#Alexander Pistache
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gittessimsadventuresog · 2 months ago
Pistache family prehistory part 5
Part 4
So they have to go to Switzerland. Bianca's family fled to a small town named Alpenfrühle (Hidden Springs), a refuge for the sought after.
Bree immediately decides to go with Bianca - to survive in Bridgeport, one needs to be charismatic, a nepobaby or a swindler - she is neither, and had been wanting to escape the big city for a while.
So together they go there.
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They're immediately welcomed by Jaeda, who also welcomes Bree to the family. At this point, Bree knows pretty much everything there is to know about Bianca's weird magical family and is glad to be approved of.
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But then...There's Alice. Alice who did something grazy and horrible. But she seems weirdly sweet, and immediately apologizes to Bianca. Bianca doesn't fully trust her; after all, Alice bullied her as a child, blamed her for every misfortune, and made her feel terrible for years. But she seems to have changed, and is given a chance to do her story.
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Alice tells her she admits Alex has been acting weird - he stole campaign funds to undermine the Wolffs, a mighty werewolf family who they fear might want to "adopt" Conall when finding out he's one of them (can't let a young werewolf by raised by a hateful witch!), which only brings up suspicion, and that she too saw how oddly interested Alex has always been in Bianca.
But one night, a couple of days after Bianca left, Conall escapes his bedroom & runs away from home during full moon.
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He didn't return that night, and Alice's fear comes true; she finds a letter in their letterbox from the Wolffs, saying they found Conall and to come to the graveyard that night.
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Not knowing what to do, Alice and Jaeda go. The whole gang is there - athletically superior, longer living creatures with glowing eyes.
But Alice had a plan, a plan that will scare them and make them give her her son back. Who she does love, despite everything. Fear had just been winning.
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Conall is in the catacombs. Alice goes on adventure there, finds her son - back to being an innocent little boy - and some *other things*
Once again Conall asks her if he can stay a werewolf. Alice says yes; she'd rather have him be a werewolf than gone.
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That and she has other things on her mind; due to her doing, a bunch of zombies are wandering around town. One can easily be hidden and stopped - but this might mean disaster, and while the supernatural laws are lax, this can't mean anything good.
Alice might have accidentally started a zombie apocalypse. For now limited to the isolated town of Moonlight Falls...
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But that's in the past. Despite their initial fear of repercussion for what Alice did, all seems fine for now and a period of peace arrives. They settle down in the new town.
Alice and Bianca tolerate each other's presence; Alexander finally recognizes Demi as his child, though he will never be her father and be socially referred to as "uncle Alexander" still and his relationship with Alice is atm a bit rocky, but they stay together anyway.
Bree also quickly gets along with Demi; practically her stephdaughter, as her and Bianca's weddingplans and housesearching are in full swing.
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They marry and find their own place to stay, being a happy though unconventional family of three.
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There are troubles though. For a while now, the two of them have been discussing having a child together; her unwanted pregnancy with Demi being long in the past now and finally having a sense of peace and certainty, Bianca wants another child. But well...Biology.*
*In-game they could to the engineer a baby thing, but for reasons I wanted Bianca to actually be pregnant. I do also have nraas woohooer so I could just let them try for baby, but that I find to random and unrealistic sorta.
I made Bree a scientist for a reason though; I researched and researched and in real human life, there is research to make it possible for same-sex couples to have a child that is biologically fully theirs through the manipulation of skin cells, stem cells etc... Multiple roads are being researched.
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Not wanting some random guy for a sperm donor, the plan eventually halts. Bianca paints, paints and paints and is practically a stay-at-home mom for Demi, because Bree just works works works - unaware that Bree is working on a big project, one she wants to be a secret for now to not disappoint her wife.
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Though Bianca keeps giving hints, which is hard on Bree- she wants to tell her dammit! But the research is still in early stages and she doesn't have the greenlight to bring it out. And when it is all nonsense? Bianca will be heartbroken.
She tries to shower her with love anyway though.
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Years pass; Demi grows into a very smart child who curiously takes after her stephmother, and they're happy with their small family.
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But Bree is also happy about her project; after the succesfull birth of a baby Chimp with two moms, it's time for a human test subject now.
