#Also their arm is tattooed. Very happy about that detail <3< /div>
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iknowicanbutwhy · 6 months ago
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"I'm going to design my own Loop!" I thought. "It's going to be so fun!" I thought. "Surely modern clothing - that isn't just a hoodie and shorts or anything with jeans - is something easy to design!" I thought.
It was fun. But I am aware that all I wear are t-shirts and shorts.
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^^^ extra little outfits. Glitter pants are super fun, alright? You ever wear swishy glittery pants? They're SO fun.
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pedroscurls · 2 months ago
letters across time (one-shot)
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summary: after having moved to rome for a fresh new start, you begin to receive letters from an unlikely stranger that you begin to develop feelings for... only to come to the heartbreaking realization that the two of you may never meet.
pairing: marcus acacius x fem!reader content warnings: angst (with a happy ending), strangers-to-lovers trope (?), mutual pining, mentions of war and death, sorry - i've got a lack of historical ancient roman knowledge but trying my best lol, deviation from the film (lucilla dies before marcus - sorry, wanted marcus to be single / widowed which only fuels his hatred for the emperors), reader has a nickname (rose), excuse my poor attempt at speaking italian, no use of y/n. word count: 9.4k a/n: so i'm really stepping out of my comfort zone with this one, but i've been obsessed with marcus a since gladiator 2 came out (and honestly who else hasn't lol). also a bit of a tidbit - my first ever tattoo is with the latin saying ad maiora so i had to fit it into this story hehe. if the characterization seems off or if the historical aspect of ancient rome / dialogue is inaccurate, please bear with me - it's my first ever marcus a fic and first time writing in that time period... anyway, huge thank you to @jolapeno for hosting this "dear-uary" challenge <3. my epistolary is letters and my prompt is here. hope you all enjoyed this!
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Finally settled in, you walk out to your small balcony and take a seat. It overlooks the famous Colosseum and despite the sounds of chatter coming from nearby, you have to wonder how this place looked centuries ago. Rome had always been a place you wanted to visit, but never did you think that you’d move here. 
You don’t speak the language (yet), and the apartment you moved into was surprisingly affordable given the location. An elderly couple owns the small building and when you had approached them about a vacant apartment listing, they were more than eager to have you move in. It wasn’t at all luxurious–the apartment building. It was very dated, remnants of ancient Rome decorated throughout the building. It almost felt like you were transported back to that time period, given the decoration that filled not only your apartment but the entire building itself. 
The couple could speak a little English, asking plenty of questions that a usual landlord wouldn’t ask. 
American? Yes, you answered.
Married? No, you replied with a heavy sigh–memories of your last relationship flickering in your mind. 
A beautiful girl like you, not married? No, you repeated–now trying to end the conversation in hopes that you don’t have to go into detail why you uprooted your entire life into one suitcase. 
You had noticed the way the older woman’s smile drops, can see her eyes softening at the sight of you. It’s almost like she knows, like she can understand why you’re here. She’s the first one to say that you got the apartment–the brief meeting lasting only twenty minutes. 
It’s yours, she said. 
You had told them you weren’t sure you could afford it, given how close it was to the Colosseum and knowing that it was one of the hottest tourist spots. There’s a lot of foot traffic that surrounds this area and you’d be lucky to have found an apartment this fast. 
Whatever you can pay, the husband had chimed in. We will accept.
Then, the woman had touched your arm–gentle, light, almost feather-like and you could have sworn the warmth radiated throughout your entire body. This place, this couple–it felt familiar, it felt like home. 
You nodded in agreement and you shook hands with the husband before the woman hugged you gently. 
And now, sitting in your new apartment, this didn’t feel real. You still feel like you’re running, like you’re looking over your shoulder, waiting for the other shoe to drop. But the sun begins to set, the sky soon turns a shade of orange and you let out a breath that you hadn’t realized you were holding. 
A flood of relief washes over you.
You’re safe. 
This is your fresh start. 
And you remember what the woman had told you when they had given you the keys to your new apartment: Ad Maiora, cara mia, she whispered, eyes staring into your own. A fleeting gaze of understanding. You asked her what that meant and she smiled, patted your hand and answered, Towards greater things, my dear. 
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After finding luck with your apartment, you doubt that your luck would continue. But now, a month later, you have a steady job at a coffee shop that’s within walking distance and the elderly couple–Giovanni and Antonia–have begun teaching you Italian. Most nights, they invite you to their apartment for dinner where they ask you about your day along with a detailed lesson in learning Italian. Some nights, though, they ask you to teach them English–living so close to a famous tourist area, they encounter plenty of Americans and they believe it’d be good for business if they learned how to speak the language. 
Rome starts to feel more like home as the days pass. Giovanni and Antonia have welcomed you with such warmth that they soon find out the reason for you moving here. You told them you left America for a fresh start–having just gotten out of a very toxic relationship and a very meaningless job. You wanted more for yourself and you knew that staying in America was only going to keep you complacent, stagnant. 
Antonia had given you a hug at the end of that night–a hug that you had gotten so used to receiving, a hug that you found so much comfort in. They reminded you so much of your grandparents that had raised you–those were the only good memories that you dreamt of, a time where you could be a young girl again, running around in your grandparents’ home. 
You feel much freer, more at ease, safe now that you feel fully settled in here. And one day after work, you walk up the two flights of stairs to your apartment and unlock your door. There’s an envelope on the hardwood floor–almost like someone had slipped it underneath your door. There’s no writing on it, no name addressed on it, but you pick it up anyway and notice that it isn’t sealed. You set it on your small rounded table and walk to your kitchen to pour yourself a glass of wine–this is routine for nights when you don’t have dinner with Antonia and Giovanni. 
You take a quick sip of your red wine and then move to your bedroom, removing your clothes to change into much more comfortable clothing–shorts and an oversized crewneck, your hair now pulled into a messy bun. You’re barefoot when you walk back into the kitchen to retrieve your wine glass. As you pass the rounded dining table, you notice the envelope. Someone must have had to slide it underneath your door on purpose, right? 
You take the envelope and then walk out to your balcony, sitting on one of the seats as you set the glass on the small table. Slowly, you pull the letter out of the envelope and open it, the writing in neat cursive. You shouldn’t be reading it, especially if this was meant for someone else. 
Confused but intrigued, you continue to read. 
Lucilla died today. I was not there to bid her goodbye. I had given her a promise–that this campaign will be my last. All of Numidia–for the glory of Rome… all for nothing. Writing this journal entry surely is treacherous–I could be punished for it, but what is the point of it all? This is not Rome. This is not the Rome I had promised to fight for.  Lucilla–I am sorry, my lady. I will love you for the rest of my days and cannot wait until we meet again. Your blue eyes, your smile… Your laugh and your voice–I will carry it with me, my love. I will speak with the Senate. I will–I will do what is right, what must be done.  For you. For Rome.  Acacius
You’re unsure of what you just read. Lucilla. Numidia. Acacius. Rome. It almost seems like this is a journal entry–the feel of the paper, the cursive writing. Maybe you shouldn’t have read it, but you’re curious. Something inside you tells you to write back–almost like a tug, a pull that you feel in the pit of your stomach. So, you grab a piece of paper and a pen and begin writing–not in cursive, though.
Dear Acacius,  I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’m not sure there’s anything anyone can say to make things better and I’m not even sure if time helps either… Shit happens. It sucks, and I want to say that life goes on, but it doesn’t. At least not for the person who lives.  I lost my grandparents when I was eighteen–it crushed my entire world and set me on a path that I’m still trying to fix. I know this isn’t the same as losing a wife or a partner and I’m not even sure if I’m making any sense. I just–I know what loss feels like and it fucking sucks.  Anyway, I think this might have been sent to me by accident and I’m sorry that I opened it and read it. It wasn’t my intention. So, I’m just gonna send it back to you–somehow–but… I hope things get better for you, Acacius (really cool name, by the way!).  Best wishes,  A stranger
You fold your letter and place it into the envelope with Acacius’s original piece of paper. You then close the envelope, grab your glass of wine and walk back into your apartment, setting the envelope onto your dining table so that it’s visible for you tomorrow morning to ask Antonia about. 
The following morning after getting ready for work, you notice that the envelope is gone. You furrow a brow in confusion, beginning to turn over your entire apartment to find the envelope–contents of your letter along with Acacius’s journal entry inside of it. When you realize that you’re late for work, you decide to call in sick and quickly leave your apartment to descend the stairs to speak with Antonia. 
She’s in the community garden, tending to the roses and when she sees you, a bright grin lines her lips. She stands and pulls you into a hug without hesitation. 
“Cara mia, no work today?” 
You shake your head and ask, “Antonia, there was an envelope in my apartment last night. Do you know who might have slid it under my door?” 
“Envelope?” she shakes her head, confusion written across her features. “Like a letter?” 
“Well, not really?” you answer. “It seemed like a journal entry. They talked about Lucilla, about Numidia–”
“Lucilla? My dear, she was the daughter of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.”
“Wait, that was centuries ago.” 
Antonia nods. “And Numidia,” she sighs. “So very tragic.”
“Antonia, who’s Acacius?” 
“General Acacius?”
“Cara mia, cosa sta succedendo?” asks Antonia. My dear, what’s going on?
You shake your head. “Nothing. Um, I’ll have to skip tonight’s dinner with you and Giovanni. Mi dispiace.” 
“Cara mia–”
You give her a hug and walk back inside your apartment, determined to find out more about Acacius. 
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Marcus returns to his chambers, distraught and overcome with grief. His bed–once shared with Lucilla–now remains cold and empty. He can’t bring himself to lie in bed, yearning for his wife who is no longer alive. After Numidia, he was more than ready to return home–returning home meant returning to Lucilla, but when news of her death finally reached him, he no longer found the need to go back to Rome, despite the emperors’ orders. 
But Marcus was a man of honor. He would ask Emperor Geta and Emperor Caracalla for a period of rest from war, to fully grieve the loss of Lucilla. He can’t even think about attending the emperors’ ceremony that’s dedicated to his success in Numidia–how can he when Lucilla is no longer here? 
He hears a knock on the door and he walks–barefoot–to open it. He sees a chambermaid on the other side–she has a look of sympathy across her features with a hint of fear. 
“G–General,” she mutters. “There is a letter for you.” 
“A letter?” he asks, confused.
She nods and extends her hand. Marcus takes the envelope from her and gives her a single nod, dismissing her silently. She turns on her heel and Marcus shuts the door, walking towards the candle that illuminates a small table. He takes a seat, pours himself a cup of wine before he begins to open it. He holds two pieces of a paper–one he’s familiar with and when he opens it, he realizes it’s the journal entry that he had written–and the other, much more smooth, less texture, more white in color. When he opens it, his eyes widen at the writing–all capitalized, not written in cursive. 
He reads the first line and realizes that this is a letter to him. He reads it with interest, eyes still slightly widened at the choice of words that he’s not used to. 
Shit sucks. 
Cool name.
It’s signed A Stranger and he isn’t sure how his journal entry even got into the hands of someone else. He doesn’t have any information aside from the fact that your writing is unusual and the words you use are out of the ordinary. 
But, he finds comfort in your letter. He’s known loss before–plenty of his men understand what he’s going through–but somehow talking to a stranger who doesn’t truly know who he is provides a sense of relief. He doesn’t have to be General Acacius in his response to you–he can just be Marcus. 
So, he grabs a piece of paper and his quill and begins writing to you. 
Dear Stranger,  Thank you for returning my journal entry. I am not sure how that fell into your hands and it is quite alright that you read it. However, for some reason, I feel some relief knowing that I am not alone. Maybe my journal entry was meant to find you… Do you believe in that? In fate?  Anyway, I am sorry for your loss as well. Loss is… Well, it is a part of life but that does not mean that it is pleasant either. I am sure the path that you are on now will lead you to greater things. There is a saying–if you are familiar–Ad Maiora. It means towards greater things.  Also, what do you mean by ‘cool name’? It is quite interesting that my name is associated with some kind of temperature… unless I am misunderstanding.  In any case, you may call me Marcus. If you are comfortable, may I ask what your name is?  I hope this letter finds you well, stranger. And I hope I get to talk to you again.  Best wishes,  Marcus
He re-reads his letter, furrows a brow and sighs. It sounds desperate–a plea to get you to talk to him again because he feels less alone when he’s writing to you. He isn’t sure how this letter will get to you, but he keeps his journal entry and your letter and places his reply back into the envelope. 
Marcus spends the better part of his night drinking, having ended up falling asleep at his desk and the envelope magically disappearing by the time he awakes the following morning. 
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You awake the following morning, having fallen asleep on your couch with your laptop and notebook scattered on the coffee table. You had spent the entire night researching Acacius. Antonia was right–Marcus Acacius was a General for the Roman empire, serving under the rule of Emperor Geta and Emperor Caracalla. Empress Lucilla was his wife, but had died while he was on his way back from Numidia. But all of this–it happened centuries ago. 211 AD. And Acacius ended up dying–right in the center of the Colosseum after he was forced to fight in the arena after the emperors found out his plan of treachery. 
There’s no way that the person you had written to the other day was the same man you had researched–he was dead. Surely, you can’t be writing to someone from a different time period and to someone who is no longer alive. Right? 
You sit up from your couch and notice the same envelope magically resting on your coffee table. Quickly, you grab it and pull the letter out. Same paper, same writing. 
It’s from Acacius. 
You read it quickly, a small smile lining your lips and a quiet giggle escaping you. You feel a wave of emotion when you read his reply; it’s obvious this man is clearly still alive but how could it be possible that you’re communicating with someone who lives in an entirely different time period? And how come the envelope is your only string tying you to him? 
After you finish reading his letter, you grab your notebook and pen and begin writing your reply. 
Dear Marcus,  You can call me Rose. It’s my favorite flower and I grew up helping my grandma with her garden, which was filled with roses.  You’re cute, Marcus. Cool name meaning… You have a nice name. I think that translates the same?  Ironically enough, Ad Maiora is something I’m trying to remind myself when I have tough days. A good friend of mine mentioned it to me when I moved here. It’s been something that keeps me going every day… the hope that I’m moving in the right direction.  And fate… I don’t think I believe in it. We all have free will and everything we do in life is a choice we make… like my choice in getting into a relationship with a really bad man. Would you call that fate?  I like talking to you too… and I feel less alone too. Can I ask a question, by the way? What year is it?  Best wishes,  Rose
You take Marcus’s letter and set it aside, folding your reply and placing it back into the envelope. You’re sure that it’s going to disappear during the night and you hope that you can wake up the next day with a response from Marcus. 
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Marcus attends his ceremony, dressed in white and gold as he feigns a look of pride, a forced smile when he’s standing in front of Emperor Geta and Emperor Caracalla. It makes his blood boil–the fact that these two young men are parading him around like he’s done something so great, so grand. All he can see is the unnecessary bloodshed, the bodies burning in that pit. All he can feel is the emptiness in his soul–Marcus doesn’t want to be here. 
And not once did they give their condolences over the loss of Lucilla. Marcus asks for a respite from this war, but they don’t grant him that luxury. He has a cut along the side of his neck due to Emperor Geta placing a sharp blade along his skin. As soon as the ceremony is over, Marcus retreats to his chamber where the envelope that disappeared that morning magically appears on his desk. 
Still in his white and gold attire, he quickly opens the envelope and reads your letter. He lets out a breath of relief as he sits down and reads your words over and over again. It gives him comfort–something he desperately needs right now. 
