#Agriculture News in Nigeria Today
brandspurng · 4 months
Agriculture News Update: The Latest Developments in Nigeria's Farming Sector
Introduction: Nigeria's agricultural sector plays a vital role in the country's economy, providing livelihoods for millions of people and contributing significantly to food security and economic growth. Keeping abreast of the latest news and developments in the agricultural industry is essential for farmers, policymakers, and stakeholders alike. In this blog post, we'll explore the most recent updates and trends shaping agriculture News in Nigeria Today.
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Government Initiatives and Policies: The Nigerian government continues to implement various initiatives and policies aimed at boosting agricultural productivity, enhancing food security, and promoting rural development. Stay informed about government programs such as the Anchor Borrowers Program, the Presidential Fertilizer Initiative, and the Agriculture Promotion Policy (APP) to understand their impact on farmers and agricultural practices nationwide.
Technological Advancements: Advancements in agricultural technology are revolutionizing farming practices in Nigeria, making them more efficient, sustainable, and resilient to climate change. Keep an eye out for news about innovative technologies such as precision agriculture, drone surveillance, and mobile applications that are empowering farmers with real-time data and insights to improve crop yields and manage resources more effectively.
Market Trends and Prices: Monitoring market trends and prices is crucial for farmers, traders, and consumers to make informed decisions about production, marketing, and purchasing agricultural products. Stay updated on commodity prices, market demand, and supply chain dynamics for key crops such as rice, maize, cassava, and cocoa to capitalize on market opportunities and mitigate risks.
Climate Change Resilience: Climate change poses significant challenges to Nigeria's agriculture sector, including unpredictable weather patterns, droughts, floods, and pest outbreaks. Stay informed about climate-smart agriculture practices, adaptation strategies, and resilience-building initiatives that are helping farmers mitigate the impacts of climate change and safeguard their livelihoods.
Youth Engagement and Empowerment: Engaging youth in agriculture is essential for the future sustainability of Nigeria's farming sector. Keep abreast of news about youth-led initiatives, training programs, and entrepreneurship opportunities that are encouraging young people to pursue careers in agriculture, innovate new solutions, and contribute to the development of rural communities.
International Partnerships and Trade: Nigeria's agricultural sector is increasingly interconnected with global markets and international trade agreements. Stay informed about bilateral and multilateral partnerships, trade negotiations, and export opportunities that are shaping Nigeria's position in the global agricultural economy.
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Conclusion: Staying informed about the latest news and developments in Nigeria's agriculture sector is essential for driving innovation, fostering resilience, and unlocking the full potential of the country's farming industry. By staying abreast of government initiatives, technological advancements, market trends, climate change resilience efforts, youth engagement initiatives, and international partnerships, stakeholders can work together to build a more sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future for Nigeria's agriculture sector.
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batboyblog · 1 month
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #19
May 17-24 2024
President Biden wiped out the student loan debt of 160,000 more Americans. This debt cancellation of 7.7 billion dollars brings the total student loan debt relieved by the Biden Administration to $167 billion. The Administration has canceled student loan debt for 4.75 million Americans so far. The 160,000 borrowers forgiven this week owned an average of $35,000 each and are now debt free. The Administration announced plans last month to bring debt forgiveness to 30 million Americans with student loans coming this fall.
The Department of Justice announced it is suing Ticketmaster for being a monopoly. DoJ is suing Ticketmaster and its parent company Live Nation for monopolistic practices. Ticketmaster controls 70% of the live show ticket market leading to skyrocketing prices, hidden fees and last minute cancellation. The Justice Department is seeking to break up Live Nation and help bring competition back into the market. This is one of a number of monopoly law suits brought by the Biden administration against Apple in March and Amazon in September 2023.
The EPA announced $225 million in new funding to improve drinking and wastewater for tribal communities. The money will go to tribes in the mainland US as well as Alaska Native Villages. It'll help with testing for forever chemicals, and replacing of lead pipes as well as sustainability projects.
The EPA announced $300 million in grants to clean up former industrial sites. Known as "Brownfield" sites these former industrial sites are to be cleaned and redeveloped into community assets. The money will fund 200 projects across 178 communities. One such project will transform a former oil station in Philadelphia’s Kingsessing neighborhood, currently polluted with lead and other toxins into a waterfront bike trail.
The Department of Agriculture announced a historic expansion of its program to feed low income kids over the summer holidays. Since the 1960s the SUN Meals have served in person meals at schools and community centers during the summer holidays to low income children. This Year the Biden administration is rolling out SUN Bucks, a $120 per child grocery benefit. This benefit has been rejected by many Republican governors but in the states that will take part 21 million kids will benefit. Last year the Biden administration introduced SUN Meals To-Go, offering pick-up and delivery options expanding SUN's reach into rural communities. These expansions are part of the Biden administration's plan to end hunger and reduce diet-related disease by 2030.
Vice-President Harris builds on her work in Africa to announce a plan to give 80% of Africa internet access by 2030, up from just 40% today. This push builds off efforts Harris has spearheaded since her trip to Africa in 2023, including $7 billion in climate adaptation, resilience, and mitigation, and $1 billion to empower women. The public-private partnership between the African Development Bank Group and Mastercard plans to bring internet access to 3 million farmers in Kenya, Tanzania, and Nigeria, before expanding to Uganda, Ethiopia, and Ghana, and then the rest of the continent, bring internet to 100 million people and businesses over the next 10 years. This is together with the work of Partnership for Digital Access in Africa which is hoping to bring internet access to 80% of Africans by 2030, up from 40% now, and just 30% of women on the continent. The Vice-President also announced $1 billion for the Women in the Digital Economy Fund to assure women in Africa have meaningful access to the internet and its economic opportunities.
The Senate approved Seth Aframe to be a Judge on the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, it also approved Krissa Lanham, and Angela Martinez to district Judgeships in Arizona, as well as Dena Coggins to a district court seat in California. Bring the total number of judges appointed by President Biden to 201. Biden's Judges have been historically diverse. 64% of them are women and 62% of them are people of color. President Biden has appointed more black women to federal judgeships, more Hispanic judges and more Asian American judges and more LGBT judges than any other President, including Obama's full 8 years in office. President Biden has also focused on backgrounds appointing a record breaking number of former public defenders to judgeships, as well as labor and civil rights lawyers.
