#Alexis Rune
critical-quoter · 3 months
I am not who I once was. I am the queen who was promised. I am the rose with a bite.
The Mistress and the Renowned - Alexis Rune & Jeanette Rose
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danielleurbansblog · 5 months
Review: The Maiden & The Unseen
Synopsis: God of the Dead. King of the Underworld. The Unseen. The Renowned…The Glorified Babysitter. Zeus has finally decreed that the gods may leave Olympus and mingle – anonymously – with the mortals of the present. With zero warning or waiting for him to consent to this arrangement, Hades is placed in charge of not only helping the gods assimilate but also financing them. Unlike the other…
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aberooski · 1 year
omg. a jaden castles crumbling edit is all i've been able to think about since july 7!!! i don't have tik tok but i have to go find this
The first thing I thought about when I heard the song the first time was "this is so Jaden coded 😭" and I haven't been able to put it out of my mind! The bridge in particular has been haunting me in a certain kinda way ever since.
And you're in luck, my anon friend! I saved the file so I can provide!
The idea of course being that the bridge in particular always stood out to me as Jaden coded because of the duel with Brron in season 3 and the um......events that transpire....
This is probably one of the most upsetting edits I've ever made imo, this duel was the first time GX made me actually cry the first time I watched the show. This whole season is so emotionally draining honestly but this shit man 🥲
This was the moment Jaden's castle came crumbling down.
#augh this whole episode man 😭 this whole arc 😭 castles crumbling is sooooooo jaden coded 😭😭😭😭#anyways I hope you like it anon! 🙂#and fr especially the way that the squad's emptions were being amplified and exacerbated by the runes which caused them to really go at jay-#-like that just makes it all so much more upsetting somehow#because I mean they were all well within their rights to be upset with jaden for what was going on and how he-#-had been handling everything thus far not really taking them into account as far as it seemed to them#and jaden was just trying to protect everyone but was also so laser focused on finding jesse he did just kinda brush everybody off#and wasn't listening to their imput and how they were trying to help but also be smart about things and he was just rushing into things#and poor sy didn't even have the full context of what was going on during that duel so it really looked to him and jim and axel-#-that jay was more the cause of everyone dying than he actually was. which then the turmoil sy feels seeing his friends killed-#-seemingly because of jaden and the ~doubt~ he feels that's making him so conflicted is only being exacerbated and amplified by....#say it with me folks! the wicked rune!#augh it's just a terrible situation all around 😭#but this was the moment where jaden's castle came crumbling down.#yugioh#yugioh gx#jaden yuki#alexis rhodes#atticus rhodes#tyranno hassleberry#chazz princeton#syrus truesdale#aberooski asks#answered
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gx-gameon · 4 months
For the coliseum thing, that is where Jaden duels everyone for the graduation duel thing instead of in front of his dorm. He makes it a mini tournament where it is him versus the underclassmen and wants to see if anyone from the other dorms can dethrone him as King of the Coliseum before he graduates and officially has the Slifer emblem carved onto the entry way like how Obelisk has their dorm patron displayed in their duel arena.
After he graduates, Blair and Hassleberry put a plaque with his name on it in the arena and every senior who holds onto being King of the Coliseum upon graduation gets their name put there as well. The place stays Slifer property but the title becomes like one of those things people want for their diplomas because it is one of those things like being valedictorian. Crowler makes it a new tradition despite what any of the other faculty and staff say.
I love this!!! All of it.
The Obelisks might own the dueling arena but the Slifers own the colosseum.
Again I think at least in their 2nd year the total might bounce around a little but the 3rd year Jaden holds it firmly (mainly because of how little they get to use it.)
After all the graduation duels he is still undefeated. And I love him permanently claiming the colosseum as Slifer property.
I think the next year Hasselberry is wary to use it. No one won the colosseum from Jaden. Him and Blair put up a plaque with Jaden’s name on it as the King of the Colosseum with his graduating year (next to it scratched into the wall is the runing list from season 2 of who currently owns the colosseum: Tanya, Jaden, Chazz, Jaden, The Chazz, Alexis, Jaden…. Just the endless list of current victor from their 2nd year when the colosseum duels really got going.)
Jaden and company still come back to surprise Hasselbery and hand the colosseum off to him officially. He holds onto it he’s whole senior year, before handing it off to Blair. When he graduates he’s surprised to see a little honor attached to his certification “King of the Colosseum”
he goes to Crowler and the man tells him he talked it over with the staff and the benefactors (Jaden’s family) and while the Colosseum is ‘unofficial’ matches the ability to hold on to the colosseum is an impressive feat that should be acknowledged.
(Crowler fought with the board to get it sanctioned and they said no so he went to the top, Seto, and was like ‘so your son started something and it should have been on his diploma but it’s not so can we add it for other kids??’ Jaden thinks the whole thing is hillarious)
Hasselberry hands the colosseum of to Blair. His name gets put up next to Jaden’s on the wall.
The award ‘King of the Colosseum’ is put on the diploma of whoever graduates with ownership of the colosseum but you only get your name put on it if you can keep it your whole senior year.
It becomes one of the most coveted titles at the school.
(Question Obelisk has the arena in the school. Slifer has the colosseum. What does Ra have?)
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dutchessofcaladan · 6 months
Ghostbusters: Soul Resurgence
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My first fic! I recently got really hyperfixated of Ghostbusters (thanks Frozen Empire) and decided to write a fic. This story will feature plot points from Ghostbusters 2 and characters from Afterlife onward (minus Lucky, Melody, and Podcast). This fic is set a few years after Frozen Empire. Also, a big thank you to @phantomoftheparadise0002 for beta-reading this. Lisa, you're amazing!
Summary: When the spirit of Sumerian sorceress Ahassunu, daughter of Vigo, possesses Alexis, the Ghostbusters must band together to determine the fate of the world
Translation for Sumerian: I will raise up the dead here to consume the living. Gatekeeper, open the gate for me. Such are rites of the mistress of the Netherworld.
Ray felt a smile come across his face as he heard the roar of Alex's bike quiet as she parked in front of the occult shop. Closing the book of ancient Sumerian history, his smile grew as the door opened.
“Hey.” Alex smiled, closing the door behind her. “What'd you need help with?”
“How's your Sumerian?” Ray asked, reopening the book.
“Considering you taught me it when I was 10 and I minored in it, I would say I’m pretty decent. Why do you ask?” Pushing her glasses back up on her nose, she rounded the counter.
“I'm trying to decipher this legend but I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty.” Ray smiled as he slid the book over to her.
“Let's see.” She pulled the stool closer to the counter, focusing intently on the book. “Looks like it's about the sorceress Ahassunu.”
“Ahassunu.” Ray whispered, slightly perplexed.
“Isn't that Vigo's daughter?” Alex asked, intrigued.
“I believe it is.” A smile lit up his face.
Turning back to the book, Alex read aloud, “After the death of her father, Vigo the Unholy, she took the throne by force, slaughtering the armies that tried in vain to keep her from it.”
Ray's eyes widened as she continued.
"The longer she sat upon the throne, the more her power grew. It was said that her power grew so great that runes burned themselves upon her skin as the demons imbued her with their power. It's also said that her eyes turned a deep black, akin to those of the devil himself.”
Ray sat back, releasing a breath.
“Something doesn't make sense here.” She said, leaning closer to the book.
“What do you mean?” Ray asked, looking back at the book.
“Ahassunu was Vigo's daughter, meaning she was Carpathian. Why is she regarded as a Sumerian sorceress?”
Ray's eyes narrowed. “Maybe the story was passed down so many times, her ethnicity was misheard. Like what happens in a game of telephone.”
“That's a possibility, but this book had to have been fact checked by several historians before it was published. That many people missing this large of an error? Doesn't seem plausible to me.”
“Even those who are the most skilled at their craft make mistakes. God knows I did.” Sighing, Ray dropped his gaze from the book.
“Ray, accidentally thinking of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wasn't a mistake. You thought of the most harmless thing you could. And you helped defeat it. You're a hero.” Placing a hand on his shoulder, she gave him a soft smile.
“Tell that to every person who sued us after.” Ray chuckled.
“You know I would.” Alex's smile grew.
Standing up, Ray closed the book and returned it to its shelf as Alex's phone began to ring.
“Hey, Janine.” She answered. “Can't one of the other guys take care of it? I'm off the clock.”
Ray chuckled, hearing her exasperated sigh.
“Alright. Fine. Just send me the address and I'll come by to pick up my pack. Alright. Bye.” Hanging up, she turned back to Ray. “I gotta go. The Spengler's are still out and apparently I'm the only one capable of being a Ghostbuster tonight.”
“I could come help.” He offered, returning to the counter.
“No. It's fine. I can handle it.” Opening the door, she added over her shoulder, “If you find anything else out about that Carpathian/Sumerian sorceress, let me know.”
“Will do.” Ray chuckled.
As Alex dismounted the bike, she felt her knees nearly give way as she stood. “Been doing this for nearly 20 years now. You think I would be used to the weight.” She muttered to herself.
Walking towards the front of the museum, she was met with the nervous smile of Dr. Janosz Poha. “Dr. Poha.” She said, holding out her hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”
Timidly shaking her hand, he gave her a confused look. “The, the lady said Dr. Venkman would be here to take care of the, the thing.” He stuttered, pointing to the building.
Alex sighed. “I apologize for the confusion. My name is Dr. Alexis Venkman. You must've been expecting my father, Dr. Peter Venkman.”
Janosz let out a chuckle. “Oh! Silly me.” He smiled.
“It's quite alright, Dr. Poha.” She smiled.
