good and what's bad, but that also has... nothing to do with empathy (and I imagine is one of the tags the OP was referring to when he called out people kinda hijacking the post and taking attention away from the fact it's about low empathy).
Yes, from what I understand of how empathy/consciences in other people works, I'd argue that MOST people's morality comes down to a list of self-constructed rules rather than society's rules. Especially here on the "love addicts/sex workers/people society hates" website. What those morality rules are varies from person to person. Some people hold themselves to a very high standard with strict terms of morality. Other people are more relaxed and simply have guidelines more than actual rules. I'm in the latter category. Almost every rule can be bent within reason, I just try to be a good person where I can. Not because I care, but just because it's good to do good.
Basically, yes that's normal. The person leaving those tags is probably just doing a "waaah I'm so edgy-speshal" thing or just outright doesn't understand how morality/empathy works in a normal person lmao
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missmewachu · 1 year ago
i saw your URL tags- while i’d love to hijack the compliment i think i got mixed up with someone else xD i’ve never posted any fics only art! But now i want to see the really good ones you were talking about hahaha 👀
Oh goodness, I'm so sorry and thanks for letting me know! Ahahaha ^^; Digging through ao3, here's the author I was referring to! They write a bit of smut if that's up your alley, and there's so many of their fics that are so great I couldn't possibly pick just one, ahaha! Hope you enjoy~ https://archiveofourown.org/users/GayRedMage/pseuds/GayRedMage Also- I think this worked out, embarrassed as I may be, I never knew you did art!! I'll have to take a gander going through your blog later on, I can never get enough Genesis art~ So it looks like this worked out for the both of us, ahaha~! Thanks again ^.^
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rjalker · 2 years ago
@frenchtoastfive said in the tags, August 23rd 2023:
#i agree with this post though the aggressiveness could be turned down#also harry potter fan hate in the comments?#harry potter fans don't support jk rowling#at least i dont#i like the world of harry potter#not the world of jk rowling is really transphobic#:D
Pro tip. The original poster can see your tags. Don't put bigotry in your tags.
A) I will stop being "aggressive" when people stop hijacking what was a simple post about not erasing disabled people to continuously defend eugenics and call me all sorts of names because they're mad I'm telling them they're ableist.
I've literally had multiple people call me the R slur because of this post.
If you think disabled people who are facing ableism are being "too aggressive" by getting angry at being continuously subjected to bigotry and people literally defending genocide against us, you're ableist!
If you think a post by a minority is too aggressive, either don't reblog it, or keep your tone-policing comment to yourself! That is literally bigotry!
By calling me aggressive for reacting appropriately to constant ableism, you have now joined the ranks of the ableists!
Don't tell minorities who are angry about the abuse they face that they're being too aggressive unless you're trying to be a jackass on purpose!
B) Yes. If you are still a fan of Harry Potter in 2023 you are ableist and racist and transmisic. JK Rowling is literally funding trans genocide with the money she made and Is currently making from the Harry Potter series and advocating for autistic trans people to lose all of our rights and instead be treated like inanimate property.
It doesn't matter that you try to say you only enjoy Harry Potter but don't support JK Rowling -- You are giving her free advertising every single time you talk about and share fan creations and enjoyment for her book series, which is filled to the brim with racism, antisemitism, classism, and so much fucking more.
If you actually support all the people that JK Rowling is literally fucking trying to wipe out, you would not be a Harry Potter fan in 2023.
There are literally endless other books you could be reading and writing about.
If you are still a Harry Potter fan in 2023 you are not fucking welcome on my blog, especially not if you're going to tone police me on a post where I respond with all due anger to constant ableism. Why do you think the post had to be edited four separate times? For fun?
And here's the "Harry Potter hate in the comments, which I added on April 29th 2023:
Harry Potter fans are banned from this post. So are James Cameron's Avatar fans. You people will not even be dignified with response you will just be blocked on sight.
So you, @frenchtoastfive saw that Harry Potter fans were not allowed to reblog this post. And you, a self-proclaimed Harry Potter fan, decided that not only didn't apply to you, but you also decided to make it clear you're a Harry Potter fan and are reblogging anyway.
If you don't understand why being a fan of Harry Potter in 2023 is unconcionable for people who actually support minorities, which does not just include trans people, then you are not listening to any of the people targeted by JK Rowling's actions. She is literally a billionaire funding laws with the goal of literal genocide in mind.
Let's put it this way: If Donald Trump wrote a kids series of books, would you call yourself a fan of his books while claiming you don't support him?
Then why do you think it's okay to do the same with Harry Potter and JK Rowling when she is literally, not exaggerating, funding genocide?
How about you either stop being a fan of a bigoted series, or at least have the common courtesy to not reblog posts by people who explicitly told you to stay away, while you tone-police our anger from being subjected to bigotry -.-
What makes you think you're a good person for telling minorities we're being too aggressive in telling people to stop defending eugenics?