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faustinaoriji · 4 months
Clearing Misconceptions About Microbiology In Nigeria::
As a microbiology undergraduate currently in her finals (4th year) at Rivers State University, I have come to understand that a lot of the things we were made to believe about microbiology are actually false. Today I want to clear up some common misconceptions about this field.
Let me start by explaining what microbiology is. Microbiology is the study of tiny organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi and algae.
Now, here in Nigeria, people have some wrong ideas about microbiology that I think need to be corrected.
Firstly, many Nigerians think all microbes are dangerous and that's not true because there are some bacteria that help us digest food and make tasty fermented drinks. Microbes also keep the soil healthy and fertile. So you see, some microbes are really useful!
Another big misunderstanding is that microbes are way too small to see without a microscope but this is another misconception because some fungi and algae can actually be seen with the naked eye! Only bacteria and viruses need a microscope to view them properly.
A lot of Nigerians also think microbiology is only useful for healthcare stuff. That's not accurate! Farming relies on microbiology too for bio-fertilizers and improving soil health. Food companies use good microbes to make yogurt, bread and more. So microbiology is super important for medicine, agriculture, and other industrial uses.
People often assume microbiology just studies insignificant creatures that don't matter. Well, here's a newsflash - microbes enable great scientific discoveries! Microbiology also leads to new medicines, industrial applications and so much more. Don't underestimate it - this is serious science, not just the study of small, unimportant things.
To wrap this up, here in Nigeria many people wrongly think all microbes are dangerous, invisible, only useful in healthcare and insignificant. We need better awareness campaigns, workshops, media outreach and microbiology education in schools to correct these myths. This will also help Nigerians understand microbiology better and support this exciting field.
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clickvibes · 6 months
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rainsmediaradio · 6 months
Nigeria Investment Opportunities - Dr Kenny Odugbemi
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Nigeria Investment Opportunities Nigeria's construction market is valued over $135b, with other sectors opening up such as ✓Marine ✓Blue economy ✓Circular economy ✓Solid minerals ✓Creative and entertainment ✓Tourism In less than 30years our population will double in excess of 400m Currently our economy is slipping to its lowest unimaginable point, due to variance, non-complimentary monetary and fiscal all running in non compliance mode given room for monumental fraud across all tiers of government, public and private sector, extremely weak institutions all hijacked by power brokers. As of today, stated below are our current situation based on condition assessment ✓We have high fuel cost PMS and diesel inclusive. ✓Dollar scarcities due to speculators who are scavenger ravaging dollars, without using it to impact the real sector ✓High import duties, tariffs and levies ✓High inflation 25.8% ✓CCR 32% ✓MPR 28.75 ✓Lending rate over 27% ✓It is note worthy that unemployment is gradually reducing, despite faulty base of 4.1% ✓Currency devaluation 20% ✓Increase instability and insecurity in the Northern sphere is now very toxic. ✓increase in loss of talent-"Japa" over 52% of our current professional base with attendant decrease in tax return ✓Over dependency on Road, hence the need to go intermodal Identifying Opportunities Our growing population has opened further diverse opportunities in ✓health, ✓housing, low cost ✓education, vocational inclusive Increase in cost of importation has led FCMG to convert into in-country manufacturing and assembly Find below where ready to go available opportunities ✓Affordable housing with decent retail ✓Affordable educational branded private -primary-secondary- tertiary institutions ✓Specialist residential development for old age, internally displaced person, and person living with disabilities ✓Housing for young professional 45sqm self contained apartment ✓FDI to drives provision of power at state level, manufacturing, health, road infrastructure ™Provision of Data centre Agricultural driven opportunities ✓Rice cultivation and production to raise current 2.5m tonne-6m ton per acre ✓Maintenance of Agric equipment ✓Value discount retailing structure Conclusion We need to focus on the new value proposition, with enabled environment with minimal restrictions for FDI to invest and catch out In all the sectors there exist big opportunities Let our money in local currency and foreign currency work for us, this is the only antidote to driving away multidimensional poverty above all our legislature needs to be sacrificial as they are selfish greedy legislating us into deep poverty. At Federal level and State level there is need to reduce recurrent expenditure as most States in Nigeria are insolvency but waster of state Treasury despite most monthly inflow Revenue fiscal allocation,13rivation, personal income tax, royalties, inte 0rnal generated, there is poverty in some of previledged States, whilst others do not think with thought of generating more revenue through their ways and means Read the full article
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SA 8000's Impact on Workplace Dynamics
SA 8000 Certification in Nigeria is a game-changer in workplaces worldwide! It's more than just rules, it's about making work better. A standard that says no to child labor and forced work, making companies champions of fair treatment, health, and safety. SA 8000 isn't about ticking boxes,  it's a promise to create workplaces where everyone is treated right. This certification isn't just a big deal locally; it's known worldwide, helping businesses be more ethical and excellent. Join the movement where being responsible isn't a must-do,  it's a whole new way of doing things.
Benefits of having a SA 8000 Certification
Enhanced Reputation: SA 8000 certification is a distinguished symbol representing your dedication to equitable labor practices and social responsibility. It elevates your standing in the eyes of customers, investors, and stakeholders, enhancing your overall reputation.
Improved Employee Morale: Employees take pride in working for an organization that values their well-being. SA 8000 certification in Chad fosters a positive work environment, enhancing employee morale, satisfaction, and loyalty.
Demonstrated Corporate Responsibility: The SA 8000 certification offers concrete proof of your company's commitment to corporate responsibility. It demonstrates that your organization is devoted to creating a beneficial influence on society and upholds principles of ethical business conduct.
Risk Mitigation: SA 8000 incorporates strong components for managing risks, which assist organizations in recognizing and resolving potential concerns pertaining to labor practices. By taking a proactive stance, this approach effectively reduces the likelihood of facing legal disputes and damage to reputation.
In what types of businesses is SA 8000 applicable?
Manufacturing and Production Facilities: Enterprises engaged in manufacturing, irrespective of the sector they operate in, can derive advantages from obtaining SA 8000 certification in Zimbabwe This encompasses industries such as textiles, electronics, automotive, and more.
Apparel and Textile Industry: Considering the labor-intensive nature of this sector, SA 8000 holds significant relevance for businesses engaged in the manufacturing of clothing, textiles, and accessories.
Food and Beverage Production: Companies operating in the food and beverage sector, encompassing agricultural practices and processing, can avail benefits from SA 8000 certification to ensure equitable labor practices.
