#Alexandre diopside-Diamant
arty-e · 7 months
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Kingdom swap Lazuli and Alexandre as hearts
Diamond colours
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buttercup-draws44 · 4 years
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Cards characters in different time periods (the third one isn’t a couple jsyk)
In order
Lazuli Diamont and Alexandre Diopside-Diamant (early 1870s)
Dylan Espadas and Coral Espadas-Morphew (1950s)
Sakura and Clover Meihua (1890s)
Alvis Wilson-Cor and Mahira Cor (late WW1 era (1917-1918-ish))
Elizabeth Solorio and Camilla Ennis (1830s)
Mercury Cor and Cyan Espadas (1880s)
Iris Espadas-Romero and Matilda Espadas (1901-1902)
Characters by @arty-e
Bonus pic
Someone on the cards server asked me to redraw this pic with Camilla and Elizabeth, so I did.
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thesoulbonder · 3 years
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Queenly Date
Hey peeps!
More Cards ship art!
I don’t care how problematic Lazuli is with her starting the whole Deck War, because just look!! She has a pretty wife! And they’re just so fricking cute!
Oh to be a lesbian couple…
Cards belongs to @arty-e
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arty-e · 8 months
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Lesbians in chemise
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arty-e · 8 months
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Diamonds royal portrait
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arty-e · 2 years
I LOVED today’s update - Ahh!! Now, my question is how would you describe Lazuli’s (and Alexandrite’s, I suppose) relationship with Sphene? Are they distant or are they close? Do they really consider each other family or are they more formal about that?
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed!
Simply put; it’s complicated
Alexandre and Sphene get on very well, both like to party and gossip so they’re besties pretty much. But lazuli is pretty cold towards her. She knows Rubis and Sphene’s marriage was designed as a punishment for Rubis by their parents and also knows Sphene is power hungry. She keeps her at arms length while Sphene is constantly trying to be in her favour.
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arty-e · 4 years
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For valentines I drew the cards monarchs and their spouses from gen 1. I was thinking of doing for something for six the kids but let’s be honest.... they aren’t the most romantic bunch
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thesoulbonder · 3 years
🔶Diamonds Royal Family🔶 (Part 1)
Hey peeps!
Here’s the Diamant Family for you guys!
Just a reminder: These characters belong to @arty-e ! They’re from her amazing series: Cards! Please go and check out her posts on that, since Cards is like... just so cool. Please. Go look.
But here’s the shiny people!
Opal Diamant XXI, Cobalt Diamant,
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Jasper Diamant,
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Jade Diamant, Onyx Kvarts,
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Opal Diamant XXII, Marlon Diamant,
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Lazuli Diamant, Alexandre Diopside-Diamant
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Continued in Part 2!
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buttercup-draws44 · 3 years
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More cards!!
Cards by @arty-e
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buttercup-draws44 · 4 years
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The five Cards kingdoms in playing cards.
Cards by @arty-e
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arty-e · 4 years
Lazuli’s Story
TW: Abuse, Eating Disorder + Death
Lazuli Diamant was the first child of Queen Opal XXII and King-Consort Marlon. She had been born a year before her grandmother’s death in a tragic fire in 11,489. Opal’s time was consumed with parties and her duties as King of Diamonds, she didn’t care for her daughter and left her well being to her husband and the nannies. Lazuli’s greatest joy and memories of her childhood was her little brother. She was a doting big sister to little Rubis, and Rubis loved his big sister just as much:
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It didn’t take Lazuli long and those around her to figure out she was gay. Really gay. Though being gay in Diamonds or Cards as whole isn’t considered a ‘negative’ thing it did leave Opal in a complicated situation. Before the current Diamond Royals ruled Diamonds there had been a previous family where the family line ended with no clear heiress and plunged Diamonds in decade long civil war. Opal was determined to keep her family line going at any cost for the sake of Diamonds and her own selfish desire to carry on her own families line:
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By the time Lazuli was 13 she had been tasked with shadowing her mother every where she went to start studying and learning what a King of Diamonds was meant to do. Her mother grew frustrated with her new shadow and would make Lazuli fully aware how unwelcome she was. Opal’s main issue with Lazuli was how plain she was. They lived in a society and ideology that beauty was the key to happiness and valued amongst their people above anything else. Yet the next King of Diamonds, the next queen was plain and simple in her looks and Opal took offence:
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Opal had never been a great mother to either of her children. As children she chose to ignore them and get on with her life, but as they got older and began to get under her feet she was outright cruel to them. Lazuli knowing she had to be around her constantly would choose her battles and try to keep her head down, while Rubis was far more confrontational despite his father’s best efforts to encourage him to keep away and keep quiet. Rubis’ fights with their mother would only start when she took it too far with Lazuli and this often lead to his life being even more restricted and controlled by his parents as punishment:
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Lazuli fully aware that her darling brother’s life was being controlled more fiercely each time he tried to stand up for her, began to keep quiet about everything their mother said and did. Soon Opal’s words quickly began to eat away at Lazuli’s very little amount of confidence, criticising everything about her; how plain she was to how she was an inconvenience when she was trying to learn from her. All of this combined with the stress of being a princess eventually accumulated into her eating disorder, anorexia:
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The Diamond Royal lifestyle wasn’t so bad however. Very hedonistic by nature, throwing balls and parties here and there had become almost an everyday norm. That’s where Lazuli met her, Alexandre Diopside, the third daughter of the Six of Diamonds. To Lazuli she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen and it was love at first sight for the both of them:
