#Also I want to finish my it’s only sex animatic with him
ltasideblog · 2 months
Getting so angry ab Brian I think I’m gonna throw up
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kimicapucciny · 2 years
Your asks aren't open on your art blog so PLEASE tell me more about Zanthe, I love me a buff, long-haired manwhore
ALSO EEK!!!! im so glad u like my tit guy,,,, even tho he kinda sucks KJBSDKJFBKSD ive got a LOT to say so ill put it under da read more
ok so Zanthe is the deuteragonist of a story I've got with my other OC Dom, whose ref i RLLY should rework because i wanna work on a small animatic with them KJBFJSDF
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(this is him btw hehe)
anyways, Zanthe is an Incubus that, as per my world's lore, awoke with no memories of who he used to be or why he was sent to super mega gay hell. He only knew three things: his name, the fact that he was now a powerful demon, and that he was HOT AS FUCK!!!!!
He mostly spends his time doing whatever and whoever he wants. He's really bad at the whole "stealing human's souls" part of being a creature of the night because he'll just straight up ask for a sex pact with whoever summoned him, much to the annoyance of his boss lmaoooo
Zanthe is very boastful of his abilities as an incubus, and even tho he always focuses on his own pleasure (selfish lover smh) he actually does put his dick where his mouth is (in many ways) and his partners are always left quite satisfied when he's done SDKJFBSKJDFK asides from that, personality wise, hes an asshole LMAOOOO doesnt care for anything that isnt sex or himself, and will act with nonchalance when faced with human's tragedies or love declarations, unless he can use them to his advantage. however, hes not completely heartless, and if someone rlly doesnt wanna lay with him he'll sigh and complain about his time being wasted (not like he does anything importan in the first place smh) but respect their wishes. part of the fun is having his partners sing praises to his name, so doing it with someone who doesnt want to is just plain stupid in his self-centered opinion.
on to the story part of his lore KSBDFKJDSF
Zanthe was "accidentally" summoned by Dom in order to help him get revenge for the death of his sister. I say "accidentally" because Dom was actually trying to summon a powerful demon he could sell his soul to in order to gain the necessary power to hunt down the bastards that killed his sister, but instead got saddled with an glorified dildo KJBDSJFBSJDKF Sadly for Dom, he can't exactly summon anther demon without finishing whatever business he has with the first one (some bullshit rule from hell), and, though he loathes to admit it, Zanthe IS powerful. Enough to be useful.
So Dom decides to make a pact with Zanthe, much to his annoyance and to Zanthe's delight, because as soon as he set sights on the angry twunk he was dying to get his hands on that ass. Too bad Dom refuses to bottom for him LMAO
its ok tho, Zanthe said switch rights, and he has more than a good time whenever Dom takes out the collar and whip KBFJKBSDKJF
Their dynamic is rlly fun for me to work with because we have this big ass demon who looks like he could kill you and CAN kill you but is actually a lazy slut who would rather take part in massive orgies dedicated to inflating his ego, and then theres this angry mass of rage and bitterness who got stuck with this demonic asshole and cant get rid of him because he needs his powers lol
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mell0bee · 2 years
CR asks: 1 & 17 if you're feeling spicy; if you're not, 9, 14, 25, 39 (feel free to pick & choose)
i took so long to do this because i had all the questions answered and then tumblr crashed and deleted it all :( but here we go (also thank u for the ask!!!)
9- Location in Exandria you'd like to see in a possibly canonical one-shot/EXU but with non-main campaign characters (as in Song of the Lorelei/The Darrington Brigade)
vasselheim!!! i doubt it will be a major location again for a full campaign because it was featured so heavily in c1 but an exu type deal could be so cool!!! i thought that vasselheim was SO underutilized in c1. when i was first watching it i was Big Sad that the no arcane magic thing was played for laughs, you could easily center a whole campaign around that idea. i wanted to see more of it during c1 and obvs after exu calamity i want to see more of it Even More. theres just so much to learn about it after the context of exu calamity. like i want inside information about the political system. i want to explore how decisions get made there. and like bro do u want a story about Hubris??? oh yeah??? you like critical role so are you perhaps a Hubris Enjoyer??? perhaps of the Magic User Variety?? imagine a wizard or a warlock trying to hide their magic in vasselheim. it basically writes itself. imagine a high-ranking cleric as a pc. or a noble. based on what's happening in c3 do you think they have like. an Old Secrets Protection Board? and perhaps some Scholar Spies trying to break in? idk man there's so much you can do there and i would like to See It Please Thank You
14-Describe the art you would most like to create or commission if talent/money were no object.
