#Also the ship I’m currently VERY into is probably gonna pull a klance too
kxlance · 1 year
I kinda miss klance
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New Year’s Wrap Up!
I decided to do this again this year! This year, I don’t think I wrote quite as many small ficlets on Tumblr, but I wrote a shitload of unposted things between a few friends of mine. I won’t even begin to try to give the word counts on those, so as last year, I shall be using my stats on AO3 strictly. I might mention one or two WIPs that I had hoped to finish this past year, but probably not overall.
Fics that you wrote in 2019:
I Dream In Wishes And Triangles (Found on AO3, Gravity Falls, 2.3k, T+)
Steal The Stars (And Put Them In Your Eyes) (Found on AO3, Voltron, 6.6k, M)
Can’t Fight the Moonlight (Found on AO3, Voltron, 2.9k, G)
Traces of You (Found on AO3, Gravity Falls, 2K, T+)
A Long Walk Home (Found on AO3, Teen Wolf, 2.8K, M)
Take A Deep Breath (We’re Doing Just Fine) (Found on AO3, Voltron 1.9k, G)
Death’s Discrimination (Found on AO3, Voltron, 2.1K M)
Where Sleep Never Comes (Found on AO3, Voltron, 1.2K, G)
Something Understood  (Found on AO3, Supernatural, 2.9k, T+)
The Names Are Coal For My Furnace (And It Burns, Burns) (Found on AO3, Critical Role, 800, M)
Dragon’s Gold (Found on AO3, Voltron, T+, 3K)
A Rolling Stone From Texas (Found on AO3, Supernatural, 20k, M)
Lighthouse On The Shore (Found on AO3, Stardew Valley, 2.8k, M)
In Darkness She Is All I See (Found on AO3, Stardew Valley, 1.3k, T+)
Putting On The Ritz (Found on AO3, Good Omens, 3.3k, T+)
Age It 6000 Years, Then Let It Breath (Found on AO3, Good Omens, 2.5k, T+)
Talk To Me (Like Victorians Do) (Found on AO3, Good Omens, 3.5k, M)
My Life Is Very Lonely (For I Want You Only) (Found on AO3, Good Omens, 2.7k,  T+)
You Only Want To Socialize (But I Don’t Think We Should) (Found on AO3, RPF, 5.5k, T+)
With a Good Omens WIP that is currently at +20k and several fan fics in the Game Of Thrones fandom with my friend, one of which. between. the both of us resulted in 60k words in just the month of June. I have a few pieces here and there that are all WIP as well, but as before I’m just gonna used what I posted. (And possibly that one Good Omens fic because I had planned on it being done already but school happened.)
Total Fics: This year including that WIP but not including my self indulgent and unpublished works, I’ve done 20 fics! Last year I did 19. But, to be fair on myself, I did not have college last year.
Total Words: This year, including those precious 20k words on that WIP, I’ve hit 95,661 beating last year’s 75,533 by 20k words! HA. Definitely counting that WIP in my records for this year.
Ship/Character Breakdowns: Percival De Rolo, Crowley/Aziraphale, Original Characters/Original Characters, Bill/Dipper, Bill/Original Character, Shane/Original Character, Sebastian/Alex, Dean Winchester/Castiel, Jack Kline, Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Shance, Svance, Hunk, Klance, Lotura, Pali/Nick, Cee/Tom Holland, PJ/Aquabats, Pali and the Crew.
Best/Worst Title: My Best Title (because obviously, I’m so great at that) Talk To Me (Like Victorians Do) cause I am a bitch weak for a pun. Gonna go with The Names Are Coal For My Furnace (And It Burns, Burns) because it’s just so lengthy for a title. :/
Best/Worst First Line: Putting On The Ritz definitely has the worst. “It was a fancy restaurant. Suzanne would give it that.” It fits the comedic sort of narrative I was going for, but if I’m being hypercritical, it’s not very attention-grabbing. For my best, I’m going to go with a favorite. I love beginning lines that are picture-esque and my most picture-esque was from You Only Want To Socialize. “The wind howled on this fine October evening. It sang the tune of skeletons coming out to socialize. Ghouls and creeps from the depths sauntered and laughed their way into the moral realm. Candles hidden in the mouths of grinning pumpkins lit the way into town from the graveyard from which they all had risen from. As the undead crossed the threshold of the graveyard, they were given human form on this one night as the moon hung overhead.”
