#Also I STILL remember how years later at a birthday party (that was just 4 people)
museenkuss · 9 months
Also tell us about the cute girl at this party who you're definitely not crushing on
I’m not crushing on her (yet) and I definitely don’t plan on it, she’s just exactly the type I’ve been into before — the voice (warm with high notes, if that makes sense), the hair (feathery short and brown), the style to some extend (tomboyish), the jaw line… it’s startling tbh. There’s a specific type I find myself drawn to, I suppose???
And her signalling that she’s into girls too was really surprising and I’ll spend a while wondering whether she had motif behind it. Which she most likely didn’t, it was more a bonding moment, but, you know how it is. She’s also the girl who got told in conversation by a shared wlw friend that I’m bi and who was really surprised. The “oh, I thought she was conservative?” one. So make of that what you will? She also made sure to bring me to the train station and later kept texting me while I waited, which was really sweet :)
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zjpg · 10 months
just a girl
'birthday girl'
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[june - addi's bday!]
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charles_leclerc happy birthday best friend❤️ -> tagged: addilynleblanc
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addilynleblanc thank you cha❤️💙
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landonorris Happy birthday AL 🫶🏻
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addilynleblanc thank you LN🫶🏻
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talking to pierre and arthur again felt nice, though she still carried this burden of guilt with her every time she speaks with any of them, including lando. she's still learning to deal with the neausiating feeling that takes over her stomach when she sees them, she smile and waves.
"happy birthday!" her team jumped out from behind the tables as she walked into the 'energy station'. she jumps a little before smiling at the decorations, cake, party hats, and of course her team. max looks like he was forced to put on the party hat but he still wore a smile as he stood in the middle of everyone else, right in front of the cake.
"awe, thanks guys." she giggles and walks over to her team, hugging christian and max. nolan and claire stood back as one of the pr managers followed the youngest driver with a camera. "what flavor is the cake?" she asked.
max let out a chuckle, "red velvet" her favorite, they remembered!
they sang happy birthday to her in a mix of english and french, though they butchered it enough to make even max laugh at it. she blew out the two candles on her pink and purple cake before she cut it. "maxie, you want a a slice?" she smiled and tilted her head. max would usually deny, but it's her birthday and she's been through a lot, he knows how much it mean to her if he said.
that's something everyone finds so endearing about addi, she finds so much joy and happiness in these small things. it's a childlike trait, and maybe that's because she never had a real childhood to begin with. her parents needed her to mature quickly so she could also mature on the track, especially when it came to racing against older kids. she needed to be professional and mature when she was at the track. she was 4 when she started.
she cut everyone a piece of cake who wanted it, leaving herself a very small piece. she doesn't like to eat junk before a race, she likes having a good healthy breakfast before each race. the red bull team always buys her packs of her favorite red bull flavors. but they actually made a picture book of her first year with them.
after the celebration they had practice to get to, game faces on. she was getting happy birthday wishes the whole day, some of the drivers gave her cute little trinkets or bought her some of her favorite snacks, or in kimi's case, money and a pat on her head.
addi is actually really loved by the older drivers, even kimi has a soft spot for her. she has the nickname of 'kid' along with the younger drivers. each driver has given her nothing but praise over the last year that she's been driving. and it's really special to her to have a bond with the older drivers, especially because her bond with her dad isn't the smoothest at the moment.
"happy birthday, kid!" lewis smiled and hugged the young girl when he first saw her, hamilton falls in line with the older group of drivers. he brought roscoe to the track just for her that day, "does this mean i can show him around red bull?" she smirked.
lewis sighed but smiled, "i guess" he exaggerated. later tiktok's of roscoe walking around with addi around red bull and the paddock would be posted on the f1 account.
"hey birthday girl" lando smiles at the younger, she was holding roscoe's leash as the pair hugged, "get anything good today?"
she shrugged, "roscoe." she giggled and pointed at the dog. the brit laughed back and pet the bulldog, "i got red velvet cake, a collage book... thing?" she chuckled, "and like 3 packs of red bull as well."
"red bull is just in your bloodstream at this point."
"it's my secret to passing you every weekend." she joked with a wink. lando wasn't having it, he gave her that 'oh yeah?' look before grabbing her waist and tickling her. roscoe tried joining in the tickle fight but couldn't quite reach their level, so he barks.
"okay, okay, stop!" she tried but he wasn't giving in, "i'll let you by this weekend!"
he stopped, "really?"
"nope!" she and roscoe ran, though the bulldog wasn't much of a runner. "c'mon roscoe, c'mon we gotta get away from the bad man!"
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addilynleblanc 21
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addilynleblanc thank you for all the birthday wishes! and thank you to whoever sent the flowers, they're beautiful 💜💜
pierregasly Happy birthday, Addi-Loo -> addilynleblanc IT WAS YOU!?!?!?!?! -> pierregasly 💜💜
landonorris Happy birthday, thank you for teaching me everything you know 😎 -> addilynleblanc thank you dodo ily
charles_leclerc HB forever friend -> addilynleblanc 🫶🏻
claire.newbet glad you liked the cake, beauty -> addilynleblanc 🫶🏻
arthur_leclerc Happy 21 -> addilynleblanc 🫶🏻
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 months
Today I found and bought two new Sofia The First magazines in a magazine stand, in a town next to mine. (That's what the post is about) 🪻✨️💗
I live in a small town, I came to the neighboring city (a slightly bigger one; where there is a cinema, adequate medical care and clinics, things that are scarce in my town and everyone comes here when they need one of these things) to do an eyesight exam, because recebtly I've been feeling my vision getting worse. Going to the clinic, I found a magazine stand on the other street, and I asked my family (who were with me) if they could accompany me there later. I did the exam, and I'm still under the influence of the eye drops, so it's been torture to write this text, but I need to tell you what I found. You won't believe it: TWO DIFFERENT EDITIONS OF SOFIA THE FIRST MAGAZINES! THOSE THAT ARE NO LONGER PRODUCED! IN FACT, SEVERAL COPIES OF THEM! There were like, 7 magazines from the same edition, perfectly new, never touched, ON THE FLOOR. (And no, I'm not from Rio De Janeiro, there are a lot of sidewalks with this pattern here in Brazil)
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A while ago, I think it was in January, I was wondering if I should also go to this city and look for Sofia The First merch, because in my small town I've already looked at all the stores and there's nothing left to see here (how many, about 4 ? 5? Yes, it really is a small city, I know all these places and you can visit them all in 1 or 2 hours at most, walking down the street, without a car). I found some stickers and birthday invitations, I posted them a while ago, I used them for journaling in my sketchbook.
(@shychick-52 do you see the Donald Duck magazines there?? When I saw them I immediately thought about you, they're on the bottom left of the pic and there's more in the top right. Pato Donald is Donald Duck, Tio Patinhas is Scrooge McDuck's name in Brazil. I don't know a thing about Ducktales, I'm sorry!)
I literally gasped. I was just going there for fun, as I like books, magazines and vintage products like records and CDs, so I really like physical media. Those places full of trinkets are extremely fun for me, and whenever I have the opportunity I like to look at everything, down to the smallest details. I love music and vinyl stores, stationery stores, party stores, haberdashery, so a magazine stand sounds amazing to me too! I hadn't been to one in years! (I never went thrifting in my life. It would be an amazing day to spend an evening)
There weren't only Sofia The First ones, you see, these kinds of magazines aren't produced anymore since kids don't have any interest in them. So most of the children's magazines there were dated around 2012-2016! You don't even have to look for the dates to know that, the Strawberry Shortcake ones, Frozen (FROZEN, DUDE! FROZEN!!!) (In one of my STF magazines there's even an ad of these Frozen magazines, they were produced during the same time), there were Disney Junior ones (If you look closely you can see the Lion Guard cover on that pic where I show you the pile of STF magazines, it's on top of them), Disney Princess, EVEN MONSTER HIGH. I didn't took a pic of this one, but as far as I know, you don't find these anywhere anymore. I felt like going back to 2015, when I was a kid those activity magazines and visiting the magazine stands were extremely fun, the themes on the children's magazines were exactly these, I remember the sticker albums, so many good memories. It makes sense, since they're the same ones, but they were never sold.
Besides the children magazines, they sell mangas, magazines, books, word search and activity books, cooking books, comic books/magazines (superhero themed or not- DC comics, Marvel, but also Disney and national works, for example our beloved Turma Da Mônica), and even toys and stuff.
So I figured maybe I'd find silly things here too, it's a bigger town but after all it's still small, it's just 40 mins away from mine, maybe I could find little birthday hats that I can cut out? Gift bags? Maybe stickers and coloring kits, silly things. Of course, knowing about the magazine stands there, something that my hometown NO LONGER has, inside of me had a small amount of hope that I could find something, but not much, as I live in the rural/interior part of Brazil and many products are bootleg, you know those princess books with wonky faces written "princess coloring book"? Stuff like that. But there was still a shred of hope, despite knowing that there probably wouldn't be anything interesting. I just went there because I have fun searching for little things.