What makes you think you're a good person when you explicitly see that Harry Potter fans are not allowed to reblog this post, and you decide to do it anyways and announce you're a Harry Potter fan???
You cannot support the Harry Potter series without supporting JK Rowling. You cannot separate the author from her creations when she is still alive and using the profits from those characters to fund genocide. You literally can't.
Either actually listen to minorities when we tell you something is hurting us, or actually have common courtesy and don't fucking reblog posts that explicitly say for Harry Potter fans not to interact. Especially not if you're literally going to tone police us. Come on.
Dear people who aren't physically disabled who plan to write fantasy settings:
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[ID: Several images taken from the Geordi La Forge yes and no meme format, with Geordi holding out a hand disapprovingly for the no section, then pointing in approval for the yes section.
The first image is the meme:
No: "Saying the existance of magic in your setting means there are no disabled people (this literally just means disabled people are killed. AKA eugenics)"
Yes: "Having disabled people who use magical mobility aids and other assistive devices. Realizing that someone is still disabled even if their prosthetic arm is made of magic instead of plastic."
This is followed by four more panels of yes section:
"Geordi la Forge is still literally disabled. His visor helping him does not erase his disability and make him magically abled."
"Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender is still literally disabled even though her Earthbending helps her. It does not make her disability ~magically~ go away."
"Having your disability be accomodated does not mean the disability goes away. Having a prosthetic hand, even one that's made of magic, does not mean you're not disabled."
"Magical mobility aids do not mean disabled people don't exist. It just means they use magical mobility aids instead of plastic or metal ones. A limb made of magic is still a prosthetic even if it's made of the soul of the universe instead of plastic and metal."
Then another no panel: "'There's no disabled people beacuse magic'".
Then one last yes panel: "'Magic helps disabled people in a variety of ways'".
End ID.]
This also applies to science fiction; just because Luke Skywalker's prosthetic hand is super advanced doesn't mean it's no longer a prosthetic, or that he's not disabled. Same with Darth Vader - just because he has a suit that lets him breathe and walk around doesn't mean he's not disabled. (And Star Wars' propensity for making the villains visibly disabled while the heroes disabilities get covered up by super advanced prosthetics is a topic that deserves its own post, especially with how ableist some of the authors of the books are. Troy Denning is especially ableist)
Because people keep being fucking obnoxious and ableist in the tags, yes,,, motherfuckers, if you refuse to have disabled people in your setting, that does make you fucking ableist. If you say that the magic is used to cure all disabled people and that's why they don't exist, that's fucking eugenics.
You cannot ""cure"", more like remove all disabilities without fucking eugenics. Magically automatically destroying disabled fetuses (a very fucking popular trope!) is eugenics.
The only way to fucking "cure" autism is to fucking kill all autistic people, also known as eugenics!
What about people with PTSD? Do you just fucking brainwash them so they aren't traumatized anymore?
Do you force all Deaf people to be able to hear? Do you force all blind people to be able to see? Do you force all anosmics to be able to smell?
Do you magically force everyone with a speech impediment to speak to your standards?
Do you force everyone born with bodily or facial differences to live up to your fucking standard of beauty?
You cannot fucking say "disablities don't exist in this universe because magic cures everything" without inherently saying that eugenics exists in your fucking universe.
Not all fucking disabilities need a cure. If you ""cured"" my autism I'd just be fucking dead. You'd literally just be changing me into what you think is fucking acceptable.
Stop fucking arguing in defence of ableists on my fucking post so you can pretend that eugenics has never been written about in magical settings when it is extremely fucking prevalent.
And while we're fucking at it, let your gods damned characters become disabled over the course of their story, and call them disabled within the fucking story. I don't care if they're a robot. I don't care if they have magic. Not all fucking damage can be fixed. Curses exist. Hardware can go out of fucking date and no longer be manufactured anywhere.
Let your characters become disabled and do not magically fucking cure them back to brand new every single time they get hurt. The only thing you accomplish by doing that is destroying any chance of ever having stakes.
No, "magical healing leaves scars on the mind from the memory of the injuries though!!!!" is not fucking good enough. Let your characters have scars. Let them become disabled. Stop being fucking ableist cowards.
Edit number fucking 2:
No, motherfuckers, you do not get to comment "if the disability was caused by magic it's not ableist to cure it with magic". You are the ableist this post is about. Shut the absolute fuck up, stop treating being disabled as the worst possible outcome, and just admit you're a fucking ableist. If you don't want your characters to become disabled, then don't fucking make them disabled.
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[ID: The Garfield "you are not immune to propaganda" meme, now edited to read:
"If your first thought upon reading this post is, 'Oh, but it's okay to magically cure disabilities caused by magic!' Congrats…you are the exact sort of ableist jackass this post is about."
End ID.]
Edit number fucking 3:
Autistic people exist! People who are born with disabilities exist! You cannot create a setting where disabled people do not exist because we're all "cured" or "fixed" and not inherently say that you are killing disabled people as soon as they're born, or fucking aborting us as soon as you figure out we'd be born disabled! That's fucking eugenics!
