#Album: Suisei Shoujo
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Sukipi Shika Katan! / HoneyWorks (English Lyrics)
好きぴしか勝たん!/Hanon×Kotoha feat.MARUMOCHI BOYS (Video/Lyrics CW: Yandere themes, abuse mentions, self harm mentions)
Title: Sukipi Shika Katan! / I love my crush so much! Lyrics: Kaoru, shito Composition: Kaoru Arrangement: HoneyWorks Vocals: Hanon & Kotoha (Hakoniwa Lily)

“愛してるよ”って言ってくれた 超嬉しかった これであなたも私の“モノ”でしょ
“aishiteru yo” tte itte kureta chou ureshikatta kore de anata mo watashi no “mono” desho
I was super happy when you said “I love you” This makes you “mine” now, right?
「いまどこいるの?」 「何をしてたの?」 嘘をつく口はこの手で縫ってあげるね
“ima doko iru no?” “nani o shiteta no?” uso o tsuku kuchi wa kono te de nutte ageru ne
“Where are you right now?” “What were you doing?” I’ll sew your lying mouth shut with my own hands
ごめん、痛かった…? 愛してるから仕方ないと思うんだよね
gomen, itakatta…? aishiteru kara shikatanai to omou nda yo ne
Sorry, did that hurt...? I think it’s inevitable since I love you so much
大丈夫 恐くないよ その声も その体も 全部 美味しく食べてあげる
daijoubu kowakunai yo sono koe mo sono karada mo zenbu oishiku tabete ageru
It’s okay, don’t be scared That voice, that body, every bit of you I’ll eat it up deliciously
かまってよ かまってよ 何で返事くれないの? 好き 好き あなたがいなきゃ息できない
kamatte yo kamatte yo nande henji kurenai no? suki suki anata ga inakya iki dekinai
Look at me, pay attention to me! Why aren’t you responding? I love you, I love you, I can’t live without you
触ってよ 触ってよ どんなことでもするから 別れるとか言うな 死んでやる あなたももちろん一緒に死んでよね
sawatte yo sawatte yo donna koto demo suru kara wakareru toka iuna shinde yaru anata mo mochiron issho ni shinde yo ne
Touch me, touch me! Since I’d do anything for you Don’t say things like “it’s over,” I’ll die You too, naturally - we’ll die together
頭の中をいじくって人体実験 これであなたも私の“モノ”でしょ
atama no naka o ijikutte jintai jikken kore de anata mo watashi no “mono” desho
Testing on you by tampering with your brain This makes you “mine” now, right?
「おそろしようよ」 「MCM���バッグ」 他の子触ったその指はいらないよね
“osoroshiyou yo” “MCM no baggu” hoka no ko sawatta sono yubi wa iranai yo ne
”Let’s go somewhere together” “I've got my MCM Bag” You touched another girl so I guess you don’t need that finger
ごめん、痛かった…? 愛してるから仕方ないと思うんだよね
gomen, itakatta…? aishiteru kara shikatanai to omou nda yo ne
Sorry, did that hurt...? I think it’s inevitable since I love you so much
増えていく腕の傷は 純粋な愛の証 きっと喜んでくれるよね
fuete iku ude no kizu wa junsuina ai no akashi kitto yorokonde kureru yo ne
The increasing amount of cuts on my arms Is proof of our true love Surely you’ll be pleased with it, right?
