#Agri laws
moodymisty · 7 months
Hi, it’s Lorgar anon crawling back in your askbox like some kind of vermin. The way you write is just so gorgeous that I can’t stop myself from unleashing a follow-up headcanon ask to what you’ve written. Sorry in advance:
Lorgar, as you have said, has the tendency to vehemently worship. But I’m now thinking of the implications of that on the worlds he conquered. I mean, isn’t he already walking around and preaching about how much of a god his father is? What’s stopping people from starting to view you in the same light?
Because if the son of god treats you as an equal and calls you beloved, and if his sons call you “mother”. What’s stopping some agri-worlder from speaking your name during a prayer? I suppose it’s only natural, it’s so obvious to them that you’re holy.
Basically what I’m trying to say is you might accidentally become a folk saint.
Did Lorgar start it? Probably not, or at least he did it by accident. Does he encourage it when he finds out about it? Maaaaaybe. Just maybe. He can have a little bit of worship, as a treat.
Cue to you taking a trip to Monarchia and seeing a little shrine in the corner of a temple that is definitely of you (but with a halo or something). And you’re like “Lorgar please explain”. And he’s like “Let’s not explain this in front of your worshippers”. And you’re like “my WHAT-”
Well, this x reader idea is all fun and games. That is if The Emperor never found out about it. Because if he does then ohhhh boy do you have a second terrible father in law on your hands! You sure as hell wouldn’t want that to happen. But i'm sure he’d never pay attention to a planet such as Monarchia, right?
I've always sort of leaned into this idea with the Lorgar fics that he loves to worship his beloved, but it's a precarious pedestal you could fall off of at any moment. Lorgar is fickle at best, and with people like Kor Phaeron and Erebus whispering in his ear.
And in the eyes of people below him, either his legion or the people of Colchis, if he's that way to you, then clearly you're something they should pray to as well, right?
If their Primarch, lord and master, whispers praises to you and receives love in return, if his sons call you mother and raise their swords at the slightest danger, then surely altars in their homes, mumbled kneeling prayers and rosaries would earn your love as well?
Worshipping a Primarch is one thing, and even if this is 30k and they're far less treated as gods as they will be, they still see them as something beyond them. So anything attached tends to get similar treatment.
But his human lover isn't that far beyond them. You were chosen, gifted by a father or picked out from a crowd of dedicated worshipers (the story twists and changes depending on the person telling it) and rose above all the rest. To his people that is attainable, that faith has rewards.
Needless to say finding out that it's a thing let alone that Lorgar is in some way unconsciously (or consciously) encouraging it is quite the shock. Though you more than likely have little chance at stopping it at this point. You at least can get somewhat used to it, as long as no one goes absolutely insane about it.
(Lorgar also loves all of this. One of his favorite nicknames for you now is that you're his little goddess. It's usually used in more, intimate scenarios however.)
The Emperor finding out... yikes. Yet another tally for him in the reason why he's going to burn Monarchia into ash. He might take note that you aren't the one encouraging this, but at the end of the day, you and Lorgar are lumped into the same pile now.
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rollofleaf · 3 months
Rogue Trader Character Building Questions
I decided to do the whole thing myself instead of waiting for asks because I wanted to. The full list of questions is here https://www.tumblr.com/pheedraws/754469722746241024/rogue-trader-character-building-questions?source=share
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Arethousa von Valancius
Arethousa is a voidborn. She was born on a small voidship that was the head of a small pirate fleet. The ship was cramped and ramshackle, but she does miss it often.
Her origin is Crime Lord, and before becoming a Rogue Trader she was commanding her small fleet of pirates and raiders. She considered herself an honorable pirate and avoided attacking smaller targets, focusing her raids on nobles.
Arethousa did have an excellent relationship with her father, who led her fleet before passing on command when he died. He taught her everything she knows about shooting, piloting, and command.
In story, her name doesn't have any special meaning or significance. Arethousa is the name of a Greek nymph who was transformed into a spring after fleeing from a river trying to violate her. 40K gives me an excuse to use Greek/Latin names for characters so I took it.
She has a very fond memory of the first time her father took her onto the ship's bridge and showed her around. She remembers being amazed at how much everyone seemed to respect him and she was very eager to learn about all the positions and jobs on the bridge.
Character & Convictions
6. Arethousa is mostly Iconoclast, with some leaning towards Heretical. She's pretty firm in her conviction, but most of her Heretical leaning gets ironed out as her story progresses.
7. Most of her Iconoclast leanings come from her father. She was taught that the best way to secure loyalty is to trust and believe in people and inspire them to do their best. Growing up in a close-knit community of pirates taught her to care deeply for her people.
8. Her triumph was managing to turn an entire star system into her den of thieves. She found a relatively backwater agri-world and 'liberated' them from some more tyrannical pirates, giving her somewhere to relax, get supplies from, or to lay low when necessary. She takes a lot of pride in it.
9. Her darkest hour was when her ship was disabled by envoys from the von Valancius dynasty who informed her of her heritage. Some of her crew turned on her for being a noble and while defending herself most of her gang was either killed or arrested by the authorities. She's haunted by it and it's given her some pretty major trust issues.
10. She initially took to it very poorly and wanted nothing to do with the dynasty. She even planned to run away and hide out once the ship reached Footfall, but Abelard managed to convince her that the dynasty wasn't so different from her old pirate crew and she slowly grew more comfortable with it.
11. Arethousa is closest with Yrliet, Abelard, and Jae. Abelard very quickly becomes her surrogate father and they’re very supportive of each other. She relates to Jae as a fellow criminal with some skeletons in the closet, and appreciates that she refuses to be tied down by the dogma of the Imperium. She’s very drawn to Yrliet by how different she is from any human and it’s a welcome change to be with someone that lacks a lot of the pretext she dislikes in humans.
12. Arethousa and Heinrix clash constantly due to Arethousa’s flouting of Imperium law and her disrespect for authority. Heinrix’s unrequited crush on her makes things even worse. She also clashes with Marazhai, who she initially takes in out of pity but soon starts to resent having to constantly watch over him.
13. It takes a very long time for either of them to realize their bond is romantic, but she gets very close to Yrliet. Arethousa is ace and doesn't have much interest in romance, but the spiritual bond she develops during her meditation with Yrliet ends up blossoming into love.
14. The most important person in her life before becoming Rogue Trader was her father. Unfortunately, he died in a raid a few years before she became Rogue Trader.
15. She has some resentment towards Theodora for the way she was essentially kidnapped away from her old life. She had been on the voidship for a few weeks before the mutiny and had met Theodora a few times for mentoring on possible duties she could take over, but she kept her distance.
Skills & Expertise
16. Arethousa is an Operative into Bounty Hunter, though I may remake her into an Officer.
17. She’s a deadly shot, especially with a sniper rifle, and is very quick and slippery. She also excels at finding and exploiting weaknesses in enemy armor or formations. She’s very unskilled at melee combat, however, and tends to panic when she has to fight up close. She’s also pretty fragile and can’t take hits well.
18. She prefers subterfuge and coercion in combat, and generally avoids head-on confrontation. She’s used to being the void pirate who’s always outgunned but has surprise and guile on her side, and never grows out of that approach to combat.
19. She’s found the most success with Awareness, Persuasion, and Lore (Xenos). Knowing her environment and being able to deal with people is very important to her, and she’s had a lot of encounters and dealings with xenos.
20. She’s very fond of gardening. Growing up on a voidship, plants were extremely rare and the only ones she could usually see were those she grew herself. She cries at the beauty of it when she sees the jungles of Janus for the first time and later converts part of a deck on her ship into a greenhouse.
Appearance & Personality
21. She has a scar on her right cheek running down to her lip, and an intricate tattoo of flowers, thorns, and skulls all along her left arm.
22. She has a plate above her left ear that holds an eyepiece she uses to help aim her rifle. She also has two mechanical fingers on her right hand. She claims she lost the fingers in a gunfight, but she actually cut them off being very careless with a knife.
23. She carries herself as confident, friendly, and approachable, but with a vicious streak for those who cross her. This is fairly genuine, but she plays up her confidence and pretends to have much more faith in the Emperor’s doctrine than she really does. Yrliet is the only person she shows her honest unfiltered self to.
24. She believes that image is very important for a leader, so she cares a lot about how her protectorate sees her. She does her best to match the image she projects, but is often forced to be harsher than the benevolent Rogue Trader her protectorate sees.
25. For unknown reasons, her old pirate ship had a library of ancient texts and heretical tomes on xenos. This is where she learned a lot about xenos and the Imperium’s past glory.
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elbiotipo · 2 years
Some details on the economics of my space opera universe:
There is no faster-than-light radio or communication. All communication is done by extremely fast courier ships that transport data. Even then, information can take weeks or even months to travel from one side of the galaxy to the other. There is no such thing as the internet (though there might have been in other times) if you want to communicate, you have to be there physically.
Individual planets do often have fast communication networks. Ironically, in a way, planetary living might feel faster than life in space.
The most important resources are Non-Newtonian Elements (NNEs), which is a broad category for elements, molecules, or other such structures that do not conform to the regular laws of physics. They are the ones that are able to stabilize aether currents to allow faster-than-light travel, to siphon dark energy to boil water use in industry, and build the frame for great megastructures. among so many other uses, many very esoteric and unknown but to the most especialized engineers.
NNEs are as a rule difficult to find and extract. They are located near black holes, in the atmosphere of brown dwarfs, beneath panthalassic worlds covered in water... And to process them you need complex machinery and supply chains, many involving other NNEs themselves.
As such, these industries are either on state hands, or in the hands of galaxy-spanning megacorporations. (I am speaking in mostly human terms here, other civilizations have different economic systems)
Early space colonies (I dislike the term but let's go with it) were self sufficient, created by generation ships that slowly roamed the galaxy, "seeding" colonies and then moving to the next. So these "old worlds" often have diverse, well established economies.
While my original idea was to make slower-than-light relativistic generation ships, now I'm thinking that perhaps those huge ships were the first to be able to have FTL (if painfully slow), only to later be replaced by smaller, faster ships
FTL space has a *terrain* to it. FTL flight is not even; you can sometimes ride currents to the other side of the Galaxy faster than neighboring stars. There are regions hard to navigate and fast aether currents that span the galaxy. Most of the oldest and well known worlds are located as strings of pearls in those trade routes; the ones in the junctions of the routes have been settled by milennia with long histories.
Sometimes, aether currents change, with the corresponding economic consequences...