Bianca is overjoyed with the news and forgives Bree's workaholic-ness lately immediately. Yes, Bree literally invented a way for them to have a child. Yes, I do absolutely frigging adore this couple.
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To celebrate the pregnancy, they also plant a special seed; Bree doesn't know what it is, only that it is special, she got it through a experiment in college. And that it will grow together with their baby as a honorary plant. ;)
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Bianca also tells Demi, who is a loner and is at first a bit sad she won't be an only child anymore, especially after hearing from her halfbrother-cousins and stephmother-aunt that she herself was unwanted. But Bianca consoles her, and she too is looking forward to her little brother or sister. (This interaction is of course from @thesweetsimmer111)
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Months pass; the curious little plant grows, as does Bianca's belly and amount of backpain.
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What a weird little plant is it. Bree expected it to be a healthy bush by now - but all that grows is the weird knoll in the ground! It seems a little loose, what if I pull at it? Hmm, what? That looks like a tiny face?
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While being confused as to what she just pulled out of the ground, Bree hears screaming - Bianca's labor started.
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And there they are, Little Fuchsia and Florian ;) This is from part 29, "Lucky Charms". Part 30 and 31 are in English on my weebly site and linked under the Storychapters page here on Tumblr.
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crmchl · 4 years ago
❝ —— Ei! ❞ Repreendeu, estreitando os olhos em sua direção. ❝ —— Pensei que fosse minha amiga. Sabe, deveria me dizer “não, Emre, você não é um libertino.” ❞ A repreensão, é claro, não era real, e ficava claro na forma como tentara afinar a voz ao sugerir o que ela deveria ter lhe respondido. Evitava tópicos acerca de sua libertinagem com Luci, porque, ele sabia, se contasse tudo à ela poderia a assustar, além de levar um soco de William. E seu nariz era precioso demais para que corresse o risco. Acomodando-a na cadeira, ele apenas rolou os olhos ante a provocação sobre sua idade. Não era assim tão mais velho que Lucy, embora sua experiência pudesse contar alguns anos à mais para ele. Ainda assim, a maturidade da garota também contava à seu favor, e ele não se sentia como se estivesse conversando com uma criança — o que ocorria com algumas damas que as mães tentavam empurrar para ele. ❝ —— Não sabia que venderia tão facilmente sua honra. ❞ Provocou conforme se sentava na cadeira defronte à ela. As palavras que chegaram à seus ouvidos o fizeram abrir um sorriso de canto, e ele inclinou-se sobre a mesa para que pudesse tratar o assunto em tom de cochicho, sem olhares atentos os observando. ❝ —— Você não deveria ter dito isso, senhorita. ❞ O tom libidinoso que empregava muito raramente em se tratando de Lucine, passou despercebido até para Ozmëk, que afastou-se para tomar postura na cadeira. Quando a garçonete veio ao seu lado, após erguer a mão para chamá-la, ele pediu: ❝ —— Menta para mim e, hm… pistache para a senhorita. Por favor. ❞
"Sim, eu sou sua amiga. E é por isso que eu digo isso; amigos não devem mentir uns pros outros." com um semblante sério, Lucine deu de ombros. Então, curvou seus lábios em um sorriso fino ao cruzar o seu olhar com o do amigo. Até poderia saber que Emre não era santo algum, porém Lucine não sabia de fato o que o duque já tinha feito e onde já tinha estado. Aquele não era um assunto recorrente entre os dois, até porque Lucy tinha certo receio de que o outro percebesse o quão inexperiente era naquele âmbito. Ao contrário de algumas outras damas da sociedade, Lucine sabia que bebês poderiam vir de relações fora de casamentos, porém como... tudo funcionava ainda era uma certa incógnita para a Carmichael. Um dia, tentara indagar à Clementine, mas a irmã não foi muito clara em suas respostas. E perguntar a William e a Alexander estava fora de questão. Obrigou-se a tirar aqueles pensamentos de sua mente quando ouviu a provocação do duque, revirando os olhos para ele. "Eu apenas prefiro escolher minhas batalhas." respondeu com um ar de superioridade. Vê-lo se inclinar em sua direção fez com que Lucine arqueasse uma sobrancelha, curiosa. Havia algo diferente no tom daquela frase, algo que fizera com que cada centímetro de seu corpo se arrepiasse momentaneamente. Pensou em respondê-lo, porém se sentiu desconcertada por um momento e não soube o que dizer. Então, apenas sorriu lateralmente. "Você me conhece mais do que eu imaginava, huh." respondeu assim que a garçonete se afastou, afinal aquele era um de seus preferidos. "Me faz pensar no que mais sabe sobre mim. Além do fato de eu ser imune ao seu charme, obviamente."
