#Also heaven by Mitski coded
aracnidaarmagedon · 11 months
The most tragic of all greek tragedies. A love for the ages
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whinlatter · 9 months
i MUST hear your thoughts on "im your man" by mitski and how it's the ginny/harry/sirius trio anthem in "beasts"...must hear
what have you done asking me about this...... a great and terrible mistake........ the air is thick with sirens...........
basically i'm your man is an absolutely perfect song about feeling unworthy and undeserving of the love someone gives you, and a feeling of great dread that one day the other person will realise it and leave. it is - for this reason - so eye-wateringly ginny-sirius-harry coded i simply cannot bear it. that whole album (the land is inhospitable and so are we) is heaven and there are so many songs on it that have been absolutely dynamite for getting the juices flowing with this fic (the frost and star are my hinny anthems for chapter 12  👀)
so i am taking a short dissertation writing break to offer an entirely unhinged rant about i'm your man complete with some mild beasts spoilers because apparently i care a lot about this inexplicably. thank you so much for humouring me!
you're an angel, i'm a dog or you're a dog and i'm your man you believe me like a god i'll destroy you like i am
the first verse plays with the idea that there are three tiers of being - dog, man, angel/god - that all exist in relation to each other. the narrator sings the song to put themselves down. you're an angel, i'm a dog - meaning, i'm lowly nothing compared to your pure divine greatness. in the next line, a twist and advance on that idea: you're a dog (faithful, honest, loyal, loving easily and with such trust) and i'm your man (the one who is responsible for you, who you look to protect and sustain you, who is unworthy of that kind of adoration). you believe me like a god - you trust and believe in my power and ability to take care of you and guide you. but then: i'll destroy you like i am - the only real godlike power the narrator identifies with is the capacity for destruction and ruin.
ok partly it's... you know....... the dog thing because i am very on-the-nose. (obviously sirius as padfoot, but also the distinctions in the wizarding world between beings as the moral civilised entities vs the beasts, the wild and lawless and violent magical creatures). but it's also this suggestion of hero worship and adoration from one character to another, and the object of that kind of love struggling to feel worthy of it and fearing the power it has given them over the other person. it's such a huge vibe for how i'm thinking about these characters !! i feel like it works both for harry and sirius' relationship as well as harry and ginny's: the love and reverence harry has for sirius, when sirius is filled with so much self-loathing and guilt and awareness of his own failings as a parent figure, and the way harry comes to love ginny and think of her as this pure singular light and symbol of all his hopes for a bright and good future, which (i think!) would be a lot for ginny to take on and live up to and feel deserving of. there's even shades of it in how i imagine ginny feels about sirius in the flashbacks - little ginny looking up to sirius like he's a god, hanging off his every word, sirius backing away from being responsible for this child's admiration and desire for guidance from him.
i'm sorry i'm the one you love no one will ever love me like you again so when you leave me, i should die i deserve it, don't i
i mean this is a pure sirius verse imo also with such harry shades to it ('i deserve it don't i' pure ootp harry angst). but i see some of ginny in this too ('i'm sorry i'm the one you love' - her wish that she could just be such cool and chill and easy and trying to live up to this idea harry sometimes as of her as so strong and stoic and able to deal with things, and then her feelings when all that comes crumbling down....)
i can feel it getting near like flashlights coming down the way one day you'll figure me out i'll meet judgment by the hounds
the feeling of being hunted! sirius and harry as wanted men! ginny getting found out and caught in her secrets and half-lies! 'i'll meet judgement by the hounds' god. god
people always gave me love others were never to blame after all you believe me like a god i'll betray you like a man
i think of this verse as the sirius and ginny verse. here the narrator locates the source of their unworthiness internally, not in being deprived of love by others, but in something fundamentally broken and tainted inside them. sirius as a character can't blame a total absence of love for what he's become - he was loved, he blames no-one but himself for the loathing he feels for himself. ginny, too, could not have been more loved, both before the TMR ordeal, but also thereafter - she comes from a family that adores her, she is widely liked and admired; but still, there's something missing in her sense of self. i do not wish to spoil future chapters but yeah this is bit is a Big Mood as we come closer to understanding ginny's war and what it asked of her
in chapters 10 and 11 of beasts, i started to play with this idea of the traitor, of a person who has made a great and terrible choice to betray the people close to them and in doing so revealed a true self that was there all along but lay dormant. so far in the fic, i've tried to thread in a lil drip-drip-drip of questions about the self, who a person really ever is, and about the choices characters make because of their sense of who they are, especially moral choices, in a war and under a regime that must, ethically, be resisted.
