#Also use to work with kids before joining the Straw Hats
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kendyb21 · 11 months ago
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Protect the clone children. 🤺🐣
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kimhargreeves · 1 year ago
A Flashy Act-Buggy x Reader (One Piece Live Action)
Summary: You and Luffy find yourself with new members for your small pirate crew, quickly after stealing the map to the grand line, you're all kidnapped by a crew of pirates.
(Based on the One Piece Live Action!! since no one has written about Buggy which has surprised me. Enjoy this one shot Buggy fans!! You guys can decide if you want part 2 to include smut or not😩 next part will be written depending on how well people like this🤡)
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"You know I'm gonna be king of the pirates. It's the first time I've had a ship like this." Luffy excitedly told the ginger haired girl.
"I know you've told me that many times already. Can you please be silent for once?" She asked getting annoyed by Luffy's constant talking.
"You be quiet. The kid's just excited." The green man known as Zoro told Nami.
Nami was trying to open the lock which was protecting the map inside.
Both of them unexpectedly helped us, when Luffy and I broke inside to find the map to the grand line, with a bit of help from Koby who had been kidnapped by Alvida. Thankfully Luffy saved him, the young boy said he wanted to join the Marines.
Luffy and I had entered and quickly met Nami and Zoro. Zoro was tied up with Nami dressed as a Marine trying to also have the map Luffy and I were after.
I have been by Luffy's side since many years now. Since he was a small boy, I am only just a couple of years older but I was the second person who raised him. The first being my older brother,l Shanks.
Just earlier the four of us were fighting a couple of Marine soldiers with Axe Hand Morgan trying to stop us, and almost did. If it weren't for Zoro and Luffy's help then we might've already been executed.
"He's just being enthusiastic about all of this. There's no need to be so mean." I said glaring at Nami and she glared back as well.
I decided to not say anything else to her so I walked over to where Luffy was holding onto his straw hat.
He had a smile on his face when he turned to look back at me. "Can you believe this, (Y/N). We finally have have a crew. I can only imagine the look on his face if he were to see me."
"I know he'll be proud. You're slowly becoming a true pirate." I nudge his shoulder and saw him smiling as he stared at the dark skies.
"I think we all make a pretty good team."
"Why do you even protect that hat so much. It looks like to fished it out of the trash."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure." Luffy replied to Nami when she spotted him holding onto the hat.
We all looked back and saw Nami has successfully managed to open the lock. "You did it!" Nami picked the map and unrolled it. With the four of us standing close looking down at it.
Luffy didn't get it or understood where the Grand Line is, so Nami began drawing it for him so he could understand it better. Rogers treasure is hidden somewhere in there.
A loud sort of bomb was heard with the sky now turning red. We all ran out of the ship and saw something explode in the sky. Zoro was the first to fall to the floor and Nami began to cough before she collapsed.
Oh shit. I tried to cover my mouth and nose but to was too late and I also fell to the floor and collapsed.
"Shhh (Y/N)."
I jumped up a bit and opened my eyes to see Luffy a bit too close to me. I rubbed my eyes and tried to stand up but saw that the four of us were inside of a wooden box.
"What..how did we get here?"
"It wasn't the Marines work. Before we all collapsed, I saw a ship heading towards us." Luffy said with Zoro quickly replying to him.
"It'll be easy then. Marines have training. Pirates don't."
We all were quickly met with circus music when the top of the box was removed along with the rest of the box. What the hell?
Zoro, Nami and I looked at each other weirdly when we looked at our surroundings. We were inside of a huge circus tent.
Red and white colored stripes with lights decorating the place, weird looking people and a crowd that were seated but we're tied by their ankles.
The crowd continued to clap with Luffy doing the same but Nami and I stopped him.
"No no no. Stop clapping! It's all wrong"
The four of us looked over at where the voice was coming from and we all looked to our left, and saw a tall man come through dressed entirely as a clown.
Long coat, bright blue long hair with exaggerated makeup and a red clown nose.
"The spotlight was late, it missed my entrance. And where oh where is the lion?" He said standing close to a man with white bear ears?
"Heyy. I know you." Luffy said which made me look back at him wishing he hadn't spoken.The man with blue hair turned to look at us. Wait..Luffy is right, we've seen him before.
"I saw your Wanted poster at Shell's town. You're the clown guy..umm..uhh. Binky, right?" He asked.
I nudged Luffy's shoulder. "Shut up, Luffy. That's Buggy." I muttered seeing that the clown kept his eyes on us.
"Buggy." The pirate corrected and grinned. "Buggy the Clown. Buggy, the Flashy Fool. Buggy, the Genius Jester." He said when no one spoke, seems like no one here knows about him.
"That one beside you seems to be the only one who's heard about me." I felt nervous when his blue eyes landed on me and he smiled.
I had only heard of him, and saw him on the Wanted poster. But I swear I must've at least since him once before…
He's creepy..but weirdly find him attractive. Maybe it's just my brain distracting myself from danger, who knows.
Luffy seemed impressed, "Wow. You have a lot of names."
I nodded my head and looked at Luffy, "He does. Everyone in the East Blue knows who he is."
"What did you just say?" His expression changed when I suddenly said that. Which made me confused.
"That everyone knows who you are?"
"Nose?!" I was paralyzed when Buggy came over and was now holding onto my face.
"Are you making fun of my nose?" He said a bit too close to me.
"I swear I wasn't! But..now that you mention it, is that thing real?" I asked genuinely wanting to know.
Buggy tilted his head as he stared at me, "You're kinda cute." He hummed and grinned
I saw Luffy's hand slowly started to try and tough the clowns nose until he smacked his hand away. The clown grinned looking down at me and stepped back letting go of me.
"You think you're so clever… What's real is I've been scheming for months to steal that map from old Axe Hand Moron. Only to find out that I was upstaged by four little nobodies, who stole it from right under my no-…No!! It's in my head now."
"Hey! I'm not a nobody. I'm Monkey D. Luffy. And I will be king of the pirates." My best friend said making Buggy laugh.
"Oh! Now that's funny. My bounty poster graces the marquee of every Marine Outpost for miles. And my menagerie of outcasts and freaks is the most dreaded pirate crew the East blue has ever known. I am destined to find One Piece. And when I do. I will be King."
"No, you won't. 'Cause I'm gonna find it first." Luffy told him.
Zoro stepped between us and looked at the other clowns behind Buggy. "I am Roronoa Zoro. Drop your weapons now and I may let you live."
This made Buggy laugh while looking at the green haired stoic man.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a celebrity in our midst. Too bad I hate sharing the spotlight. Now, maybe we should skip right to the finale."
Buffy retrieve a set of blades and smiled at us.
"My freaks put quite a bit of a rehearsal time into this little abduction. And if I can reward them with that map.. I suppose I'll have to offer them a pound of flesh instead."
Nami stepped between Luffy and I now, now looking at Buggy. "Wait. What if I have something else to offer you? Something more valuable than the map? What if I give you a new freak for your crew?"
"A rare talent. The most spectacular act in all the East Blue. Besides you, of course."
Nami glanced back at me and I glared back. Nami has grabbed Luffy's straw hat and tossed it up, just when Luffy showed his devil fruit powers, Nami left running.
"That little bitch." I whispered glaring at where she left.
It wasn't long at all when they brought her back and she revealed that Buggy's crew had destroyed the entire town.
He shrugged his shoulders as he stared at her. "Not everything. I let 'em keep their hands."
The sign for "clap" was lifted again, making the poor towns people begin to clap.
All the lights were suddenly focused on Buggy again. "I know one of you has my map, and I'm going to get it back." He said in a serious voice now.
"What was it you said, Rubber boy? That ir was in a safe place. Don't look so surprised. I got eyes and ears everywhere."
"I know where it is." I spoke up making all eyes turn to look at me.
I began to laugh as I showed the clowns and Buffy my middle finger. "You can all suck it or shove it up your asses.
Buffy clapped and at the people surrounding him. "Okay! Let's make our guests uncomfortable in the green room." A few clowns came to grab Nami and Zoro.
While another pair came to grab Luffy, Buggy stood behind me grabbed my neck and grinned looking at Luffy and looking back down at me.
"And I am gonna have a chat with our new pals.."
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idontknowanametouse · 6 months ago
Straw hat men headcanons (yeah, Yamato is here, don't ask shit)
Tw to abuse
Autistic and semi-verbal. Only communicates through echolalia of his crew's words. Has absolutely no social abilities. Stares at people VERY intensely. Has a hard time telling lies apart from the truth, because of that, developed the habit to be always aware about others. Suffers from understimulation and often has shutdowns, the only person able to help him in those situations is Luffy.
Is visually impaired due to an accident on the Kuraigana Island. Has a hard time with profundity and adapting to new environments, specially big ones. Sometimes uses his swords to tap around and know if there is an object he hasn't noticed yet.
Colorblind and dyslexic. Avoids reading because he feels embarassed due to internalized ableism. Has a hard time telling apart blue, green, yellow, purple and red. Nobody knew that until Chopper made an eyesight analysis on him, so now the crew helps him with some stuff.
Has tan skin and, for literally everybody's surprise, actually dyes his hair (even though he doesn't bath), as it's original color is black. Very tall, large on the bust and muscular. Has various scars through all of his body.
Very gay and also trans. Transitioned shortly before he met Kuina, never came out. Didn't have surgery cuz he thought it could disturb his sword abilities, so he just worked out his chest so much that it would look like that (he had small breasts, so it helped a lot). Still struggles with internalized transphobia, but is working on it, specially after Sanji came out. They dated a little before timeskip and after it went full on a relationship. It's weird, but it works for them (basically, they show off like they hate each other, but on backstage it's just love).
Basically only eats onigiri due to taste hypersensitivity, nobody other than Chopper knows how he manages to be so muscular eating only that (Chopper knows about his nutrient reposition).
Likes green and green only. Everything he has must have at least one shade of green on it.
Half of his echolalia is swearing. Likes to do it specially when fighting.
His promise is so that Kuina will be the only one ever above him, the only one able to absolutely defeat him. Sometimes, he feels like Kuina is there. His heart aches.
After timeskip, calls Kuraigana Island frequently, as he got very used to Mihawk and Perona's company (will never admit that he now got a dad and a sister).
Besties with Nami, very protective towards Usopp although he doesn't seem like. Likes sparing with Yamato and hanging around with Jinbei, as he usually leaves him alone. Hates Robin's teasing and Law's resting bitch face, although he also has one. Carries Bonney and Chopper around the ship anytime he can, Luffy's best bro ever (if Luffy ever could choose a best friend, it would probably be Zoro) as they went through a lot of shit together.
Has absolutely no music taste, will listen to anything even if it's not good. Everyone is fucking horrified.
Before Law joined, he would spend an entire fucking week on the same clothing. Now, Law will spank him if he does so. Zoro changes exactly ONCE a day, and they all look the same.
Scared of choking or asfixiating, will keep plastic (?) bags away from the ship at all costs.
Learned to play some shamisen as a kid, but very little. Due to time, is kind of bad on doing it, but he tried nonetheless in Wano.
After he got lost so many times, Usopp had an idea: to keep a balloon tied to his wrist so they could locate him from far away. Zoro does not like this at all (he still uses the balloon though).
Talks to his swords. He doesn't care if people stare, he needs to get to know their opinion. Cherishes them like nakama.
Even though he is not the most expressive guy, especially when it comes to expressions of love, he still will protect them when in danger no matter the cost.
Autistic, loves infodumping, special interest is obviously ships, no social cues so he just says whatever comes to his mind, super is a vocal stim, will often get emotionally overloaded and cry a lot.
Has PTSD due to the abandonment of his bio parents, panicks a lot when it comes to falling on the sea. Needs to stay around the crew when it happens.
Left leg amputee ever since his childhood, after he became a cyborg his special focus of the upgrades go to the left leg as he has a special love for this specific prostetic.
Very tall, large and muscular, thanks to hormonal blockers and testo. Hair was originally blonde and he used to dye it blue, but, after timeskip, it's natural. Has many scars through his torso.
Trans king, found out after he was taken in by Tom and started on hormones. Had a crush on Robin ever since he met het, but was kind of embarassed to say it until the end of Thriller Bark. Mom and dad of the crew (and Sunny's).