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coucoumamie-blog · 7 years ago
Chicago - 4th week-end
Samedi (jour du nettoyage de l'appartement, l'équipe ménage vient une fois par semaine, et il était temps car quand l'Allemagne mange des pistaches, seul le bol est épargné) : on a traîné le matin avant de se décider à sortir. Il faisait très lourd aujourd'hui, donc on a pas beaucoup marché (contrairement à notre habitude). On a exploré plus en détail le quartier des friperies (celui de Wilker Park), on a sillonné les squares avant de se poser dans un café / librairie justement nommé "Volumes". J'y ai bu un latte non mémorable mais le lieu vaut le détour. 
 J'ai évidemment fait un stop à l'une des nombreuses friperies du quartier (Buffalo) et j'y ai (encore) déniché une pépite. Un teeshirt du désigner Alexander Wang pour 20$ alors que le prix neuf estimé frôle les 350$ (je sais.. c'est incroyable pour un teeshirt mais parfois/souvent les stylistes se la racontent) !! Je suis tellement douée à ce jeu ! 
 Pour le dîner, j'ai cuisiné. Mais uniquement des pâtes ! Avec le Venezuela et le Chili on les a dégusté devant un film qu'on a projeté en mode grand écran sur le mur du salon. 
 En pleine digestion cinématographique, l'Allemagne est rentrée paniquée. Elle nous raconte qu'elle était dans le métro, seule, qu'elle a fermé les yeux 2 minutes et qu'un mec en a profité pour l'embrasser avant de sortir en courant du wagon... Apparement, les autres passagers lui ont dit que ça arrivait souvent ici et qu'il ne fallait pas s'endormir dans le métro ! Il s'agirait d'un jeu pour les jeunes débiles. Ok.... étrange... (le plus étrange étant pour moi que quelqu'un est eu envie de l'embrasser mais passons... pas de mauvais esprit...). Je retiens donc la leçon : yeux ouverts tu garderas !
 Après on a changé de sujet, on a commencé à rire comme des baleines (les blagues de pets ça marche toujours, toute nationalité confondue). 
 Dimanche : il fait encore plus lourd qu'hier... un orage serait prévu. Je me suis réveillée avec l'envie de vous voir (passer un dimanche en famille). J'ai fait du pain du coup. Les autres pays étaient bluffés. 
 La journée n'a pas été très active. On a passé l'aprem à glander au parc et à manger. C'est dimanche après tout.
 Info chronologique : je suis exactement à la moitié de mon séjour. J'entame demain mon 2e mois ici. Le temps file à une vitesse (expression bateau mais à propos). 
 Je te laisse, je vais me coucher. Tu vas bientôt te réveiller. 
 Bonne journée :)
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gittessimsadventuresog · 2 months ago
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Entertaining visitors & adulting is hard...
...Very hard...
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gittessimsadventuresog · 2 months ago
Pistache family prehistory part 4
Part 3
But Bianca won't let go of Bree. Not like that.
Matthew barely convinces her to do a perfume commercial, but it is mainly to take her mind off of things. She makes clear to him that she is in Bridgeport with a goal, and that goal isn't him, nor is it getting famous.
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After the commercial, she goes to a park, sketching to once again ease her mind. Bree must've seen all the articles about her and Matthew and feel cheated on, she concluded. But when she spots her in the park, running away again on her sight, Bianca impusively decides to follow her all the way through the city. On her quick broom, a secret she was once afraid to share with the world but at this point, it doesn't matter anymore.
