#florian pistache
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toadifylackoffantasy · 8 hours ago
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^ I screamed into the void, so I did it myself... More coming!
These are stolen from a full-body store outfit, with essentially the top cut off & the UV map and textures resized to fit within the pants UV space only. THAT part was easy. Then I got to making sure the higher-than-usual waist acted normal, and now we're two days later.
Download SFS/ Mediafire
Everyday, formal, outerwear, career
Young adult & adult male
High waisted version (grey and green flames) and slightly lower waisted version (dark pink floral and turquoise baroque)
2-channel plain version and a 3-channel ombre version of each
All morphs, as shown above
All LODS for both versions:
HLOD: 656 Verts, 988 Faces
MLOD: 322 Verts, 482 faces
LLOD: 182 Verts, 240 Faces
Custom Thumbnails, these:
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Mild clipping at the waist in more extreme movements at max weight/fitness. Trust me, I tried, I learned weightpainting in blender for this bitch.
The high-high waisted version clips with some croptops, the slightly lower high waist still has a slight gap with some. As all tops are different, it's the best I could do.
Anything else, let me know ASAP!
Made with:
Blender 3.6
Smugtomato’s Geom tools
Affinity Photo
With thanks to @blamseastore where I got the OG storefile I stole the pants from
With roundabout thanks to @sim-songs whose Rusty Urban city set High waisted pants I used as a ref somewhere along the way, it was a spur of the moment try-out so I forgot to ask.
@eternalccfinds @pis3update @matchsim @simfluencer-network
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toadifylackoffantasy · 1 month ago
Me with Finnian ♥
if you make an OC that you are genuinely insane over, like you are obsessed with this freak and can't stop thinking about them, then it will rub off on other people. the virus spreads
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michel-tanguy · 6 years ago
New Post has been published on Michel Tanguy
New Post has been published on http://micheltanguy.com/les-buches-de-noel/
Les pâtissiers ne manque jamais d’inspiration lorsqu’il s’agit de ré-inventer chaque année la bûche de Noël. Tour d’horizon de quelques créations à déguster durant les fêtes.
Peut-on toujours parler de bûche ? Pas toujours. Il serait parfois préférable d’opter pour la dénomination : «  gâteau de Noël »,  plus proche de l’apparence des créations des pâtissiers les plus imaginatifs. Ensuite, même si les réseaux sociaux poussent à l’esthétisme, il ne faut jamais oublier l’essentiel : le goût. Harmonies des saveurs mais aussi de textures, rien ne doit être laissé au hasard. Les exemples ci-dessous sont quelques unes des créations les plus inspirantes de cette fin d’année. Élégante, succulente, seul le prix pourrait vous dissuader de céder à la tentation.   
Maxime Frédéric, le chef pâtissier du Four Seasons George V, propose cette année un dessert à l’allure surprenante. Son gâteau de Noël et d’un graphisme impressionnant, doublé d’une grande technicité. C’est certainement l’une des créations les plus impressionnantes et les plus réussies de la capitale. Des écailles en chocolat noir de Madagascar à 75 % au nombre de 210, composent l’extérieur de cette superbe pomme de pin, dont le cœur renferme quatre assiettes en chocolat contenant chacune une part de bûche aux notes boisées. Assurément le voyage gustatif le plus réconfortant de Noël entre pignons de pin, caramel onctueux et bois fumé.   
Jimmy Mornet, pâtissier du Park Hyatt Vendôme, est bien loin de l’esprit de Noël, mais il ale mérite de l’originalité. Sa cabosse de Noël est épatante. Il s’est appliqué, avec beaucoup de minutie, à reproduire le fruit du cacaoyer, façonnant la coque en chocolat avec un impressionnant réalisme. À l’intérieur, le mucilage est une délicate mousse au parfum de cacao, les graines sont en chocolat. Ce dessert, par sa légèreté, trouvera toute sa place après un copieux dîner de réveillon.
