#Alastor just nods awkwardly hoping she's not saying something he should not be nodding to.
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celtrist ¡ 4 months ago
Would love for them to bring up languages at some point.
Angel: "shit they're speaking French. Smiles! Translate!"
Alastor: "I'm not sure which is more insulting; assuming I can fluently speak and understand French because I'm Creole, or that you think French and French-Creole are the same thing."
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deadghosy ¡ 1 year ago
Can u write more of hc enderman reader? like one of the resident of the hotel spilled water on them bc enderman hate water and it hurts them, like how would the others react to seeing enderman reader get hurt by water😅
prompt: reader accidentally gets splashed by water. No one knew what could harm you until now.
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Charlie had told you a pipe busted in the bathroom as you nodded sighing with a slight croak teleporting. Leaving a bit of purple pixels behind as Charlie.
I’m not gonna lie, you didn’t know the pipe bust was so ugly. You scrunched your face up as you grabbed your tool box and opened it so you could grab your wrench and other needed.
As you worked in the damn pipe, the pipe fully combusted as water spills all over your body making your eyes widen. A huge screech erupts from your mouth as you spazzed out teleporting from the water as the water in your skin sizzles. You grip your arm and mostly body as Charlie runs to the room to see you panicking with glowing purple eyes.
“[READER]?!” Charlie yells shocked and concerned for you as she sees your skin practically boiling. She rushes to you and grabs a towel to dry you off as you screech having your jaw unhinged as you look away from her.
After she dried you off, you had to change clothes and stop working for 2 days as you had bandages on your arms mostly.
You still looked badass it’s just you had a frown like pout as Charlie apologizes a million times about how she didn’t know you could get harmed by water like that. But you calmed her down saying she didn’t know
And now every water duty was now alastor’s duty.
I feel like vaggie would try to give you water not knowing it could harm you.
Idk how to explain this but she felt your head as you don’t feel well and she wanted you to drink water to cool down your heat from your body.
So what did she do? She grabbed you some water hoping you would take it but you didn’t want to as you shook your head no.
VAGGIE got tired of you “being stubborn” as she shoved the water in your face like she pushed the glass of water to your chest making the water spill onto your lap as you screech teleporting with a spazz.
You were teleporting left and right as vaggie then noticed your lap bubbling as you screeched with an unhinged jaw. Vaggie cover her shocked with her hand as you teleported away at least.
Vaggie then goes to Charlie as she tells her girlfriend what happened with you and how you let out a piercing screech that broke her heart.
She left terrible to harming you, but Charlie comforted her and was saying how she can fix this
Charlie takes vaggie to the kitchen as sir Pentious was there making something for the egg boiz who are hungry. She tells Vaggie, “how about making some cookies? I remember seeing them happy at some cookies.” And Vaggie nodded a bit
Few minutes later, vaggie had grabbed the cookies with a smile face on it. The smile faces were kinda ugly but they had effort as she walks to your room and knock on it. You open the door having your blindfold on as you stare intensely at her.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know that water could harm you like that…I was being a pushy bitch wasn’t I?” She says awkwardly as you stand over her. It was a weird silence until she heard a deep chuckle
You laughed with a croak and nodded, taking the cookie. And everything went well after that
For Lucifer, I feel like he would try to get you inside his duck boat because he just appreciates it as much as he appreciates you.
It all started one day when you were in the workshop with Lucifer as was making a captain and sailor boy duck when he remembered the duck boat you built for him.
“ENDY!” You jolted looking at your hyperactive friend as you stopped working on a box. Lucifer’s smile shows off his teeth as he had a pose that says “I HAVE AN IDEA!🤓☝🏾” Lucifer grabbed you by your broad shoulders and got close to your face.
“We should do a boat ride..like, like AN AMAZING ONE!” Lucifer was excited to hang out with you since you are his first friend that’s similar. You looks side to side as if you were in a cartoon and nodded for Lucifer to continue. He told you how cute and fun it would be to be in a boat ride with you as he just wants to hang out.
So imagine Lucifer picking up a 6’5 tall person who has a neutral face while the other has a gremlin happy face. He literally had a sailor hat on with a fit excited as he gets in the boat that’s ready to be sailed in the water. He waits for you as you just stand there shaking your head no.
“No.” You said flatly as Lucifer just sits there like. “What….” Lucifer was shocked as he raised a brow confused
It’s so cartoony as Lucifer is trying to drag you in the boat while you screech with an angry face “>:(“ LOL A SHORT ASS MAN AND A TALLER ONE FIGHTING😭🦆
Although Lucifer is stronger than you since you are quite just a creature and he is the king of hell. He pulls you but too hard as you fell in the water screeching in pain as your mouth unhinged. You literally start tweaking as you twitch before teleporting out the water and shaking.
Lucifer’s eyes widen as he immediately runs to see your body bubbling as you grip the ground in pain as you screech in pain still. Lucifer actually gets concerned as he uses his hand that has fire in it to warm you quickly as you are in pain.
After you dried off…it was an awkward moment as Lucifer had a sorry look, like a puppy that had just been kicked as he looks down ashamed at how you got hurt because of him. You looked at him through your blind fold and wrap your arm around his smaller figure close to yours.
His eyes widen as he feels your slight cold body as he still looks down. “I’m sorry for hurting you…”
“I’m okay..thanks to you.” You said as you teleported both of you and Lucifer back to the hotel so you can heal.
You were walking with Alastor for a stroll when a sinner had poured out water from their window.
