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newssocialite · 1 year ago
Зачем Премия «Супер Лайк Шоу» готовит розовую дорожку
14 октября в концертном зале «Москва» состоится Первая Музыкальная Премия телеканала СТС Kids «Супер Лайк Шоу». Это уникальный проект для детей и подростков, в котором звёздные блогеры страны будут бороться за звание лучшего артиста. Перед началом официальной церемонии с 15.00 со своими кумирами гости «Супер Лайк Шоу» смогут встретиться… на розовой дорожке. Именно розовая дорожка станет…
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pinkflipphonez · 1 year ago
NEED 2 hear more abt indigenous!amerus….
[AAHHHH oh my goodness, I love this QUESSSTIOONN!! I think--]
to begin, Russia and America have more than 300+ indigenous cultures and languages within their regions. I do not aim to represent them as a monolith nor do my hcs aim to define a solitary native culture as their respective identities. seeing as they are a personification of their countries, I see them as an amalgamation of each culture's traditions.
working off the last post where I reference them speaking Diné and Koryak:
they began speaking these languages to each other in the early 1800s because of how close they were growing as friends. seriously, Fort Ross (aka Metini as named by the Pomo indigenous people of the region) was a Russian settlement established in California that existed to trade only with Americans. Alfred and Ivan used this settlement to get to know each other better and truly appreciate their indigenous identity over the revered status of their caucasian colonial overseers (Fort Ross was actually funded by an imperialist company so pls assume cultural diffusion is the only good thing they did; I only ref it as a point in history that connects their indigeneity as Siberian, Alaskan, and American natives all passed through this fort). It started off as a means to better interact with each other's people but then they began communicating exclusively with each other,,, and then it became more intimate,, y'know.
they would often hunt together (and al absolutely knocked it outta the park) but ivan would help him with preparing fur pelts (as koryaki or aleut/inuk culture exceeded at making coats and it was the largest trade in FR).
Native American and Siberian and Inuit/Inuk peoples in early history were IN LOVE with astronomy (and i'd say the pioneers of astronomy as a science)! this is where both Ame and Rus acquired their appreciation for space, and of course, the number one thing they geek tf out about together. space is not simply their hyper-fixation, but a part of everything they do. they plan ceremonies in kamchatka by the arrangement of the stars (specifically the Pleiades, or aka sakiattiak (Inuit) or coyote's daughters (Paiute)) because it is the origin of indigenous life. they camp out in chaco canyon at every equinox to stargaze.
they don't stay 'I love you' to each other. however, they do cook each other the most elaborate and appreciative meals: venison with cowberry sauce, smoked omul, cajun salmon, frybread (NAVAJO TACOS 4EVER) w all sorts of toppings, and BEEF JERKY! they prepare the best beef jerky in the whole darn tootin world!!!
Ivan is the singer in this boy band and Alfred is the dancer (and drummer tbh). Ivan is downright gifted in throat singing and could perform the dance of the seagulls with one stoli bottle and half a bar of alenka chocolate in his system. alfred can belt out while drumming, there's no doubt-- but I can tell you right now that he is DEADLY with his men's traditional dance. tbh, he wins 1000+ seduction points with Ivan when he dances lol
THEY CREATE FOR EACH OTHER. when they hunt, they use every bone in that sacred creature's body to make each other charms, knives, bracelets, rings, little beads for beaded jewelry--
AND BOY DO THEY BEAD!! ivan's regalia is comprised of reindeer skin and beads, and al will go 40 hrs straight sewing them on for him as well as making his headbands and jingle bells (he's a pattern whizz). al is more of a boujee native, so Ivan freaking obliges him so much that he will bead the most beautiful earrings, chains and medallions you have ever seen (he is a design whizz-- also alfred begged him for one with the vegas knights to brag to his bro about cause STANLEY CUP RAAAAH!!)
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skylarstark4826 · 6 months ago
I loved this beautiful Fanart from the Starmora ship of The Guardians of the Galaxy of the characters of Peter Quill (Star-Lord) and Gamora together and above all because I absolutely loved the idea that Peter and Gamora had had 2 beautiful daughters who were like them and that the daughter who is most appreciated by Peter had over-human abilities while her other daughter who looked more like Gamora had the powers of a celestial as was before her dad and also her evil grandfather Ego if you ask me... I don't know about you but I really want to see them together again in the next series and movies of the UCM and that then we can see them again... sincerely
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By the way, these beautiful Fanarts of them are not mine and the credits are not for me, but I will let you know that right here I am going to leave you the link of the real creator on DeviantArt.
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slasheru · 2 years ago
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Heyyyyy Slasher Nation! 🖤 First of all - HOLY CRAP THANK YOU!! Even though the Kickstarter didn't hit the goal, the fact that 98 of y'all (!!) got us a SIGNIFICANT part of the way there (almost $3,000!!) is MINDBLOWING!! <3333 I can't thank you enough 😭
So What Now / Wait you had a Plan B the whole time?!
Yeah, man, you thought I was just gonna leave you guys hanging? ;) We're gonna try this again with a WAY smaller goal on Crowdfundr! (I'll talk more about this below!) Short pitch is: $1,125 goal (which we nailed in 48 hours here), keeps SU running, launches September 7th, Crowfundr is being hella cool and sponsoring it for SPX Spotlight, follow along HERE! [https://crowdfundr.com/slasheruact2]
But ALSO, holy crap, you guys are AMAZING:
I can hardly call this thing a wash, though, because the amount of love, attention, and SOLD COPIES OF SLASHER U: ACT 1 have been ABSOLUTELY FUCKING WILD. I just wanted to shout out to:
More than 600 new Slasher U: Act 1 players downloaded the game since the Kickstarter launched
Slasher U: Act 1: Alpha Edition maintains a whopping 4.9 out of 5 Stars average rating on itch (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I sold enough copies of Slasher U: Act 1 to cover MORE THAN HALF MY RENT THIS MONTH!! If this Kickstarter stopped right here, you guys would've been able to cover 4 MORE months of rent & production time! Which is HOG WILD.
We got shoutouts from:
Beautiful Glitch, the team behind Monster Prom, Monster Camp, & Monster Roadtrip!! Beautiful Glitch are one of my most inspirational/aspirational heroes of game dev, and the Monster franchise was a HUGE inspiration for SU, so I can't BELIEVE this happened!!!! Thank you guys SO MUCH!!! <333
WWAC (Women Write About Comics), where journalist Alenka Figa wrote SO MUCH NICE STUFF about my storytelling I'm gonna fuckin cry!!
Corinne Halbert of ACID NUN - she and I are actually gonna do an Acid Nun x Slasher U collab where you'll be able to unlock an Acid Nun player skin!! Shhhh!!
The crew at Lewdgamer who wrote an awesome writeup of the KS campaign!
Indiepocalypse - we made it into Issue #42 and Alex had us on his podcast, which was SO MUCH FUN!! According to Alex, Slasher U had one of the highest audience participation/engagements he's seen on Indiepocalypse Radio, and it was MEGA FUN watching him parse some of your saucy Sawyer questions, LMFAO.
And here's some Slasher U & SUKS stats for you:
More than 2/3rds of you ended up dating either Sawyer or Tate. >:)
In total, 94 of you backed the game here on KS!!! YOU ALL KICK SERIOUS ASS
Almost 1,000 new copies of Slasher U: Act 1 (both Regular and Premium) were downloaded during the campaign!
During the campaign, at least 3 people personally thanked me for Slasher U completely changing their life by discovering something about themselves or making them feel seen and heard, which is going to make me FUCKING CRY and is the ENTIRE REASON WHY I MAKE THIS GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE. I love you all so, so so sosososoososososos much, Student Disembody. :'))))))
So this "Plan B", eh?
Some of you know I'm a cartoonist by trade (I drew for the official FNAF franchise and more!). This year, I ended up talking to some sponsors for this upcoming SPX (Small Press Expo), which is like SDCC for indie comics, including Crowdfundr - one thing led to another, and now I'm partnering up with Crowdfundr and SPX to bring you a WAY SMALLER but also WAY MORE PERSONAL campaign to keep the lights on here at SU, as part of Crowfundr's SPX Spotlight event! For the non-comics folks here, Crowdfundr is basically the indie comics Kickstarter - I've been buddies with this crowd (pun vageuly intended) for a while and I'm psyched to be doing this with people I've been meaning to collab with!!
