#Also the annual about Alfred but I have thoughts about the choice of villian in that one
pyroreadscomics · 5 months
I have finished Tom King's Batman run
Fuller thoughts may follow but in general: I did not like it.
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yicruz48 · 4 years
Teen Titans Review: Annual #2 Part 2
Part 1
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This again pushes the narrative of Damian as the angry aggressor with no self-control nor a ability to be conscious of how his own actions hurt other people.
I am not denying that Damian hasn’t been extreme before or has a temper but if written correctly he would have enough awareness to feel guilt for what he did to Emiko and not act so aggressively towards Bruce.  
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This is another section of the issue that I feel conflicted about how to feel about this for several reasons: 
-> The things Damian says in these panels aren’t all false : 
I wouldn’t be sincere in this review if I didn’t acknowledge the truth to Damian’s comparison. In the last two years real time the Wayne Manor has become a sort of coffin and tomb. A manor that only carries the echoes of those who used to live there. 
After a while, I could imagine it would be distressing to visit the Manor because it would remind them of the people who weren’t there anymore. 
-> I fear Anti’s will look at these panels and try to justify Damian as a bad person:
I asked my older brother (Who doesn’t know much about comics besides the bit I tell him) to read the interactions in this issue and give me his opinion on them. 
“To me it feels like the writer is trying to show Damian is conflicted and not in the right headspace therefore showing him erupting into a fight with Bruce violently but...I can definitely see how someone who doesn’t like Damian could turn this narrative against him.”  
And I agree with him. As much as dislike these direction in writing for Damian, I do see what Thompson was trying to do here (and since the beginning of the run). It hasn’t been executed well, but he has been trying to get the reader to sympathize with Damian (more than Glass that is). 
And I believe it is trying to show that Damian is at his wits end, not thinking right-well-I mean-Damian hasn’t been thinking right in TT since 2018, but I guess he’s really not in the right headspace. 
But I have the same fear that my brother mentioned, if you look at these same panels through the same lens of someone who doesn’t particularly like Damian you look at this and think is horrible. I can already imagine what they’d say:
“Look at how badly Damian treats his father!” 
Although your supposed to look at this as Damian having a outburst after keeping in it for so long and not being emotionally-neglected by his father.  
“Alfred’s death was hard for Bruce too, Damian needs to stop acting like he is the only one who is hurt.” 
Even though Bruce is an adult and Damian is a teen(a severely-damaged one at that) and you know...BRUCE DIDN’T COMFORT DAMIAN AFTER ALFRED DIED...
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And this further expressed in Detective Comics where Damian causally mentions that he is surprised that his father contacted him. 
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Like...um...Damian is a 13-year-old boy...are you really telling me Bruce hasn’t contacted his own underaged son especially after Alfred died? 
“Dick just got shot and lost his memories. He didn’t die. Why is he acting like he died?” 
I talk more about Damian’s and Dick’s relationship here. 
But to put it simply, Dick is one of the only people Damian trusts to be vulnerable with. Damian is extremely independent yet depends on him the most. This is expressed many times in the beginning of rebirth (specifically in the Nightwing and Batman comics). Losing that connection is extremely damaging to Damian.
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Moving on, I actually appreciated this scene with Crush. I happy that she kept the group from intervening between Bruce and Damian. 
With the track record of how “great” the Teen Titans are at handling situations them getting in the middle of the fight would’ve made this worse. 
Plus I liked that she recognized that this was something personal. So far, I’ve felt like the majority of the Teen Titans have antagonized Damian and it felt refreshing to see Crush realize that Damian’s actions are more personal than they thought.  
But at the same time, I don’t know how to take this. I feel like they also wrote this in order prop her up to be the new leader in the next issues so at the same time it feels a little insincere.  
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I already said this in part 1 of the review but I am grateful for the decency DC or Thompson had to give us some personal reasonings for his actions, but again, it doesn’t work as a good trigger nor does it hold the same hype it would’ve if written earlier when it happened, not months after it happened.