Likes working in the night more due to it being calmer, so his sleep schedule is a mess. He doesn't care, that way he can talk to Sunny without being interrupted.
Loves blue, yellow and red, includes those in everything he creates.
Never swears, just says weird words instead of it. Everyone other than the straw hats does not get it. He just says, idk, "bazooka" and the straw hats are like "GAAASP NOT IN FRONT OF BONNEY AND CHOPPER" meanwhile outsiders are like "???????"
Very clingy towards Robin, keeps hugging her at every opportunity and telling her he loves her, specially after timeskip as they made alliance rings for their relationship.
Regularly calls Iceburg and speaks for two hours about how Sunny is doing. It's common, whenever Luffy adopts a new nakama he makes a tour with them telling every single detail about the ship.
Hangs around a lot with Brook and Jinbei cuz they are really cool. Carries Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Vivi, Chopper and Bonney around the ship because they are all smaller than him (and won't kill him). Bros with Yamato, they like sparing (Yamato likes sparing with everybody, but that's not the point).
Loves Taylor Swift and eletronic songs, sometimes improvise some rap. It's horrible, but he tries.
Walks around the ship basically only in swimming trunks. Nami always yells at him for that, but everybody knows he'll never stop.
Is as scared of bugs as Sanji and Nami. Sprays insect repellent everywhere possible.
Surprisingly good at breakdancing. He really rocks at it.
Has a Den Den Mushi for each nakama. He just likes to verify them at most times. It's kind of tied to anxiety, but it helps him.
Stims in every way possible: visual, vocal, auditory, fidgeting, motor, biting. He just really needs stimming. Like, at all times. It's stronger than him.
Always working really hard to adapt to danger and keep Sunny and the crew safe. He does his best.
Autistic, but masked most of his life due to ableism (is learning to undo it now). Temperature hypersensibility, way too formal social script, loves fluffy and squishy stuff, fidgets a lot, rocks back and forth on his feet, has much flappy hands, has shutdowns that include self-harm.
Much taller than the rest of the crew, has a lot of scars, long beard and hair, fat and kind of muscular (he very strong).
Aroace dad, is very embarassed towards romantic and sexual relationships, but tries to be supportive. Just found out aroace existed and was mindblown. He kinda confused but he got the spirit. Robin's favorite victim of playfully flirting (he gets so embarassed it's funny).
After he entered the crew, he had a hard time being around Nami due to the guilt he felt, but they had a really long talk and now it got better. She is now his second kid (first is Koala) and likes hanging around a lot with him, very clingy towards him at the first sign of danger.
Never swears and scolds the rest of the crew when they do, specially when it's the younger ones. Very dad energy.
The most huggable person of the crew. Has received at least 2 hugs from everyone, which is a miracle considering Zoro and Law.
No favorite colour. Everyone calls him lame for that and he goes :(
Calls Koala daily as she is always with Sabo. Sabo is scared of Koala's dad, even though he is very chill with them dating.
Takes care of the younger nakama. Usually the one to pull akuma no mi users out of water. One of those to put the leash on Luffy to stop him from doing shit. Zoro keeps wanting a sparing match, but he refuses.
Likes traditional music, but does not deny any other style, as long as the song is good.
Usually wears traditional clothing cause he got so used to it he'd feel weird in any other clothes.
Scared of Robin. He likes her, it's just that she sometimes is so creepy he thinks she is going to kill him. Robin can never know this, of course.
Likes writing fanfic about other people. This comes from the time when he was a shichibukai and he wrote about his colleagues. It's a secret, of course, nobody can know.
Reads journal regularly and is the one in the most touch with the rest of the world's news when they are on the sea.
Likes touching his beard. It's fluffy. Because of it, they bought a plushie for him to sleep with. He cried because of his happiness.
Due to being big, strong and an ex-shichibukai, his very presence can make most malicious people go away. The crew grabs him along most times they get to an island.
Autistic, special interest is Oden and sake. No social cues reading, speaks very loudly, doesn't know how to match face, tone and emotion, hyposensitive to sound, sake is comfort food (drink?), variates from meltdown to shutdowns in the lack of constant stim.
Has PTSD due to being imprisoned and spanked by Kaidou. Hates confined places and anything that might restrain him. People bigger than him usually make him very uncomfortable. Just as he entered the crew, Chopper started marking his appointments.
VERY tall and also muscular, with many scars through his body. Has some oni characteristics, like the horns and pointy teeth. Hasn't changed his appearance since he came out as he is actually very comfortable with it, so he sometimes just walks around the ship with his boobs showing.
The Trans Idol Ever (like Hatsune Miku). Even though he appreciates Ivankov a lot, he also really likes his body, so he doesn't feel the need to transition with hormones or surgery. Very gay too, dating Ace on distance (shut the fuck up Akainu) and they get really clingy every time they get to find each other.
One of the physically strongest nakama, nobody wins him in arm wrestling (at least, not before an hour). Likes sparing with everyone, specially Law. There's just something about him that gets to his nerves.
Loves orange and light green. It fits him.
Is learning how to swear after leaving Wano and Kaidou's influence. Almost always screams.
Third one to eat the most, right before Bonney and Luffy. They sometimes become truly Sanji's terror.
Loves sparing with everyone, but specially Zoro. Carries Luffy, Chopper and Bonney around cause they are much smaller. Listens to Franky's infodumping for many hours without blinking an eye. Is creeped out by Robin cause she keeps appearing behind him without making a single noise.
Has been exploring his musical side, and specially likes punk rock. It's wild. He likes it.
Doesn't change clothes from Wano just because of practical reasons. Just like Zoro, almost never showers, just with the bros (Law is scandalized with the lack of hygiene of these people).
Fears cats cause they are too unpredictable. They look like they wanna murder him.
Likes painting, specially on walls. It's actually very pretty, both Franky and Sunny approve.
Loves hearing the crew's stories. It's beautiful.
Stims from hitting/punching stuff. It varies from small objects to people. It's kind of wild.
Will rip your throat with his own teeth if you say anything about his crew.
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months ago
Here is my take on the OP Secret Santa 2024! Can also be read here! (they don't have tumblr) @op-secret-santa
“Darling!" A booming voice shouts off the camera, clearly upset about something.
"I'm working on it!" Brook shouts off the camera, the Soul King clearly distraught with how tight his voice is. He takes a deep breath and steadies himself as he pulls his guitar up and before a fishman steps just enough into frame to make him set it down before stepping out again. He knows his time spent training was not necessarily the classiest time of his crewmates but alas, he did owe the world-for the most part-an apology. "I'm sorry." The skeleton says.
"For what?" The voice of the fishman says.
"For the disrespect I showed to turntables." Brook says, his voice turning weepy. "I didn't understand exactly how much they mattered to modern day music, if that's what the kids are calling music it truly makes my eyes well with tears. Or they would if I had eyes, skull joke!" His soft yohohos turn into a singular choked sob as the fishman sighs. "I think there are some who do not know how to understand how to use it properly and therefore they should not be making music! I won't name names however some people gave me a lot of grief while I was stuck performing and those musicians if you could call them that made it so much worse! I was separated from my loved ones and no one was concerned with me! Just my music! I was a puppet for entertainment!"
It was a recorded video being broadcasted around the world and people were watching, talking, mingling.
"Listen, I really really like Straw Hat," Bepo tells Law, "but if he's talking about Uta then I'm using him as chewie." His captain pats his shoulder and they leave.
"If he's talking about Apoo, I'll turn him in myself." Someone nearby says.
"Twenty beri he doesn't even know how to use one." They respond before shaking on it.
"I'm sorry! I understand the errors of my ways now! I have been formally educated on disc jockey equipment." Brook assures the audience but still, the crowds do not seem pleased.
"Not unless he learned from Queen." Someone spits.
“I don’t know why you’re even upset when I know there’s been worse done to music! Do any pirates sing shanties anymore?” Brook cries on the screen. “Tempo, rhythm? The world is lacking nowadays! I tried to teach someone to dance and they tried to kill me! But I’m already dead!” Brook sobs as Jinbei finally steps on screen, his arms crossed his chest. 
“You asked to see her panties.” 
“I don’t know what that has to do with anything!” Brook defends.
“This is why I only listen to Uta.” A young woman nods. On screen the fishman simply sighs. Everyone knew the cook and the skeleton of the crew were kind of skeevy, in different ways. They were pirates though so it was to be slightly expected, there were far worse crews out there. Then Brook pulled out a ukelele, and started singing about how wrong he was for dissing turntables and those using them. He was crying real tears. 
“Are you done making a fool of yourself?” Jinbei asks the skeleton who changes his tune (yohoho) rather quickly.
“Hm, yeah. I think if I do this longer Nami will kick me into the ocean.” Brook agrees, standing and walking off arm in arm with the fishman.
If Bepo joined in on the riot after the reveal it was for the greater good his crew stayed out of the way.
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randomnessofthehighestorder · 5 months ago
Netflix geeks listen up!
I have never before been so hyped for so many new things on Netflix, but Geeked Week blew me away! Here are some of the announcements that I will definitely be watching:
Castlevania Nocturne Season 2! After that cliffhanger, I’m excited to see Alucard join the fight with Ricter Belmont by his side!
The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep! The OG voice of the White Wolf is back! And did they say merpeople are gonna be involved? I’m down with it!
Arcane Season 2! Again another cliffhanger that I am excited to see the aftermath of, and that clip of Vi’s emo fighter era! She looks great at the cost of emotional turmoil… November can’t come soon enough because all the Arcane fans are about to paint the town blue! Sound off in the reposts and comments, Team Vi or Team Jinx?
The Tomb Raider show! From the trailer, it looks action packed true to the spirit of the games. Haley Atwell is gonna be a great Lara Croft…
The Devil May Cry show! I love the games and the trailer looks so SSStylish! And is that Johnny Yong Bosch as the voice of Dante?! First he voiced Nero in the games, and now the main man himself! We just hit the jackpot! This show is gonna rock!
Avatar the Last Airbender Season 2! It’s started production and we have our Toph Beifong! I can’t wait to see the Gaang in the Earth Kingdom!
The Splinter Cell show! I may know nothing of the original games, but from the responses from the fans, I can tell this show’s gonna be great! I might check the games out to prepare from the awesomeness that is Sam Fisher… Also he’s being voiced by X-Men Origins’ Sabertooth? LFG!
One Piece Season 2! We have our Nico Robin, Crocodile and a look at what Chopper’s gonna look like! Hopefully Brina Palencia will reprise her role as the adorable Straw Hat medic… and I have to say, Joe Manganiello as Mr 0? It’s bound to be a hell of a ride for the Straw Hats, because I think we have all our Baroque Works members casted! The Nakama are ready, are you?
The new season of Black Mirror! The show at its roots is British, as the creator said, so as a Brit myself, I’m excited to see the worlds presented from the darkness of a Black Mirror… and the cast is packed!
The Sandman Season 2! We have the entire family casted and they showed us a peek behind the scenes and everything looks so cool! It’s a dream come true for the comic geek in me!
Cobra Kai’s final season! The Sekai Taikai is about get intense and so much butt is gonna be kicked! Strike hard, strike first, no mercy!
Sakamoto Days! I’ve heard a lot of good things about the manga on social media, so I hope that the anime does it justice…
Cyberpunk?! After Edgerunners, I can’t wait to return to Night City with my chooms!
Wednesday Season 2! That cliffhanger! I can’t wait to return to Nevermore and see the fan fave Addams kid in action!
Squid Game Season 2! The games are about get even more dangerous, and Gi-Hun is back in the game! I guess it’s true, the game never stops…
I might be posting more about these amazing projects as their release dates get closer, but for now, I am onboard the hypetrain and I’m on it until the end!
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ta-ni-ya · 1 year ago
Ok let me just do this real quick before I forget any more of the story I’ve created since months 💀
Backstory of Tsukiko Koizumi
(Contains kind of serious experimental things and abuse towards child so don’t read if you’re uncomfortable ;-;)
I kinda always feel cringe at my imagination when I’m actually writing it 😭 please don’t mind me-
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She grew up in a family of doctors who were known to be mad scientists too! Her mother passed away due to the extreme atmosphere of the experimental scents which affected her breathing and she became weak leading to her death.
Tsukiko was just a kid when her mother died, she used to go out and play a lot and her father would actually keep her away from his lab to ‘protect her’ but she didn’t knew what his true intentions were.