There’s something in the way your words put him at ease. He still has to put Lucilla to rest and he isn’t looking forward to it–that the next time he sees his wife will be in a coffin. 
He grabs a piece of paper and begins writing to you. 
Dear Rose,  That is a beautiful name and a beautiful flower. There are gardens filled with them here. Now, when I see a rose, I will think of you.  Cute–I have never been called cute before. That is certainly a first, thank you.  I believe in fate, Rose. I believe that everything happens for a reason… But I am sorry to hear that you had to endure a difficult relationship. It pains me to hear that you were mistreated and I surely hope that you are far from him now.  I believe that we have crossed paths for a reason. Maybe we will never know why, but I am surely glad that we did.  You can ask me any question you like and I will be more than happy to answer. It is 211 AD–do you not know the year? Also, I assume that you live in Rome since these letters are coming rather quickly.  The next few days will be… rather difficult. I am planned to bury my wife and I am not sure if I will be available to reply, but if you send me a response… I will do my best to write to you when I can.  I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to Lucilla. She was an amazing woman. She had to sacrifice a lot in her life–she was very brave, strong, resilient… I should have been there at her bedside. I should have held her hand when she took her last breath…  I failed Lucilla.  What kind of man does that make me?  If you choose to never respond after this letter, I understand. I just–there’s something in the way your words bring me comfort, puts me at ease, gives me a sense of relief… Anyway, I must go now. Until we speak again, Rose.  Best wishes,  Marcus 
He folds his letter and puts it back in the envelope, ensuring this time that he passes it along to the chambermaid. 
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Later that night, you come home after having spent dinner with Antonia and Giovanni. You’re welcomed with the sight of the envelope sitting neatly on your dining table. You set your things down immediately and grab the envelope, taking the letter out and sitting down on the couch. 
Your heart breaks slowly as you read Marcus’s letter. You can feel his guilt through the words on the page and when he confirms the year he’s living in, it all but crushes you. This is a man that you’re slowly developing a friendship with and you know that it isn’t going to last long. 
As you continue to read his letter, you feel tears sting your eyes. So, you don’t hesitate to begin writing your response back to him. 
Dear Marcus,  With you, I’m starting to believe in fate. Would you believe me if I said the year I live in is 2025? I’m not sure how to explain how we’re able to exchange letters from different time periods, but… here we are. It’s possible. I just don’t have an explanation for it.  I can assure you that I am no longer in a relationship with that man and I am very much far from him. I moved to Rome about a month ago and I love it here. I can see the Colosseum from my balcony.  I’m sorry that the next few days will be difficult. I can’t imagine the pain that you’re feeling–losing the one person you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with. Lucilla sounded like a great woman, Marcus. I know saying sorry doesn’t change anything, but I don’t know if there’s even anything I can say to make things better.  I’m sure Lucilla knew… I’m sure she knew that you did your best to get to her. I’m sure she knew that you wanted to be there with her…  And you know, maybe you don’t have to say goodbye. The ones we love don’t ever really leave us, do they? We continue living to keep their memory alive.  You didn’t fail, Marcus. Sometimes, things happen out of our control. Not being there for her at the end isn’t a reflection of who you are as a person, or as a husband. I’m willing to bet that if you had it your way, you’d have been there for her. Maybe wherever you were… you wouldn’t have gone if you had a choice.  Finally, I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me, sorry.  I hope the next few days give you some closure, Marcus, and when you’re ready, I’ll be right here waiting.  Best wishes,  Rose 
You take his letter and put it on the pile you’ve collected before you place your reply back into the envelope. You turn your back for a moment to grab a glass of water and when you turn back around, the envelope is gone. 
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Marcus awakes that morning to the sight of the envelope. He can’t explain how it just vanishes and reappears out of thin air on his desk. He pulls your letter out of the envelope and reads what you have written. 
2025? Surely, that’s a lie. There is no way he’s exchanging letters with someone centuries into the future. He has to wonder if this is some sort of joke, if maybe the emperors put someone up to this. As he continues reading though, he feels tears sting his eyes, threatening to spill over. Your words–it provides a sensation of warmth that blossoms in his chest. He wants to believe you, wants to believe that he’s a good man. 
Marcus rereads your last sentence repeatedly, commits it to memory as he begins thinking of what he has to do today. 
I’ll be right here waiting. 
He doesn’t have time at the moment to write you back, so he keeps the envelope and letter separate from each other. He takes one last look at your letter before he leaves his chamber. 
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The next few days, you’re anticipating a response from Marcus. He did warn you that he wouldn’t write back until he’s able, but you still can’t help the disappointment you feel when the envelope doesn’t appear for the next few days. Antonia and Giovanni notice a change in your demeanor since you’ve been receiving the letters–they notice the excitement in your eyes, a much freer spirit, but you tell them it’s because you’re finally feeling more and more comfortable here in Rome. 
You learn more about Marcus through your research and you try to find someone who can explain the phenomenon that you’re experiencing. How is it possible that you’re communicating with a man from a different time period? Sure, there are theories about time travel but that never felt real to you. 
At the end of the week, you’re already getting anxious. It’s been four days since Marcus’s letter. You have to wonder what he’s doing, how he’s doing. You know how his life ends, and you have to wonder what would happen if you told him. That would change so many things, right? It would not only change history, but it would ultimately change the trajectory of how the world is now. 
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On the fifth day, Marcus is exhausted. Saying goodbye to Lucilla had only fueled his anger for the emperors. He has a plan in place and he knows what end he will meet if he gets caught, but at this point, he has nothing else to lose. 
After he buries Lucilla, he finds some time to ask around if anyone knew a woman named Rose. When someone would respond with a nod, there’s a flutter of excitement that he feels in the pit of his stomach but he’s left disappointed every time. Every Rose he’s met so far has no idea of the letters and he’s starting to believe that maybe you do live in the future–centuries into the future. It leaves him with an unsettling sensation in his chest, a sad reality that there’s a likely possibility that Marcus will never get to meet you. 
Now, he finally has some time alone. So, Marcus sits at his desk, rereads your letter once more before he takes his usual paper and quill out to begin writing a response to you. 
Dear Rose,  I am sorry for the delay in my response. The last five days have been very difficult for me, but every time I saw a rose… I thought of you and it brought me a lot of comfort that I did not realize I needed.  I want to express my gratitude to you, Rose. Your last letter–I kept it close to me at all times during the last few days here. Somehow, knowing that you’re waiting for me helped me get through each day… and knowing that I get to write to you again helped me through the difficult moments I endured. Ad Maiora, I suppose. Towards greater things… and I think that greater thing is you.  I buried Lucilla yesterday. She still looked so beautiful, but she looked… peaceful. She endured a lot of hardship in her life and there is some comfort that I feel knowing she’s no longer in pain. She no longer needs to fight… and I believe you are right. The ones we love do not ever leave us. We keep their memory alive and Lucilla will always hold a special place in my heart.  I must be completely honest with you, Rose. I am the General of the Roman army. I have a lot of blood on my hands… all for the glory of Rome, but you are right. If I had a choice, I would have been by Lucilla’s side from the start. I am conflicted… It is difficult to fight for this version of Rome. So much bloodshed, so many lives lost… all for nothing. I should not be writing this–it is certainly punishable, but I am exhausted, Rose.  If you do live in 2025–which does not seem possible–how does Rome look like then? You say you moved to Rome. Are you happy here? I also tried to look for you. Asked around about you, but I did not get anywhere. There isn’t anyone by the name of Rose that knows about these letters. Do you really live in 2025?  Lastly, tell me more about you. I want to spend as much time as I have getting to know you, Rose. I hope that is okay.  Best wishes,  Marcus 
He folds his response and places it into the envelope. Right before his eyes, it suddenly vanishes and Marcus is sure that he must be hallucinating. He’s exhausted and hasn’t had much sleep since he’s gotten back, but he has no other explanation for it. 
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You awake the following morning to see the envelope on your coffee table. Excitement fills your veins and you quickly walk over to the envelope, carefully taking the familiar piece of a paper out. You begin to realize the letters you have begun exchanging with Marcus are becoming longer and longer–it brings a smile to your face and heat rising in your cheeks. 
You sit on the couch, pull your legs underneath you and grab the blanket to drape over your lap as you finally read Marcus’s letter. He thought of you–the last five days and he thought of you. When he finally tells you the truth about who he is, you feel a sense of relief. You had been afraid that you’d accidentally let it slip that you know who he is, despite already telling him that you live in the future. 
The last sentence in his letter brings you back to reality. You feel the pit in your stomach drop at the realization that this is as far as you’ll ever get with him. Sooner or later, this letters will end but you can’t help the feelings you’ve begun to develop for a man you will never meet. 
I want to spend as much time as I have getting to know you, Rose. 
It’s almost like he knows what will happen to himself–maybe he knows that the plan he eventually comes up with is a death sentence once the emperors find out. 
You know you shouldn’t get attached, but you get your notebook and pen and write back to him anyway. 
Dear Marcus,  I must say, it’s such a relief to hear from you. I wish I could have been there for you, with you… supporting you. If I’m being honest, it’s hard to hear that you’re going through a difficult time. Makes me want to go back into time and pull you into a hug. Do you think that’s possible? Time travel?  You sure know how to make a girl feel special, don’t you? You make me blush sometimes with the things you say. Are you sure you’re real? A lot of the men here certainly don’t talk like you do–you can definitely teach them a thing or two.  I'm starting to think our saying is Ad Maiora, isn’t it? Moving to Rome led me toward a greater thing… one after the other, and it finally led me to you. I’d say that’s fate, wouldn’t you?  And General Marcus Acacius–sounds so formal, so official. You must be very important, aren’t you? Like I said, I wish I could pull you into a hug. I hope, at least, knowing that I’m here to listen is enough though. Also, if talking about this is punishable, then maybe we should be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you… Yes, I live in the year 2025. I’d be surprised if someone lied to you and said they knew about the letters we’ve been exchanging. Rome is… different than what you’re used to. There are no emperors. The colosseum is no longer in use–there aren’t anymore gladiators. I’ll attach a photograph of me and my balcony, maybe it’ll help you believe me.  Well, what do you want to know? I’m an open book, Marcus. Ask away.  Can’t wait to hear from you again. I have missed you.  Love,  Rose 
You sign the letter without thinking, but you don’t bother to change it or rewrite it after you realize the word you used. You hope it isn’t too forward or too insensitive. You grab your Polaroid camera and quickly walk out to your balcony. You face the camera to yourself and smile, pressing the button to take the picture. Once it develops, you go back inside and fold your letter. After a few minutes, the Polaroid develops and you look down. It’s a good picture and gives a good view of the colosseum in the background. 
Placing the letter and the Polaroid into the envelope, you close it and surprisingly see the envelope disappear. 
“So it is real,” you whisper to yourself, a smile lining your lips as you already begin counting down the time before you receive a reply from Marcus. 
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Later that same night, Marcus sees the envelope on his desk as he gets ready for bed. He sits down instantly at his desk and uses his candle to illuminate your writing. 
But he sees the Polaroid and takes it out of the envelope. Marcus lets out a quiet breath when he sees you. He isn’t sure what exactly he’s holding or how this managed to capture a realistic photograph of you but he’s distracted by your beauty to even notice the colosseum in the back. He’s still reeling over Lucilla’s death, but there’s something in the way your smile and your bright eyes somehow puts him at ease. 
“My lady,” he mumbles. “Lucilla, if you can hear me, please forgive me. This woman–She is helping me through this, through your loss.” Marcus shuts his eyes, guilt and desire mixing together. Guilt because he’s still dealing with the grief of losing Lucilla, and desire because you are absolutely stunning. Marcus isn’t even surprised–this is exactly how he pictured you when you began exchanging letters with him. 
Marcus turns his gaze to your letter, but his eyes flicker to your picture repeatedly. You really do live in the future and you will always be so out of reach. 
Then, he sees the word you sign your letter with. A warmth washes over him. His lips curl upwards just slightly and he begins to write. 
Dear Rose,  This–This picture, it is you, yes? I cannot explain how something like this exists, so it must be true that you do live in the future. So far into the future.  But you are breathtaking, Rose. Absolutely beautiful. Your smile and your eyes… there’s a kindness and warmth to them. The man you had been in a relationship with before truly did not realize what he had because any man would be lucky to have you.  The colosseum in your photograph–it looks old. If what you say is true, no gladiators and no emperors, then can I ask… is your world a better place than what it is here? I think I will dream of this, of you, of a different life. This is not to say the life I currently have or have led is not great, but a man can still dream, right?  A hug from you sounds very nice. I imagine that I would feel even more at peace with my arms around you. I am not too sure about time travel, but if these letters are any proof of what’s possible, then maybe time traveling is too. Though, if anyone is doing the time traveling, I would rather it be me. I do not want you to be in this time period here, Rose. I do not want you to be around such men because there are bad men here too. Maybe more worse here than there.  If I may be honest… I cannot stop looking at you. I believe I’m going to keep this very close to me from now on. I am sorry that I cannot provide the same type of picture of myself–we do not have this here… but maybe I can think of something else…  An open book, hm? Well, I know your favorite flower. I know that you are starting fresh here in Rome… I suppose I should ask what do you like to do then? If you are living in the future, what is there to do?  I am unsure if you have experienced this yet, but this envelope… it seems to be the reason why we are able to exchange letters. It vanished before my eyes the other day, Rose. I cannot explain how or why that happened, but maybe this is fate. Exchanging letters across time sounds impossible, but for some reason, the Gods wanted us to meet. That sounds like fate to me.  I will wait for your next letter, Rose, and I have missed you too.  Until then.  Love,  Marcus
He quickly folds the piece of paper and gently slides it into the envelope, not bothering to wait for it to disappear because his attention is pulled to your photograph. He brushes his thumb across it gently–wishing you were here. 
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The following morning, you’re awake far too early but excitement fills your entire body when you see the envelope sitting on your dining table. You make a cup of coffee and open it, having grown accustomed to Marcus’s neat cursive. You can feel the heat rise in your cheeks when he compliments you, can feel the butterflies in your tummy. 
I think I will dream of this, of you, of a different life. 
You feel your heart tug just a little–the harsh truth that you will never get to meet him becomes more and more real as you continue to exchange letters with him. 
He’s seen it too–the envelope disappearing without a trace. You can’t explain how it’s possible and there is a part of you that no longer wants one. Time travel–there isn’t a way that’s possible and even if it was, how would it even work? 
You grab your notebook and quickly begin writing to him, setting your cup of coffee down. You lift the cup away from the paper, taking note that it left a coffee-stained circle at the top corner of the page. 
