leune · 1 month
"If I'm not me..."
KNJ × Female OC
Part 1 & 2
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Part 1
"What? Is there something on my face?"
Anrea giggled, her curly hair bouncing with her shoulders as her boyfriend got in her face and wiggled around.
Anrea pushed him away, "Stop it." She smiled.
"But you're staring at me..."
She looked down, "Why do you wear your hats like that? It looks like a chocolate chip." She snorted as she held back her laugh, blushing and covering her mouth.
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The couple sat at a train station, waiting for their train, watching the other one roll by.
"Namjoonie?" He looked at her and she couldn't help but smile lovingly. "Where are we going?" She asked.
He smiled back, "Somewhere~" She rolled her eyes playfully. "We've been together for 6 years and you still can't tell me where we are celebrating our anniversary." She shoved him a little. He overreacted and flung his arms, his arms ending up around her.
She giggled some more, his chuckle joining hers as he hugged her.
Would it be wrong to say he fell in love with that sound before he even laid eyes on her?
Part 2
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They finally boarded their train and got comfy in their seats that faced each other over a small table. He reached forward and grabbed her hands gently, stroking his thumbs over her knuckles. "I love you so much." She blushed, "I love you too, Namjoonie."
His head turned out the window and she got a flashback to the first time they met in person.
6 years ago Anrea moved to Seoul with her father who was on a business venture.
She was sitting on a park bench, wondering where her life was going at this point.
Her father never cared what she did, she's a few months from graduation and she had enough money saved for an apartment for 4 years…
Her eyes lazily looked over the park.
To the right was a playground, tons of screaming kids running around with their annoyed parents watching.
To the left was an open field where some teenagers and adults played soccer or exercised.
And right in front of her was a-
Soccer ball to the face.
The ball landed in her lap as she held her nose. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow!" She whined, tears leaving her eyes as she kicked her legs in pain, fluttering her uniform skirt.
Her eyes darted around to a boy running in her direction. He had a bruise on his face and tears coming out of his eyes. He tripped and fell face first into her lap, replacing the soccer ball that rolled away.
Some boys snickered and anger bubbled in the woman's chest as she looked down at the frozen boy. "Hey." He jumped and scooted onto his knees. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." He bowed between each word. She giggled, still holding her nose and he looked up at her with wide eyes.
"I'm ok, kid. Stop crying."
He sighed, "On the other hand why do you let those boys bully you?" The boy's eyes widened again as he looked down to the left. "I-I'm too scrawny to fight back." She chuckled, "We'll, if they bother you anymore, you can always find me in the library. How old are you, Namjoon?"
She watched him shiver but then looked at her, "F-Fifteen." She chuckled and fluffed his hair. "I'm 17. You go to Seoul High, right?" He nodded, "Ya, then, you can come find me when you need me." She stood up and waved, "Bye Namjoon!" He huffed, "Bye Noona!" He smiled and she smiled back, his dimpled cheeks making her heart squeeze.
She blinked and looked up at him. "Yes?" He smiled, "You spaced out." She chuckled shyly, "Heh... Oh, I have a question." His attention went back to her from outside. "Back then, were you the one who hit me in the face with the soccer ball?"
Namjoon's neck and ears burned red almost immediately after she spoke. "I- Uh- Yeah..."
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She giggled as he looked away bashfully, "I finally got the balls to kick back and I ended up hurting you." She snorted and he huffed, his grip getting loose. "I'm sorry for laughing. I'm not laughing at you, baby." His ears continued to burn red as he turned to her, that nickname being his weakness to get him to cave into anything.
"I was wondering if that when we get to where we're going if we could..." She raised an eyebrow, "We could, what?" Namjoon's blush moved to his cheeks. "Y-You know.." It clicked and she smiled, "Oh! Uh, yeah. I'd like to." Namjoon's blush deepened a shade and she smiled, rubbing his fingers.
This big beefy baby.
The rest of the ride was quiet, the couple admiring the outside as they held hands over the table, Anrea's legs intertwined with his under the table.
For a couple who hasn't done anything sexual over the 6 years they've been together, besides kissing, they love PDA.
But they don't know that they're both hiding secrets.
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beanie-beebo · 2 months
For Young Hopeless/suicidal folk
Stop scrolling for a second and please just hear me out. I know you're searching for a way out or for help if you've come across this. Something compelled me to share this tidbit.
I'm in my mid twenties and when I tell you I've had a rough life my whole life, it's an understatement. I'll spare the details, but this is just so you know where I come from too. When I say it took literal miracles for me to be alive and kicking, i mean it.
As I grew closer to my twenties, as I went through learning therapy, failed jobs, the usual. It seemed to get easier, but something just wasn't *clicking*. I was still missing something, something that would be the final piece for my healing journey.
One day, out of literal nowhere, it clicked. *Everything* I've ever went through and suffered through began to literally come together like a puzzle.
I account it to natural aging and learning more about myself. But it was the largest moment of clarity I ever had. All thanks to a couple tiktoks suggesting autism and what that looked like in various different people.
My whole life was so hard *because the last piece was my autism*. I wasn't being treated for that alongside everything else, so naturally I wasn't getting the proper skills to function where the therapists kept running into dead ends.
But it didn't stop there. It was like something turned on. I was thinking of ways to help myself, to advocate and get the support I needed, a possible way *out* of all of this.
What I'm trying to get at is: yes everyone's story and journey look different, but sometimes all it takes is one or two things for everything to finally make sense.
Dont get it wrong, I'm still learning and going through a LOT. But I don't want to die anymore. I want to find a way out, because there is hope. I just needed to change my perspective. And maybe you do too.
There are studies that show our brains make the final huge transition to maturing between 23-25. And that ND individuals it usually can be 25-early 30s.
That moment that clicked, I truly think that's what part of that was for me. My brain finally transitioned into adulthood. I could think clearer and things just all started to *make sense*. That I didn't have to stay where I was, I didn't have to suffer. Regardless of the state of the world, I can make anything happen. Even if I'm disabled, I have tools to advocate, get help at my fingertips, take logical (that may seem unlogical to some) unwalked paths to more comfortable, stable roads. *I didn't have to end it to have the emotions and life I wanted*
If you feel therapy isn't working for you, it isn't you. Maybe it's the wrong type of therapy, maybe your brain needs time to process and mature to have things sink in, maybe you need a medication add on or change. Maybe you have underlying neurological issues that are hindering therapy *further* for you.
Dont give up. I know it seems easier that way. Until you have the energy to fight again, find something to hang onto. Your favorite characters, TV shows, your pets, friends/family, hobbies, anything literally at all.
If you're still here, you're stronger than you realize. To live through issues and still continue, even if you feel like you can't or don't want to? You're a god/goddess, a survivor, a WARRIOR.
This world needs you, and you will love what you find in small nooks, waiting for you.
You are enough, you are loved, you can DO this. I'm proud of you.