There is no way to "cure" autism without eugenics! There is no way to "cure" people with body differences without eugenics! There is no way to make disabled people nonexistant in your setting without eugenics! Thinking you can and should "cure" and "fix" all disabilities IS EUGENICS!
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[ID: A character shouting at the camera, now edited to read: "Shut up about Dungeons and Dragons! Shut up about Dungeons and Dragons! If the rules of Dungeons and Dragons are ableist, then fucking change them! It is your fucking personal responsability to be a better person than your bigoted society wants you to be!". End ID.]
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[ID: White text on a dark brown background with white and black borders around the edges, that reads:
"I don't fucking know or care about Dungeons and Dragons.
This post is not about Dungeons and Dragons.
Do not fucking throw the rulebook of Dungeons and Dragons at me like it's some sort of 'Gotcha!'.
You will literally just be blocked like the rest of the ableist assholes who've already tried it.
If you play dungeons and dragons, it's your responsability to make your games not be ableist, even if it means breaking the rules.".
End ID.]
I do not fucking care what the ableist rules are in Dungeons of Dragons. Do not fucking throw ableist rules for a game I have never and will never play at me on a post I made so that people could learn how to make their settings less ableist. If the rules in Dungeons and Dragons are ableist, then fucking change them. If you don't want to change them, then stop fucking playing an ableist game.
Disabled people deserve to see ourselves represented in fiction just like everyone else, without any fucking requirements that we be "cured" or "fixed" before the story ends.
How the fuck would you feel if a trans and gay character's whole story revolved around going on a quest to become straight and cis, did so, and only then was allowed to live happily ever after?
Why do you fucking think suggesting people write stories about disabled people going on a quest to be cured because it's the only way they'll ever be happy is any less fucking offensive?
This post is NOT a place for you to talk about how disabled people in fiction should have the option of curing their disabilities. It's just not. That's the fucking default for this society. That is not a revolutionary concept. It's not novel. We fucking know this society wants us gone. A post about how disabled people deserve representation is not the place to talk about how "Well, actually, in fiction disabled people should be cured!" Like that's not the fucking universal default???????????
Edit #4:
Everyone needs to stop tagging this singing praise for Fullmetal Alchemist. A story that uses disability as a punishment and the characters are on a quest to cure their disabilities is not the amazing representation you're all claiming it is just because the character who is only disabled because of DIVINE PUNISHMENT uses prosthetics.
Read this post, and this one. Fullmetal Alchemist is a hell of a lot more ableist than you people are letting on.
guess what you can now find a PDF version of this post on the web archive.
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teamoracle · 7 months ago
Heya! How's it goin'? Greetings from Team Oracle!
Don't worry, we aren't dangerous or evil or anything of the sort. We're just researchers.
Welcome to our page. Here, we're going to document our travels around the globe. In a nutshell, we travel around the world studying myths and legends surrounding Pokémon, especially those with little to no data, so we can help the world know more about them and, in some cases, prove they're not just some ghost story made to scare children.
In other words, we're a group of wannabe cryptozoologists.
Indroductions under cut! (as well as OOC info)
The name's Wayne. I use he/him pronouns and I'm 23. I'm the team's doctor and a former zoology student. I play the Pokémon TCG in my free time. If I make a post, I'll be sure to add the "#wayne cameo" tag.
As for me, I'm Mia! I use she/her pronouns and I'm 24. I'm in charge of navigation. My Pokémon might look a bit scary at first, but trust me when I say they're all absolute sweethearts! I also LOVE learning about ancient Pokémon. In fact, I used to study paleontology back in Galar before I joined Wayne and Theo. If you want to see some of my posts, look for the "#miaposting" tag.
And finally, there's me, Theo. He/him pronouns, aged 24 as well. I'm, unfortunately, the only person in the party who can cook, so I'm in charge of that. For a time, back in my hometown, I was a florist, but I was always a bigger fan of growing vegetables. I guess that's it for me. My posts are tagged with "#theoposting" if you're looking for fun stories or life advice.
Actually, there's one more! That's me, Clover! Paldean Champion and part-time Dimension Hopper, I'm not exactly part of the team but I asked Wayne nicely (I stole his phone and found the login information) and he let me participate in the blog too! I'm also the unlucky one that keeps running into weird Pokémon, and their main source of information. My posts are gonna be tagged with "#four-leaf hijack" btw.
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While most of our Pokémon are displayed in our trainer cards, we usually catch a few wild Pokémon temporarily to help fulfill roles ours can't. We also tend to borrow Pokémon from our friends and family to study them in more detail.
Any out-of-character notes/comments will be marked with a //
Sticking close to canon but not too close.
Anyone is welcome to interact, rp blog or not, sentient pokémon or human.
Let us avoid drama! Illegal stuff, prejudice/bigotry, explicit/nsfw topics and stuff like that will be avoided at all costs.
Peliper Mail is open!