of sirius, harry, and ginny, so far it's sirius who knows most about what it is to be a traitor: someone who spent the bulk of his life assumed to be a turncoat, who is consumed by his hatred of wormtail and the memory of his treachery, who can't even begin to grasp the layers and dimensions to his own brother's betrayal, and who fundamentally still thinks of himself as a traitor to his best mate, believing himself to having 'as good as' killed lily and james. harry is the one who's full of trust, throughout the war:
'“No,” Harry said out loud, and they all looked at him, surprised. The firewhisky seemed to have amplified his voice. “I mean . . . if somebody made a mistake,” Harry went on, “and let something slip, I know they didn’t mean to do it. It’s not their fault,” he repeated, again a little louder than he would usually have spoken. “We’ve got to trust each other. I trust all of you, I don’t think anyone in this room would ever sell me to Voldemort."'
“No, I think you’re like James,” said Lupin, “who would have regarded it as the height of dishonour to mistrust his friends.” Harry knew what Lupin was getting at: that his father had been betrayed by his friend, Peter Pettigrew. He felt irrationally angry. He wanted to argue, but Lupin had turned away from him...'
ginny, of course, knows what it is to be betrayed - by her first real friend, by her own brother. but i just think these two final lines, the twist on the first verse, are such a huge huge mood for drawing some of these ideas to the surface as the plot inches (v slowly lol) forwards - the idea of a character who has had every faith put in them by someone who loves and believes in them, who fears that they wll buckle under the weight of it and betray that love and trust in terrible ways. to betray you like a man - for the great moral sin to be something inherent to no other creature or being but man - is just such a powerful cool as shit line that is really gettin me going for writing the next bit of this fic.
wow i didn't even know how much i cared about this song but turns out it's a lot???? troubling for me!
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deathdetermineslife · 1 month
Hehe hello :3
💍, 🫧, and 🪼 for the ask game, if these weren't answered yet?
- @puppeteeredheart
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(also 🪼 was answered here)
in my head we are married. so married. we don't wear matching rings though. he keeps a picture of me in (what I choose to believe is) his locket. will attach picture below ↓. I'm a big necklace and locket person and me personally I would keep a lock of his hair in it. not a lot, just a small enough piece to keep inside a trinket I'll wear!
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some people think it's a clock? I like that idea also but I love the idea of a locket more.
OKAY SO I HAVE A LONG LIST AND WILL OFFER MANY AN EXPLANATION FOR EACH (some of these only make sense in my head but that's okay) ((also, warning for mentions of kiyos backstory, which include referenced csa))
cherry waves by deftones - I said I'd offer an explanation for each of these but I honestly only feel this way bc of vibes
old friend by mitski - something about the lyric "I haven't told anyone, have you?" reminds me way too much of his backstory and it devastates me daily
please just stay dead by nicole dollanganger - a backstory thing again. "this time please just stay dead/and I guess I can't blame you, but I hate you all the same"
13 angels standing guard round the side of your bed by silver mt. zion - haunting. I don't have a better explanation
hard times by ethel cain - backstory, again. I actually made an art piece inspired by this for his birthday last year! it's on my main!
helena by my chemical romance (specifically the nicole dollanganger cover) - vibes. hes very,,, "death coded" character. so the imagery of hearses and death fits him.
gommene gommene by kikuo - self explanatory. fun fact, right after I finished trial three for the first time, I hit shuffle on my Spotify to have a good cry and this song came on. I haven't recovered from that.
