#Also I love to eat mangos by tearing the skin away with my teeth
canineentity · 1 year
Anyone else make specific meals that link back to their theriotype/kin? My family is Balkan which means our meals tend to be a bit meat heavy, which is wonderful for the dog brain. Especially when it's something simple! Pork shoulder cooked on a pan with a little salt and just a tiny bit of pepper is one of the Ideal Dog Meals. Just pick it up and tear. Also a rare steak but that's a little more work-
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crimsonskies1124 · 4 years
My Lovely Human Chapter 1: My Savior
The town was in a state of of emergency due to the sudden snowstorm. Everyone was in a state of panic, schools were closed and stores were flocked for supplies. (Y/N) peered through the window, the snow was getting heavier and heavier. "I should get more fire wood just in case."
(Y/N) gets up from the couch and starts putting on her coat and boots and grabbed her gloves as well. She picks up her lantern and attaches it to her backpack that she intends to carry the firewood in. She opens the door and shivers slightly from the cold weather, she noticed a letter sticking out from her mailbox. She picks it up in her small hands. "Ah. It's from mother." She murmured.
'Dear (Y/N),
How are you doing? It's been a while since you last visited your father and I. I know you're busy with the work at the church and orphanage but please don't overwork yourself. I'll be sending some mangoes and coconuts I grew the other day, they're very nice and sweet from the soil in the Dominican Republic. I also heard there's going to be snow storm over there. Please be careful and lock your doors.
       Love Mom
(Y/N) chuckled lightly and puts the letter away. "Such a worry wart." She whispered while smiling. The fluffy snow was falling from the sky slowly to the ground softly, it was a sight she loved to see. She placed the key in the hole and locked it. Step by step she could hear her boots crunching the soft snow. As she makes her way towards the entrance of the town, huffing and puffing could be heard and two small arms latch around her waist causing her to yelp and looks down to see a small boy with black messy hair and lavender eyes.
(Y/N)! I caught you!" He giggled a bit, tightening his hold of her.
"Goodness..Narancia. I nearly tripped. What on earth are you doing out here? You should be at home? She patted his head a little.
Narancia ignores her question and smiles brightly. "Let's play! C'mon! Let's make a snowman." He was pulling at her coat but to no avail for he was a boy of 7 years.
"Maybe later. You should be at home by now. It's dangerous right now." She grabs his tiny hand and starts walking back to the orphanage. She can hear him whining but ignored it. "Bucciarati must be worried sick." (Y/N) sighed a bit, Narancia was always a rather troublesome child but he certainly knows how to brighten the room with his personality of his.
(Y/N) finally arrives at the orphanage after walking for 15 minutes and the door pulled open quite fast after one knock. Her eyes widened in surprise from the sight of Bruno Bucciarati , his raven hair was disheveled and his tan skin looked quite pale.
He quickly composes himself. "Ahem..What brings you here so late (Y/N)?" he clasps his hands together tightly, although his hands couldn't stop shaking.
"Sorry to come unannounced Bucciarati." She bows slightly. "However, I found this little rascal playing out in the snow." She pulls Narancia a little showing him to Bruno. Bruno's bright blue eyes and quickly pulled Narancia in his arms.
"Ahh! Thank God you're alright Narancia!" he hugged the boy tightly which causes Narancia to fidget in his arms.
"Y-You're crushing m-me!" He lightly gasps out and Bruno lets go of him and Narancia runs to (Y/N), hugging her arm.
She lightly chuckled from seeing this display. "See? I told you that Bucciarati was worried sick." He lowers his head a little in response and she smiles. "We can play some other time okay?"
Lavender eyes look up to hers. "You promise?" He pouted, puffing his round cheeks. (Y/N) lightly laughs, he was so cute.
She ruffles his hair. "Yes, yes I promise. Maybe Fugo can play too." She glances at the door way seeing Fugo hiding behind Bruno's leg. "Now be a good boy and get inside before you catch yourself a cold." He nodded and runs inside and could hear him sneezing already and Fugo scolding him.
Bruno breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank you for bringing him back. Would you like to stay over for dinner? You've done so much for the children ."
She shook her head. "No thank you. Perhaps another time. I help because I want to. I have firewood to collect so I'll be going now." Her lantern jingles to one side from her backpack from the strong wind. She turns around and hears him mutter another thank you before she heads out once more.
