#Also add in the time Blades got stepped on by a dinosaur
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i-cant-believe-its-not-gay · 4 months ago
The stakes on Tfp vs Rescue bots is so funny. I remember the big armor episode (I forgot the relic name ToT) where the Autobots were on a crane looking thing and Starscream acts as if they’ll die if they fall. Meanwhile, Blades accidentally throws some crustacean and makes Heatwave- who was climbing a tall mountain, fall like, at least 30+ feet down and ends up with idk, a dent on his aft?
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mk-wizard · 4 years ago
Proof that the Autobot Way is Flawed
Now, before I start exploring this Transformers theory, I want to make it clear that I do not think that Autobots are secretly evil. You can be part of a flawed system and be a good person. Heck, you can be part of a flawed system and even be aware of how flawed it is. Autobots have long since proven that they are good, well meaning people who want to keep their society clean and want to do good for the world, but it is NOT a perfect society. It has flaws that are glaring, feudal and in fact holding Autobots themselves back. And there are many instances which show that the Autobot way has flaws. Also, many of them are from Animated which I give honours to @auraturner for bringing up in her article here as many others did too. Here they are;
If you want to live in an Autobot society, you MUST identify as an Autobot yourself or you are not truly a part of the society and cannot live among Autobots. - Ever noticed that on Cybertron, EVERYONE identifies as an Autobot? And I recall in the G1 series, when Spike and Carly were given the ultimate honour among Autobots, what was this honour? Being called an Autobot. In other words, they were not true allies or equals up until that moment. While we would find being an Autobot cool as a kid, as adults, this feels off and kind of disturbing. Then there was the issue of Jetfire in G1. Why should he HAVE to be an Autobot to prove that he is good? He was good even when he identified as a Decepticon! He could have kept being a Decepticon and just fight alongside the good guys. What if a Decepticon wants to continue being a Decepticon, but just doesn’t agree with tyranny or Megatron’s way? What if a Decepticon was a good person, wasn’t even a fighter, had no criminal record and only wanted to live a quiet private life on Cybertron? Unless that Decepticon is willing to change their faction, the Autobots will deny them the right to live on Cybertron.
They have no trouble conscripting and imprisoning kids. - While we find it cute that Bumblebee is a young teenager, this implications here are actually very dark. What is a teenager that young doing in the army and going to war? Also, in the Animated series, Wasp was arrested and sent to the stockades and he was no older than Bumblebee. This is not ok. You do not give a kid and adult sentence.
Autobot society works almost like a hive mind or at least under the thumb of the Prime. - While Optimus and Rodimus were good and kind Primes who care deeply for others and allow personal freedoms, a large majority of the Primes were not like this. It is implied that Autobot society is a borderline communist society in which everyone plays a role to keep the system as it is forever and it is very rigid towards new ideas and such. This is why Megatron resorted to war in the first place. Nobody would listen to him. They listened to Optimus (as Orion Pax) in Prime, but the problem with this is that Megatron knows the problems better and knows the solution cannot be negotiated. Optimus doesn’t get that because he hasn’t walked in those shoes. Might I also add that the Autobots shot and used aggression first when Megatron start proposing change. That doesn’t look good. Moreover, you all have to believe in the same thing without question. Nobody is allowed free speech and speaking out against the Prime is considered as stepping out of line and if you question the Autobot way or point out that it has flaws, you will be accused of heresy.
While the Autobot faction came to be, their ancestors deleted a lot of the records. - This chilling fact is official in the actual Allspark Alminac. I don’t think I need to say much on this one. Anyone who throws away part of their own history is obviously hiding something.