The new goal will cover the absolute bare minimum of making SU - $1,125, which includes font licenses, the Mac port, and taxes. Then, any EXTRA will go to more production time on Slasher U! Basically, I'm swinging the campaign around so the minimum amount is the goal, and the goal-goal's the reach goal. The GOOD NEWS is we apparently smashed this $1k goal within 48 hours of THIS Kickstarter, so I'm VERY OPTIMISTIC ABOUT ROUND 2 OVER HERE.
(You'll ALSO still be able to snag one of those custom player skins I'm drawing - there's gonna be only 5 slots this time!) Aaaaand you can click to follow when the Crowdfundr launches in a month, here:
P.S: estimating the first Early Access build with *just* Laila's Act 2 content, plus some core extras, in the next month or month and a half >:)))
xoxoxooxoxoxoxo, love you guys SO FUCKIN MUCH, and, as we like to say on campus:
STAY HORNY!! xxoxooxox Professor Plutonium
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soulmusicsongs · 2 years ago
Soul Around The World in 34 songs
Soul Around The World: Soul music became popular around the world, influencing countless artists across the world. We’ve put together a list with 34 songs
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Ain't Sittin' Down Doin' Nothing - The Drive (Drive Unlimited, 1975) - South Africa
Aries - Ahmad Nawab (Ahmad Nawab, 1979) - Malaysia
Arrêté Mal Palé - Fair Nick Stars (Fair-Nick Stars, 1978) - Guadeloupe
Atrakegne - Bizunesh Bekele (Atrakegne / Eneramed, 1977) - Ethiopia
Aw'ye Douba Ke - Cissé Abdoulaye (Les Vautours, 1978) - Burkina Faso
Bej Ge Le - Polish Radio Orchestra, Peter Sander And His Players – Melody And Rhythm Volume 10, 1976) - Poland
BRC's Groove - Blue Rhythm Combo(Magumba , 1972) - Barbados
Cataluña Rag - Conjunto Olivino (Cataluña Rag / Nostalgia Belga / Eco Castellano / Sobre Tu Sien, 1973) - Spain
Cool Money - Prine Nico Mbarga & Rocafil Jazz International (Cool Money, 1979) - Nigeria
Dolana Ay Dolana - Mustafa Özkent (Gençlik İle El Ele, 1973) - Turkey
Drugstore - Saori Minami (Cynthia Street, 1978) - Japan
Etuei - CK Mann Big Band (C. K. Mann Big Band, 1976) - Ghana
Gowa - Afro National (Tropical Funkmusic, 1978) - Sierra Leone
Hametegnaw - Seyoum Gebreyes (Hametegnaw / Yehagere Gegna, 1973) - Ethiopia
Harari - The Beaters (Harari, 1975) - South Africa
Instant Groove - The Belles Combo Of Dominica (Instant Groove / Un May Que, 1973) - Dominica
Just because You are a Woman - Frances Kuboye (The Black Way - La Mémoire Du Peuple Noir, 1979). - Nigeria
Kamo Aho - Simon Randria (Kamo Aho / Tsy Ho Ela, 1976) - Madagascar
Loose - Group Meeting (Daybreak, 1976) - Italy
Lost Island - Gökçen Kaynatan (Gökçen Kaynatan, 2017) - Turkey
Man With A Gun - Funkgus (Man With A Gun, 1974) - Singapore
Money Is - Pepe Lienhard Sextett (Happy People, 1973) - Switzerland
Nasze Kung Fu - Kram (Biała Sowa, Biała Dama, Biały Kruk, 1976) - Poland
Ngon Engap - Olinga Gaston (Ngon Engap / Be Ngon Ya Nnam Ewondo, 1977) - Cameroon
El País de las 1000 Danzas - Alex y Los Findes (El Pais De Las 1.000 Danzas = Land Of 1.000 Dances, 1967) -
Never Too Late - The Apostles (The Apostles, 1976) - Nigeria
Le Petrole - Ambroise Bia (Le Petrole / Je Cherche Une Femme, 1975) - France
Razbila Bom Ure - Alenka Pinterič (Hanibal, 1968) - Yugoslavia
Silence - Roxy Robinson (Silence / Movies, 1976) - Italy
Spouge Explosion - Aubrey Mann & The Lunar 7 (Here I Am Come And Take Me / Spouge Explosion, 1976) - Barbados
Tei-Egwu - Afro Funk (Body Music, 1975) - Ghana
What'cha Gonna Do - Lynne Randell (Lynne Randell Presents, 1966) - Australia
У мельницы - Оризонт (Оризонт, 1978) - Moldavia
Zigarillo - Botho Lucas Singers Und Die Sound-Masters (Dannemann Tanzparty, 1972) - Germany
Soul Around The World
Soul Around The World in 27 Songs
Soul Music Around the World
Soul Around The World in 19 tracks
Soul Around The World in 13 tracks
Soul Around the World in 20 tracks
Soul Around The World in 22 tracks
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eurovision-revisited · 1 year ago
Eurovision 2003 - Number 26 - Claudia Beni - "Više nisam tvoja"
Every year there seems to be a former (or current) child star on the Eurovision stage, or at least at some of the national finals. This year it's Croatia's turn. Claudia Beni is their chosen representative - here aged 16. Dora 2003 was not her first Dora either. She'd performed twice before. Slightly ironically her first Dora appearance in 1999 was at the age of 12 in the band Teens. That band even finished 4th in 2000.
Više nisam tvoja (I'm Not Yours Anymore) is an statement of self-affirmation, about getting the hell out of there and telling him to get the hell away. It's strident, powerful and is tinged with some 1990s girl power vibes throughout. The original at Dora was entirely in Croatian, but for the final chorus reprise here, she switches into English which, if you're going to go English at Eurovision, is kind of a good way to do it. Everyone gets the message, but you stay true to your own language and the original intent of the song. It took her to a 15th place finish in 2003.
The song-writing svengali behind the scenes here is Andrej Babić, the man who not only wrote for and managed Teens, but is also one of Claudia's backing dancers during this performance. He's got something of a magic touch when it comes to Eurovision song-writing. He's travelled around Europe with entries in Slovenia, in Portugal, in Bosnia as well as in Croatia. From the 19 national final song entries that he's participated in, his songs and his performances have been to Eurovision 7 times. That's an astounding hit rate.
He is the sole writer of Call Me for Feninnem and Bosnia in 2005, of Cvet z Juga for Alenka Gotar and Slovenia in 2007 as well as Senhora Do Mar for Vânia Fernandes and Portugal in 2008. He was also involved in Slovenia in 2009, Portugal in 2012 and back to Croatia to sing backing in 2016.
Even though Andrej went on to achieve great things at Eurovision, for Claudia herself the story followed a stereotypical child star pattern. She performed for a few more years after this and had two albums released, but in 2006, she had one more try at Dora and then she stepped out of the limelight, keen to return to the normal world. Being a celebrity from a young age clearly has negative affects on lots of child stars.
Apart from a brief stint singing in local band Koktelsi, she now works as a hairdresser in her home town of Opatija
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dragonwlw · 1 year ago
Come, my love
Come, come, my love, Do not fear my warmth. Come with the night breeze, With wine and some bread, Come on a wishing star, Bring us some light. I want to see your eyes Sparkling beside me, I want to taste that wine Still on your lips. We'll feed the bread to the birds, For we will be sated.
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Alenka H., 2021 Read the full article
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matushkanympha · 4 years ago
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“This will not be an end,” Alina thinks as she smiles, her teeth bared as she bows to the crowd’s adoring applause. ‘This will not be the end,’ says her heart, thrumming in her chest as blood rushes through her veins and colours her cheeks. “This is not the end.” She says so to herself, glittering in the spotlight of her final bow— her final performance as a principal ballerina. 
Rumours dance on the tongues of the other principals and soloists, of the corpse de ballet: she is pregnant, she is to marry, she is injured, she is ill. The words swirl around like a tutu, like silk and crystals, like the waterfall of her night silk tresses as she lets her hair down from her bun. Perhaps one rumour is true. Maybe two. But, of course, it is no one’s business. The beloved Alina Filippova, the Bolshoi’s Nympha has retired at the very pinnacle of her career. The rest of her life would be spent cultivating the talent she found to be as equally, if not more talented than she had been. 
