#All The Saints Are Sleeping
violetfoxsketches · 1 year
It's 10PM. Do You Know Where Your Childer Are?
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Made some snazzy profile sheets for our 1982 Melbourne VtM Chronicle in preparation for ArtFight, since three of us are participating this year.
Come find us if you wanna!
Victoria Errant belongs to LeftHandBlu (@bludoods) Javier Peña belongs to TheVioletFox (me!) Astrid Falkenburg belongs to CerberusKnight (and drawn by LeftHandBlu) Archie & Ratthew belongs to noicknoick
See you on the battlefield!
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biblicalhorror · 10 months
The yj subreddit is a cesspool of bad takes most of the time but I just saw someone make the connection between the strawberry lube and the fact that Shauna is shown eating "strawberries" when she's eating Jackie and I'm vibrating
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babacontainsmultitudes · 10 months
So it was established in the last episode that Taylor still believes in Santa (tbh I wouldn't be surprised if it's come up prior to this ep too but anyways-) so... Do you think (saint) Nicky been has portalling in every year since the betrayal to sneak in a gift for his son amongst the pile? That Cassandra doesn't even notice because it's just one among the many many presents she herself has bought and wrapped? But every year without fail... Taylor gets one gift that simply says "from: Nick" and well, obviously that has to mean it's from Santa (a conclusion which Nicky expects him to come to, and why he can sign his name at all, though he misses when he could just write "dad"). And one year when he's still quite young, a sleepy little Taylor actually catches Nicky in the act, and Nicky wishes more than anything that he could just *stay*, but instead he only softly tells Taylor to go back to bed, and Taylor thinks that Santa is a lot younger and a bit sadder than he expected, but what's he gonna do- not listen to Santa Claus? So he smiles meekly at the man he does not know to be his father, and hurriedly heads back to his room.
Also yes of course Nicky eats the fucking cookies left out of course he's not gonna pass up on free cookies (which are home-baked to top it off) come on that's a given.
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43sol · 2 years
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glad they implemented the ‘skipping the scenes you already got’ option. don’t have to speed run hahaha
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feastingonvultures · 2 months
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this is a server dedicated to alternative music, gaming, streaming, and gaming. If your interested in joining! join via the link in the comments or send me a DM!
WE LOVE NEW PEOPLE AND WE LOVE ALL KINDS OF MUSIC. country though is a bit questionable but hope you have a good day!
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mashmouths · 11 months
does anyone know how to stop the body from keeping score? i have shit to do
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mxwhore · 1 month
im sorry
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do you think leonardo or comte is older? i can’t remember it being specified but i’m not sure. i mean we have leonardo’s age but how old is comte??? i haven’t played comte’s route so idk if cybird mentioned it or made one up but his real historical birthday/place was pretty much unknown i think??? thoughts?
I always thought Comte was the older of the two? But to be honest I was never sure if that was just my bias talking or it was actually the case. So naturally, because I am So Normal, I did a little digging through all the stories I've read up to this point to see if there were any concrete indicators. The most promising lead I was able to find was from the "Tell Me Your Story" collection event.
Meta under the cut, since I was left unsupervised and it got long:
The contents that are most pertinent to what I have to say are as follows:
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In this story, Comte speaks a little bit about his childhood because MC found him playing the violin. He talks about how he originally trained as a young boy on an instrument called "a rebec." Mind you, Comte says that he still has the first one he ever bought--he remembers because he acquired it the day he was told he would stop aging forever. In due course he takes it out to show her--and later plays for her, at her request.
Now, looking at all the facts. The violin was said to be introduced between 1540 and 1560, roughly speaking (I'm not a historian, this is all based on rudimentary research). This doesn't tell us too much though, as Comte does say the instrument he trained on and first purchased was much older. Many sources show the rebec dating back as early as the 10th century (meaning anywhere from 900-1000) in Spanish courts, a supposed mashup of the Arabic rebab and the Eastern European lira. The clearest written records (the few that exist) begin from the early 12th century and on, though it was at the height of its popularity towards the 15th/16th century.
Aside from the fact that that's fuckin crazy, that would place Comte as being born anywhere from 900-1100 (1200-1500 at the very latest). Now I know what you may be thinking. How the hell does that narrow anything down, Minnie?