Dear Marcus,  You are very sweet… I’m sure there are more pretty women there. I’m just… me.  But Rome… it’s beautiful here. It’s always been a place I wanted to visit. I never did think I would end up moving here and now, I can’t even imagine ever leaving.  Considering your time period, I would say the world now is much better. I think you would like it… it might take some getting used to–it’s so very crowded here, but I think you would like it. I suppose that’s all we will have, isn’t it? Dreaming of a different life… Or maybe I’ll learn how to time travel and bring you here.  I love the beach. I love the water, the sunsets… It’s calming, almost peaceful to me. There’s just something about the sounds of the waves, the feel of the water, the sight of the sky that just puts me at ease. The beach was the one place that I felt like I could get away from everything. It became my safe haven, my safe place…  What about you? General Marcus Acacius–what do you like to do? I have also seen this envelope just disappear. I don’t have an explanation for it either, but maybe you’re right. Maybe there is a reason why we’re able to communicate across time. Do you think we’ll ever get the chance to meet face to face? You know, if I learn time travel…  Sometimes, when I go to bed, I pray that I dream of you. I think it’s the closest I can get to ever meeting you. I imagine what you would look like, what your voice would sound like… How it would feel like to be in your arms. I would assume I’d feel like how I would if I were at the beach–safe, calm, peaceful.  If by some miracle I’m able to time travel, may I come visit you instead? I think it would be much easier for me to go back in time rather than you come here. Some things might change if you were to leave your time period and come to mine… Looking forward to your next letter, Marcus. Love,  Rose
You fold your letter and place it in the envelope, already counting down the hours until you receive Marcus’s reply.
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Marcus finally sits at his table after an exhausting day at the colosseum. He doesn’t find the violence entertaining like everyone else. It’s unnecessary and he wants no part of it, but he has to put on a facade for the emperors. He still plans on speaking with the senate, to conjure up a plan to somehow overthrow Emperor Geta and Emperor Caracalla. 
However, he’s conflicted with so many emotions. The grief and loss he feels over Lucilla lingers in his chest, but he feels hopeful–excited whenever he sees the envelope on his desk. If he goes through with his plan and he ends up getting caught, Marcus knows what the consequence will be. He knows that it’s ultimately a death sentence if the emperors find out, but his mind drifts to you whenever he thinks about what his end might be. 
His eyes drift to your picture on his desk, a small smile curling his lips. He dreamt of you last night, after he had written his response to you. He dreamt that he was in your world, somehow lying in a bed with you in his arms. It was the first time since losing Lucilla that he had woken up with a feeling of ease–just dreaming about you brought him that sense of peace. 
Marcus takes your letter out and reads it with a smile. Once he finishes reading, he begins writing back to you. 
Dear Rose,  I dreamt of you last night. The Gods answered me and I dreamt of you. I dreamt that I was in your world, sitting on that balcony in the picture I received from you. I have this image of you–smiling and laughing–ingrained in my mind. It puts me at ease. Talking with you has been my safe haven, I suppose. Things have been difficult here ever since I got back and it’s lonely without Lucilla. I am sorry to bring her up.  These letters have been able to get me through each day. Your picture, too. Lately, I have been dreaming of a different life than the one I am living. I have been a soldier for most of my life, Rose. I do not think there’s a day that has gone by where I have not fought… And it is tiring. The beach sounds like a great place to just get away from it all, I agree. Here, though, I like to go to the gardens. More so now than before. I am usually surrounded by roses and it makes me feel closer to you.  I am ready to retire, Rose. I am ready to spend the rest of my days in quiet–possibly far, far away from Rome. Maybe near a beach, hm? That would certainly be another place where I can be reminded of you.  I will pray to the Gods for a miracle that we get to meet one day. I didn’t think it would be possible to exchange letters with someone from a different time, so maybe being able to meet face to face may not seem so out of reach… I imagine that I would feel safe and calm with you near too.  Your beauty, your words… The way you have made me feel… It all reminds me of Lucilla, but in your own way. I am a man of honor, Rose, and Lucilla will always have a piece of my heart, but… you have become the reason why I am able to get up every morning. I look forward to the next time I see this envelope because it means I get to talk with you.  Maybe tonight, we can meet in each other’s dreams, Rose.  Until then, my lady.  Love,  Marcus
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Days turn into weeks and your letters with Marcus become more and more frequent. You’ve tried to teach yourself the theories of time travel, but you’re just as confused as when you first started. The more you talk with Marcus, the more you begin to realize the magnitude of your feelings for him. You try to tell yourself that developing feelings for a man you won’t ever meet–a man who’s already dead–is only going to set you up for heartbreak. 
But despite knowing how this might end, you still exchange letters with him anyway. 
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Marcus is set to meet with the Senate tomorrow and he knows that if he gets caught, it will be his death sentence. There won’t be any way that he will be able to get out of it. He holds onto your letters–and especially your picture–when the days and weeks become more difficult for him. Emperor Geta and Emperor Caracalla require his presence at the colosseum and Marcus finds it increasingly exhausting to sit there and feign interest. 
When he gets back to his chambers every day, the envelope is there waiting for him. He reads your letters repeatedly before he can even write a response. The way you talk about your world–it helps him escape his reality. He begins to realize just how deeply he feels for you and it saddens him because despite how strongly he feels, Marcus knows that you two may never get the chance to meet. 
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Later that night, you see the envelope and feel the excitement rush through you. However, once you open the letter and begin reading the words on the page, you feel your heart drop–tears building at the corners of your eyes. This feels almost like a goodbye…
Dear Rose,  I am set to meet with the Senate tomorrow. In secret. I realize that this might be the last letter I will ever write to you, but I will be praying to the Gods that it won’t be, but if it is… I wanted to write to you one last time.  You have given me hope, have made me feel alive when I had lost everything. Coming back to Rome after Numidia, after losing Lucilla–I could not find the will to live, but then I received your first letter. It was fate. You saved me, Rose. You continue to save me.  I wish I could see you. I wish I could touch you. I wish I could hold you. I know I said in a previous letter that I would want to spend the rest of my days in quiet… but I think that has changed.  If I had it my way, I would spend the rest of my days with you. I imagine what my life would be like with you. I imagine a lot of laughter. I imagine that we would be at the beach or maybe at the garden and we would have plenty of meaningful conversations. I imagine my mornings would be one of my favorite times of the day because I would get to wake up every morning with you by my side.  If this is the last time I get to speak with you, just know that you now also have a piece of my heart, Rose. I will carry your photograph with me forever. I will hold onto the conversations we’ve had and the letters we’ve exchanged.  If I do not make it… please remember that you deserve all of the good things in the world. You deserve to always be happy. You deserve to live your life the way you want. You deserve to be with someone who will cherish the very ground you walk on because you deserve nothing less.  When I sleep tonight, I will dream of you… like I always do, Rose.  Yours forever,  Marcus
You know what he means when he says he’s going to speak with the Senate tomorrow. You’ve read what will happen–after all, you know exactly how history plays out after having researched the history of Ancient Rome and Marcus. 
You can feel your heart breaking–the ache in your chest beginning to throb almost painfully. You know how Marcus’s story ends, but you can’t let him go. You had been hesitant before–altering history–but you have to tell him. You may never get to meet him, but you don’t want this to be the end. 
Grabbing your notebook, you begin to write your response. Almost fifteen minutes later, you fold it in half and place it inside the envelope, watching it disappear yet again before your eyes. 
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Marcus awakes that morning with a knot in his stomach–his eyes glance over at your photo before he catches the envelope. He sits up from bed and walks towards his desk, pulling out your letter and reading it carefully.
Dear Marcus,  Don’t. Your last letter feels like a goodbye, and I don’t want you to go. I don’t want to say goodbye, not yet… Not ever. I shouldn’t be telling you this because I’m sure it’s going to alter my own reality, but I don’t care. I don’t want to let you go.  You’re going to get caught. No matter how many times you’ve rehearsed it in your mind, you will be caught. Emperor Geta and Emperor Caracalla will find out and they–they will not take it lightly. They will make you fight in the colosseum and that is where you will die. I know how your story ends and yet, I made a choice to continue exchanging letters with you. I knew that our story would only end in heartbreak, but maybe… Maybe there’s still a chance for us.  I am begging you, Marcus… Please do not do it. Don’t go to the Senate. Just–Just leave Rome. Live the rest of your days in quiet–away from war, away from the bloodshed, away from the emperors. You no longer need to fight and I understand… I understand that you made a promise to Lucilla, to yourself, but I cannot lose you and maybe this makes me selfish, but– You saved me too, Marcus.  I will spend the rest of my days figuring out how to transcend time… to find a way where you and I can finally meet. Fate brought us together, right? We will figure this out. I will figure this out.  This is not the end of your story, Marcus Acacius. Do you understand me? And this certainly isn’t the end of ours. At the end of the day, we still have a choice… If you decide to still go through with it, then I will understand. I know you are a man of honor, Marcus. And if you do decide that you will go to the Senate tonight, then I hope you know how deeply I feel for you too. I didn’t think I would ever love again, but you… You nestled your way into my heart and made a home there. I go to sleep dreaming of you. When I wake up, you are the first person I think of.  I love you, Marcus.  Yours forever,  Rose
He sits at the edge of his bed, rereading your letter over and over and over again. You know how his story ends and you know exactly what will happen when he goes to meet with the Senate tonight. He should have known that you’d be aware of his history–you live in the future after all. 
Marcus isn’t afraid to die–in fact, it’s something that he’s come to terms with a long time ago, but for once, he doesn’t want this to end yet. He doesn’t want to let you go either and maybe, maybe you two will never meet, but he would rather die an old man exchanging letters with you. 
He reads the last sentence repeatedly and he can’t help the way the words stir something in him–the butterflies he feels in the pit of his stomach, his heart beating faster–you love him. 
Marcus knows what he needs to do now. 
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The rest of the day seems to drag on–the minutes trickling by ever so slowly. Even at work, you can’t concentrate. Antonia and Giovanni pick up on your distraction, but you reassure them with a fake smile and tell them that you’d just rather spend the night alone. 
You know it was selfish to tell Marcus the truth, to practically beg him to stay, but you couldn’t imagine continuing to live your life with the possibility that you could save his life. You had only been exchanging letters with him for a little over a month, but you couldn’t help the feelings that you had begun to develop for him. The way your heart races faster when you see the envelope, or the way your stomach flips when you read his letters. 
In your free time, you had been trying to learn how to time travel. It seemed almost impossible, but you didn’t want to quit. You couldn’t explain how you’re able to exchange letters with someone who lives centuries in the past–and if that was possible, then surely it was possible to time travel. 
You enter your apartment later that night–you can feel the nerves settle in the pit of your stomach when you slowly open the door. You can hear your heart beating in your ears, heart rate slowly picking up when your eyes scan the dining table.
No letter. 
Your stomach drops, so you close the door and then move your gaze to the coffee table. 
Tears begin to pool at the corner of your eyes and you realize that Marcus had made his choice. You sit on your couch, bring your legs to your chest and cry into it. The sob builds and builds until you let out a quiet whimper, tears now streaming down your face. 
He was gone. 
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A week later and you finally get the courage to go back to work. When at work, you fake a smile–feign happiness, but when you get back home, you cry yourself to sleep. 
Antonia and Giovanni leave you dinner at your front door, but you don’t bother to open it. You aren’t hungry–you haven’t had an appetite since Marcus’s last letter. You wonder if he ever received your letter and if he did, did he read it? 
And if he did read it, what went through his mind? 
And when you admitted that you loved him, did that scare him away? 
When you open your front door later that night, you set your things down and begin walking into the living room until you finally see it.
The envelope. 
Your heart leaps out of your chest. 
You waste no time in opening the envelope, quickly taking out the letter and breathing out a sigh of relief when you see his familiar cursive writing. 
Dear Rose,  I am sorry that I have not written back to you. I had a change of plans after your last letter and had to strategically plan how I would be able to execute it.  I am no longer in Rome. You were right–I no longer need to fight. I faked my death–with the help of some trusting men of mine–and am far away from that place.  I am living the rest of my days in the quiet–I now live in a small village where no one is familiar with who I am or what I have done. It is almost like a fresh start–a chance for me to live a different life… a life that I might have chosen from the beginning if I had the choice.  I want to thank you, Rose. For telling me the truth, for warning me. I am much happier now than I have ever been, and I am more than ready to spend the rest of my days with you. Traveling to this village was not easy, but you gave me the strength–like you always do–to keep going.  I love you, Rose. I wanted to tell you that once I was safe–once I was finally settled in. Ad Maiora, right? Towards greater things... So, my lady, what do you say? Shall we continue our story together and maybe–one day–finally meet? Yours forever, Marcus
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the end...?
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leoascendente · 1 year ago
PAC/ Who is your FS and your relationship dynamic 💖
Hi my loves and welcome to this new pac!💕 Today we'll check details about your FS and how your relationship will be when you are finally together. My FS pacs and personal readings are focused in the love of your life, soulmates and twin flame connections, here you'll get glimpses of the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with, this is part of what I do in private Fs readings.
Take a deep breath before choosing your pile, keep what resonates with you and leave what doesn't. You can choose more than one pile if you feel to.
Decks I used: green witch oracle, spirit animal oracle, romance angels oracle, astrodices and my homemade charms
For personal readings click here
All pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
Pile 1/ Pile 2
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Pile 3/ Pile 4
Pile 1:
~ Details about them:
(Cards: bobcat, swan, eagle, grasshoper/ chili, sweet corn, marjoram)
❤️‍🔥 This person has a magnetic aura, doberman type of beauty in males and siren type in females, they might look a little intimidating on the outside. They are extremely sexy and magnetic without trying, your Fs surely have a big amount of admirers because of their looks, they are also extremely charismatic what makes people feel naturally drawn to them.
❤️‍🔥 They have a deep emotional world, they can get lost in their own feelings and can be guarded with others, have a sharp intuition too. They keep a lot to themselves, I have to warn you that they have a tough shell to avoid pain, they have seen and experienced a lot of ugly things in their past and it takes time for them to open up in emotional terms.
❤️‍🔥 They are into the mysterious aspect of life, they are surely into conspiracy theories or occultism. Somehow they are connected to higher powers, even if they are not aware of this they are very spiritually guided and protected, I'd take it as a sign that your Fs has a good and pure heart regardless of their tough exterior.
❤️‍🔥 They are into adrenaline and risky or extreme activities, maybe they have hobbies that are usually seen as dangerous, I'm seeing motorbikes and martial arts especially. They are into high performance sports as an usual hobby, their physical structure is fit and strong due to all the physical activity they make on a daily basis.
❤️‍🔥 Your Fs is courageous, they don't mind getting in trouble to defend what they believe it's right, they are not scared of confrontation. I feel they have an strong sense of justice, they might get into trouble to defend people that are being treated badly. Surely your FS has an strong temper, very masculine energy for what I'm sensing.
❤️‍🔥 Powerful, confident and protective of their close ones, very dark sense of humor and love for extreme emotions. They have an strong sexual energy too, expect them to be very active and spontaneous in this aspect.
❤️‍🔥 The have a mix of fire and water energies, this is a very intense mix of energies for someone to have, definitely not for the weak. I'm getting Aries, Leo and Scorpio energy from your Fs.
❤️‍🔥 They remind me of Geralt de Rivia or Kaz Brekker from 6 of Crows, they have this natural charm mixed with the mysterious look on the outside. Your Fs might have tattoos too, I see an snake or dragon tattoo on the back or maybe on one arm.
❤️‍🔥 Your Fs feels happy and content with their life right now, their rutine and daily habits are aligned with their wellbeing and they feel satisfied with the direction of their current life. They are working into being more aligned with the thing that makes them feel good, they are releasing toxicity from their life, either it be people, habits, enviroments or patterns.
❤️‍🔥 They are an animal lover, a cat person I'm getting, they are a sweetheart on the inside but they prefer to keep this tender face very secretive. They are extremely loyal but their bad trait is being possesive, if that's not something negative to you just know that your Fs will he obsessed with only you.