alligator blood by nicole dollanganger - vibes. also, "grow up weak or grow up tough"
family tree by ethel cain - I have an illustration cookin up in my brain I wanna draw for this...
first love/late spring by mitski - I had a dream like three years ago about him and this song was playing in the background.
sweet dreams are made of this by marilyn manson - vibes. and like, disturbingish dark alternative music reminds me of him
iowa by slipknot - same as before
pet by a perfect circle - ↑ (also this song just fucks so hard)
bernadette by iamx - do you see the vision. do you see it. do you see the vision please—
insomnia by iamx - the lyric "oh my god, you're beautiful" did something to me when 10 year old me heard it for the first time then eventually I found Kiyo and thought "no so actually this is so him"
motion sickness by phoebe bridgers - I found this song in 2021 when someone made a post "no but this is his song" on TikTok and I agree whole heatedly everytime I go to cry to it I end up crying harder bc it's actually just so him it hurts </3 "I hate you for what you did, but I miss you like a little kid"
who is she? by I monster - back story. it's such a hauntingly beautiful song too. it fits him perfectly. "a misty memory, a haunting face. is she a lost embrace? I call her name, across an endless plane. shell answer me, wherever she may be."
heroin by badflower - same reason as last one. hauntingly beautiful. it's a beautiful song and it needs more recognition. "now she's in me, and I can't let her go" (I mean her spirit is literally inside this man like, hello)
I can't decide by scissor sisters - y'all remember when this was big in the fnaf fandom? yea same reason.
after dark by mr kitty - my ex like, fourish years ago told me this reminded her of Kiyo and I haven't let that go
I love you by HIM - vibes. fucks so hard, fantastic song
heaven tonight by HIM - same reason ↑
televangelism by ethel cain - made kiyo art inspired by this. I'll link it here, it's probably my favorite Kiyo art ever (ignore the hard times quote)
august underground by ethel cain - deep foreboding tragic instrumental. also made art for this.
hate me! by leæther strip (specifically the funker vogt remix) - vibes again. the beat, mostly.
the mind electric by miracle musical - reminds me of his trial
evelyn evelyn by evelyn evelyn - self explanatory
rule #4 by fish in a birdcage - I can't explain this one it just does
we will commit wolf murder by of montreal - same thing. just reminds me of him. no reason.
you are the moon by the hush sound - just a sweet and lovely song that makes me think of him. "you will see your beauty in every moment that you rise"
life fades to a funeral by carnifex - dark instrumental, also the title
summit song by nicole dollanganger - ↑ another instrumental
memoir #2 [06.12.09] by maria pseftoga - sad creepy instrumental
all of these songs are very good and I recommend all of them. also there's tons more but I have Kiyo art I wanna make and don't wanna spend all my time on this teehee
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mayday505 · 1 year
I feel like 'Stay Soft' suits Yousano so much. First of all, Yousano went through so much in her life. Yet, she is a tough and strong female character. But she is also soft inside. Second, this an ISTP song. And guess what MBTI Yousano has? That right ISTP.
YESYES i agree!!! the other song I associate very heavily with her is Bag of Bones, but Stay Soft is veeerrryyyy Yosano coded it was the second song i had on my list for her.
Especially the chorus:
You stay soft, get beaten Only natural to harden up You stay soft, get eaten Only natural to harden up
I think this shows her experience in the war very well and the way that the repitition and forced exposure forced her to close herself off at a very early age. It reminds me of the way she slowly looses hope while under Mori, starting as a starry eyes little girl who wants to help and ending up basically snapping and never wanting to use her ability again. Its why we never really see her as very emotive/empathetic in the series - shes learned against being like that to save herself the pain of losing someone like how she felt for Tachiharas brother, its a defense against loss and pain. The first time we ever really show much emotion/rage truly is w her confrontation with Mori. Before that point she was always very stoic.