This is an economically unequal galaxy. It's not the planets richest in NNEs who are superpowers, rather it's those who are able, for one reason or other, to control their trade or production. While at first the pace of space settlement was mostly equal, those *nations* who were able to control the big NNEs sources for one reason or other quickly set the economic field on their favor. They often are able to sustain high standards of living based on their economic (and political, social, cultural, sometimes military) power over other worlds.
Thus, worlds especialized in a single industry have appeared. Or rather, have been forced into the role. Dependency theory and all that. "Agri-worlds" supply the big ecumenopolises, worlds with luxury products are converted for max production, strip-mining (asteroid mining is the main industry, but some NNEs are only found in certain worlds)... And as such, these worlds mostly import their manufactured goods from elsewhere. And are often home to exploited populations.
Yes, this does lead to the rise of revolutionary and socialist (both in the *human* marxist sense and other alien variants) movements and states. These have to grapple with the facts of ensuring a fair distribution of resources in such a vast galaxy (even small polities have this problem), to which there have been many theorical and practical answers.
In fact, there does exist the dream of the Socialist Galactic Republic, but it seems far away, and currently, megacorporations and unfriendly states seem to have the upper hand. Not everywhere, though.
Meanwhile, the smaller or more remote worlds who are not a big part of this whole economic chain often depend in their merchant marines for trade. For smaller deliveries, private travel, and such, there are countless "free traders" with small indepedent ships that take care of those routes.
Technology is practical and little automated, designed to be simple so it can be used by as many diffrent species as possible. Spaceships look a lot like WWII planes rather than sleek shiny futuristic spaceships. On an aesthetic note, they are often very colorful. Even the largest mega-cargo ships are painted with the liveries of their company, and small free traders decorate their ships with grafitti. The interiors often have small trinkets and pieces of home, and very often, home is the spaceship itself. I fucking hate grey spaceships.
There's actually no large scale galaxy-spanning wars. Moving a warfleet from one end to the Galaxy is ludricously expensive, and invading and controlling a world of billions a titanic challenge. The main powers of course keep large defense fleets, since bombardments from orbit are easy (and tragically have happened with genocidal consequences).
But there's lot of "police actions", anti-"piracy" (and often anti-revolutionary) patrols, guerrilla warfare, small scale skirmishes, showing the flag on trade routes... it's a whole different kind of warfare. If I had to say an equivalent, it's more like the ancient Mediterranean than any modern equivalent.
There's, as you can guess, no such thing as a "galactic empire" or republic or union or anything. There is a galactic "alliance" that sorts of keeps a semblance of international order (like the UN but very much weaker) and trade (often favoring the great powers) and supposedly, could coordinate actions against galactic threats.
(I am thinking in fact there might be a menace like rogue AIs or other stuff, in fact, there might be open war in some places, but that's still up in the air)
There is NO Universal Translator. If two different species meet, they have either to learn each other's language (that sometimes include visual, physical, olfactory, etc. elements, different sound frequencies) or agree in a "trade" language, and there are a few so widespread that most space-people understand it, but they are not universal. Inter-species communication is an industry on its own.
Even more, there's different languages in each civilization. Take the humans, for example. There's Tandar (from Standard) a very distant descedant of Mandarin with plenty of English and other borrowed vocabulary and a computer logical *system*, that is so widespread some people consider it to be the "human" language (and it's indeed one of the main "trade" languages, at least for visual and auditive species). But there are worlds with millions of humans who speak wholly different languages, with each world with its own dialects (and subdialects). These worlds have often been settled by generation ships, who have kept ancient human languages and dialects (like say, Kurdish, Tibetan, Rioplatense...) alive and often are different from the planetbound ones. And of course, there are many humans raised for generations in *alien* worlds, who speak languages with no relation at all with Mother Earth, and even find those alien and confusing.
And that's just humans. There are over four thousand and some spacefaring species on the Galaxy...
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piqu3d · 1 year
fervor of my guilty stars
The Council said that I can’t be a Jedi Knight,” Obi-Wan whispers.
“No,” Qui-Gon replies. “You cannot.”
OR: Obi-Wan has a stroke after Melidaan.
on ao3
on here:
If Qui-Gon had it his way, he would have left Obi-Wan alone. If he had it his way, he would have gone with the Agri-Corps to the Outer Rim and spent the rest of his life working his hands bloody, if only to experience a fraction of the callouses that Obi-Wan had to earn in that devastating war. If he had it his way, Obi-Wan would’ve long ago had a new Master, one who would be kinder and sharper than Qui-Gon ever could be.
It is Obi-Wan’s choice, though. It is only his request to remain Qui-Gon’s Padawan that keeps Qui-Gon’s feet on the ground in Coruscant. When Obi-Wan asks this of him, a few weeks after his return, Qui-Gon wants to cry. Obi-Wan asks him, as if it’s Qui-Gon who deserves a say in the matter after abandoning his one true mission on a war-torn planet.
It is unforgivable, to betray your child. It is the pinnacle of the Order’s culture: Younglings are little seeds planted in the dirt, and Padawans are a shy poke of green sprouting from the ground to seek the suns. It is a Master’s primary responsibility to protect them above their own life, no matter the written stipulations in their laws. Qui-Gon has ostracized himself from all he called family by leaving a boy whose gangly limbs were still growing into gentle power to the wolves, and he would expect no less.
Yet here he is, with his one light still relying on him, so his echoing steps through the Halls of Healing are hollow as he maneuvers a well-worn path to room 45HJ. When he knocks softly on the door, Obi-Wan’s “Come in,” is hoarse.
Qui-Gon opens the door, and Obi-Wan’s drawn face tells him that he already knows. The lamp on his side table illuminates the sunken features of his profile in a sickly yellow, and Qui-Gon makes a distant note to obtain purple lights to soften the room at night.
“So the Council said that I can’t be a Jedi Knight,” Obi-Wan whispers.
“No,” Qui-Gon replies. “You cannot.”
When Obi-Wan turns his gaze to the ceiling, Qui-Gon takes a seat in the well-worn chair next to his bed and folds his hands into his lap. This way, he will not reach out and cup his Padawan’s cheek or hold his hand. He has lost that right.
Instead, he allows his eyes to trace the thin edges of Obi-Wan’s cheekbones. His nose is crooked, as it has been since his return from Melidaan. There are dark bags under his eyes in an alarming shade of purple that makes him look decades older. The feeding tube in his nose is the third in as many weeks— the first he ripped out, and the second had a clog of some sort that ruined his ability to stomach anything for days. This one has Master Che crossing her fingers and lekku in hope. Obi-Wan’s ability to swallow should be getting better, but it inexplicably isn’t— just like his ability to walk or use the left side of his body at all. Che’s only explanation for it, after consulting with physicians across the galaxy, is that Obi-Wan’s already bad Force-exhaustion exacerbated the thinning of his blood vessels after he drained all of his energy to save the Young on Melidaan, and he paid the price with an irreversible stroke that stole his body while he slept. There’s no precedent for this kind of illness, and no prognosis for recovery. The Jedi Order prays with every dawn and every dusk that he makes it just twelve more hours. They are like a person walking on a rocky path, keeping their head faced down to the ground and addressing every obstacle as it comes, because if they look ahead, they will trip and fall.
“What else did they say?” Obi-Wan finally asks, toneless. There is a noticeable slur to his words that frustrates him, though he’s only had one speech therapist appointment so far.
“Not much. They hope for your ‘path to a new normal’ goes smoothly.” Qui-Gon pauses, and the heels of his palms rock against each other. “It’s alright to feel sad, you know.”
Obi-Wan shakes his head slowly, but hiccoughs almost silently— and then takes in a shuddering breath.
“Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon says, helpless but to watch as Obi-Wan’s eyes spill over with tears.
“I’m not sad,” he moans limply, “’M just exhausted.”
“I know. It’s alright. It’s… it will be alright,” Qui-Gon says lamely. He is glaringly inadequate for his grieving Padawan, and he swallows back self-hatred as he listens to his Padawan’s devastating sobs.
Eventually the cries peter out, and Obi-Wan is dully sniffing rivulets of snot back up his open nostril.
“Don’t do that,” Qui-Gon chides gently, spurred into action with something he can do, and he retrieves a tissue from the bedside table. Quickly, he wipes away the worst of the mess with a habitual tut.
“It’s miserable,” Obi-Wan whines, wiping at his bleary eyes with the thin wrist of his right hand. “It’s— I’m a mess.”
“You’re a mess?” Qui-Gon asks, and then laughs, slight and low. “Padawan mine, even deathly sick, you’re far more composed than many of those blasted politicians I contend with, or many of the Master Jedi themselves. They may seem aloof and holier-than-thou, but I assure you— even Master Yoda loses it on occasion.”
Obi-Wan’s lips twitch, but his face remains downcast. The crease in his forehead grows deeper, and Qui-Gon suppresses his urge to reach out and smooth it with his thumb, like he used to do to folds in Obi-Wan’s blanket. Another thought, then three, build up in his throat, but he says nothing. Using a tactic he’s known since Obi-Wan was below his hip, he will remain quiet and wait his Padawan out. The thoughts will peek out eventually; even since his stroke, Obi-Wan’s desire to form how he perceives the world into words will always trump his exhaustion.
The fruits of Qui-Gon’s silence bear quickly.
“Sometimes,” Obi-Wan murmurs thickly, “Since the stroke, but before it, too. I feel so… grey. Like a dustball underneath a dresser; as if all it would take is one good hit and I would… dissipate into infinitesimal bits. And it would, of course, be dark under that dresser. I’d disappear, but it wouldn’t matter, because I’m already so far under you can’t even see me. I…” he trails off. He’s lost his words, and his jaw works once or twice before he shuts his mouth for good.
It’s a strange metaphor, and Qui-Gon smothers his ripple of despair before it can seep beyond his shields and into the room. “There is no doubt,” he murmurs. “That a child— which you are— that is faced with so much would incline to feel this way— expected, maybe, though we would surely hope not.”
“‘M not a child,” Obi-Wan says, as he always does. “I fought in a war.”
The word war is trapped for a moment too long, like he’s gotten stuck on the vowel.
Qui-Gon has begged the stars for recompense to his Padawan and retribution towards himself. His prayers have clearly not been answered, and he shuts his eyes briefly before he replies. “You were a child,” he says evenly, as his nails dig marks into his palms. “You are a child who fought in a war.”
“Sure.” Obi-Wan looks up at him through narrowed, half-glazed eyes. The dull-yellow tape on his feeding tube is coming slightly loose, and Qui-Gon’s eyes instinctively watch it as it moves with Obi-Wan’s slow movements. The question that Obi-Wan asks, here, is missed by Qui-Gon until he repeats it, small: “What will I do now?”
