#Alexa Skill
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fluffyzhana · 1 year ago
Slams a fist down.
So, here's the thing. I've been developing a smart home skill for about a year now. I know, it's a long time, but the thing I'm working on is a catch-all for many different devices. One such device is the RGB light.
When you tell Alexa to set the color of your light, it sends the Skill a SetColor directive. This command has an HSL/V/B value which is hue, saturation, and lightness/value/brightness (that last one is important, we'll get back to that). First of all, this is probably the stupidest way you could send a color value for lights. Smart lights TYPICALLY use RGB(W), so it would make SENSE to send an RGB value so that I don't have to put it through some wacky converter to get the RGB value (which is awful, btw, and NOT a 1-to-1 function). Nope! They choose to use HSL.
You may be wondering why HSL is a bad idea. Well, for those of you who clicked the link to the SetColor directive, you may have already noticed this yellow box here:
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That may seem like it makes sense, but I need you to consider: If you have your bulbs at full brightness, which you more than likely will, and you tell your lights "change the color to blue", you would EXPECT those lights to turn blue... right? I certainly would. Artists out there might have already figured this out, but if we do what the aLl ImPoRtAnT yellow box says, then we would just get WHITE. Yes, any HSL color with 100% lightness is just white. And Alexa sends almost (key word here, "almost") every command with 100% lightness. There's basically little to no distinction between red/magenta and pink. If I'm supposed to ignore the lightness value, then why even have it??? Why should a user expect white when changing the color of a lighbulb that is fully on???
"Best user experience" my ass.
So, I did something different. Any time Alexa sends me 1.0, or 100%, I set the L value to 0.5, or 50%. This gets a good, basic color for MOST things, while still letting colors like light blue come through as lighter than plain blue. And I say most, because out of all the basic colors (not even counting more complex colors like "olive"), there is one that stands out. Purple.
Yes, I bet you were wondering when I'd get to purple, so here it is. Here's the HSL value that Alexa sends me for purple (follow along with me here, if you'd like):
Hue: 277.0 off to a good start Saturation: 0.86 or 86% also not bad. That's a pretty good purple. Lightness: 0.93 or 93%
WHAT? Look at that color! That's a La Croix of the color purple! If you wanted me to ignore the brightness, why did you put it in there? I now can't just ignore ONLY the lightness that's 100%. I have to make a special exception just for purple, just because the original programmers thought it would be a good idea to tie lightness to the actual brightness of the light, which is far from a bright idea. Fuck you, whoever programmed this. No other native apps do this shit with their lights, brightness is completely separate from color. And for good fucking reason.
If someone working at Alexa happens to see this, please, kindly fix this. And StepSpeakers. But that's another rant that I shall spare you all from.
Fuck Alexa.
Alexa Skills Kit broke the color purple and it pisses me off to no end.
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renwyvernsims · 1 year ago
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Little Alcor's mischievous streak knows no bounds! The little guy really wants to play in the toilet.
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"Al? What on earth do you think you're doing?"
"Wah wah!"
"Alcor, please tell me you weren't splashing around in the toilet!"
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"I swear, I clean all that syrup you spilled in the living room, and you're already off causing chaos somewhere else! We don't play in the toilet, got it?"
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"Sigh... I'm sorry I yelled at you, Momma's just frustrated. Playing in toilets is a no-no, okay? It's got yucky water."
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The Extra Daughter - Chapter 8
I'm not the best at dresses but this is the best I could do to make what I had in mind. I promise it's more versatile and mobile of a dress than it looks
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kernalphage · 1 year ago
as someone who programs Alexa games the prevailing superstition is:
She's real, and she's the dumbest bitch on the planet.
(Amz though, is a Tangled web of bureaucracy and strangely specific ad targeting)
i hate how they market alexa as a ‘member of the family’ like that’s SO fucking blatantly insidious and terrifying also if i wanted an untrustworthy/cold/emotionless machine in my life i’d just talk to my fuckin father 
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ustrumpnews · 19 days ago
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milksergeant · 22 days ago
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I love my lovey, cringe boys. 💓
I also wrote a lil snippet for this
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geekpopnews · 7 months ago
Show do Milhão App: relembre o jogo do clássico programa de perguntas e respostas do Silvio Santos
Relembre o jogo do icônico Show do Milhão, sucesso televisivo do Programa Silvio Santos nos anos 2000. #ShowdoMilhão #ShowdoMilhãoApp #Silvio Santos
O Show do Milhão App traz de volta toda a nostalgia do famoso programa de perguntas e respostas do Silvio Santos, que marcou gerações nos anos 2000. Quem não se lembra das noites na frente da TV, torcendo para que os participantes dessem as respostas certas, e então, levar para casa os tão sonhados um milhão de reais? Dá até saudade! Além de trazer de volta as memórias do programa, o aplicativo…
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bob3160 · 7 months ago
Is FREE truly FREE - Amazon Alexa
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topsinfosolutions · 9 months ago
Imagine a world where your voice is the key to unlocking a universe of information and control. This is not science fiction; it's the reality created by voice-powered assistants like Amazon's Alexa.
With a simple voice command, you can control your smart home devices, play music, set reminders, and much more.
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warrenwoodhouse · 1 year ago
Real Filming Locations - Skills - Amazon Alexa App
Try out my @realfilminglocations blog’s own skill using the @amazon #Alexa app. This skill features questions, answers and facts and can be played by more than one person. It includes questions related to film locations, tv series locations and video game locations. If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the feedback form at https://warrenwoodhouse.tumblr.com/ask
21st October 2023: Updated skill icon
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gearbraininc · 1 year ago
If decorating for Halloween, here are some ideas to make your smart home into a smart haunted house.
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natures-uprise · 2 years ago
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ongraph · 2 years ago
As a leading Alexa Skills Development Company, OnGraph Technologies have expertise in developing Alexa skills tailored to customers’ services and products. We have experience in using both AWS and custom server environments. We also provide custom solutions in voice technology for a variety of purposes.
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senpazzi · 1 month ago
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Pairing: ceo!Jeong Jaehyun x afab!Fem Reader
Synopsis: You worked at an extremely successful Marketing company in the big city of Chicago. Fresh out of college, you were able to land such a high paying job, just for it to not be enough for you. You valued the more expensive things in life, and there was only one man who could provide that for you, Jeong Jaehyun.