Pour 6-8 personnes – 82 € – Commande au 01 58 71 12 34 
Disponible dès le 21 décembre
la cabosse de Jimmy Mornet
C’est incontestablement la bûche que l’on se voit manger au coin du feu. Et pas seulement le soir du réveillon ; tout autant le 25décembre à l’heure du goûter. Bryan Esposito, le nouveau chef pâtissier de l’hôtel Le Collectionneur à Paris, a su concevoir une bûche à la fois originale et authentique, avec un élégant jeu de texture et de goûts. Sur une base de biscuit, dense et savoureux, composé de noisettes, noix, noix de pécan et brisures de marrons, il est venu déposer une mousse de pomme de pin abritant un délicieux cœur de confit d’églantine. Une totale réussite, soutenue par une fine couche de marmelade de kumquat dont les saveurs réveillent les papilles.
8 parts – 75 € – Disponible jusqu’au 25 décembre – Réservation [email protected] ou 01 58 36 67 97
Superbe bûche de Bryan Esposito
Pierre Hermé aime les parfums délicats de la rose, et se plaît constamment à jouer avec ses parfums. Dans sa bûche « Pomposa », il l’associe aux marrons dans une composition de sablé à la farine de châtaigne, d’un biscuit moelleux aux éclats de marrons, d’une crème aux marrons glacés et d’une crème mascarpone à la rose.À la première cuillère on reconnaît le génie du maître dans le travail des saveurs. Rose et marron s’entremêlent, se font écho, se rejoignent à nouveau dans cet entremet, riche et généreux, parfait à déguster durant les frimas de l’hiver. 
Pour 8 personnes – 80 € – www.pierreherme.com
Bûche “Pomposa” de Pierre Hermé, ou le raffinement des saveurs 
Nina Métayer, pâtissière créative du Café Pouchkine, cligne de l’œil en direction de Moscou.  Cette année, sa bûche prend la forme de cigarettes russes. Il y a bien entendu le graphisme et l’élégance particulièrement soignés de ces cylindres qu’elle superpose, mais il y a également son remarquable travail des textures et des goûts. La talentueuse pâtissière associe un biscuit moelleux à la noisette torréfiée et le croustillant de la pâte filo, mariés avec grâce à une mousse noisette, un crémeux chocolat-noisette, un praliné croustillant et une ganache montée au jus et zestes de bergamote. Cette buche est un total moment de gourmandise.
Pour 6-8 personnes –80 € – www.cafe-pouchkine.fr
Incroyable jeu de textures et de goûts par Nina Mitayer du Café Pouchkine
Pour sa bûche, Pablo Gicquel, jeune et brillant pâtissier de l’hôtel de Crillon, rend une nouvelle fois hommage à Marie-Antoinette, s’inspirant des colonnes cannelées présentent dans la suite qu’occupait la reine. Son entremet prend la forme d’une élégante colonne dorique de couleur blanche. Cette bûche associe harmonieusement les parfums du cassis cuit au feu de bois, des notes de myrtilles et des amandes du Languedoc pour un dessert tout en fraicheur et en légèreté.
6-8 parts – 120 € – Disponible jusqu’au 6 janvier – Réservation [email protected] ou 01 44 71 15 17
© Hotel de Crillon A Rosewood Hotel
Difficile de faire l’impasse sur le chocolat au moment du dessert… Y compris en période de fête, c’est un incontournable. Florian Oltra, le pâtissier de la Boulangerie de la Tour, à Paris, joue, pour notre plus grand bonheur, la carte de la tradition. Il a travaillé sur un biscuit viennois, ultra moelleux, roulé, après avoir été généreusement nappé d’une qu’il a garnit ganache montée au chocolat et d’un praliné feuillantine. Avouons que ce combo là fait toujours son petit effet auprès de nos papilles, affichant ici, équilibre et gourmandise, pour une bûche, qui, c’est sûr, fera l’unanimité.  
