#Agriculture Image Labeling
haivoai · 11 months
Empowering Agriculture with Precision: Image Labeling, Dataset Creation, and AI Training Data
Discover how HAIVO AI, your trusted AI training data company, is enhancing agriculture image labeling and dataset creation. We provide the foundation for your AI projects, ensuring accuracy and excellence.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
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Trail cameras in the mountains of Turkey captured a rare sighting of a leopard species previously considered extinct for decades, officials said. The Anatolian leopard was filmed prowling around the mountains in two separate regions, Turkey’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry said in a Thursday, Jan. 26, news release. Vahit Kirişci, a ministry official, shared footage of the wildcat on Facebook. [...] Anatolian leopards are an endangered species, Turkish officials said. The last leopard was thought to be killed in 1974, and the species was considered extinct for 45 years. However, a male Anatolian leopard was spotted in 2019. Researchers have traced the rare leopard species to four regions in Turkey, but little is known about the animal’s population size and distribution, according to the release. [...] Turkish officials did not specify where the leopard was seen or when the different videos were taken. Experts estimate only 10 to 15 Anatolian leopards still live in the wild, according to Biology Online. [...]
All content above, headline, image, caption, and text published by: Aspen Pflughoeft. “Elusive and rare leopard - considered extinct for 45 years - caught on film in Turkey.” Miami Herald. 26 January 2023.
For context, the historic and current distribution range of the leopard:
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Leopards are now extinct across most of their former habitat throughout Asia. Most of this extinction happened only since 1900 AD.
The “Anatolian leopard” of the Anatolian peninsula and eastern Mediterranean is sometimes considered to be a variation of and synonymous with the so-called “Persian leopard” which lives nearby in the Caucasus and Persia. Together, the Anatolian and Persian leopards are referred to either as Panthera pardus saxicolor or Panthera pardus tulliana.
Here is the current known distribution range of the recognized subspecies of leopard. On this map, the Anatolian and Persian leopards are labeled as “P.p. saxicolor” range and shown in orange color:
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More recent images of the Anatolian leopard within Turkey. These screenshots are from the social media page of Vahit Kirişci, January 2023: 
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haru-dipthong · 1 year
罠英語・Trap Words pt 1
和製英語(わせいえいご)are Japanese words that have some origin in English, but have been appropriated by the Japanese speaking community. Often, if converted from katakana to English, they won’t be real English words (which can sometimes lead to funny mistranslations on signs).
シャーペン → shar-pen?? ❌ → mechanical pencil ✅
トランプ → trump?? ❌ → playing cards ✅
ベビーカー → baby car?? ❌ → stroller/pram ✅
However, there is a subcategory of 和製英語 which is particularly insidious, as a japanese learner. I’m gonna call them 罠英語 - trap words. They appear to be a normal English word simply converted into kanakana, but although they look like a regular old loan word, they are actually a Japanese misinterpretation or reinterpretation of an English word.
マンション → mansion ❌ → condominium/apartment ✅
The most well known example is probably マンション. Each of these words has a history which explains how they became trap words. In マンション’s case, it was business. In the 1960s, Japanese developers were building luxury housing complexes, but wanted to differentiate them from other housing complexes that had a low-class image, like public housing.¹ As far as I can tell, it wasn’t just one company, and マンション wasn’t a brand name. They created a whole new word, borrowing from English. Since then, the word マンション evolved to have a wider and wider scope, now including not just luxury housing complexes but any housing complex.
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ジュース → juice ❌ → juice/soft drink/sports drink/mixer ✅
This one drives me up the wall because of how different it is from English. ジュース is a huge umbrella term which includes Coke, Aquarius, ramune, flavoured milk(!!), and actual orange juice. It does NOT include coffee, tea, anything with alcohol, or lemon juice(!!). Why not lemon juice? Because ジュース kinda means “beverage”. You don't usually drink lemon juice straight, so it’s not ジュース. Instead, you call lemon juice レモン汁. There are plenty of recipes on the japanese recipe sharing website Cookpad for レモンジュース, and most of them involve diluting actual lemon juice in carbonated water and mixing it with sugar or honey.²
Apparently, up until the 1960s (〜昭和40年), the word ジュース was not regulated, which meant Japanese brands were free to label fruit flavoured drinks as ジュース, even if they had no actual fruit juice in them. This changed in late 1967, when, thanks to pressure from consumer groups, the Japanese Agricultural Standard Law (JAS法) was revised to include a regulatory definition of the word ジュース: 「果汁100%のもの以外は、『ジュース』という名称で販売できない」(100% fruit juice).³ Even the wikipedia article for ジュース defines it using the JAS definition.⁴ However, the word ジュース had already entered common usage before the law came into effect, and it’s still used today to mean any non-coffee, non-tea, non-alcoholic, sweet beverage, especially ones sold from a vending machine. I believe the prevalence of vending machines may have led to the spread of this word. Another reason ジュース has not been adopted in common use may be that Japanese already has a word for fruit juice - 果汁. Languages dislike redundancy, so it’s natural that one of the two would have changed to have a different meaning. Many native Japanese speakers are unaware of the regulatory definition⁵, (and even then, regulations shouldn’t and don’t dictate how language is used in everyday conversation) so it’s important to be careful!
ノート → note ❌ → notebook ✅
In Japanese, it’s rare that a common word will be longer than 4 kana sounds long (aka morae). Similarly in English, we don’t end to use words that are over 4 syllables long very often. In English, the word “notebook” is 2 syllables, nice and short. But when you convert it into Japanese, it becomes ノートブック, a whole 6 morae! No one has time to say all that! Since English can fit multiple consonants into a single syllable but Japanese can’t, when converting to Japanese, lots of additional vowels get added in, which extends the word. That’s why loan words in Japanese tend to get abbreviated: ビル for building, リモコン for remote control, ティアキン for “Tears of the Kingdom”.⁶ It’s only natural that ノートブック would get abbreviated to ノート. It’s just an unlucky coincidence that “note” happens to be an English word as well. The word for "note" in Japanese is メモ!
This is why the Death Note is called a note, even though it’s not a note, and also gives us this slightly おかしい translation.
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I’m keen to post more about these trap words since dictionaries are often quite prescriptivist about the meanings, and it’s hard to get a good idea of what the word means without talking to Japanese people. I also find the histories quite interesting. Let me know if you’re interested! I have a feeling these words (besides ジュース) may be kinda common knowledge, but I hope the explanations were interesting! I think next time I'll talk about some ones that are less commonly known.