Given the cultural implications surrounding the rebec's emergence, the context actually does allow certain tentative conclusions to be drawn. I've seen indications that musical talent with a rebec was considered a big deal as an indicator of wealth/higher status in the earlier years of that time frame. Taking Comte's childhood into account--that he was raised to effuse aristocratic breeding and poise--I think that makes it highly unlikely he was learning when it was most associated with street performers (during the latter portion of my posited time frame). Everything about Comte's family pretty much screams old money (aka wealth they were born into, not curated during the rise of the mercantile class trying to be posers), so I really can't see them raising their son to play commoner music.
Another very telling bit lies in the phrasing of how he found the instrument: "he discovered the old rebec among other goods from a foreign trader." Remember that in the latter end of the time frame, it was so commonplace it could probably be found among local vendors/craftsmen--there would be no need for them to be imported from foreigners. I imagine his family only had access to the instruments in accordance with their social standing; naturally the rich would have their connections, but not just anybody would have the money or means to get their hands on one.
If my beginner's dive isn't too far off the mark, that would make Comte anywhere between approximately 400-1000 years old. I get this hunch that he's probably somewhere in the middle, I just don't know where exactly. I wish I had a better estimation since that's a pretty huge range, but considering the lifespan of the rebec it's hard to tell.
The only great anachronism in all this is the existence of Comte's pocket watch which was gifted to him by his tutor (I believe that's what she was, I know it was one of the human people in his house when he was young). The first pocket watch is said to have been created in Germany in 1510 (and shortly after distributed in Italy), but honestly it feels a bit out of place compared to all of the other evidence available to us. If that's the case, then Comte could have been born in the 1490s (since he received it when he was like 12, somewhere around there). Honestly I do feel the game suggests that he's older than that, so there's some dissonance there. But I leave that up to personal interpretation, since I'm not 100% sure about it either.
Lowkey, I feel like they might have gone so hard with the timepiece imagery for Comte that they forgot the historical practicalities attached to them, so that's half the reason I don't know what to do with this information. I get that vibe of like something something rich people cop out, unless purebloods have weirdly long childhoods--
Leonardo I don't have as many receipts because I'm just a poor Comte stan trying to live (his collection stories are pain), but if we go by the indication that his in-game life loosely follows the historical figure and simply continues on with his faked death, that means he was likely born somewhere around 1452. I can't remember super clearly, but for whatever reason my only memory of age indicators for Leonardo was around 400 or so (which tracks with that interpretation). That would actually make him potentially younger than Comte, younger than I initially anticipated. Or, if Comte was born on the latter end of my estimations, they are at the very least close in age.
Also please don't hesitate to let me know if I'm missing any receipts on Leonardo, I have only one brain cell and she is trying so hard, my friends
As to the place of Comte's birth I haven't the slightest clue about that. It's pretty obvious he's of European ancestry, but as to where he was born/raised exactly, it's difficult to tell. Given all the talk of the rebec there's a decent likelihood he originates from the Mediterranean area/Southern Europe, as it is an Arabic instrument by origin that was adapted into something new by Spain. (This could mean he was born anywhere between France, Spain, Italy, or even the countries a little further up or closer to the Middle East.)
I considered Northern Europe/England, but honestly the evidence doesn't really seem to lean in that direction. Comte mentioned that he once lived in England and made friends there, but the way he talks about makes it sound like he was a visitor/traveler, not a native. And frankly, Comte isn't insufferable enough to be English lmao, he has a conscience. There is actually some tentative evidence for Irish descent, as the vampy mind persuasion/compulsion is termed "geas" in the game, which is a word that stems from Irish gaelic/folklore. The only reason I don't think there's a real connection is that there's no further evidence tying Comte to Ireland; and I don't think the etymology necessarily guarantees ancestry (though there is something to be said about the Irish gothic and vampiric origins).
Admittedly it feels like the game makes his nationality vague on purpose, and I think this has a two-part intention. The first is that historically he was shrouded in a great deal of mystery, so it only makes sense they would be reluctant to name a singular place. The second is that--and I don't remember where the screenshot is, I saw it a while ago--the game describes him as belonging to no one place (that he belonged to all and none). Keeping his character construction in mind, I feel like this aligns with his general theme of contradiction. He's a greater vampire who prefers to keep company among humans, he's a powerful being with a fragile/sensitive heart, he has strong convictions but hesitates constantly, he's able to blend in almost everywhere he goes but never truly feels like he belongs. It would only make sense, narratively speaking, to keep with that motif/trend.