i have like 7 animatics in my head that i am not talented enough to make but honestly. this whole jester-focused animatic set to folding chair by regina spektor. it’s really good in my head i swear. also a post c1 animatic set to dodie's cover of blackbird which has been in my head since i finished c1 god i have actual brainworms
25-What class do you most want to see Matt play if he is in a future EXU campaign as a new (not Dariax) PC?
artificer. primarily bc as much as i love him, matt’s pcs tend not to be my kind of character. at least in cr oneshots he’s got a thing for the Generic Edgy Protagonist Boy type which i’m sorry buddy but like. no thanks. and based on artificer/engineer type npcs he’s played i doubt he will go for that archetype as a pc. matt loves some Insane Scientists and so do i, easy S tier character trope, so whether he plays it straight or goes for the more unhinged type like most of his npcs im down 100%. also i had a whole rant here abt how much i love dariax and i hope that matt continues to step out of his comfort zone for pcs because for me personally i think it works really well!!
39- favorite parental figure NPC?
I HAD A WHOLE RANT HERE ABT HOW MUCH I LOVE MARION LIKE I THINK I WROTE LIKE 300 WORDS. the gist of it was how i love that she is very much an imperfect parent which we can see in jester now, but she’s still a good parent!! she’s still trying!!! she’s got her own trauma but she’s trying!!! idk that is v important to me. also i love how she is a sex worker and is not shamed for it at all. and that she has agoraphobia (sp?) and its treated as like!!! fine and not irrational at all!!! idk man idk how matt and laura did such a good job with such a respectful and grounded portrayal of a character like marion but they DID also parent trap ftw
spicy answers under cut, just keep scrolling if u dont want to see my mildly lukewarm takes. thank u.
1- Character you don't particularly like, but will defend vehemently when people dislike them for the wrong reasons.
(also this is the only answer that saved lmao)
sadly i cannot think of any other characters so i have to talk about Mr. Warcrimes McTreason. i like canon essek okay though i do think he is Overhyped, but fanon essek is so annoying lmao which makes me not particularly like him. on the other hand i think people not liking him bc they don’t think he deserved redemption are Wrong. as a redemption arc it was like. Fine. not everyone can pull a zuko and like. whatever. and idk i think that redeemed heroes should be a little morally dubious. as a treat. i guess in a way i am glad that aeor arc essek doesn't get to actually be morally gray bc the fandom would be insufferable but Hot Take i am a Gray Morality Enjoyer i think that More protags should be war criminals actually.
17- You know that post that's like "I wish you could filter in ao3 on 'attitude towards a canon event'?" In the world of imagination, you can! What's the event or attitude?
*gestures vaugely at kingsley* to be completely honest i was pretty sad for a few moments there that they succeeded in rezzing molly, was tentative when whatever the end of 140 was, and i’m so happy kingsley is a thing. i think that people who wanted molly back have Missed The Point Entirely. molly needed to stay dead and talesin knew that (thank you talesin) (also not to mention fanon molly, who is infinitely worse than fanon essek. god can you imagine that. again thank you talesin.)
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starlightshore · 5 years
I was wondering do you have any good fanfics to recommend ive been in a fanfic mood but can't find any, most of them stopped updating :(
god i’m honestly not the best person to ask for fics or fandom content in general. i literally don’t interact with the fandom much at all, like, sometimes i’ll go into the main tag and follow someone, but even then it’s very rare for me to follow someone. i like my dashboard small so i can catch up.
also, i only really read fic now once in a blue moon for emotional catharsis. sometimes i just want to feel bad and that’s ok. this also means most fics i read were years ago and i can barely remember anything, and don’t feel safe recommending in case i forget something bad about it. also, my old bookmarks were on a different computer, rip.
so honestly, i’m terrible for recommending fics. i’m only going to recommend one that i’ve reread some-what recently and some art based content. i actually recommend other people to reblog this post with their own recommendations! i just ask that non of them misgender the kids or are gross. just, putting that as a caution, i’m not assuming anyone is going to do that.
long rec under the cut, sorry mobile users ;-;
1) feeling bonely
the only fic on this list. a human au where sans is suicidal and meets toriel online anonymously through omgle. through the power of friendship and 38 chapters, sans learns how to put in the effort in having friends and making his life better.
