#Alolan ratticate
snail-friend · 1 year
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pokemon but rtc cuz im bored
ocean- brionne
constance- fidough
ricky- espurr
noel- salandit
monique- salazzle
mischa- marowak
jane doe- blacephalon
penny- lurantis
ezra- floragato
talia- hisuian lilligant
father marcus- stoutland
virgil- alolan ratticate
karnak- xatu
"time" - dialga (origin forme)
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pokemonopinionpoll · 5 months
I just realized i never did a poll for Alolan Ratticate and Rattata. One moment please.
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salithemage · 6 months
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God I absolutely love the idea of service/emotional support Pokémon but you wanna know what I really wanna see? Service Pokemon that are also not just quadruped mammal Pokemon. I wanna see some “unconventional” service pokemon that can still work. I mean think about it. Every single pokemon has its own quirks and almost all can be easily befriended. The reason service animals in the real world are usually (but not limited to) dogs is probably because they’re the most compatible animal to do so with. With Pokemon, you have a lot more options in terms of compatibility. Obviously the quadrupeds are the most logical decisions but I think with Pokemon it could logically stretch further than that.
Service animals work different jobs and like. Did you ever see that one Elgyem that just casually predicted a future disaster THAT COULD BE STOPPED in the anime? That’s like… an immediate qualification to help with people who have episodes of any kind like cardiac alert or panic attacks or seizures. Togetic is like the perfect huggable shape and can probably help ease restless minds for those who have PTSD. Idk what Tangrowth’s got going on but I think you could train a Tangrowth to help you with something, it just looks obedient and willing to listen to you. Don’t mind me, this is my seeing eye Ambipom. I hold his tail hand as he guides me through busy traffic and he can use the other to make sure there’s a path for me. My Mime Jr is in training because when she evolves into a Mr Mime she’s going to help me with basic tasks my body can’t handle. My Alolan Ratticate is large and scary looking but he can snuff out gluten in my food. My emotional support Tarountula is very soft and lets me hug her yarn when I’m having a PTSD episode and she even rubs my tears away with her tiny little hands. My Delibird keeps all of my medications in his tail when I have a flare up. My Serperior lightly coils around me and protects me when I have a seizure in public.
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jellyfishmoon72 · 2 years
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She’s only lvl 8 leave her alone
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harmony-fox · 3 years
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Next -> ...
First -> https://harmony-fox.tumblr.com/post/672948233901948928/atg-prologue-p1-rules
Rules -> https://harmony-fox.tumblr.com/post/672947651174694912
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pokenerdart · 5 years
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Hello guys ! As you know, I'm actually in a pretty bad state of health and I try my best to find ways to keep doing things so I won't turn crazy.
And lately I found out that I really love doing pokemon card paintings !
Sadly I can't do a lot of it because my collection is pretty small right now and I don't want to waste it.
Sooo I'm selling thoses ! For all the cards I painted I'm only keeping 3 and I'm selling the rest in hopes of raising enough money to buy new cards and paint again !
I can ship theses pretty much all around the world and because cards aren't heavy it wouldn't be really expensive. They will be sent under toploaders which is the best protection you can get for a pokemon card
I will ask you to pm your price if you want to buy anything. If you want more photos of a card or if you have questions, just ask !
Please, I really need you for this. Thank you very much <3
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pokemonbreederjenny · 5 years
Rattata... Bothers me. It's, like, just a generic cartoon rat. Not especially stylized, aside from being purple.
Then it evolves into a much more stylized Ratticate... Which subsequently stops being purple?? Like, they don't even look related aside from being rats.
In conclusion, the Alolan version is better because they have a consistent colour scheme and actually look like they could be part of the same family.
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The first trial gives you Brick Break so I one-shot the ratticate with my crabrawler I can't believe it was that easy
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normaliize-a · 2 years
I still gotta set up a time frame of when Avery caught her Pokemon BUT i do know where she met them
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Henry was a gift from her parents, given to her while he was a Buneary along with a mega stone.
Raffy is another Pokemon that was going to be gifted to her when she was old enough for her journey, but stole the Pokeball containing her early before leaving home to further convince her mother that she was leaving home for her Pokemon adventure early.
Sparcy was the first Pokemon she caught in Unova at Gear Station
Audie was found at an abandoned Pokemon Center, supposedly she was staying there even after it’s closure for unknown reasons.
Berry was also oddly found in Unova, getting stuck in a berry tree and acting like he wasn’t scared. He totally was and Avery and the team helped
Punky was found in Alola of all places. saved from a scuffle against a gang of Rattata and Ratticate fighting for food. Because of this, Avery thought Punky was an Alolan variant of Zigzagoon rather than a Galarian one
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disregardcanon · 5 years
favorite hp characters pokemon partners
harry: hoothoot named hedwig that was given to him by hagrid. hedwig evolved into a noctowl down in the chamber of secrets 
ron: his original partner pokemon was a ratticate that was actually peter pettigrew. later on, it became the alolan vulpix that he caught in the forbidden forest. he never intended to evolve it into a ninetails, it just sort of happened one day in class when they were talking about evolutionary stones and vulpix touched one. woops
hermione: crookshanks was a glameow when she got it but it evolved into a purrugly within the first year, which was when ron started to hate it. hermione thought that crookshanks got more character that way
ginny: her first pokemon was a ghastly that the twins tried to prank her with as a child. the ghastly decided that he liked ginny, actually, and they became friends. it evolved into a haunter and THEN a gengar the summer after she was down in the chamber because she spent so long training afterwards. 
luna: her first pokemon was a phantump that took a liking to her when she was wandering the grounds after her mother’s death. other cherished members of luna’s team include a togepi-togetic-togekiss an umbreon, a shedninja, a chandelure, and a clefable! she’s also good friends with the celebi that lives in the forest but like. she’d never CATCH a celebi. she’ll just tell people that she’s friends with the celebi and allow people to not believe her. 
neville: his first pokemon is a pidove because it’s known for being forgetful and isn’t very powerful, but it later evolves into a respectable unfeazant! 
draco: draco was of course named after the dragon type. his parents went to great lengths in order to acquire a bagon for him. while draco worked tirelessly to eventually train his bagon into a salamance, he was frustrated by the fact that the one time that he and harry actually battled, the hoothoot somehow edged out a victory. he outright refuses to grace ron weasley with a battle. he says that it’s because he views him and his style as “inferior” but all of campus knows that it’s because his pokemon wouldn’t stand a chance against that alolan ninetails. 