Alastor had asked you to do a stroll with him as you were working all day fixing things around the building. You didn’t want to at first but Alastor assured you he wanted you to be by him as he literally grabbed you by your lanky yet muscular arm and dragged you along the streets of pentagram city.
“Tell me my fellow specimen, do you like jazz?” He says as he smiles at you waiting for your answer. You thought about it as you remembered a person named “Steve” playing jazz once….it was quite catchy. So you nodded as Alastor nods with a hum.
As you guys walk a sinner had seen you by the radio demon and wanted to be a asshat as they grabbed some water and aimed steady seeing you and Alastor close to the window.
With the sinner having the balls to pour water, they poured it on you. Missing Alastor completely as he jolts shocked to see you covered in water. Immediately when the water hit your skin, you screech loudly gaining attention as a static ring in the sinner’s ears as your eyes glow purple.
You teleport and start to take blocks and piece of the house angrily as you were in pain. But the pain was so much in your skin you passed out before you could harm the sinner.
Alastor’s shadow catches your body with a frown as it takes you to the hotel while Alastor had worry in his eyes with his smile still there.
Alastor looks up at the sinner’s window with radio dials for eyes as the sinner cowardly hid from the sight of the radio demon but Alastor smiles sinisterly and walked ahead.
Alastor had hoped you were in your room regaining your strength.
It was the next day as you woke up feeling better as purple pixels surround your body as you see Alastor in your room watch tv. You sigh grabbing your working clothes ready to iron them and go in with your day.
You just stood there as the person’s house was on fire and on the news next day while you were ironing your clothes. Literally your face was like “:0” as Alastor sips his tea with a evil smile.
I feel like for Angel, he would bring you to a club because you told him you never been to a club before. And some asshole poured water on you thinking you are ignoring them because they liked you.
You were walking to your room as your hair was disheveled from working as you were tired, accidentally bumping into angel who was on his phone. “Hey watch where you’re goin'…” you grumbled at him as you kept walking only for angel to grab your wrist concerned as you would usually screech when he pissed you off or even annoy you.
“Hey…somethin wrong buddy?” Angel says as you turn to face him. He sees your tired form and he puts his hand on your cheek. No fever. “Hmmm…” angel hums as you stand there not wanting to deal with his bullshit as you almost teleported away.
“Wait. How about you hang out with me? Maybe you could see what’s fun other than slavin' away and being tired all day babe.” You thought about it but then nod as you followed after the spider demon who smiles grabbing your hand.
As you guys go to a club Angel is dancing has he has a shot in his hand while you just stand there awkwardly staring at your formal friend who seemed to be having the time of his life. Angel sees you not dancing and pouts grabbing your hands and making you have a dance with him as you have your hands on his waist as you let out a soft croak confused
Angel and you had fun as you smiled for once and Angel smiled seeing you happy. You guys were thirsty so Angel had asked if you wanted anything. You paused and said probably [anything but water] and Angel nodded and left.
As Angel left, you start to think about how you didn’t feel icky and less motivated tonight as you had fun with Angel dust. It felt like you needed this. You need fun. And this is the best night of your life.
A female sinner had been staring at you from afar, liking your dark handsome body as she licks her lips and goes over to you. “Heyyy~” the demon says as she tries to look seductive to you. You didn’t even hear the lady as you couldn’t even hear shit from the blasting music.
The demon lady got mad a few seconds later, not hearing you say anything back and assuming you are just being a rude person not wanting to be talked to.
“JERK!” The female demon throws the water in your making you back away as it splashes you on your face. You screech gaining Angel’s attention as he sees the female sinner snickering walking away as he runs to you concerned seeing your face bubbling.
Angel panicked either comforting the damn bitch, or comforting you. He sucked in his breath and ran after the bitch who poured water on you…..
You can imagine how the fight went as the next thing that happened was Angel grumbling helping you stand up as he enters the club again. “Up you go bud…” Angel says as he walks limping a bit by your body mass against his.
You guys get back home safely as angel patches up your face a bit and lays you on your bed as you groan. Purple pixels surround your body as a static sound softly vibrates around the room. Angel sighs tired realizing how much he partied with you.
Later that night, Angel was beside your sleeping body as it heals with purple pixels surrounding your face. Angel sighs with slight concern as he snuggles against your body. Using your arm as his pillow.
Kinda like Angel’s, a person spilled water on you because they a hater fr and they can’t help but be jealous 🤓🦆.
So what I have in mind is that there are residents in the hotel after the battle with the Angels, and like so you being the handyman you are. You were trying to fix the shower for a resident who had a drug problem.
Like you were just sitting at the bar when you get a notification from room 102 that there is an error with the shower head. You said bye to husk as he nodded staring at you with dilated eyes before his eyes went back to slits as he cleans glasses.
As you rolled up your sleeves ready to get down and dirty for your job, you had an uneasy feelings seeing how you heard pacing steps back and forth. You knocked on the door for it to only open to see a sinner who seems to be slightly uncomfortable.
They let you in as their head twitched a bit as you just stand there with a broken English sound, “hello.” You walked into the bathroom and started to see the shower head. It looked a bit sideways as you walked around the bathroom.
The sinner gets more nervous as you sit your tool box on the sink. Almost by their medicine bottle which made them tweak out at you.
The drug addict started to yell at you, accusing of you spying on them as they grip their hair and push you out of their bathroom. They even threw the pill bottle at you as you were just shocked seeing them spazz out at you like a bipolar disorder.
Husk must’ve heard some sounds of the yelling and you letting a Enderman sound as the cat demon grumble going up stairs concerned got you.
