#Aidan gallagher x oc
ballerinarina · 13 days
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Synopsis: On Christmas, Five and Lila manage to return to their timeline after seven years of living together, lost. Izabela notices that something is strange, but it is only when Diego and Five engage in a discussion with confessions that she realizes that she has been betrayed. While everyone heads to the van to prevent the end of the world, Izabela asks for a few minutes alone with Five to settle things, dot the i's and cross the t's; Word Count: 3.2k Tags: spoilers, angst, cheating, fluff, slightly canon divergence (but Lila x Five/end of S4 still happened)
Note: It's been years since I tried to write something (and I never tried to do it in English before), but I hope it worked out! You can listen to the FANFIC PLAYLIST HERE and here you can read about my OC, but it's perfectly enjoyable to read it knowing nothing about her, or imagining youself in her place! I wrote thinking that they both look ± 20 years old. Please enjoy and tell me what you think! ♡
Something was off, Izabela could tell as soon as her eyes fell on Five. The boy had never been the really outgoing, smiling or affectionate type, but at that moment he didn't even seem present in Diego's living room. His unstable and lost look, the worried wrinkle on his forehead and a tense and insincere return of affection when Izabela welcomed him into the kitchen with a hug put her on alert.
It had always been easy for her to read him, but a hint of confusion seemed to be beeping in her mind now. Keeping her distance and giving him space — at least until he could organize his own thoughts —Izabela was sitting on the arm of the sofa next to her husband, without touching him, just with her senses attentive and worried as she observed him like an enigma.
A tired sigh escapes her mouth as she foresees that Five's anxious restlessness combined with Luther's comments about the apocalypse could only result in nothing good. It was Christmas Day and, from the bottom of her heart, as unlikely as it was, Izabela was wishing that the end-of-the-world problems had magically resolved themselves — or at least been paused, as the previous moments of tranquility seemed to suggest. Not unexpectedly, they were not, so sure enough: as soon as she gets up and heads to the kitchen, mentally using the excuse of taking the Brazilian mayonnaise salad out of the fridge to get away from the depressing subject, she hears Five's stressed voice picking a fight with his brothers.
Escaping the realization of the apocalypse as an existence in her mind (for the fourth time) was her goal as she grabbed the tray and the dishes, trying to distract herself from Diego and Five's argument. With the kitchen right in the next room, the attempt was naive and failed: Izabela could feel the anxiety rising up her spine. She had never seen her husband so hopeless, but not even for a second found this behavior strange among the others. She herself couldn't take it anymore and, good heavens, she hated loud noises, hated missing Christmas, hated her brothers fighting — even though she wasn't much less temperamental than them —, hated not understanding what was happening to Five, and, most of all, hated the end of the world.
She opened and closed the drawers of that house that wasn't hers on impulse, more as an outlet than really interested in finding cutlery to serve the mayonnaise, when she felt her body freeze at the sound of Diego's voice cutting through the air.
“Is something going on between you two?”
Below her, the sought-after steel spoons and forks gleamed, reflecting her pale face and no longer showed interest in any meal.
“Holy shit!”
In her ears, Five's silence pierces more than any of those sharp knives could. Refusal is the modus operandi that Izabela's mind immediately activates, only retaining strength amidst the shock to slightly shake her head in denial to herself. She thinks she must have misunderstood, sharpens her ears, holds back her despair. But no.
Five and Lila were having an affair.
To Izabela's anguish, Diego and his wife's voices were the last things she wanted to hear, but they were the ones talking, talking, talking amidst the suffocating silence that settled over the house like a funeral, squeezing her chest and leaving her breathless. Five and Lila were together.
Why? Was that why Five was acting strange? How had she not noticed before? When had she lost her husband? At what point had Five stopped being the person she trusted most in the world? In what world had she stopped being the person he trusted most? Why hadn’t he told her himself? Had she done something wrong?
“Yeah. You think I’m gonna buy that bullshit?”
Not even noticing when it began a state of near hyperventilation, Izabela's breathing only catches when Five's voice finally silences her thoughts:
“She’s telling the truth, all right? We got lost. We couldn’t find our way back.”
“We were searching for seven years, Diego…”
A gasp. No. No, no, no — it is horror what gradually fills every cell of Izabela's body, like blood spreading across a carpet.
Seven years. The pieces fit together almost in slow motion in her head, with her mouth half open, wanting to cry, but unable to emit even a single sob. It is towards the open door that her body turns without even needing an order, but it is her own steps that seem to weigh a thousand tons, and it is on the threshold that she stops once again. Leaning on the doorpost, without the courage to step outside and face her husband. Her husband, from whom she had lost seven whole years.
“We were chased, attacked, shot at…”
Each of Lila's words of explanation numbs her from afar as they settle into her diaphragm like stones. As if 45 years without Five hadn't been enough. As if the imminent end of times wasn't enough. It all sets up a scenario so desperate that it turns all sadness into apathetic disgust on her tongue.
Claire’s interruption comes like a ghost that straightens her posture and wipes away the moisture that escaped as it pooled in her eyes. Pursing the lips in bitterness, the information of Ben’s location is an almost physical reminder to Izabela that, whether she likes it or not, she will have to be part of the Umbrella Academy once again, so repressing all this futile conflict is her only option at the moment.
Swallowing the feelings, however, doesn't take away the agony in her heart and, with a shaky sigh trying to regain her composure, she fails to maintain the cool when her eyes meet the back of Five's figure as she enters the room. More than ever, Izabela wants to be practical, to go prevent the end of the world once and for all while stifling any thoughts about this terrifying situation playing with her head, but she knows she would never be able to win any fight like that. In a mirror of her unconscious distress, she exchanges glances with Klaus, the only one on the couch who noticed her in the corner of the room. "I just need a few minutes. Please." he doesn't need words to understand and, with a certain pity, he doesn't hesitate to stand up and encourage the rest of the family towards the van, distracting them with some Klaus-style comment that Izabela honestly can't process.
Feeling her presence as he had for so many years in his past, Five turns around, meeting Izabela's gaze, who mentally catalogues the worst nausea she has ever been condemned to feel when looking at her husband and wondering if she finds a stranger there. The eyes trying not to run over every detail of that face only now notice how much sadder and tired it seems compared to the last time she outlined his features. The silence traps them in a trance in which she finds herself unable to think of anything to say, until she hears the living room door slam, looking away at it and noticing that it was closed. The boy sighs and purses his lips; they were alone.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Is it true? Everything Lila said?” going back to stare at him, the words slip through her mouth, almost like an escape “Did I miss seven years of you?”
“All this time I tried to come back, Izabela…”
A quick shake of her head, Izabela crosses her arms in a tic. What he tries to justify, with such a cautious voice, had never been the question for her.
“I believe you.” pause “And… even if it’s not true, Five. It’s been seven years.”
That wasn't the tightness in her chest. She knows Five well, she knows her brother and husband well, and knows how he had spent decades trying to return to his family before. Even if, at any time in these seven years, he had hesitated, Izabela would never have the arrogance to judge his willpower in the face of emptiness. No, her cholera is another. Trying to keep her voice serious, she feels that what she wants is not to fight, that unlike her brother Diego, her anger is not against Five but against everything in essence. She finds herself unable to rid herself of a deep desire to slit her throat, she bites her lip.
“Do you love her?”
After so many years of the tradition of emotional constipation that has branched out in the family with half-truths and poorly spoken subjects, when Five holds his wife's gaze, he already knows that she would not accept him doing the same thing that Lila did to Diego. Avoiding the subject is the easiest thing to do, but Izabela, so emotional, has also always been the most logical Hargreeves in dealing with emotion, so he knows very well that she, while staring at his green irises so dejected and hesitant, prays for an honest answer.
“I do. I love her a lot, Bela.”
It is no less painful to hear what she already imagined she would hear: the mind seems to be in standby mode, slowly assimilating what so quickly pierced her heart. Trying hard to accept the new reality rationally, the only disturbance on her face is her eyebrows furrowing for just a second, struggling to suppress the urge to cry that rises in her throat, her gaze scanning the wall in the background and then turning back down.
“So you don’t love me anymore?”
Five perceives more of a statement than a question. He opens his mouth to try to answer, but then closes it, his face saddened and his voice not found before himself. It is when she does not hear a response that the so-called new reality hits Izabela, surrounding her in fear, making her look at him with a neutral voice and expression contrasting with her trembling pupils.
“Five… you don’t love me anymore?”
“That’s not fair to you…”
“No… Look.” her voice is dually firm, but by a thread, shivering him “Don't lie, but don't let me die without having that answer.”
If before the tension between the two could be described as funereal, it becomes even more so. The prospect of an imminent death coming out of Izabela's mouth is so strange to Five's ears that it hurts as if he were the one who lost seven years of his wife. Even in the midst of all the daily hopelessness in her life, when finding herself facing the end of times Izabela used to at least pretend to have faith. The lack of such works as a disillusionment for him. Despite having lost his own a few years ago, he only embodies this in himself when he realizes that not even Izabela thinks it is worth believing that she will have another chance to say what was not said.
“I couldn't.” the answer simply comes out of him due to the disturbance of perception “I couldn't stop loving you, even if it were a centenary, Bella. I've never stopped thinking about you, not for a single minute of these seven years.” Five shakes his head, lowering it, scared to finally verbalize anything at all about the subject, especially to the person he was most afraid of doing. He barely feels room to hate how he stutters, lost like just a boy. How he hesitates. “But… when…. when my heart started loving Lila… I had so much fear of coming back to you, precisely because not even for a moment I stopped loving you too.” his cheeks begin to get wet with the tears that throughout his life he has always repressed, but that only ever escaped in the presence of the girl in front of him “Coming back to you meant concretize it, and that's not fair to you, you... you know I'd rather rip my heart out with my own hands than hurt you. But I couldn't help myself…”
His greenish eyes, now so moist, return to Izabela and are surprised to notice what Five identifies as tenderness amidst the restrained and painful crying that accompanied his. Not that his wife wasn't towards him the most tender human being he had ever had the fortune to live with, but precisely because he had failed her so much, he knew he deserved her anger. What he receives, however, is the anguish in his chest intensifying when Izabela approaches and puts her forehead to his, cupping Five's cheeks in her hands and sighing a lament:
“Please. Tell me you still wanna stay with me.”
Silence, he gasps in agony.
“I don’t mind, Five.” Izabela feels as if she is short of breath, so much she longs for confirmation of her request. Any attempted neutrality was lost when the words of the husband, who's always so strong, made it clear how exhausted he seemed in the face of his own feelings. Five had been her weak point for as long as she could remember, and, knowing every comma of what once shaped his pain, being able to see it now makes her desperate, above all and any problem. “I lost seven years of you, Five, I… I almost lost you forever… Please. Maybe the world will end today, but if it doesn’t… Stay with me.
It shouldn’t be Izabela the one asking for anything in this scenario. But if Five still loves her — and, God, she can see that he does —, she finds herself willing to fight the feeling of humiliation tingling in every part of her body. More than anyone, she knows how much the boy believes in his core that he doesn’t deserve any mercy or love as payment for his countless past sins. Izabela sees his affliction before her and, as she has done all her life, she could never give up on her husband like that. He gasps with his brows furrowed, trying to hold back his tears, when a sudden flash illuminates the girl’s mind, that finally sees the edge of the inevitable abyss in which she finds herself.
“Even if… even if you stay with her too… Just… don’t leave me…”
Such insensate words being uttered set up the exact moment when Five breaks, nodding his head in despair and wrapping Izabela's waist in a frightening fragility — which she herself would never have expected to witness in him on a day and in a mood like the one they were experiencing —, marking the beginning of a salty, bereft and hasty kiss, with neither having any idea on who did it.
The bodies of each spouse, once accustomed to kissing for hours on end, this time witnessed an emotional suffocation that soon left them short of breath. Five finds his reason trapped in Izabela's incongruity, who even facing a scenario like the apocalypse and the most logical devastation of what she should feel for him, still thinks and utters such an altruistic and utopian possibility. It is uncomfortable. Hiding his wet face in the girl's shoulder, he hugs her tightly and she immediately clings to him, wrapping her arms around his nape and trying to find in the fingers that intertwine in his locks any physical difference that would mark the years that have passed in him.
“I shouldn't do this to you.”
“No. No. Five.”
“Izabela, it's not fair” he tries to repeat it for the third time, but she interrupts him and repeats herself too:
“And I don’t mind. Damn, Five... You survived. You came back to me. And if loving her kept you alive... That’s… that’s okay with me.” If Izabela is honest with herself, she admits how every word she utters never fails to sound absurd to her. Jealous since she was a child, she deeply hates finding herself in this scenario and, yes, she wants to at least scream in rage. The truth, however, is still intrinsic to every sentence she is saying, no matter how strange it may sound to herself. Faced with this situation, greater than all the rage she feels is the memory of her husband alone for 45 years with the only trace of what he believed to be love coming from deliriums about a broken mannequin — this is what makes her sicker than any unusual situation of infidelity. The realization that Five saw himself once again in front of the horror that has endured his entire life fades any absurdity in the impulsive words she has been speaking, because it is replaced with the relief that at least this time he was not alone. He, in reflex, hugs her tighter, fearing this being a lie. It is with the man she loves most so fragile in her arms that she reaches the certainty that, if in order to survive in the midst of despondment, Five needed to find love — human, real —, her love for him can indeed overcome any other feeling she may feel in the face of it. Izabela pulls away from the hug, connecting her eyes with his and guiding her hand from his hair to his cheek, in a sweet caress accompanied by the melancholy of a weak smile. “When we save the world… Tell me about her. Tell me about you both.” in immediate reaction he frowns, a slight protest as if he assumes that this would only hurt her, but she continues “Five, I love your heart. And this… is part of it now… Let me know. We'll find a way.”
Five hesitates. Izabela is very good to him, always has been. He sees in the affectionate look she gives him the pain his wife is feeling, but he also sees how genuine she is in everything she says. The suffocating dilemma makes him want to die, hating to cause such displeasure to someone he loves so much, but it also makes him wonder if he has gone mad and is just trapped in a dream, so Kafkaesque was the dread he has felt of this moment for the last few years. He kisses her, briefly, leaning in with a sigh and praying in gratitude before joining their foreheads, nodding in agreement, agonized.
“Fuck, I missed you so much…”
“Good to have you back, Five.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Like the misfortune of flowers burning in a fire, Izabela, however, never gets to have Five lying with his head on her lap in a moment of affection, reciting about how much he loved her even from a distance. She also doesn't hear her husband's cautious voice telling her about the dangers that left his life hanging by a thread countless times during those years away, or about the unplanned feelings he experienced. She never had to get used to how their marriage would adapt when he sorted out his pending love with Lila, because such plans never came to fruition, just like the ones to sort out with his brother Diego.
The existence of this love, — of these loves — intertwined by the knots that constituted its universe, was eternally erased in two marigolds that, I like to believe, only survived the rebirth, the wind and the storm due to the hope and lull watered shortly before the end on the vestige of cherish that fought in the hearts of the two lovers.
Five and Izabela Hargreeves.
N/A: What do you think? I'd love to read your opinion!
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65 notes · View notes
lahotelbellamuerte · 1 month
𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗟 𝗢𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗜𝗢𝗡 - floor six. her scorching touch
series masterlist ! current: her scortching touch ! next: ! !floor under construction!
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pairing; slight five x phoenix warnings; phoenix being a menace! crushes beginning to grow word count; 5.9k notes; I forgot to post this one, some pls teach me to count what the fawk LOL!
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GROWING UP WITH MONEY would usually mean having a much easier life. And for the Magnolia's that was only partially true. They were able to buy their daughter a much easier time with her disability. Getting her teachers to help her heighten her other senses. Teaching her how to defend herself from those monsters who were after her. 
For a long time, Phoenix hated being alive. She hated the fact that she was gifted such powerful abilities, but wouldn't be able to see. Never got to experience seeing the sunsets or the sunrises. But she couldn't blame her mother or father as her birth was a unique occasion. 
Like some of the other kids in the world, she was born through a mother spontaneously. And once her mother found out a rich man was flying around the world to buy them. She did all in her power to make it so that her daughter was hidden from the man. Something deep within her felt the man was deep danger. 
Ella was able to give her daughter a normal childhood, well as much as a blind child with powers could have. 
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After the incident on the cliff, one would think people would feel bad for Phoenix. But it seemed no one really did. It gave them more of a reason to hate her. Each and every day they found something new to torment her. 
Shoving and pushing her into lockers, and walls. Calling out names in the halls, taking her cane, and glasses, and throwing them. All jokes to make her life any harder. What's worse is no one else stepped to help. Not faculty, not students, she had no one. 
So after some girls had drenched her with water in the bathroom, she decided that had been it. Walking out of the school she walked and walked never looking back. Throwing her bag on the floor in anger. 
"What did I do that they hate me so much?" she huffed walking further the down the road. 
Hair and clothes still dripping, "It was a stupid accident! Did they think I just killed them for no reason? They beat almost to death for crying out loud," she had been talking to herself ranting.
She ran her hands through her blonde hair and sighed, "And I'm the bad guy? They were going to kill me and call in an 'accident'"
Out of frustration she stomped her foot and screamed loudly. Covering her ears and clenching her eyes shut in anger. 
Somehow she didn't hear the crack in the air as she disappeared from the country she was born in. After calming down for a while she looked around, "Okay where the fuck am I?" she whispered. 
Now, not to be a bore or anything, but this was the first time she had properly moved a far enough distance with her abilities. Sure her mother did her best training her, but let's be real. How is someone who has no ability going to train a girl who is blind and has the power to destroy the universe?
Yeah, exactly you don't. You hope for the best and that she isn't evil. And that she won't willingly destroy everything in existence. 
Let's just say that little old Phoenix was far from home. I'm sure you remember her mentioning how she was a whole-time hopper. Well, it started at the ripe age of twelve. The first location was Yosemite forest in California. It took her about two days to get out. 
Rather than being worried about her safety, this was the first time she had felt free. So she took it to be a sign and continued to jump from place to place for about 20 years. 
You read that right, she was thirty years old running around fulfilling her freedom. In those years she was able to learn more about herself and her abilities. Reigning them in to be fully in control. 
Learning to fight with efficiency, without breaking a sweat. And best of all to fuck around and do all the things she wanted to do. 
Visting all the Disneys (California, Florida, Tokyo, France,) she enjoyed being able to use her blindness to get all the things she wanted. The real world was much kinder than her schoolmates. Going to national parks, learning new languages, well to speak them that is. 
It was all fun, even when the whole Commission got on her ass about not traveling in time. She loved the chase of cat and mouse. They never won, always had to return home in a body bag. 
The Commission was evil, but breaking in was one of her favorite things she ever did. 
Twenty-two-year-old Phonix had dyed black hair and round black glasses on her face. Long sleeve turtle neck matched her black ankle pants. Not to forget the converse on her feet. Oddly no one questioned her as she walked right in. 
They all smiled and waved calling her Eight. She hummed to herself, thinking herself more of a nine in a half. But no matter walking into the building she moved to a room that had plenty of books. The manual of some sort, shoving it in a bag she brought, then ran her fingers thorugh the spines. Then her eyebrows raised as she felt bumps on her spine. 
It was braille, who would've thought? Careful to choose only the ones she needed she stuffed her bag and left the room. 
"Eight where have you been?" an older woman with white hair asked. 
The girl froze and smiled, "Oh you know around..." she replied. 
"Are you on a mission? You have an accent, and also changed the appearance," she said gushing a little too much for her liking. 
Phoenix gave a fake nervous laugh, "Oh how did you know? You are so good at your job, doing..." she paused and was silent for a while, "...Stuff."
The older woman paused and blinked for a moment, "I truly don't know what your husband sees in you," she then replied walking off in the opposite direction. 
After the woman was long gone, Phoenix took a breath, "Who is this lady that I look like apparently," she mumbled walking down the halls. Waving and nodding as others greeted her, "Seems she's popular too," she grumbled at the end. 
Room after room the dark-haired young adult learned new things, well using sound more than anything. Luckily this place was full of televised or voiced things, and people were way too willing to help. 
When lunch rolled around, she sat on the roof of one of their buildings, with a bento box she stole from someone down there. 
"You're not Eight," a very British voice says near her. 
Phoenix paused in her eating, "And you know this how?" she asked then paused, "Not that I'm confirming or anything." 
The Brit snorts, "You have an Australian accent that is way too natural for boring-ass American Eight to do," she starts walking closer to the young woman, "And the bag beside you has many stolen books. Some in braille, and I know blondie isn't blind." 
Phoenix finished the tray of food and put it down, raising her hands, "Alright you caught me, what are you going to do?" 
"The names Lila by the way," she paused, "I won't do anything, I'm just bored from all the rules sticklers." 
Standing from the ground, she stuck out a hand, "I'm Phoenix." 
Lila laughed, "Like the firebird?" 
The Aussie nodded, "Yup the whole burn and be reborn from your ashes," she replied picking up her bag and then walking off. 
"Wait I know who you are!" Lila called catching up to the girl, "You've been causing trouble all through the timeline, you're lucky they haven't sent Eight after you yet." 
Phoenix turned her head and snorted, "My doppelgänger? What is she going to do?" 
Lila shrugged, "She's one of the best agents in the company. Never failed a mission." 
"Yikes, that means she has killer instinct aye?" 
"Never hear the end of it from my mother, she says I should be more like her. But won't let me meet her," Lila replied as they began descending the stairs. 
The young girl turned to Lila and pat her shoulder, "Well if she's never failed a mission that means she sticks to the rules," she started with a frown on her face, "I, on the other hand, have fun," she begins to laugh. 
As they reached the bottom Lila looked over at her, "What will you do?" 
"Cause a little trouble, go back to making the timeline shit. Then take a break," Phoenix said as she walked towards the main building, but stopped when Lila was following her. 
"I like you, Lila, don't go into that building." 
Lila paused and nodded, there was something about the Eight doppelgänger that she liked. Not a rule follower, liked to have fun, and was blind but could kick ass. 
"Will I see you again?" she asked watching as the girl paused. 
Turning with a smirk, "It's not the last of me you'll ever see." 
And that was true. That day she watched as Phoenix walked into the building and never come out. But she did hear the fire sirens going off, then a few windows blasting sideways. Screaming and people running out. Then the bullet sounds began to ring in the burning building. She rose a brow when flashes of red could be seen through the windows. 
Lila smiled at the sight, she was a badass, "Now, that's cool." 
Then the Commission was let know if she was ever spotted she was to be killed on the spot. 
On a spontaneous meeting with many of the field agents, one particular one rolled her eyes, "How do you lose someone? Do you even know what she looks like?" 
The Handler scowled at the voice, her eyes landing on the cloudy blue eyes, "You'll know Ms. Eight," she replied with a sarcastic smile. 
The blonde sighed and stood from her chair, not caring about the screeching it made. She would find this Phoenix,  and end it. 
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I'm sure you're asking yourself, "oh god did she go and find herself?"  Well, what happened was that Eight Hargreeves is the smartest person possibly to exist—until she died. 
She did find herself, and almost killed her, but let me tell you the story. 
Phoenix had just turned twenty-five and she celebrated with a great killing of a few Commission agents. In her defense, they were going to kill her in return. So she flipped her new hair due over her shoulder. 
Well, that's at least what the hairdresser did, purple hair with a blunt fringe right above her eyebrows. With a smirk, she turned and left the alleyway, her cane clicking every step ahead of her. 
But she froze as she felt someone across the streets, "Oh shit," she mumbled the turned on her heels running away from the woman she hoped never to run into. 
Her cane was long forgotten as she ran, shoes clicking as she continued to run. That was until a strong force threw her onto the ground. 
"Have you forgotten me, [redacted]," the woman's voice called. 
Phoenix gasped at the name, "How do you know that name?" she hissed getting up fist clenched. 
Eight rose a brow at the sight of the red energy emerging from her hands, so much power, "I don't want to hurt you, but why are you after the Commission?" 
"Why do you care? They're going to kill me anyway, so why not win first?" She called then ran forward her fist glowing red. 
The blonde dodged it grabbed onto her arm and rolled her back onto the purple-haired girl. Bringing her over to her back onto the ground. 
Phoenix rolls out and stands, "and what you're going to kill me now?" 
The blonde scoffs, "I could, easily," she replied running forwards and missing a beat to punch her in the face, but she dodges it. This made her smile and moved her leg up and kicked her far. 
With a groan the young woman rolled far, she's strong, she thought to himself standing and her hands began to glow as she began to float in the air. 
But Eight didn't wait for a second, conjuring her lasso and tying around the floating girl. Lifting her own foot in a high kick, she moved the lasso on her foot, then slammed it down, bringing the purple-haired girl onto the ground with a harsh tug. 
"Jesus christ lady where did you learn to fight?" Phoenix huffed getting up, running again and this time lifting things up around her. 
Eight smirked and began rolling out of the way of the flying objects. The saw came too close and straight-up punched it to pieces, "I had a father who wanted me to be perfect," she huffed and blinked away to appear behind the floating girl. Punching her back onto the ground. 
Not once has the purple-haired girl landed a hit on the woman. Lila might've been right that she's lucky that she wasn't her hit. It wouldn't have been long before she was killed. Especially with how easily this woman was able to throw her around. It was like she knew what was going to happen. 
Just as she was getting up Eight blinked next to her and punched her. Then again to punch her, then to kick, punch, until finally, she activated her powers, the purples, blues, and oranges, hitting her right in the stomach. Sending her through the buildings.
As her back hit the ground, Phoenix knew she barked up the wrong tree. This lady was a lot stronger than she ever thought she could be. 
"I'm not strong [redacted], I am trained in what I do," her voice came her hair softly falling back onto her shoulders, "And you have a lot to live for dear child."
Getting up Phoenix sighed, "What do you know about me?" she said stumbling feeling the large crater she made on impact.  
Eight shook her head, "Not much for now, but I do know some serious shit is coming, and you are going to help me fix it." 
The purple-haired girl laughed, "How am I going to help you if I barely know how to fight, I bet you weren't even trying." 
The blonde kneeled beside the young woman, "I may have not been trying, but I know you'll get better. Just have faith Phoenix," she replied tapping the girl's forehead. 
Phoenix blinked and looked around, "What the fuck happened to me," she mumbled moving to stretch her back, hearing small cracks as she did so. 
Her memory wasn't erased it was just repressed to come back later in her life, but Phoenix didn't know that of course. 
Anyways, after her little birthday there, she felt inclined to learn to properly fight. Using her ability she moved thought out the world to learn all types of combat. It took her a couple of years to really get into it. She was impressed by the end of it. I mean how many blind people do you know who are blind and can fight? Don't say Matt Murdoc...
When she turned thirty, the woman decided it was time to return back home. Her parents had seen her since she left Australia all those years ago. Boy was it hard to jump back from a whole other timeline. It was weird, some kids named the Umbrella Academy were famous in the past timeline.
She was able to successfully—well kind of, return back home. Like a couple that we know, when they tried doing a large jump like that, it doesn't always go to plan. And just like them when she returned, it was back to a fourteen-year-old. 
Let me quickly recap the rest. When she returned her parents were weirded out why she looked so young after so long had passed. They were able to kind of get it when she explained the situation. Even with her young age, she did the best she could. Opened a repair shop with a local bike gang. 
Momma wasn't happy, but mentally her daughter was a thirty-year-old. And couldn't yell at her for the tattoos she began to collect in a quick amount of time. But was proud nonetheless. 
After that, she grew to be the eighteen-year-old we met when Hargreeves changed their timeline and ended up here. Kickstarting the end of everything, and meant slowly returning the repressed memories in Phoenix's head. 
I'm guessing you want to know what happened to Eight's grave? Well, I can't tell you obviously that's the whole point of the story, but what I can tell you is—she was never buried in the first place—
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AS THE DUO REACHED THE END OF THE ROOM. It was clear the chimp knew who the blind girl was. He took a long drag of his cigar as he looked at her. 
"You look good Phoenix," he said his face not changing in sentiment as he glanced at her. 
The girl nodded holding her cane, "Pogo," she greeted. 
Five looked between the two, "I don't have time to know why know each other." 
Pogo looked at her partner up and down, "I won't tattoo you, I barely did hers," he said blowing out another puff of smoke as he looked over at him 
"Well, I'm not here for the ink. I'm here because you and I have a mutual friend. Not the Bird, but Sir Reginald Hargreeves." Five explained hands still in pockets. 
Pogo paused for a second, "Whatever he wants, I'm not interested," he said turning back around to deal with his customer. 
Five frowned at his words, "I don't think you understand. I'm one of his children," he paused, "From another timeline." 
At those words Pogo paused his word to turn to look at Five, "Another timeline?" he asks out loud but only chuckles. 
Five looked around and notices that the large buff men were getting closer. So he motioned for the teen girl to get closer in case things were to get dirty, "As crazy as it sounds, you and I have met before he starts, "Back in 1963, when you were a diaper-wearing chimp in dire need of a manicure. I don't know if you remember, but I have a scar to prove it," he finishes and pulls his collar to show him. 
Pogo finishes packing, "if what you're saying is true, I'd be talking to a man well into his sixties. Now if you'll excuse me. I've had a very long day," he finishes turning to put on his sunglasses. 
As he turns everyone starts to surround them, Five moves closer to Phoenix as they do.
"Time to go back to mommy," one of the buff guys says to them. 
What was accidental was one of them behind shoving the purple-haired girl. Stumbling forward her glasses slipped down her nose. Lifting her head, one of the guys made eye contact with her. 
But her pale grey eyes were only like that for a second before they began glowing an eerie red. The man gasped but froze as then a stream of red energy followed the room of men. 
"Excuse me, my friend and I have work to do," she replied reaching up and pushing her glasses back up her nose. They walked ahead only to stumble. 
Five caught her arms as they walked out of the building where Pogo had gone, "Jesus what was that?" he asked a little frightened about how they all were held hostage without her doing much. 
She shrugged and giggled, "I don't know we had to get out of there. I'm drunk so nothing serious would happen to them." 
"You are never drinking again,"  he hissed and pulled her by the hand as they reached to see Pogo ride off. 
"Hey, I need your bike, It's an emergency," he told one of the men on a bike. 
The man scoffed, "Think you have me confused with someone who gives a shit," he replies and rides off. 
Five sighs as he watches him go off, "Bird get behind and put your arms around me," he says and pulls her arms around his torso. 
"Why—" she screams as her voice gets pitchy, her arms holding onto him tighter. 
Five blinked and threw the guy off the bike, "Oh my god! A death machine!" she screams. 
He turns his head with a smirk on his face, "Have you never been on a bike?" 
"Idiot I can't see!" she yells arms tightly holding onto him, "I think I've become sober from this!" she yells onto his back as the wind brushes against them. 
Five can't help but chuckle at her fear, not missing her arms tightly wrapped around him. So much for a girl who had just scared a room of fully grown men. 
"Don't laugh! If you make us fall, I will kill you," she yelled over the wind, her arms holding him tighter if it was possible. 
The teen boy's small smile didn't fall from his face, "Don't worry, I know how to ride a motorcycle," he paused still looking ahead, "You won't be dying on my watch." 
Phoenix could only nod against his back, still very much afraid. The world moving in blurs of lights around her. This was the first time she decided to trust Five with her life. 
Five only hoped that the ride wasn't for nothing. Feeling a little calm with the wind blowing against his face. Without thinking he moved a hand down to the smaller hands tightly wrapped around his torso. He squeezed softly, a silent way of asking if she was alright. Realizing what he had done, he sighed knowing she still hated his guts. 
But his thoughts fell silent when he felt one of her own hands squeeze back at his hand. Suddenly he was acutely aware of her cheek against his back, her warm hand against his. Her thighs were close to his body, all of it feeling like she trusted him. With the thought at the back of his head, he only smiled slightly. 
A couple of hours later, the sun rose high in the sky, the duo still rode past through the greenery. The two silently communicated with the squeeze of their hands. Something so intimate yet, so silent. 
"Senses up Bird, we're coming up on Pogo," he told her as he tuned the bike into a pathway. 
She nodded, "Thank god, I hate this death trap." 
Pulling to a stop, Five kicked the stand on the side of the bike. His eyes looked around at the trailer and the woman sat on a chair reading a book. Stepping off the bike, he turned to help the girl off the bike. Taking her hand as she swings her leg over the bike. 
Hand still in his, he watched her take a breath, "Well this place is full of trees huh?" she mumbled. 
"I still find it odd that you can sense everything around you," he adds letting go of her hand and moving ahead to the woman sitting on the chair. 
The woman looked over at the duo and rose a brow. A teen boy wearing a whole suit, while the girl had a cane in hand, blind, she thought to herself, "Can I help you?" the woman asked, putting her book down. 