Yes even if we haven't met, yes even if we aren't on good terms for whatever reason. If this post found you, it was for a reason.
Keep going beautiful/handsome ♥ /platonic
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therealmissmagoo2 · 9 months
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RM - Namjoon
Tray File
Hair. Base. Extras.
Genetics: Skin. Dimples. Eyes. Eyebrows. Eyelashes. Eye Preset. Nose Preset 6m. Lip Preset 5m.
Look 1: Blazer + Add On. Pants. Shoes.
Look 2: Shirt Jacket + Add On. Jeans. Shoes.
Look 3: T Shirt. Jeans. Shoes. Choker.
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xzombiezzz · 1 month
Y'all - why do I feel like a dinosaur still using Tumblr while all of my classmates don't even know what that is? Like hoe. How am I supposed to open up to you if you don't know what $hblr is? Get outta here. Nuh uh!!
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A scary piccy from my window<33
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full-sunnies · 1 year
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ciasquare · 1 year
Namjoon shuffles away from the table, heading in the direction of their living room. Everyone stares after him, but before anyone can say anything, he is plodding back into the dining room, bringing with him what looks suspiciously like their couch cushions, one under each arm. He doesn't sit back down, just heads in the other direction towards their bedrooms and Yoongi sighs when he realizes what Namjoon is up to.
"Namjoon-ah, dinner first?" he calls after him, but Namjoon doesn't slow in the slightest.
"I'm full, hyung" he says, "I gotta…" He gestures the best he can with his occupied hands then disappears through the doorway.
Yoongi sighs again and turns back to the table, facing the variety of confused expressions staring at him.
"Nesting," he says by way of an explanation and everyone oohs and ahs in understanding.
A sidestory from (Tell yourself he's telling the truth).
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writersblock0625 · 2 years
@dollystuartwrites The Alpha Alpha story was the 2nd WEREWOLF AU story I read & I LOVE IT!!! I may be here for a while
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omegaminie · 1 year
Alpha Namjoon has to take care of his Omega being in pre-heat, then his heat that follows, then ease his pain when he enters his menstruation cycle.
It is the life of an Omega indeed. But having an Alpha like Namjoon by his side, makes everything bearable for Jimin.
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charlieslowartsies · 9 months
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Materials, info and some comments under the RM!
Toothless' Pattern I purchased
Materials: 6 yards of black minky 1 yard red minky 5 yards of Poly-Fil extra loft medium quilt batting 18 oz of poly pellets (4 oz in each foot) 2 Mainstay firm bed pillows for stuffing 1 spool of purple thread for the top stitching details on his tail, hip and main wings 2.5 spools of black thread Dark green, lime green, goldenrod and light yellow embroidery floss black acrylic paint white fabric paint Velcro one very old, small and cranky sewing machine who somehow survived this ordeal several comfort shows, podcasts, and music to listen to
This was my winter break project! Granted I started bits and pieces of the process in early December, but once my two weeks off hit he really started getting worked on lol.
I know it's hard to tell from photos, but he is A BIG CHONGUS. Toothless is 5.5 feet from head to tail tip, and has a 9 foot wingspan. He weighs about 8 lbs.
He took about 60ish hours and was very complex. My budget was $200 and he came in at $202! That includes things like the bulldog clips that I bought when he was being pinned because the minky was so slippery! This cost EXcludes a sewing machine, or things like an embroidery ring which my mom had, so I was very lucky in several areas—but he still was not cheap, either by expense or by time and sweat/tears!
Of course, the minky was by far the most of the cost, coming in at $122. I’d say the batting would be next, but I waited and snagged a good deal at my local craft store and got the batting for $18. I HIGHLY recommend buying bed pillows. The original maker of the pattern used IKEA pillows I believe.
I increased his size by 20%, so I printed him at 120% and guesstimated on the minky amount. My WORST mistake was forgetting to mirror the WINGS, which meant I had to recut two of the four pieces of fabric. (I should have marked it on the pattern, which I did mark well for things like number count.) Had I not done this, I would have used a lot less minky. I bought 7 yards and only needed 5.5 before my error.
(Now I’ve got scraps and a whole yard left sitting there whispering that it wants to be made into a Krobus plushie…who seems much less of a hurdle than Toothless.)
I stuffed Toothy’s hip fins and tail fins with one layer of quilt batting. His wings however, are double layered with the batting for extra plush, warmth, and durability. His eyes are hand embroidered (my first time!) but stitched on with the machine. Toothless has poly pellets in his feet to help support his bulk, but most of his weight is in his body, hips and start of his tail so he actually sits up really well.
He was a huge labor of love for sure! The pattern was great, the instructions were…less great. But my mom helped me figure out a lot of the troubling bits. Some parts were easy to follow and others were basically "bing bong fuck ya life." Despite that, I do suggest this pattern. But this is definitely an intermediate or advanced pattern. They also sell the eyes for those that have access to an embroidery machine.
I followed the pattern closely as I desired. I did omit the back spikes on his rear legs, and I couldn’t embroider his lil nose by hand ^^; I also did not make his blue alpha fins because of expense and mistrust in my own skills...also, I kinda wanted HTTYD1 Toothless haha. I love the series as a whole but the og movie is literally one of the reasons I went to college, and it went into my thesis as well.
I want to remake his prosthetic at some point when I have time and energy, but for now I’m pleased with 99% of him, especially since this is my first plushie I’ve ever made. I do not regret any of my personal changes and I’m totally in love with him.
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ldysmfrst · 5 months
Hi lovely!
I was thinking about AM and how some of them would react to her dancing? Because I know when I'm cleaning or like trying to destress I listen to music and sorta bop around- Just more moving to the beat nothin like hobi or what have you, but just gahh I see a lot of heart eyes and everyone being cute
Hello dear reader!
Thank you for your question. It is a good one! We are not that far in the story yet, but I will answer your question and add it to the story... maybe...💭
Jin—As the oldest, he loves to watch his mates doing something they enjoy. Watching you lose yourself to the music you listen to while doing a mundane thing just makes him smile and allows him a chance to relax with you as you dance in your own world. While he would love to join you, he doesn't because he understands this isn't his time but your time to chill in your way, and he respects that.
Suga—Our lovely sleepy cat has no concerns about watching you dance your stress away. In fact, he will make sure you know that he is there to relax against pillows with a soft, gummy smile and his eyes never leaving your form. When you finally notice and stop, he will encourage you to keep going and lose yourself in it because he loves all of you and all that you do.
J-hope—The dance master himself loves to watch others dance. You warn the others that you do this absentminded dancing when you are stressed or cleaning, but because of your fear of dancing in front of the strict choreographer, you have tried your best to avoid doing any dancing with him around. Unknown to you, he has watched you more times than you know. His heart flutters at your moves, but at the same time, he is sad that you don't feel comfortable yet enough to let him watch. He makes it his goal to find a way to get you to a level of confidence/comfort so you can.