The next thing husk sees, was you getting thrown with water as his eyes widen with yours as you screech out loud holding your bubbling arm you used to cover your face.
Husk immediately rushed to you as he tries to dry it off only for you to let out soft groans in pain. Husk turns to the sinner angrily as a slight cat growl erupts from his throat seeing you hurt.
“Get the fuck out of here before I shove my foot up your ass…” Husk says as it seemed like he wasn’t joking as he pulled out his cards and gripped his fists.
The sinner jolted as they ran off with a scoff glaring at you and leaving the hotel for good.
After the sinner left for good, husk grabs an aid kit that’s in every room of the hotel and wraps your arm as you sigh confused by what you could’ve done to the person…..“Am I ugly?” You asked husk who scoffed
“You’re anything but that pal…cmon get up. You still got a place to chill at.” Husk says helping you up as you both go to the bar to chill.
He was trying to show you a weapon he that had water in it…
Like one day you were fixing a clock because you wanted to know the time, but Pentious wanted your attention as he grabbed your waist and took you to his room to show you his new weapon he was gushing over about.
You didn’t understand what was happening as you let out a slight croak with your face being like “😐”
As you got dragged to his room his egg boiz surrounded you liking your tall frame as Frank climbed to your head. You patted the pure egg as sir Pentious slithers through his room and runs through it to find the weapon.
Pentious explained how the egg boiz wanted a bigger water gun, so he gave them one. You could tell he was confused between real gun and a toy water gun as you stood there and nodded with a thumbs up.
He pulled out the gun which seemed to be some type of ray gun, but in a colorful summer way as you just tap it not knowing what else to think of it as frank hops off your back.
“Issssn’t it pretty?” Pentious says happily as he spins the ray around. “With my brains I didn’t think of anything else bu-”
Before he could even say anything else, he knocked into the button that activates the ray having the water hit you in the middle of your chest as your eyes widen at the burning sensation.
“SCREEEECHHH” you let out a painful scream as Pentious’s eyes widen with his egg boiz as they surround you worried about you.
Pentious sees you holding your chest as he unbuttoned your shirt to see a painful bubbling spot of where the water weapon had hit you.
He gasped as he immediately got up and yelled for Charlie to come help you as the egg boiz kept you company
Tbh I can imagine a funny moment after this of Enderman! Reader sitting up still having a blank face having wrapping around their chest as pentious sniffles with teary puppy eyes.
“It’s okay…..” you said in a quiet broke English voice as it was raspy as well. You patted his head as your chest had the wrapping bandage on it. Sir Pentious wraps his tail around your waist as he snuggles up to you
She was dust cleaning and accidentally knocked a cup of water on you. Like you were basically relaxing after a hard day of working.
You was by the bar and so was she dusting away with her wide smile. She said hi to you as you nodded acknowledging her presence as you just sat relaxing.
As you sat there, she accidentally knocked over a glass of water or so and it splashed all over your hand which made you jolt with a screeech. Husk looks over to see you hissing at the burn your skin got as she get an aid kit for you. This made husk not phased a little as nifty moves away from you ashamed that she harmed you.
After husk had fixed your hand a bit, you had to go to your room to recover as it is was build by you to help you heal better. It is filled with some blocks where you are from so you could heal better.
As you stayed in your room, nifty sniffled sad that you left to your room thinking you were mad at her
She went to Charlie or Alastor and asked for advice as she didn’t know what to do next as she couldn’t just walk in on you trying to heal.
So she went to both and they both gave her a different response, “Maybe you should apologize and give them a get better card?” “Hmm…I’m not good at these kinda things.”
So nifty got to work as you slept off the pain in your hand as you didn’t know what was happening down stairs.
At the end of the day, nifty made you a get better card as you picked it up with your bandaged hand with a soft gaze of your purple eyes. You let out a soft Enderman croak as you pinned it to your wall
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harleehazbinfics ¡ 9 months ago
Learn more about you Cannibal chef! reader m.list | Author profile
Word Count: 512 A/N: Hello, lovies! Been so long since I updated. But hey! I came back to also say I graduated woohoo! Nothing permanent yet, I don't want to get your hopes up with daily updates like I used to since I'll be looking for a job now, omg. But, I'd love to hear requests from you. I honestly don't know what more I should add to Cannibal Chef!Reader. I'm out of creativity lmao. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR HOLDING OUT THIS LONG! MWAH!
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"Good morning, Miss Rosie!~"
"Y/n! Sweetheart! Here to take your order?"
"Here ya go. Looks like a big order. Did something happen?"
"Unfortunately, yeah. So, Sir Alastor was in a good mood, and we went to eat at a restaurant in the circle, but the food was so inedible that Sir Alastor had to spit it out in public. Something, I've never seen him do honestly. Then after we bumped into the Vees and got into a bit of a scuffle with them. After making it back to the hotel, Sir got splashed with alcohol right in the face," you mutter, awkwardly laughing.
"Well, that's one hard day he had there. You gonna make him something then?" she asks flashing you her sharp teeth.
"Mhm! I was thinking of making hotpot or a casserole. He must be famished after such a tiring day," you smile.
You then hear the bell tower chiming then whipping your head to see the time.
"Well, that's my cue. I'll see you around Miss Rosie!" you called before leaping from building to building.
"Take care, dear!"
You arrive at Alastor's room where you hear the bathroom door close and hear the rushing water after. You nodded to yourself as you walked to the kitchen he conjured just for you and tied your hair back to prep your meal.
