#Ahmed Raafat
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redcabincomics · 2 years ago
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TOXIE and his Crusaders appear courtesy of LLOYD Kaufman and Troma
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graphicpolicy · 2 months ago
High jinks ensue in Who Are the Power Pals?
High jinks ensue in Who Are the Power Pals? #comics #comicbooks
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rafatb · 4 months ago
I'm Raafat from Gaza
Can you help me by donating or sharing the link? 🙏
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official-ducktown · 2 months ago
‏Please do not ignore
‏My name is Ahmed from Gaza, married and my family consists of 15 people, the Zionists destroyed our entire house and I lost the most precious thing I have, my beloved brother, and all my memories and dreams.
‏We do not live in the war that you see on TV only, we live in the war of loss, the war of bread, the water queue, the war to provide winter clothes, the war to provide milk for children.
‏While the world is preparing to celebrate New Year's Eve, we cannot provide food for our children who are dying of pain and hunger every day.
‏It is the biggest test for humanity throughout history
‏With all shame, I ask you to help save what is left of our lives.
‏Support, share
Currently unvetted at the moment, but images come clean via reverse-image search.
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ahmedrafat1994 · 3 hours ago
Subject: Request for support to rebuild a shelter after the storm
Hello My life and the lives of my family are in danger, and we are looking for support from kind-hearted people like you. I am in dire need of purchasing a new tent that will provide us with safety and comfort, and help us get through this difficult period.
With your help, we can rebuild our hope and provide ourselves with shelter that protects us from the wind and rain. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a huge impact in our lives and help alleviate our suffering.
If you can help, your support will be invaluable to me and my family. Thank you very much for your time and concern, and may God bless your efforts and reward you for all good.
Here is the campaign link to support us:
*With sincere gratitude,*
[Ahmed Raafat]
I invite you to contribute with Ahmed's family
@shakira @benafleck @angelinajoliearchive @kendallandkyliejennerlove @operahousehomicide @therockcocks @emmawatsonsource @davidragifs @amnestyusa @unicef @icrceam-blog @gazano0or @palestine29 @humanrightswatch @palestinegenocide @gaza @doctorswithoutborders @savethechildrenus-blog @reliefweb @oxfam @globalgiving @unrwausa @theindiangayteen @operahousegirl @drakesaywhat
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catdotjpeg · 1 year ago
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Agha family, are:
Amin Jabbara Faluji (61) and his wife Sanaa Jihad Muhammad (52);
their sons Moamen Amin Jabbara (27), a lawyer, Mamun Amin Jabbara (21), and Wasim Amin Jabbara (19);
and their son Muhannad Amin Jabbara (30), a lawyer, his wife Hind Abdel Hamid Abdel Jawad (27), and their children Talin Muhannad Amin (2) and Asil Muhannad Amin (1);  
Hatim Saeed Ghanem (61) and his children Saji Hatim Saeed (28), a lawyer, and Sajid Hatim Saeed (21), a college student;
Fadi Sa’di Wasfi (39);
Khamis Yunus Khamis (38) and his children Yunus Khamis Yunus (13), Ahmed Khamis Yunus (11), Baraa Khamis Yunus (8), and Nur Khamis Yunus (6);
and his brother Muhammad Yunus Khamis (35), a lawyer, and his children Yunus Muhammad Yunus (9) and Hala Muhammad Yunus (3);
Hamad Abdul Hamid Muhammad (34);
Nisreen Shaaban Raafat (32);
Sa’id Iyad Sa’id (28);
Muhammad (Shadi) Tamim Faluji (22);
Asaad Naeem Othman (16);
Sama Samer Jabbara (15) and her brother Yahya Samer Jabbara (11);
Abrar Saleh Yousef (14);
Ibrahim Amin Muhammad (43) and his daughters Maria Ibrahim Amin (7) and Arwa Ibrahim Amin (10);
Jihad Wajih Abu Zaid (36), his wife Rawaa Samir Ahmed (31), and their twin daughters Hala Jihad Wajih (6) and Hiba Jihad Wajih (6);
Amna Radwan Hashem (74) and her grandsons Samir Jamil Samir (6) and Muhammad Jamil Samir (4); 
Samira Jamil Mustafa (71) and her husband Ismail (74); 
Muhammad Fadl Nayef (38) and his son Fadl Muhammad Fadl (1);
Mumtaz Ramadan Muhammad (51), his wife Ramah Awni Hamdan (41), and their sons Ramadan Mumtaz Ramadan (18) and Ahmed Mumtaz Ramadan (15); 
Ramah’s mother Samiya Abdel Rahim Isaeed (64) and Ramah’s brothers Hamdan Awni Hamdan (42), an accountant; Muhammad Awni Hamdan (40);  Ramadan Awni Hamdan (31); and Waleed Awni Hamdan (26), a civil engineer; 
Hamdi Izwaid Hamdi (36); 
Muhammad Fouad Rawai (35);
Lubna Tala Musa (34), her husband Samer Muhammad, and their children; 
Samar Riyad Khaled (22) and her baby Amal;
Abdullah Najey Antar Shaker (36); 
Abdullah’s sister Sumaya Najey Antar Shaker (31) and her son Hassan Imad Suleiman (8); 
Hassan’s grandmother Madiha Arwaei Ayoub (81);
Hala Arafat Suleiman (9); 
Haneen Anwar Misbah (27) and her son Suleiman Omar Suleiman (3); 
Amr Jawdat Kamel (49); 
Hilal Asaad Saleh (58);
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and Walid, an engineer working in media, described as "clear and honest, never doing anything in a half-hearted or forced manner."