Warnings: smut, (18+ continent mdni), smoking, corruption kink(?), reader is a bit bratty.
Word Count: 8.7k (;-;)
You wanted a promotion. Scratch that. You needed this promotion. Anyone else would’ve been satisfied with the amount of money that you make. You’re only 25, working as a marketing consultant almost fresh out of college.
Simply put, you were very skilled in university and had amazing internship experience. It’s only been about two years of you at this South Korean-based company, its branches have finally reached the States, landing you a great opportunity to work in the big city of Chicago and be grateful enough to live alone.
But, even with the amazing pay and benefits the job comes with, you want more. You’re one to spoil yourself and live a luxurious life as a 25-year-old woman making more than the nation's average. You never came to work with your nails undone, a hair out of place. Instead, you came in the sleekest heels with the highest quality blouses and skirts. You catch eyes from all around when you step into the office. The men and women in every quarter acknowledge you daily.
“Y/N, I love your suit today.”
“Y/N, your purse is so beautiful, I wish my husband could afford that.”
“Your hair is always so beautiful, send me your stylist”.
Just several things you hear daily. However, your maintenance is becoming a bit too high. Your budgeting is shifting, and you’re beginning to realize that your maintenance can only be upheld with a higher salary. And what better way to do that? A raise simply wouldn’t cut it.
But, why not head for a position that offers 6 figures after the first year? Yes. You decided you were going to run for Vice President of Marketing Consulting at your company, that way with a little bit of the extra money, you can sit back and monitor everyone else in your company. You’ve always been one to express your opinion on anything going on, so why not get paid more for your input?
Applications were to have been submitted earlier this month, and of course, you were one of the first to get that done. Your boss, Jeong Jaehyun, has always praised that aspect of you. You never slacked or procrastinated, you’ve always shown that you were serious about your job and put in your best effort.
Earlier this month, you knocked on the door to his office, all the way on the 17th floor of the sky-rise building he owned. “Come in please.” you heard the assuring tone through the thick wooden doors. You pushed the golden handle and walked into the office, lit with beautiful warm lights, the room was filled with huge windows, cleaned twice a week per his request. Filing cabinets galore, the smell of coffee, and soft jazz music playing off his Alexa speaker. He acknowledged your presence once he heard the clacking of your heels approach further.
“Ah, Ms. Y/N, I almost forgot you were coming today. Is this your application?” He asked, motioning towards the portfolio in your hands. “Yes sir, I know we had about a week left to submit it, so I just needed to get this out the way.” You smiled softly, placing the portfolio in his hands. He nodded agreeing with your state, and gazed over the portfolio.
“You know, Y/N, you’re very brave for going after a position like this at such a young age, the competition won’t be light. What’s influencing you to go this route?” He asked like it was a simple question, setting your portfolio into a cabinet next to him, leaning back into his chair, cocking his head to the side.
He folded his hands over his lap, after motioning you to sit in the soft office chair across his desk. You cleared your throat, smoothing your skirt, sitting on the chair, and sitting up as straight as you could.
“Well, you see, I want to explore my expertise and bring everything I have to offer this job, Sir. I admire everything that goes on here and I would love to play a bigger role.” You said, in your soft but assuring voice. Even though what you said was truthful, you wanted it to sound more convincing than the tone that was coming out.
Jaehyun giggled slightly and put his head down facing his hands. Almost in disbelief. You cocked your head and furrowed your brows, genuinely trying to follow the actions of your supervisor. “Ms. Y/N, your answer sounds so rehearsed, it’s almost like you’re playing this out to be the interview,” he says calmly after regaining his breath from the laughter. “You’re young, you’re single, what business would somebody like you want going out to be the boss of a bunch of egotistical men? You’ll drain yourself by the time you’re 30.”
You furrow your lips into a tight line and try to suppress a sigh. He was right. These men don’t want to be bossed around by a woman like you. At least not in this setting. Will you even be taken seriously? Will people acknowledge you as a higher-up? You’re as old as some of these men’s daughters. Would it be selfish to take this opportunity from another person who might need this money?
“I need the money Mr. Jeong.” you finally caved in. It sounded almost disappointing that you were admitting to such a thing. Jaehyun’s eyes dropped as well as his smile. He looked down a bit awkwardly, almost like he said something offensive, and realized the severity of the situation.
A few moments pass, and he inhales a breath before leaning in closer over the table. “Excuse my ignorance Ms. Y/N, but every day you come into the office looking like a model. It sounds a little cliche and inappropriate coming from your boss, but your documents tell me you’re single and live comfortably, your salary pay is above average, your hair is never out of place, and you drive a 2024 Hyundai outside, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re doing perfectly fine.” It sounded like a lecture in all honesty.
He was right, you were doing amazing on your own, and you could afford almost anything comfortably. You’re being greedy, at least that’s what you felt Jaehyun was portraying. You shook your head in acknowledgment of his words. “Yes sir, my mistake. I’ll withdraw my application.” you caved in, too afraid to look him in the eyes. You slowly began to rise from the chair, noticing your vision began to get a little blurry from the tears threatening to fall.
“Ms. Y/N.” his voice came out sharp, but not harsh, as he also arose from his chair. He looked at you with the same soft gaze as before, you blinked a few tears back and met his eyes. “Yes sir?”
“Do you have any plans tonight?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Why could he possibly need to know that? Your eyes told it all, but he still wanted to hear you.
“Uh. Well, no sir I’m not. May I ask why? Do you need me to stay after today?” you asked with a confused pitch in your voice. It almost came off as a bit rude some may argue, but with Jaehyun being your higher-up, the idea of him seeing his past work hours is as rare as a blue moon.
It’s understandable why your mind is racing accordingly. “I want to see your apartment,” he said ever so bluntly. “I want to see how you live, I want to make sure the assumptions I’m dropping on you are correct.” he continues, crossing his arms. Is he trying to intimidate you? Because if he is, it’s working.