[1]: https://www.homes.co.jp/cont/buy_mansion/buy_mansion_00137/ [2]: https://cookpad.com/search/レモンジュース [3]: https://www.meg-snow.com/customer/center/communication/pdf/center12.pdf [4]: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ジュース [5]: https://macaro-ni.jp/36654 [6]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_abbreviated_and_contracted_words
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"youre being an alarmist"
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The party of Telling on Themselves is actually conflating queer ppl/our allies with pedophiles and would happily see us tried to death as pedophiles if we get in between Desantis and human rights.
Fascist ideologues taught that national identity was the foundation of individual identity and should not be corrupted by foreign influences, especially if they were left-wing. Nazism condemned Marxist and liberal internationalisms as threats to German national unity.
Fascists in general wanted to replace internationalist class solidarity with nationalist class collaboration. The Italian, French, and Spanish notion of integral nationalism was hostile to individualism and political pluralism. Unlike democratic conservatives, fascists accused their political opponents of being less “patriotic” than they, sometimes even labeling them “traitors.”
Fascists often blamed their countries’ problems on scapegoats. Jews, Freemasons, Marxists, and immigrants were prominent among the groups that were demonized. According to fascist propaganda, the long depression of the 1930s resulted less from insufficient government regulation of the economy or inadequate lower-class purchasing power than from “Judeo-Masonic-bolshevik” conspiracies, left-wing agitation, and the presence of immigrants. The implication was that depriving these demons of their power and influence would cause the nation’s major problems to go away.
Which includes everyone else they targeted of course. Queer folk included. For depriving the Aryan race of children.
From the same entry:
Fascists praised the Volk and pandered to populist anti-intellectualism. Nazi art criticism, for example, upheld the populist view that the common man was the best judge of art and that art that did not appeal to popular taste was decadent. Also populist was the Nazi propaganda theme that Hitler was a “new man” who had “emerged from the depth of the people.”
This is the ideology behind banning drag. Labeling it as legally obscene which generally means "offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency." There is no singular legal definition. Whatever locals see fit. Which is how Desantis is getting away with what he's doing.
Pretty direct tie to that is this next bit:
Revolutionary Image
[...] Under the Third Reich, Goebbels subsidized an exhibition of modern art not to celebrate its glory but to expose its decadence; he called it simply the “Exhibition of Degenerate Art.” Fascism’s claims to newness did not prevent its propagandists from pandering to fearful traditionalists who associated cultural modernism with secular humanism, feminism, sexual license, and the destruction of the Christian family.
And for all the leftists constantly saying to disregard the rural, more conservative areas like the ones I'm in. To the ones saying "they're a useless effort" and to focus on cities.
Fascists also pandered to antiurban feelings. The Nazis won most of their electoral support from rural areas and small towns. In Nazi propaganda the ideal German was not an urban intellectual but a simple peasant, and uprooted intellectualism was considered a threat to the deep, irrational sources of the Volk soul. Jews were often portrayed—and therefore condemned—as quintessential city dwellers. In 1941 La Rocque commented: “The theory of ‘families of good stock who have their roots in the earth’ leads us to conclusions not far from [those of] Walter Darre, Minister of Agriculture for the Reich.” Romanian fascism relied heavily on the support of landed peasants who distrusted the “wicked” city. The agrarian wing of Japanese fascism praised the peasant soldier and denigrated the industrial worker.
Yeah. Gives new meaning to "those damn city folk" which is you guessed it: a dogwhistle.
"oh but the Democrats aren't racist or-" I mean they are but even if they weren't:
Varieties of fascism
Just as Marxists, liberals, and conservatives differed within and between various countries, so too did fascists. In some countries there were rivalries between native fascist movements over personal, tactical, and other differences. Fascist movements also displayed significant differences with respect to their acceptance of racism and particularly anti-Semitism, their identification with Christianity, and their support for Nazi Germany.
Identification with Christianity
Most fascist movements portrayed themselves as defenders of Christianity and the traditional Christian family against atheists and amoral humanists. This was true of Catholic fascist movements in Poland, Spain, Portugal, France, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil.
[...]Although fascists in Germany and Italy also posed as protectors of the church, their ideologies contained many elements that conflicted with traditional Christian beliefs, and their policies were sometimes opposed by church leaders. The Nazis criticized the Christian ideals of meekness and guilt on the grounds that they repressed the violent instincts necessary to prevent inferior races from dominating Aryans
Sound familiar maybe?
Many fascist ideas derived from the reactionary backlash to the progressive revolutions of 1789, 1830, 1848, and 1871 and to the secular liberalism and social radicalism that accompanied these upheavals
Secular liberalism- Political ideology: Secular liberalism is a form of liberalism in which secularist principles and values, and sometimes non-religious ethics, are especially emphasised. It supports the separation of religion and state.
Radical politics denotes the intent to transform or replace the fundamental principles of a society or political system, often through social change, structural change, revolution or radical reform. The process of adopting radical views is termed radicalisation.
So they just took advantage of people in rural areas, used their support for subtle fascist policies to develop fascism and silence to people who opposed them fascism. In a time of social upheaval. Huh.
That's funny, it sounds just like the radicalization of people in rural areas across the US that are sick of the status quo and politicians using that momentum to push discriminatory bills and silence opposition... happening right now...in 2023 after a few years of protests in a row.
This one's easier to read in modern day if you interpret this as being "anti-woke"
Racial Darwinists such as Vogt, Haeckel, Treitschke, Langbehn, Lagarde, and Chamberlain glorified the survival of the fittest, scolded humanitarians for attempting to protect the racially unfit, and rejected the idea of social equality (“Equality is death, hierarchy is life,” wrote Langbehn). Chamberlain saw no reason to give inferior races equal rights. Treitschke raged against democracy, socialism, and feminism (all of which he attributed to Jews), insisted that might made right, and praised warrior imperialism (“Brave peoples expand, cowardly peoples perish”).
But surely it couldn't have listed even trad-wives and the divine feminist TERF nonsense right???
In the late 19th century many conservative nationalists were philosophical idealists who accused liberals and socialists of materialism and thereby portrayed their own politics as more spiritual.
And lastly:
Although in principle there were significant differences between fascism and nonfascist conservatism, the two camps shared some of the same goals, which in times of crisis led some nonfascists to collaborate with fascists.
As Weiss observed, “Any study of fascism which centers too narrowly on the fascists and Nazis alone may miss the true significance of right-wing extremism. For without necessarily becoming party members or accepting the entire range of party principles themselves, aristocratic landlords, army officers, government and civil service officials, and important industrialists in Italy and Germany helped bring fascists to power.”
[...]During the Great Depression, thousands of middle-class conservatives fearful of the growing power of the left abandoned traditional right-wing parties and adopted fascism. The ideological distance traveled from traditional conservatism to Nazism was sometimes small, since many of the ideas that Hitler exploited in the 1930s had long been common currency within the German right.
