#Aiyah Answers
an-internet-introvert · 2 months
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You can almost see the war flashbacks in his eyes
Wow you really can, what a photo
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serendipnpipity · 2 months
Hiiiiiiiii, for the ask game:
🥺 are there any dan or phil videos that make you particularly emotional?
Aiyah!! So sorry for not replying earlier >_<
I mentioned a bunch more in my reply to Emma, but more contenders for the list include "Dan Is Leaving Me" (hnggg), "Daniel and Depression" (actually cried watching this a couple months ago. that shiz resonates.), and PINOF 1 (which is emotional in a good way, but emotional all the same).
Ask me about dnp!
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dokiyeom · 1 year
AYA IM SORRY ITS BEEN SO LOMH BUT HRU .???? DID U LISTEN TO SVT’S NEW SOMG YET i havent but i would like to know ur thoughts 😇😇
KANA DW !! i’m lw awful at replying && being active on tumblr but i have !!!! i love how fml, i don’t understand but i luv u, dust, and april shower r all like,, more mellow ?? like as much as i love a song that’s just soso powerful n cool,,, i think i listen to more mellow music on a daily basis && i love svt for making a majority of the songs on the mini album like that <3
also hello long haired jeonghan. yea.
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milaisreading · 8 months
Can you do something for Hetalia Valentine's Day? The Axis and Allies are arguing with each other about being y/n's Valentine's date. While they are arguing Sealand goes to y/n's house with flowers on his hands and he is wearing a cute suit. When y/n opened the door Sealand asked y/n to be his Valentine date. Y/n found him so cute and she agreed. How would the Axis and Allies going to react after seeing this?
🌱🩷: Hii! Thank u for the request and happy Valentine's Day! Hope u like this! I had a lot of fun while writing!
Warning: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open!
🌍Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya🌏
"Achoo!" (Y/n) let out a loud sneeze, causing Finland and Denmark to look at her in surprise.
"Are you alright?" Finland wondered as he handed her a tissue.
"Did you get sick or something?" Denmark chimed in as he checked her temperature, which was normal as he could conclude.
"I am fine. I just think someone is gossiping about me, you know." She joked as the two looked at her in confusion.
"Yeah. Who would gossip about you?"
The country shrugged her shoulders, unsure what to answer them back.
'I just hope it's not Belarus scheming something! I already said I have no interest in Russia!' (Y/n) thought in fear, but tried to brush that image out of her head.
"I dunno. By the way, I am off to meet up with Belgium and her brothers. Have fun staying at home."
"Stay safe!"
"Call us if you need anything!"
Before she could answer back, there was a knock on the door and (Y/n) went to open it.
"Yes? Huh?" She stopped while looking down at a bouquet with red roses while Sealand was grinning up at her.
"Happy Valentine's Day! Please be my Valentine!"
"Huh... Sealand..." She muttered in confusion as the boy stared at her.
Meanwhile, the country was partially right with her assumptions. Eight countries were talking about (Y/n), just not in the way she expected it to be.
"You?! What makes you think you are compatible for (Y/n)?!" America yelled, pointing at Russia. The two countries were never on good terms ever since the Cold War started, now with Valentine's Day being right around the corner, and both going after the same country things got much more tense.
"And I don't see what makes you think we are not. (C/n) and I do share some history with each other. Meanwhile, you are just a little kid compared to me. Why would she want you?" Russia laughed as America got into his face.
"And you creep her out! Weren't you the reason she isolated herself to begin with?! Also, my present is way better!"
Meanwhile, Germany was glaring at Italy, who was fawning over the present he had prepared for (Y/n), which was a painting he painted for her.
"Ve~ I am sure mia bella will love this! I can't wait for her saying yes to being my Valentine-"
"Hold up, Italy! Who said she will agree to be you Valentine! I have a gift for her as well." Germany interrupted the Italian, who frowned at his words.
"Because my present is just better. And besides, I am the one who is more of a passionate person than you are." Italy giggled as he saw Germany's face turn red in anger.
"That means nothing! My gift is just as good!"
"I have to disappoint you on the last part, mon ami Italy." France laughed as he held England back from chocking him.
"After all, I am the country of romance and love. She will definitely pick me." France boasted as the German and Italian glared at the man.
"You?! You pervert have absolutely no chance! Didn't you scare (Y/n) the last time you saw each other!"
"That was months ago!" France said with a red face.
"And besides, she would rather have a gentleman, like me."
The four started arguing among each other as Japan and China looked at them with unamused expressions.
"They are so loud, aiyah! Stupid Westerners." China exclaimed as he covered up his ears. Japan silently nodded his head.
"And this whole argument is useless as well. (Y/n) will definitely pick me. I always cook her good meals."
Now this was something Japan wouldn't stay silent on as he sent the older nation a glare.
"You? Aren't you too old for this? Besides, (Y/n) likes me more than you. We have a lot of common interests as well."
"You?! Don't make laugh, Japan! You can barely look her in the eyes, let alone confess anything! I will be her Valentine!"
"Dream on." The two Asian countries were about to start arguing as well, but got interrupted by Sealand walking into the living room, looking at all of them in confusion.
"Why are you old people arguing now?" The countries tensed up and looked back at the micronation, who was holding a box with some sweets inside.
"Nothing a kid like you should know about." Russia smiled, causing Sealand to shiver in fright.
"Stop scaring him. He is still a kid." Germany warned as Italy hid behind him. Sealand pouted at that when England spoke up.
"What did you need? You usually only come to me when you need something."
The micronation looked back at the former empire as the rest looked between them.
"Nothing much. Just wanted to say that France's idea on how to woo someone over worked. I just had to act cute, and got a Valentine and sweets from her." The other countries stared at him in confusion as France laughed.
"Well of course it will work when you listen to me! So, your little lady friend likes you back?"
"Hold up! Since when do you have a crush?" England questioned as America and China chimed in.
"We could have totally helped you out, dude!"
"Besides, I am the oldest around here. If anyone knows how to treat a woman, that would be me." Que Japan rolling his eyes at China.
"Nah. I was fine like this. And Ms. (C/n) didn't say directly she likes me back, but she gave me sweets and said the flowers were nice." Sealand said as the countries froze in their spots.
"(Y/n)... you asked her out?" Italy asked as his face got pale.
"Yup! In a few years she might agree to be my Valentine for real! But for now, the sweets she gave me will do.' Sealand cheered as he left the room.
Immediately after he left, Japan took his phone out to call (Y/n), which was an action that didn't go unnoticed by Italy, China, and America.
"Hey! Put her on speaker!"
"She is making a huge mistake! She can't wait for Sealand to grow up God knows when!"
"Ve~ I am a way better pick!"
Meanwhile, Russia, Germany, and England were glaring daggers at France, who was both mad and frightened.
"I will give you 10 seconds, da?"
"You are too kind, I am giving him 5 seconds."
"Both of you gits are wrong! Kill him now!"
"Wait! I had no idea who he liked!"
Meanwhile, with (Y/n)....
Belgium pouted as she declined Japan's call for the 5th time while Luxembourg looked at her in amusement.
"You know, she will find out what you did, big sis."
"I am fine with her knowing. As long as her and Netherlands get together, I am saying this was a worth sacrifice."
The two siblings looked back at the said 2 countries. One looked like struggling to say coherent sentences, while the other one had his usual stoic look.
"It doesn't look all too well." Luxembourg chuckled as Belgium sighed in frustration.
"Don't worry! I am sure big brother will catch on to it and be the perfect gentleman! He even bought her hot chocolate." Belgium smiled as the two silently looked at (Y/n) and Netherlands. The girl's face was a dark shade of red as Netherlands stared at her intensely.
"You know...."
Luxembourg and Belgium held their breaths as the oldest spoke up.
"That hot chocolate costed me around 4 euros. Please pay it back when you can."
The two watched in disbelief as he said that and (Y/n) started to scramble for her wallet.
"O-oh! Sure, no worries!"
"Is he nuts?!" Belgium silently yelled as Luxembourg stared at his brother in annoyance.
"Money rules the world for him..."
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oneeyedoctogod · 2 months
This WIP Wednesday, we're back to fic sharing! Poor little A-Yu is having a no good terrible horrible very bad day. So he gets some comfort!
Wei Ying waited until they were in the kitchen before he turned toward A-Yu, his smile gentle:
“Are you alright, little duckling?”
A-Yu nodded, then shook his head. His hands were trembling, despite being closed into fists. He was pale and his eyes were red. When he opened his mouth to answer, no sound came out. He looked frustrated with himself, gazing down at his feet with a furious expression.
“There is no need to hide,” Lan Wangji said.
When they first met, A-Yu had loudly sobbed his grief in the streets. Here in his childhood house, the boy made himself smaller and quieter. He didn’t look afraid, but some reactions, Lan Wangji knew, were ingrained deep into the soul.
“I’m not scared,” he whispered, as if to convince himself. “Aiyah, don’t you lie to us now, that’s against the rules!” Wei Ying said. “Being scared is a good thing. Everyone gets scared — the real challenge isn’t to avoid fear, it’s to know fear and how to overcome it. Now tell us, what do you think would make you less scared?”
A-Yu shook his head, and opened his mouth to protest but before he could, Wei Ying swooped him into his arms with a laugh. A-yu yelped, his fists finally relaxing so they could grip onto Wei Ying’s robes instead.
“I think I’ll carry you. Once, when I was terrified out of my mind, someone carried me until they managed to take care of what was scaring me. It’s the best remedy against being scared, right Lan Zhan?”
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etherealiity · 20 days
HEYYYY FEM RANWAN ? Fem ranwan age swap au and mo ran weaving the qi flowers and butterflies into a braid for a-ning who is trying Very Hard to have platonic thoughts but her shizuns brushes feel so soft and the presence behind her is soooo warm
FEM RANWAN!!! oh my goodness, thank you for feeding me😭🥺 I had so, so much fun with this prompt, it was such a delight to write! I hope you enjoy<3
“Sit still A-Ning,” her Shizun reprimands - though, can it be called a reprimand, when her voice so clearly carries a smile? “Aiyah, you’re so squirmy. This braid is going to be all crooked!”
“Sorry, Shizun,” Chu Wanning mutters, hanging her head. She’s genuinely abashed. It’s such a simple task, to sit still. It’s a luxury, to be asked to sit still so her Shizun can not only brush but braid her hair. Chu Wanning should be basking in this attention, this open, heart-rending show of affection. Instead, she sits as if on pins and needles.
“Don’t sound too sorry,” Mo Ran says, and it is only by biting her tongue that Chu Wanning manages to suppress a flinch at the feel of Mo Ran’s fingernails lightly scratching along her nape. “I’m your Shizun, A-Ning, what can’t I do? Ah, squirm all you want. This’ll still be the best braid anyone’s ever put in your hair, you’ll see.”
Of course it will, Chu Wanning thinks, but does not say. Because your hands put it there. 