Most of the al-Agha family lived in Khan Younis. 
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and here.
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tieflingkisser · 9 months ago
Colonists raid homes in Bedouin community near Jericho
JERICHO, Sunday, May 5, 2024 (WAFA) – Israeli colonists Sunday raided two Palestinian-owned homes in Arab Mlihat Bedouin community, northwest of Jericho. The general supervisor of Al-Baidar organization for defending the rights of Bedouins, Hassan Mlihat, told WAFA that a number of colonists stormed the community and raided the homes of Mohammad Suleiman Mlihat and Ali Ahmed Mlihat. It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation authorities earlier today delivered notices to demolish eight homes, a sheep barn, and a solar energy complex, in the Arab Al-Malihat community, northwest of Jericho.
Colonists stone Palestinian vehicles near Nablus
NABLUS, Sunday, May 5, 2024 (WAFA) – Israeli colonists Sunday evening attacked Palestinian citizens’ vehicles west of Nablus. Eyewitnesses said that a number of colonists attacked citizens' vehicles near Sarra village intersection, west of Nablus, and threw stones at them. However, no injuries were reported.
Colonists detain Palestinian farmers near Bethlehem
BETHELHEM, Sunday, May 5, 2024 (WAFA) – Israeli colonists, protected by the Israeli occupation forces, Sunday evening detained Palestinian farmers in the town of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem. Activist Ahmad Salah reported to WAFA correspondent that colonists, under the protection of the occupation forces, attacked farmers while they were plowing their lands in Ain al-Qassis area, west of the town, and prevented them from continuing to work before they were detained, forced them to leave their land, and threatened them not to return again. He added that the colonists, under the protection of the Israeli army, continue to detain Raafat Muhammad Salah, 33, in the place.
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vanglaggle · 2 months ago
Death tents in Khan Yunis My family lives in displacement camps in southern Gaza, in the Khan Yunis area, after we were displaced from our homes as a result of severe bombing and threats of evacuation.
The tent we live in is a hot oven in the summer and a refrigerator in the winter. It is a slow death for us.
Because we are at risk, we ask you to provide a tent to protect us from the harsh winter. The children are currently sick.
My son Muhammad did not sleep last night due to high fever. We live in a period of great danger, contribute what you can and be a reason for survival.
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abdu-allah3 · 2 months ago
السلام عليكم كيف حالك اخي أنا أحمد رضوان
من غزة - فلسطين
والله ليس من طبعي أن أسأل الناس لأني كنت دائما بحمد الله عون لهم ولكن الله ألهمني أن أرسل لك بهذه الرسالة وأرجو أن تقرأها بتمعن
والله حالنا صعب جدا ولا يعلم بحالنا إلا الله
يا ليت تقدر ان تجد أناس عندكم من أهل الخير إذا كنت لا تستطيع المساعدة ان يرسلوا اشي انوا نستر حالنا في هذا الشتاء لان بيتنا هدم ونجلس بخيمة والبرد يقرصنا والوضع صعب جدا جدا لا دقيق ولا طعام حتى الماء نعاني في الحصول عليه وحتى لا يأتي أحد يوم القيامة ويقول يارب؛ لم أكن أعلم !!