Fascists also received support from Christian conservatives. Between 1930 and 1932 Hitler was supported by many Protestant voters in rural Prussia, and after 1933 the Catholic church in Germany largely accommodated itself to his regime. In 1933 the Vatican, which had previously interdicted Catholic membership in socialist organizations, signed a concordat with Germany that forbade priests to speak out on politics and gave Hitler a say in naming bishops.
The postwar period to the end of the 20th century
[...]Neofascist parties differed from earlier fascist movements in several significant respects, many of them having to do with the profound political, economic, and social changes that took place in Europe in the first decades after the end of the war.
For example, whereas fascists assigned much of the blame for their countries’ economic problems to the machinations of bolsheviks, liberals, and Jews, neofascists tended to focus on non-European immigrants—such as Turks, Pakistanis, and Algerians—who arrived in increasing numbers beginning in the 1970s.
[...] Finally, the gradual acceptance of democratic norms by the vast majority of western Europeans reduced the appeal of authoritarian ideologies and required that neofascist parties make a concerted effort to portray themselves as democratic and “mainstream.”
Some neofascists even included words like “democratic” and “liberal” in the titles of their movements.
Most neofascists abandoned the outward trappings of earlier fascist parties, such as paramilitary uniforms and Roman salutes, and many explicitly denounced fascist policies or denied that their parties were fascist. Noting this transformation, in 1996 Roger Eatwell cautioned: “Beware of men—and women—wearing smart Italian suits: the colour is now gray, the material is cut to fit the times, but the aim is still power.…Fascism is on the move once more, even if its most sophisticated forms have learned to dress to suit the times.” Similarly, historian Richard Wolin described these movements as “designer fascism.”
As with fascist movements of the interwar period, neofascist movements differed from one another in various respects.
The rhetoric of neofascists in Russia and the Balkans, for example, tended to be more openly brutal and militaristic than that of the majority of their Western counterparts.
[...] Portuguese, British, and (for a time) Italian neofascists advocated corporatism, in contrast to French and many other Western neofascists, who promoted free-market capitalism and lower taxes. In the 1990s in Russia and eastern Europe, neofascist movements were generally more leftist than their counterparts in western Europe, emphasizing the interests of workers and peasants over those of the urban middle class and calling for “mixed” socialist and capitalist economies.
One of the largest neofascist movements in western Europe in the 1990s was the Italian Social Movement (Movimento Sociale Italiano [MSI]; renamed the National Alliance [Alleanza Nazionale] in 1994). Founded in 1946, it was led at various times by Giorgio Almirante, Augusto De Marsanich, Arturo Michelini, and Gianfranco Fini. As an official in Mussolini’s Italian Social Republic, a puppet state established by the Germans in northern Italy in 1944, Almirante oversaw the regime’s propaganda machinery.
When the MSI was launched in 1946, Almirante sought to give it a modern image, urging its members to “beware of representing fascism in a grotesque way, or at any rate, in an outdated, anachronistic, and stupidly nostalgic way.”
Fascists aren't stupid and they've had a long time to plan out how to make their beliefs publicly acceptable.
Tumblr user daj2793 is showing us how that includes aligning their opponents with people that the majority would find reprehensible to defend.
It's a very simple pill to swallow if you don't know what's in it.
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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Rosalind Franklin, chemist and DNA crystallographer.
Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) has been called “the unsung hero of the double helix” after she failed to win recognition for her work in discovering the double-helix DNA.
Rosalind was born in London to a wealthy Jewish family. She studied chemistry at Cambridge University. She then went on to study the structures of carbon in coal, and later, viruses in plants and animals. In the 1940s, she studied plant viruses that blighted important agricultural crops, including the potato, turnip, tomato and pea. In 1957, she conducted research into the virus that causes polio.
In 1953, she made the most important discovery in her career. Using x-ray equipment and a micro-camera, Franklin photographed and analyzed samples of DNA. In May 1952, Franklin and a graduate student took a ground-breaking photo, labelled #51, which unequivocally provided the first clear image of DNA and its helical pattern.
Franklin’s research results had been passed to fellow scientists James Crick and Francis Watson without her knowledge or permission. Her photo, and her precise analysis of the x-ray diffraction data inspired Crick and Watson to reject their initial idea of a three-helix molecule and make the necessary calculations to develop the double helix model of the DNA strand we now know. Without Franklin, there likely would have been no global recognition for Watson and Crick and no Nobel Prize.
Crick and Watson were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962. Franklin had already died of ovarian cancer in 1957 at the tragically young age of 37. When Crick and Watson were given their prize they not only did not acknowledge Franklin’s contribution to their work, they never even mentioned her name in any of their publications.
Franklin may not have been recognized during her lifetime, but years later, Watson and Crick did eventually acknowledge her contributions. In a book published in 1968, “The Double Helix” Watson wrote, “The instant I saw the picture my mouth fell open and my pulse began to race. The black cross of reflections which dominated the picture could only arise from a helical structure.”
There is now a Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in Chicago, which was originally founded in 1912 as the Chicago Hospital-College of Medicine, and was renamed after Franklin in 2004. Franklin has also become greater known among the general public, and was placed fifth in the 2018 BBC History Magazine poll of the world’s most influential women.
Finally, years after her death, Rosalind Franklin, whose work was instrumental in unlocking the structure of DNA, is receiving the recognition she deserved for so long.
Historical Photos of Women's Stories
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 7 months
i found this awesome artist Libor Balák who paints a lot of prehistoric reconstructions for museums etc. i did already know some of his paitnings but wasn't aware what his name is... he deserves to be recognised for his works... so here are his reconstructions of the Lengyel culture taken from his website (one of my favourite cultures btw)
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This Neolithic culture has left a distinctive archaeological signature centred in southern Moravia, but also included southwest Slovakia and adjacent parts of Austria and Hungary. Temporally belongs to late Neolithic – about 5000 B.C.
Colourfully decorated ceramics constituted a distinct element of this culture, which subsequently spread into northern Poland, Bohemia and central Germany. Apart from pots, ceramic spoons, ladles, cubic lamplets and models of various objects and structures are known from southern Moravia. This society also possessed advanced agriculture.
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Model of a small dwelling is transformed into reality
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Ceramic fragment labelled as a ship  is transformed into watercraft decoration – a monoxylon manufactured from a single piece of tree trunk
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The meaning of the nakedness of the figurines is also controversial; some of the figurines could have had clothes painted on them..
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The painting displays the technological stages of Venus figurine manufacture
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The Middle European Lengyel statuettes are first of all of a high handcrafted quality and very decorative. The shapes and patterns are taken over from the earlier statuettes. Some of them bear specific anatomical and ethnographic elements, such as the Venuse with schematic curly hair.