Retail and Consumer Goods: Enterprises involved in retail and the sale of products, particularly those with private-label merchandise, can gain advantages by ensuring that their supply chain adheres to social accountability standards.
What is the expense associated with obtaining SA 8000 certification?
The costs associated with obtaining SA 8000 Certification in Jordan may vary, influenced by factors such as the certifying body, industry specifications, and company size. B2BCert specializes in creating tailored certification programs to align with the unique needs of your company. For personalized cost assessments and a thorough understanding of the benefits of B2BCert's SA 8000 Certification services for your business—ensuring compliance and demonstrating commitment to industry standards—feel free to contact us at b2bcert.com.
How do I locate a consultant for obtaining SA 8000 certification?
Effortlessly maneuver through the intricacies of obtaining SA 8000 Certification in Mumbai with the help of our knowledgeable experts. Easily reach out to us via email or the contact form on our website. Our team of SA 8000 Certification Consultants is ready to provide expert advice, offer personalized cost estimates, and answer any questions you may have about the certification process. Get in touch with us today at [email protected] to smoothly streamline and improve your compliance with industry standards.
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adalidda · 7 months
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Strategies for Optimizing Cassava Export to the Lucrative Chinese Market
The Chinese market remains a paramount destination for cassava imports globally, driven by governmental support and its versatile applications across industries, including bioethanol, industrial production, food, and animal feed.
Yet, capitalizing on this thriving market demands strategic maneuvering. Despite substantial annual export quantities (exceeding 1 million MT per exporter per contract) and competitive payment terms, Chinese buyers often push for lower prices, necessitating a savvy approach to streamline operations and curtail production costs.
Outlined below are crucial focus areas to elevate your export operations:
Tailored Cassava Cultivation: Align cultivation practices with specific market demands, catering to food, bioethanol, or other industrial purposes.
Contract Farming Enhancement: Bolster cassava field production by fostering enduring partnerships with farmers' cooperatives, ensuring a sustained and reliable supply chain.
Operational Optimization: Improve processing efficiency by implementing round-the-clock operations, including incentivizing night shifts and holiday production to meet soaring monthly delivery demands.
Streamlined Logistics: Establish a warehouse proximate to the loading port to mitigate shipping delays, crucial when dealing with thousands of containers monthly.
Advanced Warehouse Monitoring: Equip your warehouse with state-of-the-art monitoring devices to track crucial factors like moisture and humidity, ensuring the preservation of processed cassava quality.
Strategic Financial Partnerships: Overcome financial constraints by forging alliances with institutions in Singapore, Dubai, or the European Union for more favorable LC or SBLC monetization terms.
GACC License Preparation: Begin the GACC license application process early, as it can take up to 6 months. This step is crucial for agricultural product exporters to China.
These recommendations stem from our direct experiences as cassava exporters to China. The Chinese market's intricacies demand a comprehensive strategy encompassing strategic cultivation, efficient processing, seamless logistics, and innovative financial partnerships. Optimizing the entire value chain empowers companies to navigate challenges effectively and capitalize on the abundant opportunities presented by this high-demand market.
Chinese importers seeking premium-quality cassava chips can contact us today to discuss how our product can elevate their production processes! We have the capacity to supply over 1 million Metric Tons of dried cassava chips annually for food, bioethanol, and industrial production.
For cassava producers in developing countries, reach out to explore how our international consulting services can help establish a cost-effective export chain, whether for short or long-term endeavors.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned something new and useful from it. If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in Agriculture and Agribusiness.
Mr. Kosona Chriv Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Deko Integrated and Agro Processing Limited 3rd and 4th Floors, Idubor House 52 Mission Road 300002 Benin City Edo State Nigeria
Phone/WhatsApp: + 2349040848867 (Nigeria) +85510333220 (Cambodia) Email: [email protected] Website: https://dekoholding.com
Deko Integrated and Agro Processing Limited is an agricultural firm and exporter of agricultural commodities in Nigeria. We aim to use technologies and innovations to disrupt the cassava value chain in Nigeria. We believe that Nigeria has the potential and resources to become the top exporter of value-added cassava. If you are in the world cassava value chain (food manufacturers, bio-ethanol manufacturers, cassava by-products producers, and investors), we look forward to hearing from you soon and exploring the possibilities of working together. By working together, we can create value for our customers, partners, and stakeholders, as well as make a positive impact on the local communities and the environment. We are committed to delivering high-quality products and services, as well as fostering innovation and sustainability.
If you want to learn more about Deko Group and how we can collaborate, please visit our website https://dekoholding.com
Illustration Photo: dried cassava chips (public domain)
Read the full article by clicking here https://dekoholding.com/dekoposts/BhvAvn4romxBNJn22/strategies-for-optimizing-cassava-export-to-the-lucrative/dekonews
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crimechannels · 7 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Security: Agbekoya deploys 4,000 security personnel for South-West The Agbekoya Society of Nigeria, a Yoruba farmers and hunters association, says it has about 4,000 personnel providing security for farmers in the Southwest. The Aare (President-General) of Agbekoya worldwide, Chief Kamorudeen Okikiola, disclosed this at a news conference to unveil activities for the 85th Anniversary celebration of the society in Lagos on Wednesday. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Southwest governors, the Oni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi and other Yoruba leaders and farmers, will attend the anniversary scheduled to hold on Nov. 26. “Today, Agbekoya is still leading as the biggest farmers’ association in Nigeria since 1938 and we will continue to provide security for our farmers. “Agbekoya has done a lot for farmers and this has helped in feeding the nation. We have tried our best to eradicate anything that can make our farmers to run away from farms. “Security in farms is relatively good now. We have done a lot in protecting farmers and their farms. We have put up several measures to ensure security for farmers,” he said. Okikiola said being an association comprising farmers and hunters, it had its executive council and security wing in all towns in Yoruba land. The Aare added: “We have decimated cases of kidnapping, clashes in our towns and farms. If you see any, they are very few. “This is because our security arm swing into action in case of any hitch anywhere. We have about 4000 security personnel for farmers’ protection in southwest alone.” According to him, the situation that forced many people to vacate farms for city because of insecurity has been decimated. Okikiola said that Agbekoya had been very useful to conventional security outfits like Police to undertake certain difficult jobs that required going into forests to track down criminals. “We don’t run away from creation of God. We are ready to challenge any battle that want to confront farmers in the southwest,” he said. On the society’s achievements, Okikiola said that his leadership had grown Agbekoya membership from 49 members to 4.3 million members. Commending a former minister of agriculture, Dr Akinwunmi Adesina for his efforts toward rebuilding the agbekoya society, Okikiola said the now President, African Development Bank, believed in the society to achieve agricultural goals. According to him, the society has not also relented efforts in training, educating and empowering farmers in partnership with local and foreign agencies and institutions as well as governments. On the anniversary, Okikiola said the Ooni of Ife would be the Royal Father of the Day; the Olowu of Kuta, Oba Hameed Oyelude (Tegbosun III) Chairman and Chief Folashade Tinubu-Ojo, the Iyaloja General of Nigeria, as Mother of the Day. He added that Aare Onikoyi of Yorubaland, Otunba Tomori Williams, would be the Chief Launcher with Iyalaje of Oodua, Princess Toyin Kolade among other eminent Yoruba leaders and farmers in attendance. Okikiola said the society would be celebrating 85 years of agricultural excellence and his 25 years as its President-General. “Since our inception in 1938, Agbekoya society of Nigeria, has stood as a guardian of agricultural interests, ensuring security and prosperity of our farming community. “The 85th-anniversary celebration is a testament to our enduring commitment to the welfare of farmers and the sustainable development of agriculture,” he said. Highlighting activities for the event, he said there would be a grand opening ceremony, exhibition/showcase of the evolution of agricultural practices and cutting-edge technologies. He said there would also be cultural extravaganza to explore the rich cultural heritage of the agricultural community as well as performances, displays, and presentations. Okikiola said pioneers of Agbekoya would be honoured to pay tribute to the visionaries and leaders who played pivotal roles in the success and growth of the society over the past 85 years.