After leaving it on the stove with a timer on. You strolled back into the living room and picked up Alastor's drenched clothes into the laundry chute for you to deal later. Of course, not before you took his handkerchief and took a whiff of it. Eyes drawing into hearts that in delight.
Amidst your happiness, the handkerchief got tugged away and thrown into the chute along with the rest of them. Alastor stands behind you, still dripping with water from the bath. Chest bare-naked and red shorts around his waist, and his towel on top of his head as his hair stuck on his forehead.
"Come on now, if you wanted one you could have just asked, sweetheart," he says with a smirk before pinching your pouting face.
He turns away from you and sinks into his favorite chair with a drawled sigh. You compose yourself and slowly walked beside him after.
You pursed your lips and pouted, "You just don't understand the smell fresh from the source, Sir Alastor."
"Oh, believe me. I know the feeling," he chuckles, waving his hand as shadows appear under you and lifted you onto his lap. He embraces you and sniffs from your collar, as you stared at him with shaky heart filled eyes as he stares back with his half-lidded ones.
"I-I never knew you were this cheeky, Sir," you stutter under your breath nervously. Your hands on his chest while he purrs under you snuzzling closer and closer.
"There are many things you don't know yet," he mutters as he grazes your neck with his teeth then his eyes flicker from your neck to your eyes and asks, "Would you like to learn?"
"I'd love to." <3
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Cannibal Chef! Reader Taglist 🍴:
@bonnie-02 @marxo5 @whaatttlaufey @froggybich @rybunnie @midorichoco @lucifers-silhouette @kimmis-stuff @bontensbabygirl @janey @akiqvq @wonderlandangelsposts @spoiled-slutt @roboticsuccubus83 @atlas-rin @yuriohoe04 @azullynxx @milk-bulb @hahalame @aria-tempest @speedycoffeedelight @0strawberrysorbet0 @amitiel-truth @corvid007 @kaminarithebest @enby-goblin @whydosnakesnotdance @wtvbabes @willow404 @psychoanalyze0 @sweetadonisbutbetter @manachpo @dionysusismypatrongod @obessivlyonline @idkwhy5000 @izzieg3987 @nishayuro @gabile18 @skyeliteratures @nanaloverz @bonbontastical @saccharine-nectarine @pastelpinkhobbies @sooha-neul @purplerose291 @parasite-bubble @futureittomainn @galaxyreader260 @sappire904
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welcome-to-my-special-hell ¡ 5 years ago
Hello and I hope you are well! I just wanted to ask if you could do a headcanon/imagine Alastor, Sir Pentious, & Angel D. with a insecure and sensitive s/o? Like they're always doubting themselves on their abilities and physical appearance & when someone is yelling at her or in general, her flight instincts kick in and hides somewhere. This also leaves s/o apologising a lot as well. However when it comes to someone else feeling self conscious, she's all up to harshly disagree with them?
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This took a lot of brain juice to come up with lmao
"hmm...no not this one..not this one either. Nope. Nuh uh." This was what Alastor has been hearing for the past 30 minutes. You two were going out tonight, and you thought it would be nice to dress up a little. Thing is, you can't find anything that could look nice on you. Alastor was waiting for you in the living room and was getting a little impatient. He decided to go check up on you to see if you were ready or not. He knocks on your door before letting himself in. "Darling, are you ready yet? It's getting-" He stops when he sees all the clothes scattered around your room and you standing in front of the mirror with clothes in each of your hands, trying to decide which looked better. " what are you doing?" He tilts his head a bit as he looks at you confused. "I'm trying to find something nice to wear for our date, but I don't look good in any of these." You groaned, throwing the clothes on the bed with the rest and sitting on the bed with head in your palms. "Let me help you choose then, my dear." Alastor walked inside your room and looked through your clothes. "Ah, this'll look great on you!" He smiles, picking out a (f/c) dress and handing it to you before lightly pushing you into your bathroom. "Go on now, try it on!" He says, putting his hands behind his back. You closed the door behind you and put it on. Before you left, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You frowned. You really didn't like the way you looked in this dress. You opened the bathroom door and walked out. Alastor's ear twitched as he quickly looked away from whatever he was doing and gave you all of his attention. "So, how does it look?" You blushed, looking at the dress yourself. "It looks marvelous, my dear!" Alastor exclaims, clapping his hands contently. "Are you sure?" You ask, looking at yourself in the mirror, unsure about yourself. "Why are you so doubtful of yourself, dear?" Alastor asks, walking behind you and wrapping his hands around your shoulder. "I don't know, I don't think this dress really suits me, al." You look at him through the mirror. "Really? I don't think that's the issue, sweetheart." His grip on your shoulders tighten, as he brings his head closer to yours. You blush at the closeness of your faces before sighing in defeat. "It's because, no matter what I wear, I'm still ugly!" You said, your voice getting louder at the last word. Alastor was taken aback. How did he not know you felt that way about yourself throughout your whole relationship. He lets go of you and turns you around to face him. "Why, that's nonsense, my dear! I've never in my whole life AND afterlife seen anyone as beautiful as you. Those other demons can't light a candle to you!" He says, smile widening. "You really mean that?" You ask, looking at him with wide eyes. "Every word. Now, we should get going before it gets too late! We don't want you falling asleep during our date now, do we?" Alastor laughs, holding his arm out for you. You smile and link your arm with his.