かまってよ かまってよ 全部秘蜜守るから 好き 好き あなたがいなきゃ 生きる意味ない
kamatte yo kamatte yo zenbu himitsu mamoru kara suki suki anata ga inakya ikiru iminai
Look at me, pay attention to me! I’ll keep all these sweet secrets* safe I love you, I love you, living without you would be pointless
縛ってよ 縛ってよ 束縛独り占めして 重すぎるとか言うな 死んでやる 独りは嫌だよ 一緒に 永遠に…
shibatte yo shibatte yo sokubaku hitorijime shite omo sugiru toka iuna shinde yaru hitori wa iya da yo issho ni eien ni
Hold me down, restrict me!** I’ll keep you all to myself Don’t say things like “You’re too clingy,” I’ll die I hate being alone, we’ll be together forever
無くしちゃったの? いつから壊れたの? 不良品だね ただ愛されたくて 生きてきただけなのに 返して 返して…
nakushi chatta no? itsu kara kowareta no? furyouhin da ne tada aisaretakute ikitekita dake nano ni kaeshite kaeshite
Did I lose you? Since when did it break? It was broken from the start I only lived because I wanted to be loved Come back, come back
かまってよ かまってよ 何で返事くれないの? 好き 好き あなたがいなきゃ息できない
kamatte yo kamatte yo nande henji kurenai no? suki suki anata ga inakya iki dekinai
Look at me, pay attention to me! Why aren’t you responding? I love you, I love you, I can’t live without you
触ってよ 触ってよ どんなことでもするから 別れるとか言うな 死んでやる
sawatte yo sawatte yo donna koto demo suru kara wakareru toka iuna shinde yaru
Touch me, touch me! Since I’d do anything for you Don’t say things like “it’s over,” I’ll die
ねえ準備できた? 何がって? あなたももちろん一緒に死ぬんだよ
nee junbi dekita? nani ga tte? anata mo mochiron issho ni shinu nda yo
Hey, are you ready? What did you say? You too, naturally - we die together
* “Secret” here is written using the kanji for honey (秘蜜) instead of the usual kanji for himitsu (秘密). I’m not entirely sure what it means but it feels important so I added a “sweet” before secret. If you have any idea please message me
** I really didn’t know how to phrase this shortly so it might look… odd. In this context I think something along the lines of keeping someone on a leash. Like keeping someone in check?
#[wakes up] oh fuck new hanon x kotoha song [runs into heavy traffic]#genuinely dropped everything I was doing to translate this#this song is batshit insane please mind the cw at the top#this might be edited a bit later I have a few parts I'm not sure about we'll see#Artist: HoneyWorks#Vocal: Hanon#Vocal: Kotoha#Album: Suisei Shoujo#you can pry suisei shoujo from my cold dead hands#english translation#english lyrics#honeyworks#haniwa#hakoniwa lily#marumochi boys#sukipi shika katan!#deza translates#好きぴしか勝たん!#好きぴしか勝たん
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im curious about those songs you have been posting every week, is eve performing them? it sounds like him
Hey there anon! Yeh he’s the one performing them!
I can’t share to first 2 bc I got them illegally and I don’t want to set a bad example to the youngsters but the last two are Suisei Honeymoon and Bergamot no Shoujo! The last one being part of a collab album Eve did back in 2016 and considered an obscure song I feel everyone should listen bc it’s a banger
#answered ask#these two are so good bro#I’m sad I can’t share the others but oh well I’m sure you’ll guys get them eventually
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30 Song Challenge
Tagged by @undinefin heck yeck my dude im so ready for this
Rules:Answer all questions then tag 6 people (no)
1. A song you like with a color in the title? Usotsuki mahou to haiiro no niji - Soraru
2. A song you like with a number in the title? yonjuunana - MikitoP i think of it everytime i put in my locker combination at school bc the second numbers 47
3. A song that reminds you of summer? Rocket Cider - Nayutanseijin (specifically Sou’s cover)
4. A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget? any of szms songs
5. A song that needs to be played out loud? Shikioriori ni tayutaite - After the Rain
6. A song the makes you want to dance? Party Junkie - Satsuki ga Tenkomori (Specifically Silvana’s cover i love)
7. A song to drive to? idk Suiseui ressha no bell ga naru - AtR
8. A Random song you first think of? Shounen A to mousou shoujo - SekaikeiP
9. A song that makes you happy? Nemureru mori no Cinderella - Mafumafu
10. A song that makes you sad? Ayatori - Written by Mafumafu sung by Sou
11. A song you never get tired of? Neko ga marukunatta - Mafumafu
12. A song from your past? The Saltwater Room - Owl City
13. A song that’s sexy? Koshitantan - Umetora (sou’s or silvana’s hshshs)
14. A song you’d love to be played at your wedding? my what now i guess Yumue no Mata Yume - Mafumafu idk my dudes
15. A song you’re currently obsessed with? too many RN I LOVE HITOGOTO NO OTO GA SURU - ame no murakumoP SOU’S COVER KILLED ME
16. A song you used to love but now hate? Set Fire to the Rain - Adele (or something like that i dont remember the title)
