#Ah-In my beloved
insertdragonpun · 2 months
This post will cover dark topics such as sexual assault and murder. If either of these topics are triggering to you, please do not read them and please mute the tag "apocalyptic comic idea" since all of these posts will have similar topics. Take care of yourselves. If you want to read anyway, every time such topic pops up, it will be led and followed by danger triangles with a summary afterward.
This is for my monster apocalypse story currently in the works and, therefore, will have violent and gory segments. These are treated like the potential triggers and well have danger triangles but will not be summarized. I use this as practice for writing such things.
I swear a lot. I do not use slurs and never will use slurs. If I accidentally say one, please let me know immediately so I can change it. I never say anything harder than the f-bomb.
You have been warned.
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Say hello to Ah-In Sangha! (The name being a little nod to my favorite monster apocalypse story orv)
Holy fuck I love her so much.
Her family moved to the city when she was very young in search of new opportunities and a kinder place for their little girl. She started dance classes when she was very young, taking to them like a duck to water. It was great exercise for her, and since the studio was on the outskirts of the city, she was able to get clean air to help her growth. (This city is polluted like crazy. If you read Magnus's/Ember's post, you know how bad it is)
Well, she gets a scholarship by winning a dance competition and ends up going to a good university. The very university she attends when the story begins. There was an audition for dancers for the up-and-coming Vee during Ah-In's sophomore year.
She auditions, gets in, and has been dancing with Vee every since. They aren't really close, but she is one of the two dancers that are permanent fixtures in the opera house turned studio. (The other dancer was at a doctors appointment during the tutorial, so he luckily missed the vampires.)
Vee still wears a little mask over her face when practicing with dance and crew (a little cat face that Ah-In thinks is the funniest thing ever) the only way the dancers can tell it's her is by her pink hair (oh? I mentioned color? Preposterous!) And her booty shorts with random words across the butt. (Seriously, where did she even get those?)
Well. One day (that fateful, damned by all day) when practicing Ah-In notices some of her juniors muttering about strange sounds coming from the stage. Upon noticing her dancers weren't fully paying attention to practice, Vee called for a break. Ah-In stretched and rubbed at her neck. She slept on it weird, and it was still kinked.
She looked around the room. There was a new guy on the management team who kept giving her the creeps. And liked to pop in and watch the dancers. She hadn't caught him doing anything weird except his lingering stares at some of the girls, but she was just waiting for him to overstep the line between weird and creep.
The low click of the power shutting off startled her from her thoughts. The junior dancers started chattering amongst themselves as Vee looked around. Ah-In set down her water bottle and walked towards the stage door. She was a few feet away when it was slammed open by one of the crew ⚠️⚠️ (danger triangles!) Their arm was limp at their side. Bent at an unnatural angle. Was there bone sticking out? She couldn't tell and didn't want to know. Two of their fingers were missing as thick red dripped onto the floor.(danger triangles!) ⚠️⚠️
Lucas, the newest dancer in the group, jumped forward in front of Ah-In, which was sweet but not needed, as the crew member spoke.
They fell into the puddle from their fingers. Still and cooling as something crept closer from the dark doorway.
"Lucas, step back." Was all Ah-In could say before the creature in the dark pounced at the man and began ripping.
She stepped back in shock.
"Everyone! Run!" She shouted as she ran. More creatures poured through the door, latching onto whoever was closest. She flinched when she heard their screams. She pushed the remaining dancers through the opposite door like a dog herding sheep trying to get them to safety. Once the last one was out, she felt eyes on her.
She was barely able to turn around to be face to face with the creature. The face was human, yet not. It had no flush of life, no creases gained through the years. Just cool and smooth like porcelain.
She fell on her back with the creature above her, holding her down. One hand on each wrist, it was insanely strong as it leaned down. But it wasn't too smart. She still had her legs free. She reached a leg under its stomach only to stop and cry out in pain as she felt something burning on her neck. She pushed her leg against the creature's stomach, sending it flying and yanking her up with it. She felt something scraping against her neck as it went flying into the hoard of vampires (she really couldn't deny it now after it bit her.) Crashing into a few, and getting caught in a swarm as it disappeared in the group.
With one hand on her neck, she fled through the door, slamming it behind her.
The only sound she could hear was the muffled movement behind the door as she crept further into the dark hallway. She kept moving carefully and quietly so as to not alert any other monsters that could be lurking in the dark. She kept going until she heard a scream coming from around the corner.