Qui-Gon, finally unable to bear the degrees of separation sitting between them, dares to reach out and envelop Obi-Wan’s pale hand in his two. His Padawan’s hand is painfully cold. Engulfed in Qui-Gon’s grip, his fingers curl desperately into the warmth. “You will remain my Padawan— should you so choose. I will be meeting with the Council and Master Che one more time to fully assess your options, but Master Yoda has already assured me of your wanted presence in the Order. We— I gave you up once before, and I will not be doing it ever again.” Qui-Gon takes a moment to breathe and make sure his child hasn’t zoned out. No, Obi-Wan’s eyes have been whittled sharp, and he is very, very still. “It's true, you cannot be a Jedi Knight, at least not in the fashion you were heading towards,” he says grimly. “Your negotiation tactics will be missed, I am very well aware, but we cannot in good conscience send you on missions when your relationship with the Force and your body is so unreliable. However. The Healers would be delighted to accept you into their ranks as an Apprentice— in fact, Che has been raving to me about your curiosity about the procedures you’ve been undergoing, and your kindness towards other patients in the halls. You can forge a new bond; you don’t have to let this one go. Or you can—”
“I have options,” Obi-Wan interrupts weakly. “I get it.” He huffs shortly, and his eyes glisten again. “It just— I— it doesn’t feel possible, yet. I barely can see myself making it to the next kriffing physical therapy session, much less… a future. I can’t use my left hand at all, Master. I am… simply exhausted, all the time, and my head hurts when I attempt to form real thoughts and words and sentences.”
“It will get better,” Qui-Gon says. “I… I swear it to you.”
“So does Master Che,” Obi-Wan replies, voice awfully small.
“Well, Master Che is always right, is she not?” Qui-Gon says, with a light air of offense.
“No, of course,” Obi-Wan mumbles, but the right side of his mouth curls up. Though it disappears swiftly, it still happened, and Qui-Gon pockets the image behind a tight weave of his mental shields to revisit when the darkness seems all-consuming.
“We will discuss more tomorrow. I just didn’t want to keep you waiting with the news, though you… knew, already.”
Obi-Wan’s half-shrug is jerky. “There was only one way this could’ve gone.”
“There are so many ways this can go,” Qui-Gon replies firmly. “Look at me, child.”
Obi-Wan’s gaze creeps over, half-lidded.
“You have friends, Che and myself, and the entire Order by your side, do you hear me?”
“My left side?” Obi-Wan snarks through thick consonants.
Qui-Gon nods. “Your left side,” he echoes. “And, I can tell you this much, your recovery will not be alone, and it will not be cold, or barren, or clinical. We will wrap you in as many sweaters as can fit on your frame, and the Yoda medical tape that you requested— wonderful choice, by the way— will be delivered by tomorrow’s dawn, and of course your crechemates have been biting at the opportunity to paint your walker all sorts of colors. Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon repeats, and he has never meant anything so truthfully as this, “you have as much time, and as much space, and as much love as you need to heal. And when that healing plateaus, you will live a happy and fulfilled life, because you have so much to offer this world and I am certain that this setback will not only fail to stifle it but will provide an opportunity for you to grow into an even kinder, stronger person than you’ve already had to be.” He pauses, to be sure that he’s said what he needs to say, then nods decisively.
A sniffle. “Who knew you were so sappy, Master.”
“Alright, you little snot, it’s bedtime.” Qui-Gon rises and, after a brief hesitation, rests his hand on Obi-Wan’s head.
Obi-Wan smiles up at him with his right eye bright. “Goodnight, Master,” he slurs, sleep already encroaching upon him.
“Goodnight, Padawan mine,” Qui-Gon murmurs, and shuts off the lamp.
He waits in the dark for an indeterminate time, just to be sure that Obi-Wan’s breaths are deep and even, before he can even think of leaving the room.
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asknarashikari · 2 months
Zox: Have you guys ever wondered which one of Random's sons are very comely? Ohtori Tsurugi: Huh? Are you that into one of them? Zox: No! Random would kill me. Magine: I bet one of his daughters is very beautiful too. But not like my Mist Swordswoman. Gaon: I have no interest in this convo but I do think his son Ozu Atsuhiro has that shio-gao ikemen look to him. Zox: Yaeh. Anyways. I think Weston Daimonji is really handsome, especially with that mix of foreigner look to him.
Zyuran, Vroon and Stacey: *sighs* *not even gonna bother with the conversation* Kaito: *tired and sleeping*
Bamba: I think his son Manobu Kiba is very handsome and has that shoyu-gao look. Koh: Is what we do when we're bored? Also I think, his first son with Ziin, Iso, is cute. He has that satou-gao ikemen look. Zox: Yep. Also, ain't he 114 years old? Koh: 198, actually. His older sister is around my age by one year. Ohtori Tsurugi: I think, his son Arno of the Landick Tribe is handsome. Tall with that shio-gao Ikemen look.
Shun Daimonji, Kai Ozu, Yuji Kiba, Ziin, Agri: KEEP OUR SONS NAME OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS!!! Me: *standing tall and looming with dread* Who started this conversation...? WHO?!! Them: *points and Zox and Tsurugi* Me: You TWO...
One cartoonish beat-up later.
Me: *dusting off hands* I already have a favorite son-in-law. His name is Hareruya Win. So... Tsurugi and Zox: *behind bars* We won't bring up their names again unless we really mean it. Me: And? Both: We won't ask for their hands in marriage. Bamba: May I ask... *all chivalrously* Also, I promise not- Me: Sure thing since you asked nicely. Pick one and we'll see how it'll go.
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xenodile · 8 months
Having escaped the Rykad system and arrived on Footfall station, the Rogue Trader Abby von Valancius set about charting every single star system on the available map and doing every single side quest and optional encounter she could get her grubby little hands on.
Once the chores were taken care of, she dealt with the Valancious Protectorate worlds: Janus, Dargonus, and Kiava Gamma.
Janus was in the throes of rebellion, and in the course of investigating, the Rogue Trader discovered the rebels were backed by a small group of Eldar and the planetary governor was a Slaanesh worshiper. Gaining the aid of Aeldari Ranger Yrliet, the Rogue Trader killed the cultist governor, and negotiated a ceasefire between her people and the Eldar, allowing the xenos to continue living on the imperial agri world in secret.
Kiava Gamma's prime manufactorum had fallen to Chaos as the Fabricator Censor was seduced by infinite knowledge promised by the Ruinous Powers. After surviving another encounter with a Chaos Space Marine of the Word Bearers, preaching the power of Chaos Undivided, the Rogue Trader and company slew the heretical elements, and salvaged the Manufactorum to restore Kiava Gamma.
While Dargonus itself was mostly uneventful, the prison world of Vheabos VI had gone silent, and needed to be addressed before the Rogue Trader could formally take her place as head of the Protectorate and Rogue Trader. On the penal colony, the Rogue Trader encountered a group of loathsome Drukhari, or Dark Eldar, who had turned the inmates into gladiators for their amusement. While the eldar on the planet were dealt with, the encounter set in motion a game of cat and mouse as the Rogue Trader traveled hither and yon throughout her domain to stop Drukhari raids on various worlds, culminating in an encounter with the raiders leader, a man named Marazhai, on one of Rogue Trader Winterscale's border worlds.
Marazhai challenged the Rogue Trader to a final showdown, but it was a trap. While von Valancius sailed off to meet the Drukhari, Marazhai withdrew his forces to attack Dargonus in the largest attack the capital had ever seen. Though the Rogue Trader and her retinue succeeded in repelling the dark eldar forces, Marazhai escaped, promising he was not finished with our heroine.
After the dust had settled and the servants had cleaned up all the bodies, it was time for the ascension ceremony where the Rogue Trader would at last be properly recognized and take her place as lord of the Valancius Protectorate. Celebrations were lively and included feeding all the poor and needy of the capital world, and the Rogue Trader had a chance to meet the esteemed nobility of her dominion.
She also met Lord Inquisitor Xavier Calcazar, who had some choice words for the newly anointed Rogue Trader and some her more questionable decisions...letting xenos live on an imperial world, salvaging technology touched by heretics, choosing to save a handful of civilians rather than destroy a demon world in the making, keeping an alien in her retinue. While all technically within her rights as Rogue Trader, the Lord Inquisitor stressed that she should be mindful of such loose interpretations of Imperial law going forward, and be ready to cooperate with the Inquisition when called on.
The Rogue Trader and Magos Pasqal also make a startling discovery: the Rogue Trader's ship is alive. Or rather, it houses a Machine Spirit of incomparable power that displays true sapience and self-awareness, calling itself Nomos. The Rogue Trader recognizes it as "the Warrant Guardian", the voice that came to her aid against Kunrad Voigtvir, and the mysterious force that saved the ship from the destruction of Rykad Minoris. Could this entity be an ally, or something more sinister?
Finally, Yrliet met with the Rogue Trader in private to discuss news of great importance: she received coordinates to where some of her kin from the destroyed craftworld of Crudarach have taken refuge! So to the distant star system of the Atlas Reach the Rogue Trader goes, in search of new adventures!
What will happen in Chapter 3? Tune in and find out...now!
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Brazil’s indigenous peoples mobilize to defend lands
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Indigenous activists marched in this capital Tuesday as part of a mobilization to defend their “ancestral rights” to lands against what they see as threats emanating from Brazil’s Congress and Supreme Court.
The high court is set to take up a case based on the so-called temporal framework, a theory that contends indigenous people can only lay claim to land they occupied as of Oct. 5, 1988, when the current constitution was enacted.
While last week, the lower house of Congress passed a bill that would enshrine the temporal framework in law.
The Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) says that the temporal framework is being pushed by right-wing lawmakers acting on behalf of powerful agri-business interests who want to expand their activities in Amazonia.
Continue reading.
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illarian-rambling · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @somethingclevermahogony!
Five Senses Tag
Rules: share a snippet to represent each of the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
Let's see if Secrets of Salis (MG book 2) has anything good!
Well, slather me in radium and call me a sorcerer…. Astra’s eyes grew wide as she took in the spotless streets and sculpted stucco columns. It was like stepping from hell into heaven. Fountains made flowing music on every corner and there were even decorative pines in planters along the sidewalks. Every window frame was plated in brass, turned luminous by the wrought iron gaslamps.
And the people! For once in her life, Astra saw no humans, goblins, or selkies to balance things out—just a sea of white and gray faces framed with donkey-like ears. The elves here dressed in delicate pastels, not even the ash from the foundries beyond daring to cross the inner wall. Most walked at a stately pace, shooting her vardo the sort of well-bred glares the witch was accustomed to in Yewbury.