‏ها نحن نخبركم، غزة تموت من الجوع !! وبإمكانك ان تكلمني فيديو وقت ما تشاء لتتأكد من كلامي
ووالله أنا استاذ وليس من طبعي السؤال لكن ضاقت علينا الأرض ولا ملجأ لنا سوى الله ثم أنتم وربنا يقدرك على فعل الخير وشكرا
رابط التبرع 👇👇
مرحبا يا أحمد
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
قرأتها بتمعن والواحد موارهوش حاجة غير أنه يتمعن في أخبار المسلمين ويقيسها على نفسه ليخرج في النهاية أنه مهما تصور فيقظة القلب بالتجربة شيء آخر ولكن يا أحمد طالما أن الله كلف فقد أعان وطالما أنه كلف فلم يكلف إلا الوُسع يبقى علينا الشيء الذي حتى لو ملكنا الدنيا كلها ولم نجده فسنكون في سخط دائم ألا وهو الرضى
رضيت بالله ربا يا أحمد؟ رضيت بالإسلام دين؟ رضيت بمحمد صل الله عليه وسلم نبي؟ من رضي كان حقا على الله أن يرضيه يوم القيامة!
ومن أخبار من قد رضي أنهم حُصروا ثلاث سنين في الشعب مُقاطعين جائعين أصحاب خيام كذلك
ومن أخبارهم أن جاء إليه خباب وهو متوسد بردة في ظل الكعبة قال ألا تدعو لنا ألا تستنصر لنا فقال إنكم قوم تستعجلون قد كان من قبل يؤتى فيُضع المنشار عند مفرق رأسه ثم ينشر لا يرده ذلك عن دينه
إنما أقول اصبر إن العاقبة للمتقين هذا قانون الله مهما طال الأمد وأوصيك بالتقوى فإن الله يرزق من اتقى من حيث لا يحتسب دع عنك الأسباب الأرضية ما يمسك الله لا مرسل له من بعده وما يفتح فلا ممسك له فالله يغنيك من فضله عن سؤال الكرام واللئآم ويرزقك التقوى فقد كفل صاحبها بالرزق في الدنيا والنجاة في الآخرة ولك في شدتك سنة النبيين والصالحين فاصبر إن وعد الله حق وفي السماء رزقكم وما توعدون وإنه لحق مثل ما أنك تنطق
فاللهم مكن عبادك واقضي أمرك واجعلنا من الصابرين واعنهم وارضى عنهم وثبتهم لا حول ولا قوة إلا بك
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silicacid · 1 year ago
Ministry of Health:
The toll of martyrs in the West Bank today, Thursday, reached 18, including a 15-year-old child.
The names and ages of today's Thursday martyrs in the West Bank governorates:
Martyrs of Jenin
Ayham Mohammed Ibrahim Amer (23 years old)
Mohammed Nasser Hassan Matahen (30 years old)
Raafat Aql Omar Abu Aql (21 years old)
Mahmoud Hussein Ali Abu Al-Nada (47 years old)
Qais Raed Jamal Dwaikat (21 years old)
Lotfi Sayel Howaiti (21 years old)
Mohammed Abdul Karim Al-Sabbagh (30 years old)
Mohammed Youssef Azzam Zayed (15 years old)
Mu'tasim Fawaz Issa (32 years old)
Ahmed Mahmoud Shafiq Khalaf (18 years old)
Mohammed Tareq Hussein Fayyad (19 years old)
Ibrahim Hassan Zaher Abahreh (25 years old)
Ahmed Taysir Mahmoud Abu Qotnah (22 years old)
Thaer Mohammed Marai Abu Qotnah (23 years old)
Martyr of Al-Amari Camp - Ramallah
Mohannad Abdul Qader Jad Al-Haq (29 years old)
Martyr of Nablus
Qadri Azmi Qadri Hattab (22 years old)
Martyr of Dura - Al-Khalil
Anas Nasser Mohammed Abu Atwan (30 years old)
Martyr of Beit Fajjar - Bethlehem
Mohammed Fareed Hamdan Thawabteh (51 years old)
Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza:
10,812 martyrs, including 4,412 children, 2,918 women, and 667 elderly, as well as 26,905 injured since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza.
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js-farrar · 2 years ago
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Hey Tumblr 👋🏻
Twitter sucks, like, a lot, so I’m gonna try posting here more often. If anyone likes comic books, you can support my Kickstarter campaign!
Link -> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spotlightcomics/bump-issue-3-and-collected-edition-volume-1
BUMP is a horror anthology comic with stories illustrated by many different artists. You can get the first 3 issues individually or get a collected softcover/hardcover of them all! Plus bonuses and stuff like art commissions and trading cards.