General Questions
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
I wanted to write more this year but was worried about school getting in my way. What actually happened was instead of writing fics that I published, I wrote shameless self inserts with one of my best friends to help me relax in between my very busy schedule. I wrote way more than I thought I was going to be able to just because there was absolutely no expectation on an unpublished story.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
I’m gonna be honest, I think the most unexpected one was writing porn for Stardew Valley, fam. But also Good Omens? I had always seen it on the outskirts being a Supernatural fan but falling in love with the televised series so heavily made them own me completely and I don’t think I had truly expected it.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Another year where it’s not my most popular but I enjoyed writing it. I loved writing A Rolling Stone From Texas. That piece of work took me three days to write and it’s the most I’ve written in the span of three days. So out of pride, that one. Out of just... the most love I’ve had for a fic is My Life Is Very Lonely if I’m being honest. A trope I’ve fallen in love within the Good Omens fandom is the Outsider POV, and researching a very specific year in American history just so I could write Irving Berlin understanding pining was just so much fun! And the reception of it was something I was woefully underprepared for and every ounce of attention I’ve received to it has clenched my heart.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
I’d say A Long Walk Home is my most popular story with Putting On The Ritz as a fairly close second. The day I had posted A Long Walk Home that Teen Wolf fandom devoured it and I love that fandom so dearly.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
Uh, this question is always hard. Maybe A Rolling Stone From Texas? My Life Is Very Lonely is like, my lowest kudo’d and hit Good Omens fic but the love I get for it is overwhelming whilst I’ve never really had any attention to A Rolling Stone. Maybe A Rolling Stone isn’t that great (spoiler: it definitely isn’t). At the time it felt underappreciated, but at the moment I can’t think of any that I feel are underappreciated. 
Story that could have been better?
A Rolling Stone? The Names? I would say I Dream too but I’ve just evolved in my writing style since then. I’ve evolved so much since I’ve written everything, since I’ve written what I wrote last week, so I feel like there’s no point in thinking about what could be better now when I know that I did the best I could at the time.
Sexiest story?
My sexiest story this year did not get published. I’mma be honest. Actually, this year I’ve both written more sexy but also more sensual. I’m a fan of the sensual. My Life Is Very Lonely would probably be sexier if it wasn’t so sad. Lighthouse On The Shore and Steal The Stars were both fairly sexy. (If you wanna know my really sexy writings, Ask C Something and maybe I’ll drop a line or two from some very sensual self-inserts that include Jon Snow, other GOT characters, or a certain Mandalorian ;)
Saddest story?
Last year I answered this with “I don’t like sad.” This year, my saddest piece is hands down - without a doubt - My Life Is Very Lonely. Can’t Fight The Moonlight was more bittersweet than sad, as was Steal The Stars and Traces of You. My pieces all had more diverse emotions, I think, but overall I myself felt so sad and as if I was actually the one pining while writing My Life Is Very Lonely.
Most fun?
Jeepers, the most fun to read? Putting On The Ritz? It was definitely fun reading my first anon hate! I’ve never gotten any anon hate (bless) but the first and only time I have it was the most resentful piece I’ve ever received and I am telling you I was so flattered and my ego so boosted that I had made someone so infuriated that instead of doing something enjoyable with their time they just sort of cooked over what to tell me I was doing wrong with my writing.
(oh wait maybe that one Destiel ficlet I wrote on Tumblr about Dean calling Cas nicknames? That one was light and cute.)
Story with the single sweetest moment?
You know I’m going to cheat and pick three again this year.