You cleared your throat once again and shook your head in approval. You stood straight up, raising your head higher and forcing a small smile, to distract him from your nervousness. “Oh. Well, I guess that’s okay. I’ll have to clean a bit, but I could see you for company tonight around maybe 8?” your voice was as convincing as a 5-year-old who broke something and pretended to be oblivious.
“Great. It’s a date. See you tonight Ms. Y/N.” he smiled again finally since his laughing fit, of course, his dimples on display for your eyes. “Yeah, a date.” you blushed like an idiot, before collecting yourself, clacking your heels as you almost sped walk to his door. The sigh of relief that left you after closing his door was almost as loud for anyone passing to hear.
“Fuck.” you cursed to yourself.
8:33 PM
A sudden knock approached the door of your apartment. You arose from your on the couch, wearing a matching lounge set with your Ugg slippers, going to the door. You gazed out the peephole to be met with the familiar face of your boss. You took a deep breath, wiping your hands on your top, alleviating the sweat that was building, opening the door. On the other side, Jaehyun stood in all his glory. Black slacks, a loose white button-up, and his hair a bit more ruffled than how he usually maintains it.
“Good evening Ms. Y/n.” he smiled.
“Good evening Mr. Jeong”. You responded breathlessly. He looked handsome, no denying that. Even though it's obvious he's just gotten through with the workday, he seems more relaxed and approachable.
“May I come in?” he asked, hand motioning towards the door frame. “It’s getting kind of cold out here, I left my blazer in the car,” he explained with a shy smile, dimples coming to display.
“Oh, of course. I’m sorry.” you nodded stepping to the side and allowing the man to enter. He slipped off his work loafers and laid them neatly down by the front door. His eyes browsed around the living space with a grin creeping.
Your apartment was warm, with beige walls, paintings gracing the walls, vases filled with plants, a nice big rug, and even some figurines of your favorite niches laid around the hard surfaces.
“Your apartment smells nice.” Jaehyun acknowledged before having a seat on your cremé colored couch. “It’s almost exactly how I could've imagined it to be Ms. Y/N.”
You bit back on your lip nervously, before walking to finally sit on the opposite end of your couch. Your eyes were too shy to meet your boss’s gaze. Of course, you've had men over, even though it wasn't a lot of men, you're not a stranger to having the presence near you.
But, your handsome, respectful, polite boss, who seemed to never have a social life outside of his job? In your humble abode? Wow. It’s like having a first date all over again. Your train of thought was gone before he ever stepped in, barely being able to focus on anything that was not his looks. Reality snapped back at you when you felt a piercing gaze hit the right side of your body. It’s only then you remember that he bestowed a compliment upon you.
“Oh, right yes thank you. Sorry, I just blanked out for a minute.” you rambled out quickly before turning your body to face his direction. “Uhm, I’m sorry I’m so rude. Would you like anything to drink or eat? I have fruit and uhm alcohol, maybe a glass of wine I…”
“Just a bottle of water if you have it Ms. Y/N”. he interrupted with a soft giggle. He glanced over again to your kitchen area filled with a neat array of decor and fine china peering through the glass cabinets. “You know, even I don’t have any dishes that fancy in my house. Do you ever have guests over?” he questioned.
You stood up from your seat keeping your head down as you walked into your kitchen, opening the fridge and retrieving a bottle of water. “Oh, I don’t have many guests over at all, I just like to keep pretty things you know,” you admitted in an assuring tone before walking back to hand the bottle to him. “Also, outside of work, you don’t have to call me ‘Ms.’” you told him a bit quietly, you made sure your tone wasn’t coming off in a rude manner of course. “Just Y/N will suffice now.”
Jaehyun’s smile grew right before your eyes, his hand lightly grasping the bottles as his fingers hovered over yours for a brief moment. “Okay Y/N, well then maybe with this new comfortability we’re coming to, it'll be easier to talk to you about this situation I had in mind.” Jaehyun opened the bottle and took a quick swig of the water before placing it down on the coffee table in front of him.
You blushed like a fucking fool at the slight touch the man laid on you, staring at him a bit too hard watching him drink the water. How did he make such a simple action look so erotic?
You gulped slightly before going back to your original position on the couch to face him. “Uhm, okay well what did you want to talk to me about sir?” you cocked your head to the side laying your curious expression on him.
Jaehyun took one last slip of the water again, before letting out a sigh of satisfaction. He shifted his body towards you while he cleared his throat. “To put it simply, I think it would be extremely ignorant and difficult for me to give you that promotion.”
“Some people have been with the company longer and have more experience in that field than you do Y/N. It wouldn’t be fair for them, and I don’t want to damage my credibility”. He simply spewed out the statements as if it wasn’t one of the worst things you could’ve heard.
Your head naturally fell at his words. He was right. No need to argue, plead, or beg. Nothing. It was the undoubtable truth. Facts that have been proven time and time again. Still, the tears in your eyes welled and your expression fell. God, can a girl just get a little fucking help? You don’t ask for much, all you want to do is just spend the money you make as lavishly as you can.
You work like a dog and spend like a queen, it’s not like you expect all this to just be handed to you. You deserve more and you always tell yourself that. The frustration was becoming too much for you. Tears fell slowly but silently.
“Y/N, I understand how difficult this is for you. As your higher-up, I want to offer you another solution to your problem.” Jaehyun said barely above a whisper leaning closer to you, laying a soft hand on your thigh.
The sudden motion caught you off guard looking at his hand. You wiped your face with the back of your hand before looking up to meet his eyes. You stared at him with a small sense of hope wondering before you what his solution could be. “Maybe, I could sponsor you Y/N,” he suggested softly.
The stare on your face was as blank as a damn white sheet of paper. What? What does he mean by sponsoring you? “Like, a sugar baby?” you asked dumbfounded. He sighed softly before closing the gap between you two even more.
“I don’t like that term, I don’t expect the sex or forcing you into doing anything like that. I just, you’re very pretty Y/N. Simply, I’m drawn to how you present yourself. I can’t express to you how good it would feel to be the man who bought all the things you wore.”
He whispered gently interlacing his hands into yours. His thumb graced the back of your hand as he looked into your expression. “You would look so pretty in the clothes that I buy you and the jewelry I pick out for you. You’d look so pretty just for me.” he continued out trying to get a read on your face.