RM—Love, love, LOVES it when you do your dancing and cannot help but join you in dancing. Forget the chores you are doing or where he is going next, his world now revolves around you. Swaying, jiving, and waltzing with you is more important. The world around the two of you fades away as he feels your skin under his hands, your body moving with his, and the love just pours out of his eyes.
Jimin—Dancer extraordinaire, seems to always find you bopping along to something while cooking, cleaning, doing work, folding clothes, you name it. He loves to watch your body move to the rhythms that he can hear and even better when it's something he cannot. His mind creates music to accentuate your dance, then runs off to Yoongi or RM to get it written down, but you will never know that you are his muse.
V— Is your silent supporter. Watching with warmth filling his soul at you being relaxed enough in the packhouse to let go and find ways to take care of yourself. His Alpha still wishes that you would open up more to them and know that your stress is not just your own anymore. After about 5-10 minutes of watching you, he cannot help but to join you. Showing you new moves, learning new ones from you, or just trying to make you laugh to see your gorgeous smile.
Jungkook—The happy, bouncy bunny cannot stay away. You dance, he dances. He joins in whatever chore you are doing, twerking, the robot, waltzing... heck, he would even turn it into a dance-off with you if it made your stress melt away faster. He is never going to let you deal with what gets you down alone once he realizes there is something wrong. If it will make you feel better, he will pull in any other mate and do some kind of crazy dance competition just to hear you laugh.
A familiar feeling among all of them is the flutter in their hearts watching you move. Sometimes, it is just there to settle their own souls that this is real and that you are here; other times, it ignites a fire in their belly for something more. One thing is for sure: everyone will remember what they have seen for months to come, either for lonely nights or ammunition for flirting and teasing.
I hope that answered your question!
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Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
blood orange by seokabunny *
“We should’ve held you off from it longer, huh? You got to it so early. Everyone else had to wait.” Hoseok’s voice is buzzing warm and sweet in his ear. “Taehyung and Jimin were twenty-three. Jin-hyung was twenty-seven for his first time.” Jungkook’s drooling, slack-mouthed over the hinge of Hoseok’s shoulder. He can smell the dried sweat all over his pretty, tanned skin. “Hyuuung—” “You were twenty-one, baby. None of the others got it that young.”
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM
baby by feraljk *
Jungkook wanted Namjoon to be his leader for life—not just on stage, not just at work, not just anything. Every day, every hour, every minute, he wanted Namjoon to be his sun.
begotten by macabre
Jeongguk was ready to start his family. With or without the man of his dreams.
soft skin, soft eyes by babiestbat *
Yoongi hums, tilting his head. “I bet Jungkook would be up for it,” he considers, swirling the rest of his whiskey around in his glass. “He’s really into being eaten out.” Namjoon’s glass slips out of his hand. Thankfully, he’s sitting on the floor, and the glass just bounces a little before settling. “What?” he says. Yoongi laughs brightly, gums on display. “Aish, don’t look at me like that. He likes it a lot! And you know he thinks you’re hot,” he goes on. (Namjoon does not know that, and he feels faint at the thought.) “He’s already seen you at your worst, you could sneeze into him and I’m pretty sure he’d just laugh it off. He’s a perfect first, too. He likes just about everything.” *** Namjoon's never eaten someone out. Yoongi knows the perfect candidate.
Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga
HGU by sseoltangie (WIP) *
Disaster strikes and as a consequence, Jungkook lands himself in prison. But he's tough—all he has to do is survive the next months. At least that's what he thinks. Until he becomes the cellmate of attempted murder convict Yoongi.
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin
Come feed the rain by vminkookminv
Jungkook gets teased by his classmates a lot for being a pissbaby. Jimin finds out why.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM
Lost in the Lights by mangust_d
Alphas around the world are losing their knots due to a mysterious illness. Hoseok convinces Namjoon to try one last thing before he succumbs to a sad, knotless life: visiting an alphas-only club.
Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
Divine and Raw by anon1792 *
It starts, as these things are wont to, with an offhand comment.  Yoongi, in Namjoon’s old don’t be a prick cactus sweatshirt from an adolescent trip to the US with its stretched loose wrist-holes pushed up to reveal his pink elbows, half asleep and half scrolling through his phone while Namjoon works on his dissertation, mumbles, “If you get tested tomorrow, I’ll let you raw me.” Namjoon stumbles and slams his chin so hard into the coffee table, he sees stars.
If Nice Guys Finish Last, Meet Me in the Back by NinjasWearSneakers *
Namjoon has been secretly in love with his best friend Yoongi for years, so he’s familiar with the pain of watching him date other people. Now, Yoongi is getting married, and Namjoon is his best man, so he’s been trying very hard to prepare himself for the pain of that whole ordeal. However, something much more painful happens instead, leaving Namjoon to try to help Yoongi pick up the pieces.
Just Got the Taste For It by deepslowpanic *
“Maybe that guy just wasn’t your type, Namjoon,” Yoongi says after a few moments of quiet, That could be true. The guy was cute, but he wasn’t exactly what Namjoon thinks he’s looking for. Though he’s not entirely sure what that is, not sure about his type, or quite how to figure it out. “Thanks, hyung.” “Of course,” Yoongi says. “I’m here to guide you on your baby bi journey. I’m like your spiritual guide.” Namjoon snorts. “To what?” “The prostate, obviously.” -OR- Newly out as bisexual, Namjoon is trying to figure out his type and exactly what he’s looking for. But every interaction with his (kind, patient, pretty) roommate pushes Namjoon closer to thinking he might already know…
whoopsie daisy, never knew that was your boo, baby by rayfelle *
Not knowing how to respond to this sudden possible courting situation, Seokjin shuffles away to continue his shopping. Was it a courting gift? Seokjin has never met the human man, but it’s not like that matters much to wolves. Do humans operate the same way? But the human offered him food, which points towards courtship. Once back home Seokjin tries to google his questions, like his coworkers often recommend he does. Google, sadly, does not help at all. (or: a human starts courting Seokjin in the middle of a supermarket - he is determined to do his very best in return while Yoongi has no idea what he has just started)
Garden of Eden by sseoltangie
"But how can we…" Yoongi continued, whispering, scared to burst the bubble, scared Namjoon would leave as soon as he’d spoken the words. “When we’re both omegas.”
Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
driving getaway by silklace
“I’m not upset.” Seokjin nods. “I can tell by the way your face is all red. And blotchy.”
is this love? by sweetbubble3
four months after breaking up, yoongi logs into his and jin’s stardew valley co-op farm only to find that jin has been playing without him.
love you snow much by caprikoya *
Seokjin stomps into the chalet and shucks off his coat and boots at the door, cheeks and nose burning with the cold. When he throws open the door to the bedroom, Yoongi sits up from where he’s still cocooned in the duvet on the bed. “Did you win?” He asks, blinking blearily at Seokjin with his eyes still puffy from sleep. Seokjin doesn’t answer, because Yoongi knows that solo snowboarding is not a sport that you can win at, and is just being a little shit. Seokjin’s heart swells– he’d missed Yoongi having the energy to be annoying. To show his affection, he climbs onto the bed and sticks his freezing hands down the back of Yoongi’s shirt. Yoongi shrieks like some kind of bird of prey, and then promptly bites Seokjin on the arm. -or- After a long busy period at work keeps them away from each other, Seokjin and Yoongi take a vacation.