this fic is such a comfort to me. it’s got My Brand of sadness that i crave in fics but it’s also so funny, lighthearted, thoughtful and inspiring. i love sans’ friendship with alphys, i love sans being a total dork baby over time travel, i love papyrus learning about depression and helping sans fight it, the salads and rubber bands for coping, i just,, akfjalsjdf its my favorite fic.
its soriel but i believe sans is ace so while romance is a element, sex isn’t which i greatly appericate lmao. since the fic does go into suicide and depression, parental abuse and ableism, ect., i do recommend keeping an eye on the content warnings. it’s also a really long fic but it’s finished.
—-the rest are wips but almost all of them are still updating!
2) Unexpected Guests
Papyrus summons a full bodied gaster blaster, chaos ensues. It’s a post pacfist comic that is beautifully drawn, is light on angst and has a lot of fun character interaction.
still a wip, but has a substantial amount of reading material you can go through. the story is getting really juicy by having sans finally fess wtf is UP with him. i’m dying to know what happens next!
3) Insomnia
a literal classic that hasn’t been updated in over a year, and it’s been that long since i read it but it’s a fandom classic! the art and it’s vibrant colors still stick to me even now. the story fits lore and real science together, it so detailed and beautiful.
i can’t recall if the author said this will be continued someday or not, i don’t want to spark rumors esp with my shoddy memory so idk! it’s such a fandom classic though, it’s defs worth reading!
4) We’re not in kansas anymore.png
ok i don’t THINK thats the title and i could just be oblivious and be misunderstanding here lmao. kan makes really, really good undertale content in general, like, their art is my favorite anything ever. kan covers heavy topics but does so with genuine care and thought. i luv their poncho and chara stuff. i could gush forever.
this comic in particular just started but it is ongoing! they also write fics!
mel has a few askblogs, all of which are fantastic! i haven’t gotten the time to read all of their blogs but like, mel’s characterizations are so good and complex. mel handles the topic of trauma with nuance and it’s all vry good.
everything is on hiatus rn but there’s a big backlog.
6) Askgasterfamily (ok this is me outright cheating here. it’s my askblog)
i have a 4 year old askblog and while i have a lot feelings about it and its not aged the super best in my eyes cause a good chunk of it was written when my mental health utter crap. these last few years have been hard as hell on me and i will not go into why rn cause.. obviously its personal and this ain’t a vent post lmao. i used agf to cope a lot with the shit i was going through, so a lot of is messy.
anyway, summary: the aster family runs a vlog, where people ask them questions about their private life. starts off as a fun slice of life comedy but descends into a sci-fi horror story about depression, morality, and family abuse.
i honestly would recommend just waiting for me to make the animatic film. it’s going to be the definitive version where the story is streamlined and more coherent. i storyboared over a hour of footage but it’s currently undergoing major rewrites as i was unhappy with it, so it’s still going to be a while for it to come out.
aaaaand that’s it for now! that’s all my recs that i can think of. i know the second i post this i’ll think up like, 5 things i could recommend but i’m just gonna leave it as is for now. pls don’t take it personal if i forgot or didn’t put ur fanwork on here.