It was like they were just waiting for me to get them, they were the first things that I saw. I KNEW THAT I WOULD FIND SOMETHING. In fact, as I always hope to find cool things in these stores I frequent, I always expect something. I'm usually disappointed, but I always try to find it. AND THIS TIME I FOUND IT. NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT LIKE A DOZEN of STF magazines from the same edition, still packaged AND WITH THE GIFT. ALL OF THEM.
As my parents had work to do in our town and needed to return, I had to look at everything quickly. Luckily the magazine stand was small, so I was able to look at a few things, and while the attendant (who seemed bored (thankfully, the fact that she was very slow gave me time to look a little more)) served other customers (she was slow with them too, which gave me more time thank god), I continued looking at all sides of the stand, observing every small detail to look for treasures. If there were several copies of an issue of Sofia The First magazine still packed there, then there must have been more, hidden behind that enormous amount of information. I didn't had enough time because my parents needed to go back home, but I wish I could have saw the content from the Disney Junior magazines. I opened it and looked through the pages, only the last two pages were about Sofia The First, but I still had a lot to look so I put it back and went to search for more.
That's the one I got, the edition I mentioned
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12 brazillian reais are worth around 2,50 dollars. For us, in talks about value, it would be like- 5 dollars? Not too cheap like literal 2 dollars, it's like, a cheap price, but not that much. For us, I mean. I don't know if you get what I mean, my explanation was terrible
Before, as we were late for the exam and the whole family was going (we all went to take the exam) I only took with me my cellphone and headphones, I didn't bring my money or even a purse or a backpack. My father bought me the magazine, I got so happy. Actually, he just let me have it and gave me the money, so I went to the attendant. The magazines had an elastic band around to secure them, as you can see in the pic, and I took them to the girl and asked for her help to get one out. As I'm used to being very friendly, and I was very happy, I approached the girl, asked for her help, and as she got them out of the elastic band, I kept talking "I can't believe I found this!! They are no longer produced, they are rare items, and I'm collecting them! I didn't think I would find anything like this here, it definitely made my day." I noticed that the attendant wasn't very friendly back, in fact she was very quiet and seemed a little bored, but I didn't care, I was too happy to worry about judgement looks from people I don't know, at least I was friendly and I did my part. My young brother later told me that when I turned my back she looked confused and shrugged, perhaps thinking "to each their own, right?". She went to serve the other customers and in the meantime I continued to look through the magazines, hoping to find more.
Important detail: I still had eye drops, my pupils were extremely dilated and I could see nearby objects blurred, so searching thoroughly was very difficult. Imagine looking at all that information without being able to see things closer than 1m from you. I'm still convinced I didn't manage to look at everything. I found more Disney Princess magazines (dated in 2014? 2015? somewhere around that) and that's when I saw it. I literally had to crouch down to look at the magazines in the lower sections of the shelf, they were stacked and they covered each other, and when I saw the Sofia The First logo I quickly grabbed it. IT WAS ANOTHER EDITION - A FLOATING PALACE THEMED ONE. Unfortunately this time it was out of the packaging, and I have no idea if someday there was even a gift with it, but I don't care, it was amazing to find this.
That's the Disney Princess magazines I was talking about! In that first pic I took, at the start of the post, you can see a Belle themed one. The Ariel themed magazine looks so old that the paint is stained and started to fade (it was in the front showcase while the other ones were carefully placed inside the stand), thankfully the STF ones were brand new. Well, almost.
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Now that I'm home and I'm already seeing a little better, I'm gonna show you the magazines. Not all of them unfortunately, because a post only supports 10 pics and each magazine has 15/20+ pages so like... yeah. I wanna scan them and put them in a Google drive folder, or at least post a video about them in my YouTube channel, but that's more unlikely. If I had all of them, definitely, but I don't think it's worth recording a video if it's not with all the issues, don't you think? Anyway.
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What's written in the first one: The Queen's Birthday Party! (This one came with the necklace)
In the second one: Sofia's vacation!
Let's take a closer look at the necklace
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I'm fighting the urge to use it. I really want to use that tag in my sketchbook and the charm of the necklace in something like a keychain, but I cann'ttt bring myself to destroy something that is not produced anymoreeee😭😭😭
In the Floating Palace magazine, there is not even a single page where the sea monster is in. Not even a single one.
But in the "Queen's Birthday Party" one, there are three pages where Cedric is in! Yayy!!! They did him justice!!!
If anyone's curious about Miranda's birthday party, it's a comic and someone already posted it on Tumblr. Here is the link.
You know, that "Queen's Birthday Party" it's very exclusive, I don't remember the show having any episode like this, and the next activities in the magazine talk about the vacation they did in the comic and also the birthday party. Besides that, we have a lot of activities related to Tilly and family, and the main arts and crafts activity from this magazine is making a family tree. I believe that this magazine's topic is family.
I can't show you all the pages, but at least I can publish the pages Cedric is in and add more stuff to my Cedric merch masterlist (and personal research)
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Well at least he's there. I have seen this art around like 20 times but they remembered that Cedric is a Sofia The First character so that's good I guess
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They did him dirty here
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I'll translate it to you this time, so you can understand how I'm feeling right now
Enchancia Castle
Title: Fraternal Bonds
Before leaving, Aunt Tilly gives her brother a big hug. Which pairs of siblings do you know from Sofia's world? Mark the correct pairs below.
that's what we had for today, I reached the 10 image per blog limit as always, no one's surprised
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ladyodaskonpeito · 10 months
Day 4: Happy birthday, Sousuke!
Fandom: Free!
Pairing: Yamazaki Sousuke x Tachibana Makoto
Wordcount: 1300
Warning: Mentions of blood and vomit
It's Sousuke's birthday, so I went a little overboard with my day 4 entry 😅
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3
A/N: Haematemesis is the medical term for vomiting of blood
September 14th fell on a Wednesday this year, and Makoto was surprised to overhear loud noises coming from the GI clinic at five in the afternoon when he left his office. There were no GI consultations on Wednesdays if he remembered correctly.
And Makoto would remember everything correctly. So he rounded the corner out of curiosity and saw the team of GI doctors busy decorating the hallway with grey balloons and black, lettered flags that spelt out ‘Happy birthday, Sousuke!’.
“Makoto,” Rin called to him. It was naturally Haru’s boyfriend who first spotted him standing and staring at the flags. “You have perfect timing! Please, help!”
Dr Kirishima also appeared delighted to see him. “Yes! Makoto-kun, please lend us any of your personnel who are available right now, please?” As if sensing his concern, Dr Kirishima quickly added, “We have gotten approval from Dr Azuma for this celebration already, don’t you worry! He even offered to cover for us in the ward from five to seven, so we’d have time to make it a party. We’re just a little short on manpower right now to properly spruce up the place.”
The head of their division was an incredibly thoughtful superior in that case, Makoto was impressed.
“He covered for you, Natsuya! You’re the one with limited time,” Dr Mikoshiba laughed. “You, and our birthday boy. The rest of us will party hard and are free to drink all the booze we want!”
“Heck yeah,” Rin, too, rejoiced at that. “Please join in on the fun if you’d like, Makoto? You know how rare it is for the entire GI team to gather together other than for work. I even asked Haru to come, he’ll enjoy himself better with you here too.”
“You’re only inviting the nurses as well for extra helping hands,” said Haru flatly as he showed up just then. He probably headed here immediately from his department despite his complaints. “I’m leaving as soon as we finish setting up.”
“That’s not true, we invited our tech guy too for him to help out,” Dr Mikoshiba interrupted with glee, patting his brother’s back a little too hard for it to not be an intentional distraction to his candle-counting.
“Nii-san is the worst!” retorted Momo-kun once he finished counting thirty of them.
“This reminds me,” Dr Kirishima managed to fish out his phone even with the number of confetti poppers he had in hand. “I have a younger brother who is free too now that the pharmacy counters are closed.”
Makoto gave a chuckle. He would like to stay, just to assist with the preparations of the celebration like Haru would if nothing else. The hospital’s policy did detail that alcohol was only prohibited wherever and whenever clinical activity was taking place, anyway. The GI team would be fine.
“On the top of my head,” he finally offered. Nagisa was an obvious choice for how much he loved a good get-together, but he was stationed at the GI ward until seven, leaving him out of the question. “I recall that Nitori-kun would be coming in for the night shift later. I’ll ask him if he’s free to come in earlier for the party then?”
And as expected, Nitori-kun was down for it. They all made quick work of the decorations while they waited. Ikuya later brought in the cake from their delivery driver at the hospital's main entrance and Nitori-kun was promptly put in charge of calling Sousuke in while still panting as he reached.
“Yes, you,” Dr Mikoshiba instructed. “Make up a fake patient and tell him there’s an emergency, say the rest of us are not available and he’s scheduled to be on an in-hospital call later anyway.”
