#Alberu finds it funny
valdeswan · 7 months
Cale: What did the woman with no hands get for Christmas?
Alberu *sacred to ask*: ...what?
Cale: No idea. She hasn’t opened her present yet.
Choi Han: pff-
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blueteller · 5 months
Me, wondering: Why do I always get a weird feeling when I'm reading "Alver" instead of "Alberu"? It's not like I care about the specific translation all that much, or have a specific association with the name "Alver" or... anything... ... Wait a minute – "Alver"... "Alvin"... chimpunks... squirrels... ... ... Me: ...No wait that pun doesn't even work that well in English since flying squirrels and chipmunks are different words in this language- My brain: DO THE MEME ANYWAY
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(Based on this old poster)
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youngyoo-apologist · 5 months
If I ever met Cale I’d laugh in his face because my life is everything he wants his to be (I slack off and he doesn’t)
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penguin-stars · 9 days
You know one of my favorite things about this novel?
Is that Cale (Well, Kim Rok Soo) actually acts his age (36)
I personally haven't read many Isekais aimed at male audiences, so I can't speak for those
I have, however read quite a bit of Otome Isekais
And one of the things that annoys me the most about the genre, is when the protagonist, usually an adult woman, gets reincarnated into a baby, a child or a teenager and you sometimes forget their actual age because some of the things they do, some of the decisions they make are /baffling/ when you remember they're a grown ass adult
But with Cale is quite the opposite, people around him are often left scratching their heads at some of his actions and level of maturity ("Aren't you supposed to be 18-20?")
Hell, one time he told Raon that he is "30 years older than him" only to remember mid-phrase that nope, he's actually supposed to be only 15 years older
-Spoilers for P1-
And it's also very funny when Alberu finds out that Cale is, in fact actually older than him, his reaction is pure gold because he's supposed to be the hyung around here you know?
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teriri-sayes · 9 days
Reactions to The Unknown's Chapter 350
New title - 45. The Unknown
Brief summary: Cale and Alberu have a cookie picnic while discussing their plans and airing their grievances.
We got a new chapter title, though I'm unsure if the translation was "unknown", "anonymous", "nameless", or "obscure".
Today's chapter was good, showcasing how close the relationship between Cale and Alberu were. 🥰🥰🥰 Of course, there were some funny moments.
“Haha-” Alberu Crossman laughed leisurely. “So, you're saying that this situation-” He let Cale fill him in on the details of what had happened. And he arrived at an answer. The situation is- “You mean it's a mess.” “Yes, it is.” Cale replied with newfound politeness. He couldn't help it. “Your Highness, doesn't your bottom hurt?” Crown Prince Alberu Crossman. He was sitting on the floor, staring up at the throne even though Cale had vacated it. Cale couldn't help but notice how uncharacteristic that looked. If this was really Alberu Crossman, 'With a sly smile -' Haha, my dongsaeng. You don't have to do this. What? This seat belongs to me? The 7th Evil's seat? Are you giving this to me? 'Isn't that what he should say?' Alberu Crossman looked a little different. “Haha-” Look! He's still laughing and saying it's a mess, isn't he? Cale's face turned grim. -Human! The crown prince's smile seems empty! That's right! He looks like he has reached Nirvana! “Ha-” Just then, the crown prince stopped laughing. Then, he looked at Cale and blurted out. “Okay. Let's just say a mess is a mess.”
Poor Alberu broke from the information overload Cale gave him. 😂😂😂 And he even "reached Nirvana"... 🤣🤣🤣
Moving on, Cale sat down on the floor too and continued their talk. Cale and Alberu found it annoying that they were both moving according to the will of others. Cale just wanted peace for himself and everyone around him, but he kept getting dragged in situation after situation.
They also identified GoD, the worlds, and others as their "allies", and not "comrades", finding it annoying that their allies took advantage of them. For Cale, Alberu was his closest comrade, his hyung, and the person who knows him best.
Seeing Alberu looking annoyed, Raon gave us this cute scene. 🥰🥰🥰
Raon approached Alberu, who sighed. “Crown Prince! I don't know what's wrong, but cheer up!” Raon pulled something out of his subspace pocket and held it out. “Eat this! Crown Prince, don't you like this too?” It was the royal palace cookies that Alberu gave Raon. Seeing this, Alberu snickered and said politely to Raon. “Thank you, Raon. You are very thoughtful, as great as you are.” Raon's wings flapped, and his chubby cheeks twitched. “Your Highness! I am good and great! This is only natural!” With that, he sneaked over to Alberu's side and buried his face in Alberu's lap. Alberu casually patted him on the back of the head and opened the cookie box.
Alberu began binge-eating the cookies as he grumbled about how he was the "pathetic one". He was one of the "rising newbies", but he was weak compared to others.
We found out that it was not only Alberu who received the "Become the First ____ Emperor" main quest. Three other people had received it, and Alberu suspected that Ahn Roh Man also received it, despite Ahn Roh Man denying receiving that quest.
Cale and Alberu suspected Ahn Roh Man because they found it unbelievable that the game's rank 1 player would not receive that quest. And that was why they were cautious of Ahn Roh Man, considering him as a "temporary ally" only.
Thus, Alberu agreed to what Cale had proposed earlier - he would be in the sun and Cale would be in the shadows. Alberu would be the hero while Cale would control the Eight Evils.