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Bianca reaches Bree's appartment. A shabby, moldy, dated small space in the bad neighbourhood; only living in a cellar could be worse. Bree, ashamed and shocked that Bianca is suddenly at her front door, explains that her mother was a single mother, too - thrown out of her conservative cult after getting pregnant on a mission, trying to survive in the big city with a little girl and no money nor any degree. Bianca is quickly reminded of her own daughter, once again left at home, who while growing up with all the luxury isn't too dissimilar.
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Bree also tells her that she saw all the articles, that she gave up, that Bianca should go get her luxury life - but Bianca doesn't want that. She already told Matthew there isn't anything between them, and manages to convince Bree to go out with her.
Of course, right where they decide to go Matthew is too (totally coincidental I swear) Matthew awkwardly asks Bree if she's an old friend of Bianca, she nods, he says "oh, nice she saw an old friend here - she needs a friend, told me she is looking for some boyfriend of hers" (Matthew is a heteronormative prick)
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Bree does the maths. None of the guys Bianca went out with at university live here. Bianca talked with Matthew about looking for Bree. Bianca went to Bridgeport for her, she is shocked to realize.
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After drinking some liquid courage and singing a song Bianca could only interpret one way, the moment should be there - but a mob of paparazzi barges in, having heard word about Bianca and Matthew being here. Terrified Bree runs out of the building. Bianca pushes the tabloid people out of the way and follows her once again.
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A lot of things were said. Bree's explanation of how she always felt insecure and insignificant yet frustrated, seeing Bianca throw herself on all what breathes; how she could never be as spontaneous and courageous and cool and pretty and amazing as her, forgetting how Bianca is equally as insecure and about how she herself has been courageous at least two times.
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To rub it extra in Matthew's smug face, a couple days later Bianca proposes to Bree at Matthew's very own pool party.
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Life seems perfect. She just needs to go home to pick up Demi, and the three of them can start their life together - but Bianca gets a worrying phonecall from her mother.
"You can't go home, we had to flee. Alice...Alice went grazy. We had to flee. We live in Switzerland now, in a small town that welcomes the rich and infamous from elsewhere... Alex had some connections."
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Part 5
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gittessimsadventuresog · 3 months ago
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So... The storyprogression in simler90's core mod clearly works. These are inactive sims.
Alice & Alexander Pistache making a baby in Alice's sister Bianca's bed at their nephew and niece's birthday party.....
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gittessimsadventuresog · 2 months ago
Pistache family prehistory Part 1
Some history on the Pistache Family
My current sims family - and one I plan to play with until eternity - are the Pistache's
All of their history can be read or is referred to on my Weebly site, but I thought I'd give a quick summary here too. My front page is in Dutch there (the browser translation is good, though) and most Gen 1 - 2 chapters are also only written in Dutch though again, the browsertranslation is pretty decent.
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My founder is Jaeda Pistache. I started her in the usual legacy way: single YA sim on a giant lot in a small shed, trying to fullfill her LTW and getting her to have a kid somehow, the only real goals for all my heirs.
Jaeda is a sim I had in my CAS simbin for a long time; might be for 9 years. I know she is a Gen2 child of a werewolf family I played with in 2015, but most of that documentation is lost to deleted forums & tumblrs.
This also makes her a werewolf originally, but in cas I made her human and I had the goal to make her become a witch & an alchemy artisan. I ignored the werewolf fact until Conall Pistache was born a werewolf through the Supernatural Babies mod.
Then I made up that her background is that of a werewolf-born orphan who was healed from lycantrophy by an alchemist before she could remember anything; feeling something supernatural in her is lacking during her childhood, she reads fairytales in the orphanage library endlessly, has a extreme interest in the occult and ultimately moves to Moonlight Falls to search out the supernatural when thrown out of the Orphanage at 18.
She visits places around town, meets people, gets skilled, earns money - general, undramatic gameplay. Undocumented, as I started playing with her in my free time during an internship, not meaning anything; I took some screenshots which I occasionally posted in discord servers, but that's mostly all gone now. She also met Jules Macduff (who ages into a YA quite quickly) and marries him. In early adulthood, after she reaches level 10 of alchemy and becomes a witch, they get a daughter, Alice.