“Please. Janosz.” He insisted.
Alex nodded as he led her inside the museum.
Stopping just inside the doors, he directed her, “It's, uh, down to the end hall and to the left.”
She watched as his hand shook as he gave directions, thinking of the long term effects his encounter with Vigo must've had on him.
“Good luck!” He shouted as she headed down the hall.
As she moved further down the hall, she began to hear a woman's voice, chanting.
Usella mituti ikkalu baltuti. Ati me peta babka. Sa belet ersetim ki'am parasusa.
As she rounded the corner, she saw a woman on her knees, wearing a security guard's outfit.
Taking a deep breath, Alex turned on her pack.
With one final chant, the guard's body fell limp to the ground as a gust of air flew towards Alex, knocking her over as her world went dark.
Passers-by on the street screamed in fear as the side of the Museum of Natural History blew apart, sending chunks of concrete flying into the busy roadway. Slowly standing up as the commotion seemed to have calmed, they watched as Alex walked to the opening and simply floated away.
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alexissara · 10 months
Alexis Sara's Top 10 Most Anticipated Games Of 2024
We're about to enter 2024 and with that we have all the lists, lists I am not immune to making because I slowly build them up all year. Last year I played a fuck load of games and so this year I wanted to talk about 10 games I think look really fucking cool that are coming out in the next year or two. Some of these games are likely to release in 2025 instead but it'll be fun to see if they remain on the list next year then. I mostly just wanted to spotlight some art that looks cool to me outside of the context of a Sapphic Games Guide or a Review and maybe get others on the hype train with me. This list is not in order and just 10 games I think look like they could have an impact on me, I may not even buy every game on this list but there the 10 that look like I am most likely to check out.
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Gales Of Nayeli
So this is one of two games on the list I've already purchased. I backed the kickstarter of the game a while back and I thought "it looks alright and when I asked if there was gonna be any sapphic content the creator told me in depth what content he had already made so sure I'll back it. What was more if a thank you for being so kind and responsive so fast has turned into my most hype game of the year. Blindcoco and me have become friends over time so I am biased but I was actually sold on the game before me and him became buddy buddy when I played the demo and saw the amazing work that went into it. Then the extremally positive response from him and the community towards my desire to focus in on women and sapphic women only added to my excitement for the game.
The game genuinely seems to be raising the bar for SRPGs and really feels like it is a step above Fire Emblem and not an emulation of Fire Emblem. I loved the demo and the concepts in the game so much it inspired me to start working on my own SRPG studios game knowing what is possible at the high end of investment in the system can really be something special and really cool. I love that there is a focus on trying to cast voice actors who match ethnicity to the diverse cast, I love that there is a wide range of diversity in the revealed cast, I love the amount of queer women I am aware of in the game, I love the animations and sprite work, I love the gameplay, I am really really excited about this game and I think this game has a high shot at being one of my favorite games.
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Fields Of Mistria 
I make fun of farming sims a little on my lists and stuff but only because I actually love farming sims especially in concept. This game probably has my favorite art style of the whole lot of games today. It's lovely 90s anime style sprite work is just AHHHHHHHHHH so good. I do in fact want to kiss the women in this game very badly and I would enjoy playing the game for the sake of dating them alone.
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Rune Factory: Dragon
Let's bang out the second farming sim while we're at it. We don't know a bunch about this game but it really just has to do two things for me to be into it. One, let you be gay like the newest RF and Story of Season games already let you do and Two, keep up the art direction and bam, I'm in. My biggest problem with the last Rune Factory game was that the art style made every woman look like a 12 year old and not in the like chibi story of seasons way like they just looked like they were kids. This however, has a much better set of art direction and it makes me think there might actually be women I'd want to gay marry.
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Mahou Senshi Cosplay Club
I really love Behold's previous game Chroma Squad but when I got this demo I had no idea they were the Chroma Squad people. The mix of dress up and RPG gameplay is a dream come true kind of game and the outfit customization is leagues beyond a game like Fashion Dreamer despite likely being made on a much smaller budget. The PSX style graphics actually work here with them evoking nostalgic graphics while also not actually being restrained by a Playstation One's issues. I just really loved the process of making the outfit and character in this game and honestly that alone is a potential game seller. The gameplay element was solid and I really want to play more of this.
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BeastieBall seems to be a really fun take on the Monster Taming genre. Having the monster friends play a sport and naturally be inclined to play the sport makes for a very cute and wholesome premise to which you become more a coach than an owner to these little cuties. It's a pretty simple concept in the demo but it's promising and cute and I do like that the monsters you collect build relationships with each other, I think that is something really special and neat and something I'd like to see more monster tamers do.
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Love In A Bottle
 There is a lot of nice looking visual novels coming out but Love In A Bottle is dating sim that is really capturing my eye. You play as a demon girl, bam okay I am sold. You date other monster girls okay I'm sold. And it's got more then the basic one outfit you expect from a standard visual novel dating sim type deal for characters that is yet another sold factor. It seems really cute, seems fun and I hope I can smooch all the women at once.
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Fantasy Life I
While I said we were done with farming sims, I didn't say we were done with sims as we have Level-5's Life Sim, Fantasy Life. I won't be buying the game if I can't be gay in it but I really loved the first Fantasy Life on the 3DS and I think if it can keep up the charm and fun of the original game and add a homosexual seasoning on top it'll be a perfect cute and fun time. I love the wide array of jobs and how these all build into each other, it's a very one of a kind experience and really fun.
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Princess Peach Showtime 
This is the true triple A game of the list and the only one that has captivated me in all the shows of all the consoles and developers I've seen of late. Peach is barbie now and I am here for it, let her have a million jobs and have a game based around her doing these different roles and being an icon in each of them, sounds good, I'm in, it's a really cute and fun concept. It looks really fun and the art style looks great.
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Our Life Now and Forever 
There is no other games like the Our Life games and getting to be sapphic in this one means I finally get to go ahead and experience the series I have been curious about for a while now. This game will let you be polyamarous which is the only game on this list I can say for sure will allow you to do that and that alone is something that would keep me engaged. However, getting to grow up with characters, change your pronouns, your name, anything about yourself as you do and having the characters change with you is amazing. I love the concept of this game and the wild reactivity the games demo has always provided just to a simple thing like me choosing to be trans in the childhood phase is amazing, it is truly such a considered and thoughtful game with such masterful crafting that the act one demo alone is probably worth money. So I did back this one on kickstarter as well so this is my other pick up.
Unlike other games on this list I am fairly confident this is a 2025 game and not a 2024 game but I want to talk about it now because people on the Patreon will be getting to play updated versions of the game over the course of the year akin to early access. I think the game is for sure worth a look.
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Izrand Allure
After playing the previous game in the series I am totally sold on wanting to experience Izrand Allure. Luxaren Allure was a really special experience I had this year finally checking out the game after I think years of putting it off and beating it I really want to play this follow up. This game seems far more in depth and far more artistically masterful then Luxaren as well so I really want to see everything this game has to offer. I love a good job system and this game boasts one. I really want to see this lesbian RPG and I hope I get a chance to play it very soon but obviously Unity the dev should take her time to make it. Regardless, I am just gushing every time I see the game and I think this has potential to be a massive game of the year type hit for me.
If you enjoyed this post, I got a lot more end of the year lists coming up when it's actually next year so I can tell people what I enjoyed in December. You can also support me in making cool queer art by checking out my Patreon and Ko-fi.