Five stuffed his hands in his pockets, "Need a word with Pogo," he simply said to her. 
The woman looked him in the eye, "No Pogo here, pumpkin," she said using a cute little nickname. 
Phoenix snorted at the pet name, "Pumpkin my ass," she muttered under her breath, not missing the harsh feeling that Five gave her a look. 
He clenched his jaw and looked back at the woman, "Okay," he said and stepped forward, but stopped when the woman stood from her seat. 
"So, I suggest you get your ass off my property. Before I call a truant officer," she said putting down her cigarette in hand and giving him a look. 
Again the girl rolled her eyes under her glasses, "Welp that's nice for him," she says and walks forward past the two of them her cane tapping the leaves softly. 
Five furrowed his eyebrows and pointed at the girl, "Why did you just let her walk past?" he asked annoyed. 
"Let him through Tammy," the voice came through. 
The teen gave the woman a slight smile and moved around her to follow the girl. 
Phoenix climbed onto the small trailer, "Love the whole trailer," she says pointing around with her cane. 
The chimp rolls his eyes as he smokes, "And you're still equally as annoying as I saw you a few years back kid," he says to the girl with the vibrant hair. 
She smiles at the thought, "Awe why do you talk to your favorite friend that way?" 
Five was confused, "How do you two know each other?" he asked as he moves to sit in the booth with the chimp. 
Pogo sighs at the question, "Don't believe this girl is all that innocent. That place you got her from—" 
Phoenix cringes, "Pogo don't—" she tries to intervene. 
The chimp lifts a hand to silence her, "She's Mengie the owner of the shop back in Australia," he simply says thinking the teen boy would know what he meant.
Five snapped his neck towards the girl near them, "Your name is Mengie?" he asked in disbelief, that the name was such a big secret was Mengie. 
"No you idiot," she hissed and smacked his head. 
Pogo shook his head, "No, her name isn't Mengie, she's a leader of an Australian gang," he adds. 
"And that's any better than it being your name?" Five adds looking again at her, but she just shrugs. 
"Just tell him what you're here for," she quips, but only smiles when she hears the pistol click, so then she turns to the sink and spots a bottle of liquor. Five won't know, she thinks to herself and picks it up and drinks from it. 
Pogo just takes a sip of his drink, "You must be either dumb or desperate, to find me, and have her around," he says motioning to Phoenix, "Which is it?" 
Time after time, he keeps hearing that voice. Chris, Eight's dead words, and now Pogo are all ringing the bell. How powerful is Phoenix that she has people vouching for her, without trying? That it was a good thing that Reginald didn't find her. 
Rather than voice the thoughts in his head, he reached into his jacket and pulled out the skin, "You tell me," he simply said. 
Phoenix just cringed at the sound of the skin slapping the table. Then she shivered as she felt a powerful wave come from near the area. Who had powers that big, she thought to herself. 
Pogo just picked up the skin, "That looks like my work, but I never did that tattoo," he says and throws the skin back on the table. 
"Not yet, you haven't," he says, "I cut it off my 100-year-old self." 
The chimp hums, "Ah, so desperate," he adds taking a sip of his drink. 
"You would be too if you knew the entire universe was at stake," the boy says seriously. 
Pogo takes a sharp inhale, "So it's happened," he said and unlocks the pistol, knowing he wasn't a threat. He reaches into the side of the table for something, then hands it over to Five, "Ah, here it is. Look familiar?" 
Five grabs the notebook and compares it to the skin that had the tattoo. 
"Reggie was obsessed with these symbols. It's a sigil. A symbol thought to have magical powers," he says as Five looks over the symbols. 
Five scoffs softly, "Dad believed in science, facts. I didn't respect much about the old man, but I respected that. Hoo-ha was not his thing. It's gotta have a rational meaning," he says as he continues looking over the symbols. 
"I don't know, but he referred to it as Project Oblivion," Pogo told Five not knowing much about the symbol. 
Phoenix took a sharp inhale putting the bottle back down at the skink. She felt eyes on her as she did. He probably remembered the two both muttered on actual old Five's deathbed. 
Five leaned closer to the chimp, "This project. I need to know more," he said one of his hands clenched tightly. 
The purple-haired girl searched in her head to remember anything of what he was talking about. Oblivion...oblivion...oblivion. It was almost like a lightbulb went off in her head. 
In the strange dream when she passed out at the Commission, the very adult-looking Five had said this to her. 
His blue eyes trained on hers, hands on her shoulders, "Oblivion..." he had said to her. 
But she needed to know the whole story, why was he talking about such a word? What was happening, and why was that version of Five in her dreams? 
Pogo's voice brought her back to the present, "It was a kamikaze mission. He was preparing the Sparrow children with the expectation they might never return. That's why I gave those children all those pills, to keep them safe from him." 
"Great, now Klaus got him sober, amazing honestly," she snorted taking the glass cup from Five's hand and drinking it in one go. 
Pogo sighed and looked over at the girl, "Then Project Oblivion is staring again, and you are all in danger," he paused to give the now probably drunk girl a look, "But this time you have her to help you, use her wisely." 
Five and Phoenix gave each other a look, "You know about my whole witch shit?" the girl slurred waving her hands around her face. 
The chimp chuckled taking a sip of his drink, "Dear you're one of a kind. I don't know anyone else who is blind that is able to dodge bullets without a second thought," he muttered taking another drink. 
Five took back the glass from Phoenix and poured himself a drink, taking it in one go, "I should probably get that ink. Complete the loop," he said putting the glass down. 
"Are you sure?" the chimp asked looking at the teen worriedly. 
The time traveler chucked, "Oh, I don't think destiny cares whether I am or not," he paused and turned over to the purple-haired girl, "Want to do the honors?" 
Tammy who sat in the back cleared the table and nodded, "Bitch is cruel, ain't she?" she thinks allowed getting up from the table. 
The teen girl smiles at Five, "It's your first isn't it?" she asks reaching forward to unbutton his vest. 
The two face to face, "No, got a small one on my wrist courtesy of my father," he says in a much softer tone, feeling as she delicately unbuttons his vest. Then watching her manicured fingers move up to loosen his tie, "How many men have you taken ties off huh?" 
Phoenix just smirked, "Don't ask questions you don't want answers to," she mumbled moving to unbutton his white button-down, she let her hands briefly brush against his chest. Before turning to Pogo, "He's all yours Pogo," she finished and moved away for the chimp. 
"Let's get started then," he says and it wasn't long before his tattoo machine was buzzing and marking Five's chest. 
Five couldn't help but feel guilty as Pogo began his marking. The brief tingling from Phoenix's finger still lingered on his skin. He shouldn't begin to care for her. She wasn't his wife, not the woman he promised to love forever. Yet, why was he worried as he looked at her down the bottle of liquor? Ever since they arrived he couldn't help but notice she began drinking a lot more than it looks she can handle. 
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After getting Tammy to take the bottle from Phoenix, and tying her to a chair. She fell asleep listening to the buzzing of Pogo's tattoo machine. 
Finally, Five was able to relax and just sit until he was finished with the art piece. 
Pogo's eyes never left his machine as he continued, "You care for her don't you?" he asks suddenly causing Five to sigh. 
"I don't know, I guess I do. She looks so much like Eight," he then says closing his eyes and getting a glimpse of the blonde. 
The chimp hums, "Well Phoenix is a good one. She may look like she doesn't care, but she does," he pauses to wipe away some of the ink, "She's gone through a lot as a kid. Don't underestimate her. She can help you." 
Five nodded lightly, "Does she have a drinking problem?" he then asked. 
Pogo only snorts for a problem, "A little," he says, "She's always had bad luck with drinking. Can never hold it down, but really starts to drink when something is eating at her."
The two then say nothing for the rest of the tattoo. Both of them drowned in the sound of the buzzing of the tattoo machine. 
"You're all set kid," he says a few hours later, rolling his chair back and rubbing ointment on the fresh ink to set it.
Five got up from laying down and began buttoning his shirt, fixing his tie, and his vest, "Thanks Tammy for tying her down after she got a bit aggressive," he said reaching for his jacket and shrugging it on. 
The woman put down her book and smiled with a slight nod, "No worries, not the first time we've had to put down the girl," she says with amusement in her voice. 
The time traveler looked over at the chimp behind him with a brow raised, "I'm sorry what?" 
"We've known the girl for a couple of years," he paused to light a cigarette, "She makes a mean gang leader, like I said don't underestimate her." 
There was so much that he still to this day didn't understand. How is the girl that was completely wiped out from a couple of drinks? He just hoped when she did explode she was still on his side. 
He just moved forward and untied her from the chair, lifting her to his shoulder. Arms securely around her thighs against his chest. Turning to face the duo in the trailer he waved, "Thanks again," he called, then went with a crack. 
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j-wont-stop · 3 years
"Mary Mary" Masterlist (On Hold)
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Summary - October 1st, 1989. Forty-Three infants were born to women with no previous signs of pregnancy. It was also the day of four-year-old Mariana Polakoff’s death. The world carried on, her mother being the only one left to grieve. But on one miraculous day, the little girl was spotted. But she was not how the world remembered her.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three (on hold)
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jannieka394 · 5 years
About the music video "TIME" by Aidan Gallagher
So I just saw a part of the music video on his instagram accaunt.. and noticed something, there are a lot of (coloured) flashing lights and no warning about them.
This worries me because people who suffer from Photosensitive epilepsy might get a seizure from it.. I tried commenting on it, but Aidan disabled the comments because he gets "bullied". So I send him a dm.. although I doubt he will ever read it..
So I'll do it myself.
if you have Photosensitive Epilepsy, please be careful of this video.. if you want to hear the song just listen to it on Spotify or iTunes or something.
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ballerinarina · 15 days
brellies, i wrote a five fanfic 🥺 it's the first thing i freely write in years, because i missed a what-if-five-was-married-too in season 4
basically his wife point of view of the diego x lila x five drama scene
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EDIT: posted it!
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lahotelbellamuerte · 1 month
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐧 - !floor under construction!
series masterlist ! current: floor under construction ! next: capabilities
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pairing; five x eight warnings; past memories, nothing really word count; 1.9k notes; none for this one, kinda filler, idk
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left in the dark
FREEDOM IS SOMETHING that not everyone is lucky to have. The feeling and knowledge of being able to do anything is liberating, especially for Phoenix. This was after many years of learning how to use her abilities. Having everything that all the "sight" people had. 
"Get back here!" screamed a voice scrambling to run after her. 
The teen laughed as she continued to run, a hand holding a satchel with stolen books. She weaved in and out of street vendors, using the large crowd to disguise her. 
But the man hot on her heels, was unrelenting and continued with his run, "It shouldn't be that hard to catch someone Five," he muttered to himself, shrugging a little before turning to use his powers to close that gap between them. 
The blue energy zapping passed all the people until he could see the purple hair swishing. Reaching his hand, he grabbed her shoulder, pulling it towards him, gasping as he saw her face. 
Phoenix didn't blink before she turned fully and kicked him in the gut, "Can't you leave me alone?" she hissed pulling the bag closer to her and attempting to run away. 
"Oh no you don't," Five muttered and yanked on her leg and made her fall. 
Falling with a groan she turned around and kicked his face, "Go to hell!" she called out scrambling to get up again. This time taking a turn passed all the people nearby. 
Not caring about the other seeing his powers he zapped ahead of her. Smirking when she ran directly into him, "Now who are you," he asked grabbing the bag out of her hands. 
Phoenix just shook her head, "No need for you to know," she said lunging to grab the bag, holding onto the strap she could pull him and the bag. Not waiting for a second she slammed her head onto his. 
Five let the bag go to head onto his forehead, blinking rapidly he looked up just to the wisps of purple moving quickly. He groaned and shook his head, pushing himself to run after her once more. 
The girl just continued to run and didn't turn back to find out how far she would be. These books didn't even hold that much importance to the Commission, confusing her why they would send one of their top agents toward her. 
Turning street she continued, eyes and ears peeled for the sound of Five hot in her tracks. Her hands still gripping the bag tightly. Breath slightly ragged, as she moved between the busy streets. 
Now most are probably wondering, what could be so important within those books? Well, Phoenix has these recurring dreams about this man warning her of the future. But before he could tell her anything in clear detail, she never got anything in concrete detail. So, she took it into her own hands to learn about time and their timelines. 
Something she recently learned was an ability she could use. And there was no way in hell she was about to let the future get the best of her. If anything blindness has only made her see all. 
Reaching a clearing, she paused for a second before looking around her, thick woods lined her senses. This was it, all she had to do was focus and move on to a different year. 
Just before she could start to run off, she was once more body slammed into the ground. Releasing an angered huff, the girl got up to see Five once more. 
"Will you just leave me alone?!" she huffed staring him directly in the face. 
Goosebumps rose onto his skin once more as he saw the face of his wife, on this strange woman, "Just return the books to me," was all he said, knowing he would be talking to his leaders about what this was about. 
Tired of the cat-and-mouse chase, Phoenix lifted surrounding boulders into the sky and chucked them towards the young version of Five. 
His eyes widened, and he blinked quickly out of the way, barely missing the flying rocks, "Jesus Christ," he muttered, blinking once more to reach the purple-haired girl. Kicking her in the stomach and making her stumble. 
The two once more get into a fight, Five sucked in a breath, and time seemed to move slower as he narrowly missed a knife that was aimed at his neck. 
"Who are you?" was all he could get out when he grabbed her wrist to block the knife from flying at him again. 
Phoenix huffed, "None of your concern old man," she hissed dropping the knife from her hand, just to catch it with her other, bringing it swiftly to his thigh. Earing a yelp from the man, she quickly turned her body and threw him over her shoulder. Then began running once more. 
Five groaned and removed the knife, getting up with a slightly limp, "This little pest," he growled, once more picking up to chase after the girl. Blinked through space to reach up to her. 
Stopping in her tracks, she saw Five had blinked up ahead of her, now knife in hand. His thigh bleeding from her last attack. 
Five began running to her and the last second sent the knife flying. Five smirked knowing that she had nowhere to run, but it quickly fell off his face when in its place it formed into a spear. Quickly he blinked out of the way, to look next to him at a shiny spear into the ground.  
"You're insane!" he exclaimed as he blinked to punch her but she dodged it grabbing onto his arm,  and jumping to kick him with both of her feet. 
Phoenix landed softly, standing, and tried to slam his face with his heel, just for five to grab it and trip her. Now straddling her and blinked them straight back into the city. 
She pushed him off her and yelled running into him through a window of a shop. Getting up she lifted him with her, quickly punching him in the face and then stomach. 
Five groaned and tried to collect his movement, but was kicked into a glass shelf behind him. Phoenix still throwing precision punches towards him. 
The man tried to grab anything landed on a bat, and began swinging towards her. Landing a hit on her ribs, causing her to scream out, then again towards her back as she stumbled. 
Dropping to the ground, she grabbed a jump rope and was able to block one of his hits by turning the rope around his bat. She moved her knee upwards towards his stomach. And was able to throw a bat to the side. 
As she stepped back, Five didn't see it coming, until her feet came into contact with his face. She had landed a roundhouse kick towards him.
Five grabbed his face, "What the fuck, where did you learn to fight?" he muttered. 
The girl only smiled, "Don't worry about it," she said and moved to knee him in the face and knock him out. Leaving the purple-haired girl to leave at once. This time without being stopped. 
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When Five woke up he didn't know where he was for a moment. That was until his eyes adjusted to the filtered lights of a window. He sighed as he looked around the blank room and the undeniable clean scent. He was in the hospital wing. 
Then his eyes landed on the young blonde sitting in the chair beside him. Seems that the "youth serum" had yet to wear off. 
"Looks like you got a beating love," she mused as she flipped the page in the book she read. 
Five rolled his eyes, "I almost had the squirt, I don't know how she got the best of me," he huffed looking up at the ceiling. 
The woman only hummed, "You are dealing with one of us, Five, she won't be easy to get." 
The man was silent and only thought of her words, that was until he realized, "Eight, I never told you anything about her," he paused to look over at her, "How do you know she's one of us?" 
Eight only put her book down to look a there husband straight in the eyes, "Do you trust me?" was the only thing she asked. 
"With my life," he responded with no hesitation. 
The blonde woman only smiled, "Good," she started, "Her name is [Redacted] a version of myself from a different universe," she paused to raise her hand, "Sorry, the only other version of me to exist." 
Five furrowed his eyebrows, "How do you know there's only one other? Shouldn't there be infinities?" 
Eight nodded, "Well usually in the case for everyone yes," she started, "But somehow when my power was born into the universe, it was split. The other half of me, being born in a whole different plane." 
"Alright I got that, but how does that make sense that she is in our timeline?" 
The blonde pat her book, "That is an ability that we share, but her's is more refined and can do it more efficiently than I can."
"Okay, now how do you know her, is the other question," He added racing to his side table to drink a glass of water that was set. 
Eight smiled at the question, "Now that is a little tricky," she said taking a breath to think, "My unique ability is to look into the future," she started not missing the choking from Five, "And Phoenix, as she likes to call herself, is a big part into what is to happen in the future. And you two have to work together along with our family."
There were so many things Eight had said to him, and yet nothing at all. What did she mean with their family? They have yet to make it back home and stop the apocalypse from happening. But here she was talking as if that was the least of her issues. Who was this Phoenix and why was she so important that his very wife didn't view her as a problem? 
"Eight what are you talking about? Shouldn't we be focusing on how to get home?" He asked still thoughts swirling in his mind. All questions he had a feeling he wouldn't get answers for. 
The blonde nodded, "Ah, yes, you're right I'm getting ahead of myself," she paused getting up, bringing her hand to his cheek with a smile, "Let's focus on getting home first," then leaned over to plant a soft kiss on his lips. Then getting up to walk towards the door.
She paused when she heard his voice, "What did you say?" he asked looking at her confused. 
Her hand on the door handle she turned, "Oh, we were just talking about what to have for dinner, silly," she said with a smile, "Just let me know." 
Five nodded and watched her go out the door. His head felt heavy, but he couldn't remember why. 
Oh, so many secrets kept from the man who would be in the center of all of it. Yet his wife kept all these secrets out of love. All of them came to her when her memory returned in 1963. Living her past, present, and future all at once. The burden of feeling all the pain, happiness, and bliss at once. A true curse. 
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lahotelbellamuerte · 2 years
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(five hargreeves x f!oc/kinda reader)
summary; as the end looms on the world. the umbrella academy must get together to save the world, but they become a mess. five and eight hargreevs must do it themselves. and save their family in the process.
content warnings; suggestive language, brief mention of sexy time, angst, weapons, blood ig, fluff, vulgar language, mention of a panic attack, character death, i think that's it. let me know if you find any more.
notes; eight has powers derived from jean grey/scarlet witch, a mix of them kinda. book is complete, each chapter is scheduled to be posted two days after the other, thanks!!
ivina’s library masterlist — original book cover
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— the beginning of a long ass fuckin story 𝗜. 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀
𝗜𝗜. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟬. 𝗱𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆’𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹
𝗜𝗜𝗜. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟭. 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝗽
𝗜𝗩. 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗻𝗲
𝗩. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟮. 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲
𝗩𝗜. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟯. 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗺𝗮𝗻
𝗩𝗜𝗜. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟰. 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝗸𝘂𝗻𝗸𝘀
𝗩𝗜𝗜𝗜. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟱. 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲 & 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁
𝗜𝗫. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟲. 𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗸𝗲
𝗫. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟳. 𝗷𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘃𝗲𝘀
𝗫𝗜. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟴. 𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗮
𝗫𝗜𝗜. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟬𝟵. 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹
𝗫𝗜𝗜𝗜. 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝘄𝗼
𝗫𝗜𝗩. 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟭𝟬. 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗹 & 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲
𝗫𝗩. 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲’𝘀 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 — mixtape
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note; just a quick message on the whole writing on five, i get his actor is a bit on the yougner side. but i've aged them both up. no one in this story should be on the minor side. i wrote this when i was young. original place was wattpad, but the ads have made me pissed off. please let me know if i haven't edited in an area. so if you're looking for an age acurate (13) year old, you won't find it here.
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ballerinarina · 13 days
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CINCO HARGREEVES X Fem!OC Sinopse: No Natal, Cinco e Lila conseguem retornar para sua linha do tempo após sete anos vivendo juntos, perdidos. Izabela nota que há algo estranho, mas apenas quando Diego e Cinco engajam numa discussão com confissões ela consegue compreender que foi traída. Enquanto todos se encaminham para a van rumo a impedir o fim do mundo, Izabela pede alguns minutos a sós com Cinco para tirar satisfação e botar o pingo nos i’s; Contagem de palavras: 3.1k Tags: spoilers, angst, traição, fluff, ligeira mudança no cânone (mas Lila x Five e o final da temporada 4 ainda aconteceram) Nota: Faz anos que eu não escrevo nada, mas espero que tenha dado certo! Você pode ouvir a PLAYLIST DA FIC aqui e ler sobre a minha OC aqui, mas é totalmente possível ler sem saber nada sobre ela, ou mesmo se imaginando no lugar dela! Escrevi pensando que ambos aparentam ± 20 anos. Aproveitem e me digam o que acharam! ♡
Algo estava fora do lugar, Izabela pôde perceber assim que seus olhos caíram sobre Cinco. O garoto nunca fora do tipo realmente expansivo, sorridente ou carinhoso, mas naquele momento ele nem parecia presente na sala de estar de Diego. Seu olhar instável e perdido, a ruga de preocupação na testa e uma retribuição tensa e insincera do carinho quando Izabela recebeu-o na cozinha com um abraço a deixaram em alerta.
Para ela, sempre foi fácil lê-lo, mas um quê de confusão parecia apitar agora em sua mente. Mantendo a distância e dando espaço — pelo menos até que ele organize os próprios pensamentos —, Izabela estava sentada no braço do sofá ao lado do marido, sem encostar nele, apenas com os sentidos atentos e preocupados enquanto o observava como um enigma.
Um suspiro de cansaço escapa de sua boca quando ela prevê que a inquietude ansiosa de Cinco somada aos comentários de Luther sobre o apocalipse só poderiam resultar em nada bom. Era dia de Natal e, do fundo de seu coração, por mais improvável que fosse, Izabela estava desejando que os problemas-de-fim-do-mundo tivessem magicamente se resolvido — ou que ao menos fossem pausados, como os momentos anteriores de tranquilidade pareciam sugerir. Não inesperado eles não foram, então dito e feito: assim que se levanta rumo a cozinha, utilizando mentalmente a desculpa de tirar a salada de maionese brasileira da geladeira para escapar do assunto deprimente, ela escuta a voz estressada de Cinco comprando briga com os irmãos.
A fuga da concretização do apocalipse como existência em sua mente (pela quarta vez) era seu objetivo enquanto pegava a travessa e as vasilhas, tentando se distrair da discussão de Diego e Cinco. Com a cozinha logo no cômodo ao lado, a tentativa era ingênua e falha: Izabela conseguia sentir a ansiedade subindo pela própria espinha. Nunca havia visto seu marido tão desesperançoso, mas nem por um segundo chegou a estranhar este comportamento dentre os outros. Ela mesma não aguentava mais e, céus, odiava sons altos, odiava perder o Natal, odiava seus irmãos brigando — mesmo que não que fosse muito menos geniosa que eles —, odiava não entender o que acontecia com Cinco, e, principalmente, odiava o fim do mundo.
Abria e fechava as gavetas daquela casa que não era a sua no impulso, mais como escape do que realmente interessada em encontrar talheres para servir a maionese, quando sentiu seu corpo travar perante a voz de Diego cortando o ar.
— Tem alguma coisa rolando entre vocês dois?
Abaixo de si, as procuradas colheres e garfos de aço brilhando, refletindo seu rosto pálido e sem mais nenhum interesse em refeição alguma.
— Diego…
— Não, caralho!
Em seus ouvidos, o silêncio de Cinco perfura mais do que qualquer uma daquelas facas afiadas poderiam. Recusa é o modus operandi que a mente de Izabela ativa de imediato, só retendo forças em meio ao choque para balançar levemente a cabeça em negação para si mesma. Ela pensa que deve ter entendido errado, aguça os ouvidos, segura o desespero. Mas não.
Cinco e Lila estavam tendo um caso.
Para a angústia de Izabela, as vozes de Diego e sua esposa eram as últimas coisas que desejava ouvir, mas eram elas que estavam falando, falando, falando em meio ao silêncio sufocante que se instalou pela casa como num funeral, apertando o peito dela e a deixando sem ar. Cinco e Lila estavam juntos.
“Por quê? Era por isso que Cinco estava agindo estranho? Como não notou antes? Quando foi que havia perdido seu marido? Em que momento Cinco deixou de ser a pessoa em que mais confiava no mundo? Em que mundo ela havia deixado de ser a pessoa em que ele mais confiava? Por que ele mesmo não a contou? Ela havia feito algo de errado?”
— Você acha que eu vou acreditar nessa palhaçada?
Nem mesmo notando quando iniciou um quase estado de hiperventilação, a respiração de Izabela só trava quando enfim a voz de Cinco silencia seus pensamentos:
— Aí, ela está te falando a verdade, tá bom? Ficamos perdidos. Não achamos o caminho de volta.
— A gente procurou por sete anos, Diego…
Um arfar. Não. Não, não, não — é horror o que preenche paulatinamente cada célula do corpo de Izabela, como sangue se espalhando em um tapete.
Sete anos. As peças se encaixam quase em câmera lenta em sua cabeça, com a boca semiaberta em vontade de chorar, mas incapaz de emitir mesmo um soluço sequer. É para a porta aberta que seu corpo se vira sem nem precisar de ordem, mas são seus próprios passos que parecem pesar mil toneladas e é no umbral que ela trava mais uma vez. Apoiada na ombreira, sem coragem para pisar fora e encarar seu marido. Seu marido, de quem havia perdido sete anos inteiros.
— A gente foi perseguido, atacado e baleado…
Cada uma das palavras da explicação de Lila ao longe a anestesiam enquanto se assentam em seu diafragma como pedras. Como se os 45 anos sem Cinco não tivessem sido o suficiente. Como se o iminente fim dos tempos não fosse o suficiente. Tudo configura um cenário tão desesperador que converte toda a tristeza num desgosto apático em sua língua.
A interrupção de Claire aparece como um fantasma que endireita sua postura e enxuga a umidade que escapou quando se acumulou em seus olhos. Crispando os lábios em amargura, a informação da localização de Ben é um lembrete quase físico para Izabela de que, querendo ou não, terá que ser da Umbrella Academy mais uma vez, então reprimir todo esse conflito fútil é sua única opção no momento.
Engolir os sentimentos, no entanto, não tiram a agonia de seu coração e, com um suspiro trêmulo tentando retomar a compostura, ela falha em manter a frieza quando seus olhos encontram as costas da figura de Cinco ao adentrar a sala. Mais do que nunca, Izabela quer ser prática, ir impedir o fim do mundo de vez enquanto sufoca qualquer pensamento sobre essa situação apavorante brincando com sua cabeça, porém sabe que jamais conseguiria ganhar qualquer luta assim. Em um espelho de sua aflição inconsciente, ela troca olhares com Klaus, o único no sofá que a notou no canto do cômodo. — Só preciso de alguns minutos. Por favor. — ele não precisa de palavras para entender e, com certa pena, não hesita em levantar e incentivar o resto da família em direção à van, distraindo-os com algum comentário estilo-Klaus que Izabela honestamente não consegue processar.
Sentindo a presença dela como fez por tantos anos em seu passado, Cinco vira para trás, encontrando o olhar de Izabela, que cataloga mentalmente o pior enjoo que já foi condenada a sentir ao encarar seu marido e se perguntar se ali encontra um estranho. Os olhos tentando não correr por todos os detalhes daquele rosto só agora notam o quão mais triste e cansado parece se comparado à última vez que contornou seus traços. O silêncio prende-os em um transe em que ela se vê incapaz de raciocinar algo a dizer, até ouvir a porta da sala bater, desviando o olhar para ela e notando que estava fechada. O garoto suspira e crispa os lábios, estavam sozinhos.
— Eu sinto muito.
— É verdade? Tudo o que Lila disse? — voltando a fitá-lo, as palavras deslizam por sua boca, quase num escape — Eu perdi sete anos de você?
— Por todo esse tempo eu tentei voltar, Izabela…
Um rápido acenar negativo com a cabeça, Izabela cruza seus braços em um tique. O que ele tenta justificar, com a voz tão cautelosa, nunca havia sido a questão a ela.
— Eu acredito em você. — pausa — E… mesmo se não for verdade, Cinco. Foram sete anos.
— É.
Não era esse o aperto em seu peito. Ela conhece bem Cinco, conhece bem seu irmão e marido e sabe como ele já havia passado décadas tentando voltar para a família antes. Mesmo se, em qualquer que fosse o momento nestes sete anos, ele tivesse hesitado, Izabela jamais teria arrogância de pôr em julgamento a força de vontade dele perante o vazio. Não, a cólera dela é outra. Tentando manter a voz séria, ela sente que o que quer não é brigar, que diferente de seu irmão Diego, sua raiva não é contra Cinco e sim contra tudo em essência. Vê-se incapaz de se livrar de uma profunda vontade de se degolar, morde o lábio.
— Você a ama?
— Bela…
— Por favor.
Após tantos anos da tradição de constipação emocional que se ramificou na família com meias verdades e assuntos mal-ditos, quando Cinco segura o olhar de sua esposa, ele já sabe que ela não aceitaria que ele fizesse o mesmo que Lila fez com Diego. Evitar o assunto é o mais fácil, mas Izabela, tão emocional, também sempre foi a Hargreeves mais lógica em lidar com a emoção, então ele bem sabe que ela, enquanto encara suas íris verdes tão abatidas e hesitantes, reza pela resposta honesta.
— Amo. Eu a amo muito, Bela.
Não é menos doloroso ouvir o que ela já imaginava que ouviria: a mente parece em modo de espera, lentamente assimilando o que tão rápido perfurou seu coração. Tentando muito aceitar a nova realidade racionalmente, a única perturbação em seu rosto são suas sobrancelhas se franzindo por um segundo apenas, se esforçando para reprimir a vontade de chorar que sobe pela garganta, seu olhar perpassando pela parede ao fundo e então voltando-se para baixo.
— Então você não me ama mais?
Cinco percebe mais uma afirmação do que uma pergunta. Ele abre a boca para tentar responder, mas em seguida fecha, seu rosto entristecido e sua voz não encontrada perante si mesmo. É quando não escuta uma contestação que a dita nova realidade bate em Izabela, a contornando em temor, fazendo ela olhar para ele com a voz e expressão neutras contrastando às pupilas tremendo.
— Cinco… você não me ama mais?
— Isso não é justo com você…
— Não… Olha. — a voz dela é dualmente firme, mas por um fio, estremecendo-o — Não mente, mas não me deixa morrer sem ter essa resposta.
Se antes a tensão entre os dois podia ser dita como fúnebre, torna-se ainda mais. A perspectiva de morte propínqua saindo pela boca de Izabela é tão estranha aos ouvidos de Cinco que dói como se fosse ele quem perdeu sete anos de sua esposa. Mesmo em meio a toda a desesperança diária em sua vida, quando encontrava-se frente ao fim dos tempos Izabela costumava ao menos fingir fé. A ausência de tal funciona como desilusório a ele. Apesar de ter perdido a própria há alguns anos, só corporifica isso em si quando percebe que nem mesmo Izabela pensa valer a pena crer que terá outra chance de dizer o que não foi dito.
— Eu não conseguiria. — a resposta simplesmente desprende-se de si pelo perturbar da percepção — Não conseguiria deixar de te amar, nem se passasse um centenário, Bela. Eu nunca parei de pensar em você, nem por um minuto sequer desses sete anos. — Cinco nega com a cabeça, abaixando-a assustado em finalmente verbalizar qualquer coisa que seja sobre o assunto, ainda mais para quem mais temeu o fazer. Mal sente espaço para odiar como gagueja, perdido como apenas um garoto. Como hesita. — Mas… quando…. quando meu coração começou amar a Lila… Eu tive tanto medo de voltar para você, justamente porque em nenhum momento eu deixei de te amar também. — suas bochechas começam a ficar molhadas pelas lágrimas que por sua vida sempre reprimiu, mas que sempre escapavam unicamente diante da garota frente a si — Voltar para você significava concretizar, e isso não é justo com você, você… você sabe que eu prefiro arrancar meu coração com minhas próprias mãos do que te machucar. Mas eu não pude evitar…
Os olhos esverdeados, agora tão úmidos, voltam a Izabela e se surpreendem ao notarem o que Cinco identifica como ternura em meio ao choro contido e doído que acompanhou o dele. Não que sua esposa não fosse consigo no passado o ser humano mais terno que já teve a sorte de conviver, mas justamente por ter falhado tanto com ela, ele sabe o quanto merecia sua raiva. O que recebe, no entanto, é a angústia em seu peito se intensificar quando Izabela se aproxima e junta sua testa à dele, envolvendo as bochechas de Cinco nas mãos e suspirando uma lamúria:
— Por favor. Me diz que ainda quer ficar comigo.