They did not like being dragged along by everyone, so they decided to flip it over. They would set the board themselves.
Ending Remarks This chapter was so good with all the Cale and Alberu interaction. I also liked how they had a cookie picnic afterwards. 😂 Next chapter would be a time skip to the day after the game update finished... Wait, does that mean we're in the New World arc now?! What about Cale's talk with the Molans?
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kheta · 2 months
I don't know how to make this coherent so just take this premise and all the chaotic associated sentences lol *Might be a bit confusing. But due to the time period, I'm refering to them as Cale and Rok Soo. No like Og!.... Cale is Cale, even if he was Rok Soo and Rok Soo is Rok Soo, even if he was Cale. Make sense?
Premise: Rok Soo and Cale swap souls with one another (temporarily) for whatever reason buuut. This happens after they have both already reconciled with living their lives as different people. And because neither one know how the other is leading their former lives, they just. Decide to revert to their original personas. Until things can be sorted out.
-They are both found out almost instantly.
-Raon is the only one who KNOWS who is in his humans body and even though he doesn't love it, he decides to help this human hide and find out a way to his original body.
-KRS, on account of also being a dad, takes to not babying or spoiling either On or Hong, because that's how he treats his niece. Unfortunately this unwillingness to spoil them (monetarily) and his compulsive need to make sure they are in reach of him clue the siblings on to him straight away.
-On and Hong decide its best to trust their little brothers judgement and don't tell anyone his secret. They also kinda like his head pats and the way he like to stroke and groom them for soooo long and that he'll actually play outside with them. (But they still miss their Cale, even if this new human is kinda fun)
-By the end of the week everyone from Bud to Hans and the Blue Wolf Tribe kids know that someone else is in Cale's body. Unfortunately they don't know who and they are unwilling to cross Raon to find out. Raon and his siblings meanwhile are viciously protective of the KRS, because he's nice and funny and is in Cale's body, they can't dislike him.
-Ron is instantly on guard and sends out so many bad vibes and thinly veiled threats. Choi Han needs to physically walk away, because he knows he'll do something bad if left with this stranger. Alberu actually does stop in to threaten this stranger. Lock is standoffish but non-confrontational and Rosalyn is purposely nice to uncover the strangers secrets. Vicross makes sure not to appear, because the kids will know his intent instantly. He also wants to hurt this imposter.
-KRS meanwhile is pretty nonchalant about the threats. He is a bit bewildered that they picked him so quickly though. It's kinda. Maybe. A little offensive? Like okay, the heroes and the Prince, fine. They never knew KRS when he was Cale. But Ron, Vicross and his dad? Knowing KRS isn't Cale after a week, meanwhile KRS has only been KRS for two years. What the fuck kinda logic is that? Oh well, not like KRS minds anyways. He needs to study with Raon Miru and Rosalyn. Things to do first. Not like he has times for stupid, pointless things anyways
-It takes Cale a little longer to be spotted. At first his team think maybe he's having a bad week. Even his niece thinks that, because he's not as thoughtlessly affectionate as usual.
-But a week turns to two and some of his team are mad because? Seriously? Near death attempts and two years of bonding and suddenly he regresses? Kim Min Ah and Jung So Hoon are a bit more sceptical. Because this coldness is just weird. The barriers that exist feel both alien and familiar.
-By Week two they've come to a weird, crazy conclusion that KRS has multiple personalities. Because anything else is just too weird and crazy. When they confront the 'Protector' with this knowledge, Cale figures it's easier to tell the truth. He likes to keep his cards close, so he just says he's close to KRS but he's not him and for whatever reason he woke up stuck in his body. He doesn't want to hurt the bonds KRS had created, he was just acting like the KRS he knew.
-Which brings me to: The vague way KRS and Cale talk makes their respective Found Family's have completely different ideas about the others identity.
-Everyone in LCF come to the conclusion that KRS is a child Cale picks up in the future, because he talks about being so close to Cale at one point in his life. And that he's just acting like how he thought Cale would act, based on stories. And he's just. Weirdly knowledgable about the Molans and the Henituse family and even the heroes, even if his knowledge is a bit skewed. And kinda paints them as scarier than they are? (The only other possibility based on his comfort level with Cale and the people who surround him is a future lover and they all point blank refuse to accept that) But it's nice to see Cale('s body) eating well and exercising and having a good sleep routine. If they weren't still immediately suspicious, they might think this kid would be a good, healthy influence on Cale. Privately, they wonder if the grounded, active way this man acted would help to make Cale more solid, more present and less likely to jump into danger. -On Earth, their whole Team thinks that Cale is some sort of jilted childhood friend who lost contact with KRS as he became apart of the Survival Forces. They are actually advocating for Cale to refriend KRS because KRS desperately needs a friend (or more~~❣️) outside of their team. And there's no way this smart, but truly lazy man could be anything but a good friend for KRS. He could convince their team lead to slow down and relax and actually indulge in things! Maybe then their Team Lead would be less of a freakin' pain.
-Niece!Jour (I can't find a name for her and I'm not gonna make one up) likes her Not-Uncle! He's super smart and he gets her presents just cause and only buys them the yummiest food. And he never tries to cook, which is good because Actual-Uncle is maybe. sorta. Not great at cooking? Like he can cook two dishes really well and he bakes one really nice biscuit but everything else is just kinda. Okay. So it's nice to have really, really yummy food in the house. And to have someone who likes sitting with her while she reads or watches tv, instead of trying to plan elaborate days out. Because she does like those day! But sometimes she just wants to watch her movies without pauses or finish a really good chapter without going to park.