According to him, there will also be an interactive forum which will engage stakeholders in discussions on the future of agriculture, sustainable practices, and the role of security in ensuring a thriving farming community. He said the anniversary would reinforce the collective strength of agricultural sustainability for the good of the nation. Okikiola said the society was dedicated to fostering a secure environment for farmers and ensuring the prosperity of agriculture through vigilant protection and advocacy. (NAN)
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thxnews · 11 months
Empowering Nigeria's Future: Climate Resilience Unleashed!
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  Building Future-Focused, Mutually-Beneficial Partnerships
In a significant move to bolster Nigeria's agriculture sector against the challenges of climate change, UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has arrived in Nigeria on the second leg of his three-country African visit. The visit aims to prioritize future-focussed, mutually-beneficial partnerships with African nations. As part of this commitment, Cleverly will unveil a new package of support designed to enhance Nigeria's agricultural resilience and productivity.  
Boosting Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria
With over two-thirds of Nigeria's population dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods, the new UK funding will prove instrumental in transforming the country's critical agriculture and food systems. By focusing on the development of heat and flood-tolerant crops, improving soil fertility, and adopting sustainable farming practices, this funding seeks to benefit the people, climate, and nature of Nigeria. Moreover, the UK support will help alleviate agricultural trade barriers for UK imports, fostering economic growth and mutually-beneficial trade relationships between the two nations.  
Unlocking Sustainable Infrastructure Projects
In Lagos, the UK Foreign Secretary will announce a £10 million facility in collaboration with finance company InfraCredit. The facility aims to unlock funding for sustainable and climate-friendly infrastructure projects across Nigeria, including renewable energy services for urban homes and green housing initiatives.  
Transforming Nigeria's Rural Economy
During his stay in Abuja, Cleverly will announce a £55 million Propcom+ contract as part of the UK International Climate Finance program. This initiative seeks to support the transformation of Nigeria's rural economy. Alongside this, a £2.89 million grant will be provided to enable over four million people to adopt and scale up sustainable agricultural practices. These practices will enhance animal health, improve crop resilience, and promote cleaner cooking methods. By doing so, the support will increase productivity, capacity, and resilience among small-scale farmers and rural communities across Nigeria, all while reducing harmful carbon emissions and safeguarding natural ecosystems.  
Humanitarian Support for Vulnerable Communities
Beyond agriculture and infrastructure, the Foreign Secretary will visit a UN Humanitarian Air Service center in Abuja. The center is a recipient of more than £38 million of UK funding, which has been instrumental in aiding vulnerable communities in Nigeria's North-East. In regions like Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe States, over four million people face food insecurity, with two million children under five suffering from acute malnourishment. The UK's funding has played a crucial role in protecting these communities, building resilience against ongoing food shortages, and preventing famine.  
Strengthening the UK-Nigeria Partnership
Apart from these significant announcements, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly will engage in high-level discussions with Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and National Security Advisor Mallam Nuhu Ribadu. The discussions will focus on key common priorities, including increasing bilateral trade and investment, promoting economic development, addressing regional issues, and reinforcing security cooperation between the UK and Nigeria.   Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly said: Nigeria has a booming population and the largest economy in Africa – there is huge potential for an even closer partnership between UK and Nigerian businesses which will be of mutual benefit to both countries. Together we are focussing on the future, putting in place green, clean measures, both in agriculture and infrastructure development, to create climate-resilient solutions for the global challenges we all face today and will increasingly face in the years to come.   In conclusion, the UK's commitment to supporting the whole of Nigerian agriculture climate resilience and the agriculture sector and sustainable development projects demonstrates the significance of forging strong and forward-looking partnerships with African nations. As the Foreign Secretary continues his African visit, it is clear that the UK is steadfast in its dedication to building mutually-beneficial relationships that will foster progress and resilience in the face of climate change.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & The Rt Hon James Cleverly MP.   Read the full article
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brandspurng · 1 year
Brandspurng: The Premier Source for the Latest Agriculture News in Nigeria Today
Brandspurng, a leading media platform, is proud to announce itself as the go-to source for the latest and most comprehensive agriculture news in Nigeria today. With its commitment to providing accurate and up-to-date information, Brandspurng has become the trusted resource for farmers, industry professionals, policymakers, and enthusiasts alike.
Nigeria, renowned for its agricultural potential, has been witnessing significant advancements and developments in the sector. Brandspurng recognizes the importance of highlighting these transformative changes and ensuring that stakeholders have access to reliable news that shapes the future of agriculture in the country.
As a leading news platform, Brandspurng offers in-depth coverage of a wide range of agriculture-related topics, including farming techniques, crop cultivation, livestock management, agribusiness trends, government policies, and market analysis. The platform's team of experienced journalists and industry experts work tirelessly to deliver timely and well-researched articles, interviews, reports, and opinion pieces that keep readers informed and empowered.