When she promptly turns to work as a Ballet Master-Repetiteur, however, some may think it exceptionally cruel. A former principal dancer to train her former rivals, a young woman who might play favourites, a former dancer taking on a position to make others shine brighter than she. But, those who think so have never understood Alina herself. The art of ballet is everything to her. It matters little to her if she can not be the one to dance— she will hone the talents of the ones she believes can.
— Full Name: Alina Vasilievna Filippova
— Nickname(s): Alya or Alenka, Alinushka or Alinochka (familiar, affectionate), Al’ka (familiar), Matushka Nympha and Ma’nympha (formal, affectionate— nickname evolved from her being called Nympha when she was a principal dancer, used by Bolshoi dancers)
— Age: 35
— Date of Birth: 2 January, 1926
— Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
— Place of Birth: Petrograd
— Current Residence: Moscow
— Gender: female
— Sexual Orientation: bisexual
— Religion: non-practicing, non-religious
— Occupation: Ballet Master-Repetiteur for the Bolshoi Ballet
— Languages: English, French, Russian
— Dancer references: Svetlana Zakharova & Alessandra Ferri
— Positive Traits: artistic, charming, hard-working, successful, disciplined, adaptable,
— Negative Traits: unforgiving, strict, closed-off, perfectionist Hobbies: pin-collecting, attending films/shows, photography
— Likes: caviar with her blinis, hosting dinner parties at her family’s hotel, living and breathing the art of ballet, mirrors, cultivating talent, tea
— Dislikes: solyanka without adzhika and lavash, silence, being forgotten/unrecognised, lazy/entitled dancers, sickled feet, not being taken seriously, tangerine pie
— Enneagram: Type 3
— Temperament: Choleric
— Moral Alignment: Tempered good
(death tw, parental death tw)
1881 — Paternal grandfather becomes a citizen of Russia. Originated from China and worked as the owner of a trading company/merchant.
1894 — Father is born.
1908 — Mother is born. Daughter of a Russian merchant and industrialist who financed and partially owns the Hotel Moska Intercontinental (Based on the Hotel Metropol Moscow).
1925 — October. Father passes away in a rail car accident.
1926 — Born in Petrograd
1930 — Moves to Moscow with her mother, residing in the newly reopened hotel.
1934 — Begins ballet training at the Leningrad State Choreographic Institute (renamed the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in 1957)
1944 — Graduates from the Leningrad State Choreographic Institute and is placed at the Bolshoi Ballet, although is ‘loaned’ to Leningrad State Academic Maly Opera Theatre and The Kirov Ballet throughout her career.
1958 — Retires from role as prima at 32, beginning her work at the Bolshoi Ballet as ballet master-repetiteur for the corps de ballet.
1960 — Promoted to ballet master-repetiteur focusing on primas and soloists, occasionally running evening technique and character classes for those interested (corps de ballet members are welcome) as preparations for Swan Lake begin.
Her father had passed after an accident months before she was born. And her mother, who had scandalously been pregnant out of wedlock, had found herself returned home— until she and Alina were moved to the family’s new business, a permanent tenant and proprietor’s representative at the Hotel Moska Intercontinental. 
Her first memories involve her running around the hotel, her unruly curls escaping their braids and as full and lively as she: Alenka filled with boundless energy. It is a happy place, brilliant and sparkling, an unconventional upbringing for a little girl of unconventional circumstances. 
While ballet had been an encouraged after-school activity for Alina when she had reached the age to begin training, it seemed to be the only time in the world that she felt she was happy. Dancing was hard work, yet the little girl thrived on it, producing long and clean lines with her movement with her head held high, making the determination and discipline required seem easy. She began her training at the Leningrad State Choreographic Institute when she was eight.
Although she was not the favourite of Agrippina Vaganova, she was a star pupil. Her enduring nature and sweet disposition made for an interesting combination, especially when her intense gaze stared not at others but at her own reflection as she worked on correcting even the smallest movement. If she could not be a favourite, she would strive to become the character assigned to her, would work towards the technical perfection that would leave those watching in awe. And that was precisely what she had done. 
As a dancer, Alina charmed the crowds. As a woman, she set her sights on enjoying her life with her fellow dancers, her social life never quite lacking from any invitations. After her graduation from the ballet academy, Alina returned to her family’s hotel, taking up a permanent residence there while she danced for the Bolshoi where she earned the nickname Nympha as she rose through the ranks.
Despite the suitors that have proposed, Alina swears that her first and only love is the art of ballet, perhaps holds it closer now to her heart as a ‘keeper’ of the art with her position of the Bolshoi. There have been lovers, there might have been a chance once. But the ballet had  always come first, and always would.
The worsening of her hip injuries in her early 30’s had hailed the end of her career as a dancer. Alina took her final bow dancing her favourite role as Princess Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty at the age of thirty-two. If she is still bitter about it (read: she’s still bitter about it), she will not let it show. However, Alina had wanted to do more, wanted to be a part of the ballet and achieve the coveted Prima Ballerina Assoluta title as the Bolshoi Ballet’s Nympha. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise that she was promptly invited to begin serving as a Master-Repetiteur for the Corps de Ballet at the Bolshoi. In some cruel way, though, it does taunt her.
Promoted in 1960, the woman works as the Ballet Master-Repetiteur focusing on the primas and soloists. Nothing escapes the keen eyes of the Master-Repetiteur, not one who had built a reputation such as she as former principal dancer and renowned prima ballerina— living and embodying the characters, dancing with almost terrifying precision with every role she took on. She is determined, above all else, to protect and nurture the sacred art of ballet, and her strict yet maternal nature wins her the respectfully affectionate nicknames: Matushka Nympha and Mat’nympha from her Bolshoi dancers.
graphic template by: @castorbytes
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ncfan-1 · 7 years ago
ncfan listens to The Magnus Archives: S1 EP034 (’Anatomy Class’), EP035 (’Old Passages’), & EP036 (’Taken Ill’)
A bizarre kind of comedy episode (at least it is to me), and lots of juicy, juicy plot.
No spoilers past Season 1, please!
EP 034: ‘Anatomy Class’
- There is something bizarrely hilarious about the story this episode. Yeah, the seven ‘students’ killed at least one person and drove a professor to suicide, but there’s just something so ridiculous about beings who are pretending to be human but are so bad at it that they have to take an anatomy class, and can’t hide it well enough to keep their professor from noticing. And they used placeholder names, and presumably had to exert a considerable amount of supernatural influence (presumably the same influence that keeps more people from noticing that they’re really bad at pretending to be human) to keep people from noticing how off that is. It has all the makings of a weird, gory comedy.
- Here is, I believe, our third statement so far given directly by the statement-maker. This time, it’s a college professor who seems more than a little rattled by everything that happened to him.
- And now we have our first indication that people from outside the Institute know there’s an infestation problem.
- So Dr. Elliott walks into his class to find it populated entirely by pod people. He takes this as well as you might expect.
- The fact that these people are so uncanny and that there seems to be a lot of supernatural “interference” radiating off of them (the fact that Dr. Elliott can’t remember what any of them looked like, and the fact that he didn’t notice anything odd about their names) makes me think a little of Not-Graham. At the same time, though, their ability to manipulate their own bones puts me in mind of Jared Hopworth. I wonder if a bone turner could create a new person from pilfered bones and black magic.
- The detail about Dr. Elliott suddenly being able to hear them breathing is… something. Although he doesn’t seem to want to think about it, the fact that he could only hear them breathing after a certain point implies that they weren’t breathing before.
- They’re very brazen, these seven, altering their bones right in front of the professor, when they must know he can hear them, and probably guess what’s happening. It implies that they are very secure in their ability to escape any and all consequences, which means it’s just as well that Dr. Elliott never confronted any of them about what he had been seeing and hearing.
- I’m sorry. I know the thing with the hearts is supposed to be horrific, but it’s funny. When I listen to this scene, I find myself close to snickering by the end.
- What really makes it funny is that the ‘students’ were polite enough to clean up the lab after they coated it in blood.
- And the tooth-apple is so bizarre I start giggling to myself when I think about it. Jonathan’s reluctant “Did you… eat it?” just makes it even better. Why would they do that? How would they do that?
- I know there’s no reason to believe the other professor didn’t commit suicide, but the first time I listened to this episode, I’d assumed he was so bad at teaching to the ‘students’’ satisfaction that they had killed him, and left that note because they thought that even his corpse would be worthless for educational purposes.
