#Agile Program Management
certzip · 3 months
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avalontec · 11 months
Life Cycle Management
Electronic Manufacturing Services Across the Product Life Cycle
Avalon the top-rated EMS companies in India renowned for their quality services, technical expertise, and customer satisfaction.
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sivaniverse · 2 years
Extreme Programming and its Fundamental practices
Extreme Programming and its Fundamental practices
XP stands for Extreme Programming. It is a practice that values simplicity, communication, and feedback. It is a collection of software development methods that increase software quality and customer and developer satisfaction. “XP is an Agile methodology that emphasizes the delivery of working software through an iterative, incremental approach.” Some of the fundamental practices of XP include…
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imrovementcompany · 1 year
Strategic Project Management
Many discussions about project management overlook the significance of the crucial early choices that shape the project execution approach. Decisions such as employing Agile or Waterfall methodologies, or choosing between prefabrication and on-site assembly, may not alter the expected project output, but they can greatly affect the delivery process and the project’s likely success. There’s no…
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comicaltruestory · 1 year
manager: can you give me an estimate on this story I literally just gave to you?
me: {shuffles planning poker cards and flips the top one} Tada!
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ajmishra · 15 days
API-First Development: Revolutionizing Digital Integration and Scalability
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Explore how API-first development is transforming digital integration and scalability. Learn how this approach streamlines development, enhances flexibility, and enables seamless communication between systems, driving innovation and growth in modern applications. Visit now to read more: API-First Development: Revolutionizing Digital Integration and Scalability
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jobsbuster · 5 months
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artisticdivasworld · 7 months
Leveraging Outsourcing for Strategic Growth
In the dynamic landscape of small business operations, the strategic decision to outsource Accounts Receivable (A/R) functions can unlock significant growth potential. While the immediate benefits of outsourcing—such as improved cash flow, reduced overhead costs, and enhanced efficiency—are well-documented, there’s a transformative opportunity that often goes underexplored: the re-skilling of…
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devleader · 1 year
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centredge · 2 years
What is Bid and Proposal Management | Centredge Services
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Bids and Proposals are part and parcel of any industry to grow. They are the ones who take an organization from its current position to new heights by dint of adding revenue in the form of new customers. Typically, there is an 8-phase cycle in a business development lifecycle –
Market Identification
Account planning
Opportunity Assessment
Opportunity Planning
Proposal Planning
Proposal Development
By definition, a Bid and Proposal is essentially a business plan (proposal) and a proposed cost (bid) for a product or service that is on offer. It is part of the entire business development lifecycle. Let us take an example of a company offering software services. This company will talk about or present its business proposal and associated cost in response to a formal or informal request from its prospective customers. RFP or Request for Proposal is a formal request floated by a customer to announce that there is a project or initiative that needs some contractors to complete. A contractor (in this case the software service provider) on the other hand will understand the RFP and provide a proposal covering the scope, understanding, solution, execution plan, references, and cost for the project. Once the customer evaluates the same and both parties agree on the terms of the project, a deal is signed, and project delivery is executed.
There are various roles that are involved in executing the bid and proposal function. Every organization is unique and hence the job description of bid and proposal manager varies from one company to another. Below are some of the key roles and responsibilities in a bid and proposal management function of an organization.
Bid Manager – A bid manager is someone who takes care of the bid from start to finish – Prebid stage, During Proposal Submission, After Submission, Post bid presentation, Win/Loss of the bid, and finally close the bid with lessons learned. Bid manager is also the one who implements bid management best practices from time to time.
Solution Architect – They take care of all the technical components in a bid and own the same. In many cases, they also play the role of the architects while delivering the projects.
Proposal Writers – Proposal writers are the ones who write the proposal so that the proposal documents are compliant and responsive.
Pricing Manager – Pricing Managers look at how the pricing can be made innovative so that the cost of the project is handled with the profit margin and at the same time it is within the customer’s budget. They also consider the penalties, rewards, and revenue recognition plan while designing the pricing strategy.
