#Alisa von Vamalia
mysteryofvampires · 1 month
So the last weeks I have been rewatching the twilight saga with my sister and this made me realised how well done the love triangle in heirs of the night is.
I mean instead of a girls just being torn between two hot boys for the drama and the fans to choose a side and fight about it, the heirs of the night triangle serves as amazing symbolism.
The story follows Alisa, all leading to her going to the knot, having to decide between humans and vampires. And what are her love interests? Yes, a human and a vampire!
Also the scenes leading to the knot, with more and more friends being left behind untill it's only the three of them. Her having to choose between Lars and Nicu, who are threatened to be killed? This is pure Gold!
I love the fact that the boys are so different, in their character, their looks, and clothing. Each one presenting one of the worlds Alisa is a part of. Night and day, darkness and light, hunter and prey, life and death.
I will never let people water it down to a dumb, tropey teen show, because it just isn't!!
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darklinaforever · 7 months
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“I love you, with all my heart.” - Alisa von Vamalia.
“I'd say the same thing if I had one.” - Lars af Dracas.
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Series “Heirs of the Night.” from Amazon Prime.
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I like to imagine that even though they loved their dad so much the first person Tammo and Alisa think of when someone mentions the word dad is Hindrik
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pepopipu · 1 year
Heirs of the Night. The Power of Love
Hi, I'm writing a heirs of the night fanfic. I leave it here in case you want to take a look.
Summary: Alisa has a beating heart, a shining hand, a bond with an ancient vampire, and a destiny that will change the entire world…but none of it is more amazing than her power of love.
Chapter 1: VAMALIA
The beginning of the plague of demons
(Author: Abraham van Helsing, vampire hunter and founder of the Red Masks)
…and the tears of Count Dracula were mixed with the blood, and from the blood and the tears thirteen rubies were formed. The rubies glowed dark red and pulsed deep within. From each ruby was born one of the thirteen clans of vampires. And each clan received the gift of their birthstone, which also gave each clan its name. As long as the venerables of the clans carry the ruby, all vampires born into the clan will have the gift that the ruby bestows:
•The Dracas of Norway can read minds and communicate with each other mentally.
•Italy's Nospheres can overcome the deadly effects of holy items.
•The Vyrad of England can control the weather.
•The Pyras of France speak all animal languages.
•The Irish Lycana can change shape.
• The Romanian Upiry can make her shadow act independently of her body.
•The Belovs of Russia tolerate sunlight.
•The Arrufat of Spain can speak with the dead.
•The Tova de Holanda can overcome the paralyzing effects of water.
•The Swiss Walk can become invisible.
•The Vikla of Greece can move objects with the power of thought.
•The Turkey Grimur can catch sunlight.
•The Vamalia of Germany finally received the gift of love, and this clan is the keeper of the spark that can put out all vampire life in the world if...
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neverscreens · 2 years
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Heirs of the Night S01E01 to E04.
Find in GALLERY. Like or reblog the post it was useful. Your interaction shows me that I should keep making screencaps. And if you want me to post some in separate posts, tell me! ♡
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lufifer-morningstar · 2 years
just remembered lars literally walking into a pile of crosses mumbling: without a doubt, after alisa asked him if he trusts her and i adore this man, i adore this series and i am still upset that no one ever gives it a try.
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hiloedits · 2 years
Headers from Alisa Von Vamalia and Lars of Dracas from the Heirs of the Night series, please.
i wasn’t able to find any quotes, if you resend with some quotes i’d be able to
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terapsina · 3 years
I've started watching Heirs of the Night and for those interested, so far it's a really enjoyable - late 19th century setting - vampire young adult TV series, involving building friendships, some teen romances (one of which is between two queer girls), and moments with the kids protecting each other.
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To lay down the basics. It's about the heirs of multiple vampire clans being brought together aboard The Elisabetha to teach each other their clan powers because they are under threat of extinction and to survive they will have to come together.
And that's because in the past those clans did too good a job at slaughtering each other. So now that both the human vampire hunters are becoming too big a threat and an old enemy has woken up, they're pretty much in a bit of a 'no better alternative' scenario.
The clans in question are the Vamalia from Germany, the Dracas from Norway, the Nosferas from Italy, the Pyras from France and the Vyrad from England. This is not a complete list of all clans, but most other ones are extinct and so either largely irrelevant or a spoiler.
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It’s got a decently interesting mythos and though there are some things that are clearly a result of the story being aimed towards the teen audience, it’s also not nearly as cringy as one might have feared.
From a production perspective, what you might like to know is that this is a Dutch/Norwegian/German collaboration-production and though the show is mainly in English, the characters when speaking between themselves also often speak in their native languages (with subtitles).