That dangerous four-letter word that Crowley had warned Warlock about reared its head like an angry bull in the China shop of his heart. He swallowed the broken pieces, tears stinging at his eyes. “Aziraphale.” Crowley gasped, clutching at the lapels of his coat and pulling him forward. “I’d wait six more millennia for you.” He confessed. He felt dirty. Dirty in the gaze of this pure being. This being of pure light, love, encompassed him in this rapture of a dangerous, four-lettered word. - Talk To Me (Like Victorians Do)
His words still Cee’s movements as she moved back to look at him. Her soft expression melted into something fond and adoring. It was enough to make Shane feel overwhelmed again, but this time it was in a good way. Slowly, this overwhelming radiance was a good thing. No more nights of a cold, chilly companion. Now his sunshine laid in bed, wrapping itself around him in warming beams. - In Darkness She Is All I See
Jack nodded and swallowed the forming bitter-sweetness on his tongue. He turned to the picture frame beside his bed. He paused as he reached for it. Sparing Uncle Dean one more glance, Jack took the picture reverently in his hands. He turned and took two steps toward his uncle before holding out the picture.
“This belongs to you.” Jack’s voice wavered for a moment and perhaps he hadn’t done as well swallowing that emotion as he had thought.
Uncle Dean shook his head. “Nah,” he pushed the picture frame back toward Jack’s chest, " take him with you.” Uncle Dean took in a deep breath before nodding. “He always wanted to see the world.” Giving a half shrug, Uncle Dean gestured with his chin to Jack’s suitcase. “Take care of him for me.” - A Rolling Stone From Texas (going back, this was a completely rushed fic that I wish I had bitten the bullet and taken my time with, but overall it was littered with a few small and sweet moments.)
Hardest story to write?
Mhm, probably the WIP I’m doing now? Just because I’m at the sad part near the end (yanno, the Day of Darkness or whatever the proper writing term is) that’s always the hardest part for me. Everything else was an experiment for fun. Maybe like functionally all the Good Omens fic since I’m teaching myself HMTL so I can make footnotes, but like anything else wasn’t too hard.
Easiest/most fun story to write?
The easiest was probably any of the ship focused ones. I just get into a “this makes me happy” mood set yanno? I definitely had fun writing A Rolling Stone, My Life Is Very Lonely, and actually most probably the WIP I am trying to finish up. I keep counting it since most of it was written in the previous year.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
As in like did I project pining so hard that I completely understood heartache but also happiness in knowing who owns your heart in My Life Is Very Lonely? Cause yes. I think also writing A Rolling Stone really helped me understand how old Dean Winchester is since I felt like I didn’t even have to age up his character. RIP Dean, man.
Most overdue story?
The WIP that I’ll finally maybe drop hints of? I want to drop hints but I’m also so afraid of someone beating me to the punch and doing it better. My one true fear. It was supposed to be done back in October but unfortunately the holidays and such took everything over that my school didn’t already own. Anyways, it’s a Good Omens fic fused with my literal favorite movie of all time. So there’s your hint.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I think I took a lot of risks in creating lore this year. It’s always so hard to know whether your lore will take off or not and I think I took a chance on that. Not only in my published works but in my unpublished works as well. I learned that if you take the time to really just dedicate yourself into that lore that it doesn’t matter as much if other people enjoy it because you’re putting down those ideas and creating art. Creating a world of your own and it’s amazing.
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
To complete my writing goal of last year and write a piece of work longer than The Cat and the Shadow. To work on writing more things to be published to really share what I love so that hopefully encourages other people to share what they love! And, maybe, eventually start a fic that has weekly updates because I crave for that validation of someone waiting eagerly for an updated chapter.
Last year I had the goal to have a more popular story than Eat A Little Dream Of Mine. Eat A Little Dream Of Mine still has the highest hit count, being one of the first few dozen Monster Prom fics to have ever been published to AO3. A Long Walk Home wasn’t too far from matching it, though. Only off by 300- or so hits. But Putting On The Ritz beat A Little Dream’s kudo count by 19!! Goal accomplished!!