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This statuette has schematic straight hair.
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One of the many pieces of the Venus figurines from Neolithic era, found in South Moravia. This fraction has a preserved coloration with geometrical patterns.The figurine is uncomplete, it could also have had complet clothing. 
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The figurine of a woman in a skirt is decorated with ceramic lugs. The statuette could also be wearing a complete dress, not only a skirt on a bare body
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The reconstructive transformation on this picture analyzes the skew elements in the place of the shoulder blades – it could be draped textiles
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On this statuette found in Austria we can see the preserved traces of the original painting. The interesting fact is also the hole between it´s tights. It could serve for interlacing of the waistcloth or, less probably, for fixing of the figure to the base; the fingertips would hinder the perfect fixing. The image represents the possibilities of the painting interpretation – the decorative leggings on the tights, tattooes, paintings on the skin and a necklace in the form of boar tusks. We can also see the decoration on the neck.  
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fiercefauna · 8 months
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Ancient Egyptian god Osiris seen here doing the “Land o’ Lakes” Yes, I used a symmetry tool.
Land o lakes is a farmer-owned dairy co-op in the US. They used to have a woman on their label. The woman wore a kitschy-idyllic “native” costume and was removed out of respect to North American First Nations. It always made me consider the idyllic way agriculture is often depicted. Not that land o lakes is a big offender but that image was so powerful - and almost comical.
I try to depict Ancient Egypt in unconventional ways. Seeking to finally perceive as human, a people often depicted as otherworldly and strange.
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.                                            Are Mexicans lazy? 
                           The Mexican stereotype of lazy is damaging to society . 
 Are Mexicans lazy? The stereotype of Mexicans as lazy is not unfamiliar to many, often depicted in images of a Mexican character lounging under a sombrero. However, what many people fail to recognize is how this stereotype is damaging to society.
This stereotype perpetuates discrimination in various aspects of life, affecting employment opportunities, educational access, and social interactions. When individuals are unfairly labeled as lazy, they encounter biases that obstruct their ability to secure resources, job prospects, and equitable treatment. This discrimination contributes not only to economic  but also to social disparities , creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that hampers access to education, employment, and other opportunities. Consequently, it becomes even more challenging for individuals to break free from the cycle of poverty, perpetuating economic inequality. Moreover, stereotypes such as the one portraying Mexicans as lazy hinder social cohesion. They sow divisions and prejudices that erode a sense of unity and shared responsibility within society. Stereotyping nurtures an "us versus them" mentality, complicating efforts to address common issues and foster inclusive communities.
In stark contrast to the stereotype, Mexicans make significant contributions to various sectors of the economy, including agriculture, construction, and hospitality. Branding them as lazy disregards their substantial contributions and the value they bring to the workforce. This stereotype not only damages the reputation of Mexican workers but also constrains the nation's economic potential. Stereotypes have severe psychological effects on individuals. When Mexicans are persistently portrayed as lazy, it can lead to feelings of inferiority, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. These mental health issues can have lasting consequences on their well-being and personal development .
The stereotype of laziness can also negatively affect the education of Mexican children. Teachers and educators, influenced by this stereotype, may unknowingly hold lower expectations for these students, resulting in reduced opportunities and resources for academic growth. This perpetuates a self-perpetuating cycle of limited achievement. Beyond the workplace and classroom, the stereotype of Mexican laziness strains social relationships. It fosters an atmosphere of prejudice and misunderstanding, hampering the ability of individuals to connect across different cultural backgrounds. This isolation further marginalizes Mexican communities.
In conclusion, the stereotype of Mexican laziness is a harmful and unfounded generalization with far-reaching consequences for both individuals and society. It perpetuates discrimination, reinforces inequality, hinders social cohesion, stifles economic growth, undermines mental health, impacts education, and strains social relationships. To create a more inclusive and just society, it is crucial that we challenge and dismantle stereotypes like this one. Recognizing the harm these stereotypes cause and actively working to eliminate them is essential for promoting fairness, equality, and unity in our diverse communities.
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krtart · 2 years
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[Image description: A diagram of the Spire that labels its basic features. The Spire is a thin tower that is roughly 14 miles (23 km) tall with a habitat dome at its peak. It is supported by a column that stretches an unknown distance into the abyss. End ID.]
Abime Spire
          The Spire is an enormous building constructed within a pocket dimension. As such, it doesn’t technically exist in any one universe and can touch almost any realm. It was originally intended to be able to support a self-contained city with many thousands of inhabitants. But the magic that was used to create it was poorly understood by its creators, and has led to consequences that none of them intended.
         The Spire is not, in fact, a safe haven between worlds and a pathway to free exploration; it has instead turned into a vortex which never releases that which it touches. Visitors to the Spire are bound to it, body and soul, and many must spend the majority of their time within it or face debilitating side-effects.
         The inhabitants of the Spire who have already been trapped are doing their best at damage control, and so far there are fewer than 1,000 people bound to the Spire. It’s an unusual life. Some resources are scarce at times, and the realm itself can seem cold and isolating. Fights are also not uncommon, be they between disagreeing members of the Spire or attacks from outside forces.
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Population & Locations
Full time population (500) vs. part-time population (150):
People are bound to the Spire to varying degrees; some only need to visit it once every few months or so, while others must spend most of their time there, or can’t leave the realm too many times in a row.
Some people also choose to live in the Spire full-time even if they don’t necessarily need to.
Upper levels & the habitat dome:
500 people in such an enormous tower means that the vast majority of the place is more or less abandoned. The main population is concentrated in the upper levels and habitat dome.
The Spire has many places scattered throughout it that simulate the outdoors, and the habitat dome is the largest of these spaces. Its grounds are mostly dedicated to park and garden areas, but there are also several buildings: a few caretaker houses, a small theater, a public bathhouse, and some apartment and viewing towers.
Lower levels:
The lower levels in the main neck of the Spire are minimally inhabited. Some people prefer to live “rurally,” and there are also a few small independent communities that prefer to manage their own affairs.
There are also some folk who actively avoid the main populace of the Spire for one reason or another. (Clemcy’s forces, for example, had taken over part of the lower levels prior to Clemcy’s truce with the Spire leadership.)
The ascent:
This part of the Spire is largely abandoned, and partly unformed in some ways. Space here can get a bit malleable—intentionally so. It was meant to be fully designed at a later date in response to population growth or specific environmental and atmospheric needs.
As it is, pathways and rooms form in loose response to a combination of someone’s subconscious expectations, the procedural generation parameters that were hardwired into the Spire during its creation, and the alien motivations of the Spire itself. They can dissipate just as quickly.
It’s very easy to misplace things, but not as easy to get lost as one might fear—if you think you’re making your way back to the normal levels, you probably will be.