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Sir pentious
seeing your boyfriend create all those machines and robots inspired you. You wanted to try it out for yourself and impress him when you walked up to him with one of your own. So, you looked through his stuff and pulled out a blueprint for a....you don't really know what it is, but you'll find out when you're done with it. At first, it was really simple. All you had to do was gather up the parts and try to put them together. Key word is TRY. You were so confused at this point. You tried putting the parts together, only for them to fall apart or not even stay together in the first place. After a few hours, you've had enough and in a fit of rage, you threw the screwdriver you were holding at the door, right when pentious slithered in. "aaaAaah!" He screeched, ducking as fast as he could. Lucky for him, he was quick on his tail, so it missed him. Only by a hair though. He got up, his heart beating out of his chest, only for it to beat even faster when he saw tears starting to collect in the corner of your eyes. He was by your side at 0.2 seconds. " what's wrong deary? Did you get hurt??" He asks you, holding your hands and looking it over for cuts and bruises. You pulled your hand a way in embarrassment and turned back to the blueprints, flattening its curled edges. "I'm fine. I was just..." pentious looks over your shoulder at the blueprints, before crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at you playfully. "Y/n, what do you think you're doing going through my thingsss?" He smiles. "I was trying to build a machine, but that's not going too well. They keep falling apart, and I feel kinda stupid now" you let out a dry chuckle, scratching the back of your head. "Nonono, that's really good! You've never had any experience with engineering, so it really shouldn't be that bad." He looks over to what you've done so far. "See, that's really not bad for your first time!" He pokes it, and it falls apart. "Huh." He turns around and looks at you. You groan in anger and put your face in your hands in defeat. "This is fine. Here, let me help you." He takes your hands away from your face and drags you closer to the broken pieces of your work. "I'm really proud of you, though. This is really hard to put together, so you even being able to piece it together is really impressive. If you want, I can teach you how to make these." He said, praising you. "Wait, really??" You ask, bewilderment written all over your face. He hums out a yes, focusing on the machine. You sigh in relief. Sir pentious smiles, seeing you relax on the chair and watching him as he explains the works.
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Angel dust
Being Angel's s/o, you were pretty well known in hell. And of course, that wasn't really something that worked in your favor most of the time. Angel has a lot of fans, so sometimes you'd get harrassed when you're in the streets alone. You two tried to keep your relationship a secret, but word got out fast and in no time, all of hell knew about it. Angel takes you out all the time, and when you're seen together, most demons won't try anything, but there are some who just don't care. "Hey there~" some girl walks up to you, her eyes locked on angel. "Eh?" Angel looks over at her with a bored expression on his face. "Wanna ditch this ugly bitch and come over to my house for the night?" She asks, winking at him seductively. You winced at that insult and shrunk back, rubbing your arm awkwardly as you kept your mouth shut. Angel glared at her. "No thanks, now get lost" he waved her away. Shocked, the demon growled and crosses her arms. "Alright, fine. I'll see you around, you whore." She says, walking away. "Aight, babe. Let's go home." Angel wraps his lower arm around your waist and you two head to the hotel. The walk was silent, and angel was trying to light up a conversation, but you would only nod and say a few occasional yeahs and nos. "Listen baby, if you're upset about what that stupid bitch said about you, don't be. You saw her. She was ugly as shit anyways. She wasn't in the position to talk." He rubs your back. "I know it shouldn't bother me. But, I really need to work on some comebacks." You shrug. Angel smirks. "Well that's easy enough. I'll help you with that, and show you how to be a bad bitch like me" he runs his hand through his hair to be more dramatic. You laugh at that. "Dumbass." You mutter. "See? We're getting somewhere!"
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c-harli-e ¡ 5 years ago
Slice of Heaven 《Charlastor》
    Her fingers worked unsteadily on the belt on the dress, the soft cotton moving subtlety against her fingers. Charlie’s cheeks were flooded just a touch darker as she looked at herself in the mirror, sucking a deep breath through her nose and then letting it go out from her mouth.
    “Why are you so nervous? It’s not like you’ve never met him before,” Vaggie said from where she was seated on Charlie’s bed, watching her best friend finish dressing herself.
    “I don’t know.” Charlie shrugged, feeling her lips curl upward slightly, “I’m glad I’ve never met him, though! That would be kind of awkward.”
    “I’d say.” Vaggie pushed herself off the bed and walked across the room, reaching out and adjusting the belt so that it wasn’t off center, “Where did you say you two were going?”
    Charlie hummed and peered down, watching as Vaggie unbuttoned a few buttons of the dress that she’d messed up, “He said we’re just going to have dinner at his estate. I don’t really expect anything else.”
    Vaggie’s eyes flashed with something akin to worry when Charlie said that she’d be essentially alone, isolated, with Alastor, for an indistinguishable amount of time, “Are you sure that’s like, good?”
    “It’s not like he’ll eat me,” Charlie said before she even realized what she was saying, and then she giggled awkwardly, “I mean, he wouldn’t!”
    “You don’t really know that, though.”
    Charlie shrugged and glanced over herself in the mirror once more. She wore a cotton pink dress with a black belt and a pair of sandals that she had hidden in her closet. It was nice, she had to admit, something she hadn’t worn in so long that she didn’t even realize she still had it, “I guess I should get going. I told him I’d be there around two.”
    Vaggie glanced at the clock; it read nearly one thirty, “It only takes ten minutes to drive to his house.”
    Charlie’s cheeks darkened, “Well, I want to be early!” She crossed her arms, making her way to the bed and swinging a little bag over her shoulder, “Thanks for helping me get ready, Vags.”
    “Yeah,” The shorter demon watched as her friend left the room and she felt her stomach turn in uncertainty, “Good luck.”
