#Also 2003 Casey Jones is a himbo and we love him
theanonymousninja247 · 2 months
Pretty Random Turtle Thunks
Just finished watching the first season of 2003 TMNT, and my thoughts are as follows *ahem* Leo: babeh boy
Raph: babe
Donnie: babyyyyyy
Mikey: bb
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dreamstormdragon · 5 months
Sorry for another ask but I am curious I know you said you can relate to Raph and Don is your fav. I will get to the point lol. What is your opinion on Raph? For the iterations you have seen of course
Oh this a welcomed one!
I adore Raph. He's one of my favorite character types - the gruff, protector who inside has this heart of gold, he just has to work through some stuff.
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Rise Raph, will be first to go in this department, what a himbo, what a gem, what a sweetie. He's still got some of his rage, but he's more so the protector of the family. I love details like the bandage on his chest, that smile. His interactions with his brothers and April are so funny and wholesome. (The Lair Games and The Clothes Don't Make the Turtle are my favorite episodes for some choice brotherly moments)
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Then we get to 2003 Raph, who is the one I first saw, the one who made me adore the character as a whole. This is the one I related to the most, because of the mix of his heartfelt moments, mixed with sometimes being too much.
Shoutouts to Lone Raph and Cub, for being the best Raphael episode. This boy just wants to save his loved ones and his brothers and father, bring out the best in him. Meet Casey Jones is another great Raph episode, because we see how Raph can turn OUT if he's not careful (and showing his merciful side, which I feel like is a character trait, that doesn't get talked about enough?)
Like, this boy could've laid Casey out, truly could've beat the snot outta him and left him hanging, but he DIDNT'.
I also, really appreciate in Hunted the way that Raph specifically wanted to *wrestle* with Leatherhead. There was no fear of his strength or his temper, just full out respect. I remember I read this AMAZING fict, btw involving them by Halogalapaghost: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53261914 Oh my gosh SO GOOD.
I really enjoyed the storylines they gave Raph, throughout 03, because he was trying to be better from what he was - even though, some of it was still his pissing contest with Leo, but ohhh so good... and Same as It Never Was Raph?
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(Oh man, do not get me started on SAINW. DO NOT GET ME STARTED-)
This is gonna turn into just a 2003 Raph post, if I'm not careful. He's my SECOND favorite next to Donnie if y'all haven't guessed yet.
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Oh who am I kidding? Raph's always got rizz. It's just a matter if the writers will LET HIM HAVE A W.
Raphael Meets his Match was one of my favorite episodes of 1987 for that very reason. He's snarky, he will OBLITERATE you verbally, but this dude had rizz!!!
Honestly, he always makes me laugh.
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Oh man, this totally gave me a type when I was 11... Gruff, armored, badass motorcycle, I was fresh off my Sonic phase (yes I was a Shadow stan, let's just get that outta the way now)
My Linkin Park listening, Shadow the Hedgehog loving self, was fresh off of getting caught up on 03 when this dropped.
That movie had no right being that fun. I know it's up in the air whether or not it's ACTUALLY 03 canon but it hurts no one to think it is so I consider this Raph to just be the 19 year old ver of 03 Raph. Lot of time to grow and adjust. The Nightwatcher look for him, was SO good and that scene where he's fighting that demon? LOVED IT. Still die laughing to this day.
I need to read the 07 comics, because I know there's a Nightwatcher origin comic.
The fight between this Raph and Leo too... this was one where, Raph had some good points. Leo had issues to work through but then he comes back and just expects everyone to be ready to go back to how it was... and Raph's been keeping things in check, while Don and Mikey tried to keep them financially afloat, (frick I should've included 07 Donnie too, but again *points to "I see them as the same just older"*) and Raph had to keep the city SAFE.
Some of the BEST ficts I ever read, involved that fight in the rain. Mmm that was good HOT SOUP
But then... my favorite Raphael of all time...
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IDW Raphael is everything, I love about him and more. He's this protector, he's still got his temper, but his bonds with his family, with Casey, with Alopex...
It's just all coming together so nicely and I ADORE moments like these, where we see him calm, where we see his SMILE. WHere everything in his world, for just ONE MOMENT is all right. Where he's okay.
I love that and I adore Raph/Alopex, I love it more than RaphXMona. (I ALSO LOVE THIS ONE. IT'S GOOD BUT RAPHLOPEX IS MY OTP)
And I do not have an opinion yet on Mutant Mayhem Raph YET, but we will get there.
Thank you for coming to my RAPH APPRECIATION HOUR!
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 1990 movie Live Blog
Completely forgot this was live action. Not animated.
Is that reporter April? Damn, she looks pretty.
Is this how pickpocketing works? You need several people to do that?
Is that a reference to SID in Toys Story or did this kid thought he’s slick having his back at his back?
Oh, didn’t realize that kid stole the wallet. Also, why is no one question someone is wearing that metal arm braclet. Like—clearly it’s trying to tell us it’s Shredder but! The lack of questions of his fashion???
Oh that poor man. How is he going to tell his customer he lost the merchandise.
Why are you watching television outside your balcony lady?!
Okay, that’s a hilarious steal.