5-6 parts – 38 € – Commande en boulangerie ou au 01 43 54 62 53
Tradition et gourmandise dans cette bûche chocolat et praliné de Florian Oltra
Pour les fêtes, le glacier Meilleur Ouvrier de France David Wesmaël offre la possibilité de créer soi-même sa bûche glacée. Sur une base composée d’un socle de meringue, d’un praliné croustillant à la noisette et d’une glace vanille au cœur coulant de caramel, sur laquelle sont déposées des boules glacées aux élégantes associations : glace pistache, sorbet acidulée à la griotte ou glace marrons d’Ardèche, sorbet clémentine corse et confit de cassis noir de Bourgogne par exemple. À vous de choisir vos alliances, avec bien l’ultime possibilité de ne choisir qu’une seule boule glacée sur votre socle.
Pour 10 personnes – 72 € – Commande en ligne [email protected]
La bûche glacée “Sur-mesure” de David Wesmaël
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toadifylackoffantasy · 15 days ago
Nucrest Cocoa Hoodie V2 4to3 conversion
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My Castable version of the Cocoa Hoodie (version 2) by @nucrests.
I made 4 castable versions: Fullzip, Fullzip ombre, Halfzip, and halfzip ombre, each with 4 channels (see below). They're presets of one item.
Sorta-collab with my friend @geminipixels, who preferred converting the original overlays instead. I didn't plan to have this released so soon, but I got sucked into it :P I have a headache now... (I started on this ~2 days ago)
Everyday, athletic and outerwear (with accessory turtlenecks)
Young adult & adult male
Polycount: 4543 HLOD, 2852 MLOD, 1073 LLOD
All morphs, manually edited with Geom tools
4 Recolorable presets
Custom Made specular map to give the zipper justice
Custom thumbnails
Disabled for random
I had fun with the pre-made presets which I made with my sims in mind. Of course, the point of these is that they're *very* castable so I don't expect people to actually use these hyperspecific presets!
Download SFS / Mediafire
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^I apparently had halfzip not-ombre selected/lightened up in CASt, but you can still see the channels: red - yellow - pink - white
As you can see, their is a slightly weird fold at the armhole at the highest weight
Might have waistseam issues with some CC bottoms. In the pictures cc bottoms from 4 different creators are being worn. (Virtual-Hugs, MeochiCC, Peacemaker-IC and Nectar-Cellar)
Any other issues, please let me know ASAP!
Edit: i forgot to compress and the file is somehow 13 MB ... I merge & compress everything myself, but I will update with a compressed version tomorrow.
Made with:
Blender 4.2 and 3.6
Smugtomato's Geom tools
Affinity Photo
With big thanks to @thornowl for helping me with the colorchannels (having 4 channels work in TSRW requires and extra step, apparently) and @geminipixels @simlicious and @elvgreen and more for general encouragement :)
@xto3conversionsfinds @eternalccfinds @pis3update @matchsim @simfluencer-network
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toadifylackoffantasy · 28 days ago
Intimate Convo - Poseset By Gitte
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Another dramatic story pose set, in this case my character Finn (Pink) talking about their past to my MC Florian (Green), and having a hard time doing so. What's being told is chapters 29.1 - 29.2 of my story and those are chapters I made a giant CW post beforehand, so...Yeah.
There is a time gap in the poses - between 3 - 4 and 5 - 6, I used pictures of what was being told in my own story. 3 - 4 is Pink starting to tell it, while 5 - 6 is pink being totally broken after telling it.
Download PoseLIST SFS/ Mediafire
Download Non-poselist SFS/ Mediafire
(Non-Poselist is a big file because it includes all the crisp PNG images shown below)
Pictures & codes Below the cut
Some small details were edited once more after taking the pictures. Mainly the hands.
a_Intimateconvo1: Pink - leans against green on the couch, staring ahead, knees raised a_Intimateconvo2: Green - sits on their knees on the couch as pink comes sit next to them, gently holds pink
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a_Intimateconvo3: Pink - Tells something to green, looks at them a_Intimateconvo4: Green - Looks at pink
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a_Intimateconvo5: Pink - Tightly holds onto green, crumbled up like a baby, crying a_Intimateconvo6: Green - Gently holds pink trying to wipe of their tears; stares ahead, shocked by what they were told
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a_Intimateconvo7: Pink - Still crying, sitting up a bit more a_Intimateconvo8: Green - Kisses pink on the forehead
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a_Intimateconvo9: Pink - After being proposed to do something "fun", like watching a cute movie or something, pink starts kissing green's neck because that's also fun ;) a_Intimateconvo10: Green - Surprised at pink starting to kiss them, but doesn't matter, as long as they're happy.