EP 035: ‘Old Passages’
- This is another favorite, not least because we have another appearance of Gerard Keay, and because I think this is the first episode where we’re really presented with a vague outline of the other forces at work in the world besides humanity.
- So I looked them up (being an American, I don’t know these things off the top of my head), and apparently Pall Mall is a swanky shopping district/home to prestigious clubs. The Reform Club is one of those, a private club that was men-only until 1881; if Wikipedia is to be believed, it was the first of London’s gentlemen clubs to open its doors to female members. It’s a popular haunt of political progressives.
- Robert Smirke was a real-life architect. As best as I can tell (I didn’t dig too deep; I don’t have that kind of time), his association with the occult is native to The Magnus Archives.
- And here comes Gerard, a skinny teenager in 2002 with a band t-shirt and a portable CD player. I had one of those. I’ve noticed that people heavily associated with the supernatural shrug a lot.
- The implication here seems to be that Mary Keay sent her kid down to some incredibly dangerous tunnel network to pick up a Leitner book for her. Lady, why don’t you do that yourself instead of sending your kid to risk his neck? What the hell.
- I think this is also my first semi-direct glimpse of Jurgen Leitner, and he sounds about as sketchy as I had thought he’d be. “Some things are too powerful to be owned.” And yet you’re meddling with them anyways.
- “Can you smell it?” Can Gerard sense the supernatural, or something?
- I wonder what the scream was about.
- There are fourteen passages out from the star, including the one Harold, Rachel, Alf, and Gerard went in through. And several of those fourteen are extremely reminiscent of entities/phenomena that’s been experienced in other statements in Season 1.
1. The one they walk in through out of the basement gives Alf and Harold a sense of claustrophobia, similar to ‘Lost John’s Cave.’
2. One is so dark that the flashlights could only penetrate a couple of feet before the light failed—‘A Father’s Love’ and ‘Growing Dark.’
3. One, if you look into it, makes you feel like you’re falling into it—the sense of vertigo induced in some readers by Ex Altiorā in ‘Page Turner.’
4. One makes you feel like you’re burning—‘Burned Out’ (and ‘Confession’), and the later ‘Burnt Offering.’
5. Pages covered in cobwebs—‘Arachnophobia’, ‘Burned Out’ (Tangentially).
6. The one Gerard runs down to get the book has walls covered in what is almost certainly blood—‘The Man Upstairs’ and ‘Killing Floor.’
7. One has at the end of the corridor a stranger Harold was certain meant him harm—the Not-Them, perhaps, seen in ‘Across the Street’, and later in the finale.
So… Fourteen passages, fourteen parent entities? Or was that just Smirke’s assumption?
- Jurgen Leitner has definitely been messing with things he shouldn’t have been.
- The inscription on the date stone, “Balance and fear,” makes the audio distort.
- I wonder if there’s any significance to Robert Smirke having built this in 1835.
- The book Gerard grabs seems to drop small animal bones behind it; this is almost certainly the book the ghost of Mary Keay (if that was even Mary Keay at all) showed Dominic Swain in ‘Page Turner.’
- I’d say the owners of the Reform Club know at least part of what’s up with that star and those passages, for them to insist that the builders rebuild the wall and not pry into it any further. So what’s up with them?
- “And I can’t help but wonder whether that was where they were found, or just where they were stored.” Which suggests that Jurgen Leitner’s books are far more vital to the plot than even past episodes would suggest.
- Tim’s interest in architecture, and Robert Smirke in particular makes me wonder if said interest will come up again.
- Smirke wanted to design churches? Uh, Jonathan, I wouldn’t be so certain he wasn’t designing churches, or at least chapels, considering the one we saw in ‘Growing Dark.’
- I think this is the first time we see worms loose in the Institute building.
- The last bit of the episode is devoted to Martin running into two deliverymen who it’s safe to say are from Breekon & Hope, delivering something to the Archives. Which is fairly ominous, to be honest.
EP 036: ‘Taken Ill’
- This one has a great atmosphere to it.
- As Jonathan pointed out, the way Nicole talks about her fears, and about insects and decay, and her use of the phrase “bleed into” is very similar to Jane Prentiss’s narration in ‘Hive.’ I get the impression that perhaps whatever was behind the deterioration of the nursing home in this episode is connected to the Flesh Hive, or is perhaps part of the same parent entity. After being touched by the pus oozing from that corpse, maybe Nicole got a flash of that visceral feeling, too.
- This one is kind of hard, because both of my grandfathers live in nursing homes. My maternal grandfather has dementia and can’t be cared for at home. It would be perhaps more accurate to say that my paternal grandfather is in assisted living; he’s close to ninety and has gotten to be very frail, and after he had a stroke, he decided he needed to be somewhere he could get immediate medical attention if something went wrong again. I don’t like the idea of someone exploitative taking over their homes.
- “I don’t know why I wrote ‘disease’ just then.” I think I do.
- It’s interesting that Alenka was still trying to call Nicole after the nursing home was decommissioned and John Amherst came in and started enforcing the “new order.”  It sounds like he tried to enforce that new order unilaterally, without the consent of at least some of the staff who remained after it was decommissioned.
- The detail about the heat is important to the episode, I think. In my experience, the summer heat is oppressive, and especially so because summer here is so humid. It’s thick and close and cloying; the air is too damp for your sweat to evaporate and cool you off, so it just sticks to you while you get hotter and hotter and hotter. I’ve heard it’s very humid in the UK as well, so I imagine summer feels much the same there as it does here.
- I’m guessing John Amherst is one of those people who’s only human in appearance. I can’t see any normal, conscious human not reacting as a fly crawls over their eye.
- It sounds like Amherst was trying to turn the entire building into one big pus-oozing wound.
- The fact that the pus could make Nicole’s skin burn even through a (presumably latex) glove gives the lie to Amherst’s claim that what killed Miller wasn’t contagious. If you didn’t automatically assume he was lying, that is.
- Nicole’s uncle seemed to grasp at least part of what had happened to Bertrand Miller. Why the calls he made didn’t result in the nursing home being cracked down on, I can’t imagine—I can only assume the reasons fell under some category of “Not my problem.” At least he tried, anyways.
- I can just imagine the uneasy pall over everything as Nicole drove back to Ivy Meadows that last time. I can just see the sky turning red as the afternoon grew older and the shadows growing—no breeze, nothing to break the rolling walls of heat. Just still air, so close it’s hard to breathe.
- The detail about the plants turning white reminds me of the plants in front of the farmhouse in The Colour Out of Space.
- Alenka banging on the window, it becoming clear her last phone call was a last-ditch cry for help, is a horrible moment, even before the flies enter the picture. Because we just see her. What about the residents still trapped in the building with her?
- It’s clear that the man who tackles Nicole is Trevor Herbert. This is the first time since ‘Vampire Hunter’ that we’ve seen someone out and about with the explicit purpose of hunting down and destroying supernatural threats (Well, asides from Gerard Keay, but there’s a caveat there in that I can’t tell if he proactively hunts them, or if this shit just sort of happens to him). They’re thematically linked, and the physical descriptions match up. This, despite the fact that Trevor Herbert is supposed to be dead. Don’t know who the woman with him is supposed to be; I hope we’ll see her again.
- The fact that John Amherst doesn’t seem to even officially exist further suggests that whatever he is, he’s not human.
- “Workplace accident.” Yeah, sure. I hope, at least, that getting rid of the hand means that the infection can’t spread any further.
- And Jonathan finds out about the deliveries. The smaller of the two packages is a lighter with a spider web design on it, and the larger is… worrying. The table from ‘Across the Street.’ Oh, that’s not good.
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newssocialite · 2 years ago
Дмитрий Дибров, Оксана Самойлова, Владимир Левкин оценят лучших поющих блогеров
14 октября в концертном зале «Москва» состоится Первая Музыкальная Премия телеканала СТС Kids «Супер Лайк Шоу». Это уникальный проект для детей и подростков, в котором звёздные блогеры страны будут бороться за звание лучшего артиста. Победители будут определены в следующих номинациях: «Любимка года», «Лучшая песня», «Коллаб года», «Лучший клип», «Звездная семья», «Любимый блогер», по которым уже…
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starswift-borzoi · 7 years ago
Can you make an update on all your dogs? I'm not sure anymore how many and wich dogs you have
Currently at the house I have 7.Lightning - CH Starswift Lightning Quick SC FCH DCHDream - DC Starswift American Dream SC FCH DCH GRC Lola - Am/Can CH Otrada Alenka Dusha Poley Stardust - CH Teine Runtuff Suffragette City JCGalileo - Starswift Bohemian Rhapsody CGC TKN JCLegacy - Starswift Black Lightning's LegacyKarma - Starswift Legacy Live OnDallas (Satara Aria Stars Over Texas) is currently on loan as a playmate for Vettel (Starswift Pride Of His Legacy).