Graphics Designer – They beautify the proposal document to make it more interesting and involved. The theme design, the colour, highlights, etc. are planned and represented graphically as well as adding an informative caption it.
Reviewer – The final say on the proposal. They are senior executives in the organization who understand the program and the requirements. They make sure that the requirement given in the proposal is presented in a way that the customer will consider. They review the content, look and feel, pricing, profit margin as well as the graphical representation of the proposal in detail before giving a go-ahead.
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A detailed understanding of the Bid and Proposal function and understanding of various roles and responsibilities is available from APMP – Association of Bid and Proposal Management Professionals.
APMP is an internationally accepted organization that helps grow and educate bid and proposal community across the world. They also have chapters in various countries including India (APMPIndia).
APMP also provides 4 certifications that can be taken up based on your career aspirations and job role. Below are the ones from APMP:
Bid/Proposal Foundation Certification
Bid/Proposal Practitioner Certification
Bid/Proposal Professional Certification
Capture Practitioner Certification
Here at Centredge we can help you to get more information about this and also support you in your bid and proposal journey. For more details reach out to us – [email protected]
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artczeen · 2 years
How to Analyze Project Success
While assessing project achievement, there’s nothing similar to information. Yet, before breaking down project information and deciding on noteworthy experiences, first characterize how achievement affects the venture. To characterize achievement and investigate the task, follow these six stages:Characterize your objectives. Characterizing project objectives and targets is a significant stage to…
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carionto · 1 year
Hardcore Space Parkour
Some Humans are worryingly agile. And stupidly driven to endanger themselves. For no reason we can understand.
Within the Coalition governing station of the segment of the Galaxy where the Sol system is are countless embassies for each member civilization. Each is designed to accommodate their respective species (or multiple in certain cases) to the fullest while also being able to host guests from any other member.
Then there are the communal areas, set for a galactic standard that is viable for the majority - gravity at 0.6 Earth, far less of that dangerous oxygen, and slightly more humid and cooler than what Humans are normally comfortable with. In fact, Humans technically fall outside the Galactic standards and are all equipped with a partial breathing assistance unit and pressurized clothing to stimulate their circulation. While they can function reasonably well despite what we assumed would be too draining without assistance, most Humans do make use of these gadgets.
Some, however, prefer to "stimulate" themselves a bit differently.
There is a small group of individual Humans many have dubbed "Leaping Cortix" after an infamous invasive fuzzy gelatinous centipede-like pest species that always manages to make a hive on any sufficiently large space station or vessel given enough time. Everybody swears they're some kind of magic, and it's hard to dissuade such a notion when there are fairly common reports of ships on deep isolation missions, without making contact with anyone or anything else for years at a time, still one day find themselves with a pack of Cortix skittering about near their nutrition supplies!
This group of Humans, found the title amusing and have embraced it. One of them even made a hooded sweater with the name and a stylized Cortix jumping off the letter x.
The reason for the name is simple - despite becoming integrated into the Coalition just around a year ago, Humans seem to appear everywhere within this segment of the Galaxy. Mostly in small groups for tourism reasons, but the point still stands. And these Humans in particular appear to make it a habit to appear out of the most unexpected places.
The leaping portion comes from how this group tends to move around the communal areas. Most Humans adapt to the lower gravity and eventually (rather quickly actually) change how they move around when outside their embassy - the movements seem more relaxed, fluid, some even appear to exert almost no effort at all in their steps. This group on the other hand utilizes the full force of their incredibly dense musculature.
First, they jump good. Real good. Then they bounce and pivot, real fast. After a few days they started a game - get to any place without touching the floor. Not even a day later they managed to always be in the air.
At first it was impressive and quite mesmerizing. Quite a sight to behold as they got better and quicker at chaining their jumps and bounds together into one smooth motion that took them from one part of the station to the other in mere moments.
Then they started getting bored. And one of them had an idea. An "awesome" idea.