~ Dynamic of the relationship:
(Cards: stay optimistic about your love life, let your friends help you, healing family issues/ Astrodices: aquarius, jupiter, 11th house/ Charms: diamond, swallow, star, trisquelion)
I'm getting that you won't like their attitude the first time you meet them, the card of pay attention to the red flags tried to drop a few times before getting the card of healing family issues, so it won't be love at first sight even though they will look very attractive, I'm hearing a phrase I heard to a friend, it says: they are not that handsome to compensate being that much of an asshole 😅. I get with this that you'll be mirroring eachother at first, you will reject them but you both will feel drawn to eachother like you have a magnet pulling you both, if your love story was a book, it would be booktok's favorite, it gives me enemies to lovers vibe lol. The relationship will be filled by passion and fun, they will be the new in your group of friends or you'll be the new in theirs, however it is there are more people involved here but in a good way, it could be that a common friend that introduce eachother too. Ngl, this person will trigger you and awake some emotional issues you haven't solved at the beginning but this will happen to them as well, it wil take patience and the release of control from both of you, let the people you trust give you a helping hand when you need it, you have good people around to rely on or at least you will have them by the moment you meet your Fs. You will feel very attracted to eachother but at the same time is like you two get both on your nerves, I see your FS will love to tease you and see how you respond them, if you are sharp and sassy when someone teases you, your FS will love your comebacks to their comments, it is like you challenge them and they love it, they'll love your charisma too. I honestly see here a lot of personal growth, you'll both will learn a lot about yourselves and the other and this will help you both overcome limitating beliefs or patterns that were holding you back in relationships but also in other areas of your lives.
This relationship might have something unconventional, maybe your dynamic or the way you approach it, it can be a lot of different options for different people but this feels like not following the traditional standards of a relationship, you both will agree in this. You both have a very supportive enviroment, friendships are very present here so I must congrat you not only for finding your divine counterpart but also for having such nice and loving friends too, I'm getting that you are destined to find your soul tribe. There's marriage here, or at least there is a serious commitment, maybe your wedding/commitment is more spiritual than religious but I see some kind of private celebration. For some I'm hearing that you can meet through social media, being very active on this to communicate or maybe your soul mission together involves social media to share something with others. I'm watching two people doing facetime at night to talk about how their day was, ngl maybe this starts as a long distance relationship, maybe your FS has a different cultural background or is from a foreign country, you both might need some time to adapt and understand eachother's perspective of life but after that everything will flow smoothly.
Your Fs is your soulmate, you have met in past lives and you have a divine purpose together in this one, this might be the reason why at first you'll trigger and challenge eachother, to grow in a soul level that align both of you with your soul mission. This relationship is fiery and passionate, you'll encourage eachother to become your best versions and manifest all your dreams, you will love to see the other shine and succeed. Your relationship will be very protected by both of your ancestors and spirit teams, your connection feels spiritual and ethereal like your souls recognize eachother before your mind is able to process it. This totally gives me power couple vibes, I also see some level of fame or public recognition in your relationship in the positive way, like you'll inspire others somehow. I'm seeing angel numbers 444, 1818, a trisquelion, a full moon and a bald eagle, take them as signs when they present to you in any way or form.
Pile 2:
~ Details about them:
(Cards: buffalo, dog, skunk, antelope/ rosemary, geranium, strawberry, lemon)
🍀 Your Fs doesn't have an inch of malice in their body, they are a sweetheart in all their essence, they are romantic, protective and caring. They have this golden light surrounding them that gives me such a warm feeling, like being in a safe and comfortable place around their energy. Btw, they are very attractive
🍀 If pile 1 was a doberman, your Fs is totally a golden retriever, they are lovely to extremes, they are very loved by the people that knows them, they are adorable, the perfect description of a sweetheart, nobody has nothing bad to say against yor Fs. They are highly compassionate with everyone, their beloved ones rely a lot on your Fs when they need advice or help with anything.
🍀 They are an extrovert, they surely love to spend time outside and have a good time with their friends, your FS really gives me fire sign energy. They are a natural lucky person, fortune makes their way into your Fs' life easily and it's mostly because of their optimistic view of life that they attract so much positivity. They believe in karma, destiny and soulmates.
🍀 They are goofy and funny, the one that makes everyone laugh without trying. It feels like is almost impossible to have bad feelings torward your FS because they gain everybody's hearts with their lighthearted personality, everyone has good words to describe your Fs, mostly their closest people that know them in deeper levels.
🍀 They can be a little naive when it comes to other people's intentions, they have this belief that if they treat everyone kindly everyone will be kind to them, they surely have been through some dissapointments due to this trait but they don't seem to mind it. I like their mindset of not letting the evilness of the world mess with their empathy and good heart, they have an strong sense of honor.
🍀 They are hopeful, optimistic and loyal, they are the first to offer a helping hand when anybody is in need. They value loyalty a lot, they might have an inner wound related to betrayals. They are very family oriented, like they want to settle down soon and find the person they want to build a life with, they might be more traditional in terms of relationships.
🍀 If Eddie Munson and Steve Rogers personalities could combine they would materialize as your FS, your FS is very reliable and trustworthy, they love to help others in everything they can and more. I would suggest you to ask them for help even when you don't really need it, it just feels great to them to be helpful and will feel very grateful if you feel you can count on them.
🍀 Damn your Fs is adorable, I think i'm gonna choose this pile too 😂. Their feelings are pure and filled with love, they are kinda of a secret romantic, they might not show it but they love to surprise with kind gestures to their beloved ones. They'll like to embody the gentlemen attitude with you, they'll pamper you with so much love and attention, like they go walking and sees a flower and pick it for you, or the kind that sends you songs or quotes that remind them of you.
🍀 They are learning to set healthy boundaries, I see they are currently in a process of healing where they are cleansing their energies, I feel they are going through an spiritual intervention but they probably are not aware of the divine precense. They might be through a period of purge and they are leaving behind people that were harming them, their bad trait is to be a little of a people pleaser but they are working on it, they just don't want to harm anybody.
🍀 Your Fs is very into physical touch but their main love language is acts of service, they enjoy making other people's lifes easier. They are into pda too, their body language may seem overprotective sometimes, they are the kind of people that would do anything for their person and somehow their thoughts reflect on their body language. Take as signs when you see sequences with number 2, shooting stars, owls or white cats.
~ Dynamic of the relationship:
(Cards: true love, religious factors, retreat, wedding/ Astrodices: libra, neptune, 6th house/ Charms: rose quartz, bouquet, spike, white heart)
I'm getting that you already know who your FS is regardless if you had anything romantic with them in the past or not, they have appeared in your life before but the circumstances weren't the right ones to begin something romantic. Whenever you have coincided, one of you had their energies really unbalanced and the other part was having a deep healing, it was the correct person on the wrong time. You have barely interacted with them, for some of you, I even doubt you have noticed them if you have crossed paths before and this might be some kind of spiritual protection for you, to not crave too much for them and to not distract you from the process you were in. For others on this pile I'm getting that you might be their crush and you don't know it, or maybe they are your crush but you have barely had contact with them and you take it as delulu, however it is the energy around you two feels familiar. You'll both will feel very comfortable with eachother from the first moment you start interacting, this will be your sign to know that you are meant to be together, everything will feel natural and cozy around them, like you can lay and rest after a long run. If there has been any kind of distance or separation, when they are back into your life they will enter it with all the intentions to offer you a serious commitment and telling you clearly that they want a relationship with you, you got the card of wedding so you both surely will get married at some point too that I feel it will be soon after you start dating, I'd say a time lapse of a year after you start your relationship
Your FS is your soulmate, your relationship was meant to happen so there will not be anybody else after you meet them, this is the person you are going to marry and live a happy life together. I'm getting that this will be a very healthy and balanced relationship, you'll be very respectful and compassionate about the other's feelings, this gives me the vibe of thelepatic communication for many of you, especially the ones on this pile who are already in tune with their spiritual nature. There's this energy of healing surrounding your relationship, for both of you your relationship will involve soul healing from past pain and closing karmic cicles, there's no fear here of being misunderstood or judged, it is all understanding and empathy.
Ngl, the charms talk about some opponents to your relationship and the feeling I'm getting is because someone is jealous of the harmony you and your FS share, there's someone who operates through a negative perspective that won't like to see you two happy, for some of you might be your ex or your Fs' ex, for some I see your Fs' ex is the toxic person they are dettaching from. The spike talks about interferences but not something to be worried about, it is just a warning to prevent any bad energy to mess with your relationship, I'd suggest you to keep it private until you decide to formalize, this will help keep bad energies away. Anyway, the rest of the charms are all about love, tbh I think you got all the love charms I got lol, so romance, passion and affection are surely present through all your relationship. This person will want long term commitment and they will make this very clear, I also see they won't have eyes for anybody else but you, you are the love of eachother's life. The overall dynamic of your relationship is give and receive, both of you have generous and kind hearts and your relationship will be a safe place for you two to share all the love you both have in your hearts, you'll take very good care of eachother and I'm very happy for you. If you are open to have children they will become a source of pure happiness and pride for your Fs and you.
Pile 3:
~ Details about them:
(Cards: dolphin, electric eel, nightingale, bear/ tomato, orange, onion, cucumber)
🪐 They give me very aquarius energy, they are a visionary who likes to think outside of the box and dream big, they have high expectations for their future too. This person likes to keep always learning and progressing in life, not the kind who gives up easilly, they give me the vibe of working smart and not that hard because they have this intellectual energy around them
🪐 Their mind is mesmerizing, they are the kind of person you could hear talking for hours and you'd never get tired of them. There's something about their voice or how they express themselves that is hypnotizing for others, they might be air dominant in their natal chart because they have a gift for communication.
🪐 This is my pile of friends to lovers dynamic and I feel it's mostly because your Fs wants to be friendly with you in your first interactions, they'll like you for a relationship from the very first moment but they'll want to make things right for you and give the proper steps without rushing the outcome.
🪐 Your FS is a social and outgoing person, they are very adaptable and versatile when it comes to people but at the same time they know how to keep loyal to themselves. They have a bright and vibrant personality, they are also very funny.
🪐 They are very skillful, I'm getting that they are a lot into technologies and for some, they are really a genius on sciences or maths. I'm also getting that they are into video games or something like that, I see a person with different types of screens in front of them so it gives me the vibe of videogames (but Idk shit about technology o take it as it resonates)
🪐 They are very open minded, they don't like to judge someone by their appearance, they are able to see further than the surface of people. They don't like to take things for granted so this makes them want to make efforts to keep getting better, some people see a beautiful flower and pick it up, your Fs is the kind that take care of the plant through the whole year and waits for more flowers to bloom on the spring
🪐 Your Fs is very funny, they maybe are not the conventional type of beauty but they really cute, like Stiles Stilinski. They have a natural charm that goes beyond physical attractiveness and I feel that growing up being the ugly duck made them cultivate other attractive skills that they have mastered.
🪐 They are straight forward with their opinions, they feel very confident on their values and morals so they don't mind to speak their truth out loud. They are very mental, an overthinker surely, they are not the most emotional person in the world and their love language is not words of affirmation but it is related to communication.
🪐They are very loving and protective with the people they really care for, they got cards that makes me feel that when they love, they do it with all their heart and at all cost, there's no middle terms for your Fs, it's all or nothing. Take as signs when you see 1212, 333, nightingales, angelic symbology and red roses.
~ Dynamic of the relationship:
(Cards: past life relationship, religious factors, trust, true love/ Astrodices: pisces, north node, 8th house/ Charms: aventurine, white heart, shell, bouquet, agate)
I suggest you to check pile 2 in case you felt called to that pile too, both groups got similar cards and charms.
Okay, for what I'm seeing here I 'm getting the vibe of partners in crime, your Fs is going to be your more trusted accomplice, I feel a lot of emotional intimacy shared here, like you know eachother darkest secrets and fully accep them with no judgements. The overall energy I'm picking from your relationship is peace and acceptance, you won't have to wear any mask to please your Fs or viceversa, your relationship is like a safe shelter in the middle of a chaotic world and you both will be highly grateful with the connection you two share. You'll feel like you are capable of anything with your FS by your side, they'll be extremely supportive of you and will help you to reach your personal goals, I'm hearing that they will got your back in your mischiefs too. This relationship gives me the feeling of two kids living their dreams at its fullest, there's this lighthearted and innocent energy surrounding your bond that really makes my heart warm. You might already know who your Fs is but there's separation at the moment, for some it can be that you already know them but you doubt if they trully are the person meant for you. You'll have to trust the process at the first stages of the relationship, this can be a twin flame connection and this type of soul bonds require spiritual growth. Both of you will have to supress the outside interferences and listen to your heart to recognize eachother, you got the true love card so it won't be difficult to find out.
The dices are confirming another level of soul connection, this feels sweet and ethereal. You two share a common soul mission in this lifetime and will be fullfiled greatly, if you have children your grandkids will brag and daydream about your love story, especially if you have a granddaughter (or will have it in the future) she will take your relationship as a role model for her life too. You'll build an empire or a dinasty, something significative that will last for a long time, deep inside you know you are meant for great things and this is your confirmation with the extra info that you'll reach the stars with the love of your life by your side. I''m also seeing with the 8th house that the sexual connection will be on a higher level too, maybe at some point of the relationship you start learning more about tantric practices or take your intimate moments to connect on a deeper level. I see too that you'll make time and space through all your relationship to dedicate to eachother and keep the spark shinning.
You'll be very aware of what the other is feeling or thinking, it feels like you are one soul separated in two different bodies, you'll be very similar in some aspects and very opposite in others but you'll know how to adapt to the other effortlessly, it will feel like you have known eachtoher since birth. I also see that you'll know when something happens to the other even if you are in different places, the spiritual connection will be so strong and both of you so curious and intelligent that you'll start digging more in spiritual teachings, this will make you release mental patterns or expectations about how your lives should be, even in your aspirations in life you'll have a very similar point of view. I see a lot of gift giving and romantic surprises but it's because you'll be living in eachother's mind 24/7 rent free and everything reminds you to eachother but not in an anxious way, in fact this feels very peaceful and loving, like everytime you cross eachother's mind you can't help but smile.
Pile 4:
~ Details about them:
(Cards: ant, wombat, lion, wasp, bee/ tarragon, lime, rosemary, marygold)
🎀 Your FS is an introvert, they love their alone time and spending time at home. I see your Fs is very crafty and have many different hobbies they do by themselves, speially something that needs the hands to be done like puzzles or painting.
🎀They are a kind soul, more sensitive than they would like to admit, they can be an empath and doesn't even know about it. They are a little shy when it comes to interacting with people in love terms, they can be a little clumsy in the first approach due to their nerves
🎀 They deal with a rough past in general, not just in relationships. I'm hearing bullying so this might be something your Fs had to go through in their early years. This makes a lot of sense with their empathy, they have suffered so much that they know how to put themselves in the shoes of others and deeply understand them
��� They are the kind of person that likes to take the positive out of every situation, no matter if the circumstances are hurtful to them, they always know how to give an step back and take the lesson hidden behind the circumstances
🎀 They have a lucky magnet, like they are naturally blessed by life because their heart is pure and filled with good intentions. They also have a very nice balance between their mind and their heart so they surely ate very emotionally intelligent
🎀 They are a very generous person in every aspect so if you are into the provider type of partner your Fs is going to be above your expectations. They give me very earthy energy so their love language could majorly be acts of services or material gifts (it's 13:13 as I'm writting this, maybe it's a relevant number for you)
🎀 I'm getting that they are regenerating themselves at the moment, they got tarragon and rosemary cards that gives me the feeling that they are healing hard childhood memories. This energy is more mental than emotional so they might be trying some mental reprogramming like healing intrusive thoughts or a cruel inner voice.