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pete-tato · 5 years
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Part 3, here we go. As before, pointing out issues with previous generations, but it’s Personal opinion, i’m not an expert, etc etc, Send an ask if you want me to talk about specific pokemon, and I’m happy to discuss any of these statements in depth if someone disagrees. I don’t mind the rowlet/litten line, but wasn’t a fan of popplio, not a lot bad to say about it though. Other than generally looking quite low effort, Yungoos/gumshoos are badly names and a terrible start to the generation. Grubbins evolutionary line went down faster than someone skydiving with a lead parachute, it doesn’t fit into pokemon, it fits digimons art style more. Crabrawler/crabominable as with last generations version, they feel like knock offs of krabby/corphish, and the generation would be better without them. Wishiwashi, bad name, knockoff remoraid, could be passable otherwise? generally low opinion of everything else up to Sandygast/palossand, at which point I bring up the issue with inanimate objects, it’s not just a bad design, it’s not what a pokemon represents. one is literally called “type: null”, which is where i draw the line at lazy naming conventions. At this point i give up, because i’m having trouble taking any of these new pokemon seriously, and would be happy if almost none of this generation existed, with a few exceptions A few honorable mentions that I wouldn’t mind keeping, mimikyu, pikipek’s line, morelull/shiinotic, and maybe cutiefly/ribombee. All the rest I could honestly do without as it feels like effort is at an all time low here. Now I’d be remiss not to mention the alolan varients given they were more of a focus than the new pokemon added, so I’ll also go over those. Some are silly, and some are actually pretty good designs, so I’ll cover most of them. Rattata/ratticate, I like it in theory, but the design leaves something to be desired. Raichu, ehhhhhhh, it’s beating a dead horse at this point, surfer pikachu has been done already. Sandshrew/sandslash, alright design, wish it could be named something different. Vulpix/ninetails, Actually like these ones. good job. Diglett/dugtrio, diglet, I like the idea of, dugtrio on the otherhand....why? just why? Meowth/persian, meowth isn’t too bad, but persian looks like it was drawn by a child, and not a particularly talented one at that. Geodude/graveller/golem, I would’ve been vaguely alright with these until they added what looks like eyebrows, hair, and a beard/mustache. Please stop added human like hair to pokemon, it just doesn’t fit. Grimer/muk, Interesting idea, Not sure about the colour scheme, but I don’t mind the concept. Exeggutor, amazing, 10/10 better than the original. also very worthy of it’s meme status, best thing to come out of this gen. Marowak, alright, but looks like they’re trying to make an already interesting pokemon too edgy. cubone/marowak had a great story in the kanto games, no need to push it to be something it’s not. That concludes most of the gen 5-7 pokemon, which seemed to go increasingly downhill with each generation. It’s just felt like the effort has been sucked from the games, between bad names, bad designs, mega evolutions, alolan forms(great concept, badly executed), Z-moves which generally feel tacky, and the switch to 3D, which hurt the art style in my opinion, it lost a lot of the appeal pokemon had for me as a kid. So far I like almost every new pokemon for sword and shield, except for the legendaries, and while I’m hesitant about the dynamax system, as it feels like they’re straying away from what makes pokemon, well... pokemon. With each generation the games seem to get easier, the designs and names get worse, and they add a new gimmicky was to evolve pokemon, or fight and it’s just slowly killing the series , sales have been on a steady downward trend, with only a boost with sun.moon, which I’d say came from the memes and the fact it had old pokemon again.
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snapbxck-blog1 · 6 years
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Clarissa only occasionally nicknames her Pokémon. At the time of writing, there are only three Pokémon who have ever received new names from her:
1) The first is Squib, Clarissa’s Goomy. Bitterly nicknamed for being damp and disappointing. 2) Kyanite renamed her Porygon Z Zed in commemoration of the Pokémon’s rebirth after it was Upgraded to circumvent the virus ravaging its system. 3) And finally, Katsu, the runty Alolan Meowth Clarissa winds up adopting from Nanu/@sunlcved after the Pokémon grew attached to her. A lame pun for a Pokémon that’s a simple pet more than anything else.
EDIT: I LIED, there was a fourth one I forgot about. Her first ever Pokémon, the first that she ever caught herself was a Ratticate she named Ratty. ...Look, she was a kid, okay, how many kids did you know growing up who had goldfish named “Goldie” or a hamster named “Hammy”.
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notbroadwaybound · 6 years
I caught a full odds shiny Alolan Ratticate today! It was an ambush pokemon in Poni Plains and I was actually trying to avoid it XD My first full odds shiny! (only other one I’ve actually caught besides the Red Gyrados is Feebas in ORAS which I chain fished for)
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bunjywunjy · 6 years
Ultra: If you’ve captured a shiny, what was your first shiny?
my one and only shiny is an Alolan Ratticate named Eggplant. he purble.
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