Her father who was known to be mad scientist as a nickname, wanted to keep her healthy to experiment things on her. When tsukiko turned 8, she slowly became aware of it and couldn’t do anything, her father would use her skin to try products and feed her his new drugs and see her reactions. Tsukiko suffered like this for years until she turns a teen.
She soon grew her elf ears and tried to hide it. She would often loose control over her body and many times accidentally attacked people. Her father didnt want her to go out because of that and would forcefully lock her up in his lab.
There were rumors about her attacking others, and she was given the nickname 'monster' after that. The other kids started bullying her verbally as deep down they were scared to get too close to her and could only tease her from afar. But some would throw stones at her to be extra.
That is until she finally had it enough and escaped after attacking and going wild- she was all bloody and faints on her way to god know where.
She is rescued by the leader of the revolutionary army and and raised by them. She learns how to fight and finds a devil fruit giving her the ability to manipulate blood. She befriends sabo and koala too.
They taught her how to control her body too and not loose control. Her main job or work is that she becomes an assassin for the revolutionary army. She mainly goes under cover as a dancer as I’ve drawn her lol
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She only looses control when it comes to her friends. She cares a lot about them. By friends I mean when she decides to join the straw hats during her mission at the same place as them.
She decides to leave the revolutionary army and joins the crew, she bids them farewell but never forgetting their goodwill and help to her..
Yea I’m cringingggggg hsksnfkzlz byeeee that’s it 💀 that’s all I remember from the last few months bruh
Btw this is her when she learns to control her emotions and not loose total control- (kinda like how chopper is)
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Now again I’m still not caught up to the anime and I’ve written according to whatever I’ve learned so far- I also don’t know if my friends/ moots have seen one piece but I just wanted to post it yk ahhhhh ok yea Bie-
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Do not judge me ok- I’m just a baby 😭
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seaoftales · 10 months ago
*cracks knuckles* Including the muses we used to write, and probably will again, I hope you're ready for TheList™:
Dracule Mihawk
Nami - MiMi supremacy going strong forever and always, but also what if Mihawk found Nami stealing from him and she spills the beans on what Arlong's done to her and her village? 👀
Athelar - I need all the brother threads all day every day, the angst and comfort and them bonding over the years they lost
Shanks - MiShanks? 👀 But also a scenario where Mihawk agrees to join the Red Haired Pirates, not to mention a thread where they absolutely can't stand one another and keep battling it out every time they meet each other.
Nami - preeeetty self explanatory but there's so many more things that live rent free in my head for these two, like them settling down somewhere nice, Shanks passing down the title of Yonko/retiring completely and acting like a mentor to those who want to be mentored. But also Shanks becoming King of Pirates, with things either hitting the fan and him being executed with Nami having to watch, or they both work towards making sure the world's well rid of the Marines and World Government, plus another like 28364 ideas I have for these two!
Athelar - I'd love to see how these two would vibe together when alone, but also a thread where Athelar does meddle in destiny when something unexpected in the grand scheme of things happens that threatens all the balance he saw the future holds
Benn Beckman
Nami - besides the plots we currently have in the works, I was thinking that maybe instead of Bellemere, Shanks and co. get to Nami's island that was being raided when she was a baby, and just like Shanks took Uta in, Benn does the same with Nami and the two dads raise their two daughters together on board the Red Force
Shanks - I live for Beck tormenting Shanks about everything and anything and I need more of it! Grilling him about his love life? All the 'I told you so's when he gets too drunk (nvm that Beck gets equally drunk), but also young Shanks and young Beck meeting for the first time and Shanks trying to convince Beck to join his crew
Nami - I need them to be besties, them bonding over their once mutual hate for pirates before meeting the right ones that made them change their minds
Shanks - Gimme all father/daughter threads ever because yes! Shanks helping Uta through her espresso-depresso era, finding somebody for her to help her get a hang of her Devil Fruit powers because gods know she doesn't have any control over it, and just generally wholesome and domestic things
Nami - I need more of the 'well, I guess my step-mom's younger than I am' awkward moments, but also them becoming friends whenever the Straw Hats visit the RHP, and there could also be potential for some shippy things!
Shanks - Javi being a little menace to Shanks, especially when he's younger, is living rent free in my head. Then there's all the parental figure threads we could go for, Shanks teaching him how to fight with swords, but also comforting him that he doesn't have to be like his dad just because some people expect him to be as good as Mihawk
Athelar - UNCLE THREADS! Athelar being that cool uncle with a super awesome ship who shows up at random and has all the coolest gadgets and Javi wanting to spend as much time with him as possible.
Other muses and plot blurbs are under the cut because it's Long™
Thomas Magnum
Juliet - MIGGY! All things Miggy, all the Miggy fluff, angst, hurt, EVERYTHING. But especially them having their little family of at least 2 kiddos running around, there's no threats anymore, maybe they even closed down the PI business and are focusing on working at the Nest and taking care of their kids (plus you know Robin would pretty much pay for anything they want, even when they tell him no)
Steve - I've been recently toying with the idea of what if Steve and Thomas were on the same team together when serving in the Navy, so there's potential for threads that take place in the sandbox, but also when Steve comes home in season 1, Thomas follows and Steve asks him to be on the team since day 1
TC - bonding in the sandbox, maybe some POW camp threads, TC flying TM out but the chopper has a malfunction and they have a crash landing on a potentially deserted island and need to survive
Lia - All the Thia threads, especially in a what if scenario where Miggy doesn't happen. I can see them eventually moving in together after working things out after the break up, maybe start a family down the line, but also angsty threads where they are exes having to work on a case together because AWKWARDNESS AND TENSION (and pent up sexual frustration)
Robin - Robin and TM meeting for the first time when Robin was still a journalist, all the shenanigans they went through, TM accompanying Robin to a book event where shit hits the fan and Robin's taken hostage
Chris - TM being like that annoying little brother to him, maybe they're purposefully thrown together on the same case to 'work out their differences', TM inviting him to their ohana gatherings every opportunity possible
Luciana - FAMILY BONDING TIME, especially after Katherine dies and Thomas really needs a shoulder to cry on, him showing off his super cool ex-sister-in-law to his friends when she comes to visit in Hawaii
Ethan Shah
Juliet - ALL THE SHIPPY THREADS! A thread where rather than flipping out when Juliet tells him about her past, Ethan sits down with her and hears her out, tries to understand and actually communicates his feelings for her.
Steve - I like the idea of Ethan kind of being the doctor they call for whenever anybody (read: Steve) from Five-0 gets injured on a case because he knows how to wrangle Steve into at least somewhat listening to him.
Chris - hear me out: Before Ethan moved to Hawaii, him and Chris worked in the same city and had frequent run-ins. I'd love to see them sit down, catch up, maybe even deepen their professional relationship and friendship.
Tani Rey
Juliet - the way both shows robbed us of both our fem muses having proper fem friends is horrible. Tani will drag Juliet out of the house whenever possible, not even going to put up with Juliet's protests. I need them to be besties we deserve to have!
Steve - McRey? McRey! All the shippy things! Steve finding his happy ending in Tani, retiring and settling down, her helping him stay with both feet on the ground and helping him through potential therapy, just being his rock and loving on him 24/7.
Leo - awkward dates when they're both off the schedule, bonding over things they both like, just being cute and sweet together, them also being a little competitive on which of them is the better surfer.
Noelani - gimme more besties threads! I want them both to go on a vacation together without having to worry about what the team is up to.
Lia - Tani and Lia working on a joint H50/HPD case together and things get really bad. I'm thinking they maybe get captured or they get cornered and one of them gets badly injured.
Chris - further down the line when Tani is promoted to leader of the team (and where Chris never dies because f that plotline alltogether) they constantly butt heads on whether Five-0's methods are good or not, and it eventually turns into sort of enemies to lovers trope.
Danny Williams
Steve - McDanno! A thread where they actually retire and open up the restaurant which is an instant hit rather than a miss
Chris - before Danny fully retires, he opts to bring in somebody experienced enough so the team still functions as it should, so he goes and talks to Chris if he would want to be on the team. Both are for doing things by the book and Danny believes Chris would be reinforcing that rule whenever possible.
Juliet - instead of fake-marrying Thomas, Juliet asks Danny if he would be willing to play the hubby, that way there would be no conflict between Juliet and Thomas and no bad blood.
Lia - what if Lia was the one (beside Steve) to show Danny just how nice Hawaii is? I can see them working a case together and they just click, so they start seeing each other and eventually end up dating.
Loki Laufeyson Friggason
Thor - post Infinity War, after Loki successfully faked his death once more and all the Asgardians, including Thor, have settled on Earth, Loki shows up, explaining to Thor that he needed that push after Asgard was destroyed to fuel his anger, and his "death" was something he knew would affect him greatly
Tony - post Thor 1, after Loki lets himself fall into the void, instead of being picked up by Thanos, Loki directly lands on Earth, takes up the mantle of a successful entrepreneur and connects with lots of people, Tony included.
Sigyn - the ways Sigyn would ground Loki if she was ever in the movies, and she would be his whole world along with their kidlets.
Tony - I shall inflict pain on you with this one and you'll hate me for it. Endgame, Tony snapped his fingers, the world's restored to as it should be and he's dying. Carol's there, she remembers how Yon saved her all those years ago and she goes to him, brings him to Earth and he does the same with Tony
Carol - YonVers, and I shall accept nothing less! Yon being stripped off his title after losing to Carol and some years later she finds out he's been stuck in a slave camp of sorts, so she bails him out/buys him to be hers but she gives him freedom instead. OR! Carol managing to talk sense into Yon at the end of the first movie and in the second one it's revealed that they got married and chill on her ship.
Killian Jones
Emma - Captain Swan, all day every day. Them leaving Storybrooke together to live a happy life before shit once more hits the fan, but also the early stages where Killian endlessly teases and pursues Emma but she's having none of it!
Liam - gimme all the brotherly bonds, especially Liam never dying but they both rebel against their king, run the crew together, maybe even take a whole new path in life and don't stay pirates
Andrea Talverton
Emma - sister-in-law bonding time, Andrea potentially showing Emma what being a princess is like and them just having a wholesome bond together
Liam - Lirea, one of my alltime favourite ships to this day. I'd love to write all the happy things with them, them settling down, having a family, Andrea helping Liam get used to living in Storybrooke. But also, while in the Enchanted Forest, either Rea running way with Liam so they can be together or him asking her dad for her hand in marriage.
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer - disregarding Geralt's last wish for him and Yennefer to be together forever, what if they instead opt to have a friends with benefits relationship that slowly and steadily develops into something more?
Jaskier - GERASKIER, all day, every day. I want to see Geralt suffer after he tells Jaskier off, them meeting sometime later and Jaskier straight up refusing to acknowledge Geralt ever existing, so the witcher really has to work for Jaskier's friendship and love.
Triss - I'm still of the opinion that Triss is a better match for Geralt, but I want it to be with a twist. Instead of Triss doing what she did, Geralt falls for her over time while they're both working for King Foltest and have a steady relationship that way.
Mithra Kalila - Following their marriage, I was thinking that her advisers keep telling her how Geralt is a bad idea to have as a husband, especially since he's sterile and won't be able to provide her with an heir, meanwhile Geralt proves them all wrong and is a loving and doting hubby
Anna Henrietta
Jaskier - I need all the threads with them where they are lovers while Annarietta's hubby is out of the Duchy on whatever business. Imagine Anna's all loving towards him one day, the other she throws him in the dungeons, the third day she gets him out and is all sorry.
Magnus Bane
Alec - gimme all the Malec and pre-Malec threads! Magnus doing his hardest to sway Alec, Alec giving him the cold shoulder, and then there's the stone touches and hidden kisses while they sneak around others so they don't know. But also married Malec, them adopting a baby or two or five!
Evan Buckley
Eddie - BUDDIE! Always and forever Buddie! Buddie on vacation (can go as friends before things finally spark up between them), also them taking care of Christopher together!
Blake Richards
Liam - maybe they exorcise the demon out of Liam and after their two new team members try to get him killed, he leaves the organization, Blake follows him and they open a whole new paranormal investigator organization.
Avery Murray
Steve - eyeing all of those shippy threads we had with them in the past and I'd love to revive those. They have so much potential and Avery being able to ground Steve is just so !!!!!!!!!!!