Issues 1-3 feature art by James Killian, J. Schiek, Elizabeth Malette, Bex ‘Schnumn’ Ollerton, Gica Tam, Barry Renshaw, Joel Saavedra, Dann Franco, Joe Eisma, Morgan Beem, Colleen Palmer, Cat Parra, Spencer Davis, Chris Doray, Laura Helsby, Joe Bortner, Justin M. Ryan, Guilherme Grandizolli, Ryan Kelly, Vasco Georgiev, Juni Ba, Caspar Wijngaard, Ahmed Raafat, and M. Victoria Robado.
Also, issue 3 has a Conan story because the early stories are public domain in the UK, yay.
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redcabincomics · 2 years ago
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From the personal collection of Red Cabin Comics
publisher Frazer Brown: The ORIGINALl Toxie character model sheet and colour test cel gifted by TOXIE creator Lloyd Kaufman
#animation #toxiccrusaders #toxicavenger #retrotv
After a 30 year absence from mainstream comics
TOXIE and HIS CRUSADERS return to comics for a special appearance in TALES FROM THE QUARANTINE.
"Toxic Crusaders is a cult classic 1991 animated
series based on The Toxic Avenger films."
Last seen in COMIC FORM in the classic titular
MARVEL series, TOXIE and his CRUSADERS return
to comics in a tale by FRAZER BROWN, with art by AHMED RAAFAT, MARTIN SIMPSON AND more! AND it's all for charity!
This EXCLUSIVE story appears only in the main
To celebrate TOXIES RETURN superstar cover artist
SMITHS QUICKSTOPS) has created a dazzling
VARIANT homage to HULK #1
This TOXERRIFIC cover is part of the original TFTQ
Kickstarter campaign (single variant and eligible
deluxe sets) and a BACKERKIT exclusive. AND IS
The back of this BEAUTIFUL variant features a
retelling of the origin of TOXIE and his CRUSADERS
written by FRAZER BROWN (co producer of TOXIC
It comes in three versions
If you missed out on this amazing cover you can
order via www.redcabincomics.com when the
TALES FROM THE QUARANTINE store re-opens soon.
Available whilst stocks last.
TOXIE and his CRUSADERS remain a popular part
of pop culture history we are excited to welcome
All net profits from the initial campaign and variants
will be donated to our chosen charities.
TOXIE AND HIS CRUSADERS are tm and copyright
TROMA and appear With Thanks to the generosity
of Lloyd Kaufman and TROMA
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graphicpolicy · 10 months ago
Preview: Quick Stops 2 #4
Quick Stops 2 #4 preview. Just when you think the scandalous secret origin of Mooby the Golden Calf can go no lower, Jay and Silent Bob enter Mooby World-figuratively and literally! #comics #comicbooks
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xxx-sparkydemon-xxx · 1 month ago
🚨 Please don't ignore my message please
My family is in danger 💔 and if I don't help them their lives will be in danger, winter has added more pain and suffering, they are homeless, without clothes and daily necessities😞. The campaign is still low and funding is very bad and my family needs urgent help so with all shame and regret I ask you for help
However, according to the notes under the blog’s posts, it is likely that it is legitimate. If this is shared it can reach someone who could verify it.
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aro-ace-thetic · 2 months ago
‏Please do not ignore
‏My name is Ahmed from Gaza, married and my family consists of 15 people, the Zionists destroyed our entire house and I lost the most precious thing I have, my beloved brother, and all my memories and dreams.
‏We do not live in the war that you see on TV only, we live in the war of loss, the war of bread, the water queue, the war to provide winter clothes, the war to provide milk for children.
‏While the world is preparing to celebrate New Year's Eve, we cannot provide food for our children who are dying of pain and hunger every day.
‏It is the biggest test for humanity throughout history
‏With all shame, I ask you to help save what is left of our lives.
‏Support, share
doesn't appear to be vetted, unique images
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harley-angel · 2 months ago
Let me introduce myself, my name is Ahmed from Gaza - Palestine and I support my family of 15 people.
My story began when the Zionist occupation missiles rained down on us without warning, and we were forced to leave the house in an oppressive manner.
Since that moment, we have been living under the burden of displacement. We have been displaced five times, experiencing the bitterness of pain and loss. I lost the most precious thing I have, my beloved brother Rateb.
Today, we live in a tent that lacks the most basic necessities of life, and we are exposed to the risk of bombing and the danger of cold.
What we hope from you is to provide support for my family to move out of this tent and into our home where we used to live.
We need to rebuild our home that was destroyed by the Zionist occupation.
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