#Alexandra Trevelyan
herald-divine-hell · 2 months
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I got bored and made Alexandra look like a Valyrian from ASOIAF
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elegeaic · 3 months
my two trevelyans are obviously very different but rooted in similar interpretations. the trevelyans are a repressive, controlling, deeply religious family that keeps all of their children on a tight leash in different ways.
alexandra is a golden, beloved child with all the burdens that entails: she's far enough down in the line of succession that she won't inherit her father's title and holdings, and most of her older siblings have already risen up the ranks of the templar order and the chantry that she isn't pressured to join either order. it takes her a while to realize that she is being controlled by her parents, she sides with the mages (mostly because hey, this business with alexius is shady and we can't leave it unchecked) and for the first time is made to feel her parents' disappointment and she begins to distance herself from them
nicolette is a mage and, while her family took advantage of this fact to have someone of influence in the ostwick circle, she has been made to feel like she needs to atone for this fact her entire life. like its her fault and she needs to do everything her parents bid her or she'll never be forgiven for it. she's well aware of their manipulation, but thinks if she bows to it she'll earn their love. she sides with the templars because of it and... firmly regrets that for the rest of her life. she only begins to really grow a spine once they reach skyhold, making it hard for her family to contact her and therefore control her and she has to make decisions on her own.
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plumbitch · 2 years
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Faces of the Dragon Age
Warden-Commander of the Grey Wardens of Ferelden, Madeleine Clarice Cousland (blue): “Only daughter of Teryn Bryce and Teryna Eleanor Cousland, she survived the brutal assault at Castle Cousland and found a place with the Grey Wardens at Ostagar. Alongside her commander, she aided in putting an end to the Fifth Blight and was awarded the honorary title of ‘Hero of Ferelden’ for her role. After the Blight, she became the Arlessa of Amaranthine in conjunction with serving as the second in command of the Grey Wardens of Ferelden. She eventually stepped down from her role as arlessa in order to take up full responsibilities as Warden-Commander of Ferelden’s Grey Wardens.”
The Champion of Kirkwall, Lydia Hawke (red): “The daughter of a noble woman and an apostate, Lady Hawke knew humble beginnings before the threat of the Blight fell upon her family and forced them to flee Ferelden. Despite it being the seat of Templar power in the east, family greeted the Hawkes in Kirkwall and it was in the tumultuous city that Lady Hawke made her name--first through a bond built between herself and Varric Tethras, then again when she emerged the victor in one-on-one combat against the Arishok of the Qun. Following the breakdown of Chantry power and the dissolution of the Circles, she was found again working with the Inquisition until she returned to Kirkwall.”
The Second Inquisitor, Helena Alexandra de Rochefort-Trevelyan (green): “The only daughter of Bann Regis Trevelyan and his late wife, Charlize, she is the younger of the twin children of the Trevelyan ruling family but was taken to the Circle at the age of ten. Among the survivors of the Ostwick Circle, she was chosen to attend the peace summit at the Conclave which was later destroyed, leaving her the sole survivor. She stayed with the Inquisition founded on the late divine’s order and eventually was chosen as the Second Inquisitor. Two years after the end of Corypheus and the final sealing of the Breach, she disbanded the Inquisition and lords over a small stead by the name of Perseverance with her husband.“
The Unknown (For Now), Lady Shehdri Ziani (purple): “The child of Magister Thraesus Obarin and Madame Adeya Djedan Ziani, she is the favored of his children. Her magic sources from both a powerful bloodline in Tevinter and that of a mother with deep connection to the roots of old magic born of Rivain, making her quite the attractive pick to take control of her father’s seat if only he would be forthcoming about which of his children he intends to place within it. The interests that she holds to her heart of the academic variety, save for the moments where they wander to the more boisterous and lively splendors of her hometown. She is not yet in the minds and faces of the greater public. Perhaps that will change soon...”
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pollyna · 3 years
AU: genderswap, pre-relationship.
Jemima Bond rarely has  an assignment in London, and even more rarely she finds herself wanting to carry them on. She has to take out her Quartermaster, on a bloody date Alexandra Jesus Christ!, and she really wants it to go well because it's been months and still she can't help but imagine what her lips would feel like when they will finally kiss and how soft Q's skin is going to be under her palms. (Or how she would feel sitting on her lap, her long legs around her waist, moaning Jemima's name while she f- but no, no, not the time. First thing first: she has to ask her out.)