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ihamtmus · 7 years
I have an essay to write which means it’s the perfect time to answer some questions instead of doing that, right? I was tagged by my dear @hufflepuff-jedi. <3
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
I tag @howlingdawn, @ultrawhalnar​ and @mailorderfictionalcharacter (not 20, I realise that)
1. Drink: tea (with milk) 2. Phone call: my sister 3. Text message: my mom 4. Song you listened to: wait for it from hamilton OH GOSH IT IS SO GOOD I WANT TO CRY 5. Time you cried: hah it was while watching videos about the original hamilton cast, i just love them so much. but i didn’t actually cry.. there were just tears in my eyes. so let’s say the last time i cried was two days ago after a stressful day at school when i called my mom to tell her about it. 6. Dated someone twice?: [insert that meme with the guy pointing at his head] you can’t date someone twice if you haven’t dated anyone once 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: bro read the previous answer carefully 8. Been cheated on: it is all connected you see, the answer is above 9. Lost someone special: my history teacher... oh and also my friend who hasn’t died but we’re not friends anymore. 10. Been depressed: like, for real? i had a really bad time like half of a year ago 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: i don’t do this kind of stuff my guy
Fave colours;
12. bless you for giving space for three colours. that’d be dusty blue 13. brownish purple 14. green
In the last year have you
15. Made new friends: yes :’) 16. Fallen out of love: no 17. Laughed until you cried: umm sure 18. Found out someone was talking about you: i’d be disappointed if nobody mentioned me ever 19. Met someone who changed you: i think so, yes 20. Found out who your friends are: i made a new friend and she is my friend now and i found it out so you have your answer  21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: dude, what even
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: there’s only one girl i haven’t met 23. Do you have any pets: not anymore 24. Do you want to change your name: i’m too sentimental for that 25. What did you do for your last birthday: i went to the park with my friend and he bought me lemonade and flowers (!!!) and in the evening i went with my sister for a drink to a lovely place and we wore pretty dresses and it was wonderful 26. What time did you wake up today: so my alarm clock started ringing at 9:05 but it doesn’t mean i got out of bed before 9:35 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: probably listening to hamilton 28. What is something you cant wait for: i want my cousin to finish listening to hamilton and meet with her and freak out with her about how good it is and watch some animatics and sing and maybe see it on stage again oh gosh 30. What are you listening to right now: nothing but wait for it is actually still playing in my head 31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i’ve talked to somebody named the Polish version of Tom, which is Tomasz 32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: when my sister wants to call her boyfriend and asks me to go to the kitchen (she cannot call him in the kitchen becase she doesn’t want out other flatmate to hear her talking to him xd) 33. Most visited website: tumblr 34. Hair colour: dark blonde 35. Long or short hair: long 36. Do you have a crush on someone: nope 37. What do you like about yourself: my smiling attitude 38. Want any piercings?: thank you, no 39. Blood type: was it ab?? or a?? 40. Nicknames: let’s not get into details, it’s gabi 41. Relationship status: still single 42. Zodiac: not sure, perhaps cancer?? maybe 43. Pronouns: she/her 44. Fave tv shows: star trek ds9 is the greatest show ever, along with star trek tos. i also liked merlin, zorro and sherlock 45. Tattoos: not even one, my dude 46. Right or left handed: *george washington’s voice* RIGHT HAND MAN 47. Ever had surgery: no 48. Piercings: wasn’t there a similar question earlier? the answer is still no 49. Sport: not really into sport. when it comes to physical activities i do like walking in the mountains, but it’s not a sport, is it. i used to LOVE playing basketball but it was so long ago. 50. Vacation: i just want to go to london and see hamilton again please 51. Trainers: whom *checks in a dictionary* oh no i don’t wear them
More general;
52. Eating: just give me food and i’ll be happy 53. Drinking: coffeeeeeeeee 54. I’m about to watch: hamilton’s america!! let me watch all the LEGAL FOOTAGE 55. Waiting for: it (ensemble *quietly*: wait for it, wait for it). no but honestly i’m kind of waiting for my essay to write itself 56. Want: my essay to write itself. and also i want to see hamilton on stage again, we’ve been here, next 57. Get married: oh sure! 58. Career: translator (or maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee children’s book illustrator................... maybe one day.... maybe)
Which is better;
59. Hugs or kisses: i haven’t kissed anyone i can’t answer that 60. Lips or eye: eyes 61. Shorter or taller: who are we talking about now. and shorter than who. a potential partner? i’d prefer it if he was taller than me 62. Older or younger: a little older 63. Nice arms or stomach: @questions why are you like this. i guess arms?? but i don’t think i share a popular opinion about what nice arms mean (don’t like arms that are too muscular) 64. Hookup or relationship: what’s the first one *checks in a dictionary* are you serious? relationship 65. Troublemaker or hesitant: we’re still talking about the potential partner? hesistant i think
Have you ever;
66. Kissed a stranger: bro 67. Drank hard liquor: um no 68. Lost glasses: lost and didn’t find? no 69. Turned someone down: oh yes 70. Sex on first date: BRO WILL YOU STOP, NO 71. Broken someones heart: ..maybe a little, but not my fault 72. Had your heart broken: not really 73. Been arrested: umm no  74. Cried when someone died: yes 75. Fallen for a friend: yes
Do you believe in;
76. Yourself: most of the time yes 77. Miracles: yes, God literally saved my life using them 78. Love at first sight: not really 79. Santa claus: no (there is a Saint Nicholas tho and i do think he exists, but he has little in common with santa claus) 80. Kiss on a first date: i mean, if you ask me if i “believe in” kiss on a first date then sure, i don’t doubt some people do that, but i’d rather not. 81. Angels: oh sure
82. Best friend’s name: idk!! my cousin’s name is Emilka, my sister’s name is Asia and my friend from uni’s name is Sandra and i love them all!!! 83. Eye colour: blue but sometimes green and sometimes even grey (what a mystery) 84. Fave movie: that has to be the lord of the rings 85. Fave actor: ummmmmmmm like a movie actor?? i think tom hiddleston. but at the moment i am filled with love for leslie odom jr. who is a musical actor. and also lin manuel miranda, i love him.
