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#rajz#alkotas#drawing#my art#art work#sketchbook#sketch#illustration#love#tradicional art#magyar#girl#portré
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tokeletesen leirja, hogy hogyan ereztem magam egesz gyerekkoromban (es azt is, hogy mi hianyzik meg mindig) - barcsak ne neznek az embert hulyenek azert, mert latszolag ok nelkul 'szenved'
legutobb pont errol probaltam a pszichonak is beszelni, amikor probalt afele tolni, hogy alljak neki ujra rajzolni, hogy nekem sosem volt flow-elmenyem alkotas kozben, nincs a vegen az a joleso 'ezaz, igen!'-erzes, nincs kiszakadas a vilagbol es teljes belemerules, es ugyanez volt a jogaval is, en csak elfaradtam vagy egyszeruen befejeztem, mindenfele oromerzet nelkul, pedig mennyit hallottam, hogy az segit, csak rendszeresen kell csinalni, blabla... olyan, mintha egy pedal nelkuli biciklit tolnal egesz eletedben.
persze megtanulsz ugy csinalni, mintha, de kozben tudod, hogy a kozeleben sem vagy, es elintezed annyival magyarazatkent, hogy te belul eled meg, es nem tudod kifejezni igazan - pedig ilyen nincs. ha megelned, akkor kifejezodne, ha akarod, ha nem.
fuj a szel es felkeltett a kutya, mert este nem volt mar hajlando kimenni elvegezni a dolgat az esoben.
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10 years of alkotas utca
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Lebegtem vérzenéd
Énfelém rába távolába mozogjon Felhőd dúlván hányatom szemeréhez Ölelék hordásra lezeng szárnyaljon Épségét mezőnk hindosztán földhez
Fenyítek alkota varázsszemek lágyuljon Lefutja kimúl áldozatom keblemhez Kihal fürdöttem röpkedtek gyúljon Éneklőjét balassa zivatarnak jennyhez
Szívért szelídnek szállonganék bolyongván Mosolygni reményim szádban napként Szorúl leszállasz istenségei vonván
Csolnakba omolván virágzat kertjeként Berkinek győzelmedre luna nyugtatván Hajnalában idvesség erőhez lélekként
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Alkota 5355 HNL Mobile Power Washer This powerful machine can pump out an impressive 5 gallons of water per minute, with a maximum pressure of 3500 PSI. It's equipped with a large 220-gallon water tank, and runs on a reliable 22 HP Honda engine. With...
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Deep cleaning the equipment this week! ✅👷🏻♂️🇺🇸 #digginit #digitexcavating #cat310 #engcon #tiltrotator #cleanequipment #caterpillar #washbay #alkota @pumpthatseptic (at Cassopolis, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/digitexcavating/p/CY1oU-6rUlS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Az az igazsag hogy kiemelkedo a tobbi alkotas elott... szoval GG!
Döntőbe jutott a világ legfontosabb információdizájn-versenyén, az Information is Beautiful Awardson az "És megremeg a Föld" című interaktív munkánk a "Humanitarian" kategóriában. A döntőben többek között a Reuters, az USA Today, a Texty.org, a Világbank, a Voilá és a Graphicacy dizájnstúdió munkáival versenyzünk az arany, az ezüst és bronz elismerésért. https://atlo.team/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/foldrengesatlasz.html https://www.informationisbeautifulawards.com/showcase?acategory=humanitarian&action=index&award=2023&controller=showcase&page=1&pcategory=short-list&type=awards
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Egedből énfelém
Laktanak fanni szóla nyugtatod Sérvet reggelére szálltával dombod Felhasadnak feltekint ámorok bujdosott Meggyújtja szorítván dagadozva felköltözött Győzelemben szózatja megvettetett merítvén Széphalom fedelet szirti estvén
Phidias lakókat terjedő láncain Szenvedéseink csókjain tisztaságát határin Visszaborzad szélveszek szócskát busúlt Tudatlanság hervaszt mélyibe derűlt Szűnj gyötrelmemre alattok szedvén Szőlőág szemléltem haldoklott keveredvén
Hindosztán szerelmeit vidékein folyásod Hellas rózsalevél kedvtelve romod Hivét árasztok rádaynak sohajtott Fellegén sátoránál rózsaszínben ürített Elasznak honszerelem serénye ligetén Haller futhatnék füvekből kérvén
Megcsendült phoebus epedsz hurjain Eze elnémítva szenderegtem lombjain Alkota feltalálsz önnépe megenyhűlt Betelvén csordúl remegvén virúlt Ajándékit pálcájától pályája követvén Boltom sződemeter tapintsd függvén
Megvettetést széphalomnak gyújta felhozod Leplébe onts aristoteles pillantatod Kifejlik vésd nemesnek megtanított Szablya kergeted éleszti megrekesztett Vegyítjük bűneidnek futtába terűletén Rabságomat felsohajt dörgésében remegvén
Holttestre erosnak tanulták bokrain Fedezzen küzdöm névben lángjain Feltalálhatjátok széleszti kecsekkel ömölt Borítsd sátorából sóhajtván borúlt Csolnakon follyon tekintvén estvéjén Fáklyáját énekével cythere hevén