“This place is fuuuucked,” she whispered.
The shades giggled as she tried to breathe heavily, but the air wouldn’t come. This time, they sounded like little Agri and Twayun who’d lived at the end of her street.
At the end of this street though, Vermir could finally see her destination. She hadn’t been certain of the location, hence why she’d set down the door a ways away. It wasn’t like she’d really been in Unity for that long, despite haunting it for nearly a year. Even so, getting the directions wrong galled her.
Astra awoke slowly and miserably. The first sensation that came back to her was, unfortunately, taste. This was unfortunate because her mouth tasted like a week-dead mushroom.
The second sensation to return was touch. This was even more unfortunate for two reasons. One, she was tied to a chair. Two, she was dressed in the itchiest, most unflattering shift known to man.
Mashal gave a lungless sigh. “We’re getting close…”
Astra laughed from her place within the vardo. “Sure are! When you can smell the pig shit, you’re officially within the city limits of Nakaow. I’m pretty sure that’s the law, at least.”
“I don’t have a sense of smell.” Mashal tapped his sculpted bronze and steel nose for emphasis.
The witch winced at her misstep, then suddenly took on a thoughtful expression. “You know, I could try n’ build ya one. I fixed you up with those temperature sensors and that new arm on the way down—I reckon smell wouldn’t be too much of a bother after alla’ that.”
Briefly, Mashal actually considered it, before shaking his head. “No, I think we have bigger things to focus on right now. And I though I don’t remember what pig shit smells like, I’m pretty keen on keeping it that way.”
This was surprisingly difficult with one of my two protags missing three of his five senses
I'll tag @mysticstarlightduck @abalonetea @elizaellwrites and anyone else who wants in :)
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zimshan · 4 months
Corporate greed is outta control and antitrust action is the best reason to vote for Biden this fall.
It’s time to declare the debate over. In 2021, the total corporate profit increase was $730bn, or a little over $2,100 a person. That’s a large chunk of the inflationary increase in costs. Moreover, the price-fixing in the oil industry, which contributed roughly $200bn of that, isn’t an anomaly.
Take post-Covid rent hikes. One software and consulting pricing firm for landlords, RealPage, specialized in telling its clients to hike rents more than they otherwise might. As of December of 2020, RealPage had nearly 32,000 clients, including “10 largest multifamily property management companies in the United States”. There are multiple antitrust suits accusing the private equity-owned firm of organizing a massive price-fixing conspiracy to inflate rents across the board.
Beyond rent, the Biden administration or private plaintiffs now have credible antitrust claims against firms engaged in price-fixing in meat, hotels and large online sellers like Amazon. Corporations in a range of industries have made comments similar to those of Sheffield.
Alex Cisneros, an executive for Red Roof Inn, told a trade outlet that Red Roof Inn was using a software package called STR from CoStar to systematically hike prices across the hotel industry. “Red Roof’s franchisees for the most part are making more money with less occupancy,” Hotel News Now explained. “Red Roof is now providing more data to franchisees to educate and get them comfortable commanding higher rates.”
According to a lawsuit, an unnamed executive at Smithfield, a pork processor, summarized the advice he got from Agri Stats, a consulting firm that coordinates production in the industry, as: “Just raise your price.”
Rent, meat, oil and hotels are big sectors, so criminal activity in the form of price-fixing to boost profits should bust through the illusions economists have about how our markets really work. There are also a number of concrete steps policymakers can take to respond to this price-fixing.
The first is to arrest or sue the offending executives for criminal activity.
The second is to strengthen price-fixing and merger laws, allow more private class-action suits, force judges to speed up cases and increase the budget of antitrust enforcers to make collusion more difficult.
The third is to reform the Federal Reserve so policymakers there stop using macro-economic models that avoid considerations of profits and price-fixing.
And the fourth is, frankly, political. One key reason there is action on these schemes is because Biden has prioritized antitrust enforcement. He hasn’t put enough into antitrust, and he doesn’t talk about it very often. But he should, or else Americans are likely to fall into the trap of thinking that what is good for big business is good for their pocketbooks, when the opposite is so often the case.
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puppetrevival · 6 months
SpookHammer 40k
Me : "Im going to make a Spooky Month Au crossover"
The Au Crossover in Question :
It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of His inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast Imperium of Man for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that He may never truly die. Yet even in His deathless state, the Emperor continues His eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst His soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, heretics, mutants -- and far, far worse. To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods… and the sorrow of The Stars who can do nothing but watch.
Also It's more based on the Tts Canon than The Real one
Skid : Human Descendant of The Emperor of Mankind (aka a Sensei… he’s the last of them), found by Lila and Frank when he was a baby during an invasion of an Agri-World led by Velseb The Eternal. Live in The Imperial Palace with his adoptive mother
Pump : Skid’s Best friend and The Son of the Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes and one of the leaders of the Tau Fire Warriors (Shadowsun) though he’s more human than Tau Kitten’s Note: THIS IS NOT FUCKING CANON… about the “he’s half Tau” and The Fact that his mom is a Tau. Live in the imperial palace with his Father who is taking care of the Emperor
Lila : Skid’s Adoptive mother (which kinda make her The Emperor’s Daughter in Law) and a Sister of Battle of The Order of the Ebon Chalice (and later on became a High Lord of Terra as the Abbess of the Adepta Sororitas after Roboute Guilliman came back), have to stay in the imperial palace after finding the Human Descendant of The Emperor (she knew that after The Emperor told her that by using telepathy).
Frank (Nicknamed Franktacular by Boy) : an Imperial Fist who is a close friend of Lila. Live in The Imperial Palace as a request by Lila
Pump’s Father : The Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes and Susie’s Adoptive Father/Mentor ,  goes by the nickname “Kitten” by "The Fabulous Custodes”. He’s the reason Lila and Skid stay in The Imperial Palace after Lila told him that The Emperor telepathically told her that Skid is his Descendant… with the Emperor telepathically telling him as well. 
Susannah (Susie for short): Shield-Captain of the Aquilan Shield of the Adeptus Custodes and The Captain-General’s Adopted Daughter (He found her as a baby during The Horus Heresy, unfortunately her real parents didn’t survive...). Also treats Pump as her little brother. and probably The one of the two custodes who keep their sanity (the other being her father)
Morgana : The Sister-Commander of The Sister of Silence and Susie’s best friend
John Yarrick : An Imperial Guard Commissar famous for his participation in the Second and Third Wars for Armageddon, in which he twice fought against the Ork forces of Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka. got a Power Klaw to replace the arm he lost in combat.
Jack: a Kriegsman who is friend with John Yarrick and Patty… which gave him a reason to live
Patricia Azure/ Patty : a Tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus who is assigned to maintain the Emperor’s Golden Throne. Have a collection of “Ancient Technology”
Marneus Calgar : The current Chapter Master of the Ultramarines. have depression due to having too many repeated winning streaks. He is also bitterly annoyed by the existence of Him, Kevin Sicarius
He, Kevin Sicarius : He, Kevin Sicarius is the Captain of the 2nd company of the Ultramarines, Master of the Watch, Knight Champion of Macragge, Grand Duke of Talassar, and High Suzerain of Ultramar and as such no foul Xeno could ever hope to outmatch his legendary swordsman skill also He, Kevin Sicarius is very handsome. Everyone wishes to be great as Him, Kevin Sicarius and the only one worthy to be The Next Ultramarines Chapter Masters which of course will be Him, Kevin Sicarius. He, Kevin Sicarius is an insufferable glory hound who speaks in a falsetto voice, and always refers to himself as "I, Kevin Sicarius." He, Kevin Sicarius, is the personification of everything wrong with the Ultramarines, as he, Kevin Sicarius, flawlessly executed otherwise impossible missions with the greatest of ease and in the most obnoxious manner possible.
Archmagos Belisarius Cawl : a tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus. He is a close ally of Roboute Guilliman, the chief architect behind the Primaris Marine project and Patricia/Patty’s Father Figure.
Ecclesiarch Mancclesiarch Gregor XXIII : Head of the Adeptus Ministorum, has a hatred towards Evermore Karamazov. Very annoyed that The High Lords Of Terra make fun of his hat all the time
Jaune Greyfax : an Inquisitor who was imprisoned within a Tesseract Vault by the Necron Overlord Trazyn the Infinite for centuries until she was released, along with his other prisoners. She’s now the Representative of the New Inquisition (created by Her, Roboute Guilliman and the Emperor). Definitely didn’t slept many time with Saint Celestine 
Lord Inquisitor Evermore Karamazov : Lord Inquisitor and one of the first adversaries to appear once the Emperor began his attempts at reforming the Imperium. Later on became the Star-Everemperor
Boy : a serf that has been commanded by the Emperor to manage the vox equipment for the Emperor's podcast (a podcast with Him, “Kitten”, Rogal Dorn, Lila, Patty, Frank and later on Guilliman). He Look up to Dorn and Frank since he always wanted to become a Space Marine
Mokey Draigo : the Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights.
Magnus The Red : The Primarch of the Thousand Sons, and fifteenth son of the Emperor.
Roboute Guilliman : The Primarch of the Ultramarines, and the thirteenth son of the Emperor and now Lord Commander of the Imperium who is helping his father to reform the Imperium
Rogal Dorn (Nicknamed Adornable by Boy) : The Primarch of the Imperial Fists, and seventh son of the Emperor, was disguised as a centurion who was in Frank’s order
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka : The leader of the Goffs clan, and the Warboss with the single largest army of Orks in modern history.
Yvraine : an Eldar who serves as the emissary for the newly awakened Eldar God Ynnead. and she’s also Roboute Guilliman’s girlfriend
Trazyn the Infinite : an ancient Necron Overlord of the Nihilakh Dynasty noted amongst his kind as a keeper of history and a preserver of artifacts and events on the Tomb World of Solemnace.
Commander Shadowsun : One of the leaders of the Tau Fire Warriors. The true reason why Kitten hated the Tau; it was because Shadowsun broke up with him to fight for the Greater Good, and because the fact she gave birth to Pump and that the custodes kill him if they found out about it Kitten’s Note : OHISWEARTOFUCK THAT WAS NOT FUCKING CANON, SHADOWSUN ISNT AND NEVER WAS HIS MOTHER! …but it turns out not only the other Custodes know about it they actually let him live Kitten’s Note :  NOT FUCKING CANON  and in fact keep their secrets away from the inquisition Kitten’s Note : NO NO NO NO NOT FUCKING CANON
Ahzek Thinriman : the First Captain of the Thousand Sons, a Champion of Tzeentch and the most powerful Chaos Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion after the Daemon Primarch Magnus the Red himself. He has a strange fixation with "murdering the stars."