You blinked back the rest of the tears and held his hand a little tighter. Your lips curved slightly to give him a weak smile and meet his eyes finally. “Well, what would you like in return Mr. Jeong?” you asked softly. To be honest, as handsome as your boss is, you’ve never been the type to see him in such a romantic aspect, at least not yet.
You don’t know exactly how far you’re willing to go in your agreement. Jaehyun’s head turned to the side to stare at you with his attentive eyes. “That’s up to you really Y/N. Just show me that you’re appreciative of what I’m doing for you. Give me your attention. It’ll be enough for me.” he told you in all his honesty.
Jaehyun was like most men in his field. Lonely. Whether they were married in loveless relationships, or divorced and used for others' advantages, Jeong Jaehyun had nobody outside of work. Other than his other extremely rich male friends, they’re always boasting about having sugar babies or models that they spoil.
Some say it’s pathetic, but for Jaehyun, it’s perfect for him. He’s not asking for devotion or a relationship. Just some time. Just some affection. And in return, he’d do what he could to keep you as happy as you made him. Is that so bad?
You nodded understandably. Giving off a small smile you tugged gently on Jaehyun’s hand, squeezing it before meeting his gaze. “I think this is something I’d be interested in Mr. Jeong,” you assured him. Your tone was soft and gentle, but warm and assuring. This is what you want. Money. Spoiling. Gifts. And best of all, the price was your choice. Be respectful and kind, and he’ll do whatever you wish for. This is a dream coming true for you.
Jaehyun’s smile was bright and tender. He acknowledged your words, taking your cheek and cupping it in his hand gently. “I appreciate you so much Ms. Y/N. We can discuss any rules or suggestions you have at any time. You have my number, I’ll be in touch with you.” he stated.
He stood up gently, dusting himself off and grabbing the water bottle you issued to him earlier. “I better get going, I do have a pretty lady to work with early tomorrow morning and I wouldn’t miss that for anything in the world.” he teased jokingly, obviously the pretty lady in question being you.
You stood up as well, shaking your head. “Your flirting is crazy Mr. Jeong.” you softly chuckled, leading him towards the door to your apartment and opening it. “I’ll see you tomorrow sir, please be safe.” you issued your farewell respectfully. Jaehyun made his way towards the door, stopping in the frame to lay a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Like I said Ms. Y/N, I’ll be in touch. Goodnight,” he whispered before heading out the door of your apartment.
You closed the door softly. You sighed to yourself and began to think about everything happening. Your heart was fluttering and your head spun with all the possibilities that could take place with you and your boss. Letting your imagination run free, the rest of the night went by swiftly as you went to bed for your nightly rest.
9:14 AM
The following morning, you enter your cubicle in the office building like usual. Your hair in its signature style, wearing your favorite perfume, and a soft gloss complimenting your complexion. You began the day with a hot caramel-flavored coffee at your side as you typed away at your computer, answering emails and looking at logs and dates for the future. A ring on your cellphone shortly came after some time into your work. The contact was labeled no other than “Mr. Jeong.”
You smiled and took a soft breath before answering it, voice quiet as you didn’t want to distract any of your colleagues. “Hello?”
“Ms. Y/N, could you drop by my office today? I wanted to discuss something regarding our agreement,” he responded softly into the phone. His voice was warm, as per usual. However, hearing it over the phone now with your new arrangement exudes a new feeling in you. Something sudden and seductive.
You slid out of your chair and walked quickly to the office of Jaehyun’s, knocking a few times before you heard his voice telling you to come in. You walked into the office with a bright smile on your face before sitting in front of him in the guest chair. “Good morning Mr. Jeong.” you beamed.
Jaehyun’s dimples were on display, smiling at your presence. He looked at your outfit, your blouse a soft pink shade today with a black pencil skirt. “Good morning Ms. Y/N, you look beautiful today. As you always do.” he complimented casually. “I called you in because I wanted you to read over this, Tell me what you think.” his hands went to his printer, and a few sheets of paper came out.
He grabbed the warm stack of papers and stapled them together before placing them in front of you. The title of the documents is labeled as “contract.” You cocked your head to the side before skimming through the items.
This document reads the legal terms allowed between the pair of Y/N L/N and Jeong Jaehyun. In regards to the limits, expectations, and direct references of their relationship….
As you read on, a few things caught your attention. “Details of our relationship will not be discussed with colleagues or anyone in our team.” Understandable. “If either factor in the pair decides to leave the agreement, the contract will still uphold any rules regarding discussion of the relationship.” Okay, so basically an NDA right? But the major rule highlighted caught your attention.
“This pair will not conduct any exclusive activities of a relationship, including but not limited to being officially boyfriend and girlfriend, marriage, or sex.”
Your eyes opened widely. Jaehyun took notice of the action, leaning into your gaze. “Anything wrong?” he asked, furrowing his brows. You blinked a few times before clearing your throat and meeting his gaze. “No! Nothing's wrong at all sir. It’s perfect how well thought out this is.” you perked giving an awkward smile. Everything in the agreement was understandable.
You memorized everything that stood out and narrowed your options. “So, everything here is just for legal purposes I assume?” you ask tilting back up to acknowledge Jaehyun.
He nodded accordingly. “Just in case we have any issues since we’re in a work setting, I don’t want to risk being sued or ridiculed in case something happens. Not that it will, but I’m just being smart,” he assured. He rummaged in a cup, hanging you a black pen. “I’ve already signed here, sign down here on the line. You can keep that copy, I’ll just have to copy it in the machine before you go.” he motioned towards the red line. Above, was his signature acknowledging he agreed to all terms of the contract.
You took the pen from his grasp, wrote your signature on the line, and handed him the sheet to copy. He smiled softly, slipping the paper into the copier machine, and faxing out more sheets. He handed you the original copy with your signature. “Thank you. Here’s your pen.” you handed the item back to him with a soft grin, awaiting his response.