Magic Anons too! Though they're limited.
During most months' last weekend, I'll be hosting Magic Anon Weekends, in which Magic Anons will be unrestricted until the month is over. Might extend if there's a holiday on friday or monday as well.
Mod @elpendrive uses he/him pronouns
While the characters in this blog are adults, the muse is not. So let's steer clear of any nsfw topics please.
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doodledex-project · 2 years ago
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Doodledex - #898 Calyrex
If I remember correctly, I had a hard time fitting the lore for the other two Legendary Pokemon who changed forms by fusing with other Pokemon in their posts without making it absurdly long, so let’s see if I can get the cliffnotes version in here for Calyrex, whose whole existence in the DLC is just dripping with lore. *ahem*
A long time ago, Calyrex was regarded by the people of Galar as the King of Bountiful Harvests who ruled over the region and helped crops grow in an instant, traveling the land with its mighty steed. (Which is either Glastrier or Spectrier depending on what you do in the story... or, if one theory is to be believed, both were the same horse who had since froze to death. Morbid!) In recent years, its power has diminished due to it being separated from its steed and the people of the region forgetting it existed at all, thinking of Calyrex as just a legend. You’re able to change this in the Crown Tundra DLC by proving it exists outside the local folklore of Freezington! (There’s of course more to this, but like I said, we’d be here all day if I tried to go into more detail about the King and its MASSIVE NOGGIN.)
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shade-of-sun · 2 years ago
From the depths of my mind came forth a ship I hadn't thought about in years. Curiosity overtook me and I was suddenly gripped in the throes of Ao3, desperately reading through fanfic and switching back and forth to Tumblr for fanart to reblog – all while I crafted a playlist with every fic I read.
Now I will say, the few nods to the ship is in the title, referencing a very good fanfic series and very loosely referencing the very popular seasons!au in the fandom, really couldn't help myself with that both of these.
(For the four souls that liked my playlist when I first put it out, I hope you like Hijack.)
Let's get started! :D
• Ends of the Earth - Lord Huron
"Headin' out into the unknown,
Wayfairin' strangers and all kinds of danger,
Please don't say I'm going alone,
To the ends of the earth would you follow me?"
This an adventuring song and just hits different. I feel like these two would just go off on a whim on a crazy adventure while the other tags along cause what's life without a bit of fun? It's also find it sweet that maybe just maybe one of them would ask if they could come along. Though it would probably come off like "You're stuck with me now."
Either one of them would most definitely use that phrase.
Of course, when I listen to this song now, I think about Of the Northmost Winds and Skies by xxiiyu. Go read this fanfic if you haven't, it's a wonderful slow burn with a bunch of adventure, magic and pinning for our pairing. I'm going through my second reread of the fanfic due to my enjoyment of it, definitely one of my favorites.
Fic Recs: Forget-Me-Not by UmbrellaMartialGod, Of Tender Years by zoom, Wooed by toopliss_chewtoy
The Fold – Wickerbird
Now, not every song needs to spawn a mini character study so I picked this song mostly for the vibe. The nature imagery is giving "running through a dark forest and feeling nature all around, the co-existence of people, nature and something more magical. I think of a more magical Berk, leaning further into their superstitions and folklore. I'm thinking of a BBC Merlin-esq take on magic, with it being ingrained in the world and some being born with it.
Fics Recs : breath by AnguishofMyLove, Son of a Witch by twiafom, Between Blurred Lines by ThatAwkwardFaeNerd
Black Moss – Johanna Warren
I think about this song constantly. It's the vibe of the song!!! (The lyrics are kinda morbid, but it is they vibe they give off.) It's hard to find the words to type, but I just think these lyrics apply to both Jack and Hiccup. And this song always has me putting the pairing with Jackson Overland who then turns into Jack Frost, for maximum angst.
"And you've been watching me,
You say I emanate some strange magnetic power,
But don't be drawn to me, I maybe be here today
But soon black moss will cover over my dead body."
To potential to write so many dynamics that fit with this! To explore how Hiccup and Jack interact with each other with either Jack knowing Hiccup after becoming Jack Frost or with Hiccup seeing so much of his old friend Jackson Overland with in Jack Frost and trying to figure him out.
"You've been a lot of places,
left me forgotten by your side.
Maybe the feeling's baseless,
But something in me still stirs when I look in your eyes,
'Cause you've been kind to me,
I never quite believed you when you said its over,"
Jack wondering why Hiccup looks at him differently, with something in his eyes that Jack can't put a name to. It makes his heart ache cause Hiccup looks like he needs an answer for something Jack doesn't know how to answer. Something is there, just below the surface of what's between them, if only he could figure it out.
This song, for me, has a lot of potential to have so much good angst. Unfortunately I can not bring myself to write said angst, so I only have my thoughts.