Silêncio, ele arfa em agonia.
— Eu não me importo, Cinco. — Izabela sente como se seu ar faltasse, tanto que ansia uma confirmação à seu pedido. Qualquer neutralidade tentada foi perdida quando as palavras do marido, sempre tão forte, explicitaram o quão esgotado ele parecia perante os próprios sentimentos. Cinco havia sido seu ponto fraco desde que se lembra, e, sabendo cada vírgula do que já um dia configurou a dor dele, conseguir vê-la agora a desespera, acima de tudo e qualquer problema. — Eu perdi sete anos de você. Cinco, eu… eu quase te perdi pra sempre… Por favor. Talvez o mundo acabe hoje, mas se não acabar… Fica comigo.
Não deveria ser Izabela a pedir qualquer coisa neste cenário. Mas se Cinco ainda a ama — e, Deus, ela consegue ver que ama — ela se vê disposta a lutar contra a sensação de humilhação formigando em cada parte de seu corpo. Mais do que ninguém, ela bem sabe o quanto o garoto acredita em seu âmago não merecer nenhuma clemência ou amor como pagamento por seus inúmeros pecados passados. Izabela enxerga a aflição dele frente a si e, como fez por toda a vida, jamais conseguiria desistir de seu marido assim. Ele ofega com as sobrancelhas franzidas, tentando conter o pranto, quando um clarão repentino ilumina a mente da garota, que finalmente enxerga a beira do abismo inevitável em que se encontra.
— Mesmo… mesmo que também fique com ela… Só… não me deixa…
Tais palavras tão insensatas sendo proferidas configuraram o exato momento em que Cinco quebra, acenando com a cabeça desesperado e envolvendo a cintura de Izabela numa fragilidade assustadora — que ela mesma jamais esperaria presenciar nele num dia e humor como o que estavam vivendo —, marcando o início de um beijar salgado, desalentado e afobado, sem nenhum ter a ideia de por quem.
Os corpos de cada parte dos cônjuges, em momentos acostumados a beijar por horas ininterruptas, desta vez presenciaram um sufocamento emocional que logo fez com que o ar faltasse. Cinco vê sua razão presa na incongruência de Izabela, que mesmo perante um cenário como o apocalipse e o mais lógico assolar do que deveria sentir por ele, ainda assim pensa e profere uma possibilidade tão altruísta e utópica. É incômodo. Escondendo o rosto molhado no ombro da garota, ele a abraça forte e ela imediatamente se agarra nele, envolvendo sua nuca com os braços e tentando encontrar nos dedos que entrelaçam em suas madeixas qualquer diferença física que marcasse os anos que nele se passaram.
— Eu não devo fazer isso com você.
— Não. Não. Cinco.
— Izabela, não é justo — ele tenta repetir pela terceira vez, mas ela o interrompe e repete também:
— E eu não me importo. Porra, Cinco… Você sobreviveu. Voltou pra mim. E se amá-la te manteve vivo… por mim… por mim tudo bem. — se Izabela for honesta consigo, admite como cada palavra que profere não falha em soar absurda para si. Enciumada desde menina, ela odeia profundamente se encontrar neste cenário e quer, sim, ao menos gritar de raiva. A verdade, no entanto, ainda sim está intrínseca a toda frase que está dizendo, por mais estranha que soe a si mesma. Diante da dita situação, maior que toda a zanga que sente é a lembrança de seu marido sozinho por 45 anos com o único vestígio do que acreditava ser amor vindo de delírios sobre um manequim quebrado — isto sim a enjoa mais do que qualquer situação incomum de infidelidade. A compreensão de que Cinco se viu mais uma vez frente ao horror que perdurou por toda a sua vida esmaece qualquer absurdo nas palavras impulsivas que tem dito, pois o substitui pelo alívio de que ao menos desta vez ele não estava sozinho. Ele, em reflexo, a abraça mais forte, temendo se tratar de uma mentira. É com o homem que mais ama tão frágil em seus braços que ela atinge a certeza que, se para sobreviver em meio ao desalento Cinco precisou encontrar amor — humano, de verdade —, o amor dela por ele pode sim superar qualquer outro sentimento que ela possa sentir perante isso. Izabela afasta o abraço, conectando seus olhos com os dele e guiando a mão de seus cabelos para sua bochecha, em um carinho doce acompanhado da melancolia de um sorriso fraco — Quando nós salvarmos o mundo… Você me fala dela. Me fala de vocês. — em reação imediata ele franze as sobrancelhas, num leve protesto como se presumisse que isso só iria machucá-la, mas ela continua — Cinco, eu amo o seu coração. E isso… é parte dele, agora… Me deixa conhecer. A gente dá um jeito.
Cinco hesita. Izabela é muito boa para ele, sempre foi. Ele vê no olhar afetuoso que ela lhe dirige a dor que a esposa está sentindo, mas também vê o quanto ela é genuína em tudo o que diz. O dilema asfixiante o faz querer morrer, odiando causar tamanho desagrado a quem tanto ama, mas também o faz se perguntar se enlouquecera e estava apenas preso em um sonho, tão kafkiano era o pavor que sentiu deste momento durante os últimos anos. Ele a beija, brevemente, se inclinando com um suspiro e rezando em gratidão antes de juntar as testas, acenando em acordo, agoniado.
— Cacete, eu senti tanta saudade de você…
— É bom te ter de volta, Cinco.
— Eu amo você.
— Eu também amo você.
Como o infortúnio de flores queimando em fogo, Izabela, entretanto, não chega a ter Cinco deitando com a cabeça em seu colo em um momento de carinho, recitando sobre o quanto a amou mesmo à distância. Não escuta, também, a voz cautelosa do marido a contando sobre os perigos que deixou sua vida por um fio incontáveis vezes naqueles anos longe, ou sobre os sentimentos não planejados que viveu. Nunca precisou se acostumar em como o casamento dos dois se adaptaria quando ele resolvesse seu amor pendente com Lila, pois tais planos jamais chegaram a acontecer, assim como os de se resolver com seu irmão Diego.
A existência deste amor, — destes amores — entrelaçados pelos nós que constituíram seu universo, foi terminantemente apagada em dois cravos-amarelos que, gosto eu de acreditar, só sobreviveram ao renascer, ao vento e a tempestade devido à esperança e acalento regados pouco antes do fim sobre o vestígio de bem-querer que lutava no coração dos dois amantes.
Cinco e Izabela Hargreeves.
N/A: O que você achou? Eu adoraria ler sua opinião! ♡
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lahotelbellamuerte · 1 month
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐧 - floor seven. capabilities
series masterlist ! current: capabilities ! next: weddings are always so fun
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pairing; slight five x phoenix warnings; zombies basically, crushes word count; 6.8k notes; none for this one, blast from the bast maybe
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A SILENT CRACK IN THE AIR SOUNDED AS FIVE APPEARED. With no other than Phoenix over his shoulder. Carefully he placed on her the bed, along with her collapsed cane beside her. 
His eyes trailed over her as she peacefully slept the liquor away. He couldn't help his hand as he moved her red glasses away from her face. It was Eight, but at the same time, it was the furthest thing away that she had been. The girl currently on the bed, remarked on every single thing he ever said. 
Not once did he notice his fingers trailing over her soft skin. Naturally bruised lips, long lashes brushing against her cheeks. All to reach her vibrant purple hair that framed her face, along with the fringe that finished right above her eyebrows. 
Phoenix may have looked like Eight, but he now understood that she was everything but. Afraid of riding motorcycles, couldn't see through snow storms, and definitely couldn't hold her liquor for shit. 
Snapping out of the trance he just placed her glasses on the table beside the bed, and he blinked with a crack away from the room. 
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The older Five plagued her dreams each time she closed her eyes. The man with hair draped over his eyes grabbed her shoulders. 
"Save him, do whatever it takes," his voice echoed around her, no longer the calming beach that she had first seen. 
Rather instead, the two stood in the middle of a floating piece of rubble. Around her were buildings, houses, cars, and trees, all floating. Swirling around her and the vibrant red sand. 
Turning back to Five he once again spoke to her, but nothing reached her ears, "Five! Wait!" 
Sitting up with a gasp she found herself in an unfamiliar room. Moving off the bed she dropped to the ground, hands grasping the dingy carpet. Taking a breath, her hands began glowing a red spreading all over the ground. Slowly the entire building began coming to an image to her. 
Counting each person who was in the building, hearing their heartbeats, and their thoughts. 
"Back to Hotel Obsidian, it seems," she mumbled to herself and grabbed her glasses and cane from the bed. 
Not before raiding a suitcase by her feet. It was time for an outfit change. Not to say it was the best choice seeing the line of danger the whole world was getting into. Stopping by the tailors in the hotel she let them choose from the suitcase. 
She was left with a white turtle neck long-sleeve with thumbholes, white straight-fit jeans along with some new red cowgirl boots. 
The woman with a French accent kissed her fingers, "Muah, my best work as of yet," she mumbled then pushed the teen girl with her glasses and cane. 
Phoenix just waved and left the room walking down the empty halls of the hotel. But before she could make her way to the breakfast area a voice called out to her. 
"Bird you're awake great!" he called and grabbed her by the elbow, his eyes trailing her new outrageous outfit. When did she have time to change?
The teen had barely gotten dressed and was already dragged somewhere new, "Where are you taking me?" she mumbled, "I haven't eaten yet," she whined. 
"You're going to my family meeting," he added and blinked away back to old Hargreeves home. 
As they arrived Five watched the girl make her way to a wall, touching it with her hand, "Jesus your dad has a big house," she mumbled dragging her fingers along the wall. 
Five rolled his eyes and pulled her towards the living room, "Come on Bird, no one has time for your freakish eyesight," he said. 
Her cane left soft taps on the large carpet as she moved along, "How are you alive?" A male voice called as he looked over to the purple-haired girl. 
Phoenix cocked her head and turned over to the man who had spoken to her, "I'll have you know I've always been alive, just no eyesight," she said with a scoff. 
Ben smirked at the sight, this one happened to look more feisty than the last one, "So you came back just for me?" he asked moving closer to her, "Knew you couldn't get enough of me." 
The purple-haired girl scoffed, "Sorry to burst your bubble mate, but I don't know you," she said and tapped her cane on the ground, sending a weak enough pulse to make him stumble. 
Five just pulled the girl away before she started another fight with the man. But he didn't miss the look Ben continued to give Phoenix. 
The two now standing away from any of the families, "Oh, I'd like a cookie," Phoenix said smelling the desert from her spot. 
As she was about to make her way there, Five stopped her, "Let me, you cause trouble everywhere you go," he mumbled and blinked off to Grace to grab a couple of cookies, "Here now stay quiet." 
The girl just huffed and shrugged her shoulders, "Fine," she replied and began eating some of the cookies FIve had given her. 
"Welcome, please make yourselves at home,"  Fei says as her raven caws and flies over her. 
Allison in her chair rolled her eyes at the statement, "Bitch this is our home," she says looking over to the woman. 
At this Phoenix just shoves more cookies in her mouth, she loves family drama. Her house life wasn't all that exciting. 
"Where the hell is Viktor, Klaus, and Chris?" Diego then asked looking around the room to see them missing. 
Five sighed, "With our luck, probably Kugelblitzed by now," he responded not caring at his point. 
The purple-haired girl smacks his arm, "Five you can't say that about your siblings," she mumbled to him. 
The time traveler just looked over to her and shoved another cookie in her mouth, "Hush, Bird." 
Ben who had been idly listening to the talking clapped his hands, "We don't have time for idle chitchat," paused his eyes landing on the girl standing beside Five, "But for you anytime," he said his voice lower, "Everyone let's sit down."
Five glared at the man, "In your dreams, stay away from her," he hissed and pulled Phoenix to sit beside him. 
The girl with her mouth full of cookies looked over at Five, "This is the brother you mentioned," she whispered words hard to understand with food in her mouth. 
Five leans over and clicks his tongue, "No this Ben is from your universe, our Ben is dead," he replied simply. 
Luther looked around at the family, both of them, "So, uh, this is nice. All of us here together. One big happy family," he said chuckling nervously, then moving to Sloan, "I feel like I'm sweaty. Am I sweating?" 
Sloan leaned up and touched his face, "No, you're fine," she said pulling him to his chair. 
Ben rolled his eyes at the two, "Look, I know there's been bad blood between us—" 
"—You killed my wife," Five said with a deadpan look back at Ben. 
He lifted a finger, "No, it was our father that did that, but whatever. Bygones, right?"
Diego raised his bandaged hand, "Question?" Ben says looking over at the man. 
"Yeah, if I kill you, do we get our Ben back?" He asks seriously, making Fei chuckle on her end, "Hypothetically." 
Ben again rolled his eyes, "Keep talking, and your hand won't be the only thing bleeding." 
Five annoyed at the back-and-forth pitches in, "Okay, if the testosterone twins are done, I'd like to get back to a plan." 
Before anyone could get back on track, Vikor walked in quickly, "Where is he?" he asked. 
Allison on the other end of the group looks at him, "Viktor," she greets him. 
The man looked at everyone's brows furrowed, "What did you do to Harlan?" 
"They didn't do anything," Allison said looking at Viktor, "I did. I killed Harlan."
Phoenix made a face at the news, "Holy shit, I thought you guys were incapable of killing," she paused to poke Five, "Well except you, but this is good," she says in a whisper looking back at what was happening. 
Tears welled up in Viktor's eyes at the news, "I...I don't...I don't understand, why?" he asks heartbreakingly at the news that the little boy he saved just a few days ago is now dead. 
She shrugged, "Because he didn't deserve to live.
 Ben then moved and squeezed himself between Phoenix and Five, one arm around her. A bowl of cheese balls is in his lap as he offers. 
The girl didn't even feel his arm around her shoulder, picking up cheese balls and shoving them in her mouth watching the show. Five just clenches his jaw at the sight. 
"What? Because they said so? You don't have to listen to them." she says pointing at Ben and his siblings. 
"20 bucks on the little one," Ben whispered as he watched too. 
Phoenix nodded, "I'm with you, Allison's a bitch," she replies grabbing more snacks. 
Five makes a face and nods, "I'll take that action." 
"They don't get to tell us what to do," Viktor adds still equally as sad at the news, "You could've talked to me. We could've figured out something else." 
Allison rolls her eyes, "So, what if you could lie to us again and take his side?" she rebuttals. 
Phoenix shrugs, "She's not wrong," she whispers.
Viktor shook his head, "That's not what happened," he said voice low.
The Rumor furrowed her brows, "Oh, no, that's exactly what happened. I know Harlan killed all of our mothers," she then says dropping a big bomb. 
"What?" Diego exclaimed. 
Five was equally as shocked, "What?" 
Luther looked over from Allison to Viktor, "Shit." 
"Bloody plot twist," Lila adds taking a bite of her Twizzlers. 
Phoenix leans forward and grabs more cheese balls, "Said it sister," she says Australian accent dragging it out. 
Viktor was silent, "Who told you that?" 
"Harlan," Allison replied then cocked her head to her brother, "After you lied about it to my face."
Diego didn't want to take sides but it was the mother's thing, "Is that true Viktor? Harlan started all this?"
Having no choice but to come to clean Viktor confirmed, "Yeah, but he didn't mean to hurt anyone. He—"
Before he could finish Five piped in, "How do you know?" he asked jaw clenched. 
"Because I knew him. And he was sweet and kind until I made him like us. Okay? So, I screwed him up. And if you need someone to blame I'm right here—"
Arms crossed Allison continued her dark glare toward Viktor, "What makes you think I don't?" she cuts him off. 
Viktor's eyes gleamed as the tears idly sat, "This wasn't about saving the world. This was about hurting me. Payback for—" he pauses when Allison stands from her seat. 
Phoenix moved her hand out to hold Fives, "Oh shit, this is getting real," she mumbled not realizing she looked for him, but Five never made a move to remove her hand. 
"Go on," Allison says standing before Viktor, "Say her name." 
Luther feeling the tension got up, "You know what? Maybe we should all just take a minute—" but paused when Allison listed a hand, "—okay," he quipped and sat back down. 
"Did killing Harlan bring Claire back?" he asks. 
Equally as quickly Allison replies, "Did protecting him bring Sissy back? It was just as personal for you—"
"—I didn't kill anyone!" He then yells out of frustration. 
"But you risked everyone! Do you know what that felt like?" Allison says eyes moving to look at every part of Viktor, "Watching you fight harder to protect the man who helped destroy my daughter than you ever did to bring her back?" 
The purple haired could feel and see the powers coming off them in waves. Even if they weren't using them, she could tell these two were powerful. 
"I don't know how to bring Claire back. Okay? No one does. But I was there for you. I tried. I was—" Viktor adds, hoping to get her to understand what he was going through. 
Allison scoffs, "To what? Help me grieve? God, this whole family is so quick to tell me to suck up my pain and so worried about fixing yours! Somebody had to pay because you never seem to." she says through her teeth, "Destroy the world, kill Pogo, almost kill me, and for what? So we can all run around and clean up your mess? Eight saved us both times after you almost end the world!" she yells again, thinking of the blonde girl who would understand the love of a mother, "And where is she now? Dead! I'm sick of it." 
Five never was a fan of anyone talking of his late wife, but with how this was going, he knew it wouldn't be long before a fight broke out, "Take it easy Allison."
"Okay, I—" Viktor starts but Allison cuts him off. 
"Shut your mouth!" she yells voice echoing as her eyes glow an eerie gold, her powers activating, "Every time I build a new life for myself, you end the world and take it from me!" she yells at Viktor as he can't speak. 
 Five furrows his brows at this, "How are you doing this without saying, 'I heard a rumor'?" he asks shocked about this new extent of her powers. 
Phoenix now stands from her seat, "She was gifted powers from Harlan," she says feeling her old aura mixed with this much darker, heavier one. 
Allison looks over at the blind girl, "Your girlfriend is right for once," she hisses, then looks back at Viktor, "We should have left you in the basement." 
At this Diego stands knowing it was taking it a little too far, "Woah, Allison take it easy!"
Before much could be said, Viktor backhands Allison making her stumble. The man looked around and left the mansion. 
"You okay?" Five asks Allison hoping to calm things down. 
But the Rumor didn't bat an eyelash, "I'm fine. Let's continue." 
Ben smiled at the action, "Sweet, you guys fight just like us," he said as he ate a few more cheese balls. 
Diego couldn't say much, he knew whatever just happened was just pushing the boundaries, "Nah, man. We don't fight like this," he replied, watching where Viktor had just been standing.
The Australian whistled lowly as she stood, "Welp that was something," then she paused to look over at Fei and the remaining Sparrows, "Okay will you show us the Kugelblitz?" 
The short-haired woman nodded and motioned everyone to follow her down the steps. As the two families reached the steps. Phoenix couldn't help but frown at the feeling of the power. 
As Five stood beside her, she leaned towards him, "This won't be easy, I'm telling you this now. This thing is surging with the most energy I've seen anything have," she mumbled. 
Five scoffed at her words, "Yeah I could see it Bird. And it's going to take the whole damn universe."
Ben looked over at Five who was analyzing the bright orb, "What is it made of?" 
Sloan looked over and shrugged, "Micro black holes collapsing at increasingly short intervals," she said to the teen near her. 
"Why aren't we getting sucked inside?" He asks raising a brow. 
Sloan shrugged again, "Honestly we don't know," she said looking back at the bright light, "You shouldn't exist here, and neither should this."
The teen hummed, "An impossibility for an impossibility," he paused to look over at Phoenix who hadn't taken her eyes off the light, "The universe is a sucker for balance."
"Grace has been tracking the waves. The next one is due in three hours," Fei informs the room. 
Diego who was standing behind looked over at the people in the other room, "Alright so what do we do?" 
Sloan looks over at him, "We trap it," she simply responds. 
"Dyson sphere?" Five questions assuming he was right. 
The woman nodded, "Yeah," she said confirming his assumption. 
The teen clicks his tongue, "Okay, Confinement factor?" 
Pheonix snaps from her daze and looks over at Five and Sloan. Building off each other by the second. 
"0.98 at peak energy flux," she replies with a smile. 
"Tensile strength?"
"UTS ceiling of 10,000 gigapascals," she responds equally as quickly. 
Phoenix turns to look at Lila, mouthing a "What the fuck." The two shrugging at the jargon. 
"I'm sorry but are we supposed to find this hot?" The two said in unison looking the two back and forth. 
All she got from the two was a glare from Five who rolled his eyes at her. 
Allison from the corner of the room looks over at them, "What do you think, Five?"
"Could work..." he paused to look at the others, "or we could all die horribly."
Phoenix snorted, "Speak for yourself, I'll outlive everyone in this room." 
Five rolled his eyes, but looked at the Sparrows, "I'm in." 
Fei lifted her hand, "We don't need you," she paused and looked around, "For this to work we need Sloane, Lila, Christoper, Phoenix—" again she paused to look in her direction, "That's if you have the same skills as Eight did—and—" 
Allison cut them off before they could finish, "—Viktor. Of course," she finished and walked out of the basement, with a stomp. She couldn't believe that after the argument of how he was nothing but useless. He had to be a part of the plan. 
Sloane looked over at Phoenix and raised a brow, "How do we know you're anything like Eight?" she then asked, not believing that the teen before her would be of any use. 
The purple-haired girl just smiled, "You don't," was all she simply replied with, moving her hand to push her glasses up her nose. She might have been forced to join this little club, but she didn't owe anyone to show her powers, "I'll supervise," she shrugged. 
After everyone had dispersed and went their separate ways, Pheonix stayed behind to look at the glowing orb. The powerful energy, pulsed in small waves as she stood near. Somehow it felt warm to stand near it, the distant humming that it emitted, that no one else could hear. 
Something about it felt familiar but she couldn't place what it was. Eight? She had been a woman with great power, a strange pattern in her abilities. But it wasn't Eight, her powers had been a bright light, and different waves of energy merged with hers. 
"What are you thinking about?" A voice came behind her. 
The purple-haired girl said nothing for a moment, "There is something familiar about this energy, I've felt it before." 
She then felt Five standing beside her, "How would you have this type of energy before?" he mumbled, "There hasn't been anyone in this timeline that didn't belong, before us." 
Pheonix shrugged at his response, "I don't know, but I've felt it," she paused for a moment, "it feels like thousands of shockwaves going off at once. You feel it deep in your gut." 
Before Five could say anything else, Phoenix gasped and gripped her chest. The teen grabbed at her shaking figure, "Hey what's wrong?" 
She turned her head to him, "I got to go, it's Chris," she mumbled. 
Five, "Bird, wait—" but she was gone before he could calm her down about what the issue was. 
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She didn't know exactly the feeling, but the boy she had grown to know, was in danger. Not only was he the one to go and find her, but he knew what Eight's plan was. 
Phoenix stumbled as she landed in new territory. She could feel Chris' flickering energy. Doing her best to register her senses, she looked around in horror. It was her parent's house. The very one she grew up in. 
But this time all the greenery, and large trees surrounding her home were gone. All that was left was the burnt chard leftover from the trees. But it didn't feel as if anything was burnt. 
"Phoenix!" a voice called to her from behind, "You shouldn't be here, you need  to leave." 
The purple-haired girl turned to Chris who had made his way to her. She could feel his heartbeat racing miles a minute. 
"Chris, what is happening here?" She asked turning to the house that was in ruins, "Are my parents okay? Who did this?" 
Chris shook his head and grabbed her shoulder, "Look you have to leave, this will not end well. The Kugelblitz has two points in this universe that it will not destroy, one is the hotel, and the other is here, but you can't be here," he rushed out hoping that she would leave. 
The girl furrowed her brows, "I cannot leave you here Chris, you're hurt, I could feel your energy weakening," she replied not wanting to leave him alone. 
He shook his head, "I don't care, you need—" 
Before he could finish his sentence a large blast pushed them both tumbling on the burnt ground. The girl groaned at being pushed to the ground. It had been a very long time since she didn't see any attack coming towards her. Lifting her head, her heart skipped a beat at the sight. 
"Eight?" Phoenix whispered as she pushed herself off the ground, "I thought you were—"
The blonde stood before the two in pristine condition. Her blonde hair ran past her shoulders, her uniform clean and untouched, as she had never been stabbed in the first place. 
 "Dead?" she asked, but her voice wasn't the one she had heard once before. This one was dark and sinister. Nothing alluring as it usually is, "I'm anything but dead, sweetheart, seems they already replaced me." 
Chris then got up, "They didn't replace you, this is your plan Eight!" he yelled fists beginning to glow a yellow. 
The blonde smirked at the sight, "I didn't plan this, I wouldn't want to see my family parading around with a danger like her." 
The teen boy snarled at Eight, "You don't know what you're talking about, Phoenix is here to help us, which is what you told us to do." 
Phoenix couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the thought of Eight knowing the things she had done. 
As if she was reading her mind Eight chuckled and began twirling a piece of hair on her finger, "Oh little old bird didn't tell you the horrors she's committed?" 
Phoenix twitched at the sound of that, "Please don't," she begged this wouldn't end the way she had imagined it. 
A much darker laughter came from Eight at the thought, "She killed her classmates when she was a young girl, killed a whole bar of men, a full floor of hospital employees—" 
Before she could finish her sentence Chris had stepped forward to punch the blonde woman, "You don't know what you're talking about!" he hissed moving to punch her again, just to swing at nothing as she had disappeared. 
"Oh you poor souls working with the devil incarnation," she giggled now walking on the branches of the burnt trees, "So much blood on her hands, you wouldn't even know.." she cackled appearing again behind Phoenix to brush a hand on her back. 
Phoenix flinched at the feeling, "Y-you don't know that full story," she tried to say, but no matter the story, she still did have all that blood on her hands. All those lives were taken because she couldn't control her abilities. 
"You don't owe her an explanation," Chris then hissed appearing with a crack to punch the blonde woman onto the ground. On the ground, the blonde yelped, but quickly got up and swiped her left leg to trip him. 
He gave him a sinister smile, "And you don't know who you're messing with," she hissed her bright-colored power now intermixed with shades of black, twitching her fingers she surrounded his neck with her power, "Now you're going to die for it, you little pest." 
Chris began to choke at the feeling, "You bitch," he hissed and made his hand move, throwing a large tree over her. Releasing from the hold he coughed. Walking over to her and grabbing a knife from his pocket. He moved his hand to stab her heart, but she rolled over before she could. 
Her hands gripped the dirt, powers falling again until her golden hair floated around her. Eight moved her head, looking up, and dug her fingers in the dirt. Thick roots sprouted up from the ground forcing themselves to grab Chris in any way. 
"You think you and your little knife will do anything?" she asked moving to stand the roots still following her every single movement. 
The teen huffed but ran forward, doing his best to avoid all the flying roots. Sliding under them, and jumping from root to root, "You underestimate me, sister," he called, making replicas of himself and going after her. 
He didn't know who this was in front of him, but it couldn't be the Eight that he knew. The girl he had grown to know cared for him when she had no memory. And even when she got her memories back, she had devised a plan to save her family. Now, who the fuck was the person that currently fought him?
 His clones hopped over and under the vines, all fighting their way to reach Eight. 
Eight turned her head when she felt one of the clones get a little too close. Twitching her fingers she sent a vine to impale it in the heart—the fake version of Chris turning to dust. 
"Is that the best you can do?" she laughed continuing to kill the clones that all got too close. 
The real Chris who stood on a much taller tree rolled his eyes, twirling the knife in hand, his clones followed the movement. Flinging it towards the blonde who stood in the middle of the sentient tree roots. 
Eight only smirked at the sight of the knives, before they could reach her, she took control of each of them. Stopping them inches from her, her eerie glowing eyes trailed over the clones resting on the twisting roots. Before landing on the real Chris that was sitting on the tallest tree. 
"I got you," she whispered, her fingers twitching once more turning the natural direction of the knives towards the teen, "Bye, Chris," she called. 
Pheonix knew who Eight was through the name. She was a mother, sister, and wife. Every story that was said about her was told with love and admiration. Even when she infiltrated the Commission all those times, they all admired the woman. But what had they done to her? Who had made her this way? 
Not wasting a second more she dropped her cane and began running towards Chris, "Enough!" she called. 
Through her voice a pulse was felt on the ground, Eight looked up at her knives and watched them all convert from the darker shades of colors to a brilliant red, "Oh shit—" was all she said, not having enough time to react as the knives once more turned, but each one began to lengthen, all quickly landing back through Eight. 
The blonde who somehow was still alive looked over at the purple-haired girl. Her power was so effortless, the way she had converted the weapon into something so different, "You don't even know who you are," she said as blood began to fall from the sides of her mouth. 
Pheonix didn't move from her position, she couldn't see the spears surrounded by her red energy, "I know who I am, I protect those who are in need, when did you stop doing that?" 
Eight scoffed and began laughing, the blood continuing to fall from her mouth, then coughed to look at the girl's gleaming glasses, "You don't know anything..." she huffed out before letting her last breath, and her head fell limp. Blonde hair covering her face. 
Chris let out a breath at the sight, "I'm sorry but you couldn't have done that sooner?" he called running a hand through his hair, "You transformed my knives, and made them real," he whispered leaning closer to look at the spear that protruded from the ground. 
Phoenix sighed, "I try not to use any of my abilities all that much," she said walking over to her cane and picking it up. 
The teen shook his head, "Uh, no, you should use them, I mean with the power you have—" he paused to walk alongside her, "You could handily take down the sparrows."
"I will not be doing anything," she replied and grabbed his arm, warping them back to the mansion. 
As the two returned, Chris stumbled as they landed, "That felt weird," he mumbled holding his stomach, "It felt as if all my intestines were stretched out and put back together." 
The teen rolled her eyes from under her glasses, "And you're stupid," she replied walking forward to where she felt Five was. 
But before she could do anything more the building started shaking, Five came out of the room and caught sight of the Phoenix. 
"Bird we have to go," he called rushing over to the girl that was trying to stabilize. 
Phoenix turned to him, "I wasn't even gone that long, what did you guys do," she said grabbing onto his forearm, "I could feel it, that energy is stronger now," she added. 
Five nodded, "I'll explain later, we have to go," he said and grabbed her, blinking out of sight. While Chris was quick and grabbed Ben before he got swallowed by the orb. 
And then suddenly everyone was back at the hotel, the place where it had all begun. 
"Well I also have news for you," Phoenix said as they stood by the railing at the hotel. 
Five turned to her and raised a brow, "Don't go proclaiming your love to me now," he mumbled. 
The teen scoffed and tapped her cane on the railing, the one he was holding, sending an electrical current through it. 
Five hissed and stepped back looking down to see the red sparks die down, "It was a joke," he replied placing his hands back on the railing, "What is it that you wanted to tell me?" 
Phoenix sighed, "When I felt Chris in danger and got there—" Before she could finish Five cuts in. 
"Okay where is there?" he asked turning to look over at her. 
"Five shut the fuck up," she hissed and sighed once more, "I found him at my old house, my parents to be more precise, but he wasn't alone," she said pausing, "Eight was there." 
At this the boy froze and looked at her with wide eyes, she could feel his heart rate increase at the mention of his late wife, "What do you mean she was there? I held her dead body in my arms." 
Phoenix shrugged at his words, "I wasn't there to confirm that, but she was in the flesh, but not like the woman you remember Five. She actively tried to kill Chris and me." 
Five's grip on the railing tightened, knuckles beginning to turn white, "Where is she?" 
"I killed her," she simply answered. 
He looked down and tightly shut his eyes at the thought, "Show me, I know you can," he mumbled his body visibly shaking now. 
Phoenix nodded knowing what he was talking about. Leaning her cane towards the railing, she moved both hands to grip the side of his face, fingers glowing the familiar red. 
Five's blue eyes began glowing red, and then he was transported to the memory of his wife fighting the two. He furrowed his eyebrows at the sight, that wasn't Eight. She wouldn't ever willingly bring danger to her loved ones. Someone had taken control of her. Not only did he see Eight's new dark form, but he felt Phoenix's fear, nerves, and stress. 
But he felt a warmth pitter against his chest as she stepped forward to save the boy from Eight's wrath. But then he got a glimpse of Phoenix's powers, the way the knives all lengthed so quickly, just to spear Eight everywhere. He pulled away right when he got a glimpse of her dead eyes. 