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Unfortunately for the two they faced a small bump in the road. Their fathers despised one another, something Marlon refused to talk about with Lazuli when she tried to question him about it. Marlon fought hard against Lazuli marrying Alexandre, however Lazuli went and sort her mothers permission instead. Opal’s indifference to the whole situation granted her permission not wanting to deal with such a ridiculous situation. Marlon had no choice but accept Alexandre as his daughter-in-law but never said a kind word to her father. Lazuli and Alexandre on the other hand were overjoyed:
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Alexandre had Lazuli move away from the Diamonds court to a beautiful estate that they owned together. There Alexandre held beautiful and fun parties and gave room for Lazuli to do what she wanted without her mother belittling her. Alexandre spent all her time building Lazuli’s confidence and making her feel loved and beautiful. Lazuli became obsessed with history and learnt from the past mistake and wished to change and evolve Diamonds when she’d become the next King of Diamonds . During this time Lazuli and Alexandre had serious discussions about their future and what they expect from each other and themselves. Lazuli made it very clearly she didn’t want children, too scared she’ll end up like her mother and felt that was no way a child should ever be treated. Alexandre was more than accepting of this but vowed whoever their future Heiress would be she would spoil her:
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Lazuli and Alexandre were called back to court after three years into their marriage to discuss their future to Lazuli’s parents. Lazuli, with her new found confidence, told her parents out right she would not be willing to have children, from birthing or adopting. However Opal’s fury scared her again as she grew loud and violent with her. Rubis heard the shouts and screams in Opal’s Study (where the ‘conversation’ was) to see Marlon and Alexandre trying their best to stop Opal from hurting Lazuli who was crying on the floor begging her mother to stop. Rubis ran in and punched his mother in the face stopping her from hurting his sister anymore:
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While Marlon helped his wife, Alexandre pulled Lazuli away with Rubis shielding the two from Opal who was angrier than before. She threatened to ruin Rubis life since she made it she can easily take it away. Marlon afraid she planned on having Rubis killed he jumped in suggesting that they marry Rubis to a powerful family and he his wife can produce Lazuli’s heirs for her. Opal accepts seeing that she will be carrying on her family line and stripping Rubis of his freedom. Marlon chooses Rubis’ new wife, Sphene Al’Naya the Eight of Diamonds. Lazuli is very upset that Rubis is being forced into a marriage he clearly never wanted because of her. Rubis was angry and frustrated and constantly fighting with his father who is angry with him for stepping out of place witch surprises and scares Rubis. Rubis is married to Sphene who practically owns his life now as he is her husband and thus her ‘property’. However he is pleasantly surprised to find that Sphene doesn’t care about what he does and is even willing to go against his mother and not have any children straight away but she makes it clear that she does want children and especially wants a child to rule Diamonds after Lazuli:
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Not too long after this incident Clubs stopped sending food to Diamonds, that went against the Mineral Treaty the two kingdoms had been signing for centuries. Opal tried several to contact the current King of Clubs, King Hyeon but he refused to even explain why he suddenly ended their treaty and agreement. With this sudden shortage of food the Diamonds people began to starve. Attempts to farm old land was met with little fruit. Diamonds land was so un-farmable little was able to be produce the little they were able to grow it was little and of poor quality that would not feed their people:
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Lazuli had come back to live in the Diamonds court during this time having a better understanding of Diamonds history and feeling she would be some use. However her mother would not listen to her and carried on as if a crisis was not happening. Opal and her court carried on living the lifestyle they lived before, in luxury and throwing extravagant balls whenever they want ignoring what is happening outside to the common people:
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Lazuli growing more and more frustrated with her mother and her little she and the others of their court cared about what was happening to their felt she had to take things to drastic levels. She started forging her mother’s signature on documents in order for things to be done and tried to push money away from the parties and the extravagant life their family and Nobles lived to help support the Common people. Hoover Opal quickly caught wind of what Lazuli was doing and ended it and kept Lazuli away from anything that she would try to change. Lazuli kept fighting and even tried to recruit her father and the other Nobles but no one was willing to change their lives for people they didn’t consider important enough to care about. With everything she was doing ending with nothing Lazuli finally accepted she had no choice but to get rid of her mother and become King of Diamonds in order to have Diamonds live through such difficult times. The two wandered the halls of the Diamonds palace before reaching a long and steep set of stairs where Lazuli pushed her mother:
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Lazuli cried to Rubis about what she did feeling she had no choice but to do it. Rubis was the only person to ever know the truth about their mother’s death, the rest of Diamonds, the rest of Cards believed it to be an accident with Opal tripping over her dress and falling to her death. He never condemned his sister actions and reassured her that it was the right thing:
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After Opal’s funeral Lazuli was officially crowned queen and the new King of Diamonds. She was quick to begin her reforms and heavily tax her nobles in order to fund and look after the Diamonds people. When Prince Eben and his wife came to her and diamonds looking for sanctuary she granted it and promised to support them to take down Hyeon as long as they promised to re-sign the Mineral Treaty and begin to feed Diamonds once again. Once all had settled in Diamonds again Lazuli set her final goal; to take fertile land to feed her people and not to rely so heavily on their allies. She started the Deck War in order to feed her people by trying to take land from Hearts:
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