(Y/N) enters the forest to collect wood, humming a small tune. She glances at the time on her watch and clicks her tongue. It was already 9:00pm, the amount she collected was enough. She pulls the lantern off her bag and holds it in her hand since it was getting harder to see. She looked up at the sky, watching the beautiful snow fall heavier this time.
As she makes haste to reach back to town, she saw something black that was covered in the snow. She walks up to it and brushes some of the snow off to see a snake. She takes off her glove to touch it's skin. "Poor thing is freezing. You won't survive like this.." She picks him up and was surprised how big this snake was and brushed off the rest of the snow off the skin and sees black and white scales. "pretty." She murmured.
Her parents would yell at her if she did something like this. Her parents were religious so they deemed snakes as evil but she couldn't let the poor thing die. (Y/N) was too kind-hearted to do such a thing. She opens her thick coat and places him in it and could feel the snake move. "Getting warm buddy?" She smiles and hurries back before he freezes to death.
Once she came back to her home, she left her soaked boots by the door and sets her bag near the kitchen and puts her coat gently down and watches the snake cuddle into it. It was cute. She grabs some dry firewood and places it in the fireplace, she grabs the match from her kitchen and quickly slides it against the match box til the fire lit up and goes by the fireplace and watches the fire burn the wood brightly. She could hear hissing and turns around to see him burying himself more against the coat. "It's okay. It's gonna warm you up."
She walks towards the snake and lightly touches his skin with one finger. "Good. your body doesn't seem so cold now." She lets out a sigh , feeling tired from carrying a big bag full of wood and a large snake. (Y/N) lays down on the on the sofa, watching the fire and listens to the crackling. She lets out a small yawn and closes her eyes. Bright Crimson eyes stare at her as he watches her drift off to sleep.
The sun shined through the window and hits (Y/N)'s face. She groaned in discomfort from the sunlight and yawns. "mm..too bright.." She then heard a knock on the door. She quickly rose up from her seat . "How could it be at this hour..?" She glances at the clock , it wasn't time to work at the church t was too early for that . She straightens out her hair quickly to try and look presentable. She opens the door and sees the pastor. "Father Michael what brings you here at this hour?" She looked at the ground, the snow has melted from the warmth of the sun.
"Good day Miss (Y/N), sorry to disturb you at this hour." He clutches at his cross rather tightly, he was shaking a little. "But it's an emergency..My wife and brother haven't returned last night. You have heard of the rumors yes?" He looked at her with eyes full of worry.
Her eyes widened in surprise, It was unlike those two to not be in home on time. She remembered that they were both visiting another church . "That's terrible. I don't know much about the room Father Michael but I have heard that there was a man eating beast roaming around but no has found it yet." It was unsettling sure but it's not something that she would believe for sure. It's silly however, people have been disappearing as of late and it's troubling a lot of the town folk even with the support of the police and hunters.
He takes a deep breath . "Please (Y/N) could you help me find my wife and brother? I beg of you."
"Huh? Have you told the police or the hunter's association at least?" She gave him a puzzled look.
"I have! But they said they can't unless they been missing for 24 hours! The hunter's association has their hands full on the other cases as well , you're the only one I can turn you. You're familiar with the forest right? I promise to fully compensate you ! I-I'll even raise your pay too please..I don't know what else to do."
(Y/N) frowns. She can't turn him away like this, he was a troubled soul and it's true that the police aren't very well trusted. She's seen them, they tended to slack off and frankly it does upset her. "Alright . I'll set off to look for them. "
He looks at her with relief. "Oh thank you! Thank you (Y/N)! You truly are a kind soul." She nodded and smiled and watches him leave . She lightly sighed and closes the door and looks in the coat.
"Hm? Where is that snake?" She looks around the houses but couldn't find him anywhere. "Maybe he went back home.." She mumbled and starts packing for her tools in her backpack and some food in case she would be out there for a long time. She knows her way around the forest but most normal folk do not. She eats some bread and coffee while she's getting ready. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Okay teeth check. hair check, equipment check. " She smiles and attaches her lantern to her bag once more.
Just as she was at the entrance of the town she could feel something tugging her and it was little Narancia . She gently picks him up . "What are you doing up so early silly." She kisses his cheek. "You look so messy today."
He wraps his arms around her neck and sniffles. I-I heard you were going. Please don't go!" Tears built up in his eyes.