"That wasn't her," he mumbled shaking his head, trying to think of any reason she would be acting this way. 
"So I've been told," she replied and pulled away completely, hand moving back to grab her cane, "any clue of what's wrong with her?" 
Five was silent for a moment, looking down below the railing, "No, she was fine when we arrived, a little jittery," he paused to look over at Phoenix, "but that was probably from her plan coming to motion." 
"Do you think she knew that this would happen?" she then asked now curious how far ahead Eight knew what would happen.
At that, the teen paused and bit his lip in thought, "I honestly don't know, after her memory came back in the 60's she was more alert, sort of not there anymore." 
Pheonix nodded, "She was living her future already..." she said softly, "I can't do that, how is she able to see the future?" 
The two were silent for a moment also thinking of the possibilities. That was before Five broke the silence, "I have a theory that you two are different sides of the same coin." 
The blind girl raised a brow, "Elaborate." 
Five nodded and turned to look at her, "Okay, from what I've seen the two of you can do it. There are things that both of you don't share, maybe hers is just seeing into the future," he paused again tapping his chin, "Have you jumped to any different timelines?" 
Phoenix nodded, "I have plenty of times, I got on the radar of the Commission a little too many times." 
At this Five scoffed, "Of course, you were the troubled teen that appeared in different times," he sighed closing his eyes and remembering hearing of a young girl who purposely wanted to change the future, "You're lucky neither of us was ever assigned to you." 
Five chuckled at his words and looked at Phoenix who said nothing. He waved his hand before her face, and snapping out of her trance, she gripped his hand, "She's sought me out multiple times, it's just coming to me now." 
He had no recollection of the said visits, it seemed his wife would hide more things than she led on, "How do you know that?" 
She shook her head, "I just remembered—I mean I knew about it before since I knew a part of her plan. But just now I remembered that when I was a little girl she was there, when I was a teen she was there, and multiple sightings of her being near. I never put it together until now." 
Five knew that his wife was always thinking ahead, be he didn't know this ahead. What had she seen in the future that warranted this much secrecy? That she knew she was going to die? Of who she would become? Did Reginald know of Phoenix? 
"That's odd indeed, we now have two things to worry about," he mumbled bringing his hand to his mouth to lightly bite on his thumb, "As much as it pains me to say, Eight will have to wait." 
Pheonix only nodded and turned to his family behind them, who had just started to get into a heated argument. 
Five rolled his eyes at his brothers, "Hey! You guys done?" he called silencing the two as he walked away from the railing, "The universe is disappearing outside. So you can keep rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic if it makes you feel better. But the fact remains that we are too late." he says to them. 
Diego and Ben scoff at the younger boy talking to them. 
"It's over Luther, we failed," he adds. 
The larger man sitting beside Sloane frowns, "Come on it can't be over," he starts as his eyes dart over to Phoenix, "We haven't even given Phoenix a go, maybe she's the answer." 
Diego nodded, "Yeah, come on, Five. We gotta figure this out, man," he started, "Luther's right, copy Eleanor hasn't given it a go." 
The purple-haired girl rolled her eyes under her glasses, "You bunch are crazy, look at the big picture you morons," she paused to tap her chin, "Let me think, for the past who knows how many days you lot have spent your time trying to save the world from ending," she starts, "Not only did you fail twice, but you got one of yours killed," she adds with a raise of her brows. 
For a moment all of them stood silent, looking anywhere but towards the blind teen. 
Luther is always the optimist, "Well, we made some friends along the way," he says looking at Sloane who was grabbing his arm. 
Five rolled his eyes and pointed towards him, "Incorrect!" he said and watched Luther's smile fall from his face, "Nothing, we made things worse every single time," he hissed towards his family. 
Allison who was reclining on a pillar scoffed, "Amen to that." 
Five sighs and calms himself a little more, "Look when I went to the Commission, I had a conversation with my 100-year-old self. And my last words were, 'Don't save the world.'"
Everyone had looks of confusion, "'Don't save the world'?" Vikor questions. 
"Don't save the world," Phoenix reiterated. 
Diego furrowed his brows, "Fake Eleanor, that's the stupidest thing you've said yet," he said looking at her. 
"Is it?" Luther asked thinking about the words his brother and Phoenix had said, "Well whatever we're doing is not working. All we ever do is save the world for a day, pat ourselves on the back, and then everything goes to shit again."
Viktor couldn't believe his family was thinking of giving up, "Yeah, maybe we're the problem." 
"Oh, yeah, Us," Allison scoffs at the stupid remark. 
Lila looks at the two, "Wait, your big plan is no plan?" she asked raising a brow, now confused about how the family that was so adamant about saving the world, is now giving up.
Five nodded, at the moment if he got rid of the whole ending of the world problem, he could maybe resolve the issue of his wife coming back from the dead, "Exactly, conscientious objection." 
Phoenix coughed, "Well you might as well try, you did come in bursting through my timeline and got everyone I know killed," she added with a smile, "Maybe this is the way the universe wanted you to go, embrace you're ending." 
Sloane just hugged Luther a bit tighter, "What if it's...nothing?"
"Then it's been nice knowing you all. Whatever's on your bucket list, I recommend you do that now," he finishes and looks over at the purple-haired girl, "Bird?" 
Even though the world was ending, and nothing could be done, Five still wanted to know what would happen to his wife. 
As Phoenix was about to follow him to find the answers to his alive/dead wife, she felt a spike of serotonin in the room. Not something she'd felt in a while, the warm feeling caused her to turn and notice it was coming from the couple on the loveseat. 
Luther smiled down at Sloane, "Well on that super happy note...we've um..." he paused and mumbled, "Oh what the hell," he said with a smile, "We've got a little announcement to make," he said and looked down at Sloane. 
The woman smiled from ear to ear lifting a hand, "We're engaged!" she excitedly said towards her family and the umbrellas. 
Five just sighed and sat down, "idiots," he mumbled, knowing another marriage would be ruined by the apocalypse that was waiting to happen.
Even Allison was confused out of her mind and angry at a lot, "Now?" she asked eyes wide, and brows raised. 
Luther nodded, "Yeah, look we realize the timing is less than ideal. But it's now or never. Am I right, Five?" 
The boy was less than inclined to answer, "Don't drag me into this, please." 
Phoenix smiled, "I love weddings, so this will be fun," she called making the couple smile, at least one person was on their side. 
"Thank you Phoenix, Whatever time we have left, we wanna spend it with all of you," she added holding Luther close to her person, "if you would join us in the banquet hall at 6:00 p.m. and the official union of what left of our two great families." 
Luther smiled at his fiancé, "Dress code is creative black-tie," he said and everyone went their separate ways. 
Chris smiled a drink now in hand, "I love weddings, I always look good in suits," he giggled and skipped off to a chair.
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lahotelbellamuerte · 1 month
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐧 - floor eight. weddings are always so fun
series masterlist ! current: weddings are always so fun! next: two sides of one coin
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pairing; phoenix x five warnings; language, mentions of sexy time, five moving on. word count; 5.3k notes; teehee I love the fact that five is finding someone new, not much else. just still reeling from season 4 lol, buuuut one more chapter until the end of this LOL.
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FIVE KNEW THAT HE COULDN'T SLEEP NOT WITH THOUGHTS SWARMING. Everything he had always known would be thrown into the trash. Or the galactic wormhole that was about to swallow them whole. He missed his wife more than he thought he would. It didn't help that Phoenix was an exact replica of her. 
The poor teen sat on a chair, drink in hand as he looked at the void of the hotel's ceiling. Gold and red patterns decorated it intricately. 
"Five~" a soft voice called out to him. In his deluded mind, he brings his head down to see Eight. His eyes widen, and he gets up and drops his drink, "Eight," he mumbles, his eyes darting to her unbruised, clean skin, and blonde hair surrounding her. 
But something was off about this, she was glowing in a way he had never seen before. Eight looked angelic, and wore a white dress that seemed to flow in the draftless room, "How are you here?" he whispered reaching to touch her. 
The woman smiled, but his hand never reached her, "I'm not here Five, you know I'm not," she replied moving her finger to tap his forehead, "I'm in here," she said then began to fade, taking the bright light with her. 
Five's eyebrows furrow at the sight, "No, Eight, please don't leave me!" he yells in hopes of getting her back, hands outstretched in hopes that he could grab her. 
"Woah, there soldier," a voice sounds as they walk in, "You need to calm down." 
Five rolls his eyes at the sentiment of the purple-haired girl, "None of your concern bird," he sighs and sits back down on the chair, "What do you want?" 
Phoenix bites her lip and taps her cane on the ground, "I thought we were going to find answers for your wife? We have a couple of hours before the weddings." 
The teen looks up at her from the chair, "Do you think we'll find anything?" he asks his voice sounding defeated. 
The girl shrugged, "Not sure, but if there are two of us out here, this could be catastrophic, to be honest," she paused to push her glasses up her nose, "It's best we find her before anything goes Costa Rica." 
Five sighed and pushed himself off the couch, "Ok any idea where to start?" 
"Sure do," she laughed and hit her cane against the ground, as they dissolved like sand. 
Five couldn't help but scream as he felt his entire body dissolve along with the sand. Then be spit right back out onto the ground. He groaned in pain as he pushed himself up. Looking to his side to see Phoenix, standing like nothing had happened. 
He dusted himself off and glared at her, "I think I hate that more than Eight's abrupt portals," he said as he looked around, "Uh where are we?" 
Around his was the scorched greens that used to be Phoenix's house, the long spikes used to kill eight still surrounding them. The once greenery of her childhood home was now destroyed and turned into dust. 
"My home—or whatever of it is left," she sighed walking towards the building mostly in ruins. 
Her hand reached the handle pushing the door open. Stepping inside she couldn't help that her eyes went wide. 
"Uh, Bird why does your house look like this?" he asked dumbfounded at the sight.
The two young adults looked around in shock. The inside of her house looked completely intact. As if the outside hadn't been falling apart. 
Phoenix moved forward and touched the adorning pictures of her small family around. Her parents. She felt awful, just now remembering the couple that had raised her all those years. In a rush, the purple-haired girl ran up the steps to her home. 
"Mum, Dad!?" she yelled not caring that she had originally been looking for Eight, or any sign of her. 
Five who was left behind walked up the stairs and began looking in rooms. Most if not all empty, showing no life of people. Until he reached a room at the end of the hall. 
The whole room had a pinkish hue to it. Moving forward, he reached his hand out to a jewelry box, opening it to sing a twinkling tune. There deep inside he reached for a ring. His breath hitched. It couldn't be. The ring was the same that he had given Eight when they were in the apocalypse. How was it possible that it was now sitting here in a jewelry box that belonged to Phoenix. 
He then dug into his pocket, the ring again in his hand. The very one that Chris had given him after burying Eight's body. His eyes once more widened as the ring began shaking in his hands, and just like magnets the ring collided. 
The boy stepped back as a bright light came from the rings, the jewelry box still chiming. And just as quickly the light died down, a small cling coming from metal hitting the hard wooden floors. 
Moving forward he bends down to pick the new ring. Now it was a gold band with a red thin line and an ever-changing line of oranges and pinks. The lines both weave in and out of each other. What did it mean? 
Shaking his head, he just shoved the ring in his pocket and closed the music box. And stepped out of the room. 
Phoenix frantically looked through every room, to eventually pull into the attic. A room her father had made to be her safe space. Books specifically made for her, plants that she loved to grow knowing that she was able to feel the life of them through her abilities. Now those plants lay shriveled and dead. 
Five looked through the small Library that the Magnolia's kept. The vast collection rivaled the man he was supposed to call father. Then moving forward to a large desk that was settled in the corner. Hands moving to a large book settled at the center. 
Opening and reading it, "Things have felt different my darling, your mother and I worry every coming day for your safety. I know that you've told us that you are perfectly capable of defending yourself, but what am I a father supposed to do? You are the only thing I have ever loved, alongside your mother. I feel things will change more soon. Don't ask how I know but I just do. Did we ever tell you, that when you were not even a year old, an old man found you? His name, Reginald Hargreeves, I believe his name was. 
Five eyes widened at the mention of the old man's name. 
"He wanted to keep you. Offered a big sum of money, but your mother the tough one sent him to hell. I couldn't be prouder, sure you did come at a very unexpected time, but nothing could ever make us give you up. He was equally as relentless. More than once he reached out in hopes we would change his mind. He was very convincing at moments, but like I said, you had become the one thing worth living for. Something about that we were messing up his goals for the future. We didn't think too much about it, and once more he declined. Eventually, we never heard of the man again. But I have my suspicions that he kept an eye on you darling. You are one of a kind, if not the most rare. In the case that you come back and visit the house, your mother and I leave you with a message. I know morbid, but I feel it kiddo. I may not have powers, but I too have instincts. Save who you can, when you can. You have a strong heart and powers that all wish they had. With great power comes great responsibilities. We love you little firebird. You truly were born from ashes and reborn to change the world. Which is why we gave you a name that not only needs power to wield it. R—"
Before he could finish the letter the whole house shook, jostling books off shelves. Phoenix. He knew something had happened. Looking down at the letter once more to get her name, he rushed to find the girl. 
Phoenix was on her knees at the sight. On a loveseat, her dear parents sat. Knives embedded deep through where their hearts would be. She had never once felt so much anger, hurt, pain, and sadness all at once. Shockwaves moved through her body at the sight of them. They had only so much love for her. And this is how their ends come? They should die of old age. Not some monster killing them. 
"Phoenix!" Came a voice behind her, she turned her head to see Five kneeling beside her, "Hey you have to calm down," he told her, his voice raised high as her winds began to pick up, "The building will fall on us," he added. 
The girl had no control as of right now, "They're dead Five, they're dead!" she cried, tears no longer shy and running down her face. 
Five knew this pain, he had it felt twice in his life. The first was the death of his son, his beautiful son. The second was the death of his wife. The woman who had given him a family and the love he never had. 
"I know Bird, and I'm sorry for your loss. But you should know they didn't die afraid. They loved you and knew you would return," he told her, doing his best to dry her tears. His heart ached at the sight. 
The woman sobbed and slumped to the ground, "she killed them you know," she whispered, the wind slowing down. 
Five furrowed his eyebrows, "Who did?" 
She turned over to him, removing her glasses, grey eyes looking in his direction, "Your wife, Eight."
Five looked over the deceased couple, "How do you know?" 
Moving her hands to wipe the tears away, "I could feel and see her energy, her pulses a certain frequency, that I felt when you all arrived in this timeline," she paused this time to get up, "She's still alive in this world somehow Five, but she's not same." 
Five was silent as he watched her lift her parents from their state, and levitating towards their room. The time traveler couldn't help but stay silent and follow. Watching as she lay them side by side. 
Red flashed in her hands as magnolia flowers were in her hand, placing them in each of her parent's hands. Moving back to stand with Five. Her palm faced up, as flames erupted tossing it forward. The flames quickly moved everywhere else. The two in silence moved out of the room and shut the doors. 
"We should head back to the hotel then," Five added quietly, knowing it wouldn't take long before the whole house was consumed. 
The girl nodded and took her glasses off and cane, leaving a part of her behind. Then move them back to the hotel with ease. 
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As they arrived all they could hear was the sudden voice with an accent, "As for the rest of you, your training is to resume post-haste."
Five couldn't help but scowl at the words of the old man. He knew that whatever he was planning wasn't going to end well. But he was glad to see Chris and Klaus getting along, and alive. 
"We're running out of time. We have a mission to complete," the old man says as he looks around the room to see the most adults. 
Ben ready to spring into any type of action, speaks up, "I'm ready. Let's do this," he says without any thought. 
Five moved forward, rolling his eyes, "Let me guess, Project Oblivion?" he questioned gathering everyone's attention once more. But he doesn't miss the looks that float over to Phoenix behind him, the odd sight of her grey eyes staring right into their soul. Ironic. 
Reginald looked over to the teenage boy, his eyes momentarily flickering on the girl behind him, "How do you know about that?"
"Heard all about it from Pogo," he added a slight smirk hung on his face as he stared at the man. 
The older man didn't miss a beat at the sound of the name, "Now, there's a name I haven't heard in some time." 
"And he confirmed what I've always suspected about you," he then adds pacing slighting and pointing lazily towards him.
"Which is?"
Five nods, "That you're a sadistic lunatic who's planning on gambling all our lives, in another pointless mission," he starts jaw clenched, remembering the letter he had read earlier, "To go even as far as trying to get the perfect members for this little escapade you have planned," everyone eyes trailing to the purple-haired girl behind him. 
"And you'd take the word of a disgruntled chimp over that of your father?" he asks hoping to get the answer he wanted. 
Five blinked from his area to be closer to him, "Every damn day," He seethed holding the anger of all the deaths he encountered, and the millions of lives he's had to kill just to get here in this moment. 
Reginald was silent but before he could speak, Luther beat him to it, "Nobody wants you here, Dad. You should leave." 
Ben interjected trying to defend the man that raised him, "Hey, you don't speak for all of us, big guy."
Unlike many times in his life, he wasn't going to let this timeline's Ben ruin it, "Feel free to join him." 
Reginald nods, "I see. So this is what it's come to. Insurrection—" 
Both Chris and Klaus move forward to interrupt, "Woah there—" "That's not the kind of erection we're driving for here, all right?" The two kind of mumble together, "Everybody just needs to be cool. Clearly, you guys are on a different chakra frequency right now," Klaus jumbles out loud. 
Chris nods, "Yeah, come, old man, let's go have a nice cup of tea in the suite," he says wrapping his arms around the old man, as he mumbles trying to get him off, "Luther Sloan, thrilled for you guys. Send me your registry," he finishes and pulls Klaus and Reginald with him. 
As everyone in there was leaving to their own thing, Phoenix let out a breath, "Well time to look for a dress," she said a smile plastered on her face, and walked off to see the seamstress from earlier. 
Five didn't want to leave the girl alone after her just witnessed the death of her parents, so he followed right behind her. 
"You know what I need?" Phoenix begins, "A drink—" 
Five interjects, "—No, you don't. Last time you did that, I had to carry you everywhere," he says with a scoff, following the girl through the halls of the hotel. 
Phoenix pouted, "You are a party pooper, I'll tell you that." 
"I don't care, I'll you that," he rebuttals, as they reach the door to the seamstress, "Let's get you a dress—"
"—Uh no you don't puppet,"  A different accent flowed into his ears. Looking up to see Lila blocking the door, "You get to have little brother time with Luther and your stupid brothers." 
Five furrowed his eyebrows, "No, I came here with Bird to—"
"—Blah, blah, blah, I don't care what you were coming here with, I'm here to join my long-time friend," she says pulling the girl to her hip that matched her large grin. 
Five lifted his hands and shrugged, "Alright," he said defeated, "Don't do anything I would," he added pointing to the purple-haired girl, before blinking out of sight. 
As the time traveler was finally gone, the two girls turned to each other and grinned. Pushing the doors to the seamstress. 
The older lady in uniform was glad to show them all the dresses in hand, turning music on for the two old friends. The two screamed when it was one of their favorite songs. 
"I wasn't jealous before we met, Now every woman I see is a potential threat, And I'm possessive, it isn't nice You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice," Phoenix starts with a flapper dress dancing around Lila who laughed. 
Lila moved into the changing room, "But now it isn't true, Now everything is new, And all I've learned has overturned, I beg of you," she continued coming out with a hideous ball gown, grabbing the girl's arms, the two dancing and spinning around as they sang, 
"Don't go wasting your emotion, Lay all your love on me..." 
After dancing to a couple of ABBA songs, the two lay in puffy wedding dresses with veils, "Who would've thought this is how we'd reunite huh?" Lila started playing with the pleats in her dress. 
The purple-haired girl chucked, "You took the words out of me dearest Lila," she added then looked over the woman's wedding dress, "And this would be the only time I'll see you in a wedding dress." 
The mimic laughed, "You and I firebird," she added, "Sorry about your parents," she quietly said. 
"They were my everything," Phoenix starts, "And to know that in the end, they were killed by the very woman I'm a replica of," she sighs. 
"In no world firebird, you're a replica of anyone, as far as I know, you're one of a kind," she says moving to poke her nose. 
Phoenix smiles at the words, "Thanks Lila, but weren't you her friend also?" she asks raising a brow. 
Lila waves a hand, "Barely, she was the mission from my dearest mother," Lila snorts out, "You are the one I met first, knowing that you were mischievous and all that I wanted in a friend."
She then sighs again, "I've made so many friends in my lifetime, and knowing all of them are dead except us, is a weird thought." 
The two then were silent for a while, thinking of nothing and everything. 
"I'm pregnant," Lila then abruptly says. 
Phoenix sits up and turns in her direction, "Oh my god!" she exclaims, "Congratulations, I'm sure you would've been a good mother." 
Lila smiles, "Thank you firebird," she says moving to hug the girl tightly, "Would you be the child's godmother?"
"Are you kidding? Of course, I'd give my life for the unborn gremlin," Phoenix says pulling her into a tighter hug, "In celebration, I'll drink for the both of us." 
"Thatta' girl," Lila laughs, patting her back. 
"Miss Magnolia?" An old lady's voice interrupted the two.  
The two look over to see a woman holding a dress in hand, "Would this do? I believe it would bring out your features stunningly." 
Lila whistles, "Now that lady is your best work, you're gonna knock Fivers on his ass," she starts and looks at her, "We'll take it." 
Phoenix furrows her eyebrows, "Fivers?" 
The mimic rolls her eyes and scoffs, "Please you think I'm blind. Sure he's hurting that dear old Eight is dead, but I can see the way he looks at you. And I know you." 
"Darling, I think you might be insane—" 
"—No, no, not a statement I want you arguing about. You love that man, which I don't see whatsoever," she pauses to shiver, "But you both care and love you don't have much time to tell each other." 
The younger woman sighed, "Lila—" 
Again Lila lifted a hand, "—Ah, what did I say? I will not argue. Now, get ready I'll meet you there," she said and leaned to kiss her friend's forehead, "Love you, but I know you." 
And then Phoenix was left to her thoughts, and the dress beside her. Was Lila right? Did she somehow in the short time she's met Five, somehow grow feelings for him? 
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The whole of the remaining Umbrella and Sparrows, then headed towards the ballroom. 
Klaus was the first to react at the sight, "Not sure this place is gonna be big enough," he says sarcastically as he looks at the size of the room. 
Allison the first in the room, "This better be an open bar," she grumbles. 
Lila frowned at the sound of the others, "Hey, come on. It's for Luther. Let's perk up," she said as she looked at the dazzling room with a disco ball, "Wow," she dragged and chuckled. 
Everyone was silent before the elevator dinged, two men walked out, "I don't know. Normally, my tush looks good," Luther grumbles as they walk further into the room. 
Allison's eyes then land on her brother, "Ah, I see you've gone for the oversized button-down. Original," she snarks. 
Viktor frowned, "You do realize there's no paparazzi here, right?" he snarks. 
Before the two started fighting, Luther started shushing the two, "Listen to me, you two. This is my day, all right? So if you can just get along for a couple of hours, you can consider that my wedding gift." 
"Well he started it, so—" Allison starts. 
Vikor got a say before she finished, "—You literally just started it." 
Luther once more put his hands forward, "Bah, bah, bah! My day!" he added once more a little more harshly, "Two hours. Do you think you can manage that?" 
"Yeah fine," Vikor replied not waiting for Allison to reply. 
Five rolled his eyes at the argument, "Lila, Bird was with you. Where is she?" 
The Brit smiled, "Why the sudden interest? Have a crush?" Five raised a hand, but Lila didn't let him finish, "She should be here soon don't get you're panties in a twist." 
And just like on cue, the elevator dinged once more. Revealing Phoenix in an emerald low-cut dress, that flowed perfectly on her body to barely kiss the ground. Her hair pulled up loosely, as a few strands, curled down the base of her neck. Her bangs moved slightly to the side to resemble an Audrey Hepburn-type style. 
Five couldn't help but be in awe, she was beautiful he couldn't deny that. Her dark ink from her tattoos compliment the dress, and her hair the dark muted purple did as well. He had seen Eight wear green before, but never had he seen it look so ethereal on someone else. 
The man shook his head and did the only thing he could think of doing, he walked forward to take her hand. Before he could get a word out to her, the elevator dinged once more. 
The opening doors reveal Sloan in a beautiful white silk dress. She looked simple, but in a way, it took everybody's breath away. Phoenix smiled, as she felt Sloan's heartbeat quicken as her eyes landed on her fiancé. 
And Ben had to ruin it, "Let's get this over with before I die from cringe." 
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today for a good time, not a long time, so let's have a good time, huh? 'Cause the sun can't shine every day. Can I get an Amen?" Klaus started the ceremony. 
Luther and Sloan both smiled, "Amen!" they both exclaimed. 
Diego whistled from his seat. 
And even Five the grumpiest, "Amen," he called from his seat, Phoenix patting his upper thigh in adoration for his brother.
Klaus then continued, "Luther, do you be taking this banging hottie to be your lady?"
Luther smiled looking at no one else but Sloan, "I do." 
Klaus sighs beginning to get emotional, "Sloan, do you promise to love and cherish this big hairy bastard for the next 24 to 48 hours?"
Five added, "Give or take a day," he says, earning a smack from Phoenix, "What?!" he whispers, then sees her eyes welled with tears looking towards their direction. 
"I'm gonna try," she says also looking into Luther's eyes. 
Klaus tears up and begins crying, "Sorry. I pronounce you married as shit! Viva la Apocalypse!" he ends, hands in the air. 
Everyone cheers and claps, as the two join in a kiss. 
Five clapped the two, feeling slightly melancholy as he remembered how he had married Eight all those years ago. Something about it made it feel even more distant than before. Maybe it had something to do with the crying Australian beside him. 
Soon they all followed the couple as they began their first dance. Others joining; those being, Lila and Diego, and Klaus and Chris. 
Phoenix with a glass of champagne walked over to Five as he filled his, "Want to join me in a dance?" she asked 
He looked over at the girl and nodded. Holding out his hand for hers, and just like before something about her seemed so familiar in his hand, "This is officially worse than the Apocalypse." 
The two downed the drinks before heading to the dance floor, "What dancing with me?" she asked as he twirled her, feeling his hand back on her waist. 
Five rolled his eyes, "No you idiot," was all he said, and continued to enjoy their dance around the floor, "I forgot to say, you look beautiful tonight." 
The young girl laughed, "Don't go getting soft on me," she said closer to his ear.
Five spins her so that her back is to his chest, "Not going soft, just being a gentleman and giving compliments to his lady," he says into her heart, smirking when he feels her shiver. 
As the meals eventually started coming, the two settled at a table for themselves. Chomping up food. And Phoenix kept her promise to drink for Lila tonight. While occasionally Five gives her an eye for drinking too much. 
Amidst their meal Klaus stumbled over, "Cinco! Mir hermano, and the lovely Phoenix," he called going over to sit next to the lady. 
Five rolled his eyes, "Oh, god. What do you want?" 
"Listen to me, Dad is upstairs right now with a plan to save everything. So what say you and I, and this darling woman by your hand, pop to the suite for a little chitchat?" Klaus says patting her shoulder with a nudge. 
She was about to open her mouth before Five beat her to it, "Don't answer Bird," he says to her then turns back to his brother, "Are you Frick and Frack with the old man now?"
"This dad's different. He's a turtle. Hard on the outside, but all cute and wrinkly and occasionally delicious on the inside," he says watching Five sips on his drinks. 
Putting his glass down, Five looks up at Klaus, "Klaus?" 
"Old dogs like me and him never change," he begins a shot in the hand, "He has never had our best interest at heart. So, my only plan for tonight is to get fucked up beyond all recognition, and make sure Firebird doesn't die before me," he finishes and throws the shot in a champagne glass, picking it up. 
Klaus deflated and sighed, "Sure, have at it," he said cheering him goodbye, "I shall," replied Five. 
"What beautiful words you share with your darling brother," Phoenix finally says finishing who knows what number of champagne glasses. 
Five shrugged, "Just shut up and eat your food," he said and watched Klaus and Chris try and convince anyone else. 
It wasn't long before the room fell silent and the man himself showed up. Sir Reginald Hargreeves. 
Phoenix heard Lila talk to him. And couldn't think of a better time to do it herself. 
"I'm talking to him," She said getting up from her seat. 
"Bird—No, don't you don't—" he started grabbing her hand but all that did was pull him with her. 
Reginald stood from his seat at the sight of the girl, "Five," he started. 
Five sighed and lifted a hand, "This is Phoenix Magnolia," he introduced. 
"What an interesting name your parents had given you," the older man said. 
Phoenix shook her head, They didn't give itm, I chose it," she replied. 
"And why is that my dear?" 
The young woman shrugged, "The name given holds too many bad memories." 
Reginald nodded, "Ah, and so you gave yourself a name reborn that from the ashes. Clever my dear," he said and looked at Five, "Always choosing the brilliant ones say you?" 
Five didn't reply and just pulled Phoenix with him. Not wanting to spend that much longer with him. 
It wasn't long after that he gave a speech to the newlyweds. Just before the entire family made its way to the floor to dance it off. The young duo bottles in hand danced though as if they had known each other longer than they had. All the deep memories forged between them. The many lives they've spent together, all the troubling and peaceful moments. Every single battle, going after all the issues together. All the forgotten memories deep within. 
 "I'm glad I'm spending the end of the world with you." 
It didn't take much drinking for Five to be singing up on stage, Phoenix barefoot swaying to a bourbon bottle by her chest. The rest of the family giggled at the two. 
Diego smiled as he caught Five's eye never leaving the drunk woman, "I never thought I'd see the day that Five would move on from Eleanor. She was his everything. Even as kids, the two did everything together. We all had the bet, that they'd be the ones to be married first. He loved her because they were so alike. Smart, snarky, and always got what she wanted, and better than that a badass." 
Lila scoffed, "And here he is in love with the opposite, a troublemaker covered in tattoos. Doesn't know how to do basic math to save her life. Is scared of motorcycles, and seems very menacing, but it's just her blindness. Only they have in common is being badass. I'm glad they found each other." 
Eventually, they all made their way to the top of the hotel, The last to arrive was Phoenix who had snacks in hand, "Did I miss anything?" she whispered to Five. 
The boy shook his head, "Just your timeline Ben wanting to be a part of the family. And you being late that's it," he slurred. 
The purple-haired girl laughed and placed her head on his shoulder, "That's good to know."
The two were drunk out of their minds and had no recall of what they were even doing. All they were was familiar with each other. Somehow it felt like all their lives the past, present and even their future felt aligned. 
"Want to get out of here?" Phoenix then whispered to him. 
Five thought about it for a little too short before he replied, "I wouldn't dare to say no," he answered, getting up and pulling the girl behind him. The other's cheering for him. 
"Get it Five!" Klaus cheered as he watched the two stumble out of the roof. 
On one hand, Five held onto Phoenix's shoes, the other around her waist. While he was drunk, the poor girl was worse at holding her liquor than she was, "Are we almost there?"
Five burped, "Yes, calm down," he replied, trying to right his vision. Not when he stopped and heard Reginald speaking on the other side of the door. 
"We have a deal." He said as he reached out to shake the hand of someone else.
He didn't have much time to really think it over when the two toppled into the elevator. All to quickly find their room, and do things, both had been deprived of. A short end of the world became a long night for the two.
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lahotelbellamuerte · 3 months
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐧 - floor four. men in suits could be a kink...right?
series masterlist ! current: men in suits could be a kink...right? ! next: no body, no crime
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pairing; slight five x phoenix, lilah x diego (allude) warnings; suggestive language, five hating phoenix, not proofread! word count; 6.0k notes; none for this one
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NOW WE ALL KNOW THE STORY OF EIGHT HARGREEVES. She was born as the favorite, and Reginald trained her to be the best. She becomes tired of the present and decides to go into the future with her boyfriend. Five Hargreeves. The two were oh so in love, thinking they were the smartest, strongest, and best. Well, obviously they were very wrong and got stuck in the apocalypse with no way back home. The start of the very disaster of a century. 
Right back to the blonde, who has a kid, who dies because he was born with abilities he couldn't control. Just like someone we know—spoiler alert—it's Eight. For someone given so much attention, you would think she would, right? Anyways joins the Commission, and there the grand plan grows. 
Since she wasn't the one with the ability to save the universe, she went out to find the person who could. It was dear old little —REDACTED—oh, right, you can't know her name yet. Phoenix is a different version of Eight. Old lady Eight only told the small girl of what was to come, but not the complete plan. 
Now onto Phoenix, the prodigy with her abilities. Unfortunately blind, but that didn't stop her from expanding her capabilities. Practically being able to see with her strength at listening smelling and tasting, vision was no longer necessary for her.  At the age of thirteen, the young girl figured out how to jump time. Being stuck in time was fun for the girl, able to steal without a trace. And being placed on the Commission's radar became even more exciting. A fun game of cat and mouse. 
Obviously, they were never able to catch her. She was good at what she did. Even escaping the grasp of one of their most skilled agent. Five Hargreeves, who had only failed the mission titled "Phoenix's flames." 
Eventually, the girl returned back to her home timeline, hoping to live it out to old age, after ruining her age by jumping through time. A 30-year-old stuck in the body of an eighteen-year-old. But nothing ever goes to plan for the girl, as a few months later after returning a family from a different timeline is calling for her help. 
"Chrisy, you did a great job at explaining it," Phoenix called as she sat on the counter of the bar. 
"I'm so confused," Diego muttered grabbing his head from a headache. 
Five sipped on his coffee, "Shocker," he replied. 
"Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exist. But clearly, we do exist and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem," Viktor said after hearing all that Five had to say. 
"Big problem," Phoenix and Five chorused, who turned to give each other a glare. 
The purple-haired girl then scoffed and looked off to see a kid goofing off, "Stanley! Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?" he yelled at the young boy. 
Stanley looked back holding a pool stick and glared, "Mom said I need to practice," he replied. 
Diego paused slightly, "Yeah, well, she's not wrong. You're very bad," he added twirling a small knife in hand. 
"Well, I saved your pathetic ass," Stanley added with a whine. 
She turned to Diego and gave him a thumbs up, "Cute kid." 
Diego only gave her a mocking smile. Not being able to conclude that isn't the girl they grew up with. Now it was a purple-haired girl with blunt bangs, and tattoos. And not to mention blind. 
"Okay, hold on. Five, so we caused a paradox. What does that mean," she asked leaning against a pillar. 
The boy looked over at his sister, "It's hard to say, it's all been theoretical until now, but things have started to disappear." 
Viktor gave a confused glance, "What things?" 
Phoenix hopped off the counter, "Right now? Cows, and according to boy genius, lobsters," she paused and sighed, "But I've got a feeling it's just the start." 
Allison scoffed, "A feeling?" she asked walking then closer to the two who always seem to cause problems, "You know, you can't drag us through hell because you have an itch only an apocalypse can scratch. And then expect us to deal with the fallout," she continued only to stop right before the girl with dyed hair, "You're not the boss. 
The girl tilted her head at the voice, "Listen, Shirley Temple, I'm not the one who put you into this. You are in my timeline. So I'd pipe down if I were you,  I haven't known you long enough to feel remorse if I hurt you right now," she finished a pulse of energy coming off from her, enough to push her slightly. 
Before Allision could respond, Five pulled the girl behind him, "Look she has nothing to do with this, but I'm telling you something terrible is coming." 
"Then let's attack the sparrows, grab the briefcase and go home," she instead now leaning to glare at him and the blind girl. 
Five sighed, "This is our home Allision, accept it," he replied not noticing his grip still around Phoenix's wrist behind him. He only let go when Stanley knocked down a whole bunch of furniture. 
Diego sighed, "That's it I'm telling your mom," he yelled. 
"Ohh..." Stanely mocked as if he was afraid. 
Recognition went through Five's eyes, "Wait where's Lila?" he asked the boy. 
"Shower, I told her she could stay with us," he replied. 
Five then grabbed his coffee and let Phoenix's hand go, "Let's go Bird," he whispered. 
Diego turned, "Wait where are you two going?" 
The girl turned to face him her dimple showing as she smiled. Lifting her hand to stick her finger against her tongue and suck on it. She laughed when Diego recoiled and shivered at the sight. Watching her catching up with the other teen. 
"What did you do?" Five asked with a sigh, he was too old for this. 
The girl giggled and throw an arm over his shoulder, "Just grown-up things," she replied and removed her arm and followed him through the hotel. 
"You disgust me I hope you know that?" He said finishing the rest of his coffee and throwing the mug elsewhere.  
"Well you can't hate me, I'm the only one capable of helping you and your little family," she replied running her hands to untangle her hair. 
Then the two made it to the showers, Five pushed the door open, "What the hell are you doing here?" Fived asked. 
Phoenix looked over at the woman in the tub and laughed, "Wait your joking?" she laughed, "Lila?"
 The blonde looked over at the new face and recognized her, "Well if it isn't little firebird," she sounded, "What are you here with the Perv for?" 
Five rolled his eyes, "Don't flatter yourself, Lila. I like my women a little less likely to kill me in my sleep." 
"Ugh I'd kill for a bath, but Lila darling, you could talk to him about what none sense," she replied and started the water on the other bath, throwing in soap bubbles. 
Behind her, she didn't even realize Lila throwing a knife at the boy she had come in with, but he disappeared a few feet in front of her. Not caring she lifted her shirt and bra above her head, not missing the lingering eyes of the teen in the corner. 
"Are you seriously getting naked right now?" he yelled doing his best to avoid his eyes at the girl, but that was a mistake as her body distracted him. Lila appeared behind him and slammed his head on the mirror next to him. 
Stepping into the warm water she sighed, "Yes, I'm filthy, plus you can handle whatever this is," she called out and watched as Lila stuck out her leg and kicked him right in the stomach. 
"Whoo! Go, Lila!" Phoenix called shaking the water to create more bubbles around her. 
Five fell to the floor when Lila kicked him in the face, but he grabbed a towel near the tub, wrapped it around his elbow, cracked it, and began choking her. 
"Whoo go Five!" she yelled again now having popcorn in her hand as she watched the very fun fight. 
The blonde began gasping for air as he held her tightly, and she blinked and grabbed the knife she had thrown originally. Came back to him and attempted to stab him in any way possible. But he was able to get a hit and he slammed his palm against her chin. Grabbing a tray to protect himself from being stabbed. Straining he pushed back and was able to throw it away altogether. 
As they continued their hand-to-hand, Phoenix couldn't keep her eyes off them. God did she miss good fights after she came back to her timeline. After throwing soap and kicking her in the face she tapped out. 
"Alright enough," she said picking up a towel, "Why are you here with the worst shithead ever?" Lila asked Phoenix who was enjoying her soapy bath. 
She shrugged, "He found me," she replied as she scrubbed her neck and arms. 
Five rolled his eyes, "As much as I love your little reunion, we have bigger concerns," he said. 
Lila rolled her eyes, "Yeah? Like what?"
"Remember the grandfather paradox?" Phoenix called out from the tub. 
Lila finished tying up her towel and looked at the two, "Well, I read the training manuals that you read," and paused to look at the purple-haired girl, "And you stole, why?" 
"Because it's happening," he replied seriously. 
Lila clicked her tongue and looked over at Phoenix, "Is he being stupid?"
The blind girl shook her head, "Nope, little number is not." 
"Hand over your briefcase. I need to go to Herb and find out how he let things get so cocked up," he replied seriously not being able to believe the two women in the room knew each other. 
"Hand me my knickers over there will you?" she asked and pointed to the bath the girl was currently near. 
As he threw her the clothes, he realized there were two cases, "Lila why is it that you have two briefcases?" 
She rose her brows quickly, "One is yours, nicked it from the Sparrows. Go on give it a go."
Five put one of the briefcases down as he turned the other and tried to travel. Feeling panicked he picked up the other and attempted the same. Just to get the same result of the machine powering down. 
"This can't be happening," he whispered, "The odds of one of them failing is in the millions. But two of them..." 
"Astronomical, yeah," she replied with an indifferent tone, already gone through the whole disappointment, "So, what does that mean exactly? End of the world?"
He shook his head, "Much worse apparently," he paused and looked over at the girl behind him, "bath time is over Bird, we all have to work together." 
"Shit," Lila and Phoenix chorused in agreement that they didn't like Five. 
Phoenix sighed and stood from the bath and stepped out, "Hand me a towel, hmm?" she asked Five who was the nearest, and looked up to avoid the naked body of the girl. 
Lila couldn't help but smirk as he reached walked over to one and walked backward with his arm holding it. God this man truly was made to love every and all forms of Eight. 
"Thanks," she replied securing it around her chest. 
The three made their way towards the exit, Lila coming out first. 
"Lila?" Diego called out when he saw her exit the bathroom.
"Hm?" she asked seeing Stanley and Diego. 
He walked closer to her, "You need to take this kid with you," he tried to say then watched as Five stepped out with briefcases, "The hell were you doing in there?" 
"Bathing," Lila replied not caring. 
Diego rose a brow, "Together?"
"Diego, that was your name right?" A new voice appeared making his eyes grow even bigger as he noticed her towel as well, "we don't have time for this, we have got some important shit to do," she replied as she pressed herself to Five's back peaking over his shoulder. The three started to walk away. 
Number Four was confused once again, "Both of them?" he whispered to himself, "Woah wait what's more important than family?" 
"End of the world," Five and Phoenix chorused. 
Walking to the elevator, "Do you not have any more clothes?" Five asked her as he hated the fact that only a towel covered her. 
"Why does it make you uncomfortable?" she asked stepping into the elevator that opened. 
Five shifted, "Yes actually." 
"Why? You've seen your wife naked, haven't you? What is the difference between my tits and hers?" The purple-haired girl asked not caring about others seeing her naked, "Well actually mine are pierced but the same difference." 
Five turned to look at her with a deadpan, "I was married to hers, not yours," he paused, "I respect that you are a different person than the woman I married." 
Phoenix shrugged but didn't reply and waited for Lila to join in the elevator, "Harsh, babe, harsh," the girl whistled, then leaned in, "You still love him." 
"Shut it Bird," Lila said with a roll of her eyes, ignoring the laughs of the girl in the elevator. 
She crossed her arms and shrugged, "Oh! I should get us clothes now for the end of the world! I'll get to you!" before any of the two could tell her to wait she was gone with a crack. 
Five sighed, "I forgot she could do that," he said softly with a roll of his eyes. 
Five Pheonix couldn't help but get him a three-piece suit. She had the liberty to choose what to get him. The small black vest that hugged his waist was her favorite piece. Just roll up the white sleeves and he was set. Plus the black slacks and shoes she chose were great. Not to mention she had a thing for suits, but we won't go into that. 
"You look hot in the suit, not going to lie, old man," she muttered as she watched him button his vest, well his silhouette looked attractive. 
The teen boy rolled his eyes and ignored the purple-haired girl. 
Lila had a more laid-back type of situation. Getting her back into her favorite boots, a pair of grey skinny jeans, and her green jacket layered above. 
Now, let's hear Phoenix out...she's in the land of the free and couldn't help but channel the inner cowboy in her. She wore a burgundy long-sleeve rolled up to her elbows and a cute tight little brown leather vest, straight black jeans that went over her now brown cowboy boots. Oh, do leave out the brown belt, with a thick silver buckle with a phoenix design on it. 
As the three settled into a small tight closet, five couldn't help but roll his eyes at her outfit, "You couldn't have chosen something more normal?" 
The purple-haired girl scoffed, "Oh old man, I'm in the land of the free, I need to dress the part." 
Lila laughed, "Oh did I miss you little Firebird," she said rubbing her hand over her fringe, "See this is who I expected your wife to be." 
Five paused his actions to look at her then Phoenix, "What? Stupid?" he replied with a smirk looking at her.
"Har har, eat shit old man," the girl replied with a lift of her middle finger towards his direction, instead continuing to help the grouchy old man. 
Then Lila held a battery charger, handing him the last of the clamps. as he was the only one that could do it. At least that's what Phoenix made them think. 
"Ready to hot-wire this briefcase?" Lila asked and looked over at the nervous five. 
The purple hair girl dug into one of her pockets, and brought out a bag of popcorn, "Light him up Pitts," she whistled. 
Turning the dial sparks flew all around the room as he tried putting his powers through, but to no avail. He rather squirmed in pain as he did so. 
"Ah, shit!" Five wailed in pain as the shocks continued to go right through him.
All the while the two women in the room laughed at the sight. Finally, the cocky man feels pain. 
Slamming against the wall he couldn't handle the pain, "Lila!" he continued groaning until he let it go, grabbed a towel, and tried to put out the fire. 
"Truly wonderful, can't believe Old Lady Eight was married to this," Pheonix muttered feeling the heat in the room as she munched on popcorn, "Yeah, had a feeling that wouldn't work pops." 
Five glared over at the two amused women, "Well, I'm glad my pain amuses you." 
Lila snapped and nodded, "You have no idea, It's like my therapy."
"I just personally don't care," the teen girl added lifting herself to sit next to Lila. 
Closing the door behind him he glanced at the two, "Well, now we are down to one-half dead briefcase, and my jumps are only accurate up to a couple of minutes. So, essentially, we're screwed," he told them pacing up and down the hall. 
"Maybe, maybe not," Lila said taking the popcorn from her dear friend and eating one with a smile. 
The purple-haired girl shook her head, "Naur, the last time you gave me a smile like that I ended up in some dragon wasteland!" she hissed. 
Lila shook her head, "No I mean Five is pathetic as you know," she offered as the two looked over to glance at the boy, "But you have powers like no other, with your help all three of us could get there." 
Five scoffed, "Are you telling me all this time she could jus—" 
Phoenix lifted her finger to his lips to shush him, "—now, now, love, the adults are talking," she paused then turned to face Lila again, "You barely trust him as it is—"
"—He killed my birth parents," she interjected with a raise of her brow. 
The teen nodded, "She's right," he informed the new girl. 
"And your entire family stood by while the greasy Swede put a cap on the woman who raised me," she added staring sadly. 
Five then lifted a hand, "The Handler was going to kill you, Lila. In fact, she did kill you and my wife, the person who somewhat cared about you. Then I rolled back time and let the meatball do his work," he began explaining to the blonde, "And if you're leading Diego on as payback for what happened in Texas. Trust me I have the very right to do that too, but he may actually love you and was just pissed you kept him on a leash." 
Phoenix leaned into him, "What did Diego do?" she whispered. 
Five sighed, "He slept with my wife, don't worry I beat the shit out of him already," he replied as Lila thought about what he had said, "Come on Bird, you might be a use for me," he said and grabbed her wrist once again. 
Tears brimmed her eyes as she was told the long-time coming truth, "What do you know? You got your wife killed," he retaliated hoping to hurt him just as much as she was hurting. 
As Five was dragging the blind girl he paused and turned quickly toward Lila. His brows furrowed in anger, "Do not talk about Eight that way, you don't think I blame myself enough without you telling me that? I loved her more than you will ever know," he hissed stepping close to the blonde. He was fuming at the thought they couldn't fix the timeline, but bringing up Eight was a sting he never thought would be possible. 
Pheonix frowned from beneath her glasses, her hand subconsciously moving to his wrist, not realizing the teen stopped in his tracks. 
"This is insane. There is no way we're gonna get past this to make it to the Commission," she said shaking her head, knowing the two would only bring back more painful memories each time. 
The purple-haired girl then moved forward and pushed the two apart, "Alright I get that you two will never get to trust. But how about think of it as honest lovely hatred," she finished with a sigh looking at both of them, pointing towards the room they were just in. 
The two former Commission assassins paused and nodded, "Great now let's hold hands and sing kumbaya," she finished and walked forward to open the door, not forgetting to grab their hands and pull them in. 
"Y'know I still don't get how you can see if you can't see," Lila then asked as the three shuffled back into the room. 
Phoenix snorted, "I like to call it seismic sense," she started, "Every breath, sound, and step I take let out these sounds or vibrations, that lets me 'see' perse," she finished and let their hands go and began plugging stuff into the wall. 
"Okay now the both of you relax, especially you Firebird, we don't need to end up at the beginning of time," she told glancing over at the purple-haired girl who just shrugged. 
Five sighed in disgust, "I can't. Your breath is terrible," he huffed. 
Phoenix gasped and smacked his arm, "Five that's rude!" 
Lila laughed at the two, "First of all garlic is for winners," she paused and looked back at the machine, "Enough foreplay!"
Five shook his head, "This is stupid," he sighed then gripped Phoenix's hand as her other held Lila's. 
"Alright, you two are about to feel what true powers look like," the blind girl laughed. 
The Ex-Commission employees began powering up as Phoenix's hands began glowing. What tripped Five out was the color, unlike his wife's, hers was a dull red snaking around his and Lila's arm. He thought she was kidding when she said they would feel it. But the minute the case began crackling he felt a heavy weight on his arm. The power that surged through him felt dark and heavy, nothing like Eight's. 
"It's starting!" Phoenix called as she felt all of time course through her veins, "Oh it feels so good!" 
Five glanced down at her and noticed the cracks of glowing yellow on her skin, "How is this enjoyable for you?" he yelled as he was straining himself along with Lila. 
One second they were in the library, the second the three zapped through time and landed in a heavy snowstorm.
As Phoenix landed, she fell forward, hands landing on the soft snow. Feeling the cool air on her face as the harsh cold winds blew on it. She couldn't see, all the noises and the soft ground made everything look so grainy, "I can't see anything!" 
Five looked over at the girl to see her staring forward in panic, "Here give me your hand!" he yelled over the storm, he then watched her move her hand around in panic, "I can't see dipshit!" she hissed. 
"Right! Sorry!" he yelled and moved to grip her hand, "Thanks Lila, now we're in the Ice Age!" he yelled angrily. 
The blonde looked around and shook her head, "Shut up and turn around," she said gripping her body in hopes of keeping warm. 
The time travel turned and looked at the destroyed building, "The Commission," he whispered looking at its state. Then he moved to follow a laughing Lila towards the building. His hand tightly gripped Phoenix's hand who stumbled through the snow blindly. 
"So this is what it's like to not see!" she yelled over the storm, her hand moving to grip his forearm, "Don't think that I like you one bit," she said over the snow. 
Five huffed, "Trust me I know," he said walking quicker and pulling her along. 
The minute they stepped into the building the girl detached herself from him. Touching a wall momentarily, "Ha, this place went to shit," she huffed feeling all the ruined building. 
The three looked around at its ruined state, "I was just here, how long was I bloody gone?" Lila asked nobody really. 
Five sighed, "It seems the Grandfather Paradox, is affecting everything," he said putting the briefcase down. 
"Even places out of time it seems," Phoenix muttered, her hand touching the old railing by her. 
Lila looked over to the girl, "Is that possible?" 
Phoenix shook her head, "This is just a few of the images Eight showed me when she visited," she said moving her finger to adjust her glasses. 
Five moved to pick up the suitcase and felt a rumble, "Bird watch out!" he called as he saw the falling ceiling. 
But it never reached her, the pieces all like sand fell above her, "I'm invincible Five," she said turning to walk up the steps. 
"Yeah that's what my wife said and she's dead," he mumbled walking after her. 
The purple-haired girl scoffed, "Yeah, well I'm not Eight," she huffed. 
As the two continued to walk over the piles of rubble, Five walked into the infinite switchboard. He turned the dial to get any type of broadcast, "Do you see this?" Five asked the girl standing behind him. 
"I can't see anything dipshit," she muttered with a roll of her eyes. 
"There's been a rip in the space-time continuum. It's swallowing everything. Oh, my sweet Dot, Iris, Josh from accounting, they're all gone...." Five turned the dial to speed it up, "I've tried everything! I don't know what else to do. The timeline is collapsing. This is...the end."  His voice ended and yelled as he disappeared. 
"That's great because you and your family came here, everything I know of will end," she sighed crossing her clap. 
Lila then showed up, "I could kill for some scrambled eggs right now," she said walking in. 
Phoenix looked over at her, "Y'know I haven't eaten, we should get lunch after this," she said with a smile. 
Five rolled his eyes at the two, "Shut up both of you. This is bigger than the timeline and your hungry stomachs."
The blonde rose a brow, "What's bigger than the timeline?" 
"The entire universe my friends," she replied stuffing her hands in her pockets, "I should've got myself a jacket," she mumbled the rest. 
"Missing dogs, people...It's the opposite of the Big bang," he said looking at the two, "Instead of the universe expanding, it's now collapsing in on itself." 
Lila nodded and snapped, "Like a prolapsing rectum," she replied quickly. 
Phoenix snorted at the answer, "Oh god I missed your stupid answers, Lila," the girl replied then walked off as she got a sense of deja vu. 
The Founder...Find them. Was the voice that echoed in her head, the familiar voice that she had met all those years ago. Her feet carried mindlessly all to follow the visions and whispers in her head. Not realizing the dark red energy following her around. 
As she made her way toward the halls, she couldn't help but lift her hand to her chest. Her heart felt heavy as it pumped faster the further she went into the collapsing building. 
Five and Lila moved through the building, silently they became more worried when they couldn't hear or see the blind girl anymore. The worse part had to be the glowing cracks on the wall forming on the ground and walls. Almost as if leading them to where they needed to be. 
As Five walked through the door he gasped at the sight, "Jesus christ Bird, what is happening with you?" He asked walking towards her, pulling her arm so he could see her face. 
"I feel fine," she said, "But I think I found what you were looking for," she added looking back at the door. 
The time traveler sighed as started sweating, reaching his shoulder and beginning to scratch the feeling. The feeling felt all too familiar. 
As Lila got denied access to the room she looked back at the two behind her, "Jesus you're sweating like a dodgy shrimp," she motioned to Five squirming with the collar of his shirt, "And you are spiraling Firebird, your red is everywhere." 
Five rolled his eyes at the statement, he had an idea of what was wrong but he didn't want to believe it. Instead, he moved forward to try and scan his own eye through the device. 
"Y'know if it doesn't open, I can always blast it open," Phoenix offered. 
Lila laughed, "Firebird you can't see around you right now, but you are already causing something to collapse," she answered her arm over her shoulder. 
The large mechanical door chimed, "Access Granted," the female voice called. 
The three watching—Phoenix felt—the large door slide open to reveal a large room with marble walls, with smoke falling from its' sides. 
"Well this room is big," the purple-haired girl called out walking directly to the small table with liquor, "Nice to know dear Five is granted here." 
"That's him huh," he paused to put the book down, "The Founder," he sighed, walking to follow Lila who was watching the man in the glass. 
Phoenix followed close behind with a whole bottle, "It's odd," she simply said taking a swing of the drink. 
Five furrowed his eyebrows from the odd words coming from the blind girl. The sight of the old man confused him even more, "It can't be," he paused. 
Lila rose a brow, "What's wrong?" 
The teen paused as he continued to theorize why he was there, "It's me." 
Lila began laughing as the purple-haired girl spit out her drink. 
The purple-haired girl wiped her mouth, "You're telling me this old fossil is you? The founder of this place? Your employees sent to kill me for years?" she rambled as she joined Lila in her laugh.  
Oh, the irony. 
"No way," Lila cackled, "This whole time you've been complaining about the Commission, and you're the one who founded it. Classic!" 
"If I did, I have no memory of it," he replied still confused about what was happening. If this man founded it, wouldn't Eight be a part of it also? He refused to do anything without her by his side. So why wasn't she here?
Taking a swing of her drink Phoenix snapped her fingers, "You know what's weird," she mentioned and paused stomping her foot, "I've never forgotten anyone I've met, and this fossil is one of them," she said then looking ahead. 
Five snapped his head toward her, "You mean me? I'm the sam—" 
The girl lifted her finger to cover his mouth, "—You may be the same, but at the very same time you aren't." 
He smacked her hand away from his face, "The only reason I know it's me is because of Paradox Psychosis, but in here I can't feel it." 
There was silence for a while before a breathy low voice spoke, "We were never too bright were we?" the voice began, eyes opening to glance over at the three, "The operations bunker is paradox-proof. I constructed it as a panic room in case of a collapse in the time continuum. In this room, all permutations of yourself can exist. You must be here because of um Kugelblitz." 
At his words the girl swallowed another dunk of liquor, "Shit," she muttered. 
"What is that cheese?" Lila asked confused. 
Five flickered his eyes to Phoenix at her response then back at the old man, "It's German for 'ball of lightning,' it's an extra kinky kind of black hole." 
Lila frowned, "The kind that can suck up entire timelines," she mumbled glancing at the old man. 
"Bingo," the man muttered. 
Five sighed, "So, how do we fix it?"
That's when Phoenix remembered him, "You don't," she answered for an old man. 
In her youth not only had she been visited by Eight Hargreeves herself, warning her about what was to come. But years later, Five Hargreeves the very man came to tell her one mission. Do not help me when the day comes. Let the Kugelblitz take it all.
 Five's eye twitched at the response, "What do you mean by that?" he hissed towards her, "And you created this, so you must have a solution," he finished glaring at his older self. 
And in harmony, the two chanted, "All that will be left is oblivion," they whispered. 
The time traveler didn't like this one bit, why did Phoenix out of all people know what was happening? Was she a part of this? Could she be the answer to repair the timelines? He didn't listen when Lila asked, as his eyes were training on the purple-haired girl who looked ahead. 
Bumping into something the case opened and showed his missing arm and tattoo on his chest, "This is what you have coming," he said. 
"Listen to me, you ass. I have no idea what you told Birdy here, but I just spend the last 20 days running around saving the world from apocalypses, only to keep trying to save the world. My wife die at the hands of my adoptive father. I'm stuck in a teen body, hormones raging," he muttered angrily at the old man, "And all I wanna do is go out and buy a 1970's Corvette Stingray."
"Five I'd take it easy on the old man," Phoenix tried to say calmly, moving her hand to his shoulder. 
But his crazy eyes blared at her, "Bird this is between me and myself, it's bad enough you look like my wife, so shut up," he hissed and look back at the man, "Now, this Kugelblitz, it is not some tiny leak that we can simply fix by patching a couple of pinholes. It is a giant trash compactor that is grinding up the universe and consuming it whole," he continued to slowly hiss into the face of Older Five, "So tell me..how do you stop it!" he pushed out harshly. 
Older Five paused and looked over to Pheonix, the girl with the circular glasses covering her eyes, "Whatever you do," he began but choked for a minute, "don't save the world," he finished his eyes rolling to the back of his head. 
The purple-haired girl clicked her tongue, "Well his heartrate is gone, I'm assuming he's dead?" 
But that obviously didn't register with the teen beside her, "Five!" How do I fix this?!" he yelled hoping that the man wasn't actually dead. 
"Again, no heartbeat, I have extremely good hearing, I would know," she added with a huff. 
The teen had a confused look on his face, he didn't know what to feel at the moment. Everything about what was happening felt like a lie. This couldn't be happening, he was supposed to fix the timeline, and get his wife back. Not just for himself but for all of his family as well. 
Sighing and shaking his head at the dead man, he glanced at the woman in the room, "Can I have the room?" 
Phoenix frowned, "I don't really think it's a good idea—" 
The teen closed his eyes, "Bird, please, just listen to me this once," he asked looking in her general direction. 
The girl scoffed and waved her hand, "I'm leaving on my own accord, not because you told me to," she added grabbing Lila's hand on the way out. 
But as she stepped out her head began to throb. Letting out a sharp breath she fell to the floor the ground shaking and trembling as she did. 
Her surroundings all shifted and she saw herself younger self by the ocean.  In her old school uniform, and behind her stood a tall man in a suit. 
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lahotelbellamuerte · 3 months
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐧 - floor two. there's always bad news
series masterlist ! current: there's always bad news ! next: eight's blind shadow
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pairing; five x eight warnings; major character death, language, not proofread! word count; 7.3k notes; yikes! sorry for what you're about to read
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THE SUN ROSE JUST LIKE EVERY DAY. Casting a soft glow throughout the day, especially in the quaint home of the Magnolias. The warmth spread amongst the terrain of all their trees. All was well as the birds chirped, flowers bloomed, and animals roamed. Just like any day for everyone in the country. 
That was except for Ella Magnolia, the only child of the elder couple that owned a manor surrounded by lush trees. The girl had been on a picnic with her at the time boyfriend, on the very land that was in her name. The couple laughed and whispered into each other's ears as they lay under the shades that the trees cast. 
The young blonde faced her boyfriend with a smile, "Thank you for doing this," she said softly, her cheeks flushed pink. Ella couldn't believe she got so lucky with her partner. He was everything and more. 
As they sat in silence the two didn't notice a wave of gold sparkles that nestled with Ella. For a moment nothing was present until the blonde woman gasped suddenly. Looking down at her stomach, she screamed when she felt it begin to swell. The pain followed quickly, as she began with labored breathing. 
Her boyfriend looked at her worried, "What's going on?" he called his hands gripping at now his very pregnant girlfriend who a minute ago—well wasn't. 
Ella furrowed her eyebrows and held at her stomach, breathing through her mouth, "Help get me to my mum," she gasped as another pained contraction swelled amongst her body. 
The boy did exactly that, picking her up bridal style, he rushed into the Magnolia Manor. All while keeping sure that Ella wasn't injured or hurt. Pushing the door open, he called for her parents in a frantic state. 
Ella was grasping at anything while she writhed and screamed in pain, "Just put me on the ground please," she huffed, sweat now lining her entire body as she did her best to keep her breathing tame, "Mum!" she yelled in hopes the older woman would reach the room. 
"Ella!" the elderly woman screamed, falling to her knees when she saw the state of her daughter, "My dear what happened, you didn't tell me you were pregnant!" she huffed as she pulled pillows behind her daughter's head and back. 
Ella screamed as she felt another contraction, "I wasn't it just happened," she elongated her words as the pain just get on pulsing, "Mommy help me," she desperately grasped at her mother to help her. 
The woman nodded, "Yes, honey, okay listen to me..." she started as she glanced at her daughter huffing and sweating. 
Just as the son rose like any day, Ella had given birth to a little girl the same day. When the day started normally, it ended with a miracle that no one could've seen coming. After minutes of pushing and screaming, Eleanor Magnolia was born into the world once more. 
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The Hargreeves stood all tired from the battle that had just occurred. All they wanted was to be back home safe where no more apocalypse followed. Yet here they were back in the Mansion, where Reginald Hargreeves claimed six other children were his. 
Five who were already fed as anyone could be furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at the old man, "I'm sorry. What do you mean, your children?" he hissed stepping forward towards him, "That's not possible, old man." 
Reginald didn't miss a beat, "Of course it is! I think I'd know, wouldn't I?" he replied watching as the Sparrows moved closer to the cluster of children he despised. 
Klaus who couldn't stop glancing at the Asian man spoke up, "Everybody else can see Ben, right?" he asked pointing at the red-clad man. 
New Ben glanced over at Klaus with disgust, "Cute hat, Sundance," he said and watched as the Seance tipped his hat with a smile. 
Eight didn't know what to feel at the sight of the Asian boy. Just a few hours ago, she cried with him as he said his final goodbyes to her. If she really thought about it, she could still feel his tight hug around her. Now, who was this piece of shit with a smug frown? 
"They call themselves the Umbrella Academy," Reginald began as his eyes glanced over each of the members, "A group of scheming, perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963, when I was away on business in Dallas. Be warned, they claim to be my spawn," he finished watching as confused looks appeared on each of their faces. 
The blonde had a feeling something like this happen, boy was she glad she always thought ahead. She just hoped that there husband and siblings would be able to keep up. 
Allison scoffed at the words from the old man, she was sick and tired of something new every time they appeared somewhere new. All because Five and Eight couldn't get their shit together, "Claim? Look, Five what the hell is going on?" she asked looking over at the troubled teen. 
Five also couldn't know what was happening, he glanced over at his wife and notice she wasn't confused, "I don't know yet, but it's concerning." 
The seemed leader of the Sparrow Academy looked at the new group, "Is he telling the truth?" he asked them seriously, it wasn't on his agenda to start a fight. 
Vanya shook her head, "Not the part about us being perfidious," she replied looking at the dark-skinned man. 
The Seance couldn't help himself, "No, we're amateur-fidious, at best," he replied with a grin, all directed to his siblings. 
Number Seven rolled her eyes at the ex-drunkie, "But we are his children. This is our house," she replied looking towards the group, hoping to get them to believe them. 
Eight rolled her eyes at the situation, "God help me," she mumbled and watched as Luther was mocked when he had decided to speak up. Granting the Sparrows to laugh at him, he usually always was the laughing stock for the Umbrellas too. This time no different. 
But it seemed he didn't really mind when he looked over at a woman talking to him. He Attempted to flirt as he introduced himself to her. Jesus, this man falls for anyone who bats eyelashes at him, the blonde thought with a scoff under her breath. 
"Okay none of you belong here," Allison then called out, looking at the seven in front of her. 
Eight then decided to speak up, "Okay settle down, Rumor, obviously something is wrong here. And being hostile won't help defuse the situation." she said her eyes looking at each member wearily. 
The blonde rose a brow when she heard noises coming from a floating cube? The Sparrows all laughed as if it had just spoken. 
"You slay me, Chris," Ben spoke with a chuckle still looking at the Umbrellas. 
Eight snorted at the word, "The fuck is slay me?" she asked allowed when the scarred man spoke. 
Ben looked over at the blonde and bit his lip at the sight, "Princess, I'll be glad to show you," he replied a smirk growing on his face, taking a step towards her direction. 
Eight rose a brow at the words. She couldn't believe it, why is it, everyone? She was no Marlyn Monroe for crying out loud, "I'm married dipshit," she said lifting her ring to him. 
"I wasn't expecting company," a new voice said, catching the attention of all of them, "This is the best I could do on short—" Grace was cut off by the glitching of her voice, "—Short notice." 
Diego's hostility significantly went down at the sight of the woman, "Mom," he said in a soft voice, missing the sight of his artificial mother. 
A dark-haired girl scoffed, "Mom? She's a robot, you perv," she said watching as the odd scene played out. 
Diego turned to her and glared, "It's not a robot," he said his brows furrowed. 
"You don't get to call him that Hot Topic," Eight replied with an annoyed tone, she was already tired of this Sparrow Academy. 
Ben chuckled at her little joke, "Or what?" he answered for his teammate. 
As the blonde stepped forward, Luther put out an arm, "Come closer and find out," he replied before Eight could reply. 
Vanya grabbed Eight's shoulder as well, "Luther, Eight, chill!" she replied trying to not cause a fight. 
Of course, Mr. Number Two loved the thrill of a fight, "You think, I'm afraid?" he mocked stepping forward but the leader. 
"Stand down, Ben," the dark-skinned man spoke as he could tell he was getting antsy. 
Luther smiled at the sound, "Look at that! She's got a voice," he mocked once the man spoke up. 
"How about a shove a Rubix cube up your ass?" Diego called looking at the Sparrows. 
From her space, Eight noticed how the dark-haired girl spits something at Diego. Venom? She wondered, but then it was much less than that. While the situation outside began to increase, she watched in Diego's head that it went much more different. A dance battle? At least she was the better dancer. God did she hate this family, her plan better work. 
As he continued to sweat into insanity, she cracked her fingers and neck, "Okay let's get this party started," she whispered. 
"Look we just fought a literal army. Let's all just calm down, and let's talk," Vanya spoke trying to keep a fight from starting. 
Eight leaned over to her husband, "Just preparing you for the future, but she's a pain in the ass," she whispered as she watched Klaus taunt new emo, Ben. 
Her husband gave her a look, "What? Eight what are you talking about?" he asked now confused at his wife's crazy talk. Not remembering her briefing him on some plan she already had happened. 
The blonde moved when Klaus was punched right in the face sending him flying, "Oh it's starting, love you, darling, remember that," she added leaning to give him a quick kiss, gripping his face tightly, "More than you'll ever know, Five Hargreeves," she finished leaning to give him one last kiss. 
Then she ran off in a hurry, "Eight!" Five called as she left leaving him alone. What was that woman up to? 
While the two brutes were off fighting each other, the rest of them had now a fight of their own. Diego is off fighting a cube and arguing about his hair. Five had now picked a fight with Ben, who was a little more talented than him in fighting. But he had bigger problems, where was his wife going? 
The blonde calmly walked the halls of the mansion, looking for a certain man. She didn't have much time, so he had to find him quickly. 
Before she could a pretty brunette appeared before her, "Leaving the party so soon? The name's Sloane." 
Eight rose a brow as she tucked her hands into her pockets, "Sloane, I'm in a time crunch here, so let's get a move on here," she said while cracking her neck. 
The woman glanced at the teen and nodded, "Aren't you a little young to be in the family?" she asked running towards the blonde for a punch. 
But as usual, Eight was able to step side it, "Long story, Sloane," she replied taking out her hands from her pockets and catching another of her punch. Twisting her arm and kicking her in the stomach. 
"I've got time," she huffed her hands glowing a white color as she threw something at the teen who didn't look worried. 
Eight chuckled and disappeared from thin air, then behind the woman, "Gravity, that's a nice set of powers," she said making the woman yell and attempt to punch the teen. 
The blonde went in front of her, "How are you doing that?" she growled. 
"Don't worry about it, oh dear Sloane," she replied then letting her hands glow twitching her fingers as she made her energy surround Sloane, "Nice meeting you Sloane," then phasing her through the ground. 
Sighing she continued walking to find the old man, here and there listening to the grunts of her siblings being bested at their own game. 
And once more a new body appeared before her, "Hi pretty, miss me?" Ben's voice called seeing the blonde in a similar uniform as his. 
Eight groaned and turned to the emo Ben, "Look I'm busy, can you sparrows fuck off," she huffed. Her eyes settled on a battle ax on display. 
"Now, that's not nice..." he mumbled sending out a tentacle towards her. 
Quickly she moved the battle ax from its stand and sliced the tentacle that was about to touch her, "I didn't consent to you touching me," the teen replied and send him flying to a different room. 
In another part of the house, Five saved Allison from being stomped, "No problem," he replied getting up from the ground. 
"Hey, short pants. What's up?" Jayme spoke she was curious about the second young teen in the Umbrellas. Bummer she didn't get to tumble with the blonde. 
Five watched as she walked near, "Go help the others. I'll handle this one," he replied as Allison left the two. 
"What are you, their mascot?" she asked with an amused tone. 
Five just blinked behind her and punched her in the face, "More like their ringer," he replied watching from the floor. 
Jayme was quick and spit her venom on his face, "Ugh!" he called trying to wipe it from his face. "Hey, gross, all right?" he started but then looked up, "The hell?" he whispered the sight catching his attention. 
As his vision cleared from the venom, there stood Eight in a pretty wedding dress. Hair and make-up done up just for him, "Cinque mia cara, ci sposiamo?" her pretty voice spoke out. Why was she speaking Italian? He didn't care, maybe this is what she wanted to show him. 
"Certo, tu sei l'amore della mia vita," he replied not missing a beat, his face relaxing at such sight. God did he miss the days they were in the Commission when he could dance with her in missions. Her youthful soft face with a smile. 
"Voglio avere un bambino, Cinque," she said her hands holding a bouquet of white roses, a small warm soft glow emitting from her stomach. 
The teen couldn't help but return the smile, "Te ne darò uno e di più, amore mio," he replied walking forward, placing a hand behind her head and pulling her into a deep kiss. The kiss was warm and welcoming, it felt like a dream. One of his hands placed on her stomach where he had seen the glow. 
Jayme's face recoiled with disgust at the sight, "Ugh," she groaned watching the teen made out with thin air. His hands tenderly held nothing, "Are they all perverts?" she mumbled, then walking forward to his dazed state. Lifting her leg she gave him a harsh kick down the stairs. Watched as he rolled down the many flights of stairs. 
It was then all the Umbrellas realized they weren't going to win, they couldn't win, not without Eight that this, "Where's Eight?" They all huffed as they were being beaten half to death. 
Vanya was the only one that could help at that moment, powering up, she sent all of them flying towards all the wall, "I told you not to start a fight with us," she gasped tiredly looking at the bodies around them, "I won't hurt you but my sister will," she finished watched her bruised siblings all meet her in the living room. 
The Sparrows all look at the petite woman in shock. How was someone that small able to create such an amount of energy? There should be no way to do it, but Marcus the leader already wanted to find out. 
"And for your sake, I wouldn't," the snobby voice of Reginald spoke. All the people in the room gasped when he walked in. The sight in his arms caused Five's eyes to widen, he couldn't help but start to shake in anger at the sight. This couldn't be real, no—she was invincible. In the arms of the older man, a bloodied wound to the heart was Eight Hargreeves, "She won't be hurting anyone now." 
Five stepped forward eyes full of rage, "What did you old man!" he yelled, "What did you do to her?!" he desperately cried, but Diego and Klaus did their best to hold the teen, his eyes beginning to sting at the sight. There had been only one other time he felt this type of pain and it was when his son had died. Now that the person he swore to love forever was gone, he didn't know how to hold back the need to kill everyone in the room. 
"You said back in 1963 she had been my favorite with extraordinary ability," the old man began eyes looking down at dead Eight in his arms, "I don't want someone like that interfering with the plans of the future. So what better way to get rid of the problem than killing her?" he said his arms letting go of the teen in his hands. 
Instantly Five blinked to grab her into his arms, holding her close to his chest. Tears brimmed his eyes as he looked at her face. Eyes closed to the world forever, the body already loosing it's heat. 
Luther wheezed holding his ribs, "Five we have to go," he said grabbing Eight from his arms. They didn't have the energy or power anymore to fight the Sparrows. Not with one of their own no longer living. 
Five didn't want to believe it. There is no way Reginald a man with no ability was able to kill his wife. The woman who was partially responsible for an ending of an apocalypse. The only person who was able to calm Vanya long enough to shut her down twice. The mother of his only son, and was there in his last moments when his powers were too much. 
Eight Hargreeves was much stronger than an old man with a knife. He didn't want to believe it. Making their way to a nearby park, he didn't know what to do. This had to be apart of her plan...right? There was no way she would let herself die if it was for nothing, she wouldn't leave him behind alone. 
All the Hargreeves didn't know what to do. Not only had they just gotten their asses handed, but lost one of their biggest assets to a knife. Now all they could do was sit around and watch the teen not breathe, or speak. 
"I'm not going to lie, I miss not hearing her call me Donkey Kong or any name," Luther started, shaking his head, and looking at the peaceful face of his dead sister. 
Klaus nodded while cracking his back on the wooden table, "I miss our terrible dates, cross-country trips, and partying till drunk," he mumbled the odd memories sticking to their heads. 
Diego looked at the teen on the ground, not being able to say much. Just a few days ago, she hadn't had her memory. And he had seduced her just to get in her pants. Now she was dead from a knife wound from their father. What the fuck? 
While Allison was never close with the teen girl, her heart churned at the sight. She would never hear her snarky remarks again. Or watch her make out with Five oddly enough. And worst of all her power was lost to no one. 
The Hargreeves all fell silent, in respect to the blonde woman who oddly enough no one was questioning. I mean if you saw a woman on the ground, bloody wound on her heart, not moving. You'd question if they were dead right? 
It was a small crackle of electricity that got them all to snap out of their trance. A portal of orange crackled opened and spewed a scrawny boy out, "Jesus big jumps are always messy," he mumbled then straightened out his jean jacket when he noticed the group, "great she was right."
Allison was the first to speak when she noticed the teen have abilities, "I'm sorry but who are you?" she asked looking at the man who was struggling to find something in his pocket. 
The boy ran a hand through his dark wavy hair, "Chris Fitzgerald, pleasure—" he paused to look down at his sheet, then at her "—Allison." 
He then looked around and noticed Eight's state, he clicked his tongue and walked over to her body. He began running his hands over her jacket looking for something. 
"Hey get your hands off my wife," Five hissed blinking to halt Chris' wrist. 
The boy looked over at Five with a grin, "Ah so you're Five, great to meet you, but we have no time," he replied and used his other hand to grab a piece of paper from her skirt pocket. 
Getting up he looked at the paper reading it through before it ignited itself on fire, leaving him with nothing, "Okay," he whistled clapping his hands, "let me catch you guys up, your father obviously adopted others instead of you. Changing the timeline..." he started listing things off his finger. 
"I'm sorry but my sister is literally dead on the floor and you're telling us what to do?" Vanya asked a little ticked that some random boy things he could tell them what to do. 
Chris snapped his fingers, "Eight is undoubtedly dead you're right, but I'm not telling you what to do, she's telling you what to do," he replied pointing at the dead blonde. 
Five got up from the floor confused, "What do you mean she's doing this?" 
Chris scratched the back of his neck, "Well I can't exactly talk about this here, how about this let's get a place that is low key and we talk from there."
Klaus rose his hand, "Oh, I know a place I swear!" he called and walked over to the very good-looking boy and whispered something. 
Chris nodded, "Okay great, I'll meet you there," he replied leaning down once more and removing a small thin bracelet and ring from her hand, "I think these belong to you," Chris then said handing the small trinkets to Five, "I'm sorry for your loss," was all he said and disappeared with Eight in his arms. 
The Hargreeves all looked down at the spot where Eight just was. Now it was like she was never there. It had all moved too fast, not even a chance to say goodbye. 
Five gripped the bracelet and ring in his hand tightly. It all seemed so sudden, she was there in his arms just a few minutes ago, but now she was gone and dead. Was he cursed to never have anything good in his life? 
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Chris huffed as he buried the woman in the grassy grounds of the Magnolia Manor, "Jesus Eight, couldn't have asked for a less hot place, I'm dying here," he wheezed finishing up shoveling the soft dirt, "Let's hope this lady you want us to find actually helps, sis..." he mumbled looking down at a piece of paper in his pocket. 
He then leaned down and smiled at the dirt, "You did good Eight, but it's alright now. You can rest now, we'll fix everything, with your help of course." 
He placed a kiss on the sunflower and placed it on the dirt, "Throw a rager wherever you are," he finished, then disappeared with a crack in the air. 
Then he appeared back in the Hotel Obsidian, "Ah nice choice Klaus," the boy said, leaning over the table and grabbing a piece of bacon. 
The Seance smiled and nodded, "Grazie!" 
Five glared at the younger boy, "Where did you go Chris?" he hissed still not liking that his wife trusted this boy instead of him. 
The boy shrugged, "Just tying up loose ends," he started taking another bite of his bacon, "We need to go on a road trip," he added looking at him with a dimpled smile. 
Five rolled his eyes, "No." 
Diego then looked over at the boy, "Hey did Eight tell you anything about me having a kid?" he asked him. 
Christ choked on his bacon, "How many women did you screw? Eight and now some other woman?" 
The man looked over at Chris with a snarl, "Shut up," he said through gritted teeth. Doing his best to ignore Five's glare, they had literally gotten into a fight about this before getting to 2019. 
"Where's Luther?" A new voice came in, catching the attention of everyone. 
Diego picked up his cup of coffee, "Who cares? Probobaly out for..." he paused when he noticed Vanya's short hair, "A run." 
Klaus hummed from a sip, "Love the haircut," he complimented. 
Chris nodded stealing more bacon, "Ditto," he added with a thumbs up. 
Vanya smiled at the compliment, a blush lighting his cheeks from the attractive boy telling him to. "So I, uh, talked to Marcus last night," she then said. 
Diego looked over at her and rose his brows, "Wait, what? You talked with the enemy? By yourself?" he asked looking her over with a worried glance. 
She nodded, "Well someone had to do something..." she replied equally as quickly. 
The wavy-haired boy hummed, "I could see why Eight liked you," he then said crunching on his food. 
"Who elected you Vanya?" Diego then said ignoring the boy who just seemed to be a part of the family. 
He paused before replying looking at his brother, "It's, uh, Viktor," he replied nervously. 
Diego furrowed his eyebrows, "Who's Viktor?" 
Chris snorted, "God what did Eight see in you? Or Lila, you're stupid," he pointed his bacon towards the skinny man, "He's Viktor," he replied. 
Viktor nodded and smiled at the acceptance of the new boy, "It's who I've always been," he replied honestly. He began to grow nervous when no one else added anything, "Uh, is that an issue for anyone?" 
"Nah, I'm good with it," he replied quickly not wanting to be berated by the handsome boy beside him. 
Klaus shoved food in his mouth, "Yeah, me too, cool," he added.
Five as depressed and stressed as he was gave his brother a slight smile, "Truly happy for you, Viktor. Eight would've been ecstatic for you," he said thinking his wife was all for the pride shit. 
Chris nodded, "She probably would have bought you a whole new wardrobe to celebrate," he added with a laugh remembering the number of times that girl went shopping for others, in his time.
The time traveler frowned at the words. It had been less than a few hours since his wife was claimed as dead. He had seen her bleed out before him, all because of Reginald. The old man was afraid of what she could do. Now, all that nagged his brain was her death and the sharp little voice of this boy Chris. Claiming he left her plan to him, out of all people. 
He sighed and looked instead towards Viktor, "Last time I checked, you don't speak for this family," he paused to look at Chris, "Even the new ones." 
Viktor was annoyed at their reaction, "Okay, well, it's fine, okay?" he began while shoving himself on a chair with his brothers, "Marcus totally gets it. He doesn't want a war any more than we do." 
Diego sputtered at the words, "What are you talking about? He tried to homicide us! Not to add they killed Eleanor our sister!?" he said raising his voice. 
"So did Lila, and you had a kid with her," Klaus cut in then gasped, "Oh god didn't you screw Ellie too? What if she died pregnant?" he said shoving another piece of food into his mouth. 
Diego clenched his jaw at the memory, "Not the point, We don't know anything about El," he mumbled the last part. 
Viktor knew it was a soft spot to talk about the odd blonde so he didn't speak of her, "Look we made a deal. He's gonna give back Five's briefcase, then we're gonna get out of the timeline. We're gonna meet later today for the, uh, handover."
Klaus couldn't help but moan at the news, "Oh, thank god!" he replied. 
"That's a rookie move, Dude is playing you," Diego replied shaking his head at his brother's attempt to get them back. 
Chris snorted as he ate his bacon, "Or maybe he's not and does want to give back the briefcase," the younger boy added pointing his bacon at the men at the table. 
Diego scoffed at the new kid, "You shut up, the only reason you're still here is because of Eleanor," he finished with a roll of his eyes, "But maybe we can use this. And we turn it back on them, and then we wipe them the hell out." 
"We saw how well that turned out for you the first time," The 60's kid spoke up, "You got one dead and the rest of you ate shit." 
Klaus couldn't help but laugh at the words, "I could see why Ellie liked you," he said taking a sip of his tea, the curly-haired boy just nodded with a small smirk. 
Viktor sighed, "Look you aren't going to do anything today," he told his siblings and Chris. 
"Except bond with your spawn," Klaus and Chris chorused looking back at each other and high-fiving. 
The short-haired man glared at the two, "Alleged Spawn," he hissed not missing the scrutinizing glance from Five. He had every right to judge, so while he claimed to be friends with Lila back in the '60s not only did he nail Eleanor while her memories were gone but the evil Handler's daughter as well. 
Before anyone else could say anything, Viktor jumped into the conversation, "I will get the briefcase, and then we will all go back and fix the timeline."
Five was sick of all of it, he gripped his mimosa back in hand and scoffed, "Hey, we're not going anywhere! This is a perfectly acceptable timeline," he finished, not wanting yet having time to grieve the quick death of his wife. 
Viktor snapped his head over to the teen, "Yeah, why don't you tell that to Allison, who's upstairs grieving her daughter, who doesn't even exist here!" he exclaimed. 
At this the time traveler rolled his eyes, "You're telling me to leave this timeline? My wife died here from our so-called father," he started now gripping his cup a little tighter, "I've held my own dead son in my hands, so don't tell me what I'm doing," he hissed finally. 
They all fell silent at the mention of some of the horrible things Five has gone through. Diego cleared his throat to move the attention elsewhere, "We've been replaced by a bunch of blobs and cubes and shit!" 
"News flash, geniuses! It's not about us. Take a look around. If you hadn't noticed, there's no doomsday. There's no apocalypse. The sun shining. Birds are doing whatever the hell birds do. That's all that matters, we're done messing with time. And I'm officially retired," he finished and walked off grabbing his mimosa. 
Klaus and Chris gave each other a look and scrambled off the table. Taking off to try and catch Five before he did anything stupid. As they made their way toward the old man trapped in a teen's body, the lights all flickered in the hotel. 
"Now remember I did tell you that we have things to do Five," Chris then said lifting a hand to pick out more crispy Bacon from the trays. 
The teen picking food into his plate didn't pause, "Did you hit your head when coming from the '60 Chris? Or did you not hear I'm retired?" he asked. 
Klaus clicked his tongue, "No Little Five he means..." he paused to look at Chris who shrugged, "Take a little...road trip." 
"What are you talking about?" Five asked continuing to pack his plate. 
Klaus floated around the food trays, "I'm talking about a sojourn to the countryside," he said, "and Chris—" 
"—Australian country," The boy mouthed with food in his mouth, "just imagine it, wind in the hair, tourist areas, kangaroos, and dangerous Australian animals." 
The Seance giggled a the words, "Oh, yeah that sounds fun, how about it? Huh?" the long-haired man taunted shoving his elbow towards the teen. 
"Call it a favor, I'll tell you everything your wife did in the '60s," he tried to bribe and didn't miss the pause that was in his actions. 
Five sighed and paused completely, "Okay, I'll bite, why do you both suddenly need me?" 
Chris nudged Klaus with his arm, leaning over, "Your turn," he whispered even tho Five clearly heard him. 
"Because you said...you said you're retired, and that's what retired people do," he started, looking at Chris who gave him a thumbs up, "And don't you deserve some fun?" 
Before anything else could be said, Five paused to look at the fish tank, "There are no lobsters," he mumbled to himself, brows furrowing at sight. 
Chris rose a brow at snapped his neck towards the sight, "Oh no..." he had an idea of what was happening, but he decided to stay quiet for now. 
"What?" Klaus said not hearing the young boy beside him. 
"There were three lobsters in that tank a minute ago," he pointed out toward the fish tank, he was beginning to grow suspicious, and Chris's sudden silence didn't help all that much. 
The Seance shrugged, "Yeah, well, you know, maybe Chef blended 'em into a morning smoothie," he gathered not really getting what he was at. 
Five rolled his eyes, "You are an idiot," he paused to look at Chris, "I don't know about you yet, but I'm in." 
Klaus and Chris turned and high-fived once more, "Yes!" they cried. 
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It wasn't long before Chris Fitzgerald did what he knew best. Borrowing is what he liked to call it. The three sat in the older-looking car that the young boy was able to snag. 
"Boy am I glad we're doing my trip first," Chris called with a smile, hand on the steering. Turning to smile at Five who still has a permanent flat face. 
Five felt eyes on him, so he turned his head to see Chris, "Why are you looking at me like that," he asked in an annoyed tone. 
The boy smiled a little more, "Just glad to spend some time with my sister's husband," he replied, "I know she's not really my sister, but for almost a year we acted as if we were," he rambled. 
"Yeah, I know," Five replied eyes closed feeling the warm sun on his face, "she mentioned you." 
Chris didn't reply but just nodded and turned back to the road. This would be a trip for sure, the person they were meeting wasn't a fan of others. At least that's what he gathered from the last time he stalked them. 
"Who are we meeting anyway?" Klaus then asked breaking the silence. 
Looking at the Seance through the rearview mirror, he sighed, "Oh it's going to be someone interesting I'll tell you that," was all the young boy said. 
Five could only sigh and throw his head against the seat, "You better hope so, or I'll kill you," the time traveler said. 
Chris could only snort, "I'll love to see you try," the young boy said with a laugh. 
Klaus then leaned forward from the back seat, "Hey you said you would tell us everything Ellie, did back in the good old days," he asked. 
The boy clicked his tongue and nodded, "I did say that, well what do you want to know?" 
"What was she like?" Five simply asked. 
Chris focused on the long road ahead and sighed, "Well, Eight was one of a kind, I don't need to tell you that. She attracted trouble that's the type of person she was, always picking fights with everyone. All too protect me and my friends," he started remembering the days of the girl, "Now that I mention it, she totally changed when her memory came back..." he paused to really think about it, "Like she's been through some shit." 
With his eyes closed Five hummed, "You have no idea," he replied back. 
"Anyway, she was a hell of a driver, dad was always worried when she went out on dates—" he paused to cringe remembering she had been married, "—Sorry, but she didn't know you existed, and she became a pretty popular girl in town," the boy added with a shrug. 
"Eight's popular everywhere and anywhere she goes," Five mumbled knowing his wife was a social butterfly. 
Chris smiled softly at the thought, "My best friend from the sixties loved to snoop in on her dates," he continued, "Now that I think about it her sub-conscience definitely remembered you," he said looking over at Five who still had his eyes closed, "Every one of her boyfriends resembled you," he finished raising a brow and reaching to scratch the side of his face. 
From the back the two didn't miss the snort that came from Klaus, "Diego didn't fit into that picture," the man said laughing to himself, remembering his horrid hair of the '60s.
The car then fell silent for a while, as Chris continued to drive idly on the vast road. Growing more and more nervous as he had to meet someone new. The scenery passing by blurs, not one of the passengers questioning their location. 
Until the Seance that is, "Hey didn't you say we had to be in Australia?" the sleepy man asked, slurping on a soda that he had bought before the trip. 
The driver suddenly smiled, "I sure did," he said pausing, "let's do it." 
At this Five snapped his eyes opened and looked ahead. The familiar portal that Eight use to open for quick travel, instead of her purple-reddish hues. It was a strong orange, probably because it was Chris' ability. The energy twirled as he stepped on the gas to make it quicker, "Fuuuuck!" he dragged out, grabbing tightly onto the handle beside his head. 
"Whee!" Yelled Klaus when he saw the pretty colors. 
As the trio all screamed for different reasons, as the world twirled for a second, then everything was different. Chris then swerved his car to the left lane with a smile on his face. 
"God I love doing that," the boy said with a laugh as the greenery came into view, "Well we're almost there so prepare yourselves." 
Five let go of the handle and scoffed, "Nothing scares me, kid, not even whoever we're meeting," he replied his ego a little bruised after being slightly scared.
Chris didn't look over at Five, but this person was going to be quite the statement. After all Eight knew who she was asking for. He wouldn't let her die for anything, even if it was her plan to die, he wouldn't let be for nothing. The world had lost brilliance they had no idea they had. And the Sparrows would know why she was feared, even if she wasn't there. 
It was then that the group neared a large warehouse. Large buff men spread the entire front. Some neck deep into car engines, while others worked on motorcycles. 
"Jesus Chrisy, are you taking us to get us killed?" Klaus asked, eyes wide looking at the bearded tall men. 
All capable of snapping each of the powered men. Some of them paused in their work to look over at the slow-driving car. Klaus smiled and waving through the window. 
"Is this a biker gang?" Five asked as he looked at the symbol on most of their uniform. Their tattoos peeked out from underneath. Just who exactly were they meeting? 
Putting the car in park, Chris sighed and got out. Digging through his pocket he put on sunglasses to avoid squinting. Five the other two followed in his footsteps as moved deeper into the mechanics building. 
Mengie's Bike and Auto Repair was the name of the location. The trio walked forward inside, where more men had cars up on lifts and equally working on them. 
"Hey you lookin' for something?" a heavy accent called at the three. 
Chris dipped his glasses to the top of his nose, "Yes actually," he began shifting to look for a paper in his pocket, "I'm looking for someone called Phoenix?" he asked looking at the paper and then at him. 
The man only smirked and nodded, "They're out back, you won't miss 'em," he finished pointing out to the very back of the building."
Before Five could ask who it was, the man had walked away to a tool cart near an old running car. 
Chris only shrugged and followed the man's direction. Walking all the way back, the sun not hitting as harshly as a large thin tarp hung over the back of the building. Looked around to see rows of motorcycles in good condition. Shiny, with intricate designs. 
"Hello~" Klaus called out hoping to hear anyone.
Five rolled his eyes and he looked ahead to see no one. They were probably sent this way to kill them. As if. He laughed inwardly. They wouldn't be able to lay a hand on them even if they tried. 
For a moment he let his eyes wander, turning his head to the side. That's when he paused a saw a figure. A slim tall figure that seemed too feminine to be a man. Long dark purple pin straight hair framed back. His eyes move along to her thighs and legs that straddled a stool, her arms reaching forward as she sat up straight. 
Walking closer his brows rose as he could see tattoos littering her arms. The teen made his way around the young figure, and couldn't help but freeze at the sight. 
"Eight?" he questioned confused the sight of his wife's face threw him off. Just this version wore round red glasses around her eyes. As he watched her fingers nimbly move clay around to form a face. 
The teen shook her head, "Sorry to disappoint lad, but I'm no number," she replied which was even weirder, her accent wasn't like Eight's but instead, it was Australian. 
Five couldn't comprehend whatever was happening, "How is this possible?" he whispered but didn't make a motion to get closer to the woman who moved clay under her fingers. 
Her hands paused her work as she sighed, "I don't know what you are talking about, but you better get talking soon," she said and crossed her arms. 
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lahotelbellamuerte · 3 months
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐧 - floor one. the time that was before
series masterlist ! current: the time that was before ! next: there's always bad news
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pairing; none warnings; death word count; 534 notes; none for this one, kinda filler, idk
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IN A WORLD far from the one many would know, was a little girl. A small child that had enough money to buy everything she could want. But for what she wanted it would never be enough, no matter how much she begged. 
Tears and prayers fell on silent ears every night, and there was nothing she could do about it. Her parents did the best they could to bring her joy as a child, but they knew she silently resented them for her problems. Even though deep down she knew it wasn't their fault, she was just born unlucky and would have to deal with the consequences. 
The little girl had a warm and happy childhood until she turned ten. Not wanting to depend on anyone but herself she learned to listen. Using it to the best of her ability, she realized that her life was never entirely normal. Things in her own home would randomly float without anyone really have an explanation. Her emotions often caused trouble for herself. 
This certain ability of here's often made it hard to make friends at school. All laughing and pointing at her as she grew around them. Now, she didn't mean to do it and her parents believed her. And who was to say the girl had done anything? Of course no one, especially those who knew it was her but had nothing to prove it. 
The incident you may ask? The girl we speak of accidentally killed three of her schoolmates. She didn't mean it, but her life was in danger. Not only had they dragged her to an edge of a cliff, taunting to push her off, but they did the worst of beating the girl. 
All ignored her screams and cries to stop, but it was too late when one of the tormentors realized. The sand-like red energy surrounded her clenched fists. The last thing he heard was a pained scream from her bloodied lips as her abilities exploded. His eyes trained on her dead eyes. 
When the authorities reached the scene they found the said girl unconscious. Her body was covered in bruises, while the other bodies of her schoolmates all lay dead near her. The odd part they couldn't explain was their eyes. All blacked out, with red marks all over them. 
They never found the culprit, but they didn't know the very person who was there that night. 
From that moment, she didn't ever want anything like that to happen again. So, by dropping out of school, she found people that would help her control this new power. And then her prayer was heard. For the first time in a long time, the girl no longer felt tainted or cursed. 
Money now just got her things quicker and easier, and she didn't mind. A new look at the world wasn't bad, but it was only for so long. Until the Umbrella Academy ruined it all.
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6 notes · View notes
lahotelbellamuerte · 1 month
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐧 - roof floor. two sides of one coin
series masterlist ! current: two sides of one coin !
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pairing; phoenix x five warnings; death, mentions of past, heartbreak, love lol, not proofread. word count; 8.9k notes; last chapter of the season, thank you for reading truly. hopefully some of you out there are agreeing with how making this story become. now I have bring out a white board for this one coming. LMAO. cheers, I'll see you next book :3
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THE DREAM STARTED AS GOOD, AND HE ALMOST DIDN'T WANT IT TO END. Five was settled on a chair, the house familiar. He had seen it before. It was Phoenix's home, the one he had visited. The house was as large and pristine as it used to be. He looked down and saw a mug of black coffee in hand, as he sat on the porch, feeling a smile on his face. Then looking forward to seeing the purple-haired woman. Her hair is loosely clipped to an updo. Her hands pressed dirt down as she fiddled with flowers around. 
Getting up she sighed and removed the gloves walking up to him, "Well the new tulips should be ready to bloom in like a couple of months."
Five rolled his eyes, "I don't know why you are so keen on keeping the garden." 
The woman walked up to him, an arm next to his head, "Because my mother loved tulips, you idiot."
All he did was smile and lean up to press a kiss into her lips, "Just shut up and join me," he said and pulled her into his lap, sitting in content silence. 
That was before his dream started shifting and started seeing a blur of his dreams and memories. Stumbling down a hall, Phoenix's giggles rang in his ear. Their hands are tight in grip. The blur of watching Reginald, shaking his hand with someone else. The sounds of high-pitched moans in his ear. Sensations of nails scratching along his shoulders. The feeling of pure euphoria. 
That was all until he peeled his eyes open. His head pounding and trying to gather itself. His surroundings were all spinning and blurry. 
Lifting his head he mumbled, "What did I get up to last night?" his vision cleared as he absorbed the room he settled in. Eyes then landed on a lump of purple hair with a bare back, noticing the red string tattoo down her spine, "Fuck," he muttered. 
"That is what you did," a voice replied.
He turned to see her moving and also getting up. His head turning away as her breast came into view. 
This caused the girl to snort, "As if you didn't see more than my tits last night," she laughed, getting up and gathering the thin sheet around her body, "Plus if I do say so myself you weren't too shabby." 
Five groaned and just began getting dressed, "You're stupid," was all he could really say. He didn't need her knowing that he too enjoyed their time together.
Phoenix just hummed, "Alright there buddy, I'll see you out there."
Five grabbed onto her forearm, "Wait aren't you going to change?" He questioned as he looked down to see her just have a thin sheet around her. 
The woman smiled and leaned closer to him, faces almost touching, "Trust me, honey, I'm comfortable in my own body," she paused to give him a peck on the lips, "Don't worry I won't be jumping into anyone else's bed." Was all she said and left the room, to leave Five to his thoughts. 
The purple-haired woman strutted down the hall and headed back to the seamstress in hopes of getting another outfit. To really bring out the joy of the end of the world.
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Finished getting dressed, a tight-fitting black suit vest to match her stripped cropped dress pants. And tying up her black Converse on her feet. 
"Oh this is perfect, shows off your tattoos perfectly Miss Magnolia," she said a smile on the old lady. 
Phoenix smiled and nodded, "Thank you once more." 
Before she could reach the door, Reginald Hargreeves stepped through, "Miss Magnolia, if I could have a word."
The woman paused and nodded, "You may." 
Reginald nodded, "As I come to know, you my dear are an essential part of this mission." 
Phoenix raised her brow, "Are you sure about that?" she questioned, "Last I heard you killed Eight Hargreeves because she was too powerful." 
The man shook his hand, "Eight is a story for another day, that is if you help us see to it," he started, "I could see you and Five are getting along famously." 
Phoenix couldn't help but blush, "You know I keep on having dreams of something telling me something is wrong," she said trying to avoid anything of Five. 
"Well, you can find out if join us for the meeting."
Everything in this world of hers was left behind, "Alright what the hell." 
Reginald nodded and opened the door for the young girl behind her, "Perfect, after you." 
The two walked down the hall to eventually arrive at the lobby. Klaus and Chris cheering for the girl. 
Five's eyes landed on her new outfit, and just nodded in her direction, knowing she would feel it. 
"Alright let's begin. The Norse had eight sleepers. The Blackfoot, eight stars. As a boy, I heard the legend of the eight bells. All these stories are the same. The village is under threat by flood, by fire, by a night that never ends. A shaman brings his disciples to a sacred cave. He tells them if they can ring the eight magic bells, the village will be saved, and all will be restored just as it was." Reginald retells to all the umbrellas in the room. 
Lila couldn't really take the shit, "Reggie?" she calls, and watched the man hum at the question, "Can we get a little less Brothers Grimm, and more 'what the hell does this have to do with us?'"
"There is a truth to these myths. None of you can deny what's going on around us. All of existence will be gone by the end of the day, but whoever or whatever wove together space and time, they left a way to put things back together if the universe ever faced total annihilation," he answers as his eyes travel to each of the people left in the world, "There is a portal in the universe. I built this hotel around it. And on the other side is the answer," he finishes. 
Luther who had Sloan huddled to his shoulder speaks up, "And... we're supposed to, what? Just stroll in there, ring some bells, and fix this shit?"
"Sarcasm aside, you are mostly right," he answered, "Except for the guardian."
Everyone looked at each other uneased as he said the words, "What kind of guardian?" Asked Viktor. 
Before Reginald could answer, Diego beat him to it, "Kinda guardian that does this," he says lifting his hand with missing fingers, "He has a sword."
The older man nodded slightly, "It is a force to be reckoned with."
"See? Yeah. This is where you lose me," Luther speaks up exasperatedly. 
"Honestly that's where?" Phoenix speaks up, "He lost me at magic bells," she snorted it out, Lila letting out a laugh at her friend's joke. 
"Why would the builders of this 'back door' need to have a guardian?" Viktor then asks ignoring the purple-haired girl. 
Sloan then spoke knowing why, "Ah! To protect it from people who want to use it for nefarious means," she answered with a smile. 
"That is correct Sloane," Reginald confirmed. 
"So it's gonna take all of us to defeat the thing protecting the bells," Allison adds hearing the words from the old man. 
Five rolled his eyes, "You're actually buying his crap?"
Allison looked over at Five, "How is a guardian and bells crazier than time-traveling briefcases and assassins with cartoon masks?"
"Actually she got you there," Luther replied agreeing with the Rumor. 
Everyone was somewhat silent, before Ben stood from his seat, "I'm in."
Five stared at him, still trying to figure out who was in the room with Reginald the night he and Phoenix stumbled across. 
"Me too," said Diego, getting up and letting Lila fall on the couch, "But I think some of should stay back, like Lila. 
The blonde didn't like the answer and stood, "Uh no. Or maybe you can stay and I go." 
"This is way bigger than all of us. Nobody can stay back," Allison added. 
This made Phoenix's senses tingle a bit, it was something about her tone that she didn't like. There was something up there. 
"You my children, are all that stands between us and oblivion," he says trying to convince them, "Are we ready to go?" 
Phoenix scoffed, "That's where we are Reggie, Hotel Oblivion," she said crossing her arms. 
"Well, I say we vote," Viktor offers. 
Ben looked at him in disgust, "This isn't a democracy. Dad's calling the shots."
Five shook his head, "I'm with Viktor. We vote." 
"The world is ending, and you want to count hands?" Reginald asks looking around the room in disbelief. 
"You're asking us to risk our lives," Luther adds, "I think it's only fair you give us time to discuss it. Privately."
"Agreed, Phoenix come along," Five said getting up and dragging her with him. 
The purple-haired girl was confused, "Are you actually thinking about this?" 
He turned to her, "No, but last night before," he paused to blush slightly, "Us I suppose, we were stumbling down the hall, and I saw Reginald talking to someone."
The girl hummed and nodded, "You're right I do have very vague memories of him," she paused to slump on a chair nearby, "I bet my own life it's Allison." 
He raised an eyebrow, "And why do you think that?" 
Leaning closer to him, "Well think about it, she has the most win if whatever comes out of it," she starts and watches Five sit next to her, "She's always talking about Claire, and some dude named Ray right?" 
Five shook his head, "No she isn't." 
"I know, I had a brief moment where I touched her and saw it," she said shrugging, "There's another thing." 
Five looked at her, "Well on with it." 
"That feeling of Eight, remember when I told you it felt familiar?" she asks and watches as he nods in agreement, "Well it's getting heavier, I don't know what it means." 
"Are you saying Eight might be alive?" He asks looking at her. 
The woman shrugs, "Whoa there, I'm not saying anything, I'm just feeling a very strong energy in the air right now," she says looking in his direction, "It might also just might be me still horny." 
Five scoffed and got up, "If you behave," was all he said, and walked away, listening to Phoenix's laughs from afar. 
Getting up from her seat she spots Lila from across the lobby, walking closer to each other. 
"I hear you had a good time last night," Lila began her elbow tapping her. 
Phoenix laughed, "It was enjoyable, to say the least," she started settling to sit on the steps, "Dear old Eight did have good taste for men." 
The two huddled together, "Do you think this is the end of it all?" Lila asked breaking their silence. 
"I don't think so. As much as things will become shit, it will only get worse and then we'll be saved somehow." Phoenix tells her. 
It wasn't long before everyone gathered together once more. Five and Phoenix leaned on a pillar as the rest were by the stairs. 
"I think you can all guess which way I'll be voting. We've all been through a lot. We've all lost people," Allison starts and looks over at Five and the others, "But their deaths all have to mean something. Which is why I'll be voting to go with Dad."
Not a shocker, thought Phoenix to herself. 
Lila then steps down and whispers something to Diego, "Let's go save the bloody universe!"
"Well then since she's voting that way, I vote to stay. How's that for playing nice," he says and gives her a smug smile. 
Lila scoffs, "You're not being serious?" 
"It's his vote, Lila," she says looking back at the blonde, "Klaus?" 
He drinks in hand and smiles, "I'm with Father." 
"Okay that's four to one," Allison continues then looks forward, "Viktor." 
The smaller man looks at her and sighs, "Look, I want to believe, okay? I really do. I just can't shake the feeling that we don't know what we're getting ourselves into."
"No, but we know what we've got if we don't," Allison responds, "We have to go into this together. Viktor. A family." She continued in hopes of convincing him. 
Viktor was annoyed now, "You can't just keep throwing the word 'family' around. It isn't enough. I vote to stay." 
Allison didn't respond but moved on, "Luther?" 
"Um, Sloane and I talked, and, well, we're out. Look we wanna spend whatever time we have left together, and not fighting some guy with a sword and ringing bells and stuff." Luther states, looking at his other siblings. 
"Well, dead even. Four in, four out," Viktor says. 
Reginald then looked over at the duo, "That leaves you Miss Magnolia, and Five." 
Five still didn't back down, "I saw the future, and it told me to sit this one out. I vote stay. It's time we accept our fate." 
Phoenix claps, "Well I've been haunted in my dreams by voices, all in despair, and maybe it's time I snuff them out. As for Chris thank you for leaving him out." 
The curly-haired boy pulled on his denim jacket, "When Eight came into my universe I was met by a brilliant mind, my family then were thrilled to have her. And now she left me some of her powers in thought that she would take care of me. But in reality, I think it is time for me and all of us. To go back to the people we miss in the beyond." 
Allison taking it the worst looked over at her siblings, "You're all pathetic."
Reginald then steps forward, "Children, I can't say I'm happy with this. But I see now the blame falls on me. I failed you when you were young, and I have failed you now. And in doing so, I have doomed the entire universe. If anyone needs me I'll be in the courtyard...awaiting the end." He finishes and walks out of the lobby. 
"Now what?" Diego then asks. 
Phoenix this time was the first to answer, "We wait for the end, dear friends," she says and walks off, Five not far behind. 
"See you around, It's been interesting," Five adds as they disappear. 
He runs up the final steps to catch up with her, "And just where do you think you're going?" 
The girl shrugs, "Nowhere in particular," and so she continues walking just to be at the reception area, and Five without a word follows her. 
Five smiled slightly at the sight, before Phoenix could turn he spoke up, "Would you mind giving me one more dance?" 
The girl turned to him, "Hmm look at you, even in defeat I would've thought of a way to save everyone," she said as she placed her hand in his. 
"Normally I would, but I wouldn't do that while you're here with me," he replies, spinning her, and placing his hand back at her waist. 
Furrowing her brows she couldn't help but smile all the same, "You are a softie." 
Five didn't know why he was acting like this. Even with Eight, the two most of the time bickered, but that was how their love language was. Yet as Phoenix said, here he was treating her as some rare jewel he had found. He couldn't help but want to treat her the same way. As a beloved jewel that was no one else's but his. 
"Only for you," he said not disagreeing with the statement. 
Phoenix only smiled and continued their silent dance at the end of the world. With the man, she had dreams with all the blurry dreams finally coming to her at a time like this. 
"Hey Five, can I tell you something?" She suddenly said, their bodies flush as they swayed. 
Five didn't even have to have Eight's mind-reading powers to know, "You don't have to say it, me too. Somehow this twisted time brought us here together." 
As pulled them apart slightly, she fully stepped back and gasped, "I remember, it was Allison in the room with him." 
Five searched his head as much as he could before it clicked. His memories appeared, and in that room with Reginald was no other than his sister Allison. 
The two with no more time left to dance, left the room back to the hotel. And just like a cue, they heard Sloane's screams. 
As they entered, the sight was Sloane holding her husband Luther in her arms. All bloodied, chest holding a deep gash. In the corner, Allison too had bloodied hands. 
Just after the duo had come into the room, Viktor followed, "Oh my God, Luther." 
Phoenix held onto Five's hand tightly, "What happened?"
"He went to go get ice. I couldn't—"She started in between sobs, "He didn't come back. I..I don't know," Sloan cried out, still looking down at her husband. 
Everyone in the room held somber faces. 
Lila looked over a Diego with a frown, "It must have been him. The Guardian."
Looking back down at Luther he nodded, "She's right. Whatever did this had a long curved blade," he said leaning down to inspect his body closer. 
"How...How can you be sure?" Viktor asks. 
Diego turned back to Viktor, "I don't know much, but I know knives." 
"Children, what's going on?" Reginald's voice comes in gasping at the sight, "Oh God! Luther."
Ben who was sitting clenched his jaw, "If we attacked first, he would still be alive." 
Everyone in the room was silent, hearing the distant rumbles coming from outside. Until the entire building started trembling. 
"Gu—Guys! Hey guys!" Exclaims Ben as he catches a glimpse of the end of the non-existent corridor. 
"What are we gonna do with Luther?" Sloane cries. 
Five who also saw the end of the hall looked around, "Okay, we're out of time! The Kuelblitz is here."
Reginald taking his moment opens the passage, "Into the passage! It's the only way." 
Diego grabbed a gun from the wall, "You agreed to stay!" Viktor says as he stops him. 
The man looks at him, "They killed Luther alright?!" 
Reginald still holding the door, "Come on, children! Hurry!" 
"We can't leave him," Sloane says trying to grab her husband. 
Allison gets ahead of it and grabs her, "We go now, or we're gonna die." 
Everyone shuffles in, Five pulling the purple-haired girl with him. Once more evading the Apocalypse. The specialty of the Umbrella Academy. 
"Let's never do that again," Viktor said panting as the rest of them looked around the room. 
"What, narrowly escape the Apocalypse? It's kind of our thing, isn't it?" Five says stepping into the room. 
Allison looks over at the bull's ass, "There's something very wrong with that."
Lila looks over at it, "Same suite, just ass-backward."
"No hyperbole there," Five agrees looking at the same bull. 
Ben just paced, "This is some Alice in Wonderland bullshit," he mumbles. 
Diego still with a rifle in hand agrees, "Yeah, it only gets weirder." 
Last to arrive was Reginald who panted as he slammed the door shut, "At last, the other side."
Phoenix had been counting as each person came in, "Uh try again Reggie, wheres Klaus?"
"Children, I'm sorry, but your brother. I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kgelblitz has claimed its last victim." He replies out of breath. 
The purple-haired girl didn't know the séance all that much but he was a part of the family, "Bullshit, he was right behind five and I," she pressed. 
Sloane already sad to leave her husband, couldn't bear the thought of another, "We need to go back." 
Reginald shook his hand, "There's nothing to go back to. Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now we have to keep moving." He says and speeds out of the room. 
"Wait, Luther and Klaus?" Vikor then asks, the thought of their brothers gone.
The siblings didn't really have much to say. So in silence, they followed after the older man. Five making sure he held onto Phoenix's hand. 
As they arrived at the lobby, Reginald looked around in awe,  "It's magnificent," he said continuing down the steps. 
Ben too was amazed at the sight, "You guys should've stayed here. This place is way nicer."
"Lila and I barely got out alive last time remember?" Diego added so they knew the severity. 
Ben being cocky as usual responds, "Yeah, but I'm here this time, and the numbers are in our favor."
"Well, whatever it was. it was strong, fast, and super pissed," Lila added remembering how it took off Diego's fingers. 
Walking to the front desk Diego was the first to arrive, "Alright, so, whatever you do, do not ring this bell."
"Why's that?" Phoenix asked. 
Diego looked at her, "Be my guest if you want to lose a finger," he paused to look at Ben, "or a tentacle."
Sloane still not in the right state of mind moved forward, "I'll take my chances."
Before she could Lila got in her way, "Don't!"
"Get out my way," she argued. 
"To take this thing, we need to be in the right state of mind," she tried to say and calm the recently wed and widowed. 
With tears in her eyes, Sloane replied, "Right state of mind? You think I'm angry? Yes, I'm angry. I want to kill whatever it is that hurt Luther." 
Diego moved forward, "Luther isn't the only one that's gone."
Viktor nods, "We lost Klaus too. I'm angry okay? We all are."
Phoenix lets go of Five's hand to move towards the revolving doors, "Don't try it Phoenix, Doors won't let you out." 
Allison looks around, "So what we're stuck here?" 
"This place is a test and a trap and a means of salvation, all at once," Reginald answers as he walks up to the front desk. 
Viktor doesn't listen, "Does anyone know what that sign says?"
Diego replies, "Yes, it says "do not ring this bell.'"
Five moves in, "We get it Diego, bell bad."
"He oldie, Reg, what do we do now," the purple-haired one asked. 
The man doesn't say anything for moments as they all call his name. All he does is flip frantically through the pages of some old journal he carried. 
Before Lila could hear the old man's answer she made up her mind, "I'm hungry. Does anyone fancy an unagi roll?" she asked and walked towards the revolving sushi bar. 
Ben scoffs, "How could you possibly be hungry at a time like this?"
Lila frowned and looked at him, "I don't know. How can you be a dick at a time like this?" 
Phoenix snorted at the words from her Brit friend, earning a glare from Ben. 
"Hey!" Diego interjected, "Back off alright?" he said stepping closer to the man, "She's eating for—"
"—Strength," she cut off Diego before she could out her pregnancy to the entire room, "In trying times. Diego come with me for a second," she then added quickly, pulling the man by his arm. 
While everyone disbursed for a second, Phoenix couldn't help but feel that dull strong pain still. She was here. How the tattooed girl didn't want to know. But all she hoped was that she was here for good and not some evil shit. If it came down to a fight, she didn't know if this time Eight would be easy to take down. Somehow when they were back in her place, her fighting felt thin, it was strong, but it was held back by any strength. This time she wasn't sure if she'd win. Either way, it might not even be Eight in the flesh, it could be just something holding the substance of her power. Or at least she hoped. 
The true lingering question was, would they survive this one? Or was this more so the actual end for all of them? Selfishly, Phoenix hoped they survive. She just now found a new love. Someone who also has the abilities just like her. Someone who isn't afraid to call out her bullshit. Someone she least expected to fall for. 
"You feel it too huh?" A voice came next to her, she saw no other than Chris. 
She didn't really have to ask who he was talking about, "I do, but I only hope it's not as I think it is." 
The younger man scoffed, "From the last time, I sure hope it's just an empty shell and nothing else. 
Before the two could talk about it more, she felt a hand in hers, "Phoenix we got to go." 
The girl nodded and followed, Chris right behind the two. 
"Gather 'round children. Now that we've had a chance to catch our breath, the real work can begin."
Five moves forward, "Ah, the myth of the eight bells, eh?"
The man with a book still in hand nods, "Exactly. Somebody's been paying attention." 
"Okay, so we find the bells, then what?" Diego asks just wanting to kill the beast. 
Reginald looked over at him, "No, no, no. The bells are just a metaphor for this," he said putting up the book and showing the group a drawn symbol.
Phoenix couldn't help but roll her eyes as everyone could see what the hell that man was talking about. 
"The sigil," Five said looking at the shape. 
Reginald once more nods, "That is correct Number Five. The sigil is the key to the seven bells. Once we find this symbol we're one step closer to resetting the universe." 
"What do we do when we find it?" Sloan asks. 
At that, the older man paused, "I don't know," he says genuinely. 
Viktor furrows his brows, "Excuse me? We're here because you said you had a plan," he says hands moving in exasperation.
The older man looks over, "I do, up to a point." 
Lila snickers at the words, "Great. So we'll just stay in the hotel forever. Staring at the walls and eating bad sushi."
No one could answer her sarcastic remark besides of course Allison, "Finding the sigil is our only way out of here and the best chance we have of testing the universe."
Every word that came out of her mouth just made Five's idea that Reginald and Allison were working together, all the more true, "Funny how you and Dad are on the same page again," he questioned while giving her an accusing look.
To avoid any conflict Viktor spoke up, "Okay, where do we start?"
"We'll split into groups," he states closing his book, "I'll get with Allison and Sloane, Ben and Five with Viktor."
"No, we want Allison," Viktor interjected. 
Five looked over, "Ben for Allison. We've trained together so it makes more sense if we take Allison." 
Allison just smiled in disbelief, "Uh, no, thanks."
Viktor looked over at her, "Why not?" he asked. 
The woman had no response, but Reginald filled the silence, "Splendid idea. Allison, you go with the umbrellas. Sparrows, stick together." 
Five looked over at Phoenix, "Come on, let's get going—"
"—no she must go to a different floor, we have to split up to get more ground," Reginald said as he cut off Five trying to get her to go with him. 
The purple-haired girl nodded and smiled at him, "I'll be okay Five," she said squeezing his hand and heading off on her own to a different floor than the others. 
Stepping into the elevator, the girl quickly moved through the rooms slowly. It wasn't until she was on the floor that she realized. How the fuck am I supposed to find some sigil? I can't fucking see. 
So she just sighed and tried her best with the abilities she had, but then as she stepped through a door the whole floor changed. Her heightened sense of feeling walls is different. Some that were open were now closed off. 
"Jesus what is happening here," she mumbled as she went on about opening other doors. 
Still, each room was untouched, or no unfamiliar energy that she could trace. 
But it was sudden that she felt a shift of five strong entities. And of course, it all came to life when the rumbling of the bell spread through the hotel. 
And one of them appeared at the end of the hall. 
"Well, shit." 
The large knight stood tall and proud with a sturdy staff in hand. All the more ready to defeat her and she stood weaponless. The knight slammed the staff onto the ground and then walked closer to her. 
As the large statue reached her, it slammed it right where she was. But luckily Phoenix moved out of the way in time. Cringing as she felt the wind past her face. 
"Holy shit," she gasped at the sheer force that would've hit her. 
Pushing her back against the wall, she leveraged herself up to kick the knight and make it stumble. 
Slapping her hands together, a slight pulse shocked the floor. As she separated her hands, a glowing gold staff appeared. She twirled it around her body a couple of times, before leaving it to settle to rest on her forearms and partially behind her. 
With her other hand, she waved the statuette knight, "Now we're even ground you freak," she hisses and does miss her chance to run towards it. 
The large staffs slammed against each other, as the two tried landing a blow on each of them. 
Phoenix slammed one tip of her staff against the ground, to help her jump over the knight, all to stab the staff through its torso, her hands glowing her eerie red, pushed against its back to send it tumbling a few feet back. 
"That all you got freak?" she taunted. 
The smile fell off her face when it got up, and teleported behind her this time. The being grabbed her by the neck to through her through a door. Groaning as she tumbled and rolled on the tiled floor. 
She was in a room similar to where she had bathed naked in front of Five the first time all those days ago. 
"I just had to say something," she mumbled cracking her back as she took a running head start to the knight. Jumping right before, and wrapping her legs around his head. Crossing her ankles to keep the hold, she used her hands to try and pry off the head.
The knight doing its best to knock her over. Moved and flailed around, even to reach for a knife in its sheath. Moving it forward to stab it in her thigh. 
The girl screamed, "Fuck you, you mold-looking piece of shit!" she gritted, moving her other leg up his shoulder. The once in pain followed, not leaving behind that hissing of a young woman. 
pushing her legs down and hands on the head she was able to rip it off. Ungraciously jumping off and landing more so, stumbled back to the ground. Right as she thought she won, the knight just continued to move towards her staff back at hand. 
"What does it take with you?!" she screamed, this time not caring if the whole building went down. Hands brightly glowing. One stretched out to conjure it frozen, her hues surrounding it, the other moved her wrist and fingers as she ripped it apart with her hands. The room was all slightly following her commands as well, the walls crackling under the sheer amount of power held within. Each piece that was ripped off the knight, pulsed throughout the building, each more violent than the last. 
As the other Umbrellas and Sparrows went on the fight. They felt each of the pulses, almost like small earthquakes right below their feet. The walls all had thin little cracks, all glowing that bright red. 
Five who had been hiding behind a washer, noticed and recognized those lines, "Phoenix," he whispered, but not having enough time to think about it as he had his own to defeat. 
When all the pieces had been separated, she pulled her hands into fists and crumbled the knight, sending one last pulse that jolted the building, the lights flickering. Sighing she leaned back to a wall and removed the knife from her thigh throwing it across the room. Reaching for any piece of cloth she could find and wrapping it around her thigh tightly. 
Pushing herself up to a stand, she made her way back to the elevator, "Jesus Reginald, what did you do," she mumbled leaning against the elevator, pressing the 'L.'
Looking to the last one to arrive, "Phoenix," they had mumbled walking over to her and pulling her into a hug. 
"Five I did say I was going to be fine," she mumbled into his neck with a chuckle. 
Five pulled away from it and smacked her on the side of the head, "Yes by almost taking us out in the process, whatever ever you were doing shook the entire building," he said and pulled her by hand towards the others. 
The two then realized Klaus was back, "Klaus," Five started at the sight of the man. 
The séance looked over at the two, "You guys look like shit."
Phoenix scoffed, "You try battling the guardian love," she said an arm around Five's shoulder as the wound on her thigh was throbbing. 
"We just did," Allison says. 
Viktor looks at the others, "So did we," he replies looking at the others who apparently also did. 
"Guilty here, nasty buggers," she mumbles, "Klaus honey, we thought you were you know dead?"
Klaus nods, "Yes you maturing loving flower, that resembles my dead sister, I'm alive and amazing, despite Dad's attempts to bash my brains in, but tearful reunions later. What you guys need to know right now is that. Dad killed Luther. And he locked me out of the tunnel, and he rang that stupid bell!" he says finally. 
The group then went to face the man who coincidentally stepped into the area, "What's your plan, old man?" Five yells his arm around Phoenix's waist. 
"We have no time for this," Reginald says while the book is still on hand. 
Sloane is once again in tears, "You killed Luther!" she says. 
"I had no choice. You refused to come together as a team," he says looking towards them. 
Ben appalled at his father's words, "All of your stupid myths and stories. There were never eight bells or Norsemen. You brought us here to die!" he exclaimed, angry that he had never seen his intentions before 
The older man shook his head, "That is not so. Somewhere in this hotel is the key to resetting the universe. We just need to find the sigil!" 
"Phoenix I might be on onto something, can you stand?" he asked watching as the girl nodded. Not hearing the siblings behind him argue with the man. 
"Ours had a horse," Sloane added holding onto her wound. 
Phoenix caught herself up with the conversation, "Mine had a staff."
Diego and Lila looked at each other, in sync, "There's one left," they realized. 
"Let's go after it!" Sloane suggested. 
Phoenix laughed, "Not to be a sour puss, but some of us barely made it out alive," she says motioned around the room. 
"Hey guys I found the Sigil. It's on the—" Before he could finish the glass above them shatters, the last knight dropping through. Not before throwing his axe on the rope towards Five. Cutting his arm clean off, leaving him to his screams. 
The others preparing for a fight, slicing Klaus first. Slamming it into the ground to get everyone off their feet. Stabbing Ben right in the stomach. 
The others evade and scream to avoid getting hit. Diego getting into a direct fight with him. To be smacked on the ground. Before setting on Sloane who did her best to keep it from hitting her. Hands glowing weakly, as she was injured badly. As her power flickered off the Knight was never able to get her. 
"Nobody hurts my wife, you son of a bitch," Luther says and grabs into the guardians threw him easily behind him as if he were a rag doll.
The mask flew off the Guardian to travel a holed-out face. All the while Luther and Sloane reunited, Phoenix moved closer to the guardian. 
"Phoenix stay away from it!" Five yelled his arm tied up to avoid more bleeding, "The sigil is on the lobby floor. It's the stars!" 
"Children find a star on the sigil. Stand on it!" Reginald yells as they watch him the guardian stands again, "Hurry it's the only way to defeat him!"
Phoenix cracked her neck, "Not the only way," she hissed, running at the whole speed her hands glowing the familiar red. The guardian swung its weapons at her, but all they did was turn back to dust. Moving her hands and fingers, the guardian looked down at itself to see it being crushed. All to eventually meet its end. 
Everyone but Five had stepped on the sigil, but the room then all fell into a gold room full of symmetry, "Hey you're okay," Five said checking to see if she was wounded anywhere else besides her leg. 
"So you've found love once more I see," The two looked over at Reginald confused, "And I had done you a favor to bring her back." 
Five's eyes widened, next to Reginald almost as if a door had opened. Eight Hargreevees in the flesh stepped through. Blonde hair long a soft resting on her back. She looked exactly like the last time he had seen her, minus the stab through her. Except she wore a white version of their uniform. He was in a trance at the sight of her. 
"Darling, I came back to you," she spoke, the flat American accent that he so long missed, "I told you all would be well." 
Without instinct, Five's grip on Phoenix fell, and began walking toward the woman he married. Leaving a girl to be brokenhearted. 
As he reached his wife he couldn't help but smile. Lifting his hand to touch her cheek, "You're real," he whispered tears coming to his eyes at the feeling of her skin under his. Blue bright eyes, that just seemed to see through him and the world. 
Her hand reached and covered his, "Of course I am. I'd always come back to you." 
Breaking their reunion, "Number Eight, you know of your mission," Reginald's voice broke them apart. 
The blonde looked over at the older man and nodded, "Yes Father." 
Five furrows his brows as he watches her move away from him, "Eight, what does he mean?"
She doesn't answer, but when he goes to grab her hand, he's incapable of moving, "Eight?!" 
Eight only had one this in sight, a girl and her brilliant purple hair, "There can only be one of here darling." 
The rest of the Hargreeves, all stuck to their stars, unable to stop her. 
Just like it was engraved in their memory, they watched Eight begin to glow slightly, her hair floating and mixed her her brilliant hues. 
Charging up a large blow, Phoenix could believe this was happening. One she was a second choice, rebound if you will. Two, she was fighting against one of the strongest forces in the universe. 
Putting her palms up she was able to disperse the force around her, not before stumbling at the sheer strength. This woman didn't train with her powers enough, yet had enough force to blow her open. 
"Eight this is what you said would happen!" Phoenix called avoiding all her attempts to get hit. 
The blonde smirked, "Well change of plans little bird," she seethed, floating in the air and conjuring large stones at the girl. 
Clapping her hands once more to get the staff kicking it to hit the stones. Breaking them apart, but it wasn't enough when Eight came barreling towards her. Grabbing her neck, "Come on, I thought you'd be stronger than this," she laughed throwing her to the ground breaking ground. 
Phoenix rolled and tumbled a couple of times, before quickly reacting and throwing her hands up so knives flew right at her. 
Thinking they would break apart like the many times she countered, to her surprise they didn't. Each knife either skimmed her skin or stabbed her. Eight yelped at the sensation but pulled out the knives at hand. 
"Now you're talking," she hissed and continued to conjure things out of her memory, but the pest was agile and able to move them aside. 
Phoenix slammed her hand on the ground, and Eight's power diminished for the time being. The purple-haired girl sped over to her and punched her in the face. 
"God I've been waiting to do that," she said not waiting for her to recover, and kicked her in the stomach. 
Everyone didn't know who to cheer for, they had come to know Phoenix and what'd she's done for them. Eight on the other hand was the original, was there for all her siblings in one way or another.
Five the most was conflicted on who his heart truly belonged to. Eight had been his wife the woman he had promised to love until death. Which happened, she had died. Never believed that he'd love anyone else, yet Phoenix dug her way through his skin. 
The two fought hard as explosions and pulses could be felt, and they were thrown near the family. Phoenix got up, bruised and bloodied. 
"Phoenix watch it!" Lila called gathering her attention, looking just in the she caught her spear that was about to pierce her heart. 
"Just die with grace Phoenix!" Eight taunted her hands attempting to push the spear more. 
While Phoenix's attempt was the opposite, the ruling force started picking up winds as the two pushed their limits. The tattoo girl felt this was her end. After all, she was only here for the mission of not ending the world, and finding Eight. Here she was, strong as ever, even more so now she thought. 
In her dying moments, she didn't want to regret anything. Love was something she never lacked. Her parents more than anyone did just that. Lila had grown to give some type of love, as friends from different times, but they did. Fighting for each other before they knew anyone in this room. And then there was Five, or so she thought. The boy had convinced her that he was in love with her. After all they had gone through. But it seemed she was just a doorstopper, the meanwhile before he got to what he wanted. It hurt to know that she had grown to love him and all his family and flaws. The ruthless stone cold man, aggravated hated everyone. Maybe his act truly was that good, she believed on that night, that he did too return the feelings. 
Just as time seemed to stop, as she was going to let go she heard it. Lila had even frozen, she had known the name but didn't use it out of respect. Gasping looking up, it had been decades since heard that name. 
"Rhaenyra!" Five had called from his frozen feet in hopes that she heard him, "Don't give up please!" 
Somehow it was comforting to hear that name after all those years. Fully standing she blasted the spear right back at Eight, except unfortunately for her, it pierced right through her. 
Rhaenyra ran as much as she could, and caught her with her power to soften the landing, "How is this possible? I have all the power in the world you should've died."
Feeling the faint heartbeat, she knew it wasn't long, "A name holds more power than you think." 
The blonde coughed, a little blood spouting out, "Rhaenyra, let's have a chat huh," she said and held out a hand and touched her forehead. 
Soon thereafter they were no longer in the same place before she sat Eight along with a little boy in her lap. 
"James meet a really good friend of mine," the blonde begins, "This is Rhaenyra."
The little boy smiles at her, "She looks like you Mommy," he says noticing the differences between the two. Purple hair, tattoos, and pale grey eyes. 
Eight chuckles and nods, "That's because she is me from a different timeline," the woman explains. 
Rhaenyra couldn't help but feel James heart beat familiar. Almost like Five's. 
"Go on James I'll be with you in a second," Eight says and places the boy on the ground, he goes off and runs away into the thick magnolia trees, "I'm sure you're wondering, but he's Five's and I son." 
"Where am I?" the purple-haired one asks, feeling nothing familiar at this plane of land. 
Eight laughs, "You won't find any you know. This is the Void. The place you go when you die. Klaus would be able to explain it a little more." 
Rhaenyra furrows her brows, "Wait you're saying I'm dead? Where's god?"
"You're not dead hun, just visiting, god is a little girl on a bike. Kinda a pain in the ass," Eight says scratching her head. 
"Why are we here?"
Eight gets up from her chair, in this world she wore a loose white dress, "Because my dear, I'm dead. And Reginald has a bad case of leaving those close to him dead. Trust me on that," she says, and snorts, "Plus I can't leave you without your memories." 
The purple-haired girl turned her head, "What—"
Before she could finish Eight had tapped the side of her head. The girl stumbles from how much she's missed. 
Rhaenyra looked up at the woman, "Oh my god, I know the two of you. Five he hunted me down several times...You also did, you warned me," she realized but paused to look in her direction, "Wait but why were you trying to kill me out there?" 
Eight sighed and crossed her arms, "Well I wasn't. It was Reginald who wanted to see you Crumble per se. He brought my body back with a cause basically. It was going to be you and me against the end. One of them would die. But before Reginald brought me back to life, as one does in making a deal with God, the girl," she paused to look somewhere. 
"Anyway, that my memories would be intact. So I just had to get you here in the void to speak like equals. I won't lie to you, if it wasn't for Five's little heroic moment, you have died. And that's the end of it."
Rhaenyra frowned at the words, "Why'd you let me live? I had accepted my death."
Eight moved and held her hands, "It's not your time yet, mine was and was always to die at my father's hand. But I'm okay because I have my son. And you Five." 
"But he's your husband?" 
Eight waved a hand, "He was my husband. And I served my purpose of being with him when we both needed it. I was a flashlight for the darkness. This time you're his sun that shows him the world my love," she said and placed her hand on her shoulder, "We both can't exist in this world. You and I are the opposite sides of one coin. One must fall for one to rise." 
"He chose you at the sight of you," the purple-haired girl said, remembering the hurt that went through her. 
"Then make him regret it, because the chapter of him and I had been over the second I stepped foot in the 1960's. On that note there he is." The blonde reached out a hand for the curly-haired boy she had met a few days before. 
"Hello sister, I've missed seeing you," Chris said and hugged tightly, "learning to use your powers was hell." 
Eight laughed, "I'm sure it was, I'm glad time treated you well little brother." 
Rhaenyra shook her head, "I'm confused why are you both here?" 
Eight and Chris looked at each other and smiled, "To return what belongs to you," Eight said and placed her hand on Rhaenyra's chest, Chris on top of hers. 
Their hands began glowing a distant hue of orange that sparkled with an occasional pinks. 
"What are you doing? Eight?" she asked frantically. 
Eight smiled, "It's a gift from me to you. Just take care of each other, okay?" were the final words from Eight Hargreeves. 
All the while Eight and Rhaenyra were passed out, the rest of the Umbrellas/Sparrows. Nearly dying, until somehow Allison grew a heart for other than herself and saved the rest of them. 
"Trust me," were her final words before pressing the bright red button. 
The first thing she heard was the elevator ding, and from a distance cars and vehicles honking. All of them walked out and couldn't tell where they were. 
She was the last to step out, as she opened her eyes, she couldn't help but utter a gasp. Was this the gift Eight meant? Did she give her sight? Something she kind of had but never to the extent of this. The colors of things never had felt more alive. The textures, movement, and architecture, were all new to her. 
Lila laughs as they make out alive, "Cool," she says looking around at a true small park.
Fives walks forward to see the head statue of Reginald. 
Viktor suddenly turns and sees Luther. Come out of the elevator, "Luther?" he says smiling. 
The tall man looks over confused, "You can see me?" he asked surprised. 
"Yes!" Viktor exclaimed bringing the man to a tight hug as he shouted happily that he was alive. 
Rhaenyera smiled along as the rest cheering the man was well in the world of the living. 
"Whoa that's not all big guy," he says motioning to his smaller frame. 
Luther looks down and lets out a breathy laugh, "Whoa!" he motioned with his hand on his chest, "Oh shit! My body! Wait." he continues looking down his arm to see no hair, "I look amazing." 
Everyone then started noticing new things about themselves, Five's arm, Diego's fingers. 
"Wait I gotta show Sloane," he said looking back but confused when he didn't see her, "This is so cool. W-Wait. Where's Sloane?"
Klaus raised a hand, "Oh she was, uh...She was right being me—"
"When Allison hit the bloody button," Lila says. 
Diego looks around, "She's gone too."
Klaus couldn't help but feel different, "you know, I don't know about you guys, but I have not felt this good in years." he said stumbling around the grass. 
"Does anyone know where the hell we are?" Ben then asked. 
At this Rhaenyra answered, "The hotel, or at least where it used to be," Her eyes settled on each one of them. Taking their features in. 
"I think the old man did it, he reset the universe," Five then added. 
Luther couldn't help but worry about his wife, "Sloane! Sloane!" he called out, "Hey, I don't care about my resets, all right? I want my wife back. Where is she, Five?" he said grabbing onto Five's jacket. 
The young teen looked at him, "I'm glad you're alive, but take your hand off me." 
Luther didn't listen and grabbed him with both his hands, "Not until you give me an answer."
"Okay, screw this," he said moving forward, but nothing happened. He looked back at his family, "Something's wrong."
"That's right. you're about to get your ass kicked." Luther said. 
Diego smiled wildly, "Yeah, kick his ass," he says encouraging the fight.
Five looked back at Luther, "No you moron. My power. I can't blink."
Luther let him go, "Yeah right," he answered sarcastically. 
The others all then tried to use their abilities remotely, but came empty-handed, "that's not good," Diego mumbled at the sight of a knife he twirled falling. 
Rhaenyra looked down to look at her palm. Realizing maybe this is what they meant. 
Everyone started going about their own lives. 
Including the purple-haired girl, before a hand reached to her shoulder, "Where are you going?"
Her eyes landed on his, "To live my life once more," she said. 
"I thought we would do that together?" Five asks. 
The girl was furious, "Oh you thought? Did you even think when you chose Eight?" 
Five frowned at the words, "She was my wife—"
"—Exactly! She was Five. Eight has been dead for a long time!" she paused to chuckle dryly, "Find me when you know what you want." 
"Rheanyra! Wait!" he called following out of the small park. 
Leaving nothing but the Reginald statue, their lives all waiting to become something new. Hopefully this time it'll stick. 
Rhaenyra free at last. To do whatever she wanted, something she hadn't been able to do in decades.
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lahotelbellamuerte · 2 years
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(five hargreeves x f!oc/kinda reader)
summary; five and eight get everyone stuck in the early 60s. as five is the last to arrive he worries about two things. his wife and the apocalypse that had followed them to the 60s. the umbrellas must get together once more and stop the second apocalypse, but not without many problems in the way.
content warnings; suggestive language, smut in like one chapter and a half , mention of more sexy time, angst, weapons, blood idk, mention of panic attack, character death-ish, thats it idk.
notes; again idk, this came from wattpad, so it needs some editing to clean it up a little. book is also complete, and will be posted on a regular schedule when it is cleaned up a little. this will be posted maybe in mid november. remind me lol.
ivina's library — 
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—second part of this long as shit 𝟭. 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀
𝟮. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 #𝟭. 𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻
𝟯. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 #𝟮. 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂
𝟰. 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗼𝗻𝗲
𝟱. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 #𝟯. only bad choices
𝟲. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 #𝟰. 𝗮 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿
𝟳. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 #𝟱. when family gathers, it’s always fun
𝟴. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 #𝟲. more exciting family events
𝟵. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 #𝟳. 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱
𝟭𝟬. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 #𝟴. 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗱𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆’𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴
𝟭𝟭. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 # 𝟵. 𝗼𝗹𝗱-𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁
𝟭𝟮. 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝘁𝘄𝗼
13. 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 #𝟭𝟬. 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂
14. 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 three
15. 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹
16. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀’ 𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗹
17. 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 —record player
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note: this one for some reason i wrote too much of. since we were deprived form any TUA content for like two years so i just wrote lol. so that's why this one is pretty like long with so much. anyway, hope you enjoyed lol.
also another thing, thanks to @ /fierceneon on Instagram for making fan art so good that it made me finish this fic.
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lahotelbellamuerte · 2 years
𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘 𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗟 & 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗖𝗘 - episode 06. vanilla milkshake
series masterlist ! current: vanilla milkshake! next: james hargreeves
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paring: five x eight (oc)  warnings; suggestive language, again the handler being weird, mystery-like for two seconds, not proofread ! word count: 5.3k  notes; me simping solely for kate walsh might be just me.
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FIVE had then decided their fate, the minute he touched the Handler's hand. The three transporting to a new place and time. That was the way it had always been done for the Commission. 
The older woman smiled and began walking, the couple walking close behind her, "I must admit, Number Five, Eight," she began as they stepped out of a large telescope, "In all the time I've been here, I've never met anyone like the two of you."
Five and Eight then walked on either side of her, hands in their pockets, not saying anything to the woman. The two had never been huge fans of the Commission. And flattery coming from one of their higher-ups made them annoyed. 
"Hazel and Cha-Cha, for example, are talented, certainly but they can't see the big picture. Your spunk, your enterprising spirit," She continued putting an arm around Eight pulling the blonde closer, "It reminds me a great deal of myself, you especially, catching all the lad's eyes."
Eight rolled her eyes in annoyance, never was a fan of the woman. The number of times her husband had to talk her out of almost committing murder was up there. The chances are low, but never zero. Five on the other side of the conversation was smiling slightly, knowing his wife was not enjoying this one bit.
"You know if things work out, one of you could just make a marvelous successor," she said as they walked into the building, removing and handing her coat and case to someone else.
Eight scoffed at the statement, them successors? Five already hated the fact that he had to ask for help from this woman. While Eight wasn't a fan of working for a large corporation. Plus, she had more things to worry about. 
"I'd like to discuss the logistic of my family's safety," Five spoke up, rather ignoring her comments, "At your earliest convenience..." he paused and shivered as he looked over at his wife going up the stairs. He was a man after all, "A housing situation." 
Eight only hummed at the statement. He did have a great deal of cock-blocking, maybe it was time she gave in. Maybe...
"Such chutzpah," The Handler commented as they continued going up the steps, "It's refreshing, I'll admit. Slow down, Five. All in good time," she replied with a flat tone, not wanting to know why he needed a housing situation right then and there. But something told her it wasn't to sleep, anything but. 
"In fact, now that you've finally agreed to work with us, we've got all the time in the world," She commented as she followed the blonde not far ahead.
The blonde who was ahead sighed, and cracked her fingers. She knew her way around, now all she need was to find a certain someone. Having a limited amount of time, she walked quicker. Raising her head and giving a few smiles to any of her old co-workers. 
"Miss Eight, it's good to see you!" Someone commented as they walked down the hall, the blonde nodded in their direction.
"Look good Eight!" A man whistled from down the hall, Eight smirked at the comment. It wasn't new that everyone liked the older woman before. She had aged like fine wine as men would say around the office. And now? She looked like a new bottle of expensive wine. The blonde then turned the corner, Five would have to tell her whatever she told him later. Eyes
"The Commission works in support of a delicate balance between the timeline of events and mankind's free will. The briefcase is no longer part of your kit, Five, Eight. Free your mind." The Handler said as they passed over the briefcase room.
"You're management now. One of us," She said seeing barely where Eight had gone. Pursing her lips she nodded someone in her direction, to see what she was looking for. 
"Your wife always off to her own adventures huh?" The Handler asked walking along the hall, still curious as to where she had gone. 
Five nodded, "Always had, don't need to know what she does, just as long as she comes back to me," he finished with a shrug. Knowing Eight knew how to take care of herself if anything he was worried for whoever she met along the way. 
The Handler noticed his attitude and ignored it, "Anyway the floor is all management. Each one is responsible for one major event at a time."
"So many of them," Five said as he looked down at an office with rows of people at desks. All diligently typing based on their cases. 
"Impressive, isn't," The Handler gushed, "Being part of something so grand, come along, Eight is probably there already."
"Whenever someone chooses the wrong path, and the timeline is changed, the Commission gets a report from field agents on the ground. These field reports are sorted and assigned to a case manager. They determine if anyone needs to be removed from the equation to ensure that their event happens as it should. Based on that determination the case manager sent instructions via pneumatic to temporal assassins like you two formally were." She said as she showed the room where an older woman was sending the instructions in tubes.
"Any queries so far?" She asked Five looking at him.
"Yeah," he scoffed, "Who was the case manager handling me and my wife?"
"Ah, you mean the apocalypse?" She asked the boy, who nodded. 
On the other side of the offices was the blonde, strutting down the hallway. People all shuffled to get out of her way as she looked dangerous and serious with a file under her arm. One she was able to swipe from the office needed. As she reached a door she looked down the halls that had emptied. Pushing the door open and then closes it behind her. 
Pressing on the lock she moved forward and placed down the file, "Okay, this is where it starts," she mumbled, and with a crack, she was gone from thin air. The first time she had traveled through time successfully.  Appearing in a large clearing of trees, as she saw a house far down, walking closer to the building. Peeking in through a window she saw a woman wrapping her arm with cloth, it seemed as if she was bleeding, "You've grown," she whispered to herself, reaching to touch the glass. 
"Hey who are you!" A voice suddenly called startling Eight, quickly she ducked and grasped her chest. With that, she disappeared with a crack again.  The door that led to the back opened and revealed a teen boy glaring out the woods. His eyes furrowed as if he had just seen a ghost. 
Meanwhile back at the Commission, the Handler was introducing Five to many people in the offices. As much as Five wanted to pay attention he felt that his wife was no longer in the same area as him. Each person he met came in through his ear and out the other. He only cared about one person, and if they didn't appear any time soon—he'd become violent. Then suddenly the feeling came back, a soft feeling that always warmed his heart when he felt her near. Now a little clearer, he pulled himself to a chair and began his work. 
And before any more time could pass, Eight strolled in and some people stopped typing and including him, looking up to meet her dimpled smile that he loved so much. Five also frowned when he saw one specific man get up and smile at the woman. 
The older shorter man walked over to the blonde girl, "Eight?" He questioned and smiler wider when she nodded her head. 
"Herb! It's good to see you!" Eight exclaimed at the sight of the man, bringing him into a tight hug.
Five rose a brow at the sight, he was confused at the interaction. During his tenure at the Commission, he had never seen nor talked to Herb. He didn't know why he felt a knotting feeling in his stomach but he hated it. So, he stood from his chair, causing it to squeak. Resulting in capturing the old friend's attention. 
Eight turned to see the sight of her husband, and a recognizable glare in his eyes at the sight. She could laugh at his jealous status, but they had other things to do, "Oh darling! Right the case..." she mumbled and turned back to Herb and gave him a dimpled smile, "I'll talk to you later Herb, nice seeing you again!" She said with a wave. 
Five clenched his jaw and furrowed his eyebrows when he finally realized what he was feeling. Jealousy? Of what? An old man? Five blinked quickly, sat back down, and got to typing. 
Eight got into her chair and hummed and quickly set off to the typewriter in front of her. Almost as if she's done this before. Maybe Herb had taught her. He glared at his paper at the intrusive thought. 
Interrupting the silence a woman sitting behind Five began to speak, "Hey a few of us are having lunch, and I was wondering if you two...are doing something," Dot asked the two.
Eight like most of her time in the Commission only conversed with those she found interest in. The cases with all the gore, field agents traveling far into the past, and apocalypses. And Dot was none of those things or that interesting per se. So like old times, she ignored the woman, resuming her typing. 
Finishing up her document, she removed it from the typewriter and put it in a gold container. And like the efficient worker that Five was, he too got up from his seat with his gold container. The two looked at each other with a nod and continued to walk to the tube room.
Eight walked over to the older woman's office and handed it to her. Thanks to Herb she was able to learn a lot more about what other departments did for a living. Seems Five was right in assuming the old short man had taught her. That meant knowing how each cog in a large machine worked.
"I'm afraid that's not the procedure," The Handler's voice called out from behind her. Eight turned around to see Five trying to put the container directly in. What an idiot...
The heeled woman walked over to Five grabbing the gold container from his hand, "Five meet Gloria, perhaps our most vital cog in the machine," she said motioning over to the older woman. But his eyes landed on no other than his wife who had a smug smile. 
The blonde sighed walking along with the older woman, "Five, when turning in a container you must report them to Gloria, she here makes sure that you are doing your job correctly and that not the wrong person gets eliminated, or an event gets tarnished." She explained to her dear husband as she felt Gloria nod her head. 
"Gloria, meet Five—" The Handler said as she opened Five's container.
"Oh yes, Miss. Eight's husband, am I correct?" She said smiling putting on her glasses.
Five rose a brow at just the tile husband, not that he minded. But how popular was his wife? Did he never pay attention when they worked here? 
"That's the unfortunate mister," Eight added with a closed eye smile. 
"Now why unfortunate Karl Weber?" The Handler asked as she handed both the paper and container to Gloria.
"Karl Weber is the butcher at the shop where Captain Ernst A. Lehmann acquires his weekly roast. So, if Carl dies, his butcher shop is passed down to his son Otto. Who never washes his hands, which is disgusting." Five began and smirked looking at his wife smugly who fidgeted in her spot. He just might get what he has wanted since getting this body. 
"So he's the one who gives the captain his roast," The Handler said in disbelief.
The teen boy nods, "And that gives him food poisoning," Five said still with a smile on his face. 
"Which makes him late for work," The Handler adds, "And delays the takeoff," she inquired a genuinely impressed look on her face. Well to Eight it looked like an old lady that definetly hasn't gotten laid. But if she got near her husband, the Commission itself would be burned from the inside out. 
"And to make up for lost time, the Hindenburg flies through a weather front of high electrical charge and humidity," He explains, his eyes never leaving Eight's blue ones. Knowing how much she loves nerd talk. 
"The static makes it mimic a tinderbox and a small engine spark..." Eight breathes out, biting her lip, as her eyes flicker to his lips. 
"And just like that, we have..." Five finishes mimicking an explosion sound in his mouth and his hand doing the motion.
Eight clenches her jaw and walks out of the room flustered. This was the part she hated about the job. Also the reason she made sure not to get that many missions with the man. 
Five Hargreeves was good at his job, annoyingly good. And his darling wife hated it, especially when she was in the presence of it. Sure she was smart, knew her way around many things using her intelligence, and thought ahead. But when her husband was all that, she got hot and bothered. Something about him knowing his way in and out of everything made her to that on her. In other cute words, she was turned on and possibly needed dick, but who are we to say? 
As the three, yes three. Walked back to the desks the Handler followed behind and kissed his ass. At this point just tell him you like him. She thought as she walked back to her seat. But thankfully before any more threading thoughts could come into her head, the lunch bell rang loudly. Everyone all hopped from their desks and headed out. Leaving behind the married couple. 
As soon as they were all out of sight, "Grab the file behind you and stuff it in your vest," She said pushing it to his chest and walking out. 
Five furrows his brows and reached forward to grab her wrist, pulling her body towards his, "Are you okay?" He asked feeling her breath on his face. 
The blonde scoffed, "You know fucking well, I'm not," she said and pulled her wrist, and walked off to the bathroom. Two reasons pissed her off, one being horny and the other hating the evil woman more than anything. 
He smiled while shaking his head and followed her into the bathroom. As he caught up to her he shoved her into a stall, making her sit on the toilet while he stood in front of her, pulling out the file. Handing her the file, she opened it and looked annoyed. On the paper was a large smiley face printed. 
At the sight, she muttered, "Shit," of course the old lady would know they would try to steal the file. Props. 
"Oh, now I know that you two were married, but isn't it a little awkward in the bathroom?" The Handler's voice rang out in the bathroom, "You know because of the limited space? Anyway, how's the first day?" She asked going into the stall next to them. 
Eight rolled her eyes at the comments, not helping her situation, "Couldn't be better," She said with an annoyed tone. 
"Oh, good," The older woman replied and began coughing loudly, probably to drown out the sound of urinating. Or not, Eight couldn't care less, she hated her. 
"I burnt my rouge," The woman continued the small talk. Why was she still talking? 
Eight looked up at her husband, and mouthed, 'What the fuck?' The boy shrugged in agreement. The two were genuinely confused as to why she was still talking to them. 
"Ever burn your rouge?" She asked but the two stayed silent, trying to shove the file back into Five's vest. "Rouge.." She pronounced weirdly.
"The ridges on the hard palate that help pass food to the esophagus. Anyway, I'm on a liquid diet for two days, hence the marathon of urination," She explained as Eight face-planted into her husband's stomach. She looked up, her chin now on his stomach, and mouthed, "Kill me."
Five looked down and smiled at her cute pout. Shaking his head, he reached his hand and cupped her face, his thumb stroking her cheek. 
"One faulty cog, and nothing worlds as it should," She said pausing as they heard the toilet paper roll begin to spin, "You know, we value integrity at the office above all else. Trust is essential and that trust is built over time. But in the event of a breach, the Commission will act swiftly and without mercy. And efficiency I'm sure you two above all people should appreciate, Eight, Five." She finished and flushed the toilet, and walked out her heels clicking to the faucet.
"I'm feeling peckish, have you had your lunch yet?" She asked while washing her hands. 
"Not yet," said Five this time looking up to the ceiling, then back down moving his thumb from Eight's cheek into her mouth. Causing the blonde to gag and cough. 
The Handler hummed, "Wow, that desperate to get off huh Five? Well once you're all finished, mind joining me in my office? You both can eat solid foods, and I can live vicariously through you two," she said her voice close to the stall as she didn't want to see any of what was happening. What did she think they were doing?
"Sounds great," Five concluded, coughing away a laugh at the sight of his angered wife. 
The Handler walked out of the bathroom, leaving the couple behind. 
Eight sighed and got up, "What the fuck!" She hissed getting up and shoving him onto the stall door, "What was that for?" 
He shrugged grabbing her face, "I had to make her believe something," he said and watched as she rolled her eyes. 
"Yeah and that made it sound like I was sucking your dick" she groaned and smacked his face when he leaned forward to give her a kiss, "I'm not opposed to it," he mumbled. 
Her hand wrapped around his throat as he was against the door, "You've been a bad boy, so you don't get anything from me," she whispered and reached her hand to the latch of the door. Pushing it open as he stumbled when she walked around him. 
Five just reached to fix his tie and chuckle softly, god did he miss mission days. 
Soon enough the three sat in the Handler's office and finished their lunch. Eight leaned back and sipped her drink through a straw. A large vanilla milkshake was right in front of her. 
"And that's how Phil determined that the archduke just had to go," The Hander said, putting down her cup that she just finished slurping. Moving a tray of food aside.
"Care for dessert?" she said, offering candy to either of them. 
"I had a bad Twinkie once in the apocalypse. It kind of put me off desserts," Five declined to put down the cup of water he had been drinking. 
The Handler looked over at Eight who just raised her large milkshake, also not trusting to eat anything inside her office. 
"Please, indulge me," she said, offering her bowl of candies to her again.
And so, Eight's stupid husband took one from her bow. The candies like ordinary, nothing off, just a large bowl that most would keep on their desks. Yet, why did Eight feel that something was off about them? She could only watch her husband take the candy and pop it into his mouth. 
The Handler then picked up her cigarette and lit it and leaned back in her chair, "What's that taste like to you?"
"The 1950's?" Five questions confused, how was that even possible. 
"Precisely right. Our clever metaphysics division concocted a way to perfectly distill an entire decade into a single candy. This one's modeled after the fudge mutt, America's favorite in 1955."
"Remarkable," Five commented impressed with the candy, still at odd with the taste. 
"While it would've been the same division if you wanted to go back to your old age, but seems you're content with the newfound energy," She said with a smile that seemed too big for it to be real. 
Eight sighed, "Death would have been better," she commented and sipped on her shake. 
"She doesn't mean that," Five said, turning to glare at her but she shook her head keeping her statement. 
"That reminds me, I have something for you two," she said and leaned over to press a button.
"Yes?" replied the feminine voice through the intercom.
"Would you bring the boxes in, please?"
Not a moment later, footsteps could be heard approaching, and Carla came with two large boxes. Carefully she placed one in front of Five and the other in front of Eight.
Eight stood from her swivel chair and stood up, one hand still holding her milkshake. She peered at the box suspiciously, in her line of job, it was obvious to question everything. 
"Well go on open it," She ushered the two.
Eight opened her box and it was a silky material, it was a swing dress, she thought as she looked at its design. It was a gorgeous dress in pretty green color, but no way in hell would she wear something the devil in heels gave. 
"Clothes make anyone," she said more to Five than Eight. "They'll go perfectly tight with this new body of yours," The woman finished her voice much lower. God, could she get any more desperate?
"Thank you, from both of us," Five said knowing his wife well enough that those words to The Handler would never come out.
Eight ignored him and her rather she went back to sipping her milkshake and turned around and smiled at the sight. 
"Is that a Chinese flamethrower?" Eight asked the woman, then taking a sip of her shake and walking closer to it. 
"Good eye," The Handler complimented watching as the young blonde walked over to it, "War, such a fascinating concept. A temporary salve for the human permanent flaw. Course, it's a bit easier to see from 30,000 feet. These are just some of the things I've collected in my travels. M26 grenade from the Vietnam war and this, the most worthy perhaps, my Walther pistol the very one Hitler used to kill himself. The very case you were working on correcting dear."
Eight looked over at the woman who was near her, as she held the small pistol in her hand. The blonde grabbed the straw from her drink, put it in her mouth, and sipped from it.
"Feel how perfectly balanced it is," The older woman offered the gun and placed it in her hand.
Still, in one hand, she held her milkshake, and in the other, she grabbed the gun and pointed it at stuff.
Five cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of The Handler, "I had some thoughts I wanted to run by you. Some suggestions to improve Commission protocol," He offered to her watching his wife mindlessly point the gun at random things, all whilst sipping on her milkshake.
"Mm! Shaking things up already," she said reaching to touch his face and boop his nose.
Five knew that the woman was lucky that Eight had been facing the other wall when she had done that, otherwise the plan would've gone south quickly.
"Go on," The Handler said as she walked back to her desk.
"Gloria," he started looking at the woman sitting at her desk, "The tube operator, wouldn't it be simpler if case managers were to send their own messages?"
Eight finally put back the gun in its spot and walked back to the desk, listening to the conversation between the two.
"I appreciate the thought. I really do, but everyone loves Gloria. I would never hear the end of it. She's been with the Commission family for years, and she's this close to making pension," The Handler told Five with a shrug. 
Eight hummed and stirred her to drink with the straw, "Herb always told me how much people love Gloria," she added with a nod agreeing that it would be hard to get rid of her. 
Five slowly turned to his and gave her a look that said you're not helping. Then back at the silver-headed woman. 
There was a sudden knock that came from the door, Dot came in urgently, "Sorry to interrupt. May I have a moment alone?"
The Handler killed her cigarette fire and looked over, "Of course," then looked at the two, "Duty calls. We'll continue this discussion later, Five." she said and made her way out.
Before stepping out he looked down at the bowl, "May I?" He said pointing at the candy bowl. 
"Please," She replied as he took one.
Eight put down her finished milkshake and followed after her husband, without muttering a single word to the woman.
"We have to do this now," Five whispered to Eight as they were pressed on a wall. 
"Got it, dear husband," She said and grabbed his hand as he blinked them to the tube room and watched Gloria be handed a new container.
"You know what to do," Five whispered to his wife.
Eight nodded and walked through a portal, appearing behind the older woman. Lifting her hands they glowed as she touched her head, and fell to the floor with a loud thud. 
"Get to it," Eight hissed, "We have limited time," telling him to hurry, knowing very well that a fight was going down. The Commission was never their friend. 
Five got to work and began typing the documents and placing them in containers, making sure to look at his surroundings so that no one was around. 
"You know that's not how we do things," A voice called out from behind them, the very voice that Eight hated. Also caused the most amount of problems for the couple. The two turned and faced The Handler.
"Where's Gloria?" she asked. 
"Wouldn't know, we couldn't find her anywhere," Eight stated her hands clasped behind her back, with a dimpled smile. 
The woman looked behind her, to see Gloria's body now peeking from behind the desk.
"You two are a great disappointment to me," she said, her voice almost sad, "You can't change what's to come. I truly find it so odd that you can't shed this fantasy. You're a first-rate pragmatic. You both belong here with us."
Five furrowed his eyebrows, "We don't belong anywhere, thanks to you," he spat and glared at her. 
"You made us killers," Eight added, bringing her right foot back knowing they were going to blink soon.
"You were both always killers, I mean Eight you became the best at it..." The Handler said, looking at the blonde girl, then reaching to her leg and pulling out a gun and firing it at them.
But too late frankly, the two disappeared, and the alarm in the building rang. Annoying the traitors and they had to be caught. 
The two disappeared behind a cart and listened to the familiar clicks of her heels, then pushed it forward trying to hit her. Five grabbed the blonde's hand and once again disappeared missing the bullet rounds that clinked behind them.
"Is this how you want the last line of your report to read?" The Handler threatened.
"When I'm done, I'm done, I guess." Five said as he reappeared with his wife next to him.
"You can't keep this up, Five. We both know that even if you have a limit," She said, her gin still pointed at them, "I saved both of you from a lifetime of loneliness, You owe me." She finished and pulled the trigger.
Five smiled and grabbed Eight, blinking them behind her. 
"This is why you don't leave me alone near special things," Eight laughed, "And we owe a debt, but not you. Tell my little James I said hi," Eight then pulled a grenade from her coat and pulled the pin, and rolled it to her feet.
Five and Eight ran out of the room and pressed themselves to the wall, waiting for the explosion, and it came causing the glass to shatter, and many people to scream.
The blonde grabbed her husband's hand and opened a portal to the briefcase room. The teen quickly to grabbing one and made sure it was operational, setting it to the date they had to return to. When he turned to nod, she took out another grenade, throwing it with the other cased. 
Hand in hand the two ran out of the room hurriedly. As the grenade went off, debris flew, but before most of it could reach them. Five wrapped an arm around Eight's waist and opened the case, escaping the flames that never reached them. 
Just as they had arrived in 2019, blue surrounded the couple. Lightning cracked for a brief moment as they popped back out. The blonde groaned as her husband landed on her along the case. 
"Jesus fuck," Eight coughed out while everyone in the room screamed and jumped in surprise at the sight of their siblings. 
From the couch Seance blinked and rubbed his eyes, "Am I still high or do you guys seem them too?" He questioned confused. 
Diego who was behind the counter pushed Five off the blonde and checked on her, "Hey are you okay?" He said as his eyes traveled around her body to see any injuries. 
Eight rolled her eyes and smacked his hands away, "Get off me," she huffed and rolled off the counter fixing her coat. 
The tall woman helped Five to stand, "Are you all right?" Allison asked the two.
"Who did this?" Luther asked looking at their disheveled states. 
As Five stood up straight he just glanced at Allison's hand to see a coffee cup, "Irrelevant," he sighed and limped away slurping the entire cup of coffee, then turned to look at his siblings and lingering on his wife to see if she was alright, "So, the apocalypse is in three days. The only chance we have to save our world is well, us."
"The Umbrella Academy," Luther said with a sense of pride, not that he should be. They never did anything right when they were together. 
"Yeah, but with us, obviously," Eight said now behind the counter with Diego drinking from a random bottle and recoiling, "So if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed. Who cares if dad messes us up? Are we gonna let that define us?" She continued then took another swing of a liquor bottle.
"No!" Eight she added fighting Diego as he tried to grab the bottle from her tight grip. 
"And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, We've come back with a lead," Five said, lifting his hand with a piece of paper.
Allison who stood closet handed her hand out, and took the paper Five had in hand. Luther, Klaus, and Diego huddled around her to take a look, "Harold Jenkins?" Allison questioned looking at the paper.
Taking one last swing of the dark liquor Eight put the bottle down and made her way to stand next to five. 
"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego asked looking over at the teens. 
They all looked over at Five and Eight, who said nothing, other than Five slurping on the coffee.
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