-Raon likes to play 'tag' with his Not!Human and to receive actual smiles, not the scammer smile. He also loves being able to fly around with his Not!Human watching his cool new tricks and patting his head all the time and the Not!Human bakes really, really good jam and butter cookies and he's even teaching him and his older siblings how to make them. It's really cool.
-Rosalyn hates how smart this punk is, he knows things he shouldn't and he's obviously got some plan to get back to his proper body, if the journeys to different temples mean anything, but she can't tell what. He's evasive and infuriating because he doesn't lie. He just. Speaks weirdly around all topics. The only time he's sincere and talkative is around the kids. And he's never allowed near the kids alone after they figure him out, so it's not like he's just honest to only the kids. It's just. They're the only ones who can get a straight answer out of him and none of the kids want to interrogate him.
-I want some angsty scene where their true identities are revealed but also can't see the point? Because the only reason an identity reveal would happen would be to cause more drama/angst. And trying to get back to their own world after a truth reveal feels a bit?Futile and cruel? Like 'Oh you KNEW me, but idrc, I have a life I prefer that you are not welcome to and it's also in another world, bye ✨✨✨'
-A more satisfying ending would be them accepting that they are definitely not who they were and no matter how much they might enjoy some aspects of their old life (Cale the convenience and KRS the bonds he has/had) they ultimately have no role to play in each other's lives anymore. Maybe they write a letter to each other before the swap back? Where they both tell each other to cherish their family and either be more involved/take a step back from all the action so they can actually treasure their found family?
-I think it'd also be beautiful for maybe some people to reach a bit of a conclusion (looking @ u Molans/Henituses) on the identity of KRS, but ultimately doing nothing (like always 🙄) because the person they love and bonded with is not KRS. Not anymore. And they have not and will never force any version of Cale to stay somewhere he is unhappy. Because even if they didn't always love him in a way he could relate to, they had always and will always love him. But also, this end doesn't feel like it fits with the ending letter ting.
-Also while I'm adding random thoughts. Both found families are wrong. Cale and Rok Soo would be the worst influence for each other. They're both different flavours of neurotic control freak meets push over enablers. Like both are used to manipulating people for their own gain, they just go about it differently. And if they ever decide to fully trust each other? Chaos. Un. Mitigated. Chaos. I feel like they'd have the similar plans that they tell people about, all except for the last step since they both just randomly decide they are the acceptable casualty. And Cale will leisurely, with feigned reluctance, walk his way up to the sacrificial alter. And Rok Soo will be there already, determined and unrepentant. Cue spiderman meme.
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galaxygirl8880 · 2 years
an au I thought up of where Cale does actually decide to run away and helps the roan Kingdom from the shadows and stuff-
It'd be funny if Cale just slapped all of the information from the five novels he read into a stack of paper and sent it to Alberu, his reasoning being "I don't wanna do shit, you deal with the war(s) :D" you could also have a moment where Cale sends another letter basically saying "your current commanders are shit not bad but could be better, have some war strategies (If you don't send me money for this I'll break into your office and move everything two inches to the left)"
Before running away, he collects enough allowance from Deruth to last him a while, gets the shield ancient power, and he gains the trust of the cats so they follow him. On the night that he's supposed to meet Choi han, Cale gives him something (a sandwich?) he bought earlier to eat and directs him towards the Henituse mansion with a letter that was mostly prepared beforehand so the guards (and Ron) let him in.
Cale saves the dragon with the rented devices from billos with a bit more difficulty (and injuries) but he manages to free him anyways.
Then he begins to head towards the capital (because as much as he'd like to go to the ubar territory, there's a chance amiru could see him-) and plans to stay there for a while before the plaza terror incident. He takes the healing ancient power, gives advice to Taylor while doing his best to avoid him and cage, and unofficially officially adopts the dragon into his party. Not exactly in that order but oh well-
Ron and Beacrox are mighty suspicious of Choi han because he's brought a letter that was obviously from their young master but without the young master. And shit gets worse when Cale doesn't come back home that night-
Choi han gets interrogated, fights Ron (only a lil), and sets out to find the person that helped him in his time of intense despair, memories of the kind stranger feeding the cats and handing him something to eat when he hadn't eaten anything in two days(Choi han).
He feels grateful, and chooses to ignore the rumors about a "drunk, trashy young master" because the person who helped him and the person from the rumors seem like completely different people. (Later, when he finds the redhead, he'll notice that he was, infact, completely correct.)
Ron and Beacrox join him because he smells like the organization that attacked their family and because Choi han is, unfortunately, the only lead they have on finding the young master that they took care of.