"I have to . I need to do some work okay? You'll be a good big boy for me and behave won't you? Don't give Bruno any trouble okay? We might get to play later if I come back early or maybe even a sleep over? Doesn't that sound nice?"
"R-Really? Yeah! I wanna play and stay up all night! I'll bring Fugo too! He wants it too (Y/N)! " He stopped his tears and was gently placed down.
"Good. That's what I like to hear . Now run along I really need to get going."He nodded and waves goodbye and runs to the direction of the church . " He's still such a adorable troublesome rascal hehe." She smiles and walks into the forest. It was brimming with beauty and life even right after the snow storm. "Let's see maybe I should start with the east side of the forest today." She hums the same tune earlier and from the far distance a set of bright Crimson red eyes had it's sight set on her.
"Hm...Hm..Hm I been walking for a long while." She glances at the time it was late afternoon just as she was about to take a break she heard a blood curdling scream , it sounded like a man's voice. 'That could be Father's Michael's wife! She dashes towards the direction of the scream and her eyes widened in horror when she saw two feet sticking out of a giant's serpent mouth. her body slowly went down his throat and into his stomach though it wasn't noticeable enough to bulge his stomach. Oh god. Oh god! This can't be happening! Was this the man eating monster? She back away slowly and the serpent presses a hand to his stomach giving it a small rub and then locked those bright ruby eyes onto her and his fork tongue occasionally sticking out. He was giant to say the least. He was 6'6 and had bulging muscles, he had snow white short hair and creamy skin however when looking at his lower half it was a large long tail adorned with black and white scales that glisten against the sunlight.
She was shaking in fear as his slit eyes bored into her round like one. This was it. She was gonna die. NO! I don't want to die! She watches him slither closer in fluid motion and she broke out running before he could get too close. She ran as fast as she could as she tries to calm her pounding heart. This was dangerous, with this many trees she couldn't see him . She turned back while running and tripped over a piece of wood. "Ah!!" As she fell to the floor , the strap of her bag snaps and falls into the river. Scales wrapped around her body , slowly coiling her and lifts her off the ground and opens her eyes ans gasps seeing the large snake like man. "A-Ah! No! Let go!" She struggles in his hold only for him to coil tighter causing her to stop . It was like being squeezed to death and stopped shaking violently in his hold. "W-What are you!?"
He moved his tail along her body. She was much softer than that frail old woman. "I am what you humans call a naga." He watches her as if he was still observing her. "Human. You saved me from certain death last night. I thank you for that."
A-A Naga? They were just legends and myths! Her parents use to tell her of Nagas were dangerous beasts with a form of half human, half snake that consumes humans and animals. "W-Wait. You were the snake from last night?"
He nodded. "I'm Risotto Nero but you may call me Risotto." He lifts her closer to him and brushed his forked tongue against her cheek and then trails down her neck hearing her squeak. " You're quite beautiful, human. What's your name?"
"U-Um..I-I'm (Y/N) please let me go." She is hoping that she would not be this Naga's next meal .
"Pretty name. (Y/N) I am of need of a mate and I want you. I want you to come to my home." He brushes his tongue against her cheek once more.
She lightly gasps and struggled against his binds. "N-No! I'm not going anywhere with you!" He tightened his hold of her making it harder to breath, she wouldn't have a choice in the matter whether she wanted this or not . It was already decided. She felt her vision getting blurry . "S-Someone..please." She whimpers until she fell into darkness.
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writethehousedown · 4 years
Here Comes the Sun 4/7 (Branjie) -- athena2
Day 4, Sunshine: Brooke and Vanessa have their picnic together. Thank you all for the love you’re giving this fic, and thank you Writ for betaing!
For the first time all spring, instead of a damp gray sky and rain drizzling down the windows, there’s nothing but soft pink sky and sun peeking hesitantly through her curtains, unsure if it should show itself.
Brooke lets its glow warm her up. She’s used to rising before the sun does, armed with soothing British baking shows when she couldn’t get back to sleep in the early morning darkness. She takes the sun as a good sign this morning, that their picnic will be warm and happy and not filled with harsh winds or cold grass to soak their clothes.
Brooke jumps out of bed and starts making Vanessa’s lunch. She pushes fruit through her star cookie-cutter and layers chicken on crusty bread, nestling it all in her kitten-covered lunch bag along with chips and brownies she made last night. She takes even more time than she would on her own lunch, wanting everything to be perfect, for each piece of fruit and each bite of chewy brownie to show Vanessa how much Brooke cares for her.