SEALed With a Kiss by deepslowpanic (WIP) *
“We’re mates,” Yoongi says simply. “We’re married now, you put my coat around me. Now you’re my husband.” “I -” Seokjin cuts himself off. He feels insane, all of this is insane. It doesn’t make sense, there’s no way Seokjin is suddenly married to a - a - seal? “That’s not how human marriage works,” Seokjin says finally, voice cracking a little. “You can’t just say we’re married.” “Why not?” Yoongi does not seem deterred at all. “That doesn’t matter. Humans are stupid anyway. But you’re hot and you smell nice. You’ll be a good mate. With your broad shoulders, your swimming abilities must be admirable. And you can fish, a provider.” He nods, as if this is all settled. “So you’re my husband.” -OR- Burned out from work, famous YouTube chef Seokjin heads to winter-quiet Jeju to escape for a while. His only goals are to relax, and try to find his spark again. When he rescues a naked man on the beach, Seokjin couldn’t have predicted what he was in for. But an accidentally acquired husband in the form of soft, impish selkie Yoongi might be just what Seokjin needs.
Big things come in small packages by teamkimseokjin (closetfairy) *
Seokjin discovers a new kink when he sees Yoongi rubbing his little round belly after a big meal. Okay, so maybe it's a little more than just a kink..
somebody does love (but i'm thinking `bout min yoongi) by missandrogyny *
One thing that Seokjin’s learned after knowing Yoongi for so long is that if he doesn’t want to talk about it, he really doesn’t want to talk about it, and he’ll do anything and everything to dodge the conversation. It’s why it’s so frustrating to deal with him sometimes; he never wants to talk about things, and if Seokjin’s being honest, he too doesn’t want to talk about things, which means that it’s highly possible for the both of them to just exist beautifully in Not-Talking-About-Things harmony. Hoseok and Namjoon have told them repeatedly that it isn’t healthy or mature for them to be acting like this, which is why Seokjin, being the older one, is out here trying his best. But Yoongi is stubborn on good days and a downright pain in the ass on bad ones, and after three more times shooting down Seokjin’s attempts to talk about it, Seokjin decides to do what any self-respecting man would: He talks to his girlfriend about it. (Or: College AU where Yoongi writes an unhinged pining song, and Seokjin just can't get it out of his head.)
Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga
i wish you would by lessisabore
alone in his mountain cave, a dragon pines for his human ex-boyfriend
OT7 - Relationship
count on me by yeoboluvr
scoring highly on the submissive rating was supposed to guarantee a life of being dommed and pampered. for jungkook, it meant suppressing his instincts, fighting his body, and hiding from his hyungs.
Echoless City by mangust_d (WIP) *
On the same fateful night, Yoongi goes missing during a covert operation, and an injured hybrid is found fleeing from his handlers. Compassion is a luxury afforded to few, but who could resist a bunny in distress? OR: The story of how Seokjin tried to carry the entire world on his broad shoulders and failed miserably.
wisteria by feraljk (WIP) *
Hoseok had gone through four foster packs in the past twenty-two months, and, with two months before he would be sent away for good, he was being given to a fifth. He tried his best to not go soft when he knew it would all be taken away, but even a feral omega latches on to the feeling of home.
Lost Under the Moonlight by ArianneMaya (WIP) *
After being accused of something he didn’t do, Jimin discovers he’s a wolf shifter and is put into the Shifter Reintegration Program. On paper, the program is intended to give ‘unconscious shifters’ in the carceral system a chance at a better, healthier life. In practice, for an unpresented omega like Jimin, it means being handed over to a pack who wants to bitch him. No matter what the program entails, the Bangtan pack wants a new packmate, not a slave. And after running his whole life, Jimin might just find somewhere to call home. That is if he can bring himself to trust them.
dwell by macabre (WIP) *
The pit was the worst prison alphas could be sent to. It was a place to die with no hope, no dreams, no sun. Just a pit so deep in the earth it might as well be hell. Then, an omega is sent down as a prisoner. For the first time ever. Into an ecosystem already designed to eat itself alive.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
daffodils by feraljk (WIP)
Some submissives could live by themselves, could take care of their own spacing and dropping and eating and everything else, but Jungkook - he wasn’t like that. He was weak, his family had always told him so. And now, breaking down in front of a strange dom in a bathroom while he was at work, he’d proved them right.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
You Really Float My Boat by deepslowpanic
“Hoseok-ah? Yoongi whips his head to the side, staring at his husband in confusion. “What?” “Hi, Seokjin hyung,” Hoseok says, voice sweet as honey. “Hi, Yoongi hyung.” “Hello Seok-ah,” Yoongi rasps. When he turns his head, Seokjin is staring at him. “You know Hoseok?” Seokjin asks. Yoongi nods. “I know Hoseok.” he blinks. “You know Hoseok?” Seokjin nods back. Huh. “Wow!” Hoseok gasps, clapping his hands together. “This is so strange! Who would have thought my ex-boyfriends would have ended up married?” -OR- When Yoongi agrees to go on a cruise with his husband, he doesn’t expect to run into his ex-boyfriend. And he definitely doesn’t expect to find out Seokjin dated him too. Shared memories bring up forgotten feelings, and maybe a vacation is the perfect time to let loose.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
only two people by silklace *
Jimin looks up at him. That is, Jimin looks over him. All over him. When his gaze lands on Hoseok’s face, his expression stretches into something annoyed even with all that heat in his looking. “What.” “C’mon.” Jimin swallows. “Come shower with me, baby.” Jimin scratches at the back of his neck. He’s still gripping his phone in his other hand. “Yoonji know you call me that?” It’s not really a question though, not when Jimin knows the answer.
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin
can't look away by eron_less
When Namjoon video calls the guy he's been seeing late one night, he's not expecting to find the guy's best friend in bed with him. Turns out, he's kind of into it.
(* Personal favorites)    
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Blinding Light Chapter Two
Hey guys! I just finished chapter two so I figured I might as well post it! I’m glad that you guys liked Chapter One. It has some formatting issues so I’ll try to fix those one I’m on my computer. I’m currently posting this from iPad at work, so it makes the formatting a bit odd. I hope you guys show this one as much love as chapter one! Thanks!
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Hybrids: Munchkin Cat Y/N (Omega), Fox Jin (Omega), Panther Yoongi (Alpha), Golden Retriever J-Hope (Beta), Wolf RM (Alpha), Calico Cat Jimin (Omega), Tiger V (Beta), Bunny Jungkook (Beta)
Word Count: 4, 121
Previous Chapter, Next Chapter
When I wake, I feel more rested than I ever have. Yoongi’s peppery scent wraps around me. I’m tucked into his side, my cheek resting on his chest. His breathing is calm and even. He seems to still be in a deep sleep. I gently try to disentangle myself.