I must mention the series Heart of a Dragon's Soul by SilverlySilence. The fic is also a slowburn that builds on Jack's appearance in Berk, stripped of his magic but still very in-tune with the mystical side of things and he eventually becomes Berk's Druid all while becoming friends with the gang and falling in love with Hiccup along the way on this very wild and tense adventure. Slow, warm and sweet like a cup of hot coco is reading Soul of a Druid.
I would love to read it again, if my heart can take it.
Bigger Than The Whole Sky - Taylor Swift
The lyrics, oh my god, the lyrics for this song. This song ruins me every time. Every time. Alright so this is kinda cheating cause this song also makes me think of Heart of a Dragon when I listen, but hear me out. I don't really know what more to say than read the fanfic and then listen to this song and try not to cry about it, cause that's what's happening to me right now.
"Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,
You were bigger than the whole sky
You were more than just a short time
And I've got a lot to pine about,
I've got lot to live without,
I'm never gonna meet
What could've been, would've been,
What should've been you."
I'm never getting over this. This is for every fic that has Jack going back in time with bond with Hiccup and the gang, getting friends, getting to see dragons and having people see him only to then get tossed back in his own time left with the sinking feeling of never seeing Hiccup or his new friends again. (Then he finds a way back or Hiccup finds him in the future and they live happily ever after!!)
((Bonus if Jack was sent back while he and Hiccup were find out about the thing between them or had just confessed their feelings for each other.))
Okay little blurb aside - I decided to put it at the end of this playlist cause it starts the journey all over again when Hello My Old Heart starts to play, and I think its fitting and it pulls at my heartstrings.
On a happier note, I'd like to think, they'll meet again. That's the wonders of fanfiction, you get to make up new beginnings and endings for your favorite blorbos.
And I think about these two a bit too much to be healthy, but I love them.
Anyways, thanks for the read and if you happen to listen to this playlist, I hope you enjoy it. Keep on creating and happy writing!!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 10 months ago
Block exists for a reason. I just used it on a couple people screaming about characterizations in the DCXDP fandom.
I know I complain about how people write certain characters and promote others I don’t like (see all my grumpy posts about Iida being made into a horrible person while Bakugou is lifted onto a pedestal) but I dont go around to other people’s posts to hijack them and then make comments about ‘how to write characterication’ and ‘this isn't how it goes’. I make things as vague as I can when complaining and usually I do those posts after frustrating days when I need to complain about petty shit because complaining about my life is just sad and repetitive.
When you directly interact with a post and say things like ‘The characterization is horrible’ or ‘this is trash’ or ‘i don’t like this’of one that happened to me ‘how could you ruin this Plot by doing that’ (and it's not because the takes are 1000% wtf aka they're a terf/Nazi/racist/all of the above) you're ruining the fandom experience for people. Especially in a niche crossover fandom where half the time we are making crack fics.
So: have a life. Block liberally. You dont need a reason why. I block anyone I think I should and others I block because AO3Feed tumblers are annoying. I block tags I dont like and ignore additions to my posts where they try to include things I dont like but dont find horrific. I block commentators on AO3 because they're rude and I'm not dealing with it. I've posted them here when it upsets me but most people do. (also I think shaming these comments hopefully decreases them. They're not edgy or useful or even good, they're assholes)
You're not being rude when you ignore people or block them. You're taking care of your mental health. You're cultivating your fandom experience into the best possible time you can have.
Anyone who feels they have a right to attack others or that they alone know how to write a character can fuck off.
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this couldn’t be said any better
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punkcalf · 3 years ago
TDC Facebook Update
This post is to educate and warn people only, not to cause or start or renew any drama.
I was upset when I made my other post yesterday, and still am. Thank you for everyone who signal boosted and gave me some insight on 'why' this may be happening. This franchise has meant a lot for me, kickstarting my art and having so many fun, positive experiences in a fandom. So, this is a really bitter pill to swallow.
The Facebook page I've mentioned is called 'The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance' [and there are some emojis next to it.]
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[Image ID: A banner image of The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Show showing Rian wearing his helmet and Deet in an image of The Dark Crystal against a purple fading to black background. Below the image is text reading; The Dark Crystal age of Resistance. End image ID]
They have gone private, so that's at least a relief but if you were in the group like me before it turned the way it did, here is a warning;
Trigger warnings for; war, racism, anti-semitism and fascism beyond this point.
This page has become a very far right, anti-Semitic, racist, and fascist and the admins don't care. I've send some reports and after a send like three there was a sudden new update to the page that 'no one was allowed to report posts.'
They post racist and other horrible rhetoric plastered over TDC characters. Make comparisons to real life wars and invasions to the ones in the show and laugh about it in the comments. One person commented that they 'couldn't wait for the liberal snowflakes to find this post and get upset about it'
There are endless distasteful comments about real life wars. Making posts that 'skeksis are quicker than xxx-army' or comparing people from invaded countries to podlings but then backtracking because 'at least podlings had an enough spine to fight back and resist.'
There have been made pictures of people photoshopping garthim over tanks. Tanks that were invading countries and caused real life deaths.