He smiled, softly removing the pen from your grasp and setting it back. “Now, Y/N I wanted to show you a bit of my appreciation for signing up to do this.” he began gently, he dipped down under his desk revealing a sleek black shoebox. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped, covering your lips before a gasp could escape. The box read “YSL.” You shook your head and extended your hand out. “Mr. Jeong, I can’t accept this, I don’t even buy this for myself.” you began protesting politely.
His eyebrows furrowed as he shrugged his shoulders. “That’s the point Ms. Y/N. Allow me to buy these things for you.” He extended his arms over the desk, hinting for you to open the box. You reluctantly slipped your hands over the item, lifting the black lid. Inside the box held the sleekest kitten heel with gold YSL embellishment on the center.
You looked up to him with the brightest smile you’ve ever worn in that office. “Mr. Jeong, I appreciate this so much. I can’t believe you did this, I’m so thankful,” you repeated. Your voice was laced with excitement and gratitude and it exuded something Jaehyun, something that he knew he needed to see more of.
“Try them on love.” he insisted, his tone sultry as his voice barely became above a whisper. He lifted from his seat walking over to you. He spun you lightly in the chair to face him. He took the box and got down on one knee in front of you. You weren’t wearing your stockings today, as you had on a long pencil skirt. His hand gently caressed your bare leg lifting to his chest. He gently slipped the black flat off your foot, replacing it with the heel, repeating the same step for the other leg.
His touch was gentle, warm, and seductive. It was enough to spark that rare feeling of excitement and lust in you. This contract would be dreadful if he continued these actions with you. How could he ever expect that you wouldn’t want to have sex with him? Jaehyun looked as if he was constructed to be God’s favorite. His skin was clear and bright. His hair is thick and full of body. The dimples balanced his masculine appearance so well, that his body was toned perfectly. Everything was perfect about him. Sexually endearing.
Jaehyun gazed upon you carefully eyeing every ounce of you. How your hair was always neatly styled. How your makeup was soft and warm, your lips always a perfect shade of nude or glossed. Your eyes are soft and endearing. He knew exactly what he was doing when he was writing that contract. He knew exactly why he had to emphasize a no-sex clause. He wouldn’t be able to get enough of you.
You stood up from the chair taking a few steps in the heel. They were surprisingly very comfortable, even though you were good at walking in heels, you weren’t a stranger to the occasional pain they caused. Jaehyun lifted off the floor, tossing your black flats into the box before he bestowed it under his desk. He took you by the waist encouraging you to face him.
“I saw these in the store months ago and they did remind me of you.” he began as he inched closer to your face. His gaze trailed from your beautiful bright eyes down to your slightly exposed collarbone. “I couldn’t help myself from getting these for you once I found out you wanted to partake in this sponsorship,” he whispered.
You met his gaze shyly before giggling a bit to yourself subconsciously. “Thank you, Mr. Jeong. I’ll wear them as often as I can.” you continued. His gaze on you was dangerous. He was locked in, to say the least. The space between you two was slim to none, not that either of you mind. Your chest was to his as his lower body pressed closer against you.
“I want to see you in everything I get you more often,” he explained with a soft smile. His breath hitched gently as he felt the erotic feeling growing in his pants. Once he noticed it he politely turned away, pulling his touch away from you. He walked back over to the seat on his desk.
“You should get going Ms. Y/N, I’m sure your colleagues are wondering about your whereabouts.” he insisted with his regular tone of voice once again. You were caught off guard, but you decided not to overstep. You nodded your head shyly before walking to the door to exit. “Thank you, Mr. Jeong. I’ll see you soon.” you kindly bid your farewell before you are caught off guard once again by him saying your name.
“Yes sir?” you asked while your body stood in the door frame. “Please lock the door on your way out,” he answered as steadily as his voice allowed him to. Your eyes widened slightly but you didn’t refrain from doing what he said. Exiting the door, you made sure to twit the lock to the left heading back to your seat.
After the door locked, Jaehyun unbuckled his pants grabbing out his hard length. He wrapped his large rough hand around his dick and began pumping slowly and tightly. Only one thing on his mind. You.
“Mm… fuck Y/N.” escaped his lips countless amounts of times. For the record, no one saw him for the rest of that morning.
A few weeks pass of Jaehyun texting you and calling you every few days of the week. Usually, these conversations consisted of asking about each other's day, asking you about your favorite colors and sizes in clothes, and occasionally venting from both parties. When you came to your cubicle in the office, breakfast, and coffee would be waiting there for you. When you came home from work, a package from designer brands or flowers wrapped outside would be awaiting at your door frame. Messages would be attached to each gift from none other than Jaehyun of course.
“Saw this and it reminded me of you love.”
“Show me how this fits today Y/N.”
“You look so pretty in this love.”
All signed by J.JH. When it was time for a fill-in for your nails, Jaehyun would pick which color and design he would want you to wear, which you didn’t mind because coincidentally you both had similar tastes. When you wanted to go to the salon for a treatment or new style, he always sent double the amount that was needed. He loved spoiling you. He loved seeing you dolled up for him. And all you did in return was send him photos of you in everything he put you in.
When he bought you that new blazer for work, you wore it the next day. Every salon appointment, you flooded his messages with pictures of results. Even when you got your toes done, you sent him pictures of everything. The flowers he sent were watered daily in your apartment. You were truthfully grateful and appreciative of the life he was providing for you.
What did Jaehyun think of all this? It turned him on. Every picture flooded and his phone was immediately saved to his camera roll. He scrolled through your chats every night before bed, and every morning when he woke up. The smile on your face, the glow on your skin, and the perfume you wore were all caused by him. You were his. His muse, his doll, everything he needed. You were so kind and willing to show how much he was appreciated. The fact that he easily made you feel so loved and cared for was heaven to him.
9:59 PM
It was a Saturday night, you had the whole weekend off. You were sat in a red satin robe and some fuzzy slippers Jaehyun bought you a few weeks ago, in the living room of your apartment eating dinner while watching your favorite Netflix series. You were awaiting a package that Jaehyun alerted you about earlier in the week. It was supposed to have arrived last night but got delayed due to the weather. A message pinged your phone, checking the notification it was from Jaehyun.
Mr. Jeong❤️: hey beautiful girl, check outside your door now.
Mr. Jeong❤️: your package said it arrived about 5 minutes ago, send me pictures whenever you try it on <3.