“Where are you going?” His sleepy voice is a little deeper than his normal voice.
“Bathroom,” I whisper back. He lets me go, his arm lifting to point at a cracked door. When I emerge again, Yoongi sits up on the edge of the bed, blinking blearily at me. He holds out a hand to me, which I take quickly.
He pulls me toward him, his head nuzzling into my stomach. My hands go to his hair, my fingers running through is longish hair. He purrs, his hands resting on my hips. We stay like that for a while. He finally pulls back, after a while.
“We got you some clothes. We got a couple different sizes, so we’ll return whatever doesn’t fit,” He leans down and picks up a large shopping bag from beside the bed.
I cycle through a few clothes that are way too big before ending up in a pair of bicycle shorts and an oversized t-shirt. When I come out, Yoongi has also changed clothes.
“Lets go eat some breakfast,” He finally stands, taking my hand and leading me through the massive house, down the stairs, and into the dining room.
The table is overwhelming. It’s covered in food and surrounded by people. I end up seated between Yoongi and Hoseok. The pink haired Calico ends up seated across from me. I watch nervously as the boys load up their places. I recognize some of the, like Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin, but I don’t know the name of the Omega Calico or the Tiger hybrid next to him.
“Y/N?” The voice pulls me from my daze. I look around to see everyone staring at me. I blush, ducking my head.
“Do you want me to make your plate?” Hoseok asks worriedly. I shake my head quickly and grab a few items near me. A waffled, a fried egg, and a few slices of bacon.
“Orange juice?” It’s the calico this time. I lift my glass and he pours some,” I’m Jimin, by the way.”
“Taehyung!” The tiger offers a boxy smile. I smile back shyly.
I eat as much as I can. This feels like a treat but I haven’t eaten consistently over the years. I don’t want to make myself sick. I finish about half the egg and waffle, but I also ate three slices of bacon.
“How are you feeling this morning?” This time, it’s Jin.
“I feel fine. No soreness or anything,” It feels eerie when everyone goes quiet when I speak.
“I have to ask you some questions after breakfast,” Namjoon, his gray wolf ears flicking.
“Namjoon,” Yoongi’s tone is warning,” She’s not ready.”
“It’s okay,” My voice is stronger than I thought it would be,” I-I want to talk.”
“I”m staying with her,” Yoongi grumbles, turning back to his breakfast. They all chatter through breakfast and then I’m in the library with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook. I rub my hands together nervously.
“I’m going to show you some pictures. Tell me what you know about the people on them. Take your time. Anything you can tell us will help,” Namjoon has a stack of photos in front of him.
“I don’t know anyone’s names,” I chew on my bottom lip nervously.
“That’s okay!” Jungkook is cheerful,” We just need leverage.”
“Are you ready?” Namjoon gives me a comforting smile. I nod once and he lifts the first picture. Images flash through my mind. Blood, pain, fear. My hand curled into a fist, my breathing becoming shaky. A warm hand covers mine and I look up to see Jungkook, a worried look in his eyes. I take a deep breath.
“Brown bear hybrid. He’s not the bottom of the ladder but he’s not the top either. I think he’s a drug manufacturer. I could usually smell it on him. Had a preference for whips and choking,” While I speak, Jungkook’s hand stays on mine. I study his tattoos, ignoring the lump in my throat,” He was trying to work his way up.”
We proceed like this for a while. At some point, I end up in Yoongi’s lap as he scents me. I don’t know if it’s to calm me or him, but it soothed my trembling. Jungkook sits on the floor in front of us. I play with his hair, needing to keep my hands busy. His foot twitches every once in a while. The last picture causes my hands to still and my eyes to blur. My chest heaves.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jungkook is kneeling before but I didn’t see him move, his hands wiping tears I didn’t know were falling,” We can stop. This is enough. Lets stop.”
“I only met him once,” My voice is empty, hollow,” The day I almost escaped. He’s a bodyguard for the boss. He was supposed to teach me a lesson. He’s an Alpha with a dominance issue. He forcibly marked me. My punishment was to deal the mark rejection that followed. It took three months.”
“I’m gonna kill him,” Yoongi’s voice is growled.
Mark rejection happens when an Omega is forcibly marked. Their body rejects the mark and they go through searing physical pain. Even breathing can feel like fire. The duration changes depending on the Omega and usually requires medical care.
“Lets finish up here. You need to take a breather,” Namjoon sets down his pen and walks over to us. His lips press to the top of my head,” No one will hurt you ever again.”
“I **need** to stay with her. If I go there now, no one will leave there alive,” Yoongi stands with me in his arms.
“Hyung, you know we won’t be able to get information out of them without you,” Jungkook whines,” Plus, she should spend time with all her mates. You’re hogging her.”
“Jimin and Tae are home. She’ll be safe with them,” Namjoon gives Yoongi a pointed look. He sighs, seeming resigned.
I can’t help but feel a surge of panic at the though of Yoongi being away from me. Our bond seems to have cemented itself. He had been my rock, my protector. Yoongi seems just as reluctant. He scents me throughly before the others can convince him to leave.
“Man, he really doesn’t trust us, does he?” Jimin rolls his eyes.
“We only set the kitchen on fire once! And no one was even hurt!” Taehyung whines.
“Well, we did set Jin’s hair on fire that one time. He wore a hat for two months,” Jimin lounges next to me on the couch. His cinnamon apple scent brings me comfort that can only be offered by a fellow Omega. Taehyung’s scent reminds me of snow. Cold, fresh, and oddly exhilarating.
“Okay, so, I know Yoongi told you about the whole mate thing, but do you have any questions? Hyung isn’t much of an explainer,” Taehyung sits in the chair diagonal to the couch.
“I don’t think so? Should I?” I chew on my bottom lip nervously.
I understand the basic concept of mates. A group of people whose animal counterparts draw them together. The groups usually range between five and ten people. I did hear about a pack of thirteen once but it’s rare. No one knows what draws them together or why. Mates bring you friendship, companionship, love, a support system. It depends on what you need. Most end up falling in love with each other. They patchwork themselves into the pieces of your heart. I never really expected to find mates, not really. Not everyone does.
“But?” Jimin prompts, pulling me from my thoughts.
“I just… wasn’t ever prepared for this option so I don’t know how to feel,” I feel like I’m staring holes in the carpet,” I don’t know how to be a mate.”
“Nobody does. You learn it through spending time with your mates. Every relationship is different. We have to learn about you too,” Jimin’s hand touches mine gently. I didn’t realize my fingers were digging into my thighs.
“Why don’t we just do something fun, instead. No need for everything to be so serious so quickly,” Taehyung gives me a cute, boxy smile,” I promised Chim I would teach him some pottery. I can teach you too.”
