#Alain Gagnol Jean-Loup Felicioli
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Directed by Jean-Loup Felicioli and Alain Gagnol
Lunanime/Folimage, 2016
#tulipe#jean loup felicioli#alain gagnol#lunanime#folimage#2016#2010's#original#family#traditional#film
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A CAT IN PARIS [UNE VIE DE CHAT] Jean-Loup Felicioli and Alain Gagnol France-Belgium, 2010
#watching#French films#Belgian films#animated films#cat burglars#Jean-Loup Felicioli#Alain Gagnol#2010#Kanopy
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A Cat in Paris (2010)

Sometimes, the Academy Awards make it too obvious they'll just nominate any decently budgeted animated film. Treasure Planet? Brother Bear? The Croods? A Cat in Paris is the exception. It didn’t win and doesn’t quite have the emotional depth necessary for it to have been worthy of that shiny trophy but this is a lovingly-made, tense and extremely stylish action/comedy.
In Paris, Zoé (voiced by Oriane Zani) watches her pet cat Dino leave every night through the window. No one could suspect the feline spends its nights with Nico (Bruno Salomone), a cat burglar. One night, his path crosses that of crime boss Victor Costa (Jean Benguigui).
Right away, you’ll notice the film's outstanding character designs, shading, color palette, and art style. While not all 3D animated movies look exactly the same, there are few you could point to and say “I can clearly see who worked as the art director on this one”. Every frame of Une Vie de Chat/A Cat in Paris comes from Jean-Loup Felicioli. Don't know who that is? That's fine. It just means you're seeing something new. Even before we get into the action or anything else, it’s a joy to just sit back and look at the film. The way faces look when they turn sideways, the proportions of the characters, the angles of the floor patterns, which details are preserved and which are omitted, etc. It all stands out to make a unique vision.
Clocking in at a mere 65 minutes, this is a fast-paced story. The bulk of it takes place in one night when Zoé’s police superintendent mom, Jeanne (Dominique Blanc), organizes the city’s police force to secure the Colossus of Nairobi statue. She knows Victor Costa will try to steal it and that he’s responsible for the death of her husband so it’s extra important that she get him. As Costa and his bumbling henchmen try to organize, all of the separate plot threads converge. There’s a lot of running and dodging as people try to get away from the police, try to warn the authorities about what’s going to happen or try to prevent people from getting to the police. The score by Serge Besset helps amplify the intensity.
Despite several characters' murderous intentions, this is not a heavy story. You get a lot of laughs from Costa’s goons and from Dino as well - he’s got a knack for jumping on people’s faces at the right time. My favorite gag concerns a yappy dog who annoys its owner whenever Dino passes by. Movie fans will also have fun with a couple of references to gangster/crime movies, like Reservoir Dogs and Goodfellas but what I enjoyed most was the way the animated medium is used. There’s a scene set in complete darkness where Nico has to sneak by some people and it’s brilliantly done. There aren’t any colours so it doesn’t quite encompass all of the film’s best qualities, but it’s close.
Fans of animation should make the effort to check out A Cat in Paris. It’s short so you won’t be investing too much time, you’ll be entertained all the way through and the art design/animation is inspirational. It’s light but that’s perfectly fine. This just makes this the kind of movie you pop in when all you want is something entertaining. (Original French version, On DVD, April 23, 2021)