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zlutyzakaznik · 4 years ago
Obrazy vzdoru
(12. 10. 2020) Hněv gastropodniků, další utahování šroubů a nové hrůzy brněnského designu.
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Krásný výjev, který je k vidění na Rotor Baru na Dvořákove, dost možná představuje situaci, s níž se budou podniky zaměřené primárně na drinky v následujících dnech potýkat. Tedy barman a osamělý zákazník...
Žijeme v diletantsky řízeném státě, přičemž takřka zlidovělé fráze “Best In Covid” a “Jsme schopný národ, jen nás řídí nemehla” ani zdaleka neodrážejí hořkou realitu posledních dní, protože vůdce a jeho klaka bohužel i nadále dělají vše pro to, aby strukturálně a nevratně poškodili ekonomiku a zničili společenský a kulturní život.
A i když měla koalice podporovaná KSČM půl roku času a takřka neomezené zdroje na to, aby se vše připravilo na podzim, samozřejmě se tak nestalo a jsme na tom daleko hůř než na jaře. Kde je tzv. Chytrá karanténa? Kde jsou (odborné) veřejnosti přístupná data, modely, plány a alternativy dalšího vývoje? Kde je uvažování mocenské garnitury, která “volnočasové aktivity” nepovažuje za součást ekonomiky? Zdá se, že nazírání vlády na hospodářství, v němž už dlouho tvoří jádro služby a spotřeba, ustrnulo v časech, kdy se pilně montovaly průmyslové celky, rekordně těžilo hnědé uhlí, lil beton a kalila ocel.
A v posledních dnech se přidal stále ostřejší výhrůžný tón, který působí jako výstřel naslepo a ještě směšně, když Hamáček mluví o mrazácích v ulicích nebo na příkladu šestadevadesátiletého seniora dokladuje nezodpovědnost vnuka. Plukovník, jenž dodržuje obvyklou kvótu jednoho kontroverzního nápadu denně, budí nejnověji podezření, že po střetu zájmů stran vakcín a roušek fandí i části funerálního sektoru. Babiš pak škemrá o pomoc u firemních call center, když ještě před letními prázdninami jejich nabídky odmítal a vybízí k chození na testy, třebaže toho jeho, stejně jako čtrnáctidenní karantény po setkání s hlavní hygieničkou, jsme se stále nedočkali. To neexistující Chytrá karanténa rovnou vyhrožuje a ač jsem žlutá osoba už hezkých pár let, zatím u mě odběrový tým nezazvonil. :-) 
Svérázná podoba testování bez klinického kontextu a zatajování kompletního souboru dat jsou terčem neutuchající kritiky (k druhému např. text z počátku srpna), ale jak nevládní iniciativa, tak širší veřejnost je do dnešního dne od vlády nemají. A údajům o počtech v nemocnicích mnoho lidí nevěří prostě proto, že poté, co Adam Vojtěch blahé paměti zázračně uzdravil přes noc třetinu nemocných, podřekl se počátkem října při interpelacích sám plukovník s tím, že zhruba dvě pětiny hospitalizovaných tvoří „lidé, kteří nepotřebují péči a vlastně jen čekají na umístění do sociálních zařízení.“ Jak lze ve světle této informace Babišovi et al. vůbec věřit jakákoli čísla?
Aktualizace 13. 10. v 10.00 hod.: To, že se vládní opatření zpřísní, čekal po vývoji posledních dnů snad každý a sám jsem tipoval, že se tak stane nejpozději v noci ze středy na čtvrtek. Zároveň se už posté ukázalo, že Babiš i celá vláda je skupina ulhaných a arogantních amatérů, kteří stále nemají plán, jež by definoval a rozpracovával, co se stane, když nastane situace A, B nebo C. Místo toho chaoticky a v návalu paniky vystřelují jednotlivá opatření aniž by počkali, jak se tato projeví za určitě období a snad nikdy v historii nebylo “14 dnů” tak elastickým pojmem, jako je tomu nyní. Kam se hrabe Einstein nebo Star Trek se svými časoprostorovými anomáliemi. Jak se ukázalo, dva týdny mohou znamenat dva až tři dny, týden, nebo, podle nejčernějších obav, celé následující měsíce.
Moc se nemluví o kompenzacích a náhradách pro postižená odvětví a jak si povšimli komentátoři, na bizarní tiskové konferenci, kterou o pár minut předešly tweety na plukovníkově účtu, chyběli v tomto ohledu klíčoví lidé: nespavostí trpící “superministr” Havlíček a “paní Alenka”. Ekonomika ani lidé nemají rádi nejistotu, ale této bohužel bude v nejbližší době značný přebytek a snad jen naprostí naivové věří premiérově slibu, že pokud za týden klesne základní reprodukční číslo R pod 0.8, některá z nejpřísnějších opatření se uvolní. Babiš v tomto vědomě lže, protože musí vědět, že se tak nestane. Je to, jakoby rodiče slíbili osmiletému dítěti vytoužený dárek pod podmínkou, že za týden opraví pračku, ledničku, sporák, mikrovlnnou troubu, vymaluje a rekonstruuje podkroví a po večerech ještě se stavebnicí Merkur navrhne a zkonstruuje mlýnek Mythos.
Znepokojuje mne, že se zatím lidé nebouří a nezdá se, že by se na tom mělo v dohledné době něco změnit i když příslovečné světlo na konci tunelu zatím neexistuje ani “na papíře”. Vyjádření plukovníka i dalších jsou přinejlepším vágní a uvozena slovy “míním”, “myslím” nebo “možná”. Co bude vláda dělat, když přijde třetí a čtvrtá vlna anebo když se ukáže, že vakcína není očekávaným řešením? (Už proto, že důvěra k ní jakožto uspěchanému výrobku motivovanému zisky farmaceutické lobby je velmi nízká.)
Znovu zdůrazňuji, že stát placený z daní všech klíčová data stále tají – díky Hlídači státu za jeho snahy a dílčí úspěch ohledně lůžek – a že nejen dle mého soudu jde o z větší části uměle vyvolaný a médii udržovaný problém, který konvenuje touhám vlád po celém světě ovládat a řídit společnost, jak si povšimli už Thúkydidés u aténského moru a ve 20. století Michel Foucault ve své knize Dohlížet a trestat: “Epidemie je snem mocných. Epidemie umožňuje kontrolovat populaci, určit každému jeho místo, vést o každém podrobné registry informací a vytvořit strnulý prostor, v němž každý občan podléhá přímému vlivu moci. Sen o epidemii nakažlivé nemoci je snem o vládnutí.”. 
Počet nemocných s různým stupněm závažnosti, nakažených, pozitivně testovaných, falešně pozitivních nebo jen zahrnutých do vládou zkreslovaných statistik, aniž by tito prošli komplexním posouzením zdravotního stavu, utváří “epidemii”, která podle stanovených kritérií dosud epidemií není. Jak vypadala skutečná epidemie ukazuje i vládními novinami zmiňovaný případ chřipky v polovině 90. let 20. století. To ovšem ještě nebyl tento list (spolu s Lidovkami) nástrojem mediální propagandy a Internet sloužil coby pokusná záležitost pro pár vědců. Pevně věřím, že se nejpozději za rok ve volbách Babiše i celé vlády definitivně zbavíme, ale ekonomické i lidské škody jím napáchané budou bohužel dlouhodobé a strašlivé.
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Potřetí chválím Podobrazy za venkovní ceduli. Takřka denně chodím kolem a toto je po “vetřelčím vaječňáku” a kávovém Kulovém blesku další povedený přírůstek z jejich “filmové série”.
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V zaměstnaneckém kumbálku Copy General si pro radost udělali variantu známého plakátu s Umou Thurman. Role “Nevěsty” se však tentokrát zhostil bývalý ministr zdravotnictví. (Foceno z velké dálky přes okno krátce po skončení provozní doby.)