Escape bunker:
The bunker has no permanent residents, but it is regularly maintained and contains a portion of the Spire’s agricultural efforts. In an emergency, the entire bunker can be teleported to another realm, taking anyone within it along for the ride and providing resources and shelter in the new world.
It’s been used for this purpose a few times. Bringing it back to the Spire has been a pretty major production each time.
Defense rails:
These contain automated defense systems, wards, and rapid transit tubes to provide shelter and transportation for some of the Spire’s defense personnel and drones.
The depths:
If the ascent is intentionally formless, the depths are very unintentional in their amorphous nature. They were an unexpected product of the Spire’s procedural generation. The Spire’s realm used to have a defined ground surface, but it… very much does not, now. There’s just the Spire and the depths.
Space gets very malleable in the depths, and they have been only minimally explored. Some strange creatures have taken up residence there. So far, most attempts at communication have failed.
Dalgiroth says that the space is “interesting” and refuses to help make it more habitable for normal mortals.
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haivoai · 1 year
Enhance Agriculture with AI Image Labeling | Haivo
Boost your agricultural projects with expert AI image labeling services from Haivo. We specialize in dataset creation for precise AI training data. Transform your farming initiatives with accurate results. Get started today! Click here to know more.
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gts1234 · 1 day
Unlock the Power of AI with High-Quality Image Classification Datasets
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In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the significance of a well-structured image classification dataset cannot be overstated. It forms the foundation for training AI models to accurately categorize and classify objects, scenes, or actions within an image. Whether it’s recognizing handwritten digits, identifying specific products in retail, or diagnosing medical conditions from X-rays, image classification is critical for countless applications. At GTS AI, we specialize in providing image classification services to ensure your AI models are trained with high-quality data for optimum performance.
What is Image Classification?
Image classification is a process in machine learning where an AI model learns to assign predefined labels or categories to an image based on its content. This process requires a vast dataset of labeled images, which the model uses to understand the features and characteristics that define each category. The more diverse and accurate the dataset, the better the AI model becomes at making accurate predictions.
For example, in an e-commerce setting, an image classification model can categorize product images into predefined classes such as "shoes," "electronics," "furniture," and "clothing." Similarly, in medical imaging, AI models can be trained to detect and classify abnormalities like tumors or lesions in X-rays or MRI scans.
The Importance of a High-Quality Image Classification Dataset
A robust and well-annotated image classification dataset is essential for training an accurate machine learning model. Here are some key reasons why a high-quality dataset matters:
Improved Model Accuracy: High-quality datasets with precise annotations help train models that make fewer mistakes and provide accurate classifications. The better the data, the higher the likelihood that the AI system will identify and categorize images correctly in real-world situations.
Faster Training Time: Well-labeled and structured datasets allow machine learning models to learn faster and more efficiently. With clear and consistent labels, models can process and understand data quicker, reducing the time required for training.
Scalability: As AI models evolve, they require more complex datasets to remain effective. A scalable image classification dataset ensures that the model continues to improve as more data becomes available, allowing it to handle increasingly complex tasks.
Versatility: Image classification datasets are adaptable across industries. Whether you’re working in healthcare, retail, agriculture, or security, the ability to provide accurate image classification enables AI systems to deliver effective solutions in a variety of fields.
How Image Classification Works
Image classification models rely on deep learning techniques such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to process images and extract useful features. Here’s how the process works:
Dataset Collection: The first step involves gathering a large dataset of images, each labeled with the correct class. For instance, in a dataset for classifying animals, each image would be labeled as "cat," "dog," "bird," etc.
Data Preprocessing: Images in the dataset are preprocessed to ensure consistency. This includes resizing images, normalizing pixel values, and applying data augmentation techniques like rotation, cropping, or flipping to increase diversity in the dataset.
Model Training: The annotated dataset is fed into a machine learning model, often a CNN, which learns to detect patterns and features within the images. During training, the model adjusts its internal parameters based on the labeled examples, improving its ability to classify new, unseen images.
Model Testing and Validation: After training, the model is tested on a separate set of data (the validation set) to evaluate its accuracy and generalization capabilities. The model’s performance is fine-tuned by comparing its predictions against the actual labels.
Real-World Application: Once the model achieves satisfactory accuracy, it is deployed for real-world image classification tasks, such as identifying objects in a surveillance video, diagnosing medical conditions, or recommending products on an e-commerce site.
Applications of Image Classification Across Industries
Image classification has far-reaching applications in numerous industries. Here are some of the key use cases:
Healthcare: AI-powered image classification is revolutionizing healthcare by helping doctors detect and diagnose diseases from medical images. For example, image classification models can identify tumors in X-rays, categorize different stages of cancer, or detect retinal diseases from eye scans.
Retail and E-commerce: Image classification enhances the customer experience by enabling AI systems to automatically categorize products, recommend similar items, and detect defects or counterfeit products. For instance, in e-commerce, a user can upload an image, and the system will classify and recommend related products.
Agriculture: In agriculture, AI models trained on image classification datasets help farmers monitor crop health, detect pests, and assess yield potential. Image classification can identify signs of plant diseases early, allowing farmers to take timely actions to prevent damage.
Security and Surveillance: Security systems use image classification to detect unusual behavior or identify objects in surveillance footage. AI can be trained to recognize faces, detect weapons, or flag suspicious activities in real time, improving safety and response times.
Autonomous Vehicles: Autonomous vehicles rely on image classification models to recognize and classify objects on the road, such as pedestrians, traffic signs, and other vehicles. This is crucial for making real-time decisions and ensuring safe navigation.
Why Choose GTS AI for Image Classification Services?
At GTS AI, we provide top-notch image classification services to help businesses train accurate and reliable AI models. Here’s why partnering with us ensures the success of your image classification projects:
Expert Annotators: Our team of experienced annotators meticulously labels images to ensure the highest accuracy and consistency. Whether you need simple object classification or complex multi-label datasets, we’ve got you covered.
Advanced Tools: We use cutting-edge tools and technologies to speed up the annotation process without compromising on quality. Our tools are designed to handle large-scale image datasets, ensuring efficiency and precision.
Custom Solutions: We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of your industry. Whether you need datasets for healthcare, retail, or any other sector, we provide flexible and customized solutions to match your project requirements.
Data Security: We prioritize data security and confidentiality, ensuring that your sensitive information is protected throughout the annotation process.
Image classification is a cornerstone of modern AI, enabling systems to understand and interpret visual data. A high-quality image classification dataset is key to building accurate, efficient, scalable AI models. At GTS AI, we specialize in providing comprehensive image classification services that ensure your AI models are trained with the best possible data. Whether you're working in healthcare, retail, agriculture, or security, our team is here to support your AI initiatives with precision and expertise.