You texted back an “okay❤️,” before jumping out of your seat to your front door. You opened the door and grabbed the package that was set directly outside. Bringing it into the house, you cut open the box to see that a pink and white striped box was inside. Victoria Secret. Your eyes widened. Jaehyun never bought you lingerie. Nothing even close. Your hands trailed over the box lifting the lid to see exactly what was graced inside.
White and lacy bra and panties set with laced socks to match. The bra was embroidered with gold clips adjustment straps and a bow directly between your cleavage. It was undoubtedly the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen. You checked the back of the panties, it was a cheeky style. You took the item with you into your bedroom slipping it onto your body.
You went to the mirror and stared at yourself. You decided to keep your hair down and not put on any makeup since you were just going to send him a picture of your body. The lingerie hugged your curves perfectly and the white and gold contrast brought out your skin tone beautifully. You laid back in the bed and began posing seductively taking a plethora of photos to send to Jaehyun.
You: [sent 6 attachments]
You: wow, I can’t believe how pretty this is, thank you❤️.
10:23 PM
Jaehyun’s phone dinged. He was sitting on his balcony in a relaxed white tee and sweatpants smoking a cigarette while listening to his playlist off his speaker. He checked the phone and saw the pictures you blessed his phone with. His breath hitched as his heartbeat grew faster. He examined each picture slowly analyzing every inch of your body. He examined how your breasts sat perked in the bra. How glowy the white lace made your skin pop. How the thin lace barely covered your nipples.
Mr. Jeong❤️: I’m otw.
It sounded like a threat in all honesty. Jaehyun hadn’t been to your apartment since the day he proposed the sponsorship idea. Your mind was foggy. What do you do? What was he going to do to you? Would he finally break what’s in the contract? After pondering for a few moments, you hopped out of the bed and went into your bathroom. You graced a soft amount of makeup enhancing your features just in case he planned to fuck you. Finally.
Your mind raced vigorously taking in all the possibilities of what he could do to you. Would he be big? Would he tease you? The possibilities were endless. After popping a few dabs of blush and lipstick on, you grabbed your robe and pulled it around your skin. You headed towards your mirror taking more seductive pictures to send to him. If he was already feeling the pressure of wanting to fuck you, you wanted to grow that desire as much as you could before he got there.
You: [sent 4 attachments]
You: I hope u like these too :)
As Jaehyun was rushing out of his home, he checked the mirror pictures you sent him. His pants were tightening every second as he stared at you. You were enticing to him. There wasn’t a part of you that he didn’t feel enamored by, physically and emotionally. Your personality was sweet and polite. But your body was the sexiest thing he could ever lay his eyes on.
Mr. Jeong❤️: fuck the contract.
He jumped into his car and sped to your apartment. He knew your addresses by heart now making the 20-minute drive into 10 minute one. He arrived shortly knocking at your door.
You jumped up from your space in the bed strolling over to the door. As you opened it, Jaehyun’s presence filled the door frame eyeing you. His eyes were dark and hooded, his chest heaved up and down like he was out of breath. “Hello Mr. Jeong!” you greeted innocently with a smile. He smiled softly sizing you up and down. The way your body was out almost completely on display for him caught him in a trance. “Hello Y/N. May I come in?” he asked calmly. You moved to the side allowing him to step into your space, closing and locking the door behind you.
“What brings you here so late?” you asked curiously walking over closer to engulf his frame. He held you closely by your naked waist staring at your frame. “I had to see how beautiful my baby looked tonight,” he whispered inching dangerously close to your lips. Your eyes fluttered allowing him to grow closer, lips barely touching his. Your breath hitched at the contact.
“I look this beautiful just for you sir,” you whispered seductively against his lips. Jaehyun closed his eyes and crashed his lips against yours passionately. His grip on your waist tightened, causing him to pull you against his lower half. The friction between his body and yours created a hot sensation between you too. The tension in the room thickens. The sound of each other's lips smacking against each other filled the room.
You melted into the kiss yearning more for his touch. You wrapped your arms around his neck moaning gently at the friction he was creating by grinding your hips onto his erection. “M-Mr. Jeong,” you gasped between kisses trying to catch your breath. He ignored you. He completely took over your body, engulfing you in a deeper and longer kiss.
“Your bedroom, now,” he commanded. His voice was hoarse and breathing heavy. He only released you enough to have you lead him towards your room. He kept his hands close to your waist as you led the way. “Mr. Jeong, the contract what’ll happen if we break it?” you questioned stopping in your tracks as you stood in your doorframe. His eyes were still filled with lust, but his touch was reassuring and warm.
“We can worry about that later, we both want this. Don’t you Y/N?” he asked gently. His hands interlocked his fingers into yours, rubbing warm circles with his thumbs. “I do, but I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” you continued quietly. He nodded pulling you into your bedroom and having you both stand adjacent to your bed. He finally let go of your waist staring down at your frame.
“Get down,” he commanded with a low and stern voice. You looked up with eyes widened in shock. You slowly got down onto your knees keeping direct eye contact with him. You kept your head tilted up as Jaehyun brought his hand to cup your cheek. He softly stroked your face with his thumb examining your soft features.
“You’re so pretty baby,” he whispered daringly. He pressed his thumb to your lips pulling them slightly ajar. “Open your mouth,” Jaehyun smirked watching as you obeyed him instantly. You maintained eye contact surprisingly not breaking at the dominance he reigned over you. He leaned down slowly spitting into your mouth catching you off guard. He watched as you reluctantly swallowed the drop he laid into your mouth, smirking at your reaction. “Such a good girl for me,” he cooed strumming your face.
You blushed at his actions feeling slightly embarrassed by how you could easily succumb to his wants. But, you couldn’t deny how much his dominance turned you on. The wetness pooling from your core was more than enough evidence. You slowly raised your hand up to his bulge poking through his sweats, palming everything Jaehyun had to offer.
He hissed loudly at the abrupt touch, grabbing your wrist. “Not yet baby,” he warned sternly jerking your hand away from his length. You whined annoyed at his actions. “Why not?” you questioned cocking your head up to him. He smirked at your whining, amused by how much audacity you had. “Because baby, we’ve established already who’s in control here haven’t we?” he asked rhetorically. He simultaneously pulled his sweatpants and black boxers down to his ankles, letting his erect length spring into the air.