The clay splattered apron ends up being quite big. Taehyung’s hands engulf mine as he shows me how to shape and press my hands. Once I have the basics, he goes to help Jimin.
I quickly become absorbed. Keeping my hands busy makes everything else fade away. I forgot how much I loved to create, to use my hands to build something. For a while, nothing else matters. One of my nicer owners, a younger woman, was a potter. She had taught me once. Taught me how to create, carve, and glaze. I had nearly forgotten. It was so long ago.
When it was shaped how I wanted, I began to carve. I knew what I wanted. I don’t know how long I work but the finished product is perfect. The panther stares back at me, reminding me so much of Yoongi. I had decided on a coffee cup after watching him down multiple ups at breakfast this morning. Taehyung helps me place mine in the kiln alongside Jimin’s rose.
“It should be ready in the morning. You can come up and help me glaze them after dinner, if you want,” Taehyung’s tone is a little shy,” Where did you learn pottery?”
“One of my various owners. She was a potter. She passed in an accident and her mother sold me to a new owner,” I keep my voice casual,” She was my favorite.”
“He’ll love it, you know,” Jimin’s arm wraps around my shoulder,” He may pretend otherwise but he’ll love it.”
“Yeah, Yoongi is a big softie. He just looks tough,” Taehyung’s voice is teasing.
“Lets go watch a movie,” Jimin suggests suddenly,” I wanna cuddle.”
“I’m picking then,” Taehyung shoots off down the stairs.
Sitting on the couch nestled between Jimin and Taehyung is warm and comfortable. Jimin’s head is in my lap while I play with his hair. Taehyung’s arm is wrapped around my waist, his head on my shoulder. His ears tickle my jaw. Treasure Planet flashes on the tv.
Having an Omega near me brings me a comfort I’ve never known. I have never spent time around other Omegas. Before I was on suppressants, my heats were usually handled by Alphas or Betas. Or, sometimes, humans, but I hadn’t had a heat in years. I should probably talk to Jin about that at some point.
About halfway through the movie, it becomes obvious that Jimin has dozed off. Soft purrs leave him every so often and he’s rolled onto his back. Asleep, his face drops into an almost pouty expression. He’s much cuter like this, when he isn’t, seemingly, causing chaos with Taehyung.
“Can I scent you?” Taehyung’s voice is quiet and a little bit nervous. His nerves makes me shy.
“Y-yes,” I swallow, suddenly aware of everything happening around me. I hadn’t been scented by anyone but Yoongi so I wasn’t sure what to expect.
My head tilts to the side as his nose presses to my scent gland. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. We stay there for a while, him just taking in my scent. It suddenly makes me wonder what I smell like. You can’t smell your own scent, your brain filters it out before you even process it. Plus, your scent is more complex to your mates, something unique and satisfying to your senses. You even smell different to your different mates.
“Taehyung-“ I stop myself, a little embarrassed.
“You can call me Tae, you know,” I can feel his lips move against my neck, setting my nerve endings on fire.
“What do I smell like to you?” My teeth dig into my bottom lip nervously. This feels like an intimate conversation, but Jimin could wake up at any moment. I still don’t fully understand this whole mate thing. Not in a way that makes any rational sense. The concept of mates isn’t supposed to be rational, I suppose, but I feel like I’m not emotionally set up to be able to process it yet.
“Honeysuckle on a summer breeze,” His voice is almost nostalgic as he says it,” Combined with the scent Yoongi has left on you, it’s nearly enough to drive someone crazy.”
For a while, we sit like that, Taehyung scenting me while Jimin naps with his head in my lap. His version of scenting is different from Yoongi’s. Yoongi was gentle and soft while Taehyung is much more enthusiastic and forward. With Taehyung, I can feel how much my scent affects him. He’s much more open than Yoongi, at least when it comes to emotions. His teeth nip my scent gland, catching me off guard. All my breath leaves me in a rush.
“We’re home!” Taehyung pulls away with a huff, seemingly annoyed by our interruption. Hoseok comes around the corner, a couple bags in his hand. Yoongi trails in behind him, carrying more bags. They have brands from various clothing stores on them.
“Go help Jungkook unload. If you’re fast, it can be done before dinner,” Yoongi gives Taehyung a point look,” Wake Jimin up. He said he would help.”
“I’ll wake him up. You can go help Jungkook,” I give Taehyung a warm smile. He presses a quick kiss to my cheek, catching me off guard, before scrambling off to help Jungkook. I shake Jimin’s shoulder gently. He doesn’t stir,” Jiminie, it’s time to wake up.”
His eyes open at my words, his mouth forming a small, pouty circle. He just stares up at me for a minute, sleep still weighing heavily on his eyelids. We sit there for a few moments, his trying to wake up from his nap and me sitting captive under his head. He finally sits up, turning to face me for a moment.
“Say my name again,” His words are so forward, they catch me off guard.
“J-Jimin,” I answer without thinking. He offers me a sweet smile.
“Call me Jiminie,” With that, he’s gone, lopping off after Taehyung. It takes me a moment to clear my confusion and look over to see Yoongi and Hoseok still there. I blush, look away again, my hands knotting together.
“We got you some more clothes. I know Omega’s can be particular about clothing materials so I figured you could try them on and make sure there isn’t anything that needs to be returned or exchanged,” Hoseok holds up his hands, displaying the bags. I try not to look shocked at some of the brands I see on the bags. I had noticed that they seem to wear higher ends clothes but I didn’t think much of it at the time.
“Those are all for me?” I had never had any of my owners buy me clothes like this. I mean, they’re required to provide clothing but it was usually a week’s worth, at most.
“Lets just use the bathroom down here. I’m tired of carrying these bags,” Yoongi sets the bags at his feet.
“Hyung,” Hoseok whines,” We were gonna use my room because I have a full length mirror.”
“Then go get it,” Yoongi shrugs and sits next to me on the couch, pulling me into his arms. Hoseok rolls his eyes and heads up the stairs. I snuggle into his chest, letting out a content chirp.
“I missed you,” My words seem to catch us both off guard, Yoongi seeming to freeze. I blush again.
“I missed you too,” He says after a moment, humming and resting his head on top of mine. We separate, somewhat reluctantly, after Hoseok comes back downstairs lugging a tall mirror.
The next few hours make me feel like a doll playing dress up. Three piles are made: keep, exchange, and return. Yoongi seems very intune with my body language so I don’t have to verbalize if a certain material makes me uncomfortable. Most of the clothes are comfortable and the keep pile is by far the tallest. Dresses, jeans, shorts, t-shirts, button ups. Any kind of clothing imaginable. They had even thought to get me undergarments, though I chose not to question how they figured out my size.
The last dress takes my breath away. It’s a gorgeous emerald green dress with an open back, chains dangling between the shoulder blades. It feels much too nice for someone like me. Something for a fancy party, or a ball, or a fairytale. The silhouette is sleek and beautiful. No piece of clothing has ever made me feel this way. I’m almost nervous to show it to them. It doesn’t feel like I belong in this gown.