When they eventually find cale (new additions including lock and Rosalyn, yay) Choi han is deadset on repaying his meal and the help they received during the plaza terror incident
This Choi han is a tad more mentally unstable and latches onto the only source of somewhat warmth he's received since Harris village-
Ron is being a dad in the background and scolding Cale for not telling them his plan of running away and Beacrox is looking disapprovingly at the fact that the young master has gotten skinnier-
(Alberu is shooketh in the background because that letter he got detailing the bombing and a few other things days ago actually came true and is this person an ally or a threat-)
A draft from a while ago, with some things that were added-
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crazydaymycrazyway · 7 months
I actually had this crazy idea for a tcf fanfiction. So Raon told Cale (despite him not wanting to know) that Alberu is not human and his hair and eyes are dyed magically, them originally being brown. When Raon saw dead mana for the first time, he realized it was similar to the energy the crown prince was giving off. That is how they came to realize that Alberu Crossman is actually a quarter dark elf. So imagine if he was a vampire instead. Like, they're also creatures of the dark and not much about their powers are revealed (I haven't reached that part of the novel, I've only read spoilers). So like, Raon would go he's not human. He's strong, very strong. His hair is actually white (I don't know the real hair colour of vampires) and Cale trying to figure out what exactly Alberu is. Maybe he wouldn't because he thinks getting involved with the crown prince would be trouble for him, but he might have to because the help of this scamming prince is very essential in his future plans. Since Raon was never exposed to Vampires in the first season, I suppose there's no way to find out. Then imagine they somehow formed an alliance. Then Raon gets to meet a vampire, and he goes, it's similar to the energy of the crown prince. And Cale be like, wut? But there are a lot of complications in this fanfiction, because vampires age like, very slowly and a twenty something year old Alberu would be a toddler more than anything. But it might be different for half-vampires, I think? (If that's even a thing) And imagine Alberu going, your blood smells nice or something like that Fredo guy and Cale just making a deal with his blood rather than dead mana? I dunno, this all sounds messed up but it's so funny. I mean, Eruhaben who lived for a thousand years can be the one to reveal Alberu being a vampire too, since he's a thousand years old and has seen a lot of beings. And then, I dunno, Fredo can be alberu's mom's brother or something? And he'll go, oh my nephew, is that you?.....this is such a mess
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My fave TCF headcanon concept is that Cale knows all the cliche romantic book pick up lines and flirts from inhaling literally EVERY book he could get his hands on + record but that he also has some genuinely good one liners bc of said reading and just to bamboozle people will drop them to his companions at public events.
Like he doesn't want to talk to anyone for a while and needs to get people to stop inviting him to parties? He flirts with Rosalyn in a way that seems like they're maybe engaged??? Nobody wants to touch him bc everyone's waiting for her home country to figure the fuck out of whatever that was. Rosalyn just finds it funny. He flirts with Jack at an event once and then goes into private seclusion bc there's no law stating the Pope has to be celibate but are they??? At another he wraps his arms around Choi Hans waist in a hug and Choi Han wags his imaginary puppy tail so hard it becomes the only thing people focus on for a while.
Like people keep talking about him but it's also about his ppl and Cale knows none of them mind.
He does in fact grab Alberu by the face and smack a big old kiss on his forehead that leaves the emperor blinking like a fish when he hears people talking about his kids though, before holding him by his shoulders and actually saying how much he loves and appreciates him. Then he leaves. Alberu thinks Cale might be dying, the rest of the upper echelon of Roan have no interest in talking about the Henitsue adopted children they want to know wtf that was all about.
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salaapaoo · 2 years
De-aged Cale au where he's around 6 or 7 with his current personality and knowledge right ??
But he's stuck like that for maybe a few weeks as Rosalyn and Eruhaben try to figure out a way to reverse it.
In that time ... He notices that his front teeth are starting to wiggle, but he doesn't mention it. He just continues to plan and scam like normal. Just tiny.
One day he's eating some sort of cookie or smth and he takes a bite and his tooth just falls out. Raon is FREAKING OUT because WHAT RHE FUCK WAS THAT??? He's flying around in circles above Cale before he tries to force Cale's mouth open to "fix it." (Raon basically is just trying to shove his entire paw in Cale's mouth to see...)
and Cale's just shoves Raon away from his face trying to convince him this is normal.
Later that night he picks up a call from the prince and tells Alberu all the stuff he's found out like how he normally would... But Alberu just snorts and breaks out into laughter. It's hard not to coo and tease the red head when he's tiny and missing his front tooth.
"stop laughing!!"
"I'm sorry you just look so cute"
"it's not funny >:("
Cale just looks like a disgruntled puppy.
He's forced to make a call to all his allies to let them know what's going on and that everything's fine.. but then the night before the call is scheduled?? His other front tooth comes out when he's eating dinner.
He makes the call with two missing front teeth on top... A lisp... And a child's body.
The call gets off track immediately and everyone's shouting and cooing at him.
(Maybe he curses at them and they all just laugh and tell him he shouldn't be using bad words)
Cale hopes that the mage and the ancient dragon find the solution faster... Or at least for his two front teeth to hurry up and come in
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lappel-du-vide83 · 1 year
Trash of the count's family has been living rent free in my head for the past month so here have me LOSING MY MIND OVER HIM <3
Warning this is quite long and has swears and only starts at around chapter 300
See if you can guess what was happening ;)
Tcf rants
And omg eruhaben picked him up LIKE A WET CAT WJWIOWQP
Like some point of record introduction is where the video call unbutton happens way before 350 why did I have to find calberu so late
OMG krs life is so sad " you were meant to die" 394
424 He and I are happy as well gahhhhhh cale crying stop QnQ
When you try to pay attention to the villains monologue but the voices in your head won't shut up 446
464  piggyback super funny bro gets carried like a haystack
485 self doubt is a bitch
BRO that one chapter pls just LET HIM Cook
OMG "Please. Hyung-nim. I trust my smart hyung-nim.’