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I didn't plan them to get more Children. But Jules, who is family oriented, kept wishing for more, so I let them do Risky woohoo. Lo and behold, Bianca. Nine years younger than Alice. I peeked at her adult version in CAS and fell in love with my Bibi; this is when I started documenting the family, after Bianca's birth.
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I did not approve of that, but he had the inappropriate trait, and is a skilled wizard; some lovecharms and onenightstands do the trick...
Alice felt pushed aside with the birth of her sister, and quickly comes to realize her dad isn't quite the holy man he seems to be; this results in a rebelling, frustrated Alice. As a teen she starts pestering the town, giving the family a bad reputation. Jaeda also discovers Jules' cheating, Jules is plastered everywhere as this big ashhole...
In her late teens, Alice gets angry with her father. She wishes to duel him, I let her. Not realizing I have @flotheory's more death types mod. He dies during the duel... But is revived by the family dog he's best friends with. That doesn't revive the family's reputation, though.
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Little Bianca, who saw her father briefly die, is in the bottom left.
Everything in shambles, Alice ends up killing him anyway, getting even more to the dark side of magic; turning him into a zombie. She loses her wildest hairs, getting married to Alexander Nix (born in game son of Annie and Mike Nix. Coincidentally, one of Jules' babymommies is Alex's older sister Mara. The start of a complex family tree... This is all written in English on my weebly site, from the family's introduction until when Alice meets Alex; parts 1 - 8.
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Alex isn't the holiest guy either, he has a more-than-right interest in Alice's teenage aged sister Bianca, who is already traumatized. Bullied at school, ostracized in her town having Jaeda - a orphan hermit - and Jules - a corrupt rapist who abuses his magic - as parents and Alice - a town bully who turns everyone into toads - as a sister. Bianca can't wait to get out, and lives life a tad too enthusiastically when she gets out when she is at university. (Part 12 is also written in English, as I was in the mood for it University life being very American culture)
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Distraught by her bad grades she gets back, and then she also discovers that Conall, Alice's 2 year old son, is a werewolf. Alice hates werewolves. Downtrodden, she has an impulsive one night stand with Alex (who started flirting her automatically the moment she became an adult -_-) resulting in Demi when she's barely 20.
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Alex wants to keep Conall's condition secret for Alice's sake (and his own psychotic tendencies, SP gave him both the Good and Mean spirited traits, so I made a hypocritical holier than tho kinda person) but Alice isn't that dumb, and she discovers - putting the blame with her little sister who she has never gotten along well with (at one point bribing Bianca with skill booster elixers)
Little Demi being Alex's daughter she doesn't know yet, but she does NOT look like her mom...
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Part 2
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gittessimsadventuresog · 2 months ago
Pistache family prehistory Part 3
Part 2
Chaos erupts (part 20: Chaos) as Bree immediately can tell that Bianca is feeling off after the bad news. Bianca will go home, take care of her little girl, clean up her chaotic homelife - and they will most likely never see each other again. There can't be any space for her, Bianca has it hard enough.
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Yet, she doesn't want to be forgotten - or at most remembered as merely a friend from university. On a good exam results high, she decides to kiss Bianca - what Bianca has been waiting for for months at this point.
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But Bianca needs to get home, and does. Awkwardly saying goodbye to Bree, who feels bad about having done anything with Bianca when she was in such a sad state.
There the expected awaits her; a furious Alice. First she kept from her that Conall is a werewolf - Bianca wanted to tell, but Alex forbade her - then she goes to bed with her husband, lies for months that the child she is pregnant with is "some guy's at uni" (even though the math does not add up), and even after giving birth to a child that suspiciously takes after her brother in law, joyfully going back to university - leaving Alice to unknowingly take care of what is her stephdaughter, while she has her own second son Eric and a young werewolf to take care of. (Nvm that Jaeda also took care of the little ones a lot). While all that is true, she leaves her husband out of it, putting all the blame on Bianca; which is, considering their age difference and the context, unfair.