“Is everything okay?” Hoseok’s voice outside of the bathroom door wakes me from my stupor.
“I’m fine,” I say hastily, opening the door to see him standing right in front of me. One of my hands plays with the silky material,” I just-“
My words drop off at the expression on his face. He moves aside silently, allowing me space to walk to the mirror. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin seem to have finished whatever task they were completing, as they have joined Yoongi on the couch. I feel nervous under all these eyes. I can’t look at any of them, my hands wringing together nervously. No one says anything.
“Do I look okay?” My words shake almost as much as I am. It almost feels like anxiety has burrowed into my chest. I didn’t realize until this moment that I wanted them to like me. Wanted to think I was pretty or beautiful or that I was important to them. Without realizing, I’m staring holes into the carpet again. Fingers gently close on my chin, lifting my head to meet a pair of dark eyes. They belong to Hoseok.
“You’re beautiful,” Hoseok’s voice is husky and sends my heart pounding, for some reason,” Don’t doubt yourself.”
“This feels like such a fancy dress. Doesn’t it seem a bit excessive? When would I have an occasion to wear it?” I decide that changing the subject would be best for saving my heart from beating right out of my chest.
“We have to go to dinner parties and the such sometimes,” Yoongi says casually, though his eyes haven’t left me once since I walked out.
“I’m sure we could make a reason if we need to,” Jungkook’s tone is joking,” You’re definitely keeping that one.”
My face bright with a blush, I return to the bathroom to change back into the clothes I started in. I bring the dress out to Hoseok, who quickly adds it to the keep pile. I help him bag up the rejects and exchanges, despite his protests. It doesn’t take long to organize it with two people. I hadn’t realized Yoongi had disappeared until I could smell food coming from the kitchen. By that point, Hoseok and I had finished and the four boys were in some debate about soccer that I couldn’t follow. I wander into the kitchen, following my nose, to find Yoongi at the counter, hard at work.
“Hi,” my voice disappears into his back as I softly wrap my arms around his waist, my cheek pressing to his back. He puts down his knife and turns in my arms, hugging me back for a moment before lifting me up and setting me on the counter next to him.
“Hi Kitten,” His voice is warm as he turns back to his chopping. I watch him for a while in comfortable silence. It’s easy to be around Yoongi. I don’t have to think about what I say. He’s a comfortable sort of person, seemingly happy to just let other people exist in his silence.
He obviously knows his way around the kitchen as he makes some sort of pasta dish. He makes a couple of sides as well. Occasionally, he would silently offer me bites of food, letting me be his taste tester. It wasn’t until I tried the first bite that I realized how hungry I was. Taehyung, Jimin, and I had ended up skipping lunch without realizing it. Too busy in our own little world to notice the passing time.
By the time he’s finished, Jin and Namjoon have also returned. We all sit down to dinner, in the same seats as before. I’m nestled between Hoseok and Yoongi, Jimin across from me. This time, before I can move, Yoongi makes my plate for me. He returns it to me before making his own. Yoongi seems to be the type to take care of you in quiet ways. He doesn’t boast that he doing it for you, he just does it without thinking.
“We have a surprise for you,” Jin is the first one to speak. My eyes widen, not prepared for that one. Yoongi takes my hand and I follow all the boys upstairs.
They lead me to a room. I try to remember the directions. Upstairs, left, then the last door on the left. When they open the door, it’s the colors that catch my attention first. The walls are white but the furniture is mahogany with dark green bedding and yellow accents throughout the room. The bed is a king, just as big as Yoongi’s massive bed. More space than one person will ever need on a bed. There’s a carpet spread across the floor, soft and warm on my toes. At some point, Hoseok must have brought the clothes upstairs and put them in the closet.
“We thought you might like to have a room of your own,” Jimin’s voice is bright and chipper. He runs over to a massive wardrobe,” There are tons of nesting blankets and stuffed animals in here. We found ones that look like us and scented them for you. Thought it might make you feel more comfortable since I know how hard it is for an Omega to settle in a new home.”
“This is…. All for me?” I can’t stop my eyes from welling with tears. I’ve never had a space that didn’t also belong to someone else.
“We also have another room set aside for your that you can turn into whatever you want. It’s on the other end of the house,” Namjoon is the furthest away from me, behind the group.
“It’s like Taehyung’s art studio. Namjoon has a library. Jungkook has a gym,” Jimin ticks off his fingers,” Everyone’s room is different.”
“We wanted you to have your own space here. Somewhere that felt like home,” Hoseok offers me a bright smile,” It was Yoongi’s idea.”
Yoongi blushes and won’t meet my eyes, his ears red. It makes me warm that they want me to feel like I have a home. We talk and visit for a while but soon, everyone begins to disperse to get ready for the evening. I decide to build myself a quick nest, leaving the more advanced nest for the morning. When I turn around, I’m shocked to see Yoongi still there, leaning casually against the wall, two coffee cups in hand. He offers me one. Inside is some steaming hot chocolate.
“I just wanted to come say good night,” His ears are a little pink.
“Good night, Yoon,” The nickname slips out without much thought. His ears become even pinker.
“Want me to tuck you in?” His tone is a little more teasing this time, trying to cover up his own embarrassment.
“I think I can manage,” I blush a little,” Can I have a hug though?”
He opens his arms and I practically jump into them. I nuzzle my face into his chest, purring. His scent wraps around me, releasing any tension I might have had. His cheek rests on the top of my head. I try to build up my courage. It’s just a few words but they feel so hard.
“Yoongi, will you stay with me tonight?” The words are spoken into his chest, my arms wrapped around him tightly.
“Of course, Kitten,” He presses a kiss to the top of my head. We cuddle in bed together, my nest built around us. I’ve never felt so comfortable in another person’s presence. He feels like home. Not this room, not anything else. Just him.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Chapter Three coming soon!