She ran in to see ⚠️⚠️(danger triangles!) Vee sitting on the ground back against the couch in her rest room. Those goofy shorts were pulled down around her thighs with her underwear crooked. The weak light from the window glinted off of the glass buried deep in the body was in front of her. That same bastard she was thinking about earlier laid cooling on the ground, his belt next to him as his pants were hung low and loose on his behind. (Danger triangles!)⚠️⚠️ (Ah-In found Vee half undressed with a body in front of her.)
A blue box popped up in front of Vee as she started to hiccup and sob.
"Hello? Vee? Vee!" Ah-In called as she moved the body to the side. It's best to get it out of her line of sight.
She sat down in front of her as the blue light reflected across the beady eyes of her mask. The cutesy smile barely muffled the sounds of her tears.
Ah-In reached forward in an attempt to comfort her, but she stopped short of her arms once she saw her flinch. Vee seemed to collapse upon herself, curling into a little ball. Ah-In tried to keep her movements easy to read for the singer. Like choreography.
"Vee, can you hear me? It's Ah-In." She couldn't help the tiny smile as Vee nodded. Her breathing was starting to steady, which was a blessing since Ah-In really didn't know any good breathing patterns that didn't involve physical contact, which was a big no at the moment.
"That's good. Do you-" she tried saying something else when another blue square appeared in from of Vee. She tried to read the backward words (description for the comic) but the screen disappeared before she could finish the first sentence.
"What the fu-" she was cut off once more by the blood-curdling scream, forcing itself through Vee's throat.
Oh shit. What should she do?? Vee was curled over again.⚠️⚠️(danger triangles!!) There were lumps(?) moving under her skin. Pushing against her flesh some poking through leaving little trails of blood running down her face and body. (Danger triangles!!)⚠️⚠️
Suddenly, the singer went limp. Fainting from the pain and falling into Ah-In's arms that were still hovering an inch away.
She moved carefully so as to not disturb Vee, reaching for a pillow to rest the singers head on as she watched in horror.
⚠️⚠️(danger triangles!!) Bones were peircing her skin as muscle and skin rapidly formed across them. Her head was bleeding as horns forced their way through her skull curling around her ears. The cat mask cracked and fell off. Her ears stretched into points as her spine extended into a tail. Ah-In was going to throw up. (Danger triangles!!)⚠️⚠️
Once the transformation was done, Vee started to wake up.
"Wha-what happened?" Her voice no longer muffled by the mask as Ah-In shivered from shock.
"I-i don't know."
Vee started to sit up before slipping, causing Ah-In to rush to her side, hands hovering once more unwilling to touch unless giving permission.
"Holy fuck my everything hurts." Vee whined out like she just finished an intense workout instead of undergoing a rapid and gruesome transformation.
Ah-In couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
"What's so fu-" Vee turned to face Ah-In, her eyes shining with something playful before fading as her eyes were drawn down.
Ah-In looked behind her to see the still cooling body.
"Oh shit," she twisted back to see Vee then back to the body before rushing to pull it through the door and into the hallway. The hall echoed with skittering steps and scratching that rushed towards her, slamming into the door as she closed it.
"That was-"
"A monster."
"No, the body it was-"
"A monster. Nothing more, nothing less. It lost the right to be human when it attacked you." Ah-In looked into Vee's eyes, something she was very much not used to, as she said that last bit.
With a shuddering breath, the singer nodded as she carefully stood up. Getting used to the new appendages.
"We're trapped in here aren't we?"
"Yeah. I think so. Unless you want to risk it outside, though I have a feeling it isn't any better out there." Ah-In stated as she looked out the window. People were running around as... giant butterflies chased them?
Vee appeared over her shoulder, "Huh. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad out the-NEVERMIND." they both starred in horror as one of the giant bugs ⚠️⚠️(danger triangles!!) ripped through the throat of a young man like one would tear paper. (Danger triangles!!)⚠️⚠️
"Okay, so outside is no. The rest of the studio is no. I guess we just have to wait it out for a bit?" Ah-In slumped onto the couch rubbing at the burning feeling in her neck.
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan." Vee sat next to her. Her tail curling into her lap.
"Sooo. What did the screen say?"
"The first one congratulated me on passing the tutorial, and the second one called me a succubus."
"What the fuck."
Vee started giggling as tears began to run down her face, "I'm... well, I don't know what I'm going to do when I find whoever did this, but it isn't going to be pleasant."
Ah-In joined in her giggling. The two of them just sat on the couch, blood stains seeped through the floor, as they giggled. It wasn't even funny yet here they were. Laughing up a storm.
She didn't know how long they stayed there, but once she stood up, she felt dizzy as black splotches filled her vision.
"Woah! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I think I just stood up too fast." She rubbed at her aching neck, surprised to see her hand come back red.