“In fact, maybe it would be fun. A new sort of challenge for this senior to conquer….” Mo Ran muses, feather-light fingertips carefully brushing a strand of inky hair past Chu Wanning’s ear to weave into the braid, eliciting a shiver that Mo Ran, thankfully, seems to miss. “I’ll bet I could give you the best braid while blindfolded, while riding my sword. How about it?”
Chu Wanning blanches. The sudden anxiety racing through her chest is abated only by the feeling of deft, sure fingers combing carefully through the silk of her hair. 
“You’re joking,” Chu Wanning says, in the flattest voice known to mankind. 
Mo Ran sounds worryingly serious as she laments, “So, you’re not ready for something quite that adventurous yet. It’s okay, maybe one day.”
Chu Wanning wants to tell her Shizun that day will never come. She belongs on the ground and she’d like to stay there, thank you very much. Her qinggong is a much swifter means of travel than sword flying, anyway. 
But just as Chu Wanning opens her mouth to tell her Shizun so, a brush glides through her hair, the feeling so soft and soothing and foreign Chu Wanning’s mouth clamps shut in fear of any damning noises slipping out. Then fingers come to replace the brush, painstakingly gentle as they unwork any leftover knots. Chu Wanning very nearly leans back into her Shizun’s touch, seeking that bright, burning warmth as a balm to her perpetual chill.
Before long, Chu Wanning is led into a pleasant trance. Her thoughts dissipated like mist. It’s - easy, to follow the rhythm of her Shizun’s fingers combing through her hair, weaving the strands into a pretty plait. It’s easy, to believe her Shizun could make her beautiful, even if only a part of her. Mo Ran can do anything, if she sets her mind to it. Chu Wanning’s mind latches onto the comfort of that surety, for a moment, eyes fluttering shut as the gentle pressure of hair being artfully arranged encourages her to tip her head back, just a little. Not too much-
“I’ve got it!” Mo Ran’s sudden excitement jars Chu Wanning back to the present. “Oh, A-Ning, you’re going to love it. I’m a genius.”
In answer, a soft scarlet light pulses behind Chu Wanning, painting their shadows in stark lines against the floor. 
“Shizun?” Chu Wanning meant to turn her head, but a pair of warm fingertips pinched her chin, turning her face back around.
“Not yet! I’ll show you when it’s all done. Don’t spoil the surprise, now,” Chu Wanning’s cheeks flamed and her lip swelled under her teeth as Mo Ran leaned forward and whispered, breath caressing the back of her exposed neck. “Be good for Shizun, A-Ning.”
Oh, Mo Ran was trying to kill her. 
Chu Wanning sat patiently - as patiently as she could, in such harrowing circumstances - more or less having guessed what Mo Ran was doing, but not wanting to spoil the woman’s fun.
“Pretty,” Mo Ran murmured, a warm hand smoothing over Chu Wanning’s head. Chu Wanning swallowed thickly. “Very pretty. But it still needs something….A-Ning, would you give Shizun your hand?”
Chu Wanning reacted as rationally as she could, by acting like a cat just sprayed with water. “Why?” She asked, cautious, her fingers already flexing, already lost in the fantasy of Mo Ran’s fingers entwined with her own-
“Ah, I just wanted to borrow a few of your haitang blossoms! Is that alright?”
Chu Wanning frowned, annoyed with herself and her idle daydreams, but she did feel the tension that had threatened to paralyze just seconds earlier slowly leaving her in waves. She hummed in assent, holding her palm up, delicately spinning out a few glistening, golden haitang blossoms for Mo Ran to nestle into her hair. 
“All done! Do you want to see, A-Ning?”
“Mn,” Chu Wanning meant to stand up herself but, in her excitement, Mo Ran’s fingers wrapped themselves around her wrist as she helped Chu Wanning to her feet, all but dragging her over to the mirror. Chu Wanning swallowed what felt like a very undignified squeak as Mo Ran spun her around.
“Okay, on the count of three you can open your eyes and see for yourself what a good job your Shizun’s done, alright?”
“But if you don’t like it, be honest, alright?”
“I’m serious! I can take it, A-Ning, you don’t have to spare my feelings. Constructive criticism is conductive in the pursuit of perfection-”
“Shizun,” Chu Wanning interrupted, which she ever normally did. Ever. But she was well-aware of Mo Ran’s tendency to ramble when she was nervous, and there was no need to be, really. Chu Wanning would love it. 
She loved everything Mo Ran gave her. 
“Okay,” Mo Ran blew out a long breath and, behind her closed eyelids, Chu Wanning could practically see Mo Ran wringing her hands. “One, two, three….”
Chu Wanning’s eyes slowly opened as she turned, guided by Mo Ran’s gentle hands. In the low light, dappled crimson and gold, Chu Wanning saw herself, her face draped in lacy shadows cast by the intertwined light of her blossoms and Mo Ran’s butterflies, woven into the intricate tapestry of her inky hair. 
“It’s - beautiful,” Chu Wanning whispered. She hadn’t meant to, but if she’d spoken any louder, she’d worried her voice would break. She placed a careful, reverent hand atop her braid. “Thank you, Shizun.”
The scarlet glow of the butterflies’ wings softly fluttering danced across Mo Ran’s cheeks. 
“You don’t have to thank me,” Mo Ran murmured, scratching her head as she looked away. “What is a painter without a beautiful subject? You’re the art, A-Ning.”
“Ridiculous,” Chu Wanning muttered, finding that it was her turn to look away. But, out of the corner of her eye, she couldn’t resist the allure of her luminescent hair, nor could she stop herself from gazing at the way Mo Ran’s hand stayed on her shoulder, never once pulling away. 
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meikuree · 9 months
3, 5 (for "the lightness of a foreign sky") and 45 please!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
trope wise… I either write hard-won joyful/bittersweet cathartic endings, shawshank redemption prison escape scene style, or write about lesbian psychological torture with no in between. or worldview clashes and parries and mutual respect as the height of romance, detached from actual common romantic gestures like kisses or [romantic milestones], that are romantic exactly because romance is beside the point /o\ I love dwelling in ambiguity!
also, based on what I’ve heard from friends:
endemically melancholic voice/perspective, or: "your writing gives me sad vibes?"
alliteration disease; I like to daisy-chain similar words together. some egregious examples: "respite repeated reservedly", "all affectation effaced". and I enjoy playing with words close in sound but not meaning (e.g., "fit for the museum of a bed, not so much the mausoleum of a marriage")
not an angst or fluff writer but a secret third thing: a realism writer; "there's nothing exaggerated just to induce pathos in your works [...] your writing is more about the extrapolation of themes and ideas canon has already left there." (cr @bothzangetsus)
surgical prose, absence of filler: "If your writing was a steak it wouldn't have any of the fat in it."
a preoccupation with aftermaths, catharsis or post-catharsis; separately on characterisation: "you have a way of capturing a person who feels almost tired of their own complex motives."
I try to avoid what brandon taylor calls trite physicality, but I can also forget that people are embodied beings and are made up of parts other than eyes, mouths, and lungs, and disapproving hand gestures
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about the lightness of a foreign sky? Answer it now!
just going to use this as a blank cheque to ramble:
some commentary on the source material first -- one of black water sister’s big aspects is how it depicts the experience of inhabiting different, sometimes clashing, cultural contexts unevenly, all distilled through but not revolving around the metaphor of being a lesbian; the main character is jess, a malaysian-american lesbian who returns to her parents' hometown in penang, malaysia.
I like that it wasn’t strictly a story about lesbianism as such, and was defter about it, using it as one element to evoke commentary about insider/outsider positions in culture. it also imploded usual conventions in malaysian fiction about divisions between the westernised, cosmopolitan affluent overseas malaysian and local, 'left behind' malaysians, who are often more invisible and considered parochial characters in the global fiction landscape; jess's grandma and her literally share a body and her grandma is a tour de force in her own right, strategically overpowering jess at points, but they also work together. it also couched ah ma's (jess's grandma) nonplussed-ness and then eventual roundabout acceptance of jess's sexual orientation not in terms of... contemporary americanised scripts about sexuality and coming out but developed a vocabulary that was more organic to the malaysian context ("aiyah, we dealt with so many ghosts and spirits and corporate espionate and the odd pontaniak throughout this book, you being a pengkid is the least of our problems", in a paraphrase of how it... happened).
also, at the start, jess is conversely a fish out of water in her 'native' malaysia, unused to hokkien and unable to fully participate in cultural rituals at first despite being aware of them; she literally gets shuffled around by her relatives at extended family gatherings.
i'm usually prejudiced against southeast asian diaspora fiction that only focuses on appealing main characters/subjects, like well-educated overseas people whose inner worlds and struggles are held up as far richer and sophisticated and cultured than 'backwards' locals in their homelands -- as if alienated cultural elites represent the height of their communities' socioeconomic/cultural woes and ills -- but this pushed back against some of those assumptions, so i was pleasantly surprised. i like that zen cho puts jess through the grinder in struggles where her harvard accolades and accomplishments have little objective use. although jess struck me as a little naive at points for someone who graduated from harvard. then again, having met people from the ivy league/other top universities... i believe it, honestly.
I got feedback on this that Jess reads as far more familiar with Singapore than she would be as someone who'd only been there a few times as a child, and I totally take point on that, and wish I could've incorporated more lines about that uneven inhabitation of cultural identities i mentioned earlier. this is more an explanation than justification of why i wrote it that way: I don't like writing about places from the viewpoint of a tourist gaze, gawking at spectacles or common motifs (too much... othering fiction about malaysia/singapore that could otherwise be good reaches for the easy setting details like humid sweltering temperatures, palm trees, durians, etc.), so I left in a lot of details in a way that presumes jess is used to them.
so, sorry jess! I butchered your characterisation somewhat! but I liked writing this.
I also wanted to give more attention to the lesbian interracial relationship (especially a malaysian chinese-singaporean indian one, unlike the more common white-poc interracial relationships you see in media) that was present in the canon.
45. What's something you've improved on since you started writing fic?
I like 'unlocking new sentences' as a mutual of mine once put it, and I think I'm better at that; also incorporating dialogue; I still wish I wrote in a more breezy or conventionally palatable (read: less dense) way! but I've resolved that the first person I want to please when I write is myself and my own impulses of creativity, so.