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We understand the crucial role that agriculture plays in Nigeria's economy and the livelihoods of millions of people. Our dedicated team is passionate about providing accurate, insightful, and relevant agriculture news to help drive growth, innovation, and sustainability in the sector.
Through its platform, Brandspurng aims to foster knowledge sharing and promote best practices among farmers, empowering them to adopt modern techniques, improve productivity, and overcome challenges. The news coverage also extends to agribusinesses, entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers, offering valuable insights into market dynamics, investment opportunities, and policy developments that shape the sector.
Brandspurng's commitment to excellence extends beyond just news coverage. The platform also features informative articles on agricultural technology, sustainability, and initiatives that promote inclusive and sustainable growth in Nigeria's agricultural landscape.
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In addition to its website, Brandspurng has a strong social media presence, engaging with its audience through various channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This ensures that readers can stay updated on the latest news, trends, and events in real-time, and actively participate in discussions and conversations.
For those seeking reliable and comprehensive agriculture news in Nigeria, Brandspurng is the ultimate destination. With its unwavering commitment to quality journalism, the platform continues to serve as a beacon of information, empowering stakeholders and driving positive change in the Nigerian agricultural sector.
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etirabys · 4 years
This post is my attempt to simplify what I learned from Who We Are And How We Got Here into a timeline I have a shot of remembering for years, with some padding from Wikipedia where I thought it would help me.
As a backdrop to the specifics that follow: humans and human cousins have been sort of ambling out of Africa and back in waves of migration and interbreeding and extinction, for the past two million years.
Around 650K years ago, humans split from the group that will further split 200K years later into Neanderthals and Denisovans. These are the two 'archaic human' populations that contributed some genetic material to modern humans, whose DNA we got our hands on. This is also maybe the divergence point of humans and another archaic population in Africa that later mixed back into humans, that we don’t have DNA evidence for.
200K years ago, zoom in on the ambling in and out of Africa, because now some of the ambling groups are what we’d call anatomically modern humans – that is, their phenotypes fit within existing human populations. At this point, the split between the San population (the most different-from-everyone-else population alive today, whose descendants currently live in South Africa) and the rest of living humanity begins.
50K years ago, a period of great interest. We see behavioral modernity starting hereish, at the beginning of a period (lasting ~40K years) we call the Upper Paleolithic. The rate of stone toolmaking innovation speeds up from ‘glacial’ to ‘every few thousand years’. (If that seem like an odd setting change, I agree.) We see the first known jewelry and representational art. Likely we’ll never have a satisfactory explanation of what exactly changed. We almost certainly had language by this point.
Human colonization of Australia and New Guinea happens, while ocean levels are low. This is part of a radiation of a hunter-gatherer lineage spreading out all over Asia. Some of them will eventually go to Siberia and the Americas. Some of them will become the Yangtze River population and some the Yellow River population, who will later mix to produce the majority of mainland East Asians.
40K years ago. After several thousands of years of contact with modern humans, Neanderthals and some other branches more closely related to modern humans go extinct. There’s an Italian supervolcano eruption nowabouts whose climate disruptions in Europe may have intensified competition.
One thing this book has taught me is that it’s misleading to talk about ‘population splits’ outside of the Americas, because lineages diverged and met again many times, but insofar as it’s meaningful to talk about when the European and East Asian lineages diverged, it’s now.
30K years ago. The archaic humans in Africa mix back with humans and contribute 2% of ancestry to some modern African populations.
Around this time, there exists a population called Ancient North Eurasians. Some of them go east, and contribute to the population that will give rise to Native Americans (who are ~1/3 Ancient North Eurasian, ~2/3 ancestors-of-East-Asians). Some of the rest will remain and contribute ancestry to various Eurasian hunter gatherers, as well half the ancestry of the Yamnaya people of the Eurasian steppe, who will later invent horse-and-wagon way of life and become massively successful in Europe.
15K years ago, there are two migrations to America over the Bering land bridge: (1) The First Americans (the Ancient North Eurasian - East Asian group) account for the majority of Native American ancestry. These newcomers quickly zoom through the Americas. They also may have had a startlingly small effective population size – like 250. (2) A mysterious population that contributes some ancestry to a handful of groups in the Amazon, a population whose closest known descendants today are, intriguingly, Australasian. We don’t know much about them.
10K years ago, agriculture arises in the Middle East. Some Anatolian farmers spread out into Europe. Some Iranian farmers spread out to India. A thousand years later, agriculture also begins in China, in the Yangtze River and Yellow River populations.
5K years ago. The horse-and-wagon Yamnaya sweep from the eastern European steppe into northern Europe and largely replace the population there, and account for 25~45% of current European ancestry. The Yamnaya culture is the strongest candidate for the source of the Proto-Indo-European language (which has an elaborate shared vocabulary for wagon-parts). A large part of their success may have been that they were relatively immune to diseases that the rest of Europe was not – they brought plague with them, heretofore unknown to Europe. With the Yamnaya, the Bronze Age; we have evidence of much more social inequality than ever seen before, evident both from archeology and genetics, which tell us that the highest-reproducing individual men starting now are more reproductively successful than ever before.
Around the same time, there’s another wave of migration from Asia to North America – the Paleo-Eskimo lineage – that leaves a ~30% imprint in some parts of North America. The Paleo-Eskimos will be displaced 4K years later by a final wave from Asia, the Neo-Eskimos, who are the ancestors of modern day Inuits.
The Yangtze and Yellow River populations are also spreading out nowish. Their collision produces much of modern East Asians. The Yellow River people are associated with the Han, and the Tibetans. The Yangtze population, where they spread south, provides much of modern Southeast Asian ancestry.
4K years ago, the Indus Valley civilization is hit by a wave of migration for Europeish, by a steppe people who bring Proto-Indo-European culture and language. These steppe people are about half Yamnaya-related, and half ‘the Iranian farmer related populations the steppe people encountered on their way south’. The natives are about three quarters local hunter-gatherers, and one quarter Iranian farmers who mingled in ~2K years earlier. The natives and Yamnaya-ish migrants mix over the next 2K years to form a modern Indian population that’s a mixture of the two, ranging from 80% Yamnaya-ish (especially in the north, and in higher-caste groups) to 20%.