She grabs a blanket and is on her way.
The kids are off the wall leading up to lunch, and Brooke can’t blame them. It’s been so rainy and cold, after a particularly harsh winter, that they’ve been having indoor recess since Halloween. The gym just doesn’t carry the same excitement as the big green field behind the school, with a playground and basketball hoops and the promise of good times and grass stains. Sneakers squeak on tile as everyone sprints to their cubbies, and Brooke runs with them, grabbing Vanessa’s lunch and meeting her as they lead the kids outside.
Sun warms their faces, a gentle breeze rustling bright green leaves above them. Brooke spreads her plaid blanket under a tree and gestures for Vanessa to sit.
“So.” Vanessa grins smugly. “What did Chef Brooke prepare for me today?”
“Well…” Brooke plays along, acting like a contestant on Chopped, “Today you will be dining on a roasted chicken sandwich featuring the finest bread from Shuga’s Bakery. You have triple-chocolate brownies, some potatoes thinly sliced and fried, and a fruit salad starring pineapple, mango, strawberries, and grapes.”
Vanessa’s eyes grow wider and wider as Brooke lists the items, until she bursts into applause and opens her lunch. “This looks so good, Brooke! Thank you.”
The heat in Brooke’s cheeks is enough to burn down a building.
The rocket ships on Vanessa’s lunch bag take flight as she glides it over to Brooke. “Now, I made you–hey, Joey, please don’t eat dirt!” Vanessa calls to one of her kids, who grumbles before leaving the dirt pile.
Brooke laughs and Vanessa nudges her shoulder playfully, the warmth of her touch burning through Brooke’s shirt.
“As I was saying, I made you a sandwich with the finest pureed strawberries and a peanut spread, cut into a flower for presentation purposes. You also have a rustic trail mix of raisins, granola, oats, dried apricots, and chocolate chips, with carrot sticks and peanut butter cookies.”
The thought of Vanessa making cookies just for her sends Brooke’s heart fluttering like a bird.
“Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite,” Brooke admits.
“I know. I mean, I’ve seen you eat it before,” Vanessa says quickly. Red bursts in her cheeks. “Shoot, don’t think I’m a stalker or something–”
“No, no. It’s sweet,” Brooke says truthfully. “I just–I didn’t think anyone really noticed me.”
“I’ve always noticed you,” Vanessa says.
Brooke looks down at the blanket. She remembers her very first day teaching here, worried the other teachers wouldn’t like her, that the students wouldn’t like her, that she’d do something wrong and get fired. The panic only grew when she couldn’t find her classroom, completely lost in the maze of hallways and room numbers that followed no conceivable order, breathless with fear that her job at this school was over before it began. And then Vanessa rounded the corner, stopping and asking if she was okay, like she could sense Brooke’s distress. Vanessa reassured her that everyone got lost here, easily leading Brooke to the right class and fighting her fears away all the while.  
“Yeah, you have,” Brooke says, taking a bite of her sandwich. She wonders if Vanessa’s smile or the way she scooches closer means what Brooke wants it to mean. Maybe later she can ask Vanessa if she wants to do something. Maybe Vanessa really does like her.
She and Vanessa talk about the “Welcome, Summer” decorations they’re planning–Vanessa’s thinking a beach theme and Brooke is planning ice cream–and apart from telling another student not to eat dirt, it’s almost romantic.
Vanessa helps Brooke bring some of the outdoor toys back to her room, her entire body buzzing from what she just did. I’ve always noticed you. Did she really say that to Brooke? Did Brooke smiling at her all through lunch mean what Vanessa wants it to mean?
She had been taken with Brooke the moment she saw her nervously roaming the hallways, hand tearing through her hair, looking utterly lost and confused. Brooke had tried to put on a good front, but Vanessa’s mom said she had a sixth sense with people’s emotions, and Vanessa knew Brooke was terrified. She made Brooke as comfortable as she could that day, and the warmth in her chest has only grown. Maybe she can ask Brooke out. Maybe Brooke would say yes.
Vanessa carries the toy basket to the back of Brooke’s room, past the crayon rug and tidy bookshelf and dinosaur posters reminding the class to clean up and be kind. The other corner of the room catches Vanessa’s eye, and she investigates.