I'm going to sidetrack and be negative/critical for a second: I recently participated in a class exercise where my classmates shared pieces of fiction/poetry they'd written, and the originality and agility of their turns of phrase and unexpected combinations 1) sobered me, because it reminded me how depressingly 'safe' a lot of ao3 fare and even pubbed fiction is out there (in both content and the question of aesthetics, and I include myself in this), 2) sparked joy and desire in me to experiment again. so with that I leave some quotes that express why I enjoy writing: because i view it as an opportunity to participate in a linguistic laboratory, exploding and pushing at the limits of expression:
Within Surrealist culture, chance was worshipped as a kind of spirit guide, a trickster who could jam the conveyor belt of deductive logic. Gatherings centered on word games, blind selection, collage, and collaboration. In Exquisite Corpse, a paper was passed around the table, each writer folding over what they had written, a systems approach to narrative that produced phrases like The wounded women disturb the guillotine with blond hair. The point was to elicit dissonant analogies, cross-pollinated metaphors, images that were shocked to find themselves as bedfellows. Many of the poets relied on collage techniques, cutting up newspaper stories and reassembling them into odd configurations.
and writing is a medium that allows me to reach for the simplest form of transformation: making sure the word that follows isn't the expected one
I write to be read. I’m not an experimentalist. But while I don’t think my writing is unclear, it’s not to everyone’s taste. I think some people prefer a kind of journalistic plainspokenness, even on the question of aesthetics, which is not my impulse. Very early on in my “career,” an editor said to me, “You do something that we don’t really do here. I noticed that in your sentences, the word that comes next isn’t exactly the word you’d expect to come next.” And I remember thinking: of course it fucking isn’t. Otherwise why would I write it?
(fic writer asks)
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transienturl · 6 months
went back in time to being a girl in my family tree in asia and being at some kind of family thing at a... restaurant and I was good at doing something with... processing clams? and I met some more people or something and that made my extended family in the future bigger I guess I don't remember that part well. and there was some guy, a relative stranger, who wanted to do some... shady business with the restaurant, stealing clams or whatever, and he subtly enlisted my help basically, and my aunt was all don't get involved and dragged (physically) my little sister out of it. and initially it was just whatever, asking questions I knew the answers to, but at a pivotal point we were hiding in the machinery in the kitchens and he was like, hey can you, can you go over there and disable that sensor, I was here earlier and I, some excuse for why it was innocuous. and I was like. no. and he started freaking out and I slipped out and ran into the parking lot and into the vehicle with my aunt and sister and they were like go, go, and the van screeched out of the lot and I saw the restaurant people attacking the stranger guy and I was like yeah, I wasn't gonna, don't worry, and my aunt was obviously like that went way too far aiyah the things you kids do to my blood pressure
(also this was originally on a ship? also this was originally a dream about a gw2 arah dungeon duo in first person, now that I'm remembering more? weird. anyway, irrelevant.)
but then I remembered the stranger guy had a daughter. and what choice did she have, you know, what path did she have out? and, something something, against my family's pleas I took control of the vehicle or left and got a different one, and drove back into a fight scene, and almost hit a restaurant enforcer who was about to hurt her or maybe did, and dived out, and long story short I got out with the daughter, my own age, and we ran, and cut to a later scene in a cheap hotel, just me and her, on the phone with some kind of social worker type person or possibly trying to set up emigrating to the US. and in the same mechanic where I knew my actions would make my future self know more of my extended family before, now I knew my actions were making my future self entirely different, not knowing my extended family at all, not knowing my family at all, even, maybe not even existing. but I'd saved her, this girl, right here right now, and I would trade that for anything.
and they were roommates god they were roommates/harold they're lesbians. the end
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k-n0-x · 8 months
🎴˚⋆°˖ ~ 🍂࿔ ฅPlum Blossoms and Butterflies˚⋆°˖ ~ 🍂࿔ ฅ🎴
🪼୧ ‧₊˚ 🎐 ⋅ -a/n- This short fic is one I made a few months ago, and I cleaned it up a bit. This is more of an angsty one, though I promise I’ll make some fluff later on. I’ll always take suggestions ^^ Enjoy ୧ ‧₊˚ 🎐 ⋅🪼
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
“Tao, you are aware that one of these days you are probably going to get sued due to your…. Insensitive advertising, right?”
Yanfei sighs as the Funeral Director looks back at her with a feigned sullen face, dramatically slumping in her seat
“Aiyah, ‘Fei, what’s wrong with my advertising? The best advertisements are the fun ones, is it not?”
The lawyer was stuck for a moment, because yes, she’d much rather to listen to engaging advertisements than dull ones, although funerals aren’t supposed to be fun, though Hu Tao does try to put the fun in funeral. 
“Well uhm, how do I say this- Tao, funerals aren’t like other events. They are ones that should be carried out while treading lightly. You should know that out of all people. Can you at least promise me that you can make some ads for your business more considerate and empathetic?”
Hu Tao thought for a moment. Of course, Yanfei being a law consultant, she’s obviously right.
“Nuh uh”
“Fuck you mean nuh uh?!” The lawyer’s face is a tomato, and her antlers perk up. She was about to have a complete shoutfest, when the butterfly- eyed girl snickered. 
“Oh you! You were winding me up! Honestly Tao, I literally can’t-“ Yanfei’s rant was cut off by Hu Tao’s laughing. 
The laughing turns into wheezing. 
The wheezing turns into coughing.
The coughing turns into hyperventilating.
The Wangsheng Funeral parlour director doubles over, hand over mouth. Said hand quickly becomes soaked with blood. 
“Tao? Tao!?” Yanfei’s pupils dilate. 
“Not gonna lie ‘Fei, I don’t feel so good-“ Hu Tao’s body crumples to the floor.
“Tao!” The half adeptus hoisted the limp body to face her.
Her skin is cold and pale. Oh god, is she- 
The brown haired girl coughed again, this time, producing multiple bloodied  crumpled petals. 
“Tao, we are going to Bubu pharmacy as soon as possible. Everything is going to be ok,” Yanfei says, trying to convince herself just as much as Hu Tao. 
“‘Fei, a doctor can’t help me,” Yanfei’s heart deflates and breaks into pieces when Hu Tao spoke. The voice was cracked, quiet, so un-lively like, so unlike Hu Tao. 
Then, as quick as lightning strikes, flowers bloom from the back of Hu Tao’s throat and from her chest.
“Yeah, no I will be bringing you to a doctor,” 
“‘Fei, I don’t have a crush on a doctor” 
“What in archons is that supposed to me-“ The realisation hit Yanfei harder than the fact I actually have to study for exams now hit me. 
Hanahaki. Of course. 
“Tao, please, tell me now, who do you love?” Yanfei tries to tug some of the flowers out of the Director’s chest fruitlessly. 
“I- think you know the answer,” 
“What? No I don’t-“
“Yes you do, ‘Fei, we both do,” Hu Tao’s eyes well up. She holds the lawyer’s face in her hands.
Yanfei holds the Director’s hands.
“Why? Why didn’t you tell me this? Tao, look at me!” Yanfei begs. The already shattered heart feels like it was being used for kindling.
“No, Yanfei, look at me,” Hu Tao’s voice becomes more hoarse and quiet as she spoke, so Yanfei didn’t argue, but big tear drops welled from her eyes. 
“Look at me, I am a Funeral Director, which by itself is an unsuitable profession. On top of that, I’m already under scrutiny for my personality and my hobbies. I’m perceived 
as weird and strange. Literally everyone in this archons be damned nation hates me, even if they don’t know me personally. Except you, ‘Fei. But know, I don’t know, clearly you only took interest in me simply because of your profession and you probably pity me. 
Obviously you will take interest in someone who is respectable by society, someone great like Xinqiu, or-“
“You think I’d like Xinqiu?” Yanfei’s face contorts into a face of disgust.
“Why are you beefing with him ‘Fei?! What did bro do to you?!” Hu Tao laughs quite weakly given her state and Yanfei wishes she could too, but she is too wrapped up in the fact that this could be the last time she could ever hear that, not to mention that the director is being serious right now, which means Yanfei doesn’t have a lot of time.
“Tao, Tao! Listen to me. I love you! I love you with all my heart because you actually have a personality that’s fun and endearing and you’re exciting to be around. I didn’t come to you out of law concerns, but out of interest,” Yanfei holds Hu Tao’s face, which seems to be more and more white and cold by the second. 
Hu Tao looks up and Yanfei. “It’s too late for me now…. I’ll see you on the other side” She lets out her final breath and her vision dims, which brings Yanfei to a startling stop. Everything around her starts spinning and she can’t move.
A person was in her hands.
A dead one…. 
She tried to scream for help and rushed to someone to call for Baizhu, but when she came back, where Hu Tao should be, there was nothing except plum blossoms and butterflies scattered amongst them….
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
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buabloomed · 1 year
❛ if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode. ❜
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Niran gently sets down the blue-stained pestle. It's nice when people brave the ungodly heat and overwhelming presence of his precious plants to come visit him in his sanctuary. Company is always welcomed. ❝ Come, come. Sit down. ❞ Gripping a rattan chair closer to him, he urges her to sit there. ❝ Please try not to explode on my Friesodielsia Lalisae--it's a fragile species. ❞
❝ Did you drink enough water today? Aiyah, I already know the answer. Get some water in you! ❞ »•» 𑁍 «•«
0 notes
an-internet-introvert · 2 months
i sent the gifset to my friend and the caption????? idk where it came from😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it jumpscared me
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That is both hilarious and terrifying, one can never escape it
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serendipnpipity · 5 months
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dokiyeom · 1 year
i do !! i couldn’t choose a singular photo so here r 6 :DD the one on the top is matcha && the one on the bottom is sesame :DDD
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habeascorpseus · 2 years
Habeas are you okay. Also I don’t know when your birthday is so here is the birthday cat for your troubles. Happy early/late birthday (circle the option that applies)
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no im not death is imminent /j (?) and my wrist hurts from drawing but im being so brave about it (not complaining about it to anyone bc i uninstalled discord 2 days ago). also my birthday is in the fall but thanks for the birthday cat I'll just say it's for last year's birthday
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oneeyedoctogod · 1 year

It's WIP Wednesday once more! A little more of my Wen Sect leader! Wei Wuxian (and time travel, because look, time travel is my JAM.) since it's the fic I'm working on the most currently.
In which there are Feelings™ between the Wen siblings and Wei Wuxian.
“Screw that oath. I’ll keep it as long as I need, but if I have to break it to protect you, I gladly will.” "Aiyah Wen Qing, so protective! What an amazing jiejie you are!" Wei Wuxian laughs. "And that applies to you too Wei Wuxian! If they dare use you like they did back in that wretched timeline, I'll show them just why most medicines are said to be poisons in the wrong doses."
Wei Wuxian is laughing still, but Wen Ning feels his hold on them tighten.
“Thank you Wen Qing,” he whispers. "No more 'thank you' Wei Wuxian," Wen Qing answers, her voice still rough but her grip steadier, "it gives me hives." "Ha! Fine, I promise, if only for your precious skin! Funny, I think I said the same thing to Lan Zhan once! They do say great minds think alike! Maybe we really did fuse our brains together in the end!" "You say that like it's a joke but listen because I'll only say it once: you're a great man Wei Wuxian and to be similar to you is a compliment I'll happily accept."
For the first time in the evening, Wen Ning sees Wei Wuxian truly speechless. His mouth hangs open in an unattractive sight and his cheeks even redden a little in embarrassment.