Juliet - I've said it before and I'll say it again, we don't have nearly as many girl friendship representation in both shows as we deserve! Also, Avery maybe hiring Juliet for a case, like a client of hers seems really dodgy and she wants to be sure that he's a good guy before she accepts the job offer, that sort of thing!
Simon Basset
Anthony - Simon and Anthony butting heads about whether or not Simon is good for Daphne, also "how dare you even think about dating my sister when you're my best friend". I need that so much.
Daphne - more fake dating scenarios to make sure the ton thinks they're really together, Simon fighting for Daphne's honor with Berbrooke, them raising little Augie and being wholesome parents.
Kate Sharma
Anthony - Anthony and Kate living their best life, maybe they're still in their honeymoon phase and are all lovey-dovey, also Kanthony babies all the way!
Daphne - Sisters-in-law bonding time, maybe Daphne comes to visit with Augie and Kate meets her nephew!
Edwina Sharma
Anthony - them going through with the marriage instead of Anthony ending up with Kate. I want to see how these two will develop because Edwina is absolutely starstruck and in love with him.
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vickyshinoa12 · 1 year ago
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Loss and Gain [Ace x OC x Sabo!] Prt 2 Dressrosa
Authors note: So since I haven’t caught up in One Piece in a while (I’m in Dressrosa rn lord it’s long >_>) some stuff won’t make sense and all that, I apologize for it and if I see that it doesn’t make since I’ll work it out later on! Anyway enjoy!
Two years passed since Ace died at Marineford. I quit being a pirate all together as well. Marco accepted my decision and told me to be whatever I wanted to be. That I didn’t know who to be. Without Ace being beside me, telling me where to go, how to do things… I can’t make the call. Eventually I ended up just going along whatever the sea felt like was best for me. The One Piece is out there… but I’m sure Luffy was going to find it, and I want him to find it anyway. The thought of Luffy loosing his brother also weighed on my mind as I am in another part of the world away from my own family, my sibling. I can only pray again that Luffy will be okay and to guide me to whatever I need to do. I was lost. Had no goal. The only goal was erased now so… what now?
After a month of useless searching. I landed on an island that was a bit away from Punk Hazard, that’s when I met Law. He was a pirate but recognized my character. How it was broken down and no motivation. He told me we can team up and that a bigger threat is on the loose. I didn’t care at first until he said that lots of innocent people were going to get hurt or dead. Most importantly it had to do with the Marines and the World Government as a whole. Something sparked that day and it took me a while to find Law again, but I agreed to be an ally with him to take care of the threat.
Punk hazard was a mess. It was cold as hell on one end and hot on the other. Law told me the Admirals fought one another and created this island, part I’ve part lava. Just the thought of that scared me. If they can create an island based off that, they could easily destroy the world if they wanted to. Soon Law and I reached a large building and he was explaining to me what to do and who was the target. Then I heard a familiar voice. It was Luffy and his crew my eyes bottled up with tears and I automatically apologized to him for not saving his brother. Luffy said that it wasn’t my fault and that Ace would have wanted us to become stronger and push to our goals. I didn’t tell him that I haven’t had a set point on what my goal was. I was just following Law’s role for the moment.
Days went by and Punk Hazard’s villain, Caeser, was kidnapping children to test some sort of experiment on them. It was awful. “Why would someone do this? To kids?” I asked and Law responded, “People are born to treat others like trash, no one knows the reason.” After that we teamed up with Luffy again, not after their characters had to be fixed, to rescue the children and stop Ceaser. Soon when we did it Law and I went to a room where Ceaser has a bunch of fruits. Law told me that he was making fake Devil fruits and then we got ambushed and he told me to run. I didn’t want to leave him alone so we fought together and eventually Ceaser stood down.
After that battle, we joined with Luffy and the straw hats to go to the next destination that Law told us. Dressrosa. He told us that Ceaser was a pawn to the bigger picture and that the real enemy was Doflamingo. We all agreed to help, but the only problem is when we got there… Law was gone. I went with Luffy and Zoro to search for him… but thanks to the over crowded area I got lost. I started to freak out as I didn’t want to somehow end up with the bad guy.
I walked around a few more blocks before stopping at a shop that sold clothes and food. I looked around and noticed how exposed the women clothes were and decided not to buy it. Soon I grabbed something and went on my way. After a while I started to give up the search and went to a random bunch of tables and sat at one. “Damn… if Ace was here… I would have been out of this situation and would have found Law…” I mumbled and took a bite of my food. There was more people walking about and talking about the colosseum and the fight that was that day. I wanted to see myself and thought that maybe Luffy was there. Okay… that’s a good start! I finished my food and went to get up as I then ran into someone with a huge thud.
My glasses flew across and as I went to look up all I saw was a black and blue blob. “Sorry! I didn’t see you there!” It was a man. “No worries. I’m just in a hurry to find someone.” I went to the ground and started to search. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and then a gloved hand with my glasses were in front of me, “These yours?”
“Yeah! Thank you!” I bowed my head and grabbed them from him and put them on. I sighed as my vision came back and stood to thank him again. The man had blond hair, black eyes, and a top hat with googles. His attire was fancy like and he wore a black coat. “Thank you again. Sorry I ran into you.” I put my hand up with a sheepish smile. “Don’t worry about it. You said you were looking for someone, want me to help?”
“Huh? No, you already found my glasses. I don’t want you to do anymore for a stranger like me.” I said and he smiled largely, “Maybe we won’t be strangers.” I was confused by his words as he then took out his hand to shake, “My name is Sabo, I’m here looking for someone as well!” My hand was hesitant as I went to shake, “Victoria…”
“Great! Now we can help one another. I have to find someone very important. Once we get that done, I’ll help you find your person.”
“Thanks… but I already told you-“
“Let’s get started shall we? I’m in a bit of a hurry myself as my friend wants me to get this done ASAP!” Sabo turned on his heel and started to walk off and I was trying desperately to explain why he shouldn’t help. It reminded me of someone. But I couldn’t put a finger on it.
Later we ended up in the colosseum. I looked around and was confused. “Your person is fighting in the colosseum?” I asked and he hummed, “He’s very important like I said. Once we find him, I’ll have to explain a lot of stuff, but I’m sure he’ll understand.” Seems like a close friend. “So since is where I needed to go as well, maybe we can split up?”
“No no! That’s too risky, plus you’ll only get lost again.” Sabo said and I was about to protest when I stopped and turned to him slowly. How’d he know? Sabo turned to face me and I felt a shiver down my spine. What’s up with him? “You were talking about someone by the name of Ace hours ago, weren’t you?” My heartbeat went insane. Was he the enemy? “Don’t need to be scared. I’m an ally. You see, Ace is my brother.” My eyes widened as I slowly pointed up, “You’re… You’re his brother too?”
“Yes I am. We go way back- what do you mean by ‘too’?” He asked as he tilted his head. I blinked, “Someone else said he was Ace’s brother… his name is Luffy.” Sabo’s smile went wide again, “Yep. He’s also my brother!”
“WHAT?!” My jaw dropped as I put my hands on my head, “That’s insane! Another brother?! And you’re just telling me now?! Why didn’t you tell me before?!” I yelled and Sabo laughed, “Cause you bumped into me remember? Then dropped your glasses. So I couldn’t just drop the bomb right then and there about it.” I put my hands down, “I guess you’re right…” He continued to stare at me, that’s when I noticed a burn mark on his left eye. Maybe a childhood burn? “You see… when you also said you’re name. I remembered the small note you put on Ace’s grave. He must have impacted you a lot Huh?” My chest hurt, “Yeah…” The note I left before I quit was a heart felt one. About how I looked up to Ace and how I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, to only be too late. “Hey.” My head went back to look up at Sabo. “It wasn’t your fault. Don’t blame yourself for his death.” Tears went to my eyes as I wiped them, “I know, but… I should have pressed harder…”
“At least you were there for him…” Sabo muttered and put his hat over his face, “I… suffered from amnesia after a Celestial shot me down as a kid… after that I worked for the Revolutionary Army for years… until I heard of his death and all the memories came back…” My eyes soften, “So. Don’t blame yourself. I blamed myself for not being there for him all those years. Plus I’m pretty sure he wants all of us to push forward for a better future.”
“Yeah… say Luffy said the same thing when we were on Punk Hazard.” I smiled and Sabo smiled back, “He is our brother alright. We always somehow have the same wavelength, the three of us.” Now I know about Luffy’s second brother, more compassion drizzled to them. “Say… Luffy was the person I was actually looking for-“
“No way! Me too! Say, let’s find him together, but don’t tell him that I’m his brother! Let it be a surprise!”
“Why? Did he forget you or something?”
“You’ll see. Let’s go to the dressing room.” Sabo said and led the way. Soon we met up with Luffy who dressed up in a beard and was called Luci. Sabo introduced himself to get the Flame-Flame fruit and soon confessed to being Luffy’s brother. Luffy explained that Sabo died that day when he was shot down. Sabo and Luffy had a reunion with a giant hug. All I can do was laugh a bit as Luffy was now not alone without a brother, he had Sabo. Come to think of it… maybe Sabo is a little like Ace. But I might be reading through the lines…
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ikkaku-of-heart · 7 months ago
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"Jean's been dealt bad hands for a long damn time. I'm glad Straw Hat turned his luck around and he was able to join our crew. Even gladder that I didn't have to make major modifications to the Tang to accommodate his size. I'd do it because everyone on my crew deserves comfort, but it would have been a lot of work. And I'd be really salty if I'd had to do it again after your captain rampaged through the halls after the war," she added, though there wasn't much of a grumble in her voice anymore. Yes, she'd been pissed at how he'd gone on a blind rampage upon waking up after the Paramount War, but given what had happened...yeah, it wasn't his fault. Poor kid had been grieving and still in combat mode. Unfortunate, but understandable.
Also unfortunate but understandable was the revelation that Straw Hat had been on Big Mom's shit list since Fishman Island. "Of course he pissed off a Yonko before Law even made the alliance. Sounds like you were dealing with trouble BEFORE you met my captain. Law's innocent of all crimes you're accusing him of, bub," she replied, nudging Brook back playfully.
They reached the communal showers, and Ikkaku ushered the skeleton inside. The showers were large and open, though there were small dividers between the shower nozzles to give a small bit of privacy. At the back of the room was a large, sunken bathtub that was usually used by those who had medical injuries or who had sore muscles and limbs that were alleviated by soaking in the water. There were a few members of the Hearts who had chronic pain, so it was a necessary thing, but no one minded if it was used for other purposes, like if someone just needed to relax or just sit instead of stand.
That would be very necessary for Ikkaku to fully attend to Brook's hair, considering how even if he sat in a chair, she'd have a hard time seeing the top of his afro without a stepladder. Indicating that he sit in the tub, the engineer unzipped the top half of her boiler suit and tied it around her waist so she could get to work.
As she started to apply the mask to his hair, she mulled over his explanation over why it was so important to him. Her assumption had been pretty accurate, it seemed, though she hadn't considered the specifics. "Yeah, I guess your hair is pretty recognizable since you don't have skin or anything," she agreed. All the more reason to do a good job and make sure his hair stayed healthy, even if he was dead. "I'm sure this friend of yours would know you even if you were bald and naked. Your voice is pretty recognizable, for one, and nothing seems to be able to take that away. But I agree, the afro is too iconic to lose. You'd look utterly ridiculous bald," she giggled. Well, really, he'd look like any old skeleton since they were all bald, but Brook was so unique that seemed like a ridiculous concept. The man was simply made to stand out, from his height to his hair to his clothes to his personality.
Massaging the nutritious mask into the hair follicles, she set about checking for any burn spots or damage. It was very thick and coarse, allowing it to stand up easily, but she could see a few small patches that could use some extra TLC. "You're thankfully not looking too burned, but I'll put some extra stuff on those spots so they can recover," she said. "Did you have people doing your hair and stuff on your tour last year? I can only imagine all the travel and being on stage under hot lights must have been a lot for your hair to handle."
"Oh yeah! Jean Bart-san!" The skeleton snapped his fingers, remembering the hulking man that has been partying with them for a while now. "I see, that must have been such a relief for him!" Brook smiled. The musician himself felt incredibly lucky that when building Thousand Sunny, Franky didn't skimp out on the wood and made the ceilings tall enough for the lengthy skeleton to feel comfortable. Though some doorframes were still a little small, but Brook wasn't the one to complain.