Around now, the first of four great migrations and mixing events of Africa starts – most significant among them is the Bantu migration south, out of Nigeria and into west-central Africa. Most of the present-day population structure of Africa is shaped by these relatively recent expansions, making it hard to tease out ancient splits.
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taytayb1993 · 3 years
Is There A Black Henry Ford?
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So, Hip Hop mogul and entrepreneur, Percy “Master P” Miller has continued to expand his business venture as he announced that he would partnered with former Telsa engineer, Richard Patterson, to creating his own line of sport and exotic cars. This company that these men are creating is called Trion Supercars. Since Richard Patterson used to be a engineer for Telsa, and he was the designer of Model S car, the Boeing 777, and the Dodge minivan, and Master P, who expanding his business empire, would recruit Patterson and form a team to create a black owned supercar manufacturing company. Or I would called it African American owned supercar manufacturing company and it would be the very first African American owned car making company in the United States. 
Now, that Master P and former Telsa engineer, Richard Patterson are creating a black owned car manufacturer company, are there other car manufacturing company outside the U.S.? Of course there are and here are the names of automobile making companies that are founded and owned by black Africans. 
Kantanka Motors, founded in Ghana in West Africa by Kwadwo Safo Kantanka in 1994. In 2004, the Ghanaian owned automobile manufacturing group was incorporated as a limited liability company to research into the manufacturing of automotive components and their combination with other parts outsourced from component suppliers to form a complete built unit, according to it’s website: http://www.kantankamotors.com/  In 1998, the first complete built unit (CBU) was manufactured using over 75% of local components, locally manufactured including the engine block. By 2006, the first SUV, the Onantefo, was manufactured. The detail of this automobile maker website also stated that all Kantanka vehicles are 100% manufactureded and assembled in Ghana. 
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          Holy shit, is this car made of armor? 
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Next is the one from Nigeria, a company called Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing. According to it’s history from it’s website, this Nigerian owned automobile manufacturing company was founded in 1978 in a commercial town in the eastern part of Nigeria called Nnewi. This town was a central hub for motorcycle importation, now today, it became a importation hub for foreign used vehicles. In 1987, there was a brand new motorcycle suggesting that it was built by Innocent Chukwuma who founded Innoson Motors. Innocent Chukwuma was passionate for the people and was core business philosophic of bringing down costs and passing the gain to customers, so, he pioneered the first Made-in-Nigeria Motorcycle brand. In 2002, he  he had successfully driven out tokunbo (foreign used) motorcycles out of Nigeria forever. 
Now in the present, Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing, or IVM, is manufacturing durable and affordable brand new automobiles for Africans. 
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              Here are the ones that made from Uganda in eastern Africa: Kiira Motors Corporation. This corporation is state-owned as a State Enterprise which was established to Champion Value Addition in the Domestic Automotive Industry for Job Creation and Diversification of the Ugandan Economy as a Key Growth Area in Line with Vision 2040. The Equity Partners are Government of the Republic of Uganda represented by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (96%) and Makerere University (4%). More info about Kiira Motors, accordingly, that the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation is mandated to establish the governance and management structures of KMC and Provide Policy Guidance and Oversight to the Nascent Automotive Industry in Uganda. The Uganda government is concerned that, as it stated in the company website info: https://www.kiiramotors.com/about/, the Market Entry Strategy is Assembly of Vehicles and Technology Transfer with Reputable Automotive Manufacturer(s) and Progressive Enhancement of the Domestic Value added in the automotive industry through exploring Sustainable Multi-Sectoral Backward, Forward and Lateral Linkages with Mineral, Agriculture, Industry, ICT, and Transport Sectors for Local Content Participation. In April 2008, the government of Uganda had approved the Roadmap for the Kiira Vehicle Plant and allocated 100 acres of land at the Jinja Industrial and Business Park as it was funded as capitalization for the Construction of the Kiira Vehicle Plant Start-Up Facilities; Purchase of Start –Up Plant Machinery, Equipment and Tools; and Start-Up Operational Capital. That’s a good government strategy for economic and science and technology purpose, right? 
Kiira Motors Corporation was founded by a team of college students and staff members in 2007, at the Makerere University, part of a international consortium called the Vehicle Design Summit (VDS), a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) initiative with the goal of designing and producing the Vision 200.     
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      Part of the Makerere University VDS Team Poses for a Picture in the Vision 200. 
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The Vision 200 on Display at the Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile in Turin, Italy.  
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Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the Faculty of Technology Delegation after a Meeting at State House, Entebbe, December. 
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Paul Isaac Musasizi takes H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for an Exhibition Drive in the Kiira EV at its Launch on 24th November 2011. 
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Her Excellency Angelina Wakapabulo, Uganda’s High Commissioner to Kenya.  
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H.E Yoweri K Museveni congratulates KMC CEO Paul Isaac Musasizi at the Kayoola Solar Bus. 
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The CEO of Kiira Motors Corporation receives the Frost & Sullivan Award. 
There are two other companies that are manufacturing automobiles, such as Nord Motion from Nigeria and Mobius Motors from Kenya. 
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I hope you all like what I posted and I don’t know if there’s any more car manufacturers in Africa, but I got enough to share these facts with you all. Yes, I know Mobius Motors was founded by a white guy who name is Joel Jackson, but I could be sure that the SUV was designed by a black person, but who knows? Anyway, I posted and share my thoughts on Master P’s intention on created the African American owned car manufacturing business, in matter of fact, there was probably was a black person who designed and created a car in between mid or late 19th century or the early 20th century. I believe I’ve already researched a African American figure who was a car manufacturer at that time before, I just forgot who it is, but it’s a good thing, though. It’s also good that Hip Hop mogul Master P partnered up with a black automobile engineer to create a company, and if he have heard about some Africans building cars, he would do business with them; it would at least bring some attention because these African made automobiles deserves attention from the world. I’ll be honest with you all, African Americans and any African decent should do business with Africans in the continent, whether they move there to do business or form a connection from one country to the next one or more. There are most African Americans or Africans in the diaspora moved there to establish businesses while there are most Africans who living in the diaspora invested in Africa as they partnered with their own people. I’ll tell you more details about the true facts about Africa next time. 
So, now I hope you like my blog, feel free to like, share, and comment. Blog you all later, followers.   