“Aiyah, Wen Qing,” he whines, “how unfair of you to say that right after you made me promise not to thank you anymore. Don’t compliment me, my head will get too big. You don’t want that, do you?” “That’s why I said I would only say it once,” Wen Qing answers as she breaks away from the group hug with a small smile on her face; seeing it is enough to let Wen Ning finally relax. “But I think you need to hear a little more positivity about your actions after all those lies those vermin spat. I — my future self never told you, probably because she thought it was obvious and maybe it was, but you didn’t fail Wei Wuxian. You gave us exactly what we wanted, what we needed: time. Time and the opportunity to have an honorable death, rather than a humiliating one.” “… You’re right, of course. You always are,” Wei Wuxian sighs, his smile turning bitter, “but I still wish there was another possible outcome, a better one.” There’s a short silence. Wen Ning breaks it before it can become too oppressive: “I-Isn’t that exactly the opportunity we have now?”
Wei Wuxian is the first to laugh and it comes easy, as if his earlier bitterness was nothing but a mirage. A cloud hiding the sun for a time, yielding when faced with its brilliance. It suits him, Wen Ning thinks, this image of a sun. Once they are done making sure everyone is safe, that this terrible future will not come to pass, they should make sure he wears their emblem. He can think of no one else who fits it better.
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angelssung · 3 years
one way, or another
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summary: if you thought this purge night would uneventfully pass like the others, you’ll be in for one hell a ride this time.
genre: purge!au, angst, action, adventure, a lot of death and violence, hint of crack (if you squint very closely), yandere
pairings: yandere!ten x fem!reader, hint of jeno x fem!reader
word count: 10.3k+
taglist: @pukupukupawpau @kasperneo @oonaaurora @sweettaeguk @jaemingold @kpopstanforlifeuwu @agabisworld @pc0604 @unknownnctizen @vsszn @adventuresofrose @benhardygalileo @y-ning
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“So I’ve got like, shit tons of snacks stuffed in my luggage bags in case we run out.” Your friend Donghyuck proudly exclaimed, rapidly patting the bags next to him.
Chenle waved him off, “There’s no need to worry about it, I’ve got plenty of food supplies at home. There’s no way we’re gonna starve tonight.”
“Okay, but wait, I’m overthinking a little, so the eight of us go to yours after school and hang out for the entire night until the purge is over, right?” Renjun’s expression was pensive, alluding to paranoia kicking in.
Honestly, he wasn’t the only one who was a bit worried about tonight‘s events. Out of your group, Mark, Jisung, you and Donghyuck were also worried — but unlike Renjun, the rest of you decided for your worries to be left unspoken.
“Yeah.” “All the doors and windows and such are gonna be covered, right?”
“Yup. No need to worry Jun, we’re gonna be alright!” Chenle grinned confidently, before an exaggerated frown overtook his features, “Unless someone farts again stinks up the whole place-”
Making a fake offended expression at the younger boy’s words, Mark’s jaw dropped, “hey! I swear that wasn’t me!”
You gave Mark a side eye, “Funny how Renjun and Jisung threaten us by hoping our pillows are warm, it’s probably gonna be Mark who-” “Give the poor man a break,” Jeno cut you off, nudging your arm playfully.
“Thank you, Jen-” “Roast him during the Purge, that way time’ll go faster.” Jeno smiled innocently, eliciting laughter (along with protests, from Mark specifically,) from you all.
The Purge was once a year, where all crime was legal. If you could get out of your country, you would, but you weren’t able to this year.
Besides, it was fine. You were gonna be with your friends, protecting each other, and you were aware that most of them could fight, judging by the amount of fights you’ve seen them get into.
Seated behind you, a dark haired boy had his head propped up on his hand, staring at you with a soft look on his face.
Also behind you were your other classmates, a group of best friends, also talking (or rather, in this case teasing the dark haired one) amongst themselves.
“Aiyah,” Xiaojun shook his head, staring at his friend with an amused smile, “You’ve got it bad, man.”
“Think the word you’re trying to search for is ‘simp’.” Lucas burst out laughing at Yangyang’s blunt nickname for their lovesick friend, a juxtaposition to Kun trying to stifle a laugh.
“You’re like that one meme I sent Sicheng and Lucas last night,” Hendery paused to think, looking at the ceiling, “The ‘I’ll stare at you until you marry me’ one.”
It was at that moment that you locked eyes with your lovesick classmate and friend — Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, commonly known as Ten Lee. Although you quickly tore your gaze away from the interesting male, you noted that in the corner of your eyes that he never took his intense gaze off you.
Seeing this all go down, Jeno subtly nudged your side with his elbow, “He’s been staring at you for like, what, eons?”
“Wait, wait, who?” Eager to know, the rest of your friends leaned towards your entertained friend, making you huff.
“Ten, of course,” Jeno answered as a matter-of-factly. The eight of you quickly turned to look quickly at the male in question, only to find his gaze still upon you.
“I think he’s shy!” Chenle cooed, nudging you not-so subtly with a mischievous grin to match, “It’s so obvious he likes you.”
Jaemin sent a look to Jeno, who simply rolled his eyes. You eyed them suspiciously, only to drop it quickly.
“Ten just thinks he likes you,” What? What did that mean? Mark shook his head, “He’s probably in love with you, if you ask me. You know, one time, he asked me if any of us were dating you.”
“(Y/N)? As if! I’d never go out with that Baba Yaga lookalike. I already feel bad for her future partner.” Renjun scoffed, receiving a soft punch from you.
“Look, I’d never seen the guy’s eyes twinkle so brightly — until I told him no, we’re not interested in you, and not in a million years.” The oldest of the friend group shrugged, leaning back in his chair, “That’s all I’m gonna say.”
To be honest, you did consider dating Mark and Jeno, but those thoughts were in the past… right? You didn’t feel anything for any of your friends, and as far as you knew, they didn’t feel anything whatsoever for you back. Or so you thought.
“I’ve never been so nervous when coming to school,” Jisung shuddered, “Once I looked at the teachers, I looked away as soon as possible! If they knew about the knife in my backpack… I’d be doomed, even before the purge starts.”
“That was funny as hell, you were speed walking so awkwardly like you were being squished!” Donghyuck chuckled, patting Jisung on the back.
These seven boys were closer to you than your own family, hence why you agreed to stick with them. You’d trust that they’d never purposely backstab you or throw you to the pack of killers on the streets tonight.
Speaking about your family, your parents were out of town for business reasons. You could only hope that they’ll survive. Seems they forgot about it or slept in a bit late before work, considering you heard their hurried footsteps and saw the note they stuck onto the fridge.
”Stay safe, kiddos.” With a solemn nod, your teacher observed all of the students, including you and your friends as you walked out the door.
He only hoped that you and your friends would survive the night, a subtle hint of pity on his usually indifferent and stoic face.
Hopping into Mark’s van hurriedly, you all tried to ensure that no one was left behind and that no one was about to suddenly join your group.
“I’m so fucking tired,” Renjun groaned, draped on his seat dramatically, “But at least we don’t have any homework due for this week.”
Donghyuck scoffed, “Yeah, because we might not even be able to hand in that work after tonight.”
“Dude, don’t jinx it!” Mark began to drive to Chenle’s house, eyebrows scrunched in worry.
“I’m just saying!”
“Wait, so are your parents already at home? Or are they gonna meet us after work?” Turning to the back where his best friend sat, Jisung blinked curiously.
With a shake of his head, Chenle placed his phone into his pocket, “Remember? They’re at my main house, seas away from us.”
“Right, sorry, I forgot.” Jisung let out an awkward chuckle.
20 minutes had passed, and now the eight of you were in Chenle’s house, sealed shut with the latest technology. Each of you grabbed a weapon — none of you were that stupid to rely on technology to save you.
Jeno and Jaemin took two handguns each, Chenle took a shotgun, Jisung and Mark chose a baseball bat, Renjun took a butcher’s knife, you chose a regular kitchen knife whilst Donghyuck picked a flamethrower. You all were lucky that some of you were trained to fight and/or defend, otherwise your group would’ve been dead meat the moment you stepped out of the house.
“A flamethrower? Really dude?” Mark cocked a brow at Donghyuck’s choice of weapon.
Standing awkwardly, Donghyuck shrugged, “You never know when you need it, and I wasn’t gonna leave the kitchen pyromaniacs to burn everything down.”
Aware that the nickname was intended to describe the people in the group who were bad at cooking, Mark and Jisung just sent a glare towards Donghyuck.
“Wait, wait!” Pulling out his phone, Jaemin quickly shot a selfie, ensuring that all bodies were in the frame, “Cheese!”
“Hey, Nana, I wasn’t ready!”
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The rest of the time waiting for the Purge to officially begin flew by quickly. You and your friends spent that time eating some snacks, playing Mario Kart, filming questionable TikToks, taking thousands of selfies (much to everyone but yours’ disappointment), and just talking about the juiciest gossip or sitting in silence.
“May God be with you all.” And with that, the Purge had officially commenced. After the announcement was made, Jaemin sneakily played a horror movie. Most of you tried to swallow your fear down.
For the first three hours, it was fun. You guys finished the movie, after a bit of screaming, panicking and gripping onto each other with strength as if you were stuck to one another with gorilla glue. and listened to a guitar performance from Mark and Donghyuck. You wouldn’t be surprised if they decided to start a two man band, uploading their songs on Youtube or Soundcloud, dropping out of university and quitting their jobs to rise to stardom.
The group had also roasted each other often, played songs on Just Dance, ate and drank lots, and played beer pong (well, only Mark, Jeno, Donghyuck, Renjun and Chenle, the rest of you couldn’t be bothered or didn’t like beer).
“Gooooo whoever wins,” You slurred out, lazily draped on the couch. Jaemin just raised his cup of coke, “Yeah Jeno Lee!!”
At the mention of his name, the boy turned to the two of you on the couch, sending both of you a wink. You felt blood rush to your cheeks.
Seeing your reaction, Jaemin snapped his fingers, making you look at his direction curiously. “What the heck is that for?”
“Hey (Y/N), that look in your eye is telling me something.” At his comment, you scrunched your eyes, which never left Jeno’s figure, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, either someone has a little crush on my best friend, or you just got a lady boner from that wink alone.”
Jaemin received a light push from you, making him almost fall off of the couch, “Hey! Don’t touch the art, (Y/N)! Haven’t they ever told you in galleries to not touch the art?”
“Honestly, you seem like more of a kindergarteners’ finger painting during art class.” You shifted your position on the couch to face the boy who was resurfacing from the floor, “But I don’t know. I think maybe I do like him, just a little though, like last time.”
Jaemin just eyed you weirdly, “You think?”
Before you could respond, you all were met with and engulfed with darkness. The power was shut down, confusing your whole group, especially Chenle who was a mix of confused and frustrated.
Everyone started panicking, your voices overlapping each other’s.