"Yohohoho! Oh, we angered Big Mom waaaaay before we came to Whole Cake Island!" The old pirate shook his head. "Would you believe it, Luffy managed to start a war with her back at fishman island!" The skeleton wasn't there to witness it himself, but the tearful story he heard from the members of his crew left quite an impression on him. Brook sighed. "We've been jumping from one troublesome situation to another, constantly on edge ever since Punk Hazard in fact... Ever since we have encountered your captain actually!" The skeleton softly nudged Ikkaku with his elbow in a teasing manner.
"Well, Luffy-san is certainly having all the fun he can and the rest of us... We are just relaxing before the final stretch, I suppose. The target on our backs, as you say, will become even larger as we set off towards Raftel. And after that? We will probably be the biggest reddest target in the whole wide world! Yohohohoho! But I suppose I sound a bit too optimistic there."
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"Oh, how dare they tell you to cut it off! Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!" The old pirate shook his head.
The skeleton paused as Ikkaku made her assumption. A slightly sad look on his face as he gently held the rest of onigiri in his hand. "Oh, well, that too, of course. But the main reason is different. You see, there is someone out there on the other side of the world that is waiting for my arrival. I am making my way to him as we go, but I also realize that... I am quite hard to recognize now that my face has no flesh on it. This afro is the only thing that's left that might remind him of my old self. He liked this afro very much and... As long as I have it, I feel like he will always recognize me."
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The musician looked at the mechanic with a gentle smile. "Plus, I would look positively goofy without it! A bald skeleton! Now that's absolutely ridiculous, don't you think?"
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ijwrsmff · 4 years ago
Hello there
This one is a bit lengthy but can i please get headcanons of the straw hats reaction to an admiral reader(gender neutral please) who quits the marine to join them, and is at first is distrusted but does something to gain theirs trust
I hope it's not too much trouble
It's no trouble at all! I really like this idea, it was a ton of fun to write! I hope you enjoy it ^^
He found you during a fight with the marines
He noticed...you were so much stronger than the marines you were fighting with
Maybe not strong in comparison to Luffy...but he was extremely powerful so comparing to him isn’t fair
He saw you deal what should have been a finishing blow to his crewmates…
But for some reason you never hit them hard enough to kill them
Down them, sure...but never kill
He makes quick work of the other marines, and approaches you with a smile
“Join my crew!”
You looked at him baffled
“Quit the marines and throw away all my hard work to become an admiral because some...kid thinks I would be a good match for his crew? No thanks.”
Luffy left it at that, but knew he’d see you again soon
You encountered him once more at a nearby island
“Is...is that offer still on the table?”
He grinned wide and pulled you by your hand to his ship
He couldn’t put his finger on it...but something was special about you
He just knew the crew would love you
After they get over their initial distrust that is
But Luffy? He trusted you already
No hesitation, he knew you had a good heart and that’s what really mattered
He didn’t trust you...at all
He would go silent when you talked to him, giving you the silent treatment
He didn’t trust the marines...how was he supposed to know you weren’t there as a spy?
You tried to talk to him a couple times...but he just pretended he was sleeping
One day, he was up in the crow’s nest training and you walked in
“Mind if we spar? It’s been a while since I was able to.”
Since you left the marines
He huffed but gave a firm “sure”
He didn’t go easy on you, which surprised him when you handled yourself fairly well
You parried his attacks, and gave a few good jabs of your own
He respected your strength
He still won...but he expected to beat you within seconds
Not minutes, nearly half an hour of sparring
From then on, he’ll make small talk with you
Every once in a while he’ll go to take a nap and he’ll pull you down to lay beside him
He also sits next to you at the dinner table, even helping you fend off Luffy when he tries to steal your food
Overall...he respected strength. And if Luffy chose you...you were here to stay
Once he starts to trust you, he’ll protect you at all costs
She trusts Luffy’s decision...but that doesn't mean she has to trust YOU
She won’t go out of her way to be mean...but she won’t help you if it means bending over backwards
She interrogates you, wanting to know why Luffy had chosen you
After days of interrogation on and off...she thinks she sees why
You were unhappy in the marines
Sure...you managed to become an admiral...but the happiness you had hoped to feel just wasn’t there
She discovered that in the short time you’ve been on this ship, you’ve felt happier than you ever did in the marines
She’ll be nicer after that, slowly building up her trust in you
“Want me to show you how I chart the islands we go to?”
Even if cartography wasn’t your thing, you figured it would help get you closer to Nami
After that, you would spend hours upon hours with Nami
She can be very...very protective
So once she trusts you, any comments about you that weren’t warranted she’d defend you
She wants to get closer to you, and spends the majority of her time with you
Either sitting on the deck or working on her maps
She even tells Sanji off if he starts to bother you, making the hearts in his eyes break
She’ll protect you...and she knows in her heart you’d protect her too
He is so...so scared of you at first
You were an ADMIRAL
How could you just give up that position to join a crew?
Doesn’t trust you for a good long while
He’s convinced you’re a spy
He lets his imagination get to him, and that drives a wedge between you two
You don’t blame him...the situation is sketchy, but you were genuine
You would spend all the time needed to get the crew to trust you
After only being with them a short period of time...you trusted them with your life
And that’s never happened before
In the marines...people wouldn’t go out of their way to save another if it meant getting hurt in the process
During battle, you stepped in front of Usopp and took a harsh blow, forming a long slash across your chest
After that...he’s significantly nicer to you
He visits you in the infirmary and looks...troubled
“What’s wrong Usopp?” You give him a concerned look
“Why what?”
“Why did you save me...you’re hurt now. Because of me.”
You smiled at him...so he did care
This was a good first step
Maybe eventually you can become even closer
He’s reluctant to trust you at first, but Luffy seems to see something in you…
Just like he saw something in him
So he tries to get closer to you, even going so far as to not flirt with you
Not until he got to know you better
The first time he really began to see the trust between you building was a regular day
Nothing particularly special about it, except you went into the kitchen while he was cooking
“Mind if I help?” It was your attempt to get closer to him
“Of course! Here, I need this mixed.”
You cooked together in relative silence, small talking every once in a while
Overall it was...nice
It was a bonding experience and he cherished it
That day, he sat next to you at the dinner table
You gave him a wide smile, which he returned
He would defend you to anyone who spoke ill of you after that
He could be quite protective, and it showed
Especially to Zoro, who made comments about your being a spy (which only made Usopp and Chopper panic more about the situation)
“Hey marimo! They don’t deserve the bullshit you’re throwing at them. Back off.”
“What are you gonna do about it, shitty cook?” A smirk formed on Zoro’s face
Oh dear...it looks like they’re fighting again
You went to speak up, but Nami stopped you
“They get like this sometimes. Though it’s impressive how quick Sanji was to take the bait this time...I think he likes you.” She gives you a wink and your face flushes
Who knows what the future will bring...all you know? Is that you made the right choice to join this crew
He wants to trust you...he really does
But the nagging fear of you hurting his crew is at the back of him mind
He avoids you, not wanting to risk getting hurt
Once you get injured in battle...he realizes how unfair it was that he did so
“I’m sorry y/n...you’re hurt. Please follow me to the infirmary.”
He keeps it relatively formal, only talking when he needed to do something to check on you
“Would you...come back in a couple days so I can check on the wound and how it’s healing?”
You gave him a smile “yes doctor! Thank you!”
“Hehe you don’t have to thank me I don’t deserve your thanks I was just doing what I’d do for any of our crew!” He swayed back and forth, his paws on his face as he smiled
You could swear you saw flowers around him…
After that, he invited you to play games with him, Usopp, and Luffy
While Usopp was still reluctant, Luffy was 100% on board
“Come on y/n! Play with us!” Chopper smiled up at you and...well...there’s no way you could say no to his adorable face
So you joined in
It was fun...more fun than you thought possible to have
You laughed as Chopper tagged you, and you spun around picking him up in a hug
“Chopper...thank you.”
He smiled and laughed, “for what? Tagging you?”
You shook your head, putting him down
“No...for being a good friend.”
And he was, he was your best friend. You grew closer to him in the days following and you were certain you made the right decision
She knows what it’s like to not be trusted by the crew initially...but at least with her it was one pirate to another
You were a marine
And not just a marine...but an admiral
She is reluctant to trust you, but will give you the benefit of the doubt
She spends a lot of time with you, gauging if you’re a threat to her crew or not
She would sacrifice herself for any one of them...you’re no exception
She almost thinks its her JOB to determine if you’re a threat or not
It wasn’t until your first battle together that she finds she trusts you
You give her a look, and she knows to use her devil’s fruit
You both coordinate perfectly together, and it shows your trust
She has only battled so flawlessly with her crew...which means you’re entirely one of them now
She will defend you from that fight forward, and stands up for you when the others express their doubts
“Y/n? Would you like to read with me?” She pats the spot next to her and smiled at you
“Of course! What are we reading today?”
The two of you grow closer and closer, spending hours upon hours just...enjoying each other’s company
She looks at your smile and knows...she would do anything to keep that happy smile on your face
He doesn’t trust you...but he doesn’t...NOT trust you
He’s reluctant to get close, but finds it’s really easy with you
He’s newer to the crew, but he trusts Luffy’s judgement
So he doesn’t have any reason not to give you a chance
He’ll spend time with you, requesting you sit in his workroom as he works on a specialized weapon for you
Over that time, you make a lot of small talk
It brings you closer together
“Y/n! What do you think?” He’ll say holding up your now finished weapon “Pretty super, right? Don’t you just love it?” He has a look of pride on his face that makes you grin
You take the weapon into your hands and feel the weight is perfect
Not light, but not overly heavy either
“Thank you Franky!” You jump up to hug him and miss seeing his face turn a dark crimson
“O-of course! Anything for a crewmate!” He hugs you back, lightly as if he’s afraid he’ll break you
This makes you laugh, “Franky...I was an admiral remember? I won’t break from a hug!”
“Well then...take this!” He lifts you up, spinning you around in circles
You both laugh, pulling each other closer and closer
Once he sets you down you see the fleeting color of pink on his cheeks
You were sure your face mirrored the same color
He knows in that moment he would protect you
Even if you didn’t need it
Maybe...protect isn’t the right word
It sounds so...one sided
“I’ll protect you...will you protect me?” He looks sheepish, almost as if he hated asking
You lean up and kiss his cheek
“I’ll protect you Franky. I’ll protect all of us...this crew...it’s special.”
He nods, knowing exactly what you meant
“Then we’ll protect each other.”
And it was settled
As soon as you stepped onto the ship he approached you
“Your name is y/n...correct?”
“Yup! That’s me!”
He leaned down so your…”eyes” were level with each other
“Can I see your panties?”
“...is that a no?”
It’s safe to assume...he doesn’t judge you for being an admirable
Though seeing some of the crew be distant from you...it only motivates him to speak to you more
You looked tired after playing with the crew on deck, so he approached you
“Would you like me to play you a song to help you sleep?”
You stared wide eyed, not knowing he was the musician on the ship
“Sure! Would you...maybe be able to teach me how to play an instrument?”
“Which instrument would you like to learn?”
You hummed, “I’m not sure. I’ll get back to you on that.”
And so he played you a song
It put not only you, but Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper to sleep
He would have grinned if he could, and looked over his crewmates with love
As he finished the song he looked at you once again
“Sleep well y/n...I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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mamamittens · 2 years ago
Trick or Treat
Day #14 of Spooktober (no, you're not missing a post, I've just delayed #13 for a few days)
Fandom: One Piece (Everyone is young and nothing hurts AU)
Ship: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,039
Bit of a weak end but I deeply underestimated how much work would ride my ass this month, and I need to shower and go to bed like... now lol. So this is mostly just for cuteness and to 'finish' on Halloween, don't look too deep into it.
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Ace tightened the bow under Luffy’s chin, the seven-year-old bouncing on his heels with excitement, dark eyes wide and gleaming. Despite his best efforts, Ace couldn’t help but smirk.