And a few of their members compared BIPOC to animals so... yeah. Disgusting shit all around.
There are also a lot of anti-vaxx posts, with the whole brainwashing, money grabbing schtick. Adding vaccine logo's or text over the draining scenes and comparing skeksis to the government.
Like @shitposts-by-thuban said in response to my other post;
"I remember seeing some posts a while ago talking about how conspiracy theorists were saying the show was literally showing what’s going on behind the scenes and the reason it got cancelled was the gov’t was trying to hide it"
This is literally how a lot of active members in that group think. Also I hope you don't mind I added your tags;
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[Image ID: Grey text against a white back ground saying: tbh nazis try to hijack literally anything to recruit people and create dog whistles and coded language. End Image ID].
I feel this is becoming more and more true, sadly. And I know a lot of fans of this show are younger, and I hate to see them fall for these tricks. These 'memes' aren't jokes. They are cruel and disgusting.
Also @skekheck thank you as always for spreading the information! And to reply to your tags:
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[Image ID: Grey text against a white background saying: I thought nazis fell off after the first few months of the show coming out. End image ID]
It sadly has seem to be gotten worse. At least on Facebook. I also know some were active on Twitter but I've got those blocked before I saw anything.
I know a lot of people have their art / cosplays posted in that group. So my advice is to remove those. It has become private so that may become harder now. Just be careful out there, don't go into this weird fucked up rabbit hole people in that group are trying to dig.
Thank you for reading so far, I'm a bit more clearer minded now, thank you both for your reblogs and responses.
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luckyspot · 3 years ago
Nemona! Babykins!
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Isn't she cool?
So, like's talk about this sweet flower.
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Nice to you know you can suck at the basics and still have some prestige!
So, sweet Nemona will be our mentor/friend and possibly our rival on our journey! I for one am happy to have her.
But what role does she have?
@epicspheal made a post about how the name "Nemona" most likely comes from "Nemo", which means "Nobody" or "No Name".
(Please check out their post because unlike mine, their's does not read like the writer was hopped up on a painkillers) I'm tagging them cause I'd honestly like their opinion without hijacking their post.
There was a rumor on twitter a while ago that the game would talk about Atlantis. It seemed...INCREDIBLY out there at the time, but some research gave it some credibility in my mind. Kay, so try to stick with me:
While it is by no means the only place on the list, Spain is one of the places where it is said Atlantis may have once rested. Of course it has no more proof than any other country, but there are ruins beneath the marshes of the country. There is also a "Giant Circular Structure" on the Spanish coast. (I am not a leading expert on Geography or Tectonic Shifts)
Atlantis could line up with the Past/Future theme of the game. Be it bringing it forward prior to it's destruction and bringing it backwards after it's rediscovery.
(My personal favorite that epicspheal got me thinking about) In the novel "20,000 Leagues Under the Seas"; an ambitious, but mysterious Captain of a Primordial submarine goes on adventures deep in the ocean, even finding sunken city on one of these excursions. His name? Captain Nemo.
There's also potential that, along with the blue flower "Nemophila", her name also comes from "Anemone".
So this is just some of the info I found on the internet and in the rumor mill and I just wanted to put it out here to see what everyone else thinks.
(Hope you see this epicspheal, cause I really liked the info you put out and just wantes your two cents!💙)
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radical-doppio · 2 years ago
🔫 tell us about your oc please!!! (Luna- or others if u have any!)
OHHH i am being held gunpoint to reveal information,,, and reveal information i will do,,, but first i need to explain one thing which is that there is a Fic Series i have been Writing The Past 2 Years (although i haven't touched it for like Over Half A Year because my education has been edu-slaughtering me despite the fact i've reached the half-way point now which is funny to think about) and i think i would feel like an embarrassed teenager if i actually shared any links to it because i think it had a Very Rough Start looking back and bc of that there's a lot of choices that can look Weird and feel Rushed and i am far too Harsh On Myself even though i also boast a lot about it to my Buddies (they can attest to that i went on a symbolism ramble earlier) BUT i can explain Luna and the others!!!! aka the ones i frequently tag posts with so i will of course start with the protagonist
Eren (not aot (i should probably start saying ETW Eren instead) is actually Eren (from aot) but you've seen those posts that are like "i took this guy from this literature and started writing him and a lot happened and now there are only faint traces of the original stitched within this man that shares the same name" yeah it's that kind of situation!!!! while he still has 1. a strong desire for freedom 2. a very flat butt 3. a ripped body (in more ways than one depending on the scene) 4. horrible decision making then what makes him very different is that 1. he is everyone's winning son and that means the world! he also has some identity issues here and there and occasionally gets into illegal activities because he is a little too naive for his own good despite looking a bit like a biker-pirate-werewolf (affectionate)