“Jesus!” “I’m not Jesus, stop whacking me!” You could hear Mark whining.
“Where are you guys?!” “Ow, stop touching my hair, it’s sensitive and I styled it especially good today!”
“Sorry, but who cares?! Worry more about whoever just hacked the fucking protection system, I don’t want to die!” Was that Renjun or Chenle?
“We’re not going to die! We’ll beat their ass, we have a Jeno for a reason.” Now that definitely was Chenle’s voice.
“Okay, first of all, I think we need to calm the fuck down.” Donghyuck wisely suggested, opting to remain calm after a few seconds of panicking himself, “(Y/N), please turn on the flash on your phone.”
Doing as told, the bright light almost blinded everyone in the room.
”How about we stick together and find out who just did this?” Before any of you could answer Mark’s suggestion, there were several bangs and yells coming from the outside of the house’s protection system. You could hear the security walls start to break.
“I’m not gonna be surprised if they’re just teens in high school with a petty grudge,” Jeno muttered to you, receiving a snort and look of amusement from you.
Jaemin shrugged, “I doubt the security system is gonna work anymore, I think I agree with Mark. Better to have us all there to go against the group.”
After a few seconds of silence and shooting glances at each other, there was a silent agreement made to go out and fight whoever was trying to get in.
The eight of you packed your bags full of essential necessities just in case you seven had to go run off and leave the house until the sun rose up again.
As quietly as possible, you all made your way to the front door, Mark standing the nearest to the door.
“Dude, you’re gonna have to open the door,” Donghyuck gestured to the door knob, “We’re right behind you.”
Looking at every single one of you, Mark sighed, and reluctantly opened the door.... only for him to gasp in shock and disturbance.
“What?” Jisung was next to speak up, “Wh, what happened?”
Although his mouth was open, Mark couldn’t utter any words out, choosing to simply point out where he was facing.
Being the second at the front, Renjun decided to take a look for himself, backing away at the sight that was in front of him. “There’s only one dead body.”
This was alarming. Wasn’t there several yells and banging earlier? It sounded like there was more than one person outside, but no one came to ambush you guys when the door was opened. You were only greeted with a dead body to the door, was it a message of sorts from someone?
“I dunno if we should stay here any longer,” You furrowed your brows, “Is this some sort of warning? The security system’s not working anymore, either.”
“Someone definitely hacked into it,” Chenle grit his teeth, “I think we should go out. I’d rather not have this house be demolished if we stayed longer.”
“But what if people just wanna use this place?” At Jeno’s question, Chenle blinked.
“I’ll kick them out tomorrow, then. I’ll hire some people to help me with the cleaning and recovery.” The boy batted his eyelashes, cool and collected.
Mark spoke up next, “Alright, then. Hands up if you wanna go out.”
Majority of hands were raised, save for a reluctant Donghyuck, Renjun and Jisung.
The first two, seeing that the majority raised their hands, mirrored their actions, but Jisung remained firm in his decision.
“Jisung?” At Chenle’s call, the boy in question looked at the floor, “I’m… I’m scared. What if-”
“Jisung, if anything happens, we’ll all be here to protect you.” You gently placed a hand on his shoulder, tossing the younger a reassuring smile.
Waiting for the boy’s final decision, he raised his hand after a few seconds, “You guys better protect me.”
“Of course!” Squishing the youngest boy’s cheeks, Jaemin cooed, “Anything for our baby!” “Hey, let go of me!”
The next thing you eight knew, each of you were walking aimlessly on the street, opting to simply just go forward. Houses would pass, but there would always be something off about them. Something inside you told you to be careful, but maybe it was just anxiety kicking in.
Noticing your uneasy expression, Jeno gently placed a hand on your shoulder, “(Y/N), you good?”
“Yeah, I’m good.” You weren’t. You had qualms about the journey. Wasn’t it better to stay in a different building rather than just roam around the now dangerous streets during Purge night?
But then again, you trusted your friends. There was a less likely chance of any of you dying if you stuck together, anyways.
Jisung, you and Renjun flinched upon hearing a woman yell in one of the houses, a man pleading for his life to be spared only for the sound of a gunshot to silence him. Jeno pulled you and Jisung further away from the house, an uncomfortable and disturbed expression plastered on everyone’s faces.
“Maybe it’s better we head off to the city. I doubt many people are gonna be there, and it’s safer than this nightmare of a suburban environment,” Mark suggested.
“We’re going the right way to the city, anyways,” Jaemin shrugged knowing his way around the streets, his eyes soon locking onto the massive green sign that read ‘CITY UP AHEAD’. The rest of the sign had evidently faded away with time. “Just keep going forward and we’ll be there soon.”
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That was a lie. It took you around 30, almost 40 minutes just to simply get to the end of the suburban hell, not even the heart of the city.
Fortunately for you and your friend group, none of you got ambushed, hiding whenever groups of people were storming around and looking for blood, and ignoring nonchalantly (read: guiltily) cries for help as adults were being hunted down like a deer in the woods.
The only sounds, save for the cries for help, gunshots and such resounding through the air were eight pairs of footsteps, and the crunch of the crackers that Donghyuck and Renjun were eating.
The pairs of footsteps only halted upon the unusual sound of a little kid’s cries, the eight of you turning to each other with confused and concerned expressions. Although your group decided that the ‘every group for themselves’ rule was to be implemented, you couldn’t ignore a child’s calls for help, so you hid behind a nearby wall.
Taking a peek at the comotion, Jaemin snapped his head back to the rest of you, whispering “Little girl, her mom’s dead and there’s a weird biker gang surrounding her. They look like they’re on drugs, not gonna lie?”
“And how do you know that?” Chenle questioned, “Kidding, kidding. What should we do?”
“I.. I dunno.” You kept looking at each other, ultimately deciding to stay quiet and see how the scene would play out.
“Why… Why mommy?” The little girl stood tall, fear evident in her eyes.
One of the men spoke up, trying to appear intimidating with his studded leather jacket, “You see, kid, your mommy owed us money, but she never paid it back and tried to run away from us by leaving the city with you.”
The child, although confused, looked up at the guy who spoke up, “That’s not nice of her, but you’re not nice. You hurt her!” You watched as the group simultaneously laughed, towering the girl and staring her down, their shadows covering her frightened figure.
“Mommy,” The little girl whimpered, “Please wake up. Please save me.”
“Your mommy can’t save you anymore,” A gruff voice tried to poorly imitate the young girl, “She’s dead, and you will be, too.”
“No!” Running towards the gang without thinking, Mark hit who he assumed to be the leader of the gang on the head, the loud clunk sound of the metallic bat’s collision with the guy’s head bouncing through the air.
You, Jaemin, Jeno, Donghyuck and Jisung were the next to move and join the brawl. Luckily, there weren’t that many in the gang and Donghyuck was able to do most of the work, lighting some gang members on fire as you avoided the burning figures.
“What are you waiting for?!” Jisung yelled out towards Renjun and Chenle, Mark moving past the former and pushing the child in yours and Jeno’s direction, “Please take care of her for me, make sure she doesn’t see much of what’s going on!”
“You sure?” “We’ll take care of it!” Jaemin answered for Mark.
“Okay,” You breathed out, holding onto the little hands of the girl, “Hi there, what’s your name?” Smiling shakily, you tried to hide the visible fear in your voice in order to distract the little girl from the violent scene.
“Yuri,” The girl responded, still evidently in tears. You locked eyes with Jeno, who simply looked back at you calmly and smiled at the girl, “That’s a nice name.”
In yours and Jeno’s stead, Renjun and Chenle took care of the rest of the members, the latter almost getting beat up by one if it weren’t for Renjun chopping his head off.
One of the members, a scrawny one who was clearly angered, screeched, “You killed our leader, jackass!”
Donghyuck’s eyes widened at the sound, turning to Mark who had his back turned to the angered guy, “Mark! Watch out!”
Looking behind him at the sound of Donghyuck’s voice, Mark took his eyes off of his opponents. To you and your friends’ horror, this led to the older boy getting stabbed in the heart.
Chenle croaked, “No!” before avenging Mark by shooting the gang members around him, anger overtaking his body.
Before Mark’s body could fall to the ground, Donghyuck caught him, evidently traumatised as the rest of you.
You and Jeno didn’t look back, trying to distract the girl with conversations, but you both could easily assume what had just occurred.
“Wake up, Melk,” Donghyuck cried out, “Malk. Mark. Get up. I’m sorry. Please don’t tell me I got you killed.”
“You didn’t kill me, I just di...didn’t look properly,” The older one shook his head gently, wincing at the pain.
Jaemin and Jisung had killed off the last remaining members with more drive, not wanting any more of their friends to be injured.
Carrying Yuri behind his back, Jeno followed behind you to go see Mark, “We’ll get you patched up, dude. We’ll go to the nearest hospital, a-and-”
“It’s the Purge. No sane hospital would be open,” Mark’s voice started getting quieter, as the rest of you surrounded his body.
“We, we could try ourselves!” Jisung spoke up, grabbing the rolls of bandages from his backpack. But that wouldn’t save Mark, and you knew it.
With the last bit of strength Mark had, he shook his head, “Stay here until I’m gone, that’s all I ask.”
Sniffles could be heard from the majority of you, tears threatening to or already have escaped.
“Okay.” Jaemin nodded, holding Mark’s hand softly.
“I don’t really like saying this cheesy stuff, but… I love you guy...s…” Before the oldest boy could continue his sentence, his body had tensed, then fell limp.
After a few seconds of attempting to process his death, Jisung softly called out, “Mark?”
“He’s gone,” Yuri commented, crying as she was reminded of her own mom, “But he’s up there, I’m sure. He loves you, so he’ll… he’ll protect you.”
The little child’s words hit harder for the rest of you, silently mourning for your now deceased friend.
Unlike the stories where people who are selected by authors in other stories to die get to say goodbye, Mark’s body being eternally asleep meant that his goodbyes would never come to physical fruition.
Donghyuck sucked in a long breath, standing still at the sight of one of his best friends’ dead bodies. You’d never seen him look so distant.
You all stood for a few minutes in silence, ignoring the sounds of distant cars, gunshots, and cries for help echoing through the streets as all pairs of eyes laid upon Mark’s unmoving corpse.
“Come on,” Jeno's voice was quiet as if he was whispering, voice cracking at the end, “Let’s not die here. Mark would’ve wanted us to—“
“What the fuck do you know?” Chenle uncharacteristically barked, storming up to a surprised Jeno, “He’s not here to tell us—“
“Chenle...” Jisung grabbed hold of his closest friend to prevent any fights, “Jeno’s right. Mark’s selfless and would prefer his death not be in vain.”
Although his head was down, you could see tears sliding down the second youngest boy’s face. “Fi... fine.”
And so, the trek onwards to find a hideout was continued. With one last silent goodbye, you all left your dear friend Mark.