Sitting on top of a tiny shelf is a cylinder—Vanessa’s no stranger to DIY, and she’s pretty sure it’s a repurposed coffee can—covered in red felt, with a plush red monster on top, jaws open to expose sharp white teeth. Pencils and small slips of paper lay next to it, meant to be put inside the monster’s mouth. According to the sign in Brooke’s neat handwriting, this is the Worry Monster.
“You made this?” She asks Brooke.
Brooke ducks her head. “Yeah. I tell the kids that if they’re worried about something, they can write it down and feed it to the monster, and then they don’t have to worry anymore.” She sighs. “I mean, I know it can’t work on everything, but if it helps them even a little, then it’s worth it, you know? I was always worried about stuff when I was a kid. Cried and got a lot of stomach aches. Something like this could’ve helped me.”
Vanessa’s glad she’s not the only one teaching to help a past version of herself. She works as much movement and activity as she can into her lessons, after so many years of being put in the corner because she just couldn’t sit still. It wasn’t until she was 13–after eight years of time-outs and missed recess and scolding and crying–that someone brought up ADHD and she got proper help.  
She can easily picture a nervous little Brooke, sniffling back tears or playing with her hair (like Brooke does now when she’s worried), struggling to focus through the worries in her mind that she didn’t know how to express. It warms her heart to know how much Brooke cares about her students, and that feeling of love for Brooke grows until she can’t fight it anymore.
“I definitely get it. I try to help as much as I can too.” Vanessa leans in closer. “It’s nice that you care so much. It’s sweet.”
“You too.” Brooke smiles. “You’re always so good with your kids. I can tell how much they all love you. You’re a great teacher, Vanessa.”
Vanessa blushes. Brooke’s one of the best teachers Vanessa’s ever seen, and for her to have noticed Vanessa that way, to think she’s great, makes her so warm she might combust.
“So are you.” She and Brooke huddle in closer. All she can see is Brooke, pale skin and blonde hair and summer-green eyes, and the question is out of her mouth before she can stop it. “Hey, Brooke? There’s this botanical garden in Smith Park, and I was wondering if you’d want to go with me tomorrow?”
She holds her breath as Brooke bites her lip, and Vanessa can see the wheels spinning in her mind.
��I’d love to, Vanessa. Should I meet you tomorrow at 11?”
She’d love to. Brooke said she’d love to. Vanessa is so breathless with joy she can hardly answer, but she manages. It hasn’t even started yet, but she knows tomorrow will be the best weekend ever.
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kittywritesfics · 6 years
3 Times You Got A Tattoo To Prove Your Love For Me, And The One Time The Roles Reversed ↠ Angel Reyes
The first time wasn’t a surprise. Rosie held Angel’s hand as he laid back in the chair, body at ease from familiarity with the process. The artist chuckled and shook his head every time Angel would pretend to wince from pain, knowing he felt nothing but a tingle after years of getting inked. He understood the theatrics, however, because Rosie would coddle him like a mother every single time he pretended to be in pain.
“Baby, does it hurt really bad?” She asked, eyes shining and eyebrows furrowed in worry.
“Not really bad,” he lied through his teeth. Her tight grip on his hand hurt more than the needle; if it wasn’t for the machine’s buzz, he would forget where he was. “It’s worth it though. You know I’ve always wanted this.”
Rosie blushed, glancing at the almost completed rose over his heart. It was beautiful and the most vibrant tattoo he had. Her name written in beautiful script curved around the detailed flower.
As she considered it, she couldn’t help but worry for a different reason. “But what if—”
“Hush,” he cut her off, cradling her jaw with his free hand. “I’ll never regret this because I will always love you. Even if we aren’t together someday, and that will never happen, I will still want this tattoo. Because other than mi madre, you are the most important woman who has ever been in my life. And I want you to always be there. With this tattoo, you always will be.”
The overwhelming love in her eyes was worth the tattoo artist’s snort, because his cheesy words just got him laid.
The second time could not have been more different than the first.
Bishop called just as the couple sat down to enjoy the anniversary dinner Rosie spent hours preparing. Angel loved her cooking just as much as she loved seeing him cleaned up and in dress clothes, so it was a win-win.
She waited patiently for Angel to tell his President he was unavailable, but that moment never came. All she heard was a solemn, “I understand… Yes… I will. I’ll be there.”