Autobots have no respect for other factions or beings. - While the Autobots showing a lack of respect for the Earth or Decepticons is played off for laughs, such things are actually quite despicable. When Autobots mine for energon rather than produce it using alternative sources (like the Decepticons did in G1), it does a heck of a lot of damage to the planet. And you know what else does damage to Earth’s property and environment? The Autobot’s war and often at times their own clumsiness. I recall one episode in RID where the Autobots carelessly destroyed and entire golf course in seconds while duking it out amongst themselves and while this moment got passed off for comedy, I didn’t find it funny. It takes a lot of work to set up a golf course and even more to build a building, make a car and don’t get me started on how many injuries bystanders can endure. It is any wonder Prime’s Agent Fowler didn’t like them? I would be mad to if I gave amnesty to people who showed a lack of gratitude through a lack of respect for my home. Also, since the days of G1, the Autobots have mocked and objectified their prisoners either by taunting them or by taking pictures with them. Moreover, Autobots call Decepticons racist terms like “Con” or “Decepticreep”. I have never seen a Decepticon mock a captive except for Starscream and Megatron chastised him for it calling him childish and saying he shamed himself. Also, I have never ever heard the Decepticons call the Autobots a racist slur. Heck, Autobots including Optimus himself have used the term “Decepticon” as another word for “evil”. I also want to throw out there that Autobots do not take prisoners very often nor do they show a lot of mercy. Yes, Starscream is a sadist and a half, but the other Decepticons will not kick someone when they’re down or kill if they don’t have to. In fact, sometimes, their honour drives them not to. As for Autobots, they are not so nice and sometimes, even the noblest ones (including Optimus himself) have been known to take getting even too far.
They do not allow alt mode autonomy. - If you don’t know what that means, it means you are not allowed to choose an alt mode you want. It has to somehow relate to your job or the Autobot way. I know this is all fiction, but wouldn’t the right to choose which alt mode you want be a form of bodily autonomy? And how does your alt mode relate to your job especially when you can only do your job in robot mode? We see Autobots sneak this lack of letting a bot pick and choose the alt mode they really want even in Rescue Bots. When Blurr and Salvage join the team, he takes them to a hanger full of vehicles that are exclusively trucks or automobiles of some kind. In other words, everything four-wheeler. And even in Rescue Bots Academy, this sneaky tactic of guiding the bot’s hand towards a specific alt mode is still there. The bots play up how much the recruits admire them and almost all of them choose alt modes that are similar to their teachers. In the episode where Hotshot choose a fire truck, if Heatwave was a bigger bot, he would have encouraged Hotshot to stick with the rocket like he wanted to be because there’s a reason he wanted to be that and he already changes into a four wheeler of some kind. I think Autobots only allow dinosaur forms because they have proven to be useful, but if you compare the amount of diversity of alt modes among Autobots to that of Decepticon, it’s a night and day difference. I mean... they allow a warrior Decepticon to change into a CAMERA (REFLECTOR) and no one mocks or judges the guy. Now that I look at it, how many Autobots out there change into things that are not trucks or automobiles? Not many. In fact, even Blades wasn’t originally a flyer. It worries me to think what would have happened if a jet flew by in the air and Blurr requested to change into it as it is fast. Or if either he or Salvage didn’t like any of the trucks or automobiles.
They delete feelings and memories. - This is just creepy and the more I think about it, the more it frightens me. A society that considers amnesia acceptable as way of coping with trauma makes me think this society is very crooked and only looks at short term solutions. Not to mention, the concept of dealing with problems is by forgetting them is also telling. It makes me wonder if they apply this as a treatment for all trauma victims or anyone they consider as a heretic. And by any chance, do they use this as a means of ensuring that a former Decepticon becomes a proper Autobot? Holy cow, this is scaring me... And it’s making me wonder how many Autobots were actually once Decepticons, but even they themselves don’t even know it because their entire identities were deleted?
They don’t allow misfits and freaks. - The most disturbing aspect of all. All Autbots are physically perfect and none are beast types with the exception of the Dinobots who are also deemed openly as the exception. I also don’t notice many handicapped Autobots with the exception of Fixit who became handicapped after his accident. I highly doubt he would have gotten a job if he was handicapped from before and even currently, he is treated like an invalid even though he isn’t. They won’t even allow him to fight or inform him of his fighting capabilities even after discovering that he can hold his own. As for Decepticons, you will see tons who do not fit into some perfect mold or have ailments like having psychological issues or other handicaps, and most importantly, you’ll find diverse beast types. It is not for nothing that a large majority of the misfits of society rebelled against the Autobot way. The Autobot way outcasts the flawed and imperfect.
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matt0044 · 4 years ago
“Now I’ll show you furry power!”
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Anyways, our episode begins properly with in media res with the Dino Fury Megazord‘s Blade Formation against one Doomsnake. It’s a story structure rarely seen these days but one that I welcome since it breaks up the usual “slice-of-life antics interrupted by monsters” routine that tends to be the norm.
Add to that, it gives us the sense that this is just yet another day in the life of the Rangers as they fight the usual Sporix after but a few episodes in. It also leads to a pretty effective introduction to the next beast. Wolfgang uses his sonic bombardment as a means to disassemble the Megazord without even going big. This allows Mucus to go off and collect Doomsnake in his dormancy.