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danceworshipper · 5 months
Alexis Hornstagle - HPHL Character Profile
Alexis exists in a universe with 3 other ocs: Esme, Joshua, and Lukas
profile template is my own
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Appearance Settings: Face 14, Skin tone 11, Hair/eyebrow color 5, Eye color 22, Complexion 4, Freckles 1, Scars 4, Hair style 12, Eyebrow shape 13, Voice 2
Backstory: Alexis was a normal muggle until the Incident - a werewolf found its way to her family gardens and attacked her soon after her 15th birthday, leaving her to die all alone. Luckily she was found by her poodle, who alerted the entire neighborhood. Alexis was treated by the family doctor, though how she survived is anyone's guess - perhaps the doctor knew something others didn't. Her first transformation the next month caused a violent magical outburst, after which she was taken away by the Ministry and experimented on, then later enslaved. She was allowed to return home shortly before her admittance to Hogwarts
Full Name: Alexis Gertrude Hornstagle
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: October 16th, 1874
Birthstone: Opal
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Blood Status: "Awakened" Muggle, werewolf
3 Positive Traits:
- Quick learner
- Ride or die loyalty
- Charming
3 Negative Traits:
- Self-obsessed
- Hot headed
- Materialistic
Voice: Deep, clear
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Style: Sleek bob with slight waves, left parted
Skin Tone: Tan, ruddy
Freckles/Spots: None
Scars: Scratches and bites all over. Very obvious scratch across left side of face
Piercings/Tattoos: None
Height: 5'3"
Physique: Long torso, just on the other side of thin, strong
Clothing Style: Regal, expensive, flattering, imposing. The only plain items in her wardrobe are the black gloves she wears at all times, with a rune stamped into the leather [blue riding clothes, dark arts gloves, legendary cape]
Wand: Hawthorn, 12.5", supple, dragon heartstring [spiral, ash brown, pink swirl arrow handle]
Broom: Wind Whisp
Boggart Form: A terrible, vicious werewolf with no full moon in sight
Amortentia (to others): Pine trees, soft blankets, and oranges
Amortentia (to her): Currently fire, hair product, and wildflowers. Later expensive cologne, dusty carpet, and melon
Patronus: Raven
Mirror of Erised: Her innocent eleven year old self smiling up at her, donned in Hogwarts Robes. This girl never had to be turned into a Dark Creature to awaken her magic
Werewolf Capabilities:
- Full wolf transformation during a full moon. Will attack anyone in sight if not properly restrained
- Enhanced hearing and sense of smell, more so around a full moon
- Night vision
- Sharp teeth
- Increased stamina
Inherent Magic:
- Ancient Magic capabilities
Extra Talents:
- Can cast nonverbally
- Can cast wandlessly if she removes her gloves, which is only allowed in emergencies
- Strong affinity for the Dark Arts
- Healing magic on others requires no spells/potions
House: Hufflepuff
Quidditch: She's a decent enough flier and her heightened senses would give her an advantage, but her assignments and the full moon make being on a team impossible
Grades: Average. She's struggling to catch up
Favorite Class: History of Magic (she manages to find it fascinating, even if she reads the books on her own time and pays no attention in class like everyone else)
Least Favorite Class: Charms (as sweet as he is, Professor Ronen's lessons tend to give her pounding headaches due to the noise level)
Favorite Professor: Eleazar Fig (her mentor, and someone who always spoke out against how she was treated both in school and out)
Least Favorite Professor: Bai Howin (is not very subtle about wanting to study Alexis and almost accidentally reveals the secret many times)
Mother: Laura Hornstagle, née Thompson, a woman who is sweet as can be to her family but suspicious and distrusting of everyone else
Father: Deacon Hornstagle, a well known lord with high public opinion whose work pulls him from his children far too often
Siblings: (all muggles)
- Prudence, 13, an outgoing sweetheart who is perfectly content to spend her days wandering the towns and gossiping
- Samantha, 10, a know-it-all bookworm who can't believe how lucky her sister is to get to study magic in a castle
- Augustus, 5, a sneaky troublemaker who always shares his loot amongst his sisters in exchange for their silence
- Olivia, 4, a somehow even sneakier little thing who can do absolutely no wrong in her parents' eyes
"Father" Figure: Faris Spavin, Minister of Magic, the man who owns Alexis and could at any moment call for her execution. Over the years he ends up fond of her, becoming kinder and granting her more freedoms - though she's still his soldier, and will never be released while he's in charge. Throughout her life as a soldier, Alexis is taught magic so dark that most people aren't even aware it exists. She is forced to do dirty work and put herself into situations where she's highly unlikely to survive. She's treated as subhuman because in the Ministry's eye, she is. Most dehumanizing, however, is how Alexis is forced to take sterilization potions from the moment she is "recruited" - though as she grows older, she comes to be very, very grateful for those potions. A werewolf could never carry a pregnancy to term, and she would never want to pass the curse on anyway
Pets: Creatures tend to be afraid of Alexis. The ones in the Vivariums grow used to her, but the only animal who truly likes her is her poodle, Lady, who she got just before the Incident. Lady found Alexis bleeding out on the ground and attempted to lick her wounds, accidentally forming a blood connection and becoming her familiar - this extends Lady's lifespan considerably, and allows them to communicate instinctually. This connection allowed Alexis to send Lady for help
Family Dynamic: The Hornstagles are beloved members of their community because of how in touch with the commoners they are. There are no hidden dark secrets - they truly are a lovely, close knit family that Alexis wishes she didn't put in danger by existing
Introverted or Extroverted: Extroverted
Best Friend: Adelaide Oakes
- The first to introduce herself to the new girl and take a chance on her. Adelaide is sweet and doesn't pry, which is something Alexis appreciates immensely. They take care of each other and help each other with both personal issues and schoolwork. Adelaide and Alexis have 'sleepovers' often, which really just means sharing a bed and eating candy together while giggling
Frenemy: Natsai Onai
- Natty and Alexis get along well, they really do. It's just that Natty thinks Alexis is a coward for not fighting back against the Minister's orders, and Alexis thinks Natty is remarkably naive for someone who has seen the types of horrors that come with situations like the ones they all face. They can't seem to get past this
Friend She Didn't Expect: Is "any of them" a cop out answer?
- Alexis was pretty damn sure that someone like her - covered in scars, a mysterious past, a tangible dark aura, constant absences that no one will explain - would never have any friends in a place like Hogwarts. She's proven wrong
List of Good Friends:
- Lukas Froll
- Ominis Gaunt
- Joshua Jimmensong
- Sirona Ryan
- Sebastian Sallow
- Esme Taelceon
- Helen Thistlewood
- Sacharissa Tugwood
Past Partners: A couple of innocent young loves that simply weren't meant to be
Current Status: Single, crushing hard on Sebastian Sallow
Future Partner: Ominis Gaunt
Her Type: Someone who values their chosen family above all else and will do anything for them
On July 4th, 1893, Alexis and Ominis are married. Ominis' parents, shockingly, approved the match themselves, though not for any noble reason; it was purely for the personal gain promised by the Minister. The two are married in a muggle ceremony as well to appease Alexis' parents a few days later (and Ominis' never find out, despite both of his siblings attending)
In 1895, Alexis grows bold enough to waltz into Azkaban and free Sebastian. Supposedly, the Minister ordered for his release. He did no such thing, though he agrees to let Alexis owe him a rather large favor when he discovers what she's done. Sebastian is a broken man now, and doesn't leave the room he's given in Alexis and Ominis' home for over a year other than occasionally stepping out to gaze at the stars
In 1903, Minister Spavin steps down and Venusia Crickerly is voted into office. The new Minister releases Alexis' contract, though keeps her under employment as an Unspeakable. The job is the same but she is allowed much more freedom
In 1906, Alexis and Ominis flee the country with their nieces after Ominis' sister Lilith is killed. They set up in America with very minimal contact to anyone back home - Alexis is now considered feral and Aurors are authorized to kill on sight, and Ominis has been disowned, not to mention the technical kidnapping. Either of them could be killed if the wrong people find out where they are, especially Ominis' brother Marvolo
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Gx x Winx crossover
Things I didn't know I needed.
Also I'm mixing stuff up because otherwise all the boys are specialists and all the girls are fairies or witches.
We mixing stuff up.
Also can we talk about how Jaden with the Supreme King powers, the Gentle darkness fits so well as this universes great dragon and dragon flame?
And like Bloom, Jaden is a fairy. I know his powers make more sense for a witch butt it's Jaden.
He's never made any sense.
But Jaden doesn't know his true heritage, he's enrolled as a specialist.
Kuriboh is some kind of Pixie pet he has bonded with.
Chazz is definitely a specialist who thinks magic is "some hocus pocus mind trick."
Syrus is a fairy but trying to be a specialist like his brother Zane.
Aster is a fairy.
Bastion is a wizard who studies magic and it's uses.
Alexis and Atticus are both faires though Alexis definitely prefers more physical combat than using her magic. While Atticus loves to fly and use his magic.
Jessie is a fairy who's bonded to pixie pets.
Jim is a fairy with a magical eye.
Axel is a specialist.
Jaden: Fairy of the Gentle darkness.
Syrus: Fairy of technology (but more on the machine side I guess).
Aster: Fairy of time (calls himself the fairy of destiny)
Bastion: Wizard, specialises in rune magic.
Alexis: Fairy of Dance.
Atticus: Fairy of music.
Jessie: Fairy of gems.
Jim: Fairy of animals with a seers eye.
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moddeerling · 1 year
I've been tired and life kinda being a butt so text only! Also it's long.
Jaden is a wee lad who just goin on his adventure and wanting to see the strange pokemon that chatted with him in the mirrors when he was lonely and sad. You see, he lost his father and his home due to Palkia and Dialga fighting and wrecking villages. So, his mom and him had to flee. And this pokemon comforted him about his situation.
So, he goes off in search of that pokemon! On the way, he meets Syrus, Alexis, Chumley, then gets seperated from Sy so they gotta be pen pals for a while. But, there's something going on around the region and it isn't looking good..
Syrus is on an adventure, mostly to look for unknown runes and such cause he wants to meet the Lugia that set his brother straight. Their Family has a very close connection with Lugia, one being chosen as a guardian of the sorts. Zane was chosen early and kinda had his edgy phase, being a very harsh battler, injuring other's pokemon and even trainers as a teenager. Then, he was sent to far lands to gain some fuckin chill and that's when he met a Lugia, who gave him a talk and helps Zane see his errors. Zane came back calmer but, he still felt guilt over the years and decided he will not come back until he's repent.
Syrus is sad, and thinks that maybe if he goes to Lugia, he could get some advice on where his brother is and how to approach him in general.
When he and Jaden got seperated, he ends up in a town near a desert, and after contacting Jaden, tries to explore around. That's where he meets Chazz, who is part of the Criminal Organization, Team Prism.
Alexis's family are also Guardians of a legendary, but it's Ho-Oh. Unfortunately, Ho-Oh got struck horribly by a strong pokemon, and has been getting weaker and weaker. Atticus is hella sad as it's definitely dying and no medicine is working. Alexis set off to find something that can make Ho-Oh better and well, not die.
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claire-starsword · 2 years
Shining Force Country Guide Translation - Part 2
The usual pie chart legend:
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Population: 5000 inhabitants GNP: 27000 gold
Species Ratio:
Since it's a country founded on mining, there are many of the physically strong dwarves. Also, there's notably not many centaurs. From this data, one might wonder if Alterone's army is lacking.
No cure for being spoiled rotten by money
A newly prosperous country in the mountains at the center of West Rune. Around 200 years ago, a town was built to extract ore from the northeastern mines, and as the population sharply grew in a short span of time, government became chaotic, and it failed to become a stable city-state. After that, Guardiana mediated things and assigned a administrator to it, and staying 99 years under this concession, its political situation came under control. Its independence was recognized 100 years ago, and it became a constitutional monarchy headed by the administrator from Guardiana.