17. A song you’d sing a duet with at karaoke? thanks for taking ouka from me nah Reincarnation - Kemu
18. A song from the year you were born? its 11:30 im not looking one up
19. A song that make you think about life? Silver Warp - MI8k (isubokuro’s wow)
20. A song that has many meanings to you? Kuusou Sekai to Omocha no Shinzou - Mafumafu i gguess
21. A song you think everyone should listen to? DATSURAKU JINSEI E YOUKOSO - AtR I LOVE SO MUCH
22. A song by a group you wish was still together? ???
23. A song that makes you want to fall in love? Wasuremono - Mafumafu
24. A song that breaks your heart? Handicap - Mafumafu
25. A song with amazing vocals? Kaigaishii Kotoba no Yami ni - TadanoCo ISUBOKURO’S VERSION I KNOW ITS ALBUM EXCLUSIVE BUT WOW THOSE HIGH NOTES HOW DOES HE
26. A song with amazing rap? C-caste - Again & Yukimi im gonna die when i hear the full version
27. A song that makes you smile? Suisei Honeymoon - Nayutanseijin everyone’s covers are so good all of them
28. A song that makes you feel good about yourself? idk Yume de Mata Aetara naa - Yunomi
29. A song that you would dedicate to you and your best friend/mutual/ someone close to you? Ouka ni Tsukuyo to Sodeshigure always makes me think of Skechy tbh
30. A song that reminds you of yourself? Tachiiri Kinshi - Mafumafu (edgy i kno but)
#Tag thingy#thank yuuuuuuuuuuuuu#'a sexy song' any song can be sexy if u have a thing for voices & its sung the right way but i mean#FUN FACT 47 IS ALSO MY FAVE NUMBER
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Summer-sama / HoneyWorks (English Lyrics)
サマー様/HoneyWorks feat. Hanon×Kotoha (Video CW: None)
Title: Summer-sama Lyrics: Gom, NAKANISHI Composition: NAKANISHI Arrangement: HoneyWorks Vocals: Hanon & Kotoha (Hakoniwa Lily)

「皆で海に行こう!」 君にそう誘われて はりきって買った 水着に高鳴る胸
“minna de umi ni ikou!” kimi ni sou sasowarete harikitte katta mizugi ni takanaru mune
“Everyone, let’s go to the beach!” I was invited by you My heart beats rapidly In the swimsuit I bought excitedly
ムードメーカーの 君に憧れてたの 待ちに待ったチャンス メイクもバッチリOK
muudo meekaa no kimi ni akogareteta no machi ni matta chansu meiku mo bacchiri OK
I’ve been admiring you The life of the party This is my long-awaited chance My makeup is perfectly done
どうしよう 気づいちゃった 同じ人 目で追っているね二人で
doushiyou kizuichatta onaji hito me de otte iru ne futari de
What should I do? I’ve noticed that Our eyes are on The same person
「好きなんだ」 「好きなんだ」 もう止められない
“suki nanda” “suki nanda” mou tomerarenai
“I like you” “I like you” I can’t hold back anymore!
ねえ サマー様 お願い サマー様 勇気のあと1歩 きらめくビー��で 可愛く見せて
nee samaa-sama onegai samaa-sama yuuki no ato ippo kirameku biichi de kawaiku misete
Hey, summer-sama, please give me Summer-sama, just a little more courage At the glittering beach We’ll look cute
サマー様 絶対 サマー様 叶えたいんです そんな私達のストーリー
samaa-sama zettai samaa-sama kanaetai ndesu sonna watashitachi no sutoorii
Summer-sama, I absolutely Summer-sama, want such a story To come true for us
照りつける太陽 弾む心とビーチボール 近づく距離感に ドキドキうるさいんだ
teritsukeru taiyou hazumu kokoro to biichi booru chikazuku kyorikan ni doki doki urusai nda
The sun beats down on us My beating heart and beach balls As the distance between us closes My heart starts to beat noisily
いつもより可愛く 見えるかな? 鈍感な君だから
itsumo yori kawaiku mieru ka na? donkanna kimi dakara
Since you’re so dense I’ll look even cuter than usual! Can you tell?
気づいてる? 気づいてない? 気づいてよもう!
kizuiteru? kizuitenai? kizuite yo mou!
Have you noticed it? You haven’t noticed it? Notice it already!
ねえ サマー様 お願い サマー様 勇気のあと1歩 波のしぶきで 背中を押して
nee samaa-sama onegai samaa-sama yuuki no ato ippo nami no shibuki de senaka o oshite
Hey, summer-sama, please give me Summer-sama, just a little more courage The splashing waves will Push me forward
サマー様 絶対 サマー様 叶えたいんです 一世一代の大告白
samaa-sama zettai samaa-sama kanaetai ndesu issei ichidai no dai kokuhaku
Summer-sama, I absolutely Summer-sama, want to have A once in a lifetime grand confession
「気持ちを伝えよう 準備はもうできている?」
“kimochi o tsutaeyou junbi wa mou dekite iru?”