So Nitori-kun, despite his apprehension, was forced to make the call before his breathing even calmed down. Sousuke picked up on the first ring even when he had an hour left before his on-call duty.
“Dr Yamazaki!” Nitori-kun exclaimed as if taken aback by how fast it was answered, and put the call on loudspeaker. “There has been an emergency, please come to the clinic!”
“The clinic’s closed today. Wouldn’t I be needed at the ED instead?” He first expressed doubts, before quickly proceeding to brush that off and asking for a breakdown of the case.
“It’s a 30-year-old male patient,” Nitori-kun frantically looked around for any ideas, before locking eyes with Makoto. “It’s- it’s Tachibana-senpai!”
The rest of the team could barely hide their snickers while Makoto paled from the imminent embarrassment.
“Makoto?!” Sousuke sounded alarm (as would anyone in his situation, why would the nursing manager be having a gastrointestinal-related emergency out of the left field), concern evident in his tone. Makoto could feel that tiny sliver of hope rising up again at that and at the use of his first name, but he rapidly swallowed it back down. The mortification he’d be feeling in front of Sousuke soon was enough to snuff out any sparks in his chest.
“Nitori, details of the case!” Sousuke demanded after Nitori-kun was quiet for a while, too busy trying to come up with a fake history. Shuffling came from the other end of the phone line, he must have been moving in a rush.
“Uh, erm, senpai presented with- with haematemesis!” Nitori-kun gulped. “He just got off work—that’s right—that’s why he’s at the clinic.”
Someone in the team let out a giggle. It wasn’t caught on by the other end, apparently, as Sousuke continued gravelly, “History of presenting complaint? Any medical conditions? His medication history?”
Nitori-kun couldn’t give any coherent answers to that and only stuttered into the phone. In his defence, Sousuke basically fired the line of questions at him without waiting for a response. He still reprimanded Nitori-kun sternly nonetheless. “What was that report with how many years you’ve been a nurse now, Nitori?”
“To be fair, I’m panicking! It’s my manager we’re talking about here,” Nitori-kun whined. “Please get to the clinic as soon as possible, none of the other GI internists are available.”
“What? How is that possible- just get him to the ED already! I’ll be there in 15.”
“Noooo, come to the clinic!”
“Sousuke,” Makoto interrupted the call, exasperated at Nitori-kun’s helplessness. He wouldn’t want all the efforts of a surprise party going to waste, so he’d have to do it himself. “Bright red vomit, accompanied by pallor and dizziness. No known medical illness and not on any medications.” He tried to sound weak and mumbled some when providing the details, even adding a cough at the end for good measure.
“Please come over to the clinic, I’m too sick to walk all the way to the ED and Nitori-kun is panicking too hard right now to get any sort of meaningful help,” he added at the end.
There was the sound of a car door opening and more shuffling before Sousuke steadied his breath and puffed in reply. “Okay- okay, I’m on my way.”
The team cheered noisily when the call ended, patting Makoto on the back for the good job well done. Although he was apologetic for lying to Sousuke, he hoped the party he’d helped set up would more than make up for the deception and it’d be truly an enjoyable birthday for Sousuke.
A party that Makoto didn’t stay for, because he was a coward who couldn’t deal with pretending to not recognise Sousuke anymore. He left alongside Haru, all the while contemplating whether he should get it off his chest by talking to Haru about it.
In the end, he didn’t. Haru was never the friend who could offer him words of advice when it came to matters of the heart, after all.
Maybe Rin could do that in his stead. If not… well, Makoto was out of ideas.
To be continued on Day 5
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imherebabycakes · 2 years
Can You Do A Vampire Mikey x F!Reader But In Bayverse And With Prompts And Can You Do A Lemon 🍋 For It Too
142. “Bite me.” 132. “Argue all you want we both know you belong to me.” 5. “MINE.” 89. Mating season 151. “Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?” 96. Making out 58. Turtle bedroom 123. “Don’t hold back.” and Turning Into A Vampire
oh you ain’t know? ….turtles bite!
Bayverse tmnt
🧛‍♂️ 🐢 🧡
this is my first ask, and i honestly hope, i did well.
let me set the scene:
in this world its 2022 , mutants are normal but its rare to see them everyday, some people have accepted them and well…. you know the rest.
a few months Ago you were celebrating a friends halloween birthday party in her penthouse apartment in upstate new York, you went dressed up as a sexy vampires, You were basically in lingerie you had fake fang teeth, wearing a black & burnt orange corset with orange lace boy shorts  black thigh high stockings,strippa heels,with a lace dark orange vail .the party was lit, there was drinking games, stripping games,dance contest starting every 5 minutes. people were really letting loose. you knew your drinking limit, but that night you knew you went a little over bord but you were still very aware of everything that was going on around you,so to sober up you set down on a nearby couch and drank two water bottles. something was telling you to look up so you did & right across the dim lit room, you saw him,A mutant turtle man, One of the 4 brothers that saved New York back in 2016 from aliens. you heard about them but never seen them up close before. man was he handsome. looking back on it you couldn’t remember what his costume was but it might’ve been a police swat team or ninja of sorts . but you honestly didn’t care because his look was so different & those damn baby blue eyes captured you, no literally it’s like as soon as you locked eyes with him without thinking your legs started moving by themselves ,before you knew it he had you wrapped in his arms. BIG MISTAKE
}}}}}}} Y/N get your sexy ass in here!!, you can clean them dishes later, i need you now. y/n is so beautiful, loving, caring. but tonights the night she’ll find out that besides me being a turtle im also a vampire, i was bit by a mutant vampire 2 years ago.
}}}}}}}}} I stopped what I was doing and slowly walk into his room, sometimes I forget that he’s not fully human, his body is godlike,im talking Hercules or Poseidon.  then reality sets in and I remember that he is a mutant, and true to his animal side his turtle room was dark,and humid, starting down his winding steps that were made of mahogany wood, his roomed smelled sweet like citrus fruit, the walls were covered with lush green vines , flowers & jagged rocks that had water trickling down them which led into a beautiful small pond that had a few koi fish in it. on the walls he had Beautiful paintings & sketches that hung, the floors were of marble and leading to his bed there was plush black shag carpet . turning my attention to the turtle man we lock eyes, but something seems different, his eyes seem darker, and so does the room or is it just the atmosphere.
}}}}}}}}} there’s my girl, come hop on my lap with your pretty slef, so i can kiss those lushly plump lips that i love so much.
}}}}}}}}} doin as told, i got on his lap and we start to Makeout heavily. man could he kiss, he had every inch of my body on fire, he grabbed my ass, breasts, and neck, its like once he gets started i cant get enough of him. then out of nowhere he abruptly pins me on my back and takes a huge sniff of the air,& says MINE
}}}}}} her ass, & breasts plump and ready for devouring, taking in the air around me, i could smell that she was ready, her arousal had me seeing colors so to speak, Y/n my love, i say kissing her neck,,,, yes mickey? …..do you know how a turtle takes his mate?…. umm no… no i dont mikey? well your about to find out,i say cooing in her ear, because its mating season
}}}}}}} while mickey was kissing on my neck he started talking about some mating season about turtles, then it hit me…. he wants to have sex! all we’ve ever done was kiss or dry hump. man this was kinda sudden or was it?…. is time slipping away from me that fast. No mikey, i say as i tried to push him away, im not ready… well at least thats what my mind’s telling me but my body craves you some how. why?
}}}}}}}} my love please stop fighting this,Argue all you want we both know you belong to me. you crave me because you love me, this is supposed to be, i make you do nothing you dont wanna do. not being able to hold back on my animalistic instincts any longer, i bite into her neck hard enough to penetrate but gentle enough where I don’t hurt her, taking in her sweet nectar of blood i go numb. stopping to look into her eyes i ask can i continue… y/n?…. umm i guess so mikey, No Y/n! i need a yes or no answer!!! it’s important, i need permission……. okay damn you dont have to yell….y-yes you..m-may continue mikey……good girl cuz thats all i needed.
}}}}}}} before I could say anything else , Mikey bit me, he fucking bit me, immediately my body filled with pain then like a light switch i felt pleasure and it actually felt good, everything heightened, my eyesight smell & touch,but why? why did i now feel so amazing, then mikey latched off my neck and ripped off my shirt and pants, and striped me of my underwear too,i was now in my birthday suit, mikey cupped my face so gently and kissed me so sweetly, and said “ im going to fuck you now” . we made love for hours it seemed. he ate, licked and fucked every hole i had, which left me weak but satisfied.