Visit our Image Classification Services page to learn how we can help you enhance your AI models with high-quality data!
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sunaleisocial · 16 days
New filtration material could remove long-lasting chemicals from water
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/new-filtration-material-could-remove-long-lasting-chemicals-from-water/
New filtration material could remove long-lasting chemicals from water
Water contamination by the chemicals used in today’s technology is a rapidly growing problem globally. A recent study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found that 98 percent of people tested had detectable levels of PFAS, a family of particularly long-lasting compounds also known as “forever chemicals,” in their bloodstream.
A new filtration material developed by researchers at MIT might provide a nature-based solution to this stubborn contamination issue. The material, based on natural silk and cellulose, can remove a wide variety of these persistent chemicals as well as heavy metals. And, its antimicrobial properties can help keep the filters from fouling.
The findings are described in the journal ACS Nano, in a paper by MIT postdoc Yilin Zhang, professor of civil and environmental engineering Benedetto Marelli, and four others from MIT.
PFAS chemicals are present in a wide range of products, including cosmetics, food packaging, water-resistant clothing, firefighting foams, and antistick coating for cookware. A recent study identified 57,000 sites contaminated by these chemicals in the U.S. alone. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that PFAS remediation will cost $1.5 billion per year, in order to meet new regulations that call for limiting the compound to less than 7 parts per trillion in drinking water.
Contamination by PFAS and similar compounds “is actually a very big deal, and current solutions may only partially resolve this problem very efficiently or economically,” Zhang says. “That’s why we came up with this protein and cellulose-based, fully natural solution,” he says.
“We came to the project by chance,” Marelli notes. The initial technology that made the filtration material possible was developed by his group for a completely unrelated purpose — as a way to make a labelling system to counter the spread of counterfeit seeds, which are often of inferior quality. His team devised a way of processing silk proteins into uniform nanoscale crystals, or “nanofibrils,” through an environmentally benign, water-based drop-casting method at room temperature.
Zhang suggested that their new nanofibrillar material might be effective at filtering contaminants, but initial attempts with the silk nanofibrils alone didn’t work. The team decided to try adding another material: cellulose, which is abundantly available and can be obtained from agricultural wood pulp waste. The researchers used a self-assembly method in which the silk fibroin protein is suspended in water and then templated into nanofibrils by inserting “seeds” of cellulose nanocrystals. This causes the previously disordered silk molecules to line up together along the seeds, forming the basis of a hybrid material with distinct new properties.
By integrating cellulose into the silk-based fibrils that could be formed into a thin membrane, and then tuning the electrical charge of the cellulose, the researchers produced a material that was highly effective at removing contaminants in lab tests.
By integrating cellulose into the silk-based fibrils that could be formed into a thin membrane, and then tuning the electrical charge of the cellulose, the researchers produced a material that was highly effective at removing contaminants in lab tests. Pictured is an example of the filter.
Image: Courtesy of the researchers
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The electrical charge of the cellulose, they found, also gave it strong antimicrobial properties. This is a significant advantage, since one of the primary causes of failure in filtration membranes is fouling by bacteria and fungi. The antimicrobial properties of this material should greatly reduce that fouling issue, the researchers say.
“These materials can really compete with the current standard materials in water filtration when it comes to extracting metal ions and these emerging contaminants, and they can also outperform some of them currently,” Marelli says. In lab tests, the materials were able to extract orders of magnitude more of the contaminants from water than the currently used standard materials, activated carbon or granular activated carbon.
While the new work serves as a proof of principle, Marelli says, the team plans to continue working on improving the material, especially in terms of durability and availability of source materials. While the silk proteins used can be available as a byproduct of the silk textile industry, if this material were to be scaled up to address the global needs for water filtration, the supply might be insufficient. Also, alternative protein materials may turn out to perform the same function at lower cost.
Initially, the material would likely be used as a point-of-use filter, something that could be attached to a kitchen faucet, Zhang says. Eventually, it could be scaled up to provide filtration for municipal water supplies, but only after testing demonstrates that this would not pose any risk of introducing any contamination into the water supply. But one big advantage of the material, he says, is that both the silk and the cellulose constituents are considered food-grade substances, so any contamination is unlikely.
“Most of the normal materials available today are focusing on one class of contaminants or solving single problems,” Zhang says. “I think we are among the first to address all of these simultaneously.”
“What I love about this approach is that it is using only naturally grown materials like silk and cellulose to fight pollution,” says Hannes Schniepp, professor of applied science at the College of William and Mary, who was not associated with this work. “In competing approaches, synthetic materials are used — which usually require only more chemistry to fight some of the adverse outcomes that chemistry has produced. [This work] breaks this cycle! … If this can be mass-produced in an economically viable way, this could really have a major impact.”
The research team included MIT postdocs Hui Sun and Meng Li, graduate student Maxwell Kalinowski, and recent graduate Yunteng Cao PhD ’22, now a postdoc at Yale University. The work was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the U.S. National Science Foundation, and the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology.
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jcmarchi · 16 days
New filtration material could remove long-lasting chemicals from water
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/new-filtration-material-could-remove-long-lasting-chemicals-from-water/
New filtration material could remove long-lasting chemicals from water
Water contamination by the chemicals used in today’s technology is a rapidly growing problem globally. A recent study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found that 98 percent of people tested had detectable levels of PFAS, a family of particularly long-lasting compounds also known as “forever chemicals,” in their bloodstream.
A new filtration material developed by researchers at MIT might provide a nature-based solution to this stubborn contamination issue. The material, based on natural silk and cellulose, can remove a wide variety of these persistent chemicals as well as heavy metals. And, its antimicrobial properties can help keep the filters from fouling.
The findings are described in the journal ACS Nano, in a paper by MIT postdoc Yilin Zhang, professor of civil and environmental engineering Benedetto Marelli, and four others from MIT.
PFAS chemicals are present in a wide range of products, including cosmetics, food packaging, water-resistant clothing, firefighting foams, and antistick coating for cookware. A recent study identified 57,000 sites contaminated by these chemicals in the U.S. alone. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that PFAS remediation will cost $1.5 billion per year, in order to meet new regulations that call for limiting the compound to less than 7 parts per trillion in drinking water.
Contamination by PFAS and similar compounds “is actually a very big deal, and current solutions may only partially resolve this problem very efficiently or economically,” Zhang says. “That’s why we came up with this protein and cellulose-based, fully natural solution,” he says.
“We came to the project by chance,” Marelli notes. The initial technology that made the filtration material possible was developed by his group for a completely unrelated purpose — as a way to make a labelling system to counter the spread of counterfeit seeds, which are often of inferior quality. His team devised a way of processing silk proteins into uniform nanoscale crystals, or “nanofibrils,” through an environmentally benign, water-based drop-casting method at room temperature.