And then he hung up, and his sad eyes met hers. The regret filling them told her all she needed to know.
It took her a few moments to find her voice, but she finally said, “You can’t go, Angel. This is one day out of the year; they have you on call for all the rest.”
He knew she was right, but the tattoo on his arm burned hotter than the one over his heart at the moment. “I pledged myself to this club, Ro. If they call, I have to go.”
She laughed cruelly. “At least I know where I stand, Ignacio. Some things are just more important than others.”
With those final, pain-filled words, she roughly pushed herself away from the table and stomped away. The bedroom door slammed shut as he shrugged on his cut, guilt nearly cementing him to the spot. Nearly.
The next morning, Rosie stumbled downstairs with puffy eyes and a stuffy nose. Her heart broke even more when she saw Angel carefully dicing fruit he had to have bought from the farmer’s market. He got all her favorites: strawberries, mangos, kiwis, apples, peaches, and cherries. She saw her namesake on his naked torso and couldn’t help but admire the way his biceps flexed with every movement.
The sight was mouthwatering, and the fruit looked good too.
She forced herself to ignore him, pouring herself a cup of coffee without a word. The newspaper sat at the table, and she pretended to be engrossed in it as her mind replayed the previous night’s events.
Angel silently placed a bowl of vibrant fruit in front of her and another at his spot across from her. She ignored him as he sat across from her, but that changed when she glanced up and saw the white bandage on the side of his throat that previously faced away from her. The silent treatment be damned; if he was cut that close to his throat, she was going to know about it.
In her most blasé and detached tone, she asked what had happened. All she got in response was a one-shouldered shrug and noncommittal hum. Forking peach slices appeared more important than easing the worry he must’ve known she felt.
She huffed disbelievingly and rolled her eyes. All her worry dissolved as anger took its place. He was obviously healthy enough to be a little shit, so there must not be anything to worry about. It was when she began eating her own fruit that he peeled the bandage away.
“I don’t want to see that shit at the breakfast table, Ignacio. You can’t just—” Her words died in her throat at the sight of her handwriting inked into his tan skin.
At once, she stumbled up from her seat and rushed to his side. She cupped the back of his neck as she inspected the words ‘Forever Yours’ that were now permanently on his skin. She rolled his head in all directions, but the loop of the cursive was undeniably hers.
“Wha— How—Where did you…” She trailed off as he wordlessly held up a folded piece of baby pink stationary. It was deeply creased, indicating that it had been folded and unfolded many times. She took a two second look at the paper before recognizing it. It was a message she had written him before a dangerous run over the border. It was filled with her sincere words telling him just how much she would miss him and how much she loved him.
The thought of him keeping it tucked away safely in his wallet left tears dripping from her eyes. She carefully smoothed the taped bandage over his new tattoo before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. She cried against his shoulder as he held her to him, arms tightly squeezing her.
They had their problems like any other couple, but Rosie knew she would always be his forever. Even if he missed a few important dates.
The third time Angel found himself in a tattoo artist’s chair because of his little woman was completely spontaneous.
The guy at the bar next to him had some pretty cool looking hand tattoos, and Angel couldn’t help but admire them. On his way back home, he found himself driving past the tattoo parlor even though it wasn’t on his usual route.
An hour later, he was driving home with heavy bandages around his thumbs.
Rosie attacked him with kisses once he come through the bedroom door. Earlier she had watched a steamy Lifetime movie that was obviously made to placate middle aged housewives, so she was ready for some loving from her man who was always ready to give it to her.
With her legs straddling his waist, she relished in the feeling of his mouth on her throat, sucking and biting. He squeezed her behind roughly, but her mind quickly focused on the rough texture on her lower back. She pulled away from him and took his hands, putting them between them. At the sight of the heavy bandaging, worry overshadowed lust.
“What happened? Did you cut them on something? Were they properly cleaned? Do you think you need stitches? Where did-”
He shut her up with his lips and tongue. As she was distracted, he unwrapped the bandages. He regretfully pulled away for her to see the new artwork on his skin.
The initials R. G. R. ran down the length of his left thumb and the date 13.06.16 ran down his left. Their anniversary was obvious to her, but she glanced at him questioningly when she saw the initials.
His voice was earnest when he said, “Rosie Gabriella Reyes. I’m gonna marry you one day, so take this as my version of a promise ring.”