}} }}}kissing this beautiful lady before me,i couldn’t believe all we had just did in the last few hours, she was all mine & i hers.i stop and just bask before her , but in the back of my mind i know i need to let her know she’s no longer just human,and she needs to eat or she’ll die. y/n my love, do you feel any different?
well, now that you’ve mention it, it’s like all my senses are heightened and I’m feeling weak & strong at the same time, I crave something but I don’t know what it is. ”you crave blood y/n” , what the hell are you talking about Mikey? im human why would i crave blood?  because you’re not just human anymore y/n you’re now a vampire, well Vampires. “wait what!!,, how? i mean when?…Ouch! i just bit my lip!! why are my teeth so sharp!!! ,….this isn’t making any sense…. i cant be a vampire because then that would mean…wait.. w-wait….i-it was you! this whole damn time!!! your the reason!!! thats why i’ve been in a trance like state, not knowing if its night or day ….. fuck you mikey!!!! fuck, fuck, fuck!!!… you turned me into this?!!!! yes y/n but i didn’t make you do anything my love please understand. deep down you must’ve wanted me just the same or it wouldn’t have worked. well at least thats how the rules go… & i’m not just a turtle Im part vampire, I was a bit a while ago now this is my life. i never craved anyone until you. but we’ll have a deeper conversation later because you need to eat.
this is all honestly too much, I’ve been willingly unwillingly turned into a vampire. and im naked, what is to become of me now? I feel weak really weak. im hungry. i need to eat.
Y/n ….your going to have to drink my blood.
what! no are you insane. i’m hungry but I’m not that hungry.
y/n you will die if you dont.
yes, once a vampire bites you, you need to bite them back or bite another person. or you’ll parish
come on y/n Bite me,
man hell nah, im not giving into my vampire desires
baby cakes you’ll die!!, please this is the only way, i promise everything will be okay
looking into mikey eyes, though pissed off i know he’s telling the truth somehow. well how and where do you want my to do it? this is all new to me man.
come, sit on my lap and just go for it, mikey idk about this im nervous, “its okay” you wont hurt me at all… hmmm,,, okay… “sniff” wait whats that smell? its amazing!!! “its blood y/n. now do it, bite!
}}}}}} sitting on his lap, i spread my legs across him , and arch my neck opposite his, welp no going back,, mmmm his blood smells amazing, i cant take it anymore!!!! i bit down and hard,,,, aaagh!!! thats it baby cakes DONT HOLD BACK!!! take whats yours become what you truly are deep inside!!!!
}}}}}} drinking his worm delicious blood, my life flashed before my eyes, i seen past present and future, i seen the wonders of the world and the worst, tears prickling out my eyes, i latch off, then it all went black
}}}}}} angel cakes??…. wake up… y/n please..wake up baby
hmp…..mikey…. wha-what happened to me!
i had a weird …..dream
i dreamt, you turned me into a vampire, and we had some amazing sex. and that i bit & drank your blood
it wasn’t a dream angel face….we are vampires now and are bound together for life,
woah, so all of that was true it really happened!… im no longer just human?
yes y/n are you mad at me?
honestly, not anymore everything that i use to want & be is no longer i crave you, and we’ve you only had regular sex, now i gotta fuck you, vampire style
thats my girl
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gggoldfinch · 1 year
the first time I wrote this my laptop crashed halfway through and deleted everything and I started sobbing. here we go again, part 2, I'll try not to have a fucking stroke:
(Also not to be weird or unkind but pls don’t read/like/reply to this if you’re not a follower or mutual of mine. I trust my regulars and mutuals, some y’all that blow in on the wind scare me …)
here’s a little personal ramble about me discovering(?) my neurodivergency (with a sprinkle of childhood trauma) (I lied it’s not a sprinkle it’s a backhoe full) because I just had a fucking MASSIVE epiphany while sitting here doing nothing. Feel free to read idc, I just need somewhere to put this since I don’t have a shrink, and maybe some y'all will relate, considering we’re all a bit touched in the head here. This is a blog and I’m finally treating it like one lmao
a little context: I had somewhat severe epilepsy from age 4-5 that seemingly had no cause, and went away on its own. yay. 
so, on to the topic at hand. My family had numerous stories about how I used to get seriously SERIOUSLY overwhelmed/ overstimulated as a child— so much so that on one particular occasion I hid in a basket of toys in my bedroom during my own birthday party until my mom had to make everyone leave early. Needless to say I was labelled “a handful.” My parents always blamed these outbursts of overstimulation in social settings on my epilepsy (even though this behavior continued after my epilepsy cured itself), saying that it made me tired, irritable, easily overwhelmed, etc. But now as an adult, knowing there is a fairly decent likelihood that I have not only adhd but autism too, this makes much more sense. Side note: my parents refuse to believe their child could be neurodivergent (among many other bigoted things their child could not be)—they shoot me down whenever I propose the idea, calling me silly—so it’s likely that bringing me to a specialist never crossed their minds, considering they didn’t want to consider it and I didn’t portray the “traditional symptoms” of neurodivergency that were known about in the early 2000s. 
all this being said, yes, I just had that epiphany while sitting here on my couch and was like. oh. damn, that kinda makes sense now, looking back through a different lens. It’s always been here, apart of me. It’s always been with me. And realizing this kinda makes me a little sad. I have all the resources at my fingertips now as an adult to learn about all the ways my behavior has been misinterpreted throughout my life. All the times when I refused to let my mom brush/touch/style my hair, when I'd only eat the same favorite foods, why I was SO obsessed with pacifiers, why I would lash out and get overwhelmed and torment everyone around me. I understand why now, and it strangely makes me feel so sad and alone.
I feel like I’m always mourning my childhood and the loss of it (crying rn lol, a tear fell in my mouth). I was friendless and bullied for 9 whole years of my life, throughout my entire elementary and middle education. My grandparents, who were my best friends, died 15 months apart and I never got proper closure, and am still in mourning over a decade later. I was diagnosed with several life changing diseases when I was just a poor dumb kid and it virtually stripped my teenage years to their bare bones. I had good times, I did, but you don’t often remember the good times, do you. I remember feeling alone, overwhelmed, and so so so different for so many years of my life, and not understanding why. I really do think my childhood ended when my grandparents died when I was 10, because after that ushered in the mental and physical health problems, and still, no comfort in peers until my late teens. Even when I finally had friends in high school (not the same friends from high school that I've talked about here, mind you), they would tease me; laugh when I’d slip up verbally, or when I was slow on the uptake, even if I asked them to stop. I’d feel overwhelmed and isolated, but I'd suck it up because this is what friends do, despite this being exactly what my merciless “friend” bullies did in middle school. 
Now I realize that I always had the right to be overwhelmed and angry that no one understood why— my symptoms of neurodivergy came in a “gifted kid” box, with hyperfixations and poor social skills abound. Now Ive got gifted kid burnout and explanations for my younger self. I understand why I sometimes felt like I needed to peel off my skin if I felt overwhelmed (still do lol), why kids didn’t want to be friends with me and thought I was weird, why I was so susceptible to teasing and why I couldn't stand up for myself, why I always pretended to fit in even though I and everyone else knew I didn’t. 
I think I deserve to grow more now, knowing all this. I know I’ve done and said a lot of stupid shit I'm not proud of, and I know it may be a copout to blame it on not being entirely sure how to navigate social situations or on kids being mean little bastards, but I sincerely think I've grown as a human just by realizing it hasn’t all been my fault like I've told myself for so long. I didn’t drive people away as a kid, I couldn’t help it if I acted out when I was overwhelmed or overstimulated or humiliated— I didn’t want to put my mom through hell when she too was young and overwhelmed with having her first kid. But that’s all behind me, and I think that knowing now where it likely all stems from, I should these experiences to get to know myself a bit more, and take care of myself. Forgive myself. 
okay now that I've cleared my sinuses with that hearty sob sesh... 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Talking about being hated I just remembered how back when the pandemic started I was in a service dog server to learn more since I needed one badly so wanted to learn more and was fresh out of high school
Why was I hated ? Well because I was extremely dependent on my parents for basic stuff like food, I also had to go with their whims like going to the birthday party of a 4 years old IN THE BEGINNING OF THE PANDEMIC because we literally had no food at home and I also couldn't afford take out since ya know just out of high school and disabled
I was ranting about the situation in that server because I was so damn scared since disabled in pandemic but I had no choice, the people there went all against me lashing and everything
Some time later another person with the exact same situation ranted as well but was received warmly and everyone was "understanding" so I obviously got upset at the unfairness and when I brought that up...admittedly angry and worked up, I got banned from the server
FUCK those assholes with a rusted pipe honestly. I read this, got pissed off, took time off, reread it to respond and got pissed off again. The hell were you supposed to do?
I feel like soooo many people expect folks to be able to just say no to their parents, forgetting that whether you're a legal adult or not doesn't mean much if said parents still hold power over you, whether financial or in terms of housing or food or whatever.
You're better off without them, honestly, and i hope you managed to find a proper support circle <3
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ancient-vietla · 1 year
Hiiii, I’d like to know how became germania’s wife and how did you even have contact with Europe to begin with :3 you guys are sooooo cute btw >w< !!!