Also quick aside, because I can't help the music nerd in me. Rebecs are bitchin?????? Holy shit slay. Fun fact: they appear to have been primarily used for festivities, played for dancing. That gives a whole new impression to the fact that he bought one the moment he found out he would never age any further. I guess I just think about how that's a pretty joyous purpose for the music (beyond the pedigree aspect). That he clung to this specific artifact as a way to remind himself of his connection to humanity, that it was about people gathering and enjoying each other's company (and yet at the same time, all the political games that come with such leisure)...what a reflection of who he is today. I think it's fascinating how much people are at the heart of his personal motivations and feelings, considering how easy it is for purebloods to become lone wolves (power and secrecy would lend itself to that.) Instead, Comte chooses to hide in plain sight and actively works to stay engaged in the times and among the population. Then again, if I were hundreds of years old I would probably also beg for a distraction from the encroaching madness so like ajkhslgfkjhfslakjh it's very sweet but also mood...
In short:
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Thank you for the ask, lovely!! 💛💛💛💛 I hope this answers your question? I love any excuse to talk about my one and only 👀💍
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heartshattering · 5 months
5 AM
Just me and my overactive mind facing the nighttime again 🙃
#hopefully the meds work but while waiting for them to kick in I get so damn nervous#and sometimes I do get nights where even on my full dose my anxiety is too overpowering and I just. Do Not Sleep#I mean I do eventually but not without spiraling first :')#way before I was prescribed sleep meds my longest was 3 nights without sleep while on a VERY stressful trip#I felt like I was gonna die and I did not sleep until I got off the plane and was back at home#(this was like 15 years ago already but it still haunts me fhfgsgdh)#my best friend and I were having a conversation today#and she was like 'not sleeping can make you hallucinate right?'#and I was like :') I get the hallucinations in other scenarios too#BUT I also get what she meant#not sleeping is really bad for me mentally which is why I can't do 'sleep restriction therapy'#and fun fact#a lot of my OCD obsessions revolve around sleep!!!#which is 'awesome' because laying in bed with insomnia makes my OCD flare up so like#the two get to feed off each other and make my life a living hell!!!#and don't even get me started on my sleep paralysis episodes#(which I like to think of as just my brain misfiring but that my aunt tells me is saints or demons trying to talk to me)#'cause she hallucinates too but hers are like 'spiritual' or whatever#same with my mom's hallucinations as well#and to add fuel to the dumpster fire of my mind and body is the fact I've been overcaffeinating again#which I've known not to do ever since I was in middle school and saw the pediatric cardiologist who specifically said 'hey don't do that'#fast-forward to adulthood and I still haven't learned how to handle anything#like. I have heart meds and sleep meds and migraine meds and IBS meds#and yes meds are good but like. I know you need to incorporate lifestyle changes as well#which I do for like 2 weeks until the next time I fuck up#I've been so irresponsible lately but like. ESPECIALLY today#didn't eat#took some meds on an empty stomach and forgot to take my other ones at all#had too much caffeine#stressed out over some stupid situations thanks to overthinking
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
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friendly reminder that reinhard is approximately the same age as his parents when they had him
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violetfoxsketches · 6 months
Put On Your Warpaint
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Birthday art for my buddy Blu because she is a wonderful being 💖 Our VtM game is starting back up soon too with a brand new chronicle!
Also, this is what happens when the Ventrue and the Toreador have to share a single bathroom mirror.
Victoria belongs to the lovely @bludoods
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masschase · 1 year
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“White? I ain’t never fuckin’ seen her wearin’ white.” He shrugged. "Don’t know what to tell you mate; she was definitely wearing white.”
This is from chapter 22, context below, but my post about how Matt and Casey first met in person (as well as why he didn't recognise her despite the surveillance in 2014) is here.
Unsurprisingly this is a line from Matt to Johnny. It comes about after they time jump to 2006 Stilwater so Matt can get his fleur-de-lis tattoo and Johnny can get his Freckle Bitch's.
Johnny surmises that Matt might have a bit of a thing for the Boss because he gets a little smiley when Johnny mentions she'll be so happy he made it official.
Matt admits his attraction but that he's trying his best to shake it. When he can't seem to think of anything that can change Matt's feelings, Johnny advises they hide and watch the exit of the local brothel. Eventually a tall teenage boy comes out, goes into FB's to get food, and then comes out again, throwing Matt's tray aside angrily to sit at their table.