The Rangers bail in order to assess the situation when a poorly CGI bird flutters in and reveals himself to be... Mic Kanic. Yep, the objectively best character of Ninja Steel next to Victor and Monty has graced us with his eccentricity once again with Kelson Henderson going full ham. As the only person on Earth who liked Ninja Steel, I feel validated like nobody’s business.
It seems that Mic’s been quite the busy bee during Beast Morphers as he’s been getting selfies with over forty Rangers from all over the universe. I’m guessing some of them had “new powers” so to speak but it’s a damn shame we didn’t see if Kelson Henderson did get selfies with past actors for his return.
However, Mic’s also been on the lookout for the Ninja Nexus Prism’s current whereabouts and tracking it back to Earth. I love that they’re following Beast Morphers’ lead by casually reintroducing concepts from past seasons to tie them into the here and now. It’s still self-contained enough to not need to’ve seen Ninja Steel but might give some who missed out a moment to consider it.
Seriously, I feel like that season deserves a bit more of a reevaluation.
Needless to say, Zayto is quick to dismiss the idea of a semi-sentient floating piece of pressurized rock as an ancient alien warrior who fought on dinosaurs. Then again, he’s still pretty miffed that the zords got taken apart like Legos. It doesn’t get much better when Mucus overhears their little chat about the prism.
Later at BuzzBlast, Jane is hosting a baking stream with a totally real cake that’s totally not a prop when Mic sneaks in a delivered package to use their computers. I loved that Dino Fury is getting a lot more millage out of his shapeshifting compared to Ninja Steel where they wouldn’t “forget” but never really utilize since he and Redbot were the Alphas, forging up stars in the base.
J-Borg exposes Mic before he can use their database for any Ninja Nexus Prism sightings but he shape-shifts into a ball and bounces all over the place. Three guesses at to what he knocks right into Jane. It seems she choose the wrong day to make one of Chase’s exploding cakes from New Zealand. Way too bold. He makes a clean getaway from BuzzBlast only for one Wolfgang to corner him.
The Rangers assemble in time and give Mic a chance to become a toy race car. Methinks they were using old stuff they found in the garage for filming. It turns out the Wolfgang’s sonic bombardment can neutralize the Boost Key armaments the girls use. They decide to soon retreat with Mic back to HQ fast.
While Void Knight channels his inner Lord Zedd, Mic gives a rundown on the Ninja Nexus Prism itself with a data pack filled to the brim with Power Rangers history. I’m guessing that either he compiled it from Grid Battleforce’s archives or he’s the one who helped them with Ranger history. I sort of wish they used more clips of Ninja Steel to tease new viewers of past teams and their battles.
Solon helps to locate the prism’s location on their mapping system and sends the Rangers out to confirm its location. All the while, Mic decides to plan ahead by going into the kitchen. Kelson Henderson is clearly having a blast with the character’s constant gesticulations like he’s a YouTuber doing his DIY videos. :)
The Rangers find the Ninja Nexus Prism seemingly scanning the lake for something. Zayto decides to step up and engage his Rafkonian antennae in order to probe the prism’s memories. It’s hear where we get the origins of the Ninja Steel powers... two seasons after its finale. Better late than never I guess.
I kid though. I love that we’re getting new details of a past season by way of Zayto learning that the Morphin’ Masters of old created the Ninja Nexus Prism. In fact, they forged the Energems of Dino Charge as well as the Dino Gems from Dino Thunder from the visuals given. Now that’s good diagetic fanservice.
We even get brief clips of Ninja Steel’s Levi getting his Power Star followed up by Beast Morpher’s Steel in his final moments trying to stop Evox. I guess this means that the Masters brought him back to life as human when the Morph-X returned to the Grid. Previous plot contrivance now solved or more convoluted?
You make the call!
Boomtower and Wolfgang crash the party only for the Prism to NOPE right into the water. The Rangers find themselves pinned under barrels and boxes while Wolfgang’s sonic attack threatens to bring down the cliff on them. Thankfully, Mic’s Ninja Power Star throw hasn’t gotten rusty as he arrives and throws a treat into the mouth, making their foe sound like Eddy after Rolf’s pimple cure.
With no other option, Wolfgang grows before Boomtower taps into his residual Sporix power-up to gain a few inches himself. The Rangers pull out their Megazord’s Warrior Formation where all of their Zords combine. We even get a cool finisher that finishes off Boomtower where holograms of the other formations get a hit in. Are we sure that Judd Lynn isn’t still on the writing team?