Ancient Viet/Yen: Sit down,*Sits down on the Grass and sits Anon with her*,So it all started off when we were kids, Me,Nerfertiti,Helena were walking around the Big market place in Europe,They were selling Carpets,Clothes,Hats,Mats,Pans,Pot,Etc Then I remember Nefertiti stopped & pointed ate a pastry which seem to be what her people invented as I remember she said,"Look Chi Yen!,"I remember she called me Chi because I told her it meant Big sister also Helena calls me that,As she did I remembered smiling as I said,"I know,Im proud Em", em which I called both Nefertiti & Helena which meant Little sis, As we were I decided to buy some stuff for making dinner tonight as I was I saw a Energetic seemed to be Roman boy which was Rome, with A Beautiful,Silent,Emerald eye Boy which was Germania with him they were looking at it to they seem to not have parents like us, as we were looking around more we were bumped in by them, We were Confused but when we looked up I saw the same boys,I saw as Nefertiti was smiling but Helena looked mad like she wanted to break there heads off,Me on the other hand I was blunt I didn't know how to react..I felt empty originally I did have parents but I never got to know them so I ran away,When I was 5,I saw 4 year old Nefertiti & Helena they both looked lost,I was 6 at the time..My brained was already messed up because of trauma and Other stuff I can't mention,..I knew how they felt so I remembered I said,"Let's go,",they looked confuse but then I explained what I was meaning as they nodded and got up and left with me,By the time I was telling you we were at the market I was 12 & they were 9,But back on with the story,We just stared at each other awkwardly but then the Rome at that time broke the silence and started proceeding to flirt with us I remember he said,"Hello~ Ladies!",Nefertiti was Flattered but Helena was mad,I just looked down awkwardly & Uncomfortable I then Saw a hand in front of me,It was Germania hand as I looked at him shocked my cheeks turned pink I didn't know what this feeling was I remembered I then grabbed his hand as I got up and stood next to him,He was about 147 cm at the time & I was 139 cm at the time,I then looked at Nefertiti still blushing and singing loudly she was in love,Ahhh Nefertiti changed now,Well anyways back to the story,Helena then proceeded to punch kick Rome in the stomach causing him to yelp I pain and fell to the ground,I then snicker little bit as I looked at Germania he helped me snicker with me,As we then realize what we just did we Blushed together then we just looked away as we did Nefertiti ran to the Rome's aid,I then Remembered seeing some more boys it was a group of ethnicities,THen we all became friends and I remembered I felt happy,Later on in are teen years we would all hang out under a willow tree next to a creak at my place then we would share & eat lunch together,We then talked and Talked,When It was my 18th birthday I remember they all threw me a surprise party I was surprised and I remember blushing at the new feeling of happiness as Rome ran over to me Germania pushed him out of the way & kissed me,As I felt my Heart beat I froze and melted back into the kiss as everyone cheered,He then asked me out after that which I accepted,Later on Nefertiti & Helena Both fell for Rome and I dont know why,Then I gave birth to my Children to make my generation,..I honestly am sad I couldn't see them grow up for see my Grand daughter and son grown up with them,As I watched them get raised by someone else peacefully as a ghost with Germania,But before that Me & Germania Married at the age of 36 & we have been married for 13 years that when Germania Killed Rome he got so sad he died later for some mysterious cause,I remembered being so sad I remembered crying every night as one day i remembered trying to um..Jump off a building during my last moments I saw my Grandson Prussia Sobbing,As I held his hand comforting my last moments on earth with him I remembered feeling my eye lids heavy as I Died peacefully...Before I died i was crying happily..and Thanks
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theninjasanctuary · 3 days
It's a bit sad how little I've managed to post in May and June, considering I've mostly been having a good time, and it would be good to recap that so I can remember later.
Threw myself a late birthday garden party towards the end of May, when the apple trees were still in bloom, the weather was lovely, as were my friends and fam who showed up, and we had nice food and a good time. This also served as summer garden party season prep, finding all the gear, dusting it off, etc. And so it was pretty easy to set up the solstice celebration garden party yesterday - pretty low-key, but sweet, with lovely weather and lots of blooming peonies. The ones I planted last August are not blooming yet this year, just gaining strength and hopefully growing strong roots in all the good soil, perhaps I can hope for a few blossoms next summer?
Thought to myself that the current year seems to be pretty good to me, all things considered. I'm making decent amounts of money, work is going okay-ish, and I'm not super-stressed about my prospects at the moment, Mom's doing okay, keeping busy, taking care of her place and enjoying life, and can cat-sit when we travel. I'm aware all of this might not last, I'm obviously in line to be the primary caretaker should Mom's health decline, and I cannot be too certain about my career outlook. And, well, apparently my big brother's marriage is in crisis and the drama might spill over even though they live in a different country, so who knows, might not have the peaceful second half of the year I hoped for.
The work trip to NYC and New Haven went kind of well. I didn't get sick, which alone is a massive upgrade compared to the last time I went to the US. The flight experience was so-so; picking a seat yourself is now ridiculously expensive (40+ €, do fuck off with that, Finnair), so I went with randomly assigned seat each direction, and of course they were in the middle 4-seat section of the cabin. On the flight over, had the middle row 4 seats all to myself, which wasn't too bad, but on the way back, the plane was pretty full, and I'd been placed into the extra legroom row in one of the middle seats, and after boarding was completed, a random dude made a beeline for the empty middle seat next to me because of the extra legroom, so then I was sandwiched between him and a hefty lady for the entirety of the flight; I was fuming internally, but also exhausted, and somehow managed to sleep for most of the nearly 9 hours. Another grumble about Finnair, they've cut the meal service so you get one meal for the transatlantic flight, and then a round of coffee or tea with an option of buying snacks - and the selection is really unappealing. On the way over, I had packed a couple of snacks, which helped. The leg back home left 11ish in the evening, and the served a warm meal at midnight NYC time or early morning destination time, and loads of people actually refused that, probably without realizing this would be the only meal on offer, because transatlantic overnight flights always used to serve breakfast before. I woke up enough to eat, although the food was less than impressive. It's a good thing we'd had a decent dinner at a Thai restaurant before leaving for the airport.
I had a work friend on the same flights, staying at the same hotel, which was even better than I expected, since it turns out he's a bit of an alpha dog when it comes to travelling, does his homework, knows exactly where to go, etc. Usually I have to do all of that, so having someone else lead the way was an interesting change. And he's chill, and a foodie, so it was nice to have someone to go to dinner with. We didn't hang out the entire time though. I shopped a little bit and very blandly (this is highly on brand), but mostly spent time diligently visiting art museums. Spent an entire day at the Met, but I think even so I only saw about 70% of their display, and that's with just walking through a lot of the rooms. Overall, more relaxed and less anxious than previous trips to the US have made me. The last time I'd been to NYC was 10 years ago, and it was stressful, with a work friend who I've since confirmed dislikes me, so it felt good to get a do-over with far less worries.
Stayed in three hotels; the NYC one was the smallest and most expensive, but clean, neat and fine, and very conveniently located, I'd gladly go back. At New Haven, the first two nights were at a four-star hotel, and they gave me an upgrade (I'm assuming they were overbooked for standard rooms and had to bump some people up; I'm cute, well spoken and take the trouble to sign up to memberships, which presumably helps). So I had a plush corner room with two walls of windows and a giant bed all to myself, it was bigger than the first apartment the boyf and I rented together. And I ordered room service one night, too, fish tacos with finger limes, I think it was the best thing I ate all trip and my mouth waters just thinking about it. Had to move hotels for the final night to a three-star one, and that was a standard room, but also rather nice. My body was trying to sabotage the entire thing by rescheduling my period, and I actually managed to leak through a tampon & Uniqlo period panties whilst sleeping there - not much, and it was on the sheets, not mattress or duvet, so I had to do some very-early-morning, half-asleep emergency washing in the sink, but hey, an anxious overpacker like me had brought a tiny bottle of stain remover that's very effective against blood stains (it's been in my travel bathroom kit just in case for a while). So that was another example of a dreaded thing actually happening to me, and managing to deal with it and move on.
All three hotels had flattering bathroom mirrors. And then I came home and weighed myself and set a new record. OTL
And it would be nice to get the expenses paid on location refunded to me ASAP (submitting all the paperwork was a hassle, but I hope everything is acceptable).
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00katrinka00 · 2 months
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #58
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Dear Diary, It's my birthday today! I remember not too long ago just wishing that I could become a young adult so I didn't have to listen to my parents, and I could live by my own rules, but now it all just feels so weird. -Violet
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With Violet and Lacy's impending birthday, Mads was not doing so well. She couldn't believe that two more of her children, and she did view Lacy as a daughter at this point, were about to become young adults. "I cant believe it." "Mom," Violet rolled her eyes. "Just calm down."
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"It feels like just yesterday, you, your father, Leo and I were living in Sulani and you were just to small and now my baby isn't a baby anymore," Mads was getting emotional. "Mom, relax, you still have Rosie, Sophie and Alex," Violet tried to assure her.