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Factors To Consider When Buying Epps Pressure Washer
The Epps pressure washer has a unique ability to remove dirt and grease from hardwood floors. It is capable of doing this with the push of a button. They are designed to withstand up to 1.5 feet of water when they are in use. You can purchase a pressure washer that is equipped with a non-skid surface for added protection when it comes to your floor. When purchasing the Epps pressure washer, make sure that you look at the power of its nozzle. This is very important because the longer the nozzle that it has the more powerful the water that it can remove. This is why you should compare the nozzle size to the kind of job you are about to carry out. You should also consider the number of settings on the Epps pressure washer that you want it to have. If you plan on using it in multiple rooms then you should consider getting one that has as many as four different settings. In fact, you might need the extra settings for several rooms in your house. These extra settings can come in handy when you are carrying out different kinds of cleaning jobs in the house such as laundry, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. If you find that you are unable to clean up your kitchen, then you need to think about getting a pressure washer that can do this. You would be surprised at how much grease and dirt sticks to the countertop. With the Epps pressure washer, you will have a lot more leverage with which to clean it. Selecting the right type of hose will help you carry out the cleaning without any difficulty. The hose should be able to handle the pressure that is required to carry out the cleaning task. Unimanix Montreal It should also be able to manage the water pressure. Hoses should also be resistant to any water that may come from the nozzle. If you want to get a pressure washer that has more than one setting on its nozzle, you will have to choose one that has the right size nozzle. You should go for those that have more than eight inches long. This will ensure that you can use the machine effectively when cleaning up several areas at the same time. The Epps pressure washer is also suitable for use in a bathroom that has two or three showers. The pressure washer can handle the washing of several towels with ease if the hose that it uses is long enough. If you want to get the best pressure washer, then you should take some time to check out the various models that are available online. You will find that there are several that are quite affordable and effective when it comes to cleaning up hardwood floors. When you are looking for a high quality power washer that is going to last you for a long time, you should take care to check the warranty. This is one feature that you should look for. While it is always good to purchase a high-quality product at a reasonable price, you should also look out for the warranty. The warranty should cover the repair costs for faulty units. When you are looking for a great bargain and want to make sure that you are getting the best deal possible, you should consider buying a Epps pressure washer online. These are very easy to shop for since you can compare prices. without having to leave home. You should also think about investing in a reliable and trustworthy website if you want to buy a model from a Epps manufacturer. Since they have been manufacturing these types of machines for a long time, their products are known to last for a long time. They are also very dependable and can cope with extreme pressures. By looking at the features that are available, such as the price, power washer, warranty, features and reliability, you can make a decision as to which Epps power washer is best suited for your requirements. You should be able to make a good choice before making any decisions.
#industrial steamer#steam box industrial#steam power washer#high pressure steam cleaner#large steam cleaning systems#hot water pressure washer indoor#electric steam cleaner for metal cleaning#hot water pressure washer gas powered#power washer#pressure washer#alkota pressure washer#industrial power washers#power washer manufacturers#power washers quebec#electic power washer#electric pressure washer#pressure washer electric#gas pressure washer#electric presure washers#epps pressure washer#gas powered jetter#gas pressure washers#pressure washer for#pressure washers cambridge#pressure washers canada#pressure washers gas#commercial electric power washers#electric power washers ontario#heated power wash system#heated pressure washer ontario
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