Oh! The foot ninjas here are robot, right? I’ve watched a video saying the foot bots in 2012 TMNT was inspired by the 1990s.
“Who are we going to call?” “Unfortunately, the police—“ HA! Without rest of the context, the ducking shade thrown at their incompetency!
KNEW IT! Wow this April is pretty.
Channel 3? What happened being Channel 6?
Ok, dramatic on jumping into that chair because of a rat. I would’ve just booked it.
Why is there a knife sound when April got her keys? Oh I’m dumb. She’s about to be mugged.
Bopping to the sound track
THE EYE RIGES!!! How did they do that??? Are they muppets or in suites??? If in suite, props to the costume team on making sure the suite can express emotions!
The transition of Leo being informal to formal to Splinter 🥹.
Leo’s and Donnie’s eyes are brown!! *gasp* will they all have brown eyes??? Also, splinter doesn’t look like a rat.
Yup, that’s a Mikey move to order pizza while Splinter is delivering a life lesson.
Okay, why are they kneeling like that? Why can’t they kneel both legs?
I love the unexpected dance 🤣! Here I thought they’ll truly meditate.
The nonchalant conversation between Raph and Leo, when Leo asked where Raph is going and still dancing 😆. And Raph leaving, we see Donnie and Mikey still dancing!
Wooo! Donnie got some skateboard skills!
I totally blocked out Splinters lecture. What do you mean “Not having them” Donnie?
Donnie being neat and fancy for pizza… and yum! Look at that cheese stretch!
Not me seeing 90s Casey Jones before 87 Casey Jones.
Gosh, I’m so used seeing hockey stick being bigger than Casey from 2012. Seeing the 1990s version holding them is so weird.
Bogie??? Would’ve made sense if Casey called Raph Booger instead
Is Casey really going to ignore that Raph face is green?
Oh, so now you notice!
*snickers* these dorks
Ooh! Straight to the trash! Also, you could’ve dodge it Raph?
How come a taxi driver knows Ralph’s a Turtle by looking at him for 5 seconds, but Casey can’t??? Oh, right, this dude is a himbo.
Wow, that “Damn” you shouted Raph, the whole City heard you.
I really can’t tell between the Turtles voices apart from Splinter’s.
Master Yoshi?!? Oh… is this like TMNT 2003 origin story? I haven’t watch it, but I know who’s Yoshi or not.
Oh no, those diagnoses usually goes to Leo. Raph, I thought everyone was kidding when they say you’ll be the blue here.
I’m pretty sure you don’t bandage bruises instead you ice pack them first, then hot compress.
Kid. Danny. You will not steal from you father/uncle/older brother/whatever he is to you! THAYRE THE ONES TAKING CARE OF YOU!
I think Sterns looks like a dictator.
Wha—Is this every Mikey in movie??? From what I barely remember, the Bayverse TMNT, Mikey has a crush on April. Now this??? I hope, that kiss is more of a joke. Because your a teen Mikey, and April is an adult.
Oh. Oh. I’m hating Stern. He’s racist.
Is the backpack necessary for your disguise?
How is subway that empty???
I can see the eyes, okay, not foot bots but actual people. Huh.
“I deliver a message” *slaps April* “Shut it”
Why are you carrying that Sai with you April???
YA! Who needs a blade when you have a bag full of pain to hurt your enemies!
And Raph is kidnapping her. First crime I see the 90s turtles commit beside violence against criminals.
Raph being sarcastic is my favorite
Mikey, she’s not a pet
Ugh, keep those fingers away splinter.
Pft—The turtles reaction to April screaming 🤣! We got Mikey dropping his towel, Leo flinging his arms, Donnie squeezing and moving his pillow around, and Raph doesn’t know to back off and trying to tell her calm down.
I was about to diss April on how she’s trying to find logic in her situation until I realize I would do the same to cope.
How come they use a puppet for a rat but real turtles for turtles?
90s Mikey 🤝 12 Mikey interrupting Splinters Stories
Okay! Biblical Transformation Turtles.
How did they know the word pizza???
I Need better subtitles to tell the turtles apart.
13 year old and below that age, me doesn’t. I only ate Pizza when I putted chili on it. It turned into something I can eat until I don’t need it spicy anymore.
Mikey, I couldn’t tell if that was a joke. Seeing the other versions of yourselves (except Rise) eat anything in pizza.
Oh the awkward tension of this joking atmosphere
I can’t tell between Mikey and Raph here, why can’t they get vibrant Organe for Mikey :(
I totally forgot about the foot soldier
OH MY GOD! Did the 90s turtle started the Turtle pile trend for every tmnt versions!?
I’m loving the fact, 90, 12, and 18 Rapheals hug a teddy bear in their sleep.
Ugh, Problem children. I don’t even say this with endearing affection’s.
That boy looks too young to smoke.
Screw it, everyone looks too young to do these activities.
“Never lower your eyes to the enemy” DUDE! That dirty and supposed to be a sign that the lesson is over! Do you want them to never bow respectfully every match now?!