“Johnny, he’s going to see us.“ he whispered. “Why the fuck are we watching some kid eat Freckle Bitch's?” “Look at the kid properly, Miller.” the other man hissed back. He looked again, hoping the bush was camouflaging them sufficiently or they were going to get fucking arrested here. Skinny, delicate and kind of beaten up, short hair with a long fringe poking out of his hoodie, looking very much like a child despite Johnny’s assurance otherwise. Eating his burger and chips like he hadn’t had a meal in days. He looked up, almost straight at the bush where they were hiding. Shit, should they run for it? Or... Fuck. Those eyes. First time he’d seen those eyes and not found them attractive. Cute enough on a kid, but nothing more. Absolutely drop dead gorgeous on a woman, though. “Oh shit." “There ya go.” “That’s the Boss!” “Yeah.”
Johnny admits that whenever he gets into the "gee, my best friend sure has a nice pair of tits" danger zone, he reminds himself who she is, who she was when he first met her(of course, forgetting this when they reunited is precisely why Johnny slept with Casey), and it puts him off.
They end up returning to their own time after angry-2006-Boss nearly catches them. Johnny asks if it helped and Matt says this line. Johnny suggests he'll just have to control himself and reminds him to "side with the wife" because he's hoping to ask Asha to be his girlfriend. Eventually.
If anything, he and the Boss are flirtier than normal that night because it's been brought to the forefront of his mind and because they're drinking the wine Casey and Asha brought back from their time jump to a suffrage protest as shown here. Over their tea afterwards he makes the catastrophic mistake of looking into her eyes, and then decides Johnny's trick is worth a try.
Kid at Freckle Bitch’s. Kid at Freckle Bitch’s. Way too young kid at Freckle Bitch’s stuffing a burger in her mouth. Not hot. But then... woman on balcony. Woman on balcony. Most beautiful woman in the world on a balcony. Woman with a body like a fucking hourglass on a balcony. A woman he'd slow danced with. A woman who a few years later he hadn’t wanted to stop kissing because it felt so good. A woman he watched TV with and made tea for and joked with and touched more than he probably should and imagined in his bed. A woman whose gang's logo was permanently attached to his hip. A woman who he’d forever see in a long white dress. Side with the wife. Fuck. “I uh... I better go, Matty.” she said swiftly. The tea being decaf, it clearly hadn’t balanced out her tipsiness. She came up behind him and hugged him over his shoulders, kissing him on the cheek and smelling of wool and wine and cinnamon and burnt paper, and then she was gone. He waited until he had finished his tea to leave. Running into her outside their rooms seemed dangerous right now.
They managed not to see each other again that night. But that doesn't mean they managed to avoid making some unsuitable choices. They share a wall after all.
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jasdiary · 2 years
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Pressured princess Juvia for the Royal au! 🙂🙂🙂
[Thank you to @rosietrace for giving me the idea of Juvia’s curse!!]
Anddd tagging the other besties in this au ofc: @authoruio (who owns Mitch 💓), @starry-night-rose , @fumikomiyasaki @nem0-nee (who owns Mayuu💘) and @sakuramidnight15 )
Juvia’s the heir to the family throne, slowly being crushed by the weight of all the expectations that have been placed on her by her family (namely her mother). She was one of the few people within the Kingdom to be cursed by an unknown entity : All her dreams may never come true. Every night when she goes to sleep, she has the sweetest of dreams. A free life to do whatever she wishes, her mother supporting her, and her fiancé being right by her side…but it was all just a dream…Right?
Finally fed up with the treatment she receives, Juvia racks up the courage to run away from everything. But…she doesn’t know where she’s going. The only place she’s memorized how to get to just so happens to be her arranged fiancé’s castle.
She makes her way there, not knowing she’s being followed. Her personal knight Deuce Spade, assigned to keep and eye on her, continues with his duty to protect her and stays ten steps behind Juvia throughout her journey. As much as it pains him to see Juvia with her fiancé, He knows he never stood a chance. Only In his dreams.
Once Juvia’s finally made it to his castle, she manages to sneak behind towards the fountain hidden in the flower garden surrounded by deep red roses and sunny marigolds. Their favorite flowers. And his favorite place to be at night. She calls out his name, not loudly as to not disturb anyone who could possibly be around, but loud enough for him to snap his head back at the familiar voice he’s grown to love.
“I need you to help me, Mitch. This is the one thing I ask of you so please..”