I think this song reflects her really well as you said its in line w her personality type, and imo the first verse really reflects the objectification she went through, only being valued for her ability and not much else beyond that.
"It glints in your eye It's why I've arrived, your sex god Here to take you where You need to go"
In the song mitski basically expresses how shes only there for others gratification and not her own, and i think in Yosano's context this matches with how she feels abt Thou Shall Not Die - thats the piece of her Mori wanted, he didnt care about her beyond that and thats something she takes to heart because it becomes her core identity until she meets ranpo and he tells her she can be more. Even past that i feel like she'd still feel that way somewhat because views like that dont leave easily. Plus how she was viewed as an angel vs mitskis "god" is very much a comparison i love, being put on a pedestal you dont think you deserve + the pressure to deliver always and the subsequent feeling of failure once you cant is veeery applicable to her character, both in her backstory at Tachiharas brothers death and in the present because its clear she feels a pressure to save the agency and keep them all alive no matter what even though its not neccesarily her responsibility to do that for people anymore.
BUT YEAHHHH!!! thank u for ur ask i rlly enjoyed u are so right !!!
Honestly Mitski x bsd is just a match made in heaven i love it bc they all have a song that fits and im just aAAAAAAA
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honeycrispjamz · 3 months
nicole dollanganger mentioned oh my god.... when im good im very good but when im bad im better.,,,,..,,, also i wanna be your dog oh my GOD. dog motif mistynat has a very very special place in my heart rabid is another nicole song i think is so theirs... same with dog days by ethel cain & this is how we lay by dogbite(specifically for adult mistynat)... a lot of mitski songs fit them for me but eric is another one that makes me froth a little when i think about it with them
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i think about them so much,,..,,,, tired of seeing healthy mistynat on my feed i need toxic awful messy yuri to get me through the day
“you walk a fine line between god and animal” is INSANE and fits both of them so well,,, I also love a good dog metaphor (pls pls I could go on so long how Hound of Heaven is a MistyNat poem pls) and I Wanna Be Your Dog just has that level of neediness that Misty exudes lol
Also YES Eric is SO them coded,,, yes yes yes
If you like Mitski you might also like Elliot Smith, a lot of his songs fit mistynat to me (I also hc Nat as a fan of his so :333 I also just really enjoy his music)
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(The songs are Whatever, Between the Bars, and Everything Reminds Me of Her in that order)
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thepriceofsurvival · 11 months
I head your Jean-coded playlist Nora, and I love it, but I will also provide my own. Mostly just because of my own music taste.
A little rock, a little punk, a little grunge, a touch pop, even some indie. And of course, so very very sad.
A few of the songs as well as some of the lyrics, just to convince you:
In My Time of Dying - Led Zeppelin
In my time of dying, want nobody to mourn All I want for you to do is take my body home {...} Oh, Saint Peter at the gates of Heaven Won’t you let me in? {...} I never did no harm, I never did no wrong I must’ve did somebody some good Oh, I believe I did
Brand New City - Mitski
I think my fate is losing its patience I think the ground is pulling me down I think my life is losing momentum I think my ways are wearing me down But if I gave up on being pretty, I wouldn't know how to be alive I should move to a brand new city and teach myself how to die Honey, what'd you take? What'd you take? Honey, look at me Tell me what you took, what'd you take?
Sunlight - Hozier
I would shun the light, share in evening's cool and quiet Who would trade that hum of night? For sunlight, sunlight, sunlight But whose heart would not take flight? Betray the moon as acolyte On first and fierce affirming sight Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
You’d Be Paranoid Too (If Everyone Was Out to Get You) - Waterparks
I learned to live with these eyes in my closet Hands in my pockets Alone, but surrounded I'm breathing, I'm drowning I haven't slept in days, but who's counting?