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sleepymarmot · 6 years
Twilight Mirage liveblog 3/5 (episodes 28-54)
I'm very excited for a series of solo episodes!
Don't know how I feel about the new Grand Magnificent tbh… This concept feels more conventional than the original one, and I'm worried the aspects of his character I found interesting won't be in focus anymore.
I had my problems with the previous system and how it flattened down emotions into inaccurate categories, but so far I'm not excited about the switch… Blades in the Dark's mechanics were kinda hard for me to follow by ear, and being unable to keep track of the gameplay by myself is unpleasant; and the new classes sound really dull compared to the ones in The Veil. 
Iota's speech is strange… It sounds more like a simple copy-paste of real-life colonialism than the invasion described previously in the story. “They will ask you to give them a name like ours, they will ask to touch your bone” etc sounds nothing like Independence and its followers' modus operandi was, and, judging by the future tense, hasn't actually happened with the present time settlers yet – so where did that come from, in-universe? In fact, shouldn't her people have a relatively positive outlook on non-hostile outsiders, since they brought on the planet's golden age? Hopefully the following episodes will elaborate on this, because I've made peace with needing lore or plot points explained to me several times, but I need more clarity on big ideological question like this. 
Gig is such a Chaotic Good!!
Buying sex is legal, normal & common in the utopia and Signet is a regular customer?! Fucking seriously?! I couldn't even focus on the episode for the next half hour and eventually turned it off because my thoughts kept returning to this and I kept seething with anger. Way to ruin the episode after I was so moved and intrigued by the intro…
They've been pretty careful with past spoilers this season, here's I think the first example: talking at length about the Hitchcocks, plural. Sure, it was only an episode three spoiler, but it was such a good reveal! 
So, who actually printed out the ancient Quire people? Was it a political move from one of the sides? 
No Austin you definitely have not mentioned Earth building a giant Dyson spehere around themselves!!! What the fuck :D
Everyone got a nice inconsequential vignette and Fourteen's scene had actual high stakes…
I really, really don't get what Seneschal looks like
After half a season of two separate parties and seven solo episodes it's so nice to hear everyone together!
Signet's look is absolutely not the kind of thing I imagined her wearing…
Please tell me someone has made an animatic about Even's hair tendril high-fiving Gig's eye
It's always cute when the first words after the intro are in that specific tone of voice that makes it obvious that at least 5-10 minutes before were spent in a lively conversation about some nonsense that finally was put to an end no more than two seconds ago (and then they talk about nonsense for ten more minutes lol) 
I love this show's dedication to describing everyone's outfits in extreme detail at every opportunity 
50k+ years later it's Art and Jack's turn to be the half of the party who walks right through the door and charm their way in lol. I hope they don't get shot or buy a bunch of torch units or something
I really like “finding a way to help a teenage community fit in the world” and “reconnecting a family and acquiring infrastructure for travel between planets” as the first projects; it really does convince you that these people have set out to make the world a better place (even if a lot of the time is actually spent pulling heists or fighting mechanical tigers).
Okay, the scavenger faction leader is literally a vulture, I get it.
What I don't get is why we are supposed to dislike that faction. There was some general “eh, they suck” said OOC during setup but we haven't actually seen them do anything bad! Show, don't tell! They need to, like, raid Big Garage and try to steal Gumption's arm if you want me to see them as an enemy.
Remember that nonsense I wrote about T. Rex in my C/w notes post? I can't believe they're doing basically the same joke on the actual show!
But how about… not capture or kill… but befriend the Axiom and/or release it into the wild… I know, I know, they can't travel far enough to move it to a safe distance from humans. But it just offends me on principle that after all that talk of diversity etc, when the characters actually meet a truly alien, unique species, they only consider the options of killing or capturing and exploiting them, and nobody even tries to ask “hey, shouldn't these creatures have rights, even if we are forced to disregard them in self-defence for the moment?” You know who I need to appear on screen ASAP? Bounty. Ask it everything! Does it remember being an Axiom? What did it feel like? What does it think about its transformation and new role? 