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Jaeda tells Bianca the truth about what happened - a pure accident, the uncontrolled first ever transformation of a young werewolf and a young girl being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yet, Alice (lowkey terrified of her own 6yo son) wants Conall to take the elixers even more so, locking him up in his room when not wanting to do so. Conall might have a rough outside, but is just a sweet, young boy, her child, who needs her love and support - something Alice all to easily forgets.
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It has been dawning on her for a while, but it's hard - she is a unemployed single mother with a young child, with the only one for support being her 71 year old mother. But Bianca wants to leave. Permanently, which she can't just do.
After yet another unreasonable harsh command from Alice for Conall to take the elixers, Bianca lashes out at her sister - who also kept on going about how she is a terrible human being. She is going to leave, not permanently - leaving Demi in Jaeda's care for now - but to find Bree. Who lives in Bridgeport.
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But Bianca is Bianca - intelligent when it comes down to it, but taken away with emotion and impulsiveness in the moment. She is completely starstruck by the many celebrities, who claim she also has a chance of fame with her creative and musical talent, charisma and good looks (having maxed out painting so she couldn't paint for university performance through skilling, I let her play the piano a ton)
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Even more so when she comes across famous actor Matthew Hamming - the hot guy superstar of a popular space film series, and notorious womanizer. He, too, takes a liking to the well-endowed sky blue eyed goldenskinned honey blonde.
Naïve and impressed, Bianca decides to go out with him, not expecting anything of it. After all, she's here for Bree (who is unfortunately unfindable)
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But Matthew gives his young date (18 years his junior) a Kyoto my heart. Bianca basically dr*gged, the duo starts flirting, dancing, kissing. Bianca knows that what she's doing is wrong; but Matthew's plan is working. She is too tipsy, confused and influenced. Yet, she wishes he wasn't the one she's dancing with.
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Matthew - how dare he - takes the confused & drunk Bianca home, and they share the night.
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They were seen, and rumour quickly spreads. Overnight, Bianca goes from someone who is infamous in her hometown & collegecampus to a 3-star celebrity, wrongly known as Matthew's brand new girlfriend. Hopefully this doesn't reach the wrong ears.
Which it did, she realized as she finally reaches Bree - who hastily runs away in tears.
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Part 4
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gittessimsadventuresog · 13 days ago
Pistache G3 Chapter 22: Truth
Part 12
Previous chapter here
Full chapter here
"It's not that hard to know where they are, is it?" Demi* interrupted.
"That Faroald guy is planning something with Florian and has obviously kidnapped him-"
"Them." Bianca corrected her.
"... Obviously kidnapped them . Didn't Florian say that Gareth broke up with them after they visited the cemetery, out of the blue?"
See chapters 16-17
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"What does that have to do with anything?" Several bystanders asked, except Bree who understood what she was getting at.
"That Gareth guy must have heard or seen something at the cemetery that had to do with Florian that he didn't like. A cemetery seems like a perfect place for an evil clone who wanted to make Florian feel bad by messing with their boyfriend."
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Demi had always been extremely smart and talented, and to her the Florian mystery was just a puzzle.
Bree nodded in agreement. Her stepdaughter's theory sounded good. "Conall, Finn, you're going to the cemetery. Me and the Cause will check out some parks in case we see Florian or Faroald, Bibi, you stay here with Demi in case Florian does come here." Everyone nodded.
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"Don't worry, Conall knows exactly where the graveyard is. Hopefully we'll find Flo soon." Bianca encouraged Finn a little more, and then the different duos set off.
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*To newer readers: Demi is Florian's older halfsister and Conall's younger halfsister, the child out of wedlock Bianca got after a one-nightstand with her brother-in-law Alexander, before she met Bree.
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gittessimsadventuresog · 3 months ago
Some thoughts on sims genetics
So, at this point of time two sims in my sims family - Alice and Alexander have a grant total of 4 (!) sons. One of which I care a lot about, and the other 3 I will put up for download as spares because I couldn't care less (except maybe George...? He's kinda cute not gonna lie)
I LOVE genetics in this game, and have two mods that enhance it: neuroblazer's randomgenetics and consort's haircolor mod
Because they're all boys (so far... I don't trust Alice and Alexander anymore) I genderswapped Alice & her mother Jaeda for the pictures.