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Mads suddenly got choked up, "but they aren't even small anymore." "I don't know mom, Alex and Sophie are barely toddlers," Violet joked, but that didn't stop a few tears from rolling down her Mads's face. "Um, well Jenna apparently is having a crisis and needs our help so bye."
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Violet wasn't lying, Jenna was in fact having a crisis. "What's all this about?" Sage asked as the girls met Jenna in the thrift store. "I can't decide on a dress to wear under our gowns for graduation," Jenna exclaimed in a panic. "I want something mature, but still cute."
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"What about this one?" Jenna came out in her first choice. "Ew," Violet said. "Absolutely not, it's giving eighth grade," Sage agreed. "I thought you wanted mature?" Lacy asked confused. "Sage is 100% correct." "Agh!" Jenna exclaimed before marching back to the changing room.
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"This one?" Jenna asked. "I mean it's better," said Sage. "I don't like it," Violet interjected. "It's better than the last, definitely," said Lacy. "But I still feel like it's a bit immature, with the ombre and everything." Jenna let out a frustrated sigh.
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"This is the last one," said Jenna. "Oh, that's it," Lacy said. "One thousand percent." "You really think so?" Jenna asked. "Absolutely," Sage and Violet both agreed. "Then this one it is!" exclaimed Jenna. "So, we'll see you both later for your birthday party?" "Hell yeah."
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As soon as the girls got home, and changed into their party outfits, Rosie approached Lacy. "Okay, so I got vetoed with Leo's room, but can I please take you and Vi's room? You're moving soon." Lacy thought for a moment, "We'll have our own place, so I don't see why not."
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"So," Leo began. "I heard from Mom that you also happened to make valedictorian." "Ugh, can you believe it?" Violet asked disgusted. "I really can't, but it's a good thing, Violet." "Is it? People will think I'm a nerd like you." "Being a nerd isn't bad," Leo said in defense.
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"Seriously though," Leo said. "Congratulations, valedictorian is hard to achieve" "Oh please," Violet brushed him off. "It wasn't that hard; I don't know why you spent 4 years stressing over it. Guess I got beauty, talent and brains, maybe I am better than you" "Shut up" "Never"
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And it's time to blow the candles out. I'm not crying right now you are, after over a year; Violet is officially a young adult. She rolled the hot-headed trait, and I don't really know how to feel about it.
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"Oh sweetheart," Mads said. "Your father and I are so proud of you. I know you and Lacy have your hearts set on moving to Del Sol Valley soon, so your father and I wanted to gift you some furniture to decorate your new apartment with." "Mom, that's so nice."
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It's Lacy's turn, and for the second time I age her up into a young adult, and I'm even more emotional this time around. I did decide to give her back the third of her original traits, so she's romantic.
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"Lacy," began Mads. "I want you to know that despite everything, Ethan and I view you just as much a part of this family as we do our own children. We wanted to gift you some more furniture for your bedroom since most everything upstairs is Violet's." "Thank you Mads, I love it."
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A few days later, the girls all got together before graduation. "I didn't know searching for apartments was so difficult," Violet explained. "Starting to second guess this move to Del Sol." "You're moving to Del Sol Valley WITHOUT me," Jenna exclaimed. "What the hell?"
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"You want to move to Del Sol?" Violet asked. "I have like 1,000 SimTube followers it's the next step for my career. Rude that you didn't invite me." "We'd pay less in rent," Lacy noted. "My nana is a landlord in Del Sol I can talk to her," Jenna offered. "Then I guess you're in."
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After their conversation the girls all headed upstairs to get ready for graduation, and naturally I had to take a million screenshots of all of them.
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As graduation began, Violet was called up to give her valedictorian speech. "Hey guys," she hesitantly began. "So, uh- I didn't expect to be up here so I actually didn't prepare anything to say, unlike my brother who had his valedictorian speech written since he was like 8-"
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"Why am I telling you guys this?" Violet wondered out loud. "Okay, well we're just going to wrap this up. We did it!" Confused, the graduation class began to clap. 'That was embarrassing,' Violet thought to herself as she sat back down.
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First to receive their diplomas was Sage and Jenna. "Finally!" exclaimed Jenna. "I'm out of this hellscape." The principal flashed her a pointed look clearly disapproving of Jenna's words. She didn't care, after all she was graduated now.
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Next up were Violet and Lacy. They had a very similar reaction to receiving their diploma's which I thought was cute.
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Admittedly, I had to run graduation like 4 times before it would work, so I did take some preliminary graduation photos of all the girls in red. I preferred the red, and also Leo, Owen and Nat had their photos in red, so it was just fitting.
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Of course, I had to do a solo photo of these two.
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mylifeasjazmine · 2 months
bella, where the hell you been loca?
Last year I rediscovered Tumblr and then I was on a roll, then I fell off! I’m not entirely sure how that happened but I’m back and I have a lot to say!
I’m not even sure where to start so here’s a 2023 recap;
January was calm from what I can recollect, I was still getting my autonomy back and the 31st of that month marked the one year anniversary since my accident and I’m not sure if I mentioned this but I also got a car a few days before my year anniversary which was very special to me to have been able to come full circle like that. Romantically, I didn’t have anything going on. I was going dates to fill the time but nothing serious ever evolved from any of it.
February brings me to my first trip of the year and the first time I had been able to use my flight benefits. Ashley and I took a day trip to New York and came home and drove to Miami for a day, it was quick but fun! Since I was mobile in more way than one now, I was getting back to my “old” self again. Getting dressed, hanging out with my friends.
March was nothing to write home about either. I had training for a new position at work and spent a lot of time with my niece. I can’t recall anything major happening this month either if I’m being honest. I can remember emotionally feeling a little sad because I was feeling disconnected from the world. I had gotten a little busy with work and I was becoming a little bit of a hermit crab again.
April is when the year started to pick up a little speed for me. Adel and I took a trip to Puerto Rico, it was the first time for the both of us. We had so much fun we ended up extending for another day. During this time I started to get a little into fitness and I was shedding my little hermit crab shell again. Maybe it was the braids, the tan and the warm weather, but life was feeling like life again.
May started with a bang! I went on a cruise with like 12 other family members and we had a blast. It was short but we still enjoyed ourselves. The whole month was actually pretty eventful. Allie’s surprise 30th party was that month and I also got to see Bryson Tiller live with Zamira. We sang and cried our little hearts out. Eli’s birthday is also in May so we celebrated her too. As you can see, we are well into the year and we are still batting zero in romance department, but we keep living.
June may still go down as my favorite month of the year. As soon as the month started I went to Miami with Cindy and Eli to go see Kathy before she popped out her new baby but you know we still turned it into a trip while we were out there. The week after I got back I went to Chicago with Gabby and some of the girls for her Bachelorette Trip. It wasn’t my first time in Chicago but it was the first time I spent real time there and I really enjoyed myself. When I got back from Chicago, I went to the Sorry Papi Tour with Eli and Cindy! I also had training for what would be my second promotion of the year. We also found out the gender of my brother’s newest baby, it was a boy!
July I tried to sit my ass down but I think I still had June ants in my pants. I spent 4th of July with Liz and Amanda and the kids which I love to do. I flew to Texas a few days later to spend Adel’s birthday with her. Such a cute little trip. I was trying to get back into rest mode this moth so I didn’t pop out too much after that. I remember going downtown one hot ass night with Amanda and Liz and then just spending the rest of the month in my pool trying not to die of heatstroke. I also made one year with my job, which came pretty quickly.
August is when life started to get a little interesting I think lol. This month I was feeling overwhelmed with my living situation and in that same swoop someone I know needed a dog-sitter for a few days so I packed my shit and was a dog mom for like 4 days. I won’t get into too many details but long story short, that was the last time I ever saw that person because they lied about their flight being canceled so they could stay an extra day knowing their dog was sick and I was ready to go home. That weekend was also the weekend we celebrated my Grammy’s 65th birthday. This weekend, I also started going back and forth with a handsome man that I had always been interested in back it just never seemed to happen. Before the month was over, we had hung out a few times and if I am being honest, I was feeling pretty optimistic. I blame my Sagittarius Venus for that.
September rolls around and we celebrate my godson Zavier, my niece Amaia also turned 2 this month. Not to mention, my little sister turned 18 on us! All the while, things with this handsome man seem to be working in my favor. We are spending a good amount of time together, I’m getting to know him more and I am liking what I’m seeing. At this point, the only things I’ve been up to is working, working out, spending time with my family and seeing him when I could. I think it’s important to note that neither one of us had really said anything about how we felt about the other. Everything was more of a “use your context clues” kinda vibe for a little. I also didn’t want to get ahead of myself so I was just going with the flow.