“Think you can keep your costume on all night, Luffy?” Ace asked, stepping away to admire the completed look. Makino did good work putting together the patchwork cloak for Luffy’s ‘ghost’ costume, tied securely with a bright red ribbon around his neck that matched the straw hat he refused to go without. She was also the one who made the gloves and wolf ears for Ace himself, along with helping Sabo apply the vampire makeup. Out of the three of them, Sabo had the least amount of work to do, having plenty of spare fancy clothes to work with.
“Yeah! You wait and see, I’ll have my costume on all night!” Luffy reassured him. Ace snorted, rolling his eyes. He refused to believe he was so childish at that age.
Obviously, at the much wiser age of twelve, Ace knew more than Luffy did. Which is why he agreed to dress up with his baby brother to begin with. Knowing Luffy as he did, he would probably follow some random stranger around for extra candy if he thought he could get away with it. Sabo rolled his eyes and smiled.
“Sure you will, Luffy. Remember to thank Makino before we go!” Sabo reminded him. Luffy froze in shock, horrified suddenly.
“Oh no! I almost forgot! Thank you, Sabo!” Luffy cried out, racing back to the house where Makino stood with a bowl of candy and a patient smile. Luffy leapt up, latching his arms around her neck as she laughed, trying not to drop Luffy or the candy. “Thank you Makino-nee! Mwah!” Luffy pressed a messy, childish kiss to her cheek before dropping back down and rushing back to their side.
“Are you going to thank Makino too, Ace?” Sabo asked with a sly grin, plastic fangs poking out from his lips. Ace sputtered and hissed.
“Shut. Up!” Ace bristled at the reminder of his crush, but otherwise ignored the comment. He’d thank Makino by giving her some of his candy later. Huffing, he stormed away, not waiting for his dumb brother to catch up as he laughed.
“Hey! Hey! Where are we going first, Ace? Can we go to Gramp’s house? Last year he gave out whole rotisserie chickens!” Luffy cheered. Ace shuddered at the reminder.
“Uh—absolutely not.” Ace muttered nervously, mind viciously flashing back to the running they had to do to keep the chicken. “H-Hey! How about we see if Law will join us?” Ace distracted his little brother. Sabo cocked a brow and smirked again.
“Traffy! Yeah! Let’s get him! C’mon Ace! C’mon Sabo!” Luffy cheered, dashing ahead of them to the fancy house at the end of the street.
Law was dressed up as a mad scientist, white lab coat splattered with fake blood and black gloves on his hands. Ridiculous hat still in place as he glared Kid, who was dressed in an excessive amount of leather alongside his friend Killer, like they belonged in a biker gang.
“Ah. Luffy. Are we going together?” Law sighed. Luffy, quite naturally, exploded with excitement.
“Yeah! We’re going to Gramp’s house last to see if he gives us meat again!” Luffy cheered.
“The hell we are!” Ace bit out reflexively, heart shuddering. Knowing their luck, they’d have to navigate a haunted maze to ‘earn’ anything. And trying to bully Luffy through a scary event was well past what Ace wanted to do with his time tonight.
“Tsk, let’s just get this show on the road, losers.” Kid snarled. And so, three became six.
Later, if he was asked, he would claim to not know when the hell their small group became a small army of children. Ussop joined with Sanji and Chopper—a knight, prince, and magician respectively—followed by Nami dressed as a witch dragging a samurai Zoro. Brook snuck in somehow with Franky, Robin, and his own friend Deuce. All four dressed as ‘tourists’ in Hawaiian shirts with a large, white cardboard frame for a ‘picture’.
Their first victim was, also naturally, Shanks. Dressed as Freddy Krueger, he laughed loudly and passed them each king-sized chocolate bars with a wink. Buggy scoffed, business suit with devil horns and wings downright subdued to his normal attire. Naturally, he handed out small packets of cotton candy when asked politely. All the while acting as though he had no idea why anyone was bothering him so late at all.
Crocodile didn’t have any costume at all and gave them a single snack size snickers bar, a trend that followed with all of Gramp’s colleagues.
“Well, look what we have here! Fine, well-behaved children ready to pay the toll!” Doflamingo crowed, looming over them from behind his gate.
Ace hissed at him alongside Law.
“The hell we are!” Ace shoved Luffy behind him.
“Hello uncle.” Law muttered in disdain. “Does dad know you’re trying to bully kids for candy again?” Law asked with a sneer.
Doflamingo sniffed, head jerking away at the implication.
“Your candy haul sucks anyway.” Doflamingo clicked his tongue and stalked away without another word.
“Ah! Luffy! Look who I brought!” Ace’s head snapped in the direction of Jinbe’s voice. The fishman was dressed up as a ghost too, a sheet with holes covering almost his entire body. Behind him was a familiar group of older kids.
“Pineapple!” Luffy cheered, bounding up the street to tackle Marco’s leg. He was, in fact, dressed up as a pineapple. How literally anyone managed that, Ace had no idea. Thatch snickered beside him, dressed as a cowboy alongside Izo, who made a very convincing naval captain (Gramps was going to lose it if he sees the costume and the last thing Ace wanted was to sit around while Gramps and Pops argued for three hours about them joining the Marines again).
“Alright! Looks like the party’s really getting started!” Thatch cackled, ruffling Ace’s hair as he dutifully inspected everyone’s costumes. “Hey, I hear there’s a corn maze and hay rides on the other side of town. Pops agreed to give us a lift if you wanna try it out!” Thatch grinned, winking at Ace.
Ace could feel his face flush in embarrassment despite nodding.
His family was large, noisy, and ridiculously everywhere he turned but… he really wouldn’t have it any other way.
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imaeraser · 4 years ago
Hi, I loved your ex-Admiral Reader joining the straw hats and U was wondering if you could make a part 2 where the reader and the Straw hats (separately) falling for the new reader.
Please and Thank you
Sounds great!
At first, he thought that he was being friendly
Spending time with you, trying to make the Sunny as welcoming as possible, but then he started to get these warm fuzzy feelings
So he decided that he liked it, and spent even more time with you, but it only made it worse
It got so bad, that at one point he had to leave the room when you entered
When he talked about it to Nami and Robin, they just laughed
Then he got pouty and then demanded they tell him what they were laughing about
“You like them Luffy”
Of course, he likes you, he likes everyone on the crew. Then they had to explain to him that he was feeling romantic feelings
It all made sense, but he also got scared
He saw how love affects people and their careers. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to sacrifice that much for another person
But then Nami and Robin told him he already sacrificed so much for his crew
That’s when he decided he was gonna confess
He was against you in the beginning
That’s why it didn't bother him when he wanted to spend more and more time with you. But it started to confuse him when he realized it wasn't to keep an eye on you
So he started to train more, but each time his mind drifted of it drifted off to you
Then he decided to (finally) take more showers, but while washing his hair, he found himself imagining your fingers rubbing his scalp
So he stopped taking showers (again)
Whatever he did, his mind drifted to you. How you would like something, what you would do if you were with him
So he opted to spend more time with you
This confused you, so when you asked he kinda blew up and talked about your allegiance. Of course, this made you sad, and seeing you sad made him realize that he screwed up. Later he talked to you in a hushed voice and apologized
I don’t think he’s the type to ask other people, but after yelling at you and apologizing (which he never does) he thinks it’s time to put down his pride
So when he talked to the boiz (I’m not sorry) they also laughed at him. Except for Luffy, Sanji, and Chopper. Luffy and Chopper were confused, and Sanji was making fun of him
This made him flushed, and as he was about to leave they pointed out the obvious, he liked you.
This made him even more flushed, and he slammed the door shut. But now that he knows what he is feeling, he can decide what to do
Was suspicious of you too
But as she spent more time with you, she realized that you were nice
So you guys started to stay up and talk about where you guys were from, dreams and aspirations, things you two wanted in the future. And of course about love, marriage, and kids. Just about everything
I think Nami would want to adopt two girls when she’s older. Just like Bellemare
She felt a fire bust in her chest when she saw your smile. She felt clouds split and the sunlight creep down her body when she saw you glance at her
And Nami is self-aware. You best believe that she knew what she was feeling
The knowledge made her shy away for a few days, but she realized that pushing you away wouldn’t make her happy
That means she put her flirtation on 10x
It did make you flustered— I mean a pretty lady hitting on you? Of course, you’re gonna be blushing
It’s mostly a series of compliments and dirty jokes added to the mix. But she didn’t confess for awhile
She didn’t want to disrupt the balance of the crew and was too scared to take the risk
But each time you talk to her, it makes her start to not care
High-key scared of you
Was hiding behind Zoro as he interrogated you
But as he interrogated you, he realized that you were pretty nice
So he stopped hiding behind the human meat shield and decided to initiate contact himself
He was doing it to protect his crew… right?
Maybe at first, but he started to become interested in the person you are. Where you grew up, if you had any siblings, parents, dreams, and so on
Then he got addicted. He was a moth drawn to a flame, and he started to feel himself burn up— with love (It’s so cheesy, this is something I am sorry for)
He wanted to impress you. He would start to come up with all of these crazy gadgets
Sometimes he pranks you. He thinks you look cute when you’re mad
When he realized that he was feeling something romantic and not platonic— he went back to scared mode. Think of the stereotypical shy, cute, twiddling thumbs girl— yeah that's him
He keeps trying to confess, but then ends up chickening out
But after asking Franky for advice, he finally steeled his nerves
Let’s just say that Sanji was a simp from the start
He may have been suspicious, but when he saw you his heartbeat unlike it had ever done before
It wasn't the usual feeling he got when he just saw a girl, it was something warmer
Of course, that made him want to explore it. Cue the excessive flirting
It honestly got kinda annoying, but once you guys started to talk about things that mattered (not him talking about how lovely you look) was when he started falling
And he fell hard
Sanji had never actually fallen for someone, so he got scared. That meant no more flirting, and him hiding when you entered the room
After you leave he holds his hand to his heart and breathes like he ran a mile
Poor Sanji, you give him butterflies. Too many butterflies
He wants to confess and get over it, but he finds himself getting lightheaded at the thought
Oh, there goes the blood
It gets so bad, that the crew has to take matters into their own hands
He fell for you
Because you accidentally tripped him
(I’m not gonna make this romantic)
She was one of the only people who weren’t super suspicious
Instead, she took the time to get to know you better
When she got to see who you were, she couldn't help but start to fall for you
Make no mistake, Robin is very self-aware. When she started to get an inkling of feelings— she knew
But she likes to play oblivious. She’s good at masking her emotions. Plus, she doesn't want anything to change between you (except for the fact you don't kiss her yet)
She spends even more time with you now. She likes to read and do domestic things with you. She likes to imagine that you two live in a remote cottage
She likes to bring you tea when you read together
She wants to make a move, but she also doesn’t want to ruin what you guys already have
She likes to talk about her feelings with Nami
So every time you walk into the room, you catch Nami doing the wiggling eyebrows and Robin lightly slapping her arm
She just loves the way your brain works (as well as the way your lips look when they pull into a smile)
After enough pestering from Nami, she grabbed some flowers from her garden and decided to finally act on her feelings
You just started hanging out with him
Probably because he didn't care that you used to be in the navy
You would just watch him make things. And to be polite, he would let you try them out
Of course, this lead to you calling it amazing and boosting his ego
So he started to like when you were around
Then as a pastime, you two would get to know each other
That’s when he started to fall for you. He would start to notice the way your hair fell, and the way it caught the light
You became his muse. And all of a sudden, he's coming up with all of these crazy and brilliant inventions
No one noticed his growing crush on you, since you guys spent most of your time in his workspace, but one dinner the crew found him staring at you during dinner and tripping over himself
Cue the unnecessary teasing. He tries to cover it up as him being a pervert, but everyone knows that he is lying
Since he can’t convince anyone, he tries to convince himself. That means he starts to push you away
But when he starts to feel more empty, he owns up to his feelings and decides to change that
You would listen to his music
Listen, not just let it play the background
You always had this look of wonder in your eyes as you watched him
After getting to know him (which started by asking him how he learned so many instruments)
He likes the way you laughed and smiled, and… just do anything
He would start blushing when you would come up to him and talk. When he would see you across the room. When he would think about you… all the time
The crew started to notice but brushed it off as him being flattered by you being interested in his music
But when you guys weren’t doing something music-related, the two of you can be seen drinking tea or watching the ocean
He’s pretty self-aware, but he wants to deny it for a little while
But once the crew notices (due to his non-existent eyes following you) they push him to go after it. He’s been lonely for so long, it seems kinda weird for him
He also feels bad for liking you, since he’s dead and old
But he decided that you only live once, but in his instance twice
He was very suspicious of you
He didn't even want you to join. So he decided to keep an eye on you
That backfired
Because he started to notice how good you looked… doing everything. When he started asking you about yourself— boy he started sweating
He can’t get over how cute he thinks you are. Everything from how you look to how you act. The thumping of his heart can be heard by the fishes below
Cue the shifty eyes, twiddling thumbs, and flushed cheeks
He is honestly so cute. But of course, if anyone asks him what’s wrong, he’ll say he’s fine… sure
He tries to woo you by showing you his helmsman skills. If that doesn’t work he’ll tell you stories about Fishman island. If that doesn’t work… he’ll just listen to you and give his sage advice
The crew catches on quickly. He is just too obvious. That means incessant teasing from all of the members (excluding you)
Most of them find it ironic how he was telling Luffy it was a bad idea to let you on board, to think what it would be like to grab your hand with his webbed fingers
He’s self-aware, but he is also scared since he has never felt this way before
But after getting tired of the teasing, he decided he was gonna take you out for a swim… and whatever happens, happens (aka he’s preparing for a stuttering love confession)
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aceopmari · 3 years ago
The Akatsuki’s Roles In The One Piece Universe Headcanon
Akatsuki Masterlist
Itachi: Warlord
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* At 21 he became the youngest of the Seven Warlords. Has no Devil Fruit. Just raw talent.