but he is otherwise a Loving Fellow that cares deeply for everyone (Luna gave him a Hatsune Miku eyepatch as a late birthday present after they became friends and despite his initial repulsion he wears it like a mark of pride (he hurt his eye once nothing too important)) but he's just a little misguided and does very dumb things because he's very conflicted inside! but otherwise he's just very curious about the things he'd never get to do if he was still living in his hometown due to the overbearing weight of expectations and burdens from the greatness of his family (dad's side is a family of doctors as is consistent with aot canon but his grandparents from his mom's side were a scholar and the other a rockstar)
Now Luna is like if a raccoon worked in the corner store you go to in the middle of the night to find a bottle of water after waking up someplace you don't know with a really dry mouth and a mysteriously broken wrist. very annoying. very attached. very loving too. for some reason very athletic despite being lazy and knows things that aren't important at all but will fill the hole in your head now. now they did not actually choose their name but while he and Eren were on the beach together reminiscing over hellish moments of their lives and Luna was having a "how can i leave the person i used to be in the dust when i can't even choose a name for myself" then Eren, ever-so-bright, remembered that time his big brother Zeke taught him about these really cool moths that were the same colour as Luna's eyes and went "have you heard about these moths they're really cool" and Luna, as lovestruck as a fucking idiot can be, went "Luna rolls off the tongue nicely :)" while eating a mcflurry eren bought for him so surprisingly their name is not Luna bc of the moon but bc of the cool moth that is really pretty and can't be detected by bats meaning moon symbolism does not rock with them lolika if you're reading this i'm still gonna gut you for that but there is a Bitch
that gorgeous Bitch is Naoya and he's like Eren in that he's not an OC but i hijacked him from a piece of media and frankenstein'd him into something else (this time persona 1 he's the protagonist) but Naoya is that guy you see everywhere that has something profoundly wrong with him yet you still kinda wanna Be With Him because his vibes are Delicious and Eren recognized that after they were fishing together once and that led to them "adopting" Denji (from chainsawnman he's also involved in illegal activities with very creepy guardians aka makima and he's a few years younger than the both of them and eren has a milf instinct to keep people younger than him Safe) but also Naoya says really concerning things sometimes but Eren is too busy going "boy,, pretty,, lipstick,,, earring,,," to overhear "tbh i think a lot of the world's problems could be solved if killing was legal anyway eren my Comrade (flirting) do you wanna watch my play" i don't know why i chose to make him in charge of a theater ensemble but he also had like 309298509 jobs before shooting up in stardom after making 1 banger that denji slept through but lunaoya only met once off-screen i think and luna is Very wary of him because there is something Deeply Fucking Wrong With That Guy but Eren's very "he gave me his earring before he left for the US..." like the freakish little lover that he is and i imagine naoya's feelings on luna are very "(green goblin voice) you and i can smoke the fattest blunt together spider-man"
speaking of the green goblin there is also Coral who is Luna's childhood bestie and she is not green in real life but she is a vtuber with a crocodile princess thing called croc cordia and that crocodile is very green (there are no drawings of any of the cast because i can't draw) although she herself is the only american in the cast which is not important at all but is really funny. she isn't my oc by the way she's my good buddy's @lolika-0777 creature that i saw one holy night and then we had a brainblast of "do you think she'd hold hands with luna" and they went "oguhgohgsoghugsguughGOGYGOh" as i performed a CIA move on them to make them agree and then we had a strong moment of camaraderie as we decided coraluna are so in love but coral and eren are like siblings in that they see each other and either have a short and sweet moment together or they traumatize each other for three minutes and never speak of it again but one thing is for sure and that is that luna has 2 hands for both of them and hey why is one hand sliding away luna no the economy oh god
i also have an oc unrelated to all of that fic stuff named lucy that's my good buddy @swordlover87's oc erin's wife they got married in some roleplay because erin was in awe of lucy's 8ball swagger and lucy was in awe of erin's naive swagger i think it was a high school rp with superpowers lots of stuff happened i was there for like 4 minutes total to have them flirt and kiss and then i occasionally saw some crazy things went "woah" and then read beastars over a few days and then i watched i think it was the monster anime (i did that over 2 days) and then black sails (that was like a week) and then when i came back things were Over and i nodded and said "erilucy is real" and then me and swords held each other tenderly every night after knowing our (platonic) love is true and just even in the eyes of god but alas our tale is one cursed with tragedy and by the end he will have to slay me as i have slain what love we had for greater ambition that was as corrupt as the blood of god himself
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sbggarakungfood · 1 year ago
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Permission to save your tags, please, thank you and YES. I really hope the writers notice these traits, thus making Villain Jay without him being OOC or having another side/personality.
Also you're right. How can I forget about your skybound points (it's literally shoved into my face several times) and his little deal with Nadakhan. Of course he thought nothing bad going to happen but STILL. He did it. He made a deal with the villain for personal gain.