Their main activity is steelworks using their abundant mineral resources, and their production of processed goods such as weapons and armor increases year after year. Also, a mineral of extraordinary hardness (maybe Mithril?) was found in the mine opened to celebrate the centenary of the country's founding, and exportation has gone up by a remarkable 180 percent. In a single year it became a focus of commerce. The industrial policies enforced by the current King Charles Granard Culprang Don IV, known as the "Miracle of Alterone", restored the economy.
The citizens are gentle and heavily inclined towards pacifism. Because of the barren and mountainous terrain they used to lead a frugal lifestyle, but the sudden rise in life standards led to eccentric changes in their culture (ostentation of the nouveau riche). As an example of this, they've bought every work of art they could get their hands on from Rindo and such places, getting also the antipathy of several countries with that. On the other hand, neighboring countries like Guardiana couldn't renew their own economy without keeping connections with Alterone, and thus more complicated international problems formed.
-The castle town surrounded by forest. A road was built to facilitate the delivery of goods between them and Guardiana. Plenty of times you can see carriages doing five round trips in a single day. Guardiana's economic growth depends on Alterone.
-The royal family and the townspeople went from rags to riches all of a sudden. Because that, they are not wise on how to spend the money. They are obsessively indulging themselves with acts such as buying works of art of dubious origins from Rindo merchants. You can't call that real enjoyment.
Hobbit discourse maybe? The pie chart definitely doesn’t indicate many dwarves as the text does, so they have likely been swapped with hobbits. As usual.
Romanization of the king’s name taken from the GBA version. It sounds a little different in japanese but I couldn’t find any meaning to it so I don’t think it matters.
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Population: 3000 inhabitants GNP: 6250 gold
Species Ratio:
The place with the biggest human population in the Rune continent. The population count here only includes the residents, if you counted the travelers staying there as well, it would go up to 6000 people. Since it doesn't have an army, the amount of centaurs is even lower than that of Alterone. ____
The leading power of a liberal economy is a country based on commerce
A trading country that has just passed the 200 years mark, located at the easternmost point of West Rune, surrounded by mountains from three directions and facing the ocean in the remaining one. It was founded mainly by immigrants from fishing villages in the Guardiana southeast. They named the land they first landed on through their sea route "Costa de Alexis", after the royal family of Guardiana. At first, it was mainly a fishing country, but eventually progressed in the arts of shipbuilding and sailing, as a coastal nation tends to. Currently they're active on both sides on the continent facilitating commerce, and their trade with inland areas supports the economy.
When it comes to politics, they have a parliamentary democratic system, but the true power is in the hands of the merchant guild, as many of the voters are affiliated with it. The current leader, Mr. Mocha Doccha, has been elected for the tenth time (each term lasts three years) and has a huge approval rate. His mercantile policies were highly recognized for turning a developing country into a model of economic growth, but on the other hand, there are those on East Rune who mockingly call him "the west's wallet".
As a country built by immigrants, it has a more liberal ideology, and as the gateway to the western continent it sees a big mix of different cultures. Its educational standards are also high, and wealthy merchants show more of their influence by having the education of scientists and artists under their guard. The laboratory of Dr. Crock, renowned as the greatest scientist of the century, was also built with the support of Zacha Doccha (the leader's son-in-law). A project to expand on tourism was also recently announced, with the intent of increasing domestic demand. An overhaul of the urban area, also related to stimulating the economy, was approved by a majority of the parliament. The first step planned for it is the construction of a theme park. As it hasn't been announced yet, details are still unknown.
-Rindo is the heart of commerce in West Rune. It often trades with Guardiana and Alterone. From its harbor, it is establishing trade routes with continents other than Rune. It is a merchant country willing to brave the empty ocean.
-It specializes in importing rare items from other continents. The townspeople have the Rindo theater (playhouse) as entertainment all year. And once per year, the visiting circus becomes the greatest attraction. However, due to several issues, it did not come this year. 
Romanization of Rindo’s leader also from the GBA version, though the son-in-law is my own take, as I don’t believe he’s mentioned anywhere.
Mocha Doccha's title is something like chairman of president of a council. Since these countries are implied to be little city-states and I don't care much, I've been sticking with "mayor" as the english versions do, but there's mentions of a parliament here so I switched to a vague "leader" just like the GBA version does, which makes me think they faced similar dilemmas translating that. Listen I don't politics okay, it's already wack enough to be constantly googling systems of government because of freaking, 90's rpg book.
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Costa de Alexis = Alexis' Coast in portuguese and maybe also spanish but don't quote me on the later. Alexis has already been mentioned as the name of Anri's dad, but this is 200 years in the past so there was probably another king with that name. Makes it weird that they didn't give a number to either but whatever.
The event section for this town brings up a different point of view on its funding of the sciences:
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Dr.Crock’s strange experiment?
The self-proclaimed genius, Dr. Crock. He is currently developing a iron armor, the “Steam Suit”, with help of his assistant, Guntz. By the way, his experiments have been failing a lot. “It’s because that darn mayor won’t fund our work!”, says the doctor. “Man, when will we ever finish this Steam Suit...” laments Guntz.
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Population: 200 inhabitants GNP: Unknown
Species Ratio:
Since it's the country of magic, the ratio of elves is relatively high, while that of species with low magic talent such as centaurs and dwarves is low. The 19% percent in the "others" category is mostly monsters of unknown species. ____
Spiritual ideals as the basis of collectivism
The western coast of West Rune has the typical coastal climate, with a rain precipitation of over 2000 millimeters and warm temperatures, that give place to lush forests. The spiritual country of Manarina expands from these forest region to the mountains.
It is recorded in the ancient "Book of Genesis" that, around 3000 years ago, the first generation's Otrant (the current Otrant is of the 34th generation, full name Otrant Eismann, also knows as the "Thousand Eyes Guardian") retreated to this land to train magic, and that's how the country came to be. After that, mages came from many other lands idolizing the powers of the successive Otrants, and formed a commune of sorts. It was a primitive collectivist community with loose social and spiritual ranks based on one's magical power. Even nowadays its structure as a country remains lax, with only Otrant's authority as a constant. Citizens only have to pay taxes to fund public works, and don't have any political duties.
They entrust their economic activities to Rindo's merchant guild, and also follow the same currency as Rindo. Many citizens make their living out of magical materials and magic-infused goods.
In this Manarina of harsh spiritual discipline, frugality is seen as a virtue. As most people follow an ideology of stoicism, there isn't much entertainment. Only those on top of this magical world are respected by people of the other countries, and in Shade, a state of similar religious inclination, the people of Manarina are respectfully known as "people of the holy scriptures".
-Manarina is a single mansion being built upon over and over. If you want to go live in Manarina, first you must build your own room. It's common for rooms to be taken over if the owner left for too long.
-There's no entertainment in Manarina. That isn't because everyone is training hard. Since they work on plenty of weird studies, there's not a moment of boredom. They sure use up all their funding, but that might not be a great thing after all. There really seems to be a bunch of weird people there.
Either I’m very bad at reading charts, or the hobbits and dwarves are swapped again.
Otrant's name romanization taken from the GBA version. Also Otranto is a town in Italy, but idk if that was anything to do with anything.
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(All-seeing Guardian isn’t a bad adaptation of the title at all, I just went with the more literal “thousand eyes” as we know Otrant has literally more eyes than the average person anyway)
And no I don't know where they are seeing forests in Manarina either, the geographical description for this one is very weird.
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critical-quoter · 2 months
It seems no matter the timing, no matter the aspect, I am meant to fall in love with her in every way. Memory or not. God or not. She is mine, and I am hers.
The Queen and the King - Jeanette Rose & Alexis Rune
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wellwhatisnttaken · 3 months
Neon Gods - Katee Robert
The Mistress and the Renowned - Alexis Rune/Jeanette Rose
Sworn to the Shadow God - Ruby Dixon
A Touch of Darkness - Scarlett St. Clair
Persephone - Kitty Thomas
AND SO MANY MORE ! All of these books take ancient grecian culture and religion and turn them into smutty romance. I think well researched, well credited projects about greek mythology are ok, but using myths to write porn (I ALSO ENJOY LITERARY PORN) is just not it. Its disrespectful.
Hades and Persephone are arguably the biggest victim of this “troupe”. Now, i think its one thing to have the same general theme, but to use their names, and model your story after the myth to where there is no creativity is just plagiarism. And then, to use the myth to write erotica just seems so wrong to me.
People would be up in arms if books like these were published about Buddha, Allah, or Jesus. Not just fanworks for your own enjoyment, but PUBLISHED BOOKS!
its not respectful of the culture, and in my opinion its perverse (again, i say this as someone who loves to read porn. Im not a smut hater) to take people’s religion and use it for your story, to write erotica, and then make money off of that story.
I dont hate you if you read them, thats up to you, i think the authors are the problem. Its problematic at best to smut-ify someone’s religion and Gods That are worshipped
I will die on this hill.
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gx-gameon · 5 months
Episode 27
Syrus finding out Professor Banner is up to some shady things.
I’m sorry the runes that have a tomb in them? Where shadow games used to happen? Seto Kaiba I have some questions for you about your school.
I love how well Jaden knows his friends. Alexis tells him that these runes are where the shadow games took place and his first thought is sweet we can find clues about your brother!
“You get pizza and we get… whatever it is I’m holding!” Curse you dub writers!! That is Onigiri and it’s delicious. I won’t forgive this blasphemy.