“Let’s confess Are you ready yet?”
「どんな結果でも 恨みっこなしだよ?」
“donna kekka demo uramikko nashi da yo?”
“No matter the result, There’s no hard feelings, yeah?”
Ah take take my chance 手をとって take take my chance 連れ出した
Ah take take my chance te o totte take take my chance tsuredashita
Ah take take my chance I held my hand Take take my chance Out to you
「君が好き」 「君が好き」 もう止められない
“kimi ga suki” “kimi ga suki” mou tomerarenai
“I like you” “I like you” I can’t hold back anymore!
I like you
サマー様 ありがとう サマー様 踏み出した1歩 恋の行方を見守ってください
samaa-sama arigatou samaa-sama fumi dashita ippo koi no yukue o mimamotte kudasai
Summer-sama, thank you Summer-sama, I took a step forward Please watch over the course of our love!
サマー様 絶対 サマー様 叶えてみせる 君ははにかんで ギュッとギュッと手を握った
samaa-sama zetttai samaa-sama kanaete miseru kimi wa hanikande gyutto gyutto te wo nigitta
Summer-sama, I will absolutely Summer-sama, make it come true You bashfully squeezed my hand in yours
#Artist: HoneyWorks#Vocal: Hanon#Vocal: Kotoha#Album: Suisei Shoujo#ahhh take take my chance....#honeyworks#haniwa#summer-sama#hakoniwa lily#english translation#english lyrics#deza translates#サマー様
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Halloween Night Party / HoneyWorks (English Lyrics)
ハロウィンナイトパーティ/HoneyWorks feat. Hanon×Kotoha (Video CW: Blood, alcohol ment, general halloween themes)
Title: Halloween Night Party Lyrics: Gom, Komiya Mario Composition: Oji, Komiya Mario Arrangement: HoneyWorks Vocals: Hanon & Kotoha (Hakoniwa Lily)

トリックオアトリート かぼちゃお面 お化け達がやってくる 少女の家の前 お腹すかせたオオカミ
torikku oa toriito kabocha omen obaketachi ga yattekuru shoujo no ie no mae onaka sukaseta ookami
Trick or treat, a pumpkin mask The monsters will come by In front of a girl’s house Is a hungry wolf
トリックオアトリート ねぇお嬢さん 甘い香り・・・きっとこれはそうだ! お菓子をくださいな それかお嬢さん…
torikku oa toriito nee ojou-san amai kaori… kitto kore wa sou da! okashi o kudasai na sore ka ojou-san...
Trick or treat, hey young lady That sweet scent… yes, I’m sure this is it! Please give me some sweets Or yourself...*
かぼちゃのパイにパンケーキ 上手に焼けました 1年ずっと待ってたの 待ちくたびれて… 私が全員食べちゃった
kabocha no pai ni pankeeki jouzu ni yakemashita ichi nen zutto matteta no machikutabirete... watashi ga zenin tabechatta
Pumpkin pies with pancakes Cooked perfectly For an entire year we waited I’m tired of the wait, so… I ate everyone
ハロウィンナイトパーティー 今宵はお化けが主役さ お菓子をくれなきゃ襲っちゃえ
harouin naito paatii koyoi wa obake ga shuyaku sa okashi o kurenakya osocchae
Halloween night party Monsters play the leading roles tonight You have to give us sweets or you’ll be attacked
ハロウィンナイトパーティー 今宵は踊り狂おうぜ ウィッチとコカレロ弾んで ラッタッタッタッタ ジャックオランタン
harouin naito paatii koyoi wa odori kuruou ze uicchi to kokarero hazunde rattattattatta jakku o rantan
Halloween night party Let’s dance like crazy tonight! Splurge on cocalero** with a witch La ta ta ta ta Jack o’ lantern
じ・つ・は 私たちね 傷跡がまだ痛いの パパと��マにいつも 閉じ込められてた
jitsu wa watashitachi ne kizuato ga mada itai no papa to mama ni itsumo tojikome rareteta
The ・ truth ・ is that we Have scars that still hurt We were always being locked away By mama and papa
年に一度の収穫祭 みんなで祝いましょう 家族もみんな揃ってる ガイコツ笑う 満月が照らすディナーショー
nen ni ichido no shuukakusai minna de iwaimashou kazoku mo minna sorotteru gaikotsu warau mangetsu ga terasu dinaa shoo