Add flying robots and moving obstacles.
Chaos ensued. Naturally.
As the Humans leapt off of one of the maintenance machines they programmed to hover between several distant structures, it could not compensate for the sudden recoil from the movement and crashed down on the floor. Thankfully it was above a small garden and only some artificial plants were damaged, as well as itself, but that was enough to call in the peacekeeping units to put a halt to their antics.
We deliberately brought a Human peacekeeper along to make the reprimand stick. The Leaping Cortix, most of whom are junior staffers and one is a retired military veteran now serving as a consultant, looked ashamed, but also sad. At least they seemed to understand the gravity of the situation (though perhaps not as well as the physics of gravity) as the wreckage was cleared in clear sight of everyone.
After the offending member was issued a token fine (as it was their first offense), the group as a whole became less active. Initially, most people felt relieved, but as the incident grew more distant in memory, the sight of the flying Humans started to become missed by quite a few.
Some from the more physically able races were even inspired to try this "parkour" the Humans had demonstrated and found it quite thrilling. When done in a lower than their normal gravity that is. Trying it at their standard caused a few broken bones and cracked shells.
There is currently a petition by the permanent residents to dedicate a large open indoor field for such extreme physical sports as well as to commission the design of a variety of machines to facilitate, as written in the official documentation - "stimulating courses to improve the physical well being and readiness of all participants".
I.E. - Humans introduced a new sport to us and many are hooked.
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drdemonprince · 2 months
Do you have any immediate thoughts about core identity and autism?
I have a great, neurodivergent friendly therapist - bottom-up, somatic, all that shit that's supposed to be good for autistic clients. But I've been stalled for the last half dozen sessions over the feeling that I have no core 'self', that I am so much a mimic of people around me that my internal self has no core qualities beyond the immediate drive to survive and avoid demands and sensations.
It comes out as "I have no inherent value" (c'mon, no one does) and "I have no inherent moral drive, I just know what causes me pain probably causes others pain, and I am aware other people are different enough from me that I have to believe them when they say something causes them pain, and I must avoid pain for myself and others"
I've been trying to express to my therapist that core identity terms are maybe better couched in vocabulary for computer programs or robots, but it's difficult to adjust therapy speak into that even with a curious and agile therapist.
I have been thinking a lot about animals lately. Animals that are not humans have no "core self." They have no thoughts of self-worth. If you truly look into the eyes of, say, a squirrel or a turtle, you will immediately recognize a great, living void. They are a collection of survival instincts, learned responses, and reactions to the present environment that have some general pattern of constancy but which are ever-evolving.
They do not exist for any "reason," they just exist. No instinct that they have is false, even one that is mimicked or new. They have no morality, only reactions that propel them and follow a sense that is senseless to us creatures with minds that are forever narrating and judging. They just exist and that existence is inseparable from their present physical reality. The same is true of each of us, our minds only complicate it.
I think it is very compelling to be much like any other animal. When I am alone, or feeding my most primal hungers (when I am famished, say, or craving a drink or cigarette), I have no worries of whether I am being authentic or valuable to society or even if I am good. I simply experience feelings and cravings. Life is lived through experiences, as a consciousness that can take things in and do things that affect reality in turn. Life is not lived via our identity or even our beliefs. The universe is horrifically indifferent to what we aspire to be, or believe is right. Entire species exist only due to mating rituals that require murder or rape, and the thriving of one species often spells the doom of others or even itself. It is disgusting and meaningless, being an animal. But in that void there is such stillness and great beauty.
I have been able to access this dark-eyed feral side of myself more lately. I have been spending more time alone, no longer even trying to mask to myself as the kind of social, giving being I had convinced myself I had to be, if my life narrative were to be that I got well. I don't care about being well. Or even being good. Those terms are playmobil level human made up stupid. When I touch that void, and dwell in it, I can see that none of it matters and none of those human judgments are real, and that the fiction of my core self does not really exist at all. And I find it very peaceful.