But, more than anything else, the secret agent wants to learn the name of her Quartermaster's cats and what she likes to do in her free time, does she have any?, and if their first meeting at the National Gallery was an indication of her love for art and fine things in general or if Tanner had anything to do with it. Or maybe both? Bond isn't this great lover of art, but she knows enough to spend hours walking in and out of every museum in London without running out of interesting facts to share with her companion. And she is even willing, actually she wants to listen and learn, all she can of Q's work. The way that girl's mind work is art, and probably the only type that's never gonna stop to amaze her.
She wants, and this shouldn't be happening, not after Venice, not after watching his body going down in the water without having a chance to save him, to stay the morning after and, with a little luck, even the one after and the one after. She wants breakfast, lunch and all the embarrassing stories Q can tell her about her childhood and, she wants all that will come from it.
So now she just has to pass Q-Branch's doors and to ask Q out, maybe before Alexandra does it for her and before someone starts to think she needs another round with the psychologist because standing for fifteen minutes in the same spot isn't really a great sign that everything's okay.
(Q accepts her invitations and, a couple of weeks, once Q-Branch stops a bomb and 007 has to leave for Jakarta, Jemima learns how Q feels under her hands, and lips, but she learns too what type of tea she drinks for breakfast.)
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gaymingbinosaur · 3 years
@herald-divine-hell not the best thing I've ever written, I'm still struggling to learn how to write with adhd meds but I wrote something so that's an improvement
Valvin tried to focus but he was finding his mind wandering every second. Alexandra agreed to go to the museum with him to see the new astrology exhibit and he was quite excited to see it. But Alexandra came over and he was struggling to focus on the exhibits.
She showed up looking slightly more dressed up then usual. In a red sweater and black jeans giving him a smile that always makes his heart skip a beat when he opens the door.
And the entire trip Alexandra seemed to be more physically affectionate and while usually Valvin can handle physical contact to an extent, everytime Alex touched him his mind blanks and he looks like an idiot, and he doesn’t have the charms or looks to impress attractive people so his intelligence is all he has but obviously he doesn’t even have that. So when she decided to grab his arm to walk to the bus or lie her head against his shoulder during the bus ride, Valvin’s brain completely abandons him as Alexandra sits there as smart and beautiful as ever.
When they approached the main attraction of the exhibit, an old rusted booster from a rocket Alexandra wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head on his shoulder causing Valvin to freeze as he felt Alex’s body pressed against his.
“You okay Val? You hardly said a thing this whole trip. I thought you would be the one infodumping about space.”
“I’m fine.” Val said hoping his face isn’t as red as it feels. “Just distracted.”
“Oh?” Alex smirked,pulling away from him so she can stand between him and the railing separating them from the machinery. “Here I thought your focus would be unbreakable when we were three feet away from a rocket. What could distract you from rockets?”
Valvin tried to think of something he said that wouldn’t make him look like a bigger dumb ass but he was coming up blank as Alex wrapped her arms around his neck and started to play with his hair. “It’s nothing. College exams have me stressed, you know.”
Alex pouted as she pulled herself closer to him. “Oh it’s not me flirting with you that’s got you hot and bothered?”
“Wait, you were flirting with me? When?”
“Maker, Reyla is right. You are dense.”
“I’m not den” Valvin started before Alexandra gave him a quick peck on his nose making his brain abandon him once again.
“It’s okay. I find it cute.”
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noeldressari · 4 years
19, Eryn and Alex. :3
19. kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing
           Eryn took another sip from the drink at her side and leaned back against the roof she was sitting on. The vague memories that had crept up on her were growing more distant, chased away by the numbness brought by the alcohol and the beauty of the night. She took a deep breath and admired the stars above her. She was starting to feel less turbulent than before, and it was getting too cold to stay out here much longer. The wind frisked her clothes as she began the climb back down to the balcony leading back into her quarters.
           When she peeked her head back inside, she noticed Alexandra still up and working at her desk. The bedroom was dark except for the single candle burning at the desk, the brightness its flame mirroring the intensity in Alexandra's eyes. Eryn pressed her lips together irritably. She always did this, and seemed to pay the price for it every morning. The dark circles under her eyes didn't suit her well. Eryn preferred her healthy and rested, but the stubborn woman wouldn't listen to reason. Well, Eryn wasn't going to sit quietly and watch it happen again tonight.