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adalidda · 7 months
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Empowering Small Farmers: Seizing Opportunities in the Global Agricultural Market
In the wake of recent disruptions to global agricultural exports, particularly in regions like Ukraine, the international market is witnessing a shift in supply dynamics. This presents a unique opportunity for small-scale farmers and exporters in developing countries to step up and contribute significantly to filling this gap.
Embracing Potential
Small farmers and exporters play a pivotal role in shaping the agricultural landscape of their nations. Now, more than ever, their contribution can extend beyond local markets to global spheres. Crops like wheat, corn, sunflower oil, soybean, and more are in demand globally, and there's a growing need for increased supply.
Seizing the Opportunity
The current scenario offers a prime opportunity for small-scale agricultural players to expand their horizons. By ramping up production and focusing on quality, they can cater to the international market's requirements.
Here's how:
Enhanced Production Techniques: Implementing modern and sustainable farming practices can boost yields and quality.
Crop Diversification: Exploring cultivation of in-demand crops such as wheat, corn, soybean, and oilseeds diversifies options for global exports.
Quality Assurance: Maintaining high standards in crop production and processing ensures competitiveness in the global market.
Overcoming Challenges
While it might seem daunting, various support mechanisms are available:
Government Initiatives: Seek out government programs offering training, subsidies, and resources to enhance agricultural practices.
Access to Technology: Embrace technological advancements in agriculture to improve efficiency and productivity.
Collaboration and Networking: Join hands with local cooperatives or industry associations to share knowledge and resources.
Contributing to Global Markets
Small-scale farmers and exporters are not just producers but potential game-changers in the international market. By scaling up production, they contribute not only to their local economies but also to global food security.
The time is ripe for small farmers and exporters in developing nations to take center stage in the global agricultural market. By leveraging their expertise, adopting innovation, and seizing the current opportunity, they can fill the void left by disruptions and solidify their position as key players in international trade.
The road ahead might present challenges, but with determination, innovation, and collective efforts, small-scale agricultural stakeholders can make a substantial impact on the world stage, ensuring a resilient and sustainable agricultural future.
Let's sow the seeds of change today for a fruitful tomorrow!
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned something new and useful from it. If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in Agriculture and Agribusiness.
Illustration Photo: Ndeye Yacine, a worker in a Farmers Hub, uses a digital application in Pout, Senegal, 2019 June (credits: CTA ACP-EU / Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)
Mr. Kosona Chriv
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Deko Integrated and Agro Processing Limited
3rd and 4th Floors, Idubor House
52 Mission Road
300002 Benin City
Edo State
Phone/WhatsApp: + 2349040848867 (Nigeria) +85510333220 (Cambodia)
Website: https://dekoholding.com
Deko Integrated and Agro Processing Limited is an agricultural firm and exporter of agricultural commodities in Nigeria. We aim to use technologies and innovations to disrupt the cassava value chain in Nigeria. We believe that Nigeria has the potential and resources to become the top exporter of value-added cassava. If you are in the world cassava value chain (food manufacturers, bio-ethanol manufacturers, cassava by-products producers, and investors), we look forward to hearing from you soon and exploring the possibilities of working together. By working together, we can create value for our customers, partners, and stakeholders, as well as make a positive impact on the local communities and the environment. We are committed to delivering high-quality products and services, as well as fostering innovation and sustainability.
If you want to learn more about Deko Group and how we can collaborate, please visit our website https://dekoholding.com
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crimechannels · 10 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade President Tinubu meets Ganduje Service Chiefs approves committee on herders, farmers clashes President Bola Tinubu has approved the establishment of a Presidential Committee for reform of the livestock industry and provision of long-term solutions to recurring clashes between herders and farmers. The President made the announcement on Thursday in Abuja after receiving a report from the National Conference on Livestock Reforms and Mitigation of Associated Conflicts in Nigeria. The conference was convened by the former Executive Governor of Kano State and Chairman of All Progressives’ Congress (APC), Dr Umar Ganduje. The President explained that the committee is expected to collaborate with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security. It is to propose recommendations aimed at fostering peaceful co-existence between herders and farmers while ensuring the security and economic well-being of all Nigerians. “The Federal Government is fully prepared to cover the cost of acquiring the land. “These opportunities will provide gainful employment for our veterinary doctors, while opening doors for the private sector as the provision of new educational opportunities for herders’ and their children emerge. “Medical facilities will be established. This is a life-changing opportunity that we have. “Imagine us producing enough milk for our school children. Imagine us becoming net exporters of cheese and yoghurt. “Imagine us producing the skin massively with a major Nigerian leather industry. “Imagine us providing cold storage facilities and employment across the nation. These things are possibilities in front of us,” the President said. Tinubu commended Ganduje for assembling the best minds and experts to find solutions to the perennial issues between pastoralists and farmers. He also praised the committee members for their diligence in examining the complex issues related to livestock management, land use, and security. “Out of every tragedy, if you are careful, you will see an opportunity. We have faced this conflict for some time. “We know it is a home-grown problem. It is very hard for people to stay away from their traditional, old ways. “I tried in 2018 to bring about a solution to this problem, but it proved elusive. But I’ve been told not to ever give up and today I believe the solution is here. “It is not the fault of herders and farmers that this crisis has persisted. It is the fault of the leadership who failed to find immediate solutions to solve their problems. “Leadership is about thinking and doing,” he said. In his remarks, Ganduje recalled that during his tenure as the governor of Kano state, he had hosted a national conference as part of a deliberate effort to promote the modernisation of livestock production. He explained that it was established to also strengthen the capacity of local authorities to manage relationships and amicably resolve conflicts between herders and farmers. “Mr. President, I am convinced that the report submitted here today has the antidote to the problems of the livestock industry. “It addresses the key reforms and presents various development options required for sustainable development of the sector. “The implementation of the proposals will enhance productivity, improve livelihoods, promote environmental conservation, address substantial causes of conflicts between farmers and pastoralists. ” It will also help reduce the cost of importation of animal products such as milk and beef,” he said. (NAN) #ServiceChiefssetsupCommissiononFarmersHerderscrisis #TinubumeetsGanduje
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easterncurvegarden · 3 years
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‘Endangered Wildlife’ Carved Lantern, October 2021
For several years Eco Zhang has been carving intricately designed lanterns for  Dalston Curve Garden’s annual Pumpkin Lantern Festival.  We were unable to host our Lantern Festival this year, but nevertheless Eco has created a beautiful lantern and it is one with a timely and vital message.