#A Cat in Paris#movies#films#movie reviews#film reviews#Une vie de chat#Jean-Loup Felicioli#Alain Gagnol#Jacques-Remy Girerd#Dominique Blanc#Bernadette Lafont#Jean Benguigui#Bruno Salomone#Oriane Zani#animated movies#animated films#2010 movies#2010 films
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Phantom Boy: Directed by Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol. With Edouard Baer, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Audrey Tautou, Jackie Berroyer. A super-powered boy helps a wheelchair-bound policeman in his attempt to bring down a mob kingpin.
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1 - Rio, Carlos Saldanha, 20th Century Fox et les Blue Sky Studios
2 - Jeu de piste à volubilis, Max Ducos
3- Les enfants de la mer, Ayume Watanabe, Studio 4°C
4- Une vie de chat, Alain Gagnol et Jean-Loup Felicioli, studio Folimage
5 - Manabe Shima, Florent Chavouet
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A cat in Paris
A cat in Paris is a 2D love letter to film noir, crime films and, why not, comic superheroes, Hitchcock, the Pink Panther and maybe some more other things, all filled with a great soundtrack that “starts” with a vintage rendition of Billie Holiday’s I wished on the moon and “finishes” with a delightful typical French song: Java sous la neige, by Serge Besset. The opening credits (especially the song Monte en l’ air, also by Serge Besset) instantly reminded me of Spider-Man, but someone pointed out that there are also similarities with Batman. Either way, the references to fantasy adventure films is also seen in the Colossus of Nairobi walking over Paris like King Kong does in New York. The plot surrounds a cat that leads a double life: during the day he is Dino, the pet of the little Zoe whose mother is a police superintendent and whose dad was killed by the gangster Victor Costa, and at night he is the cat, who follows a nice burglar over the rooftops of Paris. Things get bad when Zoe decides to follow Dino and is caught by Costa and his men. Now Dino and Nico, the burglar, have to save Zoe. Perhaps the film is able to keep kid’s attention, but despite all the references and the amazing gallery of “charming” and funny characters - the dumb night watchmens, the gang of gungsters, the big boss, the old lady neighbour, the little dog (a Yorkshire?)* - what started as a great promise, let me down. I read somewhere that the drawings recall Matisse and Picasso. I have not thought about that, but they really do. Not being the biggest fan of neither Matisse nor Picasso, that can explain my discomfort with some characters’ facial expressions. Speaking of the drawings, the amazing “scene in the dark” (my favourite) reminded me somehow of the Simon’s Cat, with the difference that Jean-Loup Felicioli’s lines are thinner, resulting in a more elegant outcome. (However, this elegance might be due to the white lines over the black screen). And speaking of the characters, I’d like to make just a small observation on how Nico and Zoey’s nanny seem to have foreign origins. Being the immigration a major topic in France, nothing more natural than “bring it up” in a casual way.
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A Cat in Paris (2010)
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A Cat in Paris
directed by Jean-Loup Felicioli and Alain Gagnol, 2010
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A Cat in Paris / Une vie de chat (2010) dir. Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol | “Looks like it’s time for our terrible tom to go out on the prowl.“
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A Cat in Paris (2010) Dir. Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol
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Un gatto a Parigi
Un gatto a Parigi
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo fatto un passo indietro nel tempo e abbiamo parlato di un grande classico e un vero capolavoro della settima arte, Spartacus di Stanley Kubrick. Un film prodotto da Kirk Douglas, che fu anche il protagonista, che ebbe un’interessante produzione, con il cambio di regista dopo una settimana e la presenza di Dalton Trumbo, famoso…

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#A cat in Paris#Alain Gagnol#Amedeo Modigliani#animazione#Bruno Salomone#cat#Dominique Blanc#film#film d&039;animazione#film d&039;animazione francese#Films Distribution#Francia#gatto#Gebeka Films#Jacques-Rémy Girerd#Jean Benguigui#Jean-Loup Felicioli#Oriane Zani#Recensione#Recensione film#Serge Besset#Un gatto a Parigi#Une vie de chat#Victor Costa
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Zoe and Dino from A Cat in Paris / Une vie de chat
#a cat in paris#une vie de chat#alain gagnol#jean-loup felicioli#fan art#my art#inktober#inktober2017#knotstoons#folimage
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# 10 - Phantom Boy (Jean-Loup Felicioli & Alain Gagnol, 2015)
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A Cat in Paris
#talk about some pasteeeeeeeeeeeels#a cat in paris#movies#animation#jean-loup felicioli#alain gagnol#screencap
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