October is finally here! This is my birthday month so I knew the vibes were gonna be 1000. We kicked off the month celebrating my cousin Jazmin. We had a cousin’s night out and we had a blast. The next week was Gabby’s wedding so I traveled to the Dominican Republic for the first time. The wedding was beautiful and I cried my eyes out pretty much the whole weekend. Plus, I was the ONLY single person there. Don’t tell me I’m not one of God’s strongest soldiers because my lord lol. In between this, I am still seeing the handsome man but at this rate I have developed feelings for him and I don’t know what to do with them. So naturally, I decided to do nothing and bury them. But we were still hanging out so that was getting hard. My birthday rolls around but this year I wanted to spend it solo. So a few days before I went to dinner with some of my best friends and on the day of I just hung out with my brothers.
November hits and I’m literally catching a flight on the 1st. For my solo trip, I went to Sacramento to see my favorite artist Victoria Monet. It was an AMAZING show, I am so happy I went. While I was out there I think there was one day that I literally didn’t even speak. It was so peaceful. But it gave me time to think about some things and I felt like I was getting in over my head with the handsome man so I started to subconsciously pull back a little. When I came back from my trip, I saw him for what I didn’t know then would be the last time for 4 months. But looking back, that last time felt different. Something felt off. On the bright side, I did have training for another promotion, that makes 3 for the year. I also got to take my brother to see the Magic play at an in-season play-off game which was dope. The best thing that happened this month was rekindling my friendship with Eyad. We ran into one night out and decided to make a pact to hang out once a week and we’ve been sticking to it! He’s legitimately become one of my best friends.
December marks the end of this relatively smooth year. Christmas is my favorite holiday so the vibes were up. I hadn’t really spoken to the handsome man because I was trying to swallow those feelings I had for him. Then one day, he asks me if I listen to Christmas music and sends me a playlist. That playlist sends me into a frenzy and I can’t think straight for like 2 days. If you know me, you know how much I love music and thoughtful gifts so the me a playlist is the perfect depiction of that. It might not hold that kinda weight for everyone, and it’s probably silly, but no one has ever made me a playlist before so I was geekin’. That drove me to finally tell him how I feel about him, sort of. I told him that I like him but there’s so much more I wanted to say. He told me he liked me too but, at this point what his but was doesn’t matter because having a “but” in the first place just puts a stop to everything. What I will say is that his “but” was enough for him to just decide I need to fall back. With the tale as old as time, as I pulled away, I could feel his energy more. I tried doing on dates to distract myself but it didn’t work. The only thing that worked was time.
Fast forward to April 2024, so far I have gone on two trips and both have been with Adel. We went to New York and we just back came back from Atlanta. So far, I am on promotion number one of the year and in July I will make 2 years with my job. I have seen the handsome man again and he has sent me yet another playlist. Do I still have feelings for him? I think so, but I can’t keep driving myself crazy wondering, I have to keep on living and remember that what’s for me, will always be for me. If you made it this far, thank you for your time. This felt really good for me to release.
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cosmicwitchgod · 4 months
So uh. I guess I am confronted with the situation many people who go no contact with theirs parents have to face sooner or later.
My father is dying. I went no contact about 4 years ago, but my relationship with him was shallow at best even before. The cut happened mostly because of my mother and my father had the tendency to not have direct contact but always through my mother. I cut contact with her and in extension with him. In these four years he hasn't tried to reach out once. He had a phone, he had my address. There were means. He didn't. And one sentence birthday and Christmas cards do not count. Those came out of obligation, not as an attempt for reconciliation.
He went to the hospital around half a year ago and that's when I started to feel guilty. But I thoroughly thought about everything and knew that going to see him wouldn't change a thing. Either we all pretend like nothing happened or I'd be permanently attacked by my mother in a passive aggressive way and guilt tripped by my father. So I didn't go.
Today my mother sand a text that he was dying. My oldest sister asked if she wanted us to come. My mother's answer: Now it's too late. When asked to clarify she shot back with "you didn't come during the last 6 months when he was in the hospital. Why would you come now?"
The thing was my sister asked if my mother wanted us to come. Which obviously now means no, she doesn't. I take it that we are also not invited to the funeral. I have made peace with this situation a while ago, but it still feels weird. I guess we'll get a message when he actually dies.
Idk how to feel honestly. I'm just kinda neutral I guess. I certainly don't feel like crying. I'm not even angry at my mom, it's just frustrating. That even now she can't be honest. She's angry and hurting and instead of swallowing her pride and asking for help she lashes out as she has always done. Some people don't change. Mostly because they don't want to. And I can only control my emotions and actions. And I for one am tired of catering to her selfish and destructive behaviors.
I do feel sorry for my father a bit, but he chose this long ago. He was emotional checked out with me and my sisters for as long as I can remember. There was a brief time when he really tried, but that didn't last. To keep a healthy relationship in any sort of way going you have to work for it. Both parties do. And for years I was the only one putting in any work. So I stopped. Ironically enough, this sentiment was something he told me when I was a kid. Good old do as I say not as I do I guess.
I needed to vent into the void for a bit.
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midnite-enjoyer · 4 months
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Finally decided to design my takes on the Splatoon agents! Notes below cut ^v^ (also mention of a Side Order boss)
When they first joined the Splatoon they were really vicious and fiery, and probably said some stuff they regret today. Over the years they've mellowed considerably, though I think they can still get pretty competitive.
They technically first joined like 2-3 months before their 14th birthday. They'd snuck out to try to watch turf wars and got sidetracked by weird sewer guy. (They, when retelling this story, emphasize that following weird sewer guy was a mistake. Aubergine and Daffodil, who did the same thing, do not care.)
They used she/her during the time of Splat1, changed pronouns sometime during the two years between then and Octo Expansion, and completely forgot to inform Cuttlefish of this until after OE.
Blind in their right eye post-OE
Was a charger main in their youth, but as of yet I'm unsure if they changed mains later on. They were definitely one of Those Chargers when they were younger though
Aubrey for short!
He's like. Really whimsical and a bit eccentric. Perfectly pleasant individual to be around, and she's really good at knowing just what to say when you're feeling down, but sometimes she says something really perplexing out of nowhere.
He likes to people-watch in her free time.
Roommates with Eight! (This is actually canon according to the dialogue when Agent 4's Palette is obtained in Side Order.) They'll often spend late nights together just being mesmerized by crafting videos (stuff like OOAKs or miniatures)
You know how you can buy a Parallel Canon mask in Side Order? Aubrey got one for reasons she refuses to explain. Scared the shit out of poor Eight and he doesn't wear it around them if she can avoid it after that.
He doesn't main one particular weapon, he just has a stash and goes for whatever she feels like that particular day.
He never remembered his original name, so they just go by Eight. They did actually try a few other names, but none ended up sticking.
Trans :)
They're pretty calm and quiet generally, and doesn't typically initiate conversations. He does like to infodump to people he's closer to, though.
Gets annoyed if you just assume he's a technical whiz because he's Octarian, but yes, they do actually live up to that stereotype. He'll help you fix your appliances if they like you, with one fairly obvious exception...
He banned standing blenders in the apartment. Aubrey is mildly perplexed but just uses one of those hand blender things.
Brush main, but doesn't Turf War a lot. He does a lot of Salmon Run. Neither they nor Aubrey comprehend how they still smell like salmon when he comes back despite the protective gear.
Xe's like one of those yappy dogs to me. Really aggressive and loud during Turf War and controlled settings, but was terrified throughout his singleplayer campaign and just tried to mask it with more aggression.
Her family is in fact from Octo Canyon and left during the exodus post-Octavio fight. Daffodil very much does not talk about this and would greatly prefer if nobody outside the family ever found out about that. (In particular, they don't want Coral to think fae owes them anything.)
It generally hates being indebted to someone, so they tend to get very defensive about being given anything and Will insist on paying you back for it somehow. She even explicitly requests that nobody get xem birthday gifts (although it Does throw wild parties on aer birthday)
Actually a Squid Sisters fan, and likes a lot of their other songs besides Calamari Inkantation (and honestly thinks people are missing out when they only pay attention to the Inkantation), but didn't admit this to anyone until Liquid Sunshine came out.
Absolutely spoils Menace rotten. It pampers that little dude.
Stringer main. I must regretfully inform everyone ze probably mains REEF-LUX.
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xtrablak674 · 4 months
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I think I have played this game before, Google's algorithm in their Photos app creates these collages like a digital "This is Your Life", I loved the mix here so decided to see what I could remember of the origins of these images. From left to right starting at the top:
1. Twenty years ago was the last time I really dated, that was Paul and me, we dated for 4.5 years, 2003
2. 2011 I did the journey home with Museum of Contemporary African Diasporic Art, a local museum that I have also exhibited with had a ten day trip to Ghana. This was my first and last time on the continent. I hope to get back there again.
3. 1997-2000 its gotta be a range for this image of me in a shake-and-go wig for a Halloween party at my first advertising agency Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners, this was great time of my life. Young enough to be still figuring out what I wanted to do, but also getting a great foundation in marketing and advertising which would effect the rest of my working career.