It took everything in you not to gasp his size. You didn’t expect him to be so thick, his tip red and leaking with pre-cum. He stilled his hand under your chin, using his other hand to pump his length in front of you. Jaehyun moaned softly as he noticed you staring at him masturbating. It was hot. How infatuated you were with his body. How enticing it was for him to see you so needy and weak for him. He barely touched you, yet he knew how much of a hold he had on you. “Do you see what you do to me baby?” he hissed stroking himself faster.
“Seeing you get so pretty for me, how you always smell so good. How do I get to spoil you and nobody else? How you listen to me and be so good to me, it turns me on so much having a good pretty girl like you,” he praised breathing heavily in between each stroke. Jaehyun was covered already in a thin coat of sweat and his deep baritone voice laced your ears with pleasure. You wanted nothing more but to show him your appreciation thoroughly, how wonderful he made you feel.
You slowly grabbed his wrist, pulling his arm that cuffed his length directly into your mouth. He moaned hazily at the contact of your wet and warm mouth around his cock. He threw his head back instantly. Jaehyun watched as you took him all the way engulfing his length. He struggled to keep a steady breath or a calm face. Only shaky moans escaped his lips and the furrowing of his brows took over.
He scrunched his face in pleasure, taking the back of our head and bucking his hips roughly into your mouth. Gagging and humming filled the air as saliva drooled over your chin. He rutted against your mouth at a faster pace as you struggled trying to keep up with his desires. “Fuck baby,” he hissed lowly. “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum in this pretty mouth of yours,” he warned cupping the back of your head with both strong hands now.
Your eyes were welling with tears as the back of your throat became tense and sore. He was being so rough with you. Like you were just a toy he could fool with and use for his sole pleasure. But essentially that’s what you were to him. A beautiful, loving, fuck toy. Just his. Only his. You hummed gently around his dick causing vibrations to hit around his entire length.
His eyes shut tightly before you felt a trickle of warm salty liquid fill your mouth. You struggled to swallow it, as his length was still fully engulfed into your mouth. He gently pulled away from your lips, wiping your soaking mouth dry with the back of his hand. “I’m sorry I was so rough Y/N,” he whispered timidly strumming your warm cheeks. “Are you okay?”
You nodded assuringly giving a small smile. “I’m okay Mr. Jeong, I promise.” You slowly rose from your knees making your way to sit on your bed. Your robe was slipping, your knees aching from sitting on the floor. Jaehyun eyed you, looking at how gorgeously the sweat from your head caused your hair to stick to your skin. Your shoulder and torso are exposed from the poorly secured robe you adorned.
“Baby,” he whispered walking to sit on the bed adjacent to you. You cocked your head up, noticing how closely he was inching towards your face. He slipped your robe off your shoulders, gently wrapping his arms around you again. You giggled noticing he still had on his shirt. Tugging at it gently you looked into his eyes. “Take this off for me Mr. Jeong,” you politely asked with a kind smile and pleading eyes.
He immediately obeyed doing just as you asked, removing his shirt in one swift motion. He pushed you gently having your back laid against the bed, as she hovered over you. He placed his knee gently before your wet clothed core. “You drive me so crazy Y/N,” he confessed as he placed open wet kisses across your neck.
You moaned softly at the sensation. His lips were soft yet filled with so much passion and force. His fingers laced around your throat squeezing lightly at the sides of your neck. His knee slowly dragged between your legs feeling how soaked your pussy is. “Wow baby, you’re this wet for me already? Were you thinking about how well I was going to fuck you, my love?” he rhetorically asked grinding his knee deeper between your clit.
You nodded your head obeying his words. You gasped as his grip tightened. “Yes, yes sir! I’ve been thinking about you fucking me for weeks. I want you so bad Mr. Jeong sir,” you screamed out each word as he deliberately kissed your rougher down between your cleavage. Jaehyun chuckled in amusement at your confession, placing your legs over his hips. He slipped your white panties to them staring at your seeping core.
“Yeah, baby? You thought about me taking care of you like this?” he questioned before slipping one of his long slender fingers inside of you, curling it feeling the inside of your walls. You arched your back in pleasure as your thighs shook at the feeling. He was already setting you off the edge, hardly even touching you.
Jaehyun watched as you squirmed beneath his touch, the feeling of wanting to completely ruin you was taking over him. Corrupting your perfect body, fucking you like the spoiled slut you were for him. His eyes were fluttering from the intense feeling building inside him. He sat on his knees pulling his finger out of you harshly, causing a whine of ache to escape from you.
“You’re such a good girl. Always showin' off for me,” he whispered looking dead into your eyes as he pumped his cock once again. “You’re so beautiful in this lingerie I bought you,” he continued. “Take your panties off for me darling,” he commanded quietly. You nodded profusely as you slipped the material off your thighs. He took the panties from your hand and swiftly threw them into the pile of clothes that he left on your floor.
You laid there half-naked just for him to explicitly see you. “Spread your legs and lift them for me.”
The command was so vulgar and dirty. He knew he had so much control over you. You’d do anything he said, anything he could ever ask for. You were obligated to. You were his.
You did as he commanded, legs up having your heat out for display. Jaehyun stared down at your wet cunt, dripping in arousal just for him. His gaze made his way back to your doe eyes. He hovered gently over you to lay a soft kiss on your beautiful lipstick-smudged lips before he rammed into you.
Your back arched instantaneously at the abrupt contact, you screamed out a long pleasure-filled moan as your arms flew to cling onto Jaehyun’s broad back. “Mr. Jeong please!” you begged. Jaehyun began to ram into you at a steady and deep pace, kissing down your neck in an attempt to calm you down.
You were anything but calm. The pleasure was immense. The speed was perfect. He stretched you out so well and filled you perfectly. The pleasure overthrew the pain by miles, it was incomparable to anything you’ve ever felt before.