Bye-Bye, Boomer. Hope you get rebuilt as another Ryusoulger villain soon.
While Mucus catches Boomtower’s Sporix, the Rangers manage to finish off Wolfgang with a weird edit of what was obviously an impalement. That Sporix Izzy catches by cutting off Mucus. Void Knight is temperamental over such a mixed bag of a day until he goes into his secret chamber and reveals to us his long lost love stuck in stasis. It’s clear that the Sporix’re all meant to revive her.
Hang on a second.
A villain with a violet color scheme utilizing a hero’s power and initially working alone in seeking out a specific source of power that can revive his love. Why’s it that I feel that Keith Silverstein would be voicing this guy if production still outsourced voice over to Los Angeles? Hell, I would be shocked if the Gold Ranger was his secret son and loved cheese a lot. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Back at the base, the Rangers fill in for the Jays by ending the episode with some of Mic’s initial prototypes for his No Howl Treats. Either that or the ADR director forgot everybody’s recordings and had to resort to random noise in their sound library. Solon fixes it by bursting everybody’s eardrums. As you do.
Sadly, Mr. Kanic has Prisms to pursue and catches his Space Taxi back to the Lion Galaxy where he might open a steakhouse. I really hope they can adapt next Kyuranger if only to see the team stop by for a meal. Then again, Hasbro needs to sort out their Super Sentai problem before things get a little bit uglier.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 7 years ago
Honor Before Reason
Honor Before Reason Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Pairing: Kidge Summary: He had known that there would be consequences for his actions, but hadn’t cared much. It was a matter of honor and protection, as he saw it, and those things came first. Standard Disclaimer: If you read and enjoy this, please give it a like/ reblog so I know if I should write more. AN: There isn’t much of them being a couple in this, but I think it still counts as Kidge content. :3 
He growled lowly at the hands balled tightly along the back of his shirt, keeping him from getting too far away. He had known that there would be consequences for his actions, but hadn’t cared much. It was a matter of honor and protection, as he saw it, and those things came first. His captor gave him a shove between his shoulder blades, forcing him to look up again. “Which one is it, kid?” They growled at him angrily.
He glanced over at them, trying to glare in defiance but the task difficult with how his right eye hurt, before spitting a bit of blood on the ground beside him. The other gave him a rough shake and he winced. He lifted his head to figure out how to mislead him from his home but his heart leapt into his throat. “Mom,” He choked out, trying to run forward but being held up by the middle-aged man clutching at his shirt.
There, arms crossed and a look of pure murder on her face, stood his mother, on the sidewalk leading to their house. “Get your paws off my kid, bub, or we’re going to have ourselves a real issue,” She snapped, taking a step forward.
“Considering what your little brat did? Beating the tar out of my kid?” The man barked back.
Her steps were measured and controlled, her arms unfurling as she strode to them. “From what my other kids are telling me, it sounds more like you don’t know how to keep you’re too lazy to keep your aggressive little monster on his leash. Now let go of my kid before I bust your nose,” She snarled lowly.
The guy growled and shoved him away, letting him stumble to short distance into his mom. She wrapped her arms around him to help steady him, being careful with him. He glanced up and swallowed nervously. “Mom, listen,” He stared to say but she gave his shoulders a squeeze and nudged him to move past her.
“Kaden, go inside and wash your face. I’ll be in shortly to take care of you,” She said. Despite the calm quality of her tone, he knew it was a façade. She hadn’t turned her head to look at him, instead holding the other adult’s eye with a steely determination he typically only saw when she was developing new security technology or helping him build model planes.
He scowled before darting down past the neighbor’s house and to the front door. He could see his younger brother and sister, their faces pressed up against the glass of the front room window, watching the two adults with acute interest. He growled, walked inside, and slammed the door behind him. “I told you I could handle it, Newt!” He shouted at the two of them angrily.
Newt dropped from the windowsill to sit properly on the couch, eying his brother with a small scowl. “Uh, you’re welcome. That could have been a lot worse if me and Aria didn’t come back to tell Mom what happened! If he just showed up at the door and started yelling, she would never have believed the truth about what happened!” He barked back, using more logic than the average six year old tended to in an argument. Then again, he had inherited their mother’s keen intellect and their father’s poor timing on when to put his positive qualities to use.