Velseb The Eternal : a member of the Emperor's Children, and a Champion of Slaanesh. Slaanesh has granted him a special form of immortality where if the person who slays him feels any satisfaction over the kill, that person will become the new Velseb.
Ignacio Bile : The Chief Apothecary of the Emperor's Children, and a powerful figure among the Chaos Space Marines. He is an expert geneticist, having created clones of even the Primarchs. Unlike most of the Emperor's Children, Bile does not follow Slaanesh, instead he devotes himself to science, and research into the creation of Space Marines.
Thiephus : The Death Guard Lord of the Death Guard Traitor Legion's 1st Plague Company, and the host of the terrible plague known as the Destroyer Hive. He is a Champion of Nurgle, a Death Guard Sorcerer and the former first captain of the Death Guard Legion. Thiephus is also the most feared of all Chaos Lords to command one of the legendary Plague Fleets.
Rich the Betrayer : a Chaos Space Marine of the World Eaters Legion. Rich is the greatest of all the Champions of Khorne, second only to the Daemon Prince Angron in power. He is the avatar of Khorne, embodying that god's indiscriminate rage and bloodlust.
Canbaddon the Despoiler : The Warmaster of Chaos, the former First Captain of the Sons of Horus Legion and now absolute Master of the Black Legion, and rumoured to be the clone-progeny of Warmaster Horus. He is the most powerful Warmaster of all, successor to Horus, and blessed by all four of the Gods of Chaos. Despite being the Warmaster of Chaos, Canbaddon has refused to give himself fully over to the Ruinous Powers as the Daemon Primarchs have, as this would limit his existence beyond the Eye of Terror and push his ultimate vengeance against the Imperium beyond his grasp.
The Emperor of Mankind : The sovereign ruler of the Imperium of Man, and Father, Guardian, and God Man of the human race. He has sat immobile within the Golden Throne of Terra for ten thousand years. Although once a living man, His shattered body can no longer support life, and remains intact only by a combination of ancient technology and the sheer force of His will, itself sustained by the soul-sacrifice of countless millions of psyker. As he now has a text to speech device (which was found by Skid and Pump while looking at Patty’s Collection of “ancient technology” that she “found”) the Emperor is able to speak to his subjects once more… and is very pissed with what they've done to his Imperium.
The Eyes of the Universe : a Old God who helped The large group of psychic shamans to perform the ritualistic form of mass suicide since he’s the one who fused their souls and psychic powers to create The Emperor of Mankind. Got sealed away By Tzeentch, Khorne, Nurgle and Slaanesh and can do nothing but watch The Galaxy and feel sad about its current state… but however before that he managed to put a figment of himself to an alternate universe where a cult worship him which will set him free of the prison and defeat the four Chaos Gods
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supermoongirl9 · 2 years
Thoughts about the Saturn in Pisces transit
Saturn in Pisces vs bringing a lot more issues with the overall gestion of water everywhere : either because it had been contaminated or because there's just not enough; eventual destructive floods; sea wars; international disputes over the control of certain areas in the ocean; Russia pushing more and more to have military bases near any sea and ocean they can access; countries using more and more potable water as a currency and something to negotiate over; agri-food groups owning water sources becoming even more powerful than before; China vs Taiwan taking another turn; Indonesia becoming more powerful than its neighbors. Also random remark but sectors that could be very profitable to work in could be related to maritime law, anything related to fishes (marine biologist or fishery sciences etc), oceanography....
I fear that a lot of people could want less and less to help people around them, like a certain weariness about mutual aid, esp online when it's people you don't actually know (and that's also why people could go back to religious structures, it'd bring them an actual community).
Saturn in Pisces vs bringing more official regulations about spiritual business : a lot of people aren't declaring their income properly to their country's tax services and it could become an actual issue; spiritual businesses could be taxed more/even forbidden in some places. Even if you are unsure of which direction your business will take, if your name is very significative and most people know you that way, register a trademark with it can be very good (yes it is spending money now, but it is to gain more after so). If you're taking astro, tarot or else seriously and really want it to be your actual livelihood, it's not just fun and vibes, knowing about regulations and the law generally speaking is important !
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tunneldweller · 1 year
the election results are... not terrible, not excellent. the formerly ruling party will not be able to form a gov't even with the aid of even-further-right whackjobs; they did get the most votes, so the president might nominate them to try and govern anyway [he's their appointee]. the oppo coalition, consisting of big name rightish-leaning-centrist neolib party, "we're catholic but a tad less authoritarian about it"+agri party conglomerate, and several-flavors-of-leftism alliance, has 248 seats all together and will be able to outvote them in the lower house of parliament. [the prez can always veto, but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.]
the leftist roster did worse in the senate election than the flat-earthers and their 26 seats in the parliament are an underwhelming result. possibly due in part to strategic voting, as the oppo coalition's messaging was "plz make sure the nice catholics get in too" so some people switched their votes.
another concern: the two biggest parties are infamous for pretty much trading the same people back and forth after elections, so if enough pis disappointees roll up to pinky swear they've changed for real this time, they could further marginalize the leftist voice in the coalition. some folks are saying Tusk had learned his lesson over those 8 years and his time in Brussels; I deeply hope he did, but it remains to be seen.
and the nice catholics are already saying there will be no party discipline wrt the proposed liberalization of abortion law, which was a major topic of the campaign. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
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alhaithamhabibi · 2 years
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I posted 342 times in 2022
That's 342 more posts than 2021!
47 posts created (14%)
295 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 302 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#the way to protect the female lead's older brother - 65 posts
#trash of the count's family - 35 posts
#manhwa x reader - 29 posts
#yandere manhwa x reader - 29 posts
#— meena's mutuals - 28 posts
#cale henituse - 23 posts
#trash of the count's family x reader - 18 posts
#alberu crossman - 18 posts
#the villainess is a marionette - 18 posts
#inso's law - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#as for male leads... if they aren't cold to the bone just because and haven't killed the female leads in their past life or in the story
My Top Posts in 2022:
( PART 3!!! i'll admit it's more of a filler chapter with just wedding night details happening. since i cannot write smut to save my life, the content is more indirect rather than explicit. as always, it's unedited so pls ignore my typos and incorrect grammar. hope you enjoy it tho! )
it's universal knowledge that wedding night should be a couple's highlight of their marriage, their union, or luckily enough, their love for each other. it simply meant the couple had finally intimately bonded with each other. and it was usually witnessed by the couple's family, friends, or even their neighbors back then. though that certain tradition has been out of practice nowadays which did soothe your nerves a bit.
if you haven't witnessed your husband killing someone in front of you, perhaps it would've been easier to settle the anxiety knotting in your stomach. those cold crimson eyes, the bloodied sword, and the fear trapping you in one place had certainly given you a lesson to learn and a harsh wake of reality. in which you believed that reliving this life must be been some sort of fantasy and that you truly had gone crazy. but it's not and you really are here.
at the agriche mansion once again. in your personal bathroom, taking a much needed bath before you're escorted to dion's room. after the unannounced beheading, the dark-haired man only dragged you away from the mess and to the personal quarters where he and you will be residing. you had known the nooks and hallways so at least you won't get lost again. but the tightening hold on your wrist had you more concentrated on the pain rather than the gloomy scenery. and your husband, ever so kindly, didn't slow down his walking either before shoving to an open door where the maids were waiting for you.
it's more of a nightmare rather than a dream, you thought to yourself as you leaned your head on the back of the bathtub railings, eyes closed. perhaps you were still slumbering, unwilling to wake up? but then what? will you not wake up in your life again? failing to take your own life even? you would be back in your past life, constantly humiliated and your precious child gone...
quiet footsteps making your way quickly opened your eyes only to see your personal maid along with the two agriche maids trembling slightly before you. the young master believes you were taking too long, one of the maids explained as the others helped you out of the tub and into your attire. which now looked utterly ridiculous as you warily eyed the small piece of fabric. you could only scream at your past self for doing this to you. take that away, you shooed the outfit with a heavy sigh, i might as well wear the robe since clothing will be taken off anyway.
despite their initial protests you, you let the agriche servants out and kept your personal maid, iristyia, with you. all she had to do is make sure you look...desirable, you suppose with the scents, make up and all of that. at very least, you know iristyia wouldn't betray you since you both need up together. in fact, it was her who shared your pain and grief when the mistress appeared. and she was undoubtedly loyal in your last life till she was killed by the agriche monsters. you'll protect her this time. just before you left you whispered something to her and despite the shock on her face, she dutifully agreed. with that, you walked through the doors and stepped into the bedroom.
wedding night is unavoidable, you knew that. it's just that...you hoped it went quickly as possible. at least, you know what to do now as you head straight to the table and sat down on the chair. there was some wine on the table and you hoped to the higher beings it was enough that you would only remember this night as hazy as possible. you have not even glance at dion who has been eyeing you with a predatory graze since you walked into the room. you knew better than to talk right now.
in fact, you decided to take the scenery before you. the beams of moonlight had somehow made it's way in the candlelit room. the open balcony doors let the warm breeze in, gently swaying in the curtains. the rose petals on the bed, where your husband sat, were illuminated by the candles nearby. it was almost romantic the way the room was set in the mood. however, you knew better than to believe that.
so you went to drink instead. one glass filled, the second one filled once more, and then another and another and another until the bottle was nearly empty. till you felt yourself half drunk. your alcohol tolerance wasn't the strongest but it wasn't the weakest at least. and that's good enough for you.
let's get this over with, you mumbled and sauntered, albeit clumsy, up to dion who hadn't even moved from his initial spot in the bed. taking his face into your hands, your lips crashes onto his pale ones. it was just as you remembered it. despite not being with anyone before, he had much experience in this. before you were so shy and nervous, but whatever your lovesick mind created, you were led to believe it was dion who liked you in this way.
littering your neck with aggressive kisses, you know there were gonna be hickies and bruises. fiddling with the robe belt as dion was unable to take out the knot, his only solution was to rip up the robe as he hungrily took in your bare body. as he flipped you beneath him, you could tightening in his pants as it made itself known on your thighs. oh. you forgot to take note of dion's... stamina. quick as you wanted this to be over with, he had other plans it seems as he hastily took off his last piece of clothing.
and those plans took hours as you were certain it was past midnight. your body tired but he never stopped to give you rest. he was always the type to please himself, you thought to yourself as you held on to him. your throat was sore enough from the noises you made before so now you were reduced to the lewd moans and the sharp intakes of gasps that were let out. your poor legs wrapped around dion's waist he kept pounding you relentlessly, you were certain you wouldn't be able to walk properly tomorrow. and your arms holding on to his broad shoulders, to which your delight, you were able to scratch hard enough for him to bleed. petty it was but it gave you enough satisfaction that you made him bleed.
and just when dion thought he finally satisfied himself for the night, you pushed him down and settled right on top of him much to his shock. as you kept moving up and down despite your exhausted state, you found it to be worth it as you kept riding him. perhaps you were too tired to hold it back but you couldn't help but let the tears overflow as you reach closer to your final high. in his sick satisfaction, he reached to place his thumb over your cheek to wipe the tear away. but instead of wiping it, he licked it instead much to your disgust. your tears weren't even worth for him.
just before you could feel the knot come undone for you and him, you cupped his cheek with one hand while supporting yourself with the other hand. your glassy eyes meeting his intrigued crimson ones.
husband, you murmured leaning down for either pair of lips brushing against each other, let this be a reminder that i will never let you go. you'll forever stay within my grasp, unable to escape me.