           She carefully dropped back down onto the balcony, her feet making no sound against the concrete. She slowly creeped up behind Alexandra, holding her breath to not alert her. The only sound was the scratching of the pen as it rhythmically scribbled against the parchment. Then she wrapped her arms around her and kissed her on the cheek, smiling against her when she heard Alexandra's melodic giggling.
           "You should be sleeping, mon loup." Alexandra said as she turned her head briefly to return the kiss. Eryn was warmed to see her smile in place of that stern face and furrowed brows.
           "I could say the same for you." Eryn said nuzzling her neck. "Come join me?"
           Alexandra hummed contently and Eryn could see the slightest shades of light pink dusting her cheeks, "I will later, I just need to finish this." As Alexandra spoke, the pen began scribbling again.
           "It will still be there in the morning." Eryn kissed her again on her neck, her fingers slowly tracing her collarbone, not daring to go lower just yet. She was determined to stop that pens scribbling for the night.
           Alexandra took in a slight breath, which Eryn knew was a little gasp, "Twenty more minutes." Alexandra promised, "Patience, love."
           "I've heard that one before." Eryn murmured against her neck, "I'm sure the world won't spontaneously combust if you get some rest tonight. But even if you don't," Her teeth grazed her skin ever so slightly, just barely enough for her to notice. Eryn felt the woman quiver and saw her eyelids flutter. "I'm very patient, and I intend to wait all night if I have to."
           "No." Alexandra’s voice was firm, and the scribbling halted, "You go to bed and get some sleep, but I have to get this done tonight."
           "Well then..." Eryn whispered trailing more kisses up her jaw, "I guess neither one of us is getting any sleep tonight until that happens."
           Alexandra's head turned, and their eyes met. Eryn stared back into those entrancing green orbs, fighting the urge to crumble under their simmering gaze. Her own steel grey eyes were dark as a looming storm, crackling with an electric promise. Eryn bit her lip slightly, and tried to come up with something else just as witty to say, but nothing came. Then Alexandra pulled her into desperate kiss, and she was realized no more talk would be needed. The two did plenty of work together that night, and when their own personal work was done, they slept soundly. Eryn was all too happy to wear down the stress from Alexandra's shoulders, just as she was grateful to put down the crushing weight of the world in the pleasure of Alexandra's touch. Her presence alone was enough to take a load off her bones, her kisses her enough to lift her to the Maker's side. Although she would gladly prefer to be at Alexandra's side than the Maker's.
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herald-divine-hell · 4 months
Alexandra definitely has a period of crisis after losing her arm post-Trespasser
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herald-divine-hell · 5 months
Alexandra: *puts her hair up in a ponytail or bun*
Leliana, staring at Alex’s neck: Target acquired.
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herald-divine-hell · 6 months
What makes Alexandra and Corypheus so intriguing, to me at least, is how Alexandra could have quite easily become apart of Corypheus’ core inner circle. She had the anger and rage from the decade within the Circle of Magi, and the ambition—and dare say, arrogance—to promote a greater magical rule and authority in Thedas. Hell, a younger Alex, right when hostilities began with the Templars and Mages into full out conflict, might have easily convinced to join Corypheus in the hopes of antique magical teachings and artifacts, as well as revenge against institutional organizations such as the Chantry. Alexandra may play such tensions off when she’s in the Inquisition with smirks and suave but there is real anger and tension there that she holds back because of her desire to be something or someone of importance. She was a woman of desperation that the role of Herald and Inquisitor mitigated and transformed into a positive force.
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herald-divine-hell · 9 months
Forever thinking about Leliana fighting tooth and nail to have Amayian’s facial scars and Alexandra’s elvish ears be accurately depicted in official portraits.
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herald-divine-hell · 1 month
I notice you Alexandra, I notice you respectfully.
Knowing Alexandra, one may expect a disarming reply, such as "Not too respectfully, I pray." Or, "I better prime my mask then for our little game."
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herald-divine-hell · 2 months
In 9:41, the Herald of Andraste, Alexandra Caera Trevelyan, began to preach her new Chants to southern Thedas. With the crippling of Chantry authority due to the Mage Rebellion, Orlais' fall into civil war, and Divine Justinia V's assassination, many in Thedas turned to the Herald as their new guiding light, and held fast to her as Andraste's blessed daughter, even with the passing of the Mark.