Let’s all go and celebrate At the yearly harvest festival The whole family is coming, too! A skeleton laughs At a dinner show lit by the full moon
ハロウィンナイトパーティー 今宵はお化けが主役さ シャンパン・ランタン・ヴァンパイア
harouin naito paatii koyoi wa obake ga shuyaku sa shanpan rantan vanpaia
Halloween night party Monsters play the leading roles tonight Champagne, lanterns, vampires
ハロウィンナイトパーティー 今宵は踊り明かそうぜ マミーとテキーラ火照って ラッタッタッタッタ ジャックオランタン
harouin naito paatii koyoi wa odori akasou ze mamii to tekiira hotette rattattattatta jakku o rantan
Halloween night party Let’s dance the night away! Flushed from mamie** and tequila La ta ta ta ta Jack o’ lantern
空が明けるころ 闇の呪文は解けてく
sora ga akeru koro yami no jumon wa toketeku
The spell of darkness will start to clear Around the break of dawn
ハロウィンナイトパーティー 帰らなきゃいけない時間だ 来年もこの場所で会おう
harouin naito paatii kaeranakya ikenai jikan da rainen mo kono basho de aou
Halloween night party It’s time to head home Let’s meet here again next year!
ハロウィンナイトパーティー 今宵はお化けが主役さ お菓子をくれなきゃ襲っちゃえ
harouin naito paatii koyoi wa obake ga shuyaku sa okashi o kurenakya osocchae
Halloween night party Monsters play the leading roles tonight You have to give us sweets or you’ll be attacked
ハロウィンナイトパーティー 今宵は踊り狂おうぜ ウィッチとコカレロ弾んで ラッタッタッタッタ ジャックオランタン
harouin naito paatii koyoi wa odori kuruou ze uicchi to kokarero hazunde rattattattatta jakku o rantan
Halloween night party Let’s dance like crazy tonight! Splurge on cocalero** with a witch La ta ta ta ta Jack o’ lantern
* Wasn’t really sure how to phrase this but basically implying they’ll eat her instead if they don’t get candy
** A brand of alcohol (Cocalero) and a type of cocktail (Mamie Taylor). Cocalero bottles are the same shape and color as the ones Hanon and Kotoha’s characters are depicted holding in the video.
#I had to do this one it's october how can I not#it took me so long to figure out what in the name of hell マミー is#anyway uhhh#Artist: HoneyWorks#Vocal: Hanon#Vocal: Kotoha#Album: Suisei Shoujo#english lyrics#english translation#honeyworks#hakoniwa lily#halloween party night#deza translates#haniwa#I am thinking about suisei shoujo at any given moment#suisei shoujo my beloved#ハロウィンナイトパーティ
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Nyan Nyan Snack Cooking / HoneyWorks (English Lyrics)
にゃんにゃんおやつクッキング/HoneyWorks feat. Hanon×Kotoha (Video CW: None)
Title: Nyan Nyan Oyatsu Cooking Lyrics: Komiya Mario Composition: Komiya Mario Arrangement: HoneyWorks Vocals: Hanon & Kotoha (Hakoniwa Lily)
にゃんにゃんおやつクッキング エプロンをつけて手を洗って さぁ 始めよう
nyan nyan oyatsu kukkingu epuron o tsukete te o aratte saa hajimeyou
Meow meow snack cooking Put your apron on and wash your hands Come on, let’s start
甘くてサクサク クッキー作っちゃお 薄力粉 バター 砂糖 卵をまぜまぜして ハートの形は愛を詰め込んで 焼き加減気をつけて 180°で12分
amakute sakusaku kukkii tsukucchao hakurikiko bataa satou tamago o maze maze shite haato no katachi wa ai o tsumekonde yaki kagen ki o tsukete hyaku hachi juu do de juu ni fun
Sweet and crunchy, let’s make cookies Flour, butter, sugar, eggs, and mix it together The heart shape is filled with love Be careful putting it in the oven, 180 degrees for 12 minutes
にゃ〜んにゃんにゃん (まぜまぜ) にゃんにゃにゃんにゃん(コネコネ) にゃ〜んにゃんにゃん おいしくな〜れ! おいしくな〜れ!
nya~n nyan nyan (mazemaze) nyan nya nyan nyan (konekone) nya~n nyan nyan oishiku na~re! oishiku na~re!