Zhang suggested that their new nanofibrillar material might be effective at filtering contaminants, but initial attempts with the silk nanofibrils alone didn’t work. The team decided to try adding another material: cellulose, which is abundantly available and can be obtained from agricultural wood pulp waste. The researchers used a self-assembly method in which the silk fibroin protein is suspended in water and then templated into nanofibrils by inserting “seeds” of cellulose nanocrystals. This causes the previously disordered silk molecules to line up together along the seeds, forming the basis of a hybrid material with distinct new properties.
By integrating cellulose into the silk-based fibrils that could be formed into a thin membrane, and then tuning the electrical charge of the cellulose, the researchers produced a material that was highly effective at removing contaminants in lab tests.
By integrating cellulose into the silk-based fibrils that could be formed into a thin membrane, and then tuning the electrical charge of the cellulose, the researchers produced a material that was highly effective at removing contaminants in lab tests. Pictured is an example of the filter.
Image: Courtesy of the researchers
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The electrical charge of the cellulose, they found, also gave it strong antimicrobial properties. This is a significant advantage, since one of the primary causes of failure in filtration membranes is fouling by bacteria and fungi. The antimicrobial properties of this material should greatly reduce that fouling issue, the researchers say.
“These materials can really compete with the current standard materials in water filtration when it comes to extracting metal ions and these emerging contaminants, and they can also outperform some of them currently,” Marelli says. In lab tests, the materials were able to extract orders of magnitude more of the contaminants from water than the currently used standard materials, activated carbon or granular activated carbon.
While the new work serves as a proof of principle, Marelli says, the team plans to continue working on improving the material, especially in terms of durability and availability of source materials. While the silk proteins used can be available as a byproduct of the silk textile industry, if this material were to be scaled up to address the global needs for water filtration, the supply might be insufficient. Also, alternative protein materials may turn out to perform the same function at lower cost.
Initially, the material would likely be used as a point-of-use filter, something that could be attached to a kitchen faucet, Zhang says. Eventually, it could be scaled up to provide filtration for municipal water supplies, but only after testing demonstrates that this would not pose any risk of introducing any contamination into the water supply. But one big advantage of the material, he says, is that both the silk and the cellulose constituents are considered food-grade substances, so any contamination is unlikely.
“Most of the normal materials available today are focusing on one class of contaminants or solving single problems,” Zhang says. “I think we are among the first to address all of these simultaneously.”
“What I love about this approach is that it is using only naturally grown materials like silk and cellulose to fight pollution,” says Hannes Schniepp, professor of applied science at the College of William and Mary, who was not associated with this work. “In competing approaches, synthetic materials are used — which usually require only more chemistry to fight some of the adverse outcomes that chemistry has produced. [This work] breaks this cycle! … If this can be mass-produced in an economically viable way, this could really have a major impact.”
The research team included MIT postdocs Hui Sun and Meng Li, graduate student Maxwell Kalinowski, and recent graduate Yunteng Cao PhD ’22, now a postdoc at Yale University. The work was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the U.S. National Science Foundation, and the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology.
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recentlyheardcom · 24 days
9 people have died in connection to the listeria outbreak in Boar's Head products : NPR
This image provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in July 2024 shows a label for Boar’s Head liverwurst. The company recalled 7 million pounds of deli meats on July 30, 2024, expanding an initial recall earlier in July after a liverwurst sample collected in Maryland tested positive for listeria. USDA/AP hide caption toggle caption USDA/AP Nine people have now died in connection to…
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sdizdar · 27 days
Mixtile Edge 2 Kit– AI based bee detection and tracking
Here I describe usage of Mixtile Edge 2 Kit in agriculture, bee detection, which can be essential for health and survival of bees.
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Mixtile is professional IoT hardware solution provider specialized in Linux and Android-based embedded systems.Mixtile Edge 2 Kit is high-performance ARM single board computer. It comes in variants of 2GB of LPDDR4 DRAM and 16GB eMMC Flash storage, or 4GB of LPDDR4 DRAM and 32GB eMMC Flash storage. This single board computer comes with preinstalled Android 11, and it runs Ubuntu Linux operating system in Android container. It comes with large connectivity options (Bluetooth, 4G/5G Cellular, GPS, and Lora, Zigbee and Z-Wave). For those, you will need module, but it comes with default onboard Wi-Fi connectivity, Gigabit Ethernet Port (RJ45) and Serial Port (RS-485). Because it comes with RS-485 port, which is industrial standard, and it comes within a strong metal case, it seems to me that it can be really used in industrial projects. I used official Raspberry Pi 5 power supply in order to power up my Mixtile Edge 2 Kit.So, an idea came to me why not to use it in agriculture, bee detection, which can be essential for health and survival of bees.This project will cover setting up Mixtile Edge 2 Kit, and custom photo dataset form video in order to train custom YOLOv5 bee detection model. YOLOv5 models must be trained on labelled data in order to learn classes of objects in that data.I gathered data from video and trained model on my PC.To train a model, I used python and typed in command line:
python train.py --img 640 --batch 16 --epochs 3 --data coco128.yaml --weights best.pt
My training results are summarized in the following table:
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Training results
From this table you can see that images are divided into 4 detection classes:
Example for each class is summarized in a table below:
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Bee classes
1. Getting started
First, I will write about software part of the project, and later on steps of starting the recognition.
1.1 What is YOLOv5?
If you have been in the field of machine learning and deep learning for some time now, there is a high chance that you have already heard about YOLO. YOLO is short for You Only Look Once. It is a family of single-stage deep learning-based object detectors. It was written using Python language, and the framework used is PyTorch.
To ease control, I connected usb mouse to the one of three Mixtile Edge 2 Kit USB3 port. I used Ubuntu Linux for this project. Ubuntu on container is installed in Android system of Mixtile Edge 2 Kit by default. When you boot Mixtile Edge 2 Kit, you get Android OS. Since I wanted to access Edge 2 Kit remotely, and get easier control, I installed droidVNC server from this link:
It is an Android VNC server using Android 5+ APIs. It does not require root access.
I started the VNC server, connected with VNC Viewer and I got the following Android 11 screen:
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Android 11
After that, I installed SimpleSSHD from this link:
SimpleSSHD is a SSH server Android app, based on Dropbear.It allows user access (user ssh) or full root access (by setting the login shell to /system/xbin/su) (if root is allowed).
After I installed SSH server, I connected to it via putty SSH terminal. Username and Password are root/root.
Com.hubware.ubuntu is ubuntu on a container and we are connected to it immidiately.
Now we are going to install required software.