* Captain of the Uchiha Pirates.
* Aside from the One Piece, he became a pirate to avenge Sasuke’s death at the hands of Kaido.
* Although the other warlords aren’t allies, they are extremely tolerant of Itachi.
* Mihawk has even considered inviting Itachi for a drink.
* Is frenemies and rivals with fellow Warlord Law.
* Had a run in with Ace who convinced him to go out for drinks together.
* Although Itachi insisted that he and Ace were nothing more than rivals, he was present at Marineford, helping Luffy and Whitebeard to save him.
* Pulled up to the Onigashima Raid and allied himself with the Straw Hats in order to take Kaido’s head.
Kisame: Sun Pirates
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* Before they disbanded, Kisame was a fiercely loyal member of the Sun Pirates.
* Shared a close bond with Fisher Tiger before his death.
* Shares Jimbei’s views of humans and Fishmen getting along.
* The older step brother of Arlong who unlike Kisame, hates humans.
* The two got separated and that was when Arlong formed his own Pirate Crew.
* After learning what Arlong had done to Nami’s village, Kisame felt partially responsible for his actions and took it upon himself to protect Nami throughout the events of the Fishmen Island Arc, forming a special bond with her.
Deidara: Celestial Dragon
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* Privileged boy was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth.
* He has close ties with Doflamingo and is a frequent a VIP at the auction house on Sabaody.
* He mainly goes to the auctions to place bids on illegal and stolen art.
* Wasn’t above purchasing slaves.
* After buying the slaves, he would trigger their collars to watch their heads explode whenever he got bored with them. That was true art!
Kakuzu: Bounty Hunter
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* Was once a loyal admiral for the Marines but quit after his rival Akainu got promoted instead of him.
* Lives his life as a successful bounty hunter in the the East Blue.
* Almost succeeded in killing Nami when she attempted to steal money from him for Cocoyashi Village, but she managed to escape.
* Got a job offer to join Baraque Works as “Mr. Jack” (cuz get it? Jack O Lanterns on Halloween).
* Escaped the Marines when Alabasta fell and went back to lay low to Bounty Hunt in the East Blue.
Hidan: Kid Pirates
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* Living his best life as a member of the Kid Pirates, happily slaughtering whoever gets in his crews way.
* Eater of the Curse Curse Fruit.
* Alongside Killer, he makes up the wings for Captain Kid, being the third strongest member.
* Often gets into heated arguments with his captain, prompting Killer to separate and mediate the two before things could get ugly.
* Lowkey envious of Killer for being a part of Worst Generation and has a one-sided rivalry with Zoro.
Sasori: Whitebeard Pirates
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* Lost his parents to pirates when he was a child.
* His grandmother Chiyo lied to him about it. When he eventually found out the truth, he killed her and was chased after by the Marines.
* Whitebeard eventually found him.
* “Sasori, become my son!”
* Sasori was in tears at the love he received from the Whitebeard Pirates. They were able to fill the empty feeling in his heart. He was happy to call Whitebeard “Pops”.
* The Puppet Puppet Fruit user was given his own division and is recognized widely for his abilities.
* He’s close with Marco but is very impatient with Ace who he deems “a brat.”
* Was none the less devastated when he died.
Orochimaru: Worst Generation
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* A gifted scientist and captain of the Snake Pirates.
* Became a member of Worst Generation for his many exploits including stealing scientific files of Vegapunk’s experiments in order to create a powerful arsenal for his crew.
* His strongest crewmmates are Suigetsu, Jugo, and Karin. Suigetsu is also a member of Worst Generation.
* Had a higher bounty than Kid during his time on Sabaody with over 350 Million Berries.
* Hated by Kid who he states “makes Trafalgar seem tolerable in comparison”.
* When he got to the New World he used the Straw Hats infiltration of Whole Cake Island to his advantage and stole science and technology from Germa 66.
* After the Straw Hats freed Ceasar, Orochimaru proceeded to kidnap him and forced him to make dangerous weapons and experiments, including SMILES.
Konan: Amazon Lily
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* Konan was enslaved by the Celestial Dragons as a kid.
* Was force fed the Paper Paper Fruit.
* After Fisher Tiger freed the slaves, Hancock and her sisters guided Konan to Amazon Lily and took her in as their adopted sister.
* Was taught to hate men but she secretly wishes to learn more about them.
* Was sympathetic and kind towards Luffy when Hancock and her sisters wanted to kill him.
Zetsu: Revolutionary Army
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* A double agent working in the marines.
* Gathers intel from the marines to feed it to his fellow revolutionaries.
* Very close with Iva and Koala.
* Was present during the events of Dressrosa helping her and Sabo on their mission.
* Eater of the Phase Phase Fruit.
Pein: Yonko
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* Went for searching for Peace to searching for One Piece.
*The official 5th Emperor with a billion berri bounty and captain of the Pein Pirates.
* His crew consists of Nagato’s Six Paths.
* Committed the following acts: attacked Marineford out of spite after Luffy rang the bell, disrupted one of Big Moms tea parties, and fought with Shanks for 10 days straight which caused all nearby islands to split in half. The battle ended in a draw.
* Somehow knows Dragon.
* His followers became so inspired by his motto “The World Shall Know Pain” and proceeds to spread his message through his will across the world.
* Using the opportunity of the current chaos in Onigashima, allowing the others to take each other out, so that he can swoop in and expand his territory and power for himself after killing everyone.
Obito: CP0
* Prominent member and charismatic member of CP0.
* Inventor of the finger pistol technique.
* Kalifa and Stussy rival for his affections.
* Secretly planning to stage a coup to take over the World Government for himself.
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formula-what · 4 years ago
Brocedes time line for a very patient anon
Lewis quotes in orange, Nico quotes in pink, everyone else is blue.
okay first some background knowledge:
Nico is rich as fuck. only child, born in Germany, brought up in Monaco. son of world champion Keke Rosberg
Lewis was born on a council estate in Stevenage and his dad had to work multiple jobs for him to start karting
Honestly I think the difference in their backgrounds is one of the things that pushed them together, they were both isolated from the rest of the kids, but I’m keeping this purely facts rather than speculation.
They’re both 15 years old and are karting teammates for MBB (Mercedes Benz McLaren) in Formula A
Robert Kubica: “there was always competition. But they didn’t fight. It was friendly competition. There was always laughing afterwards.” // “they would even have races to eat pizza”
They often shared hotel rooms at the races which was a “scene of many wrestling matches between them”
Dino Chiesa (their karting boss) – “many times I was called by reception about some problem in the room. It might be noise, or they might have broken something. They would never sleep so they were always tired the next morning”
“they both liked ice cream so much, particularly vanilla. During the night they wanted to eat ice cream always, so I had to go out everywhere to find some and keep them happy”
Lewis would often persuade Nico to buy him sweets
They would have competitions over LITERALLY EVERYTHING
Lewis: “we always had great competition whether on the racetrack or computer games or playing football”
“probably the first bit of competition we had was when Nico used to ride a unicycle everywhere so I thought, ‘I’ve got to learn how to ride this unicycle. Ive got to be better than him.’ I spent all my time outside the go-kart learning to ride this unicycle”
Apparently it only took Lewis 2 hours to teach himself how to do it
In maybe 2013 ish (when they were still friends) Lewis reflected with– “I have never laughed so much than when we were racing together. Nico was kicking everyone’s butt at that time. We had so great races together and built a great relationship”
“we were just arriving and enjoying go-karts and eating pizzas every weekend, fighting all the time and just having fun, whereas now it’s all business.”
many times they would talk about what they would do when they got to f1, made plans hoping to be teammates and become world champions together.
“Nico would say ‘when I’m in formula one’ and for me it was always ‘if I ever get to formula one’. Because obviously Nico’s dad was a formula 1 driver- he knew he was going to make it.”
Nico joined f1 in 2006 with williams, Lewis 2007 with McLaren. And man I WISH I knew what went down with this two when Lewis nearly one his rookie season (missing out by one point to mr fernando alonso) and then WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP in his SECOND SEASON (again by one point thank you mr alonso)
2008 Australia
Nicos gets his first podium, and ofc Lewis is there (he won it) and they are jumping around in the cool down room. Just, two kids who are literally living the one thing they have spent their whole lives dreaming about together. Lewis won the championship that year and oh wow I can only imagine their celebrations together.
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They’re teammates in Mercedes!!!
Nico: “every other day there are moments or things that pop up and I can smirk and thing, ‘that’s exactly the same as it was 15 years ago’”
2013 Malaysian Grand Prix gets an honourable mention. This is the race with red bulls good old multi 21 but merc also had their own team orders, stopping nico from fighting for his first merc podium, but Lewis disagreed with it so it didn’t really spark that much tension between them- more the team.
the start of the turbo-hybrid era so y’all know this was good in terms of performance.
2014 Bahrain Grand Prix
They were both fighting for the win and had a collision which prompted a “mock fight” in parc ferme after the race (which I really hope there’s a video of).
Turns out, Nico won because he had used engine modes banned by Mercedes to get a power advantage in the closing laps. which kinda pissed Lewis off
2014 Spanish Grand Prix
Lewis’ fourth win in a row and took lead in the championship. They were fighting till literally the last second and Lewis crossed the line 0.6 seconds ahead of Nico, who says he could have passed him with one more lap.
Lewis defended using the same banned engine modes that Nico had used in Bahrain. Yeah.
2014 Monaco Grand Prix
This is IT. This is peak petty bitch. This is the one people still cry about.
It’s the end of Q3, both of them are out on a lap, Nico ahead of lewis. Nico’s already on provisional pole but Lewis is pretty close.
And then,, Nico just,, parks his car?? He says he made a mistake but the guy doesn’t even crash he straight up just,, rolls to a stop into a slip road. So the yellow flags come out forcing Lewis to abort a lap that was in the makings of pole.
The stewards say it was a-okay but Lewis was convinced it was intentional (and let’s be honest, yeah it probably was) and he even claimed that merc’s data proved it. (low key surprised he didn’t just tweet out the telemetry but I guess he got a stern telling off from mclaren last time)
But *this* is when Lewis tells the world that they aren’t friends anymore. An iconic interview.
Nico then wins the race too, ending Lewis’s four win streak and putting Nico in the lead of the championship.
2014 Hungarian Grand Prix
Lewis has an engine failure in quali meaning he starts from the pit lane, but he does good to make his way up the pack but THEN there’s a safety car which puts him ahead of Nico but on a different strategy.
Nico asks if Lewis can let him past as he needs to pit again before the end of the race, which will give him the place back anyways. Lewis straight up refuses, he’s on a role here. He started from last, and Nico started from pole, why should he slow down to let his title rival through.
Mercedes strongly suggest that his blocking fucked up Nicos race but Niki Lauda is on Lewis’ side so he doesn’t get punished (We stan a supportive father figure) even though he did blatantly refuse to be a team player.