The desperation in Juvia’s voice made his heart strain. Mitch didn’t even know he could still feel such things. There was only one thing on his mind after that moment : Bring Juvia the happiness she deserves.
From then on, Mitch guided Juvia away from all the things that hurt her, her soft shaky hand in his rough calloused one. The hand Deuce’s gloved hand has only held from helping her down the stairs.
On their way to who knows where, the Royals (and hidden knight) stumble upon an old, mossy tower. Originally intending to just walk on by, they hear questionable noises from said tower. A crash, a groan, and a swear. Well….curiosity killed that cat. Naturally, they went up into the tower. Mitch’s hold on Juvia was tight with the creaky steps and falling rubble. Once they reached the top, it truly was a sight to behold.
Books scattered, pages with near ineligible writing and drawings and a couple spilt potions had covered the floor of the towers only room. And stood in the corner was someone with their back turned, talking to themselves and searching for something.
“Uhm…Excuse me!”
The hooded figure jumped and screeched in shock at a voice other than their own. They took their hood off to reveal a young woman with glasses, blue hair and heavy dark circles. After the initial shock, the woman introduced herself as Mayuu, a wizard who resides in this tower with the intent to guide those who come across. It was almost ironic the two Royals decided to feed their curiosity and venture inside.
“What can I do? Will I ever find the freedom and happiness I’ve longed for?”
Juvia explained her curse to the wizard Mayuu, doing her best to not shed a tear. She was always the emotional type. Mayuu couldn’t help but feel an intense wave of nostalgia course through her body. She’s dealt with this situation before. Very recently.
“Go against your curse. Set your happiness in stone and you’ll be the victor. What do you really want to do?”
What do I really want to do? It was a rather vague question but it gave Juvia the push she needed. She knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to be with someone. Someone who loves her, who cares for her, is willing to protect her and support her throughout all the rough times. But that arose yet another problem….There were two people who fit that description. Juvia loved Mitch, she really did. But she made up her mind the moment she met him. Her knight Deuce Spade was the one.
Mitch could see it in her eyes and facial expression, the way her breathing started to pick up. He wanted to be the one, but that would defeat the purpose of his goal. He wants Juvia wants to be happy, and her happiness is with her Knight. Walking down and out of the tower after giving the wizard Mayuu an extremely generous payment, It was silent. The two of them just stood there facing one another, eyes however staring at the ground which seemed more important. Mitch was the one to break the silence, how unusual of him… He took Juvia’s hand once more for the last time, bowed, and placed a gentle fluttering kiss upon her hand.
“I hope you find your happiness, even without me.”
And with that he looks behind Juvia, signaling towards the Knight that he can stop hiding. She whips her head around, in utter shock at the sight of Deuce. Slowly, the princess and the knight walked towards each other, as if scared the other would disappear. Once they stood merely a few centimeters apart, a wave of light surrounded them. Blue butterflies with golden specks flew freely in the area. The curse was lifted, Juvia knew. She finally found her happiness.
Mitch, used to this feeling of emptiness, simply turned around with the slightest smile on his face and made his way back home.
His mission was completed.
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allium-art · 6 months
Major spoilers for saints campaign, if you haven't beaten that campaign, do not read further. (also a bunch of probably incomprehensible descriptions of how i feel about this campaigns ending)
Just played through saint again... this is like my 3rd time watching the ending and just...
i wish i could say something about it, but it would not make sense no matter how hard i try.
its- how does a video game manage to punch me in the feels three separate times?
saint's ending just has this feeling of... 'this is it.' thats the only way i can think to describe it.
im pretty sure saint's campaign takes pictures of your run to flash them during the ending sequence because i had a pup (who unfortunately died before i reached rubicon) and i saw that pup in one of the images it flashed on the screen during the ending.
my emotions feel like spaghetti right now.
i dont know how else to put it in words
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thebleedingeffect · 6 months
Thinking about fierce deity again and while I very much understand where the thought of him being some sort of war god comes from- I just can't get myself to believe in it. I very much do believe that the fierce deity is capable of vast amounts of destruction and carnage, but I do not believe that he's the type to enact pointless death. He's capable of so much hurt, but instead, he commits himself to protection, justice, and the very people themselves. He's just not a violent guy, but he CAN be violent, am I making any sort of sense
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duskneko · 1 year
the ASS fandom makes too much cutesy stuff i need to see stuff that shows the fucked up aspects of these characters like Lynn and/or Niel absolutely willing to fucking sell Nick to an animal collector
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