Don’t tell me everyone here is working for the Shredder—aaaand they are…
Pft–I was about to say the Shredder is intimidating until I saw the front. The bloody mask is too big for me to take seriously
Dragon doogie??? What happened being a foot?!
This is the third Shredder that is manipulative and a gaslighter. Taking vulnerable kids that are in the stage of “No body gets”.
Whatever you say, Dark Vader.
Oh hey, he kinda looks like from the Three Kid Ninjas Movie.
Oh god, the crush wasn’t a joke. April, never humor Mikey on a Date. Please. Your an adult and he’s a teen.
Yeah! Rat the him out! Make sure that Chief will be demoted by public demand!
Raph is my reaction when my siblings or friends tease me on a crush
Ooh, they’d been in this song and dance before, Mikey and Donnie develop a system.
Aw, the expression needs a mad and disappointed face. Leo face doesn’t match his tone.
Well isn’t this reminiscing on 2012 Casey and Ralph’s encounter.
So, Raph is fighting the foot in the rooftop alone… I see where this is going. Didn’t think it would be this early.
Wow, the tone is almost like the mirage comics. A piece of it at least.
The lack of concern on Raph is wow… also Nunchuck-off! Show you can duel wield Mikey! Now they’ll be impressed with that!
Slap slap punch. Bruuh, Leo, why won’t you use your weapons—wait. You’ll murder them, oof didn’t think of that
Despite not finishing yet, I wanna see a crossover with TMNT 1990.
Oh poor April. How will she explain this to her landlord?
Wanted to say on how not brutal this foot soldiers are since the foot I know would’ve go for the instant kill and me question what happens to their weapons. Until I remember, the ninjas are children, and there’s no blood on their hands as far a I can remember or assume.
Casey Jones!
I would say I need to know actors, but not really. I don’t care enough to get all references.
Is the internet a thing in the 90s? Like—April could still blog the truth.
I’m sorry, Shredder trying to be intimidating in his red suite with his big ass Face mask is too much. His freaking blades are also not intimidating!
Looks like 90s Shredder is the second least intimidating Shredder, the top would be 2019 Shredder from Batman vs TMNT
I know who Tetsu reminds me off! Tatsu! The blind nin that was second to Shredder in leadership and strength! But Tetsu has 2012!Shredders anger issues
I always question the pet rat origin. Since all of the wise advise that Splinter gives, did he heard them all from Yoshi or from all the TV he watch?
Don’t wanna be negative here and I know Splinter is trying to convince Danny that his father cared. But we’re banking on ‘all’ too much. If I revealed to my father I’m his son on some days, he would put me to therapy saying that’s all in my head and I’m a girl. Not a boy
So, Casey is all buddy-buddy with the turtles now? Or just that for April.
How is it moonlighting???
So this is where the farm hour arc is mostly inspired by. Are we going to see some horror tho?
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If I was drinking water I would’ve chocked or spitted it out cuz, why the hell is Raph positioned like that?
Ooh? Can you feel the love tonight~
Also, kinda sad the curls are gone for Casey
They didn’t bother removing Raph gear?! Then again, unlike 2012 Leo, 90 Raph just got a some concussion I think, not throat damage and broken knee. And a knocked shell.
Did Mikey have to be dramatic and find a cliff on night to shout “Splinter”? Also please tell me how long you guys stayed there.
Oh, thank you Tetsu. It’s been days since the gang left. Not weeks or months. Days… I’ll say Raph has been a 2-3 day comma?
Casey, why are using Leo’s sword for cutting?
Is turtle wax real? IT IS!
Leo, you look stupid.
Leo has the stereotypical mediating pose, Raph balled his hands in meditation while Donnie and Mikey are normal and open palms.
Awwww 🥺
I say they’ve been in the farm house for a week before going back.
HA! Casey’s expression!
They’ll be ambushed. If the Shredder has a brain, then he’ll be smart putting ninjas on the turtles lair. Or we’ll see the missing foot ninja.
I’m loving the Donnie and Mikey interaction!
Is Danny the McGuffin in this film?
Sheesh, didn’t bother closing the door, Danny?
waitwaitwaitwait did—did the Shredder took Splinter limbs?! Holy crap that dark for this supposed comedic movie!
NVM, I guess Shredded might be bad as 2012 when it comes to their ‘love’ ones.
Sosishjsiwhajkxbcjdish! THERES A TRAITOR AMONG US
Saki, your armor looks like plastic.
How did you know Splinter is his name, Danny? Did he say it in your therapy sessions with him?
YEAAAAH! Donnie security system—never mind.
Oh thank pizza supreme above, Mikey see April as a sister now.
If they turn now, would be great but unrealistic in real life. If I was told that, give me days or months to think about it. Since I’ve been, you know brainwash.
Saki, you need a better mask
Are we getting Casey chorusing the shredder in a joking way?
Just how experience are the turtles here? Like—April said their first defeat was in her apartment. And I’m pretty sure the turtles fighting experience are just a bunch of thugs that fights blind. And training.
Oh thank pizza, Splinter has his limbs.
Father and sons reunion!
Now give this kid therapy, they had been in a cult.
Ya gurl! You deserve this!
Is this how romance work? Like—a week for this to happen?
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