    Charlie felt her stomach quiver uncomfortably as she made her way up the path that led to Alastor’s estate. It was an impressive home; twin spiral staircases led up to the front door where massive grey columns rose from the foundation to support the second floor. She marveled at the marbled texture of the patio below her feet before coming face to face with the grand black door.
    She stood in front of the door and raised her hand before dropping it back to her side. Nerves bit at her and for a moment, Charlie thought of fleeing back down the path and getting back into the limo that was parked on the street. Before she was able to take a step backward, however, the door opened and she was met with the ever grinning face of Alastor.
    “Hello, my dear!” Alastor pulled open the door further, his grin reaching his eyes, “Come in!”
    “Thanks, Al.” Charlie smiled up at him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She stepped in through the doorframe and watched as Alastor shut it behind her.
    The worries that Vaggie had been pressing upon her raged forward in her mind and for a split second, Charlie felt panic wash through her. What if he was going to eat her? The pleasant grin on his face spoke otherwise and he motioned her forward.
    “The dining room is through here,” His voice was crackling; alive. It felt as though Charlie could touch his tone, “Follow me, darling.”
    She did so, eyeing the rest of the estate as they made their way through an archway that was off to the left of the entranceway. It led to a short hallway, where her nose was suddenly surrounded by the most delicious smell that she had ever encountered. Her mouth watered slightly and she peered up at Alastor, wondering if he really was the reason for the aroma.
    Music met her ears as they entered the dining room and she came to a stop at the doorway, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. The lights were dimmed just enough that the candles that were lain around made for a subtle glow; there was an antique radio playing in the corner. The room was decorated a tad older than her taste, but it seemed to make sense considering whose home it was. On the dining table itself lay an array of platters, covered with silver tops and a few wine glasses sat in front of the seats near the end of the table.
    “I thought you could sit next to me!” Alastor’s grin was wide as he looked down at her, his eyes glittering with something that Charlie wasn’t too familiar with, “What do you think?”
    For a moment, Charlie knew that Alastor was looking for acceptance for the room. He had obviously gone all out and she loved it; the whole ambiance calmed her of any previous anxieties, “It looks really good, Al!”
    His grin softened and she found hers growing, the two staring at each other for just a few seconds. Charlie’s thoughts were nonsensical, though they were filled with warmth as she looked up into the glowing eyes of Alastor. After a moment, he blinked and she shook her head, as though she was startled, before Alastor turned on his heel and made his way toward the chairs that had placemats in front of them.
    “Here you are, darling.” He pulled her chair out for her and Charlie slid into the chair, feeling her cheeks warm as he helped her guide it forward.
    Instead of sitting at the head of the table, where she expected him to, Alastor sat down in the chair beside hers, on the other side of the end. She peered over at him in surprise, his grin easy.
    “How was the journey here? I imagine it wasn’t so difficult to find.” His voice was chipper and warm and Charlie found her smile grow wider at the sound.
    “It was pretty easy. Kind of hard to miss!” Her eyes swept over the table, the delicious smelling food hidden under silver covers, “What did you make?”
    “Ah!” Alastor reached forward, pulling the covers away from the trays and setting them further down on the table, “I made a roast! Potatoes, carrots, celery.” Charlie wasn’t the biggest fan of meat and did her best to abstain from it most of the time; she turned to him with a questioning look before she opened her mouth to speak - he cut her off before she could, “I made you a meatless lasagna. I do hope it’s to your liking!”
    Her face relaxed when he uncovered a tray of lasagna. It looked delicious; she could see how gooey the cheese was from where she was sitting, “Thanks, Al.”
    “Absolutely, darling. Would you like some?” He picked up a serving knife, motioning toward the lasagna.
    “Please.” Charlie held out her plate to him and he took it from her, their fingers touching just briefly before he pulled it from her hands. Her cheeks, which had just started to cool down, ignited red at the touch and she watched as he easily sliced through the pasta sheets and then served her a relatively normal sized portion. 
    He set it down in front of her before serving himself some of the roast. It did look delicious; she wondered how long he had taken to make two different meals. Charlie knew that Alastor was an avid fan of meat - whatever kind it might be.
    “Thank you.” She murmured, eyes catching his once more. He grinned down at her and she smiled up at him.
    “Of course.” His voice was softer, less filtered. It took her by surprise for a moment before she realized that it was nice, listening to him without the filter. If she listened hard enough to what he was saying, there almost seemed to be a Southern twang to his vocals.
    “How long did it take you to make this?” Her eyes swept over the other bowls of food. She could see a basket of bread and she automatically reached out for it, his hand beating her there. He picked up a few of the rolls and set one in her outstretched hand, placing two on his own plate.
    Alastor picked up his fork and knife, slicing himself a bite and then holding it in midair, “Most of the day, I suppose. I got halfway through the roast before I remembered you don’t like meat!”
    Charlie snickered to herself, cutting off a bite of the lasagna and placing it into her mouth. It melted there, the pasta noodles were perfectly cooked and the vegetables that he had used as filling were seasoned so well. She chewed, wide eyed, her gaze moving to look at him.
    “I take it that you like it!” He smiled wide at her, holding his own fork in midair.
    They chatted about everything that came to mind; the food to the Hotel. Charlie found herself able to talk to him a little easier as time wore on; he was still the same demon that she worked with everyday. She had to admit, however, that it was really nice to just be alone with him.
    From the subtle touches to her hand when she grabbed for another roll to the blatant moves of affection when he stroked the skin of her arm. Whenever Alastor did move to touch her in such ways, it made her skin break out in goosebumps and her cheeks ignite red. At one point, her hand reached out and mindlessly gripped his when he’d made her laugh.