"You're bleeding! That is not okay! Sit down. I have a first aid kit around here somewhere." Vee pulled Ah-In back down to the couch as she stood up instead rushing around the room to find her kit.
Her tail(s?) flicked as she moved, twisting around each other as it flexed. It took only another minute before she came back with a large metal case in her hands.
"Okay. Where?"
Ah-In took her hand back off her neck and leaned closer to let Vee see the wound.
"Gross. Did one of them bite you?" She asked as she started wiping the blood away with an alcohol soaked pad.
"Yeah, but I kicked it off." Oh that stung like a motherfucker but no way in hell was she going to show it.
"I didn't really get a good look at them. What did they look like?" Once the wound was sufficiently cleaned, she started wrapping it with gauze.
"Uh. Kinda like dolls? They looked human but too perfect. No wrinkles or anything." Vee started rummaging through the first aid kit again.
"Creepy. Here are some iron pills. They help with blood flow. I think I have some water and something salty in the cupboards as well." Ah-In took the pills and swallowed them.
Ah-In squinted as her head began to ache, "Is it alright if I close the blinds?"
"Sure, do you feel like you need to lay down?" Vee returned with a water bottle and bag of chips in hand, handing them off to Ah-In.
"Yeah, but you can't be feeling much better." The moment her head hit the end of the couch, she conked out.
When she woke up she felt like death itself.
"That was the worst nap of my life." She sat up to see a shocked Vee holding what looked like a spear standing near the door.
"Ah-In?! Holy shit! It's been a week!"
"What?" She tried to stand, but her legs gave under her weight. Her vision started to fill with the black blotches again, her heartbeat pounding in her ears.
"Shit, hold on!" Ah-In couldn't see where Vee went, too focused on the tip-taping coming from her chest as her own heartbeat began to match it.
"Here, water, iron, salt." She saw wrists show up under her head. Each vein throbbed along with her heart. She brought her eyes to look at what was in the hands. Yeah. That must be what her body wanted.
Downing the water, pills, and chips, she felt her vision clearing. A few moments later a blue screen popped up in front of her.
[Congratulations, player! You survived! Your body is a little different now. Make sure to keep up with your needs! You don't want to attack your allies, do you? :)
Welcome to the game: Ah-In the Vampire!]
Below it was a smaller blue box
[Achievement unlocked: Vegan vampire! Meet your needs without attacking another player.]
"Oh fuck."
Well. How do y'all like that? Ah-In didn't kill anything or anyone during the tutorial period (yes, it's a set amount of time. Those who survive but don't become players become npcs and are just normal people) but she did transform, so I had to give her a different system message. Now it's sleepy time goodnight!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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The squad of all time has arrived on scene.
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hifchn · 5 months
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watch your back⚠️
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a-drama-addict · 3 months
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modern au laezel my beloved
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c-tepx · 3 months
i can’t stop thinking about Laios, the spitting image of his father.
and the fact that he hates it so much that he always finds time to shave
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i don't think he noticed at first, though. it's been a while since he left the village, and the memories must've gotten fuzzy. only after Falin pointed out the resemblance did he start shaving all the time.
there's a certain irony in this - laois, who resents his father the most, can't help but see him in his own reflection.
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ohitslen · 8 months
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Twitter doodles!
(close ups for the first one below and a small extra as well :D)
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canisalbus · 6 months
I love your ocs, Milk and Cookie
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bananananurr · 18 days
Its 1989 and everyone's dressed so snazzy. I wonder why?
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sonacava · 7 months
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them !! ! ! !!!!
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devildom-doll · 1 month
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do yall hear that? my bs detectors are going off
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keferon · 3 months
Hi there! First I wanted to say bless you for feeding us good food with your transformers arts and headcanons, I get excited whenever you post art XD and since I don't think anyone asked but how have you been since you've gotten bitten by something venomous a few days ago? I hope you have been recovering well!!
Thank you jfkkg><
Yeah mmm whatever bit me it wasn’t like…deadly venomous so when I got to the hospital they vaguely said that I need to just ignore the pain and wait. Now I have instant suffering button on my leg lol. On the bright side I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine in a week or something 👍
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@ratica I don’t have any pictures with me rn but she looks like this haha :D
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evanpeterswifeyyy · 2 months
Violet Harmon sketches 🪻
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Inspired by my favorite mootie @fear-is-truth
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 months
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markpakin · 7 months
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PIT BABE (2024)
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bloodydeanwinchester · 6 months
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🩸Bloody Dean Every Episode🩸 ↳ 4x14 || Sex and Violence
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darklyhandsome · 4 months
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Witchers are emotionless mutants. Yeah, not an ounce of emotion anywhere on his face...
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