"Praise be to Your Lord and His Bride, and Their Herald, who bears the Mark, and peace be unto the Believers, who bear witness. They ask of you [Alexandra], 'Surely our Maker would not send a mage, a child nearer to damnation. Surely, he would not send the blood of the murderer that slain His Bride.' Ah, that is but only their desires! Wise is your Lord, who would send a daughter, a daughter who is blood of the two Realms, of Andraste and ancient Elvhenan, of this world and the Unseen." Wise is your Lord, who bore witness to the death of His Chosen, and has arisen something greater, more precious, and has given to all Worlds [to all the people], a gentle Mercy, a fierce Reminder." - [The Disputation, 2:1-21]1
"O', you who Believe, when you come across one of the Elvhen, be of the Dalish or of the Alienage, greet them with Peace, and say onto them, 'Our Lady remembers the Blood of Shartan, and sends Her Love onto her Daughter and onto you. Truly, she [Alexandra] is among the Blood.' [or, truly she is a part of you; or, she is part of the Elves.] Forbidden are the Believers to drink the wine of injustice. When you were of the oppress and among the lost, did your Maker not sent Guidance? Ordained onto Our Herald verily is this: when you see oppression, slay it utterly, and cast it into the Flame, so not even it's ashes can be reborn anew. A covenant is granted, to the elves and Andraste's Daughter. Restored are the Dales, and protected in trust by Andraste's Chosen, to the children of Elvhenan. Forbidden are the Lesser Thrones [Orlais, Ferelden, etc.] and Sanctified Seats [the White and Black Divines] to deny the Throne [the Maker] of anything, which They have revealed onto you [Alexandra]. Among the Elves who ascend such a covenant, with their hands clasped onto Our Herald, Our Hands are clasped onto theirs, and Truly We know what is in their hearts. So let all broken oaths before you [Alexandra] become fallen leaves cast away by the wind, and let any who make oaths, unto the Maker, and unto the Flame-veiled Bride, and Her Blessed Daughter [the Herald], and whose heart is free and aware, retain their oaths, evermore. Love and Peace and Justice and Compassion, We have ordained onto those who believe. This is the near insurmountable pass, of which we have revealed onto you. Engraved this into your hearts, for your Lord is All-Aware, All-Knowing." - [The Covenant of the Elves, 10:1-43]2
Note 1: The Disputation occurs when the Herald of Andraste first arrives at Val Royeux to meet and treat with the remaining Grand Clerics, which ultimately leads to the Chantry's condemnation of the Inquisition and Alexandra as heretics. Alexandra denies their claims and condemns the Chantry for denying her divinely-sanctioned role, citing the wisdom in Andraste choosing a half-elf mage to be her Herald, especially after the Mage Rebellion.
Note 2: The Covenant of the Elves occurs after the Inquisition establishes control over the Exalted Plains. Here, Alexandra reaffirms to the Dalish, and elves in southern Thedas, that the Dales belong to them, and that no nation or religious authority outside of Alexandra, as Andraste's Herald, has any right to remove the Elvish claims to the Dales, or have any right to dispute Alexandra's decisions. Alexandra also forgives any broken oaths that were made before her Heraldship, especially the commitments of the Mages to aid the Chantry and reside in the Circles. She also tactfully installs the theological belief that she must also be called upon when oaths are made. Pledging onto the Maker and Andraste is not enough. Pledging onto her as Andraste's living representative is also significant. Alexandra also discusses, briefly, on matters of ethics, referred to as the "near insurmountable pass", such as being compassionate and following justice, and that creation will struggle to follow through, but will overcome it in time.
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herald-divine-hell · 10 months
Josie, rubbing her temples: Maker, we need to get you a mute button.
Leliana, grinning: Oh, she does.
Alexandra: it’s a very nice button.
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herald-divine-hell · 2 months
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herald-divine-hell · 3 months
In a modern au, Alexandra would want to live above/own a coffee shop and bookstore, or live close by where she essentially seems to live there by the customers due to how many times she frequents it.
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herald-divine-hell · 3 months
Because of waking up next to her dead mother, sometimes Alexandra slips into Leliana’s dreams to ensure that she is still breathing, or stays up and simply watches as her shoulders rise and fall with each breath.
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