Bylo tedy jen otázkou času, kdy se začnou, vedle již dříve zmiňovaných případů, objevovat i další projevy nesouhlasu a odporu a to zejména v oblasti, na níž se zaměřuje tento blog. Za uplynulý víkend jsem narazil hned na několik ukázek pasivní resistence či satiry, za kterou snad nemůže být nikdo popotahován. 
Úplně nejostřeji se v první den “otvíračky do osmi” vymezil podnik vedle kostela sv. Jakuba, který ve dvě ráno zavřeli policisté. Podle všech indicií, jako je pravá část nedostatečně zamlženého loga na stěně nebo tvar lamp visících ve výloze, šlo o Malej Velkej bar. Nemyslím si, že by to bylo nejšťastnější řešení a jde spíše o projev fanfarónství či pochopitelného zoufalství z dané situace. Už tak režim, jemuž je vlastní manipulace s daty a nekončící sled lží, sahá ústy premiéra a plukovníka ke stále častějším výhrůžkám a pokouší se kontinuálně erodovat principy demokratického státu. 
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To jsme to dopracovali. Klasická pohádka (byť zatížená komunistickou ideologií) nachází svůj odraz v první čtvrtině 21. století a tentokrát to není žádná sranda.
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Nejsem si jist, zda tento billboard vystavil provozovatel dočasně zavřené Hospůdky u rumpálu (dříve Pohádková hospůdka) anebo některý z obyvatel zeleného domu, ale sdělení je každopádně jednoznačné.
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Pro nečtenáře sci-fi dodám, že Jiří Kulhánek je moderní klasik žánru a ač jsem zdaleka neměl v ruce všechny jeho práce, první díl Cesty krve (Dobrák) je jednou z nejlepších českých polistopadových knih vůbec. Díky neochotě autora k reedicím se uvedený román svého času na Aukru nabízel za 5000 Kč.
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Vietnamské bistro na Lidické (vedle lékárny a Cafe Laundry) již u vchodu definuje svou kapacitu k sezení (62).
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Těžce zasažena pochopitelně není jen gastronomie, ale likvidační jsou stávající poměry i vůči živé kultuře napříč obory. Drasticky seškrtán tak musel být nejen zavedený janáčkovský festival a nepočítaně malých koncertů a divadelních akcí...
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Jakkoli chápu nebetyčné naštvání provozovatelů hospod, restaurací, barů, bister i kaváren, nemyslím si, že je nutné svou frustraci přenášet na zákazníky, jako je tomu u Lucerny na Veveří. Pokud v pátek, první den s provozní dobou do 20 hod., nechci vůbec otevřít, proč to nedám aspoň na dveře podniku? Zákazníci jsou ti poslední, kdo za danou situaci mohou...
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Camino na Veveří v pátek nereflektovalo nové nařízení a na žlutém lístečku na dveřích informuje, že mají dle platných předpisů do 22.
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Nový trend? Na dvou či třech místech v Brně jsem všiml, že nápisy na skle, které bývají tradičně cíleny na kolemjdoucí, jsou nově otočeny dovnitř. Je v tom snaha o úsporu práce anebo jsou preferováni štamgasti uvnitř? :-)
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Druhý příklad výše popsaného pojetí jsem nalezl v Tukan London Pub v Řečkovicích, který má i velmi svízelně koncipovaný přístup přes prostory dole umístěného Wellness Bistra a bezprostředně sousedí s novou kavárnou, odštěpkem Kafe a kobliha, kvůli které jsem se do této stranou umístěné lokality vypravil.
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U Billy nedaleko Moravské zemské knihovny se objevila nová kebabárna s prominentní “odpadní rourou”...
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...oku znalce však neujde, že jde o bývalou pobočku Pečiva Manukyan (Z moravských pecí), jejíž majitele občas vidím vystupovat z auta a přebírat si tržbu ze stánku u lužáneckého parku. Cedulka je reliktem, který zřejmě nikomu nestál za námahu.
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Skoro jak v Hong Kongu aneb Kontemplace pod věžáky na Šumavské. V nabídce gastrochaloupky mě zaujala “Skoropizza”, ale nejsem si jist, zda mám na vyzkoušení dostatek odvahy.
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Ceny zalepené olezlými etiketami. Jedna z klasických zrůdností tuzemských vietnamských bister.
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Spíš chvilkové odpočívadlo než zahrádka u vinotéky nedaleko MZK.
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Nikdy jsem si nemyslel, že větrem a deštěm poznamenaná cedule s vybledlou fotografií zahrádky a/nebo interiéru dokáže něco dramatického pro nalákání zakazníků (zde Four Roses na Veveří)...
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Vietnamská restaurace v místech bývalého Černého medvěda (hned vedle výše uvedeného baru, který kontrolovali policisté) jde s dobou (módní fráze o vláknině, antioxidantech apod.), ale přitom se nezříká jisté tradice v podobě extenzivního menu, které v krajních případech může dosáhnout dvou set i více položek jen v sekci pokrmů. :-)
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Část reklamního polepu na výloze ultralevné kavárny v Knihovně Jiřího Mahena zanechá případného návštěvníka ve slastné nevědomosti. Proč ale na sklo vůbec něco lepit a pak tam nedoplnit ceny? Takhle to vypadá opravdu zvláštně.
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Promiňte prosím, ale z dáli mi to připomíná spíše Duchampovo readymade Fontána (1917). :-) Jedno z oken realizace zařazené do brněnské soutěže Výloha roku 2020 se nachází v kávové speciálce Kopi Luwak u kostela sv. Jakuba a v určitém ohledu jde o vizuální kryptogram.
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Kopi Luwak a jejich “ztraceno v překladu”. Experienced shop assistant a experience store jsou dvě rozdílné věci a přitom by stačilo podívat se do Google, který je zážitkových obchodů v angličtině plný.
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Ochlazuje se a zahrádky se postupně ukládají k zimnímu spánku...
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a je cosi uklidňujícího na symetrii židliček pečlivě vyrovnaných na každém volném místě.
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nfsemenova · 7 years ago
myrtle, zinnia, magnolia
Myrtle: Do you like going on airplanes?
“I mean, you must be joking right? I’m a fuckin’ pilot. If I didn’t like going on airplanes I would be dead by now.”
Zinnia: Who was your best friend when you were six years old?
“Bobby, a little boy who played with little rocket ships and enjoyed looking at the stars. His mum killed him and ate him for breakfast.” They snort, rolling their eyes. “Why the fuck would I remember who was my best friend when I was six? I don’t even remember what I ate last night.”
Magnolia: Favorite kind of candy?
“Alenka chocolates, I guess. Or-oh, how are those hard candies called, the american ones, jawbreakers!” 