First, you will need to upgrade Ubuntu by typing in the command: apt-get upgrade.
Second, I installed python by typing: apt-get install python.
You will also need pip, the package installer for Python.
2. Installing the YOLOv5 Environment
To start off we first clone the YOLOv5 repository and install dependencies. This will set up our programming environment to be ready to running object detection training and inference commands.
Install git: apt-get install git
Clone YOLOv5 repository:
git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5
Move to YOLOv5 folder:
cd yolov5
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Wait some time to download and install all requirement packages, I waited 25 minutes, because there are a lot of python packages to install besides YOLOv5. YOLOv5 needs numpy package, scipy, OpenCV, etc.
The putty connection and installation process looks like below:
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I transferred my model best.pt to the yolov5 installation folder via SCP, with MobaXterm.
You can simply download my model immidiate by typing:
wget https://github.com/sdizdarevic/beedetectionyolov5/raw/main/best.pt
Also, download original video by typing:
wget https://sdizdarevic.typepad.com/cr/bees-orig.mp4
Now, the final step is detection, and we are interested in the “result” content video.
python3 detect.py --weights best.pt --source bees-orig.mp4
The process of detection looks like below:
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In the last lines from last picture we can see the detected number of bees at any point in time.
The summarized short steps to follow are below:
git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5
cd yolov5
pip install -r requirements.txt
wget https://github.com/sdizdarevic/beedetectionyolov5/raw/main/best.pt
wget https://sdizdarevic.typepad.com/cr/bees-orig.mp4
python3 detect.py --weights best.pt --source
Demonstrated videos are on urls with detection finished completely on Mixtile Edge 2 Kit. Output video is in folder runs/detect/exp2.
Original video:
Result video:
Last, but not less important: If you want to safely turn off your Mixtile Edge 2 Kit, I recommend you to install Shutdown (no Root) application: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samiadom.Shutdown&hl=en.
After testing I found out that the Mixtile Edge 2 Kit is designed with wide range of applications, from industrial applications, IOT devices, smart home automation, to more than capable AI and edge detection. It is low powered device, with a lot of built-in connectivity options.
I would like to thank amazing Mixtile people for creating this amazing peace of hardware and especially for sending me the Mixtile Edge 2 Kit. Also, Mixtile nurtures the open source values and software, and I believe more people and companies will be involved in making projects with this board.
All in all, I recommend this board for implementing types of projects I described here.
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aionlinecourse · 1 month
In this article, you'll discover 10 AI project ideas & topics that are making waves in 2024. Take a quick look below and dive into the exciting world of AI development.
Top AI Project Ideas & Topics
𝟭. 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗳 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗨𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
With a focus on agricultural innovation, this project leverages deep learning models like VGG16 and EfficientNet to detect diseases in leaves. This tool is invaluable for farmers, enabling early diagnosis of plant conditions and ensuring healthier crops.
Source Code: Leaf Disease Detection Using Deep Learning https://www.aionlinecourse.com/ai-projects/playground/leaf-disease-detection-using-deep-learning
𝟮. 𝗚𝗹𝗮𝘂𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗮 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗨𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
Healthcare AI is advancing with projects like Glaucoma Detection. Utilizing sophisticated deep learning techniques, this project identifies early signs of glaucoma in eye images, potentially preventing vision loss.
Source Code: Glaucoma Detection Using Deep Learning
𝟯. 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗨𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
Essential in medical diagnostics, this project uses CNN, EfficientNetB4, and VGG16 models to classify blood cells, improving research accuracy and assisting doctors in making informed decisions.
Source Code: Blood Cell Classification Using Deep Learning
𝟰. 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗨𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
Skin cancer is widespread, and early detection is crucial. This project employs CNN, DenseNet121, and EfficientNetB4 models to accurately classify skin cancer images, enhancing early diagnosis and patient outcomes.
Source Code: Skin Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning
𝟱. 𝗖𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗨𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
This project targets cervical cancer by using EfficientNetB0 to classify different types of cervical cells, aiming to improve early detection and healthcare outcomes through advanced AI technology.
Source Code: Cervical Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning
𝟲. 𝗡𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗔𝗜 𝗗𝗼𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗨𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗚𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶
Transforming the healthcare industry, this project creates a virtual nutritionist that provides dietary recommendations based on AI analysis, offering personalized advice to users.
Source Code: Nutritionist Generative AI Doctor Using Gemini
𝟳. 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗯𝗼𝘁𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗔𝗜 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗹𝘀
AI-driven chatbots are becoming more sophisticated. This project demonstrates how to build advanced chatbots using GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4, perfecting human-like interactions.
Source Code: Chatbots with Generative AI Models
𝟴. 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗨𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗫𝗚𝗕𝗼𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗿
This project helps insurance companies predict healthcare costs using machine learning, enabling them to set accurate rates, increase profit margins, and reduce financial risks.
Source Code: Insurance Pricing Forecast Using XGBoost Regressor
𝟵. 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹-𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗛𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗬𝗢𝗟𝗢𝘃𝟴 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗹𝘀
Leveraging YOLOv8, this innovative project detects human poses in real-time, making it useful for applications in sports, fitness, and security.
Source Code: Real-Time Human Pose Detection With YOLOv8 Models
𝟭𝟬. 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗴𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗨𝗡𝗘𝗧
UNET is a powerful tool for medical image segmentation. This project optimizes UNET training with checkpoints, learning rate adjustments, and label encoding for high-performance medical diagnostics.
Source Code: Medical Image Segmentation With UNET
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Theoretical knowledge alone won't suffice; hands-on experience is crucial. We encourage students and professionals alike to dive into these AI projects and apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. The more you experiment with different AI project ideas, the more skills and confidence you'll gain.
Why AI-Based Projects Matter
Learning Experience: These projects offer practical exposure, helping you understand the real-life applications of AI.
Portfolio Building: Showcase your skills to recruiters by completing these projects, demonstrating your ability to apply AI knowledge in real-world situations.
Progress Tracking: Test your knowledge and see how much you've progressed as an AI expert by tackling these projects.
Platforms to Work on AI Projects
Some of the best platforms for AI projects include:
TensorFlow (Google’s open-source library for deep learning)
PyTorch (Backed by Facebook, known for its dynamic computation graph)
Keras (User-friendly API for neural networks)
Scikit-learn (For classical machine learning algorithms)
Microsoft Azure ML (Cloud-based machine learning platform)
These platforms offer the tools you need to excel in AI projects, catering to different skill levels and project requirements.
Conclusion: Learn AI the Smart Way
In this article, we've covered the Top 10 AI project ideas for 2024. From beginner to advanced levels, these projects will help you enhance your AI skills and build a solid portfolio. Whether you're a student or a professional, working on these AI projects will give you the hands-on experience needed to succeed in the fast-evolving world of artificial intelligence.
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