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6ad6ro · 7 months
top 5 games from every console -nes- -game boy- -pc engine- 1. ninja gaiden 1. castlevania ii 1. castlevania rb 2. river city ransom 2. zelda la 2. ys book 1 and 2 3. akumajou densetsu 3. wario land 3. lords of thunder 4. mario 3 4. pokemon red 4. r-type 5. zelda 2 5. kirby's dreamland 2 5. galaga '90
-genesis- -snes- -neo geo- 1. streets of rage 2 1. earthbound 1. garou mow 2. castlevania bl 2. zelda lttp 2. windjammers 3. sonic 3ak 3. chrono trigger 3. king of fighters 99 4. contra hard corps 4. super mario world 4. metal slug 5. sonic 2 5. super metroid 5. king of fighters 2001 -sega cd- -ps1- -saturn- 1. snatcher 1. final fantasy vii 1. vampire savior 2. sonic cd 2. castlevania sotn 2. street fighter alpha 3 3. final fight cd 3. resident evil 3 3. virtua fighter 2 4. lunar 4. rival schools 4. virtua cop 2 5. monkey island 5. final fantasy ix 5. castlevania sotn (really) -n64- -dreamcast- -ps2- 1. mario 64 1. jet grind radio 1. silent hill 2 2. mystical ninja 2. shenmue 2. gta vice city 3. zelda oot 3. thps 2 3. smt nocturne 4. banjo kazooie 4. crazy taxi 4. we love katamari 5. mario kart 64 5. ecoo dotf 5. dragon quest viii
-gamecube- -xbox- -gba- 1. resident evil rm 1. jet set radio future 1. castlevania aos 2. f-zero gx 2. shenmue 2 2. castlevania hod 3. zelda tp 3. morrowind 3. metroid fusion 4. killer7 4. fable 4. river city ransom ex 5. mario sunshine 5. guilty gear xx #ac 5. metroid zm -nds- -psp- -xbox 360- 1. castlevania ooe 1. castlevania dxc 1. dead rising 2. castlevania dos 2. gta vcs 2. deadly premonition 3. castlevania por 3. ffvii cc 3. half-life 2 4. tingle's balloon trip of love 4. persona 3p 4. skyrim 5. phoenix wright 5. power stone 5. gta iv -ps3- -wii- -wii u- 1. dead rising 2 1. mario galaxy 1. zelda ww hd 2. sfiii 3s oe 2. no more heroes 2. mario kart 8 3. yakuza 5 3. okami 3. tekken tag 2 4. gta v 4. wii sports 4. zelda botw 5. 3d dot game heroes 5. castlevania rb 5. nintendo land -3ds- -vita- -ps4- 1. smt iv 1. persona 4 golden 1. ff vii rm 2. zelda oot 3d 2. undertale 2. elden ring 3. zelda mm 3d 3. jet set radio hd 3. persona 5 4. star fox 64 3d 4. hotline miami 2 4. resident evil 2 rm 5. river city rs 5. spelunky 5. dragon quest xi -switch- -steam deck/pc- -virtual boy (forgot)- 1. mario odyssey 1. half-life 1. vb wario land 2. sonic mania 2. unreal tournament 2. mario's tennis 3. smash ultimate 3. dead cells castlevania 3. galactic pinball 4. metroid dread 4. lba2 twinsen's odyssey 4. teleroboxer 5. mario wonder 5. bomb rush cyberfunk 5. jack bros
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omegaminie · 2 years
ARMY always joke that Alpha Namjoon is supposedly married and has 3 pups with an Omega already. Well, little do they know...that their jokes will soon become reality.
(or, minjoon canon au where alpha joon accidentally gets omega jimin pregnant, and chaos ensues.)
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dan6085 · 5 months
Here are 20 significant accidents in world history, spanning various domains such as aviation, maritime, industrial, and nuclear, along with brief details about each incident:
1. **Chernobyl Disaster (1986)**: A catastrophic nuclear accident occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, releasing large amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere.
2. **Bhopal Gas Tragedy (1984)**: A gas leak incident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, resulted in thousands of deaths and long-term health effects for many survivors.
3. **Titanic Sinking (1912)**: The RMS Titanic, a luxury ocean liner, struck an iceberg and sank during its maiden voyage, leading to the loss of over 1,500 lives.
4. **Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (2011)**: A severe nuclear accident occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan following a massive earthquake and tsunami, causing widespread environmental and health impacts.
5. **Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster (1986)**: The Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds after liftoff, resulting in the deaths of all seven crew members.
6. **Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010)**: An offshore drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, causing one of the largest oil spills in history and significant environmental damage.
7. **Bhopal Train Disaster (1981)**: A train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in Bhopal, India, resulting in a toxic gas release and multiple fatalities.
8. **Three Mile Island Accident (1979)**: A partial meltdown of a nuclear reactor at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Pennsylvania, USA, raised concerns about nuclear safety.
9. **Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster (1983)**: The Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated upon reentry, leading to the deaths of all seven crew members.
10. **Piper Alpha Oil Rig Explosion (1988)**: An explosion and fire on the Piper Alpha oil platform in the North Sea resulted in multiple fatalities and extensive damage.
11. **Tenerife Airport Disaster (1977)**: Two Boeing 747 aircraft collided on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport (now Tenerife North Airport) in the Canary Islands, resulting in the deadliest aviation accident in history.
12. **Sampoong Department Store Collapse (1995)**: The collapse of the Sampoong Department Store in South Korea due to structural flaws led to over 500 fatalities.
13. **Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse (1981)**: Two walkways collapsed at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, USA, during a dance competition, resulting in 114 deaths and many injuries.
14. **Hindenburg Disaster (1937)**: The German airship Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock, resulting in 36 fatalities.
15. **Halifax Explosion (1917)**: A cargo ship loaded with explosives collided with another vessel in Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia, causing a massive explosion that killed approximately 2,000 people and injured thousands more.
16. **Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Fire (1991)**: A fire broke out at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, causing further contamination and environmental damage in the aftermath of the 1986 disaster.
17. **Hillsborough Stadium Disaster (1989)**: A human crush during a football match at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield, England, resulted in 96 deaths and numerous injuries.
18. **Sichuan Earthquake (2008)**: A powerful earthquake struck Sichuan province in China, causing widespread devastation, loss of life, and displacement of millions of people.
19. **Costa Concordia Shipwreck (2012)**: The cruise ship Costa Concordia ran aground off the coast of Italy, leading to the deaths of 32 passengers and crew members.
20. **Hindenburg Airship Crash (1935)**: A separate incident involving the Hindenburg airship occurred in Lakehurst, USA, where the airship caught fire during landing, resulting in fatalities.
These accidents serve as reminders of the importance of safety protocols, disaster preparedness, and ongoing efforts to prevent such tragedies in the future.
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kookminis3d · 2 years
It seems like JK thought once he graduated, he could be with Jimin. That didn’t seem to happen as publicly (if it did happen) as he wanted. He couldn’t hold hands and be the possessive boyfriend he wanted to be. He is restrained often by RM and JHope when he is jealous. He has an energy in 2018 that is strange. Idk it’s all so secretive and hushed. There isn’t much to go on except his personality changed immediately after his graduation. He immediately starts being more assertive and handsy with Jimin. Immediately. Like at the ceremony, MOVING RM SO HE COULD STAND WITH JIMIN. Asserting himself toward RM seems to be a pattern with JK.
It’s why IM TELLING YOU, JK and RM are the alphas. Jk isn’t being a cute little bunny baby either when he goes against RM. He’s sending RM a message. RM gets it too. They often lock eyes and have unspoken arguments. ALOT. Notice how the two members who are bulked up, and bossy… The only member that can tell Jungkook what to do and calm him down? Jimin.
I really feel like JK wants to come out (🏳️‍🌈), and he’s being stopped. 2018 seemed to be a boiling point. Idk what happened behind the scenes, but I know a lot of it was Jikook related.
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