🎀 They are very sweet but not with everyone, like pile one, your Fs has a tough shell but they are willing to open up with the right person. They fear being judged but they are not scared of rejection, your Fs isn't able to see how much bravery and courage they hold within themselves, they can have a very demanding or perfectionist inner voice, they give me very virgo energy.
🎀 I'm hearing that they regenerate pretty easilly in emotional and physical level too so they like to take care of their health, they barely get sick and when they do it doesn't last more than a few days, they are blessed in health terms
🎀 They got a prosperous and successful future, they are destined to make something significative and positive for everyone, they just need a little more confidence in themselves to fully believe it but their path is clear and it is meant to be great. Take as signs of your Fs numbers 1111 and 777, also bees, clovers and a bonfire.
~ Dynamic of the relationship:
( Cards: children, free yourself, passion, keep an open mind/ Astrodices: gemini, the sun, 4th house/ Charms: garnet, rose quartz, pink heart, boat)
Let's start saying that if your Fs doesn't have already a child they want children with you, if you have children your Fs will be very caring and attentive with them too. This person is very family oriented, they might have a more traditional perspective of relationships, they'll take their role in the relationship very seriously. You'll feel very connected from the very first moment, I see that from all the piles this relationship will be the fastest to formalize, it will be very clear for both of you that you want to be together. At first some doubts can appear because your Fs might not match your expectations but you'll have to check if your standards are being realistic so take this message as it resonates with you. Once the doubts are released the connection will feel like the sun is shinning only for the two of you, you'll feel like you can be fully yourself by your Fs' side, you won't have to worry if you look nice or how you manner, they'll love to see and praise every part of you, if you deal with physical insecurities your Fs will be very caring in this aspect too. You can behave like a little child and be goofy with your Fs, they'll make a safe space for you where you don't have to fullfil any expectation, you can relax and fully express yourself as you really want to, your Fs will also ignite your confidence a lot.
You'll have a great communication, you both will feel comfortable enough to express with eachother things you would never share with anybody else, I'm really amazed of how deep your conversations can turn, you can share your most silly thoughts with tour Fs and they would so the same with you because you will understand eachother so much. You both will feel seen and valued in your relationship, you recognize the worth of eachother and the connection you will share, your Fs will make you feel cared and protected and they will feel more brave and strong because of you, you will encourage eachother to follow your dreams. With the 4th house I see that the concept of home will be very important for you two, you both have the same expectations of what a family should be and will create it together.
You'll have a happy home life together, I see you'll have a very nice and cozy house you two will love to spend time in. You will value a lot your moments together and alone, you'll take a lot of care of your intimacy and privacy, I see you will be selective with the people you let in in your lives or the energies you allow in in general. You will achieve some of your goals that will lead you to have more responsabilities that will demand your time and energy, your Fs and you will compensate this by traveling together or make small retreats, I see that some of you will like to escape near nature on your free days. Your relationship will be filled with passion and romance, you will also gain power in some areas of your life by your Fs' side.
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honeytama · 1 year ago
Please don’t keep me waiting.
Noah Sebastian X Reader (uses she/her pronouns, referred to as a girl)
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A/N: This is my first time writing for THE attractive, tall man. Your girl is a new fan <3 Feel free to lore dump on me in my asks/dms. This piece is hella self indulgent, because all I want is a detailed tattoo tour from Noah himself. 🧎🏻‍♀️
Summary: Twitch streaming a tattoo tour with your best friend and his viewers catch on to your natural chemistry. Noah notices a change in your demeanor due to their comments and bugs you for a talk in private once the camera is off.
Content: Use of y/n, fem!reader, fluffy things, very slight angst. This fic lacks smut, but my content is intended for an adult audience, MDNI.
Word Count: 1k
“You can take my chair,” your best friend, Noah, pushes his gaming chair in your direction. You thank him and shyly slide into his chair. You notice your feet slightly dangle above the carpet in his bedroom.
Noah had pulled in a chair from his dining table and sat next to you excitedly while pulling up his account to go live.
“Y/N, I’m so fuckin’ happy you agreed to stream with me today,” he exclaims while clicking about his screen. “It’s been forever since we’ve gotten to hang together just us two, huh?” He smiles, turning to look at your face.
You smile back, of course, even though you couldn’t keep yourself from fidgeting in your seat out of nervousness. Well it won’t just be the two of us, you think. This was your first time on stream with him and you noticed from past streams that his viewers. always loved when he had a guest on; you just hope they’ll love you too.
“You ready?” He asks.
“Mhmm,” is what you manage before he clicks “Start Streaming” and a window with “Stream Starting Soon” pops up in front of you.
“I’ll just give, like, five minutes for people to start coming in before we actually start,” he reassures. “What did you want to do on stream? Your choice since it’s your first time.” He leans in towards you.
“We could do—“, you hum and your eyes search across his bedroom for ideas. Your eyes land on his thigh. He’s wearing shorts today and his Itachi tattoo sparks your idea.
“You’ve never done a tattoo tour have you?” You smile excitedly.
“You just want me to take off my shirt, huh?” He laughs and sways into your shoulder.
You blush. Of course I do, you think. “I’m being serious! Also, isn’t that TOS? I don’t think you can flash your nips online, Noah.”
He laughs, “Fine, I think it’s a good idea. I’ll show off as long as you show yours too.” He points toward your forearms.
“Noah,” you whine. “They don’t know me. They’re not interested in mine.”
“Well you better get ready, because we’re starting.”
In less than a second, your faces appear on the screen along with his stream layout.
Comments started off with “heys and hellos”, but got a little apprehensive to you after a minute.
I thought it would just be you :/
Wishing that were me omg
Who’s the girl?
Noah introduces you to his viewers, “Hello hello. This is Y/N, they’re my company for today. She’s been one of my best friends for years and she came up with today’s stream idea. We’ll both be showing off our tattoos, talking about them, and answering questions if you have them.”
You spent an hour with him as he showed off his neck, arms, and hands to the camera. You watched as his fingers brushed against his own skin to show different parts of his arms. You can’t help but imagine his hands caressing you in the same way.
As time passed, you and Noah shared flirtatious banter and inside jokes. The comments started to warm up and even encouraged the way you two interacted.
Aww love that he gave her his chair, so cute
The way he looks at her omg
She can’t stop looking at his hands SAME
You read the comments as they floated up his screen. While it warmed your heart to know that his fans felt comfortable about your relationship with Noah, you couldn’t help but have negative thoughts intrude your mind about what could happen if you ever pursued him.
“Y/N, show some of yours,” he whispers to you once he’s finished. Before you can retaliate, he softly places a hand on your arm. He turns it to the inside, which shows an illustrated piece of a black cat right under the crease of your elbow.
So cuuuute
Love! I also have a cat tattoo
You smile toward the sweet comments in chat. Noah gives you a look of I told you so before mentioning that they’d be ending the steam after you showed off the tattoos you felt comfortable with.
— — —
The stream has ended and you’re left sitting in silence with him next to you.
“So, what’d you think?” He pushes his hair back before finally looking at you from his screen. “Hey, are you feeling okay?”
He watches as you frown and deny eye contact. He reaches across your lap to put a hand on your knee. He pulls you and you spin to face him so your knees touch.
“Will you please talk to me?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” you mutter. “It’s just— a lot of different feelings came up for me, and I don’t know what to think.”
“Like what? The chat, my fans, they loved you. I thought you were having as much fun as I was. I saw you smiling when they said we were cute together.” He grins while placing his hands in yours. You look down at them in your lap.
“I want to be cute together in more than just a friend way,” you admit. “I’m sorry.” You shut your eyes and squeeze his hands.
“Please don’t apologize for that, Y/N,” he huffs. His thumb brushes back and forth against the back of your hand, “I feel the same way, but I guess was scared to admit that, too.”
You explain to him how the idea of ruining your friendship haunts you or how he might feel pressure to have you in the public eye. “I just wish I told you so much sooner. It would have made things easier.”
“I’m ready to try now if you are.” He smiles softly while wiping a tear from your cheekbone. “In fact, I know where a couple of nerds like us could go on our first date,” he gushes and raises his brows teasingly.
You already know you’re headed to your favorite arcade bar with him at your side by the weekend. The thought of you being able to be closer than ever calms your nerves and gives you hope for your future together.
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maddymoreau · 2 years ago
Rambling about Johnathon’s Concept Art:
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I love the little note in sketch #1. Posture & Attitude.
While I enjoy how expressive and adorable his body language is in all these drawings OH GOD I can only imagine the amount of back pain he must have!!
Johnathon 🤝 Me hunching over while working.
In drawing #8. I like how he’s the kind of guy to hold his arms behind his back while standing idly. Idk I think it’s cute when people do that!!!
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I also really like #2. #3. #6. and #12.
Speaking of #12. I LOVE the detail of the pen leaking an ink spot and him checking the pen!!!
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I’m also OBSESSED with the wardrobe they gave him ♡(〃•ॢ 〃•ॢ 〃)!!! I feel like older men in movies are often given very plain colors. So seeing a bunch of different vibrant colors and patterns makes me SO HAPPY!!!!
So much of his personality is shown through his wardrobe and the care he puts into his appearance. Which makes the fact he loses it so much bigger!!
His more casual/summer outfits have me twirling my hair and kicking my feet (⁄ ⁄•⁄﹃ ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄♡!!!
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ALSO IN DRAWING #2. HE HAS TATTOOS!!!! Sadly they only appear in that drawing but I think they really suit him and are so cool looking!!!
Can I just say I adore how passionate he is about his work!!! Johnathon gives me vibes he’s the kind of person who works in organized chaos. Messy to everyone else but him!!
Babygirl pose.
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Also like the detail in #13. where he’s surrounded by crumbled up paper. Clearly tired and stuck on work.
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(⸝⸝⸝⚆﹃ ⚆⸝⸝⸝)♡ The Spot describes himself as handsome by scientist standards but I just think he's SUPER HOT in general!!!
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 days ago
Took another 8am Wednesday lab this semester which means you get to find out first that I failed the fuck outta that midterm. Anyway. I'd like some more of my demon boy, or whoever isn't biting. Happy Wednesday 💕💕
WIP Wednesday (3/12) | Demon Neil AU (Part 25)
Andrew's consultation appointment is made the slightest bit awkward since he's met the client before in very different circumstances. He recognizes Mason as soon as he steps into the building. Tall and well-muscled, with eyes on just the wrong side of green. They'd met a couple months ago at Eden's, need Andrew say more?
"Yes. You do. I don't even know who Eden is."
With an eye roll, Andrew ignores his demon in favor of the man sitting in front of him. Mason shows no sign at all that he remembers Andrew, which is for the best. He just introduces himself and starts to ramble on and on about his tattoo dreams. He tells Andrew that he wants roses wrapped around both arms from his wrists to his shoulders, vines and leaves and thorns. The whole nine yards.
The moment he makes his idea known, Andrew pulls up a couple of photos on his phone and pretends to listen intently while Mason talks about his mother— named Rose— who'd died a few weeks back. t's a tribute piece. And a huge one at that, but it's not as obvious as the ones with death dates people ask Renee for. It's something pretty enough for Andrew to bother with. It doesn't take him very long to bring the idea to life and when he turns the sketchpad over, Mason's eyes light up.
"Oh. That's perfect. Just like that up both arms. Can we do that?"
"I can do whatever you want." Andrew bites his tongue when Mason's mouth quirks. Too late does he recall saying something similar at the bar when Mason picked him up. He clears his throat. "With the tattoo."
"Right." Mason says. Then he leans a bit closer, into Andrew's space. "Listen, I... Have we met before?"
Andrew isn't sure how to answer that when he's spent the past thirty minutes pretending he's never seen Mason in his life. Finally he shrugs. "Maybe. I've been told I have that sort of face."
"Oh. Right." Mason's expression twinges with disappointment but it doesn't linger. Instead he checks his phone and says, "I have to get to work soon. When do I come back?"
"Renee is in charge of scheduling everything," Andrew tells him, jerking a thumb towards the front desk. It's not the truth, but she's so good at it and she loves doing it. Well, she tolerates it anyway. For Andrew. He glances towards the desk and Renee isn't there.
"Renee's in the back, poking holes in somebody's tits." Seth says helpfully, while he stares at his sometimes-girlfriend across the shop. Andrew doesn't even know if he's got anyone on his schedule for today or if he only showed up to watch Allison.
"Don't say tits, it's rude." Allison says, throwing Seth a bone. God knows he's been waiting for her to speak to him since she arrived. From there, Andrew tunes them out. When they decide on a day for his first session, Mason slips twenty bucks into Andrew's palm. 
"For your time today," he says with a smile. "See ya next time."
"Ooh, put that tip in the New Car Jar," Allison laughs from her corner where she's supposed to be tattooing a girl's back. Andrew flips her off and shoves the twenty in his pocket.
"Andrew, why did you pretend not to know him?" Neil asks, startling Andrew a bit. He'd been uncharacteristically silent for the past half hour, so it's nice to know he's still there. Even if he's asking stupid questions.
"Because it would have been awkward to tell a client 'Yes, I sucked you off in an alley three months ago because you reminded me of someone else'," Andrew thinks back at him. That and he's also been trying rather valiantly not to remember the fine details of that night, as to not bombard Neil with vivid, explicit, memories.
"Oh." Neil pauses, perhaps considering. "Do people really do that? Just do sex things in alleyways?"
"Occasionally. For your information, people have sex in all sorts of places. Like bathroom stalls and backseats and locker rooms." Andrew tells him just as Renee reappears. He wanders up to her and, aloud, says, "Mission complete?"
"Not quite. She couldn't decide what type of piercing she wants." Renee says. "How'd the consult go?"
"It went. He's coming back on Thursday. One o'clock." Andrew answers. And though he will remember it on his own, Renee pens it into the book she keeps on the counter.
"What was his name?"
"Mason something."
"Charming." Renee writes it exactly like that, Mason Something, and drops the pen. About that time, her appointment sticks her head out from behind the curtain.
"I'm ready now." She says, not looking ready at all. Renee smiles and heads back anyway. While she's distracted Andrew gets out his phone to text Kevin and ask what he's doing.
Kevin: Just got out of practice. Why? Andrew: stuck at work, drive me home Kevin: Of course. Ten minutes.
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imaginesinthewind · 1 year ago
Dating Sirius Black would include
A/N: The part 2 to this one. I have no excuses for taking so long to write it, except that my inspiration is as changing as Tonks haircut. Enjoy 🖤
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- Let's be honest here, it would be a rollercoaster. Sirius was never taught how to love, not until he met the Marauders or the Potters at least
- And you cannot really call dating as many girls as possible before dumping them because they get too attached love
- However, with you, he would be surprisingly committed. When he loves, this boy loves with his entire soul
- Lots of PDA, or what James would call "disgusting couple things"
- (mainly because Lily keeps refusing him)
- Sirius would proudly wrap his arm around your waist or your shoulders everywhere. You would secretly hold hands in class, or he would wink at you and blow kisses across the room
- He would pay attention even less, much to the annoyance of McGonagall
- Instead, he would send you flying love notes or stare lovingly into your eyes
- "Black, you will not find the answer to my question in Miss (Y/L/N) eyes."