    “Oh!” She felt her blush travel down her neck, “I’m sorry.”
    Alastor’s grin widened and he flipped his hand over, intertwining his fingers with hers. She stared down at their hands for a moment, a soft feeling of comfort rolling through her body.
    “That’s quite alright, Charlie.” He nodded toward her, not quite letting go of her fingers for the rest of the meal.
    When Charlie had finished, she leaned back in the chair that had somehow gotten closer to Alastor’s and watched him finish up the portion that he had dished himself. It was a lot; she was curious as to how a man as rail thin as he could eat so much.
    “You can eat all that?” She asked before she could stop herself, her mind reeling once the words escaped.
    Alastor chuckled, setting his fork down and turning himself so that he was facing her a little more, “I could possibly eat everything at this table and feel no relief.”
    “How? If you don’t mind me asking.” Charlie was genuinely curious - she had been since the first formal dinner the Hotel staff had when Alastor had nearly eaten the entirety of the food put out.
    His smile turned somewhat strained and the static crackled uncomfortably around them, “It’s due to the nature of my punishment. I’m a Wendigo, Charlie. Constant hunger is part of my daily life!”
    She took a moment to mull it over. Alastor could see the gears working in her head and he remained quiet so that she could put the pieces together in a way that made sense to her; he was certain that she was the only one he was willing to do this for.
    “I guess that makes sense.” She peered over at the table, subconsciously squeezing his fingers in hers. She had met far nastier monsters and demons throughout her lifetime; she was a few millenia older than Alastor and still remembered a time when demons far more villainous roamed the streets of Pentagram City, “Do you still want to eat? There’s lots more. I don’t mind sitting here with you.”
    His eyes lit up with something that looked like excitement and he reached toward the roast, cutting himself another rather sizeable chunk and then placing it onto his place. Charlie toyed with her dress, both hands now free and idly missed the feeling of his hand against hers. 
    Not expecting his hand to reach for hers again, when it did, she blinked at the cool feeling of his hand against hers. His palm was soft; the feel of his claws gently pressing into her skin was something that was comfortable. He ate with his left hand, something that he seemed to do rather easily.
    “Are you left-handed?” She asked, squeezing his fingers gently with her own.
    “No, though I can use both rather well.” Alastor looked over at her, his grin close lipped.
    The soft smile on his face filled her with a gentle joy, causing her stomach to give a little flip. She knew that she liked him; he had to have liked her back in order for him to invite her to his home, to hold her hand as he ate. They talked while he finished up the rest of the roast; one slice became another and Charlie didn’t find herself appalled at the amount of food that he was eating.
    As he finished up the rest of the vegetables, Charlie had propped her legs up on the chair with her and was still holding his hand tightly in hers. Her fingers deftly stroked his, running down his claws and then to the pads of his fingers, swirling designs on the skin.
    Alastor watched as she eyed his hand, tracing the patterns on his palm. For a moment, he allowed her this simple pleasantry. It wasn’t something that felt bad, necessarily, so he allowed it. 
    All at once, a thought came to him and he sat up, eyes bright, “I forgot about the dessert! Stay here, darling, I’ll be right back.”
    Charlie watched as he left, feeling oddly cold without his hand in hers. Her shoulders slumped and she pinched herself softly, making sure that she was settled in reality. Even if it wasn’t reality - well.
    It was a certain slice of Heaven to her.
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avengerdragoness ¡ 8 years ago
A Safe Haven Ch. 4 [Shiro x Reader]
A/N: I’m sorry I’m a horrible person and it’s been so long since I updated this!
Prologue - Ch. 1 - Ch 2 - Ch. 3
Shiro woke up the next morning feeling rejuvenated. He was up before the other paladins, as per usual. Everything felt normal, like they were still traveling through space. Except for one thing. He couldn’t get you out of his head. No matter what he did, there you lingered. Only making him look forward to the day ahead.
He was a bit impatient about waiting for the others, he was ready to explore this place, and get to see how everyone had lived here for so long.
Shiro trained to pass the time, continuously increasing the level as he went. He was about to increase the level again but was stopped when Keith walked in. “Hey” he greeted, tossing a towel to the older man.
Shiro wiped his face. “The others awake?”
“Yeah I was coming to warn you, in case you wanted to shower or anything” he said with a certain teasing in his tone.
Shiro gave him a sort of ‘what’s with the voice’ look.
“I mean you wouldn’t want to be all sweaty for your lady friend you’ve made“ Shiro immediately blushed at the accusation.
���W-What? I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
Keith only cocked an eyebrow. Shiro sighed in defeat, “That obvious?”
“Only to me” he shrugged. “The others are to in awe at this place”
“It’s really amazing isn’t it. So many years they’ve been saving refugees and staying hidden from the Galra if I wasn’t here, I wouldn’t believe it”
Keith nodded, “It is. But the other will want to go soon. You should shower up.” he said before exiting the room. Shiro did as told and headed to the shower. 
Once he was finished they all headed off the ship. They wandered to where the military base was. Finding Christian and Tara.
“Hey guys” Christian greeted, Tara smiling beside him. They all returned the hello.
“I’m Tara by the way, I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure”
“Hey there beautiful, I’m Lance” Tara only smiled awkwardly before taking a step back and to Christain’s side.
“Anyway, we were both about to go find [F/n] if you’d like to join us” Tara offered pointing in the direction they were headed.
“Awesome, can we see more of the base?” Pidge asked excitedly.