Lately hard core bondage really helps me get there, mentally, as do long swims and long walks late at night. Conversations with the rare few who are not afraid of almost any thought also help me get there. Most of all I just need time and fucking silence. There are pictures of me lately where I can see an animal. Not someone posing or trying to manage an impression. In those few photos I can feel some unnamable emotion that is real. It is that animal void that exists in all things, that is the breathing of life into flesh.
Therapy, I have got to say, is the stuff of small minds. I don't mean you, I mean your therapist. Therapy can only process in individual personality units, which are a fiction, and it believes that problems exist to be solved through an optimization of the self. You need to be confident. Need to know who you are.
I have often written like that, forgive me for it. But problems do not exist to be solved, they just exist, and some things do not get better, and there really isn't a better or a worse anyway, there is just a vast ecosystem responding to things. A great void of life always teeming, always changing. Great loss and growth and change, violence and birth.
And so I am not surprised to hear your therapist does not get it. The detached view you take of morality likely frightens them. But that might mean you are on a far more compelling path than what they would desire for you, which is probably self-esteem boosting exercises and tidy scripts for setting boundaries with your parents. That stuff is fine. But expecting too much from it is like asking a can opener to explain the universe.
Thanks for writing.
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acim-ed-ortsac · 3 months
Butterfly Kick (Shinobu! Male! Reader x Blue Lock)
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You knew you were shorter than the other football players in this room, not as strong as them, and admittedly your face was considered cute. But one thing you can rely on is your speed and agility. As you stood amongst the sea of around 300 other boys in this building, you waited for the person who summoned you here. You noted well-known figures here such as the genius speedster, Chigiri Hyouma, whom you heard of in middle school. Another guy was the heir of the Mikage Corporations, Mikage Reo, which intrigued you since you hadn’t heard of him playing football.
Adjusting the strap of your gym bag, your eyes went around the room some more before the screen at the very front flickered to life. A bespectacled man who looked unhealthily thin with bowl-cut hair greeted you, “ Greetings, diamonds in the rough,” were his first words. His dark blank wide eyes stared down at you as if you were mortals and he was a god. In a way, maybe he is in this situation.
His speech at first brought chaos and irritation, followed by fear at the prospect of removing their chance at the U-20 team. You had internally scoffed at that. Especially when ‘Japan's Jewel’ had protested against the man who calls himself Ego Jinpaichi ideologies. But you, you saw some truth in them. You weren’t ignorant or unaware of the flaws in Japan’s philosophy, ‘All for one and one for all’. Teamwork is nice but it’s useless if no fruits are being born or progress amongst the individuals themselves.
A team is not only a group of people who work together, but people who can bring out the best in each other, and who can compete and climb to the top. People who have a certain self-importance, an ego the bespectacled man had emphasized.
When the first boy ran towards the opportunity to improve and make it to the top, the others followed behind. You ran forward because you wanted to see what this program is all about, and you wanted to use it for your benefit.
“You can’t become the world's best striker unless you become the world’s best egoist.” Ego Jinpaichi had said in his speech.
When the others would grit, grumble, and protest, your sweet smile which you had worn for years now had a meaning under it. Something fiery and hungry.
After the blue buses brought you to the facility, you were given a number along with a letter before being directed to the building you were assigned to. You had changed into the suit you were given before finding your room, which was a W. It took you a while, but you managed to find it, opening the door.
In it were other boys besides you, around 10 to 12. And they were infuriatingly taller than you as well. You felt a muscle twitch as you kept your smile, “Hello, how are you? I’m Kocho Shinobu, nice to meet you.”
The boys have taken your introduction well as one came up to you, with a smile. From there, it was easy to befriend the other guys in the room, which came to blow when Ego appeared on the screen and announced a game of tag; the loser would be kicked off of the program and never play for the National team ever.
From there, it was a war of desperation.