Backpack Pharaoh!!! And so it begins
Not Pharaoh starting everything because he pawed at an ancient object. The most realistic thing here is a cat causing problems on purpose.
Jaden please listen to winged Kuriboh when he tells you to run
Jaden what do you mean you’ll lead the storm away?? Take cover. As much as I blame his friends in later seasons for making Jaden solve their problems he really does have a hero complex. The boy needs to learn to value himself.
Really duel spirit Winged Kuriboh!! I forgot we got this so early on. Jaden is so excited about being able to touch Winged Kuriboh.
The grave keepers??? Oh that has to be weird for AU Jaden who knows the tomb keepers.
Offta all of his friends are in coffins and he has 5 spears pointed at his throat.
“If it’s for my friends Tehran there is no doubt I’ll win.” “Buried alive? Then who will save my friends?” Jaden I love his selfless you are but please worry about yourself to.
“Good luck Jaden we are all rooting for you very very much” - banner. “Jaden!” - Syrus. “Come one Jaden save us.” - Chumley. While they are all tied up doing nothing. And so it begins. Jaden the savior. We shall sit back and not try to save ourselves and how Jaden wins a card game for our lives.
I do love Jaden mentally communicating with Winged Kuriboh.
Jaden why didn’t you attack? He only has a face down monster card on the field. Like you could have taken one monster out and then you wouldn’t have been attacked twice in the next turn. It would have only been once and bubble man would have blocked most of the damage.
Especially since this duel is real!
Au Jaden knows that this is so dangerous. He’s in the spirit world dueling with real damage with all his friends lives in the line
Way to give up on your student professor banner.
Episode 28
“Hey winged kuriboh you always have my back!” “He’s not a weakling he’s my very best friend.” Love the Kuriboh love
“I summon myself” ah our first duel against a duel spirit. It’s so wild how the person you’re fueling can just run over and attack you.
“Behold the power of the shadow game” Jaden falls to his knees “shadow games”
What a crazy moment for Au Jaden who grew up hearing of but never seeing or playing a shadow game. (Well he did earlier this season but still it’s a shock to the system every time.) He has to be freaking out. He knows how dangerous this is.
“You should have attacked faster.” I love that this implies that the monsters have control over how quickly the attacks land. (Which is the point she’s alive and doesn’t want Jaden to die.) but it’s funny hearing someone blame their monster. Plus Jaden’s “it’s not her fault you messed up!” Yes Jaden call him out
Jaden just got impaled and attacked by magic. He’s physically suffering. And he’s laughing. You maniac. He’s having a fun duel.
Way to find a loop hole Jaden. He can’t access card effects targeting the graveyard but not the monster effects of cards in the graveyard it’s also a great debut for Necroshade.
And to use the effect to get bladeedge out for the win.
The Chief is hurt after the match and Jaden was instantly concerned for him. Love Jaden complimenting all of them. I had a great time, you guys are great can I duel you again without my friends in a coffin?
Love Jaden getting half of a medallion and the foreshadowing of Atticus. (If only he won an on screen duel)
Not banner accidentally saying this was a test and no one buying his excuses.
Why does this school have so many entrances too the shadow games and spirit world? Seto I have some questions for you and so does Jaden. Like he’s feeling like a hero but also what is going on at this school?
Nlove Gravekeeper’s assailant protecting Jaden.
Syrus you weenie. You see a pretty girl that knows Jaden and “aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend.” Jaden - “get your own friends.” Thank you Jay. Syrus even had the nervous hand ringing going on.
I love that she has a crush on Atticus and Jaden recognizes it.
Winged Kuriboh leads the way to saftey. They can all see it. How does
Love that Jaden won’t leave Chunly behind!
Oh my goodness I forgot Des Koala spirit showed up. And to carry and injured Cumley to freedom!!! (Also Chumley yelling “I love running” as he’s being carried is such a real thing)
Question Alexis and Syrus just saw all these real duel spirits. They saw how they helped them. Why in later episode do they act like Jaden’s crazy for talking to his spirits? Specifically Syrus?
Yes the wake up outside of the ruins. But come on you know it wasn’t a dream, Jaden has the amulet.
Also I love the detail of Winged Kuriboh and Des Koala’s cards being out and next to their masters since their spirits were with them in the spirit world.
Episode 29
The shadow riders are here! It’s time for Nightshroud!
Love the reveal that he has the second half of the pendant right away.
Not Chazz roasting Jaden for being called to the principals office only to be called in as well.
And Crowler taking every opportunity to mock Jaden. And Jane turning it right back on Chazz!
Also why are the ‘best duelist’ at the school made up of 2 teachers (are there no other teachers, there should be more teachers) 1 senior and 4 freshman. Like at the 3rd and 2nd year classes just full of duds??
Jaden just found out about the Sacred Beast cards
“Our 7 best duelist!! Well really 5 best but I need 7.” Said directly to the Teachers!!!
Of course Jaden the first to grab one. (Followed by Zane, Bastion, Alexis, Chazz, a bragging Crowler, and Banner)
Love Alexis think Jaden is going to be a target because he’s a Slifer (she’s right)
Nightshroud does have a sick entrance, and a duel in a volcano
Of course Syrus and Chumley are bait again. At least Chumley offered to help.
Jaden- “it’s not my first shadow duel! I just hope this one doesn’t hurt”
Au Jaden is really debating calling in the professionals how freaked out do you think Au Jaden is by frighting Red eyes black dragon in a shadow duel? Like that is Uncle Joey’s card. It has always protected Jaden. He’s never been scared of Red Eyes until this moment.
But he’s also fueled against it a hundred times. So he knows what works and what doesn’t.
Except this guys has a deck built around Red Eyes. And he’s able to get over Jaden’s monster with a spell card to attack him directly. Jaden can feel the full power of Red eyes and it hurts. By the time the episode ends Jaden is struggling to stand and panting for breath. He’s really hurt
Also he’s what 14/15 and dueling for his friends lives and the world. No wonder he has anxiety by season 3
Also Alexis how have you not recognized those cards yet?
Episode 30
Okay Jaden finally gets a monster with equal points as Red eyes, takes it out and goes for direct damage with Burstintrix.
Jaden asking him why he’s not acting like he’s hurt is honestly funny.
Way to get extra cards in your hands Jaden.
Jaden refusing to lose even though he’s been hit again and is almost brought to his knees.
He gets a good hit in and finally get his moment to flinch in pain.
He’s got so many Red eyes cards.
4,500 is crazy in early Yugioh. Plus Red eyes eternally dark fire has such a sick design.
Everyone else recognizing something is wrong except Crowler is amazing.
Jaden just took two heavy hits and collapsed. Love Alexis offer to take over the duel and he gets her soul if she wins or loses. I love the attitude. But maybe actually do it rather than continue standing to the side while Jaden gets back up and keeps going.
Great win Jaden.
But home boy just passed out from damage.
Atticus is back!!
I was thinking about giving Alexis or Zane this duel but the trauma of Jaden having to stare down Red Eyes and fight for his life.
Also Joey’s reaction to Jaden telling them about how he fought a red eyes deck that tried to kill him. Maybe he missed his check in call because of the damage caused. When he finally does call home they can instantly tell he’s hurt and they are all freaking out. More shadow games?? What is this the fourth one?
Maybe Jaden’s been keeping them a secret until now as they were one off events but now he can’t hide them any more.
Or maybe he has told them but said he could handle it as they were one off events. Not they are definitely not. There are seven duelist coming for Jaden and his friends’s souls.
And how does Joey handle one of his favorite cars being responsible for the banged up condition Jaden is in.
Episode 31
Camula stop spying on peoples cards and why are you stalking the 17 year old.
Why are both teachers cowards?
I love seeing Crowler in action as a good guy.
Crowler how did you just figure out that the fuel was real.
“I won’t let you let you lay a finger on MY students. I am the leading professor at the most prestigious duel academy in the world and if you want to get to my pupils you’re going back o have to go through yours truely.” Yes!!! This is the Crowler I want barely able to stand and protecting his students until the end.
“If you want help with your strategy feel free to drop by my class.” We love the confidence.
I love that he’s getting his bit kicked and the kids want to step in but Crowler keeps telling them to stay out. He’s protecting them.
And when everyone else is doubting him Jaden arrives (being supported by Syrus). And he embodies Aunt Téa as he tells him he can win this. That he can come back and get his game on.
I believe this is the moment that Crowler starts to respect Jaden
Not Camula admitting to spying on everyone.
Crowler using his last moments to encourage his student. And then when he loses “avenge me Jaden my boy.” Like Zane right there but he doesn’t ask him because Crowler knows deep down who’s going to win this.
Oh doll crowler is way creepier than I remember. And Jaden becoming furious when she tries it to the browned only to be held back by Zane. Because he knows Jaden is still really hurt form dueling Atticus
What a great episode.
Episode 32
I love that Jaden is still healing, and Chazz holding the Crowler doll.
Chazz stepping up to duel in Jaden’s place because Jaden is still hurt.
Zane leaving to handle the problem. When Syrus chases after him he gives his little brother such a fond look. I like that you can tell just how much Zane cares for his brother even if he’s bad at showing it.
Chazz not only has the crowler doll with him but his obelisk uniform hung up ready to reclaim his place. You sentimental boy
Love Ojama yellow figuring out Crowler is alive in the doll
Chumley carrying Jaden!!! I love this boy
Zane just rushed his duel. And Syrus caught it. Amazing growth. But Zane didn’t misplay he had a back up planned. What a great way to show Syrus’s growth while also uplifting Zane’s duelist skills.