“Do you really think I’m stupid enough to lead that guy back to our house?” He growled.
“Uh, considering you were willing to throw yourself at a guy two times bigger and dumber than you? Yes, I do! Mom said that if there were other kids bothering us to tell her or Dad and they’d deal with it. And where would you have led him to anyway?” Newt questioned, his own voice starting to rise in his frustration.
“I would have figured something out! That kid deserved what he got!” Kaden snapped back angrily.
“Your face is all bloody, though,” Aria chimed in, her bright green eyes wide in a mix of horror and guilt. She clutched her precious plush dinosaur, Muffin, tighter to herself as she curled further into the couch. “I’m sorry, Kaden. This is all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault another kid decided to be a jerk and needed to get his butt handed to him! He shouldn’t have shoved you off your bike in the first place!” He insisted, wiping at his nose and upper lip with one hand. It came back covered in a scarlet smear, come of it wet and some of it flaky and dried.
“If I hadn’t been so close to their house, though, they wouldn’t have gotten mad at me. And then you wouldn’t be all banged up,” She said meekly.
“Ari’s right. I mean, have you seen yourself? You look like they dragged you around by a rope on their bikes!” Newt chimed back in, indicating Kaden’s form with a flail of his arm.
“I may have gotten a couple of bumps and bruises of my own, but I messed them up even worse. That’s part of the reason their dad was so mad,” He scoffed back flatly.
The younger boy sighed and flopped back against the couch, throwing his arms out dramatically as he did. “Nice going, Kaden! You should have just gotten Mom, like I told you!”
Kaden growled, fists clenched at his side, then darted up the stairs. He slammed the bathroom door and clicked the lock into place before setting to the task of cleaning up his face. He grabbed one of the little wash clothes hanging from the towel rank next to the tub in a dark green color, simply so that he wouldn’t have to see how badly the rag would be stained. He then pulled a small step stool over so he could more easily reach the sink.
He glanced at himself in the mirror and froze up. There was a bump starting to appear on the left corner of his forehead, skirting along the edge of his hairline. There was a decently sized scrape between the developing bump and his left eyebrow; not deep enough to leak blood but enough so that the blood almost seemed to just hover over the damaged area  His right eye was already swelling up pretty bad and he expected he’d lose sight from it for a good couple of days. He knew that his bottom lip was split, was pretty sure his nose was bruised but not broken, and there were scrapes all along his cheeks and chins. He sighed and turned on the tap to hot, testing the water and mixing it with the cold water to make it lukewarm. Scrubbing his face with the wash cloth wasn’t completely miserable, but he ended up reopening a couple of the deeper scrapes and cuts as he did.
He had just set the wash cloth down on the edge of the counter when there was a knock on the door. “You still in there, hun?” His mother called.
He took a deep breath as he prepared himself to be read the riot act for his disobedience. He unlocked the door then went and sat down on the toilet while she let herself in. He glanced at her briefly, then scowled and glared down at the white bath mat beside the tub. She watched him for a moment before walking over to the sink and rummaging through the shelves behind the mirror.
She settled on the edge of the tub, a first aid kit in her lap, and motioned that he turn to face her. He lifted his head but kept his eyes anywhere but on her. “So,” She said, her tone much softer than it had been outside, “Newt and Aria already told me what happened. Anything you want to add?”
“I’m not saying I’m sorry to anyone. If Chad had just left Ari alone I wouldn’t have had to do anything,” He said, refusing to let his tone waver in front of her.
“Newt says you’ve had beef with this kid before,” His mother said, still calm, as she popped open the first aid kit and started looking through for whatever she needed. She pulled out a small bottle of peroxide and a few cotton swab.
“He’s a jerk with a big mouth but that doesn’t mean I wanted to fight him. Newt is a jerk with a big mouth and I don’t want to fight him. At least not on a regular basis, anyway,” He said, mumbling the last part a bit quieter.
She laughed as she carefully dampened the cotton swab with the peroxide, causing him to look at her for the first time in surprise. “Well, you aren’t wrong, but we’ll keep that to ourselves. Now, tell me the whole situation with this Chad kid? I want to make sure that telling off his dad was well warranted,” She said, reaching up and starting to lightly wipe at some of the smaller cuts on cheeks.
Chad was a bigger kid with a mouth to match. He was twelve years old but he acted more like Kaden’s bossy friend Raya, who was eight just like Kaden himself. Unlike Raya, who had the redeeming quality of being a good sport about teasing and genuinely caring about the others around her. Chad, however, seemed to only like having his friends around so he had someone to show off to. He’d tried picking fights with Kaden and his friends before, but he seemed to know not to push him too much.