154 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
( part four!! once again, excuse my typos and grammar. also sorry for the angst in the beginning lolnotsorry )
it was simultaneously quiet and loud at once. and yet you could still hear it. the labored breathing, the erratic beating of the heart, the anxiety twisting in your stomach. it was as if you were frozen in fear once more. but how could you not? when your husband's sword was aimed at his child, your beloved child. specifically, the weapon was aimed at their chest where the heart stayed. and you wanted to move but you just couldn't. ( it was terrifying how dion still had a hold on you even then. )
and you didn't want to believe that your husband would do this. no! he loved them, didn't he? he would never betray you like this, he would never betray his family. but your child terrified expression at their father had grounded you back to reality.
mama, your child wept as their body began to tremble, i'm sorry i couldn't pass the exam and become a true agriche. how badly you wanted to scoop your child into your arms and hold them tightly, telling them it wasn't their fault. that it was yours. you were stupid and naive. it was never their fault. and that you loved them the way they are and that would never change. ( you wished you said those words out loud to your child. why didn't you? )
dion, please, you begged as your voice cracked, this is our child. please don't do this. don't do this to me. if you had to kiss his shoes and deal with that wretched woman just for your child to be safe, you would take it in a heartbeat. but no choices were allowed here. and you knew it. but you had hoped that something that there was something that would make him realize his actions and prevent him from causing harm to one of his own.
but it was stupid to think that he was a man capable of feelings. i do not need weak children, he responded with an empty tone. was that indifference laced with it? but he pulled back his sword and you felt relief wash over you as you began to make your way toward them. how unfortunate it was brief emotion.
his cold red eyes were still unrelenting as they merely glanced at you before piercing the sword through your child's chest and pulling it out. their pained screams mixed along with yours as you rush to them. you held your hand over their chest as you desperately tried to stop the fatal bleeding. you screamed for help but no one came. by then, dion had left you and your child alone in the room. you didn't notice until it was too late. but you focused on your child, unable to do anything but be with them.
you kissed their forehead clumsily and held them so close to you, muttering the words of infinite love for them and that you are here. even as the blood gets on your nightgown and your exposed skin. you never left your child's side. your tears unshed but you refused to cry. you couldn't show that side to them in their last moments.
mama, your child whispered, coughing up some blood that you tried to wipe away, thank you for staying by my side. a lump made its way up to your throat and you couldn't help but let out an agonizing sob. please don't leave me, you thought as you intertwined their fingers with yours. and as you watched the light fade from your child's eyes and closed them for the last time, you were all alone.
it was your maid's voice who snapped you back to reality. for a moment, you had forgotten what had happened yesterday. but the vivid memories came back and you closed your eyes once again. you remembered your purpose in this second life. and you opened your eyes, clear with clarity. retribution for the pain you and your child were out through in this miserable house.
as you reached out to your maid, she gave you the drink that you needed and gulped it down. you will never put your child through that again. no child should ever go through that. ( you hoped that they were happier in their next life, though, with parents who loved and cherished them as parents should. )
as you stood up, you winced at the pain around your lower half and legs and had your maid steady you. you couldn't help but curse at dion for having such strength and stamina to mobilize you like this. you were still naked but you felt no shame for it was only you and your personal maid. you had noticed dion had left the bed long before you woke, as his side of the bed was cold. probably out on a mission or some sort.
besides, this was the perfect time for you to start on your agenda. it may take a while but it will be worth it. and no one should bother you today, right? wrong.
it was only after you finished taking a bath and were in the process of getting ready that the door swung open by a beautiful violet-eyed brunette. your blood ran cold at the sight of her you remembered her face with perfect detail. after all, she was partially responsible for the hardships she put you through.
oh dear, she's quite stunning, she proclaimed loudly, gazing at you as if you were some kind of animal, no wonder she took the first dance with that half brother instead of him. a shame i wasn't there to witness such a sight.
quickly, you bowed down to her, hoping she wouldn't see the anxiety written all over your face. last time you checked, she hadn't barged into your room like this after the wedding night. only an invitation was handed out by one of her maids...and the other tormenting memories associated with your mother-in-law.
you haven't even noticed that she was asking a question until your maid stepped in front of you and answered it. no! you snapped your head up and saw the maniac glint in her eyes as she snapped her fan in front of her. you won't let your maid have the same ending this time.
so you pushed her and yourself out of the way, a brief flash of pain on your cheek as turned your head the other way. you paid no mind to the surprised gasps from the maids and the concerned words of your maid. only that you stood up slowly until your back was straight and your gaze set as steel at the woman before you. her eyes gleamed with such madness and amusement, which had only fueled your determination even more.
i may have entered the black agriche yesterday, your voice is clear and strong unlike your thoughts, but i will not have the people here touch what are mine as they please.
perhaps in the future, you will scold yourself for being such an idiot and making this move, no less at your mother-in-law. but right now, you refuse to be a weak person who's unable to protect your loved ones. ( you couldn't protect your child back then. ) you will not let yourself act as you did before and accept the humiliation for you.
for a moment, you remembered that red-eyed woman's words. the promise of hell that awaits them all. that's right. it doesn't matter how you act anymore. you will be the one to drag them to hell in the end.
my, what a strong character, maria gushed as she took both of your hands with hers much to your shock, though no one can compare to my sierra, you would be just lovely!
and just like that, it disappeared as if she went on talking about her tea parties and meeting the family as she pulled you out of her bedroom. you couldn't help but let yourself be dragged by her, still surprised. well... this wasn't the way you expected this to go but you were able to overcome this.
as your destination grew closer, you could feel the anxiety knot in your stomach. oh, you could deal with her barging in your room but you didn't have time to prep yourself for the tea party. this wasn't going to end well.
the tea party will be much more exciting with you here, my dear, maria giggled as she motioned the servants to open the doors to the garden greenhouse. no, you thought to yourself, this is gonna be a disaster.
172 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
( the continuation... yeah i know ineed a better title. It's mainly unedited and turns out my dialogue needs a little work but i'm excited to improve on it for this series. i do plan to come back in the near future and actually work on it in more detail! so once again, take you for your kind words and encouragement to keep me writing more! )
as the wedding procession began and the rings were exchanged, he still had that rigid face and cold manners. he didn't even look at you. and it disgusted you that you fell in love with him in your past life. there was nothing left to redeem him. and it made it much easier for you.
so you played the dutiful bride during the vows, even as you briefly pecked his lips and looked at the cheerful crowd with a charming smile. you still had some dignity left. and you know dion didn't like what you did base on his subtle expressions.
and as the reception party was held, you could feel all eyes on you and dion. some of his family and yours, coming to congratulate and gush about how you both make such a perfect pair. they may smile now and throw around such pretty words but you knew very that in the end, it was they who contributed to your ending. how revolting, you thought smiling so sweetly as you silently took in their empty praises, i'll certainly look forward to their deaths.
in the corner of your eyes, you noticed the head of the agriche household striding arrogantly towards you and dion. your heart clenched as you remember the words of the patriarch when you begged him to save your son, who was all but dying in your arms. tsk, to think that you stepped into this household foolishly without knowing its rules, he lit up a cigarette with a scowl as you desperately tried to stop the bleeding wounds on your child's body, i could see why he took that woman into his bed. she'll be a better wife than you, giving birth to stronger children worthy of the name agriche than this pathetic excuse of a human.
you forced yourself out of those haunting memories and bowed down as lante stopped in front of you and your husband. he didn't even acknowledge you, not to your and anyone's surprise. with merely just a look shared between both men, they left for the other room and you couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of relief. you need to get used to it but it was rather suffocating in their presence. distinctly, you could the music begin to play.
if you remembered the events correctly, lante was to leave right after his talk with dion. however dion also left you alone without a word to you, leaving you to handle a crowd of hungry predators wanting to devour scandalous gossip.
and if that's what they wanted, you eyed as one of dion's older brothers made his way toward you, you should deliver it well. unlike your last wedding, you will not let yourself be forgotten. you will not be know as dion's neglected wife. let them remember your name since it will be you who will drag them to hell.
you accepted the first dance from his nameless easily forgettable brother, as you took his hand. if it wasn't before, now all eyes are on you. after all, you just ignored the tradition of the husband and wife's first dance by dancing with his brother instead. and it seems the male in front of you also had his agenda as he smirked cockily behind you.
you don't have to turn around to know who it was. especially when it felt like your back was being burned through. hm, you were sure he left around this time, you were puzzled by a certain change, but still, you took advantage of it as you smiled oh so innocently at him as you were twirled around.
it's your fault, husband, you subtly pushed yourself closer to his brother, i'm just returning you the favor. in the past, you loathed the whispers around you. but now, it felt like angels harmonizing beautifully. it's still aimed at you but now you could hear dion's name being dragged out right behind yours. whether it was about another rival in the family or the way he left his wife temporarily only to be snatched up, he'll have to deal with this himself.
and you know dion was certainly fuming internally. he expected a wife who would listen to him and never create a fuss. but you'll never be like that girl again.
finally, the song finished to your relief. just as you were about to leave, your dance partner dared to bring your hand onto his lips. great, now you were gonna have to take an extra long bath after this, you groaned internally, who let men have the audacity to do this? and it happened all too quickly.
the sound of a sword being unsheathed next to you, the blood staining your hands and your wedding dress, and a head rolling away somewhere. distantly, you could hear the guest's fearful screams and someone throwing up the contents of their stomach. it was chaos all around you and yet, you couldn't move an inch. your eyes still staring at the spot your dance partner formerly stood. and now there was merely a headless body.
and the very same man who had just sliced off the head cleanly had only calmly walked over the body, just in front of you. you couldn't look at him as fear forced your body to stay still.
my wife, dion placed his first two fingers on your chin so that you may look up to him. yet even then, you refused to as you looked past his shoulder. your eyes on the ceiling with such an empty gaze, refusing to satisfy him. let this be a warning of the consequences if you keep continuing these sorts of actions.
his words only added gasoline to the burning flames for hatred and revenge.