"Are you sure?"
- So.much.making.out
- Soft kisses, intense kisses, longing kisses, goofy kisses
- "You guys, I'm trying to eat here"
"Time to go to class, make out later"
- Sirius would be the best at finding amazing dates. He is definitely a late night date type of person
- Stargazing at the astronomy tower with cigarettes, stealing pastries from the kitchens, taking you for a motorcycle ride, showing you the most secret pathways in Hogwarts, or making him discover Muggle music like the Beatles or the Stones and he loves it
- Endless night talks about life in front of the fireplace
- Sneaking into his bed so many times than the other Marauders become used to it
- This boy craves for your attention. If he loses it, he will act like a lost puppy
- Trying to get him to study more with you but failing
- Sirius ending up distracting you from studying at the library by telling you dirty jokes, causing you to eventually burst out laughing. And get kicked out
- Life would be an adventure with him, and dating him is such a freeing experience, the boy would love you intensely
- However, Sirius' insecurities would come back real quick
- He would be so scared to lose you and would get jealous very quickly
- A lot of self sabotaging and "I'm not worthy of you" from his part
- Sirius doesn't open up easily, he hides his vulnerability and wounds behind a strong ego and easygoing, smug attitude. But if you are patient and soft enough with him, he will eventually
- Hair and scalp massages to calm him down and soothe him
- Secretly wiping tears and comforting embraces
- Depressive episodes when Regulus becomes a death eater
- Regular outbursts of anger because of his mother
- Being the first one to know when he runs away at the Potters
- You are a bit worried at first, but Sirius takes it surprisingly well. He says that he doesn't need them, he has you and his friends
- Always being this mix between a gentleman and a cocky, dirty talker type of person
- Whispering the dirtiest things possible in your ear everywhere, this boy has no filter
- Him trying to convince you to get your first tattoo
- Accompanying him when he gets another one
- Lots of "please get a room"
- A lot of sex (but I'll give more details on a potential part 3 maybe?)
- Eventually getting caught in an empty classroom and McGonagall awkwardly giving you the talk in her office
- Very awkward moment, and Sirius cannot stop showing the smugiest face
- Being the Hogwarts couple goal
- Sirius meeting your parents at the end of 6th year, and to say that he would be nervous is an understatement
- But his natural charisma and """"good education"""" would do the work for him and your parents would love him, also because they would see these special sparkles in both of your eyes when you look at each other
- Doing everything in your power to make Jilly happen
- Being very happy when it does
- Moving in together when class is over 🖤
(I know this isn't supposed to be a happy ending but one is allowed to dream)
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p0s3idonn · 6 months ago
Introducing my guy! He's not new, I've had him for quite a few months but I thought I'd share him!
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His names Eltohn [as in elton John of course, got to keep up the theme] and he's a bit older than kars like the grandpa of the group.
His reason for joining esi and kars was that firstly, he found it pretty stupid to not want to be able to walk in the sun as kars wanted, because why should humans as the lesser forms be able to do so but not them? And secondly he didn't exactly want to die
While there was some mistrust between the two and their sudden addition for a while, its easier raising children with 3 sets of hands rather than 2 so a lot of trust was established there.
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He was a hunter while in the pillar community and helped out a lot during wham and tana's younger years teaching them some life skills such as hunting and how to make simple weaponry like spears or bows.
Eltohn's mode is of acid. He can spit out highly corrosive acid through his skin which will burn through enemies very effectively and viciously. If a non-hamon user touches him and he's actively in his mode, they'll feel the nice burn of their hand melting off!
His wedding ring antidote is on his eyebrow, and he has an arrow shaped pillar birthmark on his face
His favourite of all the pillarmen is actually Santana! He loves bullying him, in that uncle/annoying older brother way. Santana's so fed up of him and when he was younger retaliated by biting eltohns ankles or arm and not letting go like some feral dog and is part of the reason why santana's so different from his brother in terms of attitude and manners...he hasn't exactly had a good influence lol
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Live young tana reaction upon hearing uncle's back from his scouting mission. [Ankle tripping and bullying ahead]
I'm thinking of giving him some tattoos! He feels a bit bare. He's a fan of extravagant detailed fabrics and jewelery, [which can be seen in his fullbody] and finds he enjoys carving bracelets in his free time using wood or stone. He's OK with Kars and shares his more arrogant view of humanity compared to Esidisi or Wham, opting to think their species is far superior and should be shown respect as such. The two find they can appreciate things such as craftsmanship and a strong will. Esidisi and Eltohn will get along, but when Eltohn first joined them Esi was very suspicious of him and definitely wasn't happy about all the intrigue kars had in him at first as to why he would also betray their kind to join them. [Esi just wants all Kars' attention as such a loyal partner, and definitely didnt pout until Kars asked him what was wrong.]
I did have a coloured version for him but I find I don't really care for it much anymore and will do a redo sometime!
I'm still trying to think through where I'd like to place him in a timeline and either have him die before the events of battle tendency to show the threat of hamon users, [because I find it crazy how apparently they got tired from defeating a whole clan of them and that's why they went to sleep and lost nobody but then caesar does so much damage to Wamuu and Joseph well..Joseph all but exterminated an extremely endangered species.] Or have him inserted somewhere into jjba's canon timeline.
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foxyjoy-art · 1 month ago
Nosy asks: 7, 8, 24, 29, 30, 37, 39, 42, 44
oh my gosh, so many. thank you
7: Have tattoos?
Yes! I currently have 3. one is a fairy house, another is a fox, and my most recent is E'ming and Ruoye with a plum blossom branch
8: Want any tattoos?
yes! I still want a Toothless tattoo, maybe Kirby, a Korok, my grandpa's favorite bird, more swords so that I can call my sleeve my "arm-ory". probably fill any space with flowers and foliage.
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
I'm happy to say it's pretty good! they have their moments and definitely weren't great when I was young - but we get along well now that I'm an adult. they're supportive of both my career path and my sexuality. I'm very fortunate to really enjoy holidays because my family is chill to be around
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
usually because I don't want to tell them the full details of my personal life. Don't want to burden them with it since they have their own issues to get through
30: What I hate the most about work/school
Work burns me out a lot. I don't get paid a lot as an illustrator and so I work a LOT and so it's easy to run out of time and not make space for myself and what I'd like to draw. (hey, come check out my patreon if you'd like to help support me! even $1 helps )
37: One of my insecurities
I don't drive due to anxiety! being in the US this often makes me feel like the biggest burden on the face of the earth because you quite literally can't go anywhere without a car 😅 especially since I also have enough anxiety that I don't trust using Ubers either.
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
chocolate is my basic go-to but I also like 'fish food' from Ben and Jerrys
42: The last thing I ate
cream of rice hot cereal with almond milk, honey, and granola. and hot water - just hot water.
44: A random fact about anything
My bird Taako's favorite music is anything from the group TWICE
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sociopathichero · 4 months ago
FIRST MEETINGS MEME A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘What you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet. Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Fill in details.
tagged by: Saw it somewhere and stole it. tagging: Anyone who wants to do it! <3
blank meme: x
Gender: Masculine. Feminine. Androgynous.
Race: White (Russian)
Complexion: Fair and pretty pale.
Height: 183 cm/6'0’’
Body Type: Endomorph. Mesomorph. Ectomorph. Other / More Details: —
Body Build: Small. Medium. Athletic. Muscular. Soft. Curvy. Voluptuous. Other / More Details: He is very average: not under- or overweight, not lanky or stout. His muscles aren't particularly defined/visible but they're definitely there.
Body Hair: None. Shaves/Waxes. Trims/Grooms. Untamed. Color: Dark. Notes: He's always clean-shaven, otherwise things are untamed. He isn't very hairy, though. Apart from the obvious (legs, arms, underarms, and crotch area) he only has a little patch of hair on his chest and a neat lil' snail trail.
Head Hair: None. Buzzed. Short. Medium. Long. Very Long. Asymmetrical Cut. Color: Dark brown Style: Short and same length throughout (so no buzzed sides etc.)
Eye color: Light blue Details: —
Scars: A fingertip-sized scarred cut on his left cheek from a fistfight, a thin, vertical scar going over the middle of his right eyebrow from a different fistfight, two small, adjacent circular scars on his right side just below his ribs from getting shot, and a jagged scar on his right sole from slicing his foot on a sharp rock when out fishing with his brother as a kid.
Fashion Style: Vintage. Traditional. Casual. Artsy. Vibrant. Geeky/Nerdy. Tomboy. Sporty. Trendy. Preppy. Girly. Bohemian. Elegant. Formal. Grunge. Punk. Rocker. Gothic. Other: His style (if you can call it a style) is pretty neutral and more on the practical side.
Color Palette: Neutral colors like blacks, whites, beiges, grays, and navy blues.
Typical Clothing: Jeans, always jeans. Depending on if he's going for comfort or for a bit neater look, he either wears his beloved oversized sweater or more regular-looking sweatshirts and sweaters. There's a 95% chance he's wearing a T-shirt underneath and a 90% chance it's a black one. Coat is either a windbreaker or a neat, black wool overcoat. He also often wears combat boots.
Tattoos: None
Other Information: —
General Facial Expression: He has a very neutral general expression. He doesn't try to rein in his expressions though, so you can clearly tell when he's angry or happy. He smiles pretty easily, actually.
Default Body Language: He has a relaxed posture and often has his hands in his (coat) pockets. Other than that, his gestures are quite minimal.
General Movements: Unhurried and deliberate.
Presence: Very calm and unpretentious. His presence doesn't really draw attention (at least not until he has a gun in his hand). 
Appearance: Tidy, if not the most fashionable.
Scent: Cigarettes, plus some random shampoo and some random deodorant (he doesn't have any favorite brands).
Voice Description: His voice is fairly deep (example). At times it drops a bit lower, like when he's going for a more authoritative tone.
Accent: yes / no More information: Very thick Russian accent.
Speech Mannerisms: He only rarely curses. His speech is calm and measured, and he doesn't rush his words. He uses simple language when speaking in English, it being his second language and all.
Anything else to add? —
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requiem-fics · 2 years ago
JJK men & getting dressed up
Gojo Satoru
Loves picking out outfits for you to wear when you go out together. Will even buy you clothes once he learns a bit about your likes and dislikes
Money isn't really an issue for him, so be prepared for a lot of lavish items
Will buy you purses, but makes sure they're ones that are large enough to also fit sweets for when the two of you go out
Doesn't mind if you wear something that'll attract a lot of attention, in fact, he enjoys it when you become a spectacle
The sexier you look, the better - he knows exactly how good you look, and eats it up every time
Doesn't get insecure or jealous if you attract attention, BUT this man can (and will) fight anyone who stares a little too long
Loves taking you under his arm so that there's no question you're with him, holding your hand in his, and flashing any man a death stare if they try to approach you
Nanami Kento
As long as you're comfortable in what you're wearing, he's happy
His attention to detail is unmatched though, so he's always aware when you put a little extra effort into your appearance, and won't hesitate to tell you how good you look
Loves it when you wear jewelry he's bought for you, it makes him not only feel appreciated, but makes him feel even more possessive over you
He'd never be the type of man to tell you what to wear or judge you in any way, but he usually tends to prefer a classier style if you're going somewhere upscale, and really enjoys having an excuse to see you dressed up
Also secretly loves anything that shows your curves or any type of backless dress, likes to run his fingers down your spine when he knows no one is looking
When the relationship is established, he does love to choose lingerie for his partner <3
Geto Suguru
LOVES letting you borrow his clothes
Acts like he's doing you a favor by giving you his clothes to keep you warm, but he's more than happy to let you keep borrow his clothes so long as he gets to see you wear them. Especially loves seeing you wrapped up in his robes when it's cold.
Also loves to subtly match (couples sneakers? similar color palettes? he's a HUGE fan of that)
If you ever wanted to get tattoos or piercings, he'd be super into it and definitely want to tag along and keep you company
When you dress fancier than normal, he's your biggest hype man. Will let out a long whistle when you walk by, and isn't afraid to show you off or carry you around
"Let me take a pic, you need to see how good you look"
Would make a great instagram-photographer
Fushiguro Toji
When at home, he loves when his partner is super casual, or wearing just his tshirt
Secretly gets a little nervous when you get dressed up, wondering if he's missed an occasion or feeling like he also needs to be on his partner's level. In a way, it makes him a little insecure (but he'll never show it)
If he genuinely cares for you, he gets extremely possessive the second you're in public together
Will walk a slightly behind you, just so no one else can get too close to you, makes you feel very safe with him
Still, he loves the idea of you getting dressed up to see him, he finds it pretty cute and will definitely indulge your efforts, asking you to spin around and show you the details up close so he can take in every detail
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 6 months ago
s4 episode 15 thoughts
life is so fun when there is mulder and scully time to look forward to <3
(post episode thoughts: not sure how i feel about this one. i definitely didn’t hate it, don’t get me wrong, but it was really sad and after last week’s sad episode i’m ready for some happy times. i’m also trying to figure out what exactly the meaning of this episode was because there’s a detail in there that really threw me off- i shall elaborate late.
nonetheless, i thought it was an interesting ep…. just saddened the heart, and i’m trying to parse out the meaning of the whole thing. maybe that detail of which i speak was just a throwaway line and i’m overthinking everything? this has been known to happen.
but, please keep in mind: i am not an expert on all things, including jewish culture- which could perhaps explain my interpretation of the episode/confusion on its overall theme- and if i made any mistakes please feel free to point them out, but understand that they were not made intentionally and that i am merely a fan blog who is living, laughing, loving, and learning each day)
i’m so excited to see what happens next after such an amazing episode last time!! and i know better than to expect a direct continuation of that storyline. BUT a girl can hope! we covered some pretty important territory in the previous one, so to pretend it didn’t happen wouldn’t make a ton of sense- but that is usually how these things go lol
(author's note: this is exactly how things went)
also, i know a lot of people headcanon mulder as jewish, so i’m interested to see what the episode brings/if i will also be sold on the hc! i’ve definitely subscribed to it up until now, so i’m interested to see if it’ll convince me more.
without further ado…
we begin with a man praying in hebrew in new york. sadly, we are at a funeral. everyone is in black. but the way this camera is especially focused on this woman in black is leading me to believe that she is gonna be the star of the episode.
we see, through her eyes, someone being terribly attacked. she is crying as she throws some dirt onto the coffin.
we also see that the man holding her hand has numbers tattooed on his arm, which implies he is a holocaust survivor, and makes this hate crime in america all the more horrific for him to have experienced.
i would guess that this man is maybe lead woman in black's father? he is leading her away from the funeral :(
at the cemetery in the rain, we see someone making a human form out of mud? dirt? clay? actually. what is the line between mud and clay? never thought about that. not the point, though. the mud clay dirt man begins to breathe!
this must be the golem referred to in the episode description…
(spooky intro time…. always a nice ritual for me)
so, the man who was murdered was named isaac luria, scully lets us know. he was from an area of brooklyn known for racial tensions and hate crimes, two of which mulder recites off the top of his head. he is the type of guy to recite facts.
the only thing that was taken from the market where the crime went down was the surveillance tape, which was found in the VCR of a 16 year old tony.