What in the goofy fuck is this arc (naru von ellejan)
543 was kinda cute dkwhy
595 cale? Sparring? Training his physical body?? Impossible
602 ."God. You must have seen me die today." Holy fucking shit my dudes
"Cale had started at some point to caress Alberu’s mane whenever he had the time." kuxiydsljxkysiysitzjgzkyxou pls and thank you
Ws needs to STOP
605 ‘Even though he tells us to live, why?! Why?! Why does he push himself overboard each and every time?!’ WHY IS HE SO TRAGIC also choi han almost screaming cale instead of roksoo
"Choi Jung Soo looked as if he was about to cry as he responded to the weak voice." ubc am shakibg
Taerang is so funny omg
Let me see what you have
A gun
613 "brightly as young Cale used to smile." awwwww
623 "The Henituse household’s number one priority during that battle was-
‘To make sure that Cale survives.’" :OOOOOOOOO
The misunderstandings lmfaooo
628 did not know duke deruth was chill like that
Poor guy cale bruh new member to caleism
644 Excuse me noble sacrifice???? Bitch you better not
HE BETTER BE FINE "called the beginning and the end of everything." ISTG CALE IF YOU DIE
"Raon swore in the exact same manner as Cale before heading toward the terrace." RAON IS SO CUTE
OMG why are they so wholesome to each other???
His mom bro omfg I am tearing
669 damn he's cold. But ig it's war bruh you gotta cold through the mess
670 just stab yourself they said. It'll be easy they said. BRO WHAKANDA REQUIREMENT IS THAT
The absolute disregard “Man, you talk to me so disrespectfully.”
684 'cales in danger'? YOU FOOLS HE IS THE DANGER
And alberu spinning the gun??? How did he get so cool with it
687?? '“I finally think that my life is a bit precious.” CALE NO
He had an extremely useful worker BAHAHAHA
689 rasheel is so real
BRO got a taste of his own medicine sit yo ass down and rest mf
700 wait stop this is kinda sad
702 cale in his insane era
703 yo what is happening
705 foolishly thought there'll be angst but look at that potential
Alberu the og glib tongue
715 the sealed god better fucking stop before I beat yo ass
717 that gave me chills for some reason
720 shit not even cale is safe from the abusive childhood tragedy
BRO imma beat the ws up his stupid curse affecting krs
Also the plot thickens
723 clopeh is crazy in the best way
736 this entire arc bro cale is causing so much chaos
WTF why is krs life so sad bro
I love this arc wait they're supporting each other so much its so adorable
And omg reactions!!
Karma bro
Sidestory 2-1 OG CALE FULL OF CLASS????
2.3 raon: can I be nice
Cale : no
WHY he so ruthless
BRO I just realised that this man has not sat down wtf he just finished fighting the sealed god let him REST
2. 4 "No matter what happened, the Crown Prince’s biggest ally was the Duke’s House of Henituse which had his sworn brother and his sword art instructor." GUYS
Ahh he was so sweet to the kid
2.14 wow that's insanely convenient that you need exactly 3 more assistants
2. 23 Mary tryna copy cale and alberu is so cute
2.23 WHY IS HE HURT????
2. 40 "The rejuvenated ancient Dragon smiled a lot more these days." AWWW GOLDIE GRAMPS
Also omfg cale stronk
2.41 so wait fire of destruction did become a god? How else does he know about super rock
2.55 damn our cale is strong
2.58 cale proving that once again, he is the scammer
2.59 nah bro this shit too goofy they're just waiting for him to faint
2.64 can we appreciate how fast choi han and sui khan protected cale like omg
2.65 GoD is so real bro is funny af
2.68 caleism ftw
2.70 LMFAO what does alberu want??
2.71 "I’ll give you the title of Minister of Finance. Will you do it?”" BRO IS ON HIS LAST STARW
2.76 cale is too nice omg
2.79" H, human! I figured it out now! Clopeh has gone so crazy that he’s gone full circle and looks calm!" I FUCKING LOVE CLOPEH THIS CRAZY BASTARD
The foreshadowing here is nuts my dude
2.96" up.? Who is above me" OMFG HELL YEAH
2.101 aww choi han and raon supporting him
2.107 Jakqpqpq Ron using sneak attack to make cale rest
2.110 lmfao choi han is the best at knocking people unconscious
2.113  cale is coughing too much blood bro I know it doesn't hurt but godamn
2.116 I love dominating aura so much
2.120 omg toonka found his bff
In conclusion I love this story and everyone in it pls and thank you
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blueteller · 11 months
have not finished the novel but can you please spoil if the family of original cale knows cale isn't the real one? and did krs!cale tell anyone he transmigrated?
Good question! If you don't mind getting SPOILERS, I'm happy to answer!
In short, no, the Henituse family members don't find out, at least not in Part 1 (as Part 2 is still in progress).
I also do not get the feeling that they ever will, because when Cale meets OG Cale, who now goes by Kim Rok Soo himself, he's encouraged to embrace the identity of Cale Henituse the same way OG Cale had fully embraced his new identity in Korea.