While he wasn’t a thug by any stretch, Kaden knew how to defend himself. Both his parents had a lot of experience with hand-to-hand combat and knew that, sometimes, getting physical was the only way to get bullies to back off. As such, they had taught him some defensive moves and techniques. Newt had just started to learn himself, but Ari was too young at the age of four and also lacked any kind of interest in learning. The boys had been forced to transfer schools a few months prior due to Kaden breaking the nose of an older kid that was bullying Newt after the school staff refused to do anything to help the younger boy. The taunting had gone on for weeks and multiple incidents had occurred in front of playground monitors, but nothing had been done.
His parents had taught Kaden the moves with the point being made that he should only use those moves when absolutely necessary. He had gotten a playground monitor every time something happened between Newt and his bully, but they never listened. It was on that fateful day, when the bully had shoved Newt off of a swing and caused him to smack his head hard against the ground, that he had launched himself at the older boy for justice. The school had planned to suspend them and their father, furious when he found out what happened, had instead transferred them to a new school. Their mother, equally furious but wanting to make sure the school saw justice on a more social level, had given the full details of the story to a friend of hers who worked for a parenting blog.
Within one week, every parent in town was aware of the school’s negligence, through reading the blog themselves or simply word of mouth.
When they transferred schools, they ended up going to the same school as Raya. They had always known Raya and her family, as her dads were friends with their parents, and she decided to look out for them once they transferred in. She spread the rumor of Kaden’s actions, but had bolstered the story up to make him seem even more skilled and impressive. There were so many different versions of the story with so many different claims that he had no idea how to necessarily keep all the details straight himself.
Regardless, he had himself a reputation as being the Batman of eight year olds in their area.
Chad had wanted to test those claims multiple times. Up until that day, Kaden had resisted the urge to attack the other kid. The most he’d done was threatening to rough him up and sling insults back and forth. That day, however, as they were out riding their bikes, Chad had done too far. He saw Aria riding past, leading their little group with an excited smile on her face, and then shoved a decently sized stick into one of her wheels as she rode past. She’d been sent toppling over, her knees and hands scraped up from catching herself, and started crying immediately. Halfway back to their house, his anger had boiled over. He told Newt to take Aria home to their mom and then went back to deal with Chad himself.
The fight hadn’t lasted long; he pinned the other down and just kept wailing away on him until Chad’s dad had hoisted him off.
His mother hummed as he regaled her with the full history of what had been going on with he and Chad over the last couple weeks. “Any reason why this is the first I’m hearing about all of this?” She asked as she placed a bandage over the scrape above his eyebrow.
“I handled it myself so I didn’t see a point in worrying you about it. I mean, you worried all the time because of the bullying from Frankie before,” He said quietly.
“Sweetheart, I’m your mother; it’s my job to worry. And finding out about these things after they’ve escalated only makes me worry more, because that makes me think you don’t trust me with these things,” She said with a small sigh. She then started closing up the first aid kit.
His stomach dropped at her words and he looked down, staring at the toe of his sneakers as she returned the first aid kit to its shelf. He had been keeping this to himself because he didn’t want her to worry too much. “Do you hate me now?”
She looked at him in surprise before kneeling down to look at him, reaching up to push some of his wild dark tresses out of his face. ‘Why would you think that?” She asked gently.
“Because I made a bad choice. Because I got in a fight when I didn’t need to. Because I made you worry even more,” He mumbled, voice choked up and his eyes starting to water.
She smiled softly at him, reaching up to cup both sides of his face. “Kaden, baby, I don’t hate you. I could never hate you,” She said. He sniffled a little bit but met her gaze. “I may not always like the choice you make, but that doesn’t mean I like or love you any less. You are my son, my first baby, and I’ll always love you with my whole heart.”
“Really?” He sniffled.
“Cross my heart,” She said, moving one hand to make a small X over her heart for added emphasis.
“Even if I did something really bad? Like if I killed someone?” He asked, a small smile starting to turn up on his lips.
She laughed back, glad to see a bit more of his usual spark back. “If it was someone that I liked, I’d be a little upset, but I’d get over it. If it was someone I didn’t like, either, though… Well, I’d help you hide the body. And your dad would probably offer us an alibi if he didn’t like them either,” She teased, pulling him into her arms for a tight hug.