Jaehyun himself was struggling to keep his composure as well. He was extremely vocal about how good you felt, groaning at every clench your body made. He thrusted deeply into your core causing waves of pleasure to take over him. “Mr. Jeong,” you breathed out weakly, “I-i can’t take it sir,” you complained out. He gripped his strong hand around your neck once more forcing your lips to meet his.
He kissed you deeply muffling your moans and your comments. “You can take whatever I give you baby,” he replied between your sunken wet kisses. He trusted faster into you, causing your face to scrunch up. “See baby? You’re taking it so well, you’re doing so good. Such a good girl for me. My pretty baby…” Jaehyun praised you every single moment he could. This was no exception.
You clenched around him so tightly, that he felt every inch of you. You didn’t run away from the love he was making for you, you were perfect for him. A warm and tight knot formed in your stomach. The sensation caused you to dig deeper, scratching red lines deep into your boss’s back. “Mr. Jeong, I think I’m going to cum, it feels too good!” you exclaimed again, your voice cracking and toes curled in the sensation he was causing you.
Jaehyun grabbed your hips holding you down as he somehow was able to ram into you faster, causing screams from the both of you. His body was covered in sweat. His abs glisten before your eyes, his head thrown back as every inch of his manhood disappears deep into your core. “Take it, baby, take it so well, I’m gonna cum with you,” he praised his voice deep and laced with passion.
After a few more deep thrusts, you felt your cum drip down your thighs. Your cheeks were red and flush, sweat covered your entire body. Curses fled from your mouth as you chased your high. Jaehyun was far from composed. He was a sweaty mess. He managed to pull out just in time before exploding over your abdomen.
He collapsed next to your body, breathing heavily. Jaehyun ran his fingers through his drenched and sweat-filled hair, turning to face you. You managed to cool off enough to meet his gaze and chuckle softly at him. “What was all that for Mr. Jeong?” you teased eyeing the tired man. He chuckled softly blinking a few times at you. “You deserved it silly,” he replied simply.
You shook your head not following what he meant. “I don’t know what you mean sir?”You propped your body up enough to rest your head on the palm of your hand. Jaehyun stared at you in silence for a few moments, taking in everything about you thinking to himself. “My job is to take care of you every way I can. You’re a bit high maintenance you know that Y/N?” he retorted softly engaging his attention on you.
“Ouch.” you fake winced at his words. Jaehyun smiled cheekily kissing your forehead and wrapping his arm around your torso. “You know what I mean baby. Allow me to treat you to the life you deserve.”
It wasn’t an option, he was going to. And he did.
For the next few months, Jaehyun continued doing exactly that. But recently, he treated you to rooftop dinners, movie nights, to wine tastings. Your sponsorship became more exclusive, he invited you over to his house. Sleepovers and dinners became a regular thing on the weekends for you too, and the no sex clause? Consider that good as done.
8:53 AM
It was another Monday morning in the office, in your decorated cubicle, you received an email notification from none other than Jeong Jaehyun, issuing to alert to his office immediately.
You stood up and made your way to his room, knocking politely on the door. “Come in!” he rang from the other side of the door.
You made your way into the office, shutting the door behind you as you sat in your usual spot with a smile plastered on your face. “Good morning Mr. Jeong! You needed to see me?” you cocked your head to the side noticing the blank expression on his face.
Jaehyun faced you and held out a familiar stack of papers, your contract from when you first started being his sugar baby. He cleared his throat before looking into your eyes emotionless. “Ms. Y/N, I think it’s safe to say that I would like to end our contract,” he blankly stated.
Your heart dropped. Why? He was tired of you already? You were so willing and devoted to him. You loved how everything played out for you too, you were even willing to take things further and be more than just a girl he chose to spend his money on. “M-may I ask why?” you stuttered meekly.
Jaehyun’s face somehow did a complete 180, he lowered his body underneath his desk revealing a bouquet of roses. His dimples were on display and his eyes were sparkling.
“Because I want to be with you.”
Authors Note:
I’m so sorry this took so long! I was very shy about uploading my first Longshot, so any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated if you guys liked this! Please tell me what you want in the future and send requests!🩷
Love, Mei!
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justdavina · 8 months ago
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Alexa ~~ femleksa:
Such a sexy transgender woman! Her outfit looks perfect! Remember darling's..It takes a lot of skill and money to look this fashionable..Never, never give up on dressing feminine. You look marvelous to me!
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arielleslipgloss · 1 year ago
IDGAF Mindset 101
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“90% of life is confidence. And the thing is about confidence is no one knows if it’s real or not.” - Maddy Perez/ Alexa Demie
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Learn to say no. Any situation that you are uncomfortable in or don’t want to do something. SAY NO! It’s not rude to say no. What is rude is someone forcing you into something you don’t want to do. If it helps you can even say “no, thank you.” You’re still saying no but in a nicer form.
2. “If they don’t know you personally, don’t take it personal.” Why take a comment from someone personally? Do they know you, the REAL you. In fact, do you even know the real you? If they don’t, then don’t take it personally. Their comments aren’t going to matter when you’re living your dream life. It won’t matter in 10 years. So, don’t spend 10 seconds thinking about it.
3. Don’t allow disrespect! Would you let your (future) daughter get disrespected? I don’t think so. Therefore don’t allow yourself to get disrespected. If people are making your uncomfortable, let them know! If people are making comments about you, stand up for yourself. If you don’t want to do any of those, then walk away. NEVER let ANYONE disrespect you.
4. Altogether you need self respect! In order to do most of these, you need self respect. Self respect will help you overcome a lot of obstacles. Self respect is a strong aspect of your life. It’s not just a feeling or belief, it’s a skill. Not everyone has or can have strong self respect. The first step to self respect is work on your low self-esteem. That, is if you have self-esteem. Nevertheless, working on yourself in general is something you won’t regret! I recommend you watch self-development Youtubers. My favorites are Tam Kaur, TheWizardLiz, Simonesimmo, Persephonesmind, Lana Blakely, etc
5. Think of your haters as fans! Haters are truly your biggest fans. Whether they like it or not they are. They hate, hate, hate, and hate but they are still watching. They are still commenting on your every move. They still try to bring you down to feel good about themselves. All they are, is jealous fans.
“You be fearless everyday and when you don’t feel like it, just pretend girl” - Rhianna
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