4. 2013 - 2014 once again a range as I had recently had these suits made for a wedding that would be the end of a friendship and much later lead to a lawsuit with the guy who created these suits. Now that was extraneous information but top of mind, cause these suits now have a tainted history, no matter how good I look in them.
5. I think this is 2003 when my beau at the time Paul and my best friend at the time Adam took me out to a birthday dinner? at a local Brooklyn restaurant. I have written about Adam in another post here. He more than likely took this photo of me looking quite demure.
6. This tablet taken self-portrait I think was done in 2023, I had accidentally styled my hair in a way that I thought would be really photogenic. I am sitting in my window seat for this shot.
7. 2009, when my late brother was still alive this was at a monitored visit with the parents and their six children which they no longer had custody of. I am pictured with my niece Isis who I think is nineteen now. She is wear one of the animal mask I had bought to the visit. I was the only adult who thought to bring something for the children to do at these visits.
8. 2023 I think, I am trying to remember when I bought that red poncho from Ecuador, which curiously I have only worn in the house to-date. Its just like a nice shrug to throw on quickly if it gets a bit cold. I didn't realize I have clothing pieces that I have just worn in the house.
9. This might be 2022, but I could be wrong even with the same fabric panel in the back, I cycle the panels out all the time. But The Equalizer sweater came into my life in the winter I think cause I remember it was like two-hundred dollars less during the summer. Its such a statement piece this granny-square crotched turtle neck sweater.
10. I am going to guess this is like 1986 or so, and here I am photographed with my late great aunt Rose at Sunday school at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Harlem. This church was a place my grandparents were very invested in. I think I was wearing all white cause I was briefly on the usher board.
11. 1991 this I can say definitively because this was my employment photo for my work-study job at Ithaca College, I worked at the Information Desk and with the A/V crew setting up for meetings around campus.
12. Also '91 and I assure you I am not smiling, Eva Matuka one of my classmates who was also a model was standing by the photographer and assisting folks in getting better graduation shots. She did or said something to get me to laugh and get this now legendary shots of it looking like me smiling. I come from a long line of folks who don't really smile, lookin' at the rest of the images here you can see this is quite evident.
13. 1981 or '82 this is a school portrait at Uriah Hill my Elementary school in Peekskill where I was raised. Its also important to note my mom was still alive at the time of this photo. I recall I really loved that shirt I was wearing it was really soft.
14. 1998 just eyes and teeth in this no flash picture where I think I am at KB&P but the t-shirt I am wearing was from my volunteer work at the New York Peer AIDS Education Committee. There was a bit of controversy because as a part of my volunteer work I handed out condoms and did so while working at Reception. But this shot makes me think I was in the Interactive Department which I would eventually end up leading before I left the agency in two thousand.
15. 2023 December, coming back from small claims court where I was suing the tailor I had mentioned earlier in this list. This was one of the shots that Google edited to remove the color from the background.
[Photos by Brown Estate]
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shawnjacksonsbs · 5 months
Where is it we find peace? 2-3-24
"Buddha says "A child without courage is like a night without stars!" - Punjab
It's early.
Maybe 5:30 a.m. on this Friday morning and 4 am wake up calls . . .proves my age, I suppose.
On my mind . . .
A couple of the kids still out there in their struggles, trying their best to do it their way. And, although it isn't what I want for them, it is, in the end, on them.
Wanting to see successes from them regardless of how hard their head has to hit the wall, is something I'll carry with me always.
Love is unconditional.
Help and boundaries are not, or at least we try to hold tight, for everyone's benefit. Benefits not always seen in the short sight.
Umm, we are also going to have a few of the grands this weekend. Our youngest granddaughter had her first overnight here with her big sister, and when we take her home later her big sister will stay behind, as we wait for another granddaughter from a different family set to start a mini birthday party/sleepover celebration. Just the 2 of them. It's a little exciting, and it's always nice spending time with the grands.
Work is starting to pick up and get back on track. Starting the year with a couple of very decent jobs. Follow the Pride Fence Page for details and updates. Lol no lol
!~I had my 2 month old phone shoot craps at the beginning of the week. Usually, I imagine, most of us would start the nonstop adventure of replacing it asap. It's almost debilitating just accidentally leaving it behind or losing it. Am I right?
After printing map instructions to my job, like the Geico caveman, I had to head out because i had to be there no matter what.
I spent the day fighting all urges to call it quits and go get a new phone.
Feeling like a dopehead trying to not hit the pipe while still in the trap house, I made it through. At the end of the day, I went and got myself a new phone, new carrier, etc.
Other than just being beat out of about 2 months' worth of messages, pics, contacts, and overall data, I'm no worse for wear.
It did make me think about our way of life, though.
Like our, as in "OUR", big our, all of us here, at least in this country and culture.
Some of us older people might stand a bit better of a chance than the younger generation, but it would still be so devastating a collapse that recovery would feel impossible if we seriously lost all technology, or even just the internet.
Hard reset.
We depend so much on this stuff to maintain our way of life. Some may brag that they can live off the land etc, etc, but unless you're a backwood/mountain country person who only goes to town once or twice a year to trade, we would all be affected.
Obviously this happened the way it was supposed to, but man . . .I'm not looking forward to "suppose to" to be attached to the collapse of society.
I guess that empties my mind enough to restabilze my mental and emotional state for the week.
Thanx for taking time to hear me out.
As always, your thoughts are welcome.
And remember to share your love and your laughter with the world around, and be kind as always as possible.
We're all just a dead phone away from an uncomfortable day. Lol
Until next week;
"You love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back" - Grace Farrell
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26. We’re doing okay at being friends, sometimes it doesn’t even hurt anymore, when I remember that we’re, you know, just friends. I’m one year sober, in a few days. A couple weeks ago I tried to hang myself in my hospital room bathroom. The very mind that is mine, overtaken with thoughts of hatred and nothingness. But today, today I was here. I was alive to celebrate my oldest sons birthday.
25. I keep drinking. Hundreds of bottles of crown have passed through this void. Never to fill it. Never to even make a puddle. Im drunk all the time. Slurring words and ruining lives. Ripping apart our relationship at its very seams. The love I have for you is real. I don’t know why I do the things I do.
24. I’ve lost my best friend. And the last of the three people who raised me. Drunken autopilot.
Break up, make up, break up, make up.
Last year I fell in love. The kind of love that only nicholas sparks can dream up.
23. Last month of the year and boy was it the best. Peer pressure turned out to be a party. And luck was in my favor this time. Her name is cait. Caitlin. With an I. Apparently it was special to her that I knew that. I knew my whole life I wasn’t meant for a man. And now I’ve found my reason why.
My grandma got diagnosed with breast cancer. Heartbreak. One I’ve never felt before. Like somehow I was living. But for days I was on autopilot, shut off from the world but somehow also shut off from myself I morned her death while she was still alive, liquor always helps the hurt.
22. We welcomed our third baby boy.
My friend and I have some drinks. I kinda like alcohol. But I have to be careful, my families both have alcoholics.
21. We welcomed a second baby boy.
19. We welcomed a baby boy this year.
18. We welcomed a baby girl this year. My uncle passed away. He was like my best friend.
17. I met a guy online, he says I’m the girl of his dreams. Maybe I was meant to be with a guy. Maybe those thoughts about girls were a phase. Maybe I’m normal. The pills stopped.
Oh my god, I’m pregnant.
16. My virginity was stolen by a monstrous, evil man. Feelings of hate start growing. I hate you. I hate everything about you. Before I really knew you, I looked up to you.
You ripped to shreds, the very fabric of my innocence. Now my self worth is based on what people think of me. I live my life with flashbacks and paranoia.
I slept with one guy that I actually through was cool. Until I lost our baby and he never spoke to me again.
15. Another psych stay.
14. Another psych stay.
Hey pills. How are ya? Percocet, vicodin, tramadol, they numb your pain right? Emotional pain too?
13. I don’t quite remember exactly when it started. The autopilot. I got put in a psych unit for “at risk youth”
Drinking pretty fun.
12. I kissed my best friend this year. I told her how I felt about girls, and she feels the same way. I’m not alone.
11. Boy crazy. But, that girl on tv is catching my attention.
10. Why don’t boys interest me like they do my peers? Boy crazy.
8. I don’t know why I feel like this. I’m so young yet my mind is so dark. Full of self hate. I got suspended because a teacher caught me throwing my bloody razor in the bathroom garbage can. I don’t think I’m normal.
7. The older girl across the street molested me. Though I don’t know that word nor the action until much later.
5. Kindergarten is really fun. I really love my teacher.
4.I see aunt lora when I go to daycare. She works in the kitchen, I see her a lot.
1. My grandmother took me in at two months old. Freshly home from the nicu, born 10 weeks early and almost died from rsv.
0. I bet my mom was so happy. When she found out she was having a girl. I bet she loved me so much.
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