You mostly stood to the side, dodging when others would target you, which was often. You knew it was because they underestimated your short stature and weak-looking body, but it was easy to prove them wrong when you quickly dodged any strike aimed at you. And the few moments you were hit, you quickly kicked back at them. When the timer was up, one exited the room, bawling his eyes out.
You didn’t even know his name. 
Then Ego announced the First Selection, where your team will be facing off against four other teams in your building. Which builds up anticipation and distress at the prospect of losing and going home. For now, it was the Athletic tests.
You were confident in your speed and endurance, but weightlifting was something you were sure to suck at. 
You glanced at your rank as you wiped off the sweat from your forehead, ignoring the sounds of boys training. You’ll need to do better if you want to stay and make it to the national level.
The food that you ate was decent, but you couldn’t deny how appetizing the others were. Your eyes glanced at the other players who were participating in this program while you partake in conversation with your teammates. You noticed some peculiar ones such as a blonde with dyed ends that rise up aside from to locks at his front that go down. He has dark skin, not as dark as the people from the African continent but close.
Another one is a dark-haired boy with cyan eyes and underlashes, a loner type with a powerful aura.
Then there’s one with long hair and another one with a bulky build.
Sadly, they were taller than you by a lot. You internally grit at this, ‘I’m possibly the shortest one in this program, aren’t I?’
Your teammates were oblivious to your annoyance when you went back to conversing with them with a smile.
The first few matches were…uneventful. You weren’t sure if it was just because they were lower than you or what, but the first match was chaos and a mess. You could’ve just stayed at the side, but you had gotten fed up when your teammates refused to work together despite your insistence.
Which made you decide to do it yourself.
Kicking off from your place at the side, your feet ran past your teammates and the enemy before getting the ball from them. Everything was a blur for you as your eyes were dead-center at the goal, a sense of belonging and fire as you pulled your foot back before kicking the ball past the goalie and straight into the net.
And in that moment, you knew you started a chain reaction.
From there your teammates had found themselves the motivation to help you score, which in turn finally made you work with them like a team. You suppose this was what Ego meant by ‘Ground Zero’, by playing without roles there will be chaos and disorder until there will be a 'protagonist’ to shine the light and guide the way to victory.
Your smile became sharper at the idea.
The next match was kinda boring as there was no challenge, opting to stay at the side and let your teammates have their chance at scoring. The match after that was against the team with the boy with blonde wild hair pink ends, and dark skin. Now that you got a good look at him, you noticed how he has pink eyes and a sort of…unique would be putting it lightly but deranged would be too much…He had a very interesting smile.
The match started off and the ball was in possession of one of your teammates, which was stolen by the blonde. None of your teammates could stop him, ending him in scoring.
Your interest piqued, deciding to enter the game. In the second round, your teammate passed the ball to you, leading you to run like the wind. You avoided the opposing team members with ease, feet light and body airy like a butterfly. What surprised you was the blonde that caught up to you.
“You’re pretty fast, for a shorty.” he grinned.
You felt a muscle twitch in irritation as you smiled at him with closed eyes “Am I? Well then,”  When you opened them, you made sure to express every irritation and ire that you felt in what humans call ‘The Windows of the Soul’. “I do hope you can keep up.”
With a kick, you sped through the field with speed that for others broke the sound barrier. Your legs pumped with anger, the ball bracing against your swift yet aggressive kicks when in your control. Your vision narrowed at one thing: the goal. It was in sight, and you knew you had this one when you pulled your leg back and shot the ball into the net.
The whistle blew at your goal.
Satisfaction took the cake, as you smiled while your team yelled in euphoria at the scored point. Then a blonde slammed that satisfaction down when he threw his arm over your shoulder—even more so when he leaned over to accommodate your height and smiled at you like he was teasing!
“I like you, Butterfly-kun.” The blonde said. “The name’s Shidou Ryusei, can I get your number?”
Your eye twitched before you shrugged off his arm, “Ara, Shidou-san is quite friendly. But I say that you are quite bold to ask me for my number—
—When you haven’t scored yet.”