Cale's old team on Earth 1 noticed that their "Team Leader" had become different, but he also seems happier and adopted a daughter (his reincarnated mom), so they don't mind the change and are actually glad for him. Which is the perfect reflection of how the Henituse family reacted when Cale "finally" stopped being "trash", because both Cale and OG Cale were not happy before the transmigration swap and everybody could see it. So them changing so suddenly was seen as them "dropping their mask", so to speak – which is funny because that's exactly what happened. Both of them let go of the burdens of their past lives to fully enjoy their new ones. Everybody involved is all the better for it (the only thing the God of Death ever done right, lol).
But here's the interesting bit. While the Henituses never find out, there are other characters who do.
First comes Choi Han, who practically speaking got "spoiled" by the God of Death himself. He gets the memories of his relative Choi Jung Soo, Cale's long dead best friend. Seeing KRS in those memories Choi Han easily puts the two and two together, as Cale never really changed personality-wise from his old life (especially his desire for slacker life, hahaha!).
Immediately after Choi Han finds out, Cale tells Raon as well, as he was present while everything was going down and the curious Dragon wanted to understand. Cale's explanation of his transmigration to Raon was extremely short, but very sweet.
Third, there was Alberu, who found out during the Sealed God's Test – which is a whole huge plotline which is too complicated to explain in detail right now, so keep things short, Cale was put into his old 20-year-old body to re-experience his biggest trauma, and both Choi Han and Alberu got to join him there to help him out. Alberu did not recognize Cale immediately, but he saw him using his Ancient Powers, so he put it together quickly as well.
Then followed one of the most hilarious yet heartwarming exchanges between the two, as Alberu realized that whatever was going on put Cale in a very vunerable position, so he sincerely offered to hear him out. Then Cale, with his usual subtlety of a rampaging elephant, info dumps about his and Choi Han's dimension travellers status. Alberu's reaction is one of the funniest moments in the book for me.
Shortly after, there was Lee Soo Hyuk in the Sealed God's Test, Cale's old Team Leader, whom Cale decided to tell the truth before he went back to the fantasy world; as it turned out that there was a younger KRS inside the same body all along, and he wanted someone to know the truth why he was acting differently all of a sudden.
So Choi Han, Raon, Alberu and Lee Soo Hyuk from Earth 2 were the characters who found out about Cale's transmigration (and also the KRS from Earth 2, but I'm not sure if we count him....? Let's say he counts). But I said earlier, Part 2 is still ongoing... And it looks like Ron and Beacrox Molan will found out soon.
Why? Because they joined in on one of Cale's dimension trips, and with Cale changing his appearance accordingly, they seem to be finally putting it together why Cale's personality suddenly changed overnight 2 years ago. They've seen enough clues, and they're not stupid. The conversation about it seems to be put on hold right now, however, but I'm pretty sure it's going to happen sooner or later.
If things happens as I predict, then that will be full 7 characters (aside from OG Cale, Earth 1's CJS & LSH, and various gods) who know about Cale. Seeing as Cale is allergic to explanations, I doubt anyone else will found out any time soon, lol.
I hope this helps!
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youngyoo-apologist · 6 months
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I like this scene because when I was writing it I was thinking about how fun everything would be once Alberu joins the party ahaha
This poor guy will not only have to deal with Regressor Cale, but Regressor Choi Han AND Kim Roksoo. Those three will never let the opportunity to tease Alberu slip by. Also I find this one scene really funny because Alberu is absolutely thinking to himself ‘what the hell was that’ when he made eye contact with Cale, the young master of the Henituse family who is famous for his brutal honesty and words, is smiling at him in a way that reminded Alberu too much of himself.
Realistically, there should be no way the young master knows anything about him, not when they had only exchanged a few greetings in passing. Sure, the Henituse county was rich, but they had no reason to dig for information on him unless he provoked them. So why did it feel like Cale Henituse knew something very important about him?
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roseadleyn · 2 years
𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 | 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐮 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐧.
in which alberu finds himself trying, and failing, to teach you how to play an instrument.
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alberu's large, smooth hand covers yours. 'darling, that is not how you play.'
'artistic freedom allows it.' you retort.
he laughs, repositioning your hold on the instrument. 'that, it does. now, try again.'
'do i have to?'
'sweetheart, i would never make you do anything you don't want to.. but this is important. for the ball. it's orders that you have to play, and if you don't know, I'll teach you.'
you grumble but start off again. it's... atrocious. it sounds like a mish-mash of badly tuned guitar and violin with a few piano notes thrown in.
alberu winces. 'are you trying to make me go deaf?'
'haha, very funny.'
he sighs. 'what will make you play? properly, i mean?'
you perk up. 'a kiss would do it!'
alberu blinks, a bit surprised, and then smiles, 'should've said so earlier.'
he places a kiss on your temple. 'how about this: everytime you play correctly, i'll give you a kiss.'
you roll your eyes but nod, and strum your fingers along the instrument, trying to remember what alberu had patiently been repeating for the past half hour. the melody produced doesn't sound quite as bad, and you look up at him as though to say, was that better?
he merely nods his satisfaction.
you glare at him. 'no kiss.'
he laughs and then gives a small cough. 'back to the instrument.'
you jump on him, tackling him to the ground. 'alberu!'
alberu gasps, breathless, 'what?'
'you didn't keep your promise.'
'i made a promise?'
you give him a second glare and then decide to play his game. you press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, tantalizingly close to kissing him on his lips. he lets out a groan. 'why are you—'
'shut up!'
he laughs. 'you didn't play correctly.'