I don’t know if anyone wants to do this, but my followers and mutuals are more than welcome to! I’ll specifically tag @paliseizy @damejudyhench @yuzuling @revasnaslan @ineffablefool @isthatbloodonhisshirt And I’ve probably missed someone in my post-holiday haze and I apologize. Thinking is hard.
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teslatricity · 7 years
Shallura 12, 17, or 20
things you said that I wish you hadn’t
Warning: some (vaguely worded, implied) sexual content at the end.  Under a cut it goes!
Note: also somewhat implied pre-Klance I guess??? they hold hands for longer than you’d expect in the situation.  I thought about angst but I’m in a good mood, so!
“Paladins,” Allurasaid over the comm, and instantly Lance’s ears perked up.  More than usual, anyway – Allura soundedannoyed, almost angry.  That couldn’t be good.  “Thecommand ship dead ahead is the one Prince Lotor is on with the druids.  If you can destroy it, you’ll cut off thehead of the Galra Empire.”
“Jeez, what’s with her?” he said, making sure this time thatthe channel was closed to the castle.  Hedid not want a repeat of what had happenedat that battle above Ultero.  “Did sheeat some bad food goo or something, because she really doesn’t have to—“
“Cut your chatter,Lance, and get in position.”  Shirowas snappy too.  Double not good.  “That ship is heavily guarded, we’re going inhot.”
“Okay, okay.  Headingto position.  What’s with you two?”
“Mind your ownquiznaking business, Lance!”
That wasn’t likeShiro.  Maybe it wasn’t the smartestthing to do, but Lance opened a private comm channel to Keith as they madetheir approach toward Lotor’s command ship. If anyone knew what was going on in their fearless leader’s mind, itwould be him, much as Lance hated notknowing the hot goss on his own.
“Keith, it’s Lance,” he said, throttling up.  Blue roared, though he could feel the threadof her amusement at his current preoccupation. “Do you know what’s eatingShiro?”
Keith sounded almost as annoyed, but he was fighting back asmirk as he responded to Lance’s comm.  “It’s not a what, you idiot.”
“Hey, look, just because I’m not his brother or whatever—“  Lancegrit his teeth, firing Blue’s laser as drone fighters attacked them, oh yeah, another flawless shot from LanceThe Man— “Doesn’t mean I don’t deserve to know.  If it’s not a what, then—“
Keith snickered, and Lance watched the Red lion perform aperfect loop around one of the pylons reaching out into space from Lotor’scommand ship, blasting its base.  Thepylon—holding several weapons emplacements—broke free and floated away in afiery blaze.  When he wasn’t beinginsufferable at Lance, Keith was apretty good pilot, he guessed.
“Shiro’s upset becauseof a who,” Keith said, and closedthe comm channel.
After that they had no time to talk; Lotor ended up gettingaway, but they had made a sizeable dent in his fleet and had done some seriousdamage to his flagship, and Lance figured the guy’d be licking his wounds for awhile.  All the time they needed to keepadding more allies to their ever-growing Voltron Alliance fleet.  Still, his thoughts turned back to how crankytheir leaders were, and who might bethe source of it.
The post-mission debrief was even more interesting.  UsuallyShiro and Allura stood side by side at the head of the table, going over whatthey’d done well and what could have been improved and strategy for the future,but today Shiro sat as far away from her as he could, arms crossed as he staredat the action replays that spun out above the table.  Coran would occasionally look between them,sigh, and roll his eyes, but he didn’t say anything, Shiro wasn’t talking, and every time Allura looked at Shiro sheseemed to get even more tense and angry.
When they finished, Allura put down her tablet and looked atthem.  Her brow creased more deeply whenher eyes fell on Shiro.
“I think that’s us finished,” she said.  “Unless someonehas something else they want to say?”