She’s going to sacrifice Syrus’s soul if she loses. I love how distraught Zane is about it. He could absolutely win but he won’t because his brother is more important to him than the world. What a Kaiba move of you Zane.
Syrus “Sacrifice me it’s okay?” Like I hate how little you think of yourself?
And after that impassioned bleach Zane tells him he loves him and stands down.
Doll Zane!!
Can I have season 1 Syrus in season 3??? Like give him some more confidence.
They also animated the kid having a panic attack that’s wild.
Jaden swearing to beat her when he can’t even stand.
Okay I get he’s determined to duel but like Chazz, Alexis, and Bastian are all in way better shape than he is. Why is he the one dueling? Like I get Zane was the best but pull your weight guys.
Episode 33
Um Seto you need to check in on your school. The head master is talking to the head to the shadow riders
I love Atticus waking up just enough to give Alexis an idea
Syrus and Chumley trying to make Banner carry his weight. (He is the only remaining adult) and Chazz and Bastion ready to roll.
Alexis what do you mean you brought the ‘Calvary’ that’s just Jaden and he should be resting!! I get that Jaden is the ‘only one with a shadow charm’ but please he’s on shaky legs.
Jaden starts out strong but Camila is already trying to sacrifice everyone. If that dumb shadow charm hadn’t kicked in they would all be dead.
Offta Jaden just had tempest turned against him. But he got it back pretty fast.
Chazz why is your professor in your pocket???
Jaden did you forget that she admitted to spying on y’all with her bats already?
Jaden you are barely hanging on. The Chazz even says it. “How did we let him do this?”
We just got some crazy vampire lore for the world of Yugioh!!! What?? I forgot all about this. She’s the last vampire in the world?? This is crazy.
Did she just accuse Jaden of Chesting because she didn’t see his card when she was cheating?
Also Jaden I love you. “I didn’t even sneak it in. I just figured since you were all about the shadows I should bring something light.”
She just got dusted!!!
Zane’s back and Crowler. He just appeared out of Chazz’s project.
Au Jaden has to be going through it. Because at first he had to make a decision. To call dad or to not call dad. He has told them about the one off duel with Jinzo (the first shadow game against a duel spirit) and the duel with Titan (the guy with a fake Millennium puzzle, it started as a fake shadow game but then became real)
And his family has been so worried each time he brought one up. That fake Millennium Puzzle really ticked them all off. He knows how worried they are.
And then he goes to another dimension and duels the tomb keepers and isn’t that weird, and earns his own half of a shadow charm. Does he call Yugi? This is his third Shadow game and this time it took him to a different realm. But his dad and his friends have already fought for the world. They don’t need to do it again. It’s Jaden’s turn to protect them.
On the next call with Yugi he doesnt tell him about the shadow game and the tomb keepers. Yugi notices the new necklace but Jaden just tells him he won it in a duel.
Later when Nightshroud and duels Jaden the duel is much the same. Jaden passes out from pain and exhaustion and sleeps for a few days.
In those few days he misses a call with Yugi. Yugi is trying not to panic. Jaden hasn’t missed a call yet but he can be forgetful. Maybe he got caught up in a duel and forgot to call. But as the days stretch on Yugi gets more and more worried. He doesn’t want to over react and go to the school, but it’s not like Jaden to ignore his messages. Seto looks up the attendance record. Jaden hasn’t been going to class, but he’s listed as clinic. Why is Jaden staying in the clinic????
They are in full freak out mode when Jaden finally calls them. Yugi answers the video call in a panic. Jaden is sitting up in a bed in the clinic and he’s obviously hurting. He looked exhausted and is slumped over and in obvious pain. Yugi freaks out “what happened!”
And Jaden can’t hide it. So he tells them about his duel with the tomb keepers that got him his pendant. The keys and the Sacred Beast. And the Shadow Riders. Jaden tells them about the duel with Nightshroud. How it was a shadow game. His 4th shadow game. (4 shadow games to many in Atem’s opinion) it’s been days and Jaden still hasn’t recovered. His hands are shaking on the call and his eyes are drooping as he fights sleep to talk to them.
Yugi’s ready to go. Normally he’s the one telling Seto and Arem to wait but that’s his baby boy trembling and barely able to sit up. But Jaden argues that they (he and his friends) can do this.
Seto asks the winning question “who is we?” When Jaden tells them it’s 4 1st years 1 3rd year and 2 Teachers Seto is ready to fire everyone at the school. Who put these children in charge of keeping the world safe? What adult did this? “Well be there in 2 hours”
“No! This is my fight. We can do this I promise.” -Jaden
“Jaden you can barely sit up. We’re coming.” - Seto
“It’s not just me. The others are great duelist. Look I promise I’ll call you if things start to get out of hand. But right now Trust me.” - Jaden
And Yugi hates it. Hates remembering being the kids responsible for saving the world, why is that his son’s job now? But he can see how much this means to Jaden. And arguing with him is just making the situation worse. He can see the strain and stress this is putting the boy under.
“Stop both of you.” He stops his husband and son from arguing. “Here’s how we are going to play this. Jaden the moment you feel you can’t handle it, even for a second, you call us. We will handle it. But until then Seto is going to send you a vital band.” They used them to monitor vitals of people when they do research of virtual worlds or dimensional traveling. “You are going to wear it the whole time. If you’re vitals ever drop passed what WE determine as safe, we are coming no arguments.”
Seto wants to keep arguing that they go now but he understands Yugi’s compromise. They had several long talks after Jaden’s first and second shadow game. About how unfair this was, how they wanted to protect him, but he was growing up. They couldn’t shield him forever. He was the son of the King of Games and Seto Kaiba, Nephew to Atem the pharaoh who defeated Zorc. His life was always going to be dangerous once people found out.
At least he was somewhere with at least 2 competent adults (ha they don’t know it’s Crowler and Banner) and several friends to help. He’s not alone (he’s going to do most of the work but they don’t know that now) and they can get to him in a matter of hours if need be. Jaden is strong. He’s hurt right now and that is being out every single one of Yugi’s dad instincts right now but he trust Jaden to know his limits.
“Thanks for believing in me Dad.” Jaden’s smile almost makes it worth it.
Either Jaden will handle this with his friends of Yugi will step in. They are keeping the plane on standby just in case.
Camula starts causing problems literally the next night. And as Jaden watches his teacher fall and he’s to week to stand he wonders if maybe he is in over his head. Then Zane goes down and he’s about to call home when Atticus wakes up and is like “no you need a shadow charm” and now Jaden knows he can’t call them. If he does then what happened to Dr. Crowler and Zane will happen to his family! No he can do this. He can win back his friends souls, save the world and keep his family safe.
After his duel with Camula Jaden does get a call from Yugi because his vitals were acting weird. Not the agreed upon low numbers but still weird enough to check in (Yugi is looking for excuses at this point to check in on his boy.) Jaden tells him about Camula (there’s no point in keeping secrets) and Yugi is stressed but he’s trying not to show it because he can see the anxiety rolling off of Jaden. Maybe it’s time to visit any ways…..
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dutchessofcaladan · 3 months
Ghostbusters: Soul Resurgence
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5! I'm back! Dan Aykroyd's birthday has revived my love for Ghostbusters so I decided it would be good continue this fic. As always, hope you guys enjoy and a big thank you to @phantomoftheparadise0002 for beta-reading this!
Summary: When the spirit of Sumerian sorceress Ahassunu, daughter of Vigo, possesses Alexis, the Ghostbusters must band together to determine the fate of the world
Translation for Sumerian: Seh...wam ana su.
You...care for her.
Arammu...inu ina naru mita summ daku lam sasm...ma asru.
Love...is the little death that kills us slowly...and painfully.
“So, you're telling me that you want me to basically scrap the PSD entirely in favor of building a canon to spray a psychoreactive slime that you guys collected from under the streets of New York back in 1989 after we give it a positive charge by playing Jackie Wilson?” Lars asked, attempting to understand the plan Ray had just explained to him.
“Yes.” Ray nodded.
“I love it.” The younger man smiled, clasping his hands together. “We'll get straight to work.”
After a few days, the canons were ready. Meeting at the Firehouse, Ray explained the rest of the plan.
“We'll use these the same way we did on Vigo. With enough luck, this stuff will separate the spirit from Alex.”
“How do we know this stuff is even going to work?” Phoebe questioned. “So far, there hasn't been any indication of a link between this spirit and Vigo.”
“All we can do is hope, my dear.” Ray responded.
“Ma me nekel, ma su petu inu sessu kunkkum, ma annitu, rabum girabum. Ma ina utu emu salmu kima labasu, ma ina nanna emu kima saleme. Ma ina tamtu samsum isatum ma ina elenu maqatu.”
As the ritual finished, Alex groaned, hearing the siren of the Ecto-1 echo down the street. Turning as the door slammed shut, she smirked at Ray.
“Raymond.” She sighed, her voice distorted.
Ray nodded.
“Alka.” She commanded.
Following her command, he was soon face to face with her.
Smiling devilishly, she lifted a finger, tracing his hairline, the shape of his ear, ending by lifting his chin to look directly into his eyes.
“Seh…wam ana su.” She whispered, slowly dragging her hand down his neck, over his shoulder, placing it over his heart, which was beating rapidly.
The rest of the Ghostbusters waited on baited breath, slime cannons at the ready.
“Arammu…inu ina naru mita summ daku lam sasm…ma asru.”
Ray lurched forward, tears springing to his eyes, feeling his heart begin to be torn from his chest.
“Now!” Winston shouted, slime shooting from each of the canons.