Alexander is a storyprogression child of Annie & Mike Nix from Moonlight Falls. Don't ask me where his ears come from, it's a genetic mutation lol. They're both quite pale and his (much, much) older sister Mara is pale AF. She also has black hair & according to the simswiki it looks like Mike's too, so I consider pale skin & black hair fair game. Jules' child out of wedlock with Mara nix is also black-haired and very pale, with no influence from me whatsoever. Her face is extremely similar to Jules' btw, but her coloring is all Mara.
Jules is also a Moonlight Falls townie, and his mother has blue eyes which Alice's sister actually inherited, so those are fair game as well, though none of the boys have it.
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So, Alice herself:
Dad's skintone, slightly deeper like mom
Nose tends towards dad's, but not quite; slightly softer like moms.
Lips are right in between, medium fullness
Mom's eyecolor but dad's more downturned & portruding eyes
Haircolor is 85% dads 15% moms, so slightly lighter than dad's
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Then, Conall, for him is the disclaimer above about Alexander's family
Pale is custom, it is one of the non-default skintones from Kurasoberina starfruit. He was a very pale baby for some reason and I liked the look of that with his (random but genetically totally fair) black hair
Grandpa's eyecolor and mom's eyes, so overall close to Jules' eyes but less intense, partly due to the soft eyebrows I chose for him. Despite the scar he's a sweet boy :)
Nose is mainly moms
Lips closer to dads
Ears are VERY pointy & outwards. Mom also has pointy ears but not as extreme. They're still not as extreme as dad's though, his ears are ridiculous I mean look at them.
Werewolf, he was originally a mersim with the supernatural babies mod (aka inherited dad's humanness and than a random occult) but I found that to be unfitting for the town he was born in. Because he could very well be a different occult, I changed it to werewolf - which isn't ridiculous. Grandma Jaeda is originally a werewolf, being a sim from a werewolf family I made 9 years ago, but I made her human in cas before starting to play with her. I have a whole backstory of how Jaeda grew up in an orphanage from baby onwards and was healed from lycantrophy as a toddler, but obviously felt something lacking, so he sought out the supernatural and moved to moonlight town to become a alchemist and witch, which is how this family started!
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Eric Pistache
Dads skintone
Hair is 85% mom 15% dad's (which has a slight reddish tinge) so essentially grandpa's
Yellow eyes like both his parents
Nose and eyes closer to dad's (his eyes are 88% like his dad's + same bushy eyebrows the game aged him up with)
Lips are right in between, so is nose
ears tend towards mom's less extremely floppy ears
Normal human like dad
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George Pistache
Grandma's golden locks
Mom's depth, dad's tone, so his skincolor also looks close to grandmas (but a bit lighter still)
grandpa's reddish eyecolor
eyes are very close to dads, but different impression due to fainter eyebrows he randomly aged up with
Lips look quite in between
Nose tends towards mom's
Quite floppy ears, but not as much as dad of course
Wizard like mom
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The Benjamin, or rather Thomas, of the family! He's only just a toddler in-game.
Grandpa's eyecolor and haircolor. Love how the game remember the grandparent's coloring all the time! This is an unmodded feature.
Mom's skintone, combined with his haircolor this gives him a first impression of taking after mom, from afar...
Nose closer to dads
Eyes too, but again, fainter eyebrows.
Lips look closer to moms
Ears look closer to mom's.
I need to check whether he's a wizard or normal
So Basically, I love genetics and neuroblazer's mod enhances it even more. They all look like brothers (except Conall who looks a bit different, but he's the black sheep) and like their parents children, resembling both lines of ancestry. While nobody is a copy of anyone. Something that I am afraid of with the randomgenetics mod also isn't happening yet, 3 generations on - the combining of the features resulting in a bunch of puddingfaces after a couple of gens. Alice and Alexander are both randomgenetics babies themselves, but have very unique looks (Alexander I gave some very mild plastic surgery, mainly making his jaw shape a tad stronger) and it still shows in their children. If any of them marries a more extreme or strong-featured sim, preferably with a different eyecolor, it will give very fun & varied results I think.
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