'yes, i did!'
'nope. it was just better.'
'what did you expect, mozart?'
'i'm pretty sure mozart played the piano, little love.'
a small moment of silence, then—
alberu sits up. 'what kind of conversation did we just have?'
'one where we discussed the many ways in which ways you betrayed me.'
alberu gives a chuckle, and feeling ridiculous, you start laughing too, and once you start, it's difficult to stop. the two of you laugh until your lungs start to hurt and your throat feels raw.
he kisses you properly now, hands around you, and you lean in as well. after a few moments, he smiles. 'happy, little love?'
'...now, the instrument —'
this is for @elychee!! (this took so long and it's so horrendous but here u go. i'm sorry)
taglist ; @rouecentric / @hmerus, @d10nsaint, @that-one-pretty-bitch, @mysticmeena, @parkykwho, @lady-navier0357, @giyuus0nlywife, @sidra-29 and @cerisearan, @dxmoness, (marquise, i don't know whether you know tcf but i couldn't not tag u) and @nxccolo.
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teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 313
Brief summary: CH defeats Gisk. Cale learns more about the 7th Evil. Alberu receives a new quest.
CH seemed to enjoy his fight against Gisk, the former hero, perhaps because they both had no formal sword training. So when CH defeated Gisk, the two talked about swordsmanship stuff. CH even enlightened Gisk about Gisk's sword having "roots".
We learned more stuff about the 7th Evil. It seemed like Neo "possessed" the body of the original dragon boss of the Cotton Candy Lair after an update, and nobody noticed the change except for DB because he was a mutant NPC.
As for Gisk's story, it was something like this:
Gisk was the son of a common farmer, and suddenly got chosen as a hero
He was a hero chosen by a queen and the nobles because of politics, so he was helpless against them and had to do their bidding
Something happened, and he eventually abandoned everything he had as a hero, becoming the 7th Evil boss
Dark Bear was originally the servant of the hero
The changed dragon boss appeared, and defeated Gisk, reducing him to a mere gatekeeper
Gisk also suffered from Neo's time prison whenever he fell asleep, constantly reliving the hellish time when he quit being a hero and became a boss
Now that I think of it, this chapter was another info dump chapter because we learned more about the game. 7th Evil was made up of several areas, each having its own fairy tale theme. Neo was the boss of the Cotton Candy Lair area. Gisk became the final boss because he defeated all the area bosses, and Neo became the final boss because he defeated Gisk.
There was also Cale's theory. The hunters excessively intervened in the game world, so the System AI sought to protect the game world from them, intentionally creating "bugs" like One to resolve it. And One was the one who created the mutant NPCs, revealing the truth of the world to them.
We're still in the Aipotu arc, but why does it feel like we've began the Game World arc? 😂
BTW, the strange power in the chapter title referred to Gisk calling One as a "strange power" because she revealed the truth of the world to him. So yes, Gisk was also a mutant NPC!
Gisk then entrusted CH with the hero's sword called Sword of the Sun, telling CH to give it to the hero, but only after gaining CH's recognition. Wait a second, why does this sound familiar? Isn't this Clopeh and the elven guardian sword all over again? 😂 And Sword of the Sun? Truly befitting Alberu, our sun!
CH gained a quest telling him to give the sword to the hero, and at the same time, somewhere else in the game, Alberu got a new linked sub-quest under the Main Quest 2 that he had yet to accept. The new sub-quest told him to "Get recognition from the swordsman who enlightened the former hero."
Thus, Alberu was confirmed to be the new hero. It was funny that Alberu thought he had a lot to talk about with Cale, but felt strangely uncomfortable. I am so looking forward to him finding out that Cale became an NPC boss. 🤣🤣🤣 And also excited to see a spar between master (CH) and student (Alberu). 🥰
Ending Remarks We're still in the Aipotu arc, right? 😂 Next chapter would be Cale finally getting to that control point. What would Cale do to solve the countdown bomb that would soon destroy most of Aipotu? And would an enemy dragon finally fight our Rasheel? 🤣
P.S. Thanks for the birthday greetings! 🥰🥰🥰
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zdraviismisl · 1 year
The thought came to my mind: “what would the TCF × Coffee Talk crossover look like?”
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~TCF Races Applicable to Characters~
KRS: Owner of coffee shop «Hope and Adventurers Lovers» and part-time barista.
He gave the place such a name, so as not to stand out too much, but to attract the attention of potential visitors.
KRS finds an approach to each visitor.
Charismatic and attracting to himself, to his displeasure.
The walls of his establishment listen to and preserve the various life stories of guests.
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CJS: His annoying hyung, one of the ones who got him to open a coffee shop and now often pops into the fire.
A noisy type but will always protect his dongsaeng and be annoying.
Maybe find a common language with Cale.
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LSH: second hyung since high school, but more intelligible. Now a successful actor, but even so he tries to visit the coffee shop as much as possible.
Would love to have a word with Alberu, but there might be tension due to the defensive nature of the characters.
Likes to embarrass KRS and sometimes complain about work.
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CJG: A quiet, inconspicuous type of visitor preferred by bovines.
In fact, he is a well-known writer and author of the beloved KRS novel, who is currently writing his second book while sitting in a coffee shop.
(Some kinship with CJS(?))