Meeow meow meow (mixing, mixing) Meow mew meow meow (kneading, kneading) Meeow meow meow Ple~ase turn out good! Ple~ase turn out good!
にゃんにゃんおやつクッキング みんな幸せになる午後3時 ぼくと ぼくと 君でいただきます
nyan nyan oyatsu kukkingu minna shiawase ni naru gogo san ji boku to boku to kimi de itadakimasu
Meow meow snack cooking Everyone will be happy at 3 pm With me, and me and you, let’s eat!
さくさくほろほろクッキー 大好きなミルクたくさん飲んで 甘い 甘い 気持ち めしあがれ さあどうぞ
sakusaku horohoro kukki daisukina miruku takusan nonde amai amai kimochi meshi agare saa douzo
Crunchy, crumbly cookies Drink lots of your favorite milk with a Sweet, sweet feeling Bon appetit Come on, eat up
おやつの時間はまだかなまだかな つまみ食いだめですよ あれ〜1個少ないな〜 食べてないですよ 食べてないですよ… ほっぺたについている それは一体なんですか?
oyatsu no jikan wa mada ka na mada ka na tsumamigui dame desu yo are~ ikko sukunai na~ tabetenai desu yo tabetenai desu yo... hoppeta ni tsuiteiru sore wa ittai nandesu ka?
Is it snack time yet? Is it? You're not allowed to eat any yet Huh?~ One of them is missing~ I haven’t eaten any I haven’t eaten any... That stuff sticking to your cheek What on earth is it?
にゃんにゃにゃんにゃん にゃ〜んにゃんにゃん にゃんにゃにゃんにゃん
nyan nya nyan nyan nya~n nyan nyan nyan nya nyan nyan
Meow mew meow meow Meoow meow meow Meow mew meow meow
こ〜ら〜まて〜! うわぁ〜味見だし〜!
ko~ra~ mate~! uwaa~ hajimi dashi~!
He~y~ Come back here~! Wahh~ I was just sampling it~!
おやつタイム集まっちゃお ホイップクリームお口につけて ぼくと ぼくと 君で笑っちゃおう
oyatsu taimu atsumacchao hoippu kuriimu okuchi ni tsukete boku to boku to kimi de waracchaou
Let’s get together at snack time We’ll try the whipped cream With me, and me and you, let’s laugh together
さくさくほろほろクッキー オリジナルトッピングカラフルに 甘い 甘い 気持ち めしあがれ みんなで食べよう
sakusaku horohoro kukkii orijinaru toppingu karafuru ni amai amai kimochi meshi agare minna de tabeyou
Crunchy, crumbly cookies With original toppings and a colorful Sweet, sweet feeling Bon appetit Everyone, let’s eat
プレゼント用にリボンを 大切な気持ちの隠し味を いつも いつも お世話してくれて ありがとう
purezento you ni ribon o taisetsuna kimochi no kakushiaji o itsumo itsumo osewa shite kurete arigatou
A ribbon for the present is This precious feeling’s secret ingredient For always, always Helping me Thank you
にゃんにゃんおやつクッキング みんな幸せになる午後3時 ぼくと ぼくと 君でいただきます
nyan nyan oyatsu kukkingu minna shiawase ni naru gogo san ji boku to boku to kimi de itadakimasu
Meow meow snack cooking Everyone will be happy at 3 pm With me, and me and you, let’s eat!
さくさくほろほろクッキー 大好きなミルクたくさん飲んで 甘い 甘い 気持ちめしあがれ さあどうぞ
sakusaku horohoro kukki daisukina miruku takusan nonde amai amai kimochi meshi agare saa douzo
Crunchy, crumbly cookies Drink lots of your favorite milk with a Sweet, sweet feeling Bon appetit Come on, eat up
Thank you for the food!
#Artist: HoneyWorks#Album: Suisei Shoujo#Vocal: Hanon#Vocal: Kotoha#hanon and kotoha my beloved#you may not know it yet but I love them so much#english lyrics#english translation#honeyworks#haniwa#really love the subtle niwa in their new team name... cute#nyan nyan oyatsu cooking#nyan nyan snack cooking#deza translates#I've had Otona Kinryoku in the works for a while now. I am trying.#I'll try the halloween song and maybe summer-sama next#にゃんにゃんおやつクッキング
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