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These poses were VERY hard to make - they kept looking funky due to the intimate positions, clipping with themselves, the other sim or the couch - they went through 5 rounds of blender.
As usual, the use of alt and omsp might be necessary.
Because it's the couch my sims had, the poses are made with the "Expensive Camel Back" couch (BG). This couch isn't particularly versatile, but none of the poses lean on the back or side in a particular way so they should work with most Couches
I also used @aroundthesims' Seat height Deco cushion
If there are any issues, please tell me.
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toadifylackoffantasy · 8 days ago
Allrighto time to get Gabi one of these only for it to be used by her daredevil dads for who knows what
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toadifylackoffantasy · 26 days ago
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My favourite tropical paradise bird
Those arms tho
One of the few clayhairs I genuinely like, by @ts3-rauh
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toadifylackoffantasy · 1 month ago
Chapter 31: A Brave Christmas
Part 8/11
At home, Finn went straight to the bathroom. At first he just got ready for bed, still hesitating whether he should do it. The principle brought back bad memories, but he used to like such things... Florian is not the only artist in the house.
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Finn had a moment to hesitate. Florian was reading Gabriella a story, and she was all ears.
After the usual curious questions of course. "Daddy, why are you dressed like that?" "Finn has another surprise for me." "Hmm... You're going to be loud again, aren't you." "And you have to sleep soon! Come, listen. It's called "The Six Companions."
I have permission to quote and show parts of @danjaley's "The six companions"
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Once upon a time, there lived an old Queen, who was a sorceress, and her daughter, who was the most beautiful girl under the sun. But the old Queen’s only thought was destruction. Whenever a young man came and asked for her daughter’s hand, she told him, whoever wanted her daughter must solve a quest first, or he’d have to die.
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Florian continued. When Gabriella heard that many princes tried and failed, she whispered that she also wanted a prince who would do everything for her, which made Florian smile.
A king’s son had heard of the Princess’ extraordinary beauty as well. “Let me go and court her”, he said to his father.
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Florian went on to say that when the prince was finally allowed to do the quest, he found all sorts of special people who could help him. Like a very fat man, whose stomach was infinite.
Like an elfin man with gigantic ears that could hear everything, “Even bigger than Aunt Demi's!” Flo added.
And his brother who could see everything.
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Also a very tall man who could grow many meters high, a man who always wore a blindfold because his eyes could make things explode, and a man who got cold from the heat, and hot from the cold. "Those were the six companions."
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Whole chapter weebly (More graphic NSFW)
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toadifylackoffantasy · 1 month ago
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Little photoshoot with my Florian (They/them) in their backyard using a coat & scarf by the amazing talented @elvgreen and also trousers that I have already linked a thousand times and cute booties from Meochicc
The coat's pattern is by @simlicious and technically lace but I am using it as a floral jacquard sorta thing because of course Florian wears very fancy coats.
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toadifylackoffantasy · 6 days ago
Would you stand a chance with your OC/favourite sim?
Yes or no? Why (not)
Me: Euhm, no, maybe if I dress up really cute/high effort with a creative streak I'd get some attention for aesthetic reasons, but I am a cis girl who's an 8 on a good day and my current MC couple are attracted to masc bodies and 11's....
I would love to be held in Flo's muscular arms tho ngl. Or get a cuddle from Finn. Have Flo do my eyeshadow. Help.
What about you?
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toadifylackoffantasy · 1 month ago
Florian lives In Switzerland, a trilingual country, and their family is originally from North America, resulting in:
English, fluently, communicates in English only with some familymembers. I can imagine their aunt and uncle's German being mediocre, as well as their grandmother's when she still lived.