I thought Grand's special gun was just Even's gun?
Did Janine just call Belgard Signet's “robot wife”? Hell yeah
Me for an hour straight, not having read the description: Blease Do Not Kill My Alien Child I guess that's at least postponed now though… The situation did immediately get mildly creepy again, which makes me concerned. Is this just a different reason to kill a different Axiom – to Free Innocents from a Lotus Eater Machine? I'm getting serious September flashbacks. Honestly, between this, the other team's arc which felt like a crossover about the Chime in Marielda, and everyone getting a personal mech, this half of the season is starting to feel like Counter/weight 2, which is sad because at the beginning the atmosphere was much more original. Also I miss Primary and Satellite's correspondence, it was such a good framing device and a touching relationship at the same time!
Polyphony's powers and way of thinking are more similar to Quire than anything else
I feel very relieved and vindicated by the direction this story took!
Hell yeah finally more about the Waking Cadent!! I've been waiting for that for how many episodes now? Now that we've seen her in person I hate her actually Amend that, I hate both Cadents. A plague on both their houses!
Good on you Even, what's even the point of a military background if you don't pull rank on some jerks
Am I glad to hear from the Rapid Evening again! Bold of Austin to assume we could forget who Primary and Satellite were Okay, I first had this question a ton of episodes ago, but now it is relevant again: does Grey know the contents of the previous Satellite's final message? She knows about its existence because the numbers match up (yeah I went back and checked), but does she know that Crystal Palace either made a colossal miscalculation about Independence's route or lied on purpose for some reason?
Wait, characters still have beliefs? I don't remember this coming up since the game change
I completely forgot about Tender's cyborg legs and also misheard “I have a fake leg” as “thick leg” and was like “Uh good for you but how's that gonna help?!”
Once again, Team Exploration goes ahead and leaves Team Heist without resources lol. What do you mean they're using our ship for an orbital drop? What do you mean they've taken all axiom scanners? :D Seriously though, it's a shame that the sessions were played in this order because in-universe I see no reason why they wouldn't say “Hey before you go after Acre Seven, let's fly over Terncage and do a scan real quick” (the range on the scanners is far enough for that, right?)
I don't get how Ache works. For Quire, it made what it wishes it could be, but for everyone else it just made evil clones vaguely themed after their regrets?
TENDER IS A GAY DISASTER I haven't heard such a spectacular meltdown since Calhoun probably, holy shit
TENDER IS A DISASTER SQUARED she starts talking to a woman and just doesn't stop! This is a great episode
I like how Gig immediately says no to the devil's bargain
Oh Signet disregarding the digital Blooming, you clearly haven't seen/read (the future version of) Solaris :D
Oh no, it's the Smiling God! Came to visit another podcast that used to have a personification of capitalism as a big boss evil god
A crit at the last possible moment, after a long string of 1s… Ali's dice see through the fourth wall!
I… didn't fully understand the reveal of how it was all connected
Okay, so the Dark Day could have been prevented by keeping the gun dealer priest alive and allowing him to arm the NEH so that it could take over Twilight Mirage and wouldn't need to activate plan B i.e. come here and block signal from the Crystal Palace? Correct? It makes sense now, but Our Profit seems to be from such a far future that I just can't imagine how this plan was created and put in place
O….k… I actually expected Grand to leave the team and go off on his own (or become an NPC) as a consequence of the holiday special if he was the sacrificed character instead of the Chthonic. But now that's kind of strange to hear after all that talk of redemption and second chances?
You get a status! And you get a status! Everyone gets a status!
Wow having a near death experience out of the blue is so relaxing for Fourteen! :D NEVER MIND HOLY CRAP I'm glad that at least Fourteen kept their signature move from The Veil. I was wondering what it would be like, and honestly expected it to be just thrown out
Excuse me, “Omega in Mass Effect 2” and “cool place run by trustworthy people” are literally opposite concepts, have we even played the same game
Grand: Who likes Fourteen Fifteen? Tender, not even letting him finish: ME!!! 
Welp, my first guess about the Waking Cadent's identity was correct
Holy crap! I never realized Independence was in that one flashback episode of Counter/weight
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