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news247worldpress-blog · 6 years ago
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WATCH: French President Macron greeted by ‘yellow vest’ in Buenos Aires for G20 Read more: http://bit.ly/2QuUdEU 0:23 Macron greeted by ‘yellow vest’ in Argentina 2 replies 4 retweets 6 likes Reply 2 Retweet 4 Like 6 Direct message End of conversation Sky News Australia ‏ Verified account @SkyNewsAust 18m18 minutes ago More #BREAKING: Sky News has confirmed Michael Kroger has resigned as the President of the Victorian Liberal Party, following the landslide defeat in the Victorian election last weekend. MORE: https://bit.ly/2BuFqi1 12 replies 14 retweets 18 likes Reply 12 Retweet 14 Like 18 Direct message Ellen DeGeneres liked Dwayne Johnson ‏ Verified account @TheRock 12h12 hours ago More Dwayne Johnson Retweeted Ellen DeGeneres One of the MANY reasons she’s the GOAT 😂😈💦Dwayne Johnson added, Ellen DeGeneres Verified account @TheEllenShow Replying to @TheRock @johnkrasinski You’ve never invited me to your gym and I send you nude photos all the time. 101 replies 669 retweets 11,053 likes Reply 101 Retweet 669 Like 11K Direct message AFP news agency Retweeted AFPFactCheck 🔎 ‏ @AFPFactCheck 12m12 minutes ago More No, this is not a video of an Indian National Congress party leader waving Pakistan’s flag http://u.afp.com/InPakFlag 0 replies 3 retweets 2 likes Reply Retweet 3 Like 2 Direct message EC3 liked EUHomeAffairs ‏ Verified account @EUHomeAffairs 24h24 hours ago More Take a moment to review the safer internet forum meeting to discuss the impact of technology on children, young people and society #cybersec #cybersecurity ⚡️ “Safer Internet Forum 2018” by @safeinternetday 0 replies 4 retweets 6 likes Reply Retweet 4 Like 6 Direct message Luxury Real Estate ‏ @propgoluxury 31 Jul 2016 More Hugh Hefner’s Playboy mansion sold for over $US100 million 13 replies 101 retweets 187 likes Reply 13 Retweet 101 Like 187 Direct message Promoted Adam Levin liked NatlCyberSecAlliance ‏ Verified account @StaySafeOnline Nov 28 More #DYK: The health care industry experiences twice the number of cyber attacks as other industries – and it’s still struggling with #cybersecurity. #CyberAware #PrivacyAware 0 replies 4 retweets 6 likes Reply Retweet 4 Like 6 Direct message Bloomberg Politics ‏ Verified account @bpolitics 19m19 minutes ago More Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro orders a 150% increase in the monthly minimum wage, the 6th hike this year 2 replies 2 retweets 5 likes Reply 2 Retweet 2 Like 5 Direct message Conservatives liked Nick Hurd ‏ Verified account @NickHurdUK 19h19 hours ago More On the beat in the street where @sajidjavid grew up – my thx to first class neighbourhood team incl Sergeant Chris Green, star of Drugsland documentary , and great @Police_Now grads – credit to @ASPolice 22 replies 8 retweets 38 likes Reply 22 Retweet 8 Like 38 Direct message Jack Phan liked Mayor Ted Wheeler ‏ Verified account @tedwheeler 13h13 hours ago More ⚾️+🌹=👍🏻 28 replies 88 retweets 500 likes Reply 28 Retweet 88 Like 500 Direct message ABC News ‏ Verified account @ABC 1m1 minute ago More Michael Cohen’s admission that he lied to Congress about possible Moscow building deal has brought new scrutiny upon the sworn testimony of other Trump associates—including the president’s eldest son. https://abcn.ws/2E3kx3l 0 replies 6 retweets 11 likes Reply Retweet 6 Like 11 Direct message ABC liked Allison the Disney Diva ‏ @Daviesallison1A 7h7 hours ago More I got chills from watching this #DisneyHolidayCelebration 0 replies 1 retweet 3 likes Reply Retweet 1 Like 3 Direct message Agence France-Presse liked AFP USA ‏ Verified account @AFPusa 9h9 hours ago More Le légendaire boxeur Floyd Mayweather et la star du rap DJ Khaled accusés d’avoir promu illégalement une opération frauduleuse http://u.afp.com/o9Zd #AFPTranslate Tweet 1 reply 4 retweets 4 likes Reply 1 Retweet 4 Like 4 Direct message EU Council Press ‏ Verified account @EUCouncilPress 15m15 minutes ago More Day 2 of the #COMPET Council has started! WATCH LIVE as Ministers discuss the future of the #SpaceProgramme: https://europa.eu/!wF78qK 0 replies 3 retweets 4 likes Reply Retweet 3 Like 4 Direct message Oana Lungescu liked NATO ACT ‏ @NATO_ACT 21h21 hours ago More NATO ACT Retweeted NATO Women #Slovenia recently appointed Major General Alenka Ermenc as the head of its army, making her the first woman to serve in this role for the country and for any #NATO member state! 🇸🇮NATO ACT added, NATO Women Verified account @NATO1325 Congratulations to our Ally Slovenia with the appointment of @NATO ’s first female Chief of Defence! 🇸🇮🇸🇮👏👏 @SloveniaNATO #WeAreNATO #Slovenia https://twitter.com/SloveniaNATO/status/1067452489010724864 … 1 reply 7 retweets 17 likes Reply 1 Retweet 7 Like 17 Direct message Snippet ‏ @go_snippet Nov 9 More Get all your important highlights in one, easy to access, online home. Import highlights from your Kindle device, from the web or simply add quotes from your favorite paper book. 👉 Sign up Now at https://gosnippet.com?kindlegosnippet.com/?kindle via @go_snippet! #Kindle #BookLovers #AmReading 3 replies 13 retweets 74 likes Reply 3 Retweet 13 Like 74 Direct message Promoted NBC Entertainment liked E! News TV Scoop ‏ Verified account @eonlineTV 16h16 hours ago More Who’s ready for some New Year’s Eve fun courtesy of @CarsonDaly @chrissyteigen @Lesdoggg @keithurban?! 15 replies 21 retweets 333 likes Reply 15 Retweet 21 Like 333 Direct message Reuters Business Retweeted Reuters UK ‏ Verified account @ReutersUK 12m12 minutes ago More Daily Briefing: – G20 summit starts today in Buenos Aires – Member nations struggle for agreements ahead of summit – May says focused on Dec. 11 #Brexit vote, not alternatives Catch up on the headlines: https://reut.rs/2RpmV7p 1 reply 3 retweets 0 likes Reply 1 Retweet 3 Like Direct message Bundesbereitschaftspolizei liked Ulrike Schröder ‏ @UlrikeSchr89 3h3 hours ago More #Moin, schönen #Freitag, guten Start ins #Wochenende, einen schönen #1Advent allen u. mögen morgen die🚪d. #Adventskalender nicht klemmen. 😉 Ruhige Schichten u. friedl. ⚽️-Einsätze unseren 👮🏼‍♀️👮🏼‍♂️. 👋🏼🙂 @bpol_pir @bpol_bw @bpol_bepo @Pippilotta_here @112Ranger @Pfalzfoto @1402RosiTranslate Tweet Milch Schnitte, Polizei NRW DO, Polizei Thüringen and 7 others 2 replies 0 retweets 14 likes Reply 2 Retweet Like 14 Direct message The New York Times liked stuart emmrich ‏ @StuartEmmrichNY 20h20 hours ago More Yes, I interviewed Patti LuPone for ⁦⁦@nytimestravel⁩ No, the word ‘diva’ never came up. (Though I did slip in a reference to her decades-long feud with Andrew Lloyd Webber, a storyline I will never tire of) 7 replies 25 retweets 121 likes Reply 7 Retweet 25 Like 121 Direct message The Associated Press ‏ Verified account @AP 4m4 minutes ago More BREAKING: Ukraine’s intelligence agency searching the home of a senior Russian Orthodox cleric in Kiev for ‘inciting hatred.’ 3 replies 42 retweets 44 likes Reply 3 Retweet 42 Like 44 Direct message FOX liked Keesha Sharp ‏ Verified account @keeshasharp 15h15 hours ago More Keesha Sharp Retweeted Mayor Eric Garcetti Only in LA do we need tips for driving in the rain. 😃 Being from the East Coast, we grew up knowing how to drive in the rain and snow. Drive safe my fellow Angelenos!Keesha Sharp added, Mayor Eric Garcetti Verified account @MayorOfLA Drive safely during your morning commute. #LARain 11 replies 4 retweets 35 likes Reply 11 Retweet 4 Like 35 Direct message Philip Rucker liked David J. Lynch ‏ @davidjlynch 8h8 hours ago More #G20 Murderers’ Row with ⁦@PhilipRucker⁩ ⁦@peterbakernyt⁩ ⁦@MarkLandler⁩ ⁦@EliStokols⁩ ⁦@dpoliti⁩ 6 replies 8 retweets 58 likes Reply 6 Retweet 8 Like 58 Direct message Rory Stewart ‏ Verified account @RoryStewartUK 4m4 minutes ago More And again thanks to @lrb – from a joyful return train to Cumbria for: The Bustard’s an exquisite fowl With minimal reason to growl: It escapes what would be Illegitimacy By grace of a fortunate vowel 0 replies 0 retweets 6 likes Reply Retweet Like 6 Direct message Senator Hatch Office liked Kyle Kashuv ‏ Verified account @KyleKashuv Nov 29 More I am going to miss @senorrinhatch in D.C. :( 17 replies 38 retweets 478 likes Reply 17 Retweet 38 Like 478 Direct message Nikki Haley liked Amazing Grace ‏ @AmazingiGrace 11h11 hours ago More Positivity is a choice. 