Alex's unconscious form fell into Ray's arms, which instantly pulled her close, as the spirit flew away, shouting “Mitu ma daltu. Adannu ma imow. An ase seru!”
“You guys alright?” Winston asked, panicked, as he jogged over to where Ray and Alex had fallen, closely followed by the rest of the team.
Ray nodded. “Yeah. We're fine.” He moved some of Alex's slime covered hair out of her face as she began to stir.
“You sure? You look terrified.”
Ray locked his gaze with Winston's, his face dead serious.
“That phrase the spirit said as it flew away. ‘Mitu ma daltu. Adannu ma imow. An ase seru.’ In English it means ‘Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back.’”
“That's what Vigo said just before his head died.” Winston grimaced.
“‘Before his head died?’ I feel like I'm missing something here.” Gary's eyes darted between Ray and Winston.
“Vigo the Carpathian was massacred before he died. He was poisoned, shot, stabbed, hung, stretched, disemboweled, and then drawn and quartered. That apparition was covered in runes and had black eyes. The fact that it quoted Vigo just before it left means there's a high probability that we're dealing with the spirit of his daughter, Ahassunu.”
“Ahassunu?” Callie questioned.
Ray nodded, taking a deep breath and holding Alex tighter. “A woman who nearly killed half of Carpathia when she took the throne who has now risen from the dead to reclaim that throne…and will stop at nothing to get it.”
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veiledfox · 4 months
The Summoning Incident
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"Thanks again, Alexis. Your hands always work wonders with the little knots here and there that refuse to go away even with my Magicks." Words of gratitude spoken by the Kitsune who, just after having left a small two-floor building, had turned to speak to the owner who still stood within. The individual in question being a taller man, rather built, plenty muscular. His hair dark, long disheveled, and rounded glasses sitting on his nose.
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"You're quite welcome, as always, Ky'." He speaks, his voice surprisingly soft for how he looks. " 'Member ta try and focus them Magicks if ya want ta try 'n' lessen how often them knots form. Ya should be able ta reduce the frequency as long as ya pin-point your healin' stuff."
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"I still have to work on getting better fine control of my Magicks to do that kind of stuff. It's something I've been meaning to work on for a while now, in all honesty. Though I have visited a Realm that I feel might help me with that if I spend more time in it so I can adapt."
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"Y'know, the whole Realm travelin' thing sounds pretty great. Especially wit' the whole adaptin' stuff. Could make a lot o' the Elvish freak outta their minds if they learned o' it." The comment earning some laughter from both of them. "Ya know, I can recall one Elven Man that visited one time, fella was so stiff 'n' sore that their ol' way-"
A deafening crack of thunder ruptures the air throughout the entirety of the city. The clouds in the sky above gather, darken, grow thick and block out the light of the sun that would normally be present at this time in the early afternoon. Sickly green-yellow light filling the sky below the cloud layer from a single, focused, tiny orb of energy.
The orb then begins to spread, stretching and curving as it begins to change it's form into that of a Magic Circle. Shapes, symbols, runes, and ancient text making up it's components, each section brightening further as it finishes taking form. Once the circle was finished, however, parts of it began to reach up and down from the flat origin to begin forming a second. Then a third and forth in diagonals following shortly after.
In a mere minute, a orb of Magic Circles had formed within the sky, and with it's completion the light it emitted would flare. The energy being emittted outward from the circuit, after a second, starting to be sucked inward toward the center. Coalescing, it compacts down further and further before it's color begins to change. From the sickly green-yellow, to a menacing black, as light becomes solid matter.
A tiny black orb that rapidly began to expand and mold itself into a proper shape. Torso, quadruped legs, a neck with a head, large wings, and a long tail. Draconic in it's form, though not of a regional Dragon, no it was foreign to the country and it's legends. Yet... it wasn't complete?
One wing was only partially formed by the time the beast was awakening, while the other was left a stump. A section of the flesh and scale on the side of it's face was missing entirely, exposing the skull and teeth beneath. It's right foreleg missing it's foot entirely, and the flesh receeded leaving a spike of bone in it's place. Ribs visible through a missing chunk of flesh in it's torso, and half it's tail nothing more than the bones that formed it's core. Threads of sinew and scales clinging to flesh hanging from it where the body showed damage or decay.
Screams can already be heard from throughout Tokyo, even before the Draconic creature lets out a blood-curdling shrill roar. It's one mostly present wing spreading wide, head rearing back, tail swinging. Another Magic Circle beginning to form before it's maw as it's roar dies down and, instead, it begins to let loose a foul screech that makes ears ring.
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Alexis, by now, had pulled his glasses from his face as his eyes are cast up to the fiend in the skies. He, like many of the others in the street of this small Mythos district, was stunned to see such a bold and vile display of Magic be used in such a scale. "A-... An Undead Dragon?" He stutters out in disbelief. "Who in their right mind would-"
Before he can even finish, there's a rush of wind bursting out in front of him. Kyuushi, in a blaze of blue flame, launching herself into the sky with all her might. Her true form on full display, she was already readying to respond to this abrupt threat that had been called forth. Another wave of energy enveloping her form, though unlike before it was now a bright pale light.
The light fading away, she was left dressed in a whole different set of clothing. A deep, dark blue tailcoat with similar dark metal plating, silver accents, tight, thick leather pants, gauntlets and greeves both midnight blue, and an infinity scarf dotted with stars around her neck. A polearm across her back with a single naginata-like blade, a ring below it with multiple smaller rings clinking together before the shaft of the weapon. A weapon which she swiftly draws from her back readying it in hand.
She was approaching the Beast rapidly thanks to Draconic speed of her own, a streak of red surging into the sky to all those whose eyes were on the summoned Creature. All the while the magic circle in front of the Dragon's maw had been growing. Expanding beyond the confines of it's maw, adding more rings, becoming more and more intricate, brightening in the same sickly green as that which summoned it. Whatever it was preparing was surely something strong.
Before could be unleashed, however, a harsh impact would send it's head reeling, causing the circle to shatter and fade. Kyuushi, with her weapon now stabbed into the eye of the beast just above the exposed portion of skull, with her feet planted against the side of it's head. Riding it as it flails in pain with another loud, ear-ringing screech that makes her Feral ears fold back against her head instinctually.
In the same moment, her tails speed into action, curling and stiffening before they jab into the area around her on the Dragon's face. Scales which were surely meant to be stiff, natural armor, were unnaturally soft and easily pierced. The flesh below feeling slimy, thick. It truly was an Undead being, that much was for certain now.
The beast recovering, it growls in anger at the assailant clinging to it. Lifting it's leg to try and swipe at her, though with the mere bone stump it was it couldn't reach. Having to resort to wildly, roughly, swinging it's head to fling the Kitsune off.
For something undead, it was still so physically strong that despite how anchored she was, Kyuushi found herself slipping free. Sent hurtling through the air away from the Monstrosity and into a downward arc to Tokyo below. Having to twist her body, swing her tails in the right way to correct herself and regain control.
Flipping herself, she catches on blue embers beneath her feet, some distance already between herself and the Beast, she orients and returns her gaze to it in seconds. Just in time to catch it's gaze locked onto her, maw agape, a smaller and simpler magic circle forming between it's jaws. She only has seconds to react as the circle completes, collapsing into a projectile that launches towards her.
Another wave of pale light around her body, and her clothing changes again. This time into a full Domaru suit of armor of black and gold with a long Haori of blue that matched the blue of her Oni features. Polearm replaced with a one-handed, multi-pronged blade, a shield set on her opposite arm which is brought forward.
An explosion errupts, lighting the darkened sky with more sickly green and a bright flash of white, earning countless screams of terror. Kyuushi breathes in relief, having been able to block the attack just in time. Combined with the protective capabilities she had adopted in this moment as a Paladin, she was left mostly unharmed, though her arm stung from the impact.
She would have to push through that pain, that much was clear as she peered past the edge of her shield to see another shot being prepped. Launching herself toward the beast again, she meets this blast half-way, piercing through the energy and smoke from it's explosion shield-first to slam into the Dragon again.
It was ready for her this time, flapping what little remained of her wings to raise and twist itself to catch her with the core of it's body. Grabbing onto the Kitsune with it's one remaining frontal claw, earning a groan from her, it begins to squeeze as it lifts her before it's face. Another circle quickly taking hold, she acts quickly. Letting go of her blade to will her Magicks to catch it, launching it up into the Dragon's jaw from below.
The impact and piercing pain making it's mouth close some, interrupting the charging attack with another screech. It's grasp loosening but for a few short seconds, which was more than enough time for her. Tails and arms pushing with all her might, now that the grip was more relaxed, easily opened it to grant her freedom. Leaping for her blade to take hold and, with all her might, force it along the Dragon's jaw toward it's throat.
It's screeching only becomes more gruesome and distorted as it's mouth is cut open from below, it's blood thick and black pouring down it's dark scales bubbles in the open air and steams. In it's pained reflexes, it's bone stump swings toward Kyuushi without proper aim, but an undeniable intent to stab into her body. It's too fast for her to withdraw her blade and turn herself to be able to block it with her shield.
Instead, she lets go of her blade, swiftly swapping the shield to her other arm to be able to just barely bring it between herself and the spike of bone in time. The impact still being strong enough that it would've sent her flying, had she not reached to grab onto her blade again with her now free left hand. Still flying back, though she catches almost instantly on the blade as the bone continues past beneath her.
The force of it is enough to make the blade split the decayed flesh and slip free, causing her to fall onto the bone where she catches herself. Only given seconds before she senses the claw swinging at her again, pushing and kicking off from the spike into the air to avoid it this time. Though the finds herself being struck by the Beast's head next from above before she could do aught else.