Her heart felt like it would burst from the surge of love it experienced, but she was fine. However, other parts of her were beyond sore the next day.
Rosie had trouble believing anything was permanent. She didn’t think she had abandonment issues, but thoughts of Angel leaving her flashed through her mind at the most vulnerable of times. When they were arguing or when she was beyond content, that nasty voice in her head said, “He could leave right now and there’s nothing you could do about it.”
But Angel knew this, and he also knew that the tattoos he got for her only cemented their relationship. It made the love he had for her real, visual. Permanent.
Tattoos are one thing that are undeniably permanent. They meant always. They meant forever. They meant more to Rosie and Angel.
When Angel came home to Rosie sitting nervously on the couch, he immediately knew something was wrong. She was never uncomfortable around him or at her own home, so he left his cut on and still gripped his keys as he rushed over to her.
“Rosie? What’s the matter?” He asked, anxiety creeping into his voice as he saw the conflict in her eyes.
“Sit,” she requested. Her voice quavered, but she was clear. She was sure.
He immediately took a seat on the couch next to her, hands balled into fists to keep them from shaking.
Unexpectedly, she stood and pulled her shirt off. He realized in an off hand way that it was one of his, but his mind quickly went a different direction. Under her lacy black bra, right below her left breast, was his name in dark, very permanent ink.
He stared at it for a solid minute.
No one but her and him would ever see it, but they’re the only people who need to. To them, it meant she was ready to believe he was permanent. She could fully let herself love him because she knew he was there to stay. That tattoo meant more than any wedding band or government document ever could. It meant always. It meant forever. It meant more to Rosie and Angel.
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hai again why not? been trying to breathe completely. getting better. my life is REALLAY RELLAY gud. ver ver good, in fact. I am working on taking better care of myself and so far, so grand!! daily baths (7 day streak!) has encouraged me to skin care and teeth 2 times a day as well! I didn’t consciously decide to build them up, so I love that it happened naturally.  more ways to take better care of myself  - water intake, aka I could drink 2 of my water bottle with handle that I got for christmas from emmer. she went to five below wif mark :) her birthday coming up! I want to make her an oreo cake cause she freakin loves the filling so much. she is a frosting lover too. - meditating, followed by journaling each day - treadmill every day - ab coaster every day perhappps, I could ensure both every day by doing them back to back (or!) in cycles. how would that look? maybe 100 ab coaster, 3 minute tread (back and forth) worth a try to combine and see how I like it!! this will go hand-in-hand with my water intake, because I will want water when I do this.  - really considering signing up for gym soon (because I want to continue my excellent muscle growth). It might be worth it do planet because price, month-to-month, and close even though only smith machines. it is less than half of anytime, and those are 20 min away. Even with flowing money, there is a huge difference in what 65/m for a year versus 15/m. 780 vs 180. quite literally saving 600 dollars that way. honestly seems worth it to just join planet for now. I am seeing if I can strategically avoid maintenance charge in feb, though - weekly hair treatments like olive oil, olive oil/honey, olive oil/castor/jojoba oil, coconut oil :) on days when I plan on washing it -consider riding bike! I can take some climbing stuff out of my car and have more room. would be nice. -walks around the lake could be good for me. maybe I’ll do that and be happy to watch sunrises and the water. could be nice.
-see how good I feel by eating only fruit/veg/beans for a bit. I could find the dehydrator (if my mom has) and make mango dried snacks, etc. 
- consider cooking and making some nice dishes sometimes. I think I would like that a lot.
-affirmations would make a huge difference. listening, saying, writing. mirror talk. love song reroute
I know I’ve been saving quite a bit by not starbucksing.. so that’s good. I will have refund deposited soon for Turing, and also my taxes, which will be a comfortable cushion until this training potentially starts for the Executive Recruiter position I want. I emailed rec this morning.  what else? I have disputes going for all 3 bureaus at the moment..  trans, I want to delete extra addresses and phone numbers once I have resolution for these disputes, by 2/22, I should be able to do it myself and maybe I could try another way if they haven’t been removed. we’ll see.  it’s looking like I should get another credit card soon. It will help improve my credit score. which one? so many options.. maybe best rewards of some sort. I want to learn guitar songs, practice chords be fluent in spanish have consistently toned / muscle type stomach  will probably go to my esthe soon, and get a little bit zapped botox in march also ordering green eyes soon (since mine have tear)
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