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Now if you’re looking for some kind of cinematography masterpiece with flawless CGI and Game of Thrones levels of adult gore and violence this is not that show. But it’s also not a cheap low level production, they spent quite a bit of money on this thing and it does show (it was filmed in multiple European countries and the costumes and sets are actually pretty beautiful).
And with 2 seasons of 13 episodes each out, I think it’s worth at least checking out to see if it’s something that might interest you.
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Heirs of The Night/Nattens Arvinger - everybody mad
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mysteryofvampires · 5 months
Heirs of the night incorrect quotes:
Because I miss them so much. (Warning: this is long and I have many more for a part two if anybody's interested :)
Fanny: I am the most responsible person in the group.
Nicu: ...You just set the kitchen on fire?
Fanny: Yes, and I take full responsibility for that.
Fanny: Did you buy eggs like I asked?
Tammo: Even better.
Fanny: What the fuck did you-
Tammo: *holding up a chicken* Her name is Fluffy!
Alisa: What are you drinking?
Ivy: Vodka.
Alisa: Straight?
Ivy: No, gay. Why?
Nicu: Working sucks.
Nicu: I want to be a malewife where my only responsibilities are being sexy and cute.
Luciano: You have crayons?
Lars: Yes I have-
Luciano: You're-How old are you?
Lars, holding a toy lightsaber: I'm Darth Vader!
Alisa: I'm done with everyone's bullshit.
Malcolm: Everybody calm down! We're grown-ups, let's deal with this like adults.
Luciano: So we're just going to wing it and hope for the best?
Malcolm: Obviously. Now Fanny pass the shovel!
Lars: I don't need to get to bed. I'm not tired. I'll be fine.
Alisa: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Lars: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Alisa: Is it working?
Luciano: Think you can unlock the door for us?
Fanny: Sure. I just need a few things. Ivy, can I have your creditcard?
Ivy: Sure, just make sure not to bend it.
Fanny: Thanks. Now, Malcolm, break down the door.
Ivy: Huh?!
Tammo: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Seamour: But are you shuffling?
Tammo: Everyday.
Ivy: What language are you two speaking?!
Nicu: If you took a shot for every time you made a dumb decision, how drunk would you be?
Seamour: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Ivy: Drunk.
Fanny: Wasted.
Lars: Dead.
Ivy: Good morning!
Nicu: Bold statement.
Joanne, opening a capri sun: Guess I'll drink my problems away...
Lars: *Is throwing stones at Alisa's window*
Alisa: You have a phone for a reason, Lars!
(Romeo and Juliette gone wrong, lol)
Alisa: Norwegia. Is. Not. A. COUNTRY!
Nicu: Then were are Norwegian people from?!
Inger: Norway!
Alisa: Are you drinking enough water?
Malcolm: Sometimes my tears get in my mouth.
*somewherebin the future*
Someone: So, how many children do you have?
Anna: Biologically, legally or emotianally? Because there is a difference...
Alisa: Come on Malcolm. Nobody actually believes that Lars is in love with me.
Malcolm, turning to the squad: Raise your hand if you think that Lars is helplessy in love with Alisa.
*Everyone raises their hand*
Alisa: Lars, put your hand down!
Joanne: How is spring not everyone's favourite season? The trees are PINK guys!
Inger: Allergies are also a problem y'know.
Joanne: But pink.
Luciano: And it's hot.
Joanne: PINK!
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larsafdracas · 4 years
reblog/like if you're an heirs of the night fan because this fandom is too small and I need some blogs to follow
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leuchtstabrebell · 4 years
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nightskyunicorn · 4 years
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Alisa von Vamalia, Heirs of the Night
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find-life-ivy · 3 years
Here's to why it actually makes sense (mostly), that Alisa is talking English most of the time. We have seen that the Dracas chat in Norwegian all the time, when no one else is involved. So why not her and Tammo?
At the start of the first episode (S1 E1), Alisa walks around in their house and learns vocabulary. And she does it from german to english, so english is her target language. When Tam knocks over the vase that was a gift for their grandmother from Sir Milton, Alisa asks him something along the lines of "Shouldn't you be learning English vocabulary?"
So here's the theory:
They are german, they speak it perfectly (the characters, not the actors), but they are trying to learn english collectively. That is why they sometimes slip in German things because they are not important to say in English {see "Rot, rot, rot"} They don't matter enough, that they would HAVE to be in English. And that explains also the accents of Dame Elina and Hindrik. They are trying their best and pull through with it.
And; then again, she is the main character. She needs to talk english, so the audience can understand her.
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