Shidou’s smile became wider, “Like to hide behind a smile, huh? Bet I can break it out of you.”
”I don’t know what you mean.” you replied before returning to your team.
After enduring tests, challenges, and obstacles, you found yourself being one of the few players left in Blue Lock. Sadly, Kunigami seemed to have been eliminated. And just as you were reacquainted with each other again. However, the boy with blue eyes seemed interesting enough.
Words: 1567
I had this in my google docs for a while now and just wanted to get this out there.
I also use the second person pov since it was easier to write.
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piecesofchess · 3 months
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After a couple years of being at the bottom of my drafts, I've finally finished the first concept of the Armada Elite Steeds. The Clockwork Steed is a beautiful mount and I've always wondered why they were created. I think they could be an advantage to the Court, so here are some fan-made designs and concepts (below).
I wanted to make them represent the Elite that owns them, which explains the design choices. Headcanons for each Elite + their Steed below the cut:
Shadow (Bishop's Steed):
The most agile Clockwork Steed. Bishop rarely uses / rides Shadow, but it comes in handy if he’s in the middle of fleeing an area and needs a quicker means of escaping.
He uses Shadow to test any improvements / upgrades to the clockwork steeds, so its look and function is always changing. This means it’s also the most advanced clockwork steed.
Note: The design shown here is Shadow's 'default' / first modification.
Trivel (Phule’s Steed):
The youngest of the Elite steeds and therefore the most energetic. Trivel was  going to be scrapped because it needed taming and wasn’t built correctly - however, Phule was sympathetic and found it reminded him of himself. He managed with patience and eventually tamed Trivel.
Phule technically works as King Casimir’s Court Jester, so he is sometimes sent into battlefield and carries/delivers messages between the Armada and the enemy using Trivel. Being a clockwork is a huge advantage since he usually returns unscathed.
^ Phule boosts morale for the Armada soldiers by giving them speeches beforehand. He also cavorts with Trivel when the enemies are in their opposing positions, usually just to taunt them.
Goliath (Rooke’s Steed):
The biggest and strongest Elite steed. Essentially a warhorse. It wears armor for protection while Rooke uses it on the battlefield. He rides Goliath into battle, serving as heavy cavalry if needed.
Goliath has a bit of a bad temper compared to the usual Dragoon’s warhorses. Rooke handles it easily and is therefore the only one to ever ride it.
Echo (Kane & Queen’s steed):
Echo is used in Valencia’s horse shows to showcase the beauty and advancements of the clockwork steeds. It’s programmed to do tricks and be ridden for dressage. (I know, I KNOW, ‘technicalities’. But they’re CLOCKWORK.)
The steed is shared between Kane and Queen, who either ride it on their own or together. They use Echo when the King and Queen request to go horseback riding with other nobility.
Echo was one of the first Clockwork Steeds manufactured and therefore maintains its simplified design.
Traveler (Deacon’s Steed):
Uses Traveler to go long distances on land, if he’s not on his ship. Has a lot of pockets on it to keep Deacon’s possessions and carry important things for him like treaties and deeds.
It’s also used to carry a prisoner or two back to his ship, for long-traveling distances. This is why it usually carries rope / handcuffs.
Additional headcanons:
There are Clockwork Steeds provided to the soldiers/dragoons/etc. for Cavalry. They are less advanced than the Elite’s Steeds, and usually not dressed. They’re constantly being broken, so the parts are often recycled to make new ones.
Only special nobility / upper classes in Valencia own a clockwork steed, but they’re strictly for show and leisurely riding. These steeds belong to anyone that the Armada can closely monitor, since the horses are still under testing.
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howtofightwrite · 10 months
For super-powered individuals, if we assume the standard of characters being stronger, faster, more durable than normal, is there a reasonably thin enough material (i.e. not just 5 inch thick hardened steel) that a super strong individual could carry to be bullet-proof (enough), presumably in some form of plate armor where you can still be agile?