He giggled back, burrowing into her happily, and letting the tense leave his body.
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severalbakuras · 7 years ago
long post so apologies to mobile users. salt warning.
voltron season 4 spoilers (although i understand it’s technically still three the season just got split in two so the content drought wasn’t as long). please don’t give me spoilers for the rest of the season!! i don’t want them!!
(on the subject of content drought is steven universe still on hiatus?)
(still better than berserk’s hiatuses though)
episode 1:
still no new intro you COWARDS
second impact!!! oh no just a ship.
i wonder if galra have unions those two sound like they need one
“do not engage” HMMM
oooh lizard blade
the blade up top could’ve totally seen that patrol coming tbh???
holy shit he actually did it
sassy keith talking back to kolivan like that. hell yeah he saved their friend and the mission.
firo uh why are you acting like bridge boss? that was allura’s job and then coran’s job when she became the blue pilot. Back The Fuckéth Down.
there’s something ominous about those temples i can’t place it.
oh hey what’s up firo being a jackass as usual? k? k. keith can you employ the blade sass here too please it’s kinda sad watching this fake shiro stomp all your fire out.
pidge i hope that’s superficial damage bc cracks are probably not what you want in an outer space vessel.
wow rude. heith cancelled i’m not liking that.
i’m not trusting a DAMN THING from firo, especially when the music got super deep for a second.
i’m not in the military or remotely connected to it in any way but this is like... actually there’s no ‘like’ about it, they’re taking the most powerful and skilled soldiers out of combat in the middle of a war just so they can show them off, when voltron is already enshrined in the galactic mythos and by now it’s well known as being active and wrecking galra shit.
i can’t!! believe!! this!! is even!!! a debate?? parade which has already stated to have already happened very recently before or a galra supply ship going to for all that they know a secret galra base that they need to track down.
god shut up lance he could be dead or captured and you’re more worried about the show.
i’m pretty sure you’ve only ~tried~ like what, three times? and like only one of those even made any impression on keith and i don’t even think it was the right one.
so they’re off giving them the ol’ razzle dazzle and keith is running out of oxygen in the wreckage of a bomb explosion with no allies in sight floating adrift in space. fun times.
this parade is basically just an ad for toys LBR.
this is embarrassingly unfunny. like not even in a schadenfreude way.
so like y’all seriously have never thought about an alternative way for these parades to go just in case one of the lions needed repairs or was late back from a mission or a paladin was sick?
allura like i get what you’re trying to say here but like... do you know keith.
he’s not choosing the blades over voltron he’s choosing the fucking war over a parade.
ahh there he is, my terrible space prince. cleanse me of my salt.
god he has no respect for haggar at all ahhaha. i know some spoilers re honerva thanks to that one clip so it’s interesting he either doesn’t recognize her or doesn’t want to or that haggar either still doesn’t remember him or also doesn’t want to.
and y’all seriously never had a contingency plan for any situation that could mean voltron wasn’t around hhhhh.
hunk you’re the tank just AOE the spawned adds and let the DPS pick them off while you pop a defensive cooldown god you’d wipe the group in ragefire chasm even in full heirlooms wouldn’t you. (although there isn’t a healer lion and he’s clearly more protection warrior than the far superior blood death knight so lol no self heals)
huh. well the black lion historically isn’t a great judge of character so you’re still firo to me. like objectively, the black lion has no investment in her paladin’s life as seen on the bone planet when they were all separated, or even the continued existence of voltron. compare to the red lion, who will wreck entire bases and cross the galaxy to get to hers if she senses they’re in peril.
i wonder if voltron or the lions are conscious. like not like a person but like an EVA unit. a unit 1 vs zeruel style fight where voltron or one of the lions goes beast mode would be AMAZING
(spoiler warning for a 90s anime lol have i linked this before? i think i might have.)
now i want to watch original NGE again boo
(i wonder if we’ll ever get a real lion-on-lion fight. like either with the paladins involved or without. or like the lions deciding ‘fuck the pilot’ and disobeying them god that makes me want to watch NGE EVEN MORE)
holy shit you can all fuck off. 
god keith your voice.
welp OT4 cancelled, i guess that means i have no nice ships in this fandom and only have crack ships like keitor and zethura. i think that’s the fastest i’ve ever gone from loving a ship to dumping it. wait no i was a puzzleshipper for all of a day before i got bored of it when i rewatched yugioh. hunk/allura/shay/keith lasted a few weeks between S3.1 and S3.2.