Hurtling downward, spinning wildly with the force of the strike, her body stinging as it had struck along the spine. It was undoubtedly thanks to the added self-sustaining strengths of her Paladinic power that kept it from dealing it's full damage. Already feeling warmth surge through her body as natural healing Magicks engage subconsciously, instinctively, to repair damage that was suffered.
In a blaze of Foxfire that swirls and spins wildly from her in the air, two vast Draconic wings of deep red scales spring out from her. Spreading wide, they catch the wind, stabilizing her and sending her soaring through the air at speed from the momentum. Able to orient again, even amid the pain that surges along her back as the powerful wings flap, she turns her eyes skyward again.
The undead Beast is mobile now, angered at her interference and assault, it's wings' stubs shift as if meaning to flap had the proper appendages been present. Angling it's large, deformed body into a downward path to chase after Kyuushi. All the while letting out another roar, though this time it sounds horribly distorted from the damage she had already dealt.
Loud, shaking the very air throughout the vast city, gurgling from blood and softened rotted flesh, raspy with the disturbed flow of air. Utterly vile, compared to a proper bellowing roar of a Dragon in it's prime. This summoned thing was truly a disgrace against nature and the proud being that it may have once been in the past.
Kyuushi hated it, hated whoever dared to defile the history that this animated corpse once hosted, hated whoever dared to summon this thing with the intent of destruction and chaos. Her hatred causing something within to call to her, to tickle at the back of her mind wishing to be brought forth and utilized. Though she knew how to properly utilize it without being controlled by it, and would take that powerful emotion and use it to fuel herself in pursuit of erasing this abomination.
Already powerful flaps of her summoned Draconic wings were made stronger as she recalled the teachings from her inner self. Her time in Etheirys, in Ishgard, feeling that familiar supportive touch at her shoulder. Soaring past the tops of various skyscrapers, checking back to see the summoned Beast still tailing her with the remaining skin around it's maw pulled back in a snarl. It's remaining eye, as empty of life as it was, burning with anger towards her.
It's maw opening, the circle that takes form needs only a mere second before the blast it conjures is launched at her. Twisting her body to incercept with her shield, another explosion, this time catching parts of her vast wings as they had to curl around her to keep from slowing her movement too much.
Wincing at the pain, a glance at the wings reveals to her the true power of it's attacks. The scales and flesh of her conjured appendages beginning to burn, to melt and peel away revealing more and more of whatever layer is beneath. Either due to the speed of the cast resulting in it's power being low, or because she had blocked the majority of it, the decay was thankfully brief and minimal. Clearing scales and reaching to the flesh beneath to burn it's surface layer away at most in the spots that caught the necrotic energy.
Still, knowing now what it's attacks could cause only served to enforce her drive to eliminate the threat. Mind racing to think of a way to truly erase the undead being, knowing full well her Magicks would not be enough, as she turns forward again and starts to ascend. Scanning through knowledge of her various adaptations to other Realms to try and pin down something that would suffice.
Initial thought was she could draw it to the Shrine Lands, the remaining portion of her Ancestor's spirit erased any and all threats. No, it would draw too much direction toward her home, it had to be kept hidden and safe. Fire... no, the potential of toxins spreading can't be risked. Ice, temporary stop gap. The Rot Fox's flames... no, it was already undead, decayed. Holy ma-
Teeth, pressure, piercing and crushing pain, she could feel a fang piercing through her side just above her right hip. Crying out, she twists her body as much as she could without making the injury worse, turning her gaze to find the Beast's maw clamped onto her, and it's remaining eye glaring at her with as much anger as a dead beast could.
Pale green light starting to emit from within it's maw sent adrenaline surging through Kyuushi's body. In a split second she willed another switch, her more protective gear being swapped out for sleeker, lighter black cloth with fur lined gauntlets and greaves on her forearms and the lower half of her legs. Grabbing at the Beast's jaw through gaps still present as she adjusts her breathing pattern.
The circulation of her blood adjusting, oxygen being fed into her muscles at rapid pace as she practically rips the Fiend's jaw open. Forcing the fang out from her in the process, she utilizes her tails to help pull herself to the side of it's mouth just as a beam of the corrosive energy shot past her into the sky above. The sustained stream of energy continuing for a few seconds as the Creature's eye turned to look at the Kitsune and narrowed at her.
Streak of green fading, the Dragon attempts bitting at it's foe again, finding itself unable to succeed as she climbs up atop it's snout, meeting it's hateful gaze directly. Reaching a hand back and clenching it tight, with an enraged roar her blue-tone fist is brught crashing down against the space between it's eyes. A gross squish and a loud crack resounding as it's head dents, more of it's rotten flesh expelled from the stabbed left eye.
A piercing shriek bursts from the Monstrosity as it whips it's head about trying to fling her off. Kyuushi holds on, even through it's efforts to toss her off. Tails firming and stabbing into it's flesh to help anchoring her. Drawing her arm back again, this time to ready her claws and drive them in the same space where she had pummeled just before. It almost made her sick, feeling the soft and slimy flesh under brittle scales, but she pushes the displeasure aside.
Twisting her arm, she grabs at the skull toward it's left eye, gripping tight and starting to pull at it, with all her might. Creaking, more distorted wailing from the Summoned beast, rougher and wilder swinging of it's head, her side stinging in pain as she exerts herself, wind starting to rush and the cityscape below closing in fast. She does her best to keep the effort up, but not to completely tear anything away. No, she had to keep it absorbed in the pain, make sure it crashes to the ground.
Crash it would, a loud thump and asphalt cracking and breaking in the impact, earning another roar from the Beast. It swings it's head, slamming it against the ground to jostle the Kitsune, which does succeed in causing her to lose her grip on it's snout, and with the added slippery textures within the decayed flesh her hand within it would slip free too. Twisting it's body and using the momentum to fling it's head as hard as it could, she's flung free from it's head straight for a building nearby.
Kyuushi twists herself, even among her pain, readying to catch herself before the wall with her Magicks. With the speed, she could only manage to do so mere inches from a glass window, the sheer force causing a shockwave that makes it, and the others around her, shatter to rain glass down to the ground. For a split second she could swear she heard a scream nearby, but it wasn't the time to focus on such.
Another swift change, both a burst of Foxfire to dispell the wings and a flash of light into a blue Haori with decorative embroidery and accents and black cloth pants. Though most importantly a long Odachi blade in hand. One which she readies quickly, seeing the Beast starting to right itself and try to stand again. Launching herself with all her might at the Dragon, knocking it over and down onto the ground again piercing through it's body with her blade.
One last change, light enveloping and fading as she stands. Donned in long, grand, flowing white robes with black and silver accents. A staff with a golden flower at it's top and Jade crystal within, she brings it in front of herself and concentrates. Drawing her Mana together, feeding it to the Jade crystal of her staff, then raising it high as an outward burst of bright light surges with a high whine from the Jade.
The energy striking across the entirety of the Monstrosity's form, it cries out again as it's body instantly begins to hiss in reaction to the Holy Magic. Crying out one last time, though it quickly grows strained, then silent, the body dropping limp and beginning to turn to dust that dissipates shortly after being caught by the winds.
Instantly, the discomfort and pain still surging through her body caught up as the adrenaline began to fade. Groaning as she steps back, her foot briefly slipping to find she was at the base of it's neck. Her brief loss of balance making her tilt, spinning on her heel to make a small hop off the corpse to the broken street below. Impact sending a surge of pain through her body as it causes her side to strain.
Bringing her staff forward, she grips it with both hands and leans against it. Breathing heavily, deeply, doing her best to let her body relax and to focus her Healing Magicks onto tending to her wound as much as possible. Only to finally hear a voice filter into her hearing, as the rushing of her blood and pounding of her heart began to calm. Drawing her gaze out, she realizes she's in Shibuya Crossing.
The voice registers again, her ears flicking in it's direction before her gaze turns to find it. A reporter Woman and her Cameraman at one of the subway entrances, filming her, describing her appearance. Panic quickly filling every fiber of her being, Kyuushi quickly puts up an illusion to hide herself, changing back to her proper clothing and quickly moving to flee from the scene. Leaping up to the side of one building, then off it to another, another, until she was over the city and into the sky above.
Finally able to begin her return home, doing her best to be swift and, at the same time, tend to her wound. She had to get to the Shrine Lands as soon as she could... she couldn't risk being smitten by the Gods. Not now, not with all she had gained, all she had in process, all those she loved...
Yet... as her mind raced in her fear and wory, the question came screaming into her mind.
Why hadn't they struck yet...?
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potatowitch · 11 months
Companion!Alexis questions!
Where can your Tav be recruited? Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region? Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
Where can your Tav be recruited? Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region? Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
Alexis can be recruited in Act 1, near the ruined temple. If you approach from the top (near the dude standing by a crate), you'll find her crouched in some bushes. Speaking to her, you'll get a mind meld where you see through her eyes as she reaches towards an old leatherbound book covered in runes and starts to hear voices. Following confirmation that you're both tadpoled, she'll explain she was scoping the temple out for supplies and trying to decide whether it would be worth trying to speak to the other adventurers there or whether it would be easier to take them by surprise and kill them all.
If you approach from lower down, she'll either join you when you attack them, or she'll slide in while you're chatting to them and pretend that you're all best buddies and she's been part of the group all along - this is when you'll get the mind meld - and you can choose whether to go along with it or call her out for it.
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
"Normally I'd say one should buy me dinner before revealing those kind of thoughts to me, but considering our circumstances .... (sigh) look. We all have our problems. I won't judge you for it. Just try not to kill anyone useful ... or get caught, okay?"
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