“She should be a good distance away so you’ll see a good bit of it” Christian assured before leading the way. He wasn’t wrong they did see a lot of the base.
Though interest of everyone wasn’t peeked until they saw a large group formed to watch something. “What’s that?” Hunk questioned, directing everyone’s attention there. “A fight?” Pidge inquired.
“Cool I wanna watch” Lance began to head that way as the others followed.
“You don’t think?” Tara looked at Christian, “With those two, who knows?” he chuckled.
“With who two?” Allura asked the pair as they came upon the group. “Those two, Alastor & [F/n]”
The groups attention was drawn to a sparring match of you against your father. It was entrancing the way you both fought. Swords clashed as you twisted and contorted to avoid attack after attack. Graceful yet deadly. Like a Cobra attempting to sink its fangs into its prey. It was electrifying to watch. The focus, the agility, the skill. It was alluring.
Unable to tear his eyes away Shiro stared intently, observing every movement, every slight of hand. When it all of a sudden came to an abrupt halt. Your father was without a sword and yours lay suspended under his chin.
“You’ve lost your touch, or I’ve just learned your moves” A smug smile on your face.
“You’ve grown my daughter. But..” In an instant you were disarmed and flipped over his shoulder, landing on your back with a grunt. “there are things even you have yet to learn”
“Is that your way of telling me not to get cocky?” wincing and looking at him from the ground.
He chuckled, “One of the morals” before picking up his sword and heading to take care of his daily duties. The cadets parting as he passed, Tiamat close behind him. “Love you too dad” mumbling to yourself with a chuckle.
You were still on your back before a hand was offered to you. Accepting the offer, “I thought you had him this time” Christian commented pulling you up.
You chuckled, Ryuu coming behind you and nuzzling his head under your arm. “Yeah I did too, then we saw what happened after I assumed. ‘Don’t ever assume it will make an ass out of you and me’ the wise words of every father ever”
“I know I’ve heard mine say it” Tara said beside him. “You’re getting better your father usually looks like he’s holding back, but you had him on his toes that time”
“Maybe, but I still have to improve if I’m ever to get to his level. As a leader and a warrior” Patting Ryuu’s snout.
“You have to stop putting so much pressure on yourself” Tara said whilst giving you a disapproving look. You shrugged looking around at the cadets still gathered.
“Sparring’s over soldiers! Back to your business!” Ordering as the troops dispersed. Leaving the paladins and Alteans.
“That was so cool!” Lance yelled drawing all of your attention. You smiled sheepishly, “You guys saw that?”
“It was quite amazing! One can only hope that the paladins may get to that level of combat.” Coran complimented as all of the paladins gave him hurt expressions. Making the three of you chuckle.
“Anyway, [F/n] would it be possible for me to have a word with your father. I’d like to ask him for some help on coming up with plans to take on the Galra” Allura asked.
“Sure I can take you to meet him, will all of you be coming?” Eyes falling on the other paladins.
“Oh sounds interesting but I’m actually starving” Hunk said as his stomach growled. “You’re always hungry” Pidge deadpanned.
“We could take whoever doesn’t want to join [F/n] and Allura on a tour if you all would like?” Tara offered. Four of the paladin’s eyes lit up, all nodding.
You laughed, “Then I guess Allura, Coran, and Shiro will be accompanying me”
“Looks like it” Shiro smiled at you. “Well then follow me, catch up with you guys later?” Looking at your friends. “You do your perimeter check” patting Ryuu’s neck before he took off to do his job.
“Yeah see at the celebration the town decided to throw for your return” Tara reminded you. “Shit I forgot about that”
“That’s what I’m here for” she smiled before you lead the three to where you could find your father. It didn’t take long to find him and honestly as the three talked you and Shiro lagged behind due to sheer boredom.
“So we aren’t exactly needed at the moment, and they’re not discussing anything that pertains to taking down the Galra. What do you say we duck out?”
He looked over at you a smiled, nodding.
Nodding to the side you both ducked away. “I don’t think I could listen to them talking about the landscape for another second” you chuckled.
Shiro laughed beside you. He looked around as you walked through the main road. Taking in the small shops and restaurants. “This place reminds me so much of Earth it’s scary”
“You’ll get back there” you smiled looking at him. “Yeah just can’t help but miss it” meeting your gaze.
“I can’t imagine, but hey. You’re always welcome here” Nudging him with your arm. “You’re amazing” he smiled, making both your cheeks flush, “Sorry I --” he started but you waved it off. “It’s okay, you’re pretty amazing yourself.”
He smiled as the both of you continued to walk in silence, not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. “What was it like?” you cut through the silence. He looked at you confused, “Your life on Earth, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“No I don’t mind. Well I was a pilot in the garrison for a long while. It was my dream to explore space, it fascinated me. So when I got the chance to go on a mission called the Kerberos mission I jumped at the chance to pilot it. We traveled to one of pluto’s moons, but well you know what happened.” he looked down at his feet during the last part.
You nodded, “Space isn’t all bad though. Before the Galra it was beautiful, unknown. I dream for a time like that again. One where we can enjoy the universe instead of protect it.”
He gave you an appreciative look. “Yeah, call us dreamers” chuckling.
“Eh, I’d prefer future seers” You turned to him as both of you stopped walking. Meeting your eyes to his grey ones, “You know, on the Galra ship. The last thing I remember is your eyes before losing consciousness. I never got to thank you for that so, thank you” biting your bottom lip.
He blushed a little remembering when he caught you. “N-no problem”
You both smiled before continuing the walk chatting, learning more and more about the other. Leading to the both of you only falling harder.
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