(it’s ok shay i still love you. i can still ship you and keith but that too is a crack ship ♥)
episode 2:
it’s amazing how a single word has made me detest this boy more than any of the galra except that one shitty one who sucked. go to hell.
actually teacher can go to hell too you’re just gonna let the entire class laugh at her and not even try to maintain order? are you that petty about being corrected?
i like these watercolour-y style backgrounds, i hope other earth flashbacks get this kind of style. it’s a nice change from how clean and sharp everything else is.
aww he’s a good bro
OH WELL I HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE A BACK UP PLAN IN CASE THE GALRA ATTACK WHILE SHE’S GONE :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
like he’s contacting her midflight which makes it seem like she just took off at the first hint of matt??? meanwhile kolivan contacts the ship and explains the situation and asks politely? but keith’s the bad guy for splitting up the team ok.
do i sound salty? i feel it.
that’s our hunk, he sure likes to eat! -hysterical crowd noises-
this city looks like a neo-tokyo sonic level in a good way.
the lamest spider man.
who are you sharktooth tail man.
the whole PLANET looks like a neo-tokyo sonic level in a good way. approve. the coolest planet. can that be the new hub planet and not that weird techno-ahn’qiraj thing?
so the green lion takes no steps to defend itself under attack without a paladin.
did she just bloodbend that ship?
I LOVE HER. SHE’S ABOUT TO DIE (pidge bloodbend her wound shut) BUT I LOVE HER.
“so here’s your supplies and a body cheers.”
so why all the secrets here? i feel like the garrison’s up to shady shit, like he was just a space tube driller right? is space geology really that cutthroat?
that shot of the graveyard, holy shit.
i wonder how pidge’s mother’s doing. probably not well.
now see this would be tense and tragic if not for the FUCKING THUMBNAIL NETFLIX.
physics? physics.
i love rusty space tech!!!!!!!!
aww ♥
so where’s mr. holt then.
oh so he’s not galra he’s a space dinosaur.
“looks to me like you’re made of meat, just like everyone else!” ok that was an amazing line. i’m stealing that for my blood death knight, it’s perfect for her. i like you bloody bounty huntersaurus. you’re so dead but i like you.
nerd squad!
was that shiro and keith in the back?
so matt’s eyesight couldn’t have been that bad for pidge to just put them on like that, unless he switched the lenses out and made them purely cosmetic. people have to sit down when they wear my glasses or they feel sick.
episode 3:
yknow show i already feel bad enough for haggar/honerva you don’t need to twist that knife anymore.
are they STILL torturing that guy? i mean dude’s so strong in his convictions and his loyalty that he’s not tried making up a fake or even letting his brain conjure up an answer that he believes is true y’all should consider promoting him instead maybe??? because he’s the most hardcore person in that room???
firo why does ‘refugee’ instantly translate to ‘soldier’ with you.
oh he’s lance but more anime around pretty girls. boy that sure was an interesting and appealing character trait the first time around!!!!!!1111!!!1!!
cyber zarkon. i hope his AI acts up and he has to use urban dictionary as his speech system.
interesting that her first act is to drop lotor in it.
they both hate lotor so much why’d you even have him in the first place huh?
SHE’S SO EXCITED also the formatting’s getting weird bc of the length i think so sorry if this starts looking weird.
there he is again!! space prince!!
nobody who worked on this scene has ever been close to a cow. where’s the intrinsic judgement of your soul, the innate suspicion at your mere presence?
also she needs a herd she’s gonna be lonely ;_;
lotor we all know you’re lying
well apparently they don’t so i guess that kind of behaviour is what they expect from him. huh. i wonder when the switch between that being true and that being a well rehearsed act happened.
haggar what did you just do to narti. that’s not a good high pitched noise or whispering. i feel like i’ve heard it before.
how do you miss a tracker that makes an explosion that large the first time around? and wouldn’t the scan be standard procedure at this point?
hunk why are you acting like this. it’s weird i don’t like it.
git gud lance.
that whole bit went on way too long.
so lotor’s officially the enemy now. like public enemy number 1.
so it
narti oh no :( i’d kinda hoped it was the cat.
that’s pretty graphic too slicing the view in half like that. a very creative censor.
and they don’t react at all? huh.
ok ok now they have the chance to. god they all look miserable.
did they leave the cat behind?
wonder what keith’s up to.
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