And guys, this is the last race before the summer break so you know Nico was left seething for four weeks.
2014 Belgian Grand Prix
Second lap, Nico attempts a clumsy move and there’s contact, giving Hamilton a puncture and knocking him out of the race.
There’s a lot of controversy but basically it turns out he crashed with him intentionally, not backing out of the corner to “prove a point”. Nico ended up finishing second but was punished by the team, forced to apologise, and even booed on the podium.
2014 Abu Dhabi
For some reason it ran for double points?? The first time in History??? But idk???
Lewis had a perfect start and went on to win it and take the title, Nico had a problem and was told to retire the car but he kept going anyway and finished 14th. Nico went into the cool down room to congratulate Lewis on the championship win, which. cute.
Lewis claimed his second championship. Which not only was huge because of the inter team rivalry, but also because of the large gap between his first win. This guy had lost out on winning the championship in his ROOKIE season by ONE POINT, and then WON it in his SECOND season, and then there was like a FIVE YEAR gap before he won it again.
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Damnnn this car was fiiiinneeeeeee.
They do more laps in testing than any other car AND do it on a single power unit. And then. Australia. They take a one-two THIRTY FOUR seconds ahead of the third place Ferrari.
2015 Chinese Grand Prix
Nico is second in a one-two but claims that Lewis kept backing him up into Seb, trying to compromise his race (and help out his boyfriend).
Lewis gave zero shits: "It's not my job to look after Nico's race, it's my job to manage the car and bring the car home as healthy and as fast as possible. That's what I did."
2015 U.S. Grand Prix
If Lewis wins here he could also claim the title with three races to spare (you have to remember back then the title fight often went up to the last race so this was pretty cool)
Lewis very aggressively forced Rosberg wide at Turn 1 to claim the lead, and then there was some sexy fighting between the Mercs and Redbull all race. Nico led in the closing stages but made a mistake, running deep into a corner and letting Lewis past with only a handful of laps to go.
Nico finished P2 and had not only lost the race but the championship title. Nico was fuming, saying Lewis’ move at the start was “one step too far”.
This is the infamous cap throw in the cool down room. Lewis throws Nico his P2 hat, Nico straight up yeets it back at him. I tear up just thinking about it. They grow up so fast.
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Nico had came so close to winning and I guess this was just, the last straw. All or nothing. This year he literally gave it everything he had. Lewis and him stopped speaking, Nico gave up literally the rest of his life and even stopped sleeping in the same bed as his wife and taking care of his kids, instead spending every moment trying to get into Lewis’ head. Honestly, I think he might be the only one that could beat Lewis. Just because he knew him *so well*. He literally threw away like 16 years of friendship. But also it’s like, he had to be world champion. He *had to*. His dad was champion and his whole life he’s been preparing to win it too. Tough luck that he raced in the same era as Mr. Best Driver The Sport Has Ever Seen.
Nico won the last few races of 2015, and the first four races of 2016. Lewis had a couple car problems and Nico had a good lead on him in the championship.
2016 Spanish Grand Prix
Gentlemen. A short view back to the past. Nico had made a switch error on the formation lap causing the car to go into the wrong engine mode. So he was running a lot slower than Lewis, who was fighting to claim back the lead.
Nico closed the door to keep him back, and Lewis lost control on the grass, and spins into Nico and taking them both out of the race in the first lap. This is probably one of the most iconic crashes. I’m pretty sure there’s a clip of this somewhere in black and white with the titanic music over the top.
Niki Lauda blamed this one on Lewis (I guess even a supportive dad has to be critical sometimes) "Lewis is too aggressive. It is stupid, we could've won this race".
2016 Austrian Grand Prix
Nico had been struggling with a brake issue all race but was still on the way to win it. But in the last lap Lewis had caught him up and gone in for the overtake.
Typical Nico not taking any shit, refusing to be the guy that backs out and they collide. Lewis took the win and a damaged Nico dropped to fourth. From first. In the last lap.
Both of them blamed each other and tired dad team boss Toto Wolff threatened team orders in future races.
The stewards blamed Nico for the incident, issuing him two penalty points for failing to allow "racing room" and causing a collision.
2016 Abu Dhabi
In the final laps of the race, Lewis ignored team-orders from his race engineer and the technical director.
He deliberately slowed and backed Nico into the pack hoping they overtake him, and there would be enough of a points difference to win the title.
Nico finished second and won the title by five points.
And then,,, Nico announced a surprise retirement during the FIA prize giving ceremony.
Lewis’ response:
"This is the first time he's won in 18 years, hence why it was not a surprise that he decided to stop.” (We stan a petty king)
“But he's also got a family to focus on and probably wants to have more children. Formula One takes up so much of your time."
“In terms of missing the rivalry, of course because we started karting when we were 13 and we would always talk about being champions. When I joined this team, Nico was there, which was something we spoke about when we were kids. So it's going to be very, very strange, and, for sure, it will be sad to not have him in the team next year."
And now they are kind of on speaking terms but not really, they are both pretty private but I think they are at the ‘awkward small talk when we run into each other at the supermarket’ stage of the break up.
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pink-duda · 3 years ago
Having fun with family
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🎄Anonymous: Could you do a small scenario or hc with sanji and his wife baking christmas cookies with his sons and daughter?
I think I got carried away a little bit lol, as I wrote 731 words, I just love kids and sanji almost 40 years old with long hair.
Thank you anonymous, i feel like this was my christmas present to myself.
Also, I named the kids so I wouldn't get lost, but I didn't mention their appearance, so you can imagine it however you want.
Zoe - 13 years
Akira - 12 years
Eric - 5 years
Happy almost christmas everyone🎉😘
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You've been busy trying to get your work done before Christmas to get to spend a lot of time with your family, but in a flash the days have passed and it's Eve.
When you were walking a bit to try to get the numbness out of your legs from sitting so long working, there came a loud noise apparently of a pan falling in the kitchen, the worried mother and wife you are, you went to see what's going on.
Opening the door quickly, you were greeted with your youngest son's loud laughter, getting a better look at the whole scene, your husband and daughter full of flour, and your eldest son in the corner trying to hide his laughter.
"What's going on?"
You stand at the door stunned by the situation, and the other two flour-smeared ones not unlike you, probably still trying to figure out what happened.
The small figure of Eric came towards you, already jumping into your arms, and you effortlessly lifting him, and not far behind came Akira, hugging your waist tightly.
"Come help! let's make cookies for the Straw Hat Uncles and Santa Claus."
Says Akira answering your question.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! It's going to be cool!!!"
Eric spoke, these two always very excited about the end of the year party.
But then a shrill voice interrupts this moment.
"You idiots! How can you be calm?? Can't you see that we wasted flour???"
Zoe, your daughter, with a very angry face points to the boys who are with you and her dirty face.
"Princess, there's no need to stress."
Spoke the blond man who was beside her, placing a hand on the girl's head as a form of comfort.
"But dad-"
"It's okay, it was an accident and most of the flour falls on the counter, we can still use it."
She says turning to you like she wants someone to be on her side or to help show her she's right.
"Your dad is right, but it's not right not to apologize after laughing about it."
You say dropping Eric to the ground and giving a look at the two who are beside you.
Says the boys, Akira in a really sincere voice of apology, but Eric not so much.
"Well, if you want to make good excuses, make some yummy cookies, okay?"
They yell determinedly and run off to bake those cookies.
Now that Sanji's flour "shock" has passed, he has realized that he hasn't given you a good hello, you are a queen and you have to be treated as such.
"My dear!!! It's so good to see your beautiful face around here!~"
He says coming towards you, his long hair pulled back tightly in a bun and he proudly wearing an apron that says "the best dad and chef in the world" that his kids gave away for Father's Day.
Coming to you, he catches you holding you back as if it were a tango dance and giving you several kisses, making you laugh and making you fall in love with him even more.
The three children say at the same time away from you with a disgusted face.
Without making more sense for you to go back to work and miss this amazing family moment, you join in to help.
After having a little difficulty joining the flour, the preparation of the biscuit dough was quick and easy, and the icing was even easier because Sanji did it, and now comes the coolest part, making the drawings on top.
Stars, Christmas baubles, trees, angels, bells, cookie man were the various shapes, in addition to cookies in the shape of the favorite things for gift straw hats, such as an orange shape for Nami and a Meat shape for Luffy.
This part you let your kids have fun and let their imaginations go, and then you and your husband made cookies a little better, especially Sanji.
"This Christmas is going to be wonderful."
You say absently as you finish a tree biscuit.
"Of course, especially with you and the kids by my side."
Said the cook, stopping to cover the angel cookie, and looking at you with a deep look of love, pride and gratitude.
They were the best gift you ever received.
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robinchan-hananomi · 3 years ago
Ok, so I have a lot I want to say on chapter 1052 but I needed to fully digest it first.
I still do not think Yamato should be joining the Strawhat pirates. Partially for the same reason I am okay with Momo keeping Wano closed at the moment.
We know that One Piece is moving into the final Era. It’s highly likely that Robin is currently reading Kaido’s road ponyglyph. That means there is only 1 left before we find the entrance to Laugh Tale. After we find whatever the One Piece is, there is going to be a massive war, and Luffy and his armada are going to show the world what Im, the Five Elders, the 19 Celestial Dragons, and the World Government well and truly is.
We see that the World Government is already starting to crumble. The power balances of the world are shifting and the World Government is scrambling to try and preserve that power structure. The Marines/Navy, the shichibachi/ seven war lords, and the yonko are all said to be equal. However the Navy just reorganized, the warlord system has been abolished, and now two Yonko’s have been toppled. In addition the news of Wano has leaked and Wano has been a wild card since this started.
There are a number of places in the world that are extremely difficult to enter, not impossible but difficult. Like Ryuji Kingdom, Little Garden, Wano, Skypeia, and Elbaf to name a few. These worlds have some extremely powerful beings that the World Government does their best to control or create enough hatred and distrust of the ones that they can to keep them from becoming a danger to their order. Like Fishmen, like giants, and so on. Wano is a world that has secrets that could cause some significant damage. So not only is keeping the country closed at the moment giving Momo and the rest an opportunity to regroup and organize themselves but it also lowers them on the World Government’s priority list.
Now for Yamato. His father just fell, the Beast Pirates, the people who helped turn Wano into the hell it has been for the last twenty years is leaderless. In addition Yamato wants to be the next Oden. So why not take charge of the Beast pirates? Force them to help rebuild Wano and become the eighth crew in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Then when that finale battle comes, they align with Luffy.
Now, covering the actual chapter itself. I am concerned about Robin being MIA but I’m assuming she’s working toward the future. I am also super concerned about Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji. The three seem alright in this chapter, but I’m just seeing Thriller Bark all over again. Zoro pretended he was fine after that too, only for us to learn later just how significant all that d manage had been. This isn’t over, we are going to see the impacts of Sanji’s body structure changing, Luffy’s awakened state activating, and Zoro’s brush with death later.
I am also concerned about Green Bull making their way over to Wano. I am making no judgements on their two scenes because Aokiji was riding a bike on the ocean and sleeping while standing up. It sucks because we can’t even relax a little. Ever since we have entered the New World there has been almost no time for everyone to catch their breath.
Wano is starting to recover at least so that is a relief. The kids are being taught their real history, a shrine is being put up for those that have been lost. Ashura and Izo are among the dead, which as sad as I am to loose Izo I would think CP0 was a joke if he hadn’t.
Even more interesting we have new bounties and new emperors. Whatever this numbers are though are going to reflect whatever Apoo and CP0 told the government. I expect Luffy and his crew to jump up significantly, especially Robin now that she is the only person who can read those stones. I also expect Law and Kidd to jump up too. Yamoto is likely to end up with a bounty since he is not a citizen of Wano, and maybe even this who left Wano have a possibility of receiving one.
Luffy is going to be the newest Yonko, because Morgan’s has already named him ‘the fifth emperor’ so Morgan’s is likely going to pander toward the Strawhats again. As for the next… who knows. And let’s not forget Big Mom’s crew either. That’s going to be a fun mess to sort out too as they got wiped out.
Anyway we got like 1 more chapter before a month long break, so we’ll see where this heads. I just hope the crew really can have their awesome banquet before leaving.
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