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AlberuC: son of the CEO of the largest Corporation «Roan».
He found himself in a coffee shop by accident / decided to check what this place is so attracts attention to.
KRS will not miss the chance to take advantage of the funding opportunity.
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CH: uncle of CJS, owner of a dojo (?) /school of swordsmanship/
will often break cups / saucers, which will cause a nervous tic in KRS and a desire to send a negligent visitor away. But the CH, on the contrary, will become attached, especially when he finds out that the KRS is the one that the CCS often talks about.
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CaleH: The infamous son of the richest businessman for his drunkenness and debauchery.
But, surprisingly, while sitting in a coffee shop, he tries to behave decently and quietly, sometimes joking in conversations with KRS.
At some point, the KRS may tame him to help around the establishment, handing out drinks when he breaks something.
Cale may have an argument with Alberu at the first crossing.
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Sheritt & Raon: A mother and son who love to go to coffee shops.
In fact, Sheritt is the head of Dragons organization «Castle of Light» , which is engaged in various fields of activity, competing with Corporation «Roan».
When confronted by Alberu, they can make a business deal.
Raon likes KRS very much. KRS don't know why.
Raon once got lost and wandered into a KRS coffee shop, where Sheritt later found him.
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On&Hong: randomly entered children (previously appearing in the form of kittens) who will eventually be adopted by the bovine.
The kittens sit in the coffee shop when it's open and help with pre-opening preparations. They live with KRS.
Secretly befriend Raon.
••• ••• •••
Ron: A hitman who immigrated long ago from another country, who likes to go into a coffee shop to scare KRS.
KRS suspects that he is connected with crime.
••• ••• •••
Beacrox: The chef of a famous restaurant.
Started dropping by after his dad told him about the funny "puppy" (two if you count Cale, who hangs around the place a lot).
Quiet but intimidating.
But the mutual discount does its work.
В голову пришла мысль: «а как бы выглядел кроссовер ЯСГУ × Coffee Talk?»
~Расы ясгу применимы к персонажам~
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КРС: владелец кофейни «Надежд и Любителей Приключений» и, по совместительству, бариста.
Он дал заведению такое название, чтобы не слишком выделяться, но привлекать внимание потенциальных посетителей.
КРС находит подход к каждому посетителю.
Харизматичный и притягивающий к себе, к своему неудовольствию.
Стены его заведения слушают и сохраняют в себе различные истории жизни гостей.
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ЧЧС: его надоедливый хён, один из подбивших его на открытие кофейни и теперь частенько заскакивающий на огонёк.
шумный тип, но всегда будет защищать своего донгсаенга и раздражать. Возможно найдет общий язык с Кейлом.
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ЛСХ: второй хён со времён школы, но более вразумительный. Сейчас успешный актёр, но даже так старается наведываться в кофейню по мере своих возможностей.
будет не прочь перекинуться парой слов с Альберу, но возможно возникновение напряжённости из-за защитности типажей.
Любит смущать КРС и иногда жаловаться на работу.
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ЧЧГ: тихий, неприметный тип посетителей, который предпочитает КРС.
На самом деле является известным писателем и автором любимого романа КРС, который в данный момент пишет вторую книгу, сидя в кофейне.
(Некая родственная связь с ЧЧС(?))
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АльберуК: сын гендиректора крупнейшей корпорации «Роан».
Оказался в кофейне случайно/решил проверить чем это место так привлекает внимание.
КРС не упустит шанс воспользоваться возможностью финансирования.
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ЧХ: дядя ЧЧС, владелец додзё (?) /школы искусства владения мечом/
будет частенько ломать чашки/блюдца, чем вызовет нервный тик у КРС и желание спровадить нерадивого посетителя. Но ЧХ наоборот привяжется, особенно, когда узнает, что КРС - тот самый, о котором часто говорит ЧЧС.
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КейлХ: печально известный сын самого богатого бизнесмена за свои пьянства и дебоши.
Но, на удивление, сидя в кофейне тот старается вести себя прилично и тихо, иногда шутя в беседах с КРС.
В какой-то момент КРС может припрячь его помогать в заведении, раздавая напитки, когда тот что-то сломает.
Кейл может повздорить с Альберу при первом пересечении.
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Шеритт&Раон: мать с сыном, которые любят заходить в кофейню.
На самом деле Шеритт глава организации Драконов «Замок Света», занимающейся различными сферами деятельности, конкурирующей с корпорацией «Роан».
при столкновении с Альберу могут заключить деловой договор.
Раону очень нравится КРС. КРС не знает почему.
Раон когда-то заблудился и забрел в кофейню КРС, где позже его нашла Шеритт.
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Он&Хонг: случайно зашедшие дети, (до этого появлявшиеся в виде котят), которых в итоге приютит КРС.
котятами сидят в кофейне, когда та работает и помогают с подготовкой перед открытием. Живут у КРС.
Тайком подружатся с Раоном.
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Рон: наёмный убийца, давно имигрировавший из другой страны, которому нравится заходить в кофейню, чтобы попугать КРС.
КРС подозревает о том, что тот связан с криминалом.
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Бикрокс: Повар известного ресторана.
Стал заходить, после того, как отец рассказал ему о забавном "щенке", (двух, если ещё взять в расчет Кейла, который частенько ошивается в заведении).
Тихий, но пугающий.
Но взаимная скидка делает своё дело.
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