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One of the only things about these panels that I have to say is  that I saw some people theorizing on twitter that perhaps Damian was expecting to be punished by his father because of how his other brothers have been treated by Bruce. But I really don’t know myself how to interpret it. 
Why is Damian questioning why Bruce isn’t fighting back? 
-> Was he expecting Bruce to punish him? 
-> Was Damian expecting  his father to challenge his new beliefs?
Because Bruce doesn’t really challenge Damian’s beliefs at the end, if anything, it seems like Bruce gives up trying to reason with Damian. 
Which is sad if you look back to this panel in Batman and Robin 2011:
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Jumping back on track, and then we have this panel: 
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Which is yet again another panel that I feel conflicted about. 
I guess it’s nice Bruce finally told his son that he loves him, but also it’s a little to late now. Bruce should’ve expressed compassion to Damian when he had the chance, and he had a lot chances to do this: 
-> On his 13th birthday.
-> By being more involved in his life. 
-> When Dick got shot to remind Damian he had someone there for him despite Dick not being there. 
-> When Alfred died in front of him. That was most likely traumatizing for him, would’ve been nice to have someone there to comfort him. 
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I feel like I keep repeating myself, but again, this four pages are difficult to interpret. 
-> I’m taking this as Damian concluding that being Robin (and everything that encompasses including the no killing rule) lead to him losing people he loved and eventually not being Robin.
“You will never truly see me so long as I am in your shadow.”
-> Damian thinking that Bruce won’t take him seriously if he is Robin? 
-> Thinking that Bruce won’t ever truly see who he really is if he is Robin?
“Now I am finally free.”
-> Damian implicating that being Robin was a burden and/or restricted him from doing what he thinks is “right?”  
As a Damian stan the last four pages were the most painful to read. Seeing Damian leave the Robin title frustrates me soo much. 
Conclusions and Predictions:
-> This issue was not as bad as I thought (but still bad): 
For one, I am glad Bruce didn’t beat up Damian. 
I am glad they had the decency to give Damian more personal reasons to go down this path even if it was late. 
-> (I’m gonna start talking about the art more in my reviews) 
Pansica is a very talented artist BUT I personally don’t think he was the best choice to draw a comic with teens. The adults in this issue were drawn great but I feel like drawing teens is not his strong point. 
There was points in this comics were Damian looked unpleasant and I think it was because Pansica tends to be very detailed although a lot detail does a disservice to drawing teens. As a artist myself, I lay off the details when drawing children since it often ages them more if you put more detail. 
Maiolo’s colors are good. I don’t know if it was a conscious decision or not but the dullness of the color really emphasizes the darker vibe of this issue. 
-> Thompson didn’t fail me this issue, he still manage to make me hate Roundhouse more than last issue :)
He also really pushed that unnecessary Emiko X Wallace ship in the middle of this issue. I think the bothers me about this relationship is that they gotten closer because of Damian killing. I really don’t vibe with that.
-> Bruce just suddenly offering a hug after giving Damian death stares at the beginning just confuses me. 
-> Teen Titan’s didn’t ever take Deathstroke go and basically let him go unless he’ll be appearing next issue. 
-> So far Damian sucks as being a villian/anti-hero, he failed both at killing KGBeast and Deathstroke. 
-> Hate that once again, most of the blame was thrown at Damian.
->To Damian, being Robin was the best thing to happen to him.  
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It allowed him to see the mistakes in his past(that he was made to do) and work towards becoming a better person...in other words, it granted him an opportunity to redeem himself. 
Not only that, but it granted him the opportunity to honor the people who helped him become a better person (Dick and Bruce).
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And even Damian felt like he needed to “prove” that he could be Robin because I think even Damian felt like he didn’t deserve it or wasn’t good enough. 
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What this comic has done with him is atrocious and will always be no matter the outcome. 
I have a petition related to Damian here. I would appreciate it if you shared and signed. 
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