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Silence followed the group, no one wanting to speak. Not even the usually cheerful when bad things happen friends wanted to speak, save for Mark who couldn't speak anymore. Some needed more time to let today’s events sink in, while some were just mourning the losses and terrified if anyone was next. In your case, it was the former.
Was Mark watching you guys from above with God? He was a good, devoted Christian who believed in God, so you hoped he was welcomed to the afterlife regardless of your own religion and beliefs. He didn’t even get to confess to the girl he liked, Mina, or make a whole album with Taeyong as promised.
Mark died too young, and his downfall was from his own heroism.
After only a minute, Yuri got bored of being carried by Jeno, so she opted to get off. You watched as she wrapped her small left hand around your right, and her right hand around Jeno’s left, which made the two of you smile at the subtle yet cute action.
“We’ll be okay,” You breathed out, “Mark will be watching over us, like a guardian angel.”
“Remember when we all thought that Lucas was some sort of fallen angel, because Mark saw the scratches on his back?” Jeno scoffed at the memory, Donghyuck laughing as he overheard your conversation, “One night stands are really something.”
“What’s a one night stand?” Yuri curiously asked, looking over to Donghyuck who froze at both the question and the glare you and Jeno sent towards the poor boy.
Jaemin turned around , “Ignore what he said, uh… what’s your name?” “Yuri.” “What a lovely name for a sweet girl.” Jaemin complimented, showing his smile that was akin to a bunny. His compliment made Yuri smile back at him bashfully.
Hearing hurried footsteps behind you, the group turned around only to see your teacher from your last period in front of you.
He stopped a few metres away from you eight, to the point you couldn’t see his face.
“Mr Lee?” Although he had the same last name as Mark, Donghyuck and Jeno, Sooman Lee was not related to the three whatsoever. Renjun‘s face scrunched into one of confusion, “What brings you here?”
“I-I just wanted to warn you guys,” Stammering, Mr. Lee’s expression was concerned and frightened, but none of you could see that.
The whole group however could see the shiny metal that he was holding in his hand, alarming you all. In his other hand, he held another object, but you couldn’t identify what it was.
Crouching down, you and Jeno shifted to face the only child of the group in an attempt to distract her from what could transpire soon and to shield her from the commotion.
“Fuck,” You heard someone mutter from behind you, “I’m nearsighted.”
“Warn us?” Donghyuck stepped closer, suspicious about the teacher, “About what?”
Mr. Lee stepped back, “About, uh, who’s coming.”
“Oh yeah?” Finding his confidence being brought back by Donghyuck’s actions, Renjun stepped closer, “And how do we know this isn’t a plot to kill us, sir?”
“Come on,” Mr. Lee frowned, “Your friend Mark’s my star student. Why should I kill you all?”
“More like why shouldn’t you?” Chenle countered, joining Renjun and Donghyuck, “It’s the purge tonight, and we’re very aware of how you don’t like some of us. We‘re not stupid.”
“Wait, I’ll give you proof!” Mr. Lee cried out, only to make the mistake of dashing closer to the group.
Mr. Lee quickly found himself on the floor, being beaten by his students, yelping out for help.
Renjun sniggered cruelly, “Do you really think someone’s gonna save you tonight? Society is selfish, weren’t you the one to tell us just weeks ago that sometimes the world can be an eat or be eaten environment?”, eliciting a chuckle from Donghyuck, Chenle and Jaemin.
Jisung suddenly stopped kicking the poor old man, his stone cold expression contorting into one of shock.
Jaemin looked towards the younger boy’s direction, obviously confused as to why he stopped, “Jisungie? What’s wrong?”
“That’s not a weapon.” The youngest boy’s words caught everyone’s attention, the older man’s suffering halted, “He’s holding a flashlight. Shaped like a knife to scare people off.”
Everyone let Jisung’s words sink in, feeling dread and horror in their guts.
“I was trying to say that there’s a big threat coming for you guys,” Mr. Lee cautioned, his voice suddenly rough, “I wasn’t sure about it, until I saw it with my own eyes. And then I got caught by them, then chased.”
“I’m so, so sorry,” Renjun bit his lips, “Who? Who’s after us?”
“It’s...” hesitant to say, Mr. Lee was cut off by the sound of several gunshots.
Your former teacher was shot in the head numerous times by an unidentifiable figure in a dark green van zooming past your group.
“Holy shit,” Donghyuck gasped, “Did- did he just die right in front of us?”
“He did.” Confirming, Jaemin appeared to be in a daze.
Besides you, Jeno and Yuri, who were still talking, the rest of the group just stood in silence, save for Renjun who dropped to his knees with blood splatters stained on his shirt and dripping down his chin.
“Wait, do you guys hear that weird motorcycle sound?” Chenle stopped, confused, which in turn made the rest of you stop.
The sound that Chenle pointed out was only roaring louder, until a gunshot rang in the air. Panicked screams resounded through the street, Yuri losing her grip on you as she was shot. One of the gang members from earlier had survived, although he was rapidly losing blood.
Jeno started shooting at the perpetrator, the latter losing control of his vehicle and creating a large streak of blood to paint the street..
“Yuri, hey, hey, stay with us, please-” Her eyes shut with an almost sad smile on her face, which pained you even more.
You all stood in silence, unsure of what to do once again. Another life lost on this dreadful night.
That was, until Jaemin’s voice cut through the air like a knife. “Chenle?”
“Yeah?” “Burn them all, just to make sure they’re all dead.” “...Okay.” The next thing you all knew, a group of bodies burned in front of your own eyes, feeling lucky that the rest of you only suffered minor injuries such as bruises, cuts and almost broken bones.
“Let’s…” Taking his gaze off from the burning bodies, Renjun turned his back to you all, “Let’s keep going. For them.”
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The warm night suddenly felt so cold with the knowledge that you’d just lost two people, not expecting to be forced out into the dangerous city. But the 7 of you tried to keep on a brave face, wordlessly strolling down the street to a bridge nearby.
Chenle nudged you, offering a bottle of water. “Thanks,” Taking the water bottle, you were quick to gulp down half of it’s contents.
“I really don’t want any more of us to die.” Jisung spoke, with the rest of you silently agreeing.
Jaemin and Renjun, who were at the front, suddenly halted to a stop, confusing the rest of you.
“Wha...” Jisung paused, clutching onto his bat with a disturbed look full of disbelief, “Isn’t that Daseul?”
Ah, Renjun’s... strange ex. Maybe that was too nice of a word to describe her, actually. She was kind natured at first, but around a month later, she became a more possessive girlfriend, initially manipulating him successfully, only for the rest of you to help him out and see straight.
The girl in question was hunched over, but her head snapped to your direction upon hearing footsteps.
“Renjun?” Daseul blinked, not believing her eyes, “Jisung, Donghyuck, Chenle, Jaemin, (Y/N), Jeno,” She acknowledged each of you, her eyes glazing on the people she’d mentioned.
“What are you doing here?” Chenle scoffed with an obvious distaste, gently pushing Renjun behind him.
“I got separated from my group a few minutes ago...” Daseul started off, looking back to the river, “We were being chased by a bunch of psycho teenagers, I dunno where the rest went.” Something felt off. Maybe it was her unusually calm demeanour.
At the end of the bridge however, Renjun, Jaemin and you spotted a few dead bodies, but refused to say a word yet.
“You sure about that,” Jaemin mumbled under his breath, making you snort.
“How long has it been since you left me, Junjun?” Daseul pouted, pulling out a knife from under her skirt and twirling it. There was blood on the blade. Well, shit.
You all watched as the girl suddenly turned to your party, eyes holding no warmth or fear whatsoever. She gripped the knife tightly, making you all prepare or whatever would happen next with your own weapons.
Your group outnumbered her, it was gonna be fine.
“Please Daseul, put down the knife.” Renjun was crazy for trying to talk down his psycho ex, but it worked.
Dropping the knife, she calmly walked over to a confused Renjun who was now being backed up into the ledge of the bridge.
Daseul then pushed him off the bridge before any of you could intervene, leaving him to drown in the waters below.
The rest of you stood in shock, Donghyuck acting the quickest, ”I’ll go save him! You guys deal with this bitch!”
“Gladly,” You hissed with fury, ready to beat the girl to death. Renjun didn’t deserve this treatment.
Discarding his flame thrower onto the cold pavement under his feet, Donghyuck jumped into the water, Jaemin carefully watching him.
Kicking the girl’s knife away, you stormed alongside Jeno, Chenle and Jisung to apprehend the suddenly nervous girl. Her screaming and kicking wasn’t able to save her now, and you only had apathy for this girl’s safety.
“Fuck!” Jaemin’s voice sounded as if he was in pain while he cried out, making you four pause, “Hyuck drowned... the current was too rough and pulled him in.”
Silence followed. Nobody made a move.
But not a single soul complained when Jeno harshly slammed Daseul’s head onto the concrete, leaving a faint blood stain on the hard surface. No one also complained when the boy threw her off the bridge to fall and die on the concrete below the bridge.
“Finally,” Chenle huffed whilst wiping away sweat, trying to process the third death of the night in the group, “That bitch deserved it.”
“Agreed.” You nodded, looking at your friends for any injuries, “You guys doing okay?”
You only got three nods from Jeno, Jisung and Chenle.
“Jaemin? You ok—“ His body slumped to the ground, an indifferent expression on his face, but there was something in his eyes that he was clearly hiding.
“What happened? Is it Donghyuck? Or Ren...” Jisung questioned Jaemin, who simply responded by weakly pointing to where Renjun and Donghyuck supposedly were.
The rest of you stared at one another with anxiety, slowly making your way over to the side of the bridge.
There was a sense of horror that filled the four of you, realising on the opposite pathway to the one where the girl’s body laid, was Renjun Huang’s dead body. Only the river stream where Donghyuck’s body was separated their pathways.
Donghyuck had died in vain, and Renjun had missed the river, falling on the surface with his neck snapped and blood pooling around his body.
All five of you who remained teared up at the ludicrous losses. What made you so confident that you were gonna be okay?
It suddenly occurred to you that Renjun, Donghyuck and Mark would never be able to see their families again. They would never have the chance to say goodbye, just as they weren’t able to say goodbye to you.
Taking the flame thrower with him, Chenle’s eyes that were usually filled with warmth began to appear colder and distant, like a flame being extinguished.
“The only way to go is to go forward, we won’t find another place if we just stay here or go back and die,” Jisung muttered. Was it really worth it to go outside? Would similar events have occurred, had you decided to stay at Chenle’s home?
Coming to the conclusion that Jisung was right, you all slowly trekked forward. You could only hope there weren't any more houses with screams erupting from inside, or buildings with top notch security.
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At least your hope this time didn’t fail you. Many houses were empty, although numerous of them were definitely broken into, however it only took your group less than 15 minutes to find an area with buildings that weren’t broken into.