Not exactly. The problem with armor (in the context of armored vehicles) is that you can just hit them harder. Something that can stop a .50 round might not do so well against a guided explosive munition, and if that fails an artillery strike. But, against a roughly human foe, those anti-material rounds would probably get the job done.
So, let's stick with your hardened steel solution for a moment. A .50 BMG round will penetrate ~1.5 inches, but for the sake of argument let's say 2 inches. That's a pretty good defense against a sniper with an AM rifle. However, this is also used in heavy machine guns, where you're looking at a cyclic rate of ~750-850rpm. In a situation like that, your armor might hold up to a short burst, but probably will not survive multiple bursts in the same area. As is often the case, the real problem isn't the bullet with your name on it, it's the 20 or 30 buddies who wanted to swing by for a fun time.
This leads to another problem. While bullets punching holes in you is bad, your armor taking a hit can be pretty unpleasant in its own right. A .50 BMG will deliver somewhere north of 14k joules of force into the target. That's enough for the bullet to do some pretty unpleasant things to a person in the armor, even if the armor itself isn't compromised. This a large part of why there isn't any armory rated to soak a hit from one of the AM rifles. (The Russians claimed that their Ratnik-3 armor would be able to... and then it never really appeared. The claim was someone dubious to begin with, but that's a much larger, and wilder, rabbithole than you're asking about.)
For a normal person, wearing high end body armor, hits from normal combat rifles (intermediate and high power rounds) can result in broken ribs and internal hemorrhaging. It's not just about your armor being bulletproof, it's about your armor being able to effectively dissipate kinetic force as it's received. If it doesn't do that effectively, the bullets may get the job done, even if they don't manage to penetrate the body armor.
On an individual level, simply adding more armor isn't a particularly efficient solution. It makes sense to a point, but if you're already saying someone is super-humanly strong, and tough, covering them in steel plate isn't going to make them immune to harm.
Beyond that, there have been experiments with developing combat exoskeletons, to allow normal soldiers this kind of protection. The aforementioned Ratnik-3 was the Russian program, while the American project was named TALOS. TALOS was scrapped sometime before February 2019, citing technological limitations. So, this isn't a new concept.
Something I found deeply amusing is the “See also,” section on TALOS's Wikipedia page includes a link to Crysis. For those unfamiliar, Crysis was a first person shooter set in the distant future year of 2020, which would have come dangerously close to matching the intended schedule for TALOS, if the project had continued.
Powered exosuit research is probably not dead, even if TALOS has been scrapped. It may be a bit further out than was originally expected, but it is a reasonable bet that it will happen at some point. There are a lot of technological hurdles, including both the issue with the armor failing under direct fire, and dealing with kinetic force, but, at least from an optimistic perspective, it's somewhat plausible.
Unless you're talking about vehicles, modern armor isn't about adding more metal, it's about being more efficient with dissipating the kinetic force from a hit, and still survive to do it at least a couple times.
That said, whatever you do come up with, it's likely that the old adage will hold true, if force doesn't solve your problems, you're probably not using enough of it. No matter how good your armor is, it won't survive sufficient application of high explosives.
Even ignoring all that, a Type IV plate will still take a hit from most rifles (up to and including .30-06 AP rounds.) You don't need fantasy armor for that, it's something that already exists. Real world body armor is designed to take hits. Full plate was designed for melee combat. Neither one is particularly good at doing the other's job. That's not a limitation of the materials or technology, it's a function of what the armor is designed to deal with.
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, one of my scoutmasters warned us that if you use a knife as a screwdriver, you'll break it. It has an intended purpose. Trying use that tool, (whether it's a knife or body armor) for a purpose other than it's intended ones, will usually end poorly. (Of course, I also remember a crayon eater who was rather vocal in his opinion that the USP's only effective use was as a hammer.)
If you want to put a character in fully enclosed armor, take a look at Ratnik-3 or TALOS armor. If you just want a character who's unusually durable, and you're willing to go for (low key) superpowers, you don't need special armor to get that idea across.
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