Swiss German, fluently. Swiss German and English are in a way both their native language. I can totally imagining them switching up mid-sentence with the other familymembers of their generation, as they and their sisters & cousins are all fluent in both.
French, not fluent-fluent but will become fluent quickly if triggered
Basic Italian cus it's a national language + a pretty language and Flo likes pretty
Notions of Spanish due to travels to Isla Paradiso
Notions of Mandarin Chinese through Finn + travels to Shang Simla
Finn, on the other hand:
Mandarin Chinese, native language
Fluent English, which he spoke with most people for the last 8 years
Moderate Spanish due to living in Isla Escudo and then Isla Paradiso for a while, but in Escudo he wasn't allowed to leave the house/private island and Isla Paradiso is very international.
Beginner notions of Swiss German but not too bothered to learn it fluently cus everyone in Flo's family speaks fluent English anyway.
can your oc speak several languages?
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toadifylackoffantasy · 9 days ago
Chapter 33: The move
Part 13/20
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Previous Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
Quid pro quo, but Finn still enjoyed Florian's shows. Florian was still inventing new tricks, and Finn always tried to sit in the front row.
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"Is this it? What a strange guy," a disgruntled onlooker would occasionally say. "That's my fiancé, the love of my life, and we're getting married next month, and my Fiery Flo is doing great."
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That's true, Florian always remained in their element on stage.
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Full Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
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toadifylackoffantasy · 11 days ago
Chapter 33: The move
Part 9/20
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Previous Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
The stress from before was still noticeable in Finn's acne attack "from the stress", the overconsumption of home-made mocktails will certainly have nothing to do with it, but Florian still thought he was beautiful. Even full of acne and with hands sticky from the juice.
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"I'm done training. Are we going to take a bath?" Finn heard the "we", decided that he had experimented enough and so one of the bathrooms was inaugurated.
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And then it was back to their respective interests.
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Full Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
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toadifylackoffantasy · 11 days ago
Chapter 33: The move
Part 8/20
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Previous Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
Over the next few days, the furniture arrived, the house was decorated and a harmony came over everyone. Finally, peace, space and stability.
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...Of course, a space was also set up that was ideal for parties, with a bar, so that Finn could always practice without being dependent on the issues of opening hours and bar owners. And the weather, since the April whims lived up to their name and it was a different climate every day.
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Gabriella went to school, Florian focused on their fitness with a newly set up home gym, Finn could be found behind one of his bars... The first days went smoothly.
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Full Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
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toadifylackoffantasy · 12 days ago
Chapter 33: The move
Part 7/20
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Previous Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
"Is that really all you think about? Come here, slutty whisp of light." "You're really going to keep calling me that, aren't you?" "You are my light...Oh, twenty-three-year-old me should see myself, buying a house with that mysterious wizard with the sharp ears from on holiday long ago, and in a month and a half officially being partners in crime..." "It's unbelievable, I know..."
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"You guys just act all clingy, I'm going to crawl into my tent."
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Even though a sleeping bag would have sufficed, Gabriella just enjoyed the excuse of sleeping in a tent because it looked so cool and exciting.
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Finn and Florian had not found a double sleeping bag in the short time, and after a while of trying to hug each other warm, they also said goodbye to the busy day and went to meet the first night in their new home.
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Full Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
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toadifylackoffantasy · 13 days ago
Chapter 33: The move
Part 5/20
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Previous Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
The setting sun was a sign that Flo really had to leave. There had already verbally agreed with the real estate agent, who had not noticed anything, the next day they would sign the contract.
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Dressed as a bird of paradise, Florian did their umpteenth show, which went brilliantly as always. Not flawless, but nowadays Florian worked away mistakes with their charm.
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And of course Finn always admired Florian's stage skills.
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"You were amazing as always. I really think you can call yourself a master acrobat by now."
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“And you’re about to get married and officially live with this master acrobat, what does that make you?” “Someone with very good taste, I’d say.” “You flirt.”
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Full Chapter weebly (More NSFW)
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