Wires - The Neighbourhood
We talked about making it I'm sorry that you never made it And it pains me just to hear you have to say it You knew the game and played it It kills to know that you have been defeated I see the wires pulling while you're breathing You knew you had a reason {...} He told me I should take it in Listen to every word he's speaking The wires getting older I can hear the way they're creaking As they're holding him
16, 16, Six - The Drips
Tell me what you wanna know I gotta tell you that I miss your voice Cause everything else I hear is a violent noise And it's breaking through to my soul {...} Take comfort in familiar face Carried me all over the place Fell in love the only way we could No one understood and no one could
Fight or Flight - Conan Grey
Well, fight or flight, I'd rather die Than have to cry in front of you Fight or flight, I'd rather lie Than tell you I'm in love with you
Giver - K.Flay
I'm learning to live I'm trying to be better I'm learning to give But I don't know if I'm a giver {...} I got so much soul in my body But no one keeping me honest And whole days turn into holes in my mind
You Know You're Right - Nirvana
I will never follow you I will never bother you Never speak a word again I will crawl away for good I will move away from here You won't be afraid of fear No thought was put into this I always knew it would come to this Things have never been so swell I have never failed to fail
Exit Music (For A FIlm) - Radiohead
Wake from your sleep The drying of your tears Today we escape, we escape Pack and get dressed Before your father hears us Before all hell breaks loose Breathe, keep breathing Don't lose your nerve Breathe, keep breathing I can't do this alone
Hysteria - Muse
'Cause I want it now I want it now Give me your heart and your soul And I'm breaking out I'm breaking out Last chance to lose control
Aneurism - Nirvana
Come on over, do the twist, aha Overdo it and have a fit, aha Love you so much, it makes me sick, aha Come on over and do the twist, aha Beat me out of me (beat it, beat it) Beat me out of me (beat it, beat it) Beat me out of me (beat it, beat it) {...}
Lydia - Highly Suspect
I've seen better days So unafraid in my youth I can't breathe, much less believe You gave everything you had Every little thing you had A true love unrehearsed I've seen your best and worst And at your worst, you're still the best But at my best, I am the worst It's a curse
Devil In Me 22-20s
I don't live, I just breathe I don't give and I don't recieve And I'll never get the devil Outside of me, outside of me I don't get all the good things You said I'd see, you said I'd see And I don't see the light Surrounding me, surrounding me
Dream On - Aerosmith
Every time that I look in the mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone Oh, it went by like dusk to dawn Isn't that the way?
Don't Matter - Kings of Leon
You're not a man everybody says But it don't matter to me Dirty feet on my seat But it don't matter to me Break my heart, tear me apart It don't matter to me no, no I put a shine in your eye It don't matter to me 'Cause it's always the same And I'm always the same
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nonino-n · 2 months
also more thoughts on the magnus archives and mitski i think heaven is very jmart coded
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erodingsinner · 3 months
what are the top 5 songs you’d put on an eliot spencer themed playlist?? bc ur so right about him being primadonna girl coded <3
okay so I had actually started an Eliot Spencer playlist and promptly forgot about it so it actually only has these five songs on it:
Bad Bad Things - AJJ:
Pretty Boy - Lennon Stella:
I'm Going To Heaven - Amigo The Devil:
Cop Car - Mitski
Rue - Girl in Red:
But if we're talking Marina ( especially Electra Heart ) I think Bubblegum Bitch, obviously, but also Primadonna ( it especially makes me think of the way Eliot is drawn to fame like when he becomes a singer and a baseball & hockey player ) I think he really enjoys the positive attention and being known for something good, because Eliot Spencer is also famous but for pretty awful reasons. And I mean: "fill the void with celluloid" "I'm so sad to the core" "I know I have a big ego, I really don't know why it's such a big deal"
Valley of the Dolls also, like !! "Got a hole inside of me / living with identities / that do not belong to me"
& Fear and Loathing, especially for the way it relates to Eliot learning to trust the team & becoming kinder for it:
"I've lived a lot of different lives / Been different people many times / I live my life in bitterness / And fill my heart with emptiness / And now I see, I see it for the first time / There is no crime in being kind / Not everyone is out to screw you over."