(was that guy we saw earlier doing the shooting supposed to be 16? because he looked 25 at the youngest. yeah, hard to suspend my disbelief in that regard, having a memory of what being 16 was like)
oh! the twist is… tony is dead now! strangled to death while watching the tape. mulder says this is “very old testament”.... interesting choice of words there
and the fingerprints of the strangler WERE THAT OF isaac luria!!! mulder seems greatly intrigued by this. has me wondering how that would go down.
scully is convinced that it is a resurrection hoax, and they must figure out how someone got a dead man’s fingerprints. mulder makes some joke about casper never leaving behind fingerprints. well casper was a FRIENDLY ghost, so maybe that is the difference! casper was not intended to be a creature of revenge. actually, i could be wrong there. haven't seen the movie since i was a kid.
the agents are off to new york, and i was right, that man we saw before was the crying woman’s father. his name is jacob weiss and hers is ariel luria.
scully looks so pretty :(
it seems they’re holding shiva, and showing up with a request to reopen luria's grave is not welcomed. understandably so!
apparently jacob had called the police before the attack, who had said they were paranoid. mulder asks “so there was a specific threat of violence?” and he answers “the threat is always there” <- damn….
then he hands mulder a flyer that was slid under their door with some horrible antisemitic stuff on it that actually made me flinch
jacob seems to slip that he knows who did the murder… but refuses to cooperate. and after they explain that they can get the court to order them to dig the body back up, ariel says to do what they need to, but to please leave them alone.
and from her perspective, it does seem like mulder and scully are just here to stir up trouble- it sounds like they’re trying to protect the murderers, and like they want to make her suffer by digging her husband back up, but i’m wondering if saying “we found your dead husband’s fingerprints on the boy’s corpse” would go over even worse
(they also keep looking at that one guy tony that did the murder and calling him a “boy” as if to emphasize his youth. but again. he looks like 25, so. maybe should have cast someone else if that was the point they wanted to make)
agents in the raaaain going to the car. scully oh my GOD she’s so beautiful. so so so so so so SO beautiful. 
she thinks that jacob doesn’t want them messing with the grave because it will somehow reveal who did the killing of tony. i’m not sure i buy it. sorry scully. he would be too obvious.
mulder pulls the horrible pamphlet out of his pocket and says that whoever published it probably knows who killed isaac AND tony. how tight knit is the community of people who print hateful pamphlets to slide under doors? something i have genuinely never asked myself but now i’d like to know. 
omg!!!! someone covered in dirt is watching them!!! did the golem turn into a person? why did i think he was going to stay made of mud? this is definitely a dirty man and not a mere man of dirt! and he has a mark on his hand
OHHHH some horrific antisemitism from the guy who they are questioning, later revealed to be named curt. oh my god???? he says mulder “looks like he might be one” and that the FBI “works for them” and blah blah blah
what the hell…… sometimes i forget that people spouting such horrific stuff are people with faces and names……… you might read it in awful internet comments, but you forget those are Real Human People who are saying those words. at least, sometimes i do. perhaps that was also the point of including him, to personify this hatred.
it seems that one of the boys who did the killing is watching all of this go down through the surveillance camera in curt's shop. mulder makes a snappy comment about a jew coming back from the dead 2,000 years ago in response to whatever tf this dude’s name is (again, later revealed to be curt, do NOT get him confused with kurt with a k from last episode) being a dick about the resurrection allegations involving luria. and scully says well i assume you don’t want to be responsible for these young men dying! and they leave.
ooooo mulder tells him “bless you” as he leaves…. he is gonna mess w this guy. and i appreciate that.
but gasp… the "kid" has disappeared from the back room!
now why is this kid hanging around with this older man? and why is he killing people? there are a LOT of questions here. if i’m supposed to care if he gets taken by the golem… i simply don’t. 
the two surviving boys (who again, look older than me, a person above the age of 16) are digging up luria’s grave to see if he really did rise from the dead. but oh no! someone is watching them!!
damn, one of the killer children is dead. oh nooo i’m so sad (said with deep sarcasm)
the other one finds luria’s body just as the killing goes down, and luria appears very dead. the surviving one is being taken by the cops???
scully at the scene. looking at the dead kid. seems he was also strangled. 
scully says maybe they came to desecrate the corpse? but mulder says they were probably scared he came back from the dead. hmm.
they’re trying to figure out what exactly is going on when mulder pulls a book out from under dead isaac’s head and it catches on fire!!! what!!! how did that happen!!!!
the creep from the copy shop is clocking in. the last surviving kid (? i think idk they all look the same? unless someone else came back from the dead?) is saying he killed the man because he didn’t sit back and just spread propaganda like this guy curt does. 
well. that is a sharp reminder of how hate speech leads to hate crimes.
the book that was burnt is being analyzed. it’s the book of creation, the sepher yetzirah- but this is not something that a jewish person is buried with! no worldly possessions are allowed in the grave. so how did it get there???? did they decide to make a special exception to the rule or something?? and if so, for what purpose?
“has it ever been known to spontaneously combust?” <- LMAO mulder i know you’re being serious but 😭
scully’s talking scientific theories on chemicals making books blow up, but he is not buying it at all. keeps questioning the book guy.
oh! someone’s name is on the book!! JACOB WEISS!!! what!!!!
now i bet that someone planted that there…..
so they go back to the weiss household. ariel is very sad to hear about her father's book being at the scene, as you can imagine. 
oh wait….ariel and isaac never actually got married…. omg this changes things……… wait. now it's even sadder. and it was already really sad :(
she’s showing them a ring that every woman married in the synagogue wears, that her father had hidden during the war. mulder looks really really really upset by all of this. 
scully asks where ariel’s father is, but ariel promises he wouldn’t kill anyone. well. that doesn't exactly answer the question
agents rolling up to the synagogue. everyone must have had a lot of questions as to what the duo in trenchcoats were up to.
it seems jacob exited out a back door? it’s investigation time….
OMG the last kid has been hanged!! someone is running away from this!!!!!!!!! everything is dark and i cannot see. 
NOOO mulder is down…. and scully is down too, but she fired a shot off…. at jacob???? that was who was down here?? hmm i’m not buying it. seems too easy. 
aha! that dirt covered hand is also at the scene!
ariel is at the jail asking to see her father. and scully seems very sad to inform her that he is under arrest. 
mulder’s asking jacob why he killed him. jacob says that the kid was up in the attic and he defended himself. by hanging him? hm.
he seems shocked that his book was at the crime scene, and professes his guilt, but mulder isn’t buying it. he says someone else was up there in the attic and WHO WAS IT?
mulder picks some dirt off of his sleeve…. suggesting he is onto him….
it seems that jacob had bombed people back in israel 1959? wait. if that was the case, then how did he get to new york… 
(this line confused me greatly, because what did it add to the story? it felt like it had Implications that just. were not explored)
“he’s not our killer, though” “what do you mean? i… he just gave a confession, i stood here and listened to it” <- she sounded so shocked lmaoooo
mulder launches his second person in the attic theory. couldn’t have been the daughter. because the person shoved mulder down. mulder is big strong man.
OH! jacob says he confessed to protect ariel. omg it’s clicking… she must have used the book to make the golem, and he is taking the fall for the golem’s actions. 
the print shop guy is printing more of his horrible pamphlets and oh my god he has a nazi flag on his wall…. jesus. it’s always such a visceral jumpscare to see those. something is approaching him…… and choking him…. and the hand is dirty and has the same mark as before!!
mulder is going back to talk to the book guy to ask about the sepher yetzirah and the golem. book guy explains that it was believed a righteous man could make a man himself out of mud or clay (mud or clay! used interchangeably here! this does not help me figure out what the difference between them is), but it could only be brought to life by the power of the word. certain letter combinations. you put the word on the hand and bam.
mulder says he doesn’t speak hebrew, so he doesn’t know what emet means, but omg!!! it means truth!!! the truth…… it haunts him
apparently the golem is imperfect and must be destroyed by its creator. which you do by erasing the first letter to turn “emet” into “met”, which means dead. 
scully phone call time!! curt (the printing man) is dead (well. if i'm supposed to be sad. i'm not)
more strangling….. but at least we know that this time it wasn’t jacob that did it, because he was still in jail
they look onto the surveillance footage and gasp! it looks like the killer is isaac luria!! so did the golem take his form??? huh. that's creepy.
luria is again confirmed as very much dead, so mulder must explain his theory.
“a ghost is spirit without form, but i believe what we’re looking for and what we’re seeing here is form without spirit” <- i want him to make a compilation of his worldview so bad just so i can read it 
(indignant scully voice) "MUD?!?" <- lmaooooo she never gets used to his ideas 😭 
back to ariel’s… which is suspiciously unlocked. wherever she is, she has the ring!!!
at the synagogue, jacob is there with a candle. he’s also looking for ariel. 
ariel says to “leave us alone” WHO IS US?? the golem???! but jacob won’t leave without her.
what she brought back isn’t him…. 
they’re both crying as she recounts what happened; she made a golem, which took the form of isaac, but it isn't truly him
but da agents are here now…. and JACOB IS BEING HANGED???? so the golem does not have her best interests at heart.
mulder pulls out a handy knife to cut him down!!! mulder keeps a knife on him….. huh. i’ll analyze that later. 
scully is working her doctor skills while mulder goes on a hunt for ariel, who he finds on the floor. 
ohhhh but the golem is here….. and she’s begging him not, to but mulder is shooting at the golem…. it isn’t doing anything. and now he’s choking mulder.
she offers “isaac” the ring…. and he puts it on her hand….
but she wipes off the first letter!!!! and he crumbles!!!!
scully is here to find mulder!!!!! while ariel is saying goodbye 
that is the end of the episode, which is dedicated to lillian katz. a google search leads me to believe that she was the episode writer’s grandmother 
hmm. what am i thinking….?
well, this was a sad one. a very sad one. which i had been warned was going to keep happening over and over again until i hit episode 20. and yet! here i am! still sad!
i take it that this one was likely very personal to the writer, if that really is the writer’s grandmother that this was dedicated to and google is not lying to me. 
i think it covered really important topics, especially about how rhetoric turns into violence, and the two are inseparable. 
here’s something i’m confused about: why did they throw in that line about jacob being a terrorist? was it supposed to show that hate can effect all people, like how mulder said hate was a two-way street? it just feels like it didn’t actually serve any purpose beyond being a red herring to try and get you to think it was jacob and not the golem that did the killing. but what does that do to the narrative, to highlight someone who has suffered at the hands of hatred- and then put a different hatred of his own into that character’s hands? this is a thing that happens in real life, and real life is messy and complicated, but i feel a bit thrown off on that for the basic plot reason of “if he killed 7 people then how did he get to new york”.
implications aside of someone surviving a genocide and then inflicting the pain of death onto others, which i will admit i feel hesitant about but don’t even know where to begin in approaching that, it stuck out to me as weird and unrealistic. i mean, if they were trying to show that hate was a two-way street (which is… an interesting way of seeing things anyway), jacob’s hatred of the boys who killed isaac was already well fleshed out without a random terrorist point. is the story trying to say that everyone hates something or someone, and we are all capable of being driven to horrible things? or what? i’m a little lost on the overall meaning, and maybe i have to wrestle with it for a bit. it's not like the hatred of an oppressor to the oppressed and the hatred of the oppressed to their oppressor are moral equivalents.
i feel i wasn’t supposed to take home the message that using golems to kill nazis is a good thing but. well. if i was supposed to be sympathetic to curt and the murder boys and see their potential to change and be good people deep down, i didn’t get the memo. and also they kept calling these men who looked like college graduates "boys", as if to emphasize how hate corrupts the next generations, but. again. they did not look like boys. so if they were trying to make that point, i feel it fell a bit flat.
in terms of the jewish mulder headcanon... like i had said, i had been subscribing to it myself, but honestly, i didn't feel anything happened here where i was like "omg, canon proof!" i think if he had known the word on luria/the golem's hand i would have been more compelled to think so. but his line about hate being a two-way street felt weird, and when he didn't understand that there doesn't need to be a specific threat of violence for the threat to always be there in a jewish community also felt a little like he didn't know what he was talking about. also, he described the death at the beginning as "very old testament", which felt odd. it is an odd thing to say at all, but given that it is such a christian term, it felt loaded.
maybe, if you have this headcanon, you imagine that he grew up without knowing much about the culture associated with it? what do you think? do you subscribe to that headcanon?
while the episode was touching, i found myself confused on what exactly it was trying to say. i guess i'll leave it at that.
did you like it? did you have a solid interpretation on what it was trying to say and if it said it well? to me it felt like it was trying to be a lesson on how hate corrupts all but that also seems simplistic.
tell me all the thoughts.