Lance could see Shiro’s hands clench, and sat forward, fullyintending to demand an explanation. Keith kicked him under the table, nudged his tablet with his hand.  He’d tapped out a message on the screen:  LEAVEIT ALONE LANCE
Lance made a face and tapped a message back:  U GONNAMAKE ME
“Are you certain?”Allura was saying.  She wasn’t speakingto them anymore though, she was looking right at Shiro and her eyes werenarrowed.  “Are you absolutely certain there are no more ill-timed ideas you want to admit?”
“Allura,” Coran murmured warningly, but Lance knew thatlook, and knew Allura wouldn’t be swayed from whatever she was going to do.
Finally Shiro stirred. “I’ve said all I’m going to say, Princess.”
“Is that reallywhat you’re going to go with, Shiro, because you certainly couldn’t keep yourmouth shut this morning—“
“Okay!” Coranstood abruptly.  “Paladins!  Let’s go! I’m going to make lunch and Hunk will help and we are all going to walkaway from this table and—“
“I don’t think you wantto hear me say more.”
“I didn’t want to hear it in the first place, but no, youdidn’t want to listen, you said it anywayand now—“
“Now what,Allura?  You have to confront how youfeel?  Then I apologize for being honestwhen you can’t even admit it to yourself.”
Shiro was standing, a look on his face that Lance had neverseen before.  It was hurt, it was raw, itwas—
“Come on, Lance,”Keith muttered in his ear right before grabbing his elbow and hauling him outof the room along with the others.  Lancetwisted, looking back.  Shiro andAllura  were both red in the face,glaring at each other, the air crackling with tension as the door shut behindhim and Keith.  As soon as it did, hecould hear muffled shouting.  The wordsweren’t audible, but the tenor was.
“Okay,” he said, standing in a circle looking at everyonewith equally uncomfortable expressions on their faces.  “What.”
Keith looked at Coran. “Should we tell him?”
Coran made a motion back toward the door with his head.  Shouting was still coming from behindit.  “I think it’ll come out one way oranother, yes?  Might as well.”
“Shiro and Allura… well. He loves her.”
“He what.”
Lance had never really thought he had a chance with Allura,not really, but he’d also thoughtthat her relationship with Shiro was completely professional and princesslikeand not fraught with romantic tension as it apparently was.  Keith and Pidge were now both giving him the pitying look, so Lance turned to Hunk andspread his hands.  
“Did you knowabout this?”
Hunk made a face.  “Idid walk in on them standing reallyclose together once in the kitchen, but…”
“He’s got it bad,”Pidge said gleefully.  “She’s not much better.”
“And this morning he told her he loved her, because he wasn’tsure how the mission was going to go and ever since he’s gotten back from—you know,what happened to him after that fight with Zarkon—he’s… he didn’t want to missthe opportunity,” Keith finished.  “Butit backfired, because Allura—“
“She’s been afraid of losing him again,” Coran added.  “But she’s got a lot on her shoulders, and itwas bad timing, that’s all.”
“Really bad,”Keith agreed.  “So she yelled at himabout it.  He spent the morning beatingme up and down the training deck.”
“Were you letting him win, or—“
A crash sounded from inside the room, and they alljumped.  “They’re really fighting now, guys,” Hunk said.  “Should we—“
Lance realized he hadn’t heard raised voices for a while now,but luckily when Hunk went to put his hand on the door lock, Coran grabbed itwith a strangled noise.
“I don’t think they’re fighting anymore,” he said.  He sounded very stiff.  Lance caught his meaning (finally), and felthis face go red.
“I just remembered I wanted to kick Keith’s butt again attarget practice,” he said loudly, grabbing Keith’s hand and hauling him bodilydown the corridor.  Away from the door.  “I’mgoing to leave the area and never return to any seat in that room.”
“They’re probably not on the seats, moron,” Keith muttered as Lance dragged him away.  Behind them, they heard Coran make a faintnoise of distress and then Hunk and Pidge yelling as they were moved out of thearea too.  Keith seemed to remember,halfway to the training room, that they were holding hands.  He pulled his back.
“So you think you’re gonna beat me, huh?” Lance grinned.
“I know I will.  Whoever’s got the highest score when they’re done scoring wins?”
“You’re on.
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