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lesbianlotties · 2 years
I’m making a playlist for my friend for her birthday and she also ships ronance so I wanted your opinion on what do you feel in your soul is the most ronance song bc i’m coming up with nothing!!
well i'm glad you asked!!!
i might be not a very good person to ask because i'm extremely indecisive, i won't be able to recommend song from that era, and i'm trying and failing to recommend something that only fits a very specific headcanon i have hgjsfhgjf still!!! here are a few suggestions:
Hot and Heavy by Lucy Dacus. this one always makes me think of ronance and yes it's mostly imagining meeting again in the future but come on Heavy memories weighing on my brain Hot and heavy in the basement of your parents' place??? You were always stronger than people suspected Underestimated and overprotected???? it's them
i want to say almost every maya hawke could be twisted to fit ronance but i'm actually struggling to pick one?? i'm going to go for Menace though, for um personal reasons (my fic :D)
i'm a firm supporter of Love Me More by Mitski
SOLID BY MUNA so robin describing nancy coded
oh wait i do have an 80s song!!! thank u san junipero! Heaven is a place on earth!!! ronance song!!!
last but not least, not exactly ronance, well, maybe robin staring like this 👀 at nancy shooting a gun, but i literally can't listen to Girl Is A Gun by Halsey without thinking about them!!!!!!
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starrywangxian · 3 months
♫ + Mizi
i also have a playlist for alien stage!! little fun fact my clematis is my fav alnst song~~
first of all the killing kind by marianas trench. this song is kind of like mizi or till thinking about sua or ivan respectivelyyy. i think the line "the ghost in me was true but you were haunted, too. just didn't see it all along" is very fitting for mizi because she always saw sua and this goddess so i feel like she was very naive and thought that sua was perfect and didn't have any problems or anything. unreliable narrator! she saw sua as this perfect goddess so of course she was always beautiful and smiling and kind.
a lof of the mizi songs are mizisua songs sorry </3 i can't serparate my doomed yuri. anyway next is tempest by the born love. it's kind of like a duet between sua and mizi, like sua: "ï'm good at disguising, it's not fair to you" and mizi: "come back now, come back to me. my love will give you shelter and give you peace".
creatures in heaven by glass animals is very mizisua coded from mizi's pov. like "i don't think i realise just how much i miss you sometimes. for a moment, we were just, we were just creatures in heaven." with the whole goddess thing that they have going on likeeee.
francis forever by mitski. mitski has to be in every doomed yuri playlist, they are the rules. but if you need evidence then: "i don't need the world to see that i've been the best i can be but i don't think i could stand to be where you don't see me" because it's the fact that mizi was prepared to just give up and not even try after round 1 because it had no meaning without sua anymore.
i'm a law abiding citizen so more mitski for my doomed yuri with i'm your man by mitski. again this is more like a duet because sua: "you believe me like a god i destroy you like i am" and mizi: "no one will ever love me like you again so, when you leave me, i should die. i deserve it, don't i?"
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ripclaudia · 2 years
for the succ ask game: 11, 12 & 13 <3
11. any other rich people things that inspired genuine envy (a meal, a vacation, etc)?
the italy wedding... i don’t get destination weddings but i loved every moment of it. italy era my beloved & beloathed <3
12. favorite succ fanfiction/fanart/fanvid/uquiz?
two fics that scramble my brain the best way possible are You Could Make A Killing & And Hacks Her Body Up by gaycoruscant! i’ve read them countless times by now and i am left impressed every single time. also my favorite gerri character study is so worth reading, it’s heaven helps the fool who falls in love by the talented @romulussy! my favorite fanart has to be the catboy roman art, it’s incredible and always makes me laugh. this and this are also my favorites <3 videos... i just remembered that this exists and it’s delightful. the melodrama edit kills me every single time, watch it for maximum damage <3
13. a song that is succ-coded To You
hmmm i will never be able to listen to real men by mitski without thinking about roman. tongues and teeth by the crane wives is so gerri-coded and despair, hangover & ecstasy by the dø always makes me think about the roy siblings <3
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