Your group of five decided to pick the building in the middle of the buildings that weren’t broken into, believing it to be wise.
“Fucking finally,” Chenle let out a sigh of relief, all five of you standing in front of a safe looking warehouse. It wasn’t too big, and had only one floor, maybe a few rooms but that was alright with all of you.
“Dibs not going in first,” raising your hands, Jisung, Jeno and Chenle were quick to follow.
Slow to react, Jaemin hissed, “Every single one of you are so childish.” And yet, he still went into the building first, gripping onto his guns tightly in case you all collectively chose the wrong building to stay in.
Letting out an alarmed cry, Jisung seemingly swatted air away from his face, making you all turn to him worriedly, “What? What?”
“I thought I saw a cockroach,” Jisung frantically looked around the room, receiving looks of annoyance or eyerolls from the rest of you.
Turning on the light, the warehouse seemed to be in good shape. You could safely assume by your own observation that this building was used recently before the purge tonight.
Jeno’s voice echoed, turning around to Jisung, “See? There’s nothing wrong with the building, no need to worry.”
For the next few minutes, you all sat on the floor against a large crate, completely worn out, empty yet traumatised. That was until you heard the sound of the door opening, you five scrambling up as soon as it was heard.
The five of you pulled out your weapons, aiming it at the door and waiting for the person or group to enter.
Chenle tried turning on the flamethrower, but the gas had already run out, so he threw the device on the floor and pointed his shotgun towards whoever entered the building.
“What are you guys doing here?” Turning around at the familiar yet unfamiliar voice, the five of you jumped, some even yelping in surprise.
“Wait,” Chenle smiled genuinely, but you could see his eyes still somewhat looked empty, “Sicheng!”
Sicheng and his friends, the ones from earlier, had found you guys. Their eyes lit up in recognition, pulling your whole group in for a hug.
“Oh my god,” Jisung groaned, “I thought we were done for. But to answer your question, we were attacked at home, and tried to find another good place to hide for the rest of the Purge.”
“Yikes, sorry to hear that,” Xiaojun hissed, his expression appearing as if he were hurt himself. Kun furrowed his brows, “There’s more of you, right? Mark, Renjun, Donghyuck?”
The five of you went silent, looking away from your other friends.
“Dead,” Jaemin simply responded, Hendery placing a hand on his shoulder empathetically. “Sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t apologise, not your fault,” You waved them off, still visibly affected.
Jeno spoke next, “Why are you guys here?”
“It’s one of our hideouts,” Ten’s voice was smooth, “You guys can continue to stay here, if you'd like.”
“Really?” “Of course! We’re all friends, aren’t we?” Taking a quick glance at you, Ten’s welcoming smile never wavered.
Out of your little group of five, Jisung felt as if something was wrong with his smile. But then again, maybe it was just paranoia after losing Renjun, Mark and Donghyuck, the youngest thought to himself.
“Mmm, let’s go get some more supplies at the back,” nudging Ten, Sicheng’s eyes quickly flitted to your figure before turning back to the older guy. Not that any of you noticed.
“Wait,” Ten had a hint of a smirk on his face, “I think we need one more person to help carry it. Not like it’s heavy, but there’s too much stuff at the back for just us two to carry.”
“Oh, I can help,” you suggested, walking over to the males needing assistance with their items.
Sharing a look with Sicheng before turning back to you, Ten nodded, “Come on, then. Thanks for the help.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Sicheng turned his back to you, walking over to the room next to the one you were currently standing in. You and Ten followed him.
“If I can ask,” Ten spoke up once you three were in the other room, “How did you end up losing your other friends?”
“Mark tried to protect a little girl from a gang that killed them both, Renjun got pushed off a bridge by his ex and Donghyuck drowned trying to save him.” Your expression remained indifferent, but Ten was aware that you were hurting inside. Your eyes couldn’t lie.
Ten hummed, “The real monsters are humans. Humans are the worst kinds of monsters you can meet.”
“Yeah, definite-” Pausing at the lack of people beside you, the sight of Sicheng reaching out for you made you scream.
In the other room, your friends jumped up at the sound of your fear.
“(Y/N)!” Jeno reached out to you, only to freeze at the sight of Yangyang, Lucas, Kun, Hendery and Xiaojun pointing guns at him, Jaemin, Jisung and Chenle.
Dragging you unceremoniously back to the original room, Sicheng held onto you firmly.
“What the hell is this?” Jaemin spat out, “Are you seriously gonna kill us?”
“Not if you comply with what I want.” Taking the silence that followed as a sign to continue, Ten smiled, “I want (Y/N)," Ten added simply, “And I’ll let the rest of you go if you let me.”
“No way in hell is our friend going with you-” Before the seething Chenle could continue, Xiaojun hit Chenle on the back of his head with the back of his gun firmly, making the rest of your friends gasp.
Knocking the gun away from Xiaojun’s hand, an angry Jisung tackled Xiaojun’s gun away and snatched it for himself, hitting Sicheng with it so that you were free to fight Hendery and Yangyang. As the rest of Ten’s friends were too caught up with their surprise, Jeno began fighting with Ten, Jaemin snatching the gun from Kun’s grasp and aiming his own handguns at Ten.
“Shoot him! Now!” Your voice rang out, making Jaemin shoot with confidence.
Everyone had stopped fighting to see the result, a tense silence filling the air.
Suddenly, Jeno’s body dropped to the ground with a loud thud, Jaemin’s eyes wide in horror.
The gun shots had missed Ten, instead making its way to Jeno’s back.
Chenle closed his eyes, hoping this was a dream.
“I told you I was a more accurate shooter.” Jeno chuckled almost bitterly upon recalling a memory of his and Jaemin learning how to shoot, “Rather than a backstabber, you’re a backshooter, Jaem,”
Knowing his best friend was only trying to ease the guilt with some poorly timed humour, Jaemin grit his teeth, “This isn’t fucking funny, Jeno.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” Jeno then met your eyes. Had you always looked this beautiful? “Just kick their asses for me, won't you?”
“Gladly.” you responded immediately, gripping your knife tightly. Yeah, you always did. Concluding in his mind, Jeno started to succumb to his injuries.
And with that, the light in his eyes faded, entrusting you four would make it out alive. Unlike him.
“No…” Chenle whispered, failing to walk forward as he was getting held back by Lucas.
Ten blinked in an attempt to process what had just occurred. Suddenly, he let out a boisterous laugh only to receive a dirty look from the four of your original group. “This could’ve all been avoided, had you simply chosen to give (Y/N) to me. So, (Y/N), are you gonna come with me?”
“She’s not going with you, dipshit,” Jaemin hissed, evidently ready to shoot as he pointed the handgun at Ten.
You made the split quick to give yourself up, not wanting any more deaths to occur, “Jaemin, no-”
The boy in question then shot an unsuspecting Yangyang on the foot, Xiaojun shooting your friend through the head in response. Sicheng helped Yangyang get in the car to treat the younger’s injuries, grunts of pain escaping the latter.
“No!” Jisung wailed, struggling in Hendery’s grasp until the cock of a gun was heard.
Jisung and Chenle were being held like before, but this time at gunpoint. Their weapons were taken away during the brawl, leaving them with only bruises and cuts on their faces to accompany the traumas of today.
“(Y/N), don’t give in!” Jisung yelled out, not caring that his voice was cracking, “It’s okay, just run and-”
You turned to Ten, an indifferent expression on your face. “If I do go with you, would you let them go?”
He nodded, the now eerie smile never leaving his face.
“Then I’ll go,” You walked over to the male vying for your love, “Willingly, if you set them free. They’re only kids, Ten. Please.”
Ten wouldn’t admit it outloud, but the fact that your voice when pleading almost sounded as if you were about to burst into tears made him almost feel bad for what you had just gone through. Considering that he only cared for a very small number of people, you included, it wasn’t surprising that he genuinely cared for you.
“Lucas. Hendery.” A call of their name was all it took for the two to let your remaining friends go, “And all of you, don’t follow them. You two, I’m sure you know how to get out.”
“I don’t want to.” Chenle scowled, his eyes only softening when you looked at him.
You shook your head, standing your ground, “Lele. I can’t afford to lose more of you, we already lost five of us for good.”
“But-” “Please. Just go.” With a sorrowful glance tossed your way, Jisung dragged a reluctant Chenle out onto the dangerous streets. You could only hope it was better that they were out there than trapped in this hell.
You turned back to the obsessive stranger, and former friend, “Thanks for sparing them, I guess.”
“Well, they made it easier for them,” Ten shrugged nonchalantly, “Let’s get goi-”
“Wait!” At your commanding tone, he stopped, a glint of curiosity visible on his features.
“Could I… at least say goodbye to my parents?” You didn’t want them involved in this mess, so you decided it was better to part ways. Or at least ask.
“Right! Of course! I mean, I was gonna surprise you by meeting them. Kun, could you escort them out?”
They were here this entire time? You furrowed your brows.
Kun pushed two familiar people out of their car, Ten giving the disgusted and tied up duo a hug, “My in-laws! Lovely to see you.”
Taking a step back in disbelief, you shifted your focus to your parents, “Why are they…”
“Oh, sweetheart, they’re the ones that gave you to me, seriously. Even before this year’s Purge!” Cutting you off, he chimed happily slinging an arm around you, “They made a deal with me, that you could be mine forever when the Purge began.”
You looked to Ten’s other friends, who remained calm but happy for their friend. Was there anyone you could really trust here?
You snapped your attention to the two stiff figures that Ten let go of, “You sold me out? Seriously?”
No response. Just downcasted expressions, finding the floor to be the most interesting object in the room.
“I cared for you!” The ‘I love you’ that you wanted to say along with your goodbyes was gone the minute you understood what they had done. “I was worried for you!”
A feeling of bitterness enveloped you, cold eyes staring into two regretful ones. Could you honestly blame them? Truthfully, everyone actively participating in the purge was selfish. You and your friends were selfish to ignore people’s cries of help earlier, scared to die. Just as your parents were.
“But you fucking betrayed me.” “We didn-“ “Ah ah ah.” Wagging a finger, Ten smiled, “Remember what we discussed, my dear in-laws.” His name for your parents almost made you recoil in disgust, had it not been for the terrible revelation of betrayal you had just been provided with.
Yangyang huffed in the car, impatience filling him, “Can we just quit the stalling?”
“Yeah, yeah, okay. Lucas, Hendery, take care of my in-laws, won’t you?” Ten questioned sweetly, tilting his head.
At least they were safe as I wished earlier. You sighed, only to shriek in horror when the two shot your parents in the head.
“You weren’t supposed to see that.” Ten rolled his eyes, evidently not phased by the events yet still annoyed that his plan didn’t go through as expected.
Your wails of mourning for your parents were loud enough for other people besides the group surrounding you to hear. Too bad that they either didn’t care, or were too loyal to their friend to help.