264 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
credits to @d10nsaint ( literally. she's so creative and will not hesitate to slam you down your problematic faves in front of you <333 )
imagine being dion's wife, loving him even though you know it was hopeless to wish, but in such a lonely household where anyone and everyone can become enemies within seconds you have no choice but to rely on him. as long as he was loyal to you, you gave him your love and utter devotion. even after you had a child with him, it just doubled even more. it was proof that he cared for you to some extent, your optimism explained. he must've loved you in his way and this was his proof. he wasn't raised in a good environment, you noted, but you can help him. if you showed him love, then perhaps he can be healed and love you back.
until that night. you were waiting for him as any obedient wife would. dressed in a robe with nothing underneath. perhaps it's time to give your child another sibling, you couldn't help but think this morning. but the moment he arrived you could see the disheveled clothes, the messy hair, and the way he walked. and oh suddenly you could smell that strange scent on him, no...it was perfume. so strong you couldn't help but cringe. and why...why was there a colored smudge around his neck? his pale lips seem to be redder than before. and that jewel hanging off from his lapel...as of it was taunting you.
you know it deep in your heart but you refused to believe it. you just couldn't and you demanded an explanation of where he was hours ago. but when his crimson eyes stared at you, no...glared at you. so intense, perhaps the most emotion you seen him displayed. so you shut your mouth quickly and headed to bed.
and soon what you thought would be a one-night thing slowly became an every night thing. and everyone knew it. they knew of his mistress especially when he bought her there. and gods, it was utterly humiliating and you became the mockery of the very household. it was breaking you, tearing you down but you were so sure he loved you. so you kept your head high, for your child ( who looked exactly like dion ), and did your best to keep your dwindling reputation up.
till you couldn't. seeing your beloved child die in their father's hands because they were unable to pass the special exam took a toll on your health and you were so very weak. because how could he? how could he do this to his child? you? to their family?
finally, seeing the mistress and dion in your shared bedroom, committing the deed had done it. you grabbed dion's blade and held it against your throat, screaming why didn't he love you? what did you lack? how could he betray you like this? but with his expresionless face, coldly replying that you shouldn't make a scene since you were gonna die anyway. and that last sanity broke loose. you were truly an idiot who could only look through rose tinted glasses. it had already been over, you thought as you slit your lovely throat and swore to never love him again...
so imagine the shock and utter disbelief when you woke up in your family home. and it wasn't any normal day. it was the day your fate was sealed. the day you wed to dion agriche. a part of you wanted to run and never look back. but your child's pleas and crying were still fresh in your memory. your pain and suffering all because of that wretched man. as your maids prepped you up in your luxurious wedding gown, you knew there was only one option you could choose.
you will exact your revenge on dion agriche and bring down that damn household.
( might make a part two?? depends since there's so many routes this can go to! )
441 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Um, hellooo! I saw you up requests and I wanted to give a try but feel free to reject this. May I ask for a reader who isekai'd in the way to protect the female lead's older brother long before roxana was born. The reader mother is a nanny(do they allow that?? idk) of lante when he was younger so reader and him sorta grew up together. And then when he became the head, he had the reader became his kids nanny/caretaker and as one of his righthand. Pls and ty!
ᴍᴇᴇɴᴀ ɴᴏᴛᴇs : hiii darling! no clue what lante's background was other than he overruled his father so this is my speculation of it. i may or may have not gotten carried away by the reader's backstory that i may or may have not create another post for it 👀 also this somehow became an alternate universe somewhere around the end oops -
part two is here
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❥ so you isekai'd in the way to protect the female lead's older brother's world long before the story started? congratulations! and you even became the daughter of the female lead's father nanny? good luck trying to survive.
❥ somehow, you managed to survive up to your late twenties as LANTE AGRICHE trusted servant and closest confidante. which was shocking, to say the least. but you know deep down, he held some sort of genuine affection for your mother since his mother passed away.
❥ and you two had grown up together despite being in different worlds from each other. even after your mother's death, he kept you around as he killed his father and took the position of the head of agriche. even as he changed for the worse, you remained by his side.
❥ whether it was out of obligation or sincerity, you no longer knew why you stayed beside him. but you know why he wanted you. after all, your mother made her mark on him and so did you. people found it odd that he didn't try to marry you just to keep you by his side since it was more effective. but you both knew better than that.
❥ it was the consequences of your actions, you thought to yourself, as he burned your marriage requests in the fireplace. anything that allowed relationships beyond his family, his household, and especially himself was an absolute no. but that's fine. who needs friendship and love anyway?
❥ besides, as he began to collect his wives and mistresses ( much to your disdain ), you knew the story was gonna start soon. and despite knowing the end for this household, you still wanted to change a few things. and what better way to start as lante made you the official nanny of his children.
❥ FONTAINE was an eight-year-old child when you first met him. to make his father proud. at first, he wasn't quite fond of you as you took most of his father's time but eventually, he liked the maternal affection you gave to him. he felt entitled to have your time. in return, you made sure he kept at least some of his morals growing up. you unfortunately weren't able to stop the rebelliousness growing in him and could only hope he would make wise decisions. ( yes, you made sure to tell him the deficits of incestuous relationships and frightened him enough that he would see his female siblings as competition which is progress at least. )
❥ GRIZELDA was only a toddler when she first approached you about a book you were reading during your time off. you knew she was the only agriche to have magic so the pressure on her was high. when all was against her, you were right by her side to hold her steady. that and you two had bonded over books together. as she was young, it was you who tucked her into bed and told her stories and tales you knew from your past life and current. even as she grew older, she loved hearing interesting stories that came from you. you always made time for her even when you were busy with taking care of lante's work and the children. always reminding you to take care of yourself as well.
❥ ASHIL was only a year old when you met him. sierra was a wonderful and sane woman so you often visited her. ashil reminded you of a golden retriever and you became fond of him instantly. he always asked for your help and was ready to help you if you had any problems. the day you knew ashil failed the exam, you beg to lante to give spare ashil so you may take him as your own. because of your shared past, he reluctantly did so. it was the only way for him to live safely even if it meant taking him from his mother and sister. though the mother-sister duo thanked you profusely. especially as ashil pledged to protect you along with those he considered as his family. even as he grew stronger and older, he kept true to himself.
❥ DION was also a baby when you first carried him in your arms after maria's birth. while she complained about the baby's looks and disappointment, you saw another baby to love and cherish. lante and maria's parenting only got worse so you took matters in your hands and had him stay with you and ashil. he was quite a curious and mischievous boy, always finding trouble to drag his older brother with him. luckily, ashil had infinite patience as an elder sibling and always pulled back dion when necessary. it was also rather cute to see dion and roxana fight over who gets more ashil and your time. the older dion grew, he began to resemble more of his father which worried you. but when he smiled that playful smile at you and his close siblings, the anxiety vanished as you returned the smile.
❥ ROXANA was unsure about you when she first saw you. she hadn't remembered you being mentioned in the novel along with the evident changes. you were an unpredictable variable so she was cautious around you. it took some time but after saving ashil, she viewed you as an angel descended from the heavens to protect them. and she let you into her small circle and her heart. eventually, you told her of your past life which shocked her. so that explains everything! but she felt the comfort of another person in her situation just as she did and swore to protect you as well. despite your warnings, she still went ahead with the butterfly project knowing it could shorten her life. so you made sure to take care of her despite her pouts to relieve your, ashil, and sierra's worries. and cassis came along as the story unfold, he could see how important you were to the children of agriche. you liked to tease roxana and him often after he escaped.
❥ JEREMY was clingy and touch-starved when he first met you as a young child. he had just returned from his brutal class with a harsh wound, unable to hold back his whimpers. you found him there and gathered him into your arms to your room so that you could heal his wounds. his mother didn't even see and he watched her commit suicide with his own eyes as she refused to interact with him. since then, he has been attached to you by the hip. you were his mother. that was what he called you, openly especially since the others addressed you as either aunty or nanny. you were one of the few people who could stop jeremy from his violent tendencies with a word or a touch. he didn't want to scare his mother after all.
❥ CHARLOTTE was easily attached to you as she had a rocky relationship with her mother. you were more of her mother than her mother and she loved it when you praised her. it was a competition again between her and jeremy which gave you enough headaches as you recalled the rivalry between dion and roxana before. history had a way of repeating itself. still, like jeremy, you had a way of calming her down. with her hothead and brash personality, you helped her try to control it so she wouldn't get into any more trouble with lante and her mother. she loves it especially when you call her by her nickname 'lotte' since it was her first nickname she received.
❥ though all the agriche kids were raised as they were, you became their moral support and someone they genuinely care for. it was you who put yourself between lante and themselves when they were punished. and if you couldn't stop it, you always attended to their wounds and stayed with them for the night, as they rest on the couch. how could they not love you?
❥ even lante couldn't do anything as he found it a good reason to keep you in the agriche mansion. which was his biggest mistake. even as his top children began to plot against their father, you also went along with it as their spy. after all, lante was no longer the boy you grew up with and you had to open up your eyes. and if he had to be disposed off so that you could protect the children, so be it.
❥ after the night the agriche household fell, it was you placed the final blow on lante. and you had to witness fontaine demise from cassis's sword, though some small part of you mourned for that eight year old boy you knew long ago. and as roxana's health declined, you sent her to cassis in hopes that there was a possibility she could be healed.
❥ you were named as the matriarch of the black agriche, a title placed by the children you cared for. and quickly enough due to your past experience as lante trusted associate, you began to help raise the agriche from the ground and to a hopeful and brighter future. so you decided to burn agriche mansion to the ground and make it a new and better mansion.
❥ for a future where your children could make better memories in the new home you created for them. even as some of them stayed by your side or went on traveling around, you always made sure that they would have a home to come back to. but to them, you were their home. you accepted all of them as they are and cherished you for it. they would burn the world down if you asked them to.