As world leaders gather in Glasgow at the COP26 summit to discuss Climate Change, including its devastating impact on nature, habitats and biodiversity. Eco’s poignant creation is illustrated with wildlife from across the globe, all endangered to varying degrees, some to the edge of extinction. In her own words, she describes the thinking behind her artwork;
“The theme of the pumpkin is inspired by my trip to Namibia last year. Seeing the stunning nature and wildlife has changed the way I see our environment. The balance between human and nature needs to be put at the forefront of sustainable development. We need to remind ourselves that we are living on the same planet sharing the same valuable resource with many others”
We’ve listed below the endangered creatures that have been illustrated by Eco and we’ve included information about them from the World Wildlife Fund’s website. You can read more at worldwildlife.org/species
The Giant Panda, whose status is listed as ‘vulnerable’ is threatened by habitat loss in the forests of Southwest China. Severe threats from humans have left just over 1,800 pandas in the wild.
The Amur Leopard is important ecologically, economically and culturally. Illegal wildlife trade and prey scarcity in North-Eastern China & the Russian Far East  have led to its status being listed as ‘critically endangered’. 
The rarely-seen Saola, often called the Asian Unicorn, was discovered in 1992 in North-Central Vietnam and is already ‘critically endangered’.  Scientists have categorically documented Saola in the wild on just four occasions and none exist in captivity. 
Sunda Tigers — estimated to be fewer than 400 remaining today are holding on for survival in the remaining patches of forest on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. They are listed as ‘critically endangered’.
The Enigmatic Owlet-Nightjar, endemic to New Caledonia’s Melaleuca Savanna and humid forests, has not been sighted since 1998. The bird has been classified as ‘critically endangered’ as its population is unlikely to number more than 50 individuals.
Populations of Black Rhino declined dramatically in the 20th century at the hands of European hunters and settlers, with numbers dropping by 98% to less than 2,500, between 1960 and 1995. Thanks to persistent conservation efforts across Africa, Black Rhino numbers have doubled from their historic low 20 years ago to around 5,600 today, although they are still considered ‘critically endangered’.
The ‘endangered’ Asian Elephant is the largest land mammal on the Asian continent. They are threatened by loss of forest and grassland habitats in South and Southeast Asia, as well as human-elephant conflict, poaching and illegal wildlife trade. 
Humans have encroached upon the territory of the Cross River Gorilla, clearing forests in Cameroon and Nigeria for timber and to create fields for agriculture and livestock. Its status is ‘critically endangered’.
Because of ongoing and potential loss to their sea-ice habitat, resulting from Climate Change, Polar Bears were listed as a ‘threatened species’ in the US under the ‘Endangered Species Act’ in 2008. 
North Atlantic Right Whale is one of the most ‘endangered’ of all large whales, with a long history of human exploitation and no signs of recovery despite protection from whaling since the 1930s
The ‘critically endangered’ Hawksbill Turtle is threatened by the loss of nesting and feeding habitats in the world's tropical oceans, by excessive egg collection, fishery-related mortality, pollution, and coastal development. It is most threatened by wildlife trade. 
The Northern Brown Howler is one of the world’s most endangered primate species, with potentially as few as 50 mature individuals in the wild. Its  conservation status is ‘critically endangered’ because of the destruction of its habitat in the forested parts of Brazil. 
While the Blue Throated Macaw has a high population in captivity, in its native home of North-central Bolivia it is on the verge of extinction, with estimates of only between 350 - 400 birds surviving. It is ‘critically endangered’. 
While it’s hard not to feel depressed, almost to the point of feeling helpless, when reading about these levels of habitat destruction and species decline, it makes us even more determined to double our efforts to use all of the Garden’s resources and platforms to fight for nature and biodiversity, beginning with what we can do here at home in Hackney. 
Thanks to Eco and her pumpkin lantern for focusing our attention in such a bittersweet way. You can see more of her beautiful art work at: instagram.com/ecozhangdesign
Thanks to Sandra Keating for her lovely photos which are copyright Dalston Eastern Curve Garden.
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brandspurng · 10 months
Latest National and Local Breaking News in Nigeria
In today's fast-paced world, staying updated with the latest news is essential, especially when it comes to national and local breaking news. Nigeria, a country known for its diverse culture, vibrant cities, and complex socio-political landscape, is no stranger to news that captures the attention of its citizens. Let's dive into the significant events making headlines today:
National News:
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Political Developments: In a significant political development, the National Assembly has passed a new bill aimed at reforming the electoral process. The bill, which has been in the works for several months, proposes changes to voting procedures, campaign financing, and the role of independent electoral bodies. This move is expected to shape the upcoming elections and potentially enhance the transparency and fairness of Nigeria's democratic processes.
Economic Growth: Nigeria's economy is showing signs of resilience as it records a higher than expected GDP growth rate for the past quarter. This growth is attributed to increased agricultural output, a boost in manufacturing, and steady progress in the technology sector. Analysts are cautiously optimistic about the potential for sustained economic development, but challenges such as inflation and unemployment still require attention.
Security Concerns: On the security front, authorities have successfully carried out a series of raids targeting criminal elements across various regions. These operations have led to the arrest of several individuals involved in organized crime, arms smuggling, and cyberattacks. The government is intensifying efforts to ensure the safety and security of its citizens.
Local News:
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Education Initiative: In local news, a grassroots education initiative is gaining traction in a rural community in northern Nigeria. A group of volunteers and educators have come together to establish a community-driven school aimed at providing quality education to children who have limited access to formal schooling. This heartwarming endeavor showcases the power of local communities in driving positive change.
Cultural Festival: Residents of a vibrant southern city are gearing up for an upcoming cultural festival that celebrates the region's rich heritage. The festival will feature traditional music, dance, art, and cuisine, providing a platform for both locals and visitors to immerse themselves in the cultural tapestry of the region.
Infrastructure Upgrade: A long-awaited infrastructure project has been initiated in a bustling urban center. The project, which focuses on upgrading local roads and transportation networks, aims to alleviate traffic congestion and enhance connectivity within the city. This move is expected to have a positive impact on the daily lives of residents and businesses.
In conclusion, today's national and local breaking news Nigeria underscore the dynamic nature of the country. From political reforms and economic growth to grassroots initiatives and cultural celebrations, Nigeria continues to make strides in various domains. Staying informed about these developments not only helps us understand the present but also shapes the path toward a better future.
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