“Anyways,” With a snap of his fingers, Ten gushed fondly at the sight of you now restrained by 3 of his friends, “Let’s go home now darling, I know you’ll be exhausted after crying. I’ve seen you cry yourself to sleep before?”
Upon the realisation that he had been stalking you, your jaw dropped. “Fucking sick psychos!” You attempted to squirm out of Xiaojun, Kun and Yangyang’s grasp, “Let me go, damnit!”
“Can I, like, shut your girlfriend up with tape?” Xiaojun fumed, almost getting whacked in the head by you.
Ten shook his head, “Let her scream as much as she wants, she’ll grow out of it soon enough. What a bratty attitude?”
What did Ten mean, bratty? He literally killed two of your close friends, and your parents. Although the latter pair betrayed you, it didn’t mean you didn’t love or care for them. How were you supposed to be okay with that?
“What the fuck,” You cried out, failing to process everything that had occurred tonight, “Why? Are you gonna torture me or some fucked up shit?”
The obsessed male in front of you playfully frowned, “Of course not! You must be joking with me, I love you too much to hurt you.”
“You hurt- no, killed my friends and parents. I’m not gonna be surprised if I’m next.” Ensuring that you were going into the backseat of the large car that your parents came out from, Yangyang pressed a cloth to your nose and mouth, making you yell before slumping into your sleep.
“Sleeping beauty could never.” Ten crooned to his love, caressing your cheeks and shifting your position so that you were sleeping in the best position. Yangyang cringed at the sight of affection, gagging, but the older boy paid him no mind.
Hendery was next to chime in, hopping into the driver’s seat, “The Purge always makes me feel so alive. Especially tonight!”
“Yeah, but then once it’s over we have to clean all this blood and dirt off our clothes, nails, hair,” Yangyang scoffed at Kun’s lack of enthusiasm, “Bro, you’re such a real vibe killer.”
“I think we’ve got everyone inside.” Counting quickly again, Lucas hummed, making Ten smile grow.
“Let’s hit the road, then.”
“Ten,” “Hmm?” “Curious, but you don’t have to tell us,”
Sicheng pauses, “But what made (Y/N) so different from the girls and guys that you’ve been with? Actually, what made you like her?”
What did make him like you in the first place?
Ah, right, it was back in your first year of university.
Ten had accidentally pulled an all-nighter, making deals and helping Kun’s business flourish. Insomnia didn’t help him, so the boy simply opted to study for a bit until boredom took over him, and he switched to painting until the sun had already risen.
You had noticed for the past week that Ten, someone who had become your friend through a mutual friend, had heavy eye bags under his eyes and a look that just screamed ‘Shoot me now’. Despite his extremely tired appearance, Ten didn’t hesitate to help tutor you in your worst subject two days ago, so that made you decide to bring him Americano. Even if that meant going out of your way to get the drink, disregarding the rain and your lack of umbrella as you had forgotten to bring one.
“I can’t tell whether I’ve become delusional, or you’re actually wet as fuck.” As a response, Ten received a grin from you.
“The latter. Now that’s some wet ass—“ “Yangyang’s starting to rub on you, huh?” Ten shifted his gaze to the liquid that you bought, “Thanks a lot, (Y/N).” Usually, he was good with words, but he couldn’t bring himself to find the right words whenever he was graced with your presence lately.
Right, that’s the damned day that his infatuation began.
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As for Jisung and Chenle, your hopes were right - they were physically okay, alive, but traumatised from the events of the night.
“We should’ve stayed,” Gritting his teeth, Chenle kicked a small pebble away from him whilst walking. The reception was absolute shit, leaving him and Jisung unable to call for help. That is, if anyone would pick up. He felt guilt upon the realisation that he and Jisung would have to explain to Mark, Renjun, Donghyuck, Jaemin and Jeno’s families that they all died, and to yours that you were being held captive by a fucking lunatic.
“No, we would’ve died and she would have hated herself for losing us.” Jisung frowned, “Ten’s obsessed with her, but I doubt he would’ve killed her. There’s more of a chance for her to escape if we figure out a plan.” The younger knew that their friends who had died tonight would want them all alive and happy.
“What plan?!” Chenle stopped on the sidewalk of an unusually quiet street in the city, making his best friend stop. “There’s more of them, and less of us. We lost our strongest friends!”
Jisung turned to the older boy, “But we can at least fucking try, even if it doesn’t work!” Was he being too optimistic? Was he attempting to play the hero? Was it his fault he didn’t want to lose another friend?
Before Jisung or Chenle could continue their argument, the noise of a heavy vehicle coming their way made the two halt.
“Chenle? Jisung?”
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Your eyes opened slowly, only for you to be met with an unfamiliar place. Clean marble floors, fancy white walls, a chandelier, a black round table filled with your favourite food.
Oh, and Ten sitting opposite you, his eyes never leaving yours, “Welcome home.” What. A. Creep.
You frowned, looking around, “This isn't my home.” Ten had never exhibited red flags to you, which honestly, kind of terrified you.
The man in front of you shrugged, “You’ll get used to it and call it your home, eventually.”
Noticing you were dressed in fancier, mature but not revealing clothing, you blinked. It looked like it was from a luxury brand.
“Like it? I designed it myself,” Taking a swig from the wine in his glass, his eyes finally looked away from you, “The best for my love.”
Ignoring his comment, you furrowed your brows, “You undressed me?” “Of course, but I didn’t do anything else without your consent.” He may have selfishly kidnapped you out of ‘love’, but he wasn’t pure evil.
You let out a small scoff, “Well, you didn’t get my consent to kill my friends, Ten.”
“Ouch.” He was evidently sarcastic, his expression looked almost bored, “You hurt me.”
“And you tied me up.” “You’d obviously escape.” He did have a point.
If you weren’t tied up nor kidnapped, this would've been a nice romantic dinner.
“Come on, free my hands so I can eat. Promise I won’t hurt you.” It was worth a try, but he shook his head, “I’ll feed you myself until I know you won’t be such a brat.”
“I deserve to be freed, considering I’ll be living here and you killed the majority of the people I love.” Seeing his expression slightly soften, you continued, “Please, Ten. I seriously won’t do anything.”
Humans really were monsters. Maybe this included you too for manipulating him.
Completely aware that you were lying, Ten hummed, pretending to be in thought about it. You were going to attack him, maybe even kill him (and maybe he’d let you try, in the future). The best of liars could often tell if a person was lying.
“Alright.” You perked up at Ten’s word, ignoring his lovesick smile you had quickly grown to despise, “I’ll let you go, my dearest.”
Whilst he untied you, you kept repeating ‘Thank you’s like a mantra, conjuring up a quick plan with the items around you. Once he finished, the obsessed male stepped back, but you stepped forward, pulling him into a hug.
Ten was surprised by the hug, to say the least, only to realise shortly that it was to put him at false ease. If he just ignored that realisation, he would’ve enjoyed your touch to the fullest.
You stepped back with a smile, before stepping towards the chair you had just been untied from. Hurriedly lifting the chair, you could hear the wooden chair breaking as you hit Ten’s body with the furniture.
Letting out a grunt, you began to run out of the room, trying to recall where the exit was. You didn’t even see Ten slowly stand up, but you could hear Ten calling for you, “You wanna play a game of hide and seek, brat? Fine then sweets, but know that I’ll be winning this time!”
Finding the door you entered from in front of you, your hands reached out for the knob… only to be pulled back by two pairs of hands, “Let go!” You were almost there! You were almost free!
“I’m sorry, but we can’t let you go.” It was Sungchan who spoke, and Shotaro was next to him. You recognised them as Chenle and Jisung’s close friends, they were in the same school level. You weren’t aware that they were close to Ten and his friends, though.
“No,” You started thrashing more in their grasp, trying to fight for your freedom, “Please, just let me go-”
“There you are, love!” Halting your actions, you instead became stiff and frozen. You lost his game that you never wanted to play.
“You can run,” Ten felt a smirk creep up his face, strolling over to you, “But you can’t hide.” If you asked him what he truly felt, he felt euphoric. He felt like the chase was a challenging game of cat and mouse that was going to inevitably lead to his victory; to you.
“What’s the point? Your new home is here, with me. I’ll give you everything you need.” Well, except for freedom to go out without permission or surveillance, but that was expected.
You gradually stopped struggling in Shotaro and Sungchan’s grasp, not bothered to put up a fight anymore. But you were curious if the two truly cared for their friends now revelling in freedom. Or so you hoped.
“If you two care about Chenle and Jisung,” You attempted to look them both in the eye, but they looked away at the mention of their friends. So they did care. “Then you’ll be glad to know they’re not dead, Ten freed them at my own freedom's expense.”
Sungchan shut his eyes, whereas Shotaro’s indifferent expression shifted into a guilty one.
“Let her go boys, I’ll take care of her.” Gladly, the pair let go of your arms and walked off, not wanting to face the source of their guilt for any longer.
“You know, your parents tried to keep you away from me.” The male in front of you huffed, “I told them that I would take you either way, and they wanted to just have more time with you.”
Your parents never betrayed you willingly. They were forced to, or Ten would have got to you sooner, even before the purge began. This thought lingered in your mind, bile threatening to rise up out of your throat as all the events from today and tonight sunk in. You didn’t struggle, after seeing your previous attempt at escaping was futile.
Cold, drained and exhausted eyes met warm, lovesick eyes. Well, moreso obsessive and possessive, but still filled with love for you. Where was the Ten Lee that was your friend, that you studied in the library with at times, complained about workloads and teachers about?
Ten was right. The true monsters are indeed humans, and that included him.
“You’re all mine,” He took your right hand and kissed it whilst ignoring your cries of protest, “And I’m all yours.”
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In a bus were Chenle and Jisung, getting patched up by Taeil. They’d been found and picked up by Taeyong and his group just minutes ago.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Taeyong looked to the ceiling of the vehicle, not believing that people he knew were dead. Especially Mark and Donghyuck, who would hang out with their group from time to time.
Chenle winced whilst Taeil dabbed the antiseptic on a sensitive spot, but managed to still wave Taeyong off, “It’s fine, not your fault.”
Johnny, who regretted fighting with Mark as their last interaction ever, sat up from the seat he was laying in, “We’ll get back (Y/N). You know, I used to be childhood friends with Ten until he left. I didn’t think he’d turn out to become such a fucking psycho.”
“And Sicheng...” Yuta started off, still staring out the window, “Ever since he joined their friend group, I noticed he’s been a little... off, whenever I’d hang out with him recently, but I didn’t think he’d agree to do this type of shit. Neither did I expect Taro to do it.”
Jungwoo, who was in a similar boat as Yuta but with Sungchan instead of Sicheng or Shotaro, nodded in agreement as he took a drag from his cigarette.
“I don’t care if Ten wants her, she’s not anyone’s property. I refuse to let go and give up on a close friend.” Jisung hissed, eyes filled with a newfound sense of determination just like the others on this bus, “We’re getting her back and setting her free.”
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