Still I'm not sure if Agent Walker will have an affiliate with the wolf clan. He's a manager playing video game, I think his wants already fulfilled. I don't find the reason for him to join them but well.. we've just seen 30 seconds of him so I can't say much either. I don't even know what's his motive to against the ninja. But who I can picture him having a grudge with would be Sora. Since she's the master of tech, and potentially can hijack the administration's entire system OR WORSE, Jay's inventions. When she does that Jay would freak out. so bad. Yeah, I can see his panicked face where I laugh at it while writing this *ahem can see him against the ninja for that. (Still trying to keep low expectations)
..he won't even threaten sometimes he just attacks.. if he will hurt them as his friends he will totally go all in as his enemies.
Agreed. "Tackling Cole 2x + kicked Kai across the room" It's either got threatened or get attacked. It's just.. It's always have something to do with Nya that made him jump up and goes berserk like that. Too bad. I wish I knew what else that could make him goes mad like that. That's less likely to happen in the Administration I think.
The worst case scenario maybe when he threatens someone who.. I don't know? Annoy him? Threatened or rather get shot. No, I don't think he'll shoot his own subordinates (as you said, he'd go all in his enemies). I like to think that he has a soft spot for them. Even though that agent who reported Arin seems to don't want to upset Jay neither he want to protest- It's just nice to see Jay's duality again. He's the smart AND dumb, sometimes cool sometimes pathetic, freaks a lot but hard to break, can be pessimist or optimist, as in often whine/complains/sarcasm while haha-laugh-at-least-to-see-what's-good, keep getting karma'd and couldn't die, expressive yet can you say masking is being expressive though?? That duality that Jay has.. like positive and negative charges to make a lightning (I don't know the right word to put this & Yes, I'm just trying to relate stuff here).
He might care about his subordinates, that's what makes them loyal to him I suppose. We already had a story about "People Fighting Against the System" with Empress Beatrix, I don't need this concept to be told TWICE. (It's just me wanting different approach for Jay's villain arc). I can picture him being the manager who shouts and could threaten anyone who also helps his underlings to escape in case there's emergency. He's the type who can change his face from anger to a smile in a second, still you're not sure what's on his mind.
I should be talking about his villain traits, not speculating on how Agent Walker would act. Sorry.
Getting possessive with Nya (Fandom theorize this as his insecurities (of being poor?)) and still want her to fall for him after she says "no". Both him & Nadakhan never accepts "No" as an answer. (Spotted another villain traits. Hooray!). The difference is one of them who "tried" to reason at least. ("Why don't you TAKE THE FLYER!!" or that one with Wu and video game. Though that was useless).
Jay's self-centeredness. Maybe that's part of his duality.. That's part of Cg's "charm".. I think I follow the idea too. Cg's charm that I know is whenever he pretends to not be himself. Cg is an actor after all. It has its good and bad. I mean, I enjoy watching the way Jay shot those nindroids in space with *style* (that was so cool). But In another occasions.. well.. you know.
This DR era and head writers change gives me much hope with his characterization. There was time when I wish they rewatch the pilots for characterization at least. Even if the jokes won't be that funny, as long his character is what he's supposed to be (salty at inventor side removal), I don't mind. I didn't even know his freaks out is supposed to be funny before. What hooked me in is his character. Like. He's.. interesting. Bastard n relatable. And can be also really cool. That's why I had a soft spot for Zane too. Interesting-- gestures and not trying to be cool but he is. (like c'mon his senses, the way his shuriken twirling in his hands, his calmness and voice! his voice was just soothing. His role was the one who has more wisdom among the ninja, and also can be so innocent too) Too bad, unlike you, my hopes are already high. I don't want to expect much but I don't want to be disappointed and I've prepared to be disappointed. But there's still hope.
*Forgot to add Jay stole Zane father's boxer in "against morals for personal gain" section. Thank you for your time.
Why Jay Deserves the Villain Arc (why it suits him)
His name is Jay Walker
He has Cliff Gordon's DNA. Cliff Gordon. The one who has the book of "wooing women", who of course targeted the master of lightning, and oh right! He's an actor, I'm sure it's easy for him to pretend to be someone else, being perceived as "cute" by Libber, to be able to get her, though I'm still wondering why's she suddenly being chased when Jay was still a baby, making her run away alone with baby Jay, who potentially has the elemental power of lightning, and putting him in the junkyard so that her baby can be safe, so then the former master of lightning FINALLY can DISAPPEAR. Jay isn't like Cg. because Ed n Edna raised him. But let's make a big deal out of it anyway. (he still has his charm though).
Jay planned to destroy the top floor of a building TWICE. And SUCCEEDED. He wasn't even a villain that time. Can’t wait to see how many buildings he'll destroy when he unlocks his villain true potential.
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There's a possibility where Jay would throw away the moral values for a mission. This has been proven in s5 when he suggested thievery when he took the lead.
This post. (Not just about the biting thing) I know it's a tease but listen at how easy for him to threaten somebody. He threatens to zap Kai, next season, he threatens to bite Cole. Even though he didn't do it, threatening the main characters is supposed to be a villain thing.
There's a chance he'll laugh after he electrocutes somebody. Then electrocutes them again.
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Experienced in having a cult.
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