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crashnburnharu · 1 day ago
Hello everyone and welcome too the official page for Twst Fanfiction "The Puppet Prince of Pain" a rewrite of the Twisted Wonderland Canon Storyline featuring my almost offensive number of Twst OCs (Oh my God there's over 100 of them 😮‍💨😐) centered around The "Puppet Prince" himself, before I actually get into the storyline itself I'll post information on my ocs, it won't be DAILY since I'm also running a YouTube channel and an AO3 where I'm posting a less detailed version of the storyline, Today we'll start with my Feral German Shepherd himself, He's a real hit on the other platforms as well the main character, The one and only Puppet Prince of Pain (A crossover character in the fandoms Mystic Messenger, Obey Me, Stargate, Stranger Things, Wannabe Challenge, MLB)
Name: Prince Miles Draconia (Also known as Miles Terrence Crowley)
Nicknames: Snow, Azazel, Tox
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/They
School: Night Raven College
Character: The Disney Princes
Year and Class: 3rd year, Class 3-C
Dorm: Pomefiore but stays in Ramshackle
Birthday: 10/31
Age: About 403 but considers himself 19
Height: 6'5.8
Dominant Hand: Left
From: Born in Thorne Valley but grew up in another dimension in a version of Seoul, South Korea
Club: Film Appreciation club, Lacrosse, Gargoyle Appreciation club, D&D Club
Favorite Subject: History of Magic
Least Favorite Subject: Flight Class
Favorite Food: Berries
Least Favorite food: Bitter Smoothies
Talent: Jack of All Trades, especially good at Singing and Voice Acting
Likes: Vil Schoenhiet, Drawing, Anime, Gaming, BL Media, Hanging out with his friends, Playing Lacrosse, Singing, Voice acting, Spoiling Vil Schoenhiet (Just to name a few)
Dislikes: Seeing people get hurt, Annoying people, being Crowded around, arguing, Rook Hunt, Seeing Vil troubled, his own face, people objectifing another human being (For trauma reasons)
Physical appearance, I have quite a few drawings of my Feral German Shepherd that I'm happy to share however I'll give a quick description regardless
Hair color: Black with a streak of white
Eye color: Baby Blue (Initially Black due to a condition called Aniridia)
Idol smile
Tattoos (An intricate Rose couple tattoo without a match on Right arm, Broken Angel wings tattoo on Back, Torn up chest with ribcage and heart showing tattoo on chest)
Peachfuzz Facial hair
Wears mostly Black the only exception being a spray painted Jean jacket with grey cotton sleeves and a cream colored hood and a pair of Scooby Doo themed spray painted Sneakers
Idol hairstyle
Starts out the story with extensive scars
Born Prince Miles Draconia and the older brother of Malleus, Miles was about 5 years old during the Fae-Human war and while extensive attempt to keep him from doing it he sticks himself in the middle of everything deciding very stubbornly that he was going to help Laverne and Lilia (Baby Dragon Miles is featured quite heavily in Lilia's Book 7 dream) in order to protect his mom and little brother
At some point during the war he gets separated from Lilia, He's found by the angel of death, The Grim Reaper Azrael HaMal'ach HaMavett who takes him in and cares for him in the world between Plains of life and death aka Limbo, until he realizes that having Miles in Limbo is effecting his memories and aging, the toddler isn't aging, despite the time that had passed he was still 5 and his memories had faded, the only thing the 5 year old remembers is his own name and Azrael
in order to stop this degradation of Miles's wellbeing Azrael gives the young prince to the mother of a close friend giving him false memories of the woman being his grandmother and the woman's son being his dad (The man in question being Dire Crowley) to avoid any issues caused by the Dragon Fae nature of his appearance the woman Eliana changes it to the one he has in the post-NRC story going as far as inhibiting his vision to limit the likelihood he'll be discovered, She then moves to a secondary dimension called The Reflected (Since it reflects our world)
Eliana settles into a rich Christian Neighborhood in Seoul, South Korea where Miles meets Choi Hana, the daughter of a friend of Eliana's the two toddlers grow up together close enough that Hana and Miles would always insist they were going to get married when they grew up
A incident with Miles trying to copy some Catholic women who were praying to an Angel statue leads to him becoming a Catholic and becoming Azazel Crowley
At the age of 8 years old it becomes MysMe crossover territory and Miles met two boys in his neighborhood, Kim Jihyun and Han Jumin both boys were 2 years younger than him at 6 years old, Jihyun was convinced that he was an actual angel because he had the name of an angel and Jumin just thought he was interesting enough to develop a crush on him (Jumin Han does is a LITTLE gay)
About a year later a forth member is added to the little friend group Miles has, a little girl 4 years younger than Miles named Emily who was abandoned by her Biological parents, Miles essentially unofficially adopts Emma and raises her himself with permission from his grandmother, the 5 of them (Miles, Hana, Jihyun, Jumin and Emma) spend an EXTENSIVE amount of time together with Jumin's crush on Miles growing
At 12 years old Miles runs into some trouble from a Businessman who really wants to secure a relationship between his daughter and Miles, he absolutely Harrasses Eliana and even kidnaps him because of this whole mess Eliana packs up Miles, Emma and their three cats Alchemist, Grimoire and Aces (Alchemist being Eliana's cat and Grimoire and Aces' Mother, Grimoire and Aces being Miles' cats) and Moves
Miles continues going to the same Catholic church and becomes close with a small Vermillion haired boy named Choi Saeyoung who'd decided sitting next to the Priest's favorite was the most logical choice, Since Miles was always willing to listen Saeyoung would confide in him just about anything, Miles slowly learned about the situation with Saeyoung and his twin brother Saeran and even though he was only 12 he tried his best to help
At the age of 14 it swaps to MLB crossover territory, Miles got his first boyfriend a band kid he was going to middle school with named Luka, since Music was a passion of his Miles had joined Band to be able to learn to play every instrument there was (He was already really good at Piano) Luka and Miles bounded over the fact Miles had been writing his own songs, Luka would play bass in the Background while Miles poured his heart out into a Leather-bound notebook while Playing the piano, that was their relationship they could easily communicate their feelings for each other that way, Just before moving to the next grade Miles got an invitation to attend a highly prestigious academy and Luka found out his mother was going to pack him and his sister Juleka up and move back to Paris in their houseboat as a going away gift Miles gave Luka a handmade Lavender scented Necklace with Don't Cry written on it in Kanji
Around this time as well he meets a Dock bar singer named Park Minho who goes by the Alias Issac Lucette and the Stage named Eden's Garden or just Eden who took Miles under his wing paying him to live out his dreams of being a singer
The Taromishi Academy Arc is.... Something that needs it's own talk however I will say he gets his life irreparably ruined by a Senior girl while there and Eden who becomes his Legal Guardian after his grandmother's death is murdered by a drunk sailor
However he does become an idol Trainee for a time meeting his second adopted Father Lee Seojang ala Firework a Homosexual Solo artist, Miles convinces Seojang to join a boyband like the company was wanting him to and because of it Seojang meets the love of his life Woo-Jae
Miles himself becomes a temporary part of a 6 member boyband called Find The Beat though Find The Beat never actually debuts since Miles ends up quitting the company at 18 due to being in a shitty headspace
At the age of 19 after getting in a huge fist fight with a close Sunbae of his named Taylor Miles discovers a Mirror that causes him to wind up at NRC on the day of Orientation at the start of the Twst story
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the-starry-seas · 10 months ago
I uno-reverse your tag on my corries and ask you to talk about Kit ♡
omg hi <3
First things first, he loves novelty candy. Gummy sharks. Fun Dip. Toblerone bars and their funny little triangles. If it comes outside of the standard chocolate bar shape, he thinks it's the coolest thing. He has a shoebox in his locker that has the wrappers to his favourites. (And in a modern AU, his favourite candy is Kit-Kats. Yes it's because he shares half a name with them.)
His favourite fruit is peach, but he hates the fuzzy skins. So his solution is to peel them and then eat the fruit without the skin. Fox hates this, it genuinely unsettles him, but he grins and bears it. His second favourite is maraschino cherries.
Kit and Fox have done those BeanBoozled boxes several times (box of mystery flavour jelly beans and half are horrible). Fox doesn't care about any of the bad flavours and sometimes prefers them but Kit will spit those things out without hesitation. They both think the other is a little weird for their jelly bean tastes.
He wants to join the scout corps to be a massiff scout trooper like Sergeant Hound and Grizzer. When Hound finds out, he suddenly has a mystery injury that requires him to be in medbay overnight, and he asks Kit if he could pretty please babysit Grizzer so that Grizzer's not alone all night long? Fox tells Kit to get the damn dog out of the bunk and let it sleep on the floor... and then give up when Kit doesn't listen the first four times.
Fox makes him wait until he has more experience before sending him off to his permanent assignment, which is eventually massiff scouts! In an AU where Order 66 doesn't happen/Fox doesn't die/insert other happy ending of your choice here, Kit helps oversee the breeding program for massiffs for the other troopers. He baby-talks each and every pup and helps find good homes for the ones that flunk training.
The entire Guard will maul, maim, and murder on behalf of the marshal commander's shiny. Their shiny now. They will be fighting for joint custody. Kit is aware of this and is absolutely 100% fearless as a result because what can hurt him when he has an entire army behind him? This stresses Fox out immensely.
He likes fantasy media that bears no resemblance to his life. He's in the dark about the worst of the way the Corries are treated, because Fox would protect him from anything, but he still knows a lot. Media is his escape to a world where maybe Fox wouldn't have anything to hide from him.
He can't watch/read anything set on Coruscant because there's inevitably some detail that the producer/author gets wrong and he's just >:| every time. Very strong feelings about it.
His other weakness is funny throw pillows. He only has one pillow, because there's only so much room in his bunk, but he has a stack of pillowcases as tall as his arm. You can keep a calendar by the regular rate that he switches pillowcases.
He cried when he got his face tattoo and thought he was a total wimp for it until he met another trooper with a face tattoo who validated that it was in fact extremely painful. (He also didn't think through the face tattoo. It was an impulse decision and design.) Fox thought that Kit was reapplying a sharpie doodle for three weeks, he's kind of embarrassed about that.
There's a second tattoo on the inside of his left wrist. It's an outline of a fox head, with a second smaller outline inside it. A fox and its kit :)
He's tried to grow plants several times but he's killed every single plant he's ever touched. He's a little bit genuinely upset about that because plants are so pretty and he really wants to have one.
He re-dyes his hair once a standard month so that his roots don't grow out too much. He's shaved the sides into patterns a few times but generally prefers his hair to be as low maintenance as possible so he doesn't really do that any more.
He didn't realise he was faceblind for years after being deployed to Coruscant. All the clones look the same and all the Kaminoans look the same, how was he supposed to figure it out before that?
Not great with heights, but only when he can see how far down it is. Put him on a bridge and he'll be nervous. Put him on a windowless troop transport and he'll be fine.
Fox literally gave him a stylus to use as a chew toy until they figured out what chewelry was. Kit's is, of course, red. He keeps it in his locker when he's on duty because he doesn't want to lose it or have it confiscated somehow.
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captainaikus · 2 years ago
can i can i request a visual for ness or lorenzo? i feel like the yan baby and the zombie baby are overlooked a lot🥺
They are actually! I'm glad you sent an ask in for Lorenzo (': I’m gonna roll with him cause not even once has he made an appearance on my blog (do u guys want one of ness?) This one got a bit long cause there's a whole lot of stuff and my heart bled while writing for him </3
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Body analysis : Prominent features are - his adonis belt and around it; has veins on his lower adonis belt. he has lower back dimples, and does plan on getting tattoos. Lorenzo has very long and nimble fingers (his palms and fingertips are scarred) with a prominent vein on the underside of his forearm. He is skinny-lean, prominent collarbones and an adam's apple. His skin is pale (he becomes more flesh colored when they go to the beach) ... Raven happy trail. He trims but he is messy (doesn't see the point of it. "Dah, it's natural why do i have to get rid of it?" *shrugs*) has dyed it purple before i will get into the dirty details and say ; ladies. this man is not scared of a bush. (he is more scared of things escalating with a woman than body hair if I'm being completely honest.) He has scars. They're not visible and have lightened up over time but he has a ton of them if you look more closely at him.
character analysis : more wholesome at the start ; but then it gets smutty towards the end. (he is a sub leaning switch and there is a reason for that as well) He is humble, grateful, appreciative of things and greedy at the same time (but there's a good reason for it.) Since he grew up poor and was abandoned by his parents on the streets, Lorenzo has had to fend for himself and anything small that you could toss away was like a treasure find to him. Pickpocketing was a job he used to live on and his living standards went so low that even his teeth became rotten (later replaced with gold teeth) Because he grew up on the streets there was barely any time for education and after snuffy opened a new world for him, he understood the value of money, work and the importance of it. So while he appreciates the things he has he is also greedy from the sense of deprivation he grew up with. (Question is - if i can afford it and if i want it, why can't i buy it?) But after growing up under snuffy's guidance he learns to value work and understands how to treat money accordingly. (he understands the better concept of earning - and learns to enjoy the fruits of hardwork)
One of the thoughts that he used to embrace was dying while living out on the streets but over a period of time, he learns that there is a lot more to live for. He loves going to rave parties cause if we're being honest, only people with a certain social status can get in so when he gets the title of an ace eater and is a footballer - he gets free access and no one can stop him. (he used to be outside venues that had rave parties so that he could scrounge for food and now he doesn't have to do it cause unlike years ago, he is in the rave and not outside of it) • An uncanny encounter (with an older lorenzo) - on his way home, he is pickpocketed by a kid and holds their arm when they try to get away with his wallet. He does a lot of charity work at the end of it cause he wants to save people who were like him (hopes to be a figure to someone like Snuffy was for him) [ Younger Lorenzo in comparison to this believes in the law of natural selection so he changes drastically as the years go by.]
Lorenzo steals food. He'd want a bite of whatever you're having (if you ordered something different from him and even applies when you're both eating the same thing). Always order 2 of your food choice if you decide to dine out. He likes Mcdonald's happy meals cause it comes with a free small toy (he keeps them on his shelf) (he is childish in a relationship)
He has never cared about his scars - he sees them everyday in the mirror. Living on the streets came with its own set of obstacles of - getting into fights, getting hurt from shrapnel on his hands, sometimes barely being able to run away with his life, messily done stitches either by himself or encountering people who did it for him, but when he meets you, he starts to notice them a lot more so he starts to have a seed of doubt. Kiss. his. scars. (and his tattoos)
It makes his eyes roll into the back of his head and he feels like he being healed. He loves the concept and idea of love but when he finds you - who is devoted, committed and affectionate for him (and just him) he is in love with the idea of being in love with you. And he wants more of it. loves it when you're on top of him and you're taking control cause you're giving him everything you have. While you're under him, he's taking everything you have to offer and will give to him while kissing your neck passionately. Where should your hands be? On him and always on him. Hates it when you're holding the headboard or the sheets so it's in his hair, his hands - fingers entwining with yours, or his back where he can feel your fingertips clinging to his skin. He moans loudly cause he knows you love it and he is extremely vocal in bed cause he wants you to know the effect you have on him and how good he feels. Physical touch does things to him and it is important for him - you can be assured that any part of his body is always touching you. He sits close to you, his shoulder touching yours. He will always hold your hand and rolls his eyes when you pull it away from him. (he will grasp harder if you try to do that his bicep flexes subtlety when he does that... its hot.) He grows fond of hickies. First he hates the look of it since it takes him back to the old days of when he used to get hurt, but the feeling of your tongue on his skin and of how you left it on him with his hand caressing your head when he sees it in the mirror changes his mind otherwise. he's a sadomasochist.
He asks hard hitting questions on days and you have to assure him ; "Do I really make you happy... are you sure? I don't want you to be sad ok?" He smiles when you tell him how much you love him in return. Reaction varies between on the verge of ugly crying and clinging to you or being ecstatic and pinching your cheeks with a soft playful touch - "I love you too."
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modcrnspirits · 7 months ago
Julio Cervantes
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Face: Wagner Moura Age: unknown, looks like late 40s Occupation: journalist, traveler Gift: super strength, regeneration, fire, and light magic / he wields a fiery sword that almost no one can hold since it burns him whenever he has to use it. Sexuality: Omni Position: Versatile / Submissive-leaning Family: Meri (sun-god from Indigenous population) & Carlos Cervantes (Antonio Banderas) / Partner: Bad'r (coming soon) / Sons: Carlos Cervantes Neto (coming soon), Marlon Cervantes (coming soon) & Henrique Cervantes (coming soon) Gods Connections: Meri, the folk-hero and his father; Apolo.
Body Type:
Cock: ( image ) Cock Size: 7.8 inches (20 cm) Cock Shape: Thick and veiny. Type: Uncut Balls and Pubes: Shaves his balls, has a small patch of dark pubes over his cock Ass: Tight, firm, slightly round Tattoos: 1. A circle (looks like a sun) around his bellybutton, given by the gods (and connected to his “ability” of getting sons); 2. over his left shoulder, there is a huge drawing of a bird on fire with wings spread open, looks a bit tribal and not with full details. Body type: Lean, well taken care of, but not full of muscles. Looks quite like a normal-type body. Body hair: Not much, he generally prefers it a bit shaved, except under the arms and legs. Special attributes: can easily regenerate from fire.
Julio is Carlos' seventh son. He is also the only Cervantes who hasn't disappeared and changed names. He continues to use his name proudly and he is extremely loyal to his father, who he hasn't met in more than two centuries. He has been traveling the world to find his father, but despite that being his mission in life, it doesn't mean he doesn't live for other things as well.
Traveling is his favorite thing. He loves the world and its people and its cultures. He is an explorer through and through. He writes for a left-wing newspaper about his trips, almost like a travelogue from the old days. He writes about culture and politics and he is very keen on the details of every place he goes to. This also means the supernatural world - given his own heritage, he can fly across realms and he is very beloved by gods, demons, and other mythical beings, always easy-going with them all.
Julio has an open relationship with Bad'r, Idris' brother. They love each other deeply, but since most of their time is spent separately, they are very happy with developing relationships with others. Julio also loves his role as a concubine and he already had 3 sons of his own. Sex, in his opinion, is the thing that connects all humans, gods, and life together.
In bed:
he likes musk, outdoor sex, breeding, knotting, body worship, cum-swapping, rimming, kissing, mpreg, making love, etc.
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