8 replies 134 retweets 419 likes Reply 8 Retweet 134 Like 419 Direct message Bloomberg ‏ Verified account @business 59s59 seconds ago More China has a distinct style for international summits: Meticulous preparation, careful scripting, and a hefty security presence 0 replies 3 retweets 2 likes Reply Retweet 3 Like 2 Direct message Manfred Weber liked Franc Bogovič ‏ Verified account @Franc_Bogovic 17h17 hours ago More O izzivih in prihodnosti EU z vodstvom @EPP @JosephDaul @DaraMurphyEPP in predsednikom @EPPGroup ter vodilnim kandidatom #spitzenkandidat @ManfredWeber EPP za #EP2019Translate Tweet Franc Bogovič, Manfred Weber, EPP and 4 others 0 replies 1 retweet 3 likes Reply Retweet 1 Like 3 Direct message The Late Late Show liked Domy ‏ @broodsella 9h9 hours ago More New piece, part of @ShawnMendes stage set from the @latelateshow , cute and good reminder of an amazing album w songs that remind me of one of the happiest times in my life so far 4 replies 1 retweet 13 likes Reply 4 Retweet 1 Like 13 Direct message Daily Mirror ‏ Verified account @DailyMirror 10m10 minutes ago More Mum offered sexual favours to takeaway worker in exchange for free fried chicken https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-offered-sexual-favours-free-13666832 … 4 replies 3 retweets 1 like Reply 4 Retweet 3 Like 1 Direct message ABC liked Aloe Blacc ‏ Verified account @aloeblacc Nov 29 More Catch me Thursday at 9|8c on @ABCNetwork for the #DisneyHolidayCelebration from @WaltDisneyWorld 1 reply 8 retweets 22 likes Reply 1 Retweet 8 Like 22 Direct message CNN International ‏ Verified account @cnni 4m4 minutes ago More Japan is preparing an order for roughly 100 US-designed F-35 stealth fighter jets in a deal that could potentially upend the balance of power in Asia, according to sources familiar with the process https://cnn.it/2E873Da 1 reply 8 retweets 18 likes Reply 1 Retweet 8 Like 18 Direct message Sky News ‏ Verified account @SkyNews 19m19 minutes ago More Couple missing after car washed up on Scottish beach 3 replies 6 retweets 6 likes Reply 3 Retweet 6 Like 6 Direct message Forbes ‏ Verified account @Forbes 2m2 minutes ago More 0 replies 5 retweets 11 likes Reply Retweet 5 Like 11 Direct message The Times of London Retweeted The Times Pictures ‏ @TimesPictures 1h1 hour ago More This photograph of a lone adult king penguin in a crowd of chicks won Chris Oosthuizen first prize in the British Ecological Society’s annual contest Picture by Chris Oosthuizen/British Ecological Society Click here for the full News in Pictures gallery: https://bit.ly/2E5pjgA 0 replies 11 retweets 16 likes Reply Retweet 11 Like 16 Direct message Daily Mirror Retweeted Mirror Money Saving ‏ @MirrorMoney 4m4 minutes ago More Free festive bakes at Greggs today for one day only https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/free-festive-bakes-greggs-today-13666941 … 1 reply 2 retweets 0 likes Reply 1 Retweet 2 Like Direct message euronews ‏ Verified account @euronews 19m19 minutes ago More Southwest Airlines has apologized for a gate agent who reportedly laughed at a 5-year-old passenger’s name — Abcde — all within earshot of the girl and outraged mother. The incident unfolded at John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California, on Nov. 2. http://bit.ly/2Q4MFcH 2 replies 0 retweets 2 likes Reply 2 Retweet Like 2 Direct message CBS News ‏ Verified account @CBSNews 12m12 minutes ago More St. Louis officers indicted for allegedly beating undercover colleague amid protest https://cbsn.ws/2Q5FcKc 4 replies 21 retweets 19 likes Reply 4 Retweet 21 Like 19 Direct message BBC News (UK) ‏ Verified account @BBCNews 39s39 seconds ago More GB rower Anna Thornton in coma in US after stairs fall 0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes Reply Retweet Like 2 Direct message Le Figaro ‏ Verified account @Le_Figaro 16m16 minutes ago More «Les choses s’améliorent sur le pouvoir d’achat» #EcoTranslate Tweet 5 replies 1 retweet 3 likes Reply 5 Retweet 1 Like 3 Direct message CNBC ‏ Verified account @CNBC 4m4 minutes ago More Stocks set to open mixed as high-stakes G-20 puts trade in spotlight 0 replies 8 retweets 7 likes Reply Retweet 8 Like 7 Direct message Reuters Top News ‏ Verified account @Reuters 13m13 minutes ago More Daily Briefing: – G20 summit starts today in Buenos Aires – Member nations struggle for agreements ahead of summit – May says focused on Dec. 11 #Brexit vote, not alternatives Catch up on the headlines: https://reut.rs/2RoFGbb 1 reply 12 retweets 18 likes Reply 1 Retweet 12 Like 18 Direct message BBC News (World) ‏ Verified account @BBCWorld 16m16 minutes ago More France MPs vote to ban child smacking 16 replies 39 retweets 86 likes Reply 16 Retweet 39 Like 86 Direct message USA TODAY ‏ Verified account @USATODAY 10m10 minutes ago More When applying for a marriage license in the nation’s capital, a clerk wouldn’t accept Gavin Clarkson’s driver’s license because “she thought New Mexico was a foreign country.” 3 replies 17 retweets 28 likes Reply 3 Retweet 17 Like 28 Direct message Who to follow · Refresh · View all Followed by IWF and others AHopper @AHopper68 Follow Follow @AHopper68 Followed by Jacob Dean Brian Douglas @D526Brian Follow Follow @D526Brian Followed by Mike Kenealy, LPI and others ⭐️James Hicks ⭐️ @JamesHicksUK Follow Follow @JamesHicksUK Find people you know Import your contacts from Gmail Connect other address books © 2018 TwitterAboutHelp CenterTermsPrivacy policyCookiesAds infoBrandBlogStatusAppsJobsMarketingBusinessesDevelopers Source: Twitter
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sky-designs · 7 years ago
Slavoj Žižek. On Melancholy. 2012
‪http://www.egs.edu/ Slavoj Žižek, philosopher and author, talking about melancholy as the loss of the object cause of desire. In this lecture Slavoj Žižek discusses the zero level of dialectics, the death of God, Christianity, the symbolic order and the Freudian distinction between mourning and melancholy in relationship to Jacques Lacan, Karl Marx, Alenka Zupančič, Mladen Dolar, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Judith Butler, Daniel Dennett, Gilles Deleuze and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel focusing on lamella, suture, big Other, commodity fetishism, fantasy, object a, desire, death drive and the unconscious. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2012. Slavoj Žižek. Slavoj Žižek, Ph.D., (born March 21, 1949), is a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and a returning faculty member of the European Graduate School. He has also been a visiting professor at a number of American Universities (Columbia, Princeton, New School for Social Research, New York University, University of Michigan). Slavoj Žižek recieved his Ph.D. in Philosophy in Ljubljana studying Psychoanalysis. He also studied at the University of Paris. Slavoj Žižek is a cultural critic, philosopher and film theorist who is internationally known for his innovative interpretations of Hegel, Marx and Jacques Lacan. Slavoj Žižek has been called the 'Elvis Presley' of philosophy as well as an 'academic rock star.' Slavoj Žižek is the author of The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989), For They Know Not What They Do (1991), Looking Awry: an Introduction to Jacques Lacan Through Popular Culture (1991), Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan (But Were Afraid To Ask Hitchcock) (1992), Enjoy Your Symptom! Jacques Lacan In Hollywood And Out (1992), Tarrying With The Negative (1993), Mapping Ideology (1994), The Indivisible Remainder (1996), The Plague of Fantasies (1997), The Abyss Of Freedom (1997), The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology (1999), Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left (with Judith Butler and Ernesto Laclau) (2000), The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime, On David Lynch's Lost Highway (2000), The Fragile Absolute or Why the Christian Legacy is Worth Fighting For (2000), On Belief (2001), The Fright of Real Tears (2001), Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? (2001), The Puppet and the Dwarf (2003), Organs Without Bodies: On Deleuze and Consequences (2003), Iraq The Borrowed Kettle (2004) Violence (2008), First As Tragedy, Then As Farce (2009), Living in the End Times (2010), Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism (2012), and most recently, The Year of Dreaming Dangerously (2012).
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hetaczechia · 5 years ago
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Star-Lord by alenka-loves-you
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