448 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
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samueldays · 2 years
Shared Universe Blunders interlude: WH40K, specifically
I shall indulge myself in giving an overview of Warhammer 40,000 for those unfamiliar with it. Skip to the readmore if you want:
A shithole future sci-fi setting where the closest thing to a 'main character' is the Imperium of Mankind, a violently militant caesaropapist xenophobic genocidal backward foot-shooting self-cannibalizing galaxy-spanning dominion, governing the majority of the human population. Their FTL travel relies on shortcuts through Space Hell and they perpetrate a thousand human sacrifices a day to keep the life support/stasis pod/space-lighthouse of the Emperor working. They would make excellent antagonists for any other setting, and they conveniently identify themselves as such by having skull insignias everywhere. They're the closest thing this galaxy has to (relative) "good guys" because the Imperium at least contains many baseline humans living ordinary lives, while some of the many worse enemies they're fighting are:
Lawful Evil Space Elves filled with arrogance, sneering, and a complete lack of concern for the lives of humans, playing the "last of their kind" and "dying race" tropes to the point where they'll sacrifice a million humans to save one Space Elf in a complicated gambit enabled by super precognition.
Chaotic Evil Space Elves whose souls are forfeit to the evil She-Who-Thirsts, but they can appease their dark goddess by constantly committing acts of torture-sacrifice on other people to prolong their own wicked existence.
Neutral Violent Space Orcs, here implemented as sentient psychic fungus bioweapons in humanoid form that are a holdover from a war between alien precursor races. Broadly similar to Saberhagen's Berserkers.
The God of Plague who is endlessly creative about inventing new kinds of plague and sending Plague Demons into the galaxy to spread these plagues to everyone (there are significant fantasy elements in this sci-fi)
WH40K, or just 40k, is a very cool shithole. It sometimes appears to be designed primarily around "how can we make the fights look Maximally Metal" so the box art features an eight-foot-tall augmented soldier in greebled power armor, slamming his chainsaw-lightsaber into the face of a spike-covered bug-eyed giant green alien menace.
The logistics of the chainsaw-lightsaber can be sorted out later, and don't think too hard about why future scifi people with spaceships are getting into melee combat.
40k is consistently inconsistent. The canon opening crawl describes the Imperium as "the cruelest regime imaginable"; the Chaotic Evil Space Elves who subsist on torture are obviously far more cruel.
The individual writers have a wiiiiide variety of vibes between "this is a necessary evil" (e.g. putting down soldiers exposed to corrupting infectious memes of the Chaos Gods), "this is an unnecessary evil" (putting down soldiers who heard about the Chaos Gods secondhand), "this is a stupid, counterproductive, really unnecessary evil", "this is not as evil as the rumors would have it", "this is an evil that the protagonist fixed", and sometimes "this is an evil that's just here because a lazy writer had to make Evil Quota".
That last one was raised to my attention by a recent thread on Sufficient Velocity which pointed out to me a canon description of Agri-Worlds and their creation posted on the 40k wiki:
In reality, life on an agri world is as unrelenting, back-breaking and monotonous as the vast majority of other Imperial vocations. There are no trees laden with glossy fruit, only kilometre after kilometre of hissing corn. There are no gentle strolls under the warming sun, only punishing work details in rad-suits, leaning into the dust-laden winds that howl around the equator with nothing to halt their rampage. Once the new arrivals have made planetfall and found this out, it is too late. Crew transports arrive on agri worlds full and leave empty. There is a saying among the indentured workers – you come for the soil, you end up part of it.
Why the fuck do the workers have to wear rad-suits? If the radiation is bad enough to hurt a worker on a shift, it's going to be several times worse to the corn growing there all day. Corn that people are supposed to eat. This in a highly xenophobic state that is extremely intolerant of any deviations from the Official Standard, and frequently executes humans for being "mutants". It is not going to put up with mutation in the planet-wide food supply.
Also, the work being "back-breaking" is stupid and contradictory to the rest of the setting at multiple levels, including:
The very same passage describes industrial machinery automating much of the process
Lifting heavy objects in particular is one of the first tasks to be automated because machines can lift heavier objects for longer times across larger distances
Workers have to eat and replacing them with machines means they're eating less of the food that is the planet's primary export which the people in charge are trying to maximize
This is a rare instance where naked greed, bureaucratic optimization, and compassion for the humans all happen to point in the same direction: Make A Machine Do It.
But 40k writers have an idea that they're supposed to sprinkle some random cruelty in. Make the Imperium behave evilly. Make the Imperium put supervillains to shame with how vile it is. So the canon fills up with this sort of thing, where workers are made to suffer for no reason - not even the bad reason that the ruler is a sadist.
Another example of 40k's nonsense is the Commissars. Similar to the real-world political officers of the same name, they are officers outside the regular chain of command who attach themselves to units of the Imperial Guard and have the authority to execute Guardsmen for desertion, treason, cowardice, heresy, espionage, or any number of other reasons, without trial. The superficial propaganda cover for Commissars is roughly "I'll shoot the first man who runs" (still quite nasty) to avoid desertions, maintain discipline, and ensure that Guardsmen will stand and fight. The truth, 40k hints darkly, is Commissars are murderous assholes, abusing their power, shooting whoever looks at them funny, and the Guardsmen have no legal recourse to do anything about it.
Of course, "no legal recourse" isn't the same as "no recourse". Guardsmen have grenades. Considering the rate at which relatively well-disciplined American servicemen fragged their own officers, the broader history of "mutiny" before grenades were invented, and how 40k's Commissars come from outside the regular chain of command, sometimes even from another planet to the regiment they're attached to, 40k's Commissars should be getting fragged all the damn time. Frag the Commissar if he looks at you funny, the rest of your infantry bros will back you up against this murderous foreign brass-hat. After all, what's the worst that could happen -- death?
Which is perhaps why almost every individual Commissar featured in the 40k novels is better behaved than that. Commissars have a severe case of the OOTS Dark Elf joke.
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Warhammer 40k is like this a lot. The canon is contradictory all day every day. The Imperium is simultaneously colossally self-destructive and unsustainable, and several thousand years old. Every subfaction within the Imperium is the worst one, depending on the writer. Precognition is always a plothole in the making, and the Space Elves having had millions of years to refine their craft makes it worse, which the authors handle by casually ignoring it or saying "The future is clouded" as the plot demands.
Some of the problems are excused by saying that interstellar communication is unreliable and travel times are long so local culture can vary a lot from planet to planet, which is contradicted in turn by the Imperial Inquisition being well known and dreadfully intimidating by simply brandishing their sigil seemingly wherever they go, wielding near-absolute authority in the name of the Emperor - despite there being fewer Inquisitors than there are planets, and the Emperor has been in a coma for the last several millennia.
On top of that, a lot of the books and stories and lore are blatantly post hoc excuses for the merchandise that the main company sells.
It's a mess.
Some people might have tried to retcon it and impose a coherent vision on the setting. The Warhammer publishers instead did a bold tactical surrender: declare that all the books are simultaneously canon - in the sense of having been reported that way in-universe. It's all unreliable narrators, everywhere! :^D
Basically, if you can think of a way to fuck up a shared setting, 40k probably did it at some point, and then gave everyone a convenient excuse to selectively disregard whichever books they don't like.
This has resulted in a lot of people being Mad Online that other people are not disregarding the same set of books to form an interpretation of the Imperium.
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silverspleen · 1 year
I have an OC question, any girls?
I mean yes, but I won't apologize for my blatant bias towards male characters. But it's very present.
You'll like Titan best I think. She's a Warhammer 40k OC, and the daughter of an Inquisitor who settled on an agri planet with a farmer lady he liked. Titan is his genestealer mutant daughter, she was born looking uncannily human and didn't develop her genestealer traits until she was older, in direct contrast to normal 1st gen genestealers. Basically this girl hit puberty and started growing extra limbs and weird armor and huge fangs. She's also significantly larger and smarter than normal, and has some mild psyker abilities. After her parents passed away she used her extensive knowledge of inquisition tactics (thanks dad!) combined with her genestealer canniness to take over her planet and start inserting her children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren into every aspect of planetary life.
Spooky South wise, the same setting Jake and basic bitch no AU Silas live in, I have Eliza, Friday, and Lillian.
Eliza is werecat James' ghost girlfriend/sugar baby. She helps both James and Silas out mostly for selfish reasons (they're hot and she want to bone them, also they get into SO much shit it's entertaining). Her attitude toward being dead is like "ooooh guess I can do what I want now >:3" and is a huge party girl and fashion diva. She's the brunette with branches and flowers growing out of her partially skeleton face that I've posted here a few times. She has notably powerful ghost abilities and can control plants to some degree as well.
Friday is the like, classic angsty monster hunter, her husband got killed by supernatural nonsense (James again) and she didn't handle it well and is basically in a very deep "dig two graves" revenge mindset. She spends basically all of her time prepping to hunt and hunting, mostly using surplus military gear, hunting gear, and sports equipment. She mellows out a little after she gets like... found family to hunt with.
Lillian, is the Found Family to hunt with that Friday gets, she was Silas' old cop partner but their paths almost completely diverged, he got so corrupt that he was bored with standard cop corruption and moved on the full criminal, and she got so bone-deep tired of official law enforcement corruption that she left the force completely. She's basically a private investigator now and works/lives with with Friday as her like... platonic life partner and they investigate supernatural stuff. Silas used to have a crush on her, but Lillian is very ace and he was savvy enough not to make it weird, it was just one more secret for the pile. Lillian (and their third team member Johnny) is the like "let's not be hasty and just randomly execute supernatural creatures" part of the team and basically took the knowledge of the supernatural existing with nothing but grace and patience.
Also I have various RP characters and character concepts that haven't been fully developed yet too so there's that.
Jennifer - RP character, a very normal teenage girl who's courier job basically got her involved in the supernatural and she cried into her iced coffee about it. </3
Ran - my Starbound character, a hylotl (alien amphibian people with a heavy japanese culture inspiration). I miss her and need to play again. She's very softspoken and kind and likes to stab things with the fart spear (toxic gas spear Q gave me that I adore).
"Mace" - in development, a mercenary who works escorts dinosaur embryos, she's got that "pathetic until she's super invested in a job and then becomes super efficient" thing going on. Ned to draw her more because I've been craving "dinosaurs and modern tech" stuff again.
Mother of Sin - big tiddy worm lady, a demon. Probably in the Spooky South setting if I can hammer her worm form down, though she's a little too fantasy leaning for the setting.
I keep trying to manifest another nasty trash dumpster girlfriend for Silas but so far nothing has stuck but it's always in the back of my mind.
I've also got monster lesbians but they're loose concepts and more just for drawing for fun. Plus some designs that need developing.
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alamorcd · 1 year
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