#Ahsley is just mean
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Do all your homies blow up Ashley?
Honestly yeah. I did keep her alive in one playthrough but she never really outgrows her "mean girl bully" vibe for me... plus I missed Kaidan and his cringefail ways :( it feels wrong not having the big idiot along for the ride. He's important to me.
#C-Puff answers#Miranda is a bitch but in a way where that's almost a compliment#She knows she's a stone cold bitch and she completely owns it and makes no move to change that about herself#And I honestly love her for it#Ahsley is just mean#Not tagging because I don't need another flood of Ashley stans sending me death threats for not liking a character#Spoiler#Spoilers
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Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 104
Fucking hell ... right away, then ... AmongUs has happened ... I mean I know Ahsley's gonna be one of the vices in the new show, but still ... aha ... so THAT'S what this is about ... yes, that's right ... that's not Travis ... Matt: "What is happening?" Wow ... that's a lot of impostors ... having trouble there, Liam? Oh, it's not Liam ... looks like Tal was the only real one here ... and Marisha was in on this? Hmmmm ... yeah, Matt is not amused ...
Aha, so they're all back now ... that's more like it ... and that's a NICE HAT, Robbie ...
The Healing Party? Cute ... Marisha: "What's Jester doing on there?" Ooooooooh ... do you need some ICE FOR THAT BURN, miss?
Yeah! That's right! Delilah is now OUT OF THE PICTURE!!! Yeah ... sweet! I can't wait to see how VM might react to that news ...
Oh yeah! Grog! And Pike! So cool ...
Yes ... awkward ... yeah ... hmmmm ...
Oh, here we go ... it's the general standard chaotic disorder when you bring these many disparate authorities together to try and make them PARTICIPATE for the common good ...
History check? Already? Hmmm ... Galtheid of the Ember Vigil? Right ... sounds fancy ...
Ah, bureaucracy ... even in the middle of a war is can always be relied upon to gum up the works ...
Wow ... way to drop a bombshell on the gathering there, Ashton ... O.O
Yes! Go off, Keyleth. Get these asshats into some semblance of order ... oh nice ... oooooh, that's so cool ... water magic Return of the Jedi strategy projection ... nice ...
A fortress? Seriously? That's just CHARMING ...
J'Mon Sa'Ord? Sweet!
Hey! Those people are just as cool and normal as the regular folk of Exandria! Cut 'em some slack!
Oh, here we go ... yeah, nice way to big up the Hells ...
Celestials? Really? Interesting ...
Yeah, the Blue Dream. Greenland's kind of another thing ... XD
Ah ... yeah ... here we go ... dropping the BIG bombshell ... the truth about what this is all about ... this won't go down well at all, I'm sure ...
The Holy Curator of the Lawbearer ...
Ashton! Wow ... dial it down a notch, maybe? Sugarcoat the truth a little, at least ...
Braius? Wow ... oh, shit, Persuasion check? Hmmm ... THIRTY?!!! Fuck, man ...
Evoroa! Hey! So nice to see you, little cutie! :3
Fearne's little "WHOOOO!!!" for Evoroa to perk up her spirits is adorable ... XD
Wow ... yeah, she is SOOOOO nervous ... I wanna give her a big hug SO BADLY ...
Laudna sneaks her some water ... Awwwww ... :3 Imogen (in her head): "You did so great, sweetie."
The Cerberus Assembly? BOOOOO!!! Laura: "INSIGHT CHECK!!!" No shit ...
Oh yeah, this guy is a DEUCHE ...
So ... that went well ... kind of ... in a way ... very loosely ...
Awwww ... Kima, we love you! :3
Ah, Vasselheim. So well protected it could almost be called PARANOID ...
Oh yeah ... Vecna ... oh! Hey there, Grog! XD He did that? One on one? Nice ... yeah ... I believe him, totally ...
Wow ... is Fearne actually gonna try and STEAL Grog's Titanstone Gauntlets right now? Oh, I see ... wow ... that's kinda fascinating ...
GROGORY Strongjaw? LOL
PIKE!!! HEY!!! I wanna hug her too ... :3
Vex? Cool ...
Not selling a lot of croissants after the Solstice ... oh yeah ... cute, like Corona tanking during COVID ... Liam: "We don't want your moon bread! Only FREEDOM bread!" XD
Oh wow ... I think Grog and Braius might be friends before too long ... XD
Awwww ... yeah, that's right, Vex doesn't know about FCG's sacrifice ...
That's a good point ... the wind's about to change and they need to get THAT SHIT in order before they start making some moves ... Watch out for the God Squad, definitely ...
And now Chetney's flirting with Vex again ... XD Vex: "Oh darling, even if I WAS single you couldn't afford ,e."
Yeah ... the revelation of Delilah's now permanent imprisonment in Laudna's chest ... this is gonna be SO GOOD ... oh yeah, Vex is LOVING this ... and now she's getting medieval devising PUNISHMENTS for the evil bitch ...
Laudna's looking inwards ... oh boy ... wow, she looks like SHIT ... oh, this is SO GREAT ... empty threats ... Laudna: "Unseasoned beans it is." LOL
Honestly, I think it might have more to do with THE PLACE ITSELF for Keyleth being uncomfortable right now ... given what (or more precisely WHO) she lost here ...
Evoroa's first snow? Awwwwww ... :3
The Birthheart? Wow ... this is beautiful ... and yeah, makes sense Keyleth WOULD like this place ...
Heavy theological talk ... yeah ...
And then how does all this translate to their most pressing needs and the plans they make as a result? Hmmmm ...
Keyleth saying she's been to the Hells ... oh yeah, that DEFINITELY got Braius' attention ... XD
Ashton suggests they go talk to the gods face-to-face ... wow ... THAT'S a ballsy idea ...would that even work?
Yup ... Keyleth and Vax and the Matron of Ravens ... yeah ...
Honestly? Half-cocked is very much how they do things a lot of the time, actually ...
The Vox Machina Big Action Climax! Yeah ...
It does all sound VERY COMPLICATED when Keyleth tries to describe it ... oh wow, this is getting somewhat meta now ...
No. Really, DO NOT mention that name here and now ...
The masive tree ... oh yeah, that's it ... the Birthheart itself ... beautiful ...
The dawn of Exandria ... when the gods were YOUNG ... O.O
Orym! You gonna answer that or what?
Liam: "I will touch the tip." Oh boy ... XD
Careful, gentle ... okay, then ... whoa ... and now he's being ABSORBED BY THE MASSIVE GOD TREE ... O.O
Fuck, he's GONE!!! And THIS is where Mercer decides to take a break! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Wow ... he is IN THE REALM OF THE WILDMOTHER. Like LITERALLY on some weird godly plane ... fuck ...
I'm sorry he is now A TINY MAN OF ROOTS AND LEAVES?!!! Fucking hell that is some trippy shit ...
This is suddenly all very Princess Mononoke ...
Oh hello ... is this her? The goddess herself? Fascinating ...
And here's Asha ... yeah, that makes me smile ... in a dark way ... but I just love my wild predatory lady more, even now ...
He's literally ROOTING HIMSELF intothe ground a little with each step ... it really IS a little like Princess Mononoke ...
So, is Orym, like ... PLEDGING HIMSELF to the Wildmother right now? Is that what this is?
Visions? Oh great ... just what we need ...
And here they ALL ARE now ... okay ... a fallen star? Hmmm ... two gone? What? They're AFRAID ... yeah ...
Wait ... THAT was the imprisonment of Predathos? O.O
A Wisdom save? Shit ... 13? Crap ... and the reroll is WORSE ... OH FUCK!!! Is Orym about to DIE?!!! Nooooooo ...
He's screaming ... of shit ... and the Wildmother's coming to his rescue? Wow ... oh yes, she is SO KIND ...
The Wildmother: "Protect us, for we protect you, and together we protect THIS." Whoa ... O.O
Will? Oh my gods ... oh fuck ... shit, I am not ready for this right now ... damn you both I didn't want to cry right now ...
"Don't live your live in the shadow of mine." FUCK!!!
He's back ... okay ... OF COURSE Fearne is the one to catch him ...
So basically Predathos is like King Ghidorah, then?
Oh yeah ... grab that wood, Chetney! The wee man is SO EXCITED to get his hands on some SERIOUSLY fancy holy wood ... hell yeah ... two pieces, in the Bag ... nice ...
FUCK!!! Seedling has gotten LONGER!!! And it's fancier, too! It's been EXALTED!!! Fuck! It's a VESTIGE!!! A "Relic of the Red Solstice"! SWEET!!! And he gets a card too and everything!
Chetney, you are a massive idiot ... XD
They can stay INSIDE THE TREE?!!! You're clowning me. I sense clowns ...
Oh yeah, Evoroa is just having the most FASCINATING experience here ... I love it ... :3
This place is literally a piece of LIVING ARCHITECTURE ... this place would be like a dream come true ...
Sleep would be VERY SMART ...
Yes. Alcohol. That's the ticket too ...
Chetney's carving MASTERPIECES right now with a 21 Dex check ...
Wait ... attacking from the Ruidian side as opposed to the Exandrian? That's a smart way to go ... take the back door they found in the cave ... hmmmm ...
Good point ... so locking Ruidus in place is slowly BREAKING EXANDRIA ... great ... so whatever they do they HAVE TO destroy the Bridge ...
Ashton: "I've known plenty of artists. They're all fucked up." Braius: "Ahem. I'm pretty normal." Imogen: "Your cup would disagree."
The eternal question, where do you go when you die?
A "double feint"? Orym, I am NOT CONVINCED ...
Bedtime or a quick Scry first?
Braius (to Chetney): "If you would like me to burn you with acid I could." Oh boy ...
Zone of Truth? Really? Hmmmmm ...
Okay, now this is getting saucy ...
Charisma Save or choose to fail ... and half of them CHOOSE to ... okay then ... this'll be interesting ...
Ah ... evasion ... that's one way to go, Braius ...
The bottle lands on IMOGEN ... hmmmmmm ... so she has to kiss Braius? Interesting ... Laura: "You're human faced, right?" Sam: "Yes, but I'm getting a little excited now."
Ashley's spinning ... ooooooh ... it's Chetney? Oh boy. She makes it ALL KINDS of sexy while she does it AND also tries to steal the fancy wood while she's at it ... oh yeah, he is DEFINITELY at a disadvantage ... yeah ... she EASILY beats him ... XD
Dorian's going to ask Laudna a REALLY IMPORTANT question ... hmmmm ... oh shit, that is a SERIOUS question ... I mean Imogen means more to her than ANYTHING ELSE ... and it's a VERY complicated answer ... hmmmm ...
He decides to spin the bottle instead ... and it lands on Chetney? Wow ... this'll be interesting ... that was a UNIQUE moment ...
Dorian: "I thought this was supposed to be fun and games." Laudna: "No-one ever said THIS game was supposed to be fun." Oof ...
IS HE running from his brother's death?
To Cyrus ... YES. Cheers to that indeed ...
Laudna spins the botle ... and it lands on ORYM?!!! Weird ... roll Performance, then ... they both roll REALLY BADLY ... much as I would expect ... it's just AWKWARD ... yeah ...
Ashton empties his botle, follows Fearn and points it at her ... oh, okay ... this is DEFINITELY going to be interesting ...
Oh yeah, he just GOES FOR IT ... they're BOTH going at it ... and he's picking her pockets at the same time ... and he wins ... something random? Okay ... a little spoon? Cute ... Who's "T.J."?
Now they're just MAKING OUT with no repurcussions ... and this is EXACTLY what we've been waiting on for SOOOOO FUCKING LONG ... FINALLY ...
SAMUEL ... how could you? We're so scandalized ...
Fearne gives the wood back to Chetney while he sleeps? Awwwwww ...
Morning comes ... Chetney's still alive ...
Okay ... making their way to the Trialforge, then ...
So they were just getting started, that's good. Not really late then ...
The glass? Oh yeah ... that stuff is COOL ...
The Hallowed Cage ... hmmm ...
The Sunder KIng, Ozo Kruth ... and the Weave Mind ... yeah ...
The Globe! Yeah!
Chetney, you dumbass ... XD
Whoa ... Fearne gets SERIOUS ... you really are FEARLESS, girl ... I swear I love it ...
Yeah, the portal ... or "The Backdoor" as Chet calls it ...
"A few old legends"? Oh boy ... who else is Keyleth gonna call on? How geekgasmic is this gonna get?
Groon is so awesome ... the man is a VIBE ...
Big risk, big reward ... yeah ...
The Luxon, yeah ... of course the Bright Queen doesn't have the slightest clue what (or who) is sat a few feet away from her ... that's kind of fascinating ...
Ashton burns a Rage ... oh my ... oh yeah, that is DEFINITELY the response I expected ...
So they're committed then ... now we just have to see if everybody else goes for it too ...
Making a date to talk to a god ... hmmmm ...
Wait ... what? What the hell is THIS?!!! Imogen's back in the dream? But it's DIFFERENT ... it's her mother! Okay ... is this a good thing or REALLY BAD?!!!
THAT'S where he's gonna end it? Fuck! That's like some cliffhanger shit right there ...
#critical role#crit role campaign 3#crit role spoilers#campaign 3 spoilers#campaign 3 episode 104#matt mercer#marisha ray#laudna#travis willingham#chetney pock o'pea#laura bailey#imogen temult#liam o'brien#orym of the air ashari#ashley johnson#fearne calloway#taliesin jaffe#ashton greymoore#sam riegel#braius doomseed#robbie daymond#dorian storm
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a concept more than a prompt, but id enjoy your thoughts on the potential for until dawn to switch the character plots for joshs prank. instead of josh fake torturing chrid and ahsley, he sets up mike emily and matt and jess to go through choosing who lives and who dies.
oh man, i LOVE this...........i also love the tacit sort of suggestion that it would be chris, ashley, and sam sent to the guest cabin at the beginning to get them out of the way. i'd like to imagine they just have like. a really tense game of scrabble before shit hits the fan, meanwhile the others are having the worst night of their fucking LIVES in the lodge..........................
full disclosure: i am literally now fully OBSESSED with this idea, and what's under the cut is going to be 100% me talking to myself and just spitting shit out, so if you've come here for cohesion, i am so sorry.
i'm torn on this one, and here's what i mean:
i think with all these people (5 instead of the 3 we see in-game), it would be 100x easier for josh to pull his fuckery with the board itself. however. i also think it would be easier for them to write it off as someone trying to creep them out/scare them, and at the end of the day, who's gonna get saddled with that blame???? well. probably josh. he is, after all, kinda spooky.
i think this prank was easy with chris and ashley for the same reason ALL the pranks are easy with chris and ashley: they TRUST josh, and are also, um.
FAIRLY GULLIBLE. chris isn’t big on the idea at first, but when he sees josh get upset by the board...well, he does start to fold a bit. i don’t think the others would be quite as quick to glom onto josh’s emotional state, though they’d probably feel a sense of guilt/discomfort with him because of what happened to the twins.
i can 100% see the gang (i keep wanting to call them the all thats aklsdjfkljsdklfj) getting freaked out. i can. ESPECIALLY if they see the quick flash of the spooky ghost girl that we as the audience see but chris and ashley seem to miss in the game. i can absolutely see it scaring them, but i can ALSO see it backfiring ROYALLY in josh's face and making them more suspicious of him. emily and jess specifically i could see rounding on josh and accusing him of fuckery. i think it would be easier for mike and matt to laugh off, too, like "AW MAN! you got us!" and maybe even assume it's like...him getting even for the twins, in a way? but then they'd be way less likely to accept what happened later in the night as legit, so...HMM.
if the tables were turned, i think he'd have to ditch the ouija board, honestly. i don't know that it would end up being a viable option, UNLESS it was a divide and conquer sort of situation. even then, though, i'm just not sure any one (or two) of the gang would trust josh enough to believe he WASN'T fucking with them. HMMMMMMMM.
god help me, i feel like...........i feel like one of the biggest changes...........josh would need to make............to the prank(s) in general...........is.............keeping mike/matt from just............tearing them down.
you strap either of those beef boys down for the saw prank? neither of them are 90lb soaking wet ashley - they're going to do some kind of damage there. you strap either of the girls down for the saw prank? you're telling me they're not going to team up and knock that fucking door down??????? genuinely i feel like so much of the saw prank was SO heavily dependent on chris and ash being...like...they are...which is to say, uh, hmm. less than prime physical specimens, and also panicked beyond reason because (ostensibly) this is a really, REALLY hard choice for chris and ashley knows that!!!
it's probably a significantly less difficult decision for these 4. it would still be nerve-wracking i'm sure, i mean, they do still think someone's dying and it’s not going to be FUN, it’s going to be traumatizing either way, but............if it's between josh and them..............................
i think this one COULD, IN THEORY, still work fairly well IF josh could convince one of them to be an accomplice...but WHO???? and HOW????? oh god help me, now i very much want to see any combination of this.......the guys trying to pick between the girls, the girls trying to pick between the guys, matt and jess choosing between emily and mike, matt and emily choosing between mike and jess, emily and mike choosing between matt and jess, mike and jess choosing between emily and matt.........alksjdfkksjdfklasjdfkjdsf THE DRAMA OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!! (and the fallout whenever someone's picked!!!!!!! you're telling me you don't think emily would go full-on psycho, mask and all, if she was chosen to get sawed???? PLEASE!!!!!)
this one? beautiful. *chefs kiss* gorgeous. some minor changes like locking the basement door behind them, fucking with the electricity, blahblahblah, and this, i think, would be PERFECT. and i think it would be perfect for a few reasons:
1. depending on who's stuck down there with who, be it the whole gang or just a few of them, nothing leads to heightened emotions quite like fear. maybe the first big moment where emily and jess reconcile? or get ANGRIER at each other?? mike and matt reaching a boiling point with each other OR exchanging one wordless look, nodding, and deciding fuck it, whatever bad blood they got can wait? matt and jess showing their dynamic? emily and mike working together while picking at each other???? the entire group having to put shit aside and work together or self-destruct completely???? sign me up for ALL of that.
2. the. fucking. guilt. so like i said, i think the ouija board prank is ehhhhhhhhh for a lot of reasons, but i think if you showed these four a convincing hannah-beth ghost??? oh i think there'd be an effect. i think there'd be...a big effect. unlike with chris (who wasn't part of the original prank on hannah), i think even the nonbelievers of the group would have a hard time getting over the hurdle of their guilt for what happened to the twins if faced with literal fucking ghosts of them.
3. springboarding off of point 2 up there, imagine ANY of these four finding the dollhouse. just close your eyes. consider it. emily going pale and silent. jess grimacing and immediately closing it again. mike knocking the dolls over as soon as he realizes what he's looking at. matt not being able to look away. just. it's. so. good. and hannah's diary???? hannah's fucking DIARY. them seeing hannah's unbridled excitement at ALL of them hanging out, and then dealing with knowing what happened only hours after??????????????????????
i'm lying on the ground. i'm staring at the ceiling. i want it so badly.
i am hesitant to call this one a prank mostly because it feels very incidental, but for all intents and purposes of exploring this beautiful au, let's ask ourselves: WOULD any of them take a bath in these circumstances??? perhaps!
would they be taking a bath ALONE???
two warring couples involving warring best friends desperate to show each other that they've moved on and don't need each other??????????? i think bath time becomes its own battleground, honestly.
that being said, would i pay good money to see either mike or matt running through the lodge in nothing but a towel yelling "GUYS? GUYS???? THIS ISN'T FUNNY! OH HA HA, YOU GOT ME NAKED, REAL NICE, NOW COME OUT AND QUIT BEING DUMB!!!!"?
yes i would.
here's another familiar problem with bathtub prank though: josh is probably going to get the shit knocked out of him in the resulting chase through the lodge. sam did it. i think any of these four would do it. the DIFFERENCE is most of them probably aren't going to give him one crack to the head and bolt - i feel like more than one of them would like. idk. knock him the fuck down and then, uhhh
and then we have a full scooby-doo reveal WAY too early in the game, and who wants that??? not josh, that's who.
this one suffers, i think, from a lot of the same issues as the first saw prank, so at the risk of making this even LONGER than it already is, SEE ABOVE!
additional wrinkles: who's he giving the gun to???? i mean, like...really???? which one of them's getting that gun? do they all get guns??? do two of them get guns???? where are these guns coming from????? is it all four of them around the table and 3 need to die? does only 1 need to die??? what are the parameters????? if anyone (read: emily and jess) has gone through any sort of bonding/reconciliation during the night, this could have PROMISE, but........i'm still not feeling TERRIBLY confident in it being pulled off effectively.
additionally, in the original saw prank 2, josh was, if you think about it, LUCKY that it was only mike who took it upon himself to knock him around after his big reveal. are you gonna look me in my eye and tell me mike AND matt AND emily AND jess aren't all four gonna go ham on that boy the MOMENT they're unchained????????? his insurance isn't PREPARED for a claim of that size.
all in all, i think MOST of josh's pranks would have to be changed/reworked in a fairly major way to menace these kiddos instead of the nerds. honestly i think the saw pranks, as they currently are, really WERE designed with chris and ashley in mind specifically, and would therefore be most effective on THEM. however. if there is one thing in life i have, it is faith in josh washington, so i'm sure he’d be able to find a way to do it AND give the resulting pranks that silent hill-y personalized torment touch if he really put his mind to it.
i think sticking to the hannah-beth haunting angle is probably the STRONGEST way to go in terms of an overall through-line, maybe even more so than the outside threat of The Psycho. i think drilling down on their guilt would be way more effective than focusing only on their FEAR, and i do think he'd be able to accomplish that...again, if some tweaks were made. the vengeful ghost angle i really, REALLY like for these four, and i think it would lead to some ideal inter-group chaos as they tear each other down and then build each other back up again when they see their backs are really to the wall.
mostly, though, MOSTLY, i am now CONSUMED WITH IRE (of the joking, and not literal kind XDDD), because HOLY SHIT i have so many things on my to-write list right now but i?????????????????? really want to keep thinking about this??????????? a lot??????????????????????????? and im genuinely not kidding when i say i’m going to be rolling this one over in my head until i’m able to settle on pranks that i like. and then i’m going to shriek like a banshee because i’m going to want to write them. and...............................and i love this so much. thank you for twisting my brain like this, i’m like. fully obsessed with this now askdjflskajdlfkjsdkfj
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Do you know what one of the funniest stories is to me? There was an interview (iirc) Ahsley Eckstein did a few months ago, where she was talking about how intimidating it was to be around someone like Dave Filoni at first, that he knew all this stuff about SW, and a lot of the actors didn’t. But during the Mortis Arc, they had a bit about Padme and Shmi’s interaction and Sam Witwer had to gather up his nerve and say, “Actually, Padme met Shmi in The Phantom Menace....” and Dave just LOOKS at him for a long minute, while everyone is like “oh god oh god” and then eventually Dave breaks and is like “yeah, you’re right” and he respected Sam’s knowledge from then on. This was clearly a cute interaction, it wasn’t mean-spirited or anything, but it makes me laugh EVERY SINGLE TIME because OMG DAVE PLEASE DID YOU NOT WATCH TPM SINCE IT CAME OUT? THAT WAS A BIG PART OF THE STORY, MY DUDE.
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May I have John/Ashely at a party for the Kissing Prompts, please? If you're still taking them?
Of course you may! I always love writing these two cinnamon buns!
Available on AO3 | From this prompt here... inbox always open just let me know it’s from this list.
The After Party
Ashley's arm was wrapped around Shepard's waist, as much for supporting him as it was to be in close proximity to him; his arm was wrapped around her shoulder. The last month and few weeks had been long and agonizing. The recovery from surgery, the physical therapy, the psychological exams he wanted to scoff at, all had been so taxing on John. He was a man of action, he couldn't sit long enough without feeling agitated. He needed to move. And hospitals had a way of making sure you did just the opposite.
Now, as they walked back to the Normandy, a huge grin on his face, he was happy. The war was over, his girlfriend, his crew… family were all okay, and here he was, taking command of his ship once more. The thought excited him. There was just something about being out there in space, helping and protecting others he found so rewarding. He ran his hand against the hatch door.
"Hmmm?" He looked at Ashley, their smiles met, but there was concern in her eyes.
"Thought I lost you there for a moment. You okay?"
John's smile widened. "Everything is perfect’" he said as he brushed his lips against Ashley's forehead. He really meant it.
“I could use a drink. I do believe there is a freshly stocked bar down on the crew deck.” A coy smile tugged at Ashley’s lips which only caused John to laugh as they walked to the elevator lift.
“I do believe we have a score to settle. I mean… I did save the Galaxy, so that gives me a few points towards being the best human Spectre… but if you do want me to drink you under the table tonight…” He half-smirked. Ashley rolled her eyes, elbowing him in the ribs.
“Ow.” He complained slightly, as he rubbed his ribs with his hand. Ashley snorted as she pressed the button to deck three.
“Oh suck it up, princess, you’re fine.” Ashley rolled her eyes.
“You didn’t…?” He wasn’t sure he had heard right.
“Oh! I did!” Ashley gently shoved him out of the lift and towards the lounge.
The door whooshed opened as they neared it, Shepard was immediately greeted by the crew who had gathered and already started drinking. He was surprised to see even Jack and Miranda had made their way in here.
James raised his glass, “Hey hey, the man of the hour is here!”
Traynor was the first one to get up from where she sat on the ledge of the couch to come give Shepard a hug. “Welcome back, Commander!”
“It’s good to be back,” Shepard said as he let go.
Cortez was standing at the bar; he popped open the champagne bottle pouring it in glasses.
Miranda was the first one to take up a glass. Amused, Shepard chuckled as he and Ashley approached the counter to take a glass themselves. Miranda was usually the last person to loosen up.
“Still trying to be normal?” He smirked.
“Starting to get the hang of it,” Miranda mumbled with a sheepish look as she reached for Jack’s hand and intertwined their fingers. Shepard arched an eyebrow, his smirk now turning into a full grin. Boy, did he ever call it. Though, he never had expected for them to act on their feelings.
Jack punched him in the shoulder. “Shut up, Shepard!”
“Should start a dating service, Shepard. The Normandy seems to be a hookup site rather than an Alliance vessel,” Tali said as she sat on the bar tool. She grabbed the tripled filtered Turian brandy and poured herself a glass.
“You’ll be the first to know, Tali,” Shepard quipped as he reached for a glass of champagne.
“I’m good,” she said as she gulped down her drink through her ‘induction port’.
“Never mind that. Cortez, line up some shots will you. Reaper metal asses have been sent back to whatever black hole they came from. Time to fucking party!” Jack demanded.
The bar was littered with all types of different glasses. Shepard had lost count of how many shots and drinks he had, but one thing he was certain about, he felt a lot better than most of the crew. Courtesy of Cerberus upgrades. He could definitely confirm they were still intact and fully functioning. Catalyst be damned for lying to him.
Ashley had met him drink for drink until she felt like the contents were coming back up rather than staying down, so she admitted defeat to their challenge, which she didn’t take too lightly.
A couple of the crew members were snoring away on the couch, some had called it a night and headed to the crew quarters. While others still danced away to the blaring music in the middle of the lounge, others were playing poker at the table, or gathered around the bar for more shots.
It had been a good night. It was certainly nice to see everyone let their hair down, so to speak, knowing that there wasn’t a battle waiting for them the next day. For the first time in over three years Shepard actually felt relaxed.
Shepard was in the middle of taking his shot when Ashley came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders.
“Ash, you want one?” Cortez asked her.
“Nope. I think we can all say Shepard can drink me under the table.” She shook her head, her eyes a little wild, unfocused. She was slightly unsteady on her feet. Shepard chuckled.
“For that, he can give me a dance though,” she wiggled her brows.
“Just one. Come on.” She tugged at his arm, and he acquiesced following her into the middle of the room.
Ashley wrapped her arms around his neck, his around her waist.
“I don’t really care for the dance. I just wanted you for a moment,” Ashley whispered in his ear.
“Impatient are we?” He chuckled as he leaned in closer to her.
“Just a little,” she admitted as she started closing the distance.
“Is that what I’ll get to look forward to everyday?” Shepard quipped.
“I don’t think I mind at all,” Shepard said as he closed the distance between them, planting his lips on hers as they gave in to each other. His hands travelled up her waist to eventually rest on each side of her face to keep her from pulling away. He wanted to keep feeling her soft lips against his for as long as he could. Knowing he had to behave in front of the crew drove him crazy. So many things he wanted to do right now.
Ahsley’s lips parted his as she bit down on his lower lip, pulling it between her teeth before she pulled away.
“I don’t think I mind either, sir,” she said coyly, as her eyes showed all the intent behind her words, before closing the distance once more.
Pulling away, Ashley took his arm and winked at him as she led him out of the lounge.
John smirked, he guessed he wasn’t the only one after all with such thoughts in mind.
#Shepley#John Shepard#Ashley Williams#Post-war fluff#Post-Reaper War#recovery from extensive injuries#party to celebrate victory#finally getting the happily ever after they deserve#bardofheartdive
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Hi guys. I start this post by saying the latest Live video was one of the best!!! (At least for me xD) Despite Ashley being sick and Ed Bosco didn’t get to the stream (that’s why there is not much facts about Alastor) I felt it was very funny and also Vivz gave a lot of hella good information. Fans are getting better and better on making questions and I love that.
1. OCs made by fans can’t appear on Hazbin Hotel unless they won some kind of contest or something like that in the future. (That’s because there could be copyright problems for including content that don’t belong to Vivzpop or the artists of the crew. If I am not wrong, at the moment a fan won a contest or something and their OCs get to be in the show as a reward, that person has to give up the owning of that specific character to make everything legal…I guess. Also that’s why Vivz and the crew can’t make background characters similar to yours because it can be a copyright infringement too).
2. There are concepts of fallen angels for HH that might be in the show in the future.
3. There probably will be angels in the show but their concept is not what fans are expecting to be, so until angels show up in the show, vivz don’t mind any headcanon fans come up with.
4. Alastor and Charlie’s relationship is a big plot point of the show, then, Vivz can’t say much about them without telling spoilers. The only thing that is already known by many is that both of them share the same sense of humor. There is seriously nothing else that can be said because the development of their relationship is going to happen in the pilot because they didn’t know each other before.
5. Alastor doesn’t like dogs. He is not afraid of them anymore, he just doesn’t like them at all.
6. Molly and Angel are siblings and…there are not much to say besides that.
7. Alastor is able to have a friendship with someone but that person have to be funny and entertain to be with (In my opinion that explains his friendship with Rosie, because she probably sings so they can entertain themselves by singing together).
8. Angel doesn’t like watermelon jolly ranchers (wth are those?)
9. Angel likes sweets, especially strawberries with chocolate. He also likes apples (then everybody laughed because Ashley said if those facts have something to do with the strawberry pimp and the apple daddy xD)
10. Angel indeed is a masochist
11. How the main characters of the show died is totally plot point and can’t be explained.
12. There is cold areas in hell and there also can be snow in hell. This is because HH is based in Dante’s Inferno and in that story, there is a circle of hell made of ice.
13. !!!!! “Angel Dust” is just a nickname, not an actual name. The spider demon chose the name of that drug to be his porn star and his drag queen nickname. Only Vivz know the real name of our dear kinky demon. (I wonder if there are other main characters being called by their nicknames instead of their real names. Now I doubt everythingggggg @_@)
14. Angel Dust’s real name is not Martin. That was a fan theory because that’s how Angel was called loooong time ago, like, the first years of HH, but this is not canon anymore.
15. Vivz did choose the name “Martin” because of Martin Scorsesee. But I repeat, this is not canon anymore.
16. !!!!! THE PILOT IS GOING TO BE 30 MINUTES LONG !!!! It will consist of two parts, both of approximately 15 minutes each, Act 1 and act 2. (wow...just wow, that’s the longest pilot in history, because even the pilots for Tv shows are like, 20 or 23 minutes long, because they have to make time for commercials, but this case is different because is going to be an internet show without commercials, holy cow).
17. The normal episodes are probably going to be 15 minutes long.
18. Hazbin Hotel inspiration is based in demonology, villains and adult animations/shows.
19. Vivz love villains but she didn’t want to make the show about villains vs heroes and instead she made it more real with bad vs good people. That’s why there is a big difference between Charlie (aka the Disney princess of hell) and the other demons (aka complete assholes) because she wanted the main focus of the story to be the contrast between good and bad on people.
20. Vivz and the crew like the Country western AU. She even confirmed there is a country western area in hell.
21. All the characters in zoophobia that might appear in HH are just a cameo, it doesn’t mean that those characters are part of hell now, no, they are just a cameo.
22. The only exception is Hatchet whose character and personality is going to be changed by Vivz so he will become canonically part of the Hazbin Hotel world from now on instead of zoophobia.
Also, as a bonus, go check min 3:10:30 to laugh your as** off for almost 10 minutes because that’s the moment when Vivz and Ahsley start to talk very funny topics and I had a really good time listening to those two talking crazy things (Is the first time I hear vivz said “fuck” so many times xD) while Michael in the background is like “ok I just will be quiet” xdxd
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Okay so here's my review because you deserve it and your music tastes are AWESOME OMG-
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
That intro. The piano, the soft violin, that slow addition of instruments... There's no emoji holding it's heart in his arms, but that's what I'm feeling right now omg
His voice is sooo beautiful, there's a little something in the way he singd that just... Get to me
And these last few seconds?? Almost acapella?? Maker am I a sucker for these 😍
Love pledge and the arena - Star Wars lofi
Also the Vibes™ 👌 I'll definitely go ans check out some more of their remixes because that one was great!
It's Been A Long Long Time - Kitty Allen
As a Marvel fan, I love that song too 🥰 The trumpets are lovely and her voice is so beautiful!
And I mean; Marvel can be criticised on a lot of things, but not so much on their music choices
You might like The End Of The World - Skeeter Davis too, her voice is really soothing and well, it's a bit sad 😉
The Barrel - The Gregory Brothers
OK but?? Catchy???
Like you wan to get up and move along to that song, and the duet is awesome? Their voices are- I LIKE THAT
thrifted youth - dalynn
I listened to "it rains in nyc" when you told about it to Wolffe, and I liked it a lot!
Her voice is really soft, and I love the guitar (though I would take the risk and say it's a ukulele) it's so nice 🥰
My Jolly Sailor Bold - Ahsley Serena
I was waiting for this one. You had me at "MERMAID VIBES" 😭🌊
And like. Thank you SO MUCH for this one because I need new fantasy "pirate/ocean" themed songs for one of my story and this is PERFECT
Her voice is incredible, she is a mermaid I agree omg
And that bridge?? That building tension? The way her voice dominate the instruments? Yeah I'll take it all thank you 🥵
8PM (From "Animal Crossing") - Lofi Lia
This one is pretty catchy, it gives of "coffeeshop" vibes I love that! (I mean, it's from AC so obviously it got the soft coffeeshop vibes) 💗
Chilled Room - Zmeyev
Please do talk about the cover arts, because you're right they're all so pretty; I love the colours of this one they match so well!
Also, instrumental songs are top tier, change my mind. This is really relaxing 🥰
good 4 u (clean) - Olivia Rodrigo
I love. Love. LOVE. this song omfg the contrast between the lyrics and the catchiness (can we say that in English? I guess we can now) of the song 👌👌
The briiiiiiiidgeeeee, when their voice goes all soft and then crescendo until they push it to higher notes >>>>
Moony, let me tell you, I love what you listen to, let's be music pals I swear 😭
Getsomerest/sleepwell - quickly, quickly
I like that one, it's calming and soft, you don't get overwhelmed with instruments and voices so like... Perfect when you really need to chill for a bit!
Love the small trumpet sliding between the drums, it's sooo soothing omg
Remember That Night? - Sarah Kays
I feel like you summed this one up pretty well, but I'm still going to say that I love when artists mix life events in their songs, because like you said it brings some realism and heartfelt emotion because you just know.
Her voice is beautiful, and the lyrics... It feels nostalgic, but not entierely sad either you know?
Anyway that's a very nice recommendation I likt it a lot 🤧
Endless - Augie Isaac
This one is sad, i love it. I love the piano, it works so well with his voice I-
And that ending 🥺 so soft and delicate
I'll definitely use it as a writing background now!
Well thank you for all these great recommendations! Your commentaries made that listening session even more enjoyable 😊
You really have great music tastes 🌊
Also yes @hellothere-generalangsty is my sideblog don't worry about it 😂
I'm glad you agreed to share some of the stuff you listen to, and if you think about making another music post please please do tag me in it! 💙 ily n thank u again!
mkay, so thanks to @loth-wolffe & @weirdcharacter , i thought it would be cool to share some more of my music tastes!
oh also, before we get into this, I should warn that i do like sad songs lol 😂 ballads and soft slow sad music is my jam
literally 94% of my playlist is sad songs
*coughs awkwardly*
(also, want you to know, my playlist is on shuffle as i make this, so as I go, I add the songs that come on lol)
Okay, I actually love Sleeping At Last, they are a really good band! And I first heard this song on a Loki Edit, and I have never stopped listening to this song since! It has a really long intro too, like the song is almost 5 minutes long, and the intro takes up like 2 and a half minutes of that 5. Very pretty, very nice, listen to it on the nights that I want to sit in silence and ponder.
OKAY, I NEED TO TALK ABOUT CLOSED ON SUNDAY BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE BEST LOFT REMIXES OF STAR WARS MUSIC!!! IF YOU LOFI AND STAR WARS MUSIC, GO CHECK THEM OUT, I HAVE ALL OF THEIR STAR WARS REMIXES IN MY PLAYLIST!! they also have harry potter, animal crossing, and other types of music (married life, somewhere over the rainbow, fly me to the moon, etc.), so go check them out!!
It’s Been a Long, Long Time - Kitty Kallen
For some reason, I can’t find this on Spotify by this artist herself, so I linked the YouTube video instead lol 😂. Obviously as a Marvel fan, love this song. It’s very pretty, very sweet, and she’s got a wonderful voice. Also I really like jazzy older tunes, and when I listen to this, I almost feel as though I’m back in the 1940’s with Steve 🥰. There’s also a kid on YouTube who did a trumpet cover of this song in like a cathedral and when i tell you I GOT CHILLS OMG, i’ll link it below, and there’s also a slowed version from YouTube I really like, so i’ll link it too!
It’s been a long, long time but they’re finally having that dance - l0user (slowed version)
It’s been a long, long time trumpet solo - Coen Huffman (trumpet solo)
I’m dying 🤣, I can’t believe I’m going to put this on here, but yeah :). I was apart of Unus Annus, and it really did change my life. It definitely gave me a new perspective on life, and I miss it very much, but I’m happy to be apart of something extraordinary and was able to enjoy it while it was still around. This song is actually really good, very catchy and when i’m missing my favorite YouTube channel, I listen to this. It’s got some good beats, and Mark & Ethan are actually really good, they have this whole duet in it (they go back and forth), and it’s really cool!
dalynn. she’s a smaller artist, but she is amazing! I love her song “it rains in nyc” and she’s got some other good ones! Her cover art is also super cool, so that’s an added bonus! She’s got a very interesting voice, but it’s really nice, and she’s got a good rasp to her voice! Recommend if your interested in some more smaller artists!
MERMAID VIBES, MERMAID VIBES, MERMAID VIBES!!! this is actually from the fourth movie in PotC , and I love this very much. very spooky, because the music in the background has like an eerie vibe to it. Ashley’s voice is so pretty, like she’s probably a real mermaid in irl, wouldn’t be surprised if she actually is. also, i love me some sea shanties (lol, would you consider this a sea shanty?) if you’re feeling those fantasy vibes of sailing through the sea, recommend 100%. Also, can we talk about the cover art, because WHO GAVE THE PERMISSION?? SO PRETTY!!!
okay, Lofi Lia is another very good lofi artist! she’s got a lot more animal crossing music/ nintendo music in general, so i would definitely go listen to their music if you’re more interested in video game type music. also, cover art is always adorable and so cute! I just love me some good lofi, and she also has some good zelda lofi remixes!
i’m not even going to lie, i literally just found this the other night lol 😂, so i don’t know a lot about the artist, but this song is actually really good, and the cover art is super interesting (sorry, i just keep talking about the cover art, i think they all look so good and pretty omg 🤦🏻♀️😂), but it’s really cool and it has a very interesting trumpet section! very chill song, recommend when chill vibes are needed.
good 4 u [clean] - Olivia Rodrigo
It’s Olivia Rodrigo. That’s it. Also, yes I posted the clean version because we like to keep it chill and good here. also, i know sometimes people don’t like curse words screaming from their music, so you can have the clean version lol 😂 COVER ART IS A 10000000000/10, ALSO THIS SONG IS SO GOOD, CAN WE JUST SAY THAT?? IT’S SO GOOD, ELECTRIC GUITAR IS SOO GOOD IN THE BACKGROUND, AND LYRICS ARE A *chef’s kiss*
once again, this is another song that I just found the other night lol 😂. it’s very nice, i really like the drums in it, and the there are minimal lyrics in it, which actually makes it kind of cool. it also kind of reminds me of the music people put on their YouTube videos when their doing a montage! ALSO FORGOT THIS WAS IN IT, BUT ALAN WATTS IS IN THIS JUST TALKING AND IT IS SO COOL, AND THE MUSIC GETS SO DIFFERENT FOR A SECOND. VERY INSPIRATIONAL MOMENT, IT IS ACTUALLY REALLY INTERESTING!! anyways, just like it says, make sure you guys get some well needed rest, sleep well, hydrate, and i hope you dream good dreams! :)
i love this song. So this is actually based off a true event in Sara Kays’s life. she talked about it on her TikTok (and she’s actually been interviewed about this), basically her ex broke up with her, and she was recovering from the breakup, and then he reached out to her again, and instead of giving in, she wrote this song about. i really like when songs are based of real things that have happened or stories because it just makes the emotion that much better and you know it came from deep within. Acoustics are very good, lyrics are very nice. it’s got a nice beat, and it’s very paced, it’s not too slow, but also not too fast! Idk what her other songs are like, but i recommend checking out this one for sure!
i’m going to be honest, i don’t really listen to this song very much, but it’s really good. he’s got a really interesting voice, and it’s sad without being overwhelming. Cover art is pretty cool, i like the 308 thing on the floor. The electric guitar sounds really cool in the background, and his voice goes with it really well. also the ending is super awesome, like he tricks you into thinking it’s over, but it actually isn’t. I haven’t listened to any of his other songs, i just randomly found it one day and added it to my playlist lol 😂. Not my favorite song personally, but i still really like it (its not one I go for often i guess is what i’m trying to say 😂).
okay apparently i’ve ran out of the audio space thingy (idk what to call it 🤣), so i might make another post lol 😂. I hope you guys enjoy these as much as I do, and I really like sharing my music with others. like i said to @hellothere-generalangsty (this is your side-blog right, weird character 🤪? cuz if it’s not it’s gonna be awkward lol) , music is the way to the soul, and it can tell a lot about a person. music sometimes is almost like apart of people’s personalities, and their minds. they associate with things in their everyday life, and i would just like to relish in the beauty of that for sec. because that is so cool.
lots of spells (& hopes you’ll like my music as much as I do),
moony (the music connoisseur, lol jk 😂)
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So I don’t think I realized just how much of a soap opera my game has become until I started working out relationships to add them back to my sims. I mean cheating and inbreeding. My sims are screwed up. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Family Relationships
Ichiro -----siblings//married------- Keiko [borther Kyo] Minoru Nobu
Tanaka Kyo ------married-------- Milly Desirae [Phillip Han Father]
Alvarez-Mango Matthew ------married------- Aislara
Tyrone - [Sean husband] Kayla
Guillermo ----------married-------Florita Luis [Tayrn Hamada Dating] Allison [Theander Malhishay Dating] Everado [Danielle Scott Married] Son Jessie Ichtaca
Ichtaca Carolina [ sister Florita]---------married--------- Rubisel [brother Guillermo] Saul
Greenwood Harley ------married----- Rei Sakura [ Timir Patel Engaged] Kenjiro [ Terri Veradi Dating] Sousuke
Han Phillip ------married-------- Emily [Parents Honey and Masao Hamada Dead] Cassie Christina Desirae [ Phillip/Milly Tanaka Parents]
Han Persephone Han -------married//widowed---------- Devin Han [Dead]
Micah Han [ Esperanza Vidal Rodel Dating]
Phillip [mother unknown]
Michael [mother unknown]
Lochlainn Conner -------married------- Lopita
Blaine Ahsley [Lopita Mother // Alfonso Father Dead]
Lochlainn//Ashley Callum -------married------ Kyle
Jana Shavon
Terri [Dating Kenjir Greenwood] ----married//widowed------- Andrei {dead}
Celeste [mother Terri// father Sameh Moreno] Elliot Burov [ Terri's Brother]
Mediana Valerie ---------married--------------- Teodor Leann Sean {father Doug Vidal Rodel Dead}-------Chandell [Leslie // Lizette] Joel {father Doug Vidal Rodel Dead} Esperanza {father Doug Vidal Rodel Dead} Palmira { mother Gabriell Wickerman}
Wickerman Gabrielle -------married//widowed------- Nicholas [Dead]
Sophia Palmira [Father Teodor Medina]
McClelland Karlie ---------married--------- Colby
Lakshmi Kelley [Dating Amala Patel] Barbie
Patel Hinni ----------married--------- Raj
Maahir [Dating Jarrod Hamada] Serena [ Married Michael Han] Timir [Engaged Sakura Greenwood] Amala [ Dating Kelley McClelland] Denny
Wilson Janis --------married//widowed--------Gulliroy
Byron Carrie
Wu Daniel ------------married------------Mindy Brianna
Chong Warren ---------------married---------------Javiera [brother Matteo Torres] Bao
Torres Matteo [sister Javiera Chong]----------married-----------Yvette Eliza [Dating Kristin Carr] Randi
Carr/Han-Hurd Chin -----------married------------Melissa Kristin [Dating Eliza Torres]
Collins Nakisha Pelly[Dead]----lovers--------Christopher -------------married-------------Rosemarie Omar [mother Nakisha] married Forsyth Cristobel [mother Nakisha] married Pop Pop Walters Frank married Sydney O'Neal Martina
Walters Pop Pop --------married----------- Cristobel Beth Ann [Pop Pop Daughter// Mother Unknown] married Amon O'Neal Milly [Mother Beth Ann O'Neal]
O'Neal Oliver----------married---------James Sebastian [married Christian] Amon [married Beth Ann] Sydney [married Frank Collins]
Malhishay Malfahi------------married----------Vairlahn Ganthor [maried Arundial Malhishay] Theander [mother Arundial Malhishay] Asmodean
Kahale Akoni-----------married-------------Lashanda Kraig Augustine
Okada Satoshi----------married-------------Megumi Yusun
Asako Rin ------------Dating-------------- Sameh Moreno Henry Wilhelm --------------married--------Jared Wilhelm Eva Burger -----------married------------Rosita Burger Sebastian Ueda